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Q1: Which one of the following is not a WordPress role??

a None

b Subscriber

c System

d None

e Editor

f Administrator

Q2: HTML Is a subset of?

a None Of These



d None

e None


Q3: What will happen If you run the command "init 1" in your terminal?

a Shut down the system

b Enter single user mode

The correct Answer is: None

d Start the system without a display manager (GUI)

e Reboot the system

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: Which is the log in which data changes received from a replication master server are
a General Query Log

b None

c Binary Log

d Relay Log

e None

f Error Log

Q5: Which of the following method acts as a destructor function in a PHP class??

a destructor()

The correct Answer is: None

c destructor

d __destruct

e class_name()

The correct Answer is: None

Q6: Do deactivated plugins slow down a WordPress site??

a None

b Deactivated do not plugins slow down your website

c None

d None

e None

f Even deactivated plugins slow down your website

Q7: Which function is used to Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and
end of a string??

a trim

b strip
c None

d trim_str

e strip_str

f None

Q8: Which of the following is used to add multiple line comments in PHP ??

a /* */

b {{ }}

c {/ \}

d None

e None

f //

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