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MDP Lesson Plan TWO

DATE: 11/09/2023 Class Location: Virtual (Zoom Class)

TOPIC: Let’s Cook Teachers (in no particular order):
Teaching Site: Temple Well Program T1: Jing Wu & T2: Yaxing Tang
Lesson Objectives:

• SWBAT demonstrates the understanding of hypothetical conditional tense (If sb./sth. + simple past tense, sb./sth. would/could/might
+ base form/be -ing form) by analyzing 6 given hypothetical conditional sentences to recognize if it has grammatical errors, then orally
discussing in a group of 3-4 about their revising solution for each error with its explanations of the grammatical rationale for each correction
they made, and finally write down the final answers for the practice on notebooks with at least 80% accuracy.

• SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of 10 target cooking techniques vocabularies (peel, chop, boil, steam, pour, melt, mash,
stir, season, and sprinkle) by accurately applying and filling in missing verb parts in two different teacher-designed incomplete recipe
instructions before writing down the complete version for both these recipe instructions in their notebooks and with picture cues and group

Activity Activity Stages Technology Used Key Language forms/ functions Resources/ Time
Focus Materials


T1 & T2 Part
Greetings: Co-hosts Setup: Class 9:30
Slide1: 1. T1, as the main host of the class Slide AM –
T enters the meeting room 20 mins meeting, needs to firstly make T2 Link: 9: 35
(Yaxing) as co-host at 9:15AM. https://doc AM
1. Open the slides and be ready to 2. T2 are responsible for making the
share the screen site supervisor Ms. Marilyn and om/present
2. Let Ss who come early and stay at 8215 mentor Dr. Atkinson as co- ation/d/1I
the class waiting room join the hosts when they enter the class. HolIEiG4h
class. f0jV3loVZ
Check the functions of the yzux1Mg-
Slide 2: Annotation Tool: qCvWIqh2
Need to be done before 9:15 AM ZCUtVdf0
T gives the announcement to Ss /edit?usp=
1. T1 needs to check the annotation
3. Asks Ss to type their names in the sharing
tool by typing some words on the
chat box for the attendance screen and asks T2 whether it
4. Remind Ss that class will be appears on the screen
recorded for Teachers’ Use 2. After T1 sets T2 as co-host, T2 do
5. Encourage Ss to open their Camera the same check with T1
6. Require Ss to prepare a pen and
notebooks Voice-based:
7. Goes through the agenda for today 1. Small Talk before class:
l Before 9:30 AM, Ts asks Ss who
Grammar→Hypothetical come early to open microphones
Condition talking about what they did
Vocabulary→Cooking yesterday or what they are going
Techniques to do after class.
l If Ss’ answers are short, Ts ask
Practice→Make a cooking
about other topics (weather,
instruction by yourself!
weekend plan, pets/kids)
8. Introduce the mentor Dr. Atkinson
and explains that mentor will be l T1 starts the class at 9:30 AM
here only for observing teachers’ 2. Greeting the mentor:
teaching. l Ts asks Ss to be polite opening
their microphone to say hello to
Ts’ mentor when T1 introduces
Ts’ mentor at announcement part.

Chat Box: Attendance

1. Ss need to type their names in the
chat box to get the attendance
l Ts need to download the record
of the chat box after class to
check Ss’ attendance

T2’s Part
Slide 3: [Grammar Focus - Hypothetical Condition]
Meaningf Slides 4: Slide 4&5: Slide 4: 9:35
ul Input AM
Introduction Annotation Hypothetical Condition: –
T recalls the last’ class unfinished content - T uses annotation tool circling key To express a contrary-to-fact
about the conditions of using hypothetical elements in the slides to make
situation / To express present or AM
conditional tense and orally explain these emphasis future a hypothetical situation.
two adjectives (1. contrary-to-fact and 2. Voice-Based
hypothetical) - Ss’ answers for every questions. Contrary-to-fact: Different
(Ss are only allowed to open their from fact
Condition & Result Clauses: mic when they need to ask or Hypothetical: To express
T shows sample hypothetical conditional answer questions.) possible ideas or situations
sentence one and asks one S to read the rather than the actual ones.
sentence aloud Chat Box
T uses different colors to differentiate the - Ss who feel uncomfortable to give Sample Sentence One:
condition clause and result clause in the oral answer can use chat box to If I were you, I might save more
slides answer every question. money.
T shows sample sentence two and asks one Engagement: à [Condition Clause], [Result
S to read the sentence aloud - For yes or no question, All Ss are Clause]
T ask Ss to identify which part is condition required to answer Yes/No
clause and result clause and circles two question in the chat box. Sample Sentence Two:
clauses in the sentence to tell the answer If Ella lived at home instead of
Ss can free feel to open their mic to give in the dorm, she would have a
answer quiet place to study.
à[Condition Clause] à
Verb Tense: Simple Past Tense
T circles the verbs (were & lived) of the à[Result Clause] à
condition clause in both sample sentences would/could/might + base
and asks Ss for the similarity form
T annotates on the screen and points out the
similarity is using the simple past
T circles the verbs (might save & would à[Result Clause] à
have) of the result clause in both sample would/could/might + be + ing
sentences and asks Ss for the similarity form
T points out that we normally use base form
of verbs within would/could/might before it 2 x 2 Chart:
Condition Simple Past
2x2 Chart:
Clause Tense
T opens a 2x2 chart and asks what clauses
are included in a hypothetical conditional
sentence Result Would/Could/
Ss can either type their answers in the chat Clause Might + base
box or open their mic to answer aloud. form
T waits for Ss to answer Would/Could/
T shows the answers in the chart
Might + be
T asks verb tenses should apply for these
two clauses T waits for Ss to answer
T shows the answers in the chart Forms of “Be”
In a hypothetical sentence, the
Verb Tense – Form of Be condition clause, “were” is
T asks students whether it is correct to say, used for all forms of be.
“If I was you, I would save more money”,
change the forms of be - “were” to “be”. Scenario Prompt:
S expresses their own opinions by typing A boy plans to have a picnic
“YES”/ “No” in the chat box or open their with his friends today, he is so
mic to answer. excited about it! However, it's
T shows the answer, “No, In the condition raining outside now, and he has
clause, “were” used for all forms of be”. to cancel the picnic because of
the rain. He is imagining….
Slide 5:
Scenario Practice: Sample Answer:
T asks one S to read the scenario prompt, If it weren’t raining right now,
repeat the prompt at a slower speed, and I would/could to go out and
apply stronger tones on keywords have a picnic with Joy and
T asks Ss to think about the answer Ethan.
T scaffolds by showing the hint [If it…, I…] If it weren’t raining right now,
and orally restate the sentence in the I would/could be having the
picnic now.
previous page's sample sentence to
emphasize the hypothetical sentence pattern
T presents the 2x2 chart on the screen
T reminds Ss to pay attention to the tense
T type Ss’ answer on the screen to check
T provides one sample answer after Ss

Meaningf Find the Errors Practice: Slide 6-8: Find the Errors Practice: 9:52
ul Output Slide 6: 1. [Incorrect]: It’s cold outside. AM
T reminds Ss to take out a pen and a piece Actions Required: If I was you, I will put on a –
of paper to be prepared to write. jacket 10:1
1. When Ss come back to the
à change was to were, will to 5
main room to check answers
Pre-stage: (Slide 7) would AM
together, Ss need to press the
Giving Instruction:
“raise hands” instead of
Ts asks Ss to listen carefully to the 2. [Incorrect]: If today were my
directly shout the answers
instructions before orally reads all the birthday, I will receive many
instructions one by one nice gifts from my lovely
Voice-Based family.
1) T provides Ss a set of seven 2. Ts asks one Ss to answer and à change will to would
hypothetical sentences and show on Ss who raised up hands to
the screen answer need to orally give 3. [Correct]: If I were a
2) Ss need to analyze whether 7 sentences their answers billionaire, I would quit my job,
are correct or have grammatical errors buy a big house, and do
to find out the errors of incorrect Picture Version: nothing.
sentence and discuss with members 3. To avoid Ss who have
how to fix the errors problems to see the content 4. [Incorrect]: If Abdul wash
3) T requires Ss to include where and why on the screen, T1 sends the his car every week, he would
they do the correction while sharing screenshot of the slide in the not always be complaining
answers chat box as well for Ss to about how dirty it is.
4) T reminds Ss to write down their easily zoom in the content. à change wash to washed
answers on their notebook for later
review. Breakout Room: 5. [Incorrect]: If I were a mayor
T shares the screen to every breakout room 4. While Ss are clicking the in Philly, I will publish “No
after Ss are sent into breakout rooms. BOR invitation, T1 share Tax Policy”.
Slide 8 on the screen to every à change will to would
During: (Slide 8) BOR.
T2 stays in the main room to share the 5. T1 send announcement “Two 6. [Correct]: Jing and Yaxing
screen minutes Left” to every BOR are working together this
T1 goes to every BOR to whether Ss after Ss start the task for 6 semester. If Jing and Yaxing
understand the instructions and provide mins did not work together this
Scaffolding when needed semester, they could not be
T1 & T2 need to contact each other in the Differentiated Instruction: learning from each other.
chat box to flexibly adjust the activity time. A. While T2 is giving instructions,
T2 needs to send the announcement to every T1 prepare the group distribution
BOR when there are 2 mins left assigning Ss with purpose.
B. Lower and higher-level Ss should
Post-Stage: be assigned into two groups
T goes through every sentence and asks one evenly so that they can learn
S to orally reads the sentence before C. For groups who finished early,
identifying the correctness one by one students are encouraged to create
T asks Ss to voluntarily provide the answer one or two sentences themselves
for each sentence. by using hypothetical conditions.
Ss’ answers need to firstly presents
“Yes/No” and then gives the answer about Complexity Modification:
the error presented in the sentence if any and - Time Limit:
how to correct the error with their rationale While T1 are observing each
of grammatical principles. group’s process, T2 needs to be
T repeats Ss’ answers before stating whether flexible and keep in touch with
this S answers correctly T1 to set up time limit.
T present the answers (incorrect or correct) l If T1 finds all the Ss finish the
for each sentence and explicitly circles the task of finding at least one
grammatically errors of these hypothetical characteristic for each paragraph,
sentences while also types the correct forms T1 send an individual message
near the errors by using the annotation tool through Chat Box to inform T1
in Zoom. stop the BOR and asks Ss back to
the main room. If T2 finds all the
Ss need more time, T2 informs
T1 to extend the time limit.
- The adjustment of teaching
If T2 finds that Ss showed that they
are very adeptly finding the errors, T2
does not need to scaffold Ss but let
volunteer Ss themselves to be little
teachers to explain wrong sentences.
- Difficulty Control:
If Ss find this task to be more
difficult, T adjust the difficulty of
the task. T requires Ss to only
finds out the error rather than both
finds out the error and correct it.

T1’s Part
Slide 9: [Vocabulary Focus – Cooking Technique]
Slide 10: Slide 10: Signature Dish: A signature 10:1
Annotation dish is a unique and famous 5
Warm-Tup Activity: - T uses annotation tool to type Ss’ dish of an individual chef or AM
T asks Ss Qs whether they usually cook. answer about their signature restaurant. –
While Ss are still thinking, both of 2 dishes and what they will include Recipe: A recipe is a set of 10:2
teachers jump out to state our own signature in the recipe instructions for preparing a dish 0
dishes and prepares 2 pictures the signature - and a list of required AM
pictures to present on the screen. Voice-based: ingredients.
1. For Ss do cook usually: Ss can feel free to give their answers Ingredients: Things that are
T asks Ss’ signature dish and asks whether aloud used to make something.
Ss have written down the recipe for their
signature dish Chat Box:
2. (*For Ss do not cook usually): Ss who do not want to open their mic
T asks whether Ss have any cook with a or have noise in their background can
detailed recipe or whether they are willing use chat box to share their answer.
to cook with it.

T asks what will be included in a recipe

T type answers on the screen
T then shows the answer by introducing the
word “ingredients”
Slide 11: Ingredients of mashed 10:2
potato: 0
Ingredients of Mashed Potato: potato, butter, pepper, milk or AM
T shows picture of mashed potato and asks cream, salt, (chopped) parsley –
Ss to answer what are the ingredients of 10:2
mashed potato 3
T shows the ingredients pictures and the AM
corresponding names one by one

Slide 12: 10:2

Making Announcement: 3
T points out that Ss will have a AM
pronunciation practice after T goes over all – 10:
the 10 cooking steps. 25
T informs Ss that T will not stop for AM
practicing a single vocabulary for a long
time during this part.
T requires Ss who want to practice
pronunciation and read after T during
meaningful input part to respectfully mute

Meaningf Learning how to cook a mashed potato! Actions Required: Cooking Techniques: 10:2
ul Input While presenting each step, T should use- Ss need to practice pronouncing [TPR Implication] 5
body language to present each step. In each vocabulary after T goes 1) Peel the potatoes AM
addition, T monitor Ss who opened their through all the techniques Peel [v.]: to remove the -
cameras to follow the T to do the same skin of fruit or vegetable 10:4
actions for deeper memorization. For Ss Voice-Based Peel [n.]: the skin of fruit or 0
who did not open the cameras, Ss should - Ss share stories, experiences, and vegetable AM
also encourage them to follow. feelings about natural disasters Peeler [n.]: the tool we
used to peel things
Slides 13: (Steps 1-3) Pronunciation Development:
T shows pictures of step one à Peel the T tells Ss that T will read all 2) Chop the potatoes into
potatoes vocabularies once to clarify the cubes (= cut into pieces)
pronunciation before the practice
T introduce the verb form of “peel” and T goes back to the first cooking 3) (Option 1) Boil a pot of
introduces the tool “peeler” within its technique and reach each cooking water to cook potato
picture technique one by one in a slow speed cubes
T introduce the noun form of “peel” with a T asks all the Ss to open their Boil [v.]: the liquid is
picture microphone. heated to reach the
T shows two pictures of a peeled apple and T reads the vocabularies one by one. temperature at which it
apple peel and asks Ss to pick which one is Ss follow along with T to read each bubbles and turns to
apple peel to check understanding vocabulary out loud twice. vapor.
T shows pictures of step two à Chop the (Option 2) Steam the
potatoes into cubes potato cubes
T shows pictures of step three à Boil the Steam [v.]: cook by heating
water to cook potato cubes or steam the in steam [n.] from boiling
potato cubes water
T asks Ss understanding of “boil”
T gives definition for both verb and noun 4) Pour off the excess water
form of word “Steam” of the pot
Pour off: drain liquid from
Slides 14: (Steps 4-6) a pot, remove the liquid
T shows pictures of step four à Pour off and leave the wanted food
the water of the pot by pouring.
T explains the use of phrase “pour off” by
giving explanation of drain. 5) Mash up the
T shows pictures of step five à Mash up cooked/steamed potato
the cooked/steamed potato cubes cubes
T use brief explanation to explain “mash Mash up: crush food or
up” another substance into a
T shows pictures of step six à Melt the soft mass
T reminds Ss to melt slowly over low heat 6) Melt the butter
and use microwave-safe bowl to keep safe. Melt [v.]: Solid à Liquid

Slides 15: (Steps 7-8) 7) Pour the melted butter

T shows pictures of step seven à Pour the into the bowl of potato
melted butter into the bowl of mashed cubes
8) Stir the cream into the
mashed potatoes
T uses picture of step four to asks the Stir [v.]: mix thoroughly
person’s action and emphasizes the use of Stir-fry [v.]: Stir-fry is a
“pour...into”. cooking technique in
T shows picture of step eight à Stir the which ingredients are fried
cream into the mashed potatoes. over high heat in a small
T explains “stir” by using synonym “mix”. amount of very hot oil
T introduce “stir fry” by using pictures and while being stirred or
example tossed.

Slides 16: (Steps 9-10) 9) Season with salt and

T shows picture and introduce step nine à pepper
Season mashed potatoes with salt and Season…with…: Improve
pepper or enhance the flavor of
T shows picture of step ten à Sprinkle some food with salt,
chopped parsley over it pepper, or another kind of
seasoning or flavoring.
Slides 17: (Pronunciation Practice)
T reviews 10 key cooking verbs and phrases 10) Sprinkle chopped parsley
with their corresponding pictures. over it
For some steps that none of Ss cannot
remember, T uses body language presented
T leads to pronunciation practice.
T reads each vocabulary/phrase twice and
asks Ss to open microphones to read after T

Practice – Complete a Recipe!

Language- Instruction: (Slide 18) Differentiated Instruction: Scenario prompt: 10:4
focused T orally reads the scenario prompt of the For the post stage, T make Hi, I am Jing. I want to teach 0
Learning task to the Ss and use stronger tone in key adjustment based on Ss’ progress Yaxing(T2) to cook a salad and AM
words. - Ss who finished the recipe task of a pasta today. These two dishes –
are my signature dishes. 11:0
their own group early can start to
Pre-Stage:(Slide 19) try to complete the task of another However, I cannot teach her 0A
A. T will divide Ss into 2 groups for two group. because some words in these M
separate recipes two recipes are missing!!!!!
B. T inform Ss to be aware of their own Can you help me to complete
group number and only need to
Complexity Modification: them?
complete one assigned recipe task 1. Time Limit:
during the class If Ss finished the tasks early,
Recipe for Salad: ( Group
C. T provides pictures and incomplete narrow down the time limit and One)
recipes so that Ss will use target expand the sharing time. [Bolded and underlined part are the blanks that Ss
cooking verbs to fill out the blanks. 2. Task Expansion need to fill out.]

D. T requires Ss to take out of pen and If Ss finished all the prepared 1.Peel the cucumber and then
paper to write down the answers and tasks, they can start to use target chop it into small cubes.
tell them that this task will be part of vocabularies to make their own
their homework to motivate Ss. 2. Boil the eggs until they are
recipes. hard-boiled.
During: (Slide 20):
T1 stays in the main room to share the Voice-based: 3. Then, peel the boiled egg and
screen. - Ss will discuss orally in their BOR chop into pieces.
à [The screen includes two incomplete
4. Steam the broccoli in a
paragraphs and the corresponding cooking Breakout Room:
pictures] steamer and then chop it into
- While Ss are clicking the BOR
T2 goes to every breakout room to see the bite-sized cubes.
invitation, T1 switch to slide 20
process and scaffold when needed. 5. Melt some butter in the
and share the screen to BOR.
[T1 & T2 keep in touch in the chat box to microwave and stir the butter
adjust the teaching procedure or the time into a pan to make some
Picture Version: croutons.
management] 1. To avoid Ss who have 6. Mash up the peeled avocado
problems to see the content and stir some lemon juice with
Post-Stage: (Slide 21): on the screen, T1 sends the it to make the salad dressing.
screenshot of the slide in the 7. Put all the cucumber cubes,
• If Ss finished the task chat box as well for Ss to broccoli cubes, boiled egg
before 10:48 AM easily zoom in the content.
T would put Ss back in the main room and pieces and croutons together
goes through each recipe to check the into a big veggie bowl.
answers with Ss 8. Pour the avocado dressing
T would use the annotation tool to point out into the veggie bowl and then
the target vocabulary or phrase after finish stir thoroughly with all the
going through a whole recipe. ingredients to get the Salad.
T would ask two volunteers Ss from each
group read each other’s recipe out loud. Recipe for Pasta: ( Group
(e.g., S from group A need to read group B’s Two)
recipe) 1. Boil the pasta until it is firm
• If Ss finished the task to the bite.
before 10:52 AM 2. Take out the pasta into the
T would put Ss back in the main room pasta bowl and pour off the
T would ask Ss to keep the answer sheet or excess water.
notebook to check at the beginning of next 3. Boil the tomatoes for 1 min
T would ask Ss to either choose to stay in
the main room individually finishing 4. Peel cooked tomatoes and
another group’s recipe task for more directly mash up them into
practices or want to talk about their tomato sauce.
signature recipes. 5. Pour the tomato sauce into
• If Ss finished the task the pasta bowl
before 10:55 AM 6. Stir the tomato sauce with
T would put Ss back and ask Ss to keep the cooked pasta thoroughly.
answer sheet for next class and continue 7. Add some olive oil into the
discussions about signature dishes or pasta bowl.
experiences of making recipes.
• If Ss did not finished 8. Then, seasoned with salt and
before 11:00 AM pepper.
T put Ss back T reminds Ss to keep the 9. Melt the butter for a creamy
answers for the exit tickets and next class’s sauce.
review. 10. Pour this creamy sauce into
T tell Ss to finish the task in the Exit Ticket the pasta bowl and stir it with
Wrap-Up: Exit Ticket Outline: Google 11:0
- If Ss do not have time to present, Ts à Grammar: 2 Form – 0
asks Ss in the BOR to wrap up their correct/incorrect sentence Exit AM
answers and keep the paper within their practice Ticket –
written answers à Vocabulary: 2 fill-in-the- 11:x
- If Ss finished tasks in advance, ask them blank recipe tasks https://doc x
to do another recipe task.
Class Reminders: om/forms/
- Exit Ticket (Homework) d/e/1FAIp
T1&T2 require Ss to complete the Exit QLScATx
Ticket Ten before next class. zpM4LyV
T1&T2 tell Ss ET will be sent through V6Li19Y9
WhatsApp Group Chat and Email. Jy-
- Attendance Reminders wspoWRB
T1&T2 remind Ss who came to the class late -
to put their names in the chat box to get the 0TUKfMg
attendance 28Hu0kR

- Exit Ticket: [Due before next class starts]

Anticipated Problems & Contingency Plans:

1. Flexibility of the presentation for the last activity:
Since teachers cannot always predict the precise time at the end of the class, teachers need to design different presentation formats for the last activity
as the preparations for various contingencies. (Added in the post-stage part of the last activity)
2. Make “mute yourself” announcement when needed:
Since the teacher needs to spend time on the practices of last week’s grammar (originally should have been finished on Tuesday but class got canceled
for Election Day.), teachers do not have a complete 90 mins for today’s new topic. Teachers need to organize the class schedule. In today’s class,
teachers need to go through ten steps of cooking mashed potatoes. If Ss kept interrupting or repeating the sentence, it might make the class slow
progress. To make sure teachers can cover all the content and to avoid other Ss getting distracted, T1 will announce that there will be a pronunciation
practice after the completion of introducing all the linguistic content. For Ss who really want to read after the T before the pronunciation practice, T1
will require them to respectfully mute themselves.
3. Flexibility of activity
Since the weather is getting cold, Ss’ kids are approaching to prepare for their finals, and many festivals are coming, Ss might either be late or have to
leave early during the class, teachers need to take the fluctuated numbers of students while designing the activity. Teachers always need to prepare at
least two discussion questions for every class to avoid situations where classes end early.
4. Different formats of the materials
If Ss cannot see clearly the paragraphs on the screen for the activity (some are using phones or small iPads), take a screenshot of the task prompt and
the content in advance, then send it to Ss for them to zoom in the picture.

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