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to human hair in color and placement, and their hands

Abednedo have five digits, but they have just three toes.
Although they are typically similar to humans in size,
they have more dramatic size differences than other
species, so some can be significantly larger than
other Abednedo.

Not unlike humans, Abednedo are a very common
sight in the galaxy, and they can excel in a wide range
of professions that includes politicians and pilots to
scoundrels and technicians. They often travel
offworld, as they are gregarious and also curious
about the rest of the galaxy. They are accepting but
curious towards other cultures. The Abednedo
descend from a species that lived in massive
underground cathedrals, which are interconnected by
a complex tunnel system. When they formed a more
civilized society than that of their precursors, they
colonized the surface of their planet, and they built
massive cities. Their precursors still exist
underground, although the two species rarely interact
with one another.

Abednedo and the Empire:

Abednedo are currently allies of the Rebel Alliance,
but their loyalty will not be reinforced until after the
Note: Battle of Endor, when the Empire will conduct
Unlike many of the species in this guide, Abednedo Operation: Cinder. During this event, the Empire will
are exclusive to Canon. However, just as many use a climate disruption array to devastate
Legends species could also exist in Canon, relatively Abednedo’s environment, along with many other
little prevents Abednedo from existing in Legends. planets, including some of the Empire’s most loyal
allies. After surviving the Imperial occupation, the
Stats: Abednedo will become firm allies of the New Republic
WT 10+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower and the Resistance.
110 XP
1 rank in Knowledge-Xenology Homeworld:
Sensory Tendrils: Remove setback for lighting Abednedo come from Abednedo, a planet in the
conditions. Colonies. The architecture, decoration, and
organization of their cities is complex and erratic,
Physiology: featuring seemingly random flagpoles, decorative
Abednedo are mammalian humanoids who have tan, spires, and artistic carvings. These are typically
cream, or brown skin, which occasionally has gray confusing and overwhelming to outsiders, but the
spots. They have a wide, elongated head, and their Abednedo find them to be entertaining.
eyes, split far apart on their face, are also very dark.
They have prominent nostrils split on their sides of Language:
their head, and their mouth is at the end of their Abednedo have a knack for learning many different
pointed chin. Surrounding their mouth, they have two languages, so they typically know at least Basic and
tendrils that droop downwards, and these act as extra their native tongue of Abednedish, and many know
sensory organs, which are helpful in conditions where even more.
they struggle to see. They have hair which is similar

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