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variety of natural weapons, including a poisonous

Araquia bite, which has a paralyzing effect. Before using this

bite, they typically restrain their prey by shooting
sticky webs. Araquia can also use thick stands of web
like a rope to lower themselves safely, or they can
create large wings out of their silk. They can then fill
themselves with air, and the wings are able to lift them
off the ground. However, they have little control over
their flight and must be carried by the wind.

Araquia are pacifistic: They never kill sentient beings,
and even animals they often leave alone should
vegetarian food be available. They are expert healers
and doctors, and they have extensive knowledge of
the herbs and fungi on their homeworld which have
medicinal properties. Doctors have a key role as
leaders among them, although their tribes also have a
governing council. Despite their skills in advanced
medicine, they live simple lives, building homes in
rural rainforest canopies and catching prey with their
webs. For those not involved in medical industries,
many become wilderness experts.

Ecological Devastation:
Stats: Araquia have always been fairly few in number, never
WT 10+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower having more than a million of them, but their
90 XP population is now on the verge of extinction, with only
1 rank in Survival around 1,500 remaining. This is because of human
Medical Experts: Receive the talent “Surgeon.” colonialism, as the new arrivals have damaged some
Flight: May fill body with air and spend four of their habitats and even hunted them as a result of a
maneuvers to prepare a wide sheet of web, which can cultural misunderstanding. Even worse, some
be used to float. When floating, hover above the humans sold Araquia territory to the Empire, which
ground and move if pushed by the wind. May make has begun a massive deforestation campaign while
an average Coordination check to move one range building a supply station. The famous Araquia doctor
band in any direction, including upward. T’Jaleq Kith’Araquia tried to reason with them, but he
Paralytic Bite: May spend 3 advantage on a was branded as a rebel and nearly killed. Currently,
successful Brawl check to bite. A target who has been the remaining Araquia wage war on the Empire, but
bitten must pass an average Resilience check or they refuse to take any lives. Instead, they destroy
become Immobilized for the rest of the encounter. equipment, hoping that it will make Imperial
Webs: May shoot webs once per encounter, attacking operations too costly to continue.
within short range using Athletics. Deal no damage,
but have the Ensnare 3 quality. May also use webs as Homeworld:
a tool similar to rope. Araquia come from Kirtania, a planet in the northern
part of the Outer Rim. It is verdant but humid,
Physiology: particularly in the rainforests where the Araquia live.
Araquia are six-legged arachnids who are about two The humans are divided into three nations: Dulai,
meters tall. They have dark green skin, spindly limbs, Surana, and Kinkosa, the latter of whom are allied
and a large abdomen behind their limbs. They have with the Empire. Their largest city is Kinkosa City,
six black eyes, each near a corresponding shoulder, which has a spaceport and an Imperial work camp.
and the front of their body features a mouth
surrounded by two mandibles. They are omnivores, Language:
capable of eating vegetation as well as rodents, It is unknown whether or not the Araquia continue to
avians, and insects. They can catch their prey using a use a native language.

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