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A: Machinery & Electrical Requirements

1) Timber & Furniture Ksh. 10,500.002.

2) Electricals Ksh. 3,000.003.
3) 2 Simple cell phones Ksh. 12,000.004.
4) Room Re-designing & Painting Ksh. 22,000.005.
5) Security metals Ksh. 7,500.006.
6) Wall fan Ksh. 6,600.00

Total: Ksh. 61,600.00

B: Capital

1) License Certificate Ksh. 16,500.002.

2) Cash Float Ksh. 50,000.003.
3) M-Pesa Cell phone Sim-Card Ksh. 50,000.004.
4) Cash for Deposit Ksh. 50,000.005.
5) Water Dispenser Ksh. 12,500.00

Total: Ksh. 180,000.00

Grand Totals: Ksh. 240,600.00

C: Monthly Operational Costs

1) Labour Ksh. 10,000.002.

2) Security Ksh. 2,000.003.
3) Power Ksh. 1,000.004.
4) Stationaries Ksh. 1,000.005.
5) License Ksh. 1,300.006.
6) Depreciation Ksh. 2,000.007.
7) Reserve Ksh. 2,000.00

Total monthly costs Ksh. 19,300.00

Monthly Minimum Targeted Revenue ksh. 40,000.00

Monthly Minimum Targeted Net Income Ksh. 20,000.00 (40,000.00 - 19,300.00)
The business deals with money deposits, withdrawal, transferring and client registrations. The
clients are Safaricom subscribers operating accounts with Safaricom. We shall also be selling
airtime, simcards as well to both local and foreign clients. As we grow, we shall expand our
services and introduce products i.e., mobile phones and accessories etc.
We focus on having a daily total transactions of Appx 100, and a monthly target of 2600

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