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Federico E.

Real II BSA-1 REAPHIS (323)

The Balangiga Massacre is a tragic event in Philippine History, and a reminder of

colonial rule and the fierce struggle for Independence. This reflection paper aims to analyze the
events surrounding the Balangiga Massacre in depth, shed light on its historical significance and
draw lessons from it.

The Balangiga Massacre happened during the Philippine-American War on September

28, 1901 when Filipino guerillas attacked and killed 48 American soldiers in Balangiga, Samar.
This act of defiance is a desperate effort by Filipinos to regain independence in the face of
foreign power. While the event is often labeled “massacre” because of the loss of American
lives, it is important to underlying tensions and protests behind it.

The main lesson from the Balangiga Massacre is the human’s desire for freedom and
independence. This shows the lengths people will go to protect their homeland and culture from
foreign domination. It serves as a remainder of the sacrifices made for freedom independence
and the cost for colonialism.

In addition, the Balangiga Massacre highlights the importance of remembering history

correctly. There are a variety of narratives and opinions to this event, emphasizing the need to
critical analysis and empathy when analyzing historical events. We need to acknowledge the pain
and suffering on both sides to better understand the past and promote reconciliation.

In conclusion, the Balangiga Massacre is a distressing chapter in Philippine History,

reminding us of the intensity of colonialism, resistance and the pursuit for freedom. It teaches us
the value of independence, the importance of historical perspective, and the need for empathy in
analyzing and interpreting our shared history. This serves a reminder that history is not just a
collection of facts but an array of human experiences and aspirations.

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