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Information and Communication Technologies Lab Code: CEN1005

Subject/Course Name

Information and Communication Technologies Lab Code: CEN1005

Department Registration Number/Name Semester/Section
F23604037/Muhammad Junaid 1st
CEN-23 Waseem
Instructor’s Name Instructor’s

25-Dec-23 Engr Anique Ahmed

B. Objective or purpose:
o To develop understanding of the process of connecting computers to Ethernet and WIFI,
testing connectivity between devices, setting up FTP between two computers, and exploring
different methods to connect two raspberry pi devices

C. Theeorectical Explaintion:
D. When connecting computers to Ethernet, you use a physical cable called an Ethernet cable that
plugs into the Ethernet ports on your computer and the router. This provides a reliable and fast
connection. On the other hand, connecting computers to Wi-Fi is wireless and uses radio signals.
You need a wireless network adapter on your computer and a Wi-Fi router to connect. Wi-Fi offers
the convenience of wireless connectivity.

E. Testing connectivity between devices involves checking if they can communicate over a network.
One common method is using the "ping" command. It sends a small packet of data to the device you
want to test, and if it receives a response, the connection is working. Other tools can perform more
comprehensive tests for troubleshooting network problems.

F. To set up FTP between two computers, you'll need to install an FTP server software on one
computer and an FTP client software on the other. Then, configure the FTP server and use the client
to connect to the server and transfer files. It's a great way to share files between computers.

G. To connect two Raspberry Pi devices, you can use a network connection. Connect both devices to
the same local network using Ethernet cables or Wi-Fi, and then you can communicate between
them using protocols like SSH. It's a great way to collaborate and share resources between
Raspberry Pi.

H. Experimental procedure:

 Connecting computers to Ethernet and WIFI:

o To connect a computer to Ethernet, you'll need an Ethernet cable.

o Plug one end of the cable into the computer's Ethernet port and the other end into the
Ethernet port on your modem or router.
o This will establish a wired connection.

▪ To connect a computer to Wi-Fi, make sure your computer has a Wi-Fi adapter.
▪ Go to your computer's network settings, select the Wi-Fi network you want to
connect to, and enter the network password if prompted.
▪ Once connected, you'll be able to access the internet wirelessly.

 Testing connectivity between devices:

 Make sure both devices are connected to the same network, either via Ethernet or Wi-
 On one device, open a command prompt or terminal window.
 Type the command "ping" followed by the IP address or hostname of the other
 Press Enter to send the ping request.
 You should see a response indicating whether the devices are successfully

 Setting up FTP between two computers:

 Install an FTP server software on one computer. Popular options include FileZilla
Server, vsftpd, or ProFTPD.
 Configure the FTP server by specifying the port, user accounts, and access
 On the other computer, install an FTP client software such as FileZilla, WinSCP, or
 Open the FTP client and enter the IP address.
 Enter the username and password for the FTP server, if required.
 You should now be connected to the FTP server and able to transfer files between the
two computers.
 Different methods to Connect two raspberry pi devices:

1. Ethernet Connection:

o Connect both Raspberry Pis to the same local network using Ethernet cables.
o Assign unique IP addresses to each Raspberry Pi.
o Use SSH or VNC to remotely access and control one Raspberry Pi from the

2. Wi-Fi Connection:

o Connect both Raspberry Pis to the same Wi-Fi network.

o Assign unique IP addresses to each Raspberry Pi.
o Use SSH or VNC to remotely access and control one Raspberry Pi from
the other.

I. Result:
 Established Ethernet and WIFI connections on PC.
 Created FTP server and connected between two computers.
 Raspberry pi configured for WIFI and Ethernet connetion.

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