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acertado, proper, fit.
acertar (ie), to happen (unexpectedly), hit the mark, succeed, say
anything opportunely, guess; sin — con las excusas,, unable to utter an
acicalarse, to dress (in style).
acoger, to receive.
acometer, to attack, defy.
acomodar, to find acommodations, shelter, lay, suit, adjust.
acomodo, employment, shelter, acommodation.
acompañante, m. or f., companion.
acompañar (de), to accompany (by).
acompasado, regular, rythmical.
acongojado, distressed, dismayed.
aconsejar, to advise.
acontecer, to happen.
acontecimiento, event.
acordar (ue), to decide; —se (de), to remember.
acosar, to pursue.
acostar (ue), to put to bed; —se, to go to bed.
acostumbrado, customary; más de lo —, more than usual.
acostumbrar (á), to be in the habit (of), be accustomed (to).
acre, sharp, bitter.
acribillar, to riddle, cover with wounds.
actitud, f., attitude.
activísimo (from activo), very active, industrious.
activo, active.
acto, act; — continuo, immediately.
actuar, to move, take part.
acuático, aquatic.
acuchillar, to cut, hack; —se, to fight with knives.
acudir, to run to, hasten (to help).
acusación, f., accusation, charge.
acusar, to accuse.
achaque, m., defect, matter.
achicharrar, to burn (to a crisp).
adarme, m., dram (in avoirdupois weight); dos —s de imaginación, a
spark of imagination.
adecuado, adequate, fit.
adelantarse, to advance, approach; — cada vez más á, to gain more and
more on.
adelante, forward; en —, henceforth; seguir —, to walk on; por la mesa
—, across the table.
ademán, m., gesture, movement, attitude.
además (de), moreover, besides.
adentro, within; para mis —s, to myself.
adherente, adherent, adjoined.
adherir (ie), to be fastened, united (to).
adiós, good-bye.
adivinar, to divine, guess, conjecture, understand.
adivino, fortune-teller.
adminículos, trimmings, tools, "extras."
administrador, m., manager.
administrar, to administer.
admirablemente, marvellously.
admiración, f., sudden surprise, wonder, admiration.
admirar, to surprise, astonish, make one wonder; admire; —se (de), to
marvel (at).
admitir, to receive, give entrance, admit; associate.
adolescencia, adolescence.
adonde, where.
adoptar, to adopt, approve.
adorar, to adore, worship.
Adoracuernos, prop. noun (lit., worships bull-fights).
adormecer, to lull asleep.
adornar, to adorn.
adorno, ornament, adornment.
adosar (á), to lean, rest, stand (against).
adquirir, to acquire, come by, obtain, take possession (of).
adquisividad, f., acquisitiveness, thrift.
aduana, custom-house.
adular, to flatter.
adulto, adult, grown up.
adusto, gloomy, sullen.
advertencia, warning.
advertir (ie), to inform, warn, take notice, notice, state; ¡adviértase! take
adyacente, adjacent.
aerólito, aerolite.
afamado, famous.
afán, m., pains, efforts, anxiety, eagerness (for).
afanado, busy, eager.
afanar, to toil, work; tú has afanado eso, you have carried that off.
afanoso, anxious.
afectación, f., affectation.
afectar, to affect.
afecto, affection.
afeitarse, to shave; ¡por estas que me afeito! by my beard!
aferrado, fastened; — á la silla, clinging to the saddle.
afición, f., affection, inclination; por — á, through love for.
aficionadísimo (from aficionado) (á), very fond (of), devoted(to).
aficionado, amateur; muy — al toreo, a great amateur in the art of
fighting bulls.
afirmar, to affirm, assure.
aflicción, f., grief, anguish.
aflictivo, distressing.
afligido, afflicted, wretched.
aflojarse, to loosen.
afluir, to stream, flow.
aforismo, aphorism, saying.
afrenta, dishonor.
afueras, f. pl., suburbs.
agarrar, to grasp, seize, take hold (of).
agasajo, kindness, caress, politeness; hacer —, to show politeness, give
a kindly reception.
ágil, quick, nimble.
agitado, excited.
agitar, to agitate, move, shake; —se, to be busy, writhe, move.
agobiado, exhausted.
agonía, suffering, death struggle.
agonizar, to be dying.
agosto, August.
agotado, exhausted.
agraciado, graceful.
agradable, agreeable, pleasant.
agradar, to please.
agradecer, to appreciate, be thankful (for).
agradecido, grateful.
agradecimiento, gratitude.
agrado, liking; sin buscarlo halla el —, without trying to causes
pleasure; de buen —, with (great) pleasure.
agravar, to aggravate; —se, to grow worse.
agravio, grievance, affront, injury.
agregar (ie), to add.
agresor, -a, aggressor.
agrietar, to crack.
agrupar(se), to group, come (or draw) together.
agua, f., water; pl., waters, stream; —s vivas, running water.
aguachirle, m., poor excuse for wine; slops.
aguantar, to bear, suffer.
aguar, to mix with water.
aguardar, to wait for; — á que, to wait until.
aguardiente, m., brandy (or any distilled liquor); — de caña, rum.
agudísimo (from agudo), sharpest, very keen.
agudo, acute, sharp.
aguileño, aquiline.
agüiña (dim. of agua), water.
aguja, needle.
agujero, hole; — de la llave, key-hole.
ah! ah! oh!
ahí, there; por —, there, yonder; — dentro, in there.
ahogarse, to drown, be drowned; — de, to be suffocated with.
ahora, now, now-a-days; — mismo, now, at once, this very moment; no
es de —, this is not the first time.
ahorcar, to hang.
ahorrar, to save, economize.
ahumado, smoked, burned, smoke-stained.
ahuyentar, to put to flight.
aire, m., air, wind, breeze.
airecito (dim.), little air.
aislado, isolated, lone.
ajeno, belonging to another; lo —, that which belongs to another.
ajimez, m., arched window (with a pillar in the center).
al = á el, (before an inf.) on, in (doing something).
ala, wing.
alabar, to praise.
alabastro, alabaster.
alambre, m., wire.
alameda, (public) promenade or avenue (lined with shade trees,
generally the álamo, poplar. Hence the name. There is generally an
alameda in the Southern-Spanish and the Spanish-American cities).
alargar, to hold out, reach, hand, lengthen.
alarido, outcry, shriek.
alarma, alarm.
alarmado, alarmed.
alba, f., dawn; así que el — despuntó, at day-break.
albor, m., dawning.
alborotado, rebellious, disorderly.
alborotador, -a, rioter, disturber of peace.
alborotar, to disturb, cause disorder or disturbance; —se, to be (become)
alboroto, disturbance, tumult, noisiness.
alborozar, to rejoice, enliven; alborozado, enlivened, joyous.
alcalde, m., justice of the peace, magistrate, mayor.
alcanzado, needy; salir (estar) —, to be in debt, short in one's accounts.
alcanzar, to reach, overtake, attain, obtain, succeed, manage (á, in, to,);
que no ha de —, that is not for you.
alcázar, m. (of Arabic origin), castle.
alcé, pret. of alzar.
alcoba, bedroom.
alcornoque, m., cork-oak.
aldaba, knocker (on a door).
aldabonazo (aug. + azo: cf. H. F. Gr. § 205), blow with the knocker,
aldea, small village, hamlet.
alegar, to allege, cite.
alegrarse (de), to be glad, happy; ¡cuánto me alegro! how glad I am!
alegre, merry, happy.
alegría, merriment, joy; Alegría, prop. noun.
alejar, to remove; —se, to go away, retreat, retire; —se más, to remove
to a greater distance.
alemán, -a, German.
alentar (ie), to breathe.
alerce, m., larch-wood.
alerta, vigilant(ly); estar ojo —, to be watchful.
alerto, watchful.
aletear, m., flutter, toy(ing).
alevosamente, treacherously.
alfombra, carpet.
algarabía, jargon, confused noise.
algazara, merriment, shouting, turmoil.
algo, something, somewhat; — más, later.
algún(o), -a, some, any, some one, any one; — tanto, somewhat.
alianza, alliance, relationship.
Alicante, prop. noun (the town of Alicante, with a population of about
40,000, is the capital of the province of Alicante, on the southeastern
coast of Spain).
alícuota; parte —, equal share.
alienado, insane (person).
aliento, breath; pl., courage.
alimentación, f., act of nourishing, food.
alimentar, to nourish.
alimento, food.
alisado, smooth.
alita (dim.), little wing.
alivio, improvement; tener —, to show improvement.
alma, soul, human being; hija de mi —, my darling.
almacén, m., warehouse.
almena, crenelated battlement.
almendra, almond.
almidonar, to starch.
almohada, pillow, cushion.
almorzar (ue), to breakfast.
alojado, residing.
alojamiento, lodging, quarters.
alojarse, to lodge, stop.
alpargatas, shoes or sandals made of hemp.
alquitrán, m., tar.
alrededor, around, about; á su —, around (him).
altamente, highly.
altanería; con —, haughtily.
altanero, haughty.
altar, m.; — mayor, high altar.
Altavilla, prop. noun (lit., High town).
alterar, to alter, change, disturb; —se, to be disturbed.
alternado, alternating, recurrent.
alternativa, alternative; —s traidoras, treacherous turns.
alternativamente, alternately.
alteza, height.
alto, high, tall, loud; lo —, above, height, top; — el fuego, see fuego; en
—, high, aloft; — sentido, deep meaning.
altura, height, latitude; á la — de, as high as, as far north as.
alubia, kidney-bean.
alucinación, f., hallucination.
aludir, to allude.
alumbrar, to light.
alumno, disciple.
alzar, to lift, raise; —se con el cargo, to take (upon oneself) the office.
allá, there; — dentro, in there; lo de más —, the other; — abajo, down
there; — arriba, above, up there.
allí, there; por —, thereabouts, over there.
amable, lovable, pleasing, amiable.
amado, beloved.
amagar, to threaten.
amanecer, to dawn; be at day-break; al —, at day-break; amanezcan,
may find themselves at day-break.
amante, m. or f., lover.
amar, to love.
amargarse, to become bitter.
amargura, bitterness, pain.
amarillo, yellow, pallid; amarillas, gold coins.
amarra, martingale, strap.
amarrar, to tie, fasten.
ámbito, space, extent.
ambos, -as, both, the two; por ambas partes, on either side.
ambulante, movable, walking.
amén, amen, so be it.
amenaza, threat.
amenazador, -a, threatening.
amenazar, to threaten.
amenículos = adminículos.
amigo, -a, friend; ser — de, to be fond of, like.
amigote (aug. of amigo), great friend, chum.
aminorarse, to diminish.
amistad, f., friendship.
amo, -a, landlord, landlady, proprietor, master, mistress, owner.
amoldar, to mould, shape.
amontonar, to pile up, crowd together.
amor, m., affection, love; pl., love affairs; — propio (de), self-love (as
a), conceit (as a).
amorcito (dim.), cupid.
amoroso, affectionate.
amortiguar(se), to calm, soften.
amotinarse, to rebel, rise against authority.
amparar, to help, protect, shelter.
amparo, protection.
Ana, Anne; Santa —, Saint Anne (the mother of the Virgin Mary).
análogo, analogous, similar.
anaranjado, orange-colored.
anatómico, anatomical.
anciano, -a, old man, old woman; adj., old.
ancla, anchor.
ancho, width; adj., wide, broad.
andar(se), to walk, go about; — (+ p. p.), to be; ¡anda! of course! come!
please! ¿quién anda ahí? who is there? anda á, go and; ¡andando! let
us go!; andaba en los cuarenta, was some forty years of age.
andrajoso, ragged.
Andrea, Andrew.
anduve, -iste, -o, etc., pret. of andar.
anfitrión, m., amphitryon, host.
ángel, m., angel, (dead) child; — de Dios, innocent little thing; — de la
guarda, guardian angel.
angélicamente, angelically.
angelito (dim.), little angel.
angeluco (from ángel), poor innocent.
angelus, angelus (an evening devotion).
angostísimo (from angosto), very narrow.
angosto, narrow.
ángulo, angle, corner.
angustia, anguish, agony, distress.
angustioso, miserable, troubled, anxious.
anhelante, anxious, longing.
anhelo, longing, eagerness (for).
anidarse, to build a nest; dwell.
anillo, ring.
ánima, soul, spirit; pl., spirits; evening bells (inviting to prayer for the
souls in purgatory).
animado, animated, bright, quick, lively.
animadísimo, (from animado), most animated.
animal, m., animal, brute.
animalejeño, -a, inhabitant of Animalejos.
Animalejos, prop. noun (lit., small animals).
animalejuense, m. or f., inhabitant or native of Animalejos.
animalillo (dim.), little animal.
animalito (dim.), little animal.
animar, to animate, excite, encourage; revive, comfort.
ánimo, mind, spirit, soul; courage; con —, boldly.
aniversario, anniversary.
anochecer, to grow dark; el —, nightfall.
anonadar(se), to vanish.
ansia, eagerness, longing, ardent desire.
ansiedad, f., anxiety.
ansiosamente, anxiously.
ansioso, anxious, eager.
ante, before, in the presence of.
antecedente, m., antecedent; pl., previous conduct.
antemano; de —, beforehand.
antena, yard(arm).
antepecho; puerta de —, window (opening on hinges like a door, but
not coming down to the floor).
anterior, former, preceding.
anteriormente,, previously, before.
antes, formerly, before, but rather; — de, before, rather than.
antífona, anthem.
antiguamente, in olden times, formerly.
antiguo, old, antique; former.
antipatía, aversion, hatred.
antipático, disagreeable, unfeeling.
antojar(se) (used only in the third person), to desire, fancy; que se me
antojaran, that I might desire.
antojo, strong desire, longing, pleasure, whim.
Antonio, Anthony or Antony; San — de Padua, Saint Antony of Padua
(b. at Lisbon, 1195; d. at Padua, 1231; the patron saint of animals).
antorcha, torch.
anudar, to knot, tie together, fasten.
anunciar, to announce.
anzuelo, (fish-) hook.
añadir, to add.
añagaza, allurement.
añejo, old (said of wine).
añil,, m., indigo.
año, year; por los —s, about the year; ¿cuántos —s tiene usted? how
old are you?
apagar, to extinguish, drown (the voice); —se, to die away.
apandar, to steal, rob, pilfer, "swipe."
aparato; con —, with indication.
aparecer, to appear.
aparejado (á), ready (for).
aparejar, to rig (a boat).
aparejo, tackle; rigging; — de pescar, fishing-tackle.
aparentar, to feign, appear.
aparente, feigned, not real.
aparición, f., apparition.
apartar(se), to leave, turn away, separate.
aparte, apart, separate.
apearse, to dismount.
apedrear, to stone.
apelmazado, hard, soggy (as bread).
apellido, family name.
apenas (si), hardly, scarcely; as soon as.
apercibirse (de), to perceive.
apesadumbrado, sad; que la tenía —a, that made her sad.
apestar, to smell.
apilar, to pile up.
apiñado, crowded together, dense (as a crowd).
aplacar, to appease, calm.
aplastar, to crush.
aplaudir, to favor, applaud.
aplauso, applause.
aplicar, to apply, put, hold (one thing to another).
apoderarse (de), to take possession (of), seize.
apodo, nickname.
apogeo, apogee, culmination.
apologista, m. or f., apologist (defender of the divine origin of
apoplegía, apoplexy.
apoplético, apoplectic.
aposentador, m., quartermaster; sargento —, quartermaster-sergeant.
apostar (ue), to wager, bet.
apóstol, m., apostle, messenger.
apostrofar, to apostrophize.
apóstrofe, m., apostrophe.
apoyar, to corroborate, confirm; second; —se, to lean, rest upon, lay
stress upon.
apreciar, to appreciate.
aprehensión, f., seizure, apprehension, fear.
aprehensor, -a, captor.
apremiante, pressing.
aprender (á), to learn.
aprendiz, m., apprentice.
aprensión, f., seizure, fear.
apresuradamente, quickly, hastily.
apresurarse, to hasten.
apretar (ie), to tighten, press, squeeze, hasten, increase the speed (of
aprisa, quickly.
aprobar (ue), to approve.
apropiado, appropriate.
aprovechar, to profit by, make use of.
aprovisionar, to provide.
aproximarse, to approach.
apto, apt, fit.
apuesto, elegant, genteel.
apuntar, to point out, hint; aim; make a note of, mark.
apuñalear, to stab.
apurar, to drain, worry; —se, to grieve, be afflicted; — el paso, to hasten
one's steps.
apuro, difficulty, trouble, strait; salir de —s, to get out of difficulties.
aquel, aquella, that; aquél, aquélla, aquello, pron., that.
aqueste, -a, this; aquéste, -a, aquesto, pron., this.
aquí, here; — mismo, right here; de — para allí, here and there, from
one place to another.
árabe, Arab.
arado, plow.
arandela, socket-pan.
árbitro, master, arbiter.
árbol, m., tree.
arboladura, rigging, masts.
arboleda, trees, grove.
arcabucear, to shoot with an arquebus; to shoot (a criminal for
arcilla, argil, clay (for earthen-ware).
arco, arch, bow.
arcón, m., large chest.
archivo, archives.
arder, to burn.
ardiente, burning, fiery, ardent.
ardor, m., spirit, ardor, fire.
ardoroso, fiery.
arduo, arduous, difficult.
arena, sand; pl., sand.
arenal, m., sandy ground.
arenisco, sandy.
arenoso, sandy, covered with sand.
argamasa, mortar, cement.
Argel, Algiers (on the northern coast of Africa; capital of the French
colony of Algeria).
Argos, Argus (the mythological being with a hundred eyes, who wot
charged by Juno to watch Io; hence, a "sharp-sighted person").
aria, aria, air, tune.
arisco, shy.
arma, weapon, arm.
armar, to arm, man, stir up, provoke, put up, fit out (a boat); —se, to
armario, closet, cupboard.
armero, armourer, gun-smith.
armonía, harmony.
armonioso, harmonious, regular.
arnés, m., harness.
arqueólogo, archaeologist.

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