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Summary of Lecture 11 – ROTATIONAL KINEMATICS

1. Any rotation is specified by giving two pieces of information: ( x, y )

a) The point about which the rotation occurs, i.e. the origin. r
b) The angle of rotation is denoted by φ in the diagram. φ
O x

2. The arc length = radius × angular displacement, or s = rφ .

Here φ is measured in radians. The maximum value of φ is
2π radians, which corresponds to 360 degrees or one full revolution. From this it follows
that 1 radian = 57.30 or 1 radian = 0.159 revolution. Obviously, if φ = 2π, then s = 2π r ,
which is the total circumference.

3. Suppose that there is a particle located at the tip of the radius vector. Now we wish to
describe the rotational kinematics of this particle, i.e. describe its motion as goes around
the circle. So, suppose that the particle moves from angle φ1 to φ2 in time t2 − t1. Then, the
φ − φ Δφ
average angular speed ω is defined as, ω = 2 1 = . Suppose that we look at ω
t2 − t1 Δt
Δφ dφ
over a very short time. Then, ω = lim = is called the instantaneous angular speed.
Δt → 0 Δt dt

4. To familarize ourselves with the notion of angular speed, let us compute ω for a clock
second, minute and hour hands:

ωsecond = = 0.105 rad / s,

ωminute = = 1.75 × 10−3 rad / s,
60 × 60

ωhour = = 1.45 × 10−4 rad / s.
60 × 60 × 12
5. Just as we defined accelaration for linear motion, we also define acceleration for
circular motion:
ω − ω Δω
α≡ 2 1= (average angular speed)
t2 − t1 Δt
Δω dω d dφ d 2φ
Hence, α = lim becomes α = = = (angular acceleration). Let us
Δt → 0 Δt dt dt dt dt 2
see what this means for the speed with which a particle goes around. Now use s = rφ.
ds dφ
Differentiate with respect to time t: = r . The rate of change of arc length s is clearly
dt dt

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what we should call the circular speed, v. So v = rω. Since r is held fixed, it follows that
dv dω dv
=r . Now define aT = . Obviously, aT = rα . Here T stands for tangential, i.e.
dt dt dt
in the direction of increasing s.

6. Compare the formulae for constant linear and angular accelerations:

v = v0 + a t ω = ω0 + α t
1 1
x = x0 + v 0 t + a t 2 φ = φ0 + ω0 t + α t 2
2 2
v = v 0 + 2a ( x − x0 )
2 2
ω = ω0 + 2α (φ − φ0 )
2 2

Why are they almost identical even though they describe two totally different physical
situations. Answer: because the mathematics is identical!

7. The angular speed of a car engine is increased from 1170 rev/min to 2880 rev/min in
12.6 s. a)Find the average angular acceleration in rev/min 2 . (b) How many revolutions
does the engine make during this time?
SOLUTION: this is a straightforward application of the formulae in point 5 above.
ω f − ωi 1
α= = 8140 rev/min 2 , φ = ωi t + α t 2 = 425rev.
t 2

8. Wheel A of radius rA = 10.0 cm is coupled by a chain B to wheel C of radius rC = 25.0 cm.

Wheel A increases its angular speed from rest at a uniform rate of 1.60 rad/s2. Determine
the time for wheel C to reach a rotational speed of 100 rev/min.


SOLUTION: Obviously every part of the chain moves with the same speed and so

v A = vC . Hence rAω A = rCωC ⇒ ω A = C C . From the definition of acceleration,
ωA − 0 ω A rCωC
α= . From this, t = = = 16.4 s.
t α rAα

9. Imagine a disc going around. All particles on the disc will have same 'ω ' and 'α '
but different 'v ' and 'a' . Clearly 'ω ' and 'α ' are simpler choices !!

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10. Now consider a particle going around a circle at constant speed. You might think that
constant speed means no acceleration. Bu this is wrong! It is changing its direction and
accelerating. This is called "centripetal acceleration", meaning acceleration directed
towards the centre of the circle. Look at the figure below:
θ P1
v 2 − v1
C r v1

Note that the distance between points P1 and P2 is Δr = vΔt ≈ rθ . Similarly,

Δv vθ v2 Δv v 2
Δv ≈ vθ ⇒ a = ≈ = . More generally, a = lim = . In vector form,
Δt rθ / v r Δt → 0 Δt r
G v2
a R = − r . The negative sign indicates that the acceleration is towards the centre.

12. Vector Cross Products: The vector crossproduct of two vectors is defined as:
A × B = AB sin θ nˆ where nˆ is a unit vector that is perpendicular to both A and B.
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
Apply this definition to unit vectors in 3-dimensions: i × j = k , k × i = j , j× k = i .

13. Some key properties of the crossproduct:

• A × B = −B × A
• A× A = 0
( ) (
• A + B × C = A× B + A× C ) ( )
iˆ ˆj kˆ
• A × B = Ax Ay Az = ( Ay Bz − Az By ) iˆ + ( Az Bx − Ax Bz ) ˆj + ( Ax By − Ay Bx ) kˆ
Bx By Bz

14. The cross product is only definable in 3 dimensions and has no meaning in 2-d. This is
unlike the dot product which as a meaning in any number of dimensions.

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