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OPINION Fluid management before, during and after elective
Niels Van Regenmortel a,b, Philippe G. Jorens b, and Manu L.N.G. Malbrain a

Purpose of review
Fluid management is regarded as a cornerstone of successful perioperative care, but fluid prescription is
not always treated that way. New insights and guidelines have become available very recently.
Recent findings
Although most of the recent scientific attention went to resuscitation fluids and the place of hydroxyethyl
starches, recent guidelines also emphasize the importance of fluid prescription in a maintenance and a
replacement setting. The use of balanced solutions over saline 0.9% gains momentum because recent
evidence shows the deleterious effect of chloride-containing solutions on relevant clinical endpoints. Where
the debate on the use of starches in septic and critically ill patients seems to be settled after recent trials
pointed out several safety issues in the absence of a proven benefit, their intraoperative use is still a matter
of debate. A presumably correct use in this setting was proposed recently.
The combination of a careful prescription of maintenance fluids, additional replacement solutions tailored to
the patient’s eventual extra needs and a rational but nonaggressive goal-directed approach to resuscitation
fluids seems to be the best practice to avoid fluid-related morbidity. Isotonic balanced crystalloids seem the
best pragmatic choice for resuscitation purposes. In certain well defined conditions, colloids can still be
balanced solutions, colloids versus crystalloids, fluid indications, goal-directed therapy, perioperative


Although being essential in the preoperative, post- PATIENT’S NEEDS: THREE DISTINCTIVE
operative and intraoperative phase, until recently, FLUID INDICATIONS
fluid therapy was widely regarded as an innocent It is important to acknowledge that three main
bystander or as necessary evil at best. It was dem- indications for fluid therapy exist in the perioper-
onstrated that fluid prescription in the preoperative ative setting. Because the best fluid is probably the
and postoperative period was frequently left to the one that has not been given to the patient,
most inexperienced member of the team, some- thoroughly considering why fluids should be used,
times lacking training in even basic knowledge of followed by selecting the correct type and dose of
fluid and electrolyte balance [1]. Evidence has fluid for that indication, will be the key to limiting
shown, however, that a perioperative weight gain fluid-related morbidity. There are three distinctive
of not more than 2–3 kg can lead to increased categories. First, resuscitation fluids to correct an
morbidity and a longer length of hospital stay [2], intravascular volume deficit or acute hypovolemia.
thus leading to increased awareness on the dangers Much of the recent scientific attention went to this
of fluid misuse. Another fierce debate has been particular indication of fluid therapy, especially in
going on lately on the type of resuscitation fluids
used in case of acute hypovolemia, challenging the a
Ziekenhuisnetwerk Antwerpen, Campus Stuivenberg, Antwerp, Belgium
place of the hydroxyethyl starches (HES). Because and bAntwerp University Hospital, University of Antwerp, Edegem,
perioperative fluid therapy is crucial to achieving Belgium
better clinical outcomes, we will try to concisely Correspondence to Niels Van Regenmortel, MD, Belgium. Tel: +32 3 217
distill the current best practice out of the most 70 36; e-mail:
relevant recent literature on the different indica- Curr Opin Crit Care 2014, 20:390–395
tions in this setting. DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000113 Volume 20  Number 4  August 2014

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Perioperative fluid management Van Regenmortel et al.

Although some specific maintenance solutions

KEY POINTS are commercially available in certain countries, none
 Whether the indication is maintenance, replacement or of them cover the precise daily needs of the average
resuscitation determines the prescription of the dose, adult patient (mostly they contain too little potass-
type and electrolyte content of the fluid. ium in relation to the salt or water content or both).
Therefore, in practice it will be necessary to tailor
 During resuscitation, isotonic balanced crystalloids are
them to the individual patient’s needs by adding
gaining momentum, making them a pragmatic first
choice. electrolytes to readily available glucose or dextrose
5 or 10% preparations. Because the amount of fluids
 Starches have probably better plasma-expanding or electrolytes already administered by enteral intake
capacities, but should be given only in limited or as part of total parenteral nutrition is to be sub-
indications and with great caution.
tracted from the maintenance prescription, the main
 Rational goal-directed therapy should be targeted to strategies to reduce unnecessary intravenous fluid
relevant endpoints within the limits of the patient’s own administration are shortening of preoperative fasting
cardiac capacity. regimens [6–8] and the promotion of early post-
operative feeding, even after abdominal surgery
[9–13]. Pursuing this is imperative as a first step in
the light of the recent colloid–crystalloid debate. avoiding tissue edema and reducing fluid-related
Therefore, it is sometimes overlooked that a relevant morbidity.
part of the total infused volume during a patient’s
stay in the hospital does not fall into this category. Replacement solutions: copy and paste the
Second, maintenance solutions are specifically given fluids lost, but do not exaggerate
to cover the patient’s daily basal requirements of
Data on replacement fluids are scarce. Several recent
water and electrolytes. Third, replacement solutions &&
guidelines [3 ,4] advise to match the amount of fluid
are prescribed to correct existing or developing def-
and electrolytes as closely as possible to the fluid that
icits that cannot be compensated by oral intake, as
is being or has been lost. An overview of the compo-
seen in situations in which fluids are lost via drains or
sition of the different body fluids can be found in the
stomata, fistulas, fever, polyuria and open wounds
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
(including evaporation during surgery or burns) &&
guidelines [3 ]. Most of the time isotonic balanced
among others. A complete set of guidelines, algor-
solutions will do the job, although some forms of
ithms and instructions for intravenous fluid therapy
diarrhea can be hypotonic. An exception is the loss of
in adult hospitalized patients was recently provided
gastric fluid, which is chloride rich and should be
by the United Kingdom’s National Institute for
&& replaced by high-chloride solutions, like saline 0.9%,
Health and Care Excellence [3 ]. The somewhat
or fluids with a negative strong ion difference
older British Consensus Guidelines on Intravenous
(SID) (as discussed further) containing, for example,
Fluid Therapy for Adult Surgical Patients [4] summar-
ammonium chloride to avoid or treat metabolic alka-
ize evidence especially for the management of surgi-
losis. Replacement fluids are frequently overdosed in
cal patients.
the perioperative setting because of the misconcep-
tion that evaporation during surgery is always high. It
Maintenance solutions: purely dedicated to was shown already years ago that even open abdomi-
daily needs nal wounds with liberal exposure of organs are associ-
ated with a fluid loss of not more than 30 ml per hour
The aforementioned maintenance solutions are
[14]. Also, the practice of using diuresis as a trigger for
specifically intended to cover daily needs. These basic
fluid administration can easily lead to fluid overload
requirements are water, in an amount of 25–30 ml/kg
because both anesthesia and surgery slow down the
of body weight, 1 mEq/kg sodium and 1 mEq/kg
rate of elimination of crystalloids. Oliguria is poorly
potassium per day. It is easily appreciated that with
correlated with hypovolemia in the perioperative
1 l of NaCl 0.9%, with a sodium content of 154 mEq/l,
setting and should not trigger fluid administration,
the daily need for salt is already grossly exceeded,
although, on the other hand, increased diuresis is a
which makes the use of this and other isotonic &
good indicator of hypervolemia [15,16 ].
solutions improper in this indication [5]. Potassium,
on the other hand, is frequently underdosed, leading
to arrhythmias and the need for (potentially harmful) Resuscitation fluids: the colloid–crystalloid
additional doses. To prevent starvation ketosis in debate and beyond
adults, a minimum of 50–100 g of glucose should Resuscitation fluids are indicated mainly intra-
be provided daily. operatively in situations of acute intravascular

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Intravenous fluids

hypovolemia and shock. Particularly in Europe, there unnoticed when standard hemodynamic parameters
has been a long-standing tradition of using – at least are used [30 ]. Clinicians wishing to continue to use
partly – colloids, such as HES and to a lesser degree HES for acute hypovolemia in the perioperative
gelatins, in this indication. The use of even the latest setting are strongly advised to take precautionary
generation of HES has been challenged recently after measures regarding indication, dose and patient
the publication of two large randomized controlled selection. A ‘presumably correct approach’ to using
& & &
trials [17,18 ,19 ] and subsequent meta-analyses HES was proposed by Meybohm et al. [31 ] taking into
[20–23] raising concern about their accumulation account the following six criteria. First, use HES early
in different tissues leading to increased acute kidney after the onset of shock. Second, limit their use to
injury or renal replacement therapy and – in septic acute volume resuscitation for hemodynamic insta-
patients – increased mortality. A subsequent rando- bility in case of hypovolemia for a maximum of 24 h.
mized controlled trial comparing open-label colloids Third, use reliable algorithms of fluid responsiveness
versus crystalloids generated contradictory results and predefined hemodynamic endpoints. Fourth,
[24]. The discussion following these publications comply with maximum dose. Fifth, use objective
divided key opinion leaders and the scientific com- indicators of hypovolemia (e.g., lactate). Sixth, avoid
munity at large in a pro and contra colloid camp them in preexisting or acute renal failure and if
[25,26], leaving many medical practitioners in the oliguria is not responsive to fluids (with or without
field confused and in doubt. The most important HES) within a period of maximum 6 h. Although
question at this time is whether the findings of the these recommendations were developed from a
big fluid trials can be extrapolated to the perioper- trial-designing perspective, we feel that they reflect
ative setting. Where the opponents of colloid use will a good compromise between the available data on
point out the significant safety issues raised by the possible risks and benefits of HES and the gut feeling
aforementioned trials and the higher cost in the that they should be kept on the market as they may
absence of any proven benefit, clinicians in favor still have a role in certain clinical situations. In turn,
of their use [27] are stressing their plasma-expanding colloid users should be aware that the volume effect
capabilities [28], leading to faster hemodynamic of a colloid solution is context-sensitive; although
stabilization with less fluid. For the time being their their use in hypovolemia will lead to the desired
plea not to throw out the baby with the bathwater in plasma expansion, administering them to normovo-
the perioperative setting, generally implying patients lemic patients will cause a swift extravasation of the
in a less-inflammatory state than the so-called colloid from the intravascular space toward the inter-
‘critically ill’, has been followed by regulatory stitium [32]. It was also noticed that starches promote
authorities in the United States and Europe. The the accumulation of later-infused crystalloids and
North American Food and Drug Administration even prolong their elimination half-life [33].
and the European Medicines Agency concluded a The older gelatins, besides having a shorter half-
tedious evaluation process with a restriction of the life, a smaller volume effect and a higher chance of
indications of HES, but authorized them in the peri- developing anaphylactic reactions than HES, also
operative setting, not without proclaiming some lack an actual scientific proof [34]. Iso-oncotic
additional warnings. This led to updated product human albumin was already shown not to be superior
information leaflets that are now different depending to saline in a general ICU setting many years ago [35],
on the continent where they are marketed. and there is no reason to assume that this would be
For clinicians looking for an alternative to HES, markedly different in a surgical population. There is
the isotonic balanced solutions seem to be the most no evidence for the use of hyperoncotic albumin 20%
pragmatic choice as will be discussed below. Possibly either, a statement becoming even stronger after the
plasma volume expansion after crystalloid admin- recent ALBIOS trial did not show overall improve-
istration is not as poor as sometimes perceived. It ment in survival over crystalloids even in a notori-
was suggested that in the case of a 20% reduction of ously hypoalbuminemic situation such as severe
mean arterial pressure the distribution of fluid from sepsis [36]. The indication for blood transfusion goes
plasma to interstitial space is halted [15]. Moreover, beyond the scope of this review.
this redistribution process has a half-life of about
8 min and takes 30 min to complete. This means
that during routine surgery about 60% of the infused AVOIDING HYPERCHLOREMIC
crystalloids should remain in the intravascular com- METABOLIC ACIDOSIS. SHOULD WE GO
partment [29]. BALANCED?
On the other hand, elegant research has shown Balanced solutions are solutions with an electrolyte
that the volume effect of crystalloids can be strikingly content closely resembling that of human plasma.
small and the underlying hypovolemia often gets The most important characteristic of these solutions

392 Volume 20  Number 4  August 2014

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Perioperative fluid management Van Regenmortel et al.

is their positive SID due to the presence of a lower replacement therapy. Although some limitations,
amount of the strong anion chloride than its positive such as the unblinded design and a shift in fluid
counterpart sodium. This can only be achieved by the management that went beyond the chloride level
addition of anions such as lactate, acetate, gluco- alone (e.g., iso-oncotic albumin was replaced by
nate or malate. A detailed description of the rationale hyperoncotic albumin during the intervention
behind the use of balanced solutions, the so-called period), hindered a definitive conclusion, the trial
Stewart approach, goes beyond the scope of this provided clinicians with the first evidence against
review, but can be found in detail elsewhere the careless use of chloride-rich solutions such as
[37,38]. The appeal of balanced solutions lies in their saline 0.9%. Similar results were found in a large
ability to avoid the development of hyperchloremic retrospective cohort trial [54] in a surgical population
metabolic acidosis (which is called SID-acidosis by in which postoperative hyperchloremia was associ-
purists because it can theoretically arise in the ated with an increased risk of mortality at 30 days and
absence of hyperchloremia, for example, in case of a longer hospital stay. Awaiting stronger evidence,
hyponatremia). Examples of balanced solutions are abandoning the use of saline 0.9% in favor of isotonic
the slightly hypotonic Hartmann’s, the different balanced crystalloids seems a pragmatic choice,
Ringer’s and the isotonic PlasmaLyte (Baxter, especially in sicker patients or when large amounts
Deerfield, Illinois, USA) solutions. Also, starches are necessary. The first randomized controlled trial to
can be dissolved in a balanced core solution (e.g., address the potential clinical advantages of Plasma-
VoluLyte, Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany). Lyte over saline in a mixed intensive care population
The gelatins are regarded spontaneously balanced as will soon take off (website:
the gelatin itself is acting as a weak anion, creating au/ctg/current-research/33-clinical-trials-group/cur
a certain strong ion difference [e.g., succinylated rent-studies/354-split).
gelatin Gelofusin 4% (B. Braun, Melsungen, The fact that all currently commercially avail-
Germany) has an SID of 34 mEq/l without adding able isotonic balanced solutions contain a low
buffer solutions]. amount of potassium in the range of 4–5 mEq/l
There are many reports proving that the use of has led to some concern about their use in patients
balanced solutions results in a more stable acid-base with acute or chronic renal failure. A few studies
profile in different patient populations [39–44]. have specifically addressed this question and unan-
There also seems to be a favorable effect on fluid imously found a higher potassemia in patients
retention, as balanced solutions, versus saline, lead undergoing renal transplant because of the use of
to earlier micturition and thus faster clearance of a potassium-free saline versus balanced solutions con-
given fluid load [45]. Whether there is also an taining a low dose of potassium [55–57]. The expla-
advantage on more clinical and economic end- nation lies in the release of potassium from the
points is still a matter of debate. Until recently, extensive intracellular stores due to saline-induced
the only available evidence came from animal stud- acidosis. This makes balanced solutions preferable
ies [46–48] and experiments in healthy volunteers over saline 0.9% even in patients with impaired
[49,50]. After the proof of the deleterious effects of kidney function.
long-term hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis on
kidney function has been delivered in the nephro-
logical literature [51], the issue now gets acknow- LIBERAL VERSUS RESTRICTIVE:
ledged in surgical and critically ill populations. In GUARDING THE BORDERS OF GOAL-
2012, the publication of an extensive observational DIRECTED THERAPY BY IMPROVED
analysis [52 ] of a large United States insurance ASSESSMENT OF FLUID THERAPY
database showed that the use of PlasmaLyte versus Many recent trials and publications addressed the
saline 0.9% on the first day of major abdominal important issue of restrictive versus liberal fluid
surgery led to less postoperative morbidity in the strategies in the perioperative setting. The difficulty
form of postoperative infections and renal failure interpreting the different results originates from
requiring dialysis and to lower acidosis-related the lack of definition and standard on ‘restrictive’
investigations and interventions, and thus costs. and ‘liberal’ fluid management, thereby precluding
In a prospective open-label sequential experiment the development of good guidelines for procedure-
[53 ] in patients admitted to a tertiary ICU, the specific perioperative fixed-volume regimens
chloride content of all the fluids used during [58,59 ]. Current best practice seems to be the com-
an intervention period was rigorously restricted, bination of a fixed crystalloid administration (the
leading to a significant risk reduction for acute combination of maintenance and replacement
kidney injury according to the RIFLE classification solutions) and a rational goal-directed approach to
and a significant decrease in the need for renal resuscitation fluids.

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Intravenous fluids

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