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BS IT Morning part # 4

Group Assignment
BS Information Technology part # 4 Morning
Abdul Qayoom Jat 2K18 / IT / 6
Tanveer Azam 2K18 / IT / 122

JULY 22, 2021


Links for projects:................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction of Assignment: ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Canny Edge Detector:........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Report: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Problem: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Solution:.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Modification: .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Conclusion: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Algorithm: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Code: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Histogram: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Report: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Problem: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Solution:.......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Modification: .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Conclusion: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Algorithm: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Code ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Harris Corner Detector: ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Report ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Problem: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Solution:.......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Modification: .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Conclusion: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Algorithm: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Code: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Blue Color Detector: ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Report: .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Problem: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Solution:........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Modification: ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Algorithm: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Code: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

pg. 1

Links for projects:

GitHub Link
Google Drive Link

Introduction of Assignment:
• This assignment code is not copied from external sources.
• Corner detector code is copied from provided slides & then modified.
• Other code is done by Concatenating all my knowledge of python, learnt from book (Computer vision by
python 3 ) & by solving the book problems & activities.
• All code is learnt from Book named “ Computer Vision with python 3 ”
• Blue color detector is concatenation of multiple problems done during learning.
• I have use some of libraries like “ CV2 , SKimage, numpy, matplotlib ”.
• I have explained all of code in report for every mini project.


• This is my first incident to use python & processing images so please go through all projects & I want to
improve my technique to see object & results so I am waiting for acknowledgement.
• There is much more to present but here provided only 4, I have code all of concepts learned during
classes by help of book “ Computer Vision by python 3”.

pg. 2

Canny Edge Detector:

• Canny edge detector will detect edges of provides image.

▪ I have to detect (weak edges, strong edges, magnitude, guassion) of provided images.
▪ Best detection by using range of values.
▪ Show all used images & result images in different windows, so we can observe changing step
by step.
▪ Save results in disk file so we can observe results without executing results.

▪ I have chosen canny edge detector for purpose of getting (weak edges, Strong edges,
Guassion, Magnitude)of provided image.
▪ I have provide range of threshold values to get weak & strong edges.
▪ Show results.
▪ Save all results in disk so we can observe results.

▪ This solution is provided by combining the knowledge of multiple simple short problems and
Activities done during learning from Book (Computer Vision by Python 3).
▪ Getting command line arguments
▪ Reading provided images from command line & converting to grey
▪ Create a method to get (Gaussion, Magnitude, Strong & weak edges.).
▪ I have provided (Theta Range & kernel size) to get maximum suppression & quantization
▪ I have provided (low threshold range for weak edges) & (high threshold range for strong edge
▪ Show images is a short program.
▪ Save images is a short program.

▪ I have got (Weak edges, strong edges , guassion & magnitude of provided images)
▪ I have get best results by iterating loop over range of values.
▪ I have show results in different windows & save results in disk also.

i. import CV2 & IO library for basic operations
ii. Set command line arguments for input & output pictures
iii. Read images which are provide in arguments & convert them to Grey Scale.
iv. Canny edge Detection Method:
o This will get as arguments (image, sigma, threshold 1 & 2 )
o This will return (gaussion, magnitude, weak edge & strong edges)
v. set kernel & sigma value range to get best detection of (weak edges, strong edges, quassion,
vi. Save images on disk.
vii. Wait for key to exit.

pg. 3
import cv2
from skimage import io

import cv2
import argparse
import numpy as np
import as io
from skimage import color
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def cannyEdge(img, sigma, th1, th2):

size = int(2 * (np.ceil(3 * sigma)) + 1)

x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-size / 2 + 1, size / 2 + 1),

np.arange(-size / 2 + 1, size / 2 + 1))

normal = 1 / (2.0 * np.pi * sigma ** 2)

kernel = np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2) / (2.0 * sigma ** 2)) / \

normal # calculating gaussian filter

kern_size, gauss = kernel.shape[0], np.zeros_like(img, dtype=float)

for i in range(img.shape[0] - (kern_size - 1)):

for j in range(img.shape[1] - (kern_size - 1)):
window = img[i:i + kern_size, j:j + kern_size] * kernel
gauss[i, j] = np.sum(window)

kernel, kern_size = np.array(

[[-1, -1, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]), 3 # edge detection
gx, gy = np.zeros_like(
gauss, dtype=float), np.zeros_like(gauss, dtype=float)

for i in range(gauss.shape[0] - (kern_size - 1)):

for j in range(gauss.shape[1] - (kern_size - 1)):
window = gauss[i:i + kern_size, j:j + kern_size]
gx[i, j], gy[i, j] = np.sum(
window * kernel.T), np.sum(window * kernel)

magnitude = np.sqrt(gx ** 2 + gy ** 2)
theta = ((np.arctan(gy / gx)) / np.pi) * 180 # radian to degree conversion
nms = np.copy(magnitude)

theta[theta < 0] += 180

# non maximum suppression; quantization and suppression done in same step

for i in range(theta.shape[0] - (kern_size - 1)):
for j in range(theta.shape[1] - (kern_size - 1)):
if theta[i, j] <= 22.5 or theta[i, j] > 157.5:
if (magnitude[i, j] <= magnitude[i - 1, j]) and (magnitude[i, j] <=
pg. 4
magnitude[i + 1, j]):
nms[i, j] = 0
if 22.5 < theta[i, j] <= 67.5:
if (magnitude[i, j] <= magnitude[i - 1, j - 1]) and (magnitude[i, j] <=
magnitude[i + 1, j + 1]):
nms[i, j] = 0
if 67.5 < theta[i, j] <= 112.5:
if (magnitude[i, j] <= magnitude[i + 1, j + 1]) and (magnitude[i, j] <=
magnitude[i - 1, j - 1]):
nms[i, j] = 0
if 112.5 < theta[i, j] <= 157.5:
if (magnitude[i, j] <= magnitude[i + 1, j - 1]) and (magnitude[i, j] <=
magnitude[i - 1, j + 1]):
nms[i, j] = 0

weak, strong = np.copy(nms), np.copy(nms)

# weak edges
weak[weak < th1] = 0
weak[weak > th2] = 0

# strong edges
strong[strong < th2] = 0
strong[strong > th2] = 1

# plotting multiple images

fig = plt.figure()
a = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
imgplot = plt.imshow(gauss, cmap='gray')
a = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
imgplot = plt.imshow(magnitude, cmap='gray')
a = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
imgplot = plt.imshow(weak, cmap='gray')
a.set_title('Weak edges')
a = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
imgplot = plt.imshow(255 - strong, cmap='gray')
a.set_title('Strong edges')

return gauss, magnitude, weak, strong

def main():
oparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Canny Edge detector")
oparser.add_argument("--input", dest="input_image", required=True,
help="Path containing the image")
oparser.add_argument("--output", dest="output_image", required=True,
help="Path containing the image")
oparser.add_argument("--sigma", dest="sigma", default=3, required=False,
help="Sigma threshold", type=int)

pg. 5
oparser.add_argument("--th1", dest="lower_thresh", default=50, required=False,
help="Lower threshold for edges", type=int)
oparser.add_argument("--th2", dest="upper_thresh", default=100, required=False,
help="Upper threshold for edges", type=int)
options = oparser.parse_args()

img = cv2.imread(options.input_image)
img = color.rgb2gray(img)

gauss, magnitude, weak, strong = cannyEdge(

img, options.sigma, options.lower_thresh, options.upper_thresh)



hresh}_weak.jpg', weak)



# wait key for exit

Google Drive link for Canny Edge Detector results

pg. 6

• Histogram will provide graphical representation of provided image


▪ I have to detect color variations in image of provided graphical representation of images
▪ Use different attributes to setting up histogram tool.
▪ Show all used images & result images in different windows, so we can observe changing step
by step.
▪ Save results in disk file so we can observe results without executing results.

▪ I have chosen Histogram for purpose of getting graphical representation of provided image.
▪ Show results & variations in images b/c of each operation (Original to Destination).
▪ I have calculated the histogram value on gray image to get pixel representation of that image.
▪ I set all the attributes which will help us to identify histogram & setting it up.
▪ Save all images (Original to Destination) in disk so we can observe results.

▪ This solution is provided by combining the knowledge of multiple simple short problems and
Activities done during learning from Book (Computer Vision by Python 3).
▪ Read Image is a short program.
▪ Resize image is a short program.
▪ Converting the RGB image gray scale image is a short program.
▪ Equalize image is a short program.
▪ Show images is a short program.
▪ Calculate histogram & setting up its attributes is a short program.
▪ Save images is a short program.

▪ I have successfully calculated the histogram or pixel value of provided image.
▪ I have also provided understandable names to histogram tools so we can identify our result
▪ I have shown results in different windows & save results in disk also.

i. import CV2, matplotlib & IO library for basic operations
ii. Read an image from disk & store in variable originalImage.
iii. Resize that original image & store in variable resizedImage.
iv. Convert the resized image to gray scale image & store in variable grayImage.
v. Equalized the gray image & store in variable equalizedImage.
vi. Calculate histogram of gray image & store it in variable calHistogram.
vii. Set other attributes of histogram like title, xLabel, yLabel.
viii. Plot histogram & show in window.
ix. Show all result images in different windows.
x. Save all result images disk, path = “results/Histogram/”.
pg. 7
xi. Wait for key to exit.

# imports of used libraries
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skimage import io

# images
originalImage = cv2.imread("rd.jpeg")
resizedImage = cv2.resize(originalImage, (380, 450))
grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(resizedImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
equalizedImage = cv2.equalizeHist(grayImage)

# show images
cv2.imshow("Original Image", originalImage)
cv2.imshow("Resized Image", resizedImage)
cv2.imshow("Gray Image", grayImage)
cv2.imshow("Histogram equalized image", equalizedImage)

# Calculate Histogram
calHistogram = cv2.calcHist([grayImage], [0], None, [256], [0, 256])
plt.title("Grayscale Histogram")
plt.ylabel("Number of pixels")

# save Images
io.imsave("results/histogram/OriginalImage.jpeg", originalImage)
io.imsave("results/histogram/ResizedImage.jpeg", resizedImage)
io.imsave("results/histogram/GrayImage.jpeg", grayImage)
io.imsave("results/histogram/EqualizedImage.jpeg", equalizedImage)

# wait for key to exit

Google Drive Link for Histogram Results

pg. 8

Harris Corner Detector:

• Harris Corner detector will detect corners of provided image.

▪ I have to detect corner of provided image.
▪ No false edges should be detected.
▪ True edges should be detected & on true place.
▪ Show all used images & result images in different windows, so we can observe changing step
by step.
▪ Save results in disk file so we can observe results without executing results.

▪ I have chosen Harris corner detector for purpose of getting corners of provided image.
▪ I have varied kernel values to get corners on sufficient level.
▪ Decrease kernel value to get more understandable corners.
▪ Show results & variations in images b/c of each operation (Original to Destination).
▪ Save all images (Original to Destination) in disk so we can observe results.

▪ This solution is provided in Slides, which we have provided, & I have made some of changes in
code & also add some other code to get sufficient knowledge about whole working process of
▪ I have change variable names to understandable names to identify image or result.
▪ I have added another variable to get understanding of dilated image corner detection or
undilated image corner detection.
▪ I have decreased the kernel size from ( 9 to 7 ) to get more visualizable corners.
▪ I have shown all images ( Original to destination ) in different windows so we can identify
results step by step.
▪ I have saved all images ( Original to Destination ) in disk so understand result without running
the program.

▪ I have got easily visualizable corners by decreasing the kernel size to 7.
▪ I get that undilated image provide thin edges as compare to dilated image.
▪ I have shown & saved results in disk so we can identify results easily.

i. import CV2, numpy & IO library for basic operations
ii. Read an image from disk & store in variable originalImage.
iii. Resize that original image & store in variable resizedImage.
iv. Resize that original image & store in variable resizedImage2.
v. Convert the resized image to gray scale image & store in variable grayImage.
vi. Detect gray image by Harris corner detector & store in variable cornerDetectedImage.
vii. Dilate the detected image.
viii. Show all result images in different windows.
ix. Save all result images disk, path = “results/harrisCornerDetector/”.
x. Wait for key to exit.
pg. 9
import cv2
from skimage import io
import numpy as np

# Images
originalImage = cv2.imread("rd.jpeg")
resizedImage = cv2.resize(originalImage, (350, 500))
resizedImage2 = cv2.resize(originalImage, (350, 500))
grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(resizedImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# Steps to detect corners

gray = np.float32(grayImage)
cornerDetectedImage = cv2.cornerHarris(gray, 3, 7, 0, 0.04)
# Threshold for an optimal value, it may vary depending on the image.
resizedImage[cornerDetectedImage > 0.01 * cornerDetectedImage.max()] = [0, 0, 255]

# result is dilated for marking the corners,not important

dilatedImage = cv2.dilate(cornerDetectedImage, None)
# Threshold for an optimal value, it may vary depending on the image.
resizedImage2[dilatedImage > 0.01 * dilatedImage.max()] = [0, 0, 255]

# show imagesS
cv2.imshow("Original Image", originalImage)
cv2.imshow("Gray Image", grayImage)
cv2.imshow("Corner Detected Image", cornerDetectedImage)
cv2.imshow("Corner Detected Image Before Dilated", resizedImage)
cv2.imshow("Dilated Image", dilatedImage)
cv2.imshow("Corner Detected Image After Dilated", resizedImage2)

# save images
io.imsave("results/HarrisCornerDetector/Original Image.jpeg", originalImage)
io.imsave("results/HarrisCornerDetector/Gray Image.jpeg", grayImage)
io.imsave("results/HarrisCornerDetector/Corner Detected Image.jpeg", cornerDetectedImage)
io.imsave("results/HarrisCornerDetector/Corner Detected Image Before Dilated.jpeg",
io.imsave("results/HarrisCornerDetector/Dilated Image.jpeg", dilatedImage)
io.imsave("results/HarrisCornerDetector/Corner Detected Image after Dilated.jpeg",

# wait key to exit

Google Drive Link for Harris Corner Detector

pg. 10

Blue Color Detector:

• Blue color detector will detect color in live mode, directly by capturing camera frames.

▪ I have to detect blue color in live captured frames directly by camera.
▪ No other colors should be detected.
▪ Only blue should be detected & on true places.
▪ Show all results ( Live camera, mask, result ) in different windows to get understanding of
▪ Record result to get understanding of results without executing the program.

▪ I have captured the camera frames continuously by using infinite loop.
▪ I have converted the color scale to HSV to get colors efficiently.
▪ I have created mask b/w lower range of color & upper range of color ( Provided blue color
range ).
▪ I have operate frames bitwise to get blue color detected individually.
▪ Show results in individual windows & also record the result ( by external software) to
understand the result during runtime & also without executing program.

▪ This solution is provided by combining the knowledge of multiple simple short problems and
Activities done during learning from Book (Computer Vision by Python 3).
▪ Capture the camera frame is a short program.
▪ While loop is also a short program.
▪ Reading the captured frames is a short program.
▪ Converting images BGR to HSV to a short program.
▪ Creating mask b/w lower & upper color limit is a short program.
▪ Operate frames bitwise to get results is a short program.
▪ Show results ( Camera, Mask, Result ) individually is a short program

▪ I have got mask & camera & result window individually to get live detection of camera frames.
▪ I have recorded the video ( available in results folder) to visualize results without executing
the program.

i. Import libraries “ cv2 & numpy ”.
ii. Capture the video by device camera & store frames in cap variable.
iii. Run infinite loop.
iv. With every loop read captured images frames & convert them to HSV color scale.
v. With every loop create mask for upper & lower limit of image color mask.
vi. Highlight only blue colored objects.
vii. Show camera, mask & result in different windows.
viii. Wait for key to be pressed.
ix. Destroy all windows & stop camera capturing.

pg. 11
import cv2
import numpy as np

# Web camera no 0 is used to capture the frames

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
# This drives the program into an infinite loop.
while 1:
# Captures the live stream frame-by-frame
_, frame =

# Converts images from BGR to HSV

hsvImage = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

# Here we are defining range of blue color in HSV

# This creates a mask of blue coloured
# objects found in the frame.
lower = np.array([110, 50, 50])
upper = np.array([130, 255, 255])
mask = cv2.inRange(hsvImage, lower, upper)

# The bitwise and of the frame and mask is done so

# that only the blue coloured objects are highlighted
# and stored in res
res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask=mask)

# This displays the frame, mask

# and res which we created in 3 separate windows.
cv2.imshow("Camera", frame)
cv2.imshow("Mask", mask)
cv2.imshow("Result", res)

# wait key for exit

k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
if k == 27:

# Destroys all of the HighGUI windows.


# release the captured frame

Google Drive Link for Blue Color Detector Result

pg. 12

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