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Edited by Academician За редакцією академіка
V. K. Shpak В. К. Шпака
Fourth Stereotype Edition 5-те видання, стереотипне
For students of higher schools Допущено Міністерством освіти і науки
Підручник для студентів вищих
навчальних закладів

KYiy v київ
2007 2007
УДК 811.111(075.8) Гриф надано Міністерством освіти
і науки України (протокол від ПЕРЕДМОВА
ББК 81.2 А н г л . - 9 2 3 25 березня 1998 р. № 4/1-18)

А в т о р и: В. К. Шпак, В. Я. Полулях, 3. Ф. Кириченко,

Н. М. Голуб, Н. Г. Дяченко, О. В. Цехмістренко Сучасний етап розвитку міжнародних відносин, а також
перехід вищих навчальних закладів України до підготов­
Р е ц е н з е н т доктор філологічних наук, професор
С. А. Жаботинська (Черкаський державний університет) ки бакалаврів і магістрів потребують докорінного перегля­
ду процесу викладання іноземних мов у вищій школі. Ціл­
Редактори: В. П. Ховхун, Н. В. Леонова
ком очевидно, що існуючі підручники та навчальні посібни­
ки з іноземних мов сьогодні не тільки застаріли щодо
науково-технічного змісту, а й не можуть сформувати у
Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування: майбутніх спеціалістів навичок усного та письмового спіл­
А64 Підручник / В. К. Шпак, В. Я. Полулях, 3. Ф. Кири­ кування з іноземними колегами. Власне, жоден з підручни­
ченко та ін.; За ред. В. К. Шпака. — 5-тевид., стер. — ків для немовних вищих закладів освіти і не мав за мету
К.: Вища шк., 2007. — 302 с — Англ., укр. розвиток навичок усного мовлення.
ISBN 978-966-642-350-7 Заповнити таку прогалину — головна мета цього під­
ручника. Уроки, з яких він складається, охоплюють ос­
Мета підручника — забезпечити розвиток навичок усно­ новні теми, необхідні для повсякденного спілкування.
го мовлення на теми, передбачені програмою з іноземних мов Кожний урок містить нові слова, вирази, мовні зразки,
для немовних вищих навчальних закладів.
Складається зі вступного фонетико-орфоепічного курсу, діалоги, тексти та мовні ситуації за темою, а також вправи
основного курсу (25 уроків), короткого граматичного довід­ на закріплення граматики. Наблизити словниковий за­
ника та словника. Уроки основного курсу містять мовленнєві пас та навички усного мовлення до живого спілкуван­
зразки, діалоги, тексти та варіанти мовних ситуацій. Систе­
ма вправ забезпечує швидке й ефективне засвоєння студен­ ня — одне з найважливіших завдань підручника.
тами необхідних знань і вироблення в них стійких навичок Окремі тексти в адаптованому вигляді взято із зару­
повсякденного спілкування. біжних та вітчизняних видань.
Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Може бути
корисним для широкого кола осіб, що вдосконалюють свої Урокам передує вступний фонетико-орфоепічний курс, у
знання з англійської мови. якому подано пояснення правил читання. Крім того, матеріал
УДК 811.111(075.8) уроків записано на 4 аудіо- та 2 відеокасети. Запис зробле­
ББК 81.2 Англ.—923 но носіями мови — викладачами із Сполучених Штатів
Америки. Такий навчальний комплекс кожний може отри­
ISBN 978-966-642-350-7 © В. К. Шлак, В. Я. Полулях,
3. Ф. Кириченко, П. М. Голуб, мати за адресою:
Н. Г. Дяченко, О. В. Цехмістренко, 18006, Черкаси-6, бульв. Шевченка, 460, Черкаський інже­
1995 нерно-технологічний інститут, тел. (0472)43-64-75. За цією
© В. К. Шпак, В. Я. Полулях, адресою можна одержати також унікальний додаток: ком­
3. Ф. Кириченко, Н. М. Голуб,
Н. Г. Дяченко, О. В. Цехмістренко, п'ютерну навчальну програму на базі лексичного та грама­
1999, зі змінами тичного матеріалу підручника (2 дискети).
ВСТУПНИЙ особливу, притаманну тільки їй, мелодику. В англійсь­
ФОНЕТИКО-ОРФОЕШЧНИЙ кій мові є дві головні інтонаційні моделі: спадна (tune
one) і висхідна (tune two). Якщо стрілочка, яка стоїть
перед останнім наголошеним складом, спрямована дони­
зу, то це означає, що інтонація спадна. А стрілочка, спря­
мована догори, вказує на те, що тон підвищується:
І live in і Kyiv. Do you live in T Kyiv?
Спадна мелодія найчастіше вживається у стверджу­
і. ЗВУКИ І БУКВИ вальних і наказових реченнях, спеціальних запитаннях,
окличних реченнях, а висхідна — у загальних запитан­
В англійській мові є 44 звуки. З них 20 голосних та нях, проханні, переліку.
24 приголосні. Алфавіт містить тільки 26 букв: б голос­ Приклади вживання спадної мелодії:
них та 20 приголосних. Оскільки кількість звуків пере­ Kate is і fifteen.
вищує кількість букв, то деякі букви можуть передавати і Open the door.
кілька звуків. Для передачі окремих звуків використо­ Where did he і go?
вуються буквосполучення. Різні букви та буквосполу-
Приклади вживання висхідної мелодії:
чення можуть передавати один і той самий звук. Інколи
одне буквосполучення передає різні звуки. Через те у Do you speak T English?
фонетиці англійської мови використовують транскрип­ May I ask you a T question?
цію — систему знаків, у якій кожний знак передає тіль­ I have a T father, a t mother, T two brothers and a
ки один звук. Транскрипція показує, як вимовляється •I sister.
слово, тобто з яких звуків воно складається. Традиційні
знаки англійської транскрипції вживаються в двомов­
них словниках. 3. НАГОЛОС
УВАГА! Вимовляючи англійські голосні звуки, обов'яз­
Для кожної мови характерним є свій ритм. В англійсь­
ково витримуйте їх тривалість і якість, в іншому разі
кому реченні наголошені склади здебільшого вимовля­
значення вимовлених вами слів не буде збігатися з ба­
ються через однакові проміжки часу. Наголошеними, як
правило, можуть бути іменники, прикметники, основні
Тривалість голосного звука: sit [sit] — сідайте, seat
дієслова, числівники, прислівники, питальні та вказівні
[si:t] — сидіння.
займенники. Наголошений склад позначається знаком
Якість голосного звука: bed [bed] — ліжко, bad
наголосу (')•
[basd] — поганий.

Читання голосної залежить від наголосу та її положен­
Необхідно не тільки правильно вимовляти окремі зву­ ня щодо інших букв. В англійській мові, на відміну від
ки, а й пам'ятати про наголос та інтонацію. Під інтона­ української, існують не два типи складів (відкритий і
цією, чи мелодією, мають на увазі пониження чи підви­ закритий), а чотири, внаслідок впливу букви г на вимо­
щення тону в процесі мовлення. Кожна мова має свою ву голосної, яка стоїть перед нею.

6 7
Читання голосних у чотирьох типах складів Читання деяких приголосних і їх сполучень

Закритий Відкритий Голосна + r Голосна + r Буквосполучення Читання Приклади

Буква склад склад + приголосна + голосна
с + є, і, у [S] place, pencil, icy
а rat [raet] rate [reit] star [sta:] stare [stea] с — в інших випадках [к] crystal, cubic, can
0 hot [ho:t] hope [houp] sport [spo:t] more [ т э : ] g + є, і, у №] page, giant, Egypt
u bus [bAS] use [ju:s] t u r n [ts:n] pure [pjus] g — в інших випадках [д] go, big, gave
є ten [ten] Pete [pi:t] her [ha:] here [hia] виняток: [д] get, give
і still [stil] smile [small] bird [ba:d] fire [faia] J jet, just
У system [sistsm] type [taip] myrtle [ma:tl] tyre [taia] s — у кінці слова, після голосної his, plans, because
та дзвінкої приголосної,
усередині слова між голосними
5. ЧИТАННЯ БУКВОСПОЛУЧЕНЬ s — в інших випадках [S] so, stand, lamps
th [в] think, thin, thank
Деякі приголосні в англійській мові впливають на [б] this, t h a t , with
читання голосних, які стоять поряд. sh
ch, tch ш
show, ship
inch, match
Читання голосних буквосполучень ph [f] physics, telephone
w — перед г на початку слова write, wrong
Буквосполучення Читання Приклади не читається
qu [kw] quick, equipment
a+s+приголосна [a:] . ask, fast, pass wh + голосна (крім о) [w] what, when, why
а+і+приголосна — у закритому [з:] small, salt, tall wh + о who, whom, whose
складі під наголосом ture — у ненаголошеному
a+1+k (1 не читається) [з:] talk, chalk
положенні [ф] lecture, culture
wa, qua+г+приголосна [з:] war, warm,
tion, ssion — у ненаголошеному [Jn] motion, session
(г не читається) quarter
wa, qua+приголосна (крім г, 1) [3] want, quantity положенні
сі + ненаголошена голосна [J] social, electrician
wa, qua — у відкритому складі [Єї] wave, quake
a i , ay — під наголосом [еі] stain, day
au, aw [з:] author, law
еа, ее [і:] sea, steel
ear — під наголосом, якщо за цим [ІЗ] dear
сполученням не стоїть приголосна
ear — перед приголосною [з:] learn, early
еег — під наголосом [ІЗ] engineer
ew — якщо не стоїть після 1, r, j [ju:] few, dew
ew — після 1, r, j [u:] flew, drew, jewel
і + Id [аі] mild
і + nd [аі] find
і + gh [аі] flight
о + Id [ou] old, gold
oo + k [u] took, look
oo + приголосна [u:] mood, shoot, foot
oa [ou] road, load
ou, ow [au] out. town, loud
[л] country
[u] group
u — після r, 1, j, а також перед [u:] rule, blue, June
Ul [ju:] suit
ui після r, I, j [u:] fruit, sluice, juice

III. Make up sentences:
Let me introduce my friend
my husband to you.
L E S S O N l my wife
I. Read and memorize the following words and expres­ I am
we are .<
How do you do. [hau du: ju: du:] Здрастуйте. they grateful to you.
e.g. How do you do is a kind of greetings and not a ques­ obliged
Good morning, [gud 'mo:nin] Доброго ранку.
e.g. We say "Good morning" up till 12 o'clock. Give the regards to
Good afternoon, [gud' a:ft9'nu:n] Доброго дня. Remember me to your mother!
e.g. We say "Good afternoon" after 12 o'clock. Say "Hello" to
Good evening, [gud 'i:vnin] Добрий вечір. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Hello, [ha'lou] Привіт, алло.
Hi. [hai] Привіт.
How are you? [hau Q: ju:] Як здоров'я? IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in
fine [fain] добре brackets.
e.g. I am fine.
Good bye. [gudbai] До побачення. 1. I'm very much .. to you. (glad, delighted, obliged)
Goodnight, [gud nait] На добраніч. 2. Let me ... my brother to you. (see, appreciate, intro­
See you later, [si: ju: 'leita] До зустрічі. duce) 3. Please give your wife my ... for the present, (greet­
Thank you. [Oaerjk ju:] Дякую. ings, welcome, thanks) 4. You are very .. . (thankful,
e.g. Thank you for your help. kind, indebted) 5. We say ... in the evening. (Good morn­
glad [glasd] радий ing, Good evening, Good afternoon)
e.g. I am glad to see you.
introduce [,mtra'dju:s] представляти V. Complete the following sentences.
e.g. Let me introduce my husband to you. 1. Thank you for ... . 2. Why is it advisable to ... ?
3. It's such a great pleasure to ... . 4 . How's your sister ... .
II. Learn the following phrases:
5. Give your mother my ... .
Not at all.
It's all right. Нема за що. VI. Translate into English:
Don't mention it. 1. Як поживають ваші батьки? 2. Передайте їм ві­
тання. 3. Із задоволенням. 4. Дякую, непогано. 5. При­
You're welcome. Будь ласка.
віт, скоро побачимось.
It's very kind of you. Дуже люб'язно з вашого боку.
VII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type: A: Good afternoon.
B: ... Let me introduce my friend to you.
1. I always say "Hello" when speaking on the phone.
A: ... It's very kind of you.
2. I am grateful to you. 3. See you soon. 4. It's very
B: ... You are welcome.
sweet of you. 5. I am glad to meet your friend.
VIII. Read and dramatize the following dialogues. X. Make up your own dialogues using the following
word combinations:
Mary: Hi, Jane!
Jane: Hello, Mary! How are you? 1. Hello, hi, how are you, thanks, nice to meet you,
Mary: Oh, not bad — a little tired. Jane, I'd like you to I'm afraid, give him my regards, remember me to, see you
meet my brother. soon.
John: Nice to meet you. My name is John. 2. Good morning, glad to meet you, how are things, not
Jane: Well, it is nice to meet you, John. too bad, you are very kind, what can I do for you?

XI. Ask questions to the text and retell it:

Maggie: Oh, Peter, hello, how are you? Look, I'm in a
terrible hurry. The bank closes in fifteen minutes. There are some main rules of introduction which are
Peter: Is your bank near here? useful to remember: men are introduced to women, young
Maggie: Yes, it's only three blocks away. people to older ones, old friends to newcomers, and young
Peter: Get in my car, I '11 give you a lift. girls to married. Usually women are not presented to a
Maggie: This is so nice of you, Peter, thank you. man unless he is the Head of State or a member of the
Peter: Don't mention it. Royal family. When introducing one says something
like: "Mrs. Johnson, may I introduce Mr. Blake?" and
then turning to Mrs. Johnson simply says "Mrs. Johnson".
Ann: Good morning, Maggie! That is all that's necessary, but one can say a bit of infor-
Maggie: Ann! Nice to see you. Have a seat. mation which will help the introduced people to start the
Ann: Thanks. conversation.
Maggie: How are you? The usual response to the introduction is "How do you
Ann: Fine. What about you? do?" which is a kind of greetings and not a question, and
Maggie: Oh, I'm fine, thanks. the best answer to it is "How do you do?". Sometimes one
Ann: Oh, I'm sorry, I must be going. See you later may say less formally "I am glad to meet you", "Happy to
tonight! have met you" or just "Hello".
Maggie: Bye-bye. It is very good to add the name of the person intro-
duced — "I am very glad to meet you, Mr. Sparks". If you
IX. Complete the following dialogues:
do not remember the name it is enough simply to ask "What
Hello, how are you? was your name, please?" or "Could you repeat your name?"
. and what about you? Men may stand when introduced, ladies may remain
. and how's your sister?
. could you give my regards to your husband?
. Thank you in advance. British and American people usually shake hands
. Bye-bye. especially when formally introduced but they do not al-
ways shake hands with people they see often. When an

12 13
Englishman passes a friend in the street he only touches III. Copy out correct sentences. Mind the articles:
his hat. 1. At that moment there was the knock at the door.
Usually they smile and say: "Good morning", "Good At that moment there was knock at the door.
afternoon", "Good evening", "Hello", or "Hi". At that moment there was a knock at the door.
When two businessmen meet, they usually shake hands. 2. It is such great pleasure to see you here.
XII. Make up questions and let your fellow-stu- It is such a great pleasure to see you here.
dents answer them: It is such the great pleasure to see you here.
3. It is rather a long way to the village from here.
the main rules of introduction? It is rather long way to the village from here.
What is the simpliest way of introduction? It is rather the long way to the village from here.
are the usual response to introduction? 4. Excuse me, I am in the hurry now.
expected as an answer to "How do you do?" Excuse me, I am in a hurry now.
Excuse me, I am in hurry now.
THE ARTICLE 5. It will take us half an hour to get to the airport.
It will take us half hour to get to the airport.
GRAMMAR EXERCISES It will take us half the hour to get to the airport.
I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles: 6. I have lot of work to do today.
I have the lot of work to do today.
A. 1. Ann is ... nice little girl. 2. Mr. Black lives in ... flat
I have a lot of work to do today.
10. 3. Thank you for ... trouble you took. 4. I often
7. I am as busy as the bee.
get... letters from my friend. 5. Take ... bus N 9. It goes down
I am as busy as bee.
... Shevchenko Street. 6. I like ... meat and my wife likes ...
I am as busy as a bee.
fish. 7. I am ... first-year student of ... Polytechnic Institute.
8. Thank you for trouble you took.
8. Please, give me ... pen and some paper. 9. I have ... girl-
Thank you for a trouble you took.
friend. 10. ... friend in need is ... friend indeed.
Thank you for the trouble you took.
B. 1. Ann is in ... garden. 2. He was well-dressed, ...
best-dressed man in ... room. 3. How did you like ... film? IV. Fill in the blanks with articles where it is necess-
4. This is ... house that Jack has built. 5. Thanks ... lot. ary:
6. Kopernik proved that ... Earth goes round ... Sun.
7. ... tiger is a big cat-like animal. 8. He saw a familiar A. 1. All ... best. 2. You are ... very man I am looking
face in ... second row. 9. ... Trafalgar Square is famous for. 3. ... island of ... Great Britain is washed by ... North
for its Nelson's Column. Sea in ... east and by ... Atlantic Ocean in ... west.
4. ... Ukraine has become ... sovereign state. 5. ... Browns
II. Put the nouns of the following sentences into plural. were not invited for our evening party. 6. Probably ...
Mind the articles. most unusual modern building in ... Fleet Street is that
of ... "Daily Express". 7. They will come here ... next
1. Thank you for the book. 2. Mr. Brown will come year. 8. ... Thames is one of ... main rivers of ... Great
tomorrow. It is necessary to reserve a room. 3. Please, Britain.
introduce me to your friend. 4. A computer is designed for
B. On ... week-days I must get up at 7 o'clock to come
processing and storing information. 5. Thank you for get-
to ... Institute in time. In ... morning I have my break-
ting me over this difficulty. 6. A Ukrainian is hard-work-
fast. I have ... cup of tea or coffee and some bread and
ing, hospitable, resourceful and musical.
14 15
butter. After breakfast I go to ... Institute. When ... lec­ vocabulary [vs'kcebjulsn | лексика
tures are over I have my dinner. Then I go to ... library or e.g. No dictionary could list the total vocabulary of a
to ... reading-hall. When I come home I have ... rest. If ... language.
weather is very cold I stay at home. But if it is fine I go read [ri:d] читати
for ... walk. e.g. Can you read this text?
write [rait J писати
V. Translate into English paying attention to the artic­ e.g. Can you write these words?
les: peculiarity [pijkjuli'asriti] особливість
1. Будь ласка, перекажіть вашій дружині, що я дякую e.g. Every language has its own peculiarities.
за подарунок. 2. Дуже люб'язно з вашого боку. 3. По­ accent ['cekssnt] акцент, вимова
бачимось у п'ятницю. Всього найкращого. 4. Я спо­ e.g. He speaks French with a foreign accent.
діваюся, що колись зможу зробити те саме для вас. scientific [,sai9n'tifik] науковий
5. Як справи? — Добре. 6. Дякую за виявлену Вами e.g. They use scientific approach in their research.
увагу. — Нема за що. 7. Що я можу зробити для Вас? — knowledge ГпэЬсгз] знання
Нічого. Не турбуйтесь. 8. Дружба ґрунтується на вза­ e.g. My knowledge of German is poor.
ємних довір'ї та повазі. 9. Коли англієць зустрічає на interpret [in'taipnt] перекладати {усно)
вулиці товариша, він лише доторкується до капелюха. e.g. Can you interpret Mr. Brown's words?
10. Дуже приємно познайомитися з вашим найкращим translate [trasns'leit] перекладати {письмово)
другом. 11. Як правило, жінок не представляють чоло­ e.g. I have already translated this text.
вікові, якщо він не глава держави або не член коро­ word [wa:d] слово
лівської сім'ї. e.g. How many English words do you know?
meaning ['mknirj] значення
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS e.g. What is the meaning of this word?
1. You run into an old friend and have a talk with him
(her) about common friends. II. Learn the following phrases:
2. You introduce your new boy-friend to your sister. (to) have a good command of добре володіти
3. You meet your pen-friend you have never seen; you (to) try to do one's best намагатися робити все
introduce yourself. можливе
(to) be of great importance мати важливе значен­
L E S S O N 2 as quick as possible якомога швидше
(to) learn by heart вчити напам'ять
WE STUDY ENGLISH mother tongue рідна мова
I beg your pardon ... Вибачте ...
EXERCISES I do not understand you. Я вас не розумію.
Say it again, please. Скажіть це ще раз,
I. Read and memorize the following words:
будь ласка.
language ['kengwidb;] мова
Please, speak slowly. Говоріть, будь ласка,
e.g. My native language is Ukrainian.
study ['sUdi] вивчати
What does this word mean? Що означає це слово?
e.g. We study English at school.

16 17
III. Make up sentences: VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
a foreign language to me. 1. What, English-speaking countries do you know?
spoken in many countries, 2. What is his mother tongue? 3. To know a foreign lan­
English '•:• a truly international language, guage is very important nowadays. 4. He knows French
my favourite subject. very well. 5. Can you translate this sentence?
the mother tongue of nearly three hun­
dred million people. IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words іч: A: I am studying English now.
brackets: B: Are you really? They say it's very difficult.
A: I don't think English is easy.
1. Please ... the last word, (say, understand, repeat) B: Why do you think so?
2. I can read English but I cannot ... it. (say, tell, speak) A: Because I have to work hard learning a lot by heart.
3. Ї know grammar well, but my ... is poor, (language, * * *
pronunciation, meaning)

V. Make up questions and let your fellow-students A: I am going to be an engineer.

answer them: B: Why?
A: For a number of reasons.
і study a foreign language? B: What reasons?
Do you ! speak English? A: The main one is I like engineering .
I have English lessons every day?
Are your lessons interesting?
you sometimes tired after lessons? A: What do you think the best sort of job is?
B: To be a designer.
do you study foreign languages? A: As for me I like engineering.
Why can't you speak English well? B: To my mind, the best one is the job you like the
do you learn grammar? most.
VI. Complete the following sentences:
1. Is there anybody who speaks ... ? 2. What is the ... A: So you've passed your exams.
for ...? 3. The ... for ... is ... . 4. If you want to speak well B: It wasn't very difficult.
you . . . . 5. The word combination "mother tongue" A: It's because you worked hard, I think.
means ... . 6. English is spoken in ... . B: Well, I was all right in History, but I didn't do so well
VII. Translate into English: in Literature.
A: And what about your English?
1. Англійська мова — мій улюблений предмет. 2. Ба­ B: Not so good, only so-so.
гато людей розмовляють англійською мовою. 3. Англій­
* * *
ською мовою розмовляють у Великобританії, США, Ка­
наді. 4. Чи ви розмовляєте англійською мовою? 5. Ан­
A: What does that sign say?
глійська мова є міжнародною. 6. Багато англійських слів
B: Can't you read English?
мають кілька значень.

18 19
A: Why would I ask if I could?
B: Shall I read it to you? A: I think it should be taught at schools.
A: That's what I want you to do. B: Do you really? To my mind there are quite enough
* * * subjects on the school curriculum already.
* * *
A: I don't think you work hard enough at your English.
B: Well, I do, I work very hard, but please try to under­ A: I'd like to have a good Ukrainian-English dictionary on
stand it's very difficult for me. science and technology. I have to translate an article
A: Oh, is it? How long does it take you to do your home from Ukrainian into English.
B: Sorry, but we haven't any.
B: A long time, two or three hours, and sometimes even A: It's a pity! I must have this article translated as quick
as possible.
* * *
B: I can recommend a general Russian-English dictionary.
A: Mrs. Jones, I'd like to introduce you our Ukrainian At least it may be of some help.
friend Mr. Kononenko. A: Yes, I'll take it, of course. It's a pity that you have not
B: How do you do? a specialized dictionary.
C: How do you do? X. Complete the following dialogues:
B: You've come to study English, haven't you? Do you A: Hello. My name is Nick.
find it difficult? B: ...
C: Well, I do. It's quite different from what we read in A: Are you an engineer?
the textbooks. I understand the radio and TV all right, B:...
but I don't always understand people in the street. A: What's your job?
B: Yes, that's difficult at first. And how do you find life B\...
in England? A: Do you speak English?
C: Very interesting. I like it on the whole, although there B: ...
are some things I find rather strange.
B: Don't worry. You'll soon get used to it. XI. Make up your own dialogues using the following
* * * word combinations:

A: What do you think about Esperanto? mother tongue, to speak a little, to study English, vocabu­
B: I don't believe it will ever become a world language. lary, be of great importance, have a good command of.
A: Why? Lots of people are learning it. XII. Read and retell the text:
B: Not compared with those who are learning "real" lan­
guages. It's too artificial.
A: You've got a point there. But it's much easier to learn
English is an international means of communication. It is
than other languages.
studied as a foreign language at secondary and higher schools
B: That's certainly an advantage, of course, but there's no of our country.
incentive to learn it as long as so few people speak it. As for me I like English very much. I studied English at
You can't use it at international conference, for school and I'm studying it now. I study it every day
example. because I want to have a good command of the language.

I am sure if I work at it systematically as I do now I will
know the language very well. I try to do my best to master In order to master technical English the student must
English as quickly as possible. I study pronunciation, vo- first acquire a thorough knowledge of everyday English
cabulary and grammar. I try to speak English with my with its grammar, vocabulary and rules of word-forma-
teachers and with my friends. I read much and do many tion. Then it will be easy for him to learn, step by step, the
language exercises. I have many English books. I know peculiarities of technical English.
that foreign languages are of great importance in our modern The problem of vocabulary also causes difficulty to the
life. reader of technical English. Each branch of science and
technology has its own separate vocabulary.
XIII. Read and translate the text: Ability to translate a foreign technical text demands
sufficient technical knowledge to understand it and also a
ENGLISH AS A MEANS great linguistic knowledge and skill.
XV. Ask as many questions on the text as possible:
English is the national language in such countries as
Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia HOW TO USE A DICTIONARY
and New Zealand. It is the mother tongue of nearly three
hundred million people. Many people speak English in There are many good English dictionaries. A good dic-
Japan, China, India and African countries. But many more tionary, if correctly used, will yield a wealth of information.
use it as an international means of communication, because When translating, you may find the following suggestions
English has become a truly international language. useful:
Science, trade, sport and international relations of vari- — Carefully read the text to be translated.
ous kinds have given the English language the status of one — Reread the text and underline unfamiliar words.
of the world's most important languages. Many scien- — Make a rough translation.
tific and technical journals are written in English although — Look up any unfamiliar words and phrases.
they are not necessarily published in England or other — Remember that the text form of a doubtful word
English-speaking countries. At numerous international may have to be "converted" into the dictionary form. Small
meetings and conferences, English is the main language. dictionaries exclude certain kinds of words and you need some
The Olympic Games and other multinational sports events knowledge of word-formation in the foreign language.
cannot do without it. Good luck in studying English!
The role English plays today is the result of historical
XVI. Learn the poem by heart:
processes. The English language, in the course of its historical
development, has met with so many influences from abroad SIX SERVING MEN
that its lexical and grammatical structure has come to reflect
Rudyard Kipling
in many ways its international use.
English is a language which is indeed able to cope with the I have six honest serving men.
most diverse tasks of international communication. They taught me all I knew
Their names are What and Why and When
XIV. Read aloud and ask questions on the text: and How and There and Who
I send them over land and sea
Technical English is often said to be difficult to under-
I send them East and West
stand. One of the reasons for this is that many English words
But after they have worked for me
can have several meanings.
I give them all a rest.
master it as quick as possible. 3. I have got many English
GRAMMAR EXERCISES (book) at home and I always buy some new ones when
I find them in our (book-shop) . 4. When I read an Eng­
I. Give the plural of the following nouns: lish (book) I always try to write down all new (word)
a subject, a laboratory, a class, a book, a dictionary, a and (expression). 5. During the last (term) my (mark) in
translation, a tape-recorder, a lesson, a shelf, a child, a grown­ English were only "Good" and "Excellent" and I am sure
up, a film-strip,a school,an institute,a teacher,a report,a that at the coming examination my (mark) will be excel­
college, a mark, a circle, a story, an examination. lent. 6. I saw a rich choice of (book) of many modern
English and American ( w r i t e r ) in t h a t (book-shop).
II. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in 7. I advise you to read the (book) "Martin Eden" by Jack
brackets: London. 8. I decided to go to the (library) and take an
interesting (book) in English there.
1. Foreign ... are necessary for the ... of all ... . (language,
languages, representative, representatives, profession, pro­ V. Complete the following sentences using nouns in
fessions) 2. We had to read and to translate a new ... to the singular or in the plural:
give some ... for a certain grammar .,. and to answer several
... in English, (text, texts, example, examples, rule, rules, When did you have your English ... ? dictionary
question, questions) 3. I liked to study English very much, I am fond of all Jack London's . . . . task
so it was pleasant for me to answer all teacher's.,. . (question, I had to translate a ... from class
questions) 4. I am fond of all Dickens' ... (book, books). "Martin Eden" by Jack London. girl
He describes the childhood of his ... very well, (character, The first ... was to read and translate examination
characters) 5. We had to explain the ... of all the ... in the a new ... with the help of a ... . evening party
passive ... . (formation, formations, tense, tenses, voice, We repeated all the grammar ... before text
voices) 6. I had to translate a ... from "The Adventures of the ... . rule
Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, (passage, passages) 7. Our I was asked by the ... to tell some ... family
Institute choir sang several English ... . (song, songs) about my... in English. passage
I heard that you had had an word
III. Choose the correct form of the noun: interesting English . . . . poem
A ... recited the ... "To the Men book
1. I have got good (mark, marks) in all (subject, sub­
of England" by Shelley. teacher
jects) . 2. This year I hope to pass all my (examination,
examinations) well. 3. English is my favourite (subject, VI. Translate into English the following sentences
subjects) . 4. Many (grown-up, grown-ups) and (child, paying attention to the nouns:
children) speak English. 5. I speak English with my (school­
mate, schoolmates) and with my (teacher, teachers). 1. У нашій майбутній роботі дуже важливим є знання
6. I have got many English (book, books) at home. англійської мови. 2. Як ви сподіваєтеся скласти іспит з
7. "Oliver Twist" is one of my favourite (book, books) . англійської мови цього року? 3. Я почав вивчати ан­
8. There are (student, students) who speak English well. глійську мову ще в школі. 4. Тепер діти починають
вивчати англійську мову самостійно. 5. Ви добре воло­
IV. Open the brackets: дієте англійською мовою. 6. Я хотів би мати міцні знан­
ня з розмовної англійської мови. 7. Запам'ятайте мою
1. English is one of my favourite (subject). 2. I know пораду: що більше ви будете спілкуватися іноземною мо­
the (language) rather well and I try to do my best to вою, то швидше ви навчитеся розмовляти нею.
e.g. Father is my mother's husband.
1. Give a piece of advice on how to learn English. wife [waif] дружина, жінка
2. Advertise the language you are studying now. Why child [tjaild] дитина
do you study it? e.g. This girl is a little child.
3. Speak on: children ['tfildran] діти
a) the importance of English language; e.g. Children go to school.
b) how to use a dictionary. aunt [a:nt] тітка
e.g. My father's sister is my aunt.
My mother's sister is my aunt, too.
L E S S O N 3
uncle [лпкі] дядько
e.g. This man is my father's brother. He is my uncle.
cousin [клгп] двоюрідний брат, двоюрідна сестра
EXERCISES e.g. Bob and Mary are my aunt's children.
I. Read and memorize the following words: Bob is my cousin.
Mary is my cousin, too.
name [neim] ім'я
niece [ni:s] племінниця, небога
family name/surname прізвище
e.g. Ann is her aunt's niece.
patronimic [,раг1гэ'шгшк] no батькові
nephew I'neyju:] племінник, небіж
full name [ful neim] повне ім'я
e.g. Peter is his uncle's nephew.
е. д. What is your name? My name is Jack.
father-in-law [Т"а:5(э)ппЬ:] батько чоловіка (дружини)
We named our baby J a n e .
e.g. The father of my wife (hushand) is my father-in-
mother ['тлЭэ] мати
father [Тскйз] батько
mother-in-law [ ' т л З ( з ) п п Ь : ] мати чоловіка (дружини)
e.g. I live together with my mother and father. e.g. The mother of my husband (wife) is my mother-
parents ['pe9rants] батьки
e.g. Everyone has two parents.
relatives ['rebtivz] родичі
Your father and your mother are your parents. e. g. These are my relatives: father, mother, grandmother,
grandfather ['grasndJxKds] дідусь grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, son, daugh­
e.g. Your father's father is your grandfather. ter, wife, sister, uncle, aunt, niece.
Your mother's father is your grandfather, too. in-laws ['mb'.z] родичі жінки (чоловіка)
I call my grandfather Grandpa. e.g. All relatives of my wife (husband) are my in-laws.
grandmother ['grgend,mA33j бабуся
widow ['widou] удова
e.g. Your father's mother is your grandmother.
widower ['widoua] удівець
Your mother's mother is your grandmother, too.
grown-up ['grounAp] дорослий
I call my grandmother Grandma.
adult ['sdAlt] дорослий
brother [Ъглбэ] брат
e.g. He is already an adult.
sister f 'sistsj сестра
(to) bring up [bnn лр] виховувати
son [sAn]син
e.g. We must bring up our children.
daughter ['do:ta] дочка
character ['kasrikta] характер
e.g. My parent's son is my brother.
appearance [9'pi3r(s)ns] зовнішність
My parent's daughter is my sister.
26 27
profession [pra'fejn] професія II. Learn the following word-combinations:
occupation [,Dkju'peiJ(9)n] праця, робота
(to) work at a plant працювати на заводі
e.g. What is your occupation?
in a hospital у лікарні
engineer [,епфі'шз] інженер
in an office у конторі
technician [t3k'nij(a)n] технік
(to) finish comprehensive school закінчити середню
designer [di'zama] конструктор
clerk [kla:k) службовець
specialized school спеціалізо­
driver ['draivgj водій, шофер
вану школу
shop-assistant ['Jops'sistant) продавець
technical school технікум
book-keeper ['buk,ki:pa] рахівник
(to) graduate from the Institute закінчити інститут
accountant ['skauntsntj бухгалтер
from the University університет
cashier ['kaefraj касир
(to) be an engineer бути інженером
housewife ['hauswaifj домогосподарка
a student студентом
turner f'tarna] токар
a widow удовою
doctor ['dokts] лікар
grown-up дорослим
worker ['W3:ks] робітник
18 years old вісімнадцятиріч­
teacher ['ti.tfa] учитель
student ['stju:d(3)ntj студент
younger молодшим
postgraduate ['poust'grasdjuit] аспірант
older старшим
laboratory-assistant [l9'bor9t(a)ri3'sist3nt] лаборант знати іноземні мови
(to) know foreign languages
milling-machine operator ['milin ms'Ji.'n 'зрзгеіїз] фре­ кого-небудь
operator of the electronic computers оператор ЕОМ
plant fpla:nt] завод III. Make up sentences:
e. g. I work at the plant.
I Ukraine.
office pons] контора, заклад
He the USA.
hospital ['hospital] лікарня
She am England.
e. g. He works at the hospital.
We is from Canada.
comprehensive secondary school [,kompn'hensiv 'sekandsn
You are France.
sku:l] загальноосвітня середня школа
They Italy.
e.g. I finished the comprehensive secondary school.
specialized school ['spefslarzd sku:l] училище
technical school ['teknikslsku:!] технікум
institute ['institju:t] інститут
I Ukrainian.
e.g. I graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
He study Russian.
University [ju:ni'v9:sitij університет
She studies English.
married f'maerid] одружений(а)
We like(s) French.
e. g. I am married.
You know(s) Italian.
single [sirjglj неодружений (a)
They Japanese.
divorced [di'vorst] розлучений(а)
an orphan ['o:fsn] сирота
I Model: — What's your address?
He comprehensive secondary school — I'm sorry, I don't understand.
She graduated from the University. — Where do you live?
We finished specialized school. — Oh, I see. 1415 Concord Avenue, Apart­
You technical school. ment 20.
They Institute.
VII. Translate into Ukrainian:
IV. Answer the following questions: 1. He is nine years old. 2. She is sixteen years old.
1. Is your family big or small? 2. How many people are 3. I want to become an engineer like my father. 4. In the
there in your family? 3. Who are they? 4. How old are your evening the family watches TV or listens to the radio.
father and your mother? 5. How old are your sisters and 5. His family consists of six persons. 6. Her family consists
brothers? 6. How old are you? 7. What does your mother of three persons. 7. My brother wants to become an officer
do? 8. How many children have your aunt and uncle? 9. Is like our father. 8. We like our English lessons. 9. They
your mother beautiful? 10. What is your mother's name? like literature. 10. I want to become a technician like my
11. What is your profession? 12. Have you many relatives? mother. 11. She is like her mother. 12. He is like his father.
13. You are like your mother.
V. Complete the following sentences using the words
from the right-hand column: VIII. Translate into English:
My father's wife is my . . . . aunt 1. Ваша родина велика? — Так. 2. Із скількох осіб
My parent's son is my . . . . cousin вона складається? — Моя сім'я складається з п'яти осіб.
My parent's daughter is my . . . . father 3. Чи є у вас брати та сестри? — Так, у мене є сестра та
My mother's husband is my . . . . brother брат. 4. Хто веде господарство? — Бабуся. Мама та
My mother's father is my . . . . sister сестра допомагають їй. 5. Ваш батько робітник? — Ні,
My father's sister is my . . . . grandfather мій батько інженер. Він працює на заводі.
My mother's brother is my . . . . uncle
My father's mother is my . . . . niece IX. Fill out fhe form:
My mother's sister is my . . . . grandmother
Personal Information Sheet
My uncle's son is my . . . . nephew
My aunt's son is my . . . . mother Date
Peter is his uncle's . . . . Name
Ann is her aunt's . . . . Permanent Address —. ••
Tel. N: Home: Business:
VI. First match the words and appropriate questions. U.S. Citizen: yes no
Then practice the conversation substituting these words If no, nationality
and questions according to the model. Answer with per­
Date of birth
sonal information:
(month) (day) (year)
Address Where do you work? Place of Birth
Occupation Where do you live? Occupation
Place of birth Where were you born? Place of Employment
Business phone What do you do? Sex: M __ F _
Place of employment What's your business phone number? Marital Status: Married Single

30 31
X. Read and dramatize the following dialogues: B: So you are married! You have never told me anything
about it!
A: I have just finished secondary school and I want to A: I got married two years ago. Didn't you hear about it?
work at a factory. B: Have you any children?
B: That is a very good idea. You may learn to be an opera- A: Yes, we've a fine little girl. Her name is Ann. Come
tor of the electronic computers like myself. It is a and see us some time.
very good profession. B: Thank you ever so much. You also by all means come
A: What can you tell me about the factory where you work? and see us. I'll be so glad to introduce you to all the
B: Our factory is very big. It is equipped with modern members of my family.
machines. A: I'll come by all means. I'll be so glad to know them all.
A: It must be very pleasant to work at such a factory.
B: Certainly it is. XI. Ask questions on the text and retell it:
A: What are your wages? ( How much do you earn?)
B: My wages are rather high. I'm a qualified operator of
the electronic computers.
A: Please tell me, what do you do after working hours? First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Victor
Have you time for the cinema, theatre or concerts? Popovych. I am nineteen years old. I study at the Cherkas-
B: Of course, I have. I go to the theatre on my days off. sy Engineering and Technological Institute. I am in the
I like music very much and I often go to concerts. Be- second year. My family lives in Cherkassy in one of the
sides I study English. residential areas. My parents have two more kids besides
A: Do you know English well already? me. Thus I have got an elder brother Olexandr and a younger
B: No, I can't say that I do. But I try to study it regularly sister Olga. My sister is a schoolgirl. She is fourteen. My
and I hope that soon I shall be able to speak English brother is five years my senior. So he is twenty-four
well. already. He is a designer by profession. He is married. His
* * * wife is a telephone-operator. They are four in the family.
A: Now, I'd like to know about your family. He has two children — a son and a daughter. They are
B: Oh, my family is a very large one. I have a father, twins. They are lovely little kids with golden hair and
a mother, grandparents, two sisters and a brother. dark blue eyes.
A: Do you all live together? My parents are not old at all. Daddy is fourty-
B: Yes, we do, and it's a remarkable thing, by the way, seven and my Mum is three years his junior. My grandpar-
that we practically never quarrel. ents are already pensioners, but they are still full of life
A: Besides your immediate relatives you must also have and energy. I have many relatives — aunts, uncles, cousins.
some uncles and aunts and some cousins. My father is an architect and my mother is a hairdres-
B: Yes, several. Every now and then they come to see us ser. They like their work very much.
at our place or we go to see them. I am fond of reading books on history and science fic-
A: I wonder who does the cooking and looks after the tion. I go in for sports. I like playing football, basketball
house. and chess. Especially I'm good at chess.
B: It's all in the hands of my mother. Of course, my sisters In four years I shall graduate from the Institute. To be
help her. Now tell me something about your family. a good specialist it is necessary to study many general and
A: Well, as a matter of fact there is little to tell. I am an special subjects. My future speciality is electronic com-
orphan and before I got married I used to live quite alone. puters. In our age of rapid scientific progress and scientific

32 33
discoveries electronic computing is becoming a branch of friends. 5. We'll rest ... minutes and go back. 6. Have
economy. It serves as the foundation of economic and engi­ you ... news? Yes, I have ... . 7. There is ... light in my
neering progress. Research is impossible without com­ room.
V. Copy the following sentences. Underline personal
pronouns in the objective case:
1. We see them at the club very often. 2. The man says
GRAMMAR EXERCISES he knows you and your family. 3. I seldom speak with him
about my cousins. 4. Please, give me a note-book. 5. Our
I. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns: English is poor. Mr. Brown teaches us English. 6. Every day
I. ... am a first-year student of the Polytechnic Institute. I help my mother to look after the house.
2. My family is not very large, ... consists of 3 persons. 3. My
mother is a doctor. ... works in the hospital. 4. My father is an VI. Put personal pronouns in brackets in the objective
operator of the electronic computers. ... works at the plant. case:
5. My friends study at the University. ... are in their third
1. My friend sends ( I ) many letters. 2. His brother
year. 6. Have ... any relatives? 7. My aunt has two sons. ... are knows ( h e ) well. 3. I often see ( t h e y ) in the park.
4. Don't ask (he) about his wife. 5. Do you know Itali­
an? — No, I d o n ' t know ( i t ) at all. 6. Sometimes we
II. Complete the following sentences translating the meet (she) at the Browns. 7. Our mother greets (we)
words in brackets into English: every morning. 8. Your son studies together with (she),
1. (Скільки) old are you? 2. ( Д е ) and (коли) were doesn't he?
you born? 3. ( К о л и ) do you get up in the morning?
4. (В якому) Institute do you study at? 5. (Яку) of these VII. Insert possessive pronouns:
two foreign languages will you master? 6. (Хто за профе­ 1. We have ... English classes twice a week. 2. She
сією) is your father? 7. (Чому) have you decided to be­ likes ... new dress very much. 3. Paul keeps ... books in the
come an engineer? 8. (Хто) are you? 9. (Чию) book book-case. 4. I usually go to see ... friends in the evening.
do you see on the table? 10. (Кому) did he make a pro­ 5. They often take ... children to this park. 6. Do you help
posal? ... parents? 7. The film is very interesting but I don't
remember ... title. 8. Mary is an accountant. She does ...
III. Give short negative answers to the questions using work well. 9. Mr. Wilson is in ... office now. 19. Peter and
words nothing, nowhere, nobody, neither: Ann teach ... children music.
1. Where do your grandparents work? 2. What are you
doing now? 3. Which of these two occupations will you train? VIII. Translate into English:
4. Who told you to do this work? 1. Ми знаємо вас і вашу родину. 2. Мері Браун —
продавець. їй подобається її робота. 3. їхні батьки пере
IV. Fill in the blanks with any, some, much, little,
бувають зараз за кордоном. 4. Я знаю його дітей. їхні
many, few, a little, a few: імена Поль та Елізабет. 5. Ми знаємо його та його дру­
1. I have ... relatives. 2. My sister-in-law can speak жину. Вони щаслива пара. 6. Ваша дочка допомагає вам
French ... . 3. My mother has ... cousins. 4. He has ... удома? — Так. 7. Не беріть ці книжки. Вони мені по-

34 35
трібні. 8. Дідусь і бабуся зараз у саду. Віднесіть їм ці
L E S S O N 4
газети, будь ласка.
IX. Use the absolute form of possessive pronouns
instead of the conjoint in the following word-combina­ EXERCISES
tions according to the model:
I. Read and memorize the following words and expres­
Model: her advice — advice of hers sions:
my friend — a friend of mine
his joke — a joke of his head [hed] голова full [ful] повні
your cousin, her sister, our children, my daughter, their face [feis] обличчя painted ['pemtid] нафар­
relatives, her niece, your son, their grandson, his nephew, long [brj] довге бовані
oval f'ouval] овальне teeth [ti:0] зуби
our baby, my p a r e n t s , my sister-in-law, our son-in-
round [raund] кругле even ['i:van] рівні
law, their mother-in-law, your family, her grandfather,
thin [9m] худорляве uneven [ЛП'І:УЗП] нерівні
his aunt. square [skwes] квадратне chin [tfm] підборіддя
eyes [aiz] очі double [dAbl] подвійне
X. Translate the pronouns in brackets into English: hazel [Tieizal] карі
round [raund]кругле
1. My son can do this work (сам). 2. Our cousin is expressive [iks'presiv]
pointed ['pomtid] гостре
only 5, but she likes to look at (себе) in the mirror. 3. Tom виразні
massive ['msesiv] важке
and Ann blamed (себе) for the accident. 4. Unfortunate­ deep-seated ['di:p'si:tidj
cheeks [tji:ks] щоки
ly, I did it by (сам). 5. They came up to the door and rang глибоко посаджені
pink [pmk] рожеві
the bell. Their aunt opened the door (сама). 6. I can give bulging [TjAldsirj] витрішку­
pale [peil] бліді
you a piece of advice, but you should solve the problems ваті
rouged [ru:3d] нарум'я­
(самі). 7. Although the article was difficult we translated eyebrows f'aibrauz] брови
arched [cutft] дугою нені
it (самі). hair [hea] волосся
bushy ['buji] густі
thin [0m] тонкі curly fkadi] кучеряве
XI. Translate into English: black [Ьіазк] чорне
eyelashes ['ailasjrz] вії
1. Той молодий чоловік — мій брат. 2. То були най- straight [streit] прямі fair [fca] русяве
щасливіші дні в моєму житті. 3. Під час подорожі наша curled [ka:ld] загнуті blond [blond] світле
сім'я зупиниться в тому самому готелі, що й минулого thick [9ik]'густі red [red] руде
року. 4. Ця дитина — її син. 5. Я збираюся відвідати nose [nouz] ніс curled [ksdd] завите
своїх рідних. Це подарунки для них. 6. Ті дівчатка — straight [streit] пря­ straight [streit] пряме
мої двоюрідні сестри. мий grey [greij сиве
turned-up f'ta:ndAp] кир­ bald-headed ['bo:ld,hedid]
acquiline ['aekwilam] орли­ hair-cut ['Ьеэкл!] стриж­
1. Tell your friends about yourself. ний ка
2. Describe your family to your new friend. mouth [mau6] рот hair-do ['hesdu:] зачіска
3. Show a friend your family album and answer all his lips [lips] губи plait [plast] коса
questions. rosy ['rouzi] рожеві fringe [frmdj] чубчик
thin [0m] тонкі body ['bodi] тіло, тулуб
jealous ['dsetas] ревнивий sweet-toothed ['swi:t'tu:0t]
shoulder ['foulds] плече She wears make-up. Вона
naughty ['no:ti] неслухня- ласунчик
arm [a-m] рука (від кисті користується косметикою.
ний loudmouth [ 'laudmau9]
до плеча) clever ['kleva] розумний
chatter-box [ ifastaboks] ба- крикун
hand [hasnd] рука (кисть) blockhead f'bbkhed] ту­
leg [leg] йога пий, тупак
sleepy-head f'sli:pihed] со­
foot [fut] нога (стопа) well-bred ['wel'bred] добре
ня, сонько
broad-shouldered ['bro:d-
Jbuldid] широкоплечий ill-bred ['ilt^red] погано
II. Learn the following phrases:
tall [to:l] високий вихований
short [Jo:t] низький communicative I have a high (low) opinion Я високої (поганої) думки
stout [staut] повний [ke'mjunikativ] компаній­ of him. про нього.
lean [li:n] худорлявий ський He is easy (hard) to get З ним легко (важко) поро­
slender ['slenda] стрункий brave[breiv] хоробрий along with. зумітися.
neat [ni:t] тонкий coward f'kausd] боягуз He is a man of (no) charac­ Він людина з характером
graceful ['greisful] ГраЦІОЗ- honest ['o:nast] чесний ter. (безхарактерна).
ПИЙ cunning ['клшп] хитрий He is always in a good hu­ Він завжди в доброму гу­
a bag of bones худий як double-faced ['dAblfeist] mour. морі.
тріска дволикий She has a bee in her bon­ Вона з дивацтвами.
beautiful ['bju:tsf(u)l] rap- i n d u s t r i o u s [m'dAstnas] net.
ішй, прекрасний працелюбний She is as busy as a bee. Вона заклопотана.
attractive [at'raektiv] при­ lazy ['leizi] лінивий, ле­ He is as cool as a cucumber. Він холодний як лід (бай­
вабливий дачий дужий).
good-looking ['gud'lukirj] kind [kamd] добрий He is as cold as a fish. Він холодний як риба.
що має приємну зовніш­ cruel[кгиэЦ жорстокий He is neither fish nor flesh. Він ні риба ні м'ясо.
ність polite [pa'lait] ввічливий He is fit as a fiddle. Він у піднесеному настрої.
handsome ['hasnsam] врод­ strong-willed ['strorj'wild]
ливий вольовий Н І . Translate into English:
pretty ['pnti] гарненький weak-willed ['wkk'wild] У кімнату ввійшов високий вродливий елегантний чо­
What does he ( s h e ) look слабовільний ловік. Очі в нього були блакитні, волосся темне, ніс пря­
like? Який він (вона) з witty ['will] кмітливий мий. Він виглядав років на ЗО. На його обличчі була
себе? n u i s a n c e ['njusans] надо­ добра усмішка. Він був у піднесеному настрої.
She looks her age. Вона кучливий
виглядає на свій вік. generous ['cfeenaras] щед­ IV. Make up sentences:
What kind of face has she рий 1. Nose, his, straight, is. 2. She, hair, bobbed, her,
(he)? Яке у неї (нього) об­ greedy ['grkdi] скупий wears. 3. It, hard, Nick, to get, is, along, with. 4. John,
личчя? absent-minded boy, frank, and, a, honest, is. 5. Is, he, humour, always,
She has dimples in her ['a3bs(a)nt'mamdid] не­ in, a, good.
checks. У неї ямки на що­ уважний V. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
ках. light-minded
A: Do you know my elder brother, Peter?
She has rich make-up. ['laifmamdid] легковаж­
B: I am not really sure I do. What does he look like?
Вона дуже розмальована. ний
A: He is rather tall, dark-eyed with turned-up nose. on pretty little mannequins in the flower of their youth. She
B: Oh, yes, I certainly know him. always wore a great quantity of rich jewels. Her movements
* * * were awkward and her gestures clumsy...
.. .Yet this ungainly exterior sheltered a tender, romantic
and idealistic soul.
A: What sort of man is Mr. Brown?
B: I don't know him too well, but he is believed to be very (from "Lion's Skin" by W.S.Maugham)
witty. homely ['houmli] непоказний
A: Yes, and rather frank as well. ugly ['лдіі] негарний, потворний
* * * lined skin [lamd skm] зморшкувата шкіра
tightly marcelled hair ['taitli ma:sld hea] туго стягнуте
A: How is your brother now? волосся
B: Quite well, thank you. The boy has put on weight and elaborately [iTaeb(9)nth] старанно
looks well. ungainly exterior [лп'дешії eks'tiana] незграбна зовніш­
A: I'm glad to hear that. ність
* * * to shelter [Telts] бути притулком

A: Bill's wife always laughs at his jokes. DEGREES OF COMPARISON

B: They must be very clever. OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS
A: No, she is.
* * *
I. Give degrees of comparison of the following ad­
A: My wife has the worst memory I ever heard of. jectives and adverbs:
B: Forgets everything, eh?
A: No, remembers everything. short, little, small, wide, big, narrow, young, old, beau­
tiful, easy, many, bad, handsome, tall, charming, expres­
VI. Read the text and write out the words to the sive, thick, good, large, attractive, graceful, thin, early, well-
theme "Person's Character and Appearance": known, good-looking, deep-seated, delicate, slender, careful,
broad, happy, numerous, considerable, lean.
Mrs. Forestier was neither charming, beautiful, nor intel­
ligent; on the contrary she was absurd, homely and foolish; II. Give antonyms to the following words and word-
yet the more you knew her the more you liked her, and when combinations:
asked why, you found yourself forced to repeat that she was the best, the latest, the strongest, the oldest, the most
a very nice woman. She was as tall as the average man; she difficult, the tallest, the widest, the most unexpressive, the
had a large mouth and a great hooked nose, pale-blue, short­ unhappiest, the best-known, the heaviest, the nearest, the most
sighted eyes and big ugly hands. Her skin was lined and comfortable, the worst.
weather-beaten, but she was made up heavily, and hair,
which she wore long, was died golden, tightly marcelled and III. Open the brackets. Mind degrees of comparison of
elaborately dressed... She spent a great deal of money on her adjectives and adverbs:
clothes, which she got from the most fashionable dress­ 1. He is (tall) than his father is. 2. My grandfather is 5
makers in Paris but though a woman of fifty she had an years (old) than my grandmother is. 3. Are you (young)
unfortunate taste for choosing dresses that looked exquisite than me? 4. Who is your (good) friend? 5. Janet is (pretty)

' 41
of all. 6. Is your friend as (witty) as you? 7. (Old) he VIII. Change the sentences according to the model
grew (wise) he became. 8. She will get (thin) when she using the comparative and superlative degrees of com­
gets (old). parison of adjectives:

IV. Make up sentences using as ... as, not so ... as, Model: My father is tall.
not as . . . as according to the models: My brother is taller.
My brother's friend is the tallest of all.
M o d e l : Our family is as big as that of my friend. 1. Michael's brother is strong. 2. Jane is pretty. 3. My
(happy, friendly, small, merry, industrious, mother's smile is pleasant. 4. Ann's eyes are expressive.
musical, hospitable) 5. Your eyelashes are thick. 6. Mr. Brown is handsome.
M o d e l : My friend is as tall as you.
(broad-shouldered, handsome, lean, communi­ IX. Translate into English:
cative, brave, kind, polite, witty, absent-
1. Моя подруга — наймиловидіша дівчина. 2. Він -
minded, frank)
найвихованіша людина, яку я будь-коли зустрічав.
M o d e l : Ann is not so attractive as Dorothy is.
3. Том не такий нудний, як я думав. 4. Елізабет така
(good-looking, pretty, young, slender, neat,
сама легковажна, як і Маргарет. 5. Ви старші чи мо­
beautiful, kind, weak-willed)
лодші за вашого брата? 6. Чим більше він дивився на
M o d e l : Jane is not as charming as Ann is.
неї, тим більше вона йому подобалась.
(graceful, well-bred, honest, generous,
V. Give the most distinctive features of the appear­ 1. Describe your friend's appearance.
ance and character of your friends and relatives. 2. Discuss with your friends the appearance of your fa­
vourite film star.
VI. Replace personal pronouns in brackets by pos­
3. Discuss with your friend your ideals of man's beauty.
sessive ones:
1. ( I ) friend is shorter than me. 2. (She) cousin is the
prettiest girl I have even seen. 3. (He) face is not so stern
L E S S O N 5
as it may seem at first sight. 4. In fact (you) sister is much
more cunning. 5. She has a bee in (she) bonnet. 6. (We)
cousin has the most charming smile. 7. (They) niece is 5
years younger than (we) nephew is. EXERCISES

VII. Complete the following sentences using the words I. Read and memorize the following words:
from the right-hand column: hour[аиэ]година, час
My girl-friend wears her neither fish nor flesh day [dei] день
hair . . . . to get along with e.g. There are twenty-four hours in a day.
I have . . . . a low opinion of him week [wi:k] тиждень
He is ... . a man of character e.g. There are seven days in a week.
My mother is always . . . . long dawn [do:n] світанок, ранкова зоря •
Bob is easy . . . . in a good humour e.g. The beginning of the day is dawn or daybreak.
Her brother is ... . date [deit] дата, число

42 43
e.g. What's the date today? the day before yesterday позавчора
shadow [Tasdou] тінь local time місцевий час
e.g. It was possible to tell the time by shadows. (to) wind the watch завести годинник
sundial ['sAndaial] сонячний годинник (to) go wrong/right іти неправильно/правильно
e.g. A sundial tells the time by shadows. (to) be fast/slow поспішати/відставати
timepiece ['taimpi:s] хронометр, годинник (to) set the watch by ставити годинник за радіо
e.g. The first timepiece was a sundial. the radio
sunrise ['sAnraiz] схід сонця come ... (sharp/exactly) прийти о ... (рівно)
e.g. The sun rises in the east in the morning. Could you spare me a Чи не могли б ви приділи­
sunset ['sAnsat] захід сонця minute? ти мені хвилину уваги?
e.g. The sun sets in the west in the evening. (to) be short of time не мати часу
watch [wotJ] годинник (наручний) it's high time давно час
e.g. A watch is carried in the waistcoat pocket or is worn some other time іншим разом
on the wrist. Wait a moment, please Зачекайте хвилинку, будь
clock [kbk] годинник (настінний) Just a minute, please. ласка,
e.g. A clock is too big for the pocket and is placed on the in time вчасно
mantelpiece or is hung on the wall. it is still early ще рано
dial fdaial] циферблат, шкала it is late пізно
e.g. The dial of the clocks is marked with figures to indi­ from time to time час від часу
cate the hours. a. m.= ante meridiem до полудня (від 0 до 12
month [ т л п 9 ] місяць ['asntima'ndiam] години)
e.g. The name of each month has a rather clear origin. p. m.=post meridiem після полудня, пополудні
divide Idi'vaid] розділяти [poustma'ndiam] (від 12 до 24 години)
e.g. They divide the time between sunrise and sunset into
III. Make up sentences:
12 equal parts.
invent[m'vent] винаходити tim e is it now?
e.g. The water clock was invented as long as the sundial. date was it today?
make up [meik лр] утворювати What day will be yesterday?
e.g. Twelve months make up a year. year is tomorrow?
change [tjemd3] змінювати, міняти month
e.g. We cannot change the number of days in a year. season

II. Learn the following word-combinations:

seven days in a day.
(to) tell the time сказати, котра година twenty-four hours in an hour.
(to) measure the time вимірювати час 60 seconds in a minute.
a time zone- часовий пояс There are 60 minutes in a year.
a standard time декретний час 12 months in a week.
in honour на честь 4 seasons in a leap year
Roman gods and goddesses римські боги та богині 365 days
to count years вести літочислення 366 days
the day after tomorrow післязавтра
44 45
IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in першим годинником. Він показує час за тінню. Со­
brackets: нячний годинник не може показувати час, коли не
світить сонце. 3. Ваш годинник поспішає: зараз десять
1. The Romans ... their years from the date of the found­ хвилин на шосту. 4. Він подарував мені годинника на
ing of Rome, (number, count, calculate) 2. Twelve months день народження. 5. Весь світ поділений на часові
... a year, (make up, consist of, do) 3. The sun ... in the пояси.
east and sets in the west, (raises, lifts, rises) 4. There are
366 days in a ... .(year, leap year, hour) 5. They ... the VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
time between sunrise and sunset into 12 hours, (share,
1. The beginning of the day is daybreak. 2. We can tell
divide, confide). 6. We cannot ... the number of days in
the time by means of a watch. 3. Our lessons begin at 8
a year, (exchange, change)
o'clock. 4. Could you tell me the right time? 5. The dial of
V. Make up questions and let your fellow-students a clock is marked with figures to indicate the hours.
answer them : 6. When the sun sets it is cold.

months an hour? IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

weeks a month?
A: What time is it now?
days a day and night?
B: It's a quarter to five.
hours a year? A: Is it? Isn't your watch too fast?
How many minutes are there in a century?
B: No, it isn't. It is even slow a little bit.
seasons a week?
A: I'm afraid, I'm late for my lectures.
years a decade?
seconds * * *

the first day of the week? A: Could you tell me the time, please?
the fifth month of the year? B: Yes, it's ten past nine.
the third season of the year? A: Thank you.
What's the last day of the week? B: You are welcome.
the last month of the year? * * *
the tenth month of the year?
A: It's about time we make a move.
VI. Complete the following sentences: B: Really? Can't you stay a bit longer?
1. We can tell the time by means of . . . . 2. There are 366 A: I'm afraid not. You see, we promised our baby-sitter
days in ... . 3. The seven days of the week are named in we'd be back by 12 at the latest.
honour of ... . 4 . The beginning of the day is dawn or B: I see. What a pity.
daybreak, then comes ... . 5 . The Greeks counted their A: Thank you for a lovely meal.
years from the date of ... . 6. The sun rises in the east and B: I'm glad you enjoyed it. You must come again some
sets ... . 7. My summer holidays last ... . other time.
* * *
VII. Translate into English:
1. Наші лекції розпочинаються о дев'ятій. Я чекати­ A: Are you doing anything special on Saturday night?
му на вас о пів на дев'яту. 2. Сонячний годинник був B: No, I don't think so. Why?

XI. Make up your own dialogue using the following
A: Well, I'm having a little party and I'd like you to come.
B: Thank you. That would be very nice. What time?
the shortest day, the longest night, the shortest night of
A: Half past seven.
the year, as long as the night, September 23, June 22,
B: Fine. I'll see you then.
March 21, December 22, which is.
XII. Read and retell the text:
A: Oh, good afternoon, Mrs. Bluberry.
B: Good afternoon. Late again?
A: Oh, yes... I am ever so sorry, but I could not get on the There are twenty-four hours in a day. There are 60 se­
bus. conds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. There are
B: Well, perhaps you should have left home earlier? Yes­ seven days in a week. The seven days of the week are named
terday you were 15 minutes late after lunch. You are in honour of the sun, the moon and five of the planets.
asking for trouble. Sunday is the sun's day.
A: Yes, I think so. It won't happen again, I promise. Monday is the moon's day.
B: It'd better not. Tuesday is Mars' day.
Wednesday is Mercury's day.
Thusday is Jupiter's day.
A: The days are quite long now, aren't they? Friday is Venus' day.
B: They are. Next Saturday is Midsummer Day. Saturday is Saturn's day.
A: Midsummer Day? That's June 22, isn't it? The planets were named after Roman gods and god­
B: Yes, that's right. I am always sorry when summer ends. desses. The beginning of the day is dawn or daybreak,
A: But I wouldn't like to have summer weather all the then comes morning, noon (12 o'clok), afternoon, evening
time. I like spring and autumn, too. and night. We cannot change the length of the day. The
B: Yes, spring and autumn are sometimes pleasant. It's day is made for us by turning of the earth on its axis.
winter I don't like. Do you like winter? The sun rises in the east in the morning and sets in the west
A: No, I don't like winter. The days are so short and the in the evening. When the sun shines it is light. When the sun
weather is so cold. sets it is dark, except for the light of the moon and the stars.
We can tell the time by means of watches and clocks.
X. Complete the following dialogue:
The first timepiece anyone made was a sundial. A sundial
A: Excuse me, could you tell me what's the time by your tells the time by shadows. The oldest sundial was made in
watch now? It seems to me, my watch is slow. Egypt about 3,500 years ago. It was common practice to
B: ... divide the time between sunrise and sunset into 12 equal
A: Oh, yes. Thank you very much. It's the 12th of May parts, or hours.
today, isn't it? The water clock was invented as long ago as the sun­
B: ... dial. Water clocks could tell the time of day or night. But
A: And what's the day today? they often went wrong.
В The sand-glass is another timepiece that was invented
A I'd like to buy tickets for Warsaw in advance. I am long ago.
leaving in three weeks. Before true clocks were invented, fire was also used to
B: measure the time.
A: I prefer to go by train.
i« 49
The first true clocks were made nearly 1,000 years ago. October [o'ktouba] — the eighth month of the ancient
The first watches were made about 500 years ago. Roman year (octa = eight).
November [no'vembaj — the ninth month of the ancient
We know that the time is not the same all over the
Roman year (novem = nine).
world. For this reason the world has been divided into
December [di'semba] — the tenth month of the ancient
time zones. All the places in each zone have the same time.
Roman year (deca = ten) .
It is called standard time.
XIII. Learn the poem by heart:
MONTHS OF THE YEAR Solomon Grundy,
was born of Monday,
In a year there are 365 days or 366 in a leap year, which christened on Tuesday,
comes every four years. Each year has a number. The years got married on Wednesday
are numbered from the year that was supposed to be the one fell ill on Thursday,
in which Christ was born. To give the date of earlier events, got worse on Friday,
they count back from year 1. Then B.C. is put after the died on Saturday,
number. B.C. stands for "before Christ". Sometimes initials was buried on Sunday,
A.D., which stand for Latin words Anno Domini, are put. That was the end of Solomon Grundy.
The Romans counted their years from the date of the
founding of Rome. The Greeks counted their years from THE PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSE
the date of the first Olympic Games. Bronze Age in Britain
began in 1900 B.C. GRAMMAR EXERCISES
Each year has twelve months. The name of each month I. Change the following sentences according to the
has its origin. model:
January ['d3aenjuan] — the name of the first month was M o d e l : I play tennis once a week. And what about
dedicated by Romans to the god with two faces, Janus. her? (twice a week)
February ['februan] — this was the Roman festival of — She plays tennis twice a week.
I. I read periodicals seldom. And what about him? (re-
March [ma:tf] — this name of the month was given in gularly) 2. We come to the University at 8 a.m. sharp. And
honour of Mars — Roman god of war. what about him? (too) 3. I do English every day. And
April ['eipnl] — the month in wich the earth opens for what about her? (every week) 4. I set my watch by the
the growth of plants. radio. And what about her? (too) 5. I take a walk every
May [mei] — this month was named in honour of a evening. And what about him (every other day) 6. I wind
goddess of growth or increase. my watch every morning. And what about him? (too)
June [d3u:n] — the month of Juno (a woman of impo-
sing figure, one of the brightest of the minor planets). II. Copy out the sentences in the Present Indefinite
July [d3u:'lai] — the month named after Julius Caesar. Tense:
August ['o:gast] — this month was named in honour of 1. Come at 3 sharp. 2. Could you spare me a minute?
the Emperor Augustus as this month was identified with 3. I am short of time. 4. It's high time to go home.
memorable events in his career. 5. Excuse me, could you tell me the right time? 6. Spring
September [sap'tembs] — the Latin word septem means and summer are the best seasons of the year. 7. My brother
seven (the seventh month according to the ancient Roman usually sets the watch by the radio. 8. The year is divided
year, which began in March). into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
50 51
III. Ask your friend and let him answer: go) well. 3. My sister (need, needs) a new watch. 4. A sun­
1) if his father sets the watch by the radio; dial (tells, tell) the time by shadows. 5. Spring and autumn
2) if he is short of time; (is, are) sometimes pleasant. 6. Water clocks (doesn't
3) if he is in a hurry; measure, don't measure) time in minutes and seconds. 7. He
4) if his watch is slow; (is, are, has) short of time. 8. Children (likes, like) to have
5) if his sister winds her watch every day; summer all the time. 9. The beginning of the day (is, are)
6) if Ann comes home at 6 sharp every day. dawn or daybreak.

IV. Use the Infinitives in brackets in the necessary VII. Translate into English:
tense-form: 1. Котра година? 2. Навесні дерева наповнюються но­
1. He always (to be) short of time. 2. A sundial (to вим життям. 3. Який сьогодні день? 4. Котра година на
tell) the time by shadows. 3. The name of each month (to вашому годиннику? 5. Мій годинник відстає. 6. Я не
have) rather clear origin. 4. My watch (to be) slow. маю часу. 7. Уже давно час вечеряти. 8. Рік поділяється
5. My mother (to have) no spare time. 6. We (to have) на чотири пори: весну, літо, осінь, зиму. 9. Планети
vacations in summer. 7. Peter usually (to set) his watch названо на честь римських богів і богинь.
by the radio. 8. Sunday (to be) the first day of the week.
9. A great many of different clocks and watches (to help) VIII. Ask questions to have the following answers:
us to measure the time. 1. The seven days of the week are named in honour of
V. Agree or disagree with the following statements, the sun, the moon and five of the planets. 2. The year is
according to the model: divided into four seasons, each having three months.
3. In spring the trees are filled with new life. 4. Both the
M o d e l : 1. Spring is the revival of nature. day and the night are divided into 12 hours. 5. The dial of
— You are quite right. Spring is the re­ the clock is marked with figures to indicate the hours.
vival of nature.
2. In autumn the days get longer and the IX. Make the following sentences passive:
nights shorter.
1. They call the beginning of the day dawn or daybreak.
— You are not quite right, I'm afraid. In
2. My watch goes right. I set it by the radio. 3. Various
autumn the days get shorter and the nigths
longer. timepieces measure the time. 4. They call the time in each
1. In winter the sun rises late and sets early. 2. The seven zone standard time. 5. We wear watches on the wrist.
days of the week are named in honour of the sun, the moon 6. I wind the watch every morning. 7. Monday follows
and five of the planets. 3. Winter begins in November and Sunday.
ends in February. 4. It is five minutes past ten. 5. We can COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS
tell the time by means of timepieces. 6. Ten months make up
1. You are inviting a fellow-student to have dinner at
a year. 7. A leap year has 366 days. 8. June, 22 is the longest
your place. You have to give him your address, to explain
day of the year. 9. We know time is the same all over the
how to get there and to fix the date and the time.
2. Your friend was trying to get you on the telephone
VI. Choose the correct form of the verb: the whole day yesterday, but failed. He is surprised and
1. They (divide, divides) the time between sunrise and asks you what you were doing at the time he phoned. You
sunset into 12 equal parts. 2. This clock (don't go, doesn't try to remember what you were doing at 11 o'clock; half
past 12; from 5 to 7.
II. Learn the following word-combinations:
L E S S O N 6
all sorts of weather різна погода
WEATHER AND SEASONS (to) predict the weather прогнозувати погоду
EXERCISES (to) clear up прояснюватися
(to) get colder холоднішати
I. Read and memorize the following words: (to) get milder теплішати
(to) cover with hoar-frost вкривати інеєм
rainfall ['reinfo:!] злива
sunrays сонячні промені
e.g. In May we have heavy rainfalls.
icy-sheet крига
snowfall ['snoufod] снігопад
(to) drop to zero падати до нуля
e.g. There are sometimes snowfalls in winter.
(to) pick mushrooms (berries) збирати гриби (ягоди)
rainbow ['rembou] веселка
(to) gather flowers рвати квіти
e.g. In summer we can see a rainbow.
Indian summer «бабине» літо
weather f'weSg] погода
a river beach річковий пляж
weather forecast ['weda 'fo:ka:st J прогноз погоди
Thunderstorm Наближається гроза.
e.g. What is the weather forecast?
drop [drop J крапля; капати, опускатися, падати is coming.
It's sprinkling (drizzling). Мряка.
e.g. Rain is water falling in drops from the clouds.
It's pouring down rain. Злива.
dew [dju:] роса
It's raining cats and dogs. Ллє як з відра.
e.g. The flower is covered with dew.
I am wet to the skin. 1 Я змок до нитки.
flood [fUd] заливати,затопляти; виходити з берегів
e.g. Heavy rains may ruin crops and flood houses. I am wet through.
humidity [hju:'miditi] вологість
e.g. What is the humidity today? III. Make up sentences:
change [tjemd3] змінюватися winter.
e.g. The weather in Britain changes very quickly.
fine spring.
season [si:zn] пора року
good summer
e.g. The year is divided into four seasons: spring, sum
er is changeable in autumn
mer, autumn and winter.
awaken [a'weikan] прокидатися, пробуджуватися
e.g. In spring nature awakens from its winter sleep.
affect [g'fekt] впливати
e.g. The weather affects the lives of all of us.
depend (upon) [di'pend] залежати (від)
e.g. The weather depends upon season we live in. windy
sow [sou] сіяти stuffy
e.g. The farmers begin to sow fields in spring. rainy winter.
It's frosty in spring.
blossom ['blosam] квітнути, розквітати
It was summer.
e.g. The fruit trees begin to blossom in April. foggy
cover [/клуэ] вкривати sunny autumn.
e.g. The skies are covered with heavy clouds. chilly

hot. VI. Complete the following sentences:
1. In spring nature awakens from ... . 2. Rain is water
falling in ... . 3. The weather depends upon ... . 4. In
may be wet.
Climate spring the trees begin to bud and tiny green leaves ... .
is mild.
5. The year is divided into ... . 6 The weather affects the
lives of ... .
insular. VII. Translate into English:
1. Наближається гроза. 2. Минула зима була сувора.
IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in 3. Чи не знаєте ви прогнозу погоди на завтра? 4. Весна
brackets: починається в березні і закінчується у травні. 5. Ллє як
з відра. Я змок до нитки. 6. Навесні поля вкриваються
1. It is cold . . . . (inside, outside, around) You must put зеленню. 7. Яка сьогодні температура? — Температура
on warm things if you want to go for a walk. 2. In this впала до нуля.
part of our country the weather is ... . (possible, consider­
able, changeable) 3. ... the rain the people continued their VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
work, (according to, as well as, in spite of) 4. We can use
1. What do you wear to protect yourself against the
this ... for construction, (sea, sand, wind) 5. Some people
rain? 2. What kind of weather do you like? 3. Puddle is
may be glad to see a heavy ... because they want to go
skiing, (snowfall, snowstorm, rainfall) 6. The weather ... a small dirty pool on a road. 4. From October to April the
the lives of all of us in many ways, (influence, affect, weather is rather cold. 5. The British Isles are situated in
impact) the temperature zone between the parallels on which Kyiv
is situated.
V. Make up sentences IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
Rain | weather conditions of a place or area, A: It's a nice day today, isn't it?
a light gentle wind. B: Oh, yes. It's a lovely day. It's a nice weather we're
mist thick water vapour which is difficult to see having. It's a pleasant change after all that rain we
through. had last week.
weather water falling in drops from the clouds * * *
climate small dirty pool of rain water,
fog water vapour at or near the earth's sur­ A: Lovely day today, isn't it?
face, less thick than fog. B: Oh, yes, it's a fine day! There isn't a cloud in the sky.
drizzle a heavy fall of rain. The sun is shining brightly.
shower rain in small fine drops, thin continuous A: And the morning was so dark and cloudy. It looked
rain. like rain.
breeze conditions over a particular area, at a spe­ B: Yes, but you can never tell.
cific time with reference to sunshine, tern * * *
downpour perature, wind, rain and so on.
puddle A: What is the weather like today?
B: It is fine today. It's sunny, but it is cold for April.
56 57
A: What is the temperature? X. Complete the following dialogues:
B: It's about 2 °С (two centigrades).
A: Yes, you are right. The weather is too cold for this part A: What a nasty day today!
of the country. B: ...
B: What colour is the sky? Are there any clouds in it? A: I hate when it rains.
A: The sky is blue. There are no clouds in the sky. B: ...
* * * A: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?
B: ...
A: What a pity! I shan't be able to go fishing.
A: It's getting more and more cloudy. Do you think it's
going to rain? XI. Make up your own dialogues using the following
B: Yes, I think so. Oh, it's starting to rain! And the wind word and word-combinations:
is getting stronger!
weather; nasty; cold; wind; to blow; low clouds; to rain
A: Get under my umbrella, please.
hard; to hurry along the streets; to get wet; passers-by; to
B: Oh, thank you. It's raining cats and dogs.
carry an umbrella; deep in autumn; dull; to be caught in
A: Yes, it's awful. I hate when it rains. Why haven't you
the rain; to keep the rain out; weather forecast for today.
put on a raincoat?
B: Well, I could have taken my umbrella, but I didn't. XII. Read and retell the text:
The weather looked fine when I was going out. Do you
think it'll clear up soon? SEASONS
A: It may ... But the forecast for today was "rain the whole
The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer,
autumn, winter. Each season has three months.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. In spring,
A: What's the weather like now? You've been outside to­ nature awakens from its winter sleep. The trees are filled
day. with new life, the earth is warmed by the rays of the sun,
B: It's abominable weather. and the weather gets gradually milder. The fields and the
A: What do you mean by "abominable weather"? meadows are covered with fresh green grass. The blossoms
B: Well,it's drizzling and it's foggy, cold and slippery. on the fruit-trees come out, filling the air with fragrance.
The woods and forests are filled with twitter in the trees.
Spring is the revival of nature.
A: It's cold and frosty today, isn't it? The three summer months are June, July and August. In
summer the weather gets warmer still and sometimes it is
B: Oh, yes. I am simply freezing. Especially when the wind
is blowing. It must be the coldest winter you've ever had. very hot. The days are long and the nights are short and
warm. It's the farmer's busy season. The grass must be cut
A: You say the coldest? And what's the temperature to­
day? and the hay must be made, while the dry weather lasts.
Sometimes the skies are covered with heavy clouds. There
B: It's about 25 degrees below zero, as the weather fore­
cast says. are storms with thunder, lighting and hail.
A: In winter the temperature here may be as low as Autumn is the season of harvesting. Apples, pears
40 degrees below zero. and other fruits are ripening in our orchards. The days get
B: 40 degrees of frost! Oh, you don't say. shorter and the nights longer. The woods turn yellow and
brown, leaves begin to fall from the trees and the ground
is covered with them. The skies are grey and it rains very XIV. Ask as many questions on the text as possible:
Winter lasts for three months: December, January and WEATHER FORECAST
February. In winter the sun shines rarely. It rises late and
Two men were travelling in a very wild part of America.
sets early. The temperature is low. We are obliged to spend
One day they met an old Indian who was sitting near his
more time indoors because out-of-doors it's cold. Lakes,
tent. He was smoking. The Indian was a hunter and knew
rivers and streams are frozen, the roads are sometimes
everything about the forest, and the animals living in it
covered with slippery ice or deep snow. The trees are bare.
and many other things. He could also speak English rather
Winter is the season of preparatory work in agriculture.
XIII. Read and translate the text: "Can you tell us what weather will be like during next
few days?" asked one of the travellers.
ON CLIMATE AND WEATHER "Oh, yes", answered he. "Rain is coming and wind.
There are many jokes about the English climate. One of Then there will be snow for one or two days, but then
them is that there is no climate in England, only weather. the sunshine will come again and the weather will be
And it is true that there is no time of the year when fine."
we can really count on its being fine or rainy, warm or "These old Indians know more about world than we
cold. with all our knowledge of physics, mathematics and other
One of the most striking things about the British Isles is sciences." "Tell me", asked he,"How do you knowr all
the rapidity with which the weather changes from day to day that?"
or even during the day. The Indian answered: "I heard it over the radio".
The British Isles are situated in the temperature zone
between the parallels on which Kyiv is situated. The cli- XV. Learn the poems by heart:
mate is mild and strong frosts are rare. Due to the mo-
derating influences of the sea and of the Gulf Stream, the Thirty days have September,
January temperature is higher and the July temperature is April, June and November,
lower than in any other country of the same latitude. That is All the rest have thirty-one,
why the British ports are ice-free and the rivers are not frozen Excepting February alone,
throughout the year. And that has twenty-eight days clear
It is hard to say that England has typical weather be- And twenty-nine each leap year.
cause of the sudden changes that occur — showers from
what was only a few hours before a clear blue sky; sunshine THE WIND
that makes you want to leave off most of your clothes
followed by winds that set you wishing for two overcoats. Oh, I want to know:
There is an abundance of rainfall in the west. As a result, What does the wind do?
there are thick fogs which last for days and weeks at a time Where does the wind go?
during autumn and winter. The winter fogs of London are, Mother, when it does not blow?
indeed, awful. They surpass all imagination. In a fog the air No one can tell me,
Ic hardly fit for breathing. Nobody knows,
Where the wind came from,
The outstanding features of the climate of Britain are its
humidity, mildness and variability. Where the wind goes.

60 61
THE PAST INDEFINITE TENSE strong wind today. 4. The roads are icy in winter. 5. The
weather is warm and humid this autumn and we go to the
GRAMMAR EXERCISES forest to pick mushrooms. 6. There are many puddles in
the streets after the rain.
I. Put the following verbs in the Past Indefinite Tense:
VI. Ask questions to have the following answers:
to be, to predict, to blow, to get, to drop, to clear up, to
freeze, to hear, to expect, to come, to have, to look, to change, to 1. The snow began to melt in March. 2. The rainfall
know, to ask, to leave. came on last night. 3. It was a spring weather yesterday.
4. Suddenly a thunder broke out. 5. Last year we had a
II. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the necessary severe winter. 6. After the thunderstorm we saw a rainbow
in the sky. 7. The morning was so dark and cloudy. It looked
1. There (to be) a heavy snow last night. 2. It (to be) like rain.
cloudy in the morning. 3. I (to be) wet through. 4. The
VII. Answer the following questions. Begin your
weather (to be) glorious yesterday. 5. The weather (to
answers with: as far as I know (наскільки мені відо­
look) nice so I (to leave) my umbrella at home. 6. It was
raining cats and dogs in the morning but soon the weather мо); in my opinion (на мою думку); / think/I believe
(to improve). 7. Last summer we (to have) plenty of sun­ (я гадаю/я вважаю); if I'm not mistaken (якщо я не
ny days. помиляюся); in short/to be short (коротше кажучи);
as for me (щодо мене); as far as I am concerned
III. Agree or disagree with the following statements. (щодо мене):
Begin your sentences with: You are quite right or 1. What was the weather yesterday? 2. What was the
You are not quite right, I'm afraid. temperature of air yesterday? 3. What is the weather
1. Last summer we swam and sailed a lot. 2. It was forecast for today? 4. What kind of weather do you like?
stuffy yesterday. 3. It was chilly in the morning. 4. The 5. What is the most common weather in your region in
weather looked fine when I was going out. 5. The weather summer (winter, spring, autumn)?
forecast for today was "rain the whole day". 6. The tem­
perature at night dropped from +15 °С to +8 °С. VIII. Change the following sentences into the Passive
Voice according to the model:
IV. Make up sentences using the following words:
M o d e l : They expected a hurricane yesterday—
1. Hopeful, the, forecast, was, weather. 2. Weather, the, A hurricane was expected yesterday.
like, was, what, yesterday? 3. Coming, thunderstorm, is, 1. They observed a rainbow in the sky after a thunder­
a. 4. Dogs, is, raining, and, it, cats. 5. May, the weather, storm. 2. Suddenly we heard a roll of thunder. It looked
yet, milder, get. 6. The, you, forecast, do, weather, tomor­ like rain. 3. They expected a hard rain yesterday. 4. The
row, know, for? hurricane broke the tree. 5. In June we spent much time
outdoors. 6. It snowed hard last winter and children often
V. Refer the following sentences to the Past using made snowmen.
adverbial modifiers of time: yesterday, last week, last
winter, last autumn, the day before yesterday: IX. Translate into English:

1. The weather is changeable today. 2. I am wet to the 1. Погода сьогодні мінлива. 2. Вчора було хмарно і
skin because it is raining cats and dogs. 3. There is a слизько. 3. Злива. 4. Минула зима була сувора. Темпе-

62 ;к
ратура падала до —30 °С. 5. Яка вчора була вологість kitchen ['kit/an] кухня
повітря? 6. Який прогноз погоди на сьогодні? 7. Не було e.g. Mother cooks meals in the kitchen.
схоже на дощ, і я залишив парасольку вдома. lobby (U.S.) ['bbi]/hall (U.K.) [hod] передпокій
e. g. John puts his coat in the hall.
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS lavatory ['la3V3t(a)n] туалет
gas [gses] газ
1. You came from the South of Ukraine and your friend stove [stouv] піч; кухонна плита
came from the North. Discuss and compare the climate in е. д. Mother lights the gas in the stove.
these two parts of the country. furniture [Тэ:шс/э] меблі
2. You've just got acquainted with a nice person. You е. д. What furniture is there in your living-room?
want to start a conversation but you do not know how rack [rask] вішалка
to begin it. Mention the weather and start your conversa­ mirror ['тігз] дзеркало
tion. table [teibl] стіл
e. g. We sit at a table when we eat.
night-table ['naitteibl] тумбочка
L E S S O N 7 cupboard ['Lvbgd] буфет
e. g. Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard.
HOUSE. FLAT sideboard ['saidbo:d] сервант
chair [t/еэ] стілець
EXERCISES arm-chair [ЧктіГєз] крісло
e.g. Arm-chairs have arms on the sides.
house[haus] будинок sofa ['soufa] диван
e.g. People live in houses. The house is made of wood. lamp [Іагтр] лампа
flat (U.K.) [flaet] квартира standard lamp ['stasndad 'Іагтр] торшер
e.g. I live in flat number four. bed[bed] ліжко
apartment (U.S.) [3'pa:tmant] квартира e.g. We sleep in a bed.
e.g . Where is your apartment? desk [desk] письмовий стіл
room [rum] кімната е. д. Which kind of desk do you have?
e.g. How many rooms do you have in your house? bookcase ['bukkeis] книжкова шафа
hostel ['hostal] гуртожиток e.g. The books are in the bookcase.
e.g. I live in the hostel of our Institute. shelf [Jelf] (shelves pi) полиця(і)
living-room [ ' h v i r j r u m ] / s i t t i n g - r o o m ['sitinrum] ві­ e.g. Father puts the vase of flowers on the shelf.
тальня carpet ['kcnpit] килим
dining-room ['daminrum] їдальня e. g. There is a carpet on the floor.
e.g. We eat in the dining-room. iron [аізп] праска; прасувати
bed-room ['bedrum] спальня е. д. Mother will iron the clothes.
e.g. The room we sleep in is a bed-room. refrigerator [n'fnd33reita] холодильник
bathroom ['ba:9rum] ванна кімната e.g. The refrigerator keeps food cold.
e.g. The bathroom is a room in which we bathe. lift (U.K.) [lift]/elevator (U.S.) ['eliveita] ліфт
store-room ['sto:rum] комора house-warming ['haus,wo:min] входини
study f'sUdi] кабінет

II. Learn the following word-combinations: IV. Translate into English:

many-storeyed house багатоповерховий буди­ 1. Як вам подобається моя кімната? 2. Чи є у ва­

нок шому будинку ліфт? 3. Мій друг живе в гуртожитку.
six/ten-storeyed house шести/десятиповерховий 4. Запрошую вас на входини. 5. Я живу в будинку но­
будинок мер 60.
block of flats (U.K.) багатоквартирний будинок
apartment house (U.S.) V. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
one/two-room apartment о д н о / д в о к і м н а т н а квар­
(U.S.) тира N: Hello, Victor. It's wonderful to see you!
modem conveniences сучасні зручності V: Hello, Nick. It seems such a long time since I saw you
central heating центральне опалення last.
running water водопровід N: Yes, time flies. Incidentally, I know you've moved into
chute to carry rubbish сміттєпровід a new flat.
down/trash chute V: Yes, two months ago.
electric range електрична плита N: What district have you moved to?
vacuum cleaner пилосос V: South-West.
dish washer посудомийна машина M: What a nice district to live in!
washing machine пральна машина V: Yes, though I live far from the centre, I like the district
alarm-clock будильник as it is green and quiet.
radio set/wireless радіоприймач And it takes me less time to get to the factory.
television set/TV set телевізор N: Have you got a self-contained flat?
tape-recorder магнітофон V: Oh, yes. It's a three-room flat, larger and more comfort­
record-player програвач
able than my old one.
( t o ) live in the town жити в центрі міста
N: Have you furnished your flat?
V: Almost. Come and see us some day.
in (U.K.)/(U.S.) на вулиці ...
N: Thank you. I would love to.
on ... street
in (U.K.) /(U.S.) на проспекті ... incidentally між іншим
on ... avenue self-contained окремий
in ... by-street у провулку ... to furnish меблювати
on ... square на площі ...
on the embankment на набережній VI. Complete the following dialogues:
III. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in A: What street do you live in?
brackets: B: ...
1. Recently we've got a new ... . (kitchen, flat, A: I see we are neighbours. I live in Sadova street, too.
rack) 2. My mother cooks the food in the ... . (running B\...
water, sideboard, kitchen) 3. In every room we have a A: I live in block number 75.
number of... on t h e walls, (tables, pictures, beds) B:...
4. You can see a ... on the floor, (carpet, bathroom, shelf) A: I live on the seventh floor. And you?
5. He invited us for his ... . (furniture, central heating, B:...
house-warming) * * *

66 67
A: ...
takes us twenty minutes to get to the technical school.
В: Hello, we've moved into a new flat.
Sometimes when the weather is bad we go there by bus.
A: ...
In our room there are three beds, each of them is covered
B: Oh, yes. We have a living-room, a bed-room, a nursery
with a coverlet. In the middle of the room there is a table.
and a study. We have our tea and prepare our homework at this table.
A: ... Four chairs are standing round the table. At the wall
B: Certainly, I'd like to buy new furniture for the study. there is a wardrobe. Three bookshelves are on the walls.
VII. Answer the following questions: We keep our clothes in the wardrobe, and we keep our
books on bookshelves. There are some photos on the walls,
1. Where do you live? 2. What is your address? 3. What too.
floor do you live on? 4. Is your room (flat) large? 5. How
many rooms are there in your flat? 6. Is your flat comfort­ IX. Read and translate the text:
able? 7. Is it in an old or a new house? 8. Is it in the centre
of the city (town)? 9. Is there a park near your house?
10. How many windows are there in your room? 11. What A little boy is standing at the door of a flat in a big
colour are the walls in your room? 12. Is there a desk house on High Street. He wants to ring the bell, but it is
in your room? 13. Have you got a radio set or a TV set? too high up for him.
14. Do you often watch TV? 15. Have you a bathroom in "What do you want?" asks a stout gentleman coming
your flat? 16. What furniture have you got? 7. Where downstairs. "I want to ring the bell, but it is too high and
do you keep your books? 18. Have you any arm-chairs in I am not tall enough," answers the boy. "All right," says
your flat? Do you like sitting in them? the man, and he rings the bell. "Now run! Hurry u p ! "
exclaims the boy and runs away.
VIII. Ask questions on the text and retell it:
My name is Peter. I am from Uman. I live in the hostel
of our technical school. I want to describe my hostel and GRAMMAR EXERCISES
my room to you.
Our hostel is in a large six-storeyed house. It is a mod­ I. Write out the verbs in a) the Future Indefinite Tense;
ern building with all conveniences. There are about 400 b) the Future-in-the-Past:
rooms in the hostel. Three or four students live in each is raining; will have tea; will be leading; saw; freezes;
room. There is a kitchen, two shower stalls and a reading- done; were decided; would repair; will be built; shall visit;
room on each floor. On the ground floor there is a canteen are discussing; is being observed; will live; would see; were
where we have our meals and a library. On the third floor calling; should invite; speaks.
there is a special room where we can watch TV, play chess
or read newspapers. Sometimes different lectures are held II. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:
1. My friend's family will move into a new flat in a
I live on the fourth floor in room 530. I have two room­ week. 2. You will invite them for your house-warming party.
mates. They study in the same group, so they are my group-
3. They will build a new apartment house in our street.
mates, too. We spend much time together. Our hostel is
4. The windows of my study will face the garden. 5. I shall
not far from our technical school. We often walk there. It
place the furniture in my bed-room to my liking. 6. We
68 3h
ences in our old house but we (to have) them in the new
shall live in one of the suburbs of Kyiv. 7. My new apart­
one. 3. Tom didn't invite us for his birthday last week but
ment will have all modern conveniences. 8. I shall buy
he (to invite) us for his house-warming next week. 4. My
new furniture for my kitchen and my living-room.
sister didn't clean her room yesterday but she (to clean) it
III. Translate the verbs in brackets into English and use tomorrow. 5. They didn't repair our washing machine last
them in the necessary tense-form: Monday but they (to repair) it next Monday. 6. My friends
1. There (буде) a chute to carry rubbish down and an didn't move to the new flat but they ( t o move) to it next
elevator in the new apartment house. 2. They (житимуть) month.
in the town centre. 3. Tom and Alice (придбають) a vacu­
um cleaner, a dish washer and a washing machine. 4. We
VIII. Answer the following questions using the words in
(запросимо) our friends for the house-warming party.
brackets according to the model:
5. Something has gone wrong with my TV set. My friend
(відремонтує) it. 6. There (не буде) much furniture in my M o d e l : What will you do if he comes today? (to ask
dining-room. 7. We (зберігатимемо) some things in our him to help me)
store-room. — If he comes today I shall ask him to
help me.
IV. Make up sentences using the following words: 1. What will you do if you move to a new flat? (to
1. The, they, embankment, will, on, live. 2. Your, apart­ invite my friends for the house-warming) 2. What will you
ment, many, how, have, in, you, will, rooms, new? 3. In, do if it is useless to repair your old vacuum cleaner? (to
I, block, 15, number, live. 4. Bed-room, shall, we, new, buy a new one) 3. What will she do if she moves into a
furniture, for, buy, our. 5. Conveniences, modern, will, what, larger flat? (to buy new furniture for her study) 4. What
in, flat, have, you, your? will they do first when they come to see us? (to give a
present). 5. What will you do if you stick in the lift? (to
V. Refer the sentences to future adding adverbial call a lift operator) 6. What will you do if he feels bad?
modifiers of time if necessary: (to send for a doctor) 7. What will she do if it doesn't
rain? (to go to the country)
1. My family moves into a new flat. 2. We live in a
comfortable three-room flat on the second floor. 3. What IX. Choose the correct form of the verb:
house do you live in? 4. This new block of flats has all
modern conveniences. 5. What storey does your friend's 1. A new block of flats (will build, will be built) in our
family live on? 6. Every year a lot of new blocks of flats street. 2. Who (will be invited, will invite) to your house-
are built in our town. 7. The windows of my new flat face warming party? 3. The walls of my new flat (will paper,
the embankment. will be papered). 4. I hope that my new flat (will be well-
planned, will plan). 5. Kitchen utensils (will keep, will be
VI. Some days ago your friend's family has moved to a kept) in the cupboard.
new flat. Ask your friend what furniture will he/she
buy for his/her kitchen, dining-room, sitting-room, bed­ X. Translate into English:
room, study and lobby. 1. Він сказав, що його сім'я житиме в сучасному ба­
VII. Replace the Infinitives in brackets by the necess­ гатоповерховому будинку. 2. Якщо ми переїдемо в нову
ary tense-forms: квартиру, то придбаємо нові меблі. 3. Вона сказала, що
запросить своїх друзів на входини. 4. Сучасні будівельні
1. I didn't buy new furniture for my study last week, матеріали застосовуватимуться для будівництва багато-
but I (to buy) it next week. 2. We had no modern conveni-
поверхових будинків. 5. Якщо в моїй квартирі буде ка­ e.g. Do you have any accommodations?
бінет, то в ньому буде багато квітів. 6. Я сподівався, що (to) reserve [ri'za:v] бронювати
наша нова квартира розташовуватиметься на четвертому ( t o ) book [buk] замовляти
поверсі. 7. Ми придбаємо нові меблі: два крісла, диван, e.g. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance
письмовий стіл і деякі побутові електроприлади. either by letter, telephone or fax.
confirmation [,ko:nf9'mei/n] підтвердження
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS (to) confirm [kan'famij підтверджувати
e.g. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk in
1. Describe your flat (house).
the lobby and confirm your reservation.
2. Describe the room of your friend.
form (U.K.)[fD:m]/blank (U.S.) [Ыгепк] бланк
3. Give a description of the furniture in your living-room
key [ki:] ключ
e. g. We lock our door with a key.
4. Give some advice as to a better place for a particular
bill [bil] рахунок
piece of furniture.
e. g. Get my bill ready, please.
register ['red3ista ] журнал (книга приїжджих)
е. д. Kindly sign the hotel register.
L E S S O N 8
vestibule ['vestibju:l] вестибюль
AT THE HOTEL e. g. Take my things to the vestibule, please.
II. Learn the following word -combinations.
I. Read and memorize t h e following words: reception desk/counter бюро реєстрації
hotel [hou'tel] готель hotel clerks/attendants службовці (персонал) го­
e.g. When Mary went to the city she stayed in a hotel. телю
receptionist [n'sepjmist] адміністратор (to) engage a room (U.K.) зупинятися в готелі
porter ( U . K . ) ['pD:t3]/doorman (U.S.) ['do:man] швей­ (to) check in (U.S.)
цар, носій bell-boy коридорний/посильний
guest [gest] гість express service/urgent термінове обслуговування
arrival [з'гаїузі] приїжджий service
(to) arrive [a'raiv] приїжджати (to) fill in the form (U.K.) заповнити бланк
e.g. I arrive home early every day. (to) fill in the blank ( U . S . )
( t o ) depart ( U . K . ) [ d i ' p a : t ] / t o check out (U.S.) (to) have a reservation з а б р о н ю в а т и {номер у
['tjek 'aut] виїхати з готелю готелі)
suite [swi:t] номер «люкс» (to) vacate the room звільнити кімнату в при­
chambermaid ['tfeimbameid] покоївка in due time значений час
e.g. I rang for the chambermaid and inquired about the (to) have a bigger (smaller, мати більшу (меншу, кра­
meals at the hotel restaurant. better, cheaper, quieter, щу, дешевшу, тихішу,
laundry ['b:ndn] пральня vacant) room вільну) кімнату
laundress ['bmdns] праля (to) take things to t h e left віднести речі до камери
tip (extra pay) чайові, додаткова плата; давати чайові luggage схову
accommodation [ э , к о т э 'deifn] приміщення; номер у го­ (to) pay in advance or on платити наперед чи від'їж­
телі departure джаючи

72 73
HI. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in VII. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
Receptionist: Good afternoon, sir.
1. I have got ... . (a reservation, a manager, a hotel) Mr Hunt: Good afternoon. Is this the Beardsley Hotel?
2. Let the hotel ... know well in advance the day and time Receptionist: Yes, this is the Beardsley.
of your departure, (room, key, manager) 3. The clerk says he Mr Hunt: Good. I'm Mr. Hunt. We've got a reservation.
can give me ... on the third floor, (a confirmation, Receptionist: Just a minute, please Yes, you've got
a porter, a room) 4. I ask the hotel ... to carry my luggage a reservation. It's for five people. It's for
to the room, (form, register, porter) 5. When travelling three weeks. Three single rooms and one
people almost always stay at the ... . (laundry, luggage, double. Am I right?
hotel) Mr Hunt: No. You're not right. We'd like two double
IV. Translate into English: rooms and one single room.
Receptionist: I'm sorry. Two double rooms, number six
1. Це готель, де ми зупинимось? 2. Я піду подбаю and seven. One single room, number nine.
про номери. 3. Мені потрібні два одномісні номери. Mr Hunt: Where are the rooms?
4. Ми майже не маємо вільних номерів. 5. Ми пробуде­ Receptionist: On the second floor.
мо тут близько тижня. 6. Ви можете отримати один но­
мер на дві особи. 7. Усе правильно? 8. Хлопчик проведе
Вас до Вашої кімнати і занесе Ваш багаж. A: Yesterday I told you I'd be leaving today. May I have
V. Act as an interpreter: my bill now? Room fifty-two, Petrenko.
B: Just a minute, sir... Here you are. (Presents a bill
С: What can I do for you, sir? which Petrenko pays). If you want a taxi, the bell-boy
J: Моє прізвище Джонсон. Для мене заброньовано но­ can get you one.
мер. A: Yes, send him to get one, please.
С: Just a moment, I'll have a look. Yes, sir, you want a B: I hope your stay here has been a pleasant one, sir.
single room for three nights, don't you? A: Yes, I've been very comfortable here. Thank you very
/: Так. much indeed.
С: We reserved room 65 on the seventh floor.
J: Чи можу я подивитись її?
С: Yes, certainly. The porter will take you there. You'd Receptionist: Please, sign the register, Mr. Gray. Jim, take
better fill in this form first. the suitcases to the second floor.
/: Так, звичайно. Jim: Yes, madam.
VI. Answer the following questions: Mr Gray: Here's the register. How much are the
rooms, please?
1. Have you ever stayed at a hotel? 2. What kind of Receptionist: A single room's four pounds (£4 ). A double
room were you in? 3. What facilities do you generally find room's six pounds (£6). Would you like
in a hotel? 4. What do you do first of all when you a television in the room?
arrive at a hotel? 5. Which is the best hotel in your town? Mrs Gray: Yes, please. Mr. Gray and I would like
6. What does the chambermaid do in a hotel? 7. What a television. We'd like a telephone, too.
kind of service may you ask for by telephone in large Receptionist: Every room's got a telephone.
hotels? Mrs Gray: Have the rooms got bathrooms?
I ask about the price of the room.
Receptionist: Yes, every room's got a bathroom. He informs me of the price and soon everything is
Mr Gray: Have the bathrooms got showers? settled.
Receptionist: Yes, every bathroom's got a shower. I hand in my passport, fill in an arrival form and get the
Mr Gray: Well, thank you. key to my room .
Receptionist: Are you going to the rooms? Next I ask the hotel porter to carry my luggage to the
Mr Gray: Yes, we're going now. Send two cups of cof­ room.
fee to the rooms, please. He does as requested.
Jane: And three lemonades. I look at my room. I like it very much. It is very com­
Mr Gray: Yes, two cups of coffee and three lemon­ fortable. I can have a fine rest here. I ring for the cham­
ades. bermaid and inquire about the meals at the hotel restau­
Receptionist: Yes, sir. Here are the keys, Mr Gray. Jim, rant.
take the Grays to room six, seven and nine. Next I obtain information about the hairdresser's, about
Jim: Come this way, please. where I can have my boots cleaned, about where I can
have my linen washed (if there is a laundry service at the
VIII. Complete the following dialogues:
hotel), etc.
B: Do you have a double room for three nights? She answers all my questions.
C: ... There is a lot of time before dinner and so I settle down
B: How much is it? quietly to rest.
C: ...
B: Can I see it, please? X. Read, translate and remember the following rules
C: ... and regulations of hotels:
* '* * When travelling people almost always stay at hotels. It
is advisable, therefore, to remember the following:
C: What can I do for you, sir? 1. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance
B: ... either by letter, telephone or fax. Otherwise you may ar­
C: You can have room 45 on the third floor. rive at the hotel and be told that there are no rooms.
B: ... 2. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk in the
C: Yes, of course. Come this way, please. lobby and confirm your reservation. The clerk will then
give you a registration form to fill in and sign (the form is
IX. Ask questions on the text and retell it: filled in block letters (великими друкованими літерами).
In smaller hotels you simply sign the visitor's book and
give your permanent address.
My car reaches the hotel where I want to stay. 3. In large hotels you may ask for any service by tele­
I get out and go to the hotel office. Here I ask if they phone. You tell the operator if you wish to be called at a
can give me an accommodation. certain time. You call room service when you want a meal
"Certainly", answers the clerk, "we have got several or drinks sent up to your room, and you can have a lot of
rooms." maid service if you need something (a suit or dress) cleaned
"Would you like a suite or a single room?" he continues. or pressed.
I say that I would like a bed-room with a bathroom 4. Let the hotel management know well in advance the
attached. The clerk says he can give me such a room on the day and time of your departure.
third floor.
THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE V. Fill in the blanks with the verbs: am expecting,
is washing, are leaving, is carrying, am going, is
GRAMMAR EXERCISES speaking, are staying:
I. Find among the following words verbs in: Past
1. They ... at t h a t hotel for few days. 2. We ...
Indefinite Tense (active and passive); Present Indefi­
on Friday. 3. I ... a visit. 4. A laundress ... our linen.
nite Tense (active and passive); Present Continuous Tense;
5. The porter ... our luggage to our room. 6. I ... to
Future Indefinite Tense; Future-in-the-Past:
engage a room. 7. Where is Fred? — He ... to a recep­
are reading, decided, is observed, looks, are published, tionist.
am right, determines, should take, asked, did, shall be
back, gave, will divide, consists of, is situated, will be VI. Answer the following questions using the words in
ready, study, should come, am leaving, comes, am sorry, brackets:
are doing, were done, will maintain, are looking, is happen­
1. What is a receptionist doing now? (to fill in the
ing, would translate, am experimenting, is designed, was
blank) 2. What is a laundress doing now? (to wash shirts)
built, would remain.
3. What is a porter doing at this moment? (to carry one's
luggage) 4. What is a chambermaid doing at this mo­
II. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the Present Con­
ment? (to clean a room) 5. What is a manager doing
tinuous Tense:
now? (to call Mr Brown) 6. What is a bell-boy doing at
1. We (to stay) at the Astoria Hotel. 2. I (to expect) a this moment? (to buy newspapers and magazines for one
guest. Please, say that I'll be back soon. 3. He (to leave) of the guests)
tonight. 4. What (to do) Peter? - He (to fill in) the
blank. 5. Don't disturb us. My father (to sleep). 6. Where VII. Use to be going+Infinitive in the following
is John? — He (to check) the luggage. 7. This way, please. sentences according to the model:
The manager (to wait) for you.
M o d e l : I'll see you tomorrow.
III. Ask questions to have the following answers: — I am going to see you tomorrow.
1. My friend will stay at the hotel. 2. We shall make a
I. We are going to reserve a double room. 2. A chamber­
reservation. 3. They will have breakfast in their room.
maid is cleaning their suits now. 3. She is going to check
4. I shall hand the supper order to the waiter. 5. A bell­
out on Monday. 4. I am looking for the key. I have lost it,
boy will take suitcases to the third floor. 6. They will fill
I'm afraid. 5. David is still filling in the blank.
in the order for the laundry.
IV. Make up sentences:
VIII. Translate into English:
He am leaving tomorrow.
My father is sitting here now. 1. Я збираюся забронювати номер «люкс» у Вашому
Alice and Helen aren't packing their luggage now. готелі. 2. Чи є у Вас вільні номери? 3. Ви маєте звіль­
I is reading newspapers now. нити кімнату в призначений час. 4. Будь ласка, відне­
We are going to our rooms now. сіть мої речі до моєї кімнати. 5. Я чекаю на гостя.
A chambermaid is being ironed at this moment, 6. Будь ласка, не турбуйте нас. Ми відпочиваємо.
My dress is cleaning my suit at the present mo­ 7. Коли Ви від'їжджаєте з готелю? 8. У якому готелі Ви
ment. проживаєте?

78 79
IX. Replace the Infinitives in brackets by the necess­ e.g. The auto stood in the middle of the road. We didn't
ary tense-form: know the road.
square [skwesj площа, майдан
1. Last year our family ( t o stay) at the Metropol Hotel. e.g. Can you show me the way to Trafalgar Square?
2. It (to be) a many-storeyed building with all modern (to) walk [WD:1C] прогулюватися, йти пішки
conveniences. 3. As for me I (to prefer) to reserve a room e.g. Bob is not running. Lie is walking.
in advance. 4. If we (to engage a room) at this hotel next Will you walk with me?
time we (to reserve) a suite. 5. While you (to fill) in the (to) drive [draivj вести, керувати
form at the reception desk the porter (to take) your e.g. This man drives the auto. He is a driver.
things upstairs. 6. He informed the receptionist he (to tram [tr£em] трамвай
vacate) the room in due time and (to ask) to get his bill bus[bAs]автобус
ready. trolley-bus [TrohbAs] тролейбус
taxi ['taeksi] таксі
X. Change the following sentences using the Passive
motor-car ['moutaka:] легковий автомобіль
Voice according to the model:
motor-cycle ['mouta'saikl] мотоцикл
M o d e l : They are showing a new videofilm now. motor-scooter ['mouta'skmta] моторолер
— A new videofilm is being shown now. bicycle ['baisikl] велосипед
1. Wait a minute, please, a chambermaid is cleaning vehicles [Vkiklz] транспортні засоби
your room. 2. Where is a bell-boy? We are looking for e.g. The vehicles are: trams, buses, trolley-buses, taxis,
him. 3. The laundress is washing shirts now. 4. A hotel motor-cars, motor-cycles, motor-scooters and bicycles.
clerk is repairing a TV set at this moment. 5. They are traffic [Trsefik] рух; транспорт
vacating the room now. 6. I am waiting for the hotel man­ e.g. There is much traffic today. Many trucks and cars are
ager. going by.
traffic-light ['trasfik'lait] світлофор
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS e.g. Along the streets there are street lamps, at the cor­
1. Speak about hotel service. ners of the streets there are traffic lights.
2. Book a room at a hotel. bus stop/trolley-bus stop зупинка автобуса/тролейбуса
3. Tell your friends about staying in a hotel. e.g. There are many people at the bus, trolley-bus and
4. Write a letter or a fax reserving a single room at a tram stops.
hotel f r three days. passenger ['p£esmd33] пасажир
fare [fea] плата за проїзд
crossroad ['krosroud] перехрестя
L E S S O N 9 subway f'sAbwei] підземний перехід; {США) метро
pedestrian [pi'destrmn] пішохід
ш THE TOWN e.g. At big crossroads in large towns and cities there are
subways for pedestrians.
train [trem] поїзд
I. Read and memorize the following words: e.g. The train is on the track.
street [strirt] вулиця This train carries people and mail.
e.g. Stop! Look! and Listen! before you cross the street. plane [plem] літак
road froud] дорога, шлях; бруківка boat[bout] човен

80 »1
municipal/urban bus міський автобус
helicopter ['heh/kopta] гелікоптер
interurban bus міжміський автобус
e.g. Outside the towns, we travel from one place to an­
crowded bus переповнений автобус
other by train, plane or boat. Now helicopters are
empty bus порожній автобус
used very much for transport.
excursion bus екскурсійний автобус
corner ['1сэ:пэ] куток; ріг
long-distance bus автобус далекого прямуван­
e.g. Go to the corner of the street and then turn to the
the bus goes as far as ... автобус прямує до ...
route [ru:t] маршрут
(to) get off a bus виходити з автобуса
e.g. What is the route of this bus?
(to) get on a bus сідати в автобус
seat [si:t] місце (для сидіння)
(to) go by bus їхати автобусом
e.g. There is an empty seat, sit down.
(to) wait for a bus чекати автобуса
taxi-rank/taxi-stop зупинка таксі
bus route маршрут автобуса
e.g. Is it a long way to the taxi-rank?
terminus ['td-'mmas] кінцева зупинка
the road goes to 1 дорога веде ...
e.g. Are you going to the terminus?
turning ['tanin] поворот the road leads t o /
the road winds дорога в'ється
e.g. Take the first turning to the right.
the roads part дороги розходяться
way [wei] шлях, дорога
the roads meet дороги зходяться
e.g. Is it the right way to the British Museum?
(to) go one's own way йти своїм шляхом
Mary didn't know which way to go.
(to) be on the right бути на вірному (хибному)
passer-by ['pa:s3'bai] перехожий
(wrong) way шляху
e.g. He asked a passer-by in the street to show him a way
to the Post-Office. I I I . Remember the following conversational for-
stranger fstremd33] незнайомець, приїжджий mulas:
e.g. I'm a stranger. I'm completely lost.
double-decker f'dAbl'deka] двоповерховий автобус Attracting attention Як привернути увагу
Excuse me. ч
II. Learn the following word-combinations: Pardon me. I Вибачте, прошу.
Sorry. J
main street головна вулиця
back street глуха вулиця Asking the way Як спитати дорогу
long street довга вулиця
crowded street людна вулиця Can/could you direct Чи можете Ви сказати мені,
narrow street вузька вулиця me to ... ?
Can/could you tell me як пройти до ...
motor transport автомобільний транспорт the way to ... ?
water transport водний транспорт How do/can I get Як мені дістатися до ... ?
air transport повітряний транспорт to ... ?
heavy transport вантажний транспорт Does this street go Чи ця вулиця приведе мене
passenger transport пасажирський транспорт to/lead to ... ? до ...?
public transport громадський транспорт I am looking for . . . . Я шукаю ....
Is it a long way to the ... ? Чи далеко до ... ?
Am I on the right way to V. Translate into English:
Я на правильному шляху
the ... ? до ... ? 1. Вибачте, будь ласка, де мені пересісти на авто­
Is this the right way Чи це правильна дорога бус № 49? 2. Ти взяв квиток? 3. Цей автобус довезе вас
to the ...? до ... ? прямо до музею. 4. Я їду до станції метро «Дарниця».
Where is the nearest ... ? Де розташований найближ­ 5. Ми виходимо на наступній зупинці. 6. Автобус був
чий ... ? переповнений, і ми не змогли ввійти. 7. Подивися, чи у
тебе є дрібні гроші. 8. Ви виходите на наступній зу­
Thanks and Replies Як подякувати і пинці? 9. Мені здається, що ми сіли не в той тролейбус.
to Thanks відповісти на подяку 10. Якщо ви поїдете худи на метро, то будете на місці за
5 хвилин.
Thanks. Thanks a lot. Дякую. Велике спасибі.
Thank you (very much). (Дуже) вдячний Вам. _, VI. Answer the following questions:
Don't mention it. Нема за що.
1. Do you often take a bus/trolley-bus t a x i / t h e
metro/tram? 2. How do you go to your plant/office/
Directions Як пояснити дорогу institute? 3. Is there much traffic in your town? 4. How
Go (walk) down/up/ Ідіть униз/угору/уздовж/ can you get from your home to the nearest railway sta­
along/across / past / через / п о в з / прямо. tion? 5. How long does it take you to get there? 6. What
straight (on). are the things the pedestrians must remember to be safe
Turn to the right/left. Поверніть праворуч/ліво­ and sound? 7. In what countries does one keep to the left
руч. when driving? 8. Which is the busiest street in your t o w n /
Take the first/second Перший/другий поворот / c i t y ? 9. W h a t kind of vehicles do you see there?
turning 10. What's the bus fare in your town?
to the right/left направо / наліво.
~t VII. Ask your friend:
Ignorance Незнання, необізнаність 1) what means of transport he prefers;
2) where one should cross the street;
(I'm) sorry, I don't know. Вибачте (даруйте), я не
3) what he thinks about the underground in Kyiv;
4) if he has ever used the underground in London or
other towns abroad;
-\ IV. Fill in the blanks with road or way: 5) if he is fond of sightseeing in new towns/ports.
1. It's the only short ... to the square. 2. Where does д" VIII. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the follow­
this ... lead? 3. I know the ..., it's a good fast one. ing:
4. It's a long ... from here. 5. The car skidded on the
wet ... . 6. Which is the right ... to the station? "No Left Turn" "No Stopping"
7. Follow this ... . 8. Shall I see your part of the ... ? "Cross here" "Wet paint"
9. Go right to the end of the ... and turn to the left. "Parking" "Station Full" (at the parking lot)
10. You've mistaken the ... . 11. The boy lost his ... "No Parking" "Tickets and Trains" (in the Lon­
coming down the mountain. 12. Is this the ... to the post- "Slow Down" don Tube)
office? "No passage" "Obey Park Regulations"
"Used Ticket" "Look Out When Crossing"
"Admittance Free" B: If you walk, it'll take you ten minutes.
"Horns Forbidden"
"Look Out When Crossing" A: Is there a bus?
"Keep Off the Grass
"Bus Stop Request" B: There's sure to be. But you'd better ask the policeman
"Two Line Traffic"
"No Admittance" over there. He will give you all the information you
"Keep Left"
"One Way Only" want.
"Filling Station"
"Private" A: Thank you.
"Beware of Cars"
"Taxi-stand" "For Litter"
"Keep Our Town Clean"
A: Excuse me, madam! I want to go to Columbia Univer­
sity. Am I on the right train?
і IX. In what situations would you say the following: B: I'm going right up that way myself. You just watch me
and get off one station after I do.
1. I think your best way from here is ... . 2. Are you
going my way? 3. Excuse me, sir, how do I get to ... ? 5"
XI. Complete the following dialogues:
4. You can't miss it. 5. There is no bus in sight. 6. You get
off at the next stop but one. 7. Straight down this way and A Pardon me, where is the taxi stand?
then cross the street. В
A Oh, yes. Thank you.
і X. Read and dramatize the following dialogues: В
* * *
A: Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the shortest way to
the underground? Excuse me, is this Brest-Lytovsky Prospect?
B: Certainly. Go straight ahead and then take the second
turn. Thank you.
A: I shall find it all right. Thank you very much.
B: You are welcome. * * *

A: ...
A: I'm sorry to trouble you, madam. Can you tell me — is
B: No, take the street on the left, go straight and the the­
there a bus from here to Kensington High Street?
atre is in front of you across the river.
B: No trouble at all. It's quite a distance from here. You
A: ...
see the bus-stop across the street. Bus number 73 will
B: You're welcome.
take you right there.
A: Thanks a lot. XII. Ask questions on the text and retell it:
B: You're welcome.
In the streets, roads and squares of the town we see
people walking and vehicles driving. The vehicles are: trams,
buses, trolley-buses, taxis and motor-cars, motor-cycles,
A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Trafalg
motor-scooters and bicycles.
Square? Along the streets there are street lamps, at the corners
B: Certainly. Go down Regent Street to Piccadilly Circi of the streets there are traffic lights. The street lights are
and in a few minutes you'll be at Trafalgar Square. switched on when it gets dark; they are switched off when
A: Thank you very much. How far is it from here?
86 87
it gets light. When the red traffic light is switched on, the ~± III. Complete the following sentences translating the
traffic stops; when the green light is switched on, the ve­ words in brackets into English:
hicles drive on.
1. When the red light switched on (вона переходила
Along the streets we also see bus, trolley-bus and tram
вулицю). 2. When they met him at the taxi-rank (він
stops. People get on and off public transport there. In the
streets there are also Tube stations where people get on розмовляв з другом). 3. (Я збирався запитати одного з
and off the underground electric railway. перехожих про найкоротший шлях до оперного театру)
when I saw an information booth. 4. (Він виходив з кім­
At big crossroads in large towns and cities there are
subways for pedestrians and fly-overs for vehicles. At нати) when the telephone rang. 5. (Він їхав зі швидкістю
nearly all street corners there are pedestrian crossings for 90 кілометрів на годину) when he saw a militiaman at
people to cross the road. the crossroad. 6. (Літак приземлявся в аеропорту) when
In England vehicles drive on the left. In Ukraine the the thunderstorm broke out.
traffic drives on the right.
~ IV. Answer the following questions using the words
Outside the towns we travel from one place to another
by train, plane or boat. in brackets:
1. When was she speaking to a girl? (when you met
THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE her in the street) 2. When were you hurrying to the the­
atre? (when they met you yesterday) 3. When was the
GRAMMAR EXERCISES boat sailing (when we arrived at the river-port) 4. When
I. Replace the Infinitives in brackets by the Past was the bus waiting for a group of tourists? (at 10 o'clock
Continuous Tense (active): a. m. yesterday) 5. When were they planning to make a
voyage up the Dnieper? (when I came home) 6. When
1. My friends and I (to look) for the nearest telephone was he reading a book? (when they knocked at the door).
booth when we met them yesterday. 2. He (to drive) a car
all day long yesterday. 3. We (to stay) at the hotel the л
* V. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the Past Con­
whole week. 4. They (to wait) for a trolley-bus during tinuous or the Past Indefinite Tense (active):
some minutes. 5. It (to rain) the whole evening yesterday
and we had to stay at home. 6. Jack (to speak) to his I (to come) from a little town in England and had
friend when I saw him at the terminus of tram 2. never before lived in a big city. London (to be) a new
world to me and I (to want) to find out more about it for
Л II. Agree or disagree with the following statements. myself. On the day I (to arrive) in London, the weather
Begin your sentences with: / agree with you or It (to be) fine. I (to go) for a walk in Kensington Gardens.
seems to me you are wrong: The trees just (to burst) into leaf. People in light spring
1. A lot of buses, trolley-buses, trams, cars were running clothes (to walk) about. And to my surprise they (to
along the street. 2. We were looking for the nearest under­ walk) not only along the paths but also across the grass.
ground station. 3. Some people were waiting for buses at I (to pass) a pool in which ducks (to swim); children (to
the bus stop. 4. It was raining but the public transport play) in playgrounds, some hours (to pass). It (to
was functioning well. 5. Pedestrians were hurrying to be) time for me to go home. I (to come out) into the
cross the street while the green light was switched on. street. At stops people (to get) on and off public trans­
6. His friend was travelling by train at that time yester­ port. I (to take) bus number 75 and in 15 minutes I (to
day. be) at home.

88 89
j\ VI. Change the following sentences using the Passive envelope ['enviloup] конверт
e.g. Father stuck a stamp on the envelope. The stamp shows
1. I was writing a letter all the evening. 2. They were that he paid for sending the letter.
criticizing my report at the conference. 3. He was translat­ postcard ['poust'ka:d] листівка
ing this article all the week. 4. My brothers were discuss­ mail [meilj пошта; поштовий
ing a new film when we came home. 5. They were planting letter-box [ ' l e t a b o k s j / p i l l a r - b o x [ ' p i t a b o k s ] поштова
trees in the morning. скринька
slot [slot] щілина
f VII. Choose the correct form of the verb: e.g. We drop a letter into a slot of a pillar-box.
1. The people (were hurrying, hurried) to the sta­ blank [blaenk]/form [fo:m] бланк
dium to see the football match. 2. A letter (was written, rate [reit] тариф
was being written, was writing) when she came. 3. At e.g. What is the rate for a word in a telegram?
stops people (got off and on, were getting off and on) address [g'dres] адреса
public transport. 4. We were not sure that we (went, were e.g. Don't forget to write the address on the postcard.
going) in the right direction. 5. They (were looking, counter ['kaunts] прилавок
looked) for the nearest cafe when they (met, were meet­ parcel ['pa:s3l] package ['paekid3J посилка
ing) their friends. telegram ['tehgraem] телеграма
label [leibl] етикетка
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS e.g. I need some air-mail labels.
1. Write a letter to a friend who is coming for a stay. II. Learn the following word-combinations:
Explain how to get to your place from the railway station
or the airport. printed matter бандероль
2. Ask a passer-by to tell you the way to the post-office. money order/postal грошовий переказ
3. You are on a bus. Ask a passenger if this is the right order
bus. (to) stick a stamp наклеїти марку
4. You show the way to a stranger. (to) post a parcel відправити посилку
5. You are in a taxi. You have an appointment at 9.30. (to) post a letter відправити листа
Ask the taxi-driver to hurry. (to) fill out the form заповнити бланк
Post Restante Counter видача кореспонденції до
L E S S O N 10 (U. K.)/General запитання
Delivery Counter (U.S.)
Parcel Counter прийом і видача посилок
EXERCISES Subscription Counter передплата на газети та жур­
f I. Read and memorize the following words: General (Central) головний поштамт
post-office l/poust'ofisj поштове відділення Post-Office
e.g. I got some postcards at the post-office. Call-Office переговорний пункт
stamp [stasmp] марка Inquiry Office бюро довідок
letter ['lets] лист Savings Bank ощадний банк
registered letter рекомендований лист
(to) write an address * V. Read and retell the text ar if you were: a) French­
написати адресу
(to) send a telegram man; b) one of the visitors of the post-office:
надіслати телеграму
(to) be posted by
бути відправленим
ordinary post (U. K.)/ AT THE POST-OFFICE
звичайною поштою
/regular post (U. S.) This is what happened to a Frenchman who lived in
registered post поштою на замовлення England and did not know English very well.
air-mail авіапоштою One day he went into the post-office with a letter. He
a stamped envelope/ конверт з маркою bought a stamp and gave it together with his letter to the girl.
/an envelope with a stamp "Oh, no", she said, "you must stick the stamp on yourself".
an air-mail envelope авіаконверт He was very much surprised. He said "Why must I stick
stamp for an air-mail letter марка для авіалиста the stamp on myself?" She answered "I said that you must
picture postcard художня листівка stick the stamp on the letter and must do it yourself".
(to) pick up letters sent отримувати листи до запи­
general delivery тання VI. Answer the questions on the text:
(to) expect a letter чекати на лист із Лондона 1. An Englishman lived in France. Is t h a t right?
from London
2. The Frenchman knew English very well. Is that right?
3. He came into the book-shop. Is that right? 4. He went
to the post-office with a letter. Is that right? 5. He bought
4- III. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words: a book. Is that right? 6. He gave the stamp and the letter
to the girl. Is that right? 7. The girl took the letter and
1. Stick ... on an envelope, (a letter, a stamp, a post­ posted it. Is that right? 8. The Frenchman understood
card) 2. Write ... on an envelope, (an address, a regis­ everything the girl said to him. Is that right?
tered letter, a label) 3. Nick is expecting ... from his friend.
(an envelope, a pillar-box, a letter) 4. Her parents posted 1 VII. Complete the following sentences:
her ... last week and she has just got it. (an address, a
parcel, an envelope) 5. Where must you ... a stamp on an 1. If you want to buy a stamp or an envelope, to send a
envelope? (write, buy, stick) 6. What is it necessary to telegram or a money order ... . 2. Go to the nearest pillar-
do before dropping a letter into ... ? (a pillar-box, an box and ... . 3 . There are many counters at the post-of­
envelope, a post-office) 7. If you send a telegram it will fice ... . 4. Don't forget ... . 5. If you want to send money ... .
be delivered ... than a letter, (quicker, slower) 8. Most
VIII. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
post-offices are ... on Sundays, (closed, open)
Mr Hunt: Hello, I want to buy some stamps. My
IV. Translate into English: wife's got something to send to Swit­
zerland. She wants to send some letters
1. Я надсилаю листи батькам щотижня. 2. Він отри­ to Scotland, too. Can she post them here?
мав телеграму сьогодні. 3. Ми одержуємо посилки від Post-office man: Yes, she can. How many stamps would
батьків. 4. Авіапошта швидша за звичайну (пошту). you like?
5. Купи конверти, будь ласка. 6. Не забудь наклеїти Mr Hunt: I'd like ten threepenny stamps and five
марку на конверт. 7. Сходи на пошту, будь ласка. air-letters, please.
8. Коли йтимеш до школи, вкинь листа в поштову скринь­ Post-office man: Here they are. Is this the packet for Swit­
ку, будь ласка. zerland?

Mr Hunt: Yes, it is. u
X. Answer the following questions:
Post-office man: Air-mail or ordinary mail?
Mrs Hunt: Air-mail, please. 1. What can you do at the post-office? 2. What depart­
ment must you go to send a telegram? 3. What is it neces­
Post-office man: Are these the letters for Switzerland?
sary to do before dropping a letter into a pillar-box?
MrsHunt: No, they're not. Those are going to Scot­
4. What is the order of writing an address in your coun­
try? 5. Where is the General Post-Office in your city?
Post-office man: First class or second class?
6. What must you fill in when you want to send a
Mrs Hunt: First class, please.
parcel? 7. Do you often get letters? 8. Do you like to
Mr Hunt: How much is that, please?
write letters? 9. Why are letters or telegrams sometimes
Post-office man: That's eighteen pence (18 p.)
returned? 10. On what occasions do you get or send tele­
Mrs Hunt: Do you sell parcel labels?
grams? 11. What newpapers have you subscribed to?
Post-office man: No, I ' m sorry, we d o n ' t sell them.
{from English Course, Linguaphone T XI. Ask questions on the text and retell it:
Institute, London, 1970)
When we want to send a letter, we must write the ad­
Nick: Where is the nearest post-office? Do you know? dress on the envelope and stick the required stamps on it.
Pete: Yes, there is one in Gonchar Street. For a registered letter, an air-mail letter or an ordinary
Nick: How late is it open? letter to another country, we must stick more stamps on
Pete: Until eight. But wait a minute. Is it Saturday today? the envelope. To send a postcard we do not need an envel­
Nick: Yes, it is. ope.
Pete: Today it closes at five. We buy stamps, send letters, parcels and telegrams at
Nick: I must hurry then. I have to send a parcel. the post-office. The post-office clerk weighs letters or par­
Pete: You can make it. It's only a ten-minute walk from cels, or counts the number of words in telegrams, then
here. tells us how much we must pay. We can drop ordinary
letters into a pillar-box in the street. The postman collects
IX. Complete the following dialogues:
the letters out of the pillar-boxes. When the letter arrives
A I want to send a telegram. at its destination another postman delivers it to the ad­
В dress; he drops it into the letter-box. A telegraph boy de­
A Where are the forms? livers telegrams to our house.
A What is the rate for a telegram? THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE

A: Where can I pick up letters sent general delivery? I. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the Future Con­
B: ... tinuous Tense (active):
A: Is it far from here? How can I get there? A. 1. I (to write) a letter to my friend at 10 o'clock
B: ... tomorrow. 2. She (to prepare) her lessons all the evening
A: Thank you very much. tomorrow. 3. Let's meet at 10 o'clock. I (to wait) for you
B: ... at the General Post-Office. 4. The train (to approach) the
94 3.3
station at 10 o'clock. 5. They (to wait) for our call at the dinner at 3 p. m. 6. I shall be waiting for you at the Call-
Call-Office from 9 till 10 o'clock tomorrow. 6. We (to Office.
expect) a parcel from London during the coming week.
V. Imagine that your friends and you have come to
B. 1. We (to watch) TV when you come. 2. I (to play)
the post-office. Say what you (your friends) will be
the piano at this time tomorrow. 3. She (to post) a parcel
doing there.
in the afternoon. 4. I (to take) my exam in English at
this time tomorrow. 5. He (to have) a dancing class at 2 p. VI. Choose the correct form of the verb:
m. tomorrow. 6. They (to work) in the garden on Saturday ~*~ 1. He (reads, will read, will be reading) letters from 9
from 8 till 10 o'clock. 7. You (to send) a telegram at 9 till 11 a. m. tomorrow. 2. The boys will be looking at their
o'clock in the morning. collections of stamps when their mother (will come, is
coming, comes). 3. You (will speak, will be speaking, are
*"*" II. Disagree with the following statements. Begin your
speaking, speak) over the phone, when your sister comes
sentences with: / disagree with you; you are mis­
home. 4. I (shall write, shall be writing, am writing) a
taken; you are not quite right, I am afraid; sorry,
letter to my friend when you come. 5. Helen (will collect,
but I can't agree with you; I don't think so:
will be collecting, collects) postcards during a year.
1. She will be posting a printed matter at this time
tomorrow. 2. We shall be watching TV tonight. 3. You VII. Make the following sentences passive. Ask ques­
will be waiting for me at 3 p. m. at the Inquiry Office. tions on the newly formed sentences:
4. The postman will be collecting the letters out of the 1. We'll be considering these problems at this time to­
pillar-boxes at 8 o'clock tomorrow. 5. He will be working morrow. 2. He'll be delivering a lecture at 2 o'clock the
in the savings bank at the usual time the day after tomor­ day after tomorrow. 3. You'll be translating these sen­
row. 6. They will be leaving for Kyiv soon. 7. I shall be tences during the lesson next week. 4. I'll be explaining
writing a letter tonight. this rule for 10 minutes more. 5. He'll be answering your
questions for an hour. 6. The postman will be delivering
\ III. Ask questions to have the following answers:
letters and other mail from 10 till 12 a. m. tomorrow.
1. I shall be getting a money order at this time tomor­
row. 2. He will be sending a telegram at 7 o'clock. 3. She VIII. Translate into English the first part of the fol­
will be waiting for a call after supper. 4. We shall be lowing sentences:
answering letters all the morning. 5. They will be looking 1. Вони будуть переглядати кореспонденцію, when
through letters and telegrams from 8 till 9 a. m. 6. He you come back. 2. Ми обговорюватимемо це питання at
will be flying to London at this time tomorrow. 7. A post­ З p. in. tomorrow. 3. Листоноша буде доставляти пошту
man will be delivering letters, magazines and newspapers at this time tomorrow. 4. Yesterday I booked a call to
all the morning tomorrow. Lviv. Я буду говорити по телефону when you come to my
place. 5. Поштовий службовець буде видавати грошові
\ IV. Copy out the sentences in the Future Continuous перекази at the usual time tomorrow. 6. Моя сестра буде
Tense. Translate them into Ukrainian: відправляти посилку at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
1. John is filling out the form to post a parcel. 2. Helen
will send a postal order tomorrow. 3. We shall be packing IX. Open the brackets. Mind the sequence of tenses:
our things when you come. 4. A telegraph boy will be 1. He said that he (to wait) for your call the day after
delivering telegrams all day long. 5. They usually have tomorrow. 2. She said that she (to watch) TV from 6 till
9c 97
8 p. m. tomorrow. 3. They knew that they (to discuss) busy [bizi]/engaged [m'geid3dj зайнятий
this problem in the afternoon. 4. He (to say) that he would e.g. If the line is engaged, you must make another call in
be reading papers all morning tomorrow. 5. Mary (to say) 3 or 4 minutes.
that she would be posting the parcel at four. free [fri:]/clear [кііз] вільний
buzzing ['Ьлгіп] гудок
X. Translate the verbs in brackets into English using constant ['konstsntj постійний
them in the necessary tense-form: frequent ['frikwant] частий
1. He (сказав) t h a t he (зателефонує нам) during the ( t o ) connect [ k o ' n e k t ] / ( t o ) p u t t h r o u g h [putBru:]
break. 2. A telegraph boy (сказав) t h a t (розноситиме) з'єднати
telegrams all morning. 3. They (повідомили) that the mail connection [ko'nekjn] зв'язок
(буде доставлятися) at the usual time. 4. The manager e.g. The connection was very bad.
(сказав) that he (буде продивлятися) his mail from 9 till conversation [/konvs'seijri] розмова
10 a. m. dial [daial] диск, циферблат
(to) dial [daisl] набирати номер
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS receiver [n'sKva] телефонна трубка
number ['плтЬэ] номер
1. You buy envelopes (stamps, postcards, etc.) at a post-
(to) wait [weit] чекати
answer ['amsa] відповідь
2. You are sending (or cashing) a money order at a post-
(to) pick up [ріЬлр] брати, знімати {телефонну трубку)
e.g. If you want to ring somebody up, you must pick up
3. You find a letter put into your letter-box by mistake
a receiver, dial a number and wait for an answer.
and have a talk with the postman.
(to) drop [drop] вкинути {монету)
coin [кэш] монета
e.g. If you use a public phone, you must drop a coin into
L E S S O N 11 the slot before picking up a receiver.
(to) put [put] класти
TELEPHONE exchange [iks'tfemd3] телефонна станція
EXERCISES line [lam] лінія
e.g. Hold the line.
t I. Read and memorize the following words: message ['mesid3] повідомлення
telephone ['tehfoun] телефон e.g. Is there any message for me?
apparatus [,aep3'reit3s] апарат mouthpiece ['mau9pi:s] мікрофон
(to) book [ b u k ] / ( t o ) order [o:ds] замовляти operator ['эрегепэ] телефоніст(ка)
call [ko:l] розмова, виклик (to) speak [spi:k] розмовляти
e.g. I'd like to book a call to Warsaw for 7 a. m. e.g. Speaking. (Слухаю.)
a long-distance call /trunk-call міжміська розмова switchboard ['swi:tJbo:d] комутатор
e.g. If you want to communicate with another town you
II. Learn the following word-combinations:
must make a long-distance call.
( t o ) c a l l / ( t o ) ring up телефонувати, дзвонити по теле­ general call загальний виклик
фону local call місцевий виклик
e.g. Who is calling? personal call виклик конкретної особи

98 99
trunk call ( U . K . ) / міжміський виклик IV. Translate into English:
long-distance call (U.S.)
(to) answer the call відповісти на дзвінок 1. Телефон — найзручніший засіб зв'язку. 2. Якщо
(to) make a call подзвонити лінія зайнята, Ви почуєте короткі гудки. 3. Я хочу зате­
(to) give smb. a c a l l / зателефонувати кому-небудь лефонувати своєму другові. 4. Де найближчий автомат?
/ ( t o ) ring smb. up 5. Перед тим як підняти трубку, Ви маєте опустити мо­
(to) call back зателефонувати ще раз нету в щілину автомата. 6. Якщо Ви подзвоните пізно
Trunk Exchange міжміська телефонна розмо­ ввечері, Ви можете розбудити дитину.
(Long Distance Call) ва V. Fill in the blanks with suitable words and word-
(to) cut off роз'єднати combinations:
(to) get smb. з'єднатися з ким-небудь по
over the telephone телефону 1. I believe the ... is out of order. 2. Something must be
(to) hang u p / ( t o ) wrong with the ... . It does not go back into position.
вішати слухавку 3. There was ... for you this morning. 4. Can I book a ...
put down the receiver
Говоріть. call in advance? 5. As he was walking along the street, he
Go ahead.
тримати слухавку, не вішати saw a ... on the corner.
(to) hold o n / ( t o ) hold
the w i r e / ( t o ) hold the слухавку VI. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
1. I shall ring you up tomorrow, just about the same time.
(to) be engaged on розмовляти по іншому теле­
2. A constant buzzing showed that the number was engaged.
another line фону (іншій лінії)
3. 'Who is this?" asked the voice. "Miss White is out at the
(to) leave a message залишити повідомлення
moment. Will you ring her up again another time?" 4. May
(to) put down the receiver покласти слухавку
I speak to t h e chief of t h e D e p a r t m e n t , please?
(to) put down/ записати номер телефону
5. Can I make a trunk call from here? 6. Has anybody
/ ( t o ) write down
called me during the day and asked you to tell me anything?
a telephone number
(to) speak over (on) the розмовляти по телефону VII. Give antonyms to the following word-combina­
telephone tions:
to get the wrong number; the line is busy; to take up the
III. Answer the following questions: receiver; to hold on; to connect.
1. What is the most convenient means of communica­ VIII. Make up sentences of your own:
tion? 2. Have you a telephone at home? 3. What is the
to have the wrong number; to leave a message; to call
number of your telephone? 4. Whom do you usually ring
back; to wait at the receiver; to consult the telephone book;
up? What do you do if the line is engaged? 6. Do you
to make a call; to call smb.
often ring your friends up? 7. Are you often called up?
8. What do you do if you are cut off? 9. In what cases do IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
you say "1*11 ring up later"? 10. How do people ring up A: Is Mr Brown in?
if they have no telephone at home? 11. Do you ever B: I'm not sure... No, he's out just now. Can you call
book trunk calls? 12. How many telephone calls have you again in twenty minutes?
made today? 13. Do you ever make appointments by
A: Well, perhaps! All right, then.
* * *
A: Can I speak to Michelle or Jane, please? X. Fill in the blanks with suitable words so as to make
B: They are not here. Can I give them a message? up a dialogue:
A: No, that's О. К. Is John there? Secretary: Mr. B's secretary . . . .
B: He's at work. Voice: May I ... to Mr В., please?
A: Could you please ask him to call Harold?
S: And who shall I ... is ...?
В: О. К. I'll give him the message. V: Say Mr Wright.
A: And, uh... is Mary there?
S: What did you say your name was? Will
B: She's at work, too. Can I give her a message?
you .... it ..., please?
A: No, I'll call her back later. V: W-r-i-g-h-t.
* * * 5: Thank you ... on, please. Are you ...? Mr B.
seems to be ... on another . . . . Would you like
Loretta: Arno's Coffee Shop. to ... him a ... ? Or can he ... you ... in a few
Max: May I speak to George? minutes?
Loretta: I'm sorry, he isn't here right now. May I take V: He can ... me at 7 —81 — 90. ... it ..., please.
a message? 5: Would you mind repeating the ..., please?
Max: Yes, could you ask him to call Max Shear? I'm afraid I didn't ... it.
Loretta: Is that S-H-E-E-R? V: 7-81-90.
Max: No, it's S-H-E-A-R. XI. Ask questions on the text and retell it:
Loretta: Does he have your phone number?
Max: I'm not sure. It's 632 — 2861. TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE
Loretta: 6 3 2 - 2 8 6 1 . О. К. Mr Shear. I'll give him the The techniques of telephoning are very much the same in
message. all countries. Only remember your good telephone man­
Max: Thank you. Good-bye! ners:
* * * 1. When talking on the telephone — speak clearly. Do
not shout and take your cigarette out of your mouth.
2. Make sure that your conversation with a busy person
A: One — two — seven — eight — nine — two — four. is as brief as possible.
K: Hello! Is this Wilson and Co.? 3. When calling a friend who does not recognize your
A: Quite right. What can I do for you? voice —don't play "Guess w h o ? " . Announce yourself
K: May I speak to Mr Wilson, please? My name's Kyry- promptly.
lenko. 4. When you get a wrong number d o n ' t ask: "What
A: Please hold on a moment... number is this?" It is good a manner to ask: "Is this t w o -
W: Hello, Mr Kyrylenko. Wilson here. What can I do t h r e e - f o u r — f i v e — s i x ? " If not — apologize.
for you? 5. If a wrong number call comes through don't lose
K: I've got a few questions to ask you about the new your temper. Simply say: "Sorry, wrong number" — and
model. When can I see you about it? Tomorrow? hang up.
W: Certainly. At eleven, if that's convenient for you. 6. Always identify yourself when making a call, es­
K: Yes, it's quite all right. Till tomorrow, then. Bye! pecially if you are calling on business, e. g. "This is
W: Bye! Mr Vovk of the Ukrainian Trade Mission. Could I speak to
Mr Jones..."

7. If you have a visitor do not carry on a long chat» У&УЄ Лондоном. 4. Ви замовили розмову зі своїми бать-
your visitor tries hard to avoid listening to your conversa­ камь? 5. Ви набрали не той номер. 6. На які запитання
tion. The best thing to do is to say you are busy at the Ви вже відповіли? 7. Нас роз'єднали.
moment and ... "May I call you back in a little while?" V. Translate into English according to the model:
But don't forget to do so.
M о d e 1 : Я написав листа, (today; yesterday)
THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE — I have written a letter today. I wrote
a letter yesterday.
GRAMMAR EXERCISES 1. Ваш друг був у Вашингтоні, (this year; last year)
2. Вони залишили вам повідомлення, (today, yesterday)
I. Substitute the Past Indefinite Tense (active) for 3. Мері зателефонувала своїй подрузі, (last week, this
the Present Perfect (active) in the following sentences morning) 4. Ми замовили розмову з Лондоном, (last
according to the model: week, this Sunday) 5. Ви придбали телефонний довід­
M o d e l : I read the book. — I have read the book. ник? (yesterday, today)
I. He ordered the long-distance call to London. 2. She filled
out a telegram form. 3. He gave me the answer to my VI. Disagree with the following statements. Begin
question. 4. Mr. Smith left a message for you. 5. I picked your sentences with: / don't think so; sorry, but I
up the receiver. 6. We called the hotel information bureau, can't agree with you; it seems to me you are
II. Ask your friend:
1. They have made a trunk call to New York this mor­
1) if Jane has got the wrong number; ning. 2. She has received no letters from him this year.
2) if his mother has asked him to answer the call; 3. We haven't called him this week. 4. Mr. Brown has just
3) if he has heard constant buzzing before dialing a num­ left you a message. 5. My parents have sent me a telegram
ber; this week.
4) if he has written a letter to his parents this week;
5) if Ann has dropped a coin before picking up a re­ VII. Make the following sentences passive:
1. My brother has given a very interesting book to me.
6) if they have made a long-distance call to New York
2. I have ordered a trunk call this morning. 3. They have
this morning.
left a message. 4. She has dialed the wrong number. 5. We
III. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the Present Perfect have made some telephone calls today. 6. She has just
Tense: finished her business talk over the telephone.

1. We (to make) a trunk call this evening. 2. You (to VIII. Put questions to the words in bold type. Let
get) the wrong number. 3. I (to get) a few questions to ask your fellow-students answer them:
you about. 4. They (to leave) me a message this morning.
1. The letter has been posted already. 2. The line has
5. The manager (to sign) the letter. 6. We (to ring up) her
been engaged since 10 o'clock. 3. The doctor is out. The
message has been left for him. 4. We have received the
IV. Translate into English: money order at the General Post-Office this morning.
1. Ви написали листа своєму другові? 2. Чи були Ви 5. My telephone is out of order. Frequent buzzing has
коли-небудь у Нью-Йорку? 3. Ми ще не замовляли роз- been heard since morning.

104 105
wind-breaker [\vmd,breik3] спортивна куртка
1. You are making a long-distance call to a friend (to an dress [dresj сукня
official). shirt [Ja:t] сорочка
2. You inquire about the telephone number of a person e.g. Men wear shirts.
you need to speak with. blouse [blauz] блузка
3. You are having a business talk over the telephone. cardigan ['ka:digsn] шерстяний джемпер

Foot-Wear Взуття
shoes [Ju:z] черевики
L E S S O N 12 e.g. Most shoes are made of leather.
boots fbu:ts] чоботи
SHOPPING e.g. Boots are made of leather, too.
heel [hi:l] підбор
EXERCISES e.g. I don't want high heels, I want low heels.
sandals ['ssendalz] босоніжки
I. Read and memorize the following words:
e.g. Here is a very nice pair of sandals.
Shop (U. K.)/Store (U. S.) Магазин
Hosiery Трикотаж, панчішні вироби
to shop/to do one's shopping робити покупки
socks [soks] шкарпетки
e.g. Mother went to the store to shop.
stockings f'stokinz] панчохи
department [di'pcr.tmant] відділ
e.g. Some shops have many departments. e.g. Socks are short. Stockings are long.
supermarket [,sju:pa'ma:kit] супермаркет, великий мага­ stockings keep our feet warm.
зин самообслуговування knitted [ni:tid] в'язаний
salesgirl ['seilzgs:!] дівчина-продавець panty-hose ['penti'houz] колготки
salesman (shop-assistant) продавець Haberdashery Галантерея
e.g. The salesman packs the goods and gives them to us. handkerchief ['hasrjkatjif] носова хустинка
price [prais] ціна neckerchief ['nekat fif] косинка
e.g. What price did you pay for your dress? tie [tai] краватка
buyer/customer/shopper покупець e.g. I'd like to buy that tie.
e.g. The salesgirl is serving one of the customers. umbrella [лт'ЬгеЬ] парасолька
Ready-Made Clothes Готовий одяг e.g. Mary's umbrella keeps the rain off Mary.
coat[kout] пальто Leather Goods Шкіряні вироби
e.g. Bobby is putting on his coat. handbag ['h£en(d)ba3g] жіноча сумка
raincoat ['remkout] плащ wallet ['woht] гаманець
e.g. Mary is wearing a raincoat. It will keep her dry. e.g. I've lost my wallet.
suit [sju:t] костюм gloves [gUvz] рукавички
e.g. Father has on a dark suit. e.g. My gloves are made of leather.
trousers (U. K.)/pants ( U . S.) штани suit-case ['sju:tkeis] валіза
e.g. This is a pair of boy's pants. e.g. I need a suit-case.
Tobacconist's Тютюнові вироби
Perfumery Парфумерія
match [maetf] сірник
powder ['pauds] пудра
e.g. We use matches to start a fire.
e.g. Mother is putting powder on her face.
cigarette [,siga'ret] цигарка
lipstick ['hpstik] губна помада
e.g. Many people are smoking cigarettes.
e.g. Pink lipstick seems very popular this year.
soap [soupj мило
e.g. Tom washed his hands with soap and water. II. Learn the following word-combinations:
perfume ['paifjumj парфуми department store універсальний магазин
e.g. I've got a bottle of perfume. food store гастроном
brush [ЬглГ] щітка book shop книгарня
e.g. There are many kinds of brushes: tooth-brushes, scrub jeweller's shop ювелірний магазин
bing-brushes, paint-brushes. grocer's shop бакалія
razor ['reiza] бритва baker's shop магазин «Хліб»
blade [bleid] лезо greengrocer's shop овочевий магазин
e.g. Give me a package of blades. fruiter's shop фруктовий магазин
cream [kri:mj крем shop-window вітрина магазину
e.g. I need a tube of shaving cream. window-shopping розглядання вітрин
price-tag етикетка з ціною
Textiles Тканини sleeveless dress сукня без рукавів
wool [wu:l] вовна dress with short (long) сукня з короткими (довгими)
e.g. Sheep's wool is made into yarn and cloth. sleeves рукавами
silk [silk] шовк bottle of perfume флакон парфумів
e.g. Mother's dress is made of silk cloth. cake (a bar) of soap брусок мила
cotton fkotan] бавовна box of matches коробка сірників
e.g. Some clothes are made of cotton. pack of cigarettes пачка цигарок
to show something ... показати що-небудь ...
Stationery Канцелярські товари in grey сірого тону
portfolio [pa:t'fouljou] портфель not too loud не дуже яскраве
memo-pad/writting pad блокнот (to) match my ... відповідно до мого ...
pen ручка for summer/winter
e.g. This is a pen to write with. wear на літо/на зиму
for everyday wear на кожний день
Jewelry Ювелірні вироби
bracelet ['breisht] браслет III. Remember the following phrases:
pearl [рэ:1] перлина; перли
ring [no J перстень What can I do for you? Чим я можу бути корисний?
e.g. Jane's ring is made of gold. May I be of assistance? Вам допомогти?
ear-rings ['iannz] сережки Are you being served? Вас обслуговують?
e.g. These ear-rings are made of silver. What size do you take in Якого розміру т у ф л і / к о ­
chain [tfein] ланцюжок shoes/a suit? стюм Ви носите?

It's in fashion. Це за модою. can you buy at a market? 10. What things do you wear in
It's out of fashion. Це не за модою. winter (in summer)?
It's the latest fashion Це остання мода.
(style). VIII. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
It's out of season. Це не за сезоном. Salesclerk: May I help you?
It suits you perfectly. Це Вам дуже личить.
Woman: Yes. How much are these socks, please?
It's cheap. Це дешево Salesclerk: Six dollars.
It's too dear (expensive). Це занадто дорого.
Woman: Oh, that's too expensive. How much are the
It's a bargain. Це вигідна покупка
cotton ones?
Have you ... on sale? Чи є у Вас ... у продажу? Salesclerk: They are 2 dollars.
I'd like to try it, on. Я хотів би це поміряти. Woman: О. К. I'll take those.
May I try it on? Чи можу я це поміряти?
* * *
How much is this ... ?
What's the price of Скільки це коштує? A: What can I do for you?
this ... ? B: I'd like some shoes.
A: What size, please?
IV. Give it a name:
B: Five, please.
1. We wear it if it is cold. 2. We take it if it rains. 3. We A: Here you are.
put them on our hands. 4. We put it on our heads. 5. We B: Thank you.
put them on our feet. 6. Women put them on their legs. * * *
V. Tell what you wear: A: What can I do for you?
1) if you are at work; 2) if it is warm; 3) if it rains; B: I want to buy a coat.
4) if it is cold. A: What colour would you like?
B: I'd prefer a plum coloured coat.
VI. Fill in the blanks: A: Try this one.
1. Please ... another dress. This one is too big for you. B: I can't say that I like it. It's much too short.
2. The farmers sell fruit and vegetables at the ... . 3 . The A: Try this grey one.
... will give you the hat you have bought. 4. How much B: It isn't quite what I want. I'd like something of a bet­
does this ice-cream ... ? 5. The ... of these sweets is three ter quality.
dollars a kilogramme. A: What do you think of this model?
B: This one fits very well. How much does it cost?
VII. Answer the following questions: A: 70 dollars.
1. When do you usually go shopping? 2. Where do you B: Well, I'll take this one.
go shopping? 3. What have you bought today in the way A: Shall I wrap up the coat?
of food? 4. What have you bought in the way of manufac­ B: No, thank you, you needn't. I'll put it on.
tured goods? 5. What do you buy at a grocer's shop
(baker's, b u t c h e r ' s shop, fishmongers, flower-shop)? IX. Ask questions on the following text:
6. What things are sold at a haberdashery (jeweller's, book­ Today the women are going to Oxford Street to shop.
seller's)? 7. What presents did you receive for birthday? Both of the girls and my wife are going. They don't want
8. Which is the best shop in your city (town)? 9. What Simon and me with them. Thank goodness!

110 Ill
Women are terrible shoppers. They spend a lot of time III. Make the following sentences sound emphatic
and buy a few things. I only spend a little time and I buy a according to the model. Translate them into Ukrain-
lot of things. Sometimes my wife does shopping all day and ian:
she doesn't buy anything. She tries on clothes all day and M o d e l : We had hardly gone to bed when somebody
then doesn't bring anything home. knocked at the door.
This seems mad! She's too fussy. She likes only a few — Hardly had we gone to bed when some-
colours. She likes only blue, green and yellow. Her favouri- body knocked at the door.
te colour is either blue or green. I don't know which one. 1. A customer had hardly entered the shop when a shop-
She doesn't like red and pink. They are too bright. They assistant came up to him, 2. I had scarcely looked at the
don't suit her. And brown and grey aren't bright enough. Oh, girl when I recognized her. 3. We had hardly gone out of
she's fussy. the department store when it was closed for a break.
(from English Course, Linguaphone Institute, London, 1970) 4. Helen had scarcely tried on a new dress when she de-
cided to buy it.
THE PAST PERFECT TENSE IV. Choose the correct form of the verb:

GRAMMAR EXERCISES 1. I (did, had done) shopping by 3 o'clock yesterday.

2. He (had received, received) the telegram by that
I. Put questions to the words in bold type. Let your time. 3. My brother (tried on, had tried on) the raincoat
fellow-students answer them: before he (bought, had bought) it. 4. They (went, had
gone) window-shopping yesterday. 5. We (bought, had
I. I had come to the department store by 3 o'clock. bought) vegetables before our mother (had come, came)
2. They had finished shopping by 5 o'clock. 3. We had home.
left for London by 5 p. m. yesterday. 4. You had posted
a letter by 4 o'clock. 5. They had sold out chains and V. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the necessary
silver ear-rings by that time. tense-form:

II. Make up one complex sentence out of two simple 1. She said that she (to buy) new high-heeled shoes.
sentences according to the model. Translate the senten- 2. My sister asked whether I (to go) shopping on Friday.
ces into Ukrainian: 3. My friend said that she (to like, not) to go window-
shopping. 4. My aunt told me that she (to go) to the
M o d e l : She studied Spanish. She came to Madrid. supermarket tomorrow. 5. My mother told me that she (to
— She had studied Spanish before she came go) to the jeweller's and (to buy) a present for me. 6. We
to Madrid. discovered that we (to spend) all the money.
1. We got to the supermarket. It was closed. 2. We got
home. It began to rain. 3. My mother cooked dinner. She VI. Say what you (your family; your friend) had done
went shopping. 4. Helen tried on a lot of jackets. She by 3 o'clock yesterday (by that time, by the evening,
bought one. 5-. They bought fruits and vegetables. The by the end of month, before noon, etc.)
greengrocer's was opened. 6. I bought a present for my
VII. Change direct speech into indirect one:
mother. My father asked me about it. 7. He tried on a
wind-breaker. He bought it. 8. I went window-shopping. 1. Paul said, "I met her at the department store".
I entered one of the department stores. 2. Alice said, "I went shopping yesterday". 3. Peter said,

112 113
"I saw them in Bristol". 4. The girl said, "I have already
L E S S O N 13
tried on this dress". 5. John said, "I lived in Liverpool at that
time". 6. She said, "This skirt didn't fit me well".
7. His aunt said, "I was at home at that time". 8. She said, MAN AND ENVIRONMENT
'Thought a nice cardigan for my husband". 9. He said, EXERCISES
"I put on my raincoat and tock my umbrella became the
weather was rainy". I. Read and memorize the following words:
ecology [і'кзізезі] екологія
VIII. Make the following sentences passive: e.g. Ecology is a common problem for all mankind.
1. They had delivered a lot of new goods to the self- environment [m'vai3r(a)nm3nt] навколишнє середовище
service shop. 2. She had promised to me the book before it protection [ргэЧек/(э)п] захист
appeared on sale. 3. Someone else had asked for the shop- e.g. Environmental protection occupies an important place
assistant just before you came here. 4. He had spent all the in everybody's life.
money by that time. 5. We had bought all necessary goods waste [weist] відходи
before noon. e.g. Much dangerous waste goes into the air.
pollution [рз'1и:Дз)п] забруднення
IX. Translate into English: e.g. There are several kinds of pollution.
victim ['viktim] жертва
1. Ми придбали багато товарів у магазині. 2. До 12 e.g. Flora and fauna are victims of pollution.
години моя сестра встигла побувати в універсамі та гаст­ damage ['daemK^] шкода, пошкодження
рономі. 3. Чи є спортивні куртки в продажу? 4. Можу e.g. Oil pollution caused great damage to beaches and
я це поміряти? Ця сукня якраз на мене. І вона мені wildlife.
личить. 5. Вас обслуговують? — Ще ні. — Чим я surface ['saTisJ поверхня
можу бути корисний? 6. Допоможіть мені підібрати e.g. You can find surface pollution everywhere.
що-небудь до моєї спідниці. 7. Ми повернулися до­ (to) poison ['poizn] отруювати
дому до того, як почався дощ. 8. Вона сказала, що при­ e.g. Rivers that are so beautiful and full of fish are poi­
дбала срібний ланцюжок. 9. Щойно я ввійшла до мага­ soned.
зину, до мене підійшов продавець. 10. Мері сказала, що ця chimney ['tfimni] димар, димохід
блузка мені личить. e.g. My chimney doesn't throw much dust into the air.
(to) remove [n'mu:v] виводити, викидати
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS e.g. Electric filters remove extensively most of the dust.
threat [Oret] загроза
1. You want to have a party and need some fruit and e.g. The threat of war still exists.
vegetables. Act out the conversation, asking the grocer for the
measures ['тезэг] заходи
things you need.
e.g. People should take measures.
2. You have bought a lot of things at the shop. Tell your (to) depend (on) [di'pend] залежати (від)
friend what you have bought and what the price was. e.g. A lot depends on us.
3. You want to buy things, but you have no time. Ask your (to) withdrow [wiS'dro:] забирати
friend to buy them for you.
e.g. Prehistoric man withdrew from the atmosphere only
the oxygen.
(to) alter ['o:lta] змінювати
e.g. Plastics, herbicides and numerous industrial materials
alter the biosphere. been an object of a number of international discussions,
(to) consume [k3n'sju:m] споживати (despite, in spite of, notwithstanding) 4. They have done
e.g. Modern man consumes a far greater amount of oxygen. a great deal of ... to man and they are still doing so for
purification ^pjuanfi'keijri] очищення profit and gain, (harm, hurt, damage) 5. They ... about
mineral resources, flowing rivers, forests, meadows and
e.g. A few years ago we built a big water purification plant.
fields, (have a talk, speak, say, tell)
II. Learn the following word-combinations:
(to) use filter V. Make up questions and let your fellow-students
використовувати фільтр answer them:
sulphur dioxide двоокис сірки
environment protection захист навколишнього сере­ Do people catch fish in the rivers or lakes near
довища your house?
purifying installations очищувальні пристрої environmental protection occupy an import­
marine life життя на дні моря ant place in everybody's life?
stinking black mess смердюче чорне місиво Does the resources demand rational use?
(to) assume global набувати глобальних розмі­ industrial waste influence people's health?
proportions рів all people going in defence of nature?
( t o ) keep the water clean the air like in the place you live?
зберігати воду чистою
(to) raise voice in What is the biosphere affected by?
виступати (підносити голос)
defence of nature What are at present being done to solve the problem?
на захист природи
III. Make up sentences: VI. Complete the following sentences:
All people should 1. Environmental protection occupies . . . . 2. All
raise their voices in defence of nature
ought pay attention to the question of na­ people would raise their voices ... . 3. What are people
ture conservation doing in defence ... . 4. We must move chemical enterpri­
We must ses beyond ... . 5. Industrial waste influences people's . . . .
join the efforts to protect the nature
shall save the land, the seas, the oceans
They will build the most perfect purification VII. Translate into English:
plants У перекладі з англійської мови «грінпіс» означає «зе­
choose life before it's too late лений мир». «Грінпіс» — міжнародна організація за­
protect rare and vanishing animals хисників навколишнього середовища. Ця організація ви­
species никла на початку 70-х років XX століття. Сьогодні до
цієї організації належить близько 2 мільйонів чоловік із
IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in 15 країн. Міжнародна штаб-квартира організації розта­
шована в Лондоні. Організація має своїх представників
1. Ecology is a ... common for all mankind, (problem, у багатьох країнах.
question, point, object) 2. All people actively ... in inter­ VIII. Give synonyms to words in bold type:
national cooperation on the protection of the natural ha­
bitat, (participate, take part, concern) 3. Environmental 1. A number of measures must be taken to stop air and
water pollution. 2. Prehistoric man withdrew from the
problems ... their relatively short history, have already
biosphere only the oxygen required for respiration. 3. Des-
pite drastic anti-pollution measures taken by the govern- B: What do you do to keep the water in your rivers clean?
ment the ecological situation remains serious. 4. Industrial You know that many rivers are now natural sewers
waste influences people's health. 5. Little has been done rather than water sources. The companies do not care
to check environmental pollution. too much about keeping them clean. It costs them too
much money.
IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues: A: Well, our government passed an environmental protec-
A: Is the Mediterranean actually dying from pollution? tion law, and there is even a minister for this field. It
B: Yes, it is, I would say. If pollution continues at its takes a long time to fight pollution effectively in the
present pace I think that the northern half will be face of growing industrialization, but we have been
almost dead in 10 years. It would take only 15 years successful in some fields. Of course, it costs a lot of
for the whole Mediterranean to become dead as far as money.
marine life is concerned.
A: Under the best conditions, how long would it take the X. Make up a dialogue:
Mediterranean waters to be renewed? A: Say that the traffic on our roads has increased consider-
B: If you stop all pollution of the Mediterranean now, it ably during the past ten years.
would still take about 100 years for the sea to become B: Answer that a lot of people have private cars now and
clean. move about more easily. Add that at the same time air
A: Is the Mediterranean polluted everywhere? pollution especially in the older cities and towns with
B: Not exactly, because there are several kinds of pollu- their narrow streets has increased.
tion. Surface pollution, mainly from petroleum product, A: Reply that he visited several cities in Western countries
you find everywhere. Then there is the vast human and and that air pollution is much worse there.
industrial pollution generated by the densely populated B: Answer that this is certainly true but a lot of people in
Ukraine do criticize increasing air pollution. Add that
A: Is anything being done about water pollution?
it is a big problem and that it can only be solved step
B: There is not much that can be done.
by step because it is very complex and costs a lot of
* * *
B: I've seen that your chimneys don't throw much dust A: Ask what is at present being done to solve the problem.
into the air. B: Tell him that there are regular checks on air pollution
A: Well, we do use electric filters extensively to remove in the big towns, that manufacturers try to make bet-
most of the dust. ter engines for cars, lorries, buses.
B: Is there much sulphur dioxide in the smoke? A: Suggest that improving the car engines is important,
A: The trouble is that some of our coal contains a lot of but that there are also other ways for solving the
sulphur, and there is no effective and economic technolo- pollution problem. Add t h a t modern city plann-
gy for removing S 0 2 anywhere in the world yet. We ing and building wider roads could also be a great
tried several wet and dry cleaning techniques, but still help.
too much S 0 2 left. B: Tell him that he is right and that more trams in the
B: So you could only make your chimneys higher. cities might be helpful and that fewer cars should be
A: Yes, that's the only thing to do at present. Then the permitted to enter cities and park there.
toxic gases are at least di spersed over a wider area. A: Say that trams and electric trains do not emit any ex-
haust gases and that in the future possibly electric pri-
* # *
118 119
vate cars with batteries might be used for city XIII. Read and ask questions on the text:
B: Say you've read that such projects are under way in MAN PROTECTS HIS ENVIRONMENT
a few countries and that you think electric private cars The Earth provides people with mineral resources, rivers
might be very useful in keeping the air clean in cities. and forests. The resources demand rational use. But very
often a man can not cope with this task. As a result nature
and people suffer. Such vital sources of life as air, water,
XI. Make up your own dialogues using the following minerals, fauna and flora are being wasted and distroyed.
word-combinations: Some animal species and plants have become extinct. When
waste, waste water, to continue pollution, to throw much this happens the Red Fish die in the lakes, rivers and seas,
dust into the air, electric filters, environmental protection, while trees die in the forests.
withdraw from the atmosphere, to influence people's The Earth is our home. We must take care of our home.
health, to take measures, to move beyond the city, purifying The protection of nature has become one of the real prob-
installations. lems of the 20th century. More and more people in all
countries are raising their voices in defence of nature.
XII. Read and retell the text as if you were a represen- Concern about the preservation of the environment and
tative of an international organisation Greenpeace: its protection from pollution as well as concern about our
limited natural resources has given rise to a powerful move-
ment throughout the world. This movement is called
Interrelations between man and the biosphere are of environmentalism from the English word environment.
a fairly complex nature. Man, like every other living organism, Everybody knows that the Baikal is being saved, not
depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, only by the Russian people but also by foreigners and by
food and shelter. On the other hand, the biosphere is strongly an international organization Greenpeace.
affected by all sorts of human activity.
About 200 years ago man lived in greater harmony with XIV. Read and translate the text:
his environment because industry was not developed. Pre-
historic man withdrew from atmosphere only the oxygen THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS
he required for respiration. Today the situation is quite
different. Modern man consumes a far greater amount of Western Europe has the same basic environmental prob-
oxygen to support fires, power plants and chemical lems, but they take different forms in each country.
processes. The carbon dioxide produced by technological Already if you catch a fish in the Seine near Paris it may
processes has greatly changed the carbon dioxide concentra- be blind and without scales, a victim of pollution. In the
tion in the atmosphere. The technology has introduced Rhine you will catch no fish at all.
into the biosphere man-made radio-isotopes and a wide The Mediterranean is actually dying from pollution.
variety of synthetic materials such as plastics, insecticides, It is fair to say, that a considerable effort has been made in
herbicides and numerous industrial materials. These sub- Britain with regard to Thames. By 1949 it was being des-
stances and materials alter the biosphere. cribed as a stinking black mess with no fish and almost no
The problem of the environmental crisis has recently oxygen. There was an outcry and something had to be done.
assumed global proportions. Scientists say, that unless some Legislation stopped the flow of industrial waste into the river,
radical steps are taken, life on our planet may be irrevo- and nearly all the sewage is treated before it gets to water.
cably damaged, if not destroyed altogether. Fish have come back and one salmon has been caught.
120 121
One of Britain's environmental successes has been the
control of air pollution especially in London. Thirty years much money for building new purification plants by that
ago hundreds of people died every year from the dreadful time.
London smogs. Since then London and many other cities have
II. Translate into Ukrainian:
become smokeless zones, areas where no coal fires are allowed.
But now the increase in traffic is threatening serious air pollution 1. Will they have caught fish in the lake by seven o'clock?
problems in cities once again. 2. We shall have read many articles about our atmosphere
The most common form of air pollution comes from ciga­ by the end of this term. 3. They haven't reached the bot­
rette smoke which pollutes many public places like cinemas, tom of the sea yet, but they will have reached it before
pubs, and restaurants. dark. 4. I haven't translated all the sentences concerning
Traffic and aircraft can cause serious noise pollution. the topic Wild Animals yet, but I shall have translated
Friends of the Earth suggest that the bicycle is the best them before the bell rings. 5. She hasn't given the final
way to travel because it's cheap, quiet and a good form of answer yet, but she will have given it before you return.
exercise. 6. They haven't taken measures yet, but they'll have taken
them by the end of a month. 7. He hasn't answered
XV. Learn the poem by heart: all the questions about our deserts yet, but he will have
answered them by the end of t h e lesson. 8. Will
you have finished your talk about flora and fauna by
Robert Frost 2 o'clock?
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice III. Translate into English:
From what I've tasted of desire 1. Я где не написала твору на тему «Флора і фауна —
I hold with those who favor fire. жертви забруднення», але я напишу його до того, як Ви
But if I had to perish twice приїдете. 2. Вона завершила свою доповідь «Захист на­
I think I know enough of fate вколишнього середовища посідає важливе місце в житті
To say that for destruction ice кожного» до 1 вересня. 3. Ми побудуємо багато очис­
Is also great and would suffice. них споруд до кінця наступного року. 4. Вони прочи­
тають до кінця року три книжки англійською мовою про
найбільші ріки та озера. 5. Звичайно, до 10 години вона
закінчить свою доповідь про флору та фауну України.
I. Find the sentences in the Future Perfect Tense: COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS

1. I shall have read the article about the protection of 1. Make a report in your class Nuclear energy and the
nature in Ukraine by this time tomorrow. 2. Air that used
to be so clean and fresh is polluted. 3. Will she have given 2. You are the director of the Artificial Fibre Plant.
A representative from Greenpeace has come to you and is
the final answer before he returns? 4. By six o'clock she
trying to persuade you to close some shops.
will have made a report A Man and Environment. 5. More
3. Discuss the theme Man — a master of nature or a
and more people in all countries are raising their voices in
part of if?
defence of nature. 6. We must pay great attention to the
4. Make a speech on nature protection What should
question of nature conservation. 7. We shall have spent people do to protect nature?
і 22
tomato [t9'ma:tou] томат, помідор
L E S S O N 14 vegetable ['ved3(i)t3blj овочі
e.g. Help yourself to this vegetable dish.
MEALS apple [азрі] яблуко
cherry ['tfen] вишня, черешня
fruit [fru:t] фрукти
1. Read and memorize the following words: e.g. Do you eat much fruit?
grapes [greips] виноград
breakfast ['brekfastj сніданок lemon ['1етэп] лимон
e.g. Laugh before breakfast you'll cry before supper. orange ['ormd3] апельсин
lunch [L\ntf] другий сніданок pear [реэ] груша
e.g. I had my lunch at 12 o'clock. tangerine [,ta2n(d)33'ri:n] мандарин
dinner ['dma] обід water melon ['wo:ts лпеїзп] кавун
supper ['sApa] вечеря butter ['bAts] масло (вершкове)
e.g. After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile. bread [bred] хліб
snack-bar ['snaskba:] закусочна, буфет cheese [tfi:z] сир (твердий)
e.g. There's a nice snack-bar round the corner. corn-flakes ['komfleiks] кукурудзяні пластівці
canteen [ksen'tkn] їдальня cream [kri:m] вершки, крем
cafe fkasfei] кафе sour cream ['saua'krkm] сметана
e.g. Let's have dinner at a cafe. egg [eg]яйце
restaurant ['rest(3)ro:r)] ресторан bacon ['beiksn] бекон
e.g. Roger used to dine at Chinese restaurants. sausage ['sosid3] сосиска, ковбаса
waiter ['weits] офіціант toast [toust] грінка (підсмажений шматок хліба)
e.g. The waiter served food quickly. meat [mi:t] м'ясо
waitress [weitns] офіціантка beefsteak ['bi:f'steik] біфштекс
e.g. His niece is a waitress. broth [broG] бульйон
glass [gla:s] склянка chicken ['tfikm] курча, курятина
cup [клр] чашка chop [tfop] котлета
saucer ['so:ss] блюдце
fish [fij] риба
knife [naifJ ніж
ham [haem] шинка
spoon [spu:n] ложка
salad ['saelad] салат
e.g. There are some kinds of spoons: tea-spoon, soup­ sandwich ['saenwid3] бутерброд
spoon, desert-spoon. herring ['henrj] оселедець
fork [fo:k] виделка porridge ['pond3] (вівсяна) каша
plate [pleit] тарілка soup [su:p] суп
potatoe [pa'teitou] картопля pepper ['рерэ] перець
e.g. May I have some more potatoes. salt [sodt] сіль
beetroot f'bi:tru:t] буряк sweet [swi:t] цукерка
carrot ['kasrat] морква cake [keik] тістечко
cucumber ['kju:kamba] огірок beer [Ьіз] пиво
cabbage ['keebid3] капуста champagne [Jaem'pem] шампанське
onion [4nJ3n] цибуля
whisky ['wiski] віскі VI. Complete the following sentences:
gin № і п ] джин
coffee ['kofi] кава 1. May I treat you to some ... . 2. Could you pass me ... .
juice [d3u:s] сік 3. Help yourself to ... . 4. I'll have my dinner at ... .
tea [ti:] чай 5. I'd like to have ... .

II. Learn the following word-combinations: VII. Translate into English:

1. Де Ви обідатимете? 2. Я обідатиму в ресторані.
to have breakfast (dinner, снідати (обідати, вечеряти)
3. Мені хотілося б узяти бульйон, біфштекс з овочами,
салат і каву. 4. Передайте мені, будь ласка, сіль. 5. Чи
a piece of cake шматок торта можна Вам запропонувати пива?
a slice of bread скибка хліба
a lump of sugar грудка цукру VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
help yourself to ... пригощайтеся ...
May I treat you to ... ? 1. What is your favourite vegetable dish? 2. Help your­
Можна вас пригостити ..
self to some soup. 3. May I offer you a cup of coffee?
III. Make up sentences: 4. I'll have some champagne. 5. I don't like fried potatoes.
a cafe
I'll have my dinner at IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
a restaurant
a canteen Mike: What shall we have for dinner?
some soup Kate: Choose yourself, please.
I'd like to have Mike: O.K. We'll have some salad, clear soup, pork chops
a beefsteak with vegetables
some cakes and coffee.
Kate: I'd like to add a piece of cake if you don't mind.
IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in
1. Help yourself to ... .(plate, cup, cherries) 2. Thank Ann: What do you usually have for breakfast?
you, just . . . . (some, a little, small) 3. Usually I have ... Pete: I never want any breakfast. Just a cup of tea and
for breakfast, (a cup of tea, gin, soup) 4. Pass me ..., a piece of toast. And you?
please, (salt, table cloth, dinner) 5. Would you like a Ann: I don't eat much either. Just some corn-flakes, an
glass of ... ? (wine, whisky, beer) egg and coffee, and toast with jam and butter.
Pete: Oh, I'd call it a huge breakfast! Looking at you one
V. Make up questions and let your fellow-students wouldn't say you eat so much.
answer them:

shall we breakfast?
have lunch? John: May I offer you a cup of tea, Mary?
What would you for dinner? Mary: Oh, yes, thank you.
like supper? John: What would you like for dessert?
Mary: Pass me some ice-cream with jam and a piece of
give me salt? cake, please.
Could you treat me to pepper?
pass me a piece of cake?
Neil: Would you like a glass of wine? For dinner there's always a main dish, consisting usual­
Suzy: I'll better have something else. ly of meat or fish with potatoes and cooked vegetables.
Neil: What will you drink then? Lunch or supper is a lighter meal. Many families living
Suzy: Orange juice or a bottle of mineral water. in the north eat something like bread and butter with per­
Neil: And I'll have some beer, it's too hot today. haps fried eggs or fried fish and tea in the evening.

X. Complete the following dialogues:

A: What would you like to have for dinner?
A: Treat yourself to some salad, please.
B: ... I. Find the sentences in the Present Perfect Continu­
A: What will you drink? ous Tense:
B: ... I. Let's have our dinner in this restaurant. 2. I have
XI. Make up your own dialogue using the following been cutting a beetroot into tiny bits since she came here.
word-combinations: 3. Cabbage is the last things to go into the beetroot soup.
4. Such condiments as garlic, pepper and mustard are usually
to have for dinner ..., we'll have some ..., I'd like to added later on, while e a t i n g , to suit o n e ' s t a s t e .
have..., may I treat you to ..., would you like ..., could 5. My mother has been cooking dinner for two hours.
you pass me ..., help yourself to ... . 6. We usually have some sausage, meat, eggs, butter, bottled
milk and tinned fish in the refrigerator. 7. She has been
XII. Read, translate and retell the text:
cooking supper for one hour, hasn't she? 8. I have been
MEALS IN BRITAIN choosing apples, pears, plums, grapes and oranges for more
The names of meals in Great Britain are: breakfast, lunch, than 20 minutes. 9. She has been having breakfast for 10
dinner and supper. Breakfast in the morning may be corn­ minutes.
flakes, taken with milk and sugar, bacon or ham with or II. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:
without eggs, or some kind of fish. Toast of bread and
butter with marmalade and a cup of tea or cofee is also a 1. We have been cooking dinner since 11 o'clock. 2. My
popular breakfast. sister has been working at this cafe for seven years.
Some people just have toast, butter and cheese with tea 3. They have been talking about English meals for half an
or coffee for breakfast. English people usually drink tea hour already. 4. Helen has been cooking Ukrainian beet­
with milk and this tea is called "English tea". root soup since 12 o'clock. 5. I have been boiling some
In the middle of the day people have different meals. It mutton for an hour already. 6. We have been studying
depends on their jobs and wages. It also depends on what about traditional English dishes and meals for several
part of the country they live in. People in the north have months.
different tastes from those in the South. Their main
III. Translate into Ukrainian:
cooked meal, whether it's at midday or in the evening, is
called dinner. Those who have their dinner in the middle 1. I haven't been eating for three hours. 2. My mother
of the day have supper in the evening. Those who have has been cooking breakfast for some minutes. 3. She has
dinner in the evening, have lunch in the middle of the been cooking beetroot soup since I came home. 4. What
day. has been boiling in that big saucepan since morning?

І 129
VII. Answer the following questions according to the
5. How long has she been cooking breakfast? 6. Alice has
not been cooking dinner since her mother went to the mar­
ket. 7. My mother has been working at that restaurant M o d e l : How long have you been laying a table?
since 1990. 8. My friend and I have been discussing the — I have been laying a table for twenty
menu for 15 minutes. 9. We have been choosing dishes and minutes.
drinks at restaurant for several minutes. 1. How long has your mother been cooking dinner? (for
two hours) 2. How long have you been boiling pork and
IV. Make up sentences using either Past Continuous beef? (for three hours) 3. How long haven't you been to this
or Present Perfect Continuous: restaurant? (for five years). 4. How long haven't you been
She for an hour. drinking orange juice? (for a week) 5. How long haven't you
has been
Mary been eating pork chops and roast beef? (for a month)
cooking dinner for several hours.
My sister 6. How long haven't you been eating strawberry ice-cream?
for an hour before you
(for a week) 7. How long have you been reading that cook­
book in English? (since June) 8. How long have you been
I was cooking at that time, cooking fish and chips? (since 2 o'clock)
Alice chips and chops when he came in.
Jane VIII. Translate into English:
1. Де Мері? — Мері на кухні. Вона вже дві години
My mother has been boiling since I went to the market, готує обід. 2. Я вже півгодини шукаю рецепт тієї англій­
Helen some beef for an hour and a half, ської страви в кулінарній книжці і ніяк не можу знайти.
Jane since I came home. 3. Скільки років Ви працюєте в цій їдальні? — Я пра­
цюю в цій їдальні двадцять років. 4. Невже вона варить
V. Put the Infinitives in brackets in Present Perfect
повидло з самого ранку? 5. Я не відвідую цього рестора­
Continuous Tense:
ну вже два роки. 6. Моя дочка не їсть шоколадних цуке­
1. She (choose) some dairy products: butter, cheese, milk рок уже п'ять років. 7. Коли ви почали читати цей кулі­
and cream for 20 minutes. 2. My mother (read) a cookbook нарний довідник? Скільки розділів Ви вже прочитали?
for a month. 3. At the bakery department I (buy): white and Скільки часу Ви читаєте його? 8. Моя сестра закінчила
brown bread, buns, rolls and rings for 10 minutes. 4. At the кулінарне училище шість років тому. З того часу вона
market my mother (choose) potatoes, carrots, beetroots, onion, працює кухарем у студентській їдальні.
tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage for an hour. 5. Meat and
fowl (boil) for two hours. 6. We (talk) about fruits which COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS
are sold at the greengrocery shop for 15 minutes. 1. You discuss with your friends the menu and choose
dishes and drinks at a restaurant.
VI. Complete the following sentences: 2. You want to arrange a birthday party and discuss with
your wife (husband, mother) what to serve the guests.
1. I have been boiling some pork ... . 2. She has been
pouring tomato juice ... . 3. My sister has been frying 3. You are treating your guests to the dishes that you have
onions ... . 4. I have been making some chops ... . 5. My cooked yourself.
grandmother has been buying some lemons, oranges ... . 4. You describe your usual meals to your friend.
5. Your English friend tells you about traditional dishes
6. My younger sister has been having breakfast ... .
and meals in Britain.
7. I have been translating this article about English
6. You are going on a picnic. What food will you take?
meals ... .

130 131
L E S S O N 1 5
e.g. The doctor said my mother was on the mend (she was
AT THE DOCTOR'S recovering).
EXERCISES stomach ['stAmsk] шлунок
pain [pem] біль (гострий, раптовий)
I. Read and memorize the following words: e.g. Did you ever have a pain from being burned?
ill [її] хворий ache [eik] 1. n біль (тупий, тривалий); 2. v боліти
headache ['hedeik] головний біль e.g. The baby is sick. His stomach aches.
e.g. I have a splitting headache. digestion [di'd39StJ(a)n] травлення
cough [kof] кашель (to) hurt [ha:t] завдавати болю
e.g. Mary is sick. She has a bad cough. improvement [im'pru:vment] поліпшення
gown [gaun] халат ambulance ['eembjutans] карета швидкої допомоги
e.g. The doctor took her coat off and put on the white (to) treat [tri:t] лікувати
gown which she kept in her bag. treatment ['triitmsnt] лікування
(to) examine [lg'zaemm] оглядати operation [/opa'reifn] операція
e.g. The doctor examined the patient, felt his pulse, took tonsillitis [/tonsi'laitis] тонзиліт
his temperature and measured his blood pressure. tuberculosis [tju:/b3:kju'lousis] туберкульоз
(to) strip [strip] роздягатися cancer ['kasnsa] рак
e.g. The doctor asked thepatient to strip to the waist. indigestion [/indi'd3estf(3)n] нетравлення шлунку
pneumonia [nju/mounjs] запалення легенів ulcer ['AISS] виразка
investigation [m/vesti'geijn] обстеження stroke [strouk] раптовий приступ; удар
to cure [kjus] лікувати burn [Ьз:п] опік
e.g. If you are sick, the doctor will cure you. metabolism [me'taebslizm] обмін речовин
hospital ['hospitl] лікарня bruise [bru:z] гематома, синець
e.g. When father fell ill, he went to the hospital. physician [ft'zifsn] лікар
prescription [pns'krip/(9)n] рецепт
therapeutist [/9er3'pju:tist] терапевт
(to) prescribe [pns'kraib] приписувати (ліки)
pediatrician [лзЫ1эЧпГ(э)п] педіатр
e.g. The doctor prescribed me some medicine.
surgeon ['s3:d3(3)n] хірург
injection [m'd3ek/9n] укол
psychiatrist [sai'kaiatnst] психіатр
gargle ['ga:gl] полоскання; полоскати
gynaecologist [/gami'kol3d3ist] гінеколог
note [nout] направлення (мед.)
oculistf'okjuhst] окуліст, офтальмолог
X-ray ['eks'rei] рентгенівське випромінювання
otolaryngologist ['outslsnrj'golsdsist] отоларинголог
chemist's ['kemists] аптека
nurse [ns:s] медсестра
instructions [m'strAkJ(3)nz] порада
e.g. The nurse takes care of sick people.
e.g. If you follow instructions you will feel better to­
dentist ['dentist] стоматолог
e.g. The man is a dentist. He fixes teeth.
policlinic [,poli'klmik] поліклініка
(to) extract (pull out, take out) виривати
check-up [Д/ек'лр] перевірка
(to) complain [ksm'plem] скаржитися
influenza [,mflu'enz3]/flu [flu:] грип
e.g. What are you complaining of?
couch [kautj] кушетка
pills [pilz] пілюлі
medicine ['medsm] ліки
drops [drops] краплі
(to) recover/to be on the mend одужувати
tablets ['taebhts] таблетки
T I I . Learn the following word-combinations: III. Read the text and be ready to answer the ques­
(to) fall ill захворіти
When we have a headache, a stomach-ache, a sore throat,
(to) be ill хворіти
a cold, or a pain in some other part of the body, we call
(to) take one's temperature міряти температуру the doctor. He takes our temperature and feels our pulse.
(to) measure one's blood міряти кров'яний тиск He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or pressure,
pressure the part of the body which hurts us, and tells us what the
cough-mixture мікстура від кашлю matter is with us. He says: "You have a slight temperature",
mustard plaster гірчичник "You have the flu", or "You have caught a cold", or "You
hot-water bottle грілка have heart disease".
blood examination аналіз крові
The doctor gives us a prescription and says: "I shall
patient's file медична картка
prescribe some medicine. You must take the prescription
(to) follow instructions дотримуватися поради
to the chemist and he will make up the medicine for you.
consulting-room кабінет лікаря Take the medicine twice a day before meals".
(to) consult a doctor звертатися до лікаря If we follow the doctor's instructions, we get better; if
waiting-room кімната чекання we disobey the doctor we may get worse, and even die.
first-aid measures надання першої допомоги We must follow the doctor's instructions, if we want to
( t o ) be on the mend одужувати get better. If we have a temperature, we must stay in bed
(to recover) and take the medicine he prescribes. If we cannot get bet­
examination couch кушетка для огляду ter at home we must go to hospital.
( t o ) catch ( a ) cold застудитися If we need an operation, for example, if we have appen­
reception office реєстратура dicitis, a surgeon performs the operation on us. If we are
( t o ) make sure переконатися too ill we go to hospital in the ambulance. After our illness
sick-leave листок непрацездатності we can go to a sanatorium until we are strong again.
medical post медпункт When we have toothache, we go to the dentist's. The
first aid швидка допомога dentist examines our teeth and asks: "Which tooth hurts
blood transfusion переливання крові you?" He says: "That tooth has a cavity. I must stop it, I
( t o ) admit to a hospital покласти в лікарню must put in a filling". If the tooth is too bad, the dentist
(to) lose consciousness знепритомніти extracts it.
(to) come round опритомніти
maternity hospital пологовий будинок д IV. Answer the following questions:
frost-bite відморожене місце
1. What do you do when you fall ill? 2. When do you
a splitting headache нестерпний головний біль
send for the doctor? 3. What does the doctor do? 4. What
a terrible toothache страшенний зубний біль
do you feel when you have the flu? 5. Who operates on
an awful ear-ache страшенний біль у вусі
people? 6. Why must one follow the doctor's instruc­
a stomach-ache біль у шлунку
tions? 7. Whom do you consult when you have a toothache
a pain in the back біль у спині
(sore eyes, a sore throat, a broken leg, a burn, frost­
(to) suffer from malaria/ хворіти на малярію/брон
bite)? 8. What do you buy at the chemist's? 9. What
bronchitis the mumps/ хіт/свинку/запалення
does a dentist do? 10. Which doctors and diseases do
pneumonia легенів
you know?

134 135
V. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in до коледжу. Після двох занять я змушена була
brackets: піти — я почувала себе дуже погано.
Лікар: Давайте я огляну Вас, але спочатку зміряйте тем­
1. You must take two ... before each meal, (tablets, пературу. (Подивившись на термометр) Тем­
cough-mixture, gargle) 2. If you follow my ... you will пература зависока. Відкрийте рот і скажіть
feel better tomorrow, (physician, disease, instructions) « А-а».
3. When you have a toothache you must consult ... (a Ганна: А-а-а.
nurse, a dentist, an oculist) 4. ... operates on people. Лікар: Гортань трохи запалена. Зніміть кофтину, я хочу
(therapeutist, psychiatrist, surgeon) 5. The doctor put Вас послухати. Вдихніть, тепер видихніть. По­
down everything she found into my mother's ... . (note, кашляйте. Достатньо. Скільки днів Ви каш­
patient's file, prescription) ляєте?
Ганна: Другий день.
VI. Act as an interpreter: Лікар: У Вас типова (typical) простуда. Треба полежа­
What's wrong with your arm, Mr Brown? ти кілька днів у ліжку та попити ліки. Ось ре­
Коли я спускався сходами, я послизнувся цепт.
і впав на праву руку. Піднімаючись, я від­ Ганна: Скільки разів на день приймати ліки?
чув біль у руці. Боюся, що я її зламав. Лікар: Три рази на день після їди. Попийте гарячий чай
Surgeon: You should've been careful. Now, let me з молоком.
examine your arm. Does it hurt here? Ганна: Як Ви гадаєте, скільки часу мені доведеться про­
Браун: Так, дуже. лежати в ліжку?
Surgeon: I think we'd better have it X-rayed. Miss Лікар: Днів три-чотири. Я впевнений, що до кінця тиж­
Miles will take you to the X-ray room. (Some ня Ви почуватимете себе добре.
minutes later) Ганна: Дякую, лікарю.
Miss Miles: Here are the pictures, Doctor. Лікар: До побачення.
Surgeon: (to Mr Brown): Be seated, please. (After VIII. Complete the following dialogue:
examining the pictures). Unfortunately, it
is a fracture. You will have to stay in the Doctor: Good morning, Mr Thompson. What's
hospital for a couple of days. the trouble?
Браун: Дуже шкода. Це означає, що я не зможу Mr Thompson:
продовжити поїздку по країні зі своєю ту­ Doctor: Any pain?
ристичною групою. Mr Thompson:
Surgeon: I'm afraid so. Doctor: Please, strip to the waist and lie down on
the examination couch. I shall examine
VII. Translate the dialogue into English: you.
Mr Thompson:
Гайна: Доброго ранку, лікарю! Doctor: Certainly, for a week or ten days. There's
Лікар: Доброго ранку. Ваше прізвище? a prescription. Take a spoonful of this
Гайна: Стельмах. medicine three times a day.
Лікар: Ось Ваша картка. Що з Вами? Mr Thompson:
Ганна: Мене морозить і, гадаю, в мене температура. Doctor: Oh, don't mention it, please. Be sure to
Я погано спала цю ніч, але вранці поїхала follow my instructions. Good-bye.

136 137
IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues: Doctor: No, I think you'll recover in a few days. Please
take this note to the reception office in the poli­
. Patient: Doctor, I have a bad headache and I have no
clinic this week. You'll have your chest X-rayed
and your blood examined to make sure t h a t
Doctor: Show me your tongue. (The patient opens his
everything is all right.
mouth and shows his tongue.) Yes, you have
Patient: How shall I take the medicine?
nasty tongue. Have you a pain in your stomach?
Doctor: Gargle as often as you can and take a tablespoon-
Patient: Yes, doctor, sometimes; especially after meals.
ful of the medicine three times a day. Shake up
I have a temperature after meals, too.
the bottle before use.
Doctor: I must examine your stomach ... Does it hurt
Patient: Thank you ever so much, doctor.
Patient: No, not there. X. Translate the dialogues into English:
Doctor: Here? — Що з Вашою дитиною? Вона захворіла?
Patient: Oh, yes, it does here. — Боюсь, що так. їй поміряли температуру в школі
Doctor: You have digestion trouble, but it is not serious. і відіслали додому.
I shall prescribe some tablets. You must take — Вона скаржиться на що-небудь?
two before each meal. Do not eat any roast meat — Так, вона каже, що в неї болить горло.
or any heavy food. Eat boiled vegetables and milk — О, вона швидко одужає. Ці ліки допоможуть їй за два-
puddings. If you follow my instructions you will три дні.
feel better tomorrow and in two or three days * * *
you will be quite well again.
— На що Ви скаржитесь?
— Мабуть, я дуже перевтомився останнім часом і зараз
Doctor: What' s the matter ? страждаю від головного болю. Крім того, я дуже

Patient: I'm quite ill. I think I've got the flu (influ­ погано сплю.
enza). — А Ви міряли температуру?
Doctor: Very likely. What are your symptoms? — Так, вона нормальна.
Patient: I feel very weak and dizzy. I have a cold in my — Дозвольте Вас оглянути. Вам потрібно побути вдома.
head and a sore throat. Я дам Вам листок непрацездатності на три дні
і пропишу ліки. Ось, будь ласка.
Doctor: What is your temperature?
Patient: I've been running a high temperature since yes­ XI. Ask questions on the text and retell it:
terday. Today it is 37.9 (thirty-seven point nine).
My mother suddenly fell ill (was suddenly taken ill). She
Doctor: Please, strip to the waist, I must examine you. was feverish and felt very bad.
Your throat is inflamed.
She had a splitting headache and a terrible cough. We
Patient: Tell me, doctor, is it very serious? I was down telephoned for doctor Ivanenko, our district doctor. Doc­
with the flu only last month. tor came, took her coat off and put on the white gown which
Doctor: It will be serious if you don't follow my instruc­ she kept in her bag. The doctor asked mother to strip to
tions. You've only caught a cold. You have to lie the waist, examined her, felt her p u l s e , took her
down immediately. I'll prescribe you some medi­ temperature, and measured her blood pressure.
cine and ask you to gargle. The doctor said it might be pneumonia and told mother
Patient: Shall I have to stay in bed long? she must go to the hospital for an examination. But
138 139
been pulling out a wisdom tooth. 8. The boy explained that
mother wouldn't hear of it. So doctor Ivanenko prescribed he had been taking that medicine from a headache for a long
her some injections, a gargle, a cough-mixture, tablets, time.
mustard plasters and a hot-water bottle at her feet.
ц III. Make the following sentences interrogative:
Next doctor Ivanenko wrote a note for an X-ray and
blood examination. The doctor put down everything she 1. I had been waiting for a physician for half an hour
found in my mother's patient's file. when you came. 2. I had been taking my temperature for
The prescription which the doctor left was made up at ten minutes when the ambulance car arrived. 3. He had
the chemist's (at a chemist's shop). been working in the laboratory for three years when he was
We followed the doctor's instructions and in two weeks dismissed. 4. He had been having a stomach-ache for two
mother felt much better. I took her to the policlinic for a days before he was operated upon for appendicitis.
Mother went to doctor Ivanenko's consulting-room while : IV. Choose the correct form of the verb:
I remained in the waiting-room. Soon mother came out. 1. I (had been waiting, waited) for those pills and
The doctor said she was on the mend. (She was recover­ drops for two hours before they were ready. 2. They (had
ing.) been waiting, have waited) for an ambulance car for ten
minutes before it arrived. 3. My son (had been taking, has
THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE taken) some medicine from cold before breakfast. 4. Pete
(had been looking for, has been looking for) a chemist's
GRAMMAR EXERCISES for a long time before he saw a building. 5. A surgeon felt
tired because he (had been working, worked) hard all day.
I. Find the sentences in the Past Perfect Continuous
6. A chemist (had been making, made) a medicine for
an hour before it was ready. 7. His father (had been
1. He had been working as a doctor there for seven working, worked) at this hospital for 25 years before he
years by that time. 2. Have you been to the doctor? 3. A retired.
doctor had been checking his patient's blood pressure for
three minutes when she came. 4. Do you feel pain anywhere? V. Refer the following sentences to the Past:
5. If you are not any better in two days, keep in bed and
1. She has been waiting for a doctor for more than an
send for the doctor. 6. My sister had been working at the
hour. 2. He has been working as a doctor for seven years.
hospital for six month before she left. 7. I had been taking
3. The doctor has been examining the patients for an hour.
that medicine a tablespoonful three times a day by the end
4. She has been working as a medical nurse since 1985.
of January.
5. You have been cleaning your teeth since childhood.
iv II. Make the following sentences negative: 6. The doctor has been taking out a tooth for two minutes.
1. We knew that he had been working as an oculist for VI. Translate into Ukrainian:
along time. 2. My granny said that she had been taking
some pills and drops all the morning. 3. The girl answered 1. You had been waiting for a dentist for twenty minu­
that she had been taking some tablets all the week. 4. The tes by that time. 2. A dentist had been taking out the
doctor noticed that she had been behaving strangely. 5. My nerve for two minutes when a medical nurse came. 3. We
brother said that he had been gargling his throat all the have been taking our temperature for ten minutes when
morning. 6. Jane replied that she had only been at the our mother came. 4. He said he had been taking that medi-
hospital for three days. 7. The dentist said that he had
cine for a week. 5. He wrote that he had been studying at 6. You are in a tour in the USA. One of the tourists
the medical institute since 1991. 6. I said that I had been from Ukraine has broken his arm. You take him to the
staying in bed all day. surgeon's and act as an interpreter.

VII. Answer the following questions according to the

L E S S O N 16
M o d e l : How long had she been following the diet
before she got better? THEATRE
— She had been following the diet for sev­
eral days before she got better. EXERCISES
1. How long had she been preparing a consulting-room I. Read and memorize the following words:
before the patients appeared? 2. How long had she been
making those powders when I entered the chemist's? theatre['6i3t3] театр
3. How long had not the doctor been consulting you before e.g. I like to go to the theatre.
you met him again? 4. How long had Mary been acting applause [9'pb:z] оплески
like a regular doctor since her brother got ill? 5. How long (to) applaud [3'pb:d] аплодувати
had you been taking the medicine before the doctor came? curtain [ka:tn] завіса
6. How long you been having a high temperature before it e.g. When curtain fell the house burst into applause.
changed for better? circus ['ssikss] цирк
e.g. The children went to the circus. They saw the el­
VIII. Translate into English: ephants and the clowns there.
1. Вони готували ці ліки 45 хвилин, перш ніж усе performance [p3'fo:m9ns]/show [Jou] вистава
було готово. 2. Лікар виписувала рецепти впродовж п'яти matinee ['msetmei] ранкова вистава
хвилин до того, як я прийшов. 3. Ми шукали аптеку май­ play [plei] п'єса
же 20 хвилин, перш ніж знайшли ЇЇ. 4. Я читала медичну ballet ['Ьазіеі] балет
енциклопедію протягом кількох хвилин, перш ніж зна­ e.g. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale.
йшла потрібну інформацію. 5. Мій син не чекав ще й п'ят­ ticket ['tikit] квиток
надцяти хвилин, коли прийшов лікар. 6. Лікарі працюва­ e.g.We paid money for the ticket.
ли над цією проблемою три роки до того, як вони поїха­ spare ['spea] зайвий
ли на всесвітню наукову конференцію. e.g. Have you a spare ticket?
gangway ['gsnwei] прохід
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS s t a l l s ( U . K . ) [ s t o : l z ] / o r c h e s t r a ( U . S . ) ['o:kistra]
1. You complain to the doctor of the illness you have.
2. You come to see your sick friend. box [boks] ложа
sircle [sa:kl] ярус
3. You are examined by the doctor who gives you necessary
dress-sircle [dres'sa:kl] бельетаж
e.g. How much are the seats in the dress-circle?
4. You come to a chemist's to get some medicine made up
for you. gallery ['gaelan] гальорка
5. You are in a tour in Great Britain. One of the Ukrainian pit [pit] амфітеатр
tourists has caught cold. A doctor is called and you have to cloak-room ['kloukrum] гардероб
act as an interpreter. actor ['eekts] актор

142 143
act [askt] дія, акт (to) be on the repertoire бути в репертуарі
e.g. Running, singing and all the things you do are acts. (to) be in the program(me) бути у програмі
amateur ['aemata:] аматор (to) sell out продавати
company ['клтрэш] трупа (to) have a long (a short) run йти давно (недавно)
cast [ka:st] склад дійових осіб the hit of the season окраса сезону
e.g. Do you know the cast in this play? music-hall мюзик-хол
role [roul] роль
e.g. Who is in the leading role? u J I I I . Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in
stage [steid3] сцена (у театрі) brackets:
scene [si:n] сцена (у виставі) 1. If you are fond of music you must go to the ... .
production [pra'dAkfn] постановка (cloak-room, Opera-House, box-office) 2. We bought in
composer [ksm'pouzs] композитор advance two ... for a matinee performance, (opera-glasses,
conductor [kan'dAkta] диригент theatre-programmes, tickets) 3. The musicians in the or­
overture ['ouvatjua] муз. увертюра chestra were tuning their ... . (instruments, composers,
e.g. The conductor appeared and the overture began. conductors) 4. The ... are over at about eleven o'clock,
scenery ['sirnari] декорації (roles, tickets, performances) 5. When ... fell the house
e.g. The scenery was beautiful. burst into applause, (theatre, curtain, balcony)
interval ['intaval] антракт
e.g. During the first interval we went to the refreshment °ф IV. Answer the questions. Begin your answers with:
room (buffet). I believe (suppose, guess); in my opinion; as for
usher ['лГэ] білетер me; as far as I know (remember); as a matter of
program(me) ['prougraem] програма fact; frankly/strictly speaking:

A II. Learn the following word-combinations: 1. What theatre is considered the best in your town?
2. What kinds of plays are there on the repertoire? 3. Is
theatre goer/fan театрал, аматор театру the standard of its production high? 4. Is it possible to
O p e r a / P l a y House оперний /драматичний театр pick up a ticket at the entrance if you couldn't book it at
the first night прем'єра the box-office? 5. Is there any difference in the price of
variety show естрадна вистава tickets for morning or evening performances? 6. Which
( t o ) pick up a ticket купити квиток з рук seats are most expensive? 7. Would you care to go to the
tourin company гастрольна трупа Opera House or to the Play House? 8. Would you rather
(to 'ay the leading грати провідну роль g o t o a symphony concert or to a music-hall show? 9. Do
v-ле title) role you mind having a seat on the balcony or in the gallery?
(to) stage (to produce) поставити п'єсу 10. What plays by English or American playwrights have
a play been staged in your town lately?
stage manager/producer/ режисер-постановник
/director ^л V. Translate into Ukrainian:
artistic director художній керівник
to check the coat (U.S) залишати пальто в гардеробі 1. If you are fond of music you must go to the Opera
House. 2. She likes to see both classic and modern plays.
opera-glasses театральний бінокль
theatre-guide/ театральна програмка 3. Usually we book tickets beforehand. 4. When we came
to the theatre we saw a sign at the entrance saying "House
144 145
Full". 5. Many people were standing at the entrance ask­ Peter: Have you got two seats for tomorrow's per­
ing for a spare ticket. 6. When the curtain fell the house formance?
burst into applause. 7. The actor got many curtain calls Booking clerk: The first or second performance?
and was presented with flowers. Peter: I usually prefer the second.
Booking clerk: I've got a few stalls and two circle seats.
VI. Make the following sentences interrogative:
Peter: How much are the seats in the circle?
1. The play begins at half past seven. 2. There are some Booking clerk: Two and a half pounds each. I'll show you
people talking loudly in the theatre. 3. Some people smoked where they are on the plan. Here they
cigarettes in the cloak-room. 4. Nick is speaking quietly to are — in the middle of the second row.
Ann. 5. Ann and Nick will come home from the theatre Peter: I'll take those. What time does the second
before twelve o'clock. 6. There is a girl in a green dress on performance start?
the stage. 7. Ann and Nick like to go to the theatre. 8. I met Booking clerk: Eight, sir.
my friend in the interval.

' VII. Translate into English:

A: What are theatres like in London?
1. Ви часто відвідуєте театр? 2. Вам сподобалася п'єса?
B: Theatres in London are very much the same as any­
3. У цьому театрі ви можете побачити уславлених акторів.
where else.
4. Коли починається вистава? 5. Декорації тут дуже гарні.
A: Where are the best theatres in London?
6. Хто сьогодні грає? 7. Ось програмка (вистави).
B: The best theatres are in the West End.
>) VIII. Make the following sentences negative: A: What kinds of theatres are there in London?
B: There are opera, comedy, drama and musical comedy
1. There is a chance of getting tickets to the theatre. theatres.
2. This play is a tragedy. 3. Our seats are in the sixth row A: When do performances start?
of the stalls. 4. Those are very fine seats. 5. We shall have B: The performances start at eight o'clock.
to show our tickets to the usher. 6. There are some people A: When are they over?
that smoke in the theatre. 7. Ann goes to the theatre B: The performances are over at about eleven o'clock.
every week. 8. We buy tickets to the theatre at the box-office. A: What are the best seats there?
9. They enjoyed the performance very much. B: The best seats are in the stalls.
A: Where is the Royal Opera House in London?
IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
B: The Royal Opera House is at Covent Garden.
Pete: Have you an engagement for tonight, Ann?
Ann: I believe not. p X. Complete the following dialogues:
Pete: Well, if you like we could go to the theatre tonight.
A: What is the play about?
Ann: What theatre, and what are they showing there?
B: ...
Pete: The Art Theatre. It's Sheridan's comedy "The School
A: Is it worth seeing?
of Scandal".
B: ...
Ann: Oh, yes. That sounds promising. I read a review A: Would you like to see it again?
about it in the paper the other day. According to it, B: ...
it is quite amusing.
* * *
A: What's on at the theatres tonight? Let's have a look at
the "Where to go" column in the newspaper. During the first interval we went to the refreshment
B: ...
room (buffet). When the last curtain fell cries of "encore"
A: Oh, we have a wide choice. What theatre do you pre­ sounded all over the t h e a t r e . The dancers received
call after call and were presented with large bouquets of
в- flowers.
A But I'm afraid we shan't get tickets. The performance was a great success. My first visit to
В the Bolshoi Theatre is one of the most pleasant memories
I brought away from Moscow.
, XI. Ask questions on the text and retell it:


I'll never forget my first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre GRAMMAR EXERCISES
when I was in Moscow.
My friend bought in advance two tickets for a matinee fy I. Find the sentences with the Future Perfect Con­
performance of the ballet "Swan Lake" by Chaikovsky. tinuous Tense:
We arrived at the theatre long before the performance
began, for there were three of us and we were one ticket 1. When they entered the theatre, they presented their
short. tickets to usher and he directed them upstairs. 2. We shall
have been asking for the seats in the stalls for us at the
A notice on the box-office of the theatre said: "Sold box-office when you come. 3. The sisters will have been
out". So we stood at the entrance asking people as they
discussing for a long time what kind of play to attend (a
were going in if they had a spare ticket. At last we bought
comedy or a drama), when mother returns. 4. He likes to
a ticket from a man who had booked two seats but whose
friend hadn't turned up. We left our coats in the cloak­ sit nearer the screen. 5. I suggest our going to the theatre.
room and I got a programme from the usher to see what It's a chaikovsky programme, isn't it? 6. We shall visit
the cast was. the Opera House next Sunday.

When we arrived at the hall we saw many people walk­ ^ II. Put the following sentences in the Future Perfect
ing down the gangway looking for their seats. The musi­ Continuous Tense:
cians in the orchestra were tuning their instruments. We
found our seats, which were in the stalls, and went to look 1. I have been waiting for this play for more than a
over the theatre. My friend showed me the boxes, the pit, month. 2. We have been sitting in the stalls for several
the dress-circle, gallery and balconies. At twelve sharp the minutes. 3. I have been reading a programme for five mi­
lights went out. The conductor appeared and the overture nutes. 4. She hasn't been visiting the theatre for a long
began. time. 5. We have been discussing what kind of show to
After the overture the curtain went up. I was in rap­ attend for ten minutes. 6. I have been visiting the Operet­
tures at what I saw on the stage. I had never seen anything ta House for two years. 7. They have been discussing the
more wonderful. The setting and the dancing were superb. play "The Thunderstorm" for a long time.
The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. When the curtain
fell the house burst into applause. I applauded (clapped) \MII. Make the following sentences negative:
so much that my hands ached. 1. The actors will have been having the rehearsal at the
І48 theatre for two hours. 2. This play will have been staging

for several weeks. 3. The playwright will have been working L E S S O N 17
on the script for two months. 4. We shall have been booking
the seats at 10 o'clock tomorrow. 5. I shall have been working
at the circus all day. 6. He will have been staying at the theatre CINEMA
for an hour.

IV. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the Future Perfect ijo I. Read and memorize the following words:
Continuous Tense:
cinema ['smima] кіно, кінотеатр
1. He (read) a programme for ten minutes when they e.g. I'm fond of cinema.
come. 2. She (wait) for this comedy for a month before actor ['askta] актор
it ison the repertoire of the theatre. 3. The stalls (fill up) actress ['asktns] актриса
for twenty minutes before they come. 4. Paul (read) books e.g. Who is your favourite film actor?
about the theatre for several years before he becames an film [film] (U.K.)/movie ['mu:vi] ( U . S.) фільм
expert. 5. I (work) on this report about our famous actors newsreel ['nju:zri:l] кінохроніка
for two hours before my sister comes. 6. My father (work) newsfilm ['nju:zfilm] кіножурнал
at this theatre for twenty years by 1999. e.g. As usual, before the show of the film they give news-
V. Translate into English: (to) produce [pr3'dju:s] створювати
producer [pra'dju:sa] режисер-постановник
1. Ви діставатимете квитки на цю виставу за три дні e.g. Do you know the name of the producer?
до його приїзду. 2. Ти читатимеш цю книжку про видат­ director [di'rekta] режисер, продюсер
них акторів театру кілька днів, перш ніж повернеш її до script [sknptj/scenario [si'na:nou] сценарій
бібліотеки. 3. Я не читатиму змісту цього балету і десяти
хвилин, коли він розпочнеться. 4. Ми не чекатимемо і трьох scriptwriter ['skriptraita] сценарист
хвилин, коли актори з'являться на сцені. screen [skri:n] екран; екранізувати
e.g. We see the moving picture on a screen.
COMMUNICA TIVE SITU A TJONS poster ['pousta] афіша
review [n'vju:] рецензія
1. Speak about your favourite playwright and favourite preview [pri'vju:] перший перегляд фільму
performance. advertisement [ad'va:tismant] реклама
2. Speak about your favourite actor (dancer, composer). e.g. We need a very good advertisement.
3. Book seats for the theatre at the box-office. book [buk] замовляти, брати {квиток)
4. Exchange impressions after a visit to the theatre. e.g. Let's book seats for the last evening performance.
5. You meet friends at the theatre. row [rou] ряд
e.g. Let's take seats seven and eight in the sixteenth row.
cinerama ['smarama] синерама, панорамне кіно
amusing [a'mju:zirj] цікавий
e.g. This film is amusing.
funny [ТЛПІ] смішний
e.g. We saw very funny film yesterday.
entertaining [,ent3'temirj] розважальний ViV. Find new words and copy them out from the fol­
informative [m'foimstrv] пізнавальний lowing text:
educational [,edju:'keifanl] виховний
exciting [ik'saitinj/thrilling ['Gnhrj] хвилюючий There are cinemas (or movies, as Americans say) every­
dull [dAl]/boring ['bo:nn] нудний where. They are in large cities and small towns, in villages
disappointing [,disa'pomtin] такий, що викликає роз and settlements.
чарування Films may be feature or documentary, sound or silent.
Feature films are sound as a rule. There are also colour
films. I like to see colour pictures. Animated cartoons are
I I . Learn the following word-combinatio
ns: good too. As usual, before the showing of the film they
cinema-goer любитель ходити в кіно give a newsreel. It lasts for several minutes. Newsreels are
cinema-fan of great interest.
film actor кіноактор People like to go to the cinema. Millions of people may
film star (U. K.) кінозірка see one film. There are many films which are dedicated to
movie star (U. S.) the life of our people, to the present and to the history of our
main character головний герой country. They are very popular. Some of them are very good.
( t o ) produce a film створити фільм I'm fond of cinema. I like moving pictures. The people
(to) m a k e / (to) shoot a film знімати фільм who go to see films regularly or often are called cinema-
( t o ) screen a play екранізувати п'єсу goers. I am one of them.
screen version of a novel екранізація роману
wide-screen film • V. Answer the following questions:
широкоекранний фільм
(to) release a film випустити фільм на екран 1. Is there any difference between cinema and theatre?
( t o ) revive a film показувати старий фільм 2. Are cinemas open all day or only in the evenings? 3. Do
(to) advertise a film рекламувати фільм all seats cost the same? 4. Where are the best seats, at the
documentary film документальний фільм front or at the back? 5. How often do you go to the cinema?
popular science film науково-популярний фільм 6. On which days are the cinemas most crowded? 7. Which
animated cartoon мультиплікаційний фільм is the best cinema in your city? 8. What film did you see
feature film художній фільм last? 9. Did you enjoy it? 10. What film do you want to see
sound film звуковий фільм next? 11. When will you see it? 12. What cinema do you
silent film німий фільм usually go to? 13. What seats do you prefer? 14. Do you go
three-dimensional film стереофільм to the cinema alone or with your friends? 15. What can you
wide screen широкий екран see in the foyer of a cinema? 16. Why do people book tickets
in advance? 17. Do you prefer to watch films at the cinema
л^ІІІ. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words: or on television? 18. Who is your favourite film star?
1. I like to see colour ... . (screen, script, film) 2. The
people who go to see films regularly or often are called ЛVI. Translate into English:
... . (actors, cinema-goers, producers) 3. As usual, before 1. Мені подобається цей фільм. 2. її батько — актор.
the show of the film they give a ... . (script, review, new- 3. Я гадаю, що фільм буде чудовий. 4. Мама моєї подруги
sreel) 4. Today people like to stay at home to watch ..., працює в кінотеатрі. 5. Мій друг запросив мене піти з
particularly when it is cold and wet outside, (television, ним до кінотеатру. 6. Цей фільм має успіх у глядачів.
screen, poster) 7. Я не зміг купити квиток у касі на цей сеанс.
VII. Make up questions beginning with the words Nick: So we are just in time for the show.
given in brackets:
Pete: What seats shall we buy?
1. Many years ago only white and black films were pro­ Nick: Let's take seats seven and eight in the sixteenth
duced, (what, when) 2. Lights go down before the begin­ row.
ning of every show, (what, when) 3. V. Tikhonov played Pete: All right. I hope the picture is good.
the main part in the colour film "White Bim Black Ear", Nick: Andrew saw it last night. And he says he enjoyed
(who, what, in what film). it very much.
Pete: I wonder who is the producer?
VIII. Make up dialogues using the following word- Nick: I don't know. Let's see the bill.
combinations and sentences: Pete: There is the second bell. We must hurry up not to be
Let's; why not; fine; (that's) a good idea; I'd like t o / late for the newsreel.
with pleasure; I'm always willing; I don't mind to; it's * * *
very kind of you; it suits me fine/perfectly; I'm afraid I
can't but; thanks; just the same.
B: Hello!
Shall we go out and see a film? Can we go to the picture A: Hello! Is this the ABC cinema?
tonight? Look here, I have two tickets for the new pic­ B: Yes.
tures. Will you go with me? What about going to the local A: Could you t e l e m e please if you, have got a good film
movie to see that new French film? Let's book seats for the on today.
last evening show. There is a good old film on with Jane B: Yes, "Good-bye to Love", an Italian film.
Fonda starring. Shall we go and see that? I don't feel like A: Oh, good! Can you keep four seats for me at five
studying tonight. Why not to go to the movies for a change?
B: Yes, certainly. Name, please?
> IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
John: What are you going to do? B: Very good, sir.
Oh, perhaps I'll go to the cinema. Would you like
to come with me? ; y X. Act as an interpreter:
John: Certainly. I'm always ready to go to the pictures.
Willy: — Який фільм ти хочеш подивитися?
Well, look here. I have two tickets for the new
picture. I don't know what it is like, but here's — І haven't been to the cinema for about a month so
what the "Daily News" says about it: "This is the I don't know what films are on.
most wonderful picture ever made: more amusing — Давай подивимось у газеті, що демонструється в най­
than "Charley's Aunt", more exciting than "Cleo­ ближчих кінотеатрах.
patra", more expensive than "Waterloo", more — Here is a good programme . They show a film which is
beautiful than "Romeo and Juliet". I don't believe considered to be the best film of the year.
it, but if you want to go, here are the tickets. — Цей фільм ми з дружиною вже дивилися.
John Oh, that's fine. Thank you, Willy. — Did you enjoy it?
— Дуже. Фільм варто подивитися.
— І suggest that we go to the best cinema in the neighbour­
Nick: What time does the show begin? hood. They show a French film there.
Pete: It begins at 3 p. m. — Я згоден.
* * *
— Тобі сподобався фільм? midnight. Exact times and programmes are advertised in
— І didn't like it at all. The plot is silly. The acting is daily newspapers.
very poor.
- А мені фільм сподобався. Я люблю комедії.
— Tastes differ.

— What do you think of the cinema? i*" I. Put the Infinitives in brackets into the right tense
— Цей фільм вважають кращим фільмом року. according to the rules of Sequence of Tenses:
— І haven't seen it but now I am going to. 1. We have heard that this film (to be) very interesting.
— Ти не жалкуватимеш. Там грають чудові актори. Ба­ 2. My sister told me that in an hour she (to go) to the
гато гарних пісень.
cinema. 3. I thought he (to see) that new dubbed film.
— Do you remember the names of the actors? 4. Mary wanted to know what actor (to perform) the lead­
— Я кепсько запам'ятовую імена, але це дуже відомі ing part in the film. 5. I didn't know that the show (to
start) at five o'clock. 6. He told us that a newsreel (to
— Shall I reserve seats?
'be + to show) before every feature film. 7. My mother
— У цьому кінотеатрі не можна зарезервувати квитки. said that she (to like) historical films and comedies best of
Там завжди багато людей. all. 8. She said that in fact that picture (to have) an excellent
— The cinema starts in a quarter of an hour. I must cast with N. playing the leading part. 9. Our friend said
that the film (to be) very popular with the cinema-goers.
Л XI. Ask questions on the text and retell it: 10. The usher said that the show (to begin) in a minute.
II. Ask your friends and then say what they answered
CINEMA IN ENGLAND according to the model:
In England the cinema is usually called "the pictures".
M o d e l : Ask your friend if he likes feature films.
The American name "the movies", is sometimes used too.
— Do you like feature films?
The first performance or "showing", as it is called, begins
— Yes, I do. I like feature films.
at about two o'clock in the afternoon and the perform­
ances go on from then until about half past ten. The cinema — He said that he liked feature films.
is not emptied between the "showings", so once you have 1) if he goes to the cinema this evening; 2) if he likes to
paid for your seat you can stay in the cinema as long as see feature and documentary films; 3) if he wants to see a
you like. There is usually one main film, a shorter one, a new popular science film; 4) if he saw that Indian film;
newsfilm, some advertisements and a "trailer" telling about 5) if he knows the names of Ukrainian artists; 6) if he al­
the films for the next week. Cinemas used to be more ways tries to see all the films about the war; 7) if this film is
crowded than they are now. Many people used to go to the very popular with the cinema-goers; 8) if this short feature
cinema two or three times a week, but today people like to film is worth seeing; 9) if many famous actors played the
stay at home to watch television, particularly when it is main parts in the film; 10) if the film is based on real life.
cold and wet outside. The prices of cinema seats outside
Л І І І . Change direct speech into indirect speech:
London are higher. London cinemas start films as early
as 12.00 o'clock in the afternoon and there are often late- 1. The students said: "All our cinemas are for sound
night programmes starting between 11 o'clock at night and films." 2. The man said: "I like adventure films best of
all." 3. My mother said: "We shall go to the cinema to collect [ka'lekt] збирати, колекціонувати
at 10 o'clock." 4. The boy answered: "I want to see a new e.g. John used to collect stamps when he was a school­
feature film." 5. Mary said: "I want to see a new feature boy.
film." 6. The children said: "We are eager to see these collector [ka'lekta] колекціонер
animated cartoons." 7. My father asked: "Is this film worth e.g. I know several collectors of postcards in our city.
seeing?" 8. The teacher said: "This new colour film is about coin [кэш] монета
students' life." 9. Nick said: "It's a joint work of Ukrainian e.g. Mike has a nice collection of coins.
and Polish film studios." badge [basd3] значок
e.g. Roger always buys badges wherever he goes.
vk IV. Translate into English:
label [leibl] наклейка
1. Він сказав, що йому подобається цей фільм. 2. Я stamp [stasmp] марка
знаю, що її дядько — актор і живе в Києві. 3. Вона crazy (about) ['kreizi] дуже захоплений
сказала мені вчора, що раніше вже бачила цю стрічку. e.g. He is crazy about reading.
4. Я ніколи не чула, щоб цей фільм демонструвався в skating ['skeitirj] кататися на ковзанах
нашому місті. 5. Я думаю, що фільм буде чудовий. e.g. Our students go in for skating in winter.
6. Вона каже, що її мама працює в кінотеатрі. 7. Він swimming ['swimin] плавання
запитав мене, де я читала про цей фільм. 8. Я думав, що painting['pemtirj] малювання фарбами; малярство
твій батько актор. 9. Ви не сказали мені, що йдете в e.g. Painting is my favourite occupation.
кіно. 10. Він сказав, що його сестра писала йому, що hiking ['haikirj] туризм
вона працює в кінотеатрі. knitting ['nitirj] в'язання
e.g. My aunt took part in knitting competition.
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS embroidery [im'broidari] вишивка
1. Exchange impressions of a film after a visit to the e.g. Embroidery is very expensive.
cinema. sewing ['souirj] шиття
2. Speak with a friend about your favourite actor (ac­ e.g. Sewing clothes occupation is very difficult but inter­
tress). esting.
3. Describe one of the films you have seen this year. sailing ['seilirj] плавання під парусом
4. Speak about the best cinema hall in your city (town). e.g. John visited many countries thanks to sailing.
5. Book tickets for an evening show beforehand. rowing ['rouirj] веслування
e.g. Rowing is a good kind of sports for boys.
race [reis] змагання, перегони
e.g. Horse race is always an exciting thing.
L E S S O N 18 outdoor ['autdo:] на відкритому повітрі
indoor [ indo:] у приміщенні
EXERCISES II. Learn the following word-combinations:

I. Read and memorize the following words: (to) be fond of любити, захоплюватися
entertainment [^nta'temmant] розвага (to) go in for займатися
(to) take photos фотографувати
e.g. My sister is fond of entertainments. (to) make a point of звертати особливу увагу
III. Make up sentences: V.

VIII. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

Peter enjoys swimming. A: What is your hobby?
likes skiing.
Ann B: My hobby is collecting old coins.
dislikes teaching. A: How interesting! Have you got many in your collec­
hates cooking.
Nick tion?
spends the evening playing chess (tennis). B: There are almost eight hundred of them.
gives up talking about hobby. A: Quite a number, I should say!
Do you * * *
enjoy watching football matches?
like learning foreign languages?
Are you fond of A: Is painting your hobby?
taking photos?
keen on B: Why do you think so?
doing crossword puzzles?
interested in A: Because there are a lot of pictures in this room.
collecting stamps (postcards)?
B: It's my elder brother's hobby.
listening to records (tapes)?
A: I see, but what about you?
B: I prefer stamps.
V I V . Fill in the blanks with the necessary words:
* * *
1. I would like to see a figure-skating ... . (perform­
ance, competition, opera) 2. I ... music very much, (would A: Hello! Where are you going?
like, prefer, care for) 3. He ... washing in cold B: To the stadium.
water, (seems, made a point of, starts) 4. What ... of A: What for?
music do you like? (kind, enjoy, show)
B: You know my hobby is football. Will you join me?
A: I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm busy now.
y V . Make up questions and let your fellow-students
answer them: B: Good-bye, then.
A: So long.
is the origin of the word "hobby"? * * *
What do you say about new films?
can you like to do most?
A: What is your favourite pastime?
B: Fishing, I enjoy fishing very much.
qNVI. Complete the following sentences
A: Do you often go fishing?
1. I am keen on . 2. I prefer to go to .. B: Well, yes. I make a point of spending a few hours on
3. Your
hobby seems to be 4. I care for ... . 5. I made it a the river every week-end.
point of ... .
"IX. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
vWII. Translate into English.
1. I am fond of modern music. 2. Collecting badges
1. Яке Ваше улюблене заняття? 2. Як Ви зазвичай is his hobby. 3. He makes a point of doing morning
проводите Ваші вихідні? 3. Він дуже любить фотогра­ exercises outdoors. 4. Marry's favourite occupation is
фувати. 4. Вона захоплюється фігурним катанням. knitting. 5. Roger prefers to go in for sports in the open
5. Мій син тривалий час збирає марки. air.
"^ X. Read, translate and retell the text: Even if one's hobby does not solely consist of the
study of particular subjects, a real hobbyist wants to learn
HOBBIES AND LEISURE-TIME OCCUPATIONS more about his chosen subject and its history, so that he
From the old English word hobby meaning horse, came can become a real expert at it.
the modern word hobbyhorse. This is a dummy horse at-
tached to a performer who pretended to be riding a horse OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES OR ACTIVITIES
in a play or a dance. Hobbyhorse has been shortened to
hobby to describe any favourite leisure time occupation. This Sports activities: athletics, gymnastics, cycling, swim-
word has become rather common in modern usage. ming, sailing, rowing, canoeing, racing, skiing, moun-
Leisure time occupations, or hobbies, can be divided taineering, climbing.
into four groups: doing things, making things, collecting Playing games: football/soccer, handball, volley-
things and learning things. Of these four groups, doing ball, tennis, table tennis, basket-ball, baseball, water-polo,
things is perhaps the most popular. It includes a wide range golf, badminton, bowling, judo, fencing, boxing and
of activities, from gardening to sailing and from chess to taking part in competitions.
foreign travel. Some of these hobbies require very little Other activities: gardening, fishing, travelling (e.g.
equipment while others require considerably more. There is visiting the country-side/the seaside/museums/art ex-
also a choice between mental and physical activities, indoor hibitions/historical buildings), walking, driving a car,
and outdoor pursuits, etc. car maintenance, visiting a choir, watching outdoor sports,
Leisure time occupations can be more or less active. betting on matches or races.
A real hobby is usually defined as something creative and
individual, sometimes even as something obsessive, unusual or MODAL VERBS
Jt^XI. Translate the text:
I. Translate into Ukrainian:
INDOOR ACTIVITIES OR HOME INTERESTS I. She can do everything you do (for example: knit,
Doing things: reading; listening to records or tapes crochet, embroider, sew, weave). 2. My grandmother can
or to the radio; watching television; entertaining friends; finish making the carpet today. 3. Can you play chess?
playing games (e.g. chess or cards); painting; mending 4. Could you give me your autograph, please? 5. You may
things. buy some stamps, postcards, maps here. 6. I can't learn a
Making things: models, needlework (e.g. knitting, cro- foreign language at once. 7. You should pay attention to
cheting, sewing, weaving, making carpets, making lace), these coins. 8. You ought to coach your sister in English
making music, i.e. singing or playing musical instruments grammar.
(e.g. the piano, the guitar, the violin), cooking and baking, II. Ask your friend according to the model:
home decorating and repairing.
Collecting things: collectings stamps, postcards, maps, M o d e l : Ask your friend if he can skate. — Can you
coins, beermats, bottles, tins, old china, autographs, books, skate?
butterflies, shells, crystals and other things. 1) if he can speak English; 2) if he can swim; 3) if he
Learning things: learning foreign languages, learning to could play the violin last year; 4) if his friends can play
play a musical instrument, studying music, art, literature or hockey; 5) if he can play chess; 6) if he could win a com-
other subjects. petition; 7) if she could go to the cinema that day.
III. Make the sentences negative:
They had to listen to the records (tapes).
1. I can take photos. 2. I must be at the stadium now. is able to cook (to bake).
Mv mother
3. You must learn sewing. 4. They must have won this need (not) speak English.
11 is father
game. 5. We were to take part in the competition. skate.
6. She ought to help her in knitting. 7. My sister can make translate the text without
Nick is to
lace. 8. You might be fond of boxing. 9. They may enjoy a dictionary.
1 ler parents are to
swimming. answer t h e q u e s t i o n s in
IV. Make the sentences interrogative: German.

1. She can play tennis very well. 2. You may spend the VIII. Translate into English:
evening playing chess. 3. You must learn literature and
1. Я сподіваюся, що зможу поліпшити свою вимову
other subjects. 4. He should pay attention to this post­
завдяки цим цікавим урокам. 2. Намагайтеся завжди
card. 5. My brother can sing and dance better than I.
слухати ці платівки і ви побачите, що зможете швидко
V. Paraphrase the following sentences referring them оволодіти англійською мовою. 3. Моя сестра вміє і шити,
to the future and to the past: і в'язати, і ткати, і вишивати. 4. Я можу годинами слу­
хати радіо і дивитися телевізор. 5. Ти маєш знати цей
1. I can speak German very well. 2. You may watch вірш напам'ять. 6. Ви мусите навчитися грати в шахи.
television and listen to the radio in the evening. 3. You 7. Я маю вже йти до театру. 8. Дозвольте подивитися ці
must learn to play a musical instrument. 4. She must bake марки й листівки.
a cake today. 5. You must learn foreign languages. 6. They
should remind her of the excursion. 7. I can play football COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS
very well. 8. She can play badminton in the open air.
1. Give advice how to spend free time.
VI. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs can, may, 2. Tell your friends about your hobby.
must, should, ought. 3. Find out what is the difference between your hobbies
and those of your friends.
1. I . . . ski very well. 2 . . . . he play the violin? 3. My
sister ... cook very well. 4. You ... visit your friends.
5. She ... see this performance. 6. You ... visit the coun­ L E S S O N 19
tryside. 7. You ... learn to play the guitar. 8. You ...
VII. Make up sentences: EXERCISES
I can (not) collect old coins (stamps, I. Read and memorize the following words:
travel ['trsevlj подорож, поїздка
He must (not) learn foreign languages.
She may (not) (to) travel ... їхати (подорожувати) ...
play football (hockey).
My sister' ought to abroad [a'brad] за кордон
My brother on business ['biznis] у справі, у відрядження
should travel.
My cousin have to by train [trein] поїздом
take photos.
You has to by bus[Ьлв] автобусом
do crossword puzzles.
by car [ka:j автомобілем
seat [si:t] місце
by ship [Jip] кораблем
bag [Ьзед] сумка, маленька валіза
by plane [plem] літаком
suitcase ['sju:tkeis] невелика валіза
e.g. I like to travel abroad.
trunk [Чглпк] велика валіза
Businessmen usually prefer to travel by plane.
customs f'kAStamz] митниця
tour [tua] подорож (за певним маршрутом)
e.g. We made a bus-tour round London. II. Learn the following word-combinations and
voyage [void3] подорож морем, річкою phrases:
e.g. I don't like sea voyages as I am always sea-sick.
cruise [kru:z] подорож морем (з метою відпочинку) (to) go via їхати через, проїжджати
e.g. My brother is going to have a world cruise. passport control паспортний контроль
booking-office [Tjukirbofis] білетна каса (to) announce the оголосити виліт літака
e.g. As the booking-office was closed I had to wait. departure of flight
arrival [a'raival] прибуття, приїзд Which way to customs? Як пройти до митниці?
departure [di'pa:tfa] від'їзд Where do they examine
fare [fea] плата за проїзд the luggage? Де перевіряють багаж?
e.g. What's the fare to Rome? Here's my ... Ось мій (моя, моє) ...
flight [flait] політ, переліт, рейс passport паспорт
schedule ['Jedju:l] розклад, графік visa віза
on schedule вчасно, за розкладом health certificate довідка про стан здоров'я
e.g. Our train arrived on schedule. certificate of vaccina­ свідоцтво про вакцинацію
return ticket зворотний квиток tion
e.g. I always try to buy return tickets wherever I go. declaration form декларація
one-way ticket квиток в один напрям Have you anything to У Вас є речі, які підлягають
through ticket транзитний квиток declare? обкладанню митом?
(to) date a ticket закомпостирувати квиток Is there anything liable
left-luggage office/check-room камера схову to duty?
Information Bureau/Inquiry Office довідкове бюро I have nothing to declare. Я не маю нічого, що підля­
waiting-room ['weitirj'rum] зал чекання There is nothing liable гає обкладанню митом.
stewardess ['stjuadis] стюардеса to duty.
guard [ga:d] провідник Are these things liable А хіба ці речі підлягають
berth [Ьз:0] спальне місце, полиця to duty? обкладанню митом?
cabin ['kasbm] каюта These things are duty free Ці речі не підлягають об­
state-room ['steitru:m] окрема каюта кладанню митом.
carriage ['kasnd3] вагон Are you carrying any Ви везете з собою валюту?
dining-car ['damirj'ka:] вагон-ресторан currency?
sleeping-car ['sli:pirj'ka:]/sleeper ['sli:ps] спальний I have only used things У мене лише речі, які були
гон and gifts. у вжитку, та подарунки.
compartment [kam'paitmant] купе I have only articles for У мене лише речі особисто­
deck [dek] палуба personal use and wear. го користування та одяг.
gangway ['gaerjwei] трап Shall I submit for Чи повинен я показати ... 1
rack [raak] вішалка, полиця для речей inspection ... ?
і 67
printed matter Where is your passport? The passport control officer
друковані матеріали
manuscripts рукописи is coming.
films фото(кіно-) плівки I fere it is.
PC diskettes комп'ютерні дискети What is the purpose of your visit?
AV cassettes відеокасети I travel on business.
graphics креслення Could you produce your visa and declaration form?
foodstuffs продукти Here they are.
How much do I have to pay? Скільки я маю сплатити? * * *
Where must I sign? Де потрібно розписатися?
I need a receipt. Мені потрібна квитанція. Where is your luggage, sir?
This doesn't belong to me. Це не моє. - Here it is. A suitcase and a bag. Which do you want
Have you finished? Ви закінчили? me to open?
Open the suitcase, please. Have you anything to de­
III. Make up sentences:
І prefer(s) to travel by bus.
- I don't think so. I have only articles for personal use
We like(s) by train,
and wear. By the way, shall I submit for inspection
My friend by plane,
those PC diskettes?
on foot.
- No need, sir, thank you.
IV. Read and dramatize the following dialogues: V. Translate into English:
Excuse me! Where is the customs control? — Де Ваш паспорт?
Over there, to the left. — Ось він. Я їду до Лондона.
Could you tell me whether used things and gifts are — Як довго Ви збираєтеся там пробути?
liable to duty? — Моя віза на три місяці, але я їду тижнів на два.
As far as I know, they are not. * * *
Oh, thanks a lot.
* * *
— Чи мені показувати Вам усі речі?
Please, three tickets to Edinburgh. — Ні, відкрийте, будь ласка, цю валізу.
One way, sir? — Тут лише мої особисті речі та одяг.
Two one-way and one return. — У Вас є речі, які підлягають обкладанню митом?
Here you are, sir. — Не думаю. Я везу лише подарунки та речі, які були
в ужитку.
* * *
Can I book a ticket to London here?
Yes, you can, madame. Which flight? — Чи цигарки підлягають обкладанню митом?
I think eight two one will do, it's a through plane, — Так, якщо Ви провозите їх більше як 200 штук.
isn't it? — Скільки мені треба сплатити за провезення додат­
Yes, but it's all booked up. I can offer you only flight кових двохсот цигарок?
eighty two five with a stop-over in Paris. — На жаль, я не знаю. Запитайте в митного службовця,
і він Вам відповість.

58 169
VI. Ask questions on the text and retell it: I had told her about the excursion now.
TRAVELLING I wish he travelled on business yesterday.
she had booked a return ticket today.
Nowadays travelling abroad is very popular. Some
she worked as a stewardess then.
people prefer to travel by plane, especially businessmen,
at present.
because it's the fastest means of transportation. Those who
at that time.
are not short of time usually travel by train or by ship. It
takes more time but gives the opportunity to see the coun- I I travel abroad,
try you travel through, its picturesque landscapes and na- he he book a return ticket,
ture. she she go to the booking-office,
While travelling abroad you have to go through cus- we were you we should become a stewardess.
toms, sometimes several times. you you would secure accomodations,
As a rule the customs officers check your passports and they they for a train,
visas if they are required. When coming to some countries go on a journey,
you may need a health certificate or a certificate of vacci- board a ship,
nation. If you have anything to declare, then you are to make a voyage.
fill in the declaration form.
The customs officers may ask you to show your luggage II. Answer the following questions according to the
to them. Usually articles for personal use and wear and model:
also used items and gifts are not liable to duty anywhere. M o d e l : Suppose you want to book a ship ticket.
If you are carrying much currency you should also declare Where would you go?
it. If you are carrying weapons you need a permit. Although — I should go to a port booking-office.
some items are liable to duty, if you carry only a small 1. Suppose you must be in Kyiv in the shortest time.
amount of them, they are duty free. Would you go there by train or by plane? 2. Yesterday I
Occasionally the customs officers may take some of your could go there by bus. What would you have done in my
things for a more detailed inspection but usually they re- place? 3. I can book a ticket for a plane. What ticket
turn them soon. would you book in my place?
Do not try to break the customs rules and regulations
because you may have a lot of troubles. III. Complete the following sentences:
1. I should have missed the train if . . . . 2. If I were you
THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD ... . 3. If my mother were a stewardess . . . . 4. If I had
money about me . . . . 5. If we had spare time ... . 6. If it
had been warm yesterday ... . 7. If the weather were fine
I. Make up sentences: today ... . 8. We should join our voyage if ... .
I take a tram (bus, car, ship). IV. Put the following sentences in the Past according
In your place he travel on business, to the model:
But for him- she should go on an excursion,
M o d e l : If he left at twelve, he would catch the
But for them we would stay at the station,
you go to Odessa,
— If he had left at twelve, he would have
they travel abroad.
caught the train.
170 171
я поїхав би туди поїздом. 7. Боюся, щоб ми не запізни­
1. If he were attentive, he wouldn't miss the train. лися на автобус. 8. Не може бути, щоб вони так швидко
2. She would buy the ticket for a plane if she had money повернулися додому з подорожі. 9. Ми встали о п'ятій
with her. 3. If I received any news about our voyage I годині ранку, щоб не запізнитися на поїзд.
should let you know. 4. If I knew the schedule of the
trains, I should ring you up. COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS
1. You are booking a plane ticket.
V. Put the following sentences in the Subjunctive
2. You are discussing with your friends what things to
Mood according to the model:
take on a business trip (on a pleasure trip).
M o d e l : He is not so quick; he misses the train. 3. You are going through customs.
— If he were quick, he would not miss the 4. You choose the route for travel and means of trans­
train. portation.
1. He is busy; he does not go to reserve a ticket for the 5. You tell your friend about the incident which hap­
ship. 2. The girl did not know the schedule; she missed pened to you while passing customs control.
the bus. 3. He broke his bicycle; he did not go to the
country. 4. I am tired; I run around too much. 5. We
speak on the topic "Travelling" badly; we have no practice
in English. 6. He is not attentive; he gets to the railway L E S S O N 2 0
station in time.
VI. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the Subjunctive

1. I suggest that she (to join) our t r i p . 2. It is necessary I. Read and memorize the following words:
that they (to get) plane tickets. 3. We all wish that they company ['клтрэш] компанія
(to travel) by train. 4. The teacher insisted that we (to corporation [,кэ:рэ'reifnj корпорація
get) to the station by bus. 5. I wish you (to go) by a fast e.g. Many foreign companies are interested in growing
train with me yesterday. 6. Come closer so that I (to show) relations with Ukraine.
you a schedule. 7. If my brother (to be) here, he would limited (Ltd) ['hmitid] акціонерне товариство з обме­
help me to get train tickets. 8. They wouldn't have missed женою відповідальністю.
the train if they (to leave) their house earlier. 9. She
e.g. Our Ltd may offer you a lot of different goods.
wished we (to come) to the station in ten minutes. 10. He
apartment [a'pcntmant] квартира
left his house early in the morning so that he (to buy)
building fbildirj] будівля, споруда
ticket for a ship quickly.
e.g. Their apartment is in a new building.
square [skwea] площа
VII. Translate into English:
avenue ['aevmju;] авеню, проспект
1. Ми пішли на станцію раніше, щоб швидше придба­ street [strirt] вулиця
ти квитки. 2: Якби вона поїхала поїздом, її брат сказав e.g. There are many beautiful squares, streets and avenues
би мені про це. 3. Мені не хотілося б мати морську хво­ in this city.
робу. 4. Вони хочуть, щоб ми з ними поїхали на екскур­ air-mail ['earned] авіапошта
сію по Чорному морю. 5. Якби я був на твоєму місці, e.g. I prefer to send letters by air-mail.
я не відмовився б полетіти літаком. 6. На Вашому місці
marketing ['ma:k.3tirj] збут May I take an opportunity Дозвольте скористатися на­
currency ['клгэгш] валюта to wish you ... годою і привітати Вас з ...
e.g. Currency is always closely connected with conditions May I have the pleasure Чи не міг би я запросити
of a new marketing. of inviting you to visit Вас відвідати нашу фірму?
price [prais] ціна our firm?
e.g. The price at this building is terribly high. It is good of you ... Було 6 люб'язно з Вашого
fair [its] ярмарок боку ...
Your expenses will be met Ваші витрати оплачувати­
II. Learn the following phrases: by our firm. муться нашою фірмою.

currency rate валютний курс

letter of guarantee гарантійний лист III. Make up sentences:
freely convertible вільно конвертована валюта
currency We beg to inform about your oppor­
contractual price договірна ціна you tunity.
dear sirs/madams шановні панове/пані We are writing to of visiting our firm,
Wouldn't it be possible Чи не змогли б Ви повідо­ Dear Mr N. you about the economic
for you to tell me ... мити мене ... Dear Mrs M. I wish you and cultural relations
We beg to inform Ми маємо за честь повідо­ Dear sirs or Please, let me know with our country,
you that ... мити Вас, що ... madams We'll ask you to many happy returns
We shall do our best to ... Ми зробимо все можливе, My dear friend wire us of that day.
щоб ... Dear Nick It was a great pleas­ a happy birthday
We will be glad to Ми будемо раді відповісти ... ure to find out (New Year),
answer ... We would like to t h a t your expenses
I look forward to Я розраховую на співробіт­ have the informati­ during your stay in
cooperating. ництво. on our country will be
Please, let me know ... Будь ласка, повідомте нас ... I wish you met by our firm.
We'll ask you to Просимо телеграфувати
wire us ... нам ...
I am sorry to have caused Шкода, що я завдав Вам IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words:
you so much trouble. стільки клопоту.
1. It was a great pleasure for us to ... your letter of
We are delighted that ... Ми дуже раді, що ...
May, 21. (receive, get, send) 2. We would welcome
Best wishes, yours truly Найкращі побажання, щиро
the ... to cooperate with you. (opportunity, desire,
(yours sincerely). Ваш ...
reason) 3. We would like to ... your catalogues
It was a great pleasure З великим задоволенням
periodically, (recommend, get, receive) 4. May I have
for us to receive your отримали Вашого листа
the ... of inviting you to visit our firm. (pleasure,
letter of ... від ...
decision, permition) 5. We ask you to wire us ... other
We would welcome the Ми радіємо з можливості ...
day. (some, any, every) 6. We would like to continue
opportunity ...
this ... with an educational programme, (trend, tradi­
I enclose some Додаю деяку інформацію ...
tion, communication)
information ...

174 173
V. Make up questions and let your fellow-students - Is this the right window for posting registered letter?
answer them: - No, madam, you have to apply to the next window.
- What's the charge for a registered letter?
Who you (usually) write letters. - It will cost 50 cents.
Why your business partner send telegrams
— When will this letter be received?
How often do your pen-friend wire. — It will be delivered in three days.
When does your father (mother) go to the post-
— Thank you.
Where office.
receive letters X. Make up your own dialogue using the words and
and telegrams. phrases from exercises I—II.
XI. Ask questions on the text and retell it:
VI. Complete the following sentences:
1. I receive many letters from ... . 2 . When I want to THE LETTER
send a letter I usually go to ... . 3. We send telegrams Language Department
a t . . . . 4. May I have the opportunity to wish you ... ? 5. It was
Bucknell University
a great pleasure to receive... . 6. Would it to be possible
Lewisburg, PA 17837, USA
for you to tell me ... ? 7. We beg to inform you that . . . .
8. Please, let me know how . . . .
Dear sirs or madams:
We are writing to you in the interest of establishing
VII. Translate into English: concrete relations between our Institute and American
1. Дозвольте скористатися нагодою і привітати Вас зі University.
святом. 2. Ми будемо раді відповісти на будь-які запитан­ Our Institute, Cherkassy Engineering and Technolo­
ня, що цікавлять Вас. 3. Ми розраховуємо на співпрацю з gical Institute is located in Cherkassy, Ukraine, about
Вами. 4. Чи не могли б Ви повідомити нам подробиці про 200 km from Kyiv along the Dnieper River. Here we pre­
Вашу фірму? 5. Маємо честь повідомити Вас, що ми готові pare engineers for many branches of industry. Our gra­
підтримувати співробітництво з Вашим підприємством. 6. Я duates work at many enterprises of machine-building,
хочу надіслати рекомендованого листа. electronic, radio, instrument-making, civil building and
chemical industries. Therefore, the study of foreign langu­
VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type: ages is very important-for us.
We are encouraged by the fact that the cultural, scientific
1. ,T о would like to begin an exchange programme of the
and educational relations between the United States and
tea ers of your university. 2. Our students are eager to
Ukraine have grown stronger. We would like to continue
learn English. 3. I like to receive letters from my aunt and
this trend with an educational exchange among educators
uncle. 4. It's a real pleasure to have economic relations with
of our two countries. Specifically, we would like to begin
your firm. 5. I want to send this letter by air-mail. 6. Petrenko
an exchange program whereby a professor of your Uni­
has just written the letter to his English pen-friend.
versity would teach English here for a semester, while one
of our professors teaches Ukrainian to your students.
IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogue:
We are most anxious to make this exchange and assure
— Where can I hand in the letter, sir? you that we will do our utmost to make your stay with us
- They deal with it on the first floor, madam. Window 3, a pleasant one. During the semester all expenses for a visit-
176 177
ing professor will be met by our Institute. Food and lodg- II. Make the sentences interrogative:
ings to an appropriate standard will be provided by our
Institute, as well as all travels within the country con- 1. I know how to spell this word. 2. She is only begin-
nected with the work program. The medical service will ning to write the letter. 3. He seems to have translated the
be free of charge. works of many American authors. 4. Our graduates want
We would like to introduce to you Dr. Ivanenko. He is to work at many different enterprises of the town. 5. He
a doctor of science, a full professor and the head of our seems to have worked at Georgetown University in
foreign languages department. He is not only a good teacher Washington according to the Program of the Ukrainian-
of the Ukrainian language and literature, but also one of American scientific exchange. 6. Our Institute prepares en-
the best experts in American literature of the 20th century. gineers for many branches of industry.
He has translated the works of many American authors
and has published some books devoted to American litera- HI. State the function of the Infinitive:
ture. In 1996 Dr. Ivanenko worked at Georgetown Uni-
versity in Washington according to the Program of the 1. You study at the Institute to become qualified special-
Ukrainian-American scientific exchange. ists. 2. The problem to be solved was of great importance.
We feel that such a semester exchange between Dr. Iva- 3. To master English it is necessary to work hard.
nenko and a professor of your University would be mutually 4. We are very glad to have listened to the professor's
beneficial for us. In the wave of recent political events, lecture. 5. The engineers had several problems to solve.
our students are more and more eager to learn English as 6. The students have a lot of work to do. 7. I want to send
perhaps your students are eager to learn Ukrainian. This a letter to my brother registered. 8. We would like to
would begin a lasting and fruitful relationship between continue this trend with an educational exchange among
our two Institutes and our two countries. educators of our two countries. 9. Do you know how to
We thank you in advance for your consideration and write the letters?
hope you are as interested in such relations as we are.
Sincerely yours, IV. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian
Head of the Institute paying attention to the difference in the meaning of the
Simple and the Complex Objects:

THE INFINITIVE Simple Object Complex Object

GRAMMAR EXERCISES We'd like to take part in We'd like everybody to take
I. Translate into Ukrainian: this work. part in this work.
They expect to solve, this They expect our group to
1. It was a great pleasure for us to receive your letter. problem. solve this problem.
2. We would welcome the opportunity to cooperate with you. He supposes to send letters He supposes us to send let-
3. We would like to receive your catalogues periodically. by air-mail, ters by air-mail.
4. May I have the pleasure of inviting you to visit our firm? We'd like to know your We'd like them to know the
5. May I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New results. results.
Year? 5. We would like to continue this trend with an edu- Our scientists expect to ob- Our scientists expect their
cational exchange among educators of our two countries. tain some new data. assistants to obtain some new
7. We were happy to receive your letter in English. data.
V. Point out sentences with the Complex Object
and the Infinitive in the function of adverbial modi­ rature. 3. They seem to be waiting for you. 4. We are sure to
take part in the research. 5. American students seem to be
1. Our professor wants us to practice English. 2. I am interested in Ukrainian. 6. We are lucky to complete the
sorry to have caused you so much trouble. 3. A professor of research in time. 7. This student's work proved to be the best
our University went there to teach English for a at the exhibition.
semester. 4. We want you to be invited to visit our firm.
5. They go there to establish concrete relations between our IX. Express the thought by one sentence using the
Institute and an American University. Complex Subject according to the model:

Model: His lecture is very interesting; we know this.

VI. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the
translation of the Complex Object: — His lecture is known to be very interest­
1. They wanted us to visit their firm. 2. We expect 1. They study English; everybody supposes it. 2. The
you to continue this trend with an educational exchange students know these physical laws; we expect it. 3. They
among educators of our two countries. 3. We know will take part in the research; we are sure in it. 4. The new
him to have graduated from Cherkassy Engineering method is a success; we know it. 5. Our delegation arrived
and Technological Institute three years ago. 4. We know at 9; we did not expect it.
him to be a doctor of science, a full professor and the
head of our foreign languages department. 5. We think
X. Translate the following sentences into English using
our students to be eager to learn English. 6. The teacher
considers him to be a good student. 7. We know him to the Infinitive:
be one of the best experts in American literature of the
1. Ми сподіваємося, що американська делегація при­
20th century.
їде в середу. 2. Кажуть, що він працював у Джордж-
таунському університеті у Вашингтоні. 3. Він, здаєть­
VII. Read sentences with the Complex Subject and ся, добре володіє англійською. 4. Відомо, що вона ви­
translate them into Ukrainian: вчила три іноземні мови. 5. Він радий, що навчається
в Черкаському інженерно-технологічному інституті.
1. The American delegation is believed to come at the
end of the year. 2. The lecture was said to be interesting. 6. Було 6 люб'язно з Вашого боку запросити нас відві­
3. The members of the committee are reported to have дати Вашу фірму. 7. Шкода, що я завдав Вам стільки
come to an agreement. 4. Our Institute is considered клопоту. 8. Ми зробимо все можливе, щоб досягти цієї
to be the best in the town. 5. A computer centre is ex­ мети.
pected to be installed at our institute. 6. Young engin­
eers are now expected to use high-speed digital com­ COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS
1. You are sending a registered letter at the post-office.
2. You write to your foreign partner about:
VIII. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the your advertisement activity;
predicate in active voice:
your propositions and conditions;
1. Our students seem to know English well. 2. He proved your counter-proposal;
to be a good teacher of the Ukrainian language and lite- your visit of exchange;
your congratulations or condolences.

L E S S O N 21 e.g. The equipment of many engineering works is very old
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION output ['autput] продукція, продукт, випуск
automation [ata'meijn] автоматизація
EXERCISES capacity [ka'paesiti] потужність
I. Read and memorize the following words: supply [sa'plai] постачання, постачати
commerce [ka'mats] торгівля, комерція technology [tik'nol3d3i] техніка; технологія
e.g. We supplied our factory with a new technology.
trade [treid] торгівля (to) equip [ik'wip] обладнати
e.g. Trade and commerce are becoming very popular in (to) turn out [гэ:п aut] випускати, виробляти
our time.
II. Learn the following word-combinations:
trade mark [treid ma:kj торгова марка
industry ['mdAStri] промисловість I've come (We've come) Я приїхав (Ми приїхали)
heavy industry ['hajvi 'mdAStn] важка промисловість on the invitation of ... на запрошення ...
light industry [lait 'mdAstnJ легка промисловість We would like to clarify Ми хотіли б з'ясувати про­
e.g. Both heavy and light industries have a great future in the program of our visit. граму нашого перебування.
Ukraine. I've come to discuss the Я приїхав, щоб обговорити
manufacture [,тагп)'иТагкі/з] виробництво question of ... питання про ...
metallurgy [ т е ' і а г і з ^ з і ] металургія What is the total annual Який загальний річний об­
ferrous ['ferasj чорна (металургія) output of the factory? сяг продукції, що випуска­
non-ferrous [non'ferss] кольорова (металургія) ється заводом?
e.g. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgies are highly de­ How many workers does Скільки робітників зайня­
veloped in many countries of Europe. the factory employ? то на заводі?
consumer [kan'sjumaj споживач We would like to buy ... Ми хотіли б закупити ...
designer [di'zama] конструктор a consignment of your партію Вашої продукції
innovator [mo'veita] новатор, раціоналізатор products
cannery ['казпеп] консервний завод equipment on a barter обладнання за бартером
combine [kam'bamj комбінат basis with counterde- з контрпоставками сирови­
textile ['tekstail] текстильний liveries of raw mate­ ни
enterprise f'entapraiz] підприємство rials
e.g. Textile combine and other enterprises locate in our a license know-how ліцензію ноу-хау
district. Who will coordinate the Хто координуватиме співро­
factory ['faekton] завод, фабрика cooperation? бітництво?
sewing mill ['so(u)irj md] швейна фабрика What methods of Які методи розрахунків Ви
plant [pla:nt] завод payment do you practice практикуєте в подібних ви­
engineering [,en(d)3i'ni3nrj] works машинобудівний in such cases? падках?
We ask you to cover the Просимо Вас узяти на себе
works management ['w9:ks ,m£emd3mant] заводоуправ­ expenses on the ... витрати на ...
We'll send additional Ми повідомимо додаткову
computer [kam'pjuta] комп'ютер інформацію телексом (теле­
information by telex
equipment [ik'wipmant] обладнання факсом).
We agree to your terms. Ми згодні з Вашими, умовами. VII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
Our decision is final. Наше рішення остаточне. 1. All kinds of agricultural tools are produced by our
plant. 2. The production manufactured by this plant got
III. Make up sentences: an excellent mark. 3. The article about our textile mills
We supply(ies) many goods. and chemical factories was very important. 4. The agree­
Our plant is supplied many foreign enterprises. ment concluded by them is useful for both sides. 5. The
The engineering have (has) busi­ textile goods. contract signed last year was soon broken.
works ness communi­
Our engineers cations the new equipment. VIII. Read and dramatize the following dialogue:
Many factories produce(s) — What factories is your city famous for?
— Oh, there are lots of plants in our city, but one can't
IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words: but mention the machine-building factory.
— What does your factory produce?
1. We've got all kinds of agricultural ... made abroad,
— We produce all kinds of agricultural machines.
(goods, tools, crops, machines) 2. The machines made at
— Has your factory increase its production in recent years?
our ... are exported to several farms, (plant, factory,
— Oh, yes, we've increased the output of steel by five per cent.
farm) 3. The decision adopted at the plant meeting are
— When will the new assembly line be put into operation?
supported by the majority of the . . . . (farmers, workers,
— According to the programme, by the end of this year.
engineers) 4. They had their information sent
— Do you want to cooperate with our enterprise?
by . . . . (telex, telephone, air-mail) 5. We live in t h e . . .
with the population of about 20 thousand people, (coun­ — Yes, we shall discus it.
try, town, city)
IX. Ask questions on the text and retell it:

V. Complete the following sentences: YOURSELF AND THE "MARKET"

To introduce a product, you study it to find its superior
1. We bought a consignment of your products made
by ... . 2. They were listening to the report made ... . qualities and uses. You next study your market to find
3. The collective farmers used the agricultural machines who are your prospective buyers, where they live, what
made ... . 4. The article about our international economic their buying habits are, what features and qualities they
relations was ... . 5. Our machines are exported to ... . are looking for, and what appeals will be the strongest.
You follow the same process in finding a job. You study
VI. Translate into English: yourself to discover your personal qualities. You get ready
to put into persuasive words a description of your train­
1. Погодившись з нашими умовами, делегація підпи­ ing, your skill, your knowledge, and your ability. You
сала угоду. 2. Обговоривши низку економічних про­ study the services you can offer in order to be able to
блем, депутати прийняли відповідне рішення. 3. Прочи­ present them effectively.
тавши статтю про економічну ситуацію в країні, ми ді­ Next you search out prospective employers who might
зналися про причини інфляції. 4. Багато фермерів вико­ have a need for the kind of ability you can offer. You find
ристовують сільськогосподарські машини, які випуска­ out where these employers work, when they do their inter­
ються на цьому заводі. 5. Це обладнання вироблено на viewing, what opportunities are open, what qualifications
заводі, який побудували минулого року. are needed for handing these jobs. You then put yourself
on the "examining stand" and decide whether the qualifi- received your additional information sent yesterday. 5. The
cations you have are those the employer wants. Next, you
machines made at our plant are exported to several
proceed to the third final step — the application itself.
countries. 6. The decisions adopted at the plant meeting
You reach this step only if you completed study of yourself
are supported by the majority of the workers. 7. They had
and the job shows that your qualifications fit.
their room equipped. 8. We had a consignment of your
Thus you complete the preparatory study that gives your products bought. 9. They had their information sent by
application the advantage over aggressive competition. For telex (telefax). 11. We had our terms agreed.
competition you will have! To meet, you must make every
preparatory step count. II. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:
Here is a summary:
1. We bought a consignment of your products made by
THE PRODUCT: yourself, your skills, your abilities.
your plant. 2. They have got the software advertised in
THE MARKET: prospective employers whose loca-
tions, job opportunities and needs the "Software Magazine". 3. They were listening to the
have been studied. report made by a director of their plant. 4. The collective
THE CONTACT: Your application. farmers used the agricultural machines made by our fac-
The major classes of applications are (1) solicited, writ- tory. 5. They had their contracts signed. 6. We had all the
ten in response to advertisements (usually "want ads"), questions discussed. 7. The engine repaired by him failed.
and (2) unsolicited. 8. The article about our cooperation written by her has
An unsolicited application is one written by an appli- been published.
cant who hopes that there may be an employment opening III. Paraphraze the following sentences according to
or who happens to hear of vacancy. More commonly it is
written at the suggestion of a third person who may know the model:
the prospective employer or who may have knowledge of a M o d e l : We work at the factory which was foun-
definite job that is open. The "third person" may be a ded in 1983.
friend or an appointment bureau. — We work at the factory founded in 1983.
On the other hand, advertisement draw a great number 1. The machines which are made at our plant are exported
of applications. Because of the scores of applications that to several countries. 2. The decisions which were adopted
result, your message, if it obtains more than casual notice, at the meeting are supported by the majority of the
must stimulate attention and interest through its express- workers. 3. The agreement which was concluded by them
ion, tone, and appearance. is useful for both sides. 4. I was reading a book about this
(from Effective English for Business Communication, factory which was printed last month. 5. He bought a car
by Robert R. Aurner and Paul S. Burtness, South-Western which was made by our plant. 6. I used the article which
Publishing Company, 1970) was recommended to me by my teacher. 7. We saw an
interesting film about our firm which was produced last
GRAMMAR EXERCISES IV. Put the Infinitives in brackets in the necessary
I. Translate into Ukrainian: tense-form:
1. We live in the town founded 700 years ago. 2. My 1. All kinds of agricultural machines (to produce) by
mother works at the factory built last year. 3. We've got our plant was much spoken about. 2. The deal (to con-
all kinds of agricultural machines made abroad. 4. You clude) by them was a success. 3. The products (to produce)
Україні, вона пішла на пошту. 4. Продукція, яку випус­
by our cannery are tasty. 4. The engine (to repair) by him кає наш комбінат, має великий успіх. 5. Фермери вико­
failed. 5. Some guests (to invite) to the plant meeting ристовують сільськогосподарські машини, які випускає
didn't come. 6. The scientist (to award) the first prize цей завод. 6. Мій батько працює на заводі, який побудо­
made a speech. 7. The chairman (to elect) by us was quite вано минулого року.
a young man. 8. The production (to manufacture) by this
plant got an excellent mark. 9. The magazine about textile COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS
mills and chemical factories (to buy) by her was interest­
ing. 1. You want to make a contract with an American firm
(or enterprise). You converse with the representative of
V. Find Participles, state their forms and functions the firm.
in the sentence: 2. You talk with the foreign partner about the problems
of your enterprise.
1. She used the book about ferrous and non-ferrous me­ 3. You are the president of a firm. You converse with a
tallurgy given to her by her aunt. 2. The agreement con­
group of foreign tourists.
cluded by them is useful for both sides. 3. The contract
4. You discuss the problem of the economic situation in
signed last year was soon broken. 4. My TV set repaired
Ukraine with foreign partners. You talk about the prob­
some days ago went out of order. 5. I saw the film about
lems of the marketing in Ukraine.
textile combine and sewing factory produced in 1995.
6. I used the article about light and heavy industries re­
commended to me by our teacher. 7. I put on the ring
L E S S O N 22
made by our plant. 8. My sister was reading the book
about computers bought last month.
VI. Choose the right form of the Participle: EXERCISES
I. The agricultural machines (made, making) at this fac­ I. Read and memorize the following words:
tory are exported to several countries. 2. We had (bought,
buying) equipment on a barter basis with counter-deliv­ money Гтлпі] гроші
eries of raw materials. 3. Who had (coordinated, coordi­ e.g. Money has various uses in the modern world.
nating) the cooperation? 4. They had these machines (ex­ price [prais] ціна
ported, exporting) to several countries. 5. The collective e.g. Every man has his price.
farmers were using many kind of agricultural machines value ['vaelju:] цінність
(made, making) abroad. 6. We looked for a factory (built, e.g. Money is a measure of the value of goods and services.
building) by the workers not long ago. 7. I was reading a wage [weid3] заробітна платня
book about different kinds of industry (printed, printing) e.g. Wage is a payment received at regular intervals for
in our town. 8. He bought a TV-set (made, making) at our work or services.
plant. fee [fi:] гонорар
e.g. Fee is a payment for professional advice or services.
VII. Translate into English: exchange [iks'tjem(d)3] обмін; обмінювати
e.g. What are the operating hours of the currency exchange
1. Погодившись з Вашими умовами, ми повернулися office?
додому. 2. Обговоривши всі питання, вони сиділи мов­ relations [n'leijbnz] відносини, стосунки
чки. 3. Прочитавши статтю про економічну ситуацію в
e.g. We are willing to establish long-term economic rela­ III. Make up sentences:
tions with your country. the root of all evil,
cooperation [ко(и)орз'геі/п] співробітництво a measure of the value of goods,
e.g. In what way is cooperation with Ukraine arranged? a means of exchanging goods.
activity [aek'tiviti] діяльність Money is the guarantee of security.
e.g. We are interested in foreign economic activity. has a way to store up buying power,
partner ['pcutna] партнер various uses in the modern world,
e.g. We have had many opportunities to see that your firm good and bad points,
is a reliable partner. some very serious disadvantages.
credit ['kredit] кредит IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words:
e.g. On what terms does this bank grant credits?
offer ['ofa] пропозиція 1. Synthetic materials have become cheaper, since the ...
of production are lower now. (value, cost, price) 2. Some­
e.g. Let's discuss some points of your offer.
times it is easy to make plans but difficult ... them, (to
negotiation [ni,gouJ"i'eiJ"n] переговори
find, to show, to carry out) 3. The money which he ...
e.g. We have successfully conducted our negotiations. from his parents did not arrive, (expected, respected,
cheque [tjek] чек avoided) 4. It is obvious that a primitive system of ex­
e.g. A cheque is a written order to a bank given and signed changing goods for goods cannot ... the needs of a highly
by someone. developed economic system, (satisfy, occupy, justify)
coin ['кэш] монета 5. He was known for his ... to solve most complicated
banknote ['basrjknout] кредитний білет, банкнот problems very quickly, (opportunity, ability, difficulty)
e.g. Banknotes are printed on paper.
V. Compose questions and let your fellow-students
II. Learn the following word-combinations:
answer them:
(to) sell things продавати речі
Price a measure of the value of goods
(to) buy things купувати речі
(to) keep money тримати гроші Money money for which a thing is bought or sold
Cost is price to be paid for a thing
(to) put money вкладати гроші
Market place were people meet to buy and sell goods
means of storing up засіб накопичення Currency a particular type of money used in a state
(to) be heavy with orders мати багато замовлень Purchase quantity of smth given in return for the
(to) clarify some details з'ясовувати деякі деталі money paid
a repeat order повторне замовлення
(to) settle prices домовитися про ціни VI. Complete the following sentences:
manufacturing plant завод-виробник 1. Has money various ... ? 2. Money is a means of ... .
to establish trade contacts встановити торговельні 3. By means of money things can be ... . 4. Time is ... .
контакти 5. Money is the root . . . .
barter economy бартерна економіка
VII. Translate into English:
(to) deal with a bank користуватися послугами
банку 1. Прямий обмін товарами неможливий у розвинуто­
recipient country країна, що одержує допо­ му суспільстві. 2. Для того щоб розвивалася торгівля,
могу мають існувати гроші. 3. Купівельна спроможність гро­
aid-giving country країна, що надає допомогу шей у наш час дуже швидко змінюється. 4. Ми успішно

190 591
A: Because I haven't got it. It's in my blue handbag. There's
провели переговори з цього питання. 5. Монети виготов­ nothing in this handbag.
ляють із різних металів. B: Oh, we can't go back to the hotel again. It's late ... but
VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type: don't worry.
A: Can I change it tomorrow?
1. Some countries have agreed to reduce oil production B: Yes, you can.
to keep the price on the same level. 2. The purchasing * * *
power of the dollar is not falling. 3. We agree to the terms
of your contract. 4. If some problems arise in the process A: Can I help you, sir?
of work we shall deal with them. 5. The cost of living has B: Yes, I'd like to open a savings account.
risen, whereas wages have remained the same. A: Certainly, sir. We'll have to fill some forms. Could
I have your name, please?
IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues: B: It's Brown, Nick Brown.
A: I wish I had more pocket money. What you are giving A: How do you spell your last name, Mr Brown?
me is laughable. В: It's B-r-o-w-n.
B: Is it? We are giving you what we can. If you want A: And where do you live?
more, you can work during your summer holiday. B: 2418 Greystone Road.
A: Is that in Chicago?
* * *
B: Yes, that's right.
A: And your zip code?
A: Cheer up, John. You do look so down. What's the matter?
B: 60602.
B: I've had a talk with Dad about buying a new stereo
A: What's your telephone number?
recorder on hire-purchase. He says I can't buy it.
A: Poor John! I do feel for you, I really do. But what does
A: And your occupation?
he actually say? Why is he against it?
B: I'm a salesman.
B: Oh, he says he will not sign as a guarantor for me. At
A: I see. What's the name of your employer?
least not till we have paid for the TV. And that's an­
other six months. B: I work for IBM.
A: Fine. Just a minute, please.
A: Well, cheer up! It's not the end of the world! Six months
is not a very long time to wait. X. Complete the following dialogues:
* * * A: Good morning, Nina!
B: ...
A: Here's the bank. When does it close? A: I haven't seen you for ages.
B: It closes at half past three. Some banks aren't closed until B: ...
six o'clock on Thursdays, but not this bank. Now look A: Have you time to go with me to the market? Ma feels
for the foreign exchange counter. unwell and she wants me to do the shopping.
A: These are the paying-in counters. Is that the foreign B: ...
echange counter? A: Just wait a minute while I get ready the bag. Where
B: No, it isn't. That's inquiries. This is the foreign ex­ can it be I wonder.
change counter. Change your Swiss money first. B: ...
A: I.can't change my money. A: Oh! How silly I am! Going to the market without
B: Yes, you can. money. Nice, indeed.
A: No, I can't. B: ...
B: Why not? A: Well, seems to be all. Come on.
XI. Make up your own dialogues using the following led to float against the dollar and other world currencies
expressions: beginning in June 1972.
metal money, currency, to earn money, to spend money, The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was nationali-
to borrow money, to open a savings account, to fill out some zed in 1946, and it is the sole bank of issue in England and
forms, name, telephone number, salary, to pay monthly. Wales. Several banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland may
also issue currencies in limited amounts. Great Britain has, in
addition, some 13 major commercial banks with more than
XII. Read and retell the text:
10,000 domestic and overseas branches, most of which are
MONEY offices of the four leading banks: Lloyds, Barclays, National
Westminster, and Midland. Some banking services are provided
In the modern world money has various uses. For selling by the postal system, savings banks, and cooperative and
and buying things, all modern people use money. Money building societies.
gives us a useful means of measuring the value of things.
There are also a number of domestic clearing banks,
Money is also of very great use as a means of exchanging
discount houses, and other financial institutions, such as
goods and services. Money is a way to store up buying
the London Stock Exchange, and Lloyd's insurance mar-
power that one can use later. If we consider money as a means of
ket, linked to Britain's role as one of the world's leading
storing up buying power, it has good and bad points. Money financial centres. In 1994 there were come 486 banks regis-
can more easily be kept for a long time than such things as food, tered in the United Kingdom, as well as many other ban-
buildings and machines. Food spoils, buildings fall to pieces king and non-banking institutions. Banking, finance, insu-
and machines rust. Money takes up very little space and if we rance, and leasing services accounted for about 20 per cent
want we may put it in a bank. of Britain's output, a substantial rise over a decade earli-
But modern money has some very serious disadvantages if er, and 13 per cent of employment. In the mid-1990s about
we use it as a means of storing up buying power. In earlier 16 per cent of the workforce were employed in the banking
times when money was in the form of gold and silver and finance sector. Net overseas earnings were some US$25
coins, the metal in each was really worth the amount stamped billion (Z 15.6 billion). Historically, the financial services
on the coin. But the paper in modern paper money is worth industry has been based in the famous "Square MTle" in
much less than the amount written on it. In a short time the the City of London. This remains very much the case to-
buying power of modern money can change very greatly and day, even though Manchester, Cardiff, Liverpool, Leeds,
because of that, some people are doubtful about the wisdom of lklinburgh, and Glasgow have developed as financial cen-
saving money. tres in recent years. The City of London, however, has the
greatest concentration of foreign banks in the world and
XIII. Read and translate the text. Make up the plan accounts for 20 per cent of total international bank lending.
and retell the text. It also has one of the world's largest insurance markets, is the
world's top centre for trading overseas equities, has one of the
world's largest financial derivatives markets, and is a leading
The pound sterling ( Z l ) , of 100 new pence, is the basic market for trading commodities such as copper, gold, cocoa,
unit of currency (Z 06551 equals US$1; 1996). In 1968 and coffee.
Britain took.the first step in a three-year conversion of its The financial services sector expanded particularly fast after
currency to the decimal system of coinage by introducing the deregulation of the Stock Exchange, or "Big Bang", in
the first two new coins, the 5-pence piece (equal to one old 1986, developing new markets and products, and taking on
shilling) and the 10-pence piece. In 1969 the 50-pence coin large numbers of new employees. The recession of the early
was introduced, replacing the old 10-shilling note. The 1990s led to many workers being laid off, and the sector was
conversion was completed in 1971. The pound was permit- also hit by a number of problems and scandals.

194 -, 95
XIV. Read and ask questions on the text: Hungary forint ['formtj
Italy lira [Ъэгэ]
Japan yen [jen]
American currency (money) consists of dollars and cents. Netherlands gulden ['guld(a)n]
Cents are made of different metals. Dollars are printed on Norway krone ['кгоипэ]
paper. Poland zloty ['zbti]
Let me tell you about American money. There is a one cent Portugal escudo [es'ku:dou]
coin. It is made of bronze. One cent is written 1 Ф. A five cent Spain peseta [pa'seta]
coins is made of nickel. A ten cent coin or a dime is made of Sweden krona ['krouna:]
silver. A fifty cent coin or a half dolar is likewise made of Switzerland franc [frasrjk]
silver. Turkey lira ['иэгэ]
In America there are the following bills (notes): United Kingdom pound [paund]
A one-dollar bill. A ten-dollar bill. the United States dollar ['dob]
A two-dollar bill. A twenty-dollar bill.
A five-dollar bill. A fifty-dollar bill. XVI. Translate the text into Ukrainian:
A one-dollar bill is written $1.
A two-dollar bill is written $2. AN ECONOMICALLY WASTED TRIP
A five-dollar bill is written $5.
A ten-dollar bill is written $10. An Englishman was in France and he wanted to go back
A twenty-dollar bill is written $20. to England by sea. But he had very little money. He had
A fifty-dollar bill is written $50. so little money that he could pay only for the ticket. As he
There is also a one hundred dollar bill, a five hundred dollar knew that the trip would last only two days,he decided
not to eat during these days.
bill and a one thousand dollar bill.
$1 = 100 Ф. As he took a ticket and got on the shi p the next morn-
We say: inghe tried not to hear the bell for breakfast. When
dinner time came, he was very hungry but he did not go to
$26.01 = twenty-six dollars and one cent.
the dining-room.
$35.10 = thirty-five dollars and ten cents.
In the evening he was even hungrier but when the
$4,350.55 = four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars
waiter came to invite him to have supper, he said that he
and fifty-five cents.
was ill.
The next day the Englishman was half-dead and couldn't
XV. Read and memorize units of money used in various
stand the hunger any longer. "I shall go even if they kick
me out into the sea", he said to himself. He had his dinner
Australia dollar ['dob] In the dining-room. In the evening he had supper but he
Austria shilling ['fihrj] was very much afraid of his future because he didn't pay
Belgium franc [fraerjk] for meals. At last he addressed the waiter and said "Bring
Canada dollar ['dob] me the bill, please." — " W h a t b i l l ? " — asked the
China yuan [ju:'a:n] waiter — "For the supper and dinner I had in your dining-
Denmark krone ['кгоипэ] room." — " D o n ' t worry, sir. You paid for your meals
France franc [frasrjk] when you bought the ticket."
Cermany mark [ma:k]

196 19?
THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE 1. The man who sells newspapers showed me the way to
the post-office. 2. The woman who gives him money is his
GRAMMAR EXERCISES mother. 3. The girl who is buying a new stereo recorder is
my sister. 4. The woman who is opening a savings account
I. Translate into Ukrainian:
is my grandmother. 5. The man who sells different things
I. Money existing in the modern world has various lives in our house. 6. When she heard a talk about money,
uses. 2. All modern people selling and buying things use she turned round. 7. When we saw the salesman, we stopped
money. 3. Money gives us a useful means of measuring and waited for him. 3. When he came home, he began to
the value of things. 4. The boys working in this collective read an article about economic relations.
farm during their summer holidays made much money,
5. The man making a report about money and economic V. State the function of the Participle:
relations is our dean. 6. Entering the hall, I heard a talk 1. The students working here came from Kyiv. 2. While
about goods and services. 7. When translating this text, clarifying some details, she put down all the necessary
John came across some new words concerning the topic data. 3. While solving a problem about barter economy
"Economy". one must take into consideration the existing methods
related to the problem in question. 4. Producing various
II. Complete the following sentences:
kinds of complex machinery the workers improve the tech­
1. Establishing trade contacts ... . 2. Clarifying some nological process. 5. While preparing the report "Money
details . . . . 3. Settling prices ... . 4. Dealing with a bank and Economic Relations" we use a dictionary. 6. My work
... . 5. Putting money ... . 6. Selling things ... . 7. Buying concerning the topic "Money" being very difficult, he helps
things ... . me. 7. The man making the report "American currency" is
our teacher. 8. The boy telling us about British money
III. Make the sentences interrogative: lives in our house. 9. The girl telling about American
1. Entering the room, I heard a talk about allowance. money is my friend.
2. Arriving in Manchester, they made a repeat order. 3. When
discussing the topic "Economic Relations", she used many VI. Transform the following complex sentences into
new words. 4. When settling prices, they understood each simple ones using the Objective Participle Complex
other. 5. When studying at the University at the economics according to the model:
faculty, Paul published several scientific articles. 6. While Model: I saw them as they were buying things.
waiting for you, I read the article about recipient and aid- — I saw them buying things.
giving countries. 1. I saw them as they were settling prices. 2. We watched
I hem as they were signing trade contracts. 3. They obser­
IV. Paraphrase the following sentences according to
ved her as she was making a report. 4. I saw the girl as she
the model:
was exchanging currency. 5. We saw them as they were
M o d e l : The boys who work in the collective farm concluding a deal. 6. She watched them as they were
during the summer holidays make much selling goods.
— The boys working in the collective farm VII. Translate into English:
during the summer holidays make much 1. Ми чули, як декан економічного факультету робив
money. доповідь. 2. Я чула, як менеджер фірми робив повторне

198 199
замовлення. 3. Ми спостерігали, як вони з'ясовували деякі e.g. Ukraine has the favourable climate and the geografi-
деталі. 4. Коли я зайшла до кімнати, я почула, що вони cal position.
розмовляли про принципи співробітництва. 5. Оскільки extremely [iks'triimh] надзвичайно
ми користувалися послугами цього банку, нас поінфор­ e.g. The flora and fauna of our country are extremely rich.
мували про нові види банківських послуг. 6. Він чув, як inexhaustible [,inig'zo:st9bl] невичерпний
ми читали статтю про підготовку національних кадрів та e.g. Ukraine has inexhaustible natural wealth,
плідну співпрацю. possessjpa'zes] володіти
e.g. The country possesses enormous tracts of woodland.
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS ancient ['em/ant] стародавній, давній
e.g. Ukraine has an ancient history.
1. You have an exam. Your question is "Money in our
deposit [di'pozit] родовище
e.g. Our country has rich deposits of coal.
2. Express your attitude to these expressions:
heritage ['hentid3J спадщина
time is money;
e.g. We are interested in cultural and artistic heritage.
money is the root of all evil;
revive [ri'vaiv] відроджувати
money is the guarantee of security;
e.g. Many names have been revived.
every man has his price.
strech [stretf] простягатися, розкинутися
3. Our customers are interested in buying some pumps
e.g. Ukraine streches for 1,316 km from west to east.
from Mr. Smith's company. Discuss the price for the
opportunity [,op3'tju:mti] можливість
model you require and the terms of payment.
e.g. He had the opportunity to visit Kyiv.
resident ['rezidant] мешканець, постійний житель
L E S S O N 23
е. д. Its population is above 2.5 million residents.
sightseeing ['sait,si:in] огляд визначних місць
e.g. Now we are going to continue our sightseeing of Kyiv.
II. Learn the following word-combinations:
I. Read and memorize the following words: the Supreme Council Верховна Рада
sovereign ['sovrm] суверенний a national emblem державний герб
natural resources природні багатства
e.g. Our country is a sovereign state.
enormous tracts величезні масиви
boundary [ , baund3n] кордон, межа
fine pasture чудові пасовища
e.g. Ukraine has common boundary with many countries.
region [гЫзп] область fertile black soil родючий чорнозем
non-ferrous metals кольорові метали
e.g. There are 24 administrative regions there.
raw materials сировина
wash [wo:J] омивати
(to) display a keen interest виявляти великий інтерес
e.g. Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of
(to) translate into life впроваджувати в життя
(to) establish relations встановлювати відносини
multinational ['тлШ'паг/зпІ] багатонаціональний
(to) set contacts встановлювати зв'язки
e.g. Ukraine is a multinational state.
(to) sign an agreement підписувати угоду (дого-
variety [va'raisti] різноманіття, розмаїття
(treaty) вір)
e.g. The country has a wide variety of minerals.
(to) facilitate the growth сприяти зростанню
favourable [Teivarsbl] сприятливий

200 201
III. Make up sentences: VI. Complete the following sentences:

a sovereign state. 1. Ukraine has its own territory, higher and local bodies
one of the largest European countries. of... . 2. The geographical position of Ukraine is very
the agricultural country. favourable for the . . . . 3. The population of Ukraine are ... .
a multinational country. 4. The declaration of Ukrainian independence was ... .
inexhaustible natural wealth. 5. The Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug are the major ... .
Ukraine is many industrial raw materials. 6. Ukraine is rich in ... .
Our country has metallurgical and heavy industries.
VII. Translate into English:
mainly continental climate.
rich deposits of iron, coal, gas, ores. 1. Київ — одне з найкрасивіших міст у світі. Розки­
many rivers. нутий на мальовничих схилах Дніпра, він увесь потопає
an advanced science. в зелені садів і парків. 2. Історія України тісно пов'яза­
на з Києвом. 3. Хрещатик — головна вулиця Києва.
IV. Fill the blanks with the necessary words:
4. Київ відомий своїми архітектурними пам'ятками дав­
1. The square, the street and the park which I can ... from нини.
my windows are becoming darker and looking still more beautiful
now. (see, look, watch) 2. The beauty of Ukraine was ... VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
in folk songs about the quite waters of the Desna river, the
1. You can see here ancient monuments and modern new
picturesque tops of the Carpathian Mountains, the blue wood­
structures. 2. There are a lot of museums, palaces and
land lakes and the vast Black Sea steppes, (praise, estimate,
monuments to see there. 3. Kyiv is a well-known indus­
boast) 3. The students ... in disputes, referendums and even
trial and scientific centre. 4. The main river in Ukraine is
campaigns dealing with environmental protection, (take part,
the Dnieper which divides it into two parts. 5. The State
participate, collaborate) 4. During our tour they ... a special
of Kyiv Rus situated on the territory of present Ukraine
interest in historic monuments of Ukraine, (take, display, show)
was set up in the 9th century.
V. Make up questions and let your fellow-students
answer them: IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

the territory of Ukraine? A: What country are you from?

Ukraine rich in? B: I'm from the USA and Mrs. Hill is from Scotland.
is the population of Ukraine? A: Are you travelling together?
What are the highest body of state power in Ukraine? B: Yes, we are members of a tourist group.
the achievements of Ukrainian scientists? A: Have you visited many places in Ukraine?
the main rivers of Ukraine? B: Quite a lot. We have been to Odesa, Kyiv, Kharkiv
and the Crimea.
an industrial, scientific centre of Ukraine?
* * *
the capital of Ukraine?
the seat of the Supreme Council?
A: I'm from England. And you? Are you Russian?
Is Kyiv the seat of the Cabinet of Ministers?
B: No, I am Ukrainian. My name is Savchenko.
one of the most ancient cities?
A: Glad to meet you, Mr. Savchenko. By the way I'm
famous for its beauty?
going to visit your country soon.
located on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper
B: Really? When?
202 203
A: Next month. I shall go by plane to Kyiv and by bus A: It's from Ukraine.
throughout Ukraine. B: Is it from Kyiv?
B: That's fine. I like travelling by bus. One can see more A: Yes, it is.
of the country. B: It must be from Barbara who is on a visit to Kyiv now.
A: I am going to see typical Ukrainian villages and large
X. Complete the following dialogue:
industrial and cultural centres.
* * * A: Sorry. I am a stranger in Kyiv and I've lost my way.
Can you tell me the way to the Museum of Ukrainian
A: Hello. I'm so glad to meet you! I don't have hany Art?
friends in this town. What's there to see here?
B: We have very many places of interest here. Every part Wouldn't it better for me to go there by trolleybus?
of the town has something interesting or beautiful.
I have my car at the door of the hotel. Let me take you What is Kyiv famous for?
around the city. This is Khreshchatyk. It's the main
street of the city. There are apartment houses, shops What would you recommend me to see first?
and government offices here.
A: How long is it? Thank you for your valuable advice.
B: It's relatively short. It's only 1,200 metres long.
XI. Make up your own dialogues using the following
A: And what is that building?
B: It's the City Council.
A; And that building with columns? Sovereign state, proclaim, total area, population, rich
B: That's the Kyiv State Chaikovsky Conservatory. deposits of iron, metals, coal, the geographical position, higher
A: What parks are worth seeing in Kyiv? and local bodies of state power, national emblem, develop
B: Let's see Volodymyr Hill and First of May Park. We relations, high mountains, vast steppes, beautiful rivers, the
have a very beautiful view of the Dnieper from these flora and fauna.
XII. Read and ask questions on the text:
* * *
A. I'm going to visit Ukraine. Could you tell me what
language is spoken there? Ukraine is a self-contained, sovereign state. The Declara-
B: Ukrainian, of course. tion of Ukrainian independence was proclaimed on August
A: I speak Russian a little. Will they understand me? 24, 1991 by the Ukrainian Parliament.
B: Yes, they will. Many people in Ukraine know Russian Ukraine has its own territory, higher and local bodies of
as well. state power (the Supreme Council and local Councils),
A: Thank you. government, national emblem, state flag and anthem.
* * * Ukraine is one of the largest European countries. Its
total area is 603,700 square kilometres. Ukraine borders
A: This is a letter for you. on the Russian Federation, Byelorussia, Moldova, Poland,
B: Oh, who is it from, I wonder? Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Our country is washed by
A: Come on, guess. the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and it has very important
B: Is it England or foreign? Is it from New York? ports.

204 205
The population of Ukraine is about 52 million people, Over the last years people of Ukraine display a keen interest
among them are Ukrainians (73.6%), Russians (21.1%), in the Ukrainian history and artistic heritage. There is a new
Jews (1.3%), Byelorussians (0.8%). There are 24 administra- approach to the development of culture, arts and languages.
tive regions and the Crimean autonomous republic. Ukraine pursues a policy of peace. Now Ukraine establishes
The territory of our country has an astonishing variety new relations with countries throughout the world. It sets direct
of landscapes. We have high mountains, vast steppes, end- contacts with them signing agreements and treaties.
less forests, beautiful rivers and lakes. The largest lake of Ukraine has been and is being recognized by a vast num-
Ukraine is Swytyaz, its total area is 24.2 square kilo- ber of countries.
metres and the depth is 58.5 metres. Ukraine has 131 rivers,
among them are the Dnieper with its tributaries such as XIII. Read and retell the text:
the Desnar the Prypyat, the Dniester, the Bug, the Do- KYIV
nets. The Dnieper is the main river in Ukraine which divides
the country into Right-bank and Left-bank territories. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and the seat of the Supreme
The flora and fauna of our country are extremely rich. Council and the Cabinet of Ministers.
Almost all kinds of European animals and birds can be Kyiv is one of the most ancient cities. In 1982 it was 1500
found on the territory of our vast land. Ukraine has inex- years old. It was called "the Mother of All Russian Cities". It
haustible natural wealth. It possesses enormous tracts of has the population of above 2.5 million people. Its total area
woodland, vast tracts of fertile arable lands and fine pas- is 790 square kilometres.
tures. Kyiv lies on both banks of the Dnieper, one of the longest
Our country has many industrial raw materials, it has rivers in Ukraine. Spreading over the picturesque hills of the
rich deposits of iron, metals, coal, oil, gas, different ores, Dnieper Kyiv is immersed in green parks and gardens. It is
marble and other natural resources. Ukraine has metallur- one of the greenest cities in the world, it has 18 square metres
gical and heavy industries. of greenery for a person.
The fertile black soil and the favourable climate have Kyiv is an industrial, scientific, and cultural centre of Uk-
long facilitated the growth of agriculture in Ukraine. raine. Kyiv is one of the oldest cities and has many places of
Ukraine has an ancient history. The State of Kyiv Rus interest. Among them is the Golden Gate, which is about a
situated on the territory of the present Ukraine was set up thousand years old. Once it was the main entrance to the city.
in the 9th century. It was a powerful feudal state with At that time Kyiv was the capital of the feudal state of Kyiv
highly developed culture and various crafts widely known Rus, a large and powerful state. On the Sophia's Square
throughout Europe. there is St. Sophia's Cathedral. In the square, in front of the
From the 13th century onwards Ukraine was continu- cathedral, there is the monument to Bogdan Khmelnytsky.
ously struggling against invasions by the Mongols, the Turks, There is the monastery ensemble, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra,
the Crimean Tatars, Lithuanian and Polish rulers. The long which was founded in the 11th century in Kyiv. Among the
struggle of the Ukrainian people for independence con- museums of Lavra is the museum of Ukrainian Folk De-
tinued victoriously under the leadership ofB. Khmelnytsky. corative Art, which comprises more than 50,000 exhibits.
Ukraine has its own original culture and art. Ukraine In the park of Immortal Glory there is the Tomb of the
has many professional theatres and Philarmonic societies. Unknown Soldier, over which an eternal fire burns.
The National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, the Gryho- Also in Kyiv you can see the monument to T. Shevchen-
ryVeryovka Ukrainian People's Choir, the Dance Com- ko, the well-known poet and fighter for freedom. It stands in
pany of Ukraine are known not only in the country but all the park in front of the University. There are some other
over the world. monuments in Kyiv — the monument to Lesya Ukrainka,

206 207
the great Ukrainian poetess, the monument to N. Lysenko, THE GERUND
the great Ukrainian composer and many others. GRAMMAR EXERCISES
There are many fine museums in Kyiv: the State His­
torical Museum, the Museum of Ukrainian Art and so on. I. Make up sentences:
Kyiv is a city of theatres. It is famous for its theatres such
I insisted on visiting the Academy of Sciences.
as the Taras Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, the
He suggested reading Ukrainian newspapers.
Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka
She agreed to visiting a public library.
Russian Drama Theatre and others.
We finished collecting the harvest.
Kyiv is the centre of science and education. Many scien­ You thought of leaving for Kyiv.
tific research institutes, colleges and universities are in Kyiv. They continued resting in the Crimea.
Kyivites are proud of their city. enjoyed learning Ukrainian poems.
XIV. Read and discuss: II. State the form and syntactic function of the Gerund
MY TESTAMENT in the following sentences. Translate into Ukrainian:
T. Shevchenko 1. He went on asking about the flora and fauna of
When I am dead, then bury me Ukraine. 2. Repeating Ukrainian grammar is necessary for
In my beloved Ukraine, the students. 3. My hobby is learning Ukrainian poems
My tomb upon, a grave mound high by heart. 4. Are you pleased at being student of Kyiv
Amid the speading plain, University? 5. After reading the article about the natual
So that the fields, the boundless steppes, resources of Ukraine I made a short summary of it. 6. Your
The Dnieper's plunging shore coming to the Crimea is very desirable. 7. We insist upon
My eyes could see, my ears could hear your staying in this ancient Ukrainian city. 8. I remember
The mighty river roar. his having been interested in the history of Ukraine in his
When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears childhood. 9. They spoke about their travelling to the
South of Ukraine.
Into the deep blue sea
The blood of foes ... then will I leave
III. Transform the sentences using the Gerund instead
These hills and fertile fields —
of the Infinitive according to the model:
I'll leave them all and fly away
To the abode of God, M o d e l : We continue to study Ukrainian,
And then I'll pray. But till the day — We continue studying Ukrainian.
I nothing know of God. 1. My sister began to work in this beautiful Ukrainian
Oh, burry me, then rise yet up city five years ago. 2. She has just finished to read the
And break your heavy chains article about the natural resources of Ukraine. 3. We
And water with the tyrants' blood preferred to go to Kyiv by plane. 4. Г have just begun to
The freedom you have gained. translate the text into Ukrainian. 5. My father intends to
And in the great new family spend his holidays in the Crimea.
The family of the free,
With softly spoken, kindly word IV. Make the sentences interrogative:
Remember also me. 1. Reading Ukrainian technical magazines is important
{Translated by John Weir) for an engineer 2. I know of his having been appointed to a

208 209
new job in Odesa. 3. Instead of restoring the old theatre Museum of Ukrainian Art. 6. I want her to be sent to the
they decided to build a new one in the centre of this town. conference in Kharkiv.
4. I remember attending his lectures on the history of
Ukraine. 5. We know of his having been sent to work to VIII. Change the following complex sentences into
the North of the country. 6. In copying this text he made simple ones using gerundial complexes according to the
a few mistakes in Ukrainian. 7. Developing the agriculture model:
is very important. 8. They think of going to the T. Shev-
M o d e l : When this Ukrainian actor sings, I enjoy it.
chenko Opera and Ballet Theatre tomorrow. 9. After grad­
— I enjoy his singing.
uating from Kyiv University she worked as a teacher of
1. When our Ukrainian football players win the match,
we are proud of them. 2. When Ukrainian actors dance,
I enjoy it. 3. When Jane had failed at the examination in
V. Complete the following sentences:
the Ukrainian literature, we were surprised at it. 4. If you
1. After having set contacts with ... . 2. Developing pass your examination in English well, I'll be proud of
heavy industry ... . 3. Nowdays the Ukrainian engineers you.
prefer using ... . 4. After returning to the Crimea ... .
5. After graduating from the Institute . . . . 6. We think of IX. Translate into English:
going ... . 7. They continue travelling . . . . 1. Я пам'ятаю, що бачила його в Києві. 2. Мені дивно,
що українські футболісти програли міжнародний матч.
VI. Ask your friend: 3. Вона сказала, що читала ці українські журнали. 4. Я не
міг підготувати доповідь про екологічну ситуацію в
1) if he likes reading the Ukrainian books; Україні, не прочитавши цих статей. 5. У неї не було
2) if he intends going to Lviv this year; надії купити квиток на виставу за участю українських
3) if he dreams of entering Kyiv Medical University; акторів. 6. Закінчивши університет у Чернівцях, його
4) if he is sure of passing his examination in Ukrainian брат повернувся в своє рідно село працювати вчителем.
well; 7. Давнє українське місто Львів варто відвідати. 8. Вони
5) whether the Ukrainian film he saw last is worth see­ не заперечують проти того, щоб ми приєдналися до їхньої
ing; екскурсії в Карпати. 9. Дякую за те, що Ви показали
6) whether the book by this modern Ukrainian author мені дорогу на Хрещатик. 10. Ваша поїздка історични­
he read last is worth reading. ми місцями України залежить від того, чи дістане вона
VII. Paraphrase the sentences using gerundial com­
plexes according to the model: COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS

M о d e 1: I want him to visit Kyiv. 1. You are for the first time in Ukraine. You speak with
— I insist on his visiting Kyiv. your guide.
1. I want you to recite the poem by T. Shevchenko. 2. You tell your people at home about your visit to
2. They wanted me to make a report "Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
Ukraine". 3. I want you to stay in Dnipropetrovsk for a 3. Imagine you are in Kyiv. What are your impressions?
long time. 4. The teacher wanted the student to explain 4. You have visited Ukraine and your wife is interested
this rule in Ukrainian. 5. My mother wants me to visit the in cultural life in Kyiv. What would you say?

210 211
L E S S O N 24 II. Learn the following word-combinations:

GREAT BRITAIN (to) be known for бути відомим

( t o ) have the opportunity мати можливість
EXERCISES maritime climate морський клімат
I. Read and memorize the following words: grain crops зернові культури
masterpiece of architecture шедевр архітектури
situated ['sitjueitid] розташований
peace and quiet мир і тиша
e.g. Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. пліч-о-пліч
hand in hand
consist (of) [kan'srst] складатися пшениця та ячмінь
wheat and barley
e.g. The British Isles consist of Great Britain, Ireland and the House of Commons палата громад
some 5,500 smaller islands. палата лордів
the House of Lords
divide [di'vaid] розділяти, поділяти Трафальгарська площа
Trafalgar Square
e.g. Great Britain is divided into 92 administrative counties. Вестмінстерське абатство
Westminster Abbey
chance [t/a:ns] випадок, можливість, шанс Гайд-парк
Hyde Park
e.g. It seems we've got a chance.
(to) fail [fed] пропускати нагоду. III. Make up sentences:
e.g. One should not fail to see this city.
a highly developed industrial country,
prosperous ['prosparas] сприятливий, що процвітає.
situated on the British Isles,
e.g. London became a prosperous trading centre.
divided into 92 counties,
urban ['а:Ьэп] міський
a parliamentary monarchy,
e.g. About four fifths of the population are urban.
washed by the North Sea.
rural ['гизгзі] сільський
Great Britain is the Irish Sea.
e.g. Only one fifth of the population is rural.
London is known for its fogs and frequent rains,
(to) reign [rem] царювати
situated in the Atlantic Ocean,
e.g. In practice Queen reigns but does not rule.
one of the greatest cities in the world,
(to) govern ['gAvan] керувати, управляти
situated on the banks of the River Thames,
e.g. The country is governed by the Government.
the capital of Great Britain.
tombstone ['tu:mstoun] надгробок
the cradle of British traditions and culture,
e.g. There are many tombstones, monuments associated
divided into four main parts.
with the history of this country.
(to) equip [1'kwip] устатковувати, обладнувати IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words:
e.g. The new industries are equipped to meet present tech­
nical demands. 1. Great Britain ... on the British Isles, (is situated, lie,
(to) crown [kraun] коронувати stands) 2. Agriculture is one of the largest and most impor­
e.g. For nearly 1000 years all kings and queens have been t a n t . . . in Great Britain, (work, activities, occupation)
crowned here. 3. The language spoken here is English, but Welshmen, Scots­
doubledecker ['dAbl'deka] двоповерховий автобус men, and Irishmen ... their own language in addition to
e.g. The red doubledecker is an important part of the public English, (talk, say, tell, speak) 4. The British museum is ...
transport system. for its library reading-room and the collection of manuscripts,
cradle [kreidl] колиска (well-known, famous, marvellous) 5. Big Ben, the famous
e.g. London is the cradle of British traditions and culture. ... is in one of the Towers, (square, monument, clock)

212 213
V. Make up questions and let your fellow-students IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
answer them:
A: This is a map of the world. What can we see on it?
the capital of Great Britain?
B: We can see oceans and continents. There are six conti­
the total area of Great Britain?
nents on this map.
What is its population?
A: What are they?
are the climate of Great Britain?
B: They are Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, America and
the main industrial centres?
Where is London situated? A: What else can you see on the map?
does Great Britain situated? B: We can also see seas and rivers, mountains and val­
the Queen live when she is in London? leys.
A: What countries can you show us?
VI. Complete the following sentences: B: This is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nor­
1. Great Britain is formally known as ... . 2. Coal is the thern Irland. It is a highly developed industrial coun­
main source for the development of . . . . 3. The main centre try. In the 19th century it stood the first in the world
of cotton and woolen industry is ... . 4. Great Britain is and the biggest colonial power. But after World War II
known for its typically maritime climate with ... . 5. The it lost some of its prestige as well as its colonies.
Parliament is the supreme legislative body and consists of * * *
t w o . . . . 6. Shipbuilding is one of the principal ... of Great
A: Would you kindly tell us something about North
VII. Translate into English: England and England's most important industrial
1. Лондон є важливим адміністративним, промисло­ B: O.K. The centres of English industry lie in the Mid­
вим, науковим і культурним центром. 2. Англія славить­ lands around Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield and
ся своєю історією і красою. 3. Я знаю, що Ви цікавитеся Newcastle.
церквами та історичними місцями. 4. Здається, в нас є A: The areas around Birmigham is called the Black Coun­
можливість подивитися визначні місця Лондона. 5. Англія try, isn't it?
поділяється на 92 адміністративні графства. 6. Ця краї­ B: Yes, the very name tells us what it means: smoke, dust
на відома своїм типовим морським кліматом з тривали­ and shoot.
ми дощами. 7. Лондон, як і Рим, будувався не один день,
* * *
і оглянути його за один день неможливо.

VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type: A: What can you tell me about Birmingham?
B: Oh, Birmingham is the centre of metal industry.
1. One of the well-known museums is the British museum
A: What is produced there?
with its library and the collection of manuscripts. 2. London
B: All sorts of tools, screws, bicycles, motorcycles and
consists of four main parts: the City, Westminster, the West
radio sets are manufactured there.
End and the East End. 3. Westminster is a good place to
A: Wales is one of the big mining districts in Britain, isn't it?
start sightseeing. 4. Londoners spend their week-ends in the
B: Yes, it is. In the towns and villages of Wales you can
parks. 5. Great Britain has a common border only with Ire­
see thousands of miners.
land. 6. On the border between England and Scotland there
is a range of hills, called the Cheviot Hills. * * *
214 215
B: No, I haven't. Can you tell me what are the most inter-
A: I beg your pardon. Is this the right way to the Houses
of Parliament? esting places to visit?
B: I'm sorry. I can't tell you. A: Willingly. I'd advise you to see the Houses of Par-
liament. The flag on Victoria Tower indicates that the
A: Oh! What a nuisance! Why not?
House of Commons is sitting. There is always a long
B: You see, I am a stranger myself in London.
queue outside the famous building in Parliament Square.
A: What shall I do, then?
I advise you also to see Westminster Abbey. It is
B: Well, ask somebody else or even better ask a police-
the scene of the coronation of most English kings and
man. queens. There are a lot of monuments in it, especially in
A: Thank you, much obliged. Poet's Corner. Here you can find a monument to
* * # W. Shakespeare. The Post Office Tower is the tallest
building in Britain. It is 580 feet (176 m) high and
A: You are in London for the first time, aren't you? a 40 feet (13.2 m) radio mast rises above it. The func-
B: Yes, I am. And I have only a couple of days to see the tional purpose of both Tower and mast is to relay
sights. Is it possible to see anything of London in a day microwaves. These carry long-distance telephone calls and
or two? television channels between London and all parts of the
A: Yes, but of course, not half enough. country. There is a revolving restaurant near the top of
B: I'd like to see as many places of interest as possible. the Tower.
What do you think I ought to see first? B: Thank you ever so much. You've given me so much
A: Well, I know that you are interested in churches and
historical places. Then you should go to Westminster information.
Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's Cathedral
X. Complete the following dialogue;
and the Tower of London.
A: Excuse me. I am a stranger in London. Is it possible to
* * * see anything of London in a day or two?
B: ...
A: Oh, what's that, my dear? A: What do you think I ought to see first?
B: That big column with a statue on top of it? It's a memo- B: ...
rial to Admiral Nelson. A: How long will it take me to get there?
A: Oh, I see. It's very impressive. And what are those B: ...
birds all over the square? A: Thank you very much.
B: They are pigeons. The pigeons are one of the sights of
London. XI. Make up your own dialogue using the following
A: And what's that long building in front of us? expressions:
B: That's the National Gallery. to consist of, to be situated, a highly developed indus-
A: Let's go and see it. trial country, to be washed by the sea, parliamentary mon-
B: All right, let's. The Gallery is open now. archy, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, over-
crowded houses, places associated with, to go sightseeing,
to see as many places of interest as possible.
A: Have you even been to London?
B: No, it's my first visit here.
A: Have you seen much of the city?
XII. Read and retell the text: Britain. For centuries Britain has been the leading shipbuilder
ABOUT GREAT BRITAIN Coal is the main source for the development of British
industry. The biggest centres of iron and steel industries
Great Britain, formally known as the United Kingdom arc situated in the neighbourhood ol coal basins. They are Mid-
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is situated on the dlesborough, Newcastle, Cardiff, Glasgow, Sheffield. The dis-
British Isles, beautifully decorated by nature. The British trict around Birmingham is a land of factories and mines.
Isles consist of Great Britain, Ireland and some 5,500 Coal-mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding are the older
smaller islands. The total area of the United Kingdom is branches of industry. The new industries are the chemical,
244,027 square kilometres. Great Britain is divided into 92 electrotechnical, automobile, aviation and electronics. The new
administrative counties. It is seventy-fifth in size among industries have developed hand in hand with science and tech-
the countries of the world and it was less than two percent nology and areequipped to meet present technical demands.
of the world's land area. The largest island in north-west Big cities and towns such as London, Glasgow, Man-
Europe — Great Britain — is separated from Ireland by chester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and Birmingham
the Irish Sea, and from the Continent by the English Chan- have enterprises of nearly all branches of industry, old and
nel and the Strait of Dover. new. The main centres of cotton and woolen industry are
The surface of England and Ireland is rather flat. The Leeds, Bradford and Manchester.
highest mountain in the United Kingdom is Ben Nevis in London, Liverpool and Glasgow are the biggest English
Scotland (1343 m). There are many rivers in Great Britain ports. The products of Britain economy, for example, auto-
but they are not very long. The rivers are deep and do not mobiles, textile, machinery, electronic equipment and many
freeze in winter. The chief rivers are the Severn (220 others, are exported to many countries of the world.
miles) and the Thames (215 miles). Agriculture is one of the largest and most important
Great Britain is known for its typically maritime climate activities in Great Britain. The greater part of the land here is
with frequent rains, strong winds and continuous fogs. used for sheep-, cattle-, and dairy farming. Vegetables are
The population of Great Britain is nearly 56 million grown in all parts of the country. The chief grain crops are
people. England has more people than the other parts of wheat and barley.
the British Isles. About four fifths of the population are
urban and only one fifth is rural. XIV. Read and discuss it:
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Queen Eli- LONDON
zabeth II is the head of the state. In practice she reigns but
does not rule. The country is governed in her name by the London is one of the world's three largest cities (the other
Government. Parliament is the supreme legislative body. two are New York and Tokyo). It is one of the world's most
It consists of two Houses: the House of Commons and the important ports and it is the capital of Great Britain.
House of Lords. The Prime Minister is usually the head The Romans founded a settlement on the River Thames
of the party which is in power. 2000 years ago. They called it Londinium. London became a
prosperous trading centre during the Middle Ages. Since that
XIII. Read and ask questions on the text: time it has continued to grow in size and prosperity. There are
more than 10 thousand streets in London. About 7 million
Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. There are four main parts in London: the City, Westminster,
Shipbuilding is one of the principal industries of Great the West End and the East End.

218 219
The very centre of London is Trafalgar Square. There is DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH
Nelson's Column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on the top GRAMMAR EXERCISES
(185 feet high). In the north of Trafalgar Square there is the
National Gallery. It exhibits all schools of European painting I. Choose the correct form of the verb:
from the 13th to the 19th century and includes works by Van I. Our English teacher told us that London (was, is) the
Dyck, Rubens, Goya, Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt. cradle of British tradition and culture. 2. The guide (says,
Not far from Trafalgar Square there is a little street said) that we shouldn't fail to see the sights of London.
with very ordinary houses. This is Downing Street, and 3. The English teacher informed her pupils that Great Britain
for the last 200 years at house Number 10 the Prime Minis- (is divided, was divided) into 92 administrative counties.
ter of England has resided. 4. A passenger in a doubledecker asked if he (is, was) on
Downing Street leads to Whitehall. In Whitehall there the right way to Westminster Abbey. 5. Peter asked his
was a palace where from the 12th to the 16th century the friend before the exam when London (became, had become)
England kings and queens were living. Now it is just a a prosperous trading centre. 6. She says that in Creat Britain
street of government offices. the total number of the urban population greatly (exceeds,
A little further we can see Parliament Square. Westmins- exceeded) the number of the rural population.
ter Abbey is on one side, the House of Parliament on the
other. The building of the Houses of Parliament is not old, it II. Change direct speech into indirect one:
dates only back to the 19th century and is in Gothic style. 1. The English teacher said, "For nearly 1000 years all the
One of the most beautiful and distinguished of all Eng- kings and queens of England have been crowned in Westmin-
lish buildings is Westminster Abbey, founded in the 11th ster Abbey and many of them are buried here t o o . "
century. 2. The guide informed the tourists, "The National Gallery
There are many tombstones, monuments and statues exhibits all schools of European painting from the 13th to the
here. For nearly 1000 years all the kings and queens of 19th century and includes works by van Dyck, Rubens, Goya,
England — 41 in all — have been crowned here and many Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt." 3. A passer-by asked
of them are buried here too. Here is the Poet's Corner me, "Am I on the right way to the Buckingham Palace?"
where many of Britain's greatest poets and writers are 4. A Frenchman having visited London says, "The Bucking-
buried: Chaucer, Johnson, Dickens, Hardy and Kipling. ham Palace, the House of Parliament, Westminster Abbey,
You can see memorials to Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, St. Paul's Cathedral are masterpieces of architecture." 5. He
Walter Scott and Thackeray. said, "Agriculture is one of the largest and most important
Next, we can walk along one side of St. James Park to activities in Great Britain." 6. Londoners like to say, "When a
Buckingham Palace — the Royal residence. The vast house is man is tired of London, he is tired of life." 7. The tourist asked
comparatively new and it has no style. However, great import- his guide, "When shall we go sightseeing?" 8. She asked me,
ance is still attached by the British to this place. Here you "Do you know the history of conquering of the British Isles?"
can see one of the most colourful and stirring of all London III. Transform the following interrogative sentences
ceremonies, the changing of the Guards. The ceremony starts into the sentences with indirect questions using the words
at 11.30 a. m. and takes between 30 and 40 minutes.
in brackets according to the model:
All the principal streets of London lead to the heart of the
City, the financial and business centre of Great Britain. M o d e l : What is the very centre of London? (Do you
In Lodon there is so much to see that even Londoners know?)
can always find new sights. They like to say: "When a — Do you know what the very centre of
man is tired of London, he is tired of life." London is?

220 221
VI. Imagine that you are at the lecture on regional
1. Are wheat and barley the chief grain crops in Great
Britain? (Do you know?) 2. How are the new industries geography dedicated to Great Britain. Say what the lec­
equipped in Great Britain? (Do you know?) 3. Are coal­ turer tells (told) you about this matter and what questions
mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding the oldest branches he is asked (was asked). Use indirect speech.
of English industry? (Can you tell?) 4. What are the new VII. Translate into English:
branches of English industry? (Do you know?) 5. Did
1. Туристи попросили показати їм якнайбільше ви­
Romans found a settlement on the River Thames 2000 years
значних місць. 2. Екскурсовод відповів, що завтра ми
ago? (Please, tell me.) 6. What main parts does London
оглянемо всі визначні місця Лондона. 3. Мій друг повідо­
consist of? (Can you tell?)
мив, що матиме нагоду побувати у Великій Британії.
IV. Change indirect speech into direct one: 4. Мій однокурсник розповів мені, що бачив церемонію
1. The teacher of geography says that Great Britain for­ зміни варти біля Букінгемського палацу. 5. Викладач ска­
mally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and зав нам, що зараз він пише наукову статтю «Собор
Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. 2. They Св. Павла — шедевр архітектури XVI століття». 6. Вона
asked the guide if they would go sightseeing that day. говорить, що Лондон було засновано 2000 років тому.
3. I asked my English friend to show me the sights of 7. Екскурсовод розповідає, що у Вестмінстерському абатстві
London. 4. A passer-by asks me what bus he should take поховано багато видатних людей Великої Британії.
to go to Hyde Park. 5. The students asked the lecturer to
explain them t h e political system of Great Britain. COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS
6. My girl-friend told me that she would have a chance to 1. You've come from Great Britain. Ask your friends
g o t o Great Britain. 7. They said that English delegation about the economic development of Great Britain.
had arrived by 5 o'clock yesterday. 2. At the English club you tell some facts about Great
V, Make up sentences: 3. You've met your friends. Ask them about the places
The guide said that London had become a prospe­ of interest they have seen in London.
The guide mentioned rous t r a d i n g centre during the 4. Suppose you are a guide and show the most interest­
The tourist says Middle Ages, ing places in Great Britain to visitors.
The tourist said to show him the nearest way to
The tourist ask Whitehall,
L E S S O N 25
The passer-by asked t h a t he would like to visit the
The passer-by asks National Gallery, AN EDUCATED MAN AND COMPUTER
that he will see the sights of Lon­
don tomorrow, EXERCISES
that for nearly 1000 years all the I. Read and memorize the following words:
kings and queens had been crow
ned in Westminster Abbey, abacus ['sbakas] рахівниця
whether he was on the right way to e.g. The abacus has so remote origins that they cannot be
St. Paul's Cathedral, dated.
whether they will see the ceremo­ digit ['did3it] цифра, число
ny of changing of the Cuards e.g. These digits are easily multiplied.
near the Buckingham Palace. key[ki:] кнопка, клавіша; ключ
e.g. This ordinary adding machine has ten keys for each
column of digits. II. Learn the following word-combinations:
hardware ['hcKdweaJ апаратне забезпечення in daily use у щоденному вжитку
e.g. The hardware inside the machine expresses arithmeti­ (to) do useful work виконувати корисну робо-
cal and logical relations. "ГУ
software f'softwea] програмне забезпечення (to) process data обробляти дані
e.g. Hardware is useless without software which is com­ (to) save a lot of money економити багато грошей
puter instructions programs. (to) do a lot of operations виконувати багато операцій
to store [sto:] запам'ятовувати; зберігати punched tape перфострічка
e.g. A computing machine can take in and store information. (to) plug instruction ввести команду
storage ['st3:nd3J пам'ять; зберігання даних fast and accurately швидко і точно
e.g. The part of a computer which stores informations is (to) do weather forecasting зробити прогноз погоди
called storage or memory. (to) keep records of вести облік фінансових
financial affairs справ
input ['input] вхід; введення
(to)take a square root добувати квадратний корінь
e.g. The part of the computer that takes in information is
(to) raise to a power підносити до степеня
called the input unit.
low level languages мови низького рівня
output ['autput] вихід
a set of instructions низка вказівок
e.g. The part of a computer that puts out information is
(to) come for an interview прийти на співбесіду
called the output unit.
a software programmer програміст
(to) compute [ksm'pjurt] обчислювати
e.g. A digital computer is a machine which computes by III. Make up sentences:
using digits or numbers. a machine which performs sequence of oper­
(to) count [kaunt] рахувати ations.
e.g. The word computer comes from a Latin word which
a universal information processing machine,
means to count. the most amazing achievement.
(to) perform [ р э Т э : т ] виконувати is now widely used in many fields,
e.g. The computer can perform different kinds of oper­
ations. Computer was a million times faster than humans.
(to) display [dis'plei] показувати used in chemical plants, power stations,
e.g. After performing calculations a computer displays a data storage system created by man.
a result.
built in 1939 by H. H. Aiken,
(to) compare [ к э т ' р е э ] порівнювати
constructed by the Ukrainian Academician
e.g. I shall compare my results with yours.
S. O. Lebedev in 1950.
(to) calculate ['kaelkjuleitj обчислювати
e.g. I'll show you how to calculate by using a computer. IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words:
(to) record [n'ka p d] записувати
e.g. The instructions are recorded in the order in which 1. The store ... a numerical quantities and data which
they are to be carried out. arc to be processed, (contains, concludes, consists of)
(to) process ['prousesj обробляти, опрацьовувати 2. The arithmetic unit normally ... the operation of addi­
e.g. The basic job of computers is the processing of infor­ tion, subtraction, multiplication and division and certain
mation. other special operations, (performs, carries out, carry)
.i. The input and output devices are to supply information
and to ... it from the computer, (obtain, receive, get) of ... . 7. The input and output devices are to supply
4. Computers are a million times ... than humans in per­ information and to obtain it from . . . .
forming computing operation, (faster, quicker, rapid)
5. The number of electronic computers used in any given VII. Translate into English:
field of human activity is sometimes believed to ... the 1. Електроніка є основою сучасної автоматики.
degree of its modernity, (indicate, show, testify) 2. Кібернетика тісно пов'язана з іншими галузями знань.
3. ЕОМ використовуються в промисловості, медицині,
V. Make up questions and let your fellow-students
answer them: науково-дослідній роботі, банках і під час прогнозуван­
ня погоди. 4. Августа Ада Байрон — дочка славнозвіс­
a computer? ного поета. Вона зробила математичне забезпечення для
a microprocessor? першого комп'ютера. У шістнадцятирічному віці вона
What do we call memory? мала глибокі знання з математики. 5. ЕОМ відкриває
personal computer? великі перспективи для людської творчості, про які мог­
a program? ли говорити хіба що фантасти. 6. Цифрова обчислю­
a microcomputer? вальна машина за один день може виконати такий обсяг
роботи, з яким команда обчислювачів не впорається й за
a heart of a microcomputer.
a tiny processor on a single chip
used in microcomputer,
VIII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
data storage system created by man.
a computer used for home and per­ 1. Computer penetrates almost into all spheres of our
A computer sonal use. modern society. 2. Basic is considered to be one of the
A microprocessor a part of a computer which store easiest programming languages to learn. 3. A digital com­
Memory information. puter computes by using numbers or digits. 4. A hybrid
Personal computer a set of instructions composed for computer is a machine which combines some of the pro­
A microcomputer solving given problems by com­ perties of digital and analogue computers. 5. Computer is
A keyboard puter. a data storage system created by man. 6. Computer is a
A program a small scale computer using a million times faster than humans in performing computing
single microprocessor chip in its operations.
a part of a computer which allows IX. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:
the user to communicate with the
A: What are you looking at?
B: That book.
A: Which one? Point to it.
VI. Complete the following sentences:
B: That one, there.
1. The hardware inside the machine expresses arith­ A: Oh, yes. "Programming languages." Interesting book,
metical and logical . . . . 2. A computing machine can take isn't it?
in and store ... . 3. The part of a computer which store B: Yes, it is. I wish I had it.
information is called ... . 4 . Computer is the most ama-z- A: So do I.
ing . . . . 5. After perfoming calculations a computer dis­
plays ... . 6. The basic job of computers is the processing * * *

226 227
A: Hello, glad to see you. A: Can you come for an interview tomorrow?
B: Hello, so am I. B: ...
A: Today's your birthday, isn't it? A: You shouldn't miss such an opportunity.
B: That's right. It's kind of you to remember. B: ...
A: Well, many happy returns of the day. Here is a present А: О. К. Bye-bye. See you tomorrow.
for you.
XI. Make up your own dialogue using the following
B: Oh, thank you. What a beautiful flower! Oh, and
what's that? expressions:
A: I know your future speciality is electronic computers. good morning, glad to see you, a computer, to perform
And I'd like to present you this personal computer. operations; an ordinary business, adding machine; calcu­
B: Oh, I don't know how to thank you. Thank you ever late, multiplication, subraction, addition, division, with
so much. the help of computer.
A: I am glad you like it.
* * * XII. Read and retell the text:
A: What a luck running into you. How are you getting
on? The educated man of 200 years ago did not need to know
B: Thanks. Everything's all right. I am quite well. And anything about science. The educated man of 25 — 30 years
how are you? ago did not need to know anything about computers. But
A: You see I was ill last week. the educated man of today needs to have some significant
B: What was the matter with you? knowledge of science and a little significant knowledge
A: I had a cold, high temperature and a headache. about computers.
B: Poor you. Can I do anything for you? The computer is no doubt the most amazing achieve­
A: Please, bring me your notes. I missed some lectures and ment of mankind. It is a date storage system created by
now I can't catch the idea of what difference between man. A human tells the machine what to do, when to do it
RAM and ROM memory and what CNC (computer and how it should be done.
numerical control) is. The word computer comes from a Latin word which means
B: All right. By the way, I have got a textbook "Computer to count.
memories". I'll bring it if you like. Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago there were no
A: Thank you. I need it badly. such things as computers. Knotted ropes, marks in clay,
B: See you in the evening. the abacus are all methods of keeping track of numbers.
A: Good-bye. Give my best regards to our group, please. In 1833 an English inventor and mathematician Charles
Babbage, professor of Cambridge University designed the
X. Complete the following dialogues: first computer. The mathematical programme for his ma­
A: Hello. Glad to see you. Where are you going? chine had been composed by Lord Byron's daughter.
B: ... The first programmer computer which operated success­
A: What is your job? fully was built in 1939 by H. H. Aiken, professor of Har-
B: ... ward University.
A: My company has an immediate opening for a software In our country the first electronic digital computer
programmer. Are you a specialist in this field? MACM was constructed by the Ukrainian Academician
B: ... S. O. Lebedev in 1950.

228 229
Such computers as BESM, Minsk, Ural, Razdan-3, was the first high level programming language. It was de-
M-20, M-220, Nairi-3, Strela, Dniepr were created in our veloped in 1956 and was designed to easily express math-
country. ematical formulas for computer processing. It is still widely
Nowadays computers greatly increase man's thinking used as a programming language.
capabilities of planning, analyzing, computing and con- ALGOL — was developed as an international language
trolling. Hundreds of computers are already in daily use. for the expression of the algorithms between individuals as
They penetrate almost into all spheres of our modern so- well as a programming language. It was introduced in the
ciety, from nuclear energy production and missile design early 1960s. ALGOL was originally known as IAL or In-
to the processing of bank checks, weather forecasting, ternational Algebraic Language.
manufacturing, research and medical diagnoses. COBOL is internationally accepted programming lan-
There are three kinds of computers: digital, analogue guage developed for general commercial use. The advan-
and hybrid. An analogue computer computes by using physi- tages of using COBOL are that it is relatively simple to
cal analogue of numerical measurements. A digital com- learn and programs can be quickly written and tested. Pro-
puter computes by using numbers or digits. A hybrid com- grammers can easily understand programs not written by
puter is a machine which combines some of the properties themselves.
of digital and analogue computers.
Invention of electronic computers is one of the greatest XIV. Read and translate the text:
achievements of mankind. The significance of it can be
compared with the invention of the steam-engine and the COMPUTERS: THE SOFTWARE
utilization of atomic energy.
Because of extraordinary technological development
XIII. Read and discuss the text: during the past decades, the term computer is becoming a
household word. Computer applications have expanded to
COMMUNICATION WITH COMPUTER such breadth that the computer is now an integral part of
Men use languages in order to communicate with each virtually every type of business and industrial enterprise.
other. When the man wishes to communicate with the com- The number of electronic computers used in any given
puter he uses in the same way "languages" such as BASIC, field of human activity is sometimes believed to indicate
PASCAL, ADA, FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, P L / m and the degree of its modernity. For example, the more com-
others. puters scientific institute uses the more modern it is believed
BASIC is considered to be one of the easiest program- to be. It is not always born in mind, however, that com-
ming languages to learn. It is now used almost universally. puters alone represent only what is called the hardware, i. e.
PASCAL is a general purpose high level programming the machinery together with its subtle technical and logi-
language. It is named after the famous French mathema- cal design. In order that the hardware may be used effec-
tician, Blaise Pascal. In 1642 he designed and built the tively, another essential factor is needed: the so-called soft-
first mechanical calculator, the "Pascaline". ware or applied thoughts. The preparation of computer
ADA is a high level programming language. It is a PAS- programs, the working out of the logical aspects of material
CAL-based language, but much more comprehensive than to be manipulated in a computer, takes up as much, if not
PASCAL. It was named after Augusta Ada Byron ( 1 8 1 6 - more, time as the actual production of the hardware and is
1852), daughter of the English poet, Lord Byron. by no mean easier. The software, as most intangible
FORTRAN is a problem oriented high level programming product, is not always capable of being readily evaluated.
language for scientific and mathematical use. FORTRAN This, however, does not change the fact that it is at least

230 231
as decisive as the hardware in obtaining solutions to conc­ out, were being carried out) during the whole month.
rete scientific and technological problems. 5. The sequence of reasonable operations (is carrying out,
There are two basic types of electronic computers: digi­ is being carried out) by this computer now. 6. Many books
tal and analogue. Each type has its uses in various fields. on computers (had been translated, had translated) into
However, they have one thing in common: for their effec­ Ukrainian by the end of the last year. 7. By means of
tive operation they require ingeniously thought-out sof­ instruction any computer (will tell, will be told) what
tware. operations to perform. 8. Your scientific article "An edu­
cated man and the computer" (will be published, will pub­
REVIEW lish) by the end of the year.

GRAMMAR EXERCISES III. Find the sentences in which the verbs to have
and to be are translated as мати, бути повинним:
I. Put the Infinitives in brackets in Indefinite, Con­
tinuous or Perfect Tenses in the Active Voice, Translate 1. The general purpose of this unit is to perform diffe­
the sentences into Ukrainian: rent arithmetic operations. 2. The students of our Institu­
te have at their disposal the computing centre. 3. This
1. A computer (to store) information which it (to re­
personal computer has been constructed at our lab. 4. The
ceive). 2. When I (to come) into the room my friend (to
lecture was to begin at 9 o'clock. 5. You have to remember
compile) a program. 3. When you (to come) to the labora­
the names of the scientists who have contributed to the
tory I (to show) you how to calculate by using a comput­
designing of computers. 6. The results of the experiment
er. 4. You (to solve) this algebraic problem and I (to
have carefully been checked up today. 7. For a digital
compare) my results with yours. 5. When a computer (to
computer information has to be in the form of digits or
do) reasonable operations it (to compute) or (to calcu­
late). 6. The electronic computer just (to perform) its
calculations. 7. They (to do) many operations on the com­
IV. Say what you can do with the help of the com­
puter. 8. When you come back he (to perform) computing
puter. Use the following expressions:
operations. 9. Owing to the computer we (to process) a
great deaj of information. 10. They (to write) a program to take an information or data, to perform a sequence of
for the computer by the end of the month. 11. I (to com­ reasonable operations, to put out information, to store in­
pile) a program for two hours when the lecturer came into formation, to display the answers, to keep records of fi­
the laboratory. 12. This equation seems to have no solu­ nancial affairs, to do weather forecasting, to process data.
tion. We (to perform) calculations for an hour. 13. She
(to discuss) some questions with her instructor now. V. Insert modal verbs can, may, must, should or
14. Before the design (to be) ready they (to work) on it for their equivalents in the necessary tense-form:
3 hours.
1. Information or data ... be stored in the computer's
memory or storage. 2. An analogue computer ... to calcu­
II. Choose the correct form of the verb: late by using physical analogues of numerical measure­
1. They (explained, were explained) how to solve this ments. 3. The first automatic computers ... operate at the
problem on a computer. 2. The sequence of reasonable oper­ low speed. 4. Your scientific article on computers ... be pub­
ations (has been performed, has performed) by the com­ lished at our Institute. 5. My friend was happy when at
puter. 3. These digits (are multiplied, multiply) easily. last he ... work at the computing centre. 6. Our students
4. The experiments on the new computer (were carrying ... to visit the computing centre to see the operation of
232 233
computers. 7. You ... know the difference between the to construct the first mechanical calculator. 3. They say
digital and analogue computers. 8. We ... help him to solve devices for accepting information to have been described
the problem by a personal computer. 9. Every student of in some scientific magazines. 4. They say the computer to
our speciality ... to know what a hybrid computer is. be the most amazing achievements of mankind. 5. Every­
body knows the hardware to be useless without software.
VI. Put questions to the words in bold type:
X. Use the Participal Construction instead of the In­
1. Hardware is useless without software which is com­ finitive Construction:
puter instructions and programs. 2. A computer stores informa­
tion which it receives. 3. When our professor was speaking 1. I watched my friend compile the program for compu­
on the history of computers he mentioned Charles Babbage ter. 2. We saw the operator put the Winchester disk into
and his great inventions. 4. The mathematical programme the computer. 3. The professor was heard to give the stu­
for the first computer had been compiled by Lord Byron's dents all the necessary explanations discussing the advan­
daughter. 5. The first programmed computer which operated tages of the new memory unit. 4. They observed the com­
successfully was built in 1939. 6. Computers have already puter operate automatically. 5. In the laboratory we saw
penetrated almost into all spheres of modern economy. the perforator punch holes in the cards.

VII. Find verbals, state their functions. Translate into XI. Find sentences with the Absolute Participle Con­
Ukrainian: struction. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Discussing the advantages of the new memory unit the 1. Compiling a program requires great attention of a
professor gave the students all the necessary explanations. programmer. 2. We must have this information processed.
2. Information to be computed is usually stored in registers. 3. Personal Computers being used for many purposes, scien­
3. To add and to substract means to perform mathematical tists go on improving their characteristics. 4. We know of
operations. 4. Logical operations performed by a computer Pascal's having invented the first mechanical calculator.
are comparing, selecting, sorting and determining. 5. The 5. The problem being difficult, we solved it with the help
way of solving this problem is very difficult. of computer. 6. Scientists use computers widely, the latter
helping in performing calculations at great speeds.
VIII. Transform each pair of sentences into one with
Complex Object: XII. Complete the following sentences using Gerund-
ial Construction:
1. Electronic computers owe their birth to the discoveries
of many scientists and inventors. Everybody knows it. 1. Scientists were interested in ... . 2. My parents in­
2. A computer performs a sequence of reasonable oper­ sisted on ... . 3. We know of ... . 4. They object to ... .
ations. We know it. 3. A computer displays the answers. 5. I am surprised at ... . 6. The professor insists on ... .
We saw it. 4. My friend didn't know how to compile a
XIII. Translate into English. Mind the verbals:
program for a computer. I helped him. 5. They should test
this electronic device tomorrow. We want it. 1. Піднесення до степеня та добування квадратного
кореня — математичні операції. 2. Слід пам'ятати всі ці
IX. Transform this sentences using Complex Subject правила, розв'язуючи задачу. 3. Для того щоб скласти
instead of Complex Object: програму для комп'ютера, програміст повинен мати хо­
1. We know the input and output to be the parts of a роші знання з математики. 4. Після виконання обчис­
computer. 2. We know the French mathematician Pascal лень комп'ютер показує результат. 5. Винайшовши

234 235
комп'ютер, людство зробило великий крок уперед на КОРОТКИЙ ГРАМАТИЧНИЙ ДОВІДНИК
шляху прогресу. 6. Дані, що обробляються, надходять у
комп'ютер через вхідний пристрій. 7. Відомо, що ТЕПЕРІШНІЙ НЕОЗНАЧЕНИЙ ЧАС
комп'ютер — найдивовижніше досягнення людства. В АКТИВНОМУ І ПАСИВНОМУ СТАНІ
8. Ми знаємо, що Б. Паскаль сконструював перший ме­
ханічний обчислювальний пристрій. 10. Процес за­ ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE
пам'ятовування даних комп'ютером називається збері­
ганням інформації. УТВОРЕННЯ
Стверджувальна форма дієслова в Present Indefinite
COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS в усіх особах однини і множини, крім третьої особи од­
нини, збігається з інфінітивом (неозначеною формою діє­
1. You consult your son about computers. What can слова) без частки to:
you say? І study я навчаюся
2. You are at the conference. The theme of your report is we study ми навчаємося
Programming languages. you study ви навчаєтеся
3. At the exam the professor asks you about the devel­ they study вони навчаються
opment of computers. У третій особі однини до інфінітива без частки to до­
4. You're the head of a firm, producing computers. What дається закінчення -s або -es:
can you say to advertise your product? to invite — he invites
to teach — she teaches
Більшість дієслів у третій особі однини мають закін­
чення -s. Закінчення -es додається в таких випадках:
а) якщо дієслово закінчується на s, ss, ch, tch, x:
to kiss — kisses
to flash — flashes
б) якщо дієслово закінчується на у з попередньою
приголосною (буква у змінюється перед -es на і):
to multiply — multiplies
to dry — dries
Але: якщо перед у стоїть голосна, то додається лише
закінчення -s:
to say — says
to obey — obeys
в) якщо дієслово закінчується на о:
to go — goes
to do — does
Питальна форма Present Indefinite утворюється за
допомогою допоміжного дієслова do або does, яке ста­
виться перед підметом:
Do I study? Do we study?
Does he read? Does she write?
П р и м і т к а . Якщо питальне слово виконує роль підмета або
означення до підмета, допоміжне дієслово do або does у цьому
випадку не вживається:
Who lives there? Whose father lives there?
Заперечна форма Present Indefinite утворюється за до­ М И Н У Л И Й Н Е О З Н А Ч Е Н И Й ЧАС
помогою допоміжного дієслова do або does, заперечної В АКТИВНОМУ І П А С И В Н О М У СТАНІ
частки not та інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to:
У розмовній мові замість do not і does not вживають­
ся скорочені форми d o n ' t і d o e s n ' t УТВОРЕННЯ
І don't see you.
He doesn't see me. Стверджувальна форма дієслова в Past Indefinite в
Дієслово to be в Present Indefinite має форми: усіх особах однини та множини збігається з другою фор­
I am we are мою дієслова:
you are you are І worked я працював
he is they are we worked ми працювали
she is you worked ви працювали
it is В англійській мові дієслова поділяються на правильні
Питальна та заперечна форми дієслова to be утворю­ та неправильні. Past Indefinite правильних дієслів утво­
ються без допоміжного дієслова to do: рюється додаванням до інфінітива без частки to закін­
Are you an engineer? чення -ed, яке вимовляється як:
I am not an engineer. [t] — після глухих приголосних, крім t:
to ask — asked
ВЖИВАННЯ to like — liked
Present Indefinite вживається для вираження: [d] — після дзвінких приголосних, крім d, та після
1) звичайної, повторюваної дії в теперішньому часі: голосних:
Не goes to see her every day. to clean — cleaned
2) дії, яка характеризує підмет постійно: to live — lived
Не speaks both French and English. to answer — answered
3) загальновідомих істин: [id] — після t, d, t e , de:
Water is a liquid. to want — wanted
4) запланованої майбутньої дії в підрядних часу, причи­ to defend — defended
ни та умови: to hate — hated
І shall be there till he comes. to decide — decided
5) запланованої майбутньої дії з дієсловами, що означа­ Правила правопису правильних дієслів у Past Indefi­
ють рух: nite:
І leave London tomorrow. а) якщо інфінітив закінчується на голосну є, то
в Past Indefinite перед закінченням -ed вона не пишеться:
ПАСИВНИЙ СТАН to love — loved
Пасивний стан Present Indefinite утворюється за допо­ б) якщо інфінітив закінчується на голосну у, перед
могою дієслова to be та дієприкметника минулого часу якою стоїть приголосна, то перед закінченням -ed буква
(Past Participle) основного дієслова: у змінюється на і:
Не is interrogated. to study — studied
І am asked about it. to cry — cried
238 239
Продовження табл.
в) якщо інфінітив закінчується на одну приголосну,
якій передує короткий наголошений голосний звук, то Past Indefinite Past Participle
Infinitive Переклад
кінцева приголосна подвоюється:
to stop — stopped робити made made
make paid
to permit — permitted платити paid
Pay put put
r) кінцева буква г подвоюється, якщо останній склад put класти read
read читати read
наголошений і не має дифтонга (подвійного голосного said said
say говорити seen
звука): see бачити saw
showed shown
to prefer — preferred show показувати sat
sit сідати sat
to occur — occurred stood stood
д) кінцева буква 1 подвоюється, якщо їй передує ко­ stand стояти taken
take брати took
роткий голосний звук (наголошений чи ненаголошений): thought thought
think думати understood
to travel — travelled understand розуміти understood
wrote written
to fulfil - fulfilled write писати
Past Indefinite неправильних дієслів утворюється по-
Питальна форма Past Indefinite правильних і непра­
Таблиця найуживаніших неправильних дієслів вильних дієслів утворюється за допомогою допоміжного
дієслова did та інфінітива основного дієслова без частки
Infinitive Переклад Past Indefinite Past Participle to. Допоміжне дієслово ставиться перед підметом:
Did you go to the Institute yesterday?
be бути was, were been What did he say?
become ставати became become
begin починати began begun Заперечна форма Past Indefinite утворюється за допо­
bring приносити brought brought могою допоміжного дієслова did, заперечної частки not
build будувати built built та інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to. Допо­
buy купувати bought bought
міжне дієслово ставиться між підметом і присудком:
come приходити came come
cost коштувати cost cost І did not know this.
cut різати cut cut They did not work.
do робити did done У розмовній мові замість did not вживається скороче­
drink пити drank drunk
eat їсти ate eaten на форма didn't:
fal' падати fell fallen І didn't understand you.
' W відчувати felt felt Дієслово to be в Past Indefinite має форми was і were:
find знаходити found found I was we were
get одержувати got got
you were you were
give давати gave given
go йти,їхати went gone he was they were
grow рости grew grown she was
have мати had had it was
hear чути heard heard
keep тримати kept kept Питальна та заперечна форми дієслова to be
know знати knew known утворюються без допоміжного дієслова did:
let дозволяти let let Were you at home yesterday?
lose губити lost lost I was not at home.

240 241
v У розмовній мові замість was not, were not вжива­ першій особі однини і множини, will — у другій і третій
ються форми wasn't, weren't: особах:
They weren't afraid of him. І shall stand we shall stand
you will stand you will stand
ВЖИВАННЯ he will stand they will stand
she will stand
Past Indefinite вживається для вираження: it will stand
1) одноразової або повторюваної дії в минулому. Час П р и м і т к а . Іноді допоміжне дієслово will вживається для
минулої дії часто уточнюється обставинами yesterday, утворення Future Indefinite в усіх особах. Особливо часто це трап­
last week, the other day, ago тощо: ляється в американському варіанті англійської мови (а також
I saw you in the street yesterday. у Шотландії та Ірландії).
They lived in London before the war. У розмовній мові замість shall і will звичайно вжива­
2) ряду послідовних дій у минулому: ється скорочена форма '11, яка на письмі приєднується
І dressed, went downstairs, had some coffee до підмета:
in the kitchen and went out to the garage. I'll tell it to you after Я розкажу Вам про це після
3) повторюваної дії у минулому: dinner. обіду.
І saw her every day. He'll be back in an hour. Він повернеться за годину.

ПАСИВНИЙ СТАН У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться пе­

ред підметом:
Пасивний стан Past Indefinite утворюється за допомо­ Shall we come back here? Ми повернемося сюди?
гою допоміжного дієслова to be в Past Indefinite і Past When will he be at home? Коли він буде вдома?
Participle основного дієслова:
І was examined we were examined У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова вжи­
you were examined you were examined вається заперечна частка not:
he was examined they were examined We shall not go there. Ми не підемо туди.
she was examined Не will not stay here. Він не залишиться тут.
it was examined
У розмовній мові замість shall not і will not вжива­
ються скорочені форми shan't і won't:
І shan't go there. Я не піду туди.
She won't go to the theatre. Вона не піде до театру.
ACTIVE A N D PASSIVE VOICE Future Indefinite вживається для вираження однора­
зової, постійної або повторюваної дії в майбутньому:
УТВОРЕННЯ I'll go there with you. Я поїду туди з тобою.
I'll always come back. Я завжди повертатимусь.
Future Indefinite утворюється за допомогою допоміж­ He'll work at the factory Наступного року він працю-
них дієслів shall і will та інфінітива основного дієслова next year. ватиме на фабриці.
без частки to, Допоміжне дієслово shall вживається в

242 243
В англійській мові Future Indefinite не вживається в У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться пе­
підрядних часу та умови. Для вираження майбутньої дії ред підметом:
в таких реченнях вживається Present Indefinite: Should we play?
I'll be here till you come. Я буду тут, доки ти прийдеш. Would she play?
I'll give it to him when Я дам це йому, коли він no- У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова вжива­
he comes back. вернеться. ється заперечна частка not:
ПАСИВНИЙ СТАН We should not play. (We shouldn't play.)
She would not play. (She wouldn't play.)
Пасивний стан утворюється за допомогою допоміжно­
го дієслова to be у Future Indefinite і Past Participle ПАСИВНИЙ СТАН
основного дієслова:
Пасивний стан Future Indefinite-in-the-Past утворю­
І (we) shall be examined. ється так само, як і пасивний стан Future Indefinite, але
He (she, it, you, they) will be examined. замість допоміжних дієслів shall і will вживаються
should і would:
МАЙБУТНІЙ НЕОЗНАЧЕНИЙ ЧАС І (we) should be examined.
У МИНУЛОМУ He (she, it, you, they) would be examined.


В англійській мові майбутня дія, що розглядається з
точки зору якогось моменту в минулому, виражається
формою дієслова, яку називають Future Indefinite-in-the-
Цей час вживається в розповідях про минулі події під
Present Continuous утворюється за допомогою допоміж­
час переказування слів або думок якоїсь особи стосовно
ного дієслова to be в Present Indefinite і дієприкметника
майбутнього часу:
теперішнього часу (Present Participle) основного дієслова.
In his letter Peter wrote that У своєму листі Петро пи- Present Participle утворюється додаванням закінчен­
he would go to London сав, що поїде до Лондона ня -ing до інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to:
in January. в січні. read + ing = reading speak + ing = speaking
Future Indefinite-in-the-Past утворюється за допомо­ Стверджувальна форма Present Continuous:
гою допоміжних дієслів should і would та інфінітива I am speaking (I'm speaking) we are speaking ( w e ' r e
основного дієслова без частки to : speaking)
І should play ( I ' d play) we should play (we'd play) you are speaking (you're you are speaking (you're
he would play (he'd you would play (you'd play) speaking) speaking)
play) he is speaking (he's speaking) they are speaking (they're
she would play (she'd they would play (they'd play) speaking)
play) she is speaking (she's speaking)
it would play it is speaking (it's speaking)
244 245
У дужках подано скорочені форми, що вживаються в ПАСИВНИЙ СТАН
розмовній мові. Пасивний стан Present Continuous уворюється за до­
У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться пе­
помогою допоміжного дієслова to be в Present Continuous
ред підметом:
і Past Participle основного дієслова:
Are the boys playing chess?
І am being examined. Am I being examined?
Is she working in the garden?
What are you doing? I [e (she, it) is being Is he (she, it) being exami-
cxamined. ned?
У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова вжи­ We (you, they) are being Are we (you, they) being exami-
вається заперечна частка not : cxamined. ned?
The girls are not singing.
У розмовній мові замість is not i are not вживають­
ся скорочені форми isn't і aren't : МИНУЛИЙ ТРИВАЛИЙ ЧАС
She isn't listening in. В АКТИВНОМУ І ПАСИВНОМУ СТАНІ
Why aren't you working?
Present Continuous вживається для вираження:
1) дії, що відбувається в момент мовлення: УТВОРЕННЯ

You are not listening to me. Стверджувальна форма дієслова в Past Continuous
2) тривалої дії, що відбувається в певний період тепе­ утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be
рішнього часу, хоч і не обов'язково в момент мовлення: в Past Indefinite і дієприкметника теперішнього часу ос­
новного дієслова:
What are you doing here in London?
I'm studying at the University. І was making we were making
you were making you were making
3) тривалої дії, що відбувається одночасно з іншою
he was making they were making
дією, яка належить до теперішнього часу:
she was making
І am only happy when I am working.
it was making
4) запланованої майбутньої дії, особливо з дієслова­
ми, що означають рух. У цьому разі обов'язково вжива­ У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться пе­
ються обставини часу: ред підметом:
We are flying to Paris in the morning. What were you telling him?
When are you coming back? У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова вжива­
Is he coming tonight? ється заперечна частка not:
Дієслово to go у Present Continuous з інфінітивом І was not watching TV in the evening.
іншого дієслова означає намір виконати дію в найближ­
чому майбутньому або Надає відтінку обов'язковості, У розмовній мові в заперечній і питально-заперечній
неминучості виконання дії, позначеної інфінітивом: формах замість was not і were not вживаються переваж­
І am going to speak. но скорочені форми wasn't і weren't:
It's going to rain. Не wasn't coming. Wasn't he coming?
He is going to be an engineer. They weren't coming. Weren't they coming?

246 247
ВЖИВАННЯ У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова shall
Past Continuous вживається для вираження: або will вживається заперечна частка not:
1) дії, що відбувалася, тривала в певний момент у They will not be leaving for Kyiv.
минулому. На час дії звичайно вказують обставинні сло­ I shall not be painting.
ва типу at two o'clock, at midnight, at that moment або У розмовній мові замість shall і will вживається
підрядні з дієсловом-присудком у Past Indefinite: скорочення '11, а замість shall not і will not — shan't і
Не was working at his English at that time. won't.
She was sitting by the window when he came in.
2) дії, що тривала протягом якогось часу в минулому:
Future Continuous вживається для вираження трива­
In spring he was visiting his old school-fellow.
лої дії, що відбуватиметься в якийсь момент або період
ПАСИВНИЙ СТАН часу в майбутньому:
Пасивний стан Past Continuous утворюється за допо­ I'll be looking out for you at two o'clock.
могою допоміжного дієслова to be в Past Continuous і We'll be playing all morning.
Past Participle основного дієслова:
У сучасній англійській мові Future Continuous часто
І (he, she, it) was being examined.
вживається в тому самому значенні, що й Future Indefi­
We (you, they) were being examined.
nite, тобто виражає майбутню дію:
Питальна і заперечна форми утворюються таким чи­
He'll be going to school soon.
You won't be coming back here any more.
Was he being taught? He was not being taught.
Were they being taught? They were not being taught.


Стверджувальна форма Future Continuous утворю­
ється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у Future Future Continuous-in-the-Past утворюється так само,
Indefinite та дієприкметника теперішнього часу основ­ як і Future Continuous, але замість shall і will вжива­
ного дієслова: ються відповідно should і would:
І shall be translating we shall be translating І should be reading.
you will be translating you will be translating Не would be reading.
he will be translating they will be translating
she will be translating Future Continuous-in-the-Past вживається в підрядних
У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово shall або will додаткових, якщо дієслово — присудок головного речен­
ставиться перед підметом: ня вжито в минулому часі:
Will they be studying? Не said that he would be sleeping after lunch.
Shall we be training?
248 249
ТЕПЕРІШНІЙ ПЕРФЕКТНИЙ ЧАС У питально-заперечних реченнях вживаються скорочені
В АКТИВНОМУ І ПАСИВНОМУ СТАНІ форми haven't і hasn't, які ставляться перед підметом:
Hasn't he been to Paris?
THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Why haven't you put on your coat?
УТВОРЕННЯ Present Perfect вживається для вираження дії, яка від­
булася до моменту мовлення, і результат цієї минулої
Present Perfect утворюється за допомогою допоміж­ дії пов'язаний з цим моментом:
ного дієслова to have у Present Indefinite і дієприкмет­
І have locked the door.
ника минулого часу (Present Participle) основного діє­
Have you turned off the gas?
Past Participle правильних дієслів утворюється дода­ Час дії, вираженої дієсловом у Present Perfect, зде­
ванням до інфінітива закінчення -ed, тобто за формою більшого не зазначається, тому що в центрі уваги ре­
Past Participle правильних дієслів не відрізняється від зультат дії, а не час її перебігу:
Past Indefinite: What have they done?
І have discussed we have discussed You have read more than me.
you have discussed you have discussed Present Perfect вживається також у реченнях з такими
he has discussed they have discussed обставинами часу:
she has discussed а) що означають період часу, який почався в минуло­
му і тривав до моменту мовлення: up to now, up to the
У розмовній мові вживаються переважно скорочені present — до цього часу; lately — нещодавно, останнім
форми: часом; recently — останнім часом; so far — до цього
I've worked. часу; since — відтоді; not yet — ще не:
He's worked.
Up to now we have done three exercises.
We've worked.
Have you seen them recently?
У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться пе­ Have you heard from your sister lately?
ред підметом: б) що означають період часу, який ще не закінчив­
Have you ever lived in a village? ся: today — сьогодні; this week — цього тижня; this
Has she congratulated him? month — цього місяця; this year — цього року; this
morning — сьогодні вранці:
У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова вжи­
Have you seen her today?
вається заперечна частка not:
Has he visited a dentist this month?
My friend has not come yet.
З цими обставинами часу вживається також Past In­
We have not discussed it.
definite, якщо в реченні є слова, які вказують на дію в
У розмовній мові замість have not i has not вжива­ минулому:
ються скорочені форми haven't, hasn't або 've not, A letter came from them today when he was at work.
's not: в) з прислівниками неозначеного часу і частотності:
I've not done anything. ever — коли-небудь; never — ніколи; often — часто;
You haven't changed much. seldom — рідко; already — вже; just — щойно:
He's not come yet. Have you ever thought about it?

250 251
I've often heard him tell the tale. минулого часу (Past Participle) основного дієслова.
We've just arrived. Дієслова в Past Perfect не змінюються за особами й чис­
З цими прислівниками вживається також Past Indefi­
І (she, he, it, we, you, they) had baked.
I told you already. У розмовній мові замість had вживається скороче­
I never saw him in my life. на форма 'd, яка на письмі приєднується до підмета:
Present Perfect не вживається з обставинними словами I'd (he'd, she'd, we'd, you'd, they'd) cooked.
та словосполученнями, які уточнюють час минулої дії: У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться пе­
yesterday — вчора; last week — минулого тижня тощо: ред підметом:
She went yesterday. Had you helped?
When did you see him? У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова вжи­
Present Perfect вживається для вираження дії або ста­ вається заперечна частка not:
ну, що триває з якогось моменту в минулому до моменту І had not ordered.
мовлення. У цьому значенні Present Perfect вживається
У розмовній мові в заперечній і питально-заперечній
переважно з дієсловами, що не мають форми Con­
формах вживається скорочена форма h a d n ' t :
І have known her for years. Не hadn't required.
I have not seen you for a whole month. Hadn't he required?


Пасивний стан Present Perfect утворюється за допомо­ Past Perfect вживається для вираження:
гою допоміжного дієслова to be в Present Perfect і Past 1) дії, яка відбулася раніше іншої минулої дії, позна­
Participle основного дієслова: ченої дієсловом у Past Indefinite:
І have been examined we have been examined І told you I had met her.
you have been examined you have been examined 2) минулої дії, що вже закінчилася до певного момен­
he has been examined they have been examined ту в минулому. Цей момент позначається такими слово­
she has been examined сполученнями: by two o'clock — до другої години, by
it has been examined that time — до того часу тощо:
І had done my homework by eight o'clock.
М И Н У Л И Й П Е Р Ф Е К Т Н И Й ЧАС Заперечна форма Past Perfect вказує на те, що до пев­
В А К Т И В Н О М У І ПАСИВНОМУ СТАНІ ного моменту в минулому дія ще не закінчилася:
І had not read the book by that time.
THE PAST P E R F E C T 3) дії, що почалася до певного моменту в минулому і
ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE тривала до цього моменту. У цьому значенні Past Per­
fect вживається переважно з дієсловами, які не мають
форми Continuous:
Past Perfect утворюється за допомогою допоміжного When he came I had been there for an hour.
дієслова to have в Past Indefinite і дієприкметника

252 253
ПАСИВНИЙ СТАН У розмовній мові вживаються такі самі скорочення,
Пасивний стан Past Perfect утворюється за допомогою як і у Future Indefinite:
допоміжного дієслова to be в Past Perfect і Past Parti­ I'll have done it.
ciple основного дієслова: I shan't have done it.
He won't have done it.
І (he, she, it, we, you, they) had been examined.
У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться пе­ ВЖИВАННЯ
ред підметом: Future Perfect вживається для вираження майбутньої
Had he been examined? дії, що закінчиться до певного моменту або до початку
У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова had іншої дії в майбутньому:
ставиться заперечна частка not: You'll have forgotten me by then.
Не had not been examined. I shall have read the story by the time you come.

МАЙБУТНІЙ ПЕРФЕКТНИЙ ЧАС Пасивний стан Future Perfect утворюється за допомо­

В АКТИВНОМУ І ПАСИВНОМУ СТАНІ гою допоміжного дієслова to be у Future Perfect і Past
Participle основного дієслова:
THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE І (we) shall have been examined.
ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE He (she, it, you, they) will have been examined.

Стверджувальна форма дієслова у Future Perfect утво­ З ПОГЛЯДУ МИНУЛОГО
рюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to have у
Future Indefinite і дієприкметника минулого часу (Past THE FUTURE
Participle) основного дієслова: PERFECT-IN-THE-PAST TENSE
І shall have done it we shall have done it
you will have done it you will have done it УТВОРЕННЯ
he will have done it they will have done it Future Perfect-in-the-Past утворюється так само, як і
she will have done it Future Perfect, але замість допоміжних дієслів shall і
it will have done it will вживаються відповідно should і would:
У питальній формі перше допоміжне дієслово shall/ І should have done it we should have done it
will вживається перед підметом: he would have done it you would have done it
Shall we have believed? she would have done it they would have done it
Will he have believed? it would have done it
У заперечній формі після першого допоміжного діє­ Future Perfect-in-the-Past вживається замість Future
слова shall /will вживається заперечна частка not: Perfect переважно в підрядних додаткових, якщо діє­
We shall not have done it. слово головної частини виражає минулу дію:
He will not have done it. І thought you would have gone by now.

254 255
ПАСИВНИЙ СТАН Заперечна форма:
Пасивний стан Future Perfect-in-the-Past утворюється I haven't been sailing.
так само, як і Future Perfect Passive, але замість до­ He hasn't been sailing.
поміжних дієслів shall і will вживаються відповідно Питально-заперечна форма:
should і would: Haven't you been rowing?
І (we) should have been examined.
He (she, it, you, they) would have been examined. ВЖИВАННЯ

Present Perfect Continuous вживається- для виражен­

ня дії, що почалася в минулому і тривала протягом пев­
ПЕРФЕКТНО-ТРИВАЛИЙ ЧАС ного періоду, або все ще продовжується в цей момент,
або щойно закінчилася:
THE PRESENT His father has been Його батько працює на цьо-
PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE working at this plant for му заводі двадцять років. (По-
twenty years. чав працювати 20 років тому
УТВОРЕННЯ і працює досі.)
I've been waiting here Я чекала тут півгодини. (Дія
Present Perfect Continuous утворюється за допомогою for half an hour. почалася півгодини тому, три­
допоміжного дієслова to be в Present Perfect і дієприк­ вала до моменту мовлення
метника теперішнього часу основного дієслова: і щойно закінчилася.)
І have been writing we have been writing Present Perfect Continuous може вживатися без вка­
you have been writing you have been writing зівки на тривалість дії:
he has been writing they have been writing
What have you been reading?
she has been writing
I've been expecting you.
У питальній формі перше допоміжне дієслово ста­
Здебільшого на період тривалості дії вказують обста­
виться перед підметом:
вини часу, часто з прийменником for:
Have you been working?
Не has been sleeping for an hour.
У заперечній формі після першого допоміжного діє­
Слово since вказує на початок періоду, протягом яко­
слова вживається заперечна частка not:
го тривала дія:
Не has not been coming.
І have been teaching English since 1976.
У питально-заперечній формі перше допоміжне діє­ What have you been doing since you left us?
слово ставиться перед підметом, а частка not — після Present Perfect Continuous вживається в питальних
підмета: реченнях з питальними словами since when — з якого
Have they not been writing? часу, відколи; how long — як довго, скільки часу, якщо
У розмовній мові вживаються такі самі скорочення, мова йде про період, що безпосередньо передує моменту
як і в Present Perfect. мовлення:
Стверджувальна форма: How long have you been learning French?
I've been sewing. Since when have v hey been working here?
He's been sewing.
256 257
МИНУЛИЙ There her father sat. Там сидів її батько.
ПЕРФЕКТНО-ТРИВАЛИЙ ЧАС The newspaper he had been Газета, яку він читав,
reading had dropped down. упала.
THE PAST З дієсловами, що не мають форми Continuous, замість
PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Past Perfect Continuous вживається Past Perfect:
УТВОРЕННЯ When we came to see Kate, Коли ми прийшли прові-
she had been ill for three дати Катрусю, вона вже
Past Perfect Continuous утворюється за допомогою
days. три дні хворіла.
допоміжного дієслова to be в Past Perfect і дієприкмет­
ника теперішнього часу основного дієслова:
І had been reading we had been reading
you had been reading you had been reading
he had been reading they had been reading THE FUTURE
she had been reading PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE
У питальній формі перше допоміжне дієслово ста­ УТВОРЕННЯ
виться перед підметом:
Had he been reading? Future Perfect Continuous утворюється за допомогою
У заперечній формі після першого допоміжного діє­ допоміжного дієслова to be у Future Perfect та дієприк­
слова вживається заперечна частка not: метника теперішнього часу основного дієслова:
Не had not been reading. І shall have been going we shall have been going
У питально-заперечній формі перше допоміжне діє­ you will have been going you will have been going
слово і частка not ставляться перед підметом: he will have been going they will have been going
Hadn't they been taking photos? she will have been going
it will have been going
У розмовній мові вживаються такі самі скорочення,
як і в Past Perfect. У питальній формі допоміжні дієслова shall, will і
Заперечна форма: have ставляться перед підметом:
Will you have been waiting?
І hadn't been collecting coins.
У заперечній формі після допоміжних дієслів shall і
He hadn't been working. will вживається заперечна частка not:
Питально-заперечна форма: Не will not have been waiting.
Hadn't you been collecting coins? У питально-заперечній формі допоміжні дієслова
ВЖИВАННЯ shall, will і частка not ставляться перед підметом:
Past Perfect Continuous вживається для вираження Will not they have been waiting?
тривалої дії, яка почалася до якогось моменту в минуло­ У розмовній мові вживаються такі самі скорочення,
му, або продовжувалася у цей момент, або закінчилася як і у Future Perfect.
безпосередньо перед ним: Стверджувальна форма:
І explained that I had been Я пояснив, що вже дві го- I'll have been looking for.
iooking for him for the last дини шукаю його, Заперечна форма:
two hours. I shan't have been looking for.
2. Якщо дієслово —присудок головної частини стоїть
Future Perfect Continuous вживається для вираження у минулому часі (звичайно у Past Indefinite), то і діє­
тривалої дії, яка почнеться до якогось моменту в май­ слово — присудок додаткової частини має стояти в одному
бутньому, або все ще триватиме в цей момент, або закін­ з минулих часів або в майбутньому з погляду минулого
читься безпосередньо перед ним: (Future-in-the-Past). Такої залежності в українській мові
І hope that I shall have not Я сподіваюся, що не щука- немає:
been looking for him for а тиму його довго до того, як
І did not know he could Я не знав, що він розмовляє
long time before I find him. знайду.
He will have been learning До червня він вивчатиме speak English. англійською.
English for half a year by англійську мову вже пів- Не told me that you were Він сказав, що ти пишеш
June. року. writing your composition, твір.
І hoped he would come. Я сподівався, що він прийде.
З дієсловами, що не мають форми Continuous, замість
Future Perfect Continuous вживається Future Perfect: При цьому для позначення дії, одночасної з дією, вира­
женою присудком головної частини, у підрядній частині
I shall have not seen the Я не бачитиму землю, аж
вживаються Past Indefinite або Past Continuous (в укра­
earth before we land. доки ми не приземлимося. їнській мові — теперішній час):
І thought you were ready. Я думав, що ти готовий.
Не told me that he was Він сказав мені, що готу-
УЗГОДЖЕННЯ ЧАСІВ preparing for his exams. ється до екзаменів.
SEQUENCE OF TENSES Для позначення дії, яка передує дії, вираженій при­
судком головної частини, звичайно вживається Past Per­
В англійській мові існує певна залежність у вживанні fect (в українській мові — минулий час).
часу дієслова—присудка підрядної частини від часу, в яко­
му стоїть дієслово —присудок головної частини. Це І didn't know she had gone Я не знав, що вона пішла.
правило називають правилом узгодження, або послідов­ away.
ності часів. Якщо вжито означений час (in 1968, yesterday), то
Правило узгодження часів характерне переважно для попередню дію виражають за допомогою Past Indefinite:
додаткових підрядних частин. Воно полягає у такому: І thought you were born in 1968.
1. Якщо дієслово — присудок головної частини стоїть I thought you came back from your trip yesterday.
у теперішньому або майбутньому часі, дієслово —при­
судок підрядного додаткового може стояти у будь-якій Для вираження майбутньої дії з погляду минулого
часовій формі, якої вимагає зміст: часу вживають форми Future-in-the-Past (в українській
мові — майбутній час).
І think you are right, Я думаю, що ви маєте
рацію. І didn't expect you would Я не сподівався, що ти
Do you know why he was Чи ви знаєте, чому його be late. спізнишся.
absent yesterday? не було вчора? Не told me that he would Він сказав, що зустріне
I'll tell you what you will Я скажу вам, що вам тре- meet us at the stadium. нас на стадіоні.
have to do. ба буде зробити.

ПРЯМА I НЕПРЯМА МОВА У головній частині складнопідрядного речення звичай­
но вживається дієслово to ask. Загальні запитання вво­
DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH дяться у непрямій мові сполучниками if або whether:
"Are you free tomorrow?" I asked her if she was free
При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму в англій­
ській мові слід дотримуватися певних правил. the next day.
"Do you speak English?" She asked me whether I
Пряма мова стає додатковим підрядним, яке вводить­
spoke English.
ся сполучником that. Сполучник that інколи може опус­
катися. При цьому дієслово to tell завжди вживається з Спеціальні запитання вводяться у непрямій мові від­
непрямим додатком, а дієслово to say вживається або з повідними питальними словами, які використовуються
прийменниковим додатком (з прийменником to), або без як сполучні слова:
"Where are you going?" He asked me where I was
Tom says he is going to Том каже, що він збираєть­ going.
study French. ся вивчати французьку. "What do you think I asked Mary what she
Jack told me that his hobby Джек сказав мені, що він about it?" thought about it.
was collecting postage stamps. захоплюється збиранням
She answered that she knew Вона відповіла, що нічого
nothing about this. не знає про це. Складнопідрядне речення складається з головної час­
тини (the Principal Clause) та однієї чи кількох підряд­
При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму маємо до­ них (Subordinate Clauses), які пояснюють головну, зміст
тримуватися правил узгодження часів. При цьому деякі якої був би неповний без підрядної частини. Підрядні
займенники і прислівники часу та місця змінюються за речення в англійській мові бувають підметові, присуд­
такою схемою: кові, додаткові, означальні та обставинні. Підрядні об­
ставинні поділяються на обставинні часу, місця, умови,
Пряма мова Непряма мова способу дії, причини, мети, наслідку тощо. В англій­
ській мові підрядні можуть стояти перед головною час­
this that
these тиною або після неї. На відміну від української в англій­
here there ській мові підрядні часто не відокремлюються від голов­
now then ної частини комою і завжди мають підмет.
today that day
this week (year, etc.) that week (year, etc.)
yesterday the day before ТИПИ ПІДРЯДНИХ
last week the week before
two days ago two days before
tomorrow 1. Підметові підрядні (Subject Clauses) виконують у
the next day, the following day
next the next складному реченні роль підмета і вводяться сполучни­
ками that, whether, if, сполучними словами who, what,
which, when, how, why:
При перетворенні запитань з прямої мови на непряму
змінюється порядок слів: непрямі запитання, на відміну That he is a talented scientist Те, що він талановитий
від прямих, характеризуються прямим порядком слів. is known to everybody. вчений, відомо кожному.

262 263
Whether she comes or not is Прийде вона чи ні — неві- Відносний займенник who вживається стосовно осіб,
unknown. домо. which — стосовно предметів, that може вживатися щодо
When we shall begin this Невідомо, коли почнемо осіб і предметів.
experiment is uncertain. цей експеримент. Означальне підрядне може бути безсполучниковим:
2. Присудкові підрядні (Predicative Clauses) вико­ This is the device (which) Це прилад, який ми випро-
нують у складному реченні роль іменної частини скла­ we tested this week. бували минулого тижня.
деного присудка і вводяться тими самими сполучниками
Займенники which і whom можуть вживатися з при­
та сполучними словами, що й підметові підрядні:
йменниками: to whom, for whom, about whom тощо.
The problem is when we Справа в тому, коли ми Місце прийменника — або перед займенником, або піс­
can do it. зможемо це зробити. ля дієслова:
3. Додаткові підрядні (Object Clauses) у складному The man to whom you were "Ї
реченні виконують роль додатка — прямого або при­ speaking is our professor. [ Чоловік, з яким ви роз-
йменникового — і вводяться тими самими сполучниками The man whom you were мовляли, наш професор.
та сполучними словами, що й підметові та присудкові speaking to is our professor.
Другий варіант більш поширений.
We know that they will be Ми знаємо, що вони вчас- 5. Обставинні підрядні (розгляньмо тільки деякі)
able to test this device но зможуть випробувати поділяються на такі:
in time. цей прилад. а) підрядні часу, які відповідають на запитання when?,
He asked me if I knew this Він запитав мене, чи знаю since when?, how long?
student. я цього студента. Вони сполучаються з головною частиною за допомо­
Часто додаткове підрядне, що вводиться сполучником гою сполучників when, whenever, while, as, after, be­
that, може вживатися без сполучника. У такому разі fore, till, until, since, as long as:
підмет додаткового підрядного стоїть відразу після пе­ Read this book when you Прочитайте цю книжку, ко-
рехідного дієслова, яке є присудком головної частини: are free. ли будете вільні.
We know they will be able to test this device in time. You cannot carry on experi- Ви не зможете проводити
Перекладається таке безсполучникове підрядне так ments until, you have all досліди, доки у вас не буде
само, як і додаткове підрядне, яке вводиться сполучни­ the necessary equipment. необхідного обладнання.
ком that. Зверніть увагу, що в підрядних часу (та умови) діє­
4. Означальні підрядні (Attributive Clauses) вико­ слово вживається не в майбутньому часі, а в теперішньому
нують у складному реченні роль означення. Вони вво­ (when you are free; until you have all the necessary equip­
дяться сполучниками, сполучними словами, відносними ment).
займенниками why, which, that та відносними прислів­ б) підрядні речення місця, які відповідають на запи­
никами when, where, how, why.
тання where? Вони приєднуються до головної частини
Стоїть означальне підрядне за тим словом у головній сполучниками where, wherever:
частині, яке воно означає: They use this device where Вони користуються цим
Olexiy Leonov was the first Олексій Леонов був пер- high efficiency is required. приладом там, де необхід­
man who stepped into space. шою людиною, яка вийшла ний високий коефіцієнт ко­
у відкритий космос. рисної дії.
264 265
в) підрядні умови, які відповідають на запитання in г) підрядні причини, які відповідають на запитання
what case?, on what condition? Вони приєднуються до why? Вони приєднуються до головної частини сполуч­
головної частини сполучниками it, in case, provided, никами because, as,since, for:
He speaks English well Він добре розмовляє ан-
He will translate the text Він перекладе текст, якщо because he studies much. глійською мовою, бо бага­
unless he is busy. не буде зайнятий. то працює.
Умовні підрядні поділяються на дві групи:
1) підрядні реальної умови;
2) підрядні нереальної умови. НЕОСОБОВІ ФОРМИ
Підрядні реальної умови виражають умову як дійс­ ДІЄСЛОВА (VERBALS)
ний факт і можуть відноситися до теперішнього, мину­
лого або майбутнього часу:
If he has time he plays chess. Якщо у нього є час, він
грає в шахи. THE GERUND
If he had time (yesterday) he Якщо у нього (вчора) був
played chess. час, він грав у шахи. ЗАГАЛЬНІ ВІДОМОСТІ
If he has time (tomorrow) he Якщо у нього (завтра) бу-
will play chess. де час, він гратиме в шахи. Герундій — це неособова форма дієслова, що має влас­
тивості дієслова та іменника. Як і інфінітив, герундій
Підрядні нереальної умови виражають умову не як називає дію: reading — читання, smoking — паління.
дійсний факт, а як припущення. Вони поділяються на В українській мові немає форми, яка відповідала б
підрядні, дія яких відбувається: а) у теперішньому та герундію. Слова читання, паління — іменники, що утво­
майбутньому часі та б) в минулому часі. рилися від дієслів, але вони не мають граматичних
Українською мовою вони перекладаються однаково — ознак дієслова.
дієсловом в умовному способі:
If he had time (today, tomor- Якби він мав час (сьогод- ДІЄСЛІВНІ ВЛАСТИВОСТІ
row) he would play chess. ні, завтра), він грав би у
Герундій має такі дієслівні властивості:
If he had had time (yester- Якби він мав час (учора), 1) герундій перехідних дієслів вживається з прямим
day) he would have played він грав би у шахи, додатком:
chess. І like reading books. Я люблю читати книжки.
She began preparing food. Вона почала готувати їжу.
Умовні, до складу присудка яких входять дієслова 2) герундій може мати означення, виражене прислів­
were, had, could, можуть приєднуватися до головної
частини безсполучниковим способом. У таких підряд­ ником:
них згадані дієслова ставляться перед підметом: They continued listening Вони продовжували уваж-
Had he time he would play chess. attentively. но слухати.
Переклад такий самий, як і в реченнях із сполучниками: 3) герундій має неозначену та перфектну форми, вжи­
Якби він мав час ... вається в активному і пасивному стані.
266 267
Герундій вживається в пасивному стані, якщо іменник
Форми Active Passive
чи займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає об'єкт
Indefinite writing being written вираженої ним дії:
Perfect having written having been written Не does not come without Він не приходить, якщо
being invited. його не запрошують.
Перфектна форма герундія (Perfect Gerund) позначає
дію, що передує дії, вираженій дієсловом — присудком ІМЕННИКОВІ ВЛАСТИВОСТІ
речення: Герундій у реченні виконує такі властиві іменнику
Thank you for having Спасибі, що допомогли синтаксичні функції:
helped me. мені. 1) підмета:
Неозначена форма герундія (Indefinite Gerund) вжи­ Smoking is harmful. Палити — шкідливо.
вається: 2) предикатива:
а) для позначення дії, одночасної з дією, вираженою His hobby is collecting Його улюблене заняття— ко-
дієсловом — присудком речення: stamps. лекціонувати поштові марки.
Не sat without turning his Він сидів не обертаючись, 3) додатка (прямого і прийменникового):
Не likes talking to me. Він любить розмовляти зі
б) для позначення дії безвідносно до якогось певного мною.
часу: She is fond of painting. Вона полюбляє малювати.
Seeing is believing. Бачити — значить вірити. 4) перед герундієм може вживатися прийменник, що
в) після дієслів to intend, to suggest, to insists та відноситься до нього:
деяких інших Indefinite Gerund позначає майбутню Nobody thought of going Ніхто й не думав лягати
дію по відношенню до дії, вираженої дієсловом-при- to bed. спати.
5) перед герундієм, як і перед іменником, може вжи­
Не insisted on telling her Він наполягав на тому, ватися присвійний займенник чи іменник у присвійно­
about it. щоб розповісти їй про це. му відмінку:
г) для позначення дії, що передує дії, вираженій діє- Don't fear my forgetting He бійтеся, що я забуду її.
словом-присудком, зокрема після дієслів to thank, to her.
forget, to remember, to excuse, to apologize, а також І insist on my sister's Я наполягаю на тому, щоб
після прийменників on і after: staying at home. моя сестра з а л и ш и л а с я
I don't remember seeing Я не пам'ятаю, щоб я 6а-
her. чив її. ВЖИВАННЯ
Герундій вживається в активному стані, якщо іменник Після дієслів to avoid, to finish, to suggest, to
чи займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає суб'єкт leave off, to give up, to go on, to keep on, cannot help,
дії, вираженої герундієм: to enjoy, to excuse, to forgive, to put off, to postpone,
Mary could not help Мері не могла стримати to delay, to mind вживається тільки герундій (з усіх
laughing. сміху. неособових форм дієслова):
We finished dressing. Ми закінчили одягатися. ДІЄПРИКМЕТНИК ТЕПЕРІШНЬОГО ЧАСУ
Mary left off ironing. Мері перестала прасувати.
Fancy going for a walk in Уявіть собі прогулянку в THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE
such weather. таку погоду.
Після дієслів to begin, to start, to regret, to allow, to
forget, to permit, to continue, to propose, to like, to Present Participle утворюється за допомогою закін­
try, to attempt, to intend, to prefer, to recollect, to чення -ing, яке додається до інфінітива дієслова без час­
propose вживається як герундій, так і інфінітив. Відмін­ тки to:
ність у значенні між герундієм та інфінітивом після за­ to read — reading
значених дієслів можна пояснити так: герундій має більш
Якщо інфінітив закінчується на німе є, то перед за­
загальне значення, в той час як інфінітив має певні від­
тінки в значенні. Після дієслів to begin, to start, to кінченням -ing воно опускається:
propose, to attempt, to intend герундій та інфінітив вжи­ to write — writing
ваються в одному й тому самому значенні. Якщо інфінітив закінчується однією приголосною
І began working буквою, якій передує короткий наголошений голосний
І began to work. — Я почав працювати. звук, то перед закінченням кінцева приголосна подвою­
Ось деякі відмінності у вживанні герундія та інфінітива
після таких дієслів: to sit — sitting
to begin — beginning
like + Infinitive П р и м і т к а . Кінцева буква k після оо не подвоюється:
- віддати перевагу
like + Gerund look — looking
— захоплюватись
remember, forget,
+ Infinitive — означає майбутню дію Кінцева буква г подвоюється, якщо останній склад
recollect, regret
remember, forget, наголошений і не містить дифтонга:
recollect, regret + Gerund — означає минулу дію to prefer — preferring
to stop + Infinitive — інфінітив виражає мету Кінцева буква 1 подвоюється, якщо їй передує корот­
to stop + Gerund — означає "припинити ви­ кий голосний звук (наголошений чи ненаголошений):
конання дії". to compel — compelling
to travel — travelling
У дієсловах to lie, to tie, to die буквосполучення іе
Перша частина герундіального комплексу — іменник перед закінченням -ing змінюється на у:
у присвійному чи загальному відмінку чи присвійний to lie — lying
займенник. to tie — tying
Друга частина — герундій, що виражає дію, яку ви­ to die — dying
конує чи якої зазнає особа чи предмет, позначені пер­ П р и м і т к а . Кінцева буква у перед закінченням -ing не
шою частиною комплексу: змінюється:
to try — trying
They told us about his Вони сказали нам про те,
coming here. що він приходив сюди. Present Participle має форму пасивного стану, яка утво­
рюється шляхом сполучення допоміжного дієслова to be
270 271
в Present Participle та основного дієслова в Past Parti­ пі. 11,щ his room, he went Увійшовши до своєї кім-
II її її k І у І о t h e o t h e r d o o r . нати, він швидко пішов до
to ask — being asked інших дверей.

Present Participle Active вживається у функції:
Present Participle не має певного часового значення і 1) означення:
виражає різні часові відношення залежно від контексту The rising sun was hidden Сонце, що сходило, закри-
і значення дієслова, від якого його утворено. Present by the clouds. ли хмари.
Participle вживається для позначення дії, одночасної з
дією, вираженою дієсловом —присудком речення. Залеж­ 2) обставини (часу, причини, способу дії):
но від часу дієслова-присудка Present Participle може Entering the room, she saw Увійшовши до кімнати,
стосуватися теперішнього, минулого або майбутнього her sister there. вона побачила там свою
часу: сестру.

Reading English books Читаючи англійські книж- Present Participle Passive вживається у функції обста­
I write out new words. ки, я виписую нові слова. вини, іноді у функції означення:
Reading English books Читаючи англійські книг*' Being written in pencil, the Оскільки лист був написа-
І wrote out new words. ки, я виписував нові сле­ letter was difficult to read. ний олівцем, його було
ва, важко читати.
Reading English books I'll Читаючи англійські книж The plant being built in our Завод, що будується в на-
write out new words town will produce motor-cars, шому місті, випускатиме
ки, я виписуватиму нові
слова. легкові автомобілі.
Present Participle може виражати дію., що відноситься
дотеперішнього часу, незалежно від часу дії, вираженої
дієсловом — присудком речення' Д І Є П Р И К М Е Т Н И К МИНУЛОГО ЧАСУ
The boys sitting at our table Хлопчики, що сидять за
cam:: from England. нашим столом, приїхали з THE PAST PARTICIPLE
-"-•п:іг! Не може вживатися безвідносно до яко-
ft. В англійській мові існують так- звані правильні та не­
правильні дієслова. Past Participle правильних дієслів
The bisector is a straight Бісектриса — це пряма лі- утворюється так само, як і Past Indefinite.
line dividing an angle into нія, що поділяє кут на дві Past Participle неправильних дієслів утворюється по-
two equal ports. рігні частини. різному (див. «Таблицю найуживаніших неправильних
Present Participle може позначати дію, що перед* є дії, дієслів» на с 240-241).
вираженій присудком, якщо обидш дії відбуваються безпо
середньо одна за одного. У такому значенні часто вжива­
ється Present Participle дієслів to enter» to open, to clcsc,- Past Participle має лише одну форму і є пасивним діє­
'"!> arrive, to see, to hesr тощо: прикметником. Він уживається тоді, коли іменник чи
займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає об'єкт When I came into the room Коли я зайшов до кімна-
вираженої ним дії: t he window was broken. ти, вікно було розбите.
a written letter написаний лист
the machines made in France машини, виготовлені у
Здебільшого Past Participle позначає дію, що передує
дії, вираженій присудком речення: THE PERFECT PARTICIPLE
We looked at the destroyed Ми дивилися на зруйно-
bridge. ваний міст. УТВОРЕННЯ

Але Past Participle може позначати дію, одночасну з Perfect Participle має дві форми — активного та па­
дією, вираженою дієсловом-присудком, а також дію, без­ сивного стану. Форма активного стану утворюється за
відносну до будь-якого часу: допомогою Present Participle допоміжного дієслова to
have і Past Participle основного дієслова:
Не is a doctor loVed and Він — лікар, якого всі люб-
respected by everybody. лять і поважають. having asked
Форма пасивного стану Perfect Participle утворюється
ФУНКЦІЇ за допомогою having been і Past Participle основного
Past Participle у реченні найчастіше буває означен­ дієслова:
ням. У цій функції Past Participle ставиться звичайно having been asked.
перед означуваним іменником. Past Participle із залеж­
ними від нього словами (participle phrase) в англійській ЗНАЧЕННЯ ТА ВЖИВАННЯ
мові завжди ставиться після означуваного іменника.
Проте Past Participle у сполученні з прислівником спо­ Perfect Participle виражає дію, яка передує дії, вира­
собу дії звичайно ставиться перед означуваним імен­ женій дієсловом-присудком. Perfect Participle відповідає
ником: українському прислівнику доконаного виду:
Не is a well-known writer. Він відомий письменник. Having said this, they stopped Сказавши це, вони припи-
The children danced round Діти танцювали навколо speaking. нили розмову.
the beatifully decorated чудово прикрашеної ялин- Perfect Participle Active вживається тоді, коли імен­
fir-tree, ки. ник чи займенник, до якого він відноситься, означає
Past Participle також уживається в ролі обставини суб'єкт вираженої ним дії:
(часу, причини, мети, способу дії і порівняння) із спо­ Having taking the book, Узявши книгу, я вийшов з
лучниками when, if, as if, as though, though: І left the room. кімнати.
Frightened by the dog, the Злякавшись собаки, дити- Perfect Participle Passive вживається тоді, коли імен­
child began to cry. на почала плакати. ник чи займенник, до якого він відноситься, означає
When praised, he was ill Коли його хвалили, він об'єкт вираженої ним дії:
at easy. почував себе ніяково. Having been invited to а Оскільки її запросили на
Past Participle вживається в реченні у функції пре­ party, she could not stay at вечірку, вона не змогла за-
дикатива: home. лишитися вдома.

274 275
МОДАЛЬНІ ДІЄСЛОВА As the manager was out О с к і л ь к и управляючого
they have to wait. не було на місці, вони мали
MODAL VERBS почекати.
You ought to help your Вам слід допомогти своїм
friends. друзям.
В англійській мові є група дієслів (can, may, must, І needn't tell you how import- Мені не треба говорити
should, ought тощо), які називають модальними. Ці ant that is. вам, як це важливо.
дієслова не мають усіх основних форм, властивих іншим Не daren't do it. У нього не вистачить духу
дієсловам, і тому їх називають також недостатніми (De­ зробити це.
fective Verbs).
в) у третій особі однини теперішнього часу модальні
Модальні дієслова вживаються не самостійно, а лише в
дієслова не мають закінчення -(e)s:
сполученні з інфінітивом іншого дієслова:
І can help you. Я можу допомогти вам. Не may come tomorrow. Можливо, він прийде завтра.
Не must go there. Він мусить іти туди. Питальна та заперечна форми теперішнього та мину­
Без інфінітива іншого дієслова модальні дієслова вжи­ лого часів модальних дієслів утворюються без допоміж­
ваються лише тоді, коли інфінітив зрозумілий з контек­ ного дієслова to do.
сту: У питальній формі модальні дієслова ставляться пе­
ред підметом:
Can you do it? Yes, I can. Ви можете зробити це?
Так. May I come in? Можна ввійти?
І wanted to open the window Я хотіла відчинити вік-
У заперечній формі після модальних дієслів вжива­
but I couldn't, но, але не змогла.
ється заперечна частка not:
Модальні дієслова не виражають дії чи стану, а лише You should not do it. Вам не слід цього робити.
можливість, необхідність, бажання, ймовірність, сумнів,
дозвіл, заборону, здатність виконання дії, позначеної Модальне дієслово сап у Present Indefinite пишеться
інфінітивом. разом з часткою not:
У модальному значенні вживаються також дієслова Не cannot dance. Він не вміє танцювати.
to be і to have.
У розмовній мові в заперечних реченнях вживаються
Модальні дієслова мають такі особливості:
переважно скорочені форми модальних дієслів:
а) вони не мають форм інфінітива, дієприкметника і
герундія, а тому не мають складених часових форм — cannot — can't must not — mustn't
майбутнього, тривалих і перфектних часів; could not — couldn't should not — shouldn't
б) після модальних дієслів інфінітив вживається без
частки t o . Виняток становлять дієслова to be і to have у МОДАЛЬНЕ ДІЄСЛОВО CAN
модальному значенні та дієслово ought, після яких інфі­
нітив вживається з часткою to, а також дієслова need, Дієслово can має дві форми: теперішнього часу сап і
dare, після яких інфінітив може вживатися з часткою to минулого часу could:
і без неї: І can swim. Я вмію плавати.
Не could read when he was Він умів читати, коли йому
We are to meet at half Ми маємо зустрітися о пів
five. було п'ять років.
past six. на сьому.
276 277
Дієслово can виражає фізичну чи розумову здатність, них часових формах. Воно може заміняти дієслово must і
уміння чи можливість виконати дію в теперішньому або в теперішньому часі. Як модальне дієслово to have у по­
минулому часі: єднанні з інфінітивом вживається для вираження не­
Не can lift this weight. Він може підняти цю вагу. обхідності виконати дію в силу певних обставин. Після
Can you see anything? Ви що-небудь бачите? дієслова інфінітив вживається з часткою to:
І couldn't solve the problem. Я не зміг розв'язати за­ She had to wait for an hour. Вона мусила чекати цілу
дачу. годину.
Після форми could у цих значеннях може вживатися І shall have to pay him. Мені доведеться заплати­
перфектний інфінітив, який вказує на те, що дія, яка ти йому.
мала відбутися, не відбулася: Для вираження необхідності в минулому часі вжива­
Не could have guessed it. Він міг здогадатися про ється також дієслово to be. Воно може вживатися за­
це. (але не здогадався) мість дієслова must і в теперішньому часі. Дієслово to
be вживається для вираження необхідності виконати дію
Дієслово сап не має майбутнього часу. У майбут­ згідно з попередньою домовленістю або завчасно скла­
ньому часі замість сап вживається сполучення to be деним планом. Після дієслова to be інфінітив вживається
able —бути спроможним. Інфінітив після нього вжива­ з часткою to:
ється з часткою to. Вираз to be able іноді вживається
також у теперішньому і минулому часах: We were to come at 5 o'clock. Ми мали прийти о п'ятій.

Не is able to help you. Він може допомогти вам. МОДАЛЬНІ ДІЄСЛОВА SHOULD, OUGHT
She was not able to answer. Вона не могла відповідати. Дієслова should, ought майже не відрізняються за зна­
ченням. Вони виражають моральний обов'язок, пораду, ре­
комендацію. Should вживається з інфінітивом без частки
Дієслово may має дві форми: теперішнього часу may to. Після ought інфінітив вживається з часткою to:
та минулого might. Найчастіше воно виражає припущен­ You should visit her. Вам слід відвідати її.
ня: Не ought to go in for sport. Йому слід займатися спор­
Не may be waiting for you. Можливо, він чекає на вас. том.
Дієслово may у сполученні з неозначеним інфінітивом
вживається для вираження дозволу: ІНФІНІТИВ
May I use your phone? Можна скористатися ва­
шим телефоном? THE INFINITIVE
Інфінітив — це неособова форма дієслова, яка тіль­
Дієслово must має лише одну форму теперішнього часу ки називає дію і відповідає на питання: що робити? що
і означає обов'язок, необхідність. Інфінітив після нього зробити?
вживається без частки to: to write — писати, to answer — відповідати
Не must come in time. Він має приходити вчасно.
В англійській мові інфінітив має одну просту і п'ять
Для вираження необхідності стосовно минулого і май­ складених форм. Інфінітив перехідних дієслів має форми
бутнього часів вживається дієслово to have у відповід- часу й стану, а неперехідних — тільки часу.
278 279
Perfect Continuous Infinitive виражає тривалу дію, що
Форма інфінітива Active Passive
відбувається протягом певного часу перед дією, позна­
Indefinite to write to be written ченою дієсловом-присудком:
to come
І am happy to have been Я щасливий, що 20 років
Continuous to be w r i t i n g -
to be c o m i n g working at the university працюю в цьому універси-
for 20 years. теті.
Perfect to have w r i t t e n to have been written
t o have come Інфінітив вживається в активному стані, якщо імен­
Perfect to have been w r i t i n g — ник чи займенник, до якого він відноситься, означає
Continuous to have been coming суб'єкт дії, вираженої інфінітивом:
І don't want to do it. Я не хочу цього робити.
Ознакою інфінітива в англійській мові є частка to, Інфінітив вживається в пасивному стані, якщо імен­
але в багатьох випадках інфінітив вживається без неї. ник чи займенник, до якого він відноситься, означає
Частка n o t перед інфінітивом указує на заперечну об'єкт дії, вираженої інфінітивом:
She didn't want to be found. Вона не хотіла, щоб її

Інфінітив у формі Indefinite вживається: ФУНКЦІЇ В РЕЧЕННІ

а) якщо дія, яку він виражає, одночасна з дією, позна­
Інфінітив чи інфінітивна група може вживатися у ре­
ченою дієсловом — присудком речення:
ченні в ролі:
І am sorry to hear it. Мені прикро чути це. а) підмета:
Не was glad to see them. Він був радий бачити їх.
То follow him is dangerous. Супроводжувати його не­
It will be interesting to Буде цікаво дізнатися про
know about it. це.
б) предикатива (іменної частини складеного присудка):
б) з дієсловами, що виражають намір, надію, бажан­
The point is to achieve the Головне — досягти мети,
ня тощо. Indefinite Infinitive означає дію, майбутню
стосовно дії, позначеної дієсловом-присудком:
в) частини дієслівного складеного присудка:
І hope to see you on Tuesday. Я сподіваюся побачитися з
вами у вівторок. We must stay at home. Ми маємо залишитися вдома.
Не wants to make a report. Він хоче зробити доповідь. г) додатка:
Continuous In, , .иражає тривалу дію, що пере­ Не asked me to wait. Він попросив мене зачекати.
дує дії, позначеній дієсловом-присудком: д) означення:
Не seemed to be listening. Здавалося, що він слухає. The work to be done was Робота, яку треба було зро-
Perfect Infinitive виражає дію, що передує дії, позна­ difficult. бити, була важкою.
ченій дієсловом-присудком: є) обставини мети:
І was pleased to have done Я була задоволена, що я І have come here to meet Я прийшов сюди, щоб зустрі-
something. дещо зробила. her. тися з нею.

ОБ'ЄКТНИЙ find — виявити; to know — знати; to expect — спо­
ІНФІНІТИВНИЙ КОМПЛЕКС діватися; to suppose — припускати тощо. Після діє­
слів цієї групи, крім to expect, найчастіше вживається
THE OBJECTIVE інфінітив дієслова to be:
INFINITIVE COMPLEX We consider him to be the Ми вважаємо його найкра-
У реченні І like Mary to sing this song (Мені подо­ best student of our institute. щим студентом нашого ін­
бається, як Марія співає цю пісню) інфінітив to sing ституту.
виражає дію, яку виконує особа, позначена іменником, г) наказ, прохання, дозвіл, пораду, примус: to or­
що стоїть перед інфінітивом — Магу, тобто інфінітив der — наказувати; to ask, to request — просити; to
відноситься до іменника, як присудок до підмета. Отже, allow, to permit — дозволяти; to advise — радити; to
Магу to sing являє собою єдине ціле, або синтаксичний cause, to force, to make — примушувати; to let — велі­
комплекс. У реченні цей комплекс виконує роль склад­ ти, дозволяти. Після дієслів to make i to let інфінітив
ного додатка, оскільки на запитання What do you like? вживається без частки to:
відповідь має бути не Магу, a Mary to sing — як Марія
співає. We made him work. Ми примусили його працю­
Саме тому, що цей комплекс містить інфінітив і вати.
вживається у функції додатка (object), він називається Не allowed us to come in. Він дозволив нам увійти.
складним додатком (complex object), або об'єктним
інфінітивним комплексом (objective infinitive complex).
Першою частиною цього комплексу може бути не тіль­ СУБ'ЄКТНИЙ ІНФІНІТИВНИЙ КОМПЛЕКС
ки іменник, а й особовий займенник в об'єктному від­
І like her to sing. Мені подобається, як вона співає.
Якщо речення We saw him run to the train {Ми ба­
Складний додаток вживається після дієслів, що вира­ чили, як він біг до поїзда), до складу якого входить
жають: об'єктний інфінітивний комплекс, перетворити на пасив­
а) сприймання за допомогою органів чуття: to see — не — Не was seen to run to the train {Бачили, як він біг
бачити; to hear — чути; to feel — відчувати; to watch, до поїзда), то інфінітив to run виражатиме дію, яку ви­
to observe — спостерігати; to notice — помічати. Піс­ конує особа, позначена займенником he. Отже, he і to
ля цих дієслів інфінітив у складному додатку вживаєть­ run утворять синтаксичний комплекс. Цей комплекс має
ся без частки to: функцію складного підмета, тому що присудок речення
Не saw Helen cry. Він бачив, що Олена плаче. was seen відноситься не лише до займенника he, а до
всього комплексу he ... to run {як він біг).
б) бажання, намір, почуття: to want — хотіти; to wish, Суб'єктний інфінітивний комплекс складається з двох
to desire — бажати; to like — любити, подобатися; to частин: перша — іменник у загальному відмінку, дру­
dislike — не любити, не подобатися, to hate — ненавиді­ га — інфінітив, що виражає дію, яку виконує чи якої
ти; to intend — мати намір тощо: зазнає особа чи предмет, позначений іменником чи зай­
She wanted them to read Вона хотіла, щоб вони про- менником. Наприклад:
this book. читали цю книжку.
The boy was seen to run Бачили, як хлопчик біг
в) думку (погляд), припущення, сподівання: to con­ there. туди.
sider, to believe — вважати; to think — думати; to
282 283
Особливістю суб'єктного інфінітивного комплексу є SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD
те, що обидві його частини відокремлені одна від одної
присудком речення (у наведеному прикладі was seen). УМОВНИЙ СПОСІБ ДІЄСЛОВА
Суб'єктний інфінітивний комплекс вживається з діє­
словами: to say — говорити, казати; to report — пові­ Умовний спосіб дієслова виражає нереальну дію, тобто
домляти, доповідати; to think — думати; to know — таку, що могла б відбутися за певних умов, а також
знати; to consider, to believe — вважати; to suppose — необхідну, бажану або нездійсненну.
припускати; to expect — сподіватися; to see — бачити; При перекладі умовного способу українською мовою
to hear — чути; to feel — відчувати; to notice — помі­ вживається форма дієслова у минулому часі, а також
чати; to observe, to watch — спостерігати, приміча­ частка б.
ти; to order — наказувати; to ask — запитувати, проси­ В англійській мові слід розрізняти три типи умовни>:
ти; to request — просити; to allow, to permit — дозво­ речень (Conditional Sentences):
ляти; to make, to cause — примушувати в пасивному 1. Умовні підрядні речення першого типу виражають
стані: реальні умови, які стосуються минулого, теперішнього
і майбутнього часу для реальних дій чи фактів, вираже­
Birds were heard to sing in Було чути, як співають пташ- них у головному реченні:
the garden. ки в садку.
We shall buy stamps Ми купимо марки
Суб'єктний інфінітивний комплекс вживається з діє­ and envelopes if we go та конверти,
словами: to seem — здаватися; to appear — з'являтися; to the post-office. якщо підемо на пошту.
to happen, to chance — траплятися; to turn out — вияв­
лятися; to prove — доводити: 2. Умовні підрядні речення другого типу виражають не­
ймовірні або малоймовірні припущення, які відносяться
He seemed to be thinking З д а в а л о с я , що він про лише до теперішнього або майбутнього часу:
about something. щось думає.
We shall buy stamps if Ми б купили марки
we went to the post-office та конверти, якби пішли на
(today or tomorrow). пошту (сьогодні або завтра).
У головному реченні вживається допоміжне дієслово
should або would та інфінітив смислового дієслова, а в
підрядному — форма, яка збігається з формою минулого
простого часу.
3. Умовні підрядні речення третього типу виражають
нереальні умови для дій, виражених у головному реченні,
Інфінітивний комплекс може мати прийменник for.
оскільки стосуються минулого часу і тому не можуть бути
Такий комплекс називається прийменниковим інфінітив­
ним комплексом, який складається з іменника в загаль­
ному відмінку чи особового займенника в об'єктному We should have bought Ми придбали б марки
відмінку та інфінітива. Перша частина комплексу (імен­ stamps and envelopes if we та конверти,якби ми вчора
ник чи займенник) позначає особу чи предмет, що є had gone to the postoffice пішли на пошту,
суб'єктом чи об'єктом дії, вираженої інфінітивом: yesterday.

It's time for us to go. Нам час іти. У головному реченні вживається допоміжне дієслово
should або would і перфектний інфінітив, а в підрядно-
For me to see you is not easy. Бачити тебе нелегко.
284 285
му реченні — форма, яка збігається з формою минулого VOCABULARY
перфектного часу.
У сучасній англійській мові для вираження умовного
стану, крім аналітичних (складених) форм, які було роз­
глянуто вище, вживаються також синтетичні (прості)
форми. Синтетичні форми утворюються за допомогою
дієслова to be, яке в минулому часі має форму were для
всіх осіб однини та множини. Ця форма вживається:
а) у підрядній частині умовних речень другого типу:
If he were here, Якби він був тут,
he would help us. він би допоміг нам. ancient ['einfant] античний;
А, а
If I were you, Якби я був на вашому місці, (старо)давній
ability [a'biliti] n здібність, announce [a'nauns] оголошува­
І should accept their offer, я б прийняв їхню пропози­ здатність, уміння ти, повідомляти
цію. abominable [э'ЬэпппэЫ] anthem ['аепбэт] гімн
огидний anxious ['aenkfas] стурбова­
б) у підрядних реченнях способу дії, що починаються зі abroad [a'brod] за кордоном, ний, занепокоєний
сполучника as if: за кордон apologize [a'polad3aiz] виба­
abundance [alMndaris] вели­ читися
Не spoke as if he were а Він говорив так, неначе він ка кількість; достаток, багат­ appeal [a'pi:l] відозва, звернен­
ство ня, заклик, прохання
specialist on the subject. був фахівцем з цього питання. accept [ak'sept] приймати, ви­ appear [a'piaj з'являтися, пока­
знавати зуватися
в) у підрядних реченнях, що залежать від дієслова to achievement [a'tjr.vmant] до­ application [^epli'kei/n] заява,
wish: сягнення, успіх; подвиг прохання
acquire [a'kwaia] набувати, appointment [a'pomtmant]
І wish he were with us! Як би я хотів, щоб він був з одержувати, досягати призначення; посада; зустріч,
нами! advance [ad'va:ns] рух упе­ побачення
ред; in - заздалегідь approach [a'proutj-] 1. v під­
advantage [ad'va:ntid3] пере­ ходити, наближатися;
вага, вигода, користь 2. к підхід, наближення, при­
advertise ['asdvataiz] давати хід
оголошення; рекламувати appropriate [a'proupneit] відпо­
advise [ad'vaiz] радити; кон­ відний; придатний, властивий
сультувати; повідомляти arable ['aerabl] орний; що об­
agreement [a'gri:mant] згода; робляється
угода, договір area ['еэпэ] площа, простір;
allow [a'lau] дозволяти; дава­ дільниця, район, зона
ти, надавати; допускати; визна­ arrive [a'raiv] приїздити, при­
вати ходити, досягати
allowance [a'lauans] прийнят­ assume [a'sju:m] брати; привлас­
тя до уваги; поправка; періо­ нювати; припускати, вважати
дична грошова допомога assure [a'Jua] запевняти; га­
although [o:l'dou] хоч; якби рантувати, забезпечувати; пере­
навіть; незважаючи на те що конувати
amount [a'maunt] кількість; astonish [as'tonij] дивувати,
загальна сума вражати; -ing дивний, вра­
amuse [a'mju:z] бавити, роз­ жаючий
важати; -ing забавний, сміш­ attach [a'taetf] прикріплювати,
ний приєднувати
a t t e n d [a'tend] відвідувати, butterfly ['bAtaflai] метелик c o n s e r v a t i o n [,kons3:'veij"n ] defence [di'fens] захист, обо­
бути присутнім bury [ben] ховати (мертвих) зберігання; консервування рона
average f asvsnds] середній; consider [ksn'sida] розгляда­ d e f i n e [di'fam] визначати,
звичайний ти, обдумувати; вважати характеризувати
С, с considerably [ksn'sidsrsbli ] degree [di'gri:] ступінь, міра;
avoid [э void] уникати, ухиля­
тися canoe [кз nu:] каное, човник, значно звання, ранг; градус
award [з wo:d] нагорода; при­ байдарка consideration [karbsids'reiJYi] deliver [di'liva] передавати,
судження розгляд, обговорення; уваж­ вручати; доставляти
canteen [кзггЛі:п] буфет, їдаль­
awful [ o:fuI] жахливий, страш­ ність demand [di'mcnnd] 1. п вимо­
ний consume [k3n'sju:m] знищува­ га; потреба; 2. v вимагати;
capability [/keips'bihti]
awkward ['o:kw3d] незграб­ ти; споживати, витрачати мати погребу
здатність, здібність
ний; незручний,скрутний contribute [ksn'tnbjuit] вноси­ densely ['densli] густо, щіль­
carefully [kcsfuli] обережно,
axis ['seksis] вісь ти, жертвувати; сприяти, ро­ но
бити внесок; співпрацювати desert ['dezat] 1. n пустеля;
cathedral [кэ'ОЫгэ!] собор convenient [ksn'vimjsnt]
Б, 6 cause [ko:z] причина, підста­ 2. а пустельний, безлюдний
зручний, підходящий design [di'zain] 1. n задум,
ва; мотив; справа convert [ksn'v3:t] перетворю­
baby-sitter ['beibi'Sita] нахожа cavity ['kaeviti] западина, по­ план; проект, креслення; 2. v
няня вати задумувати, мати намір; про­
bake [beik] пекти, випікати cope [koup] справлятися, уп­ ектувати, призначити, готу­
charge ['t/a:d3] навантаження;
bare [Ьеэ] голий, оголений; равлятися, упоратися вати
доручення; ціна
неприкрашений copper ['кэрэ] 1. п мідь, мід­ designer [di'zama] конструк­
chat [tjast] невимушена розмова
basin [ beisn] миска, таз; басейн на монета; 2. а мідний тор
chest [t/est] скриня, шухляда;
{ріки, кам'яновугільний) cost [kost] і. п ціна, вартість; destination [,desti'neijn] міс­
груди, грудна клітина
beef [bi:f] яловичина 2. v коштувати це призначення; призначення
choice [t/ois] вибір, відбір;
beforehand [bi'fo:hasnd] зазда­ county ['kaunti] графство (у determine [di'tsmun] визнача­
легідь, наперед Великій Британії), округ (у ти, вирішувати
choir ['kwaia] хор, капела
believe [bi'li:v] вірити; дума­ США) devote [di'vout] присвячува­
chorus [ko:ras] хор
ти, вважати c l a r i f y ['klaenfai] очища- couple [клрі] пара, парні ти, віддаватися (чомусь)
bet [bet] і. п заклад, парі; ти(ся); з'ясовувати(ся) предмети; пара (подружня, digital ['did3itsl] цифровий
2. v закладатися clay [klei] глина наречена) dime [daim] амер. монета у
bill [bil] програма (вистави) climbing ['klaimirj] скелела­ cradle ['kreidl] колиска 10 центів
bit [bit] n шматок, невелика зіння craft [kra:ft] ремесло; май­ dirty ['d3:ti] брудний
кількість; a bit of трошки стерність disadvantage [,diS3d'va:ntid3]
clumsy [kkmzi] незграбний; create (krk'eit] творити, ство­
blind [blamd] сліпий; нероз­ невигідне (несприятливе) ста­
грубий, нетактовний рювати
судливий новище; шкода, збиток
coach [koutj] екіпаж, карета; curriculum [кз rikjulsm] курс
blow [blou] дути; гнати; роз­ пасажирський вагон; інструк­ disappoint [diss'pomt] розча­
дувати вогонь навчання, програма, навчаль­ ровувати
тор, тренер ний план; розклад
boil [Ьзіі] кипіти, кип'яти­ collaborate [кз'ІагЬзгеП] discover [dis'kAvs] відкривати,
т и с я ) , варити(ся) cycling ['saiklirj] велоспорт робити відкриття; виявляти
borrow ['borou] позичати; за­ common ['кэтэп] загальний, discovery [dis'kAvan] відкрит­
позичати спільний; звичайний
D, d тя; виявлення
bowl [boul] і. п куля; 2. v compile [ к з т ' р а і і ] укладати dairy ['dean] 1. n молочарня; discuss [dis'kAs] обговорюва­
грати в кулі (в кеглі); (довідники), упорядковувати, 2. а молочний ти, дискутувати
break ['breik] (broke, broken) збирати (факти) deal [di:l] (with) мати спра­ disease [di'ziiz] хвороба
ламати(ся), розбивати(ся), по­ comprise [kam'praiz] містити, ву (з) dish [dij] страва, посуд
рушувати охоплювати decisive [di'saisiv] остаточ­ dismiss [dis'mis] відпускати,
breeze [bri:z] (легенький) ві­ conclude [k3n'klu:d] закінчу­ ний, вирішальний; рішучий, розпускати; звільняти
терець, бриз вати; укладати (договір) явний disobey ['diss'bei] не слуха­
brief [bri:f] короткий; стислий condiment ['kondimsnt] при­ decorate ['deksreit] прикра­ тися, не підкорятися
bud [bAd] 1. п брунька; пу­ права шати; нагороджувати disperse [dis'ps:s] розсіюва­
п'янок; 2. v випускати брунь­ conquer [ korjks] завойовува­ dedicate ['dedikeit] присвячу­ т и с я ) ; розходитися; поширю­
ки; пускати паростки ти, перемагати вати вати

288 289
display [dis'plei] і. п показ, engagement [jn'geidjmgnt] e x t r a o r d i n a r y [iks'tro:dnn] G, д
вистава; дисплей; 2. v пока­ справа, заняття; зобов'язання незвичайний; надзвичайний
зувати, демонструвати; e n g i n e e r i n g [end3i'nisrirj] gallery ['дагізп] галерея
game [geim] гра
disposal [dis'pouzol] переда­ техніка, інженерне мистецтво; F,f g a n g w a y [gsenwei] п р о х і д
ча, вручення; розташування; машинобудування
право розпоряджатися enjoy [m'd3Di] зазнавати втіхи, face [feis] обличчя між рядами
distinguish [dis'tirjgwij"] відріз­ тішитися; користуватися fall [fo:l] 1. n падіння; зане­ garden ['ga:dn] сад
няти; розпізнавати; виділяти enough fi'riAf] і. а достатній; пад; 2. (fell, fallen) v падати garlic ['ga:iik] часник
diverse [dai'va:s] 1. п відхи­ 2. п достатня кількість; 3. adv fallen ['fo:lan] р. р. від fall gas [gaes] газ
лення, відхід; відвернення; доволі, досить falling [ ib:lin] падіння gather ['даеЗэ] збирати(ся)
2. а різний, відмінний enter ['enta] входити, вступа­ family ['fasmili] сім'я, роди­ gave [geiv] past від give
dizzy ['dizij що відчуває за­ ти; записувати, реєструвати на gay [gei] веселий; яскравий
паморочення; запаморочли­ enterprise ['entapraiz] підпри­ fat [fast] 1. n жир; сало; geese [gi:s] pi від goose
вий ємство; заповзятливість 2. а жирний; масний; гладкий German ['d33:man] німецький
doubt [daut] сумнів entrance ['entrans] вхід; вступ father ['fa:33] батько get [get] (got, got) дістава­
downpour ['daunpo:] злива equal ['i:kwal] рівний, одна­ father-in-law [і~а:Ззпп1о:] све­ ти; одержувати; заробляти;
drastic ['dra;stik] рішучий, ковий кор; тесть добувати
крутий equation [i'kweijn] рівняння favourite ['feivont] улюбле- gift [gift] дар, подарунок;
dreadful ['dredful] жахливий, equip fi'kwip] споряджати, нець(ниця); фаворит(ка) здібність
страшний устатковувати; постачати feel [Till] (felt, felt) почува­ give [giv] (gave, given) да(ва)ти;
dress-maker ['dres'meika] equipment [I'kwipmsnt] об­ тися; відчувати (чути) (по)дарувати; завда(ва)ти
кравчиня ладнання, устаткування feet [fi:t] pi від foot glad ['glaed] задоволений; ра­
drizzle [dnzl] і. п мряка; establish [is'tsblij] заснову­ fell [fel] past, від fall дісний, веселий
2. v мрячити вати, влаштовувати; установ­ field [fi:ld] поле; луг glory ['glo:n] слава
drop [drop] 1. n краплина, лювати find ['famd] знаходити glove [ділу] рукавичка
крапля; 2. v падати, литися eternal [i:'ts:nsl] вічний food ['fu:d] їжа go [gou] (went, gone) ХОДИТИ,
dull [dAl] тупий; нудний; по­ evaluate [i'vaeljueit] оцінюва­ foot [fut] {pi feet) нога, ступ­ ЙТИ (ПІТИ); проходити
хмурий, тьмяний ти, обчислювати ня; фут {міра) goal [goul] мета; місце при­
dummy ['сілті] 1. п опуда­ exact [ig'zaskt] точний, аку­ free [fri:] вільний; незалеж­ значення
ло; манекен; макет; 2. а під­ ратний ний; незайнятий; безкоштов­ gold ['gould] і. п золото; 2. а
ставний, підроблений exceed [ik'skd] перевершу­ ний золотий
dust [dAst] пил, порох; прах вати, перевищувати French [frentj] 1. п французь­ gone [gon] р. р. від go
duty ['dju:ti] обов'язок; чер­ exchange [iks't/eind3] обмі­ ка мова; 2. а французький good [gud] гарний, добрий,
гування; податок нювати, розмінювати frequency ['frkkwansi] часто­ хороший; придатний, корисний
dye [dai] фарбувати, забарв­ exclaim [,iks'kleim] вигукувати та great ['greit] великий, чудо­
люватися) exclude [iks'klurd] виключа­ fresh [frej] свіжий; новий; вий, чарівний
ти, вилучати чистий Greek [gri:k] грек
Е, є exhibit [ig'zibit] 1. n експо­ Friday f'fraidi] п'ятниця green [gri:n] зелений, незрі­
нат; 2. v виставляти(ся), екс­ friend ['frend] друг, подруга; лий
eager ['і:да] палкий, нетер­ понуватися), приятель(ка) grow [grou] рости, вироста­
плячий; що прагне exist [ig'zist] існувати, жити fringe ['frmd3] чубчик ти; вирощувати
earn [э:п] заробляти; заслу­ expand [iks'pasnd] поширюва­ from [from] з, із; від
говувати т и с я ) , розширяти(ся) front [frAnt] 1. п фасад; 2. п Н, h
eccentric [ik'sentnk] ексцен­ expect [iks'pekt] сподіватися, передній
тричний, дивний, чудерна­ чекати; гадати, припускати frost [frost] 1. п мороз; 2. v hail [heil] град
цький expensive [iks'pensiv] дорогий приморозити hair [Ьеэ] волосся
emit [i'mit] виділяти; випро­ explain [iks'plem] пояснювати fruit [fru:t] плід, фрукт half [ha:f] половина
мінювати; випускати {гроші) express [iks'pres] виражати, fry [frai] 1. п смажене м'ясо, ham [haem] шинка
empty ['empti] і. а порож­ висловлювати печеня; 2. v смажити hand [ h a n d ] рука
ній; нікчемний; 2. v спорожня­ exquisite ['ekskwizit] витонче­ function [lArjkfsn] функція, happy ['haepi] щасливий
ти ний, вишуканий призначення hard [ha:d] твердий; жорст­
encourage [ т ' к л г ^ з ] підба­ extinct [iks'tinkt] погаслий, furniture [famitjb] меблі кий; міцний; важкий
дьорювати, заохочувати згаслий; вимерлий, зниклий

290 291
harm [ha:m] 1. n шкода, обра­ hot [hot] гарячий; жаркий; increase 1. n ['mkri'.s] зростан­ Japanese [^зазра'ni:z] 1. h
за; 2. v (за)шкодити палкий ня, приріст; 2. v [in kri:s] японець, японка; японська
harvest ['ha:vist] 1. n жнива; hotel [ho(u)'tel] готель збільшувати(ся) мова; 2. а японський
збирання врожаю; урожай; hour [aua] година; час; ~1у incredible [m'kradabl] неймо­ Jew [d3u:] єврей; attr. єврей­
2. v збирати врожай, жниву­ ['auah] щогодинний вірний ський
вати house [haus] дім, будинок; бу­ indeed [m'di:d] справді; ~? та job [d3ab] робота, праця; спра­
has I'hcez] 3-тя ос. оди. від дівля невже? ва; завдання
have how [hau] як? яким чином? index ['mdeks] індекс join [d33in] з'єднувати(ся),
hat ['haet] капелюх huge [hju:d3] величезний, гі­ indicate ['mdikeit] показ(ув)а- приєднувати(ся)
hate ['heit] 1. n ненависть; гантський ти; наказ(ув)ати journal ['d3a:nal] щоденник;
2. v ненавидіти human ['hju:man] людський indirect ['indi'rekt] непрямий, журнал
have [hasv] (hat, had) 1) мати; humid ['hju:mid] вогкий, воло­ обхідний, ухильний journey [ d3a:ni] 1. п поїздка,
2) допоміжне дієслово для ут­ гий; -ity [hju:'miditi] сирість, indoors ['m'do:z] у примі­ подорож; 2. v подорожувати
ворення перфектної форми вологість щенні, усередині приміщення joy № а і ] радість
hay [hei] сіно hungry [Ълпдп] голодний industrial [m'dAStnal] промис­ judge [d3Ad3] 1. п суддя; ар­
he [hi:] він hurry І'Ьлп] 1. п поспіх, квап­ ловий, виробничий бітр; 2. v судити, бути арбіт­
head [hed] 1. n голова; глава; ливість; 2. v (по)квагшти; industry ['mdastn] промисло­ ром
начальник; 2. а головний; (по)спішити вість, індустрія July [d3u:'lai] липень
3. v очолювати hurt [ha:t] 1. п пошкодження; inform [m'fa:m] інформувати June [d3u:n] червень
health [helO] здоров'я 2. (hurt, h u r t ) v завдавати inhabit [m'hasbit] мешкати, just [d3Ast] 1. а справедли­
hear[hia] (по)чути болю, пошкоджувати; боліти жити (де-небудь) вий, правильний; 2. adv точ­
heart [ha:t] серце (про частину тіла) initial [і nijal] початковий, пер­ но, якраз, саме; тільки-ио,
heat [hi:t] спека; жар; запал husband ['hAzband] чоловік вісний відразу
heating ['hi:tirj] нагрівання; inside [m'saidl внутрішній бік,
опалення /, і виворіт К, k
heaven ['hevn] небо, небеса insist [in'sist] наполягати
heavy ['hevi] важкий; рясний; І [at] pers. pron. я introduce [*mtra'dju:s] вводи­ keep [ki:p[ (kept, kept) трима­
багатий (урожай) ice [ais] 1. п лід, крига; 2. v ти; знайомити, представляти ти, зберігати
heel [hi:l] підбор, п'ятка заморожувати introduction [/intra'dAkTn] вве­ kept [kept] past і p. p. від keep
held ['held] past і p. p. від hold icy ['aisi] крижаний, льодя­ дения; представлення, зна­ kettle [ketl] чайник
h e l i c o p t e r ['helikapta] гелі­ ний йомство; вступ key [ki:] ключ
коптер if [if] якщо investigate [m'vestigeit] роз­ kill [kil] уби(ва)ти
help [help] допомога ill [її] хворий, недужий; ли­ слідувати; досліджувати kind [kamd] і. п сорт, різно­
hen [hen] курка хий Irish ['ainj"] ірландський вид, рід; 2. а добрий, сердечний,
her [ha:] її, їй immediate [i'mi:djat] безпосе­ iron [ aian] залізо люб'язний
here [hia] тут, сюди; ось редній is [iz] 3-тя ос. оди. від be kitchen ['kitjan] кухня
hero ['hiarou] герой impatience [im'peijans] нетер­ it [it] pron. pers. він, вона, воно; knee [пі:] коліно
hers [ha:z] pron. pos. її піння це, оце knife [naif 11. п ніж; 2. v різати,
herself [ha:'self] сама, себе impersonal [im'pa:snal] безосо­ Italian [I'taeljan] 1. п італієць, іта­ колоти ножем
high [hai] високий бовий лійка; італійська мова; 2. а іта­ knives [naivz] pi від knife
hill [hil] пагорб import ['impo:t] імпорт лійський know [nou] (knew, known) зна­
him [him ] pron. pers. його, йому; impossibility [im,posa'biIiti] item ['aitam] пункт, параграф ти; бути знайомим
-self [him'self] сам, себе неможливість its [its] pron. poss. його, її, свій
hoar-frost ['ho:'frost] іній impossible [im'pasabl] немож­ itself [it'self] (сам, сама) са­ L, I
h o b b y ['habij п р и с т р а с т ь , ливий ме; себе
улюблена справа label [leibl] 1. n ярлик, ети­
improve [im'pru:v] поліпшува­ кетка; 2. v наклеювати ярлик
home [houm] дім, житло; бать­ ти, удосконалювати
ківщина laboratory [la'boratan] лабо-
in у, в, уві
hope [houp] 1. n надія, споді­
вання; 2. v сподіватися
inch [intj] дюйм (= 2,54 см)
include [m'klurd] містити;
jacket ['d3akit] жакет; курт­
abo(u)r [ іеіЬа] 1. n праця;
робота; 2. а робочий; трудовий;
hospital ['haspitl] лікарня, гос­ включати jam [d3£em] джем, варення 3. v працювати, докладати
піталь, шпиталь income ['inkam] прибуток January ['d3Snjuan] січень зусиль
292 293
lace [leis] мереживо; шнурок leaves [li:vz] pi від leaf М, т measure [ ' т е з а ] мірка, міра;
lack [laek] і. п нестаток; брак; led [led] past і p. p. від lead захід; масштаб
madam ['masdam] мадам
2. v відчувати нестачу; потре­ left I [left] past і p. p. від leave meat [mi:t] м'ясо
made [meid] past і p. p. від
бувати left II лівий medical ['medikal] медичний,
lady [leidi] дама, леді leg [leg] нога (від стегна до лікарський
mail [meil] пошта
laid [leid] past і p. p. від lay I ступні) main [mem] головний meet [mi:t] (met, met) зуст-
lake [leik] озеро legal ['Н:дэ1] законний maintain [men'tem] підтриму­ рі(ча)ти, (познайомитися
lamp [laemp] лампа, ліхтар legislation [led3is'leijn] зако­ вати melt [melt] ( р о з ) т а н у т и ;
land [ l a n d ] і. п земля, суша; нодавство (роз)плавити(ся)
maize [meiz] маїс, кукурудза
країна; 2. v висаджуватися, leisure ['Іезз] дозвілля member ['memba] член
major ['теї^за] старший
приземлятися lemon ['leman] лимон memorial [mi'mo:nal] пам'ят­
make [meik] (made, made)
language ['lser)gwid3] мова length [lenG] довжина; відстань ник
(з)робити, виробляти, (приго­
large [la:d3J великий less [les] 1. а менший; 2. adv тувати memorize ['memaraiz] вчити
last [lcust] і. п кінець; 2. a менше, менш напам'ять
male [meil] і. п чоловік; 2. a
останній; минулий; крайній lesson [lesn] урок men [men] (pi від man) люди,
3. v продовжуватися, трива­ lettuce ['letis] салат чоловіки
man [тагп] (pi men) людина,
ти lie [lai] (lay, lain) лежати, merry ['men] веселий, радіс­
late [leit] пізній; запізнілий; бути розташованим ний
manage ['ma;nid3] керувати
недавній life [laif] життя message ['mesid3] повідом­
manual ['msenjual] і. п посіб­
Latin ['lastm] і. п латинська lift [lift] ліфт лення, послання; доручення
ник, підручник, довідник;
мова; 2. а латинський light I [lait] світло met [met] past і p. p. від meet
2. а ручний
latitude ['lstitju:d] широта light II легкий; незначний; metre ['mi:ta] метр
manufactory [masnju'fasktan]
latter ['lasta] недавній; остан­ легковажний middle [midl] середина
ній like [laik] схожий, подібний mild [maild] м'який; лагідний
manufacture [maenju'faektfa]
laugh [la:f] 1. п сміх; 2. v line [lam] лінія milk [milk] молоко
1. n виробництво; виріб; 2. v
сміятися lip [lip] губа million ['miljan] мільйон
laundress [ ' b m d n s ] прачка, liquid ['likwid] і. п рідина; mind [maind] розум; думка,
many ['meni] багато
праля 2. а рідкий; прозорий намір
map [тгер] карта
law [lo:] закон, право little ['litl] 1. n дрібниця, mine [mam] мій, моя, моє, мої
mark I [ma:k] марка (грошо­
lay I [lei] (laid, laid) (по)кла- дріб'язок; 2. а маленький, не­ modest ['modist] скромний
ва одиниця)
сти великий; короткий (про час); Monday ['mAndi] понеділок
mark II мітка, знак; бал, оцінка
lay II [lei] past від lie 3. adv небагато, мало money ['тлпі] гроші
market ['markit] ринок, базар
lazy ['leizi] лінивий, леда­ live [liv] жити; існувати month [ т л п б ] місяць
marriage ['тгепгіз] шлюб;
чий live [laiv] живий; життєвий mood [mu:d] настрій
lead [li:d] (led, led) вести living ['livin] живий, існуючий moon [mum] місяць
married ['maend] одружений,
leader [1i:da] керівник, ватажок loaf [louf] хлібина, хліб more [mo:] більше; ще
leading [li:din] і. п керівни­ loan [loun] позика morning ['momirj] ранок
marry ['тагп] женити, вида­ mother ['тл9э] мати
цтво; ведення; 2. а керівний; lobby ['lobi] передпокій вати заміж; женитися, вихо­
провідний; передовий; видат­ local ['loukal] місцевий move [mu:v] рухати
дити заміж much [тліГ] багато
ний long [tan] 1. а довгий, трива­ mass [mass] маса
leaf [li:f] лист; аркуш (.папе­ лий; 2. adv довго museum [mju:'ziam] музей
master ['ma:sta] 1. п госпо­ mushroom [ ' т л / г и т ] гриб
ру) look [luk] 1. n погляд; вираз дар; пан; 2. v (по)долати;
learn [1э:п] (learnt, learnt) ви­ (очей, обличчя); вигляд; must [rriAst] повинен
справлятися mutton ['nutn] баранина
вчати (вивчити); вчитися 2 . v подивитися mate [meit] товариш
least [li:st] і. а найменший; lose [lu:z] (lost, lost) втрачати mathematician [,maj0ima'tijan]
2. adv. найменше, менш за lost [lost] past і p. p. від lose математик N, n
все, найменшою мірою love [Uv] 1. n любов; 2. v May [mei] травень name [neim] ім'я
leather [Чеда] 1. п шкіра; ре­ кохати may (модальне дієслово) native ['neitiv] рідний
мінь; 2. а шкіряний loving [Uvin] люблячий (з)могти; мати дозвіл natural ['nstjral] природний,
leave ['li:v] і. п відпустка; low [lou] низький, невисокий; meadow fmedou] луг натуральний
2. (left, left) v залишати, по­ слабкий, тихий meal [mi:l] їда (сніданок, nature ['neitja] природа
кинути lung [їло] легеня обід, вечеря); борошно naughty ['no:ti] неслухняний

294 295
near [пю] біля onward ['onwad] далі, вперед perfume ['pa:fjum] парфуми psychiatrist [sai'kaiatnst] пси­
neat [ni:t] тонкий open ['oupan] відкривати physician [fi'zijn] лікар хіатр
negotiation [ш,дои/і'еі/(а)п] operate ['opareit] діяти, пра­ pills [pilz] пілюлі, пігулки purification [,pjuanfi'keifn]
переговори цювати pit [pit] амфітеатр очищення
neighbour ['neibsj сусід operation [,apa'reijri] дія, ро­ plait [plffit] коса (з волосся) put [put] (put, put) класти
nephew ['nevju:] племінник, бота plane [plein] літак
небіж operator ['opareita] оператор; plant [plaait] завод Q, q
newsfilm ['nju:zfilm] кіножур­ телефоніст(ка) plate [pleit] тарілка
нал opinion [a'pmjan] думка play [plei] п'єса quake [kweik] тремтіти
newsreel ['nju:zri:l] кінохро­ o p p o r t u n i t y [,Dpa'tju:mti] pneumonia [nju:'mounja] за­ qualitative ['kwahtativ] якіс­
ніка можливість палення легенів ний
niece [ni:s] племінниця, не­ opposite ['apazit] протилежний poison ['paizn] 1. n отрута; quality ['kwoliti] якість
бога orange ['эппс1з] апельсин 2. v отруювати q u a n t i t a t i v e ['kwontitativ]
night [nait] піч other ['лба] інший кількісний
policlinic [,poli'khnik] полі­ quantity f'kwontiti] кількість
night-table ['naitteibl] тум­ otolaryngologist ['outalAnrj'- клініка
бочка gobd3ist] отоларинголог quarter ['kwo:ta] чверть
polite [pa'lait] ввічливий question ['kwestjn | питання
normal ['no:mal] звичайний, our ['аиэ] наш pollution [рэ iu:Jn] забруд­
нормальний outdoor ['autdo:] на відкрито­ quick [kwik] швидкий
нення quickly f'kwikh] швидко
north [no:9] північ му повітрі porridge ['ропсіз | (вівсяна)
nose [nouz] ніс outcome ['autkAm] результат quiet ['kwaiat] спокій, тиша
каша quite [kwait] цілком
notable ['noutabl] видатний, output ['autput] продукція, porter ['pa:ta] швейцар, но­
значний продукт; вихід, випуск quotation [kwou'teijn] цитата
сильник, носій
nothing ['плбіп] ніщо, нічого over f'ouva] над portfolio [po:t'fouljou] порт­
notion ['nouJ"(a)n] поняття, own [ounj власний R,r
уявлення oxygen ['oksid3sn] кисень possess [pa'zas] володіти race [reis] змагання; перегони
now [паи] зараз postgraduate ['poust'gra^djuit] rack [газк] вішалка
nowhere ['nouwea] ніде, нікуди P, P аспірант railway ['reilwei] залізниця
nuclear ['nju:kha] ядерний potatoe [pa'teitou] картопля rain [rem] дощ
package ['разк^з] посилка,
nuisance ['njusans] надокуч­ powder ['pauda] пудра, поро­ rainbow ['reinbou] веселка
пакунок, упаковка
ливий шок raise [reiz] піднімати
pain [ p e m ] біль (гострий,
number Г п л т Ь э ] номер раптовий) prescribe [pns'kraib] припи­ rank [raerjk] ряд
nurse [na:s] няня, медсестра сувати (ліки) rare [ГЕЭ] рідкий
paint [peint] малювати фарбами
nut [nAt] ГОрІХ panty-hose ['paenti'houz] кол­ prescription [ p n s ' k n p j ( a ) n ] razor ['reiza] бритва
готки рецепт ready ['redi] готовий
О, о parcel ['pa:sal] посилка (пош­ pretty ['priti] гарненька record [n'ko'.d] записувати
това) preview [pn'vju:] попередній receiver [n'si:va] телефонна
object ['obd3ikt] річ, предмет parents ['pearants] батьки (закритий) перегляд фільму трубка
observe [ab'za:v] спостерігати partner ['pcntna] партнер price [prais] ціна receptionist [n'sepjnist] реє­
obtain [ab'tem] отримувати passenger l'paes(i)n(d)33] па­ process ['prouses] обробляти, стратор
occasion [а'кеїзп] випадок сажир опрацьовувати refrigerator [ n ' f n d 3 a r e i t 3 ]
ocean ['ou/(a)n] океан passer-by ['ра:8эЪа1] перехо­ produce [pra'dju:s] створюва­ холодильник
occupy ['okjupai] займати жий ти region [ г Ы з п ] область
o c u l i s t ['akjuhst] окуліст, pearl [рэ:1] перлина producer [pra'dju:sa] режисер- rehearsal [n'ha:sal] репетиція
офтальмолог pedestrian [pi'destnan] пішо­ постановник reign [rein] царювати
offer ['отэ] і. п пропозиція; хід production [pro'dAkjri] поста­ relatives ['relativz] родичі
2 . v пропонувати pediatrician [,pi:di3'tnjn] пе­ новка remove [ n ' m u : v ] виводити,
office ['ofisj служба, місце діатр p r o g r a m ( m e ) ['prougrasm] викидати
official [a'fijal] офіційний pen [pen] ручка програма reserve [n'za:v] бронювати
often [o:fn] часто pencil ['pensl] олівець prosperous ['prasparas] спри­ resident ['rezidant] мешка­
old [ould] старий pepper ['рерэ] перець ятливий; такий, що процвітає нець, постійний житель
onion ['Anjan] цибуля performance [pa'fa:mans] вис­ protection [ргэЧекГ(э)п] за­ restaurant ['rest(a)ro:n] ресто­
only ['ounh] тільки тава хист ран

296 297
review [n'vju:] рецензія skin [skin] шкіра surgeon ['sa:d3an] хірург treatment ['tri:tmant] лікуван­
revive [ri'vaiv] відроджувати sleeping-car ['sli:pinka:] sweet-toothed ['swi:t'tu:Gt] ня
rich [ntj] багатий спальний вагон ласунчик trolley-bus ['trolibAs] тролей­
rid [rid] позбавляти sleepy-head ['sli:pihed] сонько swim [swim] (swam, swum) бус
ride [raid] (rode, ridden) їхати slot [slot] щілина плавати trousers ['trouzaz] штани
верхи snack-bar ['snaskba:] закусоч­ trunk ['trArjk] велика валіза
road [roud] дорога, шлях, на, буфет T, t tuberculosis [tju:,bakju'lousis]
бруківка snowfall ['snoufo:l] снігопад туберкульоз
role [roul] роль soap [soup] мило table [teibl] стіл turning ['ta:nirj] поворот
route [ru:t] маршрут socks [soks] шкарпетки take [teik] (took, taken) брати
row [rou] ряд sofa ['soufa] диван tangerine [,ta3nd3a'ri:n] ман­ U, и
royal ['roial] королівський software ['saftwea] програм­ дарин
run [глп] бігти не забезпечення taxi ['tasksi] таксі ugly ['лдіі] потворний; брид­
rural ['ruaral] СІЛЬСКИЙ SOn [SAn] СИН tea [ti:] чай кий
soup [su:p] суп teacher ['ti:tja] вчитель ulcer ['Alsa] виразка
S, s sour cream ['saua 'kri:m] сме­ technician [tak'nij(a)n] технік Ukrainian [ju:kremjan] і. п
тана technology [tek'nolad3i] тех­ українець, українка; україн­
salad ['seelad] салат ніка; технологія ська мова; 2. а український
salesgirl ['seilzga:!] дівчина- soverign ['sovrm] суверенний
spare f'spes] зайвий telegram ['teligram] телегра­ umbrella [лт'ЬгеІа] п пара­
продавець, продавщиця ма солька
salt [so:It] сіль speak [spi:k] (spoke, spoken)
говорити telephone ['telifoun] телефон uncle [лпкі] дядько
sandals ['sasndalz] босоніжки under ['Anda] під
sandwich ['sa?nwid3] бутерброд specialized school ['spejalaizd terminus ['ta:mmas] кінцева
sku:l] училище зупинка undergraduate [,Anda'gra3djuit]
saucer ['so:sa] блюдце студент останнього курсу
sausage ['sasid3] сосиска, ков­ spoon [spu:n] ложка textile ['tekstail] текстильний
square [skwea] площа, майдан theatre ['0iata] театр underground і. п (USA) ме­
баса трополітен; 2. а підземний
scenario [si'na-Tiou] сценарій stage [steid3] сцена (у те­ threat [0ret] загроза
атрі) ticket ['tikit] квиток understand [,Anda'staend] (un­
scene [si:n] сцена (у виставі) derstood, understood) розумі­
schedule ['Jedju:l] графік, stall [sto:l] партер tie [tai] краватка
stamp [stffimp] марка {пошто­ tightly marcelled hear ['taitli ти
розклад unemployed ['Anim'pbid] без­
screen [skri:n] 1. n екран; ва) mcusld hea] туго стягнуте во­
s t a n d a r d lamp ['steendsd лосся робітний; незайнятий
2. v екранізувати unless [an'les] якщо не
scriptwriter ['sknpt,raita] сце­ 'lasmp] торшер timepiece ['taimpi:s] хроно­
state-room ['steitru:m] окре­ метр, годинник urgent [a:'d3ant] терміновий
нарист use [ju:s] 1. n вживання; 2. v
seat [si;t] місце ма каюта tip [tip] 1. n чайові, додатко­
stewardess ['stjusdis] стюар­ ва плата; 2. v давати чайові [ju:z] вживати, користувати­
sew ['sou] (p. p. sewn або se­ ся, застосовувати
wed) шити деса toast [toust] грінка
shadow [Tffidou] тінь stockings ['stokirjz] панчохи tomato [ta'ma:tou] помідор
shelf [Jelf] полиця stomach ['stAmak] шлунок tombstone ['tu:mstoun] над­ V, v
shelter ['Jelta] надавати при­ storage ['stD:rid3J пам'ять; гробок value ['vselju:] цінність, важ­
тулок зберігання даних tonsillitis [,tonsi'laitis] тонзи­ ливість
shirt [Гэ-'t] сорочка store [sto:] запам'ятовувати; літ various ['vearias] різний, різ­
shoes [Ju.-z] туфлі зберігати дані tour [tua] подорож (за певним номанітний
short [jp:t] короткий stout [staut] повний маршрутом) vehicle ['vi:ikl] засіб пересу­
shop-assistant ['Jbpa'srstant] subway ['SAbwei] підземний traffic ['traefik] рух; тран­ вання
продавець перехід; метро спорт view ['vju;] вид, пейзаж, виг­
side-board ['saidba;d] сервант suit [sju:t] костюм traffic light f'treefiklait] світ­ ляд
sightseeing ['sait,si:irj] огляд suitcase ['sju:tkeis] валіза лофор v o c a b u l a r y [va'kaebjulan]
визначних місць sundial ['sAndaial] сонячний train [trem] поїзд словник
silk [silk] шовк годинник tram [treem] трамвай volume ['valjum] том; обсяг;
single [srn!] неодружений (a) sunrise ['sAnraiz] схід сонця travel f'traevl] подорож, поїзд­ кількість
sisfer f'sista] сестра sunset ['sAnsat] захід сонця ка vote [vout] голосування; го­
skate [skeit] кататися на ков­ supply [sa'plai] 1. n постачан­ treat [tri:t] лікувати лос
занах ня; 2. v постачати
298 299
W, w X, x ЗМІСТ
w a g e s ['weid3iz] заробітна Xerox I'zisroks] ксерокс
платня X-rays ['eks'reiz] рентгенівсь­
wait [weit] чекати ке випромінювання
wall fwo:l] стіна
wardrobe ['wo:droub] шафа
для одягу У, у
wash [WDJ] І. її миття; уми­
вання; 2. v митися; умиватися yacht [jot j яхта
way [wei] дорога, шлях year [ja:,ji3] рік
yellow ['jelou] жовтий Передмова 5
we [wi:] ми
weak [wi:k] слабий yet [jet] досі, ще; вже
weapon ['wepan]зброя young [JArj] молодий ВСТУПНИЙ ФОНЕТИКО-ОРФОЕШЧНИЙ КУРС 6
weather [Veda] погода
wet [wet] мокрий 1. Звуки і букви 6
Z,2 2. Інтонація 6
wide [ward] широкий
wood [wud] ліс 3. Наголос 7
zero ['zisrou] нуль 4. Типи складів 7
wool [wul] вовна, шерсть
Zoo [zu:] зоопарк 5. Читання буквосполучень 8
world [ws:ld] світ

Lesson 1. Elements of Conversation 10
The Article 14
Lesson 2. We Study English 16
The Plural of Nouns 24
Lesson 3. Biography, Family 26
The Pronoun 34
Lesson 4. Person's Character and Appearance 36
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and
Adverbs 41
Lesson 5. Time and Dates 43
The Present Indefinite Tense 51
Lesson 6. Weather and Seasons 54
The Past Indefinite Tense 62
Lesson 7. House. Flat &i
The Future Indefinite Tense.
The Future-in-the-Past 69
Lesson 8. At the Hotel 72
The Present Continuous Tense 78
Lesson 9. In the Town 80
The Past Continuous Tense 88
Lesson 10.- Post-Office 90
The Future Continuous Tense 95
Lesson 11, Telephone 98
The Present Perfect Tense 104
Lesson 12. Shopping 106
The Past Perfect Tense 112
Lesson 13. Man and Environment 115
The Future Perfect Tense 122
Lesson 14. Meals 124
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense 129

Lesson 15. At the Doctor's 132
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense 140
Lesson 16. Theatre 143
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense 149
Lesson 17. Cinema 151
Sequence of Tenses 157
Lesson 18. My Hobby 158
Modal Verbs 163
Lesson 19. Travelling and Going through Customs 165
The Subjunctive Mood 170
Lesson 20. Business Letters 173
The Infinitive 178
Lesson 21. Business Communication 182 Навчальне видання
The Past Participle 186
Lesson 22. Money and Economic Relations 189
The Present Participle 198
Lesson 23. Ukraine 200 Шпак Валерій Кирилович
The Gerund 209 Полулях Владислав Якович
Lesson 24. Great Britain 212 Кириченко Зінаїда Федорівна
Direct and Indirect Speech 221
Голуб Ніна Михайлівна
Lesson 25. An Educated Man and Computer 223
Review 232 Дяченко Наталія Георгіївна
Цехмістренко Ольга Вікторівна
Короткий граматичний довідник 237
Vocabulary 287


5-те видання, стереотипне

Оправа і титул художника В. С. Жиборовського

Художній редактор Г. С. Муратова
Технічний редактор А. І. Омоховська
Коректор М. В. Корецька
Оператор Н. П. Довлетукаєва

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