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Is the love and happiness of one man worth leaving everything behind, home, family, child?

Can love
really do us? rise from the ashes and do ours luck unlimited or still defeat? Do we even have the right to
judge a woman who loves, who longs for love even though it may not lead her on the right path? Has
something changed now when it comes to the moralizing of one woman's love and another's ? life ?

One of the many questions that bothers every reader of this novel.

The writer himself makes us think , pulling us slowly deeper and deeper into his novel Nikolajevic
Tolstoy, among the best Russian representatives of the time of artistic realism , he creates one of the
most famous works, the name of which is known even by those who have not even read this work .
century-old novel of the wounds of death and love. Ana Krenjina was young, emotional, married in her
early years to a much older man , she never had the opportunity to know true and sincere love. A
marriage of convenience can never fully satisfy anyone, and neither does Ana. The only thing that
connected them was their son Seryozha , whom Ana loves immensely, but seems not enough from the
moment she met Vronski. Motherly love is only replaced by the love from her youth , the love she
longed for. One arrival, one ball will change everything in Ana's life. At the beginning , Ana represents a
real angel , coming to visit her brother to reconcile two spouses because of the fraud, not realizing that
it would later drag her down as well . wanted. This situation alone reminds me even more of the fact
that in life we ca n't to expect everything as we had imagined. Videvski's close acquaintance of Anna and
Vronsky made her realize that her heart was destroyed . While one love was extinguished in the
beginning , the other was just beginning. The place where Anna saw Vronsky for the first time is the
place where it all began , but where it all comes to an end . At first glance, only a small flame in her chest
turns into the flame of her heart and unexpectedly at every meeting with Vronsky of youthful love that
she thought was lost. After longer The eternal love of Anna and Vronsky grew stronger , eager and
strong to come true, but Kitty is increasingly forgotten by her thoughts . However, this does not prevent
her later on from regaining her unfulfilled love, her first wish. Anna tells herself that it is not nothing ,
but her emotions win reason. With small gestures, Vronsky declares his love for Anna, leading her to
forget about the reputation of herself and her husband in society 19th century. Ana begins an
unexpected one life , far from everyone, the desire for love, because of which she could not even resist
the shame of Vronsky , she is looking for excuses for her desires, her passions, weighing her heart and
reason. She leaves everything for the sake of Vronsky , whom she has yet to meet. Why? It seems that
the only thing that matters to her is not paying attention to the others. However, where there is a
beginning, there is an end, the only question is whether he is happy or sad. Nothing can be perfect,
including her newfound love. Doubt, sadness, too much thinking. they lead Anna into a circle of the
same thoughts. Still not having an object for jealousy, she looked for him. She blamed Vronsky for
everything that was difficult for her, the fact that she ended her marriage and left everything for the
sake of a new love hit her harder than ever. Struggling in her thoughts, accelerated and not yet mature
love, Ana is now experiencing what Kitty was at the beginning. It seems that the turnaround was faster
than we ourselves as readers . Kitty , recovered, healed , finds new happiness in Ljevin's love, restoring
the lost hope of unfulfilled love . Even after a hard fall and betrayal, she finds herself and returns to the
right path . What is happening with Ana? Preoccupied with her thoughts, jealousy, taking morphine
finding it as the only solution for painful situations, her jealousy grew stronger and she knew that help.
Unable to bear it, you lose your mind . Ask solution , her thoughts are killing her full of irrationality , she
inexplicably leaves everything and goes to the station watching suicide as her solution . The pressure
was great for her and it broke her. She could not live without the security of trust in anyone. Precisely
because of this, she ends her tragic death under the wheels of a train, ending her hell, and extinguishing
one life . Yes whether this is good for both Kita and Ana, some might say no, but it's not up to us to
judge . While at the very beginning everything ended in Kita's life , Ana enjoyed it . a completely new
love, but reading this work I understood even more how you do things maybe we don't ask ourselves if
it is fatal for someone next to us? Do we not doubt at all that it might come back to us, will the same
thing happen, or turn our desires exactly the way we did not hope for? can it be fatal and beautiful at
the same time ? Maybe it's not for me to judge, but my opinion is mixed . On the one hand, love and the
path to happiness , and on the other, the door that leads out of the tragic misfortune into a better and
happier one life. For sure , this love was not entirely to Anna's liking, but perhaps it was precisely the
accident that happened, that Kitty needed to understand what happiness is for her, and who is the right

Full of questions, I'm looking for an excuse for Ana's actions. The writer , only in another very tragic , but
at the same time full of love, way presents the unlimited love that the reader even more leads to far-
fetched thinking . Maybe I still don't know such a combination of happiness and unhappiness , love and
longing for her, but reading the last pages of this novel, I understand that a reversal is also possible ,
even though we don't want to surrender to the other side.

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