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1. a) Suppose you have been selected on economist in a program that

focuses on enlighten investors on why there is rapid decreases in
labour efficiency. In this right, justify the quotation by giving five
(5) points.
b) Production function is given as follows: -
Q=10L+5L2 +L3
Find the following
(i). Average product and marginal product function
(ii). Number of labour and output level at the end of III stages of production
(iii). Number of labour and output at the end of second stage of production
(iv). Total product at the point where law of diminishing return start to operate.

2. a) With the aid of diagram and as far as types of price elasticity of demand are concerned, explain
how supplier will set price so those commodities and continues getting maximum revenue
(Give five points).
b) Given the following demand equation of economics books
QD1 = QD2=QD3= -2.5P + 550
Where QD= quantity demanded
P =Price measured in Tshs Per economic book
Required: -
(i). Derive the market demand function for economic book
(ii). If there are 900 economics books in total what price should be
changed to sell the entire collection
(iii). Calculate the revenue of an Individual Seller in the market if he
will be able to supply 50 books
(iv). Sketch the market Demand curve.

3. Most of less developing Countries face a challenge of rapid population growth and Government
fight to control population through introducing population policy to attain their demographic goal.
Identify and explain (8) limitation that have constrained the implementation of population policies
in Tanzania.

4. a) With concrete examples, examine six main indicators of business fluctuations in the economy of

b) Why a monopolist cannot change any price in the market? Explain by giving five points.
c) Suppose a market for mobile phones has demand function
Q = 1000 -10P and the cost of monopolist for producing mobile phone is C=0.005Q2 +500
(i). Profit maximizing output level
(ii). Price of mobile phones
(iii). Maximum profit

5. (a) Briefly, explain the following concepts;

(i). Dependence ratio
(ii). An ageing population
(iii). Optimum population
(iv). Under population
(v). Over population
b) Interaction between economic system and development is one of the major reasons for
existence of externalities. Justify this statement by giving six causes of externalities in the
c) Examine six (6) possible solutions that a country can adapt to control negative externalities in
the economy.

1. What is plan table survey? Explain six (6) equipment used in plane table survey.
2. a) What is meant by triangle of error and what are the ways of dealing with it in setting a plane


b) Illustrate the meaning of intersection in plane table survey

3. With the aid of diagram, describe radiation as a land surveying technique in plane table survey.
4. Compare and contrast the features in chain traversing and the intersection method in plane table
5. What is levelling? Explain four (4) importance of levelling in a field work.
b) Describe five instruments used in levelling.
6. Explain the three sources of errors in levelling
7. Define parallax. With the aid of diagram show the procedures for parallax elimination
8. With examples describe two ways of reducing levels in leveling
9. Define contouring. Give a clear account on the two methods of contour survey.

10. Differentiate the prismatic compass survey and chain survey
11. A farmer had an activity to make a fence on his plantation by regarding angles (bearing) and
distance but he failed to close the fence. Explain to him the qualities and limitations of the survey
method used (8points)
12. A team of surveyors moved from point A to B marking an angle of 45 o and a distance of 400m;
from point B to C marking an angle of 100o and a distance of 300m; from point C to D marking an
angle of 60o and a distance of 450m; and lastly from point D to E marking an angle of 80 o and a
distance of 500m.
a) Tabulate the information with its back bearings.
b) Plot the traverse using 1:10000 or 1cm represent 100m.
c) Clearly put the data from the traverse into the double entry column book sheet.
d) Use the traverse plotted in (b) to explain five possible causes of errors.
e) How would you fix the errors in (d)? Give five points
13. With six points explain why global warming is the world talking agenda?

1. Use non-programmable scientific calculator to:
3 0.003419 3
457+ √( ) 𝑙𝑜𝑔6.43
(i) Evaluate for (
) + 𝑙𝑜𝑔2.12 Correct to 2 decimal places

𝑑 1
(ii) Compute for ( ), at 𝑥 = 0.2 to six decimal places
𝑑𝑥 √𝑥 2 +1
(iii) Find mean and standard deviation of the distribution below:

X 12 17 22 27
Cumulative frequency 3 4 12 16

2𝑥−𝑥 2
2. Given that 𝑓(𝑥) = ,
𝑥 2 −2𝑥−3
(i) Write the values of x for which 𝑓(𝑥) = 0 and the values of x for which 𝑓(𝑥) > 0
(ii) Show that 𝑓(𝑥) → −1 as x→ ±∞
(iii) Sketch the graph of 𝑓(𝑥), showing particularly where the curve crosses the x-axis and
how it approaches its asymptotes.
3. a) if perpendicular distance of point (1, 𝑘) to the line 6𝑥 + 9 = 8𝑦 is 5.5, determine the possible

value of 𝑘.

b) Find the length of the tangent from the point (12, –9) to the circle
3𝑥 2 + 3𝑦 2 − 7𝑥 + 22𝑦 + 9 = 0.

1. Why is religious tolerance important to a country like Tanzania?
2. “Religion is a double-edged sword” discuss
3. Outline main political ideas of Mwalim J.K Nyerere and their impact on the development process
in Tanzania and Africa in general
4. Tanzanians economic development efforts are impeded by HIV/AIDS pandemic” justify
5. Some people believe that gender inequality has been a contemporary issue in Tanzania because it
has contributed too much in poor development, its true? Why?


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