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ANTHROPOLOGY 1 NOTES can learn any cultural

CHAPTER 2 tradition
I. What is Culture Culture is SYMBOLIC
II. Culture’s Evolutionary Basis ➔ Culture originated once we were able to
III. Universality , Generality, Particularity bestow meaning onto an event or object
IV. Culture and the Individual: Agency and ➔ Symbol: something verbal or nonverbal
Practice that stands for something else arbitrarily
V. Mechanisms of Cultural Change (with no real connections)
VI. Globalization ◆ Linguistic Symbols and nonverbal
symbols like flags and crosses
I. What is CULTURE? ➔ Humans have the ability to learn, think
A. Complex whole including symbolically, use language and
knowledge, belief, etc. and any manipulate cultural products as they see
other capabilities and habits fit
acquired by man as a member of ◆ Everyone can use symbols
society therefore everyone can create
B. Human’s attributes that they get and maintain culture
not through biological inheritance Culture is SHARED
but through enculturation ➔ Culture arises as being part of a group;
(learning culture) and the individual in a group
socialization (social cognition) ➔ Enculturation unifies people by providing
Culture is LEARNED: us with common experience
➔ Cultural learning depends on our ability ◆ When a group of people share
to use symbols (images or signs that memories, inside jokes, decorum,
have arbitrary or random connections to etc.
the things they mean) ➔ A culture always changes but there are
➔ Humans slowly internalize a system of certain parts (beliefs, or values) that
meaning and symbols withstand the test of time, and have
◆ Conscious and unconscious always been part of enculturation
learning ➔ Individualistic ideals may ensue but the
● When a parent teaches reality is that not much of our thoughts
you to say thank you are unique
(conscious) Culture and NATURE
● Observation and ➔ People have to eat/defecate, but culture
awareness of teaches us what, when and how
surroundings ➔ Technology along with culture helps us
(unconscious) surpass many natural boundaries
◆ All humans have culture ◆ Vaccines, modern medicine,
● All individuals have the telegraphs, engineering
same capacity for culture, Culture is ALL-ENCOMPASSING
but have different ➔ All people are cultured
emotional and intellectual ➔ Culture encompasses features that can
capacities tl dr; anyone be considered as trivial
◆ Normal things such as comic ◆ Grabbing, manual dexterity, color
books or television are counted vision, depth perception
as a cultural manifestation ◆ This kind of dexterity is what
Culture is INTEGRATED allowed humans to create tools
➔ Cultures are patterned systems ◆ Apes and humans also share the
◆ Culture is integrated to other capacity for learning brought by
aspects of society such as their large brain to body ratio
economics and politics ◆ Single offspring allows for more
◆ Cultures are integrated by attention to be directed towards
different sets of values, ideas, an individual, and more learning
symbols and judgments opportunities
◆ CORE VALUES are heavily ➔ The social animal tendency of humans
integrated in cultures, and these originated from apes where they seeked
cultures train their members to support through social groups
uphold these ➔ The difference between primate society
Culture can be ADAPTIVE and MALADAPTIVE and human culture is the human’s ability
➔ There exists cultural adaptive kits; for symbolic thought, but the following
human evolution forced us to be more are more similarities
dependent on our cultural adaptation ◆ Learn from experience and
rather than our biological one change behavior
➔ Some adaptive behavior can be ◆ Production of stone tools
beneficial for individuals but can harm ◆ Apes use of sticky sticks to
the group or environment long term collect termites from termite hills
◆ Littering, single-use plastic ➔ Another difference between primates
➔ Maladaptive behavior can threat and humans are that humans are more
humanity’s existence likely to share and cooperate
◆ Carbon emissions from modern ◆ This behavior was developed
vehicles when humans were in their
◆ Air Conditioning hunting and gathering stage,
➔ Several cultural patterns such as where they would hunt in groups
overconsumption are maladaptive in the called BANDS
long run ◆ The amount of information stored
in a band is more than any
II. Culture’s Evolutionary Basis primate group
➔ Hominid: member of the hominid family; ➔ Mating is another difference between
ay fossil or living human, chimp or humans and primates
gorilla ◆ Kinship and exogamy promoted
➔ Hominins: all human species that have diplomatic ties and mutual
ever existed recognition from several groups
rather than if someone had no
➔ Our humanistic traits originated from ties outside of his own
our primate ancestors
III. Universality, Generality, and Particularity
➔ Universal: serves or is an attribute of all IV. Culture and The Individual: Agency and
humans Practice
◆ These traits distinguish humans ➔ Anthropology studies the relationship
from other species between the “system” and the individual
● Ex.infant dependency, year ◆ The system denotes social
round sexuality, ability to structure, relations, culture, etc.
use symbols, languages ➔ Individuals both compose and are
and tools guided by the system
◆ Most universals are biological ◆ Individuals are not mere
◆ Organization of social life and recipients of the system’s control,
social interaction also bring but also learn, interpret, modify
about universals and manipulate cultural rules
● Family living and food ◆ People often contest what should
sharing and shouldn’t be the meaning of
● Exogamy and incest taboo things in the face of other
➔ General: pattern or trait of most but not cultures
all ➔ Ideal VS Real cultures
◆ Generalities can come as a result ◆ Ideal: what people ought to do,
of colonial rule or cultural what they say they do
diffusion ◆ Real: actual observed behavior
● Speaking of english ➔ Culture is public and individual
◆ It can also arise through inventing ◆ How an individual thinks is a
the same pattern in different topic of study for anthropologists
cultures (rose from coincidence because of its (how a person
and circumstance) thinks) relation to culture
◆ ◆ An individual internalizes and
➔ Particular: applies to certain cultures interprets the meaning of public
only (outside their own) messages
◆ Confined to a single culture or ◆ Individuals convert their
place understanding into their own
◆ Former particulars could now expressions for the world to
grow to be general because of consume or critique
transporation ➔ Culture is social glue
◆ Cultural traits can be borrowed ◆ Shared/collective memory binds
and modified to fit the culture people of the same culture
that borrowed them together
◆ Several phenomena can be ◆ Ie. culture needs less of a
universal, but their interpretations conscious effort to maintain
in different cultures can be ◆ Agency: the actions a person
different takes (both on their own and in
● Birthdays, passage of rites groups) in the
➔ Anthropology studies cultural practices, formation/changing of cultural
differences and patterns identities
◆ Practice theory: the notion that die out because of contemporary
each individual in a society has a international activism
different set of motives and has a ➔ Cultural Relativism: full understanding of
respective degree of power a different culture is required to explain
● How can individuals its members motives and beliefs; tldr:
exercise influence to don’t judge if you don’t understand
change their ◆ People within the same culture
environment/surroundings can also disagree; gender
● Culture shapes an dispute, generational gaps
individual and in turn the ◆ Consider who is
individual is given the advantaged/disadvantaged by a
opportunity to custom
change/partake ◆ A methodological position
in/influence culture ➔ Human rights creates boundaries as to
➔ Levels of Culture what is culturally appropriate; providing
◆ National: beliefs and behaviors a sense of morality and justice
shared by a group of people from ◆ These are inalienable rights
the same country ◆ Some human rights
● Nations can contain ● Freedom of speech
several culturally defined ● Right to religion
groups ● Right to autonomy
◆ International: traditions, beliefs ● Right to trial
and behaviors crossing over ➔ Cultural Rights: rights vested in religious
national boundaries through and ethnic minorities and indigenous
diffusion societies
● Roman Catholicism, ◆ Rights include:
standard education, the ● To raise their children in
olympics the ways of their ancestors
◆ Subcultural: beliefs and behaviors ● To continue using its
shared by people smaller than the language
national level, only in particular ● Not to be deprived of an
groups economic base in its home
● Usually formed in families, nation
peer groups, workplaces, ● Right to practice religion
communities and culture
V. Ethnocentrism, Cultural Relativism, and ➔ Intellectual Property Rights
Human Rights ◆ Tries to preserve cultural base
➔ Ethnocentrism: the tendency to view (principles)
one’s own culture as superior to others ◆ Allows indigenous grps to control
◆ More moral, more justified, who makes use of their IK
sensible, etc. ◆ IPR allows indigenous groups to
◆ Human rights violations in some decide where and how products
cultures force some traditions to
of IK are distributed, and how ANTHROPOLOGICAL THEORIES
much benefits they receive 1. Evolutionism - Tylor, Darwin, Morgan
VI. Mechanisms of Cultural Change ● Human development in societies are
➔ Diffusion: borrowing of traits between expected to follow a unilineal framework
cultures of development
◆ Direct Diffusion: two cultures ● Religion, civilization are a few of the
trade, marry or declare war on aspects of a society that can follow a
each other unilineal framework
◆ Forced Diffusion: enforcement of BARBARISM > SAVAGERY >
culture on another cultural group CIVILIZATION
(domination) ● CRITICISMS:
◆ Indirect Diffusion: group 1 to 2 to ○ based on secondary evidence,
3 but no direct interaction ○ ethnocentric view
between cultural groups 1 and 3 ○ became a basis for race theory
➔ Acculturation: exchange of cultural Ex. Ethnic tribe, Amish
features from continuous contact and
trade 2. Diffusionism
◆ Parts of culture change but the ● The spread of certain ideas and
groups themselves remain the customs between cultures
same ● “People are inherently uninventive and
◆ Combination of practices, foods, would rather borrow inventions”
songs, etc. ○ They thought that majority of
➔ Independent Invention: people of the inventions were borrowed from
same societies with the same culture the Egyptians
innovate in similar ways ● Egyptian diffusionism was ethnocentric
◆ Ex. both the middle east and ● German diffusionism believed that
mexico discovered agriculture cultures can be borrowed from any
and economic systems culture; several origins of culture
VII. Globalization ○ Kulturkeise
➔ Globalization: acculturation and ● Kroebe: borrowed culture creates
diffusion reinforced by international change in the culture that receives it
commerce, travel, media, and ● CRITICISMS: ethnocentric ideology
information systems (since some cultures are borrowed from,
◆ Mass media encourages it makes it seem that they’re better);
consumption and commerce could not explain why some cultures
● Media also influences had no external origin
lifestyle, ideologies,
products, etc. 3. Historical Particularism: Boas
● People live multi-locally ● Boas: cultures cannot be categorized as
backward or civilized
● Idiographic approach: to deal with
specific cases; relativist
● Nomothetic approach: consider several ○ Kinship
cases at a time ○ Myths
● Introduced cultural relativism ● Levi-Strauss: human mind
● Each culture in a society has its own fundamentally thinks of things in binary
distinct and unique path of development oppositions
○ He also said that the savage
mind was similar to the civilized
School of Thought in Anthropology mind
1. Functionalist 4. Cultural Ecology and Neo-Evolutionism
● Brown-Radcliffe: institutions ensure
solidarity and social integration as a
whole Anthropological theories & Schools of Thought
● They said that society was a (cont.)
self-maintaining system of relationships ● Cultural Ecology and Neo-Evolutionism
made of institutions, where institutions (Leslie White; Steward)
are an ordered set of relationships that ○ Neo-evolutionism: attempts to
work for the maintenance of society explain cultural transformation as
● Norms and customs asserted by a result of improvements in
institutions and socialization are harnessing energy
necessary for order and stability ■ Hunter-gatherer societies
○ Cultural traits are there to fulfill use less energy to modern
an individual’s needs industrialized societies
2. Culture and Personality ■ Also known as universal
● Personality patterns were based on evolutionism
different socialization practices ○ Cultural Ecology: insists that
● PLAIN VS PUEBLO ETHNOGRAPHY (ruth cultural adaptation towards the
benedict) natural environment initiates
○ Plain: represented violence, war, social transformations of
use of vices evolutionary change
○ Pueblo: represented cooperation, ■ relationship between
harmony, etc. natural conditions,
● The configuration of a society is technology, and social
reflected by those who are in it/its organization
● Mead: development on the individual is ● Cultural Materialism and Marxist
more dependent on cultural Anthropology (Harris;)
expectations than physical biology ○ Cultural Materialism: focuses on
○ Gender-associated traits both organizational aspects of
social institutions (politics and
3. Structuralism economy) as well as the symbolic
● Things cannot be understood in aspects (art, philosophy) as a
isolation, and must be understood in the result of serving the biological
context as part of a larger structure needs of a society
■ Institutions and symbols ■ Deals with the
serve a biological function interpretation of symbolic
○ Socio-cultural systems can be actions
divided into ■ “Culture is a mental
■ Infrastructure: technology phenomenon; a collection
used for the production of of organized symbols”
resources such as food, ○ Postmodernism: concentrates on
clothing and shelter language and power as signs and
■ Structures: domestic and symbols that took meaning from
political economy relationships between people
● Domestic: family ■ Critiques the validity of an
structure, domestic external imposed order in
division of labor, comparison to individuality
age and gender and diversity
roles ■ “Truth is created”
● Political: class, ● Feminist Anthropology: aims to study
castes, police, and the roles of women in societies around
military the world, focusing on gender inequality,
■ Super-structures: gender roles, and power differences of
philosophy, art, ideas, gender groups
religion, games, science, ○ Ortner: women are related to
values nature because of their ability to
■ Change in the bear offspring. Men by default
infrastructure will cause have to relate to culture and
change in structures and artificial creation; and culture
superstructures eventually molds, nature,
○ Marxist Anthropology garnering more significance,
■ Individuals within the bringing more power to men in
social collectivity were the long run
seen as acting upon nature
and entering into definite
relations with each other in
providing for themselves
■ Systems of production
influence all of society
■ “Culture is a material

● Symbolic and Interpretative

Anthropology and the Effect of
○ Symbolic Anthropology

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