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Problem Statement
Bank of Corporate conducted a telemarketing campaign for one of its financial products,
‘Term deposits’, to build a long-term relationship with the existing customers. Your goal is to
identify the target customers for the term deposits from the pool of the bank’s existing
customers. You should also capture the key driving factors (or driver variables) behind the
successful conversion of a customer, i.e., the customer opening a term deposit account with
the bank.

Assignment Objective
To identify the target customers and the driving factors behind a successful customer
conversion for future marketing campaigns.
PART I : Univariate Analysis

Variable under consideration:

1. Introduction

• Briefly introduce the purpose of univariate analysis in the context of the Bank of Corporate's
telemarketing campaign for term deposits.
PART I : Univariate Analysis

Variable under consideration:

2. Variable under consideration: Customer Demographics

a. Age Distribution - Visualizations: Histogram, box plot, etc. - Descriptive statistics: Mean, median,
mode, range, etc. - Key observations: Any notable trends or patterns in age distribution.

b. Income Level - Visualizations: Bar chart, pie chart, etc. - Descriptive statistics: Average income, income
range, etc. - Key observations: Identify income brackets of customers.

c. Education Level - Visualizations: Bar chart, pie chart, etc. - Descriptive statistics: Percentage of
customers with different education levels. - Key observations: Educational background of customers.
PART I : Univariate Analysis

Variable under consideration:

3. Variable under consideration: Customer Behavior

a. Previous Term Deposit Subscription - Visualizations: Bar chart, percentage distribution, etc. -
Descriptive statistics: Percentage of customers who subscribed to the term deposit previously. - Key
observations: Analyze the impact of previous subscriptions.

b. Number of Contacts during Campaign - Visualizations: Histogram, box plot, etc. - Descriptive statistics:
Average number of contacts, range, etc. - Key observations: Assess the effectiveness of multiple contacts.
PART I : Univariate Analysis

Variable under consideration:

4. Conclusion

• Summarize key findings and insights from the univariate analysis.

PART II : Bivariate Analysis

Variables under consideration:


• Introduce the importance of bivariate analysis in understanding relationships between variables.

• Explain how bivariate analysis can help identify factors influencing successful customer conversion.
PART II : Bivariate Analysis

Variables under consideration:

• Select two relevant variables for bivariate analysis (e.g., age and conversion rate).
• Discuss the rationale behind choosing these variables and their potential impact on the campaign.

Analysis Techniques:

• Employ appropriate statistical techniques (e.g., correlation, regression) to analyze the relationship
between the chosen variables.
• Provide visualizations such as scatter plots or regression plots to illustrate the relationship.
PART II : Bivariate Analysis

Variables under consideration:

Data Segmentation:

• Explore how the relationship between variables varies across different segments (e.g., age groups or
income brackets).
• Discuss any significant patterns or trends observed in the bivariate analysis.
PART II : Bivariate Analysis

Variables under consideration:


• Summarize the key findings from the bivariate analysis.

• Discuss how these insights contribute to understanding the driving factors behind successful customer
PART III: Major insights

Summarize Major Findings

• Summarize the key findings from both univariate and bivariate analyses.
• Highlight major insights that can inform future marketing campaigns.
• Emphasize the most significant driving factors identified.
• Sum up the overall importance of the analysis in targeting customers.
• Suggest practical applications of the insights in improving future telemarketing strategies.
• Mention any limitations of the analysis and propose avenues for future research.
• Remember to tailor the content to the specific variable and data available for your analysis. If
you have more variables, you may need to adjust the structure accordingly.

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