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Abyssin The Abyssin are large creatures who are extremely

muscular. They have one eye that is typically white,
yellow, or orange with a black pupil. They have
pointed ears and black hair around their face. Most
have no neck, as their entire upper chest is filled with
muscle. They are not very intelligent but do boast
powerful regenerative abilities. Aside from the elderly,
the Abyssin can regrow nearly any body part, such as
limbs and even organs. As such, they can live for
about 300 years.

The Abyssin have a primitive tribal society that is very
violent. They are a brutish people, largely a result of
their regeneration. Many don’t realize that other
species do not have their extreme toughness or fast
healing. Since they lack stable resources, they are
organized into nomadic tribes with no centralized
government. Because life is so harsh for them, elderly
Abyssin often voluntarily exile themselves to die alone
rather than waste their tribe’s resources.

Trading and Blooding:

When Abyssin tribes encounter one another, their
tradition allows for two options. If both have enough
food and water to survive, the two tribes trade with
each other in peace and fairness. However, if one
tribe severely lacks food or water, that tribe will
instigate a “Blooding.” This violent event is a brawl
that involves all members of each tribe. It only ends
when all the members of one tribe have surrendered,
Stats: are incapacitated, or are killed. Once the Blooding is
Brawn 3, Intellect 1 over, the surviving tribe takes all of the food and
WT 13+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower
water. While this tradition has worked fine amongst
95 XP the Abyssin, it is somewhat more problematic with
1 rank in Brawl or Survival offworlders. Arcona colonists first came to Abyssin,
Claws: Deal +1 Brawl damage as wounds and have a bringing food and water to exchange. However, the
Crit rating of 3. poorer Abyssin tribes would instead fight them.
Regeneration: When recovering 1 or more wounds
through natural rest or a bacta tank, recover 1 Homeworld:
additional wound. May also regrow lost limbs after a Abyssin come from the desert world of Byss, an Outer
few weeks. Rim planet in the Ash Worlds. It is very hot and very
Primitive: Upgrade the difficulty of any checks dry. It has twin suns, causing it to have a unique
involving advanced technology. This counts as any day-night cycle. Many Abyssin are taken offworld as
technology not available on their home planet, slaves; others go as mercenaries.
although individual pieces of technology they become
familiar with over an extended period of time can Language:
become exempt from this at the GM's discretion. May The Abyssin speak Abyssin, a hieroglyphic language
spend 10 XP at character creation to remove this of grunts and growls. Most do not know Basic.
penalty permanently.

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