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Department of Education

Region X
Fr. Masterson, Upper Balulang
Cagayan de Oro City

S.Y. 2023 – 2024

Name:__________________________________ Score:______________
School: _________________________________ Date:_______________
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on the
space provided.
____1. Which of the following is NOT factorable?
A. x2 + 4x - 7 C. 2q3 – 6q2 – 36q
B. v + 4v – 21 D. p2 + 5p + 6
____2. What missing term of m2 + 12m + 36 = (m + _ )2 to make a true statement?
A. 9 C. 7
B. 8 D. 6
____3. What do you call of the process in finding the factors of the expression?
A. Special Products C. Perfect Square Trinomial
B. Factoring D. Greatest Common Monomial
____4. What is the GCF of the expression of 12x y – 20x5y2z?
3 5

A. 6x2y C. 8xy2z
3 2
B. 4x y D. 12x3y5
____5. What kind of factor of polynomial where the largest monomial is divided to each
term of polynomial?
A. Factoring C. Greatest Common Factor
B. Perfect Square Trinomial D. Special Products
____6. The length of the rectangular garden measure (2x – 3)m and width is (x – 3)m.
What is the area of the garden?
A. 2x2 + 9x + 9 C. 2x2 – 9x + 9
B. 2x – 3x + 9 D. 2x2 – 6x + 9
____7. If 9x + 30x + 25 represents the area of a square. Find the binomial that
represents the length of a side of the square.
A. 5x – 3 B. 3x – 5 C. 5x + 3 D. 3x + 5
____8. Mrs. Rosales bought two kilograms of mango and six kilograms of banana. She
paid a total amount of Php 360. If she bought a kilo of each kind of fruits, the total
amount that Mrs. Rosales should have paid was Php 100. How much does a kilo
of mango cost?
A. Php 120 C. Php 60
B. Php 100 D. Php 150
____9. A fountain is in the center of a square garden. The radius of the
fountain is x – 2 feet. The length of the garden is 2x + 4 feet.
Which polynomial represents the area of the garden, including
the fountain?
A. 4x2 + 8x + 16
B. 4x2 + 8
C. 4x2 + 16
D. 4x2 + 16x + 16
____10. It is a ratio of two polynomials provided that the denominator is not equal to zero. In symbols: P/Q, whe
A. Rational Algebraic Expressions C. Irrational Algebraic Expressions
B. Integer Algebraic Expressions D.Complex Algebraic Expressions
____11. What operation of rational algebraic expressions that the product of two
expressions is the product of the numerators divided by the product of the
denominators. In symbols.
a c ac
∙ = , wherebd ≠ 0
b d bd
A. Complex Rational Algebraic Expressions
B. Dividing Rational Algebraic Expressions
C. Adding and Subtracting Dissimilar Rational Algebraic Expressions
D. Multiplying Rational Algebraic Expressions
____12. What operation of rational algebraic expressions that the quotient of two
expressions is the product of the dividend and the reciprocal of the divisor, In
a c a d ad
÷ = ∙ = , wherebc ≠ 0
b d b c bc
A. Multiplying Rational Algebraic Expressions
B. Dividing Rational Algebraic Expressions
C. Adding and Subtracting Dissimilar Rational Algebraic Expressions
D. Complex Rational Algebraic Expressions
____13. Which of the following is NOT a similar rational algebraic expressions?
2 2
x +3 x 2 x+3 3 x +2 x−1
A. + C. 2 + 2
x−3 x−3 x −2 x −2
2 2
x −1 x +2 2 x +3 x+1 x +2
B. − D. −
x +2 x−2 x −1 x−1
____14. What kind of expression where the numerator or denominator or both
numerator and denominator are rational algebraic expressions?
A. Complex Rational Algebraic Expressions
B. Dividing Rational Algebraic Expressions
C. Adding and Subtracting Dissimilar Rational Algebraic Expressions
D. Multiplying Rational Algebraic Expressions
____15. Which of the following is NOT an example of multiplying rational algebraic
x −xy x+ y a+b b
A. 2 2 ∙ 2 C. −
x − y x −xy b a+b

B. ( )( )
4x 6x
D. 2
6 y−30 3 y−15
y + 2 y +1 y + y
∙ 2

5t 4
____16. What operation should be used in the expression and 2 to arrive an
8 3t
answer of ?
A. Subtraction C. Addition
B. Division D. Multiplication
2 2
2 x + x−6 x −2 x−8
____17. Divide 2 by 2
2 x +7 x+ 5 2 x −3 x−20
2 x−3 x−2
A. C.
x+1 x+3
3 x −1 x−4
B. D.
2 x +3 x−2
t+3 8 t−24
____18. Find the difference between 2 and 2 ?
t −6 t+9 t −9
2 2
−6 t −11t +12 9t +10 t+11
A. 3 2 C. 3 2
t −9 t +27 t−27 t −9 t +27 t−27
2 2
8 t + 11t−9 −7 t +54 t−63
B. 3 2 D. 3 2
t −9 t +27 t−27 t −9 t +27 t−27
b 2b

b−1 b−2
____19. Simplify the complex rational expression of
2b 3b

b−2 b−3
b−2 −b + 2b +1
A. C.
b+3 ( b−1 ) (b−2)
b −4 b−3
B. D.
b−2 b−1
2 4
x− 2
____20. Simplify
5x x −2
A. C.
3 x
x +2 3
B. 2 D. 2
x + x−6 x +x
____21. Mary took the math exam. One of the problems in the exam is finding the
2 2
x +2 x+ 1 1−x
quotient of 2 and 2 . Her solution is shown below.
4−x x + x−2
x +2 x+ 1 1−x
( x+ 1 )( x +1 ) ( 1−x ) ( 1+ x )
÷ = ÷
x + x−2 ( 2−x ) (2+ x ) ( x+ 2 )( x−1 )
2 2
( x+ 1 )( x +1 ) ( x+2 )( x−1 )
= ∙
( 2−x ) ( 2+ x ) ( 1−x ) (1+ x )
( x +1 ) ( x +1 ) ( x+ 2 )( x−1 )
( 2−x ) ( 2−x )( 1−x )( 1+ x )
( x+ 1 )
( 2−x )
Did Mary arrive at the correct answer?
A. No, (x-1)and (1-x) is not equal to 1
B. No, The divisor should be reciprocated first before factoring it out
C. No, (2+x) is not the same as (x+2)
D. No, the dividend and divisor should be interchange
____22. What is the Rectangular Coordinate System?
A. It is a two-dimensional plane which is divided by the axes into four regions
called quadrants.
B. It is used to determine the location of a point by using a single number.
C. It is a plane used for graphing linear functions.
D. It is used for naming points in a plane
____23. Which of the following is true about the points in the
A. J is located in Quadrant III.
B. G is located in Quadrant III.
C. C is located in Quadrant II.
D. B is located in Quadrant IV

____24. It is composed of two perpendicular number lines that

meet at the point of origin (0,0) and divide the plane into
four regions?
A. Product Set C. Cartesian Plane
B. Cartesian Product D. Ordered pair
____25. What is the range of the relation given the set of ordered pairs {(-5,-2), (-2,-2),
(1,0), (4,2), (7,2)}?
A. {-2,0,2} C. {-2,-2,0,2,2}
B. {-5,-2,1,4,7} D. {-5,1,7}
____26. Let A = {2, 3, 5} and B = {0, 5}. Find A x B?
A. {(0,2), (5,2), (0,3), (3,5), (5,0), (5,5)} C. {(0,2), (5,2), (0,3), (5,3), (0,5), (5,5)}
B. {(2,0), (2,5), (3,0), (5,3), (0,5), (5,5)} D. {(2,0), (2,5), (3,0), (3,5), (5,0), (5,5)}
____27. It is a special type of relation in which every element in the domain is mapped
to exactly one element in the range.
A. Relation C. Domian
B. Range D. Function
____28. It is noted that the ______ of a relation is the set of first coordinates while the
range is the set of second coordinates.
A. Cartesian Plane C. Subsets
B. Range D. Domain
____29. Which of the following sets of ordered pairs define a function?
A. {(2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,-9)} C. {(3,2), (-3,6), (3,-2), (-3,-6)}
B. {(1,2), (2,6), (3,-2), (4,-6)} D. {(4,4), (-3,4), (4,-4), (-3,-4)}
____30. What is the standard form of the equation y = x + 3?
A. 2x + y = 3 C. x + y = 2
B. x – 2y = -6 D. 3x – 2y =4
____31. Determine the value of a that will make the slope of the line through (4,-3) and
(2,a) equal to the given value of m = 1/4.
A. -1/4 B. -7/2 C. 1/3 D. ¾
____32. It is a line that passing through two points P1(x1,y1) and P2(x2,y2) is given by
y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1

A. range B. y – intercept C. slope D. domain

____33. What kind of function that defined by f(x) = mx + b, where m is the slope and b
is the y – intercept, m and b Є IR and the degree of the function is one?
A. Linear B. Quadratic C. Relation D. Parabolic
____34. What kind of method in graphing linear equations that using the slope and one
point where this can be done by plotting first the given point?
A. Using the slope and a point C. Using x- and y- intercepts
B. Using the slope and the y – intercept D. Using two points
____35. Find the equation of the line of the form y = mx + b that passes through the
points of (3,4) and (4,7)?
A. y = x + 1 C. y = -3x + 2
B. y = -x + 4 D. y = 3x – 5
____36. What is the graph of the line given that slope is 3 and passes through the point
of (0,-6)?
A. . C.

B. D.

____37. What type of system of linear equations having infinitely many solutions? The
slopes of the lines defined by the equations are equal; their y – intercepts are
also equal
A. System of consistent and independent equations
B. System of consistent and dependent equations
C. System of inconsistent equations
D. System of inconsistent and dependent equations
____38. What type of system of linear equations having no solution? The slopes of the
lines defines by the equations are equal or have no slopes.
A. System of consistent and dependent equations
B. System of inconsistent equations
C. System of consistent and independent equations
D. System of inconsistent and dependent equations
____39. It is a system of linear equations having exactly one solution. The slopes of the
lines defined by the equations are not equal.
A. System of consistent and independent equations
B. System of consistent and dependent equations
C. System of inconsistent equations
D. System of inconsistent and dependent equations
____40. Mr. Agpalo paid Php 260 for four adult’s tickets and six children’s tickets.
Suppose the total cost of an adult’s ticket and a children’s tickets is Php 55. How
much does an adult’s ticket cost?
A. Php 35 C. Php 120
B. Php 80 D. Php 150
____41. Laila says that the system has infinite number of solutions. Which of the
following reasons would support her statement?
A. The two lines as described by the equations in the system coincide.
B. The two lines as described by the equations in the system have different
C. The graph of the system of equations shows parallel lines.
D. The graph of the system of equations shows intersecting lines.
____42. Which of the following is the solution of the equations x + y = -7 and y = x + 1?
A. (2,3) C. (-4,3)
B. (5,-3) D. (6,7)
____43. If 3x + 2y = 10 and 3x – 2y = 8, what is x equal to?
A. 6 C. 18
B. 3 D. 24

____44. Which system of equations has graph that shows parallel lines?
A. 3x + 9y = 4 C. 5x + 2y =12
x + 3y = 5 x – 7y = 8
B. -3x + y = 5 D. 2x + y =12
6x – 2y = -10 3x – y = 7
____45. How many solutions does a consistent and independent system of linear
equations have?
A. infinite C. 1
B. 2 D. 0
____46. What point is the intersection of the graphs of the lines x + y = 8 and 2x – y =
A. (5,3) C. (3,5)
B. (1,8) D. (2,6)
____47. How many solutions does a consistent and dependent system of linear
equations have?
A. Infinite C. 1
B. 2 D. 0
____48. What is the solution set of the equations x + y = 8 and y = x + 6?
A. (2,4) C. (-1,8)
B. (1,7) D. (3, -6)
____49. If 2x – 3y = 9 and y = x – 2, what is x equal to?
A. -5 C. -3
B. -4 D. -6
____50. Mrs. Jacinto would like to install the value of saving and to develop decision –
making among her children. Which of the following situations should Mrs.
Jacinto present to her children?
A. Buying and selling different items
B. A person putting coins in his piggy bank
C. Buying assorted goods in a department store.
D. Making bank deposits in two banks that give different interests.
1. A 26. D
2. D 27. D
3. B 28. D
4. B 29. B
5. C 30. B
6. C 31. B
7. D 32. C
8. C 33. A
9. D 34. A
10. A 35. D
11. D 36. A
12. B 37. B
13. B 38. B
14. A 39. A
15. C 40. A
16. D 41. A
17. A 42. C
18. D 43. B
19. D 44. A
20. C 45. D
21. A 46. C
22. A 47. A
23. B 48. B
24. C 49. C
25. A 50. A

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