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20 contoh kalimat present perfect tense

1. We have seen that video ten times.

2. I think I have met her once before.

3. There have been many wildfires on Amazon.

4. Astronauts have traveled to the Moon.

5. They have not traveled to Jupiter.

6. Have you read the thesis yet?

7. Nobody has ever visited that haunted house.

8. You have grown since the last time I saw you.

9. The school has become more interested in extra-curricular activities.

10.She has driven away from the school to the mall.

11.My Telugu has significantly improved since I moved to Telangana.

12.Man has walked on the Moon.

13.Scientists have split the atom.

14.Our daughter has learned how to dance.

15.Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.

16.Rahul has not completed his project yet.

17.Priya hasn’t mastered Bengali, but she can communicate.

18.Pete has still not reached.

19.The rain hasn’t stopped.

20.The army has attacked the neighboring country two times

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