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This question paper contains 4printed þages]

Roll No.

S. No. ofQuestion Paper : 51

UniquePaperCode -:31341501

Nameofthe Paper Internet Technologies

Name of the Course B.Se. (H) Computer Sclençe
Duration:3 Hours Maximum Marks:75s.

-(Writeyour Rol Na. orthëtop iminedatély on recelpt of thts questionpaper)

Secion A i!
iAttemptyall :que_tions fom-this section.
1. (a) Write a JavaScript code block. with the folowing.
validations, for username, and. password 3.

") Fitiename ót password field isnot entered, display

an eror message showing "You forgot one of the
required fields. Try Again"
(in In case the fields entered do not match: the hard:
":coded valües,, display an error: message. showing
"Enter valid -username -and password":
(i) If the values entered match,: display thè message
Welcome userDame:"

Get FREE Compild Boks, Notes, Programis, Books, iestion Papers at https://www.tuforial[

(b)Whais thà diterénce in the operators "= and

=F* ExplaiD with, thé help of an example. 2

(c) Write JavaScript code to validate hone numbeç.

Wite a program to add.10 numbers to an aray list and
print the sum of numbers using for each loop.

What sis the purpose of, Resultset object ? Give an

example of ScrollableResultset showing, all the


Dëacribe 'BeaD' pèrststencebriefly.iHowhcai a Bean bë

made' persistent ?

(e),Explaün, ýamethods,gsed to-send:htp request parameters

to server and how does the striture of request objects
vary in both cases.

(). What is the difference between include directive &

jsp:include ?

What are the. advantages of JSP over Pure Servlets ?.3.

) Explain the life cycle of JSP.

Tutorials- &Programs ofC++, Java, JâvaScript. JSP, PHP, Pxthon, Kotlin are
Get FREE Compiled Books, Notes, Programs, Books, Qüestion Papers at https:/w*,

tSectión B

Attempt any four questions from this: section.

2 * Whàt are the different types of JSTL tags ? Explaih cach
with'a suitable example.
(6): Wite, aJSP program tó set Suderit Bean pióperties (Name,
Age and Grade) from the JSP påge. Display these
properties 'using standard JSTL action element. 5

aExpain MVC Model in context of JSP "application

:(6) Dsign an ÄTML form toinpír the producr'
dtails(Product name(string having less,than 20
characters), product type(Electronics, Sanitary), Price:

range(1-10000), Warr¡nty(1 or. 2)) and 'check whether all

thefields have been, filled with valid values, at the time

of submiting the form.

(a). Explan the HTTP request and response message -formats
in the contxt of JSP.

(b) Explain the.following JavaScript methods with

examples :
eval( ), parselnt( ), join( ), substring( ), alert( ).

rials & Program's Java. Scr JSP. PHP, Python, Kotlin are ble at
Get FREE Comipiled Booka; Notes, Programs, Books, Question PapeYs at htips/
4. ) S1

Write' aJavaScript còde. which.will gret user according

to. Current time.

(6) Write the difference between Acce_sor. and Mutator

methöds. DefiFe a reçtangle class with, one açcessor and
one, mutaor..method.

6. (a) UPDATE the student with, RollINo-205, from 'Sudènt

Explain the difference between executeQuery()aFd
-executeUpdate() methods with exámples.

ia). Explain the following în tems of Java Beans with thë

help of an example.:
(0. Constraint property
: (i) Indexed property:
() Design a Student Bean, using Beanlnfo interface-with
-propertics Sudent Name, Roll No., Cl¡ss, Marks,


Tutorials &Programs of C++; Java, Javaacript, JSP: PHP, Python, Kotlin are avaikable at

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