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10 Unexplained Mysteries Found In The

Throughout history, many discoveries have shocked humanity. Some of them were
explained, and some are still historical mysteries.

Lost civilization, a computer that’s thousands of years old, a witch story,

mysterious Guidestones, and more.

Grab a paper and a pencil and try solving those mysterious if you can.

United States: The Georgia Guidestones

In 1979, a man named R.C Christian approached a local granite company in
Georgia, on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans” asked the company to
manufacture The Mysterious Guidestones. It was 6 granite slabs, 19 feet 3 inches
tall and weighing almost 250 thousand pounds. It was not released how much it
cost, but for sure more one hundred thousand USD which is approximately four
hundred thousand USD in our current time.
But What was the purpose of those stone, why would someone pay that amount of
cash for 6 granite slabs?
They wanted to deliver a message for the upcoming generations, that’s why R.C.
Christian told the granite company that the slaps should be capable of withstanding
catastrophic events, like nuclear bombing!
What was the message? It was a set of ten guidelines engraved on the stones.
Most of the guidelines were good things, like Exploring matters related to
spirituality, or creating a global government and how it should be run.
But the guideline that was the most Controversial was the first one which said:
“Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

All the guidelines were written in 8 different languages, English, Russian, Spanish,
Hindi, Arabic, Chinese, Swahili, and Hebrew.
Theories came out about it, people were calling it "The Ten Commandments of the
Antichrist", or the Satanic monument.
A conspiracy theorist proposes that the person who financed the Georgia
Guidestones, using the pseudonym "R.C. Christian," Who later discovered that
there was no person with that name, might have intended to allude to "Rose Cross
Christian," potentially connecting this to Christian Rosenkreuz, the founder of the
Rosicrucian Order
Throughout the years there were demands to destroy the Guidestones. They were
damaged by spray and paint couple of times till 2022 where the stones were
bombed, only one Guidestone out of the four main Guidestones was damaged, but
the city had to remove it due to “safety regulations.”
Till that day, no one discovered Christian’s real identity or who was after it.

United Kingdom: Mother Shipton's Cave and the Petrifying Well

Her name graces pubs, and her effigy and statues are used by fortune tellers. A
moth is named after her because her face is imaged in the moth’s wings!
Who is that woman?
Long time ago, in 1488, during a violent thunderstorm, the 15 years old girl Agatha
gave birth in a cave. Agatha was dragged before the local magistrate, but she
would not reveal who the father was.
With no family and no friends to support her, Agatha raised her daughter Ursula in
the cave on her own for two years before the Abbott of Beverley took pity on them
and a local family took Ursula in. Agatha was taken to a nunnery far away, where
she died some years later. She never saw her daughter again.
Ursula grew up around Knaresborough. She was a strange child, both in looks and
in nature. Her nose was large and crooked, her back bent and her legs twisted. Just
like a witch. She was taunted and teased by the local people and so in time she
learnt she was best off on her own. She spent most of her days around the cave
where she was born. There she studied the forest, the flowers and herbs and made
remedies and potions with them.
When she was twenty-four, she met a young man by the name of Tobias Shipton.
He was a carpenter from the city of York. Tobias died a few years later, before
they had any children, but Ursula kept his name, Shipton. The Mother part
followed later when she was an old woman.
Mother Shipton was said to be a witch and an oracle, predicting doomsday horrors
and disasters that were to befall the Tudor reign, with each morbid forecast recited
in prose.
Mother Shipton passed away in 1561, aged 73. But her legacy is still alive.
A well located around her cave, a Petrifying well. If you leave anything by the
well, it will be a matter of time before the thing you left turn into “stone.”
Dozens of items gained the stoney structure, giving a weird and creepy look, just
imagine a stoney teddy bear or a pair of shoes!
That made the cave and the well a destination for tourists since the 1600s.
However, scientifically, it was explained to be it is an entirely natural phenomenon
and due to a process of evaporation and deposition in waters with an unusually
high mineral content.

The Story | Mother Shipton's Cave

Mother Shipton's Cave and the Petrifying Well – England - Atlas Obscura

Italy: The Voynich Manuscript

Hidden deep within Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
lies a puzzling relic – the Voynich Manuscript. This 240-page book, dating back to
around 1420, is a mesmerizing fusion of art and writing, seemingly plucked from
the world of dreams. Its pages feature real and imaginary plants, floating castles,
bathing women, astrology diagrams, zodiac rings, and celestial bodies with human
faces. Measuring 24 x16 centimeters, it's one of history's greatest mysteries
because no one can read it.
The story of the Voynich Manuscript began in 1912 when Wilfrid Voynich, a
Polish bookseller, stumbled upon it in an Italian Jesuit college. Questions
consumed him – who made this? Where? Why? What do the strange words and
illustrations mean? Voynich bought it from a priest, took it to the United States,
and ignited over a century of investigation.
Cryptologists have studied the writing and noticed it behaves like a real language,
but one no one knows. Instead of random letters, there are patterns, suggesting it
has a purpose. Characters vary in style, height, and origin. The manuscript seems
written by different people, with another adding the pictures.
Over the years, three main theories emerged. Some think it's written in code on
purpose. Others say it's an elaborate hoax. The third theory is it's a known language
with an unknown script, like the rongorongo script on Easter Island. Despite the
mystery, speculations abound, from an encyclopedia of forgotten knowledge to
connections with historical figures, witches, or even Martians.
Recent findings, like carbon dating and tracing its history to Holy Roman Emperor
Rudolf II, provided clues. Some words have been tentatively identified. Still, the
code remains unbroken, and the manuscript's secrets stay hidden. What's the truth
behind its enigmatic text and fantastical illustrations? A dream journal, gibberish,
or a repository of lost knowledge? The Voynich Manuscript remains an unsolved
riddle, calling scholars and enthusiasts to decipher its mysterious story.
Brazil: The Amazon Stonehenge
Deep within the Amazon rainforest, a hidden wonder has emerged – the "Amazon
Stonehenge." This mysterious site, nestled in the jungle's heart, challenges what we
know about ancient Amazonian civilizations.

Amidst the lush rainforest, a complex of massive stone structures forms a circular
pattern, much like the famous Stonehenge in the UK. They stand as a testament to
an unknown civilization's incredible engineering skills, raising questions about the
capabilities of indigenous people in this remote region.

Who built these stone monoliths, and why? Researchers from around the world are
drawn to this enigma. Early studies suggest it's thousands of years old, yet its
purpose remains a tantalizing puzzle. Was it an astronomical site, a ritual place, or
a hub of ancient trade routes?

The Amazon, with its diverse cultures and ecosystems, seems an unlikely place for
such a discovery. Nevertheless, the "Amazon Stonehenge" challenges our
understanding of the ancient world and makes us rethink the achievements of past
civilizations hidden deep within this impenetrable jungle.

As scientists and adventurers unite to unveil the secrets of the "Amazon

Stonehenge," the rainforest holds silent witness to a long-concealed past. The
Stonehenge of the Amazon calls to those daring enough to reveal its cryptic tale.

South Africa: The Mysterious 300,000 Years Old Lost City

In the remote wilderness, about 150 kilometers west of Port Maputo in South
Africa, there lies a forgotten marvel—an ancient metropolis sprawling across a
mind-boggling 1,500 square kilometers. This is no ordinary city; it's shrouded in
mysteries that stretch back an astonishing 160,000 to 200,000 years. To put that in
perspective, we're talking about a civilization older than the Great Pyramids of
Egypt, a civilization that has somehow evaded the annals of history.

These colossal stone remnants, which once formed part of an even grander
civilization encompassing an estimated 10,000 square kilometers, remained hidden
from the world, known only to local farmers who believed these stone circles were
crafted by their indigenous ancestors.
But destiny had different plans for this hidden treasure. Enter Michael Tellinger, a
daring researcher, and Johann Heine, a local firefighter and pilot with an eye for
the extraordinary. For years, Heine had watched these enigmatic structures from
the air, sensing their historical significance. Their partnership led to astonishing
discoveries. Tellinger exclaimed, "The photographs, artifacts, and evidence we
accumulated all point towards a lost civilization that predates all others, not by just
a few hundred years or a few thousand, but many thousands of years."

This revelation shakes the very foundations of human history. It challenges the
prevailing belief that South Africa was not home to any significant ancient
civilization, with grand empires like Sumeria and Egypt stealing the spotlight.
Tellinger's research dares us to reconsider the entire timeline of human history.

Dan Eden from V-Zone offers a thrilling interpretation: "I would suggest that the
Sumerian story was given as a base metaphor for actual ancient cataclysms that
caused the diminished planetary resonance and a spiritual injury to the
psychoacoustic field of human consciousness." He sees Sumerian mythology as a
coded message, a metaphor for ancient catastrophes that shook the core of human

In a nutshell, the ancient metropolis near Port Maputo, South Africa, with its
sprawling stone circles spanning 1,500 square kilometers, is an archaeological
riddle that defies time and logic. It's a mystery that keeps researchers on the edge
of their seats, ready to rewrite the history books. The stage is set for a grand
reevaluation of human history, and the world eagerly watches as the secrets of this
ancient enigma slowly unravel.

Archaeologists in South Africa discover 'lost city' using laser technology -

200000-year-old city found in Southern Africa may rewrite history

Ireland: The Stone Circles of Beaghmore

Seven stone circles, each unique, scattered across the lush green landscape. These
aren't just randomly placed stones; they are meticulously arranged in intriguing
patterns, offering a puzzle that's intrigued historians, archaeologists, and visitors
The Beaghmore stone circles date back to the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, making
them over 4,000 years old. That's like having a conversation with people who lived
in a time when the pyramids of Egypt were still being built.

Some of the stones are aligned with celestial events, suggesting that these circles
might have been a bit like ancient observatories. It was something like a cosmic
calendar, when they used it to track the sun, moon, and stars for purposes we're
still trying to understand.

As you wander among these ancient stones, you can't help but feel a connection to
the past. What stories do they hold? Were they gathering places for celebrations or
centers of spiritual ceremonies?

Greece: The Antikythera Mechanism

Back in 1901, a group of sponge divers made an incredible find while exploring a
sunken ship near a Greek island. They were 45 meters underwater, and what they
discovered was like a time capsule from the past – filled with bronze and marble
statues, shiny jewels, and old coins. These items took them back to the days of the
Greek and Roman empires.

But among all these treasures, the most amazing thing they found was the
Antikythera Mechanism. It might not sound very exciting, but it's like an ancient
computer, possibly the first one ever made.

All the cool stuff they found was sent to a museum in Athens for safekeeping and
study. But the Antikythera Mechanism wasn't immediately recognized for what it
was. It looked like a lump of rusty metal and wood, and for two whole years, the
museum staff were more interested in shiny statues than this strange thing.

Then, in May 1902, a clever archaeologist made a mind-blowing discovery.

Hidden in a piece of rock was a strange wheel with teeth. At first, he thought it was
some kind of ancient clock, which was a big surprise because it shouldn't have
existed in Roman times. This was a mystery that no one saw coming.

Fast forward to 2008, and technology had improved a lot. A team of scientists and
researchers brought a massive X-ray machine to the Greek museum where the
Mechanism was kept. With it, they could see faint writings on the Mechanism's
What those writings revealed was truly amazing. The Antikythera Mechanism
turned out to be a super-advanced ancient time-telling device with lots of little
gears. It was designed to follow how the Moon and the Sun move through the sky,
predict eclipses, and even show the Moon's weird path, where it goes faster when
it's close to Earth and slower when it's far away.

So, how old is this amazing device? Scientists think it was made between 200 and
100 B.C. It's mind-boggling to think that people thousands of years ago could
create something so advanced.

(51) Antikythera Mechanism: The ancient 'computer' that simply shouldn't exist -
BBC REEL - YouTube

India: The Harappan Civilization

One of the lost civilizations, which is believed to be older than the Egyptian
civilization! The Harappan civilization thrived around 3300 –1300 BCE. We still
do not know much about the civilization, because their language remains
undeciphered. Then what we know about the Harappan civilization?
The Harrapan’s had a very advanced engineering technique. That can be easily
seen by their brick construction system. Their buildings were built using
standardized kiln-fired bricks. In addition, for the draining systems they had.
They also had great bath! The researchers believe it was used for ritualistic or
religious purposes.
The decline of the civilization is still unknown, theories say that it was due to
environmental changes, specially that the civilization was built near the rivers, so
it’s highly possible that the river’s shifts affected the civilization.
And till that day, the secrets of their civilizations are still uncovered.

Mexico: The Maya Civilization

If you think that the only pyramids in the world, are in Egypt, you are wrong. The
maya civilization is one of the civilizations that had pyramids.
In the heart of the lush Mesoamerican rainforests, the Maya civilization flourished
with grand cities, soaring pyramids, and a calendar so precise it could schedule
your lunch break. Yet, even the mighty Maya couldn't escape the grip of destiny's
The Maya, once rulers of the jungle, faced an unexpected villain – climate change.
Droughts turned their once-lush lands into a cinematic wasteland, challenging their
agricultural prowess. It was the ultimate plot twist, as the Maya realized that even
the most advanced calendars couldn't predict Mother Nature's curveballs.

As city-states engaged in a heated sibling rivalry, the harmony of the rainforest

symphony turned into a cacophony of chaos. Imagine rival rulers arguing over who
had the fancier temple or the more sacred cenote.

But wait, there's more! Trade routes, once bustling with precious jade and obsidian,
crumbled like a poorly constructed building. The Maya, facing an economic
recession, could no longer indulge in their favorite obsidian-encrusted popcorn.

And so, the grand finale unfolded – a civilization brought to its knees not by an
asteroid or alien invasion, but by a culmination of unforeseen twists. The Maya
civilization, once the star of the show, took its final bow, leaving behind a mystery
that would puzzle archaeologists for centuries.

Peru: The Nazca Lines

In 1927, a Peruvian archaeologist discovered the Nazca Lines. Local people were
aware of them, but probably they haven’t known how big they are. In 1930s, pilots
flying over the lines, reported seeing the large figures. To make it clear how big
they are, some of them are as big as a baseball yard. Since then, the archaeologists
started paying attention and looking into those weird and huge shapes. Some of the
shapes illustrate plants or animals, but some others shape creatures like humans.
The Nazca Lines were probably built somewhere between 200 BCE and 600 CE.
Many theories came out about the lines, the scientific ones referred it to be
underground water sources map, or communication with gods. Of course, theories
about aliens came out. What really made people thousands of years ago spend time
and effort doing such huge figures, and how were they able to do such a thing in
such a detailed way!

We must mention that those lines are not the only, there are similar figures were
found in USA, and England. how people from different times and different
civilizations had the same idea of making such a thing!
All those questions are still unanswered, even with the technology were reached
Many other discoveries are still mysterious till that day, subscribe because we are
going to uncover those mysterious discoveries and more amazing video on
“Discover the Top 15 Mysterious Ancient Ruins in Africa That Scare Scientists”
Don't forget to check it out.

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