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MG, SSONL TECHNIQUE TO BECOME MORE ATTRACTIVE & LIKABLE THE 7 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT APPLYING FENG SHUI TO IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPS Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts... good relationships fee! good. They feel right. They don't hurt. They're not painful. That's not just with somebody you want to marry, but it's with the friends that you choose. It's with the people you surround elCTE-1—U1ee - Michelle Obama- INTRODUCTION By We're all social beings, and let’s face it, the most challenging aspect of human life is how you cope with the impermanence of human relationships and how you deal with people. Sometimes you just feel negative and it’s a sign that you, your relationships, your home or the workplace are cluttered with bad / negative energy. Some of these signs include: * Excessive complaining * Criticizing * Being drawn to negative relationships * You blame others * Everything feels cluttered What if | told you that some of these signs could actually be a result of bad Feng Shui? Now, you would be thinking, “How can Feng Shui help my relationships dilemmas?” JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Copyright© 20% by Joey Yap Private Lies WHAT DOES PEOPLE RELATIONSHIP MEANS By WHAT DOES RELATIONSHIP REALLY MEANS? Now, when it comes to relationship in terms of Classical Feng Shui, it does not necessary means that it could all be the romantic kind of relationships to look at. Rather, we are talking about aa people-to-people relationships. coon PERAK RAG Rcgas People-to-people relationships includes family relationships and personal relationship with friends, superiors, colleagues, business partners, business associates, suppliers and etc. It does not exclude romantic relationships in this sense, but it does not exclusively pertain to romantic relationships either. Improving relationships through Classical Feng Shui is about making use of the energies (Qi, 4.) in certain locations of the home or workplace to assist with relationships by helping to pave ways for meeting new people, or interacting with others. It creates opportunities for interaction, networking and good relations with those around you. If for example, you find that you are always being backstabbed at work, or perhaps you are lacking support from superiors or colleagues at work, or constantly being picked on by a superior at work, you have a relationship problem. ‘THE FACEBOOK GROUP 2 Copyright © 2019 Joey Yap Pate Lite. WHAT DOES PEOPLE RELATIONSHIP MEANS WHAT IS THE PEACH BLOSSOM? One of the most well-known concepts in Feng Shui is the Peach Blossom. It is commonly believed to represent love, and there are many stories of people trying to find their significant other through the Peach Blossom Star. Well, the Peach Blossom actually represents all relationships. It shows how and where a person can find his/her Peach Blossom, or close friends/significant other/love ones. Itis indeed an important star for love and relationships, however, itis not the only way to find it. The main thing about the Peach Blossom Star is that it is the easiest to use, so that you can gain a subtle boost to your charm and relationships. All you would need to do is to follow the steps on this guide to activate your Peach Blossom Star. Now, let's talk about the 7 things that you need to know about Feng Shui & Relationships. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Copyright © 2019 y Joey Yap Priate Limited, THE 7 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW THE 7 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT FENG SHUI & RELATIONSHIPS —— 1 Your home is like a container of Qi and your environment (mountains, rivers, roads and neighboring large structures) emits Qi. It's always preferred that your front door or main facade of the building does not face or is near a negatively featured structure. 2 Choosing a great Feng Shui home before buying is ideal, but if you want to apply Feng Shui in an existing home that wouldn't be a problem either. Feng Shui can be very subtle and these setups are usually unnoticeable to the untrained eye. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Pacer A Copyright© 2019 by joey Yap Private Limited THE 7 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW 3 Your main entrance should always lead to space that is unobstructed, uncluttered and comfortable. In Feng Shui terms, we call this the bright hall and is where Qi collects before it’s redistributed to the other parts of the home. 4 The main internal factor in your house that affects relationships is your bedroom. If your bedroom has good Qi, your relationships would be steady and good. On the other hand, a bedroom with negative Qi will lead to problems. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Fel nets: A Copyright© 20% by Joey Yap Private Lies THE 7 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW 5 Clutter in the room is one of the main ways your bedroom can get negative Qi so keep it tidy and clean, The two most major factors you should be concerned about is the bed and the bedroom’s location in the house. Don't bother thinking about the bedroom's color or other superstitious objects such as Mandarin Ducks, as they don't matter for Feng Shui! opyght © 2019 by Joey Yap 7 Each house has a unique Feng Shui chart or map that is customized to the period when the house was built, the occupants and the configuration of the property. For a basic overview of this concept, see the guide in the next pages. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP eee Let's Get STARTED By LET’S GET STARTED There are a lot factors related to Feng Shui but the four main factors are People, Environment, Time and Building We're not going to attempt to make you an expert nor promise you that by reading this eBook, it's gonna make you rich, real quick. But for the purpose of this guide, we're going to narrow it down to Building as a factor - the place where you spend most of your time at. This could either be your home or office. We're going to make it really simple for you to apply and focus the results. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Copyright © 2019 by joey Yap rvate Lied STEP 4 wv aa IDENTIFY YOUR OBJECTIVES AND GOALS Feng Shui is a holistic tool which can target improvements in specific areas in your life. Are you facing any of these problems right now? No one seems to be interested in me | always get into arguments with my spouse and family Ihave colleagues that seem to dislike me and constantly backstab me I'm stuck ina relationship that | can’t get out of I keep meeting the wrong people in life My friendships never last more than 1 or 2 years 9900000 My children don't listen to me JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Copyright © 2019 by joey Yap Private Limited. step 2 By YOUR HOME Feng Shui is a century old study and practice. In fact, it’s one of the oldest professions in the world. In the simplest way | can tell you, we primarily look at directions, locations and sectors of your home and how the people can benefit from receiving the Positive Qi (energy). Once you have identified your objectives and goals, then you look for the sector or location of the home and activate the Qi in that area. The activation itself helps you stimulate Qi and as a result, will bring about positive outcomes to that specific area in your life such as career, academic pursuits or even The Peach Blossom (that loosely translates to Romance or your likeability factor). Think of Qi itself as WiFi, It’s already there. All you need to do is to tap into it. There are TWO things you need to do here (Yep, you'd have to put this book down for a while to get it done). 1. Measure the Direction of your Main Door 2. Get your house floor plan and segment it into 8 quadrants Follow the illustrations in the next pages. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP FENG Copyright © 2019 by Joey Yap Private Limited STEP 2 Ww Whip out your floor plan and box it off to get a perfect, 1 rectangle (Refer to the red line). Then, get the center point of your property (Refer to the red dotted line). (an app from your phone is also acceptable) to get the direction. 2 Stand at the center point (marked x) and use a compass JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP eGx=x=== oprah © 2019 by Joey Yop Pate Lite STEP 2 Segment your floor plan into 8 quadrants as shown below. Mark the respective directions of the house (North, NorthEast, East, and so on). CI Tips: Don't have a house floor plan? Don't worry, you can DIY it! You just got to make sure that the floor plan is proportional to the actual property. Don't bother adding the balcony or external lifts into the floor plan, The Flying Star Chart is only applicable to the interior of your home. Copyright © 2019 y Joey Yap Priate Limited, JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP a= steps B MATCH THE FLYING STARS There are many formulas and schools in the world of Chinese Metaphysics and Feng Shui. Think of martial arts; there's Shaolin, Wu-Dang and Jeet-Keen Do. So many ways to throw a punch but the punch itself has the same purpose. Again, we're focusing on the results so what I'm going to use for this eBook is a method called the Flying Stars Feng Shui (% 2 4 AK), It's basically a method that maps out the prevailing Qi based on the current astrological movements of stars. These stars change cyclically. Here's what the Flying Stars look like for 2019. A 4e Cia Prat] Soe) a CTU) roe one ies JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP ant a) Copyright© 2019 Joey Yap Private Limes steps By Under this step, we will focus on 2 techniques. But first, you'll need to learn how to map the flying stars into your house. Map these stars into your house based on the direction taken earlier. Stand at the center point (marked x) and use a compass (an app from your phone is also acceptable) to get the direction. Note: The sectors highlighted in RED are the good sectors in 2019. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP 13 Paeent) oe copyright© 20% by oer Yap Private Lies STEP 4 ae LEARNING THE TECHNIQUES There 2 ways to achieve better relationship goals. In this step, we will focus on: Technique #1 Using the Noble Person Star For those who are struggling with relationships, we will frst focus on the west sector as highlighted below. Why? Technique #2 The west sector contains Star #1, which is the Noble People Star. To put it simply, it promotes the building and nurturing of relationships. Needless to say, this should be a Star that anyone with problems in their relationships should focus on. So, how do we activate it? In order to activate Star #1, make sure that itis in the main door, bedroom or your workspace (any sector that is naturally active with activities). Once it is activated, itll help you in connecting with other people better, whether they be your colleagues, clients, friends or family. Using the Peach Blossom Sector Copyright © 2019 y Joey Yap Private Lite. People who want to find their future soulmate are in luck, as 2019 possesses the Peach Blossom sector, which is the north sector. It contains the Star #1 and Star #4 combination. When these 2 Stars come together, it increases the Peach Blossom luck. In order to activate this sector, try to ensure that it is in your bedroom. Otherwise, you can instead place some beautiful plants in that sector, as the Wood Element from those plants will activate the sector as well JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP === steps By TRY IT IT COST YOU NOTHING It sounds like magic but it’s really not that mystical. The study of Chinese Metaphysics and the art of applying dates back to Imperial China more than a thousand years ago. When you start to see subtle improvements especially in the goals you've identified, you'll begin to understand that we are all beings of energy. Like it or not, being on this planet means that we are bound by a universal force that’s greater than us. Feng Shui is an art that can create results that is beyond imagination. The world’s iconic business leaders, corporations and tycoons use it. Why shouldn't you and |? JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP Copyright © 2019 by joey Yap Private Litas CR ae OS reading this. Some of you would have more questions Se ee Rae ae RT RES ce et ee el en ec Join this Facebook Group I've created. It's a community Cee a eR UOC more about this wonderful tool We're running tutorials, exclusive videos, quizzes and ee tc re Re Sn ene RR ate Ca Cee Mums ate Cronk Till then, may you find abundance of wealth, health & feeg Yeor ABOUT JOEY YAP Joey is the world’s #1 authority in Feng Shui & Chinese Metaphysics. He's a selling author of 179 books published in 7 different languages with more than 4,500,000 copies sold globally. He speaks to more than 50,000 people at his live events around the world and is featured in CNN, Bloomberg and CNBC e is also the chief consultant to some of the world's most iconic development: including Battersea London, Aurora Melbourne and Publika Malaysia. He founded the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics in 2000, an institution dedicated to the research and academia of Chinese Metaphysics with more than 20,000 graduates and a global following of 2.3 million followers. Today, his programs are delivered in major cities including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Melbourne, Perth, Paris, Florence, Bangkok, Manila, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. 1 the last 204 years, he has been helping thousands of students and from all over the world, embark on their life journeys towards a transform: experience using Feng Shui, BaZi, Yi Jing, Face Reading, Date Selection and Qi Men Dun Jia, He is also the creator of the award-winning programs Grow Rich with BaZi™ and Design Your Destiny™. LEARN MORE — 990 & 9 990 E i a V 4,500,000 2,300,000 50,000 4796 54+ JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP iar Een a ert 7 UW #1 FENG SHUI GROUP - — More than 36,000 members & growing REQUEST ACCESS HERE Want to learn Feng Shui in a fun way with other like-minded individuals? Join our private and closed Facebook Group today! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Renee esac SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS. foe a eee sot FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ea Ce OPT gC en hee All intellectual property rights contained or in relation to this eBook Perea AES No part of this action guide may be copied, used, subsumed, or exploited in fact. field of thought or general idea, by any other authors ene eee Ea Cease reproduced in any way, including but not limited to digital copying and Pn EGA RUMI a ue Ried eles PR cancun gees varias

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