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6¢ EVERY HUMAN BEING IS THE AUTHOR OF HIS OWN HEALTH OR DISEASE 99 - Buddha War Does Fenar Gtur Have To Do Wirt Heaura7 Having and maintaining good health is vital to living a fulfilled life. We've all experienced falling ill or feeling under the weather, and we know the frustrations that come along with it. But then there are the types of health issues that don’t necessarily cause you to fall sick. This is when you feel constantly exhausted or mentally drained regardless of how much sleep you get. And despite what you do or how hard you try you are stuck in that same place. If you are affected by these sort of problems, it could be due to the less than favourable Feng Shui of your home. Good Feng Shui can help better and enhance your health just like bad Feng Shui can negatively affect it. Copyright © 2 Private Limited > Waar Exacn Is FenerGtur7 Feng Shui is alll about harnessing the energies around you to make the best improvements needed to align with the energy within you. This energy, the one found within us and the energy found in the environment naturally is called Qi. Feng Shui can be divided into two aspects — the External Environment (Mountains & Water) and Internal Environment. External Environment can’t be changed as such, for the purpose of this checklist, we'll be focusing on the Internal Environment so you'll be able to make the necessary modifications to improve your health. The Internal Environment is the interior part of the home or property. The main internal areas are the main door, kitchen, and bedroom. Continue to the next page for steps on how to help boost your health with Feng Shui. > INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Main Door The main door, also known as the Qi Mouth, is important because this is where the Qi enters from. It is important that the Qi flowing through it is not negatively or adversely affected by either the External or Internal Forms. The main door is one of the most important component of the house ass it is also linked to the health of the inhabitants. A well-placed main door should have these features:- Creckiise A spacious area in front of the main door A clear and uncluttered entrance Bright and/or well-lit There is no lamp/fire hydrant in front or in direct view of your main door There is no staircase leading down or up to a room door. (Qi travels up to any subsequent floor by it) a JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP. ‘THE JOEY YAP UNIVERSE O OO00 > INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Kitchen The Kitchen is where food is prepared. Therefore, if the Qi in that area is bad, it affects the health of the residents because they do not consume good or proper food. The main component when talking about the kitchen is the stove location. It is preferable that the stove is located at a positive area. These are some of the things you should look out for: CHECKLIST (© The sink and stove (if side-by-side) should be at least 3 feet apart The sink and stove are not directly opposite each other O the stove is not on an island in the kitchen © the stove is not below a beam The stove is facing or backing the door JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP. ‘THE JOEY YAP UNIVERSE > INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Bedroom The bedroom is important because activities such as sleeping and resting are crucial in ensuring good physical and mental health. The bedroom should have good interior features. Ideally, the good features and bed positioning should complement each other. So what does it mean to have good or bad Forms in the room? CHECKLIST © There are no water features in the bedroom © The feet of the bed is not directly facing any door © The shape of the room should be rectangular or square © There are no beams running above the bed © The bedhead should be against a wall (not a window) JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP. THE JOEY YAP UNIVERSE Copyright © 209 by loey Yap Private Limited If you are recovering from a bout of illness or trying to rest and relax in your own home, tapping into healing Qiis a swift and problem-free recovery. Remember no matter how effective Feng Shui is, it is not a replacement for contemporary medicine. It cannot cure major health concerns on its own, it is a tool that helps boost ones health and well-being. — | 4 JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Diatesaatn ness Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited a RE Re OS Ree mR Re Pa eaelTsea R Una) Rea enue Maree arate tere ts Join this Facebook Group I've created. It's a community ee ea oe Re oc eee Seen kl We're running tutorials, exclusive videos, quizzes and etc eee re ke Se en RR ate Cac eee ee Maes Re rea Till then, may you find abundance and happiness. Vee eae Joey is the world's #1 authority in Fer bestselling author of 179 books published in 7 different languages with more than 4,500,00 old globally. He speaks to more than 50,000 pk his live events 2 Bloomberg and CNBC He is also the ch iconic developments including Battersea London, Aurora Melbourne and Publika Ma g Shui & Chinese Metaphysics. He's a laysia, He founded the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics in 2000, an institution dedicated to the rch and mia of Chinese Metaphysics with more than 20,000 graduates and a global following of 23 million followers. Today, his ‘ograms are delivered in major cities including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Melbourne, Perth, Paris, Florence, Bangkok, Manila, Jakarta, Hc Chi Minh, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. In the last 20+ years, he has been helping thousands of students and clients from all over the world, embark on their life journeys towards a transformational experience using Feng Shui, Bazi, Yi jing, Face Re Men Dun Jia. He is also the creator of the award-winning programs Grow Rich with BaZi™ and Design Your Destiny". ing, Date Selection and Qi Eth «= & 4,500,000 -2,300,000+ 50,000 179% 54+ Ro so THE JOEY pi TONES: Daily Posts, Live Educational Trainings, Bite Sized Nuggets, Free Downloads & Much Much More REQUEST ACCESS HERE Join our private and closed Facebook Group today! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Ree ence SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS. eee et ca FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM CEC cuts Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap CO te eel eo All intellectual property rights contained or in relation to this eBook Dolce nC) No part of this action guide may be copied, used, subsumed, or exploited in fact, field of thought or general idea, by any other authors Cer em eee eel Cai ood reproduced in any way, including but not limited to digital copying and printing in any form whatsoever worldwide without the prior agreement PR ea yr ausseuno mee tor Eine

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