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Analysis extrinsic and intrinsic elements of novel If I Tie You Down

by Orman Stephanie Van

Analisis elemen ekstrinsik dan intrinsik pada novel If I Tie You
Down karya Orman Stephanie Van

Analysis, This research entitled “ analysis extrinsic and intrinsic of novel if i tie
intrinsic, you down”, is intended to give explanation about extrinsic and
extrinsic, intrinsic elements in the novel. The objective of this research are to
novel if i tie you down identify and analysis extrinsic and intrinsic elements of novel if i tie
you down.


Analisis, Penelitian ini berjudul “ Analisis ekstrinsik dan intrinsik novel if i tie
intrinsik, you down” , ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang
ekstrinsik, unsur ekstrinsik dan intrinsik dalam novel tersebut. Tujuan dari
novel if i tie you down penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis unsur
ekstrinsik dan intrinsik novel if i tie you down.

The literary work that is disclosed shows the pattern of people’s life, therefore literature and
human life are closely related (in Fajrin, 2012:41). Literature will discusses the disclosure of
life’s problems which are a reflection of life siocial media that moves the authors to perpetuate
each of these moments through imaginative activities. Literature will also discuss philosophy to
psychology, eight?. In a scientific way but chenneling in through literary writing as well.

Literary works reflect the results of the creative process, which requires contemplation and
adjusments ideas, and finally maturation, so on have certain steps that will differentiate between
one writer and another writer. Literary works are divided into fiction and non-fiction, regarding
fiction literary works originating from the imagination of an author, on the other hand non-
fiction literary works are literary works that contains facts, then it has been researched by the
previous author to get it be held accountable. There are many types of fictional literary works,
namely, short stories, novellas, novels, romances or other types of division associated with prose.
By type One of the most popular works of fiction is the novel. The novel is a prose essay
contains a series of stories of a person's life with the people around him by highlighting the
character and characteristics of each actor (in KBBI V).

Novels are used to describing life events or even people's culture certain too. The novel is
divided into two groups of works, it can be as a work novel serious work or entertainment
novels, if serious work novels are expected to be beautiful works, interesting and at the same
time has an entertaining power that can sometimes give a feeling satisfaction to its readers, such
as feminism novels are serious works but not escape from the word entertaining. For example,
the author Pramoedya Ananta Toer ( Which is gone ) Likewise with WS. Rendra describes Maria
Zaitun in his poem The Song of the Swans, is a painting of the destiny of a woman who must be
prostitutes to contract lion king disease (in Endraswara, 2013: 143).

In general, novels have building elements, namely intrinsic and extrinsic elements each - each
has a connection with the course of the ongoing formation of a novel intact, intrinsic elements
build from within. Consists of themes, characters and characterizations, plot, setting, language
style and message, while the extrinsic elements are the elements that build from the outside.
Some of the elements are elements of biographies, psychology, circumstances environment and
way of life.


This research will use descriptive method with the following steps:

1. Preparation

Read the whole novel If I tie you down to get a thorough understanding as well as complete
information and read some related research with the title as supporting information.
2. Data collection

Quoting the words and conversations of the characters in the novel If I tie you down for obtain
information to be used as study material in analyzing characters main, identify existing figures
and focus on main character and identify the problems faced by the main character.

3. Data analysis

The data were analyzed intrinsically by reading the Bahasa version of If I Tie You Down
Indonesian to get a more accurate translation is used to describe and analyze one of the intrinsic
elements namely character, therefore the writer uses Stanton's stages.


As previously indicated, the point of the study is to analysis extrinsic and intrinsic elements of
novel If I Tie You Down

Intrinsic Elements of novel If I Tie You Down

The summary of observations of the intrinsic elements obtained from novel If I Tie You Down is
presented in the table below. The study only looked at the three most significant parts of novel,
namely the topic, characterizations, and the message delivered by the short narrative.

Table 1. Intrinsic elements of novel If I Tie You Down

Theme Characters Message

Trust, forgiveness and self- Protagonist : 1. Don’t break friendships just
discovery beause of money
1. Shannon, is a beautiful 2. Don’t break someone’s
woman who works in a trust in you
recording studio as an 3. Don’t force people who
administrator, she is a don’t like you
woman who can’t trust a 4. Love someone who can
man but when she met accept you as you are
Fletch she immediately 5. Be yourself
fall in love with him.
2. Fletch, a drummer, he was
intrested in Shannon
because he heard stories
from his cousin, Simon.
3. Simon, is Fletch’s cousin,
he likes Shannon but
Shannon rejects him
because he is not what
Shannon expected
4. Chaster, is Fletch’s
childhood friend and an
eloquent manager.


1. Nathalie, was a Shannon

friend but she betrayed
Shannon she teamed up
with Carver Criche to
kidnap Shannon because
she was in need of a lot of
2. Carver Criche, is a music
producer, he likes
Shannon and he told
Nathalie to kidnap
Shannon and play her.
3. Ringlet, is a singer, she
collaborated with Fletch
and ended up liking
Fletch, and he teamed up
with Carver Criche to
destroy Shannon and
Fletch’s relationship.
4. Roderic, is Fletch’s
workmate, he is a cooky

The essential features discovered in novel If I Tie You Down are described in teble 1. As
previously said, this study focuses solely on the three key inherent parts of a short tale, namely
the choice of topic, character, and message in the story. The story is about trust, forgiveness and
self-discovery. The story follows Shannon, a woman who has been hurt in the past and is hesitant
to trust again. She meets Fletch, a man who is determained to win her over and prove that he is
different from her past experiences. As they navigate their relationship, they must also confront
their own personal demonds and insecurities, like her friend who betrayed and people who tried
to destroy their relationship. This in keeping with the moral themes of the story, which is Don’t
break someone’s trust in you and Don’t force people who don’t like you.
Extrinsic elements of novel If I Tie You Down

The following table summarizes the extrinsic components found in novel If I Tie You Down.
The study only looks at two extrinsic aspects in novel; social values and moral values. These two
factors are esssential to be investigated and are closely related to the learning objectices.

Table 2. Extrinsic elements of novel If I Tie You Down

Values implied in novel if i tie you down

Social Values Moral Values
1. Find someone who love you sincerely 1. Honesty will save you, even though you
2. Guard yourself from unrighteousness afraid of it
3. Be loyal to your friends no metter what 2. Pay trust to those who entrust yourself to
4. Love someone for who they are not for you and do not betray (cheat) to those who
what they are deceive you.

In the second table discusses the extrinsic elements in the novel if i tie you down, here there are
two elements namely social values and moral values, based on the novel there are four social
values that we can understand together and there are two moral values that we can take as
lessons for us.

The social value that we can take from this novel is that we have to find people who accept us
as we are, not because lies. Just like Shannon the main character in the novel, she les every time
she goes out with a man because she is afraid of him being himself the person she is dating
dosen’t like her, even though if we really love someone, we don’t need to be someone else, we
just have to be ourselves.

While the moral values that we can take from this novel are about trust, this is taken from the
story of Shannon’s friend, namely Nathalie, she betrayed Shannon just because money, she
collaborated with people who wanted to kidnap Shannon. Here he broke Shannon’s trust.


Understanding a literary work means also having to understand the important elements n it, as
for the elementss in a literary work, namely intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. Through
this element we can know the theme of the novel, and the character of each player and know the
messages, moral values social values, religion and culture values.
In the novel if i tie you down tells about a woman who has trauma in her past, which from this
trauma causes distrust of herself and tends to do things that are not her own, in other words, she
becomes someone else every time she dates a man. Until in the end he found a man who loved
her as she was and they finally loved each other, but their love journey did not go smoothly
because there were indeed many who liked Shannon, so there was a lot of controversy in their

The writer analyzes the intrinsic and extrinsic elements in the novel if i tie you down, where the
intrinsic elements consist of themes, characters and messages. While the extrinsic elements
include social valuse and moral values.

Theme, the theme used in the novel if i tie you down is are trust, forgiveness, and self-

Character, There are two characters in this novel, namely the protagonist and antagonist. Who
plays the role of the protagonist in this novel, the main character is Shannon, then there is
Shannon’s lover named Fletch, and there is also Simon (Fletch cousin) and finally Chaster
(Fletch’s little friend). Meanwhile, those who play the antagonist roles are Nathalie, Carver
Criche, Ringlet and Roderick.

Messages, in this novel gives five messages of which are: Don’t break friendship just because
of money, Don’t break someone’s trust in you, Don’t fprce people who don’t like you, Love
someone who can accept you as you are, and the last one is be yourself.

While the social values contained in the novel here are: We must find someone who love us
sincerely, then guard yourself from unrighteusness, be loyal to your friends n matter what, and
love someone for who they are not for what they are.

And last is moral values, moral values contained in the novel here are: Honesty will save you,
event though you afraid of it and pay trust to those who entrust yourself to you and do not betray
(cheat) to those who deceive you.


Based on the chapters that have been discussed before, the writer draws the following
conclusions: the character Shanno in the novel if i tie you down, she has trauma in her past
where this trauma causes distrust of herself so that when she dates men she tends to be someone
else not to be herself. Until in the end she finds a man who is wiling to accept Shannon’s good
and bad name fletch, they love each other, but the love story is doesn’t go smoothly, because
there is a man who loves Shannon who wants to broke their relationship, But in the end they
were able to deal with it and they both got married and lived happily.

The researcher would like to thank Mr. Bastian Sugandi, M.Pd as lectures for giving the
assigmnent to research this intresting novel.


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