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US Personal Essay Writing

Tips Summary
Parke Muth, Associate Dean of
Admissions, Director of International
Admissions, University of Virginia, “It's not
Writing Tips a movie you are making, but a Nike Ad.
The time it takes me to read 500 words is
about the time I take to watch a Nike

• You have a choice of essays.
Think about what you want to present to the university then choose the
essay that allows you to do that. Self reflection always helps, a unique
perspective is valued.
• You have three sentences to get the reader interested
• Demonstrate, not tell
• Be straightforward. Write in prose.
• Be sincere and do invest time and effort in writing, it will show.
• Be selective about what you include -- it’s impossible to share in detail
about your entire life.
Sample for Writing an Engaging Introduction

Sample for Writing an Engaging Introduction
Sample for Demonstrating Values
Writing Tips: What To Avoid
• Frivolous themes e.g. what is love
• Common themes (whatever works for everyone does not work)
• It’s your story, do not write the story of someone else.
• Do not be dramatic.
• Do not write about stuff that you do for the sake of doing. Be authentic.
• Mistakes in grammar. Essays demonstrate your mastery of language.
What Can You Do Now?
• Choose your colleges early and get to know them well. Their history, values, mission, what are they
proud of. Consider taking virtual tours if available.
• Know yourself. What are your values, your aspirations, your character?
• Think about the career you want.
• Think about why you want to go overseas.
• Reflect on what you have achieved and how your past work demonstrates your beliefs and values.
• You still have time, invest it wisely. Practise your beliefs and demonstrate your values.

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