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SESSION: 2021-22

CLASS: X M.M: 30
SUBJECT: Information Technology TIME: 1 hr


 The marks carried by each question is mentioned at the end of each question.
 All the questions are to be done in the answer sheet.
 Do not waste time copying the questions.
 Answers should be written in neat and legible writing.

Fill in the blanks (1x6=6)

1. ______________ is designed to assist people that have difficulty using a keyboard or

a mouse.

2. ______________keys are designed for people who have vision impairment or

cognitive disabilities.

3. ______________ keys is an accessibility features that assists people that have

difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse (or both).

4. Three types of wireless Internet connectivity are: ____________ , ________ and


5. When data is transferred on the internet, data is broken up into bits of same size
pieces is called ___________________.

6. Three types of wired internet connective are: _____________, _________ and

Answer the following question:

1. What is First-Aid? (1)

2. Define Modem (1)

3. What is ISP? (1)

4. Define Phishing? (1)

5. List any 2 online threats. (1)

6. Define Cookies and Firewall. (2)

7. What is Blog? List any 4 websites that provide blog service. (2)

8. What are the types of accidents that can occur? (2)

9. What is Instant Messaging? List any 3 Application based instant (3)

messaging software.

10. What is offline Blog editor? Name any 3 of them. (3)

11. How to safeguard or protect your data from unauthorized access? (3)
12. Name any two Sticky Keys, Filter Keys and Toggle Keys. (4)


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