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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Period:________

Part 1: Multiple Choice

_____1. Beowulf was written down (after being passed down orally for centuries) during which time span?

a. 1500-1700
b. 499-699
c. 1066-1200
d. 800-1000

_____2. What poetic genre is Beowulf?

a. epic
b. ode
c. sonnet
d. ballad

_____3. Which two belief systems are represented several times throughout Beowulf?

a. paganism and Buddhism

b. Christianity and atheism
c. paganism and Christianity
d. atheism and paganism

_____4. Mead halls had each of the following functions in Anglo-Saxon culture EXCEPT:

a. as meeting places to discuss battle strategies

b. as centers in which children received an education
c. as locations for drinking, merriment, and celebrations
d. as places in which community gatherings occurred

_____5. “Almighty’s enemy” being used to describe Grendel is an example of:

a. a kenning
b. personification
c. caesura
d. a simile

_____6. We know that Beowulf is an epic hero for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

a. he is of noble birth
b. he experiences many emotions
c. he has super-human strength
d. he is brave and courageous

_____7. What is the purpose of the text’s allusion to the story of Cain and Abel?

a. to demonstrate Grendel’s evil origins and nature

b. to urge readers/listeners to practice Christianity
c. to urge readers/listeners to reconvert to paganism
d. to show that Beowulf is capable of committing evil acts

_____8. The warrior code of “comitatus” is demonstrated by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Beowulf’s desire to show bravery in battle

b. The Geat men’s loyalty to Hrothgar
c. Beowulf’s skill in battle is rewarded with fame and glory
d. Several characters referencing Christian beliefs

_____9. Why is Beowulf initially not trusted by Hrothgar’s watchman?

a. Beowulf and his men are known to get involved in situations where they aren’t wanted
b. the watchman is jealous of Beowulf’s renowned bravery and doesn’t want him to enter Denmark
c. the constant threat of war made it necessary for the Anglo-Saxons to be protective
d. the people of Denmark were known for being untrustworthy, so they were skeptical of trusting others

_____10. What is significant about the fact that Grendel’s home is below ground at the bottom of a marsh?

a. it shows that he prefers to live in a gross place

b. it is a symbolic representation of hell
c. it allows him to live with his mother
d. it is close to Herot

_____11. Which is a valid inference to draw from the fact that Beowulf elected to use only his hands to fight Grendel?

a. that Beowulf significantly underestimated Grendel’s strength

b. that Beowulf’s overconfidence may have negative effects
c. that Beowulf doesn’t consider Grendel to be a worthy opponent
d. that Beowulf’s honor leads him to desire an even match

_____12. In the text, the narrator says that “Fate will unwind as it must.” Which pagan belief does this represent?

a. comitatus
b. storytelling
c. wyrd
d. courage

_____13. What ultimately becomes of Grendel?

a. he goes back to his cave to die after having his arm torn off by Beowulf
b. he dies in Herot after a long battle that ends with Beowulf decapitating him
c. he goes into hiding after being shamefully beaten by Beowulf
d. he retreats to his lair to enlist the help of his mother in defeating Beowulf

_____14. The narrator takes much time to describe the horrors of Grendel’s attacks, as well as the terrifying nature of Grendel
and Grendel’s Mother’s lair. What primary purpose do these descriptions serve in the narrative?

a. they reinforce the extent to which Beowulf’s bravery eclipses other men’s
b. they provide for a break in the action in order to alter the pace of the story
c. they create a melancholy tone that is juxtaposed with joyful passages
d. they eliminate some of the intensity of the story to make it more pleasant

_____15. What is the most accurate description of how Beowulf’s fight with Grendel’s Mother transpired?

a. Beowulf immediately overpowers her with his superhuman strength, but he regrets killing her
b. Beowulf struggles initially when his sword breaks, but kills her using a giant’s sword instead
c. Beowulf takes pity on her because she is mourning her son, but he eventually kills her
d. Beowulf finds his courage wavering as he enters the lair, but he eventually faces his fears and kills her

_____16. In Beowulf’s boast that he delivers prior to fighting the dragon, which word most accurately describes his feelings
towards his past achievements?

a. humble
b. proud
c. indifferent
d. sorrowful

_____17. Other than more fame and glory, what did Beowulf hope to win from the dragon?

a. its treasure
b. its hide
c. its lair
d. its kingdom

_____18. What two literary devices are being used when the narrator states: “For the first time in his life that famous prince
fought with fate against him, with glory denied him.”

a. a metaphor and foreshadowing

b. a kenning and caesura
c. foreshadowing and alliteration
d. alliteration and a kenning

_____19. Why does Wiglaf remain with Beowulf, even after all of the other warriors have fled?

a. he believes in the loyalty of comitatus

b. he is petrified at the sight of the dragon
c. he fears retribution and punishment from Beowulf
d. he is planning to sneak away with some of the dragon’s riches

_____20. Which of these lines represents the fulfillment of Beowulf’s quest for fame and glory?

a. “Then the brave king gave the golden necklace from around his throat to Wiglaf”
b. “the bravest Geats rode their horses around the tower…telling stories of their dead kind and his greatness,
his glory, praising him for heroic deeds, for a life as noble as his name.”
c. “But Wiglaf sprinkled water over his lord, until the words deep in his breast broke through and were
d. “He allowed us to join him, chose us from all his great army, thinking our boasting words had some weight,
believing our promises, trusting our swords.”

Part 2: Short Answer

21. Briefly explain why caesura, kennings, and alliteration are important components of Anglo-Saxon storytelling.









22. Cite two examples from the text to support the claim that Anglo-Saxon values directly influence the characters’ actions. You will
want to explain the characters’ actions, then demonstrate the way(s) in which they are motivated by Anglo-Saxon beliefs.

Example 1: __________________________________________________________________________________________________







Example 2: __________________________________________________________________________________________________







Part 3: Essay

Answer the following prompt: Is Beowulf an admirable human being?

• A fully-developed response will consider what it means to be admirable, then determine whether or not Beowulf
demonstrates those traits. You should have a minimum of three pieces of evidence to support your argument.

• In your essay, you must use a minimum of 5 of the Beowulf vocabulary words from your packet. These words include:
arduous, bestial, dauntless, dismay, fealty, inimitable, injurious, intrepid, mettle, noxious, pernicious, prowess, spoils, valor,


























1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. B

21. Students’ responses should indicate that they have an understanding of the fact that the Anglo-Saxons passed
stories down orally. They should explain that memory devices are important in oral storytelling, which is why
alliteration and be helpful. They should also indicate that the caesura’s were used to give the speaker a natural point
at which to pause and breath. The students may suggest that kennings were used to create interesting images or
descriptions that enhanced the power of the narrative or kept the audience interested.

22. Students’ responses will likely focus on the Anglo-Saxon values of bravery, loyalty, comitatus, etc. They should
explain how these concepts were important parts of Anglo-Saxon culture, then cite instances in which the narrative
reinforces them (e.g. comitatus is present when Wiglaf remains by Beowulf’s side).

23. Students’ responses will vary. Ensure that they are offering sufficient justifications from the text to support their

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