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manager at the immediately.

These wilI be investigated by both parties and the necessary

reports made to PBTA/ PHC by the Blood Bank Manager of the supplying Blood Bank
on behalf of both parties. Adverse reactions/ events which could have been due to faulty
components must also be reported to PBTA/PHC as soon as possible.


The suppll ing blood bank will rvish to assure thern that the procedures and practices
n ithin the receir ine hospital satisf,i the requirements of this agreement.


In the event of either party not performing according to the agreed terms of this
Technical Agreement, the following procedures rvill appl-v:-
o \\'here one partv considers that the other pag.' has failed to meet its obligations.
that parn ri ill instisate a meeting u'ith the other n'ithin TWO *'eeks.
o Follouing the meetins. the par['u'hich has not performed adequatell'u'ill be
eir en T\\'O u eeks to resolve the issue. to the satisfaction of the other paq .

o There u rll be joint discussion benveen both par-ties to reach a mutuallr'

acceptable ourcome.
. \\-here non-pertbrmance has not been rectified * ithin the a,sreed timescale. the
non-pertbrmance can be taken throu-eh identified perforrnance managerxent
alrangements. The local Hospital Transfusion committee will be informed and
the chair of that committee will ensure the issue of resolved in an acceptable
timescale. Where this is not achieved the HTC Chair will noti$, the clinical
Gor ernance Committee and escalate the matter as appropriate.


. .\li disputes & conspiracies will be referred to PBT,\.

15. PBTA resen'es right to inspect and evaluate both receiving and sunplr-ing hospital
at anv time and hour. PBTA can cancel the ][OL at anv time in case of obsen'ed or
reported non comnliance on part of any of the tn'o.

DR" IFflfftr;tiil .lfi &i,4t)

.r:CP5, FCFS
Receiving Hospital Signed and Stamp--
3i,.: i,i;X

Supplying Hospital Signed and S


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