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A What If Extended: Teacher

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M, Gen
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku/Melissa Shield
Character: Melissa Shield, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class
1-B (My Hero Academia), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a
Language: English
Series: Part 6 of A What If Collection
Stats: Published: 2020-09-22 Completed: 2020-10-23 Words: 29,096
Chapters: 6/6

A What If Extended: Teacher

by GreyTail


The Extended for the AWI Chapter "Teacher"

A New Term
Chapter Notes

Same as before folks, you can skip this one if you've read the AWI Teacher chapter.

“And I would like to welcome the newest member of our staff,” Nedzu said as the students stood
quietly for the Entrance Ceremony, “Izuku Midoriya, who will be taking the position of Quirk
Theory Teacher for both the Support and Hero Courses of all years! Please give him a friendly

The teen walked up to the podium, bowing slightly to the Principal as the chimera hopped down
off his stool. The students began whispering to each other as the boy took a deep breath, seemingly
calming himself down before he smiled brightly at them.

“Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya,” he said, “And I’m sure you’re all wondering about my age.
That is not really a matter of importance. Instead, I hope you will treat me the same way you would
any other teacher. Thank you.”

“As Midoriya-sensei has just said,” Nedzu continued as the teen walked back to his chair, “As
students of UA, you will treat him with the same respect you afford all of your teachers. Now, I
believe we can wrap things up here! Have a good year everyone!”


“Where were 1-A and their teacher during the Entrance Ceremony?” Izuku asked as the staff
walked back to the staff room, several splitting off to go attend to their classes.

“Oh, he was probably hazing his new students, Midoriya-kun,” Midnight said cheerfully as she
petted him on the head, “Don’t be surprised if there are empty seats when you have your first

“Kamaya-sensei,” Izuku said, making the woman blink at the stern look he was giving her, “I may
be younger than all of you, but that’s no excuse to treat me like a child. I earned my teaching
degree for a reason, you know. Please refer to me appropriately.”

“Oh! I…I’m sorry, Midoriya-sensei,” the woman said, a slightly shocked expression on her face,
“It’s just, you’re the same age as our first years, so it’s a little…”

“Disconcerting?” the teen asked, nodding to her, “I understand, but the students will never be able
to respect me if not even the staff can.”

“It’s a fair point,” Vlad King chuckled behind them, “I’ll make sure to drill it into my class’s heads
that you’re a teacher here, and that they should respect you.”

“Thank you, Kan-sensei,” Izuku said politely.

“Just call me Kan, Midoriya,” the burly man laughed, “I only got my Teaching diploma last year as
well, so we’re both new to this.”
“Then you can call me Nemuri!” Midnight chimed as she leant over slightly, winking at Izuku as
the teen blushed slightly.

“I would prefer not to, Kamaya-sensei.”

“Aw, no fun!” the woman pouted.


“Okay, first class,” Izuku sighed, taking a deep breath as he stood outside the door to 3-A,
“They’re third years, so they should be mature enough to respect you. And they’re only two years
older than you. And you’re a teacher! At UA! So, they need to respect you!”

Izuku took another breath as he slid open the door, the class quieting as he stepped inside. The teen
looked around, eyes lingering on three students in particular as he recognized them from the
student profiles Nedzu had given him. Standing up a little straighter, Izuku walked into the room as
confidently as he could, setting his tablet down on the podium as he looked out over the class.

“Good morning, class,” he said, keeping his voice as steady and level as possible, “My name is
Izuku Midoriya. You may refer to me as Midoriya-sensei, and I will be your teacher for Advanced
Quirk Theory this year.”

“The first-year classes are on the ground floor!” someone called, making the class snicker slightly,
Izuku taking a sharp breath in.

“I am perfectly aware of that, Itazura-san,” Izuku replied, the boy in the back paling slightly at the
mention of his name, “And you now have detention during Practical Heroics today.”

“What? Why?” the boy shouted as he stood, staring at the teen in shock.

“For misbehavior,” Izuku replied flatly, “And detention for the rest of the week for talking back to
a teacher.”

The class fell silent as the stunned student fell back into his chair, a look of disbelief on his face.

“I would have preferred that our first interaction had gone more amicably than that,” Izuku said, “I
would prefer to foster respect between both sides. However, if I have to use my authority to ensure
that this class goes smoothly, I will.”

The blonde’s hand shot up, Izuku nodding towards him.

“Sensei, no offense, but how can we be sure you’re qualified for this position? You are quite
young,” he asked, giving Izuku a knowing look as the green-haired teen smiled, tapping on his

“Well, Togata-san,” he replied, turning to the state of the art interactive board that he’d insisted on
being installed in every classroom as it suddenly burst into life behind him, showing a number of
images, “Despite my age, I have earned my PhD in Quirk Theory, have worked with multiple
Heroes as a quirk analyst for several years, including your Mentor, Sir Nighteye, and All Might,
and,” Izuku paused for effect as he looked back over the class, “I was personally chosen by
Principal Nedzu.”

The class stared at the images that appeared, Izuku standing beside numerous Pro Heroes, many
shaking his hand. An image of his Doctorate sat in the top corner the entire time, as several of the
patents he held for various pieces of support gear scrolled underneath it.
“I feel that makes me more than qualified,” Izuku finished.

“What’s your quirk?!” the blue-haired girl suddenly called, bouncing in her seat as she grinned at

“I don’t have one, Hado-san. And please raise your hand before asking a question next time,”
Izuku replied, the class starting slightly as he turned back to the board, “Now, onto the lesson.”


Izuku sighed as he stood outside the door to 1-A. Of the five classes he had taught today so far,
he’d had to give detentions to students in four of them. The only class so far that had been spared
was 1-B, the students all greeting and treating him like he was any other teacher. And now he had
this lot. He’d heard that Aizawa had already expelled one of his students for not doing well enough
on some kind of quirk comprehension test. One that had taken place during the Entrance
Ceremony. The Entrance Ceremony where he was introduced.

“What even is Quirk Theory?” he heard a male voice say through the door as he reached to open it,
making him pause, “How’s it supposed to help us be better Heroes?”

“Dunno, it sounds kind of complicated,” another voice said, female this time, “Maybe it’s about
how we can improve our own quirks?”


A strangely familiar voice shouted over the rest, making Izuku flinch slightly, “I’LL FUCKING

“I don’t know, kero,” another female voice said, croaking at the end of her sentence, “I think it
sounds interesting.”

This would be interesting.

“Excuse me, but are you lost?” the tall, blue-haired boy asked almost instantly as Izuku opened the
door and walked in, “I do not think this is your classroom. And where is your uniform?”

“This is class 1-A of the Hero course, correct?” Izuku replied with a smile as the boy nodded,
“Then I am precisely where I am meant to be.”

“I find that hard to believe,” the student replied, getting up from his desk and marching stiffly
towards Izuku as the rest of the class muttered to each other, “Show me your student card, please!”

“I don’t have one, Iida-san,” Izuku replied, watching as the boy paused at the mention of his name,
before Izuku pulled the small piece of plastic from his pocket and presented it to him, “I do,
however, have a Teacher’s Identification Card. I understand that your Homeroom teacher was
unprofessional enough to skip the Entrance Ceremony, but that is no excuse for ignorance.
Especially from a prospective Hero. Now, please sit down or you will have detention this

“I…you…what?” the boy sputtered as the class fell silent, staring at Izuku in shock, “Who are

“My name is Izuku Midoriya,” Izuku said plainly as he turned to the class, “And I am your new
Quirk Theory Teacher.”

“Izuku Midoriya?” the blond sitting in front of the empty desk growled, “Wait…DEKU?!”

“He should be expelled.”

“He has potential,” Aizawa growled as he glanced down at the other teacher.

“He physically attacked a member of staff using his quirk,” Izuku replied, glaring back at the older
man, “If it wasn’t for my training, I may have been seriously injured.”

“It was a lapse in his judgement,” Aizawa replied, “I’ll talk to him about it.”

“Will you now?” Izuku sighed, “Just so you know, I also took the liberty of reviewing all of your
students’ costume designs, Aizawa-san. Who thought it was a good idea to give an obviously
emotionally unstable teen a weapon with that much explosive potential? Are you trying to get him
to kill your other students?”

“Of course not!” the man replied, now glaring back at Izuku, “He’ll just have to learn to use them

“No, he won’t,” Izuku growled back, “I’ve given him afternoon detention for the rest of the month,
which he will take during every Practical Heroics lesson by having a counselling session with
Hound Dog. Also, his costume will be revised by a trusted source of my choosing.”

“You can’t do that,” Aizawa hissed, staring at the teen in shock.

“I already have,” Izuku growled back, “If you don’t want him expelled, you had better start
actually teaching, rather than simply running away from the, as you put it, “problem children”.”

“Running?” Aizawa stepped back, “When the hell have I ever run away?!”

“I’ve seen your records, you expel students at the drop of a hat, even if you reinstate them later,”
Izuku replied, “I may have only had my teaching degree for a few months, but I can recognize
borderline child abuse when I see it.”

“Child abuse?” Aizawa was reeling as the teen stepped towards him.

“Yes, child abuse! Do you have any idea what you’re doing to the psyches of the kids you expel?”
Izuku was almost shouting now, “You’re not fixing anything by expelling them, you’re breaking
them and expecting them to piece themselves back together into something you approve of! And
that is child abuse!”

“That is quite enough, Midoriya-sensei,” Nedzu hummed through his cup of tea, the teen blinking
as he stepped back, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

“I apologize for my outburst, Principal,” Izuku said calmly, his brow still furrowed in anger.

“I need you both to remember that here at UA, we give out teachers a great deal of freedom in how
they teach,” Nedzu said as he set his tea cup down, “So while I understand your objections to the
other’s teaching methods, I would ask that you not question them unless they actively cause harm
to the students.”

Aizawa and Izuku nodded as they looked at the Principal.

“That being said, Midoriya-sensei has brought up a valid point,” Nedzu continued, “As such, we
will be reviewing your methods, Aizawa-san.”
“You’re taking his side?” the man gasped, eyes going wide.

“Of course not,” Nedzu chuckled, “He just brought up valid points.”


“Good afternoon.”

“Afternoon, uhm…sensei?” the boy said as he stepped into the break room, looking around slightly
as Izuku gestured for him to sit on the stool opposite him, “If you don’t mind me asking, what is
this all about?”

“Well, Shinso-san,” Izuku said, “I understand that you tried out for the Heroics Entrance exam,

“Yeah,” the purple-haired teen muttered as he sat opposite the other boy, “I failed though.”

“Yes, your quirk doesn’t work on robots,” Izuku hummed, nodding his head.

“No, it doesn’t,” Shinso muttered, “Didn’t help that some blond asshole was stealing everyone’s
points, either.”

“And that is the problem,” Izuku sighed, before looking the teen straight in the eyes, “Your quirk
should have been more than enough to have you be a recommended student. However, due to the
short-sightedness of the faculty, others, with more “flashy” quirks, were able to get in instead of

“What are you saying?” the teen asked slowly.

“I’ve petitioned to have you moved into Class 1-A of the Heroics department. And Principal
Nedzu agreed,” Shinso’s jaw dropped as he stared at the other teen, his eyes wide as Izuku gave
him a determined look, “However, there is a condition.”

“And what is that?” Shinso asked.

“You have to win the Sports Festival.”


“Why did you lie to him?” Nedzu asked as he moved the chess piece slowly across the board,
sipping at his tea.

“I believe Aizawa-san refers to it as a “Logical ruse”,” Izuku replied as he made his own move.

“Ah, I see,” Nedzu replied, “But why winning the Sports Festival? Couldn’t you have told him to
simply place? Or even just reach the third round?”

“I could have,” Izuku hummed, “But I think the world needs to see that they can be wrong about

“Hmm,” Nedzu nodded, “Is that why you’re building that suit in the Support Department?”

“Yes,” Izuku replied, unsurprised that the Principal knew about that, “And fair warning, I’m
probably going to steal Hatsume for I-Island as soon as she graduates. I’ve never seen someone as
skilled in prototyping and design as her.”
“Fair enough,” Nedzu laughed, “Also, are you sure that the USJ will be attacked this afternoon?”

“After the gate incident, and the Press,” Izuku paused, looking up at Nedzu, “And the fact that my
schedule for class A was missing? Yes. Definitely.”


“Heroics is more than just fighting Villains,” Thirteen said, Cementos beside them, as the students
stood outside the large square building, “Today we’ll be using Gym Gamma, also known as the
Training Kitchen Lab, or TKL for short, to simulate various rescue situations! Please thank both
Cementos and Midoriya-sensei for being here to help!”

“Thank you, Senseis!” the class called as they filed in, several glancing at Izuku as he looked into
the distance.

“They’ll be fine,” Cementos said softly as he patted the teen on the shoulder, “They have All Might
with them.”

“Yeah…” Izuku said quietly, “Yagi’s there. They’ll be fine. He’ll be fine.”


“It’s good that the USJ incident was handled so well,” Nedzu said as the three other individuals sat
around the table, the chimera nodding towards Izuku, “We were able to capture a large number of
the Villains, including one Tomura Shigaraki, who we believe to be the ring leader.”

“I doubt it,” Izuku sighed, looking up at Toshinori, “I think we have bigger problems than that.”

“You aren’t suggesting that…” the skinny man began.

“All For One is behind the attack?” Izuku cut him off, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“I’m sorry,” Tsukauchi cut in, “I’m still reeling a bit after finding out that All Might’s special
Analyst is a…well a kid. And that he knows about All For One. No offense, Midoriya-san.”

“None taken,” Izuku replied, smiling at the Detective, who nodded happily, “I’m knowledgeable of
a great many secrets, one of them being All Might’s current state, and the battle that put him in it.
After all, David and I were the ones who helped keep All Might’s power at the maximum level it
could be these past five years.”

“And my offer to you still stands, Midoriya-san,” Toshinori said, “I would gladly give One For All
to you. You would be the perfect vessel to continue the legacy.”

“And I am eternally grateful for that, Yagi-san,” Izuku said as he smiled, “But I’ve made my
decision. If I’m going to be the first quirkless Hero, I’ll have to do it quirkless.”

“Fair enough,” Yagi nodded, “But onto more pressing matters. You said that All For One is
moving again?”

“Yes,” Izuku nodded, sliding a manilla folder across the table and opening it, “I looked over the
data we were able to gather from the creature called Nomu, and I found something disturbing.”


Izuku grinned as the blond threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly as he spun the two of
them around.

“Hey Mel, I missed you!” He sighed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he looked at her

“Dork, it’s only been a little over a month!” the young woman laughed as he set her down, “And
we talk every night!”

“Still, I missed you,” Izuku sighed, grabbing her luggage, and hefting it onto a trolley, “Damn,
what do you have in here? A Hadron Collider?”

“Not quite, just some experimental tech for your suit!” Melissa laughed, “So, how’s life at UA
been treating you?”

“Before or after I earned a reputation as the teacher who gives out the most detentions?” Izuku
sighed, “Those damn kids just can’t stop making jokes about my age.”

“Kids?” Melissa snorted, slipping her hand into his, intertwining their fingers, “Aren’t most of
them older than you?”

“Oh, shut up!” Izuku laughed as they walked through the terminal towards the waiting car, “They
may be, but they certainly don’t act it most of the time.”

“I doubt it when compared to you,” Melissa chuckled, “But then again, you’re a bit of an odd ball!”

“Hey! I’m perfectly normal for a fifteen-year-old boy!” Izuku huffed, “Anyway, did you have any
plans for tonight?”

“Me? Plans?” Melissa chuckled as she bumped her shoulder against Izuku’s, “Now why would I
have any plans other than spending time with my Fiancé?”

“Good, because I need some help with my suit,” Izuku said excitedly, “I can’t get the kinetic
batteries to store enough charge, and Hatsume keeps making them explode somehow.”

“Oh,” Melissa said, a look of surprise on her face that quickly morphed to excitement, “You know
exactly what I like!”
A New Lesson
Chapter Summary

Second chapter. Just some world building stuff.

Chapter Notes

Thank you to Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading this and letting me use your lovely OC
Pipi Vesper.

Check out her Emerald Fangs Character sheet for art and info! Here

I'm posting these chapters as I write them because it's taken me a while to get back
into this particular idea. Expect to see more chapters relatively soon!


“Yeah, Mel?” the green-haired teen said as he showed her into the workshop that had been set
aside for him.

“What is this?”

The room was full of strange devices, several towering piles gathered in the back corners of the
large room. In the center of the room was an arrangement that looked strangely like a lounge and
kitchenette, surrounded on all sides by thick clear glass, a small door in one side of the invisible
room. Lying face down on the stained couch was a teenage girl, her body covered in grease and oil,
apparently asleep.

“This is my workshop,” Izuku replied, “Part of my agreement with Nedzu.”

“Okay,” the blond hummed as she looked at the state-of-the-art machinery that surrounded them,
“Then who’s that?”

“That,” Izuku grinned as he walked over to the glass side of the room, banging on it, waking the
girl with a start as she looked around in confusion, before her face lit up on seeing him, “Is Mei
Hatsume. Future CEO of Hatsume Industries, and the best damn prototyper I have ever met!”


“Good afternoon, Yaoyorozu-san, Hagakure-san,” the teen said as the two girls stepped into the
workshop, “Thank you for agreeing to see me during your free time.”

“Not a problem, Sensei,” the tall girl said calmly, “I understand that you wanted to talk to us about
our costumes?”

“Yes, to be frank, they’re horrible,” Izuku said, making the two girls start, “I’ve already lodged
formal complaints against the designers for allowing such…things to be used by children.”

“B-but they’re designed for our quirks, right?” the invisible girl said slowly, still in shock at the
green-haired teen’s words, “So what’s wrong with them?”

“What’s wrong with them is that you’re fifteen-year-olds, not strippers,” Izuku sighed, making
both girls balk at him, “And instead of actually doing their jobs and designing costumes for you,
they simply took your designs and modified them slightly. Do you understand why that is bad?”

“Bad?” Momo said, “But it’s mostly what we asked for, how is it bad?”

“Because you are children! The lack of actual design in your costumes is frankly pathetic!” Izuku
shouted, making the two girls step back, “It’s unacceptable! What if you were to be grabbed and
dragged across tarmac? Your skin would be shredded off your bodies! Especially you, Hagakure!
You’re essentially naked!”

“But I have to be for my quirk to work,” the girl muttered, making Izuku sigh in exasperation.

“Look, I understand that you thought that this was best, but I’m sorry to tell you that it was not,”
the green-haired teen answered, his eyes going hard as he looked at the two girls, “While you may
have a good idea of how your quirks work, you have very little experience in how to actually use
them in active situations. The lack of protection will do nothing but put your lives in danger!”

“So, what are we supposed to do?” Momo asked, Izuku flinching slightly as he saw the way she
was curling in on herself slightly, something else for him to address later.

“Simple, Yaoyorozu-san,” he said softly, reaching out to pat her gently on the shoulder as he
smiled kindly, “You are going to help us make your new costumes.”

“M-me?” the girl said, blinking in surprise, “How?”

“With our expertise,” a female voice suddenly said behind them, the two spinning around to stare
at the blond woman that walked through the door of the workshop, holding a stack of papers, “And
your quirk.”



“Yes, Aizawa-san?” the teen hummed as he marked the pile of tests in front of him.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing with my class?”

“Whatever do you mean, Aizawa-san?”

“I can understand after your run in with Bakugo, but going after the costumes of two of my other
students?” the man growled, “What is your game?”

“Yaoyorozu and Hagakure were practically naked. In Hagakure’s case, quite literally so,” the
younger teacher growled back, “I have already taken measures to ensure that that doesn’t happen

“I heard,” Aizawa muttered, “Four respected designers were blacklisted because of you.”

“They had no right to call themselves Support Technicians with the horrible job they did,” Izuku
replied flatly.
“You didn’t have to get them fired.”

“And how exactly is that different from you expelling students?” Izuku shot back, “They weren’t
living up to their “potential”, so I had them taught a lesson. Or, as you so like to put it, “Die once”.”

“That’s different!” the man shouted, grabbing at Izuku’s collar and lifting the teen out of his seat,
“I have a reason for doing that! It’s to ensure that my students stay alive!”

“And I did the exact same thing,” Izuku said back, grabbing Aizawa’s wrist with surprising
strength, “It’s our job as teachers to ensure that our students don’t do anything to get themselves
killed. It’s also the jobs of Support Technicians to ensure that the costumes Heroes wear help in
protecting them from a similar fate.”

“You still had no right-!”

“Actually, I do,” Izuku interrupted, yanking himself free, “I’m a licensed Support Technician, and
the assistant to David Shield, as well as a teacher here. I have the best interests of the students in
mind whenever I do anything.”

“Stop interfering with my class Midoriya,” the man growled as he turned and stomped away.

“No,” Izuku shot back, “They’re my students as well.”


“So, how has life been treating you, Midoriya?” the bulky man asked as he sipped at his cup.

“Not terribly, all things considered, Kan,” Izuku replied as he drank from his own cup of tea, “A
few errant students here and there, but after the first month, my reputation seems to have calmed
them down.”

“Quite so,” Cementos rumbled, sipping at his own tea, “You’re very quickly rising to the same
level of infamy as Eraserhead.”

“Urgh,” the teen sighed, looking away, “Please don’t compare Aizawa and I, we have very
different teaching styles.”

“I’d say,” Kan laughed, “The two of you couldn’t be more different, yet the same.”

“The same?” Izuku asked, “How?”

“You care maybe a little too much for your students,” Vlad King hummed as he sipped at his
drink, “You and Shota both go above and beyond to make sure that they’re prepared for the world
outside. You just have different ways of doing it.”

“He accused me of coddling 1-A the other day,” Izuku growled, “All because I suggested that they
have a practical exercise using my notes to help improve their quirks.”

“Really?” Vlad King blinked, “But that exercise went amazingly for my students. In fact, most of
them were able to come up with the beginnings of super moves. We don’t usually teach that until
the second term.”

“I know!” Izuku shouted, setting his cup down as he slumped angrily in his seat, “I don’t know
what his problem is! Like you said, both of us want to help the students, but every time I suggest
something that could do so, he denies or just downright ignores it!”
“Aizawa-san is quite the…solitary man,” Cementos sighed, “He seldom calls on the other teachers
for assistance, except when absolutely necessary.”

“That’s ridiculous, Ishiyama-san,” Izuku muttered, “We’re trying to forge a new type of Hero here!
Ones that can rely on and work with each other! Not build up another solitary pillar again! All
Might won’t be able to last forever! His retirement is only a few years, maybe even months, away!”

“How can you be so sure of that?” Cementos asked, Izuku sagging again as he looked at his fellow

“I…I’m not,” Izuku muttered, looking away as the two teachers glanced at each other, “Let’s talk
about something else.”

“Of course!” Vlad King laughed, “I went over your costume evaluations with my class the other

“Oh? And?” Izuku said excitedly.



The two-toned teen looked up as he moved to exit the class, staring at the green-haired teacher as
Izuku gestured for him to come closer.

“Yes, Sensei?” Shoto said flatly, “Is something wrong?”

“Not exactly,” Izuku sighed, “I just wanted to talk to you about the last essay I assigned.”

“Ah,” the teen muttered, looking away.

“It was to analyze the quirk of a randomly selected Hero, correct?” he asked, Shoto nodding, “And
you got Endeavor?”

“Yes, Sensei,” Izuku could hear the animosity in the boy’s voice as soon as he spoke the name, the
teacher frowning slightly as he sighed.

“Well, I have to apologize to you,” he said, “The selection wasn’t entirely random.”


“I purposefully gave you Endeavor, Todoroki-san,” Izuku replied, watching as the boy stiffened,
“As I thought. He’s the reason you don’t use your flames, isn’t he?”

“No, Sensei,” the teen growled, turning away.

“Don’t lie to me, Shoto,” the stern voice made him freeze, looking back at Izuku in surprise at the
force of his tone, “I can see that something is wrong just by the way you wrote the essay. You
were completely detached from it. You added no extra thoughts or possible improvements, and the
section on how the information could help your quirk or others was woefully short.”

“I’m sorry,” the teen muttered.

“Don’t be sorry,” Izuku sighed, “Be better. And I think the first stage of that is talking to someone
about it.”
“Talking?” the teen mumbled, turning back to the teacher, “What am I supposed to talk about?”

“Anything,” Izuku said kindly as he got up, “Come on, you have a free period now, correct? Let’s
go to one of the staff break rooms and have a discussion.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Then you’re free to go,” Izuku shrugged, “But I think it’ll only help make you stronger.”

“Stronger?” the teen muttered, “How will talking about him make me stronger?”


“Hey Midoriya!” Nemuri called as she entered the room, looking around in surprise as she saw the
massive vats, her nose crinkling at the strong smell.

“Ah, Kayama-san!” the familiar voice called as its owner slid down from one of the vats, a wide
grin on his face.

Nemuri had to stop herself from swooning as he walked over to her, the standard issue UA Support
Course jumpsuit pulled down and knotted around his waist, showing off his tight and well-defined
muscles. She was an older woman, who was used to seeing well-built teens, but there was
something about the way Midoriya moved and acted that just made him seem so much older than
he actually was.

“I’m still taken,” he said, pulling her out of her reverie, the woman blinking in surprise.

“I’m sorry?”

“You were drooling,” Izuku sighed, turning away from her as she wiped her mouth, “I was just
reminding you that I have a Fiancé.”

“R-right!” the woman sighed, following after him as he led her through the maze of vats, “So,
where is this? I’ve never been to this part of the Support Department before.”

“Oh, this part of the bio-lab,” Izuku explained, “These vats are for making bio-mesh and
specialized fabrics for costumes that require the DNA of the wearer to work.”

“Oh, wow,” she said, holding a hand up to her face as the smell intensified, “It’s, uhm…very

“That it is,” Izuku hummed, “But we’re not here to talk about that. We’re here for this!”

Nemuri blinked as the teen pointed towards a table, a single long glove lying across it. She
approached, blinking at that material the glove appeared to be made of, looking like some form of
plastic. The glove itself was simple, the same tone as the tearable fabric of her costume, except
with a thick black band round the wrist.

“Put it on,” Izuku said, startling Nemuri as she looked at him, “We need to test it.”

“Test it?” the woman asked, “What are you talking about, Midoriya?”

“Oh, did Nedzu not tell…Of course he didn’t,” Izuku muttered, “Why would he when it’s so much
more entertaining to see you confused.”

“I’m sorry?” she gasped.

“Nevermind, just put on the glove and activate your quirk,” Izuku said as he quickly pulled on a
gas mask, “Don’t worry, we’re the only ones in here at the moment, you won’t knock anyone else

“What is this about, Midoriya?” Nemuri asked again, starting to get nervous as she looked at the
glove, “What is this thing and what does it do?”

“It’s a glove,” Izuku said, “And, if we’ve made it right, should allow you to control the spread of
your quirk without having to tear your costume off.”


“Just put it on please, Kayama-san,” Izuku sighed behind the mask, his voice sounding muffled
and strange, “I promise it won’t hurt you.”

“Okay,” the woman hummed, pulling the sleeve of her costume up to her shoulder, before slipping
the arm length glove on.

She’d expected the rubber like material to be difficult to pull on over her skin, but found it glided
smoothly over her arm until it was firmly in place. It sat comfortably on her, like a second skin as
she moved her arm around, amazed at how little resistance she felt. Suddenly Izuku grabbed her
hand, pulling it down and showing her the base of her wrist, where the thick black band was. A
small circle had appeared on the band, glowing softly in the dim light of the room.

“Okay, so the controls are easy, you swipe up to release gas, swipe down to seal it,” Izuku said as
he ran his finger over her wrist, first up towards her hand, then down towards her arm, “Try it now.
With your quirk activated, please.”

“Okay,” Nemuri said as she activated her quirk, feeling the gas start to rise from her skin, she first
swiped up, blinking at the pinkish haze that rose from the glove, the gas that her skin produced
moving through it easily, “What the hell?”

“Try swiping down now,” Izuku hummed as he took notes.

“Right,” Nemuri said as she did so, watching the gas stop flowing through the material, instead the
glove starting to inflate slightly, “Midoriya, what is this?”

“A success!” the green-haired teen said loudly, Nemuri knowing from his eyes that he was smiling
behind the gas mask, “We were able to create a viable bio-fabric that allows your quirk to pass
through it without needing to be ripped!”


“Well, the actual process is very complicated, but essentially, we used some of your hair to-.”

“You used what?!”

“Some of your hair?”

“How did you get that?”

“You leave plenty of it lying around,” Izuku hummed, “I just collected a few dozen strands. After
that we were able to make the bio-fabric using your DNA as a base, so that material on your arm is
essentially synthetic skin and-.”
“It’s what?!”

“Synthetic skin,” Izuku sighed, “We’re working on dyeing it, but this proves that the theory is
correct, so we should be able to make a viable full body suit for Yaoyorozu and-.”

“Wait, this was all for Yaoyorozu?”

“No?” Izuku replied, “I was planning on making something for you as well anyway. It’s just useful
that the two of you have similar mechanisms to your quirks. This way we could test without risking
the health of one of the students.”

“You used me for testing?”



“We needed a test subject, and you were perfect,” Izuku sighed, pulling off the mask as he looked
at the woman, “Look, I’m sorry if you feel used, but you’ve really helped us. We’ll have your new
costume ready by the end of the week. Do you want any changes made to the design?”

“Changes?” she asked, “Not really, no. Wait, so with this I won’t have to rip off my costume?”

“Nope,” Izuku grinned.

“That special fabric is expensive,” she muttered, “Fine, deal! I’ll take the new costume as payment
for helping you test.”

“Perfect! Now we just have a few more tests to do to make sure it’s working properly!” Izuku said
excitedly, “It should only take a few hours.”



“You asked for me, Sensei?” the bat-like girl asked as she entered the workshop, looking around at
the chaos that surrounded her.

The workshop was filled almost floor to ceiling with shelves bolted to every wall, hundreds of
devices and machines carefully placed in any and every free space. The center of the room, which
she had known to be lounge of sorts from the last time she’d visited, was equally as full, nearly
every surface covered in some item, or stacks of papers. The old stained couch she had often seen
Mei passed out on was almost entirely hidden beneath a massive stack of rolled up blueprints.

“Help me,” the green-haired teen sighed in exhaustion, “They haven’t stopped since this morning,
and I have dinner reservations in an hour and a half.”

Pipi sighed as she looked around the room, spotting the two women as they moved quickly
between various machines, bouncing between half a dozen workstations each.

“This won’t be easy,” the Support student sighed, “They look pretty into it.”

“Tell me about it,” Izuku muttered, Pipi now noticing that his clothes looked particularly singed, “I
tried to tell Mel that we needed to leave, and the next thing I knew I was being used as a test
dummy for rocket gloves.”
“Rocket gloves?”

“I think that’s what they were,” Izuku muttered, “They were gloves that had a propulsion system
built into the palms.”

“I assume they blew up?”

“Oh, they blew up alright,” Izuku chuckled as he wiped some of the smudged soot off his arms,
“Anyway, you take care of Mei, I’ll tackle Mel.”

“Yes, Sensei,” the bat girl sighed, walking towards the hyperactive pink-haired girl.


“The Sports Festival is only a little over two weeks away,” Izuku said as he sat opposite the tired
looking teen, “So we’re going to have you train as much as possible before then to ensure that
you’re ready.”

“Train?” Shinso mumbled, as he looked around the workshop, his eyes lingering on the blond as
she soldered something in the corner, the pink-haired girl looking excitedly over her shoulder,
“What does that mean?”

“Simple, the Hero students are going to be receiving basic training for the next two weeks, as well
as being allowed access to on campus facilities that will help them train in their personal time,”
Izuku explained, “We’re going to do the same. As well as learning about tactics, hand-to-hand
combat and Support Item use.”

“Okay,” Hoitoshi said slowly, “I can understand the working out, but what about the rest? Why do
I need to do that?”

“Because,” Izuku said as he grinned, sending a slight shiver down Hitoshi’s spine, “You’re not
simply going to win. You’re going to destroy them.”
A New Sports Festival
Chapter Summary


Chapter Notes

Thank you to Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading this chapter and
helping me actually write the damn thing! Your ideas are great and you provide some
much needed inspiration when I'm stuck!

Long chapter! Over 5000 words! YAY!

through the speakers of the stadium, the crowd going wild, “TODAY I HAVE A SPECIAL

“Thank you, Mic,” Izuku chuckled, “Though if you’re going to keep referring to my age, I may
have to give you detention.”

“AND I’M SURE YOU WOULD!” Mic laughed along, the man giving the teen a nervous side
glance in the announcers’ booth, “BUT LET’S GET ON WITH THE SHOW! FIRST UP, WE

“I wouldn’t call it a feud,” Izuku laughed, “It’s more like, despite his constant decrees of logic and
rationality, he refuses to listen to reason.”


“An exemplary class,” Izuku interrupted, “Simply because they are the second class doesn’t mean
that they are any lesser than 1-A.”


“Keep your eyes on these students, ladies and gentlemen,” Izuku said, “As I’m sure you all know,
those that show an exemplary performance in the Sports Festival have a chance of changing tracks
to the Hero Course.”


“Again, a good group to watch,” Izuku hummed, “They will all be striving to show off the various
Support Gear they have crafted over the first few weeks of term. Investors, please pay attention.”

“You forgot about the Management course students, Mic,” Izuku hummed, “While they have been
given the option of not participating in the physical aspect of the Sports Festival, please make sure
to check out the various promotional projects they will be making and displaying on the UA


“Let’s welcome the Student Representative for the First Years!” Midnight spoke into her
microphone, Izuku letting out a quiet sigh as she announced the name, “Katsuki Bakugo!”

“I just want to say,” the blond muttered into the microphone, “I’m going to win this.”

“WOW! SUCH AN…IMPASSIONED SPEECH!” Mic faltered slightly after the blond walked off
stage, the rest of the students booing and hurling insults at Bakugo.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Izuku hummed, “It more shows his arrogance than anything.”

said, looking at his co-commentator, “IT SEEMS YOU HAVE SOME PRESONAL HISTORY

“Not the most professional thing to bring up, Mic,” Izuku growled back, making the Hero flinch
slightly, “But yes, I did. I feel that Bakugo is not in an emotionally stable enough state to be
allowed to participate in the Sports Festival. I understand that seeking help for poor mental health
is seen as a weakness in Japan, but that is frankly ridiculous. As teachers it is our duty to help shape
and strengthen the Heroes of tomorrow.”


The screen lit up as the events scrolled past before one appeared.

“It’s an obstacle race,” Izuku hummed, “The rules are simple. As long as the students stay on the
track, anything goes. They may be a little too simple.”



crossed the line, an image of them appearing on the big screen showing Shoto’s foot crossing the
line moment before Bakugo, “AN AMAZING SHOWING FROM THE STUDENTS OF 1-A!”

“And they are closely followed by several students of class B,” Izuku smiled as he watched the
students running across the line, “With a few of class A mixed in.”

“OH! WHAT’S THIS?” Mic shouted as a pink and grey blur shot over the line, laughing
maniacally as the bat like student flapped her wings hard to counter their speed, the pink-haired girl
unlatching herself from a harness as she dropped to the floor, “NOT ONE, BUT TWO SUPPORT

“Why?” Izuku asked, “Were you expecting only Hero course students to make it?”
“OH, WELL…” Mic trailed off as he looked at the other teacher, the teen giving him a

“And Hitoshi Shinso of the General Education Department makes it across the line, placing quite
well,” Izuku interrupted, making Mic balk, “And the last of the students are making their way
across the line now. With that we have the forty-two participants for the next round.”

“Ahem,” Mic cleared his throat as he glanced back at the other teacher, shivering slightly at the

Mic hit the mute button on his microphone as Midnight explained the rules to the students and
crowd, turning to look at Izuku.

“So, what are you planning?”

“Hmm?” the teen hummed as he leaned on the desk, “What do you mean, Yamada-san?”

“I know that look in your eyes, you don’t spend multiple years working for Nedzu without being
able to recognize it. You have something planned.”

“Oh, do I really?” Izuku chuckled, the sound not comforting Mic at all, “Well, we’ll just have to
see, won’t we?”


“AND WE’RE BACK!” Mic shouted, Izuku watching the field as the forty-two students gathered
into groups.

He scowled as he watched Mei rush over to Shoto, jumping around excitedly before being blown
off, Pipi walking up behind her, before the pink-haired girl shot over to Bakugo. He flinched as the
blond almost blew her up, before Pipi was able to drag her away, taking her to group with
Tokoyami and Uraraka. The rest of the groups formed quickly, Izuku grinning as he saw Shinso
approach several of the Hero course students, the teens’ expressions quickly going blank as soon as
he spoke to them.

“AND WHAT DO YOU THINK, MIDORIYA?” Mic asked, Izuku looking up at the question.

“Well,” he muttered, “It’s obvious that the students would group with the members of their class,
as they are most familiar with each other’s quirks. However, it’s also the mixed teams that could be
the Dark Horses of the competition.”


“And the Cavalry Battle begins,” Izuku said as he watched the groups all start charging towards
each other down on the field, “With Bakugo making a bee-line for Team Todoroki and their 10-
million-point head band. A sound strategy, if a little simple.”

excitedly, “AND WHAT’S THIS?”

The crowd gasped as the figure shot into the air, the jetpack on her back launching her skywards as
she steered with her wings.
“It appears that Team Vesper has gone for the aerial approach,” Izuku laughed as he watched the
bat girl sore through the sky, “My guess is they are using a combination of Uraraka’s Anti-Gravity
quirk and Hatsume’s inventions to allow Vesper to easily fly through the air.”


“Their combined points should be just enough for them to have a decent chance of getting into the
third round if they don’t manage to collect any more headbands,” Izuku hummed, “But I feel that
they have a plan for that.”

The massive explosion shook the ground as the teachers turned back to the fight on the ground,
blinking in surprise as Bakugo unleashed another massive explosion at Todoroki. A moment later,
the glacier erupted from the arena floor, shooting up into the sky as the air began to rapidly chill.
Izuku felt his skin prickle in the cold as he looked back at Pipi, the girl’s wing beats getting


“And a completely unnecessarily large one!” Izuku shouted, making the blond look at him in
surprise, “Todoroki is showing no signs of awareness for those around him. While this is a
competition, that is no excuse to ignore basic quirk safety. I know I taught him better than that in

“Wow,” Mic muttered, “So that’s what gets you riled up?”

“I mean, there are two students on the field with animal-based quirks that are affected by the cold!
And one of them is from his class!” Izuku continued, “If this were an actual battle, he would have
compromised two of his potential allies with that move!”

“Okay, calm down, Midoriya,” Mic hissed at the teen as he ranted.

“I know I covered how to keep the damage caused by their quirks to a minimum in my class! I’m
disappointed to see one of the students with the most potential squandering it by ignoring my
lessons!” Izuku continued, “How has he been taught both before and at UA if his only thought on
how to use such a versatile quirk is to use the largest attack he can without consideration for those
around him?”

“MIDORIYA!” Mic’s shout startled the teen out of his rant.

“Ahem,” the green-haired teem coughed, “I apologize for that.”


Izuku gasped as he spotted Pipi drop out of the sky, looking over to her team, Ochako vomiting on
the ground as Mei patted her back awkwardly. Tokoyami bolted forwards, Dark Shadow shooting
from his chest just in time to catch the falling girl. The shadow creature began to pull back, just as a
hand reached up and snatched the headband from the unconscious Pipi’s head, Monoma saluting to
the bird-headed boy before his team ran off.


“Mic, a student could have just died!” Izuku growled into the microphone, “If she hadn’t been
caught, she would have hit the ground at terminal velocity at that height! And her bones are a lot
thinner and lighter due to her quirk!”


“And if she wasn’t, she’d probably be dead!” Izuku shot back, “This is exactly why I stressed the
point about basic quirk safety! Todoroki almost just caused a massive incident! I am thoroughly
disappointed in his complete lack of control!”

“OH! AND THAT’S TIME FOLKS!” Mic shouted as the buzzer sounded, the teen still glaring
angrily at him as he quickly made the announcement for the winners, “THE TEAMS THAT

The man quickly shut off the microphones as he turned to look at the other teacher, blinking at the
empty seat next to him. He looked around, spotting Izuku about to leave the room, the fury clear
on his face.

“Midoriya!” Mic called, the teen pausing as he shot a look back at him, “Don’t do anything


“Recovery Girl!” Izuku shouted as he burst into her room, “Prepare blankets and heat pads for two
students immediately. If we’re lucky we can prevent them from going into torpor.”

“I’m already on it, Midoriya-san,” the old woman nodded as she prepared the beds, “I’ve already
sent medic bots to fetch them.”

“Thank you, Recovery Girl,” the teen sighed, before he felt the rage boil up inside him again, “I’ll
be back later to check on them. But first I need to have a chat with Todoroki.”

“Don’t go too hard on the boy,” Recovery Girl called as he disappeared through the door, “I want
to smack him once for his recklessness.”


“Why are you still refusing to use your fire?” the familiar voice growled as Izuku stomped through
the hallways, only half looking for Todoroki, but mostly just trying to calm down.

“I don’t need your power,” he heard Shoto say back, his eyes going wide as he rounded the corner.

Endeavor loomed over his son, the flames of his costume casting strange shadows and heating the
air around him to an uncomfortable degree. Shoto seemed to be standing defiantly against him, but
Izuku could recognize the terrified body language the teen was doing his best to hide.

“Ridiculous! You may have won the last round, but you’ll have no hope if you don’t-!”

“Excuse me,” Izuku cut the Hero off as he approached, startling both of them as they looked at
him, “But this area is not open to the public. Please leave.”

“What?” the man growled, glaring at Izuku, “Who are you?”

“Sensei?” Shoto said, blinking surprise as the other teen stood up to his father, “What are you
doing here?”

“Sensei?” Endeavor growled, “Has UA fallen so far as to allow children to teach?”

“Despite my age, I am still a teacher at UA,” Izuku shot back, “And the general public is not
allowed in this area. Please leave immediately.”

“Do you know who I am, boy?” Endeavor snarled now, leaning over until his face was directly in
front of Izuku’s.

“Yes, I do, Number 2,” Izuku snarled back, “And if you do not leave now, I will be forced to report
this. And if I do, Shoto-kun will be disqualified from the third round for fraternizing with a Hero,
and you will be escorted off the grounds.”

“You can’t do anything to me!” the man spat, standing back to his full height as his flames flared.

“No, but Nedzu can,” Izuku replied, a sardonic grin stretching across his face as he pointed to one
of the cameras watching them, “And he sees everything.”

The speaker system suddenly chimed, the squeaky voice of UA’s principal coming through the

“Endeavor-san, you are in an area you’re not allowed in,” Nedzu hummed happily, “Please leave

The man blinked in surprise, looking between the camera and the teen in front of him, before
letting out a low growl and stomping away.

“Shoto,” Izuku sighed as the man left.

“Sensei, I-.”

“I’m disappointed in you,” Izuku cut him off, making the teen flinch, “I thought you knew better
than to endanger the lives of others with your quirk. Are you not aiming to be a Hero anymore?”

“I am!” the two-toned teen said loudly, “I just…I reacted instinctively and-.”

“Why would your instincts tell you to make such a huge glacier? You wasted a huge amount of
power for no reason!” Izuku cut him off again, “You are not your father! You don’t have anything
to prove by showing off like that!”

“I…what has this got to do with him,” the boy said the last word with such venom Izuku almost
wanted to step back, “I made a mistake. I’m sorry, Sensei. It won’t happen again.”

“Except it will,” Izuku sighed as the teen turned away from him, “And it will keep happening until
we get to the root of the problem. Your…I hesitate to call it a relationship, with your father.”

“I am not that man,” Shoto growled, “And I don’t need his power.”

“You aren’t,” Izuku nodded, making the teen pause, “And you don’t. You have plenty of your
own. But only if you use all of it.”

“I said I don’t need his-!”

“Shut up about your father!”

The shout startled Shoto, the teen looking back at the other boy, blinking in surprise as Izuku
grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around to face him.

“All I’ve ever heard from you is how you compare yourself to him,” Izuku said, gripping Shoto’s
shoulders firmly, “And it’s ridiculous! Just as you said, you aren’t him, so stop using him as your

“My…my model?” Shoto muttered, “What are you talking about, Sensei?”

“You obsess over how you aren’t like your father,” Izuku said softly, “But all that’s done is make
you more like him than you think. Just…try to stop thinking about him. Rather than not being the
type of Hero he wants you to be, think about the type of Hero you want to be.”

“That I want to be?” Shoto mumbled, looking away as half-forgotten memories began to race
through his mind, “The kind of Hero that I want to be.”

“Exactly,” Izuku smiled as he sighed, “But for crying out loud! Pleasebe more careful with your
quirk! You almost killed a student in the last round!”

“I…I did?” Shoto blinked, staring at the other teen.

“She’s okay, but it was close,” Izuku said, his eyes going serious, “I’m not joking around, Shoto
Todoroki. You are going to be more careful with your quirk in the future. All of it.”

“I…yes Sensei. Sorry Sensei.”

“Now, go have some lunch,” Izuku laughed as he pushed Shoto gently, “We wouldn’t want you
passing out from hunger during the final round.”


“Izu!” “Sensei!” the three voices caught his attention as he headed back to the announcer’s booth,
Izuku looking up to see Melissa, Mei and Uraraka running towards him.

“How is Pipi?” Melissa asked, slightly out of breath as she hugged him, “I was so worried about
her when she fell!”

“I’m sorry about Vesper-san, Sensei!” Uraraka said from behind her, “I just couldn’t keep my quirk
going any longer.”

“That’s fine, Uraraka,” Izuku said comfortingly as he patted her on the head, “Your strategy was a
good one. Unfortunately, other factors interfered with it. I hope you take this as a learning

“I-I will!” the girl blushed as he grinned at her, before slipping his arms around Melissa’s waist.

“As far as I know, Pipi is fine,” Izuku said to the girl as she clung to him, “She’s with Recovery
Girl right now. Do you want to go check on her?”

“Yes,” Melissa sighed as she let go of him, slipping her hand into his as he looked at the other two

“Do you want to see her as well?” he asked, both nodding, “By the way, where is Tokoyami?”

The question was answered as soon as they entered the Nurse’s office, the bat-like girl sleeping
peacefully in one of the beds as she was wrapped in a blanket with several heating pads placed over
her. And her arms wrapped tightly around the chest of the bird-headed student.

“Ah, not interrupting anything, are we?” Izuku chuckled as the teen’s head fluffed up in

“She’s been like that since he brought her in, kero,” the unmistakable voice of Asui called from the
bed beside them, hidden under another pile of blankets as she poked her head out, “She refuses to
let go. It’s cute.”

“It is!” Melissa squealed as she rushed over to their bed, poking the sleeping Pipi in the cheek as
the girl muttered quietly.

“And how are you, Asui?” Izuku asked, walking over to her bed with Ochako as the brunette began
fussing over the frog quirked girl.

“Tired and cold, kero,” she replied, “But that’s to be expected. Our team was almost hit by
Todoroki-kun’s iceberg.”

“Yeah, I’ve talked to him about that,” Izuku sighed, “Hopefully it won’t be happening again.”

“Thank you, kero,” the girl hummed as she let Ochako wrap the blankets tighter around her,
readjusting the heating pads.

“As for you, Tokoyami,” the student stiffened as Izuku turned to face him, a sly grin on his face,
“Don’t do anything untoward with Pipi, okay?”

“What a mad banquet of darkness,” the raven-headed boy muttered under his breath.


“You cooled off?” Mic asked as Izuku joined him back in the announcer’s booth, the teen nodding
as he sat down in his seat, “Great, let’s get on with this then!”

ROUND OF THE FIRST YEAR SPORTS FESTIVAL!” Mic shouted into the microphone, “SO

The screen made a cracking noise, as the image on it suddenly shattered, revealing the works
“Fighting Tournament” as they were surrounded by flames.

“A simple yet effective way to showcase the skills and quirks of the students,” Izuku said calmly,
“A fighting tournament may seem a little violent to put teenagers through, but you can’t deny that
it’s good entertainment.”


“Mic, I really will give you detention if you mention my age again,” Izuku shot back, smiling
slightly at the man, “And I have my misgivings about the tournament, but it is still a useful manner
of collecting information.”


“It looks like two students are stepping down,” Izuku replied, “A pity, though we should be able to
fill their slots with members from the team that placed fifth.”



“And Hitoshi Shinso wins,” Izuku grinned as he said the words, watching as the pink-skinned 1-A
student looked around in confusion after she’s walked out of the arena.


“I wouldn’t know,” Izuku hummed, sitting back in his chair, “And it would be unfair to announce it
to the world now, don’t you think, Mic?”



“A bad match up for Kaminari,” Izuku nodded, “Her vines provide excellent insulation against his
electricity. And even if they didn’t, his insistence on using a large opening attack with his quirk’s
drawback would have left him vulnerable to attack. Not the soundest strategy.”


The two boys clashed, hardened flesh against steel as they slammed punch after punch into each

“Tetsutetsu’s quirk is actually quite remarkable,” Izuku said as he scrolled through the profile on
his tablet, “He can alter the density and composition of his steel, allowing him maximum mobility
while maintaining a strong defense and attack.”

“OOH!” Mic shouted as the two boys clashed again, “IT’S A CROSS COUNTER! WHO WILL

The audience watched as the two teens began to fall, Kirishima’s fist covered in cracks, before
Tetsutetsu slammed his foot onto the ground, stumbling back, but staying upright.

“And it seems that the class B student has come out the victor,” Izuku chuckled, “I’m glad to see
someone has been listening in my lessons.”


“AND YAOYOROZU STARTS THE MATCH STRONG!” Mis shouted as the girl formed a
shield and staff in her hands, “I WONDER WHAT HER OPPONENT WILL DO AGAINST AN

“Just watch,” Izuku replied as the blond slapped his hand against the shield, everyone blinking as it
suddenly seemed to vanish, “I guarantee Monoma has a well thought out plan.”

The boy grabbed a hold of the stunned girl’s staff, the object disappearing in a similar fashion,
before he punched her hard in the gut. She stumbled back, looking up as he raised a hand, snapping
his fingers as the girl shot backwards, clutching her stomach again. She barely dodged the massive
fist that slammed into he ground where she had just been standing, before the hand shrunk, A wide
grin on Monoma’s face as he snapped his fingers again.

“And Yaoyorozu is thrown out of the arena,” Izuku said calmly, “It seems that this battle of
versatility has come to an end.”

“BATTLE OF VERSATILITY?” Mic said, looking at the grinning teacher in confusion, “WHAT


The iceberg covered half the arena, locking Sero in place as Izuku sighed, the ice almost reaching
the edge of the stands.

“I just had a talk with Todoroki about this,” he said, “He may have controlled himself better this
time, but that was still far too much power for a simple attack.”



“And Kuroiro has managed to get behind his opponent,” Izuku said.

They watched the black-skinned boy slide under the bright laser, darting behind the blond as he
suddenly vanished, the other teen looking around in confusion. A pair of hands emerged from the
boy’s shadow, grabbing his ankles, and yanking them out from under him, the startled teen
slamming face first into the concrete, where he lay, unconscious.

“And Kuroiro wins by knock out,” Izuku hummed.


“And Iida is thrown out of the ring,” Izuku said, watching as Kaibara grabbed the speedster just as
he passed him, planting his feet and rotating his entire upper body as fast as he could, hurling the
other boy out of the ring.


watched Tsububara fall, the blond panting as he glared at the announcer’s booth, as if challenging
them to comment.

“As always, his attacks are vicious and cruel,” Izuku sighed, “But you can’t deny their


“AND ANOTHER FLAWLESS VICTORY FOR SHINSO!” Mic called as Ibara stepped out of the
ring, the girl looking around a moment after as the purple-haired boy just walked away.


“Monoma wins,” Izuku called as they looked at the almost ridiculous scene in front of them.

Tetsutetsu was pinned beneath the massive shield, shouting and struggling as he fought to free
“IS HE ALLOWED TO DO THAT, THOUGH?” Mic asked, looking at Izuku.

“He got the objects from his previous fight,” Izuku shrugged, “So I don’t see why not. It was quite
the clever strategy if you ask me.”


“And it seems Kuroiro is going for the same strategy he used against Aoyama,” Izuku hummed as
they watched the boy charge towards his opponent, just barley avoiding the barrage of ice, “If he
can make it into Todoroki’s shadow, this fight will be over quickly.”

The white-haired boy dove forwards, sliding across the frozen floor as Shoto tried to jump back,
but reacting a moment too late. Kuroiro vanished into his shadow, the thing growing darker as a
grinning face appeared on it.

“YOU CAN’T ESCAPE YOUR OWN SHADOW!” Mic shouted happily, watching as the teen
danced around the grabbing hands that shot out at his feet.

arena as Izuku growled quietly, glancing at the flaming man standing at the edge of the seating

“Oh, shut up you overgrown toaster!” Izuku shouted through the speakers, startling the crowd and
Endeavor as the man looked up, “Shoto is not your object to own! Let him be his own Hero!”

Down in the arena, the two boys had paused at the sound of Izuku’s shout, Shoto blinking as if
remembering something, his mouth moving slowly. Suddenly, the flames erupted from his left,
filling the area with light as Kuroiro landed hard on the concrete, Shoto’s shadow suddenly gone.

“I concede!” the boy shouted as Shoto turned to him, half wreathed in fire as the ice that had
formed on his skin sublimated, “No way I’m going up against that! I like my hair!”


Kaibara collapsed as the final explosion engulfed him, the crowd hissing as they saw the red skin
and burns that covered his body. Bakugo just snorted as he stomped off the field after his win was

“Another vicious assault by Bakugo,” Izuku sighed, “Recover Girl is not going to be pleased.”


The blond stood opposite the purple-haired student, a wide grin on his face, before he spun on his
heel and walked off the stage, leaving Shinso with a slightly confused expression on his face as his
victory was announced.


“Katsuki Bakgo and Shoto Todoroki,” Izuku said into the microphone as he watched the two boys
walk onto the arena.


Shoto opened with a barrage of ice, Katsuki blasting through it as he advanced on the other teen.

“COME ON, HALF-AND-HALF!” Bakugo’s screams could be heard above the cheering of the

The fight continued, Shoto throwing out walls of ice as Katsuki easily blasted through them.
Suddenly, the blond launched himself high into the air, spinning his body around with his
explosions as he fell back towards the two-toned teen. Shoto lifted his left arm, flames wreathing it
for a moment, before he dropped it again, standing motionless as Bakugo slammed into him.

The explosion engulfed the arena, the crowd gasping as the smoke cleared, revealing that Shoto
had been thrown out of the ring, Bakugo already charging towards him, screaming at him to keep
fighting. It took a moment, Midnight knocking the blond out with her quirk, before the
announcement of Bakugo’s win was confirmed, Izuku sitting back in his chair again.

“WHAT A MATCH! WHAT DO YOU THINK, MIDO-?” Mic cut out as he looked over to Izuku,
his voice catching in his throat as he saw the devilish grin on the green-haired teen’s face.


“AND IT’S TIME FOR THE FINAL ROUND!” Mic shouted through the speakers, “HITOSHI

Down on the arena, Shinso grinned at Bakugo, the blond scowling back.

“I don’t fucking know what your quirk is, but I’m still going to fucking win!” the blond spat as
Midnight dropped her hand.

“Wow,” Shinso laughed as the blond launched himself forwards, “Midoriya-sensei was right about
you. You’re nothing but a bundle of anger issues.”

“WHAT THE FUCK DID THAT USELESS DEK-!” Bakugo cut off as he stumbled forwards, his
expression going blank as he stood in the middle of the arena.

“Now,” Shinso called, “Dance out of the arena. Slowly.”


“Congratulations, Young Shinso!” All Might boomed as he slipped the gold medal around the
teen’s neck, “You have proven today that anyone can be a Hero as long as they put their
minds to it!”

“I couldn’t have done it without the help of my teacher,” Shinso grinned as he looked up at the
man, All Might blinking slightly.

“Why am I not surprised that Midoriya-san was involved,” All Might chuckled, Bakugo, bound
and muzzled on the second-place platform fighting even harder against his restraints at the mention
of Izuku.


“Congratulations Shinso!” Izuku cried as the teen walked into the now familiar workshop, Melissa,
Pipi and Mei all cheering with him, “You won the whole Sports Festival!”

“I would never have been able to do it without your help, Sensei,” he replied, rubbing the back of
his head as he smiled in embarrassment, “And anyway, it’s not like I had much choice. It was the
only way I’d get into the Hero Course.”

“Huh?” Melissa said as she turned to the table full of snacks, “What are you talking about? You
were guaranteed a spot as soon as you made it to the third round.”

“I was what?” Shinso said flatly, staring at the grinning green-haired teen in shock, “What do you
mean “third round”?”

“Oh, Nedzu agreed to let you join the Hero Course as long as you made it to the tournament,”
Izuku replied happily, “But you did even better than that! You won!”

“I…I only had to…WHAT?!”

“Logical ruse,” Izuku laughed as he handed the teen a drink, patting him on the back, “And you
better get used to those, your new teacher is especially fond of them.”


“So, this is where you hide all day?” the voice growled behind them, Shinso turning to see the
figure of Aizawa standing in the doorway to the workshop, “And this is the student you’ve been
hiding from me all this time.”

“That he is!” Izuku replied, Shinso looking between the two teachers in confusion, “And I would
have preferred to keep it that way, but…”

“You don’t have the necessary expertise to train him in the most effective techniques for his
quirk,” Aizawa finished.

“No, I don’t.”

“Whatever,” the tired looking man growled, “You, Shinso.”

“Y-yes sir?” the teen said, standing bolt upright as Aizawa turned to him.

“You’ll be meeting me at Gym Gamma for extra training every day from now on in the mornings
before class,” the man growled, “Don’t be late.”
A New Day
Chapter Summary

IzuMel Fluff Chapter! With a side of all the ships!

Chapter Notes

Thank you to both Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for Beta readin this and
helping me out with ideas. You guys are awesome!

Anyway, time for 7998 words of fun!

Izuku yawned as he slowly woke up in his bed, looking around the decently sized bedroom that
was part of his on-campus apartment. Living at UA had felt strange at first, though it had its
advantages, namely that he was only a short walk from his private workshop and had access to
nearly every resource on the campus.

A familiar warmth shifted beside him in his bed, the teen looking down at the mess of long blond
hair resting on his shoulder. He couldn’t help but smile as Melissa shifted in her sleep again,
pressing closer against him as she murmured something. He gently brushed a lock of hair out of her
face, almost laughing at the cute expression she had as she squished her cheek against him. He
sighed happily, simply staring at her as he waited out the morning.

“Morning,” she muttered, blinking her eyes open as she woke up, smiling at him, Izuku fighting the
urge to scrunch up his face at how bright it was, “How are you doing today?”

“Better than I’ve ever been before,” Izuku chuckled as he placed soft kiss on her forehead, “How
are you?”

“Could be better,” the girl purred softly as she pulled herself on top of him, pressing her lips to his.

Izuku hummed into the kiss, slipping his arms around Melissa’s waist as he pulled her closer. After
a minute, they broke the kiss, Melissa resting her head on his shoulder again as the two panted

“How about now?” Izuku asked softly, squeezing her gently.

“Now it’s perfect,” she hummed in response, placing a soft kiss on his neck, “Except I’m hungry.”

“Breakfast then?” Izuku laughed, moving to get up, stopping when Melissa gave a small whine.

“Not yet,” she whispered into his ear, “I wan to stay like this long-.”

She was cut off by the loud growling sound that came from her stomach, her cheeks flushing as the
two of them stared at each other in surprise.
“Breakfast then?” Izuku asked again, barley managing to restrain his laughter as Melissa slipped
off him, hiding her face in one of their pillows.

“Yes,” came the muffled reply as he got up, stretching before he walked out of the room.

The apartment itself was about the same size as the one he vaguely remembered him and his
mother living in before they moved to I-island, though that hardly mattered to him. The hardest
thing to get used to had been the loneliness of it. Without his mom or dad around, the apartment
had felt empty and barren, though he had been able to alleviate that through decorating the place.
He smiled as he looked at the various pictures he’d hung on the wall.

The faces of his parents smiled back at him, alongside numerous pictures of him and Melissa.
Though pride and place in the center of the wall was the largest photo, an image taken by his
mother of the time he’d jokingly proposed to Melissa with a washer. The girl had immediately
accepted, much to his surprise and their parents’ delight. Of course, he’d gotten her a real ring
shortly after that, but the blond had insisted on wearing the washer on a cord around her neck since.

“Izu!” her voice called from the bedroom, sounding beautiful to him even in the obvious tiredness
still lacing it, “I don’t hear breakfast being made!”

“I’m on it!” he laughed back, heading towards the kitchen as he rolled his shoulders, loosening
some of the stiffness from the previous day.

He quickly set about making bacon and eggs, still more used to the more continental tastes that
dominated I-island than the traditional Japanese affair. He quickly dropped four slices of bread
into his toaster, watching the eggs and bacon as they cooked. He glanced behind him at the quiet
yawn, smiling at Melissa as she wandered out of the bedroom.

He stopped, staring at her as she scratched the side of her head sleepily. She was wearing one of his
shirts, the kanji for “dress suit” printed across the front, and little else. He stared at her long
shapely legs, at her soft and sleepy smile, her messy hair, at the way her bust lifted the hem of the
shirt just enough for him to get a peek at the panties underneath with each breath.

“Gods, you are beautiful,” he breathed as he walked towards her, pulling her into his arms and
placing a soft kiss to her lips.

“Shut up,” the girl laughed as she pushed him off, “I look horrible! My hair is all messed up!”

“I like it,” Izuku chuckled as he went back to their breakfast, grabbing the toast as soon as it
popped out, before placing the bacon on top of it, and an egg on top of each slice.

“Shush,” Melissa yawned as she sat at the small table, thanking him for the food as he placed the
plate in front of her, “Anyway, do you have plans for today?”

“Well,” Izuku hummed as he handed her a knife and fork, sitting at his own plate as they began to
eat, “It’s the day after the First Year Sports Festival, so UA has given me the next two days off.”

“Hmm,” Melissa hummed, looking at him expectantly.

“So, I figured I’d work on my suit, do some extra work for school, and completely ignore my
gorgeous Fiancé for the next few days,” he chuckled as he bit down on his food.

“Izuku!” Melissa gasped as she stared at him, her face screwed up in annoyance, “That isn’t funny!
I’m going back to I-island soon!”
“I know,” Izuku sighed, the mood at the table suddenly turning somber, “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too,” Melissa sighed, “But I-Expo is soon, so you’ll be coming to the Island for that,
won’t you?”

“Of course!” Izuku chuckled, “I have so much to display this year, and I’ll have to give Pipi and
Mei a tour of the island.”

“You’re bringing both of them?” Melissa asked.

“Of course,” Izuku hummed, “I mean, Mei is a prodigy, and Pipi is basically my assistant at this
point. They deserve to get to see the best the Island can offer.”

“Barely here two months and already poaching UA’s talent,” Melissa chuckled, “Well, I can’t
blame you.”

“So, you want to know what I’m actually going to be doing today?” Izuku asked as he took another
bite of his food.

“Sure,” Melissa hummed.

“Your choice.”


“Your choice,” Izuku repeated, “And by that, I mean I’m yours for the entire day. No workshop,
no school, no distractions. Just the two of us doing what we want.”

“Izuku,” Melissa blushed as he smiled at her, “Thank you.”

“Any time,” Izuku hummed as he got up from the table, taking their empty plates and placing a soft
kiss on the top of her head, “I love you, Melissa.”

“I love you too,” the girl hummed happily as she watched him move over to the sink, quickly
washing the plates.


“Dammit,” Melissa groaned as she threw another item of clothing onto the bed, Izuku watching
happily as she stood in front of him in her underwear, “I have nothing to wear!”

“Well, you did only bring what was necessary,” Izuku chuckled as he flopped back on the bed,
“Maybe our first stop should be a clothing store to get you some suitable clothes?”

“That’s perfect, Izu!” Melissa gasped as she jumped on him, “And we can get you something better
than whatever you think this is!”

Izuku laughed as he looked down at his simple outfit, just a t-shirt with the kanji for “Plaid” on the
front and pair of worn jeans.

“Maybe you’re right,” he sighed, “I only have outfits like this and clothes for work.”

“Exactly!” the blond grinned as she pulled him up off the bed and started to dress in simple clothes.

“So, what do you think?” Melissa asked as she twirled in the flowing summer dress, Izuku having
to snap his mouth closed as he stared.

“Gorgeous, beautiful, resplendent,” he muttered as she pouted at him.

“That’s what you said about the last five outfits!”

“What else can I say? You make everything look amazing!” Izuku replied, blushing slightly at the
words, Melissa blushing back as she giggled into her hand.

“Come on, Kiri!” the shout caught them by surprise as they looked over at the familiar face
heading over to the changing rooms, “It’s just over here.”

“Come on, Mina,” the voice of Kirishima called from behind a walking mound of clothes, “Can’t
you take some of these? I can’t see anything!”

“Think of it as strength training!” the pink-skinned girl called as she led the boy, Mina stopping
suddenly as she spotted the two of them, “Huh? Midoriya-sensei?”

“Hello Ashido,” Izuku said with a smile as the girl rushed over to them, “What are you doing

“I was going to ask you the same thing!” she gasped happily, “Are you on a date?”

“The start of one, yes,” Izuku replied as the girl beamed, “We’re just picking out some more
appropriate clothes for the rest of the day. Melissa didn’t bring anything like that and I…apparently
lack style.”

“I can see that,” Mina nodded sagely as Kirishima put the pile of clothes down on a chair, “Kiri has
the same problem, so I’m here to make sure he picks out something good!”

“Oh, are the two of you also on a date then?” Melissa chuckled, both teens blushing as they
glanced away, “Come on, don’t be shy.”

“Sort of?” Mina said, “Well, I’m kind of dating a few people, but Kiri and I aren’t really official
official yet.”

“Oh really?” Melissa hummed as she leaned against the girl’s shoulder, “And why is that?”

“His taste in clothing is bad,” she replied flatly, pointing to the red-haired boy.

He was wearing a red and black print shirt, the pattern of red shapes making it look like it was
cracked, and bright blue shorts. Over the top he had a faded yellow hoodie, open with the sleeves
rolled up to his elbows. Both Mina and Melissa recoiled at what was on his feet.

“Are those…crocs?” the blond asked quietly, the pink-skinned girl nodding sadly, “Oh sweety, we
have to fix this!”

“I KNOW!” Mina said, both women turning to the two boys, “It’s your turn now!”


“Oh my.”

The two stared at their partners as they stood in front of them.

“You two look good,” Mina mumbled.

“They look great!” Melissa agreed.

Kirishima was dressed in a cream-colored shirt under an open red plaid button down, with a pair of
light blue jeans with stylized fading on the front. His crocs had been replaced with a pair of black
high-tops, the boy smiling happily at them. Izuku had on a forest green button-down shirt, the
sleeves rolled up to just above his elbows, showing off his muscular forearms, with a dark brown
vest over the top. On his legs were black skinny jeans, highlighting his toned legs, his usual bright
red sneakers replaced by equally red loafers.

“I think that’s good!” Melissa said happily.

“Right,” Izuku said as he adjusted the sleeves slightly, “But now it’s your turn, girls.”

“Huh?” the two said as he and Kirishima grinned at them.

“Did you forget why we’re here, Mel?” Izuku asked, “You also need clothes for our date.”


“I may have died and gone to heaven,” Izuku breathed as he looked at the woman in front of him.

Melisa had pinned her hair back, with Mina’s help, lifting it up off her neck and shoulders. She was
wearing a black off the shoulder shirt, the neck and arm straps hemmed by some simple frills of
fabric. Around her waist sat a dark green skirt, similar in color to Izuku’s shirt, with dark red strap
sandals on her feet.

“You look…wow,” he said as he stepped towards her, pulling his hands back for a moment as if
afraid she would vanish if he touched her.

“Thank you,” Melissa blushed as she smiled back at him.

“Now it’s my turn!” Mina suddenly shouted as the couple jumped, Kirishima quickly pushing them

“Quickly, run,” he whispered, “She’ll keep you here the rest of the day if you stay!”

“Right,” Izuku chuckled as he grabbed Melissa’s hand, pulling her towards the checkout, “Thank
you, Kirishima.”

“Any time, Sensei!” the red head shouted as they left, turning back to see his partner already
carrying a massive pile of clothes towards the changing rooms.


“Where to next?” Melissa asked as they walked hand in hand down the street, Izuku holding the
bag with their old clothes in his other hand.

“I heard about this really great bookstore nearby,” Izuku hummed, “Do you want to go check it
out? Apparently they have a lot of antique books as well.”

“Sounds fun,” Melissa grinned as they headed towards the shop.

The building was exactly as they expected it to be from the moment they walked in. Every wall
was covered in packed shelves, and every free surface was covered in books. Several plush chairs
were scattered around the aisles, most already occupied by a wide variety of people. The two
walked quietly through the shop, taking in the atmosphere for a moment before Izuku bumped into

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said quietly, blinking as the familiar black eyes looked back at him in surprise.


“Yaoyorozu?” Izuku replied, spotting the other girl behind her, “And Jiro. What are the two of you
doing here?”

“Oh, Jiro-san told me about this store!” Momo said happily, “It’s so amazing! It feels like they
have every book under the sun!”

“That’s great!” Melissa said happily, smirking at the shorter girl as Kyoka’s ears began to glow
red, “It’s so nice to see students with an interest in learning.”

“I’m just so glad that Jiro-san invited me here!” Momo bounced slightly as she spoke, a bright
smile on her face as she spoke enthusiastically, both Izuku and Melissa noticing the way Kyoka
was staring at her as she spoke.

“Well, we won’t bother you too much, then,” Melissa chuckled as she took Izuku’s hand, pulling
him away, “Enjoy your shopping!”

“You too, Midoriya-sensei, Shield-san!” Momo said as she turned to talk to the other girl, Kyoka’s
blush spreading to her cheeks as the black-haired girl continued to gush over the books.

“I wonder how long it’ll take those two to get together,” Melissa hummed happily, “They’d make a
cute couple.”

“That they wou- wait, is that a first edition of Alister’s Quirk Theory Textbook?” Izuku cut himself
off as he spotted something, immediately rushing over to the book, “Melissa! It is! These are so
rare! And it’s not even that expensive!”

Melissa laughed as she walked over to her Fiancé, talking to him about the book and whether he
could afford it or not.


The pair walked out of the bookstore, bags in hand as they chatted happily, laughing at the chance
of them meeting four of Izuku’s students already. They walked slowly down the street, enjoying
each other’s company as they talked, before a loud voice called out to them.

“Midoriya-sensei? Is that you?” the pair turned to see Setsuna Tokage running up to them, a wide
toothy grin on her face as two more girls walked calmly up behind her, “It is! See, Reiko, I told
you it was Midoriya-sensei! Can’t miss that green moptop!”

“Hello Tokage,” Izuku smiled, “And to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Huh?” the girl looked at him blankly for a moment.

“He wants to know why we’re here,” Reiko said softly, Yui simply humming behind them.
“Oh!” the girl laughed, “We’re on a date!”

“All three of you?” Izuku asked, looking at the other two girls as they nodded, “That’s good to
hear. Be careful, all of you, and don’t do anything reckless.”

“Aw, but reckless things are fun,” Setsuna joked as the teacher gave her an unimpressed look,
“Alright, alright, we won’t go fighting Villains or anything!”

“Good,” Izuku sighed as the three girls waved goodbye and walked off, Setsuna talking excitedly
as the other two watched her quietly.

“Wow, you really sounded like a teacher there,” Melissa giggled, “Those kids really respect you,

“I should hope so, I am one,” Izuku laughed, “And yeah, I guess they do.”

“Well, it’s getting on in the day,” Melissa sighed, “Any ideas for lunch?”

“Yeah, actually,” Izuku replied, “Pipi recommended this café. I think it’s nearby to here.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Melissa chimed, “Let’s go!”


Izuku and Melissa walked to the café, the girl cooing at the cute aesthetic the place had as they
entered, both smiling as the waitress came up and took them to a table near the back. They ordered
and chatted quietly, occasionally glancing at the other patrons until their food arrived. The meal
was satisfying for the two, both laughing as they ate and talked. They were about to pay when the
door to the café burst open, a familiar head of bright pink hair rushing in, dragging someone else
behind it.

“Bats said this place was great!” the enthusiastic voice said loudly as Mei dragged Iida behind her,
“They have all sorts of good food, Tenya!”

Izuku and Melissa did a double take as they watched the two students, staring in awe at the
surprisingly clean and well-dressed Mei. There was not a smudge of grease or oil on the girl, her
hair pulled back in a tight ponytail as she wore a simple cream blouse and a bright red skirt and her
usual work boots.

“M-Mei, calm down,” the usually stern boy said as most of the café turned to look at them, his
cheeks flushing a bit, “You don’t need to be so loud.”

“But we’re here to celebrate!” the girl chimed, turning to the rest of the patrons as she shouted,
“My boyfriend’s brother caught Stain yesterday!”

“MEI!” Iida gasped, quickly turning to their new audience as the entire café started to cheer and
clap, “We aren’t like that! We’re just friends!”

“Yeah,” Mei said happily, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the nearest empty table,
which was right beside Izuku and Melissa, “We’re a boy and a girl who are friends! That makes
you my boyfriend!”

“That isn’t how it works!” Iida groaned as he was forced down into the seat.

“And why not?” Melissa giggled as the two looked over at them in surprise, “You two look good

“M-MIDORIYA-SENSEI!” Iida squeaked as his face turned bright red, “It’s not what you think!”

“Oh, hey Sensei and Sensei’s wife, what are you doing here?” Mei chimed as she sat opposite the
blushing Iida.

“We were just finishing lunch,” Izuku chuckled, “And I see that information that I sent your
brother helped out. Hey Iida?”

“Oh! You were the one that sent the information to Tensei?” Iida gasped, bowing suddenly in his
seat, “Thank you so much! If you hadn’t, he may not have had so many of his sidekicks with him.
Who knows what would have happened then?”

“Glad I could help,” Izuku replied as they paid and got up from their seats, “Well, we won’t disturb
you any longer on you date.”

“It’s not a date!” Iida squeaked again, “Hatsume just grabbed me and dragged me here! I don’t
even know how she found my house!”

“Well, good luck,” Melissa laughed as they left, “She can be quite the handful.”

Iida just let out a quiet groan as Mei began talking excitedly at him.


“That was great,” Izuku sighed as they strolled down the street, fingers interlaced as they held
hands, “What do you want to do next?”

“I don’t know,” Melissa hummed, “I just want to walk with you for a bit.”

“That can be arranged,” Izuku chuckled as he squeezed her hand.

The couple walked quietly for a while, Izuku subtly steering them in a particular direction. After a
few minutes, they walked into the park, Izuku slipping his hand into Melissa’s as they interlaced
their fingers. They chuckled at the children playing on the playground, stopping by a bench to sit
for a moment as they took in the quiet atmosphere.

“She can a handful, but she’s too much of a genius to fault for it,” the familiar voice said as the
other couple walked in front of them, Izuku and Melissa blinking as they watched the students walk
past them, “I mean, it is annoying that I’m more Mei’s babysitter than lab partner, but the things
she makes are inspired!”

Tokoyami just nodded quietly beside her, his head slightly fluffed up as the girl held his hand.

“Oh, hey Midoriya-sensei!” the familiar voice of Dark Shadow chuckled as they walked past, the
two students jumping and looking behind them, “What are you doing out here?”

“We’re on a date,” Melissa chuckled, “And it seems like we’re not the only ones.”

“Nope,” Dark Shadow chuckled, “These two have been out for most of the day.”

“That’s nice,” Melissa hummed as she sidled up beside the bat-like girl, “Though I have to ask,
what’s it like having such a stylish boyfriend?”

“Huh?” Pipi said, looking at Tokoyami as his head fluffed up even more. The teen was wearing a
dark grey button down with the sleeves partially rolled up, a black vest over the top and a black and
grey striped scarf wrapped loosely around his neck. His jeans were black and tight, and he had
simple leather dress shoes on, “Oh, DS picks out Fumi’s clothes for him. He refuses to allow him
to go out looking bad.”

“Pipi!” the bird-headed teen muttered as he hid his face behind his hand, the shadow creature
poking out of his back cackling madly.

“He wanted to go on this date in a black hoody and cargo pants,” Dark Shadow said, “I couldn’t
allow it.”

“I’ll say,” Melissa nodded, “Especially not with the outfit Pipi has on.”

The girl blushed slightly as she twirled, showing off the simple gothic-lolita styled dress. The black
dress shimmered slightly in the sun, the wide frilly collar of her blouse ruffling slightly in the soft
breeze. Her black and white striped stockings matching the fancy pumps she had on, and her short
hair was accented by a small lilac ribbon pinned to one side.

“Pi-chan!” The girly voice called as the four turned to the see the head of brunette hair bobbing
towards them, “Is that you, shroom?”

“Kino-chan? What are you doing here?” Pipi said in surprise as the other three looked at the
brightly colored dress the other girl was wearing.

If there was one word to describe the outfit, it was frills. Her bright red puffy skirt was hemmed
with cream frills, along with the matching over shirt she had on top of her cream blouse, the hems
of which were also frilled. On her head she wore a headband with a number of protrusions that
looked almost exactly like mushrooms, giving it an almost crown like appearance. Her bangs were
parted over one eye, showing off the white cross-like pupil as she bounced happily in front of them.

“And Midoriya-sensei too!” the girl said happily, “I’m here with Kuroiro-san! He invited me to
hang out today! It’s been so fun! He’s been insisting on paying for everything, though.”

“Oh?” Melissa giggled as the group looked over at the black-skinned boy, his eyes wide as he
seemed to be panicking. He was wearing a pair of black slacks and dress shoes, as well as a white
suit shirt with a black skinny tie, “Does that mean you’re also on a date?”

“Date?” Kinoko said, blinking in surprise, “No? Why?”

“Well, it certainly looks like you’re on one,” Izuku chuckled along with his Fiancé, “Why else
would both of you be dressed so nicely?”

“Nicely?” the girl asked, “But this is just how we always dress? Right Kuroiro?”

“O-of c-course,” the boy said quietly as he looked away, Izuku swearing he could see his cheeks
getting darker.

“See! And Kuroiro doesn’t even like me that way!” Kinoko chuckled.

“Yes, he does,” the five answered almost automatically, looking over at the boy as he made a
strangled noise, staring at all of them in betrayal.

“Wait…what?” Kinoko gasped, staring at them.

“Shadow boy has the major hots for you, mushroom girl,” Dark Shadow said sagely as he leaned
against Tokoyami’s shoulder, “Has since the start of term.”

“I…I…” Kinoko muttered, as she looked between the group and the stuttering boy. The group
stepped back as the small circle of mushrooms suddenly sprouted around her, her hands on her
cheeks as she turned bright red, “Oh.”

The group couldn’t help but laugh as Shihai ran forwards, making Kinoko blush harder, the circle
of mushrooms getting slightly larger. He stopped just outside the circle, trying to calm the girl

“But I didn’t know!” Kinoko moaned, “If I knew this was a date I would have dressed up!”

“Dressed up?” Melissa asked, looking at the girl’s fancy dress again.

“You should see her at the fashion meet-ups,” Pipi chuckled, “She’s not called the “Mushroom
Queen” for nothing.”

“Well,” Izuku chuckled as he watched the girl continue to bemoan the simplicity of her dress, her
partner still stuttering as he tried to calm her down, “Maybe we should let them talk it out.
Wouldn’t want to cause any more trouble than we already have.”

“We’ll stay,” Pipi said, “When Kino-chan gets like this it can be a bit difficult to snap her out of it,
and Kuroiro seems to be struggling.”

“You do that,” Melissa nodded, taking Izuku’s hand again, “Enjoy the rest of your date.”

“You too, Sensei, Melissa-san,” Pipi called as they walked away, leaving the three teenagers and
one shadow creature to try comfort the embarrassed girl.


“Bit hot today, isn’t it?” Melissa sighed as she shaded her eyes, looking up at the sky, “Makes you
want to eat something cold and sweet.”

“It does,” Izuku nodded beside her as they headed out of the park, “I think I heard Uraraka say
something about there being a Mochi shop near here that had really good ice cream Mochi.”

“Why didn’t you say so sooner?” Melissa gasped, smiling brightly at him as he scrunched up his
face, stunned by the sudden attack, “Come on! Lead the way, Izu!”

“I’m not sure where it is, though,” Izuku laughed, pulling out his phone, “Hold on, let me see if I
can find it.”

“It’s down the street and to the right, kero,” the voice said from behind them, both turning to see
Tsuyu and Ochako standing next to each other, the brunette blushing hard as she clung to the frog-
like girl’s hand, “We’re heading there too, if you want to come with us, kero.”

“That would be great!” Melissa chimed, grabbing Izuku hand and pulling him to the side to allow
the two girls to lead them.

“It’s just over here,” Ochako said excitedly as they drew close, “Their ice cream Mochi is to die

“I’m excited,” Melissa said happily as they entered the small shop, heading over to the counter to
order, “Oh, so many flavors!”
“Strawberry ice cream, please!” Ochako said happily to the clerk, “And green tea ice cream for my

“Sure thing,” the man behind the counter replied brightly, “And for you two?”

“I’ll try the green tea as well,” Izuku said, “What do you want, Mel?”

“I can’t decide!” the girl hummed, “There are too many flavors! I’ll just have strawberry as well!”

“Two green teas and two strawberries then,” the man said, “Are you all paying together?”

“Oh, no! We’ll-,”Ochako started.

“I’ll pay for all of it,” Izuku cut her off, stepping forwards and presenting a credit card, “To say
thank you for guiding us here.”

“Oh!” Ochako’s whole head went bight red as she stared at Izuku, “Y-you don’t have to!”

“But I want to,” He replied, smiling kindly at her as the clerk handed them their treats, “And you
two are my students, I have to treat you every once in a while.”

“Wow, kero,” Tsuyu hummed as they moved over to a nearby table and sat, “I can really see why
Ochako has a crush on you.”

“TSU!” Ochako gasped as the other two choked on their Mochi, blinking as they stared at the frog-
like girl.

“I’m sorry, she has a what?” Izuku said as he cleared his throat slightly.

“N-nothing!” Ochako said loudly, “I don’t have anything towards you! You’re already married
after all!”

“Actually, we’re only engaged,” Melissa hummed as she leaned over the table, “But do tell me
more about this crush?”

“Ochako got a crush on Midoriya-sensei a few days into the term,” Tsuyu hummed as she bit into
her mochi, “She stares at him the whole lesson and has to borrow my notes after to keep up.”

“Wait,” Izuku said, staring at the two girls, “Is that why Uraraka can never answer questions in
class, but always does well on the tests?”

“Yep,” Tsuyu replied, “Too busy having a crush to pay attention.”

“There is no crush!” Ochako said again, her head bright red as she scowled at Tsuyu, “Stop saying
there is!”

“But there is,” Tsuyu croaked in a way that sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

“Uraraka,” Izuku said firmly, the two girls stopping and looking at him in concern, “I am flattered
that you think so highly of me, but at the end of the day, I am still a teacher. It would be
inappropriate for us to even have a relationship.”

“I-I know that!” the girl squeaked, “B-but you’re so nice. And smart. And cool.”

“And mine,” Melissa added, slipping her arm around Izukus as she raised an eyebrow at the
blushing girl, “Like you said, he’s already taken. And anyway, you already have someone, don’t

“Oh, yeah,” Ochako’s blush somehow got even darker as she smiled at Tsuyu, the other girl
smiling back as she reached out and squeezed the brunette’s hand, “I do, don’t I?”

“Well, now that that’s sorted,” Izuku chuckled, his stern tone and expression completely gone,
“We need to talk about your paying attention in class, Uraraka-san.”

“I’m sorry!” the girl blurted as she blushed again.


“Well, that was fun,” Melissa laughed as they walked out of the Mochi shop, bidding the two girls
goodbye and headed down the street, “Even if you did spend half the conversation scolding
Uraraka about paying attention in class.”

“What can I say?” Izuku sighed, “I’m a teacher, it’s my job to discipline wayward students.”

“Oh really now, Mr. Teacher,” Melissa purred as she leaned in close to his ear, “And what if you
had a particularly “wayward” student to discipline?”

“Well,” Izuku hummed back, turning to peck Melissa on the lips, “I’d have to make sure she gets
back on the right path with some private lessons.”

“I like the sound of that,” Melissa giggled, her cheeks flushing slightly, “Almost makes me want to
end the date now.”

“Sensei! How are you?” the nasaly voice made them both blink as they turned to see the blond
smiling at them, “I do hope I am not interrupting anything?”

“Not at all, Monoma,” Izuku sighed, watching as the familiar red head stepped out from behind the
teen and grabbed him by the collar.

“What are you doing?” Kendo sighed, “They’re obviously on a date! Why’d you go talk to them?”

“I see nothing wrong in interacting with our teachers outside of classes,” Neito huffed, “Besides,
they were speaking with two of those class A girls!”

“Oh, we just bumped into them,” Melissa explained as Kendo threatened to neck chop the blond,
the boy flinching back, “In fact, we’ve been doing a lot of bumping into students today.”

“Unfortunately, so have we,” Kendo sighed, “Not for a lack of trying. This idiot thinks it’s fine to
stalk Class A!”

“It’s not stalking!” Neito said hurriedly as Izuku and Melissa gave him a strange look, “It’s
information gathering!”

“It’s stalking,” Itsuka muttered, “Anyway, that’s why I’m here. To make sure he doesn’t do
anything stupid.”

“I would never!”

“You almost tackled that bird-headed guy form class A when you saw him talking to Kuroiro and
Komori!” Itsuka said flatly, her eyes going blank as she glared at him.

“They were fraternizing with the enemy!”

“Class A and B aren’t enemies though, Monoma,” Izuku sighed, “We’ve had this discussion
before. You’re meant to be allies and rivals.”

“As if they have the ability to face the might of class B!” the blond shouted, opening his mouth to
continue as the hand smacked into the back of his neck, making him crumple to the ground, Itsuka
catching him by the collar just before he fell.

“Sorry to interrupt your date, Sensei,” the girl sighed, “I’ll go take him somewhere he can’t get in
the way.”

“Thank you, Kendo,” Izuku said as he gave her a sympathetic look, the girl just nodding back as
she carried the blond off.

“Wow,” Melissa giggled, “Your students really are an odd bunch, aren’t they?”

“You should meet the third years,” Izuku chuckled, before going slightly pale, “Oh gods, I hope
we don’t meet any of the third years.”


The day moved on, the couple visiting a number of other shops and locations, enjoying themselves
as they went. The sun began to set as they entered a fancier part of town, the night life starting to
pick up as Izuku led them through the slowly crowding streets.

“It’s just over here,” He said as he pulled Melissa down a small alleyway, quickly opening up into
a quiet plaza, a small restaurant nestled in the far corner.

“Oh wow,” The blond gasped, “How did you find this place?”

“Luck, mostly,” Izuku laughed, “I got lost and stumbled upon it. They make amazing Italian style

“I can’t wait!”

The couple entered, the Maître D’ welcoming them, even calling Izuku by name as he led them to
a table.

“Wow, this place is amazing,” Melissa hummed, looking around the small space.

Somehow, it felt like thay’d left Japan far behind, now sitting in an authentic Italian restaurant
somewhere in Venice or Milan.

“I love you,” the words caught Melissa a little off guard as she looked at Izuku, a slight blush
coming over her face as she giggled.

“I love you too, you dork,” she chuckled, “What brought that on all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know,” Izuku shrugged, “Just felt like I hadn’t said it to you enough today.”

“Aw, Izu! That’s so sappy!”

“What?” the teen sighed, “Am I not allowed to tell you I love you now?”

“Of course you are,” Melissa giggled again, “Keep going. Tell me how much you love me.”

“Tell you how much I love you?” Izuku hummed, “My love would make the Sun itself look like a
match beside it. The Moon’s glow nothing but a pale orb. A million fireflies couldn’t spell out the
words I want to say.”

“Izu!” Melissa laughed, her cheeks going bright red, “That’s so ridiculous. But I love it.”

“And I love you,” he replied, smiling back at her, “I love you so much.”


The gruff shout took them by surprise as the bulky man with a mutation quirk that made him look
like a wolf barged into the restaurant, swinging a gun through the air.

“I ain’t afraid to use this! Now, no one move!”

“Son of a…” Izuku muttered as the man began going between the tables, barking at the patrons to
put their wallets and valuables in the bag he was carrying.

“Oi!” The man growled, swinging the gun to point at Izuku as he approached, “That’s a fancy
watch you got on there! Put it in the bag!”

“Alright,” Izuku said calmly as he reached for his wrist, pointing the face of the timepiece towards
the Villain, “Just let me take it off.”

The man suddenly stiffened as Izuku pressed a button on the side of the watch, his eyes rolling
back in his head as he toppled over backwards, falling heavily to the ground as the contents of his
bag scattered across the floor.

“What?” Melissa gasped, “Izu! What was that?”

“Anti-Villain watch,” Izuku hummed as he got up from his seat, “It creates a directional sonic blast
capable of knocking most people unconscious. I modeled it after Pipi’s sonic abilities. It’s still only
a prototype though, so it can only hold a single charge.”

“And what are you doing now?” Melissa asked as Izuku undid the watch from his wrist and
removed the straps, pulling them out into a long, thin cord.

“Tying him up,” Izuku replied as he bound the Villain’s hands and feet, “This is special nano-
weave fibre. It can withstand up to half a ton of force, so he shouldn’t be going anywhere.”

“Thank you, Sir,” the Maître D’ said as he approached the couple, “I have already called the
Heroes and police. Please, allow us to thank you by paying for your meal!”

“Of course not,” Izuku laughed, patting the man reassuringly on the shoulder, “I’m just a teacher,
not a Hero. There’s no need to-.”

“Sensei?” Togata said as he walked into the restaurant in full Hero costume, looking down at the
bound man lying on the floor, “We were wondering why the caller only said it was a Villain pick
up! No wonder if you’re here!”

“Sensei? To Heroes?” the other patrons whispered to each other, “He must work at UA!”

“Oh my gosh! It is Midoriya-sensei!” the blue-haired girl said excitedly as she rushed in, wrapping
her arms around the teen and hugging him tightly, “That’s so cool! What are you doing here? Did
you beat this guy on your own? How’d you do it?”

“Nejire,” a quiet voice said from behind them, the figure of Amajiki staring at the door frame as he
spoke, “D-don’t bug sensei like that.”

“Wow! You’re the Big Three of UA!” Melissa gasped, “I’ve read Izu’s profiles on you! You’re all

“And far from your usual patrol grounds,” Izuku sighed, “Why are you all here in Mustafu?”

“Oh, we’re doing some extra-credit work,” Togata said happily, “And helping to patrol around UA
keeps us focused even when we don’t have work studies!”

“Right,” Izuku replied, as he watched Nejire hoist the Villain easily onto her shoulder, carrying him
out the door, “Well, have a good evening.”

“You too, Sensei!” Togata said happily as he turned to leave, “And enjoy your free meal!”

“It’s not going to be free,” Izuku replied as the Maître D’ stepped back in front of him.

“We insist!” the Maitre D’ said again, holding out the menus, “Please!”


“Today has been fun,” Melissa sighed as they walked out of the restaurant, “So, anything else
romantic planned for me?”

“How about a walk along a beach?” Izuku chuckled, “Takobah Municipal Beach Park was recently
cleaned up by someone and apparently it’s beautiful.”

“Cleaned up? Was it messy?” Melissa hummed as they walked.

“Messy is an understatement,” Izuku sighed, “The place was apparently a full-on dump. I’ve seen
photos. But it was cleaned up over the last eight or so months.”

“Oh wow,” Melissa chuckled, “Sounds like something you would have done if you still lived
around here.”

“Well, Heroes are public servants,” Izuku chuckled.

“Oh really, Mr. “I’m-just-a-teacher”?” Melissa laughed back as she elbowed him gently in the side,
“Well? What are we waiting for? Let’s go see this beach of yours!”


“Oh wow!” Melissa gasped, her sandals hanging from her fingers as they stepped down onto the
sand, “It really is beautiful.”

The couple stood quietly as they stared at the ocean, the moon reflected in the calm waters as the
waves lapped gently against the shore.

“Hey Izu,” Melissa hummed as she leaned against his shoulder, slipping her hand into his, “Want
to find somewhere more private? I have a present for you.”

“A present?” Izuku chuckled, squeezing her hand, “How can I say no to that?”

The two laughed as they walked down the beach, keeping an eye out for a more private area for
them to occupy. Melissa giggled as she spotted an area that was mostly sheltered from sight just
beneath the pier, pulling on Izuku’s hand as she dragged him towards it.
“Now,” She said as they rounded the corner, the blond pushing him against the wall, fingers
undoing the top button of his shirt already, “Time for your present.”

“S-Sensei? Again?”

The quiet gasp made the two of them freeze as they slowly looked to the side, blinking as the
forms of the two girls slowly made itself apparent in the shadows, the two students quickly
straightening out their slightly messed up clothes.

“Hello again, Uraraka, Asui,” Izuku said as she cleared his throat, his face going bright red as
Melissa buried hers in his neck, “I apologize if we were, uhm…interrupting anything.”

“N-no!” Ochako gasped, “W-we weren’t doing anything!”

“Except making out, kero,” Tsuyu added, making Ochako light up as she blushed.

“Right,” Izuku cleared his throat again, “Well, we’ll leave you to it, then. Stay safe.”

The two quickly rounded the corner as they fought back the embarrassed looks on their faces and
crashed directly into another couple, knocking them to the ground.

“I’m so sorry!” Izuku said as he reached out to help the pair up, blinking as he recognized the
familiar pink and red hair, “Wait…Kirishima and Ashido? What are you doing here?”

“Same thing you are,” Mina chuckled as she stood back up and dusted the sand off her backside,
“Ever since it was cleaned up, this beach has become a great place for couples to come and have

“Okay, no,” Izuku said, holding up a hand, “I do not need to know any more of what you’re
planning to do. I am your teacher and that is too much information.”

“Aw, but you’re the same age as us!” Mina chuckled.

“Mina? Kirishima?” Ochako said as she and Tsuyu rounded the corner behind them.

“Aw, looks like Chako and Tsu beat us to it, Kiri,” the pink-skinned girl laughed, “Unless you two
don’t mind a couple of extra hands.”

“Ashido-san, no!” Izuku barked, startling them all, “Just…just leave them be.”

“You’re no fun, Midoriya-sensei,” the girl laughed.

“Why am I not surprised?”

“What a mad banquet of darkness.”

“Pipi! You brought Tokoyami to our make out spot?” Mina gasped in mock shock, before grinning
at the bat girl, “Nice choice.”

“M-make out spot?” the two voices behind them said in unison as everyone looked at Kinoko and
Shihai, the two staring in shock, “You said this was just a romantic place!”

“Are you two finally dating?” Mina gasped as she rushed over to them, hugging both as she hopped
excitedly up and down, “About time!”

“Get off them, you craven wench!” the nasally voice shouted as Neito shot out of the shadows,
barely making it two steps before Itsuka appeared behind him and chopped him in the back of the

“Leave her alone, Monoma,” the red head sighed.

“Wait!” the voice shouted as the green-haired girl ran up excitedly, “Komori and Kuroiro are
dating now? Awesome!”

“Setsuna,” Reiko sighed as she hurried up behind her, “You shouldn’t run off like that.”

“Hmm,” Yui hummed in agreement.

“Oh, sorry babes,” the girl chuckled, “I just heard voices and got excited!”

“Are we really about to meet everyone we met today again?” Izuku sighed as he pinched the
bridge of his nose, “What’s next? Yaoyorozu and Jiro on the pier above us?”

“I don’t know,” Melissa giggled, “I don’t think Jiro is brave enough to bring Yaoyorozu
somewhere like this.”

“Hey!” the familiar voice shouted from above them, the entire group looking up to see the
scowling Kyoka as she glared at them, before her face burst into a blush, Momo beside her.

“You just had to say it,” Izuku groaned.

“Why are we here, Mei?” the stern voice echoed behind them, the group turning to see the pink-
haired inventor dragging Tenya behind her down the beach, “This place has a reputation!”

“Exactly! It’s a place boyfriends and girlfriends go, right?” the girl said excitedly, stopping as she
spotted the amassing group, “See! They’re all here as well!”

“Wait, Iida has a girlfriend?!” the girls gasped as they all stared at the pair, the blue-haired boy
blushing hard as he shook his head rapidly.

“No! It’s all a misunderstanding!” he said quickly, “Hatsume does not know what she’s talking

“This is ridiculous,” Izuku sighed, stepping forwards as the crowd began talking loudly, “All of
you! Please listen!”

“Oh? Midoriya-sensei?”

“Gods fucking dammit,” the teen swore as the students gasped, “What are you doing here Togata?”

“We got a report that a lot of people were going to the beach late at night,” the blond said as the
three of them walked up, “We were asked to check it out to make sure nothing bad was going on.”

“No, nothing bad, just a bunch of hormonal teenagers,” the teacher groaned.

“Hey!” Mina chuckled, “You’re one of those hormonal teenagers too!”

“I will give you a month’s worth of detention, Ashido,” Izuku growled as he stepped towards the
three costumed students, “I’m sorry you got called out for nothing. I’ll make sure they all head
home now.”

“Aw,” several voices said as the teen spun on his heel and glared at them.
“No,” he barked, putting on his strictest teacher voice, “All of you, go home. Now!”

“Yes, Sensei,” the students replied quickly, chatting to each other as they dispersed, walking back
down the beach.

“Thanks, Sensei,” Togata chuckled, “See you on Monday!”

“Make sure you’re ready for the test,” Izuku sighed as the three walked slowly behind the other
students, making sure they left.

“Well that just happened,” Melissa laughed as Izuku leaned against the wall, rubbing his temples in
frustration, “So, you still interested in trying out the make-out spot?”

“Not really,” he sighed, “Sorry. Let’s just go home.”

“Okay,” Melissa hummed as she stepped close to him, hooking a finger through his collar, and
quickly pulling him close. The kiss was quick, but intense, leaving both of them gasping as they
broke apart, “Couldn’t let you forget your present.”


Izuku groaned in pleasure as he walked through the door of his apartment, stretching out his back
as he dropped the numerous bags that they’d accrued throughout the day beside the door. Behind
him, Melissa gave a tired yawn, pressing her head against his back as he walked forwards.

“Want to take a bath?” He asked.

“Tired now,” the girl hummed in response, “Tomorrow.”

“Even if I join you?” Izuku chuckled as the young woman perked up slightly, her arms sliding
around his waist, already undoing the buttons on his shirt.

“Why wait for that?” she purred in his ear, “We can bath together tomorrow.”

“I thought you were tired?” Izuku hummed as he turned around, Melissa humming in approval as
she pulled his shirt open, running her hands over his toned body.

“Was, not anymore,” she growled softly, pressing a kiss to his neck, nipping at his skin, “Come on,
let’s have some fun.”

“Like you wanted at the beach?”

“Oh no,” the girl muttered as she began pulling him towards the bedroom, “I just wanted to make
out at the beach. Too much sand otherwise.”

“It does get everywhere,” Izuku nodded as they fell onto his bed, “So, what kind of fun did you
want to have?

“Why don’t you tell me,” Melissa hummed, sitting on his lap as she pulled her shirt over her head,
A New Exam
Chapter Summary

The End of Term Exams!

Chapter Notes

And so does this Extended come to an end. Oh woe is me, for there shall be no more
chapters, as I most certainly do not have anything else planned.

Thank you to Critcal_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading this! Check out the
AWI Reacts that Dragoon has started writing. They're fun.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“I’ll miss you.”

“I’m already missing you,” the teen replied as the blond hugged him, placing a soft kiss on his lips,
“But I-Expo is just around the corner, we’ll see each other again before you know it.”

“Hmm,” Melissa hummed as she pressed her face into Izuku’s neck, inhaling deeply before letting
go of him, “Bye.”


Izuku watched as the love of his life walked through the boarding gate, waving one last time before
she disappeared around a bend in the corridor. He let out a low sigh, wiping the few tears from his
eyes as he turned away. This was no time to get emotional, he had an exam to prepare for.


“Are you kidding me?” Aizawa sighed as he looked at the sheet of paper in front of him, the rest of
the teachers looking between him and the teen as Izuku lifted an eyebrow.

“No, I am not.”

“You seriously want this to be his end of term practical?”


Aizawa groaned as he slapped a hand to his face, “Why?”

“Because,” Izuku hummed, “He needs to learn.”


“Mel, can you pass me that tool,” Izuku muttered as he stared at the delicate circuitry in front of
him, the magnifying goggles on his face almost touching the surface of the chip.

“Here, Sensei,” Pipi said as she pressed the tool into his hand, “And Melissa-san left three days

“Right,” Izuku sighed, finishing up on the piece of tech and pulling the goggles off his face,
“Sorry, I forgot.”

“You’ve been forgetting that Wife-san isn’t here a lot, Sensei,” Mei called as she hurried about the
workshop, her arms laden with parts, “Are you okay?”

“See?” Pipi chuckled, “You even have Mei worried.”

“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled half-heartedly, “I just…got so used to her being around.”

“We know, we all did,” Pipi said soothingly as she patted the teen on the back, “But you have
work to do. And a suit to finish.”

“Oh, that’s basically done,” Izuku hummed, looking at the covered stand in the corner of the room,
“I just finished up soldering that last components, so all I have to do is install them and it should be
good to go.”

“So, we finally get to test Sensei’s baby?!” Mei asked excitedly, the other two laughing as they
watched her jump around happily.

“Yes Mei,” Izuku said, “We do.”


“Hey, Midoriya-sensei! What can you tell us about the exam?” Mina shouted as the bell rang,
signaling the end of the lesson.

“Ashido,” Izuku sighed, “We just went over the contents of your exam this period.”

“Not the written exam!” the girl pouted as the teacher gave her an unimpressed look, “The

“Ah,” teacher replied, looking around the classroom as every student watched him in anticipation,
“I can’t tell you. Nedzu’s orders.”

“Aw!” the crowd moaned as they finished gathering their books, walking out of the room to go to

“Come on, Sensei,” the girl whispered as she walked past him, “Can’t you give us something?
Anything at all!”

“No, sorry, Ashido,” Izuku hummed as he picked up his tablet, moving towards the door.


“And end test of Hero Suit Alpha-Mk. 2,” Izuku said clearly through the helmet as he walked away
from the pile of destroyed robots behind him, “Good job, ladies. I think it’s ready for a more
practical combat test.”

“And how are we supposed to do that?” Pipi sighed, looking over the dark green armor that
wrapped like a second skin around her teacher, the helmet collapsing back until his head was
exposed, “It’s not like we can just get permission for a non-Pro Hero teacher to fight a student or

“Actually,” Izuku chuckled, “That’s already taken care of.”


“It’s just robots?!” Izuku heard the shout through the door as he was about to enter the classroom,
“This’ll be a piece of cake!”

“Only if you pass your written exams as well,” he said as he slid the door open, the class jumping
at his sudden entrance.

“I completely forgot!” Kaminari gasped, “Between the internships and Hero training, I’ve barely
done any studying!”

“Then I would suggest asking one of the students with higher marks to tutor you,” Izuku hummed
as he set up his tablet on the podium, “Though you can do that after class. Right now, we have a
pop quiz, so get out your pens.”

Most of the class groaned as they moved to their desks, Izuku glancing at Bakugo as the blond
scowled back at him.


“So, how has training under Aizawa been going?”

“Hard,” Shinso sighed as he sat on the stool opposite Izuku.

The two of them were in one of the staff breakrooms for their weekly meet up. Usually Izuku
would be tutoring Hitoshi on anything he was missing out on in the Hero Course, but today was
different. The latest version of the Brainwashing quirk user’s Artificial Vocal Cords sat on the
table between them, the teen scanning through the list of new features.

“So, this thing should be easier to use than the last version?” he muttered, “I think I got it.”

“Good to hear,” Izuku hummed as he watched the teen slip the device on with practiced ease,
“Present Mic.”

“HEY!” the cry came after a couple of clicks of one of the dials, Izuku nodding at that accurate
copy of the voice.

“All Might.”

“PLUS ULTRA!” the shout came quickly.


“Hello handsome,” the teen purred.


“You’re expelled.”

“Good, now try this one,” Izuku said as he set down his tablet, playing a short clip of a voice,
Shinso shutting his eyes for a moment before he clicked the dials on the sides of his mask.”
“Testing, testing…dammit, that sounds off,” he grumbled through the mask.

“It is,” Izuku replied, looking down at the tablet, “Only by one measure though, so I’d say that’s
not bad.”

“I guess,” the other teen mumbled.

“Now, try the switch under your left ear,” Izuku hummed, queuing up the next voice, Shinso
pressing the small button, “Next voice.”

The recording played, the teen setting the dials and then speaking, his eyes going wide as no sound
came out.

“Sound cancelation,” Izuku grinned, “And special harmonic bone conduction. Makes the voice
sound exactly as it would even with the increased density.”

“Wow,” Hitoshi said as he pressed the button again, his voice a perfect copy of the recording,
“That will definitely help.”

Izuku just nodded, looking up as the warning bell rang.

“Well, I think you should get to class,” he said as the teen lifted the Support Gear off his head.


“I still don’t get it,” Mina sighed as she sat beside Pipi on the beat up and stained couch, Izuku
whistling softly as he made himself some coffee, “Why does math have to be so hard?!”

“It’s not hard, Mina,” Pipi sighed, “It’s just rules and equations that you have to memorize. Now,
let’s try again.”

The pink-skinned girl sighed as she leaned over the books in front of her, squinting at the numbers
as though they had personally insulted her. She glanced up as Izuku continued to work, a slight
grin coming across her face as she watched her distracted teacher.

“Hey Midoriya-sensei,” she called, Pipi sighing beside her, “What are you up to?”

“Making coffee,” the teen replied absentmindedly.

“Cool, do you know how to solve this problem?”

“Probably,” He replied, scooping a ludicrous amount of sugar into the strong-smelling brew.

“How much sleep have you gotten lately?”

“Not enough, been busy working on things for the exam,” he yawned, turning to face them as he
sipped from the mug.

“What stuff?” Mina grinned as the man pointed to the far wall, her eyes falling on the large
blueprint hung up there.

‘Zero-Pointer 2.0’ was written in large letters at the top of the paper, Mina’s eyes going wide as she
looked back to the man in shock.

“Wait…are we going to have to fight those?”

“Maybe,” Izuku muttered as he walked towards the door of the glass room, glancing back to wink
at Pipi as Mina began fidgeting nervously beside her.

“Mina let’s just focus on getting you to pass your written exams first,” the bat girl sighed, forcing a
pen into Mina’s hand as she pulled her gaze back towards the books.


“Everyone ready?” Nedzu chuckled as he began burying himself in Aizawa’s capture weapon,
“The students will be here soon.”

The teachers all nodded or called out in agreement, smiling to themselves as the buss pulled into
view. It took a few minutes for the students to file off, the teachers blinking in mild surprise as they
looked at them.

“Huh,” Mic muttered, “When did they get costume upgrades?”

Every costume seemed to gleam slightly; the Pros able to tell that whatever fabric had been used to
make them was far tougher than whatever had been used before. Most of the designs seemed to be
mostly the same, with a few exceptions. Namely Ochako, Mina, Fumikage and Momo.

The brunette’s costume now sported a different helmet design, her bracers far larger and with three
small ports on them. Her boots were also slightly bulkier, and her body suit was no longer
skintight, rather looking like it had been lightly padded, fine stitching following the familiar
patterns and design. The girl looked far more comfortable in it as well.

Mina’s costume was also quite different. While the familiar garish pattern of her leotard remained,
she now had several new support items as well as the improved materials. Her boots looked
sturdier and shone with polish, while her sleeveless jacket seemed to have been redesigned to be
more practical. The biggest change, however, was on her arms. She had fingerless gloves on each
hand, the palms open, which were attached to a pair of small white bracers. Each of the bracers had
a small nozzle sticking out of the side, and a simple dial beside them. Her fluffy hair was also
pulled back into a neat ponytail, keeping it more out of her eyes.

Fumikage’s outfit seemed to have gone through a complete overhaul. Rather than simply a cloak
over a simple outfit, the bird-headed teen now looked much more intimidating. His simple fabric
cloak had been replaced with a far sturdier looking one, the edge rolled up to just above his elbows
and held in place with leather bands, a feathered collar around his neck. The outfit underneath bore
a striking resemblance to a suit, a black vest covering a dark red undershirt on his chest, and finely
made black pants on his legs. The most notable addition, however, were his new boots and
gauntlets. They were made of black leather, the boots reaching his knees, and the gauntlets
reaching his elbows, the design making them look like they’d been wrapped around his limbs and
fused there.

The biggest change, however, was in Momo’s costume. Gone was the skimpy leotard, and with it,
the over abundance of exposed skin. Rather, a full body suit covered her, a pair of slim golden
bracers on her arms, a screen on each, as she tapped away at them. The new costume still bore the
same basic designs and colors as the old one, but now the teen looked far more comfortable and
protected in front of the teachers. The entire outfit looked like it fit her like a second skin, twisting
and moving exactly as she did while she stretched before the exams.

Other changes that could be spotted were to Koji’s muzzle like mask, the design now sturdier and
looking like it had some sort of tech in it. Shoto’s temperature regulator looked sleeker, and he had
a pair of white bracers on his arms. Kyoka had a pair of small speakers mounted on her gloves, her
boots slimmer. Denki had a strange looking device on his arm, and several curved ammo
magazines attached to his belt, as well as a new pair of sunglasses. Both Yuga and Tenya’s armor
looked sturdier and sleeker. Tsuyu’s costume seemed to have had some tech similar to Shoto’s
added as well. Minoru’s ridiculous diaper like pants now being much more form fitting. Eijiro was
wearing a shirt made out of an unknown material. The only costume that didn’t look like it had
been changed at all was Bakugo’s, the blond scowling as he glared off to the side, pouting slightly,
though his small grenade-like bracers did look new.

The teachers all whistled or whistled at the obvious improvements to the outfits, most glancing
over at Izuku as they did so.

“What the hell are you all wearing?” Aizawa muttered.

“Our costumes?” Kyoka replied, “We were told that they got a bunch of upgrades before the

“And who authorized this?” the man sighed, already glaring at Izuku.

“I did,” the teen replied, tugging on the sleeve of the loose black outfit he was wearing, which
looked suspiciously like Aizawa’s jumpsuit, “And Nedzu signed the paperwork two weeks ago.”

“I also got an upgrade!” Toru shouted as her boots and gloves hopped around, “But you can’t see it
cause the suit is invisible like me! I’m not naked anymore!”

“But why are the teacher’s here?” Mina asked, “I thought we were going to be fighting Zero-

“Now, whatever gave you that idea?” Nedzu laughed as he popped out of Aizawa’s scarf, the
Principal giving a sly wink to Izuku as the teen smiled, “No, rather, we have decided to advance
your training by a considerable amount! Each of you will be split into teams of two and will face
off against a teacher!”

“A TEACHER?” the teens yelled, looking at the Pro’s as they all grinned.

“Don’t worry,” Nedzu laughed, holding up an item, “Each teacher will be fitted with these special
compressed weights. They will slow them down considerably and make it hard for them to move.”

“Hold on!” Tenya said, his arm shooting up, “There are nineteen of us! What about the extra

“Oh, we have already accounted for that,” Nedzu replied, “The student taking the exam alone is
Katsuki Bakugo, and his opponent will be…”

Izuku stepped forwards, smiling at Katsuki as the blonde’s eye widened, “Me.”


The drive over to the testing site was awkward, Izuku and Bakugo sitting silently in the bus until it
pulled up outside the large set of walls.

“We’re here, Bakugo,” Izuku said as he stood, dusting off his jumpsuit as he walked off the bus,
the blond following a moment later, “Do you have anything you’d like to ask before we begin the

“Fuck off!” the teen barked, stomping past Izuku as he made his way to the large gate.
“Very well,” Izuku sighed, “Follow me.”

“Don’t fucking tell me what to do, Deku!” the blond growled, shoving past him, blinking when
Izuku felt far more solid than he should be.

Bakugo’s eyes widened as the gates opened, revealing a large empty field of short, well-manicured
grass. The green-haired teen strode past him and through the gates, the blond following quickly
after as he growled to himself. The two walked for about ten minutes before they came to a white
circle, about 10 meters across and drawn on the grass in chalk. Izuku walked to the center of it,
turning on his heel to face Katsuki.

“I know that the exam was explained to you earlier,” he said, projecting his voice slightly so
Katsuki could hear, “But yours is a little different.”

“What?” the blond snarled, “What the fuck are you on about, Deku? I know what I have to do!
Beat the shit out of you!”

“Not exactly,” Izuku sighed, “I will not leave this circle of my own volition. If you knock me out of
it, I will return to it. You do not need to capture me, you do not need to defeat me, all you need to
do is walk away and exit through the gate on the other side of the field. You also have one hour to
do this.”

The two stared at each other for a moment, Bakugo’s face plastered with shock before it twisted in


“Exam Start!” the automated speaker system called as the blond jumped forwards, unleashing an
explosion behind him to throw himself forwards.


“Yaoyorozu,” Shoto said softly as they crept through the side streets of the fake residential district,
“Do you have a plan?”

“Me?” the girl gasped slightly as the boy looked back at her, “Yes, actually.”

“Great,” he said, “What is it?”


“Keep calm and think. Keep calm and think,” Mina chanted to herself as she and Denki ran through
the zone, the world seeming to come apart around them, the blond looking over at her in confusion.

“What’s all that about?” he asked.

“Just something my…uhm, study partner told me to do for the exam,” the pink-skinned girl
replied, blushing slightly.

“You mean the bat girl you’re dating?”


“LET’S GO!” Kirishima shouted as he charged towards Cementos, Rikido downing several small
pills as he ran up alongside.


“Tokoyami!” Tsuyu shouted as she flung him to a higher level of the building they were in, the
bird-headed boy grabbing her with Dark Shadow to pull her after a moment later.

“So, they have decided to run,” Ectoplasm muttered.


“Thirteen’s quirk is extremely powerful,” Ochako gasped as she and Yuga jumped behind a
planting box for cover, the powerful suction pulling at them, “But they’re still a teacher! They
wouldn’t actually hurt us!”

“You got that from thinking about how Midoriya-sensei would approach this, didn’t you?” the
blond chuckled, “You still have a crush on him.”

“I DON’T!” the girl shouted as she blushed, “Now distract Thirteen while I get in close!”


Present Mic stumbled back as the powerful sound waves washed over him, making the Pro blink in

“Huh? Did Jiro really produce that? Just how powerful is that gear Midoriya gave her?” he
muttered, before unleashing another shout, which was quickly canceled out by another wave of
sound, “Maybe I should get him to redo my speakers.”


“I see him!” Tenya shouted as he dodged to the side, barely avoiding the hole that formed where
they were about to step, “This thermal imaging Mei installed in my helmet is amazing!”

“And yet you still won’t admit you two are dating,” Ojiro sighed as he hung from the armored
teen’s back.



“SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!” Minoru sobbed as he peeked around the rock, watching as Midnight gave
the sleeping Hanta a lap pillow, “That lucky bastard!”


The right hook slammed into Izuku, the explosion engulfing him a moment later as Bakugo roared.
The blond barely had time to blink before the fist slammed into his gut, launching him backwards
out of the circle. The teen coughed as he staggered to his feet, staring at Izuku in shock as the
smoke cleared. The other teen’s arm gleamed, bands of dark green metal wrapped around the limb.
Izuku shook off the arm, as though getting rid of some dust, before looking back at Katsuki.

“Well?” he said, “What are you going to do now?”

“The problem seems more deep seated than we thought,” Recovery Girl sighed as they watched the
match between the two boys, “I think I understand what Midoriya meant when he said this would
be the hardest exam for Bakugo.”

“I agrrree!” Hound Dog growled beside her, “Though I have to ask…who is this?”

“Pipi Vesper, first year Support Course student and unofficial Assistant to Izuku Midoriya,” the
bat-like girl hummed as she tapped away at her tablet, “I’m here to gather combat data for the suit
Sensei is wearing. This is its first proper combat test.”

“Ah,” the beast-like man hummed, “Good to know.”


“YOU’RE A FUCKING COWARD AS WELL AS A FREAK!” Katsuki howled as he launched

himself forwards, bringing both his hands round just as he reached Izuku, releasing another

The punch swung up, catching the blond in the jaw as he was thrown through the air, slamming
down to the ground on his back, his head throbbing. Bakugo forced himself to his feet as he
watched the armored teen emerge from the smoke, pulling the last shreds of the top of the jump
suit off him, revealing the torso of the armor. Izuku gave him a slightly disappointed look as he
walked towards the other teen, rolling his shoulders slightly as he approached.

“Is that all you can say, Bakugo?” he asked, “Insults and discrimination? I’ll have you know that I
have similar sets of armor designed for your entire class, including you, specially tailored to
increase the effectiveness of your quirks by at least four times.”


“Then what do you need?” Izuku sighed, “You know how to pass this exam. Just walk out of the
circle and go out the exit. Just know that if you continue to fight, I’ll have to get serious.”


“No, I’m not,” Izuku replied as the helmet slid up around his head, his voice echoing slightly as it
closed over his face, “I’m just trying to teach you something.”


“How is our special exam going?” Nedzu asked as he strode into the medical tent, the robots
carrying the unconscious Mina and Denki behind him, “Good, I hope?”

“The opposite, BARK!” Hound Dog sighed, “Bakugo has spent the entire last half hour simply
attacking Midoriya over and over again. He hasn’t made a single step of headway. RUFF!”

“This is truly troubling,” Nedzu hummed as he watched the screen, Bakugo launching explosion
after explosion at the armored teacher, simply getting knocked back each time.

“What did you do to these two?” Recovery Girl grumbled as she inspected the two unconscious
students, “They don’t seem to be injured.”

“They aren’t, they passed out from exhaustion,” Nedzu chuckled, “They were able to make their
way safely to the exit, though they just barely ran out of time before crossing the finish line. I’m
tempted to pass them just for that!”

“That would be illogical,” Aizawa grumbled from the corner, his face sticking out of his sleeping
bag as he stared at the gathered teachers, “They need to learn the value of failure. Especially close

“Right you are, Aizawa!” Nedzu chuckled, “Though I was surprised when Yaoyorozu and
Todoroki passed their exam barely five minutes after the start.”

“They had a good plan,” the man muttered, “And it worked.”


“Pipi,” Izuku said through the communications link in the suit, “I’m going to start using weapons

“Understood,” the girl’s voice replied, “Arming combat systems. Systems online.”

“FUCK YOU!” Katsuki howled as he launched himself forwards again, blinking as the bands on
Izuku’s arms suddenly pulsed.

The shockwave slammed into the blonde’s chest in midair, launching him backwards and out of the
circle again. He gasped as he lay on the ground, mouth opening and closing as he struggled to
breath, darkness starting to creep around the edges of his vision.

“The exit is that way, Bakugo,” Izuku called, pointing behind the teen, “Just go to it.”

“Fuck…you…” Katsuki croaked as he took a gasping breath, “I’ll…fucking…win!”

“And I already explained to you, you can’t pass like that!” Izuku groaned, “There is only one way
for you to pass, and that is to escape!”

“I AIN’T GOING TO RUN AWAY!” the blond howled as he stomped forwards, his steps uneven
as he swayed from side to side, “I’M GOING TO WIN! BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT HEROES


The question made him pause, blinking as he stared at the expressionless mask of the suit of armor.


“Why do Heroes win, Bakugo?” Izuku asked, “For what reason does a Hero always have to win?”


“No, it isn’t,” Izuku sighed as he stepped towards the edge of the circle, until he was almost face to
face with the blond. With quiet hiss, the helmet folded back, collapsing almost perfectly into the
neck of the suit, “Heroes win for a very particular reason. Do you know what it is?”

“FUCK YOU!” Katsuki roared, swinging his arm up, Izuku easily batting the tired strike away.

“Tell me why, Bakugo,” Izuku growled, the blond scowling as he saw something in the other
teen’s eyes, “Tell me why Heroes always win!”

“BECAUSE THEY DO!” Another weak swing was knocked away, the blond stumbling back

“Is that all you can say?” Izuku growled, the anger rising in his voice, “That they win for the sake
of winning? Is that what you think a Hero is? A brute? A barbarian? A bully?!”


“Are you sure?” Izuku muttered, the breath catching in Katsuki’s throat at the tone of the words,
“Do you really want to find out? Hero Suit Alpha Mk.2, disengage.”

“Huh?” Katsuki growled as he watched the dark green suit, the paint barely scratched by his
constant attacks, suddenly ripple, the bands of metal separating as they retracted.

Izuku stepped out of the suit, cracking his knuckles as he rolled his neck and shoulders, glaring at
the teen.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Izuku asked, his voice flat and cruel.

“About fucking time!” the blond spat back.


“Oh no.”

The gathered teachers all turned to Pipi as she stared at the screen in terror.

“What’s wrong?” Thirteen asked, “Isn’t Midoriya weakening himself by stepping out of the suit?”

“No, the exact opposite,” the girl muttered as she began furiously typing on the tablet, “The suit’s
parameters were set to 0.4.”

“And what does that mean?” Ectoplasm asked.

“It means he was only fighting at 40% of his actual strength,” Nedzu muttered, “Please tell me you
have override protocols for the suit, Vesper-san.”

“Of course,” the girl hummed as she tapped at the screen, “They are ready to be engaged right

“Hold on,” Midnight blinked as she stared at the screen, “If that was Midoriya at 40% strength,
then just how strong is he?”

“As I’m sure you all know,” Recovery Girl said as she pushed her way to the front of the crowd,
“Quirks have done more than just give us powers. They have also forced the human body to
evolve. To become stronger, more durable, more efficient. And Midoriya is the perfect example of

“What do you mean?” Powerloader asked, “I know he’s strong, but he can’t be that strong!”

“In truth, he is,” Recovery Girl sighed, “Through I-Island, he has had access to the best of the best,
and he’s used it to the fullest. His bones are denser, his muscles stronger, even his brain more
effective. I wouldn’t hesitate to call him a near perfect specimen of the human race.”

“What?” the teachers gasped.

“If you wanted me to put a number on it, I would say he’s about ten times stronger than the
average person today,” the elderly Heroine sighed, “Which puts him on par with most mid to high
tier Heroes in terms of raw strength.”

“How?” Snipe asked.

“I just told you!” the woman squawked, smacking his leg with her cane, “He’s spent a good deal of
time training, just like all of you!”

“Then we have to stop him!” Cementos said, “If he’s really that strong, he could seriously injure


The group of teachers all turned to look at Aizawa as the man rose from his sleeping bag, draining
a jelly pouch in a single pull.

“What are you saying, Shota?” Mic gasped, “If Bakugo couldn’t take Midoriya in the suit with his
strength suppressed, then he definitely won’t be able to take him now!”

“Exactly,” the man sighed, “As much as I hate to admit it…Midoriya is right. Bakugo needs to

“Vesper, have the suit’s emergency protocols ready just in case,” Nedzu hummed as he turned
back to the screens, “I just hope we won’t have to use them.”


“Take a break.”

Katsuki sneered as Izuku spoke, glaring at him.


“No, you can’t,” Izuku sighed, “You still have twenty-five minutes left. Take ten to rest, then we’ll


“I’m sorry…what did you just say?”

Katsuki swallowed, his mouth going dry as he felt the glare on him, the spark he’d seen in Izuku’s
eyes earlier now burning brightly.

“I asked you a question, Bakugo,” he said, his voice flat and cold, “Answer me.”

“I…I said you’d go back to your bitch!” Katsuki almost stuttered as he spoke, the unbridled rage in
Izuku’s eyes looming over him even as the shorter teen snarled.

“And who are you talking about, Bakugo?” Izuku hummed, the sound making the blond break out
in a cold sweat, “You wouldn’t happen to be talking about my Fiancé, would you?”

“So what if I am?” the teen growled back, “You and her are fucking perfect for each other, aren’t
you? Just a couple of worthless quirkless freaks!”

“Step inside the circle, Bakugo,” Izuku replied, staring at the teen, “Step inside the circle, because
I have a very special lesson to teach you.”


“Ready the safety protocols,” Nedzu said quickly, the rest of the teacher’s flinching at the obvious
fear in his voice, “Activate them on my word!”

“Primed and ready, sir,” Pipi muttered, her finger hovering over the screen of her tablet, “That gods
damned moron just hit the big red button of never touch.”

“What’s going to happen now?” Midnight asked slowly.

“I guess it all depends on if Bakugo steps into the circle,” Powerloader hummed.

“And he’s going to,” Aizawa sighed, watching as the blond stepped forwards, “Like an idiot.”


“Tell me, Bakugo,” Izuku hummed as he walked towards the center of the circle, leaving his back
exposed to the blond as Katsuki stumbled forwards, barely able to keep up, “You said that you
wanted to be a Hero because the Heroes always win. But why do you think Heroes win?”

“Huh?” the blond growled, staggering forwards, his body already exhausted while Izuku looked
completely fresh, “The fuck are you asking that question for again?”

“Answer me,” the voice was clipped and sharp, making the blond flinch, “Why do you think
Heroes always win?”

“Because it what’s they fucking do!” he spat, “Now quit fucking talking and fight me!”

“I’m right here, Bakugo,” Izuku replied, his back still turned to the teen, “You can attack whenever
you like.”


“Not until you answer my question.”

“I ALREADY DID!” Katsuki yelled, his face twisting into an angry snarl, “HEROES FUCKING

“But why?”


The attack stopped short, the blast flying wide as Izuku snatched Katsuki’s hand from the air,
squeezing it painfully as he pointed it up into the sky.

“I thought you weren’t a coward, Bakugo,” Izuku hummed, “That you wouldn’t attack me with my
back turned?”

“F-fuck you!” the blond managed to squeak through the pain, desperately trying to wrench his hand
free of Izuku’s iron grasp.

“Are you willing to listen?”


“I’ll take that as a yes,” Izuku chuckled, suddenly pulling the boy forwards, Katsuki unable to
resist as he was thrown to the ground as easily as a wet rag, “Do you want to know why Heroes
always win?”

“WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THIS?!” Katsuki yelled as he leapt at the other teen,
gasping when his attack was batted to the side, Izuku gripping his wrists again.

“I’m a teacher, Bakugo,” Izuku hummed, staring into the boy’s red eyes as he spoke, “It’s my job
to teach you.”


Katsuki yanked back on his arms, stumbling as Izuku suddenly released him. He immediately leapt
forwards again, his attack knocked effortlessly aside. He swung again, gasping as his arm was
twisted painfully to the side, slamming his own elbow into his ribs. He attacked again. And again.
And again. Not a single blow landed on Izuku as the teen simple blocked each strike. He swung
both hands forwards, preparing to unleash a massive blast, before the hands closed around his
wrists, fingers pressing into his flesh as pain rocketed up his arms. He glared into the emerald eyes
in front of him as froth gathered on his lips.


“To save.”


“That’s why Heroes always win,” Izuku replied flatly, “To save. Heroes win by saving and save by
winning. Do you understand?”

“FUCK YOU!” the blond howled as he yanked back on his hands, stumbling backwards, and
falling on his backside as Izuku suddenly released him.

“If you don’t, then I’m sorry,” Izuku sighed, “But you’ll never be able to become a Hero.”

“FUCK YOU!” the shout tore at Katsuki’s throat, the tears dripping down his face as he glared up
at the unimpressed expression on the teacher’s face, “I’M GOING TO BE A HERO! NO

“Then prove it.”


“You know how.”


“By not fighting.”

“BUT…but how? How do I win by not fighting?”

“That’s a difficult question to answer, Katsuki. And an equally difficult question to ask. Maybe
there is some hope for you.”
“But how?”

“I don’t know,” Izuku sighed, “Why don’t you tell me?”

“Time is up! Katsuki Bakugo has failed!” the electronic voice called as the buzzer sounded, the
blond looking up in shock as he stared at Izuku.

“Well, that’s that,” the green-haired teen said as he turned back to his armor, speaking a few words
as it suddenly collapsed in on itself until it formed a square suitcase, “I’ll see you on the Summer
Training Camp, Bakugo. I hope you’ll have an answer for me then.”


“I hate flying,” the girl moaned as they walked into the terminal, rubbing her neck as her large bat-
like ears twitched.

“But your quirk allows you to fly!” the pink-haired teen beside her said, “I at least have an

“Not being allowed to build things isn’t an excuse, Mei,” the teacher called as he looked around
expectantly, “And Pipi, you’re just not used to planes.”

“Don’t care,” the girl muttered, “Still hate flying.”


The shout rang out over the terminal as Izuku spotted the head of blond hair charging towards him,
the girl slamming into a hug as he spun them around.

“Hey Mel! I missed you!”

“I missed you too!” Melissa laughed as she kissed him, “So, are you all ready for the Expo?”

“Of course!” the three said in unison as they smiled.

Chapter End Notes

A New Expo
Chapter Summary

I-Island Expo!

Chapter Notes

This chapter isn't actually finished, but It's not going to get completed anytime soon,
so have what I've written so far!

“I hate flying,” the girl moaned as they walked into the terminal, rubbing her neck as her large bat-
like ears twitched.

“But your quirk allows you to fly!” the pink-haired teen beside her said, “I at least have an

“Not being allowed to build things isn’t an excuse, Mei,” the teacher called as he looked around
expectantly, “And Pipi, you’re just not used to planes.”

“Don’t care,” the girl muttered, “Still hate flying.”


The shout rang out over the terminal as Izuku spotted the head of blond hair charging towards him,
the girl slamming into a hug as he spun them around.

“Hey Mel! I missed you!”

“I missed you too!” Melissa laughed as she kissed him, “So, are you all ready for the Expo?”

“Of course!” the three said in unison as they smiled.


“Wow, so this is the booth that Sensei will be displaying in?” Pipi hummed as she looked at the
large area, “Is it just me, or is it larger than the others?”

The booth was easily four times the size of the next largest booth, split into three sections, the two
on the edge taking up about a quarter of the space each, while the centre took up half the space.
Right hand area was set up with a mock Bio-Mesh Vat, the sides cut open to form windows to
show off the process inside. The left area looked like a workshop and was surrounded in thick
glass. Several currently empty stands and displays stood scattered around the central area, Izuku
moving between them as he checked the layout.

“Oh, it is,” Melissa grinned as they stood in front of one of the empty displays, “There are four
extra large booths per year, each reserved for one of the best Support Designers or Design

“Wow! That’s pretty amazing,” Mei hummed as she pressed her face against the glass wall of the
workshop, staring into the room, “Hey Sensei, what’s this?”

“That’s your area,” Izuku hummed as he checked something on his tablet, “I had it equipped with
the latest fabrication machinery and a system that can supply you with just about any material you
may need.”

“What?” the two girls said as they stared at him, Mei shocked into silence for a moment, before she
began to visibly vibrate.

“Sensei!” Pipi sighed, “Are you sure that that’s a good idea? I mean, you have no idea what she’ll

“Exactly!” Izuku grinned at her, “It’ll be great to see!”

“What about the explosions!” the bat-like girl groaned.

“Blast proof glass,” Izuku replied, knocking on the clear walls, “And a state-of-the-art fire
suppression and ventilation system will extinguish any fires and get rid of any smoke.”

“Oh,” Pipi sighed, “Okay.”

“What, did you think I was going to have you babysit Mei the entire Expo?” he laughed, the girl
blushing slightly, “Of course not! If I did, you wouldn’t be able to manage the Bio-Mesh area!”

“Do the what now?” Pipi said slowly as she stared at the teacher.

“Manage the Bio-Mesh area,” Izuku repeated, pointing to the other side of the booth, “The booth is
pretty large, and between teaching and other duties, I haven’t had the time to make enough things
to completely fill it. So, the two of you will be handling that.”

“B-but…this is I-Expo!” Pipi gasped, “H-how can you expect us to just…fill in for you?!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be handling the central area,” Izuku said comfortingly as he patted her shoulder,
“So I’ll be right next door. Anyway, you know way more about Bio-Mesh than me.”

“I…I do?” Pipi swallowed nervously as she looked at the display.

“SENSEI!” Mei’s shout was muffled as the two turned to look at her, rushing around the workshop
area frantically, “Nothing’s working! I can’t make babies!”

“Of course not, Mei,” Izuku chuckled, “We’ll only be switching them on once the Expo actually
starts. Also…how did you get in there? I though I made it clear to make it escape proof.”


“So, this is your lab?”

“Our lab, technically,” Izuku hummed as he walked into the large white room, one half of the room
covered in a mixture of neatly stacked papers and scattered notes. The other half was filled with
various work benches and machines, most displayed on shelves that lined the walls, “Though most
of my work is done through analysis, so I don’t make too much in here.”

“Don’t make too much?” Mei hummed, “But you know a whole lot about machinery and make all
sorts of babies at UA, don’t you?”

“Oh, yeah, most of that I picked up from helping Mel,” the teen replied, moving confidently over
to one of the desks and picking up a notebook, “As you know, I specialise in Quirk Analysis. I’m
actually one of the few people in the world currently cleared to do Quirk research. Though I had to
put that on hold when I was invited to work at UA.”

“Wait…you’re allowed to do Quirk research?” Pipi muttered, staring at him.

“Yes? Why do you think it was so easy to get those Bio-Mesh suits cleared?” Izuku chuckled as he
sorted through a few of the stacks of paper, “Usually making something like that requires a special
licence. Even UA has limitations on what it can allow its students to make. But because I’m cleared
for Quirk research, I can bypass that.”

“But…but I made most of the fabric,” the bat girl replied, still staring at him.

“Yes, you did,” Izuku grinned back, “Which is why you’ll be getting your license as soon as you
graduate. Along with your base Support license, of course.”

“I…you…but why?!” the girl shouted, “It takes four years of extra study and work to get one of

“Which you won’t need to do,” Izuku replied, “Because you’ll already have done them.”

The girl stepped back, a stunned look on her face as she stared at her teacher. The loud explosion
made both of them jump as they turned to stare at Mei. The pink-haired girl stood beside one of the
workbenches, holding an object in her hands as she coughed out a small cloud of ash.


“Okay,” Izuku said as the four of them sat in the restaurant, their meals eaten and table cleared as
he placed down his tablet, tapping a few things on the screen, before a small lens flipped out and
projected a hologram of the booth above the table, “We have three days until the Expo opens to the
Advance pass guests. That means we have three days to get everything set up.”

“And how do you propose we do that?” Pipi sighed contentedly, leaning back in her chair slightly
as she watched the slowly turning image, “I mean, are there people here specifically to help us?”

“Oh, unfortunately not,” Melissa hummed, “All the Island staff are too busy setting up for the
Expo to help with the displays and booths. It’s usually accepted that the individuals or companies
that occupy the booths set up on their own.”

“So how are we supposed to do that?” Pipi sighed again, “I mean, there’s not much we can do with
just the four of us.”

“Three,” Melissa corrected, making the girl look up I surprise, “I have my own duties to attend to
on the Island.”

“I could make a baby to help us!” Mei chimed in, looking up from the napkin she was scribbling
something on.

“No need,” Izuku laughed, “I already have the heavy lifting covered!”

“Put it right over there!” Izuku called as the three young men carried the large object towards its
stand, “And make sure to put it down gently! I’ll run the final calibrations tomorrow, and I don’t
want to have to spend hours on it!”

“Yes Sensei!” the three barked as they set the machine down gently, before letting out a tired sigh.

“Perfect,” the teacher hummed as he moved over to the three, “Thank you for the help Sato, Ojiro
and Shoji.”

“Not a problem, Sensei,” Mezo hummed through the mouth on one of his arms, “We appreciate the
invitation to come with you to I-Expo.”

“Even if it is just to be muscle,” Rikido chuckled.

“And I am extremely grateful that you accepted,” Izuku laughed back, “In fact, I’m glad that
everyone that I asked accepted!”

“Yeah,” a voice said from behind them, the four turning to stare at the empty air, “Most of our
class is here. Though I wonder about the ones who aren’t.”

“Hello Hagakure,” Izuku chuckled as the three boys looked around in confusion, “I see the Mk. 2
version of your suit is working well.”

“Yeah!” the air said happily, “Though it still feels a bit weird to be wearing clothes while trying to
be invisible!”

“Toru!” the shout from the Bio-Mesh area rang through the air, “Where have you gone? I know I
told you to practice being quiet, but this is ridiculous!”

“Uh oh,” the air giggled, “I better get back before Pipi comes hunting for me. She’s been really
pushy lately.”

“She’s just a bit stressed,” Izuku replied, “I’m sure she’ll be fine once the Expo starts.”

“I hope so,” the air said before the four of them heard footsteps running away from them.

“That’s…kind of creepy,” Rikido sighed, “It’s like she’s a ghost. I think I preferred it when she
wore gloves and shoes you could see.”

“I don’t know,” Mashirao shrugged, “I think it’s cool.”


“Are you sure you don’t need any more help , Midoriya-sensei?” the red head asked as he stood on
the small stage at the back of the booth, “I mean, I can totally help carry some more stuff and-.”

“It’s fine, Kirishima,” Izuku said calmly as he adjusted the small rifle-like machine slightly,
looking through the view finder to make sure that it was aimed properly, “Now harden up. I want
to run one last round of tests before the Expo opens tomorrow. Starting with your shirt.”

“O-okay,” the teen muttered, “Let’s do this! Red Riot: Unbreakable!”

The blast slammed into his chest moments after he hardened up, the teen sliding backwards across
the stage before he manged to get his footing back. The two stared at the smoking patch on his
chest as he released his quirk, patting the fabric slightly.
“Success,” Izuku hummed in satisfaction, “Okay, go get Aoyama for me, would you? We need him
for the next round of testing.”

“Sure thing Sensei!” the red head grinned as he jumped off the stage, dodging around Koji, Hanta
and Fumikage as they studied the floor plan, preparing to help direct guests through the large

Izuku looked over to the Bio-Mesh area as he waited, smiling to himself as he watched Pipi
directing the three girls on the stage, Mina laughing as Tsuyu seemed to fade in and out of view,
the only evidence of Toru being a floating water bottle that was quickly draining.

“Oi!” the voice made him turn, looking down as Katsuki stomped up to him, “Why the fuck do I
have to be that crazy bitch’s assistant?”

“You mean Mei?” Izuku hummed, giving Bakugo a glare that the student only returned, “Simple,
you are the highest scoring student that was available, and you’re used to explosions. In other
words, you’re perfect for the job.”

“I’m perfect?” Katsuki muttered, before sneering at Izuku, “Of fucking course I’m perfect! I’ll
fucking show you! I’ll be the best damn assistant Binoculars has ever had!”

“You do that,” Izuku hummed as he watched the teen stomp off.


“So, how is setup going Izuku?” David Shield asked as the two of them sat in his office.

“Great, having my students here is a big help,” the teen laughed, “They’re all extremely excited to
be here.”

“I can imagine,” the man chuckled back, “So, why did you want to speak to me?”

“You’ve been continuing the research into the Quirk Enhancer,” the words made the older man
stiffen, David swallowing slightly as he looked into Izuku’s eyes, “I thought we already talked
about this, David.”

“I…we did,” the man sighed, “I just…I couldn’t not. We’re just shy of the prototype phase and-.”

“And you’re going to stop now,” Izuku cut him off, “We already talked about this. That device is
too dangerous! If it got into the wrong hands, it would be disastrous!”

“I know that!” David shouted back, slamming his hands on his desk as he glared at Izuku, before
sagging slightly and letting out a tired sigh, “It’s just…Helping Toshi is important to me…”

“I know,” Izuku sighed back, “It’s important to me too. But we can’t allow that to force us to make
something that could put others in danger. We’re Support Technicians, David. It’s our job to-.”

“Protect the people that protect the people,” the older man cut him off this time, smiling weakly at
Izuku, “I know. I just…I had to try.”

“I understand,” the teen replied softly, the two falling into an uncomfortable silence for a moment,
before David let out a quiet chuckle.

“I can’t believe I just allowed myself to be told off by a teenager,” he laughed, sitting back in his
chair, “It really is easy to forget how old you are sometimes, Izuku.”
“I pride myself on that,” the teen laughed back, “And don’t feel too bad, I’ve had a lot of practise
telling off people older than me in the last few months.”

“Oh? Conflicts with your students?” David chuckled, “I heard you’d become rather infamous at

“Not just them,” Izuku sighed, smiling back at the man, “Some of the staff as well.”

“Oh?” David hummed, “Well don’t keep me in suspense, do tell!”


Izuku blinked awake to the sounds and smell of breakfast being made, the teen looking around his
room slowly as he took it in. He was home, in his bedroom in the apartment that he and his parents
had lived in for the last eight years, minus the several months that he’d been at UA. It was strange
to wake up in the familiar room after so long away from it, the majority of his Hero merch
collection looking down at him from the posters and shelves that lined his walls.

Slowly, he got up, stretching slightly after sliding out of bed, glancing back at the sleeping figure
he’d left behind. Melissa shifted slightly, grabbing at the empty space he’d left, making the teen
chuckle quietly as he leaned over the bed, placing a soft kiss on her head.

“Mornin’,” the girl mumbled as she blinked awake at the contact.

“Morning to you too,” he replied, moving over to his closet, and starting to change, “Are you ready
for today? It’s the first day of the Expo, after all.”

“Hmmm,” Melissa hummed as she sat up in his bed, stretching her arms up as Izuku stared at her,
taken in by her beauty, “I’m excited. Do I smell food?”

“Yeah, seems my mom got up early to make us breakfast,” Izuku chuckled, pulling on his clothes,
“We should eat and then get to the show floor. Wouldn’t want to be late on the first day.”

“You sound like an overly enthusiastic high schooler,” Melissa giggled, getting out of the bed, and
walking over to him, slipping her arms around his neck, “It’s cute.”

“So are you,” Izuku hummed back, pressing a kiss against her lips before slipping out of her arms,
“Come on, we have to hurry and get changed.”

“Spoilsport,” the girl sighed as she reached into the closet herself, pulling out some of her own
clothes, “Don’t you have someone to meet today before the Expo, though?”

“Oh! You’re right!” Izuku gasped, “I almost forgot about that!”

“Almost?” Melissa chuckled, “Are you losing the plot on me, Izu?”

“Of course not!” the teen laughed back, “It just slipped my mind with all the preparations.”

“Izuku! Melissa! Are you up?” the sound of Inko’s voice came through the door, “I made pancakes
for breakfast, hurry before they get cold!”

“Thanks mom!” Izuku called back, pulling on the last part of his outfit, looking in the mirror and

He wore a long sleeve white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, under a forest green
vest, a matching tie tied perfectly around his neck. His pants were simple grey chinos, and he had
his trademark bright red sneakers on his feet. He turned to Melissa and smiled; the girl also having
finished getting dressed.

Like him, she was wearing a vest, though hers was a raspberry pink, over a short sleeve blouse, the
hems of the sleeves edged with a red and yellow plaid pattern, a neck scarf with the same pattern
tied in a bow around the collar. On her legs she wore a pair of pale grey capri pants with pink plaid
socks and high heeled brown boots.

“You look good,” she chuckled as she pulled on her boots.

“So do you,” Izuku hummed in reply as they left his room, “Come on, let’s go get breakfast.”

“Excited for today?” Hisashi asked as they sat at the table, “It’s a big responsibility to be showing
in one of the main booths.”

“Oh, more than I ever thought possible,” Izuku laughed as he took a bite of pancake, “The only
thing I could compare it to is seeing Mel again after so long.”

“It’s only been a few weeks,” the blond sighed, “You really are ridiculous sometimes.”

“Only for you,” Izuku chuckled back.

“Come now, less flirting, more eating,” Inko laughed along with them, “You’ll be late otherwise.”

“Thanks mom!”


The crowd gathered around the one side of the booth, all staring in amazement as the pink-haired
girl rushed around the sealed room erratically, a wide grin on her face as she worked. Sitting in one
corner, occasionally typing something into a computer whenever the girl ordered him to, sat an
irate looking blond. She stood at a workbench for several minutes, the crowd craning their necks to
try and see what she was working on before a muffled explosion made them all jump back. The
room filled with smoke for a moment, before it was vented out almost instantly, the girl turning to
face them with a look of satisfaction as she held a strange, scorched object, which she quickly
threw into a bin labelled “failures”. The crowd let out a quiet groan of defeat, before quickly
turning back to watch her start on the next invention.

“Seems like Mei is having fun,” Izuku chuckled as he stood beside the nervous Pipi, the bat girl
taking deep slow breaths as she looked out over her section of the booth, “And she’s attracting
quite the audience.”

“Keeping them away, more like,” Pipi muttered, “Which I’m kind of thankful for, honestly.”

“Excuse me,” the unfamiliar voice said, making the girl jump slightly as she spun to look at the
costumed Hero standing in front of them, “I was wondering if you could explain this Bio-Fabric
thing to me? I’m considering getting a new costume made of it.”

“O-oh,” Pipi chirped, glancing over at Izuku as he nudged her forwards, “Y-yes! Right this way!
What would you like to know?”

The teacher watched as his student walked off with her new potential client, grinning to himself as
he slipped back to his section of the booth, sliding between the various guests as he made his way
to the stage.

“Iida,” Izuku hummed as he turned to face the boy, smiling brightly, “I see you and your brother
made it.”

“I…well, yes,” Tenya sputtered slightly, “But what are you doing here?”

“I’m presenting,” Izuku laughed, waving his arms to indicate the booth, “This is my booth.
Anything caught your eye?”

“Oh, well…” the teen muttered, jumping when a hand landed on his shoulder.

“Midoriya-san!” Tensei Iida said happily as he stepped around his brother, helmet under one arm,
and held his hand out for a handshake, “Great to see you again!”

“Ingenium,” Izuku nodded as he shook the costumed Hero’s hand, “How are you? I heard you
sustained some injuries in your fight with Stain, but not much else has been released.”

“I’m fine!” the man laughed, “They were minor injuries anyway. Mostly thanks to that new armour
you made for me. It’s great!”

“That’s great to hear,” Izuku chuckled, “It was actually a prototype for the armour I made for your
brother. I’d more than happily upgrade it for you for the same rates as before.”

“Excellent! I’ll definitely take you up on that!”

“Sensei!” Tenya suddenly cut in, making the other two men look at him in surprise as he cleared
his throat apologetically, “Uhm…I was wondering…Is that Hatsume in that…room over there?”

“Why yes, it is,” Izuku grinned, winking at Tensei, “Would you like to talk to her? I can give you
her schedule. She has some free time around lunch if you’d like to walk around the Expo together.”

“I…you…Uhm…” the teen muttered, blushing slightly, “That would be…appreciated.”

“So, you finally admitting that the two of you are dating?” Izuku chuckled, making the teen blush
brightly, “Don’t try to deny it, Iida.”

“That…well…you see…” the teen stumbled over his words as he stepped back, “G-goodbye,
Sensei. I will come back around lunch!”

“Aw,” Tensei chuckled as he started to follow after his brother, “They grow up so fast. See you
around, Midoriya.”

“I’ll send those quotes to your Agency after the Expo!” the green-haired teen called as he watched
the man disappear into the crowd, before turning back to the stage, “Now. Time for a live
demonstration, I think.”


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