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Comparative Analysis of Primary and Secondary Sources on the

Liberation of the Philippines in 1945


Seventy-five years ago, Japan’s grip upon the empire she had so violently assembled

began to fail and officially surrendered aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2,

1945. The 23-minute ceremony ended the Pacific war, which had started on December 7, 1941,

when Pearl Harbor was bombed. It also ended nearly four bitter years of Japanese occupation in

the Philippines—a war that shattered the Pearl of the Orient and killed approximately one million

civilians. But today not many people know of the tremendous sacrifices of the Filipinos during

World War II. The Liberation of the Philippines in 1945 marked a crucial turning point in

Philippine history, signifying the end of Japanese occupation and the restoration of Filipino

sovereignty. This essay embarks on a comparative analysis, juxtaposing primary and secondary

sources to unravel the multifaceted dimensions of this momentous event.


By examining primary sources such as eyewitness accounts, military reports, and official

documents from the Liberation period, alongside secondary sources encompassing historical

analyses, scholarly critiques, and academic treatises, this essay aims to elucidate the complexities

and significance of the Liberation of the Philippines in 1945. Through a nuanced exploration of

convergences and divergences within these sources, we can attain a deeper understanding of this

pivotal moment in Philippine history. The Liberation period was one of the most thrilling
episodes of the struggles of Filipinos to restore and preserve their sovereignty. War historians

claim that the two years from 1944-1946 were the most dramatic part in Philippine history. It

was the period when Filipinos showed their determination to take back their independence which

had they lost, by sheer gallantry and courage through the guerilla warfare that they waged.


Similarities Between Primary and Secondary Sources:

During the Liberation of the Philippines in 1945, both primary and secondary sources

share several commonalities that contribute to our understanding of this pivotal moment in

Philippine history:

• Both the personal stories and the expert writings help us understand what happened during the

Liberation of the Philippines in 1945. They tell us about the battles, the challenges people faced,

and the courage they showed.

• They also show us the impact of the Liberation on Philippine society. The personal stories give

us a close-up view of how people felt and what they went through, while the expert writings help

us see the bigger picture and understand why the Liberation was so important.

• Even though they're different, both types of sources work together to give us a complete picture

of what happened during this important time in Philippine history. In the end, by looking at both

the personal stories and the expert explanations, we gain a deeper understanding of the

Liberation of the Philippines in 1945 and the lasting impact it had on our country.
Differences Between Primary and Secondary Sources:

Differences between primary and secondary sources in relation to the Liberation of the

Philippines in 1945:

• Primary Sources: These are things like personal stories, letters, photos, or official reports that

were made during the actual Liberation of the Philippines. They're like direct records of what

happened at that time.

• Secondary Sources: These are written after the Liberation, based on primary sources. They

include books, articles, or documentaries made by people who studied what happened during the


Primary sources give us a close-up look at what happened during the Liberation, while

secondary sources help us understand the bigger picture and why it matters. Both are important

for understanding history, but they tell us different things and are useful in different ways.

Application of the Alternating Method:

Alternating Points:

Similarity 1: Impact on Filipino Society

Primary Sources: Personal accounts and photographs vividly depict the hardships

endured by Filipinos during the Japanese occupation and the joy of liberation.
Secondary Sources: Historians analyze these primary sources to understand the broader societal

impact of the Liberation, such as changes in governance, economy, and culture.

Difference 1: Perspective and Bias

Primary Sources: Personal diaries and letters reflect individual experiences and emotions, which

may be influenced by bias or limited perspective.

Secondary Sources: Historians provide a critical analysis of primary sources, accounting for bias

and considering multiple viewpoints to present a balanced interpretation of events.

Applying the alternating method to understand the Liberation of the Philippines in 1945, we look

at personal stories and photos from the time, alongside expert writings that explain what

happened. This method helps us understand how important the Liberation was for the Philippines

and its people.

Conclusion (Block Method):

In conclusion, studying both primary and secondary sources about the Liberation of the

Philippines in 1945 helps us better understand our country's past. By examining each topic

separately and then comparing them, we piece together the puzzle of history to see the whole

picture. This method not only teaches us about the past events but also highlights the courage

and sacrifices of Filipinos during that time. Ultimately, it underscores the importance of

remembering and honoring our heritage. In short, using the block method reveals more details

about our history and highlights the lasting impact of the Liberation on our country's identity.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Conroy, J. B. (2020). Liberation of the Philippines 1945. Retrieved from :

christopher F.B.. (2020). The liberation period in the philippines. 58. Retrieved from:

Connaughton, R. (1996). The War in the Pacific: The Liberation of Manila 1945 – A Philippine
Perspective. 46-47. Retrieved from:

Alvarez, C. (2023). Differences Between a Primary and Secondary Source. Retrieved from:




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