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Odyssey - Returns of Idomeneus and Philoctetes

The Returns of Idomeneus, Philoctetes and Podalirius

<< Previous : The Return of Calchas

According to the Odyssey, Idomeneus “who desires union” returned safely to Crete with all
his companions.

(Some say that he was driven out as soon as he arrived by the tyrant Leucos who took
power in his absence: “brilliant transparency” or “simplicity” replaces “the desire for union.”
Crete, symbolizing the movement towards active consecration, provides goals for the yoga
until the Trojan War: Agamemnon’s mother was a grand-daughter of Minos.)

Similarly, the Odyssey says that Philoctetes “the will to realize” returned from Troy without

These two “returns” that went smoothly also show that the corresponding yogas – the
aspiration and will to serve the goal – must continue without transformation on the new path.

According to the oracle, Podalirius had to settle in a place where he would be safe in the
event of the sky falling. He settled in Chersonese, in a place surrounded by mountains.

Podalirius “who works to purify the incarnation” is a holistic healer, who symbolizes a yoga of
purification that considers the “unity” of being. The seeker should not fear mental upheaval if
he manages to find a proper positioning of his consciousness, in a place where his aspiration
(mountains) protects him from any “accident” in his mind. See in this regard the Mother’s
Agenda in which Mother explains how, at this stage, it is a transition to a yoga where it is the
body itself that aspires, not anymore the mind that has been silenced or the vital that has
achieved total equality.

Indeed, we will see that Odysseus (Ulysses), while crossing Charybdis and Scylla, will
narrowly escape mental accidents, of a schizo-paranoid and manic-depressive type.

Some late sources evoke the fate of various other lesser heroes, but we often lack the
elements necessary for a good understanding of their stories.

For example, the story of Demophon narrated by Appolodorus: Demophon approached

Thrace, was married there to the king’s daughter, and ended up impaled on his own sword
after seeing the content of a box offered to him by his wife.

Or the story of the Locrians who were to appease Athena of Troy by sending two virgins who
had to maintain the sanctuary without ever approaching the goddess. After their death, two
others had to replace them and so on for a thousand years: This story seems to indicate that
the Trojan path of ascension had to be respected and kept dormant for a very long time until
it could find its right place in the yogas of the future.

Next : The Return of Neoptolemus >>

<< Summary and Introduction : The Returns


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