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Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Period: ________

DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct response. Write the letter of your response on the line.

_____1. What weapon does Beowulf use to fight the dragon?

a. Bare hands
b. Bow and arrow
c. Sword and shield
d. Battle axe

_____2. What does Beowulf want to win from the dragon?

a. Its treasure
b. Its lair
c. Its weaponry
d. Its scales

_____3. Wiglaf’s actions are all part of “comitatus” EXCEPT for:

a. Loyalty to Beowulf
b. Warrior attitude
c. Courage in battle
d. Choice to fight with a sword

_____4. Which character helps Beowulf defeat the dragon?

a. Hrothgar
b. Higlac
c. Wiglaf
d. No one

_____5. What happens to Beowulf’s riches?

a. Thrown into the sea

b. Put away in Beowulf’s tower
c. Given to Hrothgar
d. Passed down to Beowulf’s children

_____6. What do Beowulf’s men do after he is buried that reflects Anglo-Saxon culture and customs?

a. tell stories of his greatness and heroic deeds

b. hold a memorial service with religious rites
c. write down an account of his adventures
d. gather for a feast and a period of prayer

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. A

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