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Research Lynne M. Connelly

Trustworthiness in Qualitative
n their qualitative study on nurses’ confusion and naling. Evidence also should be presented of iterative

I uncertainty with cardiac monitoring, Nickasch,

Marnocha, Grebe, Scheelk, and Kuehl (2016)
addressed trustworthiness in a number of ways.
questioning of the data, returning to examine it several
times. Negative case analysis or alternate explanations
should be explored as well.
Trustworthiness or truth value of qualitative research
and transparency of the conduct of the study are crucial Dependability
to the usefulness and integrity of the findings (Cope, Dependability refers to the stability of the data over
2014). In this column, I will discuss the components of time and over the conditions of the study (Polit & Beck,
trustworthiness in qualitative research. 2014). It is similar to reliability in quantitative research,
but with the understanding stability of conditions
depends on the nature of the study. A study of a phe-
What Is Trustworthiness? nomenon experienced by a patient may be very similar
Trustworthiness or rigor of a study refers to the degree from time to time. In a study of a program instituted at
of confidence in data, interpretation, and methods used a hospital, however, conditions will change. Procedures
to ensure the quality of a study (Pilot & Beck, 2014). In for dependability include maintenance of an audit trail
each study, researchers should establish the protocols of process logs and peer-debriefings with a colleague.
and procedures necessary for a study to be considered Process logs are researcher notes of all activities that
worthy of consideration by readers (Amankwaa, 2016). happen during the study and decisions about aspects of
Although most experts agree trustworthiness is neces- the study, such as whom to interview and what to
sary, debates have been waged in the literature as to observe.
what constitutes trustworthiness (Leung, 2015).
Criteria outlined by Lincoln and Guba (1985) are
accepted by many qualitative researchers and will be the Confirmability is the neutrality or the degree find-
focus of this column. These criteria include credibility, ings are consistent and could be repeated. This is analo-
dependability, confirmability, and transferability; they later gous to objectivity in quantitative research (Polit &
added authenticity (Guba & Lincoln, 1994). Each of these Beck, 2014). Methods include maintenance of an audit
criteria and the typically used procedures will be out- trail of analysis and methodological memos of log.
lined. Not all procedures are used in each study. Qualitative researchers keep detailed notes of all their
decisions and their analysis as it progresses. In some
Credibility studies, these notes are reviewed by a colleague; in other
Credibility of the study, or the confidence in the studies, they may be discussed in peer-debriefing ses-
truth of the study and therefore the findings, is the most sions with a respected qualitative researcher. These dis-
important criterion (Polit & Beck, 2014). This concept is cussions prevent biases from only one person’s perspec-
analogous to internal validity in quantitative research. tive on the research. In addition, depending on the
The question a reader might ask is, “Was the study con- study, the researcher may conduct member-checking
ducted using standard procedures typically used in the with study participants or similar individuals. For exam-
indicated qualitative approach, or was an adequate jus- ple, Nickasch and colleagues (2016) presented their
tification provided for variations?” Thus a grounded findings at a national research conference and received
theory study should be conducted similar to other feedback indicating the presented issues were similar for
grounded theory studies. Techniques used to establish other nurses.
credibility include prolonged engagement with partici-
pants, persistent observation if appropriate to the study,
peer-debriefing, member-checking, and reflective jour- The nature of transferability, the extent to which
findings are useful to persons in other settings, is differ-
ent from other aspects of research in that readers actual-
Lynne M. Connelly, PhD, RN, is Associate Professor and Director of
ly determine how applicable the findings are to their sit-
Nursing, Robert J. Dehaemers Endowed Chair, Benedictine College uations (Polit & Beck, 2014). Although this is considered
Atchison, KS. She is Research Editor for MEDSURG Nursing. analogous to generalization in quantitative research, it

November-December 2016 • Vol. 25/No. 6 435

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