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Digestive System:

~ Egestion: the removal of undigested food from the body as feces.

~ Ingestion: the taking of substances that is food and drink, into the body.
~ Digestion: the breakdown of food.

What is the Alimentary canal?

The alimentary Canal is a tube running through the body in which the food is digested. The
soluble products are absorbed, and the indigestible food molecules are expelled.

What are digestive enzymes?

Enzymes produced in the digestive system break down large, insoluble food molecules into
smaller, soluble molecules.

1: Where are enzymes produced?

Some of the digestive enzymes are produced by cells in the lining of the alimentary canal, for
example, the stomach lining. Others are produced by glands that are outside the alimentary
canal, for example, salivary glands and the pancreas.

2. State two functions of mucus in the digestive system.

Mucus is a slimy liquid that lubricates the lining of the canal and protects it from damage.
Mucus may also protect the lining because it stops the digestive enzymes attacking it.

3. Explain why the alimentary canal has many blood vessels in its walls.
The blood vessels in the alimentary canal's walls bring oxygen to the cells and take away the
carbon dioxide they produce. They also absorb the digested food from the alimentary canal.

~ Incisor: at the front of the mouth, chisel-shaped (sharp edge) and used for biting off pieces of
~ Canines: at the either side of the Incisors in the mouth, slightly more pointed than Incisors,
and are used for biting off prices of food.
~ Premolars: located behind the canines, have two points (cusps) and one or two roots, and are
used for tearing and grinding food.
~ Molars: at the back of the mouth, have four or five cusps and two or three roots, and are
used for chewing and grinding food.
What is peristalsis?
A contraction in one area of the alimentary canal is followed by another contraction just below
it so that a wave of contraction passes along the canal, pushing food in front of it. The wave of
contraction is called peristalsis.

What is emulsification?
Emulsification is a process in which large lipid globules are broken down into several small lipid

1: Define the term physical digestion.

Ans. Physical digestion is the breakdown of food into smaller pieces without chemical changes
in its molecules.

2. The action of teeth is one example of physical digestion. Describe two other examples.
Ans. The stomach has elastic walls which stretch as the food collects iti. An example of physical
digestion in the stomach is the way that the muscles in the Wall of the stomach move, the
muscles alternately contract and relax, churning and squeezing the food in the stomach and
mixing it with gastric juice.
The action of bile is an example of physical digestion. The bile contains no enzymes but does
contain bile salts. The bile salts emulsify the fats. This means they break them up into small
droplets with a large surface area. The droplets are more efficiently digested by lipase.

1: Into what parts of the alimentary Canal do the following pour their digestive juices?
A) the pancreas: duodenum
B) the salivary glands: mouth

2: In which parts of the alimentary canal are the following digested?

A) starch: mouth and small intestine
B) Protein: mouth and duodenum

3: Explain why enzymes passing from one part of the alimentary canal to another do not
always continue to work effectively.
Ans. The enzyme undertakes a process of denaturation, meaning it will not fit its substrate or
substrates. The enzyme cannot speed up the reaction anymore.

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