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The two functions of mitosis in animals
* The main functions of mitosis are growth and repair. Some
cells once fully formed do not undergo cell division, such as
I. THE STRUCTURE OF ANIMALS nerve cells and muscle cells. Since you can never re-grow or
repair these types of cells once they are mature, you must take
care of the ones you have.
The structures of animals consist of primary tissues that make
up more complex organs and organ systems. Homeostasis
allows an animal to maintain a balance between its internal and
external environments. The structures of animals consist of
primary tissues that make up more complex organs and organ

What is the process of mitosis in an animal cell?

* Mitosis is a process of cell duplication, in which one cell

divides into two genetically identical daughter cells. In the
various stages of mitosis, the cell's chromosomes are copied
and then distributed equally between the two new nuclei of the
daughter cells.

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Diseases can humans give to monkeys
Humans can spread diseases, such as measles (rubeola) or
tuberculosis to macaques. Personnel who enter areas where
macaques are housed or tested must participate in the
Occupational Health Program for Animal Workers, which
includes proof of rubeola immunity and annual TB testing.
How are humans affecting monkeys?
* Humanity's population expansion is the main cause for the
Monkey scientific name:
extinction threat, with 5 billion humans living in countries with
primates. Habitat loss due to logging, mining and agriculture; Monkeys Temporal range:
hunting; the illegal pet trade; and climate change are all top Kingdom: Animalia
reasons for the decline, Garber said. Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
How do monkeys affect the environment?
Order: Primates
* Monkeys and apes disperse the highest quantity of seeds
compared to other seed dispersers in the same habitat. Family: Callitrichidae (marmosets and tamarins); Cebidae
(New World monkeys); Aotidae (night monkeys); Pitheciidae
Therefore, primates play active roles in allowing the (titi and saki monkeys); Atelidae (howler and spider monkeys)
continuation of the carbon cycle and carbon sequestration Species: primate
against global climate change.

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The value of a chicken in environment
III. CHICKEN Backyard chickens provide a better alternative to the
excessive environmental impact of factory farming.
Compared to a factory farm, backyard hens produce a
fraction of the manure in a much smaller footprint. You can
handle their waste properly, returning it to the environment
The human impact on chickens in an eco-conscious manner
* The modern chicken only exists in its current form due to Chicken scientific name:
human intervention. We have altered their genes to mutate Gallus gallus domesticus
the receptor which regulates their metabolism, which means
Kingdom: Animalia
that the birds are always hungry and so will eat and grow
Phylum: Chordata
more rapidly. Not only that, their entire life cycle is
Class: Aves
controlled by human technology.
Order: Galliformes
The environmental impacts of chicken Family: The chicken belongs to the kingdom Animalia,
* Chicken manure is especially degrading to waterways because it the phylum Chordata, the class Aves, the order Galliformes,
contains 2 to 4 times more nutrients (particularly nitrogen and the family Phasianidae and the genus Gallus. The common
chicken that is widespread around the world belongs to that
phosphorous) than the manure of other types of livestock;8 while this
can make chicken manure a useful fertilizer, it can also have
disastrous effects on water and soil quality.
Species: birds
Kind of environment do snakes like
Snakes live in a wide variety of habitats including forests,
IV. SNAKES swamps, grasslands, deserts and in both fresh and salt water.
Some are active at night, others during the day. Snakes are
predators and eat a wide variety of animals, including
rodents, insects, birds' eggs and young birds.
The importance of snake in human life
* Snakes serve critical role as predators, as preys, as ecosystem Snake scientific name:
engineers, and provide economic and therapeutic benefits to humans Serpentes
(Figure 1). Snakes are also a source of many medicines. The only
Kingdom: Animalia
proven and effective therapy for snakebite - the snake-anti venom, is
also derived from snake venoms.
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Family: Snakes are classified in the phylum Chordata,
How do snakes affect the environment? subphylum Vertebrata, class Reptilia, order Squamata,
* Ecologically, they are both predator and prey. Snakes are a food suborder Serpentes. There are 14 families, but Colubridae,
source for birds, mammals and other reptiles. Conversely, they feed Elapidae, Hydrophidae, Viperidae, Crotalinae, and
Viperinae are the families and subfamilies of poisonous
on birds, mammals, amphibians, fish and insects. Many species of snakes
small pests, such as rodents and slugs, are eaten by snakes.
Species: reptiles
7 8
Spiders affected by humans
In farming and pasture ecosystems all over world, fires,
sheep-grazing and conventional crops have a harmful effect
on arachnid fauna because they cause extreme changes to
the vegetation structure. Spider abundance is affected in
The importance of spiders in human life: woodland by habitat fragmentation.
Spiders are beneficial predators and serve a significant role in keeping
populations of many insect pests in check. Spiders are oftentimes the
most important biological control of pests in and around homes, yards, Spider scientific name: Araneae
gardens and crops. Spiders temporal range: Kingdom: Animal
The role of spiders in the environment Phylum: Arthropod
Class: Arachnida
Image result for human activity and the environment of
Family: Spiders (Aranea) belong to the class Arachnida
which includes the scorpions, ticks, and mites, and are part
Spiders are beneficial predators and serve a significant role of the Arthropod phylum. Spiders can basically be defined
in keeping populations of many insect pests in check.
Spiders are oftentimes the most important biological control as air-breathing Arthropods with two body parts, the
of pests in and around homes, yards, gardens and crops. cephalothorax and the abdomen.
Spiders use various tactics to capture prey.
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Chicken's life cycle
VI. Importance of Egg: The egg is formed in the reproductive tract of a
female chicken, called a hen.

Embryo: the life is starting to develop creating life, hen's

egg takes 21 days of favourable incubation conditions for
Monkey life cycle the chicken to develop and hatch.
Monkeys have three stages in their life cycle: gestation,
Hatchling: is when they have newly hatched out of their
infanthood, and adulthood.
eggs in the nest and have not developed feathers yet.
Chicks: Baby chickens are called chicks, they start to
Gestation: the process or period of developing inside the develop feather and grow into adult chickens.
womb between conception and birth. Monkeys are pregnant
Adult chicken: the chickens are now at the peak stage of
for a span of 4-6 months.
life, they can now reproduce and produce life.

Infanthood: a living being in the first period of life. :

who is not yet of full age.

Adulthood: the state or condition of being fully grown

or mature. It is the monkeys peak state/stage of life.

Snake life cycle
Spider life cycle
The egg: the female snake lays large but soft
leather-like, white colored eggs. The female snake is
Eggs: develops inside a sac like structure, usually
capable of producing and laying 10 to 15 fertilized soft and can be broken easily.
Egg sac: protects the egg till they hatch and are
Snakelet: Once the embryo inside the egg develops, it
ready to be spiderlings.
hatches young snakes known as snakelets.

Spiderlings: they Undergo several molts untel they

reach adulthood
Adultsnake: When a snakelet enters the adult stage, it
Adult: they are now able to produce their own eggs
becomes mature sexually within a span of 2 to 3 years. and create life.
13 14
-human effect on spiders…………………………………9
-role of spiders in the environment………………………9
I. Structure of animals
-brief explanation……………………………………….10
- process and functions of mitosis in animals…..1
II. monkeys
- brief explanation ……………………………..3
VI. Importance of animals
-effect on the environment…………………….3 - life of cycle of animals monkeys……………….……..11

-effect of humans to monkeys………………….4 - life of cycle of animals chicken………………….……12

- life of cycle of animals snake……………….,,……….13
III. Chicken
- life of cycle of animals spiders……………………….14
-brief explanation……………………………..5
-impact of humans to chickens………………..5
- value and environmental impact…………….6
IV. Snakes
- importance to human life……………………7
-effect to the environment…………………….7
- brief explanation…………………………….8
https://a-z- me,world%20belongs%20to%20that%20genus.
material/biology/scientific-name-of-monkey sciences/serpentes#:~:text=Snakes%20are%20classified%20in%20the,
centre/everything-you-need-to-know-about- snakes%20(see%20Figure%203).
ers#:~:text=Spiders%20are%20arachnids%2C%20a%20class,habitats %20all%20over%20the%20world.

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