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NIM : 231220024
Class : B23

Latihan 1: Pilih bentuk lampau yang tepat dari kata kerja dalam kurung.
1. She visited (visit) her grandparents last summer.
2. They watched (watch) a movie last night.
3. He played (play) basketball yesterday.
4. I studied (study) for the test all day.
5. The train arrived (arrive) on time.

Latihan 2: Isilah titik-titik dengan bentuk kata kerja lampau yang tepat.
1. We had (have) a great time at the party.
2. She did not eat (not eat) breakfast this morning.
3. They visited (visit) Paris last year.
4. He read (read) an interesting book yesterday.
5. It rained (rain) heavily last night.

Latihan 3: Ubah kalimat-kalimat ini ke dalam bentuk pertanyaan.

1. She watched a movie yesterday. ( Did she watch a movie yesterday? )
2. They played soccer in the park. ( Did they play soccer in the park? )
3. He visited his grandparents last weekend. ( Did he visit his grandparents last weekend? )
4. We had a delicious dinner last night. ( Did we have a delicious dinner last night? )
5. The concert started at 8 PM. ( Did the concert start at 8 PM? )

Latihan 4: Ubah kalimat-kalimat ini ke dalam bentuk negatif.

1. She visited London last summer. ( She did not visit London last summer. )
2. They went to the beach yesterday. ( They did not go to the beach yesterday. )
3. He bought a new car last month. ( He did not buy a new car last month. )
4. I finished my homework an hour ago. ( I did not finish my homework an hour ago. )
5. We had a party on Saturday. ( We did not have a party on Saturday. )

Latihan 5: Gabungkan kalimat-kalimat ini menjadi satu kalimat dengan menggunakan kata "and."

1. She watched a movie yesterday.

2. They played soccer in the park.
3. He visited his grandparents last weekend.
4. We had a delicious dinner last night.
5. The concert started at 8 PM.

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