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Judo is a discipline created by Dr.

Kano Jigoro at the

end of the 19th century based on the self-defense
method of the Eastern samurai, combining the style
and technique of jiu-jitsu. At the age of twenty, Kano
founded the first Kodokan (judo school) in Shimotani
in 1882.

Hon Kesa Gatame

Hon Kesa Gatame is a technique that is very
common in judo combat... not only in judo, but in
other combat sports such as MMA, we often see this
and many other judo techniques applied and valid for
other types of fighting

Ushiro Ukemi
Back falls (ushiro ukemi) are very important to learn
correctly because together with rolling falls (zempo
kaiten ukemi) they will help us to land well and not
hurt ourselves when we project from a certain

O soto gari
This leg throw is also known as Dato Dazhi, so it
will be part of the Ashwaza routine. Unlike O Soto
Gari, we angle the opponent's leg, where we hook it
and end up on the ground with our attacking leg, or
pin, so it's an Otoshi.

Yoko shiho gatame

YOKO SHIHO GATAME belongs to the group of
fixed technologies (OSAEKOMI WAZA), in
addition to others that you already know, such as
Its translation is to control the four lateral points.

Kuzure Kami Shiho Gatame

Ō goshi is one of the 40 original versions of judo
written by Jigoro Kano.
It belongs to Dai ikyo of Gokyo-no-waza of
Kodokan Judo. It is also part of the current 67
versions of Kodokan Judo. It is classified as koshi-


White: is the color of beginners.
Yellow: the second in the training line.
Orange: represents a medium degree of management.
Green: the athlete demonstrates a good level.
Blue: the athlete approaches the maximum.
Brown: knowledge of judo is very high.
Black: it is the maximum level

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