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Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Department: CST
3 Year 5th Semester

Last Minute Patters of Questions MP 8086 & MC 8051

1. Explain the architecture of an 8086 microprocessor and how it differs from other
microprocessors of its time.
2. What are the key features of an 8086 microprocessor?
3. How does the 8086 microprocessor handle memory segmentation? Can you explain
the purpose of segment registers and segment-offset addressing?
4. What is the instruction set of the 8086 microprocessor, and can you provide some
examples of commonly used assembly language instructions?
5. Describe the various addressing modes supported by the 8086 microprocessor and
provide examples for each. How do 8086 microprocessors utilize pipelining and
prefetching techniques to increase performance?
6. How do interrupts work in the 8086 microprocessor?
7. Explain the types of interrupts of 8086 MC.
8. Can you explain the use of flags in the 8086 microprocessor and discuss the role of
the status register?
9. Can you explain the use of flags in the 8086 microprocessor and discuss the role of
the status register?
10. What is Accumulator?
11. What are the different types of addressing modes of 8086 instruction set?
12. What are the various elements of MPU (microprocessor unit)
13. Draw the architecture diagram of 8086.
14. Explain address bus and data bus ?
15. What are the functions of segment register? What are the functions of general
purpose register?
16. Explain the main functionality and architecture of the 8255 Programmable Peripheral
Interface (PPI) and its role in microprocessor-based systems.
17. What are the different modes of operation in the 8255 PPI, and what are the key
features of each mode?
18. Describe the process of interfacing an 8255 PPI with an 8086 microprocessor.
19. What are the key differences between the functioning of the 8255 PPI in Mode 0 and
Mode 1?
20. Explain how the Interrupt Request (INTR) signal works in the 8255 PPI during
different modes of operation.
21. How can the 8255 PPI be used to implement Different types of ADC and DAC
22. Explain the architecture of 8257 DMA controller.
23. Explain the interfacing of Stepper motor in 8255 PPI by schematic diagram.
24. Describe the command words of 8259 Interrupt controller.
25. What are the key features of the 8051 microcontrollers?
Prepared by: Dipon Das
Department: CST
Institute: Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Science & Technology
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Department: CST
3 Year 5th Semester

26. Explain the different memory spaces in the 8051 microcontrollers.

27. What is the maximum amount of external RAM that can be interfaced with the 8051
28. Differentiate between 8051 Mc & 8086 Mp.
29. What is the function of the ALE pin in the 8051 microcontrollers?
30. Explain the function of the PSW register in the 8051 microcontrollers.
31. What Is Special Function Registers (sfr) in 8051 MC.
32. List the modes of timer in 8051 Mc.
33. What is Serial communication?
34. What is the difference between timer and counter of microcontroller?
35. What Are The Four Distinct Types Of Memory In 8051?
36. Explain Harvard Architecture Microcontroller?
37. What Is The Difference Between Harvard Architecture And Von Neumann
38. Explain Jnc.?
39. Can you explain the significance of the Program Status Word (PSW) in the 8051
Microcontroller and its various flags?
40. What is the role of the Stack Pointer (SP) in the 8051 Microcontroller?
41. Explain the memory organisations of RAM and ROM?
42. Explain the different interrupts present in 8051 Mc?
43. What is the use of Timers and counters in 8051 Mc.
44. Explain the Interfacing of Stepper Motor with 8051Microcontroller
45. What are the different addressing modes of 8051 MC.
46. With simple block diagram, explain the features of 8051 Mc.
47. What is stack in 8086 mp? State its significance.
48. Describe any six Addressing modes of 8086 with suitable example.
49. What is the role of Assembler and linker in 8086 mp.
50. What is queue in 8086?
51. State the significance of LOCK signal in 8086?
52. What are the functions of bus interface unit (BIU) in 8086?
53. What is linker?
54. What are the different types of methods used for data transmission?
55. Draw & discuss typical minimum mode 8086 systems.
56. What are the functions of the clock generator?
57. Write any four important functions of EU.
58. Differentiate between minimum and maximum mode in 8086 mp.
59. State the purpose of HOLD pin in 8086.
60. What are pointers and index registers?
61. State the function of INTR signal in 8086.

Prepared by: Dipon Das

Department: CST
Institute: Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Science & Technology
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Department: CST
3 Year 5th Semester

62. What is the purpose of clock input?

63. What is USART?
64. What is mode 0 operation of 8255?
65. What is ADC and DAC?
66. What is PSW?
67. Differentiate between program memory and data memory.
68. What is the use of stepper motor?
69. Explain the significance of HOLD, RESET and READY signals in 8086 processor.
70. Compare MOVC & MOVX instructions.

Prepared by: Dipon Das

Department: CST
Institute: Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Science & Technology

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