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Zuleika S. Daluddin

Nelyn Grace V. Lebita

A Special Problem

Presented as partial fulfillment of the Requirements

In BIO 270 (Advanced Genetics)


College of Science and Mathematics

Graduate Studies

First Semester

F.Y. 2023-2024


A. Background of the Study

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases defined emerging

diseases as outbreaks of previously unknown diseases, known diseases that are

rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range in the last two decades, and the

persistence of infectious diseases that cannot be controlled. This includes HIV

infections, SARS, Lyme disease, Escherichia coli 0157:H7, hantavirus, dengue fever,

West Nile virus, and the Zika virus (Johns Hopkins Medicine, n.d.). This shows that

occurrence of emerging disease does not necessarily mean that it is newly discovered,

but there are also some that have been existing and its prevalence is continuously

increasing over time.

Emerging viral diseases have been and will always be a threat to public health

and indirectly to the development of nations (Ngwewondo et al., 2020, cited by Palwe

and Bajaj, 2021). The world has lately experienced an outrageous phenomenon, the

Covid-19 Pandemic. Coronavirus disease, commonly known as Covid-19, is one of

the most critical challenges for mankind and affecting global health after the 2nd

World War (Currie et al., 2020, cited by Sut and Oznacar, 2021). According to the

World Health Organization (2020), Coronavirus disease, commonly known as Covid-

19, is an infectious respiratory disease caused by a new strain of Coronavirus (Barrot

et al., 2021) which first emerged in December 2019 (Sintema, 2020, as cited by
Pokhrel and Chhetri, 2021) in the city of Wuhan, China (Currie et al., 2020, as cited

by Sut and Oznacar, 2021). According to the Department of Health as cited in CHED

Memorandum Order No. 04, Series of 2020, this global outbreak was listed as a

Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020, thus

affecting all aspects of life that includes business, research, health, economy, sport,

transportation, worship, social, interactions, politics, governance, entertainment and

education (Orfan and Elmyar, 2020, cited by Noori, 2021) in almost all countries and

territories (Sintema, 2020, cited by Pokhrel and Chhetri, 2021).

Coronavirus disease is just one of the emerging diseases that the world has

had to face in recent years. Thousands of people were infected, others died while

some were lucky enough to survive. Some had mental breakdowns, but a few did not

really care about its outrageous effects. As a response to contain the spread of this

virus, various sectors were forced to temporarily close its doors. The World Health

Organization together with other health sectors came up with a vaccine to immunize

the people and help minimize the fatal effect of the virus once the people are infected.

However, despite their endless effort to spread awareness with regard to this, a

couple of individuals or communities are still hesitant, if not fully believe, in the

existence of this viral disease.

On the other hand, according to the World Health Organization and the World

Bank as cited by Koopman et al. (2016), there is an increase in the number of deaths

due to noncommunicable diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic

respiratory diseases, and diabetes in developing populations. Together, this accounts

to 636 million disability-adjusted life years and 23 million deaths per year. Koopman

et al. (2016) further highlighted that the rapid rise in noncommunicable diseases in

developing countries is relative to their rapid transition from adverse to affluent

environments, thereby causing genetic, cultural and epigenetic mismatch, the triple

evolutionary mismatch. This has paved the way for a “double burden of disease”

where communicable and noncommunicable diseases coexist. This burden has

contributed to the rise of noncommunicable diseases. Due to survival mechanisms

developed after infection, communicable diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis, and many

other infectious diseases have become chronic. The chronic infections, their

proinflammatory effects, and their treatments predispose to the development of

noncommunicable diseases in affluent environments. AIDS and tuberculosis, for

example, are associated with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

These situations led the proponents of this study to conduct a survey to assess

the knowledge, attitude and practices toward emerging diseases from a sample

population among indigineous people in Taluksangay, Zamboanga City. Indigenous

Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples, as defined in R.A. 8371, refer to a group

of people or homogenous societies identified by self-ascription and ascription by

others, who have continuously lived as organized community on communally

bounded and defined territory, and who have, under claims of ownership since time

immemorial, occupied, possessed and utilized such territories, sharing common bonds

of language, customs, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits, or who have,
through resistance to political, social and cultural inroads of colonization, non-

indigenous religions and cultures, became historically differentiated from the majority

of Filipinos. ICCs/IPs shall likewise include peoples who are regarded as indigenous

on account of their descent from the populations which inhabited the country, at the

time of conquest or colonization, or at the time of inroads of non-indigenous religions

and cultures, or the establishment of present state boundaries, who retain some or all

of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions, but who may have

been displaced from their traditional domains or who may have resettled outside their

ancestral domains. Further, a closed-ended questionnaire will be given to gather the

responses of the respondents.

B. Objectives of the Study

This study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of the locales

of Taluksangay, Zamboanga City toward emerging diseases in their community.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following objectives:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Civil Status

d. Tribe

e. Educational attainment;

f. Line of work; and

g. Monthly income
2. What are the emerging diseases known to the residents of Taluksangay,

Zamboanga City?

3. What is the knowledge of the respondents toward emerging diseases in their


4. What is the attitude of the respondents toward emerging diseases in their


5. What are the practices of the respondents toward emerging diseases in their


6. Is there any significant relationship between the demographic profile and the

knowledge, attitude and practices of the respondents toward emerging

diseases in their community?

C. Significance of the Study

Although technological advancements have made great impacts nowadays in

many aspects including the dissemination of information regarding health and health-

related topics, and with the provision of evidence presented in different platforms like

social media, television, radio, etc., some communities still do not believe, if not

unaware, of the emerging diseases. With the onset of Covid-19 pandemic, the debate

on several issues like transmission of the virus has clouded many minds for the past

few years. In some instances, a number of individuals didn’t even have themselves

vaccinated because they do not believe in the contagious disease. This phenomenon is

prevalent in some communities. Taluksangay is situated in Zamboanga City. From

there, you have to take a public jeepney that would take about an hour to reach the

city proper.

The findings of this study will provide insights on the knowledge, attitude and

practices of a sample population residing in Taluksangay, Zamboanga City. This will

shed some light that could contribute to the existing data to further the awareness

programs towards emerging diseases in the city, particularly in Taluksangay.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study limits only on the identification of the demographic profile of the

respondents as well as their knowledge, attitude and practices toward emerging

diseases in the community. It also includes assessment of emerging diseases known to

the people of Taluksangay, Zamboanga City. The respondents of the study are the

indigenous people with certificate of indigency residing at Taluksangay, Zamboanga


Taluksangay is a village in Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga

Peninsula and has about 7,340 residents. Taluksangay is situated nearby to the
quarter Tong Mateo and the village Talabaan (Cited on the website of

In the propose study by Anies et al. 2012, they introduced that Muslim
Filipinos community residing at Western Mindanao of Taluksangay, Zamboanga City
have scarce studies. The small Barangay, is a cultural melting pot composed of a
diverse group of cultural minorities, which includes the Badjao, Tausug, Sama-
Banguingui, and Yakan. The Cultural groups are distinct from one another, and they
believed that the residence lived for several years after migrating from Sulu, Tawi-
Tawi, and Basilan. Thus, the study conducted serve its purposed as a guide to assess
the current state of their quality of life. Result showed, these Muslim groups, despite
the poor condition in the Taluksangay community perceived their quality of life as
excellent, characteristically, the quality of their health and functioning, socio-
economic, psychological and spiritual, and family conditions. In conclusion, these
four Muslim groups considering their cultures, and traditional practices have played a
role in the perception to sustain a very good quality of life.

In terms of its geographic location, this Barangay is a small islet surrounded

by mangroves and separated from the city mainland by creek. However, they are
group of same religious beliefs that have different in many ways especially in their
modes of life. For instance, the Tausug is the largest group settlers inhibiting the area
and they are considered as a fine-seamen who possess skills and know-how in the
barter of clothing and jewelry. The Yakan tribe is outstandingly skilled in weaving,
and its members are considered to be great farmers and cattle raisers and most of
them are considered as thrifty people. The kamuti kayu (grated camote) is the main
food, coupling it with little fish. The Badjao tribes are gypsies whose main source of
revenue in lushness of the sea. They are trained skillfully navigate without the aide of
modern devices, relying quietly on heavenly bodies, such as the moon, stars, and the
current movements for direction and guidance when sailing at night. Due to their
current situation, their social structure is belonged to the poor strata which means no
political institution is able to establish to advance their interest in society. The Sama-
Banguingui is a major group within the Sama tribe. The term Sama is derived from
the word of Sama-Sama, means togetherness. Members of this tribe communicate
through verbal discussions and less physical violence. They have a well-developed
social organization comparable to the Tausug.

In terms of their home structures, houses are made up of cement or

combination of wood that are built, supported by strong poles, over water. Despite of
their language barriers, sharing of one wet market and dry market where the products
being sold are vegetable and sea products. Their means of transportation within this
village in majority is the sikad (a bicycle attached a cart with a seat that can fit two
passengers) while others are tend to walk to reach one’s destination. The houses in
the villages are built closely and some homes dwindled not only one family but two
or three families. Two school were established -one for elementary and one for high
school, but no clinics and hospitals. Only the Baranagy Health Center caters the
health needs of the residence. Considering their economic status, only few workers
are paid above the minimum those who worked as a public servant, or barangay
officers, or grocery store owners.

Research Design

This study will use a quantitative research design. A closed-ended survey

questionnaire will be prepared to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices towards
emerging diseases in Taluksangay, Zamboanga City.

Research Locale

This study will be administered at Taluksangay, Zamboanga City.

Taluksangay is a small islet in Zamboanga City surrounded by mangroves and
separated from the city mainland by a creek. IT is a cultural melting pot composed of
diverse group of cultural minorities, which includes the Badjao, Tausug, Sama-
Banguingui and Yakan. These tribes have been residing in this community for several
years now (Anies et al., 2012). From the city proper, it would take about one hour
jeepney ride to reach this place.

Population and Participants of the Study

The respondents of the study will the locales of Taluksangay, Zamboanga City
belonging to an indigenous group. According to Anies et al. (2012), Taluksangay is
composed of cultural minorities such as Badjao, Tausug, Sama-Banguingui and
Yakan. Forty respondents will be randomly selected from the population.

Instrumentation (Data Gathering Tools)

The instrument to be used in this study will be based from the instrument used
by Dharmadhikari et al. (2022) in their study entitled “Knowledge, Attitude and
Approach Towards Viral Infectious Diseases among Rural Areas” with some
modifications. The questionnaire will be divided into two parts. The first part will
consists of the demographic profile of the respondents like age, gender, tribe, highest
educational attainment, line of work and monthly income. The second part, on the
other hand, will be further subdivided into three different dimensions: Knowledge,
Attitude and Practices toward Emerging Diseases. Each dimension will have fifteen

Validation of Instrument (Validation and Reliability of Instruments)

The prepared questionnaire will be presented to the faculty-in-charge for

checking and for possible revisions. The purpose of presenting the questionnaire to
the committee is to ensure the validity of the prepared questionnaire. Thus, the
suggestions and comments of the guidance committee will be utilized as the basis to
finalize the instrument to be used for data gathering. After the validity of the
instrument has been assured, its reliability will be also taken cared.

Data Gathering Procedure

After both the validity and the reliability of the instrument have been
established, a permission to administer the questionnaire to the target respondents
from the Barangay Captain will be first sought. As soon as the permission will be
granted, the administration of the questionnaire will follow immediately. Retrieval of
the questionnaires will be done right away after the administration of the
questionnaire to the target respondents.

Statistical Treatment of Data/Data Analysis Procedure

The data to be gathered will be analyzed by both descriptive and inferential

statistics. Descriptive statistics like frequency counts, percentages, mean scores and
standard deviation will be used to analyze data on the demographic profiles of the
respondents. On the other hand, Chi Square inferential statistics will be used to
analyze the responses to the knowledge, attitude and practices toward emerging
diseases in Taluksangay, Zamboanga City.

Ethical Consideration

Before data collection, the researchers will seek permission from the
Barangay Captain through an intent letter signed by the researchers and the adviser.
An informed consent will also be obtained from the respondents after thorough
explanation of the purpose, nature and procedure of this study.

Barrot, JS, Llenarres, II, and del Rosario, LS. 2021. Students’ Online Learning

Challenges During the Pandemic and How They Cope With Them: The Case

of the Philippines. Education and Information Technologies (2021) 26:7321-

7338. Under exclusive license to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC,

part of Springer Nature 2021.

Koopman, JJE, van Bodegom, D, Ziem, JB, and Westendorp, RGJ. 2016. An

Emerging Epidemic of Noncommunicable Diseases in Developing

Populations due to a Triple Evolutionary Mismatch. American Journal of

Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0715

Noori, AQ. 2021. The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Student’s Learning in Higher

Education in Afghanistan. Elsevier Ltd. Heliyon.

Palwa, SD adn Bajaj, MS. 2021. Impact of Health Education on Knowledge, Attitude

and Practices of Covid-19 among Slum Dwellers of Nashik, India. Journal of

Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Vol-15(11): LC20-LC24. DOI:


Pokhrel, S and Chhetri, R. 2021. A Literature Review on Impact of Covid-19

Pandemic on Teaching and Learning. Higher Education for the Future 8(1)

133-141. The Kerala State Higher Education Council.

Sut, HM and Oznacar, B. 2021. Effects of Covid-19 Period on Educational Systems

and Institutions. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction 13(1)

Special Issue (2021) 537-551

CHED Memorandum Order No. 04, Series 2020. Guidelines on the Implementation

of Flexible Learning. Commission on Higher Education

Johns Hopkins Medicine. n.d. Emerging Infectious Diseases | Johns Hopkins


Republic Act 8371 An Act to Recognize, Protect and Promote the Rights of

Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples, Creating a National

Commision on Indigenous Peoples, Establishing Implementing Mechanisms,

Appropriating Funds Therefore, and For Other Purposes

Olive S. Anies , Olive S. et al. "Quality of Life of Four Muslim Tribes in Barangay

Taluksangay, Zamboanga City, Philippines." The Internet Journal of

Biological Anthropology 5.1 (2012)

Western Mindanao State University
College of Science and Mathematics
Department of Biological Sciences


The researchers, who are currently taking Master of Science in Teaching

Biology at Western Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City, are conducting a
of their partial requirement in BIO 270 (Advanced Genetics).
In lieu of this, the researchers wish to ask for your permission to administer
her instrument to the selected indigenous people in your area. Please be assured that
in the ethics of research, their answer will be kept confidential and will be used for
this purpose solely.
Your approval to this request will be very much appreciated. Thank you and
more power!

Sincerely Yours,





Informed Consent
Name of Special Problem : Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices toward Emerging
Diseases in Taluksangay, Zamboanga City

Part 1: Information Sheet

My name is Nelyn Grace V. Lebita and I’m with my partner Zuleika S.
Daluddin, taking Master of Science in Teaching in Western Mindanao State
University. We are currently conducting research on Knowledge, Attitudes and
Practices towards Emerging Diseases in Taluksangay, Zamboanga City. The
researchers invite you to take part in the study and give you some time to consider it.
Before you decide to take part in this study, you should be aware of why it is
being conducted and what it will entail. Please read the following information very
carefully. If you have any questions about any of the survey’s sections, concepts or
need more information, please contact the researcher at any time.

Purpose of the Study

The aim of the study is to assess the knowledge, attitude and preventive practices
towards the emerging diseases in Taluksangay, Zamboanga City.
Type of Research Intervention
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be given a set of questionnaires of
the survey to fill it out.
Participant Selection
The researchers chose you as one of the respondents because you meet the inclusion
criteria of the research study in which for the survey: a.) To be in the 18- above age
b.) male or female, c.) Belongs to the Indigenous group, c.) level of Educational
attainment and d.) line of work
Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. It is entirely up to you
whether or not to take part. You will be required to sign a consent form if you choose
to participate.
Procedure and Duration
Confidentiality and Sharing the Results
The researchers will make every effort to maintain your confidentiality,
including the following assigning code names/numbers to participants, which will be
used on all researcher notes and documents. The information gathered by the
researcher will be used solely for research purposes in the course requirements and
possible publication. All materials will be disposed properly once data is no longer
required for research.
The collected data will be reviewed by the researchers. These research
findings will be used solely for the purpose of this study and any publications that
may result from it.
Right to Refuse or Withdraw
You may refuse to participate in this study at any time without explanation.
You will be given a withdrawal form. You have the option of not answering any or all
questions. Your relationship with the researchers will not be affected by this.
Person to Contact:
If you have concerns or suggestions about this research study, please contact
us at our cell phone numbers 09557042027, and 09753143961.
We thank you in advance for your contribution to this research and for your
willingness and your experiences in hopes to better the lives of others that will follow
you in this profession.

If you agree to participate in this study, write () on the box corresponding to the following statem

I have read and understand the information provided and I DO give my

consent to participate in the study mentioned above.
I have read and understand the information provided and I DO NOT
give my consent to participate in the study mentioned above.


By signing this form, I certify that I have read, understood and had the opportunity to
ask questions. I understand that my participation is entirely voluntary and that I
withdraw at any time, without explanation. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in
this study.
Name (Optional)______________________________________________________



Instructions: Please fill in the blank(s) with the needed information corresponding to
the item most appropriate to your answer. To facilitate maximum efficiency of the
study, please do not leave any choice/s unanswered.

Age (as of last birthday): Civil Status:

( ) 18 - 28 ( ) Single
( ) 29 – 39 ( ) Married
( ) 40 – 50 ( ) Separated
( ) 51 – above ( ) Widow/er

Gender (by birth):

( ) Male
( ) Female

Tribe: Highest Educational Attainment:

( ) Badjao ( ) Elementary
( ) Tausug ( ) Elementary Graduate
( ) Yakan ( ) High School
( ) Sama-Banguingui ( ) High School Graduate
Other: ( ) College
Please specify ( ) College Graduate
Please specify

Line of Work: Monthly Income:

( ) P10,000 and below

Please specify ( ) P11,000 - P15,000
( ) P16,000 - P20,000
( ) Above P20,000

Part II. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices toward Emerging Diseases in

Taluksangay, Zamboanga City

Instructions: Below are some indicators with regard to the knowledge toward
emerging diseases. Kindly indicate your perceived answer in each statement by
placing a check mark inside the box. Please never leave the number unanswered.

A. Knowledge toward Emerging Diseases

Indicators Yes No Maybe
1. Do you know about emerging diseases? Have you heard
about it? (What is meant by emerging diseases)
2. Are you aware of communicable and noncommunicable
3. Can you identify several types of communicable
4. Can you identify several types of noncommunicable
5. Are these emerging diseases prevalent in your
6. Can you identify the types of emerging diseases present
in your community? If yes, kindly list down _______

7. Have you heard about HIV/AIDS, Covid-19,

tuberculosis, dengue, cancer, diabetes, heart disease?
8. Can you identify the signs and symptoms of each of the
emerging diseases that you know? If yes, please specify

9. Do you know how each of these emerging diseases can

be transmitted/acquired? If yes, please elaborate ______

10. Do you know how to prevent yourselves from getting

these emerging diseases? If yes, please elaborate ______

11. Are you aware about the dangers of these emerging

12. Do you know the risk factors of these emerging
13. Do you currently suffer from any chronic diseases? If
yes, please give details. Date:_______ Details: ______
14. Do you have any hereditary conditions/diseases? If yes,
please give details ______________________________
15. Do you have a history of any illness that may require
frequent medical attention? If yes, please give details.

B. Attitude toward Emerging Diseases

Indicators Yes No Maybe
1. Is it important to keep distance from others to avoid
spread of emerging infectious diseases?
2. Do you take precautionary measures to stop the spread of
infectious diseases?
3. Do you take precautionary measures to avoid developing
noncommunicable diseases?
4. Do you feel worried or scared after knowing the
information on the number of cases of emerging
infectious diseases in our place?
5. Do you feel worried or scared of developing
noncommunicable diseases?
6. Do you think that the spread of infectious diseases can be
7. Is it correct to isolate the infected person without
providing proper medical help?
8. Do you think proper hygiene will help in the prevention
of these diseases?
9. Do you maintain bronchial hygiene (e.g. breathing
exercises, coughing, suctioning?
10. Are you aware of the importance of aerobic exercises
(e.g. jogging, running, swimming, dancing like zumba)?
11. Do you maintain proper ventilation in your home?
12. Do you follow the immunization schedule?
13. With the emergence of Covid-19 disease, did you get
yourself vaccinated?
14. Did you hesitate to get vaccinated?
15. Did you follow proper dosage towards

C. Practices toward Emerging Diseases

Indicators Yes No Maybe

1. Do you visit your doctor when you are not well?
2. Are there any healthcare services which provide primary
care about emerging diseases?
3. Do you go for a regular health care check up to clear your
4. Do you take the medicines prescribed by your doctors
5. Is health care awareness provided to you in your area
where you can reach easily?
6. Can you reach the hospital in an emergency situation
within an hour?
7. Are you aware of using hand wash and sanitizer
8. Do you maintain cleanliness in and around your home?
9. Do you exercise regularly?
10. Are you aware about food items which are to be avoided
in infectious diseases?
11. Do you know about the food items which are to be taken
adequately in infectious diseases?
12. Are you aware about food items which are to be avoided
in noncommunicable diseases?
13. Do you know about the food items which are to be taken
adequately in noncommunicable diseases?
14. Do you practice some preventive measures to be taken to
avoid the spread of infection?
15. Do you practice some preventive measures to be taken to
avoid acquiring noncommunicable diseases?

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