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Eva Lusiana1
Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Indonesian


The preparation of the Public Accountant (AP) professional code of ethics has been designed in detail.
However, in practice the number of violations against the professional code of ethics is performed by AP is
still high. This research is expected to provide a review and views for the drafting team of the Public
Accountant Professional Code of Ethics for more pay attention to and reconsider the principles of faith and
obedience towards Islamic values based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. This research using library research
to collect research data. Researcher collect information on Islamic values regarding the important role of
ethics in life and analyze it and hope it can be internalized within the next draft of the Public Accountant
Professional Code of Ethics. Implementation the principle of faith and adherence to Islamic values will go
well if Islamic character education is taught to every AP and prospective AP through academic and non-
academic activities.

Keywords: Public Accountant Professional Code of Ethics, Islam, Al-Quran, As-Sunnah

Penyusunan kode etik profesi Akuntan Publik (AP) telah dirancang secara rinci. Namun, pada prakteknya
jumlah pelanggaran terhadap kode etik profesi yang dilakukan oleh AP masih tinggi. Penelitian ini
diharapkan dapat memberikan ulasan dan pandangan bagi tim penyusun Kode Etik Profesi Akuntan Publik
untuk lebih memperhatikan dan mempertimbangkan kembali prinsip keimanan dan kepatuhan terhadap
nilai-nilai Islam berlandaskan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Penelitian ini menggunakan library research untuk
mengumpulkan data penelitian. Peneliti mengumpulkan informasi nilai-nilai Islam terkait peran penting
etika dalam kehidupan dan menganalisisnya dan berharap dapat diinternalisasi ke dalam rancangan Kode
Etik Profesi Akuntan Publik selanjutnya. Pengimplementasian prinsip keimanan dan kepatuhan terhadap
nilai-nilai Islam akan berjalan dengan baik apabila pendidikan karakter Islami diajarkan kepada setiap AP
maupun calon AP melalui kegiatan akademik maupun non akademik.

Kata kunci: Kode Etik Profesi Akuntan Publik, Islam, Al-Quran, As-Sunnah
INTRODUCTION relationship could create a compliance threat apply basic
principles of professional ethics that accountants may
Ethics profession as an important foundation of accountants encounter while serving public (IAI, 2020).
in carrying out activities professionalism so that fraud does
not occur and add new problems (IAI, 2020). However, in Purpose the preparation of a standard code of ethics for the
practice, there are many cases of violations of the public accounting profession to improve public trust in AP
professional code of ethics accountants especially Public and expanding accountant contributions to public as well as
Accountants (AP) in Indonesia. Some cases even ensnare AP one of the driving factors of the economy in Indonesia (IAI,
who is a member of the Big 4 Public Accounting Firm 2020). Research Clayton & Van Staden (2015); Jelic (2012)
(KAP). Quoting from Kampai (2020), several phenomenal indicated preparation of a code of ethics aims to mitigate the
cases that ensnared KAP big 4 in Indonesia such as the case occurrence of deviant behavior and unethical actions in
of Jiwasraya - KAP PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC); SNP carrying out their professional activities. Public accountant
case Finance – KAP Deloitte; the case of PT Hanson apart from having to have broad competence and experience,
International Tbk, PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk, and AP is obliged to maintain commitment to apply the AP
Indosat Ooredoo – KAP Ernst Young; The Baker Hughes professional code of ethics while carrying out their duties the
Case – BDO International Limited; The case of PT Garuda professional.
The impact of violations of the professional code of ethics
The scandal case above, AP is required to always behave committed by AP namely low audit quality so that this is
professionals anywhere and under any conditions without detrimental to shareholders and stakeholders (Jelic, 2012).
exception. Professionalism relating to AP compliance in The main causes of violations of the code of ethics are: the
implementing the accounting profession's code of ethics. application of the code of ethics for the accounting
Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (2020) states that the contents of profession, especially in Indonesia itself, tends to base on the
the code of ethics for the accounting profession namely material and rational philosophy of capitalism (Nurhidayah,
requirements and application material for accountants in 2008). Other factors that cause violations of the code of
carrying out their responsibilities profession to protect the ethics are pressure from AP work environment and the
public interest includes shareholders and stakeholders (IAI, discrepancy between the values in the code of ethics and
2020). Protecting the public interest is the basis of existing business changes (Clayton & Van Staden, 2015).
differentiation between the accounting profession and other Besides that, the relationship too close between the client and
professions. Therefore, the accounting profession is valued as the AP also triggers a violation of the code of ethics by APs,
a profession with the title of public trust. This shows that because this can affect the independence of APs as well as
Accountants have the duty and responsibility to maintain internal bias in audit considerations and decisions (Roza et
authenticity and fairness of entity financial reports for the al., 2019).
benefit of shareholders and stakeholders (IAI, 2020).
Allah SWT wants quality work and does not conflict with the
Public accountants are responsible for assessing and guidelines of human life. Al-Quran as a guide for human life,
providing opinions on the fairness of an entity's financial work kindness, work of worship, work of piety or good deeds
statements. Therefore, AP is parties trusted by the public in see that work is nature of human life. Al-Quran confirms that
disclosing the transparency of financial reports an entity . life is for worship (Qs. Adz-Dzariat: 56). Therefore, work
Ethical aspects of the accounting profession public has a because the basis of worship is able to move motivation to
significant effect on AP's capacity to analyze fairness and find work seriously, as written in QS. At-Taubah [9]: 105 below.
misstatements in financial statements so that they can be
accounted for to the public (Alrabba, 2016). This is expected ُ ‫ِل اۡع َم ُلۡو ا َفَسَيَر ى ُهّٰللا َع َم َلُك ۡم َو َر ُس ۡو ُلٗه َو اۡل ُم ۡؤ ِم ُنۡو َنؕ‌ َو َس ُتَر ُّدۡو َن ِاٰل ى ٰع ِلِم اۡل َغ ۡي ِب‬
to help shareholders and stakeholders to make decisions ‫َو الَّش َهاَد ِة َفُيَنِّبُئُك ۡم ِبَم ا ُك ۡن ُتۡم َتۡع َم ُلۡو َن‬
correctly and correctly (Azis, 2020).
“Do [as you will], for Allāh will see your deeds, and [so will]
The code of ethics for the accounting profession is related to His Messenger and the believers. And you will be returned to
several ethical principles that apply for the accounting the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will
profession. Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (2020) stipulates that inform you of what you used to do.” (QS. At-Taubah [9]: 105)
there are 5 the basic principles of accountant ethics namely,
Two main requirements for work to be worth worship and
1) Integrity (straightforward and honest), 2) Objectivity (no
become good deeds, including 1) al-ikhlas means having the
bound and not compromising professional judgment), 3)
right motivation, namely to do things that are good and useful
Competence and Professional Due Diligence (having
for life with the ultimate goal of winning the pleasure of
professional knowledge and expertise as well as act according
Allah SWT. 2) Al-mutaba'ah means fully in accordance with
to applicable professional and technical standards), 4)
the demands taught by religion through Prophet Muhammad
Confidentiality (maintain the confidentiality of information),
SAW for special worship work and does not conflict with a
and 5) Professional Behavior (comply with regulations
religious provision in terms of public worship (Rakhmawati,
current regulation). The Indonesian Accountants Association
code of ethics in section 120 directs accountants to be aware
of various activities, interests, and an indicated professional Religion is the highest guideline of the ethical rules of the
accounting profession, this thing because religion is the ‫اْلَك ِذَب َيْهِد ى ِإَلى اْلُفُجوِر َو ِإَّن اْلُفُجوَر َيْه ِد ى ِإَلى الَّناِر َو َم ا َيَز اُل الَّرُجُل َيْك ِذ ُب‬
source of all sources of rules (Rakhmawati, 2020). Based on ‫َو َيَتَح َّر ى اْلَك ِذَب َح َّتى ُيْك َتَب ِع ْن َد الَّلِه َك َّذ اًبا‬
statistical data from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion
(2022), the population of Indonesia as of June 2022 the “It is obligatory for you to tell the truth, for truth leads to
majority embraced Islam with a total of 231,069,932 people. virtue and virtue leads to Paradise, and the man who
Islam has two fundamental guidelines, namely the Al-Quran continues to speak the truth and endeavours to tell the truth is
and As-Sunnah (often called Al-Hadith). Both of these eventually recorded as truthful with Allah, and beware of
guidelines have taught about ethics in conducting business telling of a lie for telling of a lie leads to obscenity and
activities (Juliyani, 2016). obscenity leads to Hell-Fire, and the person who keeps telling
lies and endeavours to tell a lie is recorded as a liar with
Al-Qur'an as the first guide that contains guidelines for life in Allah.” (HR. Al-Bukhâri (no. 6094) dan Muslim (no. 2607))
the world and in Hereafter for all mankind (especially
Muslims). One content Al-Qur'an is an explanation of human Prophet Muhammad SAW as the messenger of Allah SWT
character or behavior in carry out muamalah. Muamalah has a duty to improve human morals by providing examples
regulates the relationship between interactions humans as and lessons to his people, as the Word of Allah SWT in QS.
social beings to continue to run in accordance with Islamic Al-Ahzab verse 21 which reads:
law (Septyan dan Julianto, 2018). As-Sunnah (Al-Hadith)
serves as reinforcement Qur'anic law, provides details and ‫َلَقۡد َك اَن َلُك ۡم ِفۡى َر ُس ۡو ِل ِهّٰللا ُاۡس َو ٌة َحَس َنٌة ِّلَم ۡن َك اَن َيۡر ُجوا َهّٰللا َو اۡل َيۡو َم اٰاۡل ِخ َر َو َذ َك َر َهّٰللا‬
further explanation of the statement which are still global in ‫َك ِثۡي ًرا‬
nature, and establish new laws that do not exist on Al-Qur’an.
As-sunnah contains the words, behavior, character and morals “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allāh
of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (Indonesian Ministry of an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allāh and
Religion, 2022). Some authentic hadiths with strong sanad the Last Day and [who] remembers Allāh often.” (QS. Al-
that must be followed by Muslims, among others, Hadith Ahzab: 21).
History Bukhari (HR. Bukhari), Hadith History of Muslim
"(HR. Muslim), and Hadith History Bukhari & Muslim (HR. There are many factors that lead to violations of the code of
Bukhari & Muslim or called Muttafaqun 'Alaih). ethics profession, so there is a need for internalization of
Islamic religious values. Internalization Islamic religious
Islamic religion stipulates that there are 5 (five) Islamic laws, values based on the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah play an
among which are mandatory; unclean or prohibition to do; important role in mitigating cases involving the public
sunnah means better to do; makruh means more neither is accounting profession (Azis, 2020; Ilyas et al., 2019;
done; and mubah or permissible to do or not. Auditors Pravitasari, 2015). Therefore, internalization is necessary
Muslims as AP must implement the principles of muamalah reconsidered in the preparation of the code of ethics of the
fiqh in carry out their professional duties. Fiqh muamalah public accounting profession. It is hoped that the
regulates interactions between humans (as social beings) in implementation of the AP code of ethics can work more
accordance with the orders and prohibitions of Allah SWT effectively.
along with the five Islamic laws above (Bastina, 2020).
The pressures from the AP work environment make the
The code of ethics for the accounting profession in the auditor experience ethical dilemma issues. Seeing that the
perspective of Islamic religious fundamental guidelines must majority of auditors are not from the wealthy understand
be based on Islamic syari'at which is flexible, permanent, and Islamic law and jurisprudence so that they have di fficulty in
thoroughly (Ilyas et al., 2019; Pravitasari, 2015). Efforts to resolve the dilemma (Iswanaji dan Wahyudi, 2017).
design and publish standards the code of ethics for However, the rules of fiqh muamalah makes it easier for
accountants based on Islamic law refers to Accounting and auditors to find solutions to problems ethical dilemma
Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial Institutions / (Bastina, 2020). Therefore, this research argues that it is
AAOIFI (Abdul Rahman, 2010). Code accountant ethics necessary the internalization of Islamic values into the AP
based on Islamic law is expected to motivate AP to behave professional code of ethics and commitment each AP to
and act ethically. This is due to an AP's fear of Allah SWT implement it during their professional activities. This is
and the belief that every action will be accounted for before because that level of competence and high experience is not
Him, so that work can be worth “worship”. able to guarantee that the Public Accountant carries out his
professional activities regularly adhere to the guidelines of
The large number of cases involving AP in Indonesia shows
the professional code of ethics so that the AP is able to avoid
this the falsehoods they commit by manipulating financial
actions unethical.
reports. Whereas In addition to violating the AP's
professional code of ethics, this attitude is also against the
rules Allah SWT related to the virtue of honesty, as follows:
The object of research in this study comes from various
‫َع َلْيُك ْم ِبالِّص ْد ِق َفِإَّن الِّص ْد َق َيْه ِد ى ِإَلى اْلِبِّر َو ِإَّن اْلِبَّر َيْهِد ى ِإَلى اْلَج َّنِة َو َم ا‬ related literature code of ethics for the accounting profession
‫َيَز اُل الَّرُجُل َيْص ُدُق َو َيَتَح َّر ى الِّص ْد َق َح َّتى ُيْك َتَب ِع ْن َد الَّلِه ِص ِّديًقا َو ِإَّياُك ْم َو اْلَك ِذَب َفِإَّن‬ in the perspective of Islamic religious fundamental guidelines
as the religion of Rahmatan Lil'Alamin. Islam has two
guidelines fundamentals are Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. As-
Sunnah in question namely sourced from several authentic
hadiths whose sanad is strong and undeniable. Therefore, the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
approach in this study uses the library research.
Seeing the cases that ensnare public accountants in Indonesia
Library research is a study with various collection methods are increasing, indicates that a solution is needed to mitigate
information and data through documents, interpretations of the case. Further exploration of the dimensions of ethical
scriptures, scientific books, magazines, historical stories, and action in practice is needed accounting professionals (Ilyas et
so on (Mardalis, 1999). Apart from learning from several al., 2019). The accounting profession is the most is
reference books, library research can be sourced from responsible for the fairness of the expected financial
research results relevant and useful for obtaining a theoretical statements is not detrimental to shareholders and stakeholders
basis regarding problem to be studied (Nazir, 1988; Sarwono, in making decisions.
2006). Collection of information in this research is then
assessed as an empirical fact that aim to provide advice and The code of ethics for the accounting profession is related to
input related to the draft code of ethics for the public several ethical principles that apply for the accounting
accounting profession furthermore. profession. There are 5 (five) the basic principles of
accountant ethics namely, 1) Integrity (straightforward and
This research analyzes Islamic values which are guided by honest), 2) Objectivity (no bound and not compromising
the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. These two guidelines explain professional judgment), 3) Competence and Professional Due
the important role of an ethic for life. Information related to Diligence (having professional knowledge and expertise as
Islamic values comes from the interpretation of the Al- well as act according to applicable professional and technical
Qur’an and As-Sunnah (Al-Hadith) accessed through search standards), 4) Confidentiality (maintain the confidentiality of
engines including Google, Mozilla Firefox, Translated Al- information), and 5) Professional Behavior (comply with
Quran, Islamic books, and others. Next, researchers examines regulations current regulation).
the two guidelines relating to the ethics of life and analyze it
so that Islamic religious values can be internalized explicitly Ethics profession as a foundation of ethics and must always
into the draft professional code of ethics and the commitment be upheld by the AP in carrying out their professional
of each AP in implementing it these values when carrying activities. It is intended that the application of standards
out their professional activities. This is to be expected to help behavior in the profession according to standards that are
solve ethical problems of public accountants (auditors) in regulated practically and realistically (Candra et al., 2017).
Indonesia at the moment. Therefore, a professional code of ethics is needed for public
accountants used as a guide in acting ethically and more
The code of ethics for the AP profession in an Islamic responsibly what to do. As the Word of Allah SWT contained
perspective is based on Islamic law which are permanent, in QS. Al-Baqarah: 42,
general, and flexible (Ilyas et al., 2019). One attempt building
the code of ethics refers to the Accounting and Auditing ‫َو اَل َتۡل ِبُسوا اۡل َح ـَّق ِباۡل َباِط ِل َو َتۡك ُتُم وا اۡل َح ـَّق َو َاۡن ُتۡم َتۡع َلُم ۡو َن‬
Organization of Islamic Financial Institution (AAOIFI) which
formulates and issues standards the code of ethics for “And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth
accountants originates from Islamic law (Abdul Rahman, while you know [it].”
2010). Accounting and Auditing Organization of Islamic
Financial Institution is an organization that established in Referring to the interpretation of the Al-Qur’an by the
1991 in Bahrain whose role is to regulate development Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in the verse
accounting standards for the Islamic finance industry above shows that Allah SWT forbade mankind to mix or
(Pomeranz, 1997). The essence of the code ethics in AAOIFI combines the right things (truth, goodness, justice, and
shows that the principles contained are based on the values of others) with evil (munkar, crime, tyranny, mistakes, and
God and Faith (Ilyas et al., 2019). others) in each of its affairs (Indonesian Ministry of Religion,
2022). Man who Knowing that there is truth in a case, one
The code of ethics for the Public Accountant profession in must have the courage to reveal it instead of hiding it for the
this study originates from the Institute Indonesian Public safety of some or a group of people. Public accountants as
Accountants (IAPI) and Accountants and Auditors of Islamic independent external auditors must assess quality financial
Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). The principles in AAOIFI reports of an entity in a transparent manner to stakeholders.
are based on values Belief and Faith guided by the Al-Quran No need to join cooperate in manipulating financial reports to
and As-Sunnah. Guidelines these Muslims are used in make them look good in public investors, creditors, and so
implementing the AP professional code of ethics because on. Public accountants are prohibited from combining
these two guidelines regulate in detail related to interactions between knowledge possessed, state law with bribes or other
between humans. The interaction in question can include gratuities for benefit yourself or a certain group of people.
actions and words that are pleasing to Allah Allah SWT and
those who are hated by Him. Allah SWT has guaranteed the The code of ethics for the accounting profession is designed
safety of the world and hereafter for those who hold fast to to uphold and ensure accountants act ethically. This means
the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. Wallahu A'lam that accountants in their duties serve the public and are
responsible responsibility to the public always provides
quality accounting service guidelines high and does not [Table 1 about here.]
violate ethical values (Ilyas et al., 2019). Presence of a code
of ethics serves as a control mechanism for the profession, Accountant Professional Code of Ethics based on the
thereby reducing adverse effects of ethical issues among Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic
public accounting practitioners. With thus, it facilitates the Financial Institution (AAOIFI)
creation of a practice environment and prioritizing the public
interest. The code of Islamic Accountant Ethics is expected to
motivate the public accounting profession to act ethically and
The code of ethics public accountants are very influential on professionally for reasons of fear of the Creator, religious
reputation and trust society in the AP profession. As beliefs and good and true work will be worth worship. The
explained in the Preamble to the Code of Ethics Public Accounting and Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial
Accountant Profession which explains that the preparation of Institutions (AAOIFI) is organization based in Bahrain and
the Accountant Code of Ethics Indonesia is expected to founded in 1991. AAOIFI played a role regulates the
increase public trust in accountants as well as increasing the development of accounting standards for the Islamic finance
accountant's contribution to the interests of society and the industry (Pomeranz, 1997). In addition, the standard code of
state as well as driving economic growth in Indonesia (IAPI, ethics for accountants was formulated and published by
2020). AAOIFI could be an attempt to draft a code of ethics for
accountants based on Islamic law (Abdul Rahman, 2010).
Performance public accountants have a positive relationship The study conducted by Ilyas et al. (2019) revealed that the
with professional ethics, meaning auditors whose code of ethics for Islamic accountants is relevant for
commitment is guided by a professional code of ethics, will integration and taught in accounting education in Indonesia,
have an effect on the performance of public accountants is meaning the internalization of professional ethics Islamic
getting better. However, if the public accountant does not accountants into accounting education can be done through
adhering to the code of ethics of the profession, then it can ethics training integrated into the accounting curriculum.
reduce performance of public accountants (Ariani, 2010). AAOIFI formulated 3 (three) sections about the Structure of
Consistent with Candra et al. (2017) which demonstrating the Islamic Accountant Professional Code of Ethics
that violating the code of ethics can degrade quality auditors (Kusumaningtyas & Solikah, 2016), in Table 2.
performance. Islam as guided by Al-Quran and As-Sunnah,
has taught in detail about morals and human ethics in interact [Table 2 about here.]
as social beings.
Comparison between the Principles of the Professional Code
Code of Professional Ethics for Accountants based on the of Ethics issued by IAPI and AAOIFI, show clearly that the
Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants (IAPI) ethical principles of the accounting profession from IAPI
does not involve aspects of faith, meaning adherence to
The code of ethics for the public accountant profession is values religion (explicitly) by referring to the Al-Quran and
issued by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants compiled As-Sunnah (Ilyas et al., 2019). The Public Accountant
by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) and the Professional Code of Ethics issued by IAPI is still
Institute of Management Accountants Indonesia (IAMI), conventional (Hossain et al., 2007). Demands to always carry
which is supported by the Center for Financial Profession out muamalah or good relations between people by referring
Development (PPPK) RI Ministry of Finance. The Indonesian to the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah only to gain the pleasure of
Accountants Code of Ethics is the adoption of Handbook of Allah SWT to live be more blessing and useful for many
the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants 2018 Edition people. There are several pieces of verses from Al-Qur’an
which issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that convey
Accountants of The International Federation of Accountants to all mankind to have good manners, among them,
(IESBA-IFAC) (IAPI, 2020).
ُ ‫ۡد ُع ِاٰل ى َس ِبۡي ِل َرِّبَك ِباۡل ِح ۡك َم ِة َو اۡل َم ۡو ِع َظِة اۡل َحَس َنِة‌ َو َج اِد ۡل ُهۡم ِباَّلِتۡى ِهَى َاۡح َس ُنؕ‌ ِاَّن َرَّبَك‬
The Code of Public Accountant Professional Ethics contains
a set of basic principles and ethical rules profession that must ‫ُهَو َاۡع َلُم ِبَم ۡن َض َّل َع ۡن َس ِبۡي ِلٖه‌ َو ُهَو َاۡع َلُم ِباۡل ُم ۡه َتِد ۡي َن‬
be applied by every registered public accountant IAPI
members or those who are not registered as IAPI members, “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good
who provide professional services (insurance services and instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed,
non-insurance services) or those who work for business entity your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way,
(IAPI, 2020). The code of ethics is prepared on an ongoing and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.” (QS An-
basis and adjust business developments and the economy to Nahl [16]:125)
improve quality performance of public accountants. Based on ‫ۤا‬
‫َو َم َاَص اَبُك ۡم ِّم ۡن ُّمِص ۡي َبٍة َفِبَم ا َك َسَبۡت َاۡي ِد ۡي ُك ۡم َو َيۡع ُفۡو ا َع ۡن َك ِثۡي ٍر‬
IAPI in the AP Professional Code of Ethics which effective
July 1, 2020 in Section 110 Subsection 110.1-A1 states there “And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your
are 5 (five) basic principles of ethics that must be applied by hands have earned; but He pardons much.” (QS. Asy Syura:
the auditor when carrying out their professional activities in 30)
Table 1.
َ‫اَن الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َأْح َسَن الَّناِس ُخ ُلًقا‬
“Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬was the best amongst people in always prepare themselves with good deeds as savings saving
disposition and behavior.” (HR Al-Bukhari (no.6035, 6203) reward to return to Allah SWT.
dan Muslim (no.215, 2310))

“I heard the Messenger of Allah as saying: He who amongst

you sees something abominable should modify it with the help Several cases involving AP and KAP Big 4 in Indonesia,
of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do it, then indicating that the level of competence and track record is
he should do it with his tongue, and if he has not strength high does not guarantee AP's compliance with the code of
enough to do it, (even) then he should (abhor it) from his ethics of the profession while conducting audit and provide
heart, and that is the least of faith.” (HR. Muslim no. 49) an opinion on the financial statements of an entity. Therefore,
it is necessary to internalize Islamic religious values into the
Reviewing from the perspective of the fundamental
code of ethics of the AP profession and the commitment of
guidelines of Muslims, the professional code of ethics AP
AP in implementing these values while carrying out their
reflects the ethics of Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar. This means
professional activities. One attempt designing an AP code of
that the code of ethics is prepared by purpose as a guideline
ethics based on Islamic law referring to Accounting and
for AP in carrying out its professional activities. Besides that,
Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial Institutions
direct AP to provide an assessment of the quality of the
(AAOIFI). The AP professional code of ethics that is based
entity's financial statements properly and avoid bad things
on Islamic values is expected to be able to motivating AP to
that can harm the public. Hadith History of Muslim no. 49
act ethically and professionally out of fear of Allah SWT. In
represents that the auditor has the power and authority to
addition, as a religious belief that work can be worth worship
evaluate or assess the quality of the entity's financial
value as well as an atonement for sins. This research hopes
statements. If the AP finds a material misstatement or
to provide insights to the authors AP professional code of
irregularity in entity's financial statements, the AP is required
ethics to consider the principles of faith and compliance
to disclose them without being affected by there is gratuity.
towards Islamic religious values that are guided by the Al-
This is because the AP is responsible for delivering opinion
Quran and As-Sunnah internalized in the draft Code of Ethics
on the consolidated financial statements of an entity. This
for the Public Accountant Profession. Success
opinion is one important considerations for investors,
implementation of these principles is driven by education
creditors and other interested parties make investment
Islamic character (through academic or non-academic
decisions, provide capital loans, and so on.
activities) that is instilled in each individual AP and
This spirit of to act ethically is a hallmark of the ethical code prospective AP. Academic can be realized through Islamic
of Islamic accountants prioritizing compliance with Islamic accountant professional ethics education that is integrated
law, so that financial reporting is more oriented towards the with curriculum standards accountancy. On the other hand,
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al., 2017). In short, Islamic ethical principles and values develop knowledge about Islamic law. Such activities can
conform and profitable for the accounting profession and all include interpretations of Al-Qur’an and studies of the
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Eva Lusiana The Code of Ethics for Public Accountant in Perspective of Islamic Fundamental

TABEL 1 / Basic Principles of IAPI Ethics 2020

No. Basic Principles Explanation
1 Integrity Every the auditor must be honest and straightforward in carrying out all
professional and business relationships in order to maintain a good name of their
2 Objectivity Each auditor is prohibited from compromising professional judgment or business,
because of bias, conflict of interest, or influence that could impair the
independence of the auditor in giving an opinion.
3 Competency & Precautions An auditor must pay attention and maintain professional knowledge and expertise
Professional so that the auditor provides competent professional services in accordance with
auditing professional and technical standards.
4 Confidentiality An auditor is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of his client's information
from various audit activities, except in liability circumstances of legal or
professional obligations bound to the auditor.
5 Behavior Professional Behavior professional means an auditor in carrying out duties must comply with
applicable laws and regulations and avoid unethical actions that could impact the
reputation of the public accounting profession.
Source: IAPI (2020)
Eva Lusiana The Code of Ethics for Public Accountant in Perspective of Islamic Fundamental

TABEL 2 / Structure of the AAOIFI Islamic Accountant Professional Code of Ethics

Description Sub Section Explanation
First: Foundation Principle Integrity AP must be honest, courageous, wise, and responsible for
sharia (legal basis maintaining the reputation of the profession and building public
of the code of trust in AP.
Principle of Khalifah AP must pay attention to Allah's commands and prohibitions SWT
because humans will be held accountable to Allah SWT regarding
how he allocating the wealth given by Allah SWT to her.
Principle of Sincerity AP Works also to seek pleasure Allah SWT, not just focusing on
(sincerity) seeking name for personal gain. Work is worship, meaning when
the work is done with a good way it will be worth worship in front
of Allah SWT in addition to professional duties that have
Truth and work independently AP should try to find and emphasizes truth and perfection their
perfect professional activities as well as possible as much as possible.
Allah SWT see behavior every AP must believe that Allah SWT and Angels Raqib & Atid always
time person supervise every behavior, human actions and speech. Application
of this principle as an AP controller so you don't get carried away
with bribes or the like as well as pressure arising from his
professional environment.
Man responsible answer AP must believe that every behavior, action, and his words will be
before God accounted for to Allah SWT in the hereafter on the Day of
Judgment arrive. Therefore, AP should avoid things that are hated
by Allah SWT.
Second part and Trustworthiness AP must behave with high integrity (honest and straightforward) in
third: Principles carrying out his profession to serve public, so it can be trusted in
Accountant carrying out their work.
Professional Ethics
Legitimacy AP must guarantee authenticity regarding various matters related to
& set rules ethical
the execution of his work in accordance with sharia law and
behavior for
Objectivity AP must be independent, impartial to anyone, free from various
internal conflicts of interest in facts and giving opinions.
Professional competence and AP must have professional competence with task-appropriate
diligent knowledge and training according to their duties and profession.
Faith driven conduct AP is required to behave in a firm manner based on values Islam is
guided by the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah consistently.
Professional conduct and AP must comply with accounting and auditing standards set by
Source: AAOIFI

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