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Q1: What is the default DATE field type format??





e None


Q2: What is PHP heredoc used for??

a allows creating single lines of string with using quotations

b allows creating single line of string without using quotations

c allows creating multiple lines of string without using quotations

d allows creating multiple lines of string with quotations

e None

f None

Q3: What are the components of Docker architecture??

a The components of a Docker architecture are the Services, Auth, and Prod.

b The components of a Docker architecture are the Server, client, and Images.

The correct Answer is: None

d The components of a Docker architecture are the host, client, and registry.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method??
a Request.QueryString;

b None

c $_GET.QueryString

d Request.Form;

e $_GET[];

f None

Q5: What is the purpose of $_SESSION[]??

a Used to initialize a session.

b none of the above

c Used to register a global variable

d Used to store variables of the current session

e None

f None

Q6: Which of the following is used to set cookies??

a setcookie() function

b None

c isset() function

d $_COOKIE variable

e $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS variable

f None

Q7: How is a constant defined in a PHP script??

a define ("ACONSTANT", 123);

b define (CONSTANT, 123);

c define ("ACONSTANT" 123)

d None

e None

f None

Q8: Which command is used to create file archives in Linux??

a arc

b tar

c None

d ps

e None

f zip

Q9: How to list all nodes in your Docker swarm??

a docker node get

b None

c None

d docker node ls

e docker node print

f docker node get-all

Q10: Choose the odd one out.?

a ksh

b csh

c None

d Kernel
e bsh

f None

Q11: A Docker container is an instance of an image with a specific configuration.?

a None

b None

c None

d None

e False

f True

Q12: Which of the following is not true??

a PHP makes a website dynamic

b None

c PHP can not be embedded into html.

d None

e PHP applications can not be compiled

f PHP can be used to develop web applications.

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