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A What If

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M, F/F, Gen
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Academia, Devil May Cry
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku,
Hatsume Mei/Midoriya Izuku, Intelli Saiko/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou
Katsuki/Consequences - Relationship, Midoriya Izuku/Melissa Shield,
Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Tokage
Setsuna, Midoriya Izuku/Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku/Tsunotori
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Yagi
Toshinori | All Might, Hatsume Mei, Midoriya Izumi, Intelli Saiko, Asui
Tsuyu, Eri (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-
A (My Hero Academia), Melissa Shield, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight,
Tokage Setsuna
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort,
Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Fluff, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Fem!Deku,
Fem!Izuku - Freeform, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does
Not Have One for All Quirk, Genius Midoriya Izuku, Shiketsu High
Student Midoriya Izuku, Bunny Midoriya Izuku, De-Aged Kayama
Nemuri, Midoriya Izuku is in Class 1-B
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of A What If Collection
Stats: Published: 2020-03-01 Updated: 2023-08-23 Words: 162,055 Chapters:

A What If
by GreyTail


A random assortment of one-shots, AUs, and ideas I have for the My Hero Universe.
Updates sporadically (ie, when I get a random burst of inspiration)

Anyone is welcome to use these ideas or quirks in their own fics. Just let me know so I can
read 'em!
And if any chapters gain a big following, I may just make them a full fic or an Extended;)

Come shout at me on the Discord.

I honestly don't know where this came from, I just kind of wanted to write something
angsty, which turned into something fluffy because I'm weak. If any of these random ideas
gain traction, I may try writing a full fic based on them. If you're inspired by any of these
pieces, by all means write, and let me know, I'd love to read them.

Also, I'm not familiar with AO3's formatting yet, so it may suck. I'll try fix any problems
A Lost Cause

Izuku Midoriya wept.


They’d all said it, in one way or another. His mom, Kacchan, everyone. It had always hurt, but this
time was different. It wasn’t them that had said it. It was Him. Izuku’s hero. The very reason he’d
wanted to be a hero.

He sobbed as he fell to his knees, mind closing off as he collapsed. He didn’t see the smoke. Didn’t
hear the explanation. Didn’t see the scar.

“Hey kid?” he barely even felt the skeletal hand touch his shoulder, shaking him gently, “Are…are
you okay?”

Izuku looked up at the stranger, his skeletal and emaciated face plastered with worry. He must be a
janitor here or something, Izuku thought, staggering to his feet as he wiped his eyes.

“Yeah, sorry. I’ll leave now,” The teen muttered, turning away and heading through the nearby

Toshinori Yagi sighed dejectedly as he watched the young man leave, absent mindedly tapping at
the villain in his pocket, eyes going wide.

Izuku stepped out of the building’s foyer, wiping his eyes again as he forced back the sobs. The
man from before had raced past him earlier, probably to go fix some emergency or something. At
least he was needed, unlike Izuku. The blast shook Izuku from his stupor, the teen looking up in the
direction of the explosion, his feet automatically taking a step towards the source of the noise.

He stopped.

There was no point. He wouldn’t be able to do anything. He was just a quirkless kid with a dream
too big to fulfill. A broken dream now. Shattered by the one man he’d hoped could justify it.

Sighing, Izuku turned away from the rising smoke, heading home.

The phone call came late, after Izuku and his mom had finished eating supper. Izuku was staring
blankly at the TV, not really watching, his mother constantly glancing back at him with a
concerned look as she washed the dishes. Inko Midoriya picked up the phone, talking quietly to the
person on the other end for a moment before letting out a loud gasp.

“Izuku!” she shouted as she burst back into the lounge, tears streaming down her face, “It’s

Izuku didn’t know why he was there. The smell of disinfectant stung his nose, making his eyes
water. He looked through the glass window at the sleeping form on the bed, Mitsuki Bakugo
crying quietly beside her son.

“D-don’t you want to go in to see him?” his mother asked shakily, wiping her eyes with a tissue.
“Not really,”

“Are you sure?” she asked again, taking a hold of his hand, surprised by how clammy it was,
“Come on sweetheart, just for a moment.”

Izuku allowed himself to be pulled into the room, remaining silent as Mitsuki practically fell into
his mother’s arms, weeping openly.

He stared at the ashy blonde’s face, surprisingly calm in his sleep.

“It was a villain,” Mitsuki sobbed beside him, “The pros…they couldn’t save him for ages…they
had to wait…his quirk was too dangerous…”

Izuku caught snippets of what Mitsuki said between her sobs, staring blankly at the unconscious


The word rang out in the near silent room, the two mothers looking at Izuku in surprise.

“Izuku, honey?” his mother asked, “Are you okay?”

“What are you saying, Izuku?” Mitsuki stammered through her tears, “Isn’t Katsuki your friend?”

“He threatens to kill me almost every day,” the words spilled from Izuku’s mouth before he could
stop them, “He told me to jump off a roof today. Does that sound like a friend to you?”

The three adults stood in silence, staring at the teen in shock, a soft gasp drawing their attention
away as Katsuki coughed, blinking slowly awake.

“The fuck?!” his voice was as harsh as always, Katsuki glancing around the room.

“KATSUKI!” his mother sobbed, throwing herself onto him, surprising the youth.

“GET THE FUCK OFF ME, HAG!” he screeched as his mother sobbed into his chest, looking
around the room again, his eyes focusing on Izuku for a moment, “AND WHY THE HELL ARE

“My mom dragged me,” the green haired teen said flatly, staring at Bakugo with empty eyes
before turning towards the door, “Get well soon.”

He paused halfway through the door, looking back at the startled blond for a moment. The words
roiled inside him. There was so much he wanted to say. To scream. To shout and wail. Instead he
whispered, the words almost drowned out by Mitsuki’s sobbing.

“Oh yeah, I gave up on being a hero.”


His mother’s voice came through his door, the teen standing in the center of his room, surrounded
by hundreds of thousands of yen worth of hero merchandise.

“Honey, can we talk?”

She opened the door to the dark room, only the computer screen lighting the small space, a familiar
video playing on it, her son standing silently at its center.

“Sweetheart? Are you okay? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”

“I know,”

“Is there anything you want to talk about?”

“Not right now, thanks,”

“Are you sure?”

The teen stood in silence for a time, his mother watching him worriedly, about to step further into
the room when he spoke again.

“No,” he whispered, turning his face to her, the tears streaking his face.

“Oh Izuku,” his mother stepped into the room and wrapped her arms around her sobbing son.

“And that’s the last one,” he sighed as he finished taping the box closed, staring at the small
collection beside him in the near empty room.

That night he’d made a decision. His mother had let him take the next day off school, during which
he’d stripped every hero poster from his walls, packed every action figure back into its box, and
created an Ebay account. It had taken him the better part of three months, but he’d finally sold off
all his hero merchandise.

It had been three months since that day. Since the day his dream had died. Since the day he’d
changed his high school application, much to his teacher’s surprise.

“Izuku?” his mother called, stepping into his room, looking around slowly. She still wasn’t used to
the emptiness of his room, “Are you going into school tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” he’d started skipping school shortly after the incident, though he did it far less now.

“Okay, good,”

She sat on his bed slowly, watching the young man sort through the pile of boxes, making sure
each of the addresses were correct.

“Izuku…” she murmured.

“Yes mom?” he asked without looking up.

“I love you.”

“I know. I love you too.”

“SHUT UP YOU EXTRAS!” Bakugo’s voice echoed through the classroom, “I DON’T GIVE A

“Says the guy who got attacked by a sludge villain and couldn’t do anything about it,” one of the
students muttered, Bakugo immediately turning on them

“Shut up, Katsuki,”

Bakugo paused at the words, looking over to the green haired teen in the corner, his nose still
buried in one of his notebooks.


“I said shut up, I’m trying to write.”


Izuku looked up for a moment, before pointing to the boy sitting next to him, “Quirk: Mind over
Muscle, the higher his intellect, the larger he can make his muscles. However, using it for longer
than a few seconds gives him a migraine. Unsuitable for drawn out battles. Useless for a hero.”

The class went quiet at his words, staring at the bespectacled boy in shock.

“Quirk: Extendo-fingers,” Izuku continued, pointing at one of Bakugo’s lackeys, “Allows the user
to extend his fingers up to half a metre in length. Overuse causes joint pain. The fingers aren’t any
stronger than normal fingers, extending them only making them easier to break. Useless for a

Izuku continued, naming each students’ quirk, breaking it down and pointing out its weaknesses.
He took a breath before pointing to Katsuki.

“Quirk: Explosion. Allows the user to generate explosions using the nitroglycerin like sweat on
their palms. Overuse results in blistered palms, damage to arms and dehydration. Other possible
side effects include deafness or blindness due to the proximity of the explosions. Weakened in cold
weather or other environments that don’t promote sweating,” Izuku paused for a moment, “Greatest
weakness: User is overly arrogant and has the personality of a villain. The quirk is excellent for
hero work. The user, not so much.

The room went deathly silent as Izuku finished speaking, all eyes on Bakugo, who was glaring at
the ground.

“THE FUCK DID YOU SAY, DEKU?!” he roared as he launched himself across the room,
slamming the teen into the wall by his throat.

“You heard me, or should I add dumb to your weaknesses?” the boy growled.


“I’m sure you’d love to,” Izuku spat back, letting out a strained chuckle, “Why don’t you do it
right now? Where everyone can see? Oh, but that would sully your perfect record!”

Bakugo stared into the teen’s dull eyes, a shiver running up his spine.


“Not going to kill me now?” Izuku laughed, straining against Bakugo’s grip, “Or would you prefer
I jump off a roof?”

Bakugo froze.
“Words have consequences too, Kacchan,” the nickname he hadn’t used in months dripped with
venom as Izuku spoke, finally managing to wrench Bakugo’s hand from his throat, “You’d do well
to learn that quickly.”

“Are you sure about this?” his mother asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

“Yes, I want to get away from…here.”

Inko looked at Izuku with a worried gaze, unsure of what to do about his request.

“B-but it’s so far away? Don’t you want to go to a closer Highschool?”

“No, mom,” Izuku murmured, pulling her into a hug, “I’ve already made up my mind. I’ve been
saving up so I can pay for an apartment for the first few months myself, then I’ll get a part time
job. I’ll be fine, I promise.”

“Okay, sweetie,” Inko sniffled into his chest, “I’ll let you go.”

Izuku stared up at the massive gates, the UA logo standing proudly in the chilly air.

Any other time this would have filled him with awe, maybe even pride. But now it just made him
feel empty.

“MOVE IT!” the voice broke the calm that surrounded the area, making Izuku flinch as he turned
to see a familiar blond standing just behind him, a look of surprise on Bakugo’s face, “THE FUCK

“Nothing,” Izuku sighed, stepping aside as Bakugo grumbled, stalking past him. Izuku had to
stifled a chuckle as the boy caught his foot on a loose flag stone, almost tripping.

“Wow, he was rude,” a voice said from behind him, making Izuku start as he spun around, coming
face to face with a brown-haired girl, her cheeks bright pink from the cold.

“Yeah, that’s Bakugo for you. Abrassive,” Izuku sighed, looking after the blond as he continued
towards the massive buildings in the distance.

“Are you here for the entrance exams as well?”

“No, just observing the hopefuls,” Izuku chuckled, making the girl blush more, “Well, see you
around. Wouldn’t want to distract you any more than I already have.”

“Wait!” she called as he walked away, “I don’t even know your name.”

“Izuku Midoriya,” he called back.

“Ochako Uraraka!”

“Well, nice to meet you Uraraka-san, but it would be best if you hurried, you don’t want to be

The class talked animatedly around him, old friends chatting as new friends were made. He’d
found a cheap apartment and a part-time job at a convenience store fairly easily, the area wasn’t
exactly rich, but it was three hours away from his home by train, from UA, from him.
The revelation that All Might was working at UA hadn’t surprised Izuku. It made sense. Only the
best for the best, right?

“Uraraka-chan!” a girl called out, Izuku ignoring the familiar sounding name, “You didn’t pass?”

The class went quiet as the new girl entered, prompting Izuku to glance up, eyes going wide for a
moment as he recognized the brown-haired blushing girl, her eyes circled in red.

“No,” she muttered as another girl scolded the first, Uraraka heading over to her seat.

“Hey,” Izuku said quietly as she sat beside him, surprising the girl.

“Oh! You’re from the entrance exam!” she gasped, drawing the attention of several of the nearby
students, who quickly crowded around Izuku’s desk.

“Wait, you tried for UA too?” “What was it like?” “Did they really have giant robots attack you?”

Izuku tried to ignore the questions, looking back down at his notebook.

“Hey, leave him alone!” Ochako interrupted their stream of questions, “He didn’t take part, just
came to see the examinees!”

A chorus of disappointment echoed around the classroom, the crowd of students dispersing back to
their original groups.

“Thanks,” Izuku sighed as he glanced over at Ochako, who had sat back in her seat.

“Don’t mention it,” She replied, smiling brightly, the sadness still evident in her eyes.

“Why didn’t you apply elsewhere, like Shiketsu?” Izuku asked quietly as the rest of the class
continued talking.

“Oh, y’know, reasons,” Ochako replied softly.

“Yeah, I know about those.”

Izuku stared at the screen of his computer, eyes wide, mouth agape.

UA had had the worst possible year so far. First when the USJ had been attacked by villains,
several students being seriously injured, then one of the students had been killed by the Hero
Killer: Stain, and most recently their training camp had been attacked, two of the students having
been kidnapped. But Izuku didn’t care about that. He was staring at the emaciated form of All
Might, barely standing at the center of a circle of destruction, one arm raised triumphantly.

“No,” he whispered as the figure pointed to the camera, uttering a few final words.

“Now it’s your turn.”

“NO! LIAR!” Izuku screamed, throwing the screen to the ground, “LIAR LIAR LIAR! YOU

He raged and screamed, throwing anything he could get his hands on.

The sound of his phone broke him out of his anger induced trance, glancing over at it, tears in his
eyes. Ochako Uraraka the caller ID read. Izuku picked the phone up and answered.
“Izuku?” the familiar voice on the other end of the line calmed him down slightly, “Did you see?”

“Yeah.” He replied flatly, collapsing onto his bed, ignoring the devastation around him.

“Are you okay?”

The words hit him hard. Harder than he thought. The tears returned, full force, running down his
face as he sobbed into the phone.


“I like you, Izuku,”

The words hit him hard. Harder than he thought.

It had been several months since All Might had retired. Several more things had happened with
UA, but Izuku had all but ignored it. And now he was standing behind the school building, his best
friend standing in front of him. Her usually rosy cheeks were flushed, Ochako looking away with
an embarrassed smile.

“Why?” he asked, unsure of what to make of the situation, “Why me?”

“Because… because you’re you, I guess,” Ochako stammered, stepping closer to him, “I don’t
know, I just do.”

“But I’m quirkless,” he mumbled, looking away. There were so many other people she could have
chosen. So many better people.

“I don’t care, Izuku,” Ochako said softly, lifting her hands to his face, pulling it towards hers, “I
like you.”

Izuku Midoriya yawned as he opened the front door to his apartment. It had been a long day at
work. He’d managed to land his best possible job as a quirk analyst a few years ago, working with
both heroes and doctors to help catch criminals and identify possible side effects of quirks. Today
had been busy.

“Evening Izuku,” Ochako called from their small kitchen, the smell of a home cooked meal
wafting over to him.

“Papa!” an excitable ball of green hair barreled into his back as he sat to take off his shoes, the
man grinning as he pulled his daughter around his side to give her a tight hug.

“Hello to you to, sweetheart, how was grandma’s?”

“Really fun! She kept crying whenever I told her about the stuff I was doing in school!”

Sounded like his mother, Izuku chuckled, picking up the excitable child as he moved through the

He’d had a hard life, but it was worth it. He had a wife, a child, a job he loved. Everything was
finally coming together.

Suddenly, the wall exploded.

“..uku! Izuku!”

He could feel the pain in his head and back, beating against him with each pulse of his heart. He’d
barely managed to shield his daughter as the wall had blasted inwards, pelting him with debris.


“I’m okay, Ochako,” he managed to mumble as he tried to stand, the world swimming around him.

“No! You’re bleeding! I’ve called an ambulance already, don’t try to stand!”

“Papa!” his daughter wailed under him, his body still protecting her, “I’m scared!”

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he slurred, “The heroes will be here to help soon enough. Papa will protect
you until then, I promise.”

“MOVE IT, FUCKERS!” the voice echoed behind his front door, a cold sensation running up
Izuku’s spine as the door rattled, “HEY, STAND BACK!”

There was a sound like several firecrackers going off at once, then the handle to their door fell off,
one end smoking as a man dressed in a hero costume entered.


Izuku knew that voice. A voice he hadn’t heard in years. That he had never wanted to hear again.
He felt the rage bubbling up inside him as he forced himself to his feet, Ochako snatching up their
daughter to try help her get out.


The shout tore at his throat. He’d never shouted so loudly. He spread his arms wide, blocking the
small hallway, blocking them from him.

“THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?” the figure shouted back, waving the dust away, “GET THE FUCK

Ground Zero glared at the man in front of him, arms outstretched as if he was trying to protect the
round-faced woman and the brat behind him, blood pouring down his face.

“FUCK OFF, KACCHAN!” Izuku yelled again, stepping towards the hero, “I WON’T LET YOU

“Kacc…HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME!” he yelled back, glaring at the man.

“I said,” Izuku’s voice dropped, his mind swimming as he took another step forward, “GET

The punch connected, taking both men by surprise as Ground Zero was flung back out of the
apartment, slamming into the railing as Izuku stumbled forwards against the door post.

“IZUKU!” he heard his wife scream behind him as the world wobbled again, darkness creeping in
around the edges of his vision.

“I’m fine!” he shouted, grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the apartment, past the still stunned
hero, “Run!”
“You assaulted a hero in the line of duty,” the police chief said softly as he sat across from Izuku,
“That’s quite the offense.”

“And he’s pressing charges?” Izuku deadpanned, staring at the dog-faced man.


“Then why am I still here, you have nothing to keep me on. I need to check on my wife and

“They’re fine, the paramedics checked them out, and apart from some shock, they had no injuries. I
understand you shielded your daughter from the initial blast?”

“Wouldn’t you do the same?” Izuku asked, standing from the chair, “I’m leaving now.”

“Wait,” the police chief barked, causing Izuku to glare at him.

“He wants to meet you,” the man continued, “The hero you punched.”

Izuku stared, unable to process what had just been said. He turned away from the police chief,
walking over to the door of the interrogation room before pausing.

“Tell him to go jump off a roof.”

“Izuku,” Ochako was lying beside her husband, hands hidden beneath her sleeping mittens as she
rested her head against his shoulder, “I think you should talk to him.”

“I don’t want to, Ochako,” he sighed.

They’d had this conversation at least a dozen times now, it was beginning to grate on his nerves.

“I just think you should,”

“I know,” he sighed, pulling his wife closer to him, “I just…I don’t want to. Not after everything.
Not when I’m finally happy.”

“Mama, Papa?” A small voice called from their bedroom door, the figure of their daughter
stumbling sleepily inside, “I had a nightmare.”

“Come here, sweetheart,” Ochako murmured softly, lifting the bed covers for her as she clambered
under them, “It’s okay, Mama and Papa will protect you.”

“Promise?” she asked softly, already half asleep.

“Promise,” Izuku whispered as he placed a soft kiss on top of her head, “Always.”

“So, you finally go the balls to come talk to me, huh?”

It was strange to hear Bakugo talking at a normal volume. Izuku sat opposite him at the small café
near his new apartment.

“Not for lack of trying,” Izuku sighed, six months of pestering from Ochako had finally gotten to
“So, the fuck was all that about?” Bakugo growled.

“What do you think?” Izuku shot back, “You made my life hell for fifteen years, you threatened to
kill me again and again, then told me to commit suicide. Then you became a hero. How bullshit
does that sound?”

Bakugo glared at Izuku as he glared back, both sitting silently for a while before Bakugo spoke up

“So what? Would you have preferred I press charges?” he scoffed, “Taken you away from your
precious family for a couple of years?”

Izuku’s voice turned cold as he stood up from his seat, his voice raised.

“You ever, EVER, talk about my family again, and I will kill you myself,” he hissed, taking
Bakugo by surprise at the ferocity of his words, “I’m happy now. I have everything I need. I could
only be happier without having to deal with you ever again.”

The two men glared at each other for a moment.

“Heard you’d gotten a job on I-island,” Bakugo said plainly, trying to hide how strangely
intimidated he felt under Izuku’s gaze.

“What’s it to you?”

“Nothing,” Bakugo replied, “Congratulations.”

“Papa,” his daughter floated across the room as Izuku cooked a simple meal in the open plan
kitchen of their home, “I know you hate heroes but…”

“I don’t hate heroes, sweetheart,” Izuku cut her off, lifting the frying pan from the heat to dish up,
“I just… don’t trust all of them.”

“Would you trust me?”

“Of course, why?”

“I wanna be a hero.”

Izuku froze halfway through dishing up their supper, carefully placing the pan down on the counter
as he turned to his teenage daughter, her face flushed in embarrassment. He took a step forwards,
pulling her down from the ceiling and into his arms.

“Of course, you can be one, sweetheart. I’d never deny your dreams. I promise.”
Chapter Summary

Support!Izuku. That's pretty much it. Oh, and he gets with Mei.

“Y-you can’t, Kacchan!”

Katsuki Bakugo glared down at the shaking boy in front of him, his hands crackling with small
explosions as he flexed his fingers.

“Move it, Deku,” he barked, making the smaller green-haired boy flinch, “He was talking shit
about me, so I’m gonna kill him!”

“No! I won’t let you hurt him anymore!” the other boy cried, fat tears running down his face,
“You’ve already beaten him, let him go!”

Katsuki roared as he jumped forwards towards the smaller boy, blinking as Deku swung his arms
in front of himself to block, something sliding down his wrists.

The smaller boy was thrown back onto the ground, the other kid bolting as soon as Bakugo was
distracted, making him scowl.

“The hell was that, Deku!” he shouted, storming over to the smaller boy, the shreds of whatever it
had been hanging from the green headed boy’s wrists.

Grabbing it, Bakugo recognized it as simple cardboard, the other two behind him laughing at Izuku
as the smaller boy pushed himself upright.

“Haha, you thought you could block Katsuki’s explosions with paper?” one called out, pointing at
the sniveling Izuku, “So stupid!”

“Hey,” Bakugo cut them off, fiddling with the cardboard for a second, “How’d you get it to do

“D-do what, Kacchan?” Izuku sniffed, looking up at his friend as the blond played with the burnt

“Let’s play Heroes and Villains!” the group of children cried out as they ran around the
playground, Bakugo leading the pack as he stomped towards a small figure hunched over in the

“Hey Deku!” he shouted right behind the boy, making him jump, “We’re playing Heroes and
Villains! You know what to do!”

“R-right, Kacchan!” Izuku stammered, holding something out in his hands, “I f-finished them, just
like you said.”

Bakugo looked at the two round objects in his friend’s hands, the cardboard constructs looked
almost exactly like over sized grenades. The main body had been painted a dark green, with large
silver handles extending over the length of them. Taking them, he slipped them over his hands,
surprised by how well they fit his small arms, as if they had been custom tailored to fit him

“Perfect, Deku!” he laughed, slapping the other boy hard on the back, “Keep it up and I might
make you my support team when I become a hero!!”

“R-really?” Izuku smiled up at Katsuki for a moment, pride filling his heart.

Suddenly, the other children descended on him, crying out the designs they wanted for their hero
costumes. Bakugo watched as his friend worked quickly, scissors almost gliding through the thick
card he used to make his creations. He looked down at the grenades on his arms again, a wicked
grin inching across his face.


The shout echoed through the abandoned warehouse as Bakugo stomped into it, his two lackeys
following close behind.


“O-over here!” the call came from the side, Bakugo glaring into the gloom as he spotted the timid
boy stumble out of the shadows, almost dropping the bundle of notebooks in his arms, “S-sorry! I
was just checking something.”


“I finished it!” Izuku grinned widely as Bakugo scowled at him for a moment, unsure of what he
was talking about, his eyes going wide as Izuku continued, “The thing I needed your sweat for.”

“OH YEAH? WELL QUIT FUCKING AROUND AND SHOW US!” Bakugo spat, stalking past
the excited boy, his usual scowl back on his face.


Izuku rushed off, leading the three towards a metal object set up on the far side of the warehouse.
Bakugo watched as Izuku hurried around the large contraption, mumbling to himself as he checked
it over once again. He glared at the metal box, trying to guess what the thing was supposed to do,
but drawing a blank. Izuku had refused to say anything about his latest project, other than begging
Bakugo for a few bottles of his nitroglycerin like sweat. Getting impatient, Bakugo began tapping
his foot, loud enough to pull the green-haired boy out of his trance.

“R-right! S-sorry!” Izuku said hurriedly, running towards the boys and directing them to stand
behind a large sheet of metal.

Bakugo glanced at it, immediately recognizing his friend’s handiwork on the back side. He’d
reinforced the plate, his fine welding obvious to the blond, and had even managed to bolt it to the

“THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE, DEKU?” he growled as the four crouched behind the sheet of

“Just this,” the boy chuckled, yanking on a piece of string.

The explosion shook the building, the other two cowering as Bakugo’s eyes went wide,
immediately jumping over the steel barricade once the noise had died down, followed quickly by
Deku. The two stared at the lump of twisted metal that had been Izuku’s secret project, one end
having blossomed out like a flower, the other half crumpled.

“Shit, I was sure the structural integrity was good enough for this one. Maybe if I change the
pattern. No, that would compromise the weight…” Deku murmured, immediately falling into a
mumble storm as he approached the twisted wreckage, Bakugo only able to stare, wide-eyed.

“HOLY FUCK!” the blond screamed, startling all three of them, “THAT WAS FUCKING

Izuku stared down at his notebook.

Class had ended almost an hour ago, but he was still sitting in his seat, glaring at the page as if he
were trying to set it on fire. He didn’t even notice the figure stalking up to him until the hand
slammed down on top of the notebook, yanking it from his desk.

“THE FUCK YOU UP TO, NERD?” Bakugo growled, inspecting the page the boy had been
staring at.

“Ah! Kacchan, no!” Izuku gasped as he tried to grab it back, the blond easily keeping it out of his

“THE FUCK IS THIS?” Bakugo asked, recognizing the designs and notes scrawled out across the

“N-no!” Izuku shook his head vigorously, his cheeks flushing, “N-not really. It’s just based on what
you liked when we were younger!”

“Build it,”

Izuku started, staring up at his friend as Bakugo handed him back the notebook, his voice
surprisingly quiet.



“We’re here,” Deku breathed as he stood in front of the gates, Bakugo glancing over at him,
“We’re actually here, Kacchan!”

“YEAH YEAH,” the blond growled, shoving the near vibrating boy forwards, “NOW QUIT

Deku stumbled forwards as Bakugo pushed him, his foot catching on the stone as he started

A hand snatched the back of his collar as his body suddenly became light, the boy staring down at
the ground in confusion.

“THE FUCK WAS THAT ROUND-FACE?!” he heard Bakugo shout as the blond pulled him up
right, right into the face a cute brown-haired girl, her cheeks blushing in the cold, Deku’s own face
suddenly going crimson the presence of her.

“Sorry!” she gasped, tapping her fingers together, releasing Deku from whatever had been making
him float, “I saw your friend falling. It would be bad luck to fall on the test day!”

“I HAD HIM,” Bakugo growled, releasing Deku’s collar before stalking off to the main building,

“Sorry about him!” Deku apologized to the girl, “He’s actually really nice if you get to know him.”

“Really?” The girl asked, looking after the blond with a skeptical look, “Didn’t seem like it. Are
you here to take the entrance exam?”

“Oh! No! Well, at least not the hero exam,” Izuku stammered, suddenly realizing that he was
talking to a girl, “I’m here for the support course exam.”

“Oh really? Well good luck!” she laughed, turning away towards the building Bakugo had headed
towards, “Maybe I’ll have you make me some gear sometime!”

“G-good luck!” Izuku called as she ran off, his face still bright red.

was recounting his exam experience as Izuku checked over the two gauntlets in his room, the blond
lying on his bed shouting excitedly, “EVEN SAVED THAT ROUNDFACE CHICK FROM

“So, they worked well?” Izuku hummed, grimacing at the burns across the back of the gloves.
He’d have to fix that.

“PERFECTLY!” Bakugo laughed, sitting up, “THEY’RE STILL A BIT HEAVY, BUT OTHER

“I’ll have access to better materials and resources in UA,” Izuku mumbled as he started stripping
the gauntlets down, inspecting each part, grimacing each time he found some minor fault or
damage in the design, breaking out into a mumble storm again, “Maybe carbon fiber? But would
that be weighty enough to land a good punch. If I gave it a multi-chamber system...”

“FUCK,” Bakugo yelled, the shout not even fazing the now mumbling teen, “I FUCKING HATE

The blast blew the door off its hinges as Bakugo watched calmly, scowling at the cloud of smoke
that started to fill the hallway. The two behind him stared in disbelief as the cloud of black smoke
began to clear, revealing two figures lying in the middle of the hallway, one holding the other
tightly against his chest.

“Holy shit! And he excretes that from his palms?!” the pink-haired girl shouted as she pushed
herself up on top of the boy, unconsciously straddling him, “Think I could use it fuel for some of
my babies?”

“Yeah, sorry about that, I didn’t think refining it would make such a big blast, Mei,” the boy
groaned, lifting his ash stained goggles to reveal his bright green eyes.

“PLAYING HERO, DEKU?!” Bakugo shouted as he stalked up to the pair, yanking the boy up
from the ground.

“Kacchan! Of course not! That’s your job!” Izuku laughed as his friend set him down, before
offering a hand to Mei, “Mei was just helping me with an idea to refine your sweat into a more
potent form. Didn’t go as expected.”

“Yeah! But the explosion was great!” Mei chimed in as she stood, suddenly hanging off of Izuku’s
shoulder, the boy grinning widely as they started to talk shop.

“For crying out loud, Hatsume, Midoriya!” A figure growled as he pulled himself out of the room,
Powerloader glaring at the two support students, “Pull a stunt like that again and I’ll ban you from
the workshop!”

“Hahaha/sorry,” the two laughed and apologized respectively, before heading back into the room,
Bakugo suddenly grabbing Mei by the arm as she walked past him.

“Hey,” He said softly, glaring at the pink-haired girl, “He’s my support staff. You hurt him; I kill

“What was that, Kacchan?” Deku asked as he glanced back.


“Kacchan!” Izuku sobbed as he launched himself to hug his friend, the blond immediately grabbing
him by the head to hold him off.


“Bakugo,” Aizawa said flatly as he stepped up from behind the crying Izuku, who was still trying
to hug Bakugo, “Without him, we would never have found you so quickly. The tracking device he
installed in you was a massive help.”

“YOU DON’T THINK I KNOW THAT?!” Bakugo shouted, shoving the green headed teen back,

“Kacchan!” Izuku let out a new stream of tears as his friend complimented him. At least, as close to
a compliment as Bakugo gave anyone.

Aizawa sighed as he left the sobbing and screaming teens in the hospital room, looking at the other
pros gathered outside.

“Those two make a good team,” Midnight sighed, glancing over Aizawa’s shoulder, “A scarily
good team.”

“I had to practically tie Midoriya down when he realized Bakugo had been moved somewhere
other than the camp location,” Powerloader groaned, “He tried to fly off in a power suit he and
Hatsume had built.”

“How he found out the camp location is also a worry,” Aizawa sighed, glancing back, “As well as
how no one but him seems to be able to pick up the signal on that tracking device of his.”

The three teachers looked back into the room, bakugo's hands sparking as Izuku clung to his waist
with a happy grin.

“YOU’RE FUCKING HOPELESS, DEKU!” Bakugo growled, dragging his friend by the collar

“Kacchan, please!” Deku tried to break his friend’s grip, but was unable to, “She really isn’t! She
likes making things! Not me!”

the handle on the support class’s door, throwing it open and barging in, surprising the class full of

Mei glanced up from her project for a moment to see Bakugo presenting Izuku like he was a prize
fish, the green-haired boy already turning bright red as he struggled in his friend’s grasp, causing
the class to start whispering.

“Yeah?” she replied plainly, slightly confused.

“YEAH?” Bakugo scoffed, releasing Izuku as the class fell silent, “THAT’S IT? JUST A

“Well, we have been on a few dates, right?”

Somehow the class got even quieter, staring between Izuku and Mei, a look of shock on their faces.

“We built that mech together, and there were the rocket boots. Oh! And baby number 106. Pity it
blew up.”

“T-those were dates?” Izuku stammered, staring at Mei in disbelief, “B-but I thought…but you

“OH GREAT!” bakugo sighed, storming out of the classroom, “NOW YOU’VE BROKEN HIM!

Izuku stared up at the ceiling of his dorm room. It was his third year in UA and soon he’d be
graduating, entering the professional world of hero support. The thought scared him.

The excited knocking on his door, followed by a whirring noise let him know that Mei was
outside, the teen sighing as his door clicked open, his girlfriend bounding in excitedly.

“Zuku!” She gasped, hopping up and down, “Zukuzukuzuku! Guess what?”

“You built a new baby?” he chuckled as he got up from his bed, wrapping his arms around the
excited girl.

“No, better!”

Better? What was better to Mei than building something new? Izuku thought, running through the
possibilities in his mind.

“You got accepted to intern somewhere?” he tried.

“No! Well, yes, but this is even better than that!”

Izuku was dumbfounded. In the three years he’d know the pink-haired girl, he’d never seen her
more excited than when building or showing off her ‘babies’. Something better than that seemed
wholly impossible in Izuku’s mind.

“Give up?!” she was practically vibrating in his arms by this point, something that only usually
happened when she was on a five day coffee binge while building.

He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on her head as he nodded, the girl wrapping her arms around his

“My parents said we can make babies!”

Izuku looked down at her for a moment, an eyebrow raising slowly.

"But Mei, we already make babies?"

"Not those babies, Zuku!" Mei laughed as she pulled herself closer, "Real babies!"

The sound of cracking glass filled the air as Izuku froze, staring down at the grinning woman in his
arms, her eyes sparkling as she planted a big kiss in his lips.

“We can get married!” she repeated, Izuku just staring at her blankly as the realisation of what she
just said processed. The two startled at the sudden cheer coming from Izuku’s door, several of the
other support students having already gathered outside his room after Mei had come rushing back,
several clapping while others whistled or waved.

“Right on, Hatsume!” “Claim your man!” “They weren’t already?”

“You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to,” Izuku sighed as he glanced over at Bakugo, who
was glaring at the tie like he wanted it to vanish from existence.

“I FUCKING KNOW THAT, NERD!” he shouted, snatching the thing up and pulling it around his

“T-thanks,” Izuku stammered, playing with his own tie for a moment, before Bakugo stomped up
and batted his hands away.


straightening the tie out again, scowling at the thing.

“Yeah, just nervous is all.”

WEDDING CAKE?” Bakugo laughed at the worried expression that flashed across Izuku’s face.

“Oh god, I really hope she doesn’t.”

Bakugo readied himself, taking careful aim at the line of centimeter thick metal sheets set up in
front of him. His gauntlet was attached to a pair of weighted legs, a blast shield folding out from
the grenade like design. Grinning, he screamed out the attacks name, “ANTI-MATERIAL SHOT!”

The blast forced him back several feet, sheering straight through the metal sheets as though they
were paper. An impressed whistle sounded across the firing range as the echoes of the blast
quietened down, a man, his curly green hair sticking out from under his hat approaching the still
manically grinning hero.

“You okay, Ground Zero?” the man asked, taking off his sunglasses as he inspected the panting

“NEVER BETTER, NERD,” he replied, unlatching himself from the gauntlet and shaking his arm

“That’s how I made it,” Izuku laughed, inspecting the gauntlet, taking notes on a clipboard as he
began to mutter, “Hmm, still needs a few revisions before it’s ready to be used in actual combat.”

“ACTUAL COMBAT?!” Bakugo balked at his friend’s statement, “YOU WANT ME TO USE

“Only select scenarios,” Izuku continued, “Like the sniper shot, or machine gun gauntlet. It always
pays to be prepared. Why? Scared?”

The two chuckled for a moment before Bakugo grinned manically, lifting his still tired arms, tiny
explosions crackling across his palms.


Chapter Summary

This is a Buff!Izuku fic. Basically a power-fantasy because why not. Yes, it was
heavily inspired by Epsilon110's Total Command, which you should all go read.
Because it's amazing.

Chapter Notes

So, these one-shots are mostly just random ideas that pop into my head or are based
off of the head-canons/AUs/fanfics of others. As such, if they inspire you, feel free to
use the ideas to write your own fics and let me know, I’d love to read whatever you

The pace of this fic is pretty quick, as I mostly stuck to notable events and kept the
scenes short.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Izuku Midoriya let out a slow breath, lifting his entire body from the ground, carefully balanced on
his two hands, holding it for five seconds before pulling his legs up into a frog-like stance. He held
that position for another five seconds before lifting his legs higher, carefully positioning himself so
he was in a perfect handstand. A moment later he began lowering himself down slowly, performing
a handstand pushup as he let out another slow breath. His core screamed as he slowly reversed his
exercise, carefully lowering himself to the ground before letting his arms give out.

“Twenty,” he gasped, smiling to himself.

Glancing up at his alarm clock, he smiled. 4:48 am. He’d have enough time for a quick bit of
meditation and a jog before school. Sitting up, he moved to the lotus position, taking a deep breath
as he thought about what had gotten him to this point.

It had all started on that day in the park, when he’d tried to defend a kid who had called out
Bakugo, the explosive blond attacking him in one of his usual rages. Deku had gotten beaten up
when he’d tried to intervene but had at least allowed the other kid to run away. The words Bakugo
had said that day rung in his mind.

“You’re weak, Deku! Too weak! You’ll never be a hero like this!”

That was the day he’d decided to change. It had taken him years of hard work and suffering,
endless nights researching and learning. Exercise regimes, meal plans, martial arts, human
anatomy, he’d studied it all to find out how to get stronger.

Then he'd started. Carefully at first. He didn’t want to mess up his growth by overworking his
body, but he’d started. Meditation, jogging and a healthy diet had been it at first. And then he’d hit
puberty, and he’d really started. Various martial arts, yoga and weight training became the order of
the day. Then he’d discovered calisthenics, and the change had been huge. He’d toned up and
buffed out, his body quickly losing what little fat it had left as his muscles became tightly packed
balls of strength. From the outside he didn’t look all that different from a normal teen, excluding
mutants of course, maybe slightly broader shoulders and larger arms, but underneath he was a well-
built machine. He wasn’t that weak little boy anymore.

And it had shown in his life. Less people had bullied him as time went on, sports clubs at school
were constantly trying to recruit him every time he came to help them out, some girls had even
confessed to him. He’d felt bad every single time he’d had to turn them down, but he couldn’t turn
away from his dream.

His dream to be a hero.

Izuku gagged on the thick sludge as it forced itself down his throat, the awful smell filling his nose.

“Calm down, kid,” the villain chuckled, wrapping more of his amorphous body around Izuku,
“You got a nice body, so I’ll take good care of it!”

Izuku fought with everything he had, biting down on the tentacles, punching, kicking, thrashing
about, but nothing seemed to shake him from the villain’s grasp. Was this it? Was he going to die

“DO NOT FEAR, FOR I AM HERE! ” the shout rang out from the same sewer grate the villain
had emerged from, a massive man pulling himself almost comically out of the small whole, All
Might glaring at the sludge villain, “DETROIT SMASH!”

“Even without a quirk, can I still become a hero?!” Izuku shouted at the steaming All Might, the
man gripping the handrail of the roof as he spoke.

“Sorry kid, but without a quirk, you have no hope.”

“Even when I look like this?!” Izuku ripped open his shirt, revealing his toned body as the steam
enveloped All Might, his true form coming through.

The two stared at each other for a moment, both in shock at what they saw.

“IMPOSTER!” Izuku shrieked, snapping his shirt shut like a maiden.

“No no! I assure you I am All Might, young man!” the skeletal figure stuttered through a mouthful
of blood, “But what about you?! You said you didn’t have a quirk, but what are those muscles?!”

“I…I work out?” Izuku said slowly, watching as the emaciated man in front of him sat down with a

“I suppose you also want an explanation, young man,” All Might sighed, leaning back against the
railing as he began to lift his shirt, “It all started with this…”


The shout echoed down the alleyway as Izuku bolted past the heroes, several of them shouting at
him as he charged towards the sludge villain.
His hand darted into a side pocket of his bag, grabbing hold of his compass and flinging it like a
blade at the villain’s eye. The sludge gave a cry of pain as the object hit him in the eye, reeling
back just enough to allow Bakugo to grab a deep breath.

dug his hands into the goop that surrounded him, yanking away handfuls of the sludge, freeing one
of Bakugo’s arms as he tried to wrench the teen free.

“Sorry, Kacchan, but you looked like you needed help!”


The shout filled the air, All Might appearing behind them as he grabbed a hold of Izuku’s arm,
Izuku in turn grabbing Bakugo’s as the no. 1 hero unleashed a massive upper cut, blasting away the
villain in a moment and parting the clouds.

“Holy shit, Kacchan,” Izuku breathed, looking over at he stunned blond, “He changed the

But Bakugo wasn’t looking at All Might. He was staring at Izuku, his eyes locked firmly on the
muscled chest and abs of the green-haired boy.

“What the fuck?” he muttered.

“Eat this!”


All Might had just gotten finished explaining how his quirk was transferred to Izuku as they stood
in a backroad near his home, the hero suddenly pulling out one of his hairs and offering it to the

“I…but me? Why? I’m quirkless!” Izuku stammered as he looked at the hair.

“That maybe so, but you have the heart, and body, of a hero, young Midoriya!” All Might
laughed, suddenly grabbing the teen and trying to force the hair into his mouth, “Now eat this,
and become my successor!”

Izuku gagged as he swallowed the hair, shuddering at the sensation.

“Now,” All Might sighed, returning to his weakened form, “That should take a while to digest, so
in the meantime don’t try anything too strenuous. Tomorrow is Sunday, correct? Then meet me at
Dogabah Beach first thing in the morning, so I can begin training you in the use of One for All.”

Izuku sat quietly in his room, breathing slowly as he performed his evening meditation. The events
of the day kept swirling through his head, threatening to break his concentration as he focused. He
was intimately familiar with his body, able to ‘feel’ it quite easily through years of meditation, but
tonight it was different.

There was something new.

It felt like a massive ball of energy was resting in his stomach, swirling with a myriad of colours as
he focused on it. Suddenly, the ball swelled, releasing part of the energy into Izuku, the teen
gasping as he felt a heat flood his body. Reacting as quickly as he could, he grabbed a hold of the
fluctuating energy, distributing it easily through his body, his muscles tightening as tiny bolts of
electricity sparked across his skin.

His eyes snapped open, glowing a bright electric green as he stared ahead.

“That’s scary,” Toshinori Yagi sputtered as he looked at the teen, green energy sparking off him as
he showed the older man what he’d done the night before.

“Yeah, I think it’s part of One for All,” Izuku muttered, placing a hand on his chin, “I can only use
about 15% of the power right now, maybe pushing it to 20% if I’m careful. But there’s something
else. I can feel other presences inside the energy, as though there was someone else’s intent inside

“Intent?” Toshimori asked, blinking when the teen didn’t respond, only continued muttering.
Sighing, he clapped his hands, startling Izuku out of his stupor as he bulked up, “Well then, young
man. It seems you have good initial control of One for All, so show me what you can do!”

The last ten months had been brutal for Izuku, even with his toned body and One for All. He’d
cleared Dagobah beach in just over two months, the only reason it took so long was the ridiculous
conditions All Might had placed on him. Only picking up objects using his feet or pushing then
using only his fingers. It had all been to help him come to grips with how One for All worked and
focus his control over the power.

Then had come combat practice. All Might had been shaking that day, filled with a mixture of
nervous energy and fear as the old man had hobbled down onto the beach, grumbling the whole

“Gran Torino-sensei,” he’d mumbled, standing bolt up right as the older man had chewed him out
for calling an old-timer all this way.

Then he’d seen Izuku.

“So, you finally found one?” Gran Torino grumbled, whacking Izuku in the thigh with his cane,
“Good body, at least.”

He’d come home with bruises for the first time in a while after that, shocking his mother as he’d
had to hurriedly explain that it was just from his training. She’d let it slide, thankfully, but was still
obviously worried.

He’d kept up with his own exercises during this whole time, though had been careful to not
overwork himself.

And finally, the day had come, the day of the UA entrance exams.

“Ow!” the cry caught his attention as he’d punted a one-pointer into a three-pointer, trying to
ignore that massive zero-pointer that was looming over the faux-city. Looking around, he spotted
the girl from the entrance lying on the ground, her ankle trapped under a pile of debris as the
humongous robot slowly rolled towards her.

Before he could think he’d bolted towards her, unleashing a 30% uppercut at the robot, managing
to stagger it with the wind pressure as his arm ached. Grabbing the rubble, he yanked it up,
simultaneously freeing the girl and hurling the chunks of concrete against the construct's armored

“Are you okay?” he asked, still glaring at the robot as it righted itself, focusing down on him, Fuck,
not giving me much choice are you, big guy?

“Y-yeah, the girl stammered, clutching her ankle.

“Wait here,” Izuku said, crouching down as he channeled 20% into his legs, “I’ll handle this.”

The breeze up here feels nice, Izuku thought as he hung in the air in front of the robot, winding his
arm back.

“Full Cowling: 20% Smash!” he yelled as he unleashed a massive right straight into the robots
head, scowling as he barely fazed it, “Alright then, 25% Cross!”

The left hook crumpled the side of the robot’s face, knocking it back slightly as he felt the sharp
pain in his arm.

“30% Shoot!” he yelled as he flung his foot into the other side of its head, knocking the robot

“Just go down you bastard!” he screamed, spinning his body expertly in the air, bringing his foot
up above his head, “50% Axe!”

The already damaged head crumpled under his heel as he slammed his foot down, crying out as he
felt his leg strain and then snap. Suddenly he was falling alongside the robot, which tumbled

Shit, can I land from this height with just one leg? He thought, staring down at the rapidly
approaching ground, I’ll just have to try!

The hand slapped against his chest just as he began twisting himself around, all gravity suddenly
fading as he hung in the air a few feet above the ground, the girl from before hanging from his
waist as she turned a sickly shade of green.

“S-skill release,” she muttered as she brought her hands together, the two of them slowly floating
down to the ground.

“Oh wow, thanks for the save,” Izuku chuckled, flinching as the girl quickly turned away and
proceeded to vomit behind some rubble, “Are…are you okay?”

“’S jus’ mah quirk,” she mumbled, wiping her face, “Makes me nauseous if I use it to much.”

“Ahem,” Izuku froze at the stern matronly voice, turning his head slowly to see an elderly woman
frowning at him, “You hurt yourself again, Midoriya?”

“Sorry, Recovery Girl,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, letting out a quiet hiss of pain,
“Had to take that thing down.”

“Of course, you did,” she sighed, her lips extending out comically to kiss him on the cheek as she
summoned a pair of medical transport bots, “You’re staying off that leg for at least an hour until it
heals, understood?”

“Yes, ma’am!” he saluted as he pulled himself into the stretcher.

“Congratulations, young Midoriya! You passed!” All Might’s projection grinned at him from
the dining table, both the green-haired boy and his mother sobbing uncontrollably as they hugged
each other.

“I did it, mom! I’m going to become a hero!”

“I know sweetheart, I’m so proud!”

“DEKU! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Bakugo roared as the two students
entered the classroom, making the other students all look up in confusion.

“I passed the entrance exam,” the green-haired teen sighed in exasperation. Of course he was in
Bakugo’s class. While it had been quite a few years since the blond had actively bullied him, he
still shot him nasty looks and berated him for being quirkless from time to time.


“Excuse me, but Midoriya has quite the powerful quirk,” Tenya Iida interrupted the blond, “Not to
mention that he saw through the true meaning of the test.”

“Yeah, he even saved me!” Ochako added, suddenly blushing as she remembered the act.

“Please Iida, I told you, I had no idea about the rescue points,” Izuku chuckled, rubbing the back of
his head, “And Uraraka, you saved me too. If you hadn’t used your quirk when you did, who
knows what would have happened.”

Ochako’s face turned a deeper shade of pink as the teen complimented her, a couple of the other
girls giving her a knowing look.

“BULL! SHIT!” Bakugo yelled, leaping across the room, arm extended, “YOU NEVER HAD A

“And why the hell should I have,” Izuku growled, snatching the teens wrist from the air, tilting his
head expertly to the side to avoid the small explosion that blasted past his head. For all his ferocity,
Bakugo had nothing on Gran Torino’s speed, “You bullied me for years. Beat me up, told me to
die. Hell, you even told me to kill myself! Why the fuck should I have told you jack shit?!”

The class went quiet as Izuku shouted, the students staring at the two in shock.

“If you’re here to hold grudges, then get out,” A voice said from behind them, the students all
turning to look at the caterpillar like being lying on the floor outside the classroom, “Now quit
playing around and get to your seats.”

The quirk apprehension test had gone well. With his highly trained body and One for All Izuku had
placed quite high on the rankings, just below Bakugo, much to the blonde’s enjoyment.

“Wow, Deku, I didn’t even know someone could bend like that!” Ochako chuckled, “I mean, I saw
you do that axe-kick thing before, but really!”

“And your stamina is not something to be trifled with,” Iida added, “I never thought I’d meet
someone who could keep up with me as much as you did.”
“Ooh, someone has a crush!” Mina Ashido giggled as she suddenly appeared behind the three fast
friends, hanging on Ochako’s shoulders, the brunette immediately going bright pink as the two
boys looked down at the pair, Mina laughing, “Hey look, we match!”

“I… no… but!” Ochako stammered, hiding her face behind her hands as she began to float in the

“Come on though,” Mina whispered, suddenly pulling the brunette out of the air and away from
the other two, “How’d he save you? Did he catch you when you were falling? Hold you in a bridal
carry? I saw his abs when he did the toe reach, boy is ripped!”

“N-no! He just threw off some debris that had trapped my ankle and beat up the zero-point robot!”
Ochako mumbled, Mina’s words reminding her of how she’d grabbed onto him as he fell.

“What!” the pink skinned girl shouted, releasing the still floating Ochako and staring at Izuku,
“You took out that massive robot?!”

“Uh, yeah?” Izuku rubbed the back of his head nervously as several other students turned to look in
their direction.

“No way! You must be crazy strong to have done that! How’d Chako-chan save you anyway?”

“Oh, I broke my leg kicking the thing, and she grabbed me before I hit the ground,” Izuku
explained happily, glad the conversation had moved off of him, “If she hadn’t, I don’t know what
would have happened.”

“Yes,” Iida added, “If she hadn’t grabbed your waist back then, you may have been seriously
injured from the impact with the ground.”

Mina froze, turning slowly to face the still floating Ochako, a wicked grin on her face, “Really,
Chako-chan? You felt him up already?”

“NO!” the brunette shrieked as Mina began pestering her with more questions.

“He’ll come straight for me,” Izuku said, leading Ochako through the twisting corridors of the fake
building, “I guarantee it.”

“Wow, you two really don’t get along, do you?” she whispered, jumping at the sudden sound of an

“DEKU!” the shout tore through the silence of the building, Bakugo launching himself around a
corner, straight at the green-haired teen.

Ochako watched in amazement as Izuku caught the other boy’s right hand easily, throwing him
over his shoulder and slamming him hard into the ground, knocking the air from Bakugo’s lungs.

“Uraraka! Go!” he shouted as Bakugo flipped himself back onto his feet, Izuku letting a slight
smile cross his lips as he saw the girl bolt up the nearby stairs.


“Why should I have?” Izuku shouted back, dodging the explosive teen’s strikes, landing a few
good blows against his body, “You hate me, don’t you? I’m just a punching bag for you, right?
Well not anymore!”
Bakugo screamed as he launched himself at Izuku again, choking as the uppercut slammed into his
stomach, throwing him up into the air. Before he could react, Izuku had grabbed his wrist and
slammed him back into the ground, further stunning the blond.

“0% Axe!” Izuku shouted, slamming his foot down on the boy’s head, the sound of splintering
concrete filling the hallway.

Bakugo stared at the foot, mere millimetres away from his face as Izuku lifted it out of the sizable
hole it had created. The blond tried to force himself to his feet before a heavy weight pressed down
on his back, his arms yanked behind him and the capture tape wrapped around them.

“I didn’t even need to bother with my quirk for you, Kacchan,” Izuku sighed, easily lifting the
blond onto his shoulder, “I was strong enough to take you years ago.”

“Wow! So you’re Ingenium’s younger brother?” Izuku asked excitedly as Iida gave a smug grin,
“Are you planning to intern with him later this year?”

“Yes, I am,” Iida laughed, a strange act for the usually very serious boy, “I come from a long line
of well recognized heroes, so I’ll be following in my brother’s footsteps.”

“That’s amazing!” Izuku’s eyes were shining with admiration as Iida continued to grin, happy to
talk about his brother.

“Wow, calm down you two,” Ochako laughed as she ate her lunch, “You’re disturbing the other

The alarm caught them off guard, making the entire student body in the cafeteria jump.

“Level three breach! All students please proceed to the evacuation point!”

Iida grabbed a passing third year and asked, “What’s a level three?”

“Someone’s infiltrated the school grounds,” The third year said quickly, “It’s never happened

The mass of students suddenly surged, dragging the third year with them as the other three looked
around in confusion. Izuku spotted something through the window, recognizing one of the news
reporters that had tried to pester him that morning. Turning back to the other two he spoke.

“It’s just the media, how’d they get in?”

“I have no idea,” Iida stated, looking around as well, “But these students are stampeding, someone
is going to get hurt.

Izuku looked at the roiling crowd, nodding in agreement as he tried to figure out some way to get
them to calm down.

“Uraraka! Make Iida float with your quirk!”

“What?” the pair asked, Izuku suddenly picked the taller boy up with apparent ease.

“Just do it!” he grunted, taking a breath as the surprisingly heavy boy suddenly became weightless,
“Iida, I’m going to throw you!”

“Ah! I see!” said the other teen, positioning himself in Izuku’s hand, “Excellent plan, Midoriya!”
With a little effort, Izuku hefted Iida over the crowd, towards the exit.

“Get your hero costumes on, or don’t,” Aizawa sighed as he looked over the class of suddenly
excited students, “We’re going to be doing rescue training today, so some of your equipment may
not be useful.”

“Woo!” Mina cried as she jumped out of her seat, “Hey Midori! Why don’t you just leave your top

“Mina!” Momo gasped, “You can’t say things like that!”

The pink skinned girl darted up beside Izuku, suddenly grabbing and yanking his shirt up to reveal
his abs.

“Boy is ripped, Yaomomo!’ She stated matter-of-factly as she held her hand to the blushing teen’s
stomach, “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to see that in all its glory?”

The girls of the class blushed at the sudden display, Iida darting over and yanking Izuku’s shirt
back down.

“You can’t do that, Ashido!” he barked, “That’s sexual harassment!”

The girl just laughed as she ducked under his swinging arms and dashed out of the classroom.

Chapter End Notes

For anyone that's interested, I'm actually writing another fic, which will be erotic in
nature. Well, I say writing, but it's more like trying to stop it from completely running
away from me at this point. The first chapter was just supposed to be preamble to the
sexy-times, but it's turned into a 15000 word monster! And it isn't even done yet! The
other chapters will just be relatively short sex scenes though, so keep an eye open if
that's your thing!

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

A bit of fluffy Fem!Deku, cause I like Intelli and I wanted to. Also, Izumi has an
Analysis quirk!

Chapter Notes

This AWI has an Extended!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

I’m here! I’m finally here! At the best Hero school possible! Okay, well not the BEST Hero school,
but the best one for me!

Izumi Midoriya stood outside the gates of Seiai Girls Academy for Heroics, dressed in her
uniform, wild green hair pulled back in a tight ponytail in an attempt to control it, with her bags
beside her, ready to move into her dorm.

I hope my roommates are nice. Will I even have roommates? Oh no! I didn’t check! What if I
don’t?! What if I do?! I don’t know! I don’t know what to do!

“Are you okay?”

The voice startled Izumi out of her encroaching panic attack, the short girl standing bolt up right as
she stared at the young woman in front of her. Long pale lavender hair ran over her shoulders and
down her back, her bangs held in place perfectly by her Seiai cap. The uniform clung to her in all
the right places, while still not being too tight as to appear immoral. On her nose perched a
monocle, behind which lavender eyes, only slightly darker than her luxurious hair, looked down at
Izumi with concern. Oh, and she was tall. Very tall. Especially compared to Izumi.

“32-26-37-6!” Izumi blurted, her hands immediately slapping over her mouth as she turned bright
red, “I am so sorry!”

The woman just looked down into Izumi’s dark green eyes for a moment, before her own face
burst into a blush.

“H-how’d you know that?!” she gasped, covering herself slightly with her arms, “T-that’s private

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sowwy!” Izumi bowed repeatedly as she apologized, her words slurring
as she fought back a wave of embarrassed tears, “Ish my quirk! I din’t mean to! I analyshe thingsh
when I’m nerfoush!”

“Wait, your…quirk? It told you my three sizes? And my…my height?” the woman asked, Izumi
sniffing as she nodded, “What…what is your quirk?”
“Ish cawwed Anawyshish,” Izumi fought back the sobs, wiping her eyes as she swallowed
nervously, trying to get her words to cooperate with her again, “Shorry. My quirksh name is
Analysis. It let’s me almost instantly analyse various things about what ever I can see, including
size, approximate weight and density, tensile strength, uhm… a lot of things.”

The woman just looked down at the small girl, messy green hair already slipping out of her
ponytail and on the verge of tears.

“I’m sorry I startled you,” she said softly, holding out a hand, “Welcome to Saiei Academy, my
name is Saiko Intelli and I’m a second year. Are you a first year?”

“I…uhm…I…” Izumi stared at the hand, unsure what to do. Oh right! Her name! “Izumi! Izumi
Midoriya! I’m a first year! Please take care of me!”

She jumped when her phone suddenly rang, the All Might themed ringtone making her blush as she
desperately dug through her pockets to find the thing. Saiko just giggled at the panicked girl as she
apologised, looking at the caller ID as relief washed over her.

“Kacchan!” she said happily as she answered.

“Why the fuck did it take you so long to answer, nerd?” the harsh voice of her best friend growled
from the other side of the phone, “You get to your glorified day-care yet?”

“Y-yeah! I just arrived! Sorry about that, I was talking to someone!”

“You? Talking to someone? Yeah fucking right!” Katsuki Bakugo scoffed, “Whatever, I only
called ‘cause the old hag was nagging me to check on you. Have fun at your playschool while I go
learn to be a Hero at a real Hero School!”

“Sure thing, Kacchan!” Izumi giggled, twirling a finger through a lock of her hair that had already
managed to escape her ponytail, “Have fun at UA.”

“It’s not fucking fun! It’s serious shit!” Bakugo barked down the line, going silent for a moment,
“Don’t let your social obliviousness fuck you up over there. Now go do your damn nerd shit or
whatever. And stop calling me that! Bye!”

“Bye, Kacchan!” Izumi called as she hung up, grinning down at her phone. She immediately leapt
back into the air at the soft, and slightly concerned, voice behind her.

“Was that your boyfriend? He sounds…aggressive,” Saiko hummed.

“NO!” Izumi squeaked, turning bright red again as she waved her hands in front of her, “Kacchan
is not my boyfriend! Definitely not! We’d never be like that! He’s more like a…like a really
protective brother! He’s been protecting me since we were small!”

“Oh,” Saiko sighed, inspecting the girl, “Are you sure?”

“I can read the heartbeats of people by watching their necks or temples, I know what love looks
like. And he doesn’t love me. At least, not like that. It’s usually annoyance or anger with him,
actually. But he’s really nice once you get to know him!” Izumi answered happily, eager to talk
about her best friend, “He also has an amazing quirk! It allows him to sweat a nitro-glycerin like
substance from his palms and trigger explos-!”

“Hold on!” Saiko interrupted her, looking at the girl in shock, “You can read people’s heart beats?
By watching their necks or temples? And can tell their emotions?”

“What does mine tell you right now?”

“Uhm,” Izumi’s eyes seemed to sharpen for a moment, making Saiko shiver slightly at the intense
gaze, “Your heart rate is elevated, though not irregular, so not panic. Uhm…excitement?”

“Exactly!” Saiko cheered as she scooped the much smaller girl up into her arms, Izumi turning
bright red and her eyes swirling, “Oh you will be perfect! I must have you on my team!”

“Y-yor teem?” Izumi mumbled as Saiko carried her off, “Buh mah backs.”

“Oh, don’t worry! I’ll have someone come and fetch those for you!” Saiko laughed, “I have to
introduce you to the other girls!”


Izumi did not know how she had gotten here. Honestly, she didn’t even know where here was,
which was very strange for the small girl, as she could usually remember directions and the places
she passed through near perfectly. Her head had gone all clouded and swirly the moment Saiko had
touched her. Was that her quirk? Some kind of contact disorientation effect?

But here she was, sitting on a very comfortable, and very fancy, sofa in what looked like a waiting
room. Across from her sat Saiko, drinking tea from a very expensive looking tea set, a cup set out
in front of Izumi as well. Izumi watched as the older girl’s neck and throat shifted with each
swallow. How she let out a small satisfied sigh after each sip. How her chest heaved just ever so
slightly more with each sigh compared to her breathing. How her eyes seemed to grow sharper and
more intelligent, twitching slightly, as she drank.

“Your quirk allows you to increase your intelligence by drinking tea,” Izumi said, slapping her
hands over her mouth again as Saiko gave her a surprised look, “I’m so sorry!”

“No! No, that’s quite alright!” Saiko laughed softly. A genuine laugh, Izumi noticed, by the way
her body moved, and her eyes closed slightly, “My quirk actually increases my IQ, not just my
intelligence, when I drink tea. And it has differing effects depending on the type. For example,
Earl Grey helps me complete mathematical calculations faster, while green tea simply makes it
easier for me to focus on a task. But enough about me, I am just so thoroughly impressed by your
quirk and analytical abilities!”

“I…uhm…t-thank you!” Izumi felt like her head was going to explode from the compliment. The
compliment this older girl had given her. That this very pretty older girl had given her. Huh, where
had that thought come from?

“My companions should be arriving shortly,” Saiko hummed, a soft smile on her lips. Thick lips.
That shone slightly from some sort of lip balm. It made them even prettier, “I look forward to
having you meet them.”

“C-companions?” Izumi stuttered, “N-not friends?”

“Hmm? Oh, well I suppose they are my friends, though I mostly gathered them for their skills and

“That’s not nice!” Izumi shouted, jumping to her feet and surprising the other girl, “You can’t
just…just use people like that! That’s how Villains think!”
“I…well...I…” Saiko stammered, caught completely off guard by the previously timid girl’s
sudden outburst.

“I’m sorry, but if that’s how you think, then I don’t want to be around you anymore. I’m leaving.”

Saiko sat, flabbergasted, as the green-haired girl stormed out of the room, slamming the door on
her way out.


She hates me.

Izumi sat under a tree, tears soaking into her sleeves as she hid her head in her arms.

I made a second year hate me! And she’s going to tell everybody! And nobody will want to be my


Izumi didn’t look up at the voice, only curling more into herself as she continued to sob.

“Excuse me?”

“Weaf meh awone, pweashe,” she managed to slur, her words not cooperating with her once again.

“I just wanted to apologize. For earlier.”

Izumi recognised the voice, her head shooting upwards as she stared at the concerned face of Intelli
Saiko, her lavender hair streaming over one shoulder as she leaned over towards Izumi. Izumi
could see every strand. How it refracted the light slightly. How it shifted in the slight breeze. How
it flowed like water. How unlike her own hair it was.

“Im showwy,” she mumbled, “Pweashe weafe meh awone.”

“I will. I just wanted to apologize first,” Saiko said softly, “I…I thought about what you said
earlier. About my way of thinking. And I think…I think you may have been right. I…I talked to
my…my friends...about it. They agreed. Though they’re happy to keep being my friends.”

“Thash gud,” Izumi muttered, turning her head away. She couldn’t keep staring at the older girl.
She’d think it was creepy. Like the other girls at her middle school. She couldn’t help it; they were
all just so pretty. Huh, there was that thought again.

“I was just wondering...if maybe…maybe you would want to be my friend, as well?”

Izumi stiffened at the question, slowly turning her head to stare at Saiko as she looked at her, at
some point having crouched in front of Izumi.


“Uhm…yes?” Saiko replied, tilting her head to the side with a slightly confused look on her face.

Izumi burst into tears, falling forwards onto Saiko as she sobbed, gripping her uniform as she
pressed her face against the older girl’s chest. Her anxiety flared up. She was going to mess up
Saiko’s perfect uniform. Soak it in her tears. Mar it with her snot. But it felt so nice. It was so soft.
Smelt so nice. She didn’t want to leave. To let go. Ever. A hand awkwardly stroked the back of her
head, ruffling her messy hair that had all but escaped her ponytail. She shivered as she felt the
fingers dig slightly into her perpetual bedhead, rubbing softly against her scalp.

She looked up. Into those soft lavender eyes. At those thick lips. So close. Close enough that she
could just...

Izumi’s eyes shot open.

She was kissing Saiko.

She was KISSING Saiko.

A girl she’d just met. An older girl she’d just met. A very pretty older girl she’d just met.

And for once she didn’t regret something she was doing. It felt nice. It felt natural. It felt…right.

“I-I-I-I!” Izumi stuttered as she backed out of the kiss, staring wide eyed at Saiko as the older girl
just stared back at her in shock, “I’M SO SORRY!”

Chapter End Notes

Did I need to make Izumi an absolutely socially oblivious, overly anxious, mess of a
disaster lesbian? Probably not.
Was it fun as hell to write? Most definitely.
Do I regret it? Not at all.

In case you're wondering, I pulled those numbers out of my ass, though they are based
on the "perfect" female body ratio of 36-24-36.

I hoped you enjoyed! Leave Kudos and comments and feed my introverted dumb-ass
self that sweet, sweet dopamine.

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

Because I had too many ideas. So here's a continuation of yesterday's story, this time at
the Provisional License Exams!

(Damn you Critical_Warrior and dannythebookwyrm for putting these ideas in my

head (J.K. love you ;P))

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


“Yes, Izumi-chan?” the tall, lavender-haired young woman said from the bus seat beside Izumi.

“Why am I here?”

“Whatever do you mean?” Intelli hummed, her eyes closed as she took another sip of tea from her

“I…I mean…I’m only a first year! W-why am I going with you to the Provisional License

“Simple. You are one of the, if not the, best of the first years of Seiai Academy this year. You have
shown incredible growth and capability in academics, hand-to-hand combat, firearms training and
tactical planning. Not to mention that your quick and accurate analyses of any quirks you see are
incredible. One of your essays was even published in an actual Scientific Journal!” Intelli
answered, petting the small girl gently on her head, ruffling her wild green curls, “Also, I may have
pulled a few strings. You’re an important member of our team. And one of our closest friends, after

“I-I-I-I!” Izumi stuttered as she leaned into the hand, her face going bright red as she almost started
purring at the touch.

“Be careful, Intelli-sama!” One of the other girls laughed from the back of the bus, “Don’t fry her
brain just yet! We haven’t even gotten to the venue!”

“Yes, yes! Quite right!” Intelli chuckled as she removed her hand from the mess of green hair,
almost tempted to put it straight back when Izumi made a disappointed mewling sound, “We need
you in peak condition for this, don’t we? So, any last-minute advice you can give us?”

“I…uhm…well…” Izumi mumbled.

“Please, Izumi-chan,” Intelli whispered to her, making the green-haired girl stiffen slightly, “We
trust you. Tell us what you want to say.”

entire bus stared at her for a moment, eyebrows raised in question as she buried her face in her
hands and squeaked, “I’m so sorry!”

“No, no,” Intelli comforted her, “It’s quite alright. Care to tell us why?”

“W-well…you said that it would be the UA first years of 1-A at our venue, right?” Izumi asked,
Intelli nodding, “They’ve been through a lot. Several Villain attacks. Losing a fellow student.
Kidnappings. When I watched some of the footage you got me, their body-language suggested that
they were all very close. That they wouldn’t abandon each other, no matter what. So, I think it’ll be
too dangerous to go after them, even if we can isolate them in small groups. And also…I maybe…
don’t want to have to fight…against Kacchan….”

Intelli sighed, taking a sip of tea and closing her eyes, letting her quirk sift through the information
she’d just gained. After a moment, her eyes snapped open again.

“You heard our information-specialist, ladies! We’ll be abstaining from the UA culling this year!”
Intelli barked, making Izumi jump at the sudden shout.

“Yes, Intelli-sama!” The bus full of girls cried back.



Katsuki Bakugo stiffened at the shout, the rest of his class, as well as a class from Ketsubutsu
Academy that had been talking to them, turning to look at him as a tiny mess of green curls
launched itself into his neck.

“THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU FUCKING NERD?!” Bakugo screeched as he tried
to pry the tiny girl from his throat, the massive metal case, almost larger than her, swinging wildly
on her back throwing off his balance, “AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?”

“I got invited to take part in the Provisional License Exams!” Izumi said excitedly as she dropped
to the ground, smiling widely up at Katsuki as she adjusted the case, “Oh! And this is my gun case!
It has my pistol and my rifle in it! I call them Ha-chan and Mo-chan! Because they’re a handgun
and a modular sniper rifle that can be adjusted to suit a variety of scenarios and ammo types! Like
capture rounds, and paint rounds, and tracking rounds, and-.”

“Izumi-chan,” a soft voice called as a tall, lavender-haired young woman placed her hand gently on
Izumi’s head, making the girl snap her mouth shut and blush, “Don’t give all your secret’s away to
our opponents, okay?”

“Ah! Right! Sorry, Intelli-senpai!” The small girl bowed, making the over-sized case swing over
her shoulders and bump her on the back of the head, “Ow.”

“Hello,” a tall girl said as she walked over, her long black hair pulled up into a spiky ponytail
behind her head, bowing slightly “My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. I am 1-A’s Class President, it is
a pleasure to meet you.”

“Saiko Intelli, a second year of Seiai Girls Academy for Heroics. Likewise,” Intelli hummed as she
shook Yaoyorozu’s hand, the dark-haired girl looking down at Izumi with a slightly confused
expression. The much shorter girl was staring at her intently, Momo jumping slightly when Intelli
slapped her hand over the small girl’s mouth just as it opened, mumbling what sounded like a
series of numbers from behind the palm, “Don’t mind her. She gets nervous around new people.”

“Im sho showwy!” Yaoyorozu was able to make out from the now bright red girl as Intelli turned
the two of them away.

“Well, maybe we’ll see you inside, UA students!” Intelli called back as she led the heavily
blushing Izumi off, “Best of luck!”

The class stood silently for a moment, before Bakugo exploded. Figuratively and literally.



“This is Midoriya. Overwatch established. Targets approaching from sector D-4,”

“Copy that,” Intelli’s voice rung in Izumi’s ear through the earpiece, the sound so close it made her
lose focus for a second, “Proceeding with the plan.”

Izumi watched through the scope of Mo-chan, adjusting it slightly, as the group of five Provisional
License hopefuls ran through the cityscape.

“Sorry,” she whispered, pulling the trigger.

The crack rang out even as she reloaded, her eyes going hard as she focused on her next target, the
second shot already fired. Below her, two students stared at their feet in surprise, the quickly
expanding capture foam already hardening against the ground, trapping them. A wave of frost
washed over the small group as several of Izumi’s senior classmates darted out, quickly hitting the
targets with their balls, disqualifying the other students. A moment later, Intelli strolled out, tossing
a pair of pinky-sized canisters to the two trapped students, Izumi reading her lips as she spoke.

“These will counteract the chemical reaction of the capture foam, freeing you,” before she turned
towards Izumi’s hiding place with a sly smile, “And Izumi-chan, stop staring.”

The small girl started, blinking as she fought back a blush. Behind her, a dark shape moved,
creeping ever closer.

“GOT YOU!” a high-pitched voice screeched as the tiny purple clad boy in a ridiculous iron diaper
jumped into the air above her, strange balls grasped in each hand.

He didn’t get the chance to attack.

Without blinking, Izumi spun, sliding the handgun on her thigh out of its holster and hip firing two
quick shots into his head and crotch. The bright red paint splattered across his costume as he
toppled to the floor, twitching. Calmly, Izumi walked over and tapped one of her balls against his
targets, turning them all red.

“Thanks, Ha-chan. Seems I got myself a UA student,” she breathed, jumping when the sudden
cheers came through her earpiece, not realizing it had switched back on.

“Nice going girl!” “Well done!” “And you said we weren’t doing the UA culling this year! You
just wanted them all to yourself!”

“Enough, ladies,” Came Intelli’s stern voice, “We still have work to do if we’re all going to pass.”

“Yes, Intelli-sama/senpai!” they all said, Izumi unconsciously saluting before hurrying back to


The shout echoed across the open area as the Seiai Academy student was trapped in a corner by a
hulking brute of a man, who was somehow easily weathering the waves of frigid air she shot from
the nozzles on her gloves. His menacing grin was reflected in her visor as her eyes went wide,
quickly cutting off her attack.

“F-finally adm-mitting d-defeat, huh?” the boy shivered slightly as he took another step forward.

“No,” Mi-senpai replied simply, “You’ve already lost.”


The tiny green blur darted up his back, a foot slamming into the back of his head as she flipped off
of him, her steel soled shoes clashing loudly on the ground as she landed. The boy turned, staring
at the tiny girl that had just attacked him in shock, before letting a vicious snarl cross his face.

“Come get it, shrimp!” he yelled, his muscles swelling slightly as he stomped forwards, “I’ll make
you regret that!”

“Temporary attribute enhancement. Must alternate between strength, speed and durability. Unable
to activate more than one at a time,” the green-haired girl hummed, her expression blank as her
eyes seemed to dial in on him, “Commencing counterattack.”

“Wha-?” his words were cut off as the girl shot forwards, her small hands curled around a set of
carbon fiber brass knuckles as she punched him directly in the solar-plexus, forcing the breath from
his lungs. Her foot slammed into the inside of his knee, forcing him to the ground, before her fist
struck his temple, knocking him out instantly.

“You want this one, Mi-senpai?” Izumi asked as she stepped back from the unconscious boy,
letting him topple to the ground as she slipped her fist weapons into their holsters at her sides.

“No thank you, Izumi-chan. You were the one to take him out, he’s your prize,” the usually curt
girl replied, before shifting into a slightly vulnerable pose, “Though if you keep saving me like
this, I may end up falling for you.”

“I…uh…what?!” Izumi squeaked as Mi-senpai let out a quiet chuckle, raising her sleeved hand to
her visor.

“Mi-san, don’t tease Izumi-chan,” Intelli’s voice came through their earpieces, her tone stern, “She
won’t be able to focus otherwise.”

“Yes, Intelli-sama!” Mi-senpai said, before whispering to herself, “Though that’s only because you
want Izumi-chan all to yourself!”

“I HEARD THAT!” Intelli squawked.


“Simulated fractured hand. Minimal injury. Send to section 3.” Izumi barked as she looked over the
fake victim of the rescue portion of the exam, before smiling brightly at him, “You’ll be fine, just
go with this person and they’ll help you!”

“Good analysis of the injury, professional personality and good bedside manner. Excellent!” the
“Help Us Company” employee laughed as he was led away, making Izumi blush slightly before
she turned to her next “patient”.

The explosion shook the ground as the wall in the distance blasted open, hordes of men dressed in
tight black bodysuits with strange contraptions on their arms charging out as Gang Orca followed
calmly behind.

“Villain attack!” Izumi yelled, not even looking back as she quickly helped the victim to their feet,
“Fall back to secondary Medical Area!”

“You heard her!” the authoritative tone of Intelli barked over the cries of the other students, who
were looking around in surprise, “It’s back there! Behind that stabilized building! Use it as a shield
to protect the civilians!”

The group worked quickly, dragging or carrying any patients that couldn’t walk on their own,
Izumi helping direct them, as she was honestly too small to help move anyone who needed it. A
high-pitched wail filled the air, Izumi looking back and staring at the two students lying on the
ground in front of Gang Orca. One was from Shiketsu, the overly loud wind quirk user, and the
other was the fire and ice quirk user from UA. They were defenseless. And if her quirk told her
anything from their minimal body language, fighting with each other.

“Quit fighting!” she screamed as she skidded in front of them, tossing a small ball from one of her
pouches at Gang Orca, the pellet suddenly bursting into a flash of light and smoke that stunned the
Pro Hero for a moment, “We are here to be Heroes! Not squabble like children!”

The two stared at her in astonishment as she dodged around the attacks of several of the goons,
easily dispatching them with a single kick or punch with her brass knuckles. She even managed to
turn one of their own weapons against them, peppering them with the quick-drying capture cement,
before running straight at Gang Orca.

“Huh, little Hero,” the scary looking Pro growled, “You think you can take me on?”

“Don’t have to think,” Izumi responded plainly, her expression going blank as her eyes focused,
darting across the space between them with unnerving speed, “Know.”

The two collapsed students could only blink as she attacked the much larger Pro Hero ferociously,
actually managing to force him back a step as her steel soled shoes and brass knuckles dug into his
flesh. She ducked under a ball of capture cement as it flew over her head, smacking directly into
Gang Orca’s face, making him stumble back, trying to get the hardening substance off his face
before it dried completely.

He didn’t get the chance.

His body twitched as Izumi activated the tazer function of her brass knuckles, slamming her fist
directly into the center of his chest as hard as she could and actually managing to send the Pro
flying back to collapse, unconscious, on the ground.

“Exam's over, last of the civilians have been secured. I can finally go sleep,” the tired voice of the
exam invigilator came through the speakers, the students all looking up as they sighed in relief.
The false victims all stood, nodding to each other as they walked easily out of the stadium, no
longer pretending to be hurt.

Izumi ran over to Gang Orca, desperately trying to pull the already hardened capture cement off his
face so he could breath.

“Hey kid, relax!” One of the goons said as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes, the man
pulling off his mask to reveal a smiling face, “He can breathe through his blowhole. We’ll get the
cement off him ourselves. Good job!”

Izumi nodded as she got shakily to her feet, relieved that she hadn’t accidentally suffocated a Pro
Hero. Suddenly, a soft hand rested on her shoulder, the girl stiffening slightly, until she looked up
and saw a widely smiling Intelli above her.

“You were amazing, Izumi-chan!” the lavender-haired beauty laughed, No, bad Izumi! Focus!
“Just remind me never to become a Villain, otherwise I may have to face off against you!”

“You would never be Villain, Intelli-senpai!” Izumi gasped, shocked by Intelli’s words, “I know
what I said before, but you’re so much more now! You’re a Hero!”

“As are you, Izumi-chan,” Intelli chuckled, blushing slightly as she petted the girl’s head, Izumi
purring as she leaned into the touch, “Now come. Let us go rest while we wait for the results.”

“Yesh, Intewwi-shempai,” the girl murmured cutely as she followed the taller woman away, head
still pressed affectionately against the hand.

Still lying on the ground, Shoto Todoroki turned his head weakly to follow the small green-haired
girl away, a strange feeling in his chest. And a burning blush on his face.


“We did it!” Izumi breathed as she stared down at her Provisional License card, the picture of her
looking like she was seconds from bursting into tears, “Intelli-senpai! We did it! I have to tell my

“We all did,” Intelli laughed softly as she stood alone with Izumi, the older girl having led the two
of them away from the rest of the group, around a corner of the building, “And it was all because
of you.”

“I-I-I-I!” Izumi stuttered, her face turning bright red as she looked up at Intelli, tears already
dripping from her eyes, “I don’t desherve that, Intelli-shempai! I jush did wah I cud!”

“Well, if you won’t accept my compliment, then I have another reward for you,” Intelli said softly,
her cheeks flushing slightly, “Close your eyes.”

“O-okay,” Izumi shut her eyes tightly at the words, stiffening when she felt the soft hands touch
her chin.

Suddenly, she was in bliss. Something soft pressed against her lips and the smell of Intelli-senpai
filled her nose and mind. A moment later, the sensation vanished, Izumi opening her eyes slowly to
see a heavily blushing Saiko Intelli just inches from her face. Izumi felt her eyes roll back in her
head as she was overcome by happiness. Her body collapsed into Intelli’s arms as the older girl
grabbed her, calling out Izumi’s name in a worried tone.

Peeking out from behind the nearby wall, the rest of the Seiai Academy girls all turned and
chuckled softly to each other.

“Maybe we should all give Izumi-chan a reward like that?” Mi-senpai hummed, “It seemed to
make her happy.”

“Only if we want to actually kill her!” Another of the girls laughed.

“How does that girl still not know she’s a lesbian?” a third sighed.

“I don’t think she even knows what a lesbian is!” Mi-senpai chuckled.


Leaning against the wall and clutching his chest tightly, was Shoto Todoroki. Sweat dripped down
his forehead as he stared ahead, the aching in his chest all but unbearable. His failure on the
Provisional License Exam completely forgotten. Why was he feeling like this? Why was he so
concerned with the small green-haired girl that had known Bakugo?

Why did it hurt so much to see her kiss someone else?

Chapter End Notes

Poor Shoto, it seems like he just has to fall in love with a certain smol green-bean
sunshine child, no matter the scenario.

Did I need to set up his tortured feelings like this? Absolutely not!
Did I ask myself "Why are you doing this to the candy cane boy? It's totally
unnecessary!"? Yes.
Do I regret it? Absolutely not!
Am I a sucker for writing fluffy things with a good dash of angst? Didn't you just read
the above story?

So yeah, my Izumi is terrifying in combat, because the idea of this 4'8" mess of green
hair and gayness that constantly cries and embarrasses herself as a deadly and efficient
machine on the battlefield makes me happy.

And yes, I did make her shorter (a lot shorter) than Kimori (1-B's mushroom girl), and
had her name her guns because reasons and cuteness.

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

What if Izuku was the victim of a different "Villain" attack earlier than the sludge
What if he got a quirk from that encounter?
What if that quirk was arguably just as powerful as OfA?
But what if that quirk was...darker?


Chapter Notes

Fuck it! Multiple chapters in one day! Because I apparently have no concern for my
sanity or University work (That being said, my Uni is currently temporarily closed
down due to a Corona virus scare. Don't worry, I'm fine! And you stay safe as well,
peeps! Wash your hands and don't panic!)

This is partially inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade (Table top version). God it's
been ages since I've played.

I literally just wrote like 2000 words in an hour to finish this thing. So if there are any
glaring problems, let me know and I'll fix them. Why can't I do this with my
assignments? My brain tired now.

This AWI has a fic!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Izuku Midoriya hung limply in the man’s arms as he sucked on his neck.

He’d been walking home at night from picking up some groceries for his mom when he’d heard
groaning coming from a side alley. Before he knew it, he’d rushed up to the strangely dressed man
who was clutching his stomach.

“A-are you okay?” he’d asked, kneeling beside him as he’d whispered something.


“I have some food here, if you need it,”

“No…need…BLOOD!” he shouted as he’d stared into Izuku’s eyes, a calmness overtaking the
green-haired teen’s mind.

Then it had happened. The man had grabbed him, sinking his fangs into Izuku’s neck, sucking out
the blood hungrily as if his life depended on it. After a while, darkness began to encroach on
Izuku’s vision, the world fading out as he had a final thought.
At least I helped someone.


Izuku started awake in the hospital bed, his mother all but screaming as he came to, immediately
jumping on him and hugging him as she sobbed.

“Izuku! My baby! You’re awake!”

“Hey mom, what happened?”

“S-someone found you in an alleyway! They think it was a villain attack! You were covered in
blood and barely breathing!” she sobbed, clinging to him even tighter, “I don’t know what I would
do without you!”

“I’m okay now, mom,” the boy sighed, gently patting her head. Normally he would have burst into
tears along with her, but he felt strangely calm.

“Mrs. Midoriya?” an unfamiliar voice asked, the doctor stepping into the room, “Now that Izuku is
awake, there’s something we need to discuss with you.”

“Y-yes?” his mother stammered through her tears, “What is it?”

“Your son, he’s registered as quirkless, correct?”


“Well, that seems to have changed, ma’am,” the doctor continued, checking his clipboard, “All the
tests we’ve run seem to indicate that your son has a quirk.”

Inko looked at her son in confusion, the pale teen going paler as he stared at the doctor in shock.

“I…I have a quirk?”



That was the name of his quirk. It had been registered before, so it was surprisingly easy for them
to identify it, but it still felt strange to Izuku to suddenly have a quirk. His stomach growled, despite
having had a large lunch. Ever since he had recovered, he’d been hungry, hungrier than he’d ever
felt before. A cloying hunger that never left him, no matter how much he ate.

The woman walked by him on the otherwise empty street, a sweet scent drifting to his nose. He
stopped, glancing behind him at her retreating form, his mind and heart racing as he heard his heart
beating in his ears.


The singular word echoed through his mind as he turned, walking slightly faster to catch up to the
woman. His mouth began to salivate, his canines feeling too large for his mouth as he opened it,
exposing his fangs. His mouth reached for her neck. Yearned for it. Coming ever closer.

He slammed into her back, slapping a hand over his mouth as he stumbled past, muttering an
apology to the surprised woman as he darted into an alley. Gasping for air, he leant against the
wall, catching her looking at him for a moment, before walking on.
“You did well to resist the urge, young one,” a strangely familiar voice said above him, Izuku
looking up as the cloaked figure dropped from the fire escape, “I must apologize for what has
happened to you.”

“What do you mean apologize?” Izuku mumbled through his fangs, confused, “Who…who are

“I mean what I mean,” the man said cryptically, “And as for who I am. I am your Sire.”


“Drink,” the man said as he handed Izuku a glass of what looked like thick juice, “Please.”

Izuku took a sip, eyes going wide as the liquid hit his tongue. It was divine. He gulped hungrily at
the liquid, almost choking as he did.

“Calm yourself, young one,” the man chuckled, waving a hand theatrically, “I shall not take it from
you. Do you feel better?”

“Y-yes, thank you,” Izuku sighed, looking around the dark apartment, lit by only a few candles and
the windows covered by blackout curtains, yet the boy could still easily see.

“Not what I meant,” the man replied, “Has the hunger left you?”

“I…” Izuku started, swallowing as he realized that for the first time in over a week, he felt full,

“Excellent, then we have little more to worry about in the near future,” the man sighed, “Again, I
must apologize for doing this to you. I had no intention, but you found me in a moment of, for lack
of a better word, weakness. I truly apologize.”

“I still have no idea what you’re apologizing for, though,” Izuku said slowly, eyeing the liquid that
was pooling in the bottom of the glass.

“For turning you into…this,” the man waved his hand again, indicating both of them, “A monster,
if you will.”

“I-I’m a monster?”

“At least according to the, for lack of a better word, fairytales, we are,” the man chuckled again,
suddenly going solemn, “Do you understand what happened that night, young one?”

“That night? The night I was attacked?” Izuku asked as the man flinched slightly.

“Yes,” he said quietly, “The night I turned you.”

“You see,” he said, getting up from his chair and walking around the room, “I was born with a
particular quirk, one which saw me become vulnerable to sunlight, grow fangs, and crave blood.
Vampirism, they called it, after that age-old myth. Though they had no idea how right they were.”

“A-and now I have it?” Izuku asked quietly, still confused by what the man was saying.

“That you do,” he sighed, “Though I had no idea it could be passed on. When I saw what I had
done, I panicked, and fed you some of my own blood. I believe this is what caused you to turn. The
doctors spoke of something attacking your unawakened quirk factor, causing it to react and, for
lack of a better word, awaken.”
“So, I’m a vampire now?”

“In essence; though you do not seem to share my vulnerability to sunlight.”

“D-do I have to drink blood?”

“You tell me,” the man said, pointing at the glass, “Did that not make you feel better?”

Izuku dropped the glass hurriedly, almost gagging as he realized what he’d drunk.

shrieked, climbing onto the chair trying to get further away from the cup.

“Relax, it was from my butcher, pigs’ blood,” the man chuckled, seemingly pleased with Izuku’s
reaction, “It does little to strengthen us, but does slake the, for lack of a better word, thirst.”

“You say that a lot, you know?” Izuku muttered, scowling at the shadowy figure.

“Say what?”


Izuku grimaced as he looked at the glass sitting on his desk, his stomach rumbling.

It had been over nine months since his Sire, the man had never told Izuku his real name, had found
him. Had helped him come to terms with what was happening to him. At least partially.

The green-haired boy pinched his nose as he grabbed the glass, throwing his head bag as he
chugged the blood down as quickly as possible, trying to get as little on his tongue as he could. The
aftertaste sat in his mouth, strangely gentle and filling, making Izuku shudder at the thought.

At least he hadn’t had any more episodes like he had with the woman.

Izuku looked at himself in the full-length mirror in his room, pulling his shirt over his head. Over
the nine months, his body had changed, his complexion growing even paler than it had been
before, making his freckles stand out starkly on his near white skin, which had grown cold to the
touch. Sunlight didn’t bother him much more than it used to, just as his Sire had said, but it did
start to hurt his eyes, which had become able to see in all but the darkest of environments. Other
changes had occurred as well, his once skinny body had filled out, strong muscles forming with
little effort as he felt himself growing stronger by the day, and his reactions had sped up as well. At
the very least he had kept his green eyes, he didn’t know what he would have done had they turned
red or some other color.

“Admiring yourself?” the familiar voice asked from behind him.

“You have got to tell me how you do that,” Izuku sighed, already used to his Sire appearing from

“In the future, for now we must keep testing the limit of the powers you have available to you

“Yes, Sire,” Izuku sighed.

“Let us go over what we know already, young one,” the man ignored the sigh, “You are able to
temporarily enhance your strength, speed and sense by burning off the energy gained by
consuming blood. And you can heal your wounds by doing the same. Your sight has improved
vastly, as has your night vision. And you are unaffected by sunlight, a, for lack of a better word,

“Yes, Sire,” Izuku replied as he sat on his bed, looking at the cloaked figure.

“Good, then you are ready.”

“Ready for what?” Izuku asked.

“The UA entrance exam.”


Why am I here, why am I here, why am I here? Izuku thought as he sat beside Kacchan, the blonde
scowling at the main stage as Present Mic explained the exam to them.

“Shut the fuck up, fucking Deku,” the blonde growled quietly beside him, “If you don’t want to be
here then fucking leave!”

Izuku flinched at the words. It was true that he had always wanted to go to UA, to become a hero,
but he’d all but forgotten about it over the last few months while training with his Sire. For the
man to have suddenly sprung it on him as he had, it had given Izuku a mild panic attack.

“And you! The one mumbling in the back! Please stop, you are disturbing the other students!” the
shout echoed around the room, Izuku sitting bolt upright as he realized it was aimed at him.


The shouter nodded his head curtly, before sitting down again, allowing Present Mic to continue
his explanation.

“Great work, Deku,” Bakugo chuckled, “Already making a fool of yourself.”


“START!” the students looked around dumbly as Present Mic shouted from a top his observation
deck, “What are you waiting for? There are no countdowns in real life!”

The mass of students surged into the faux city, descending on the packs of robots that emerged
from around corners and down alleys.

Izuku panted in the hot sun as he ran, it may not burn him like it did his Sire, but it still made him
feel at least a little uncomfortable. Suddenly, a two-pointer lunged at him, the green-haired boy
easily dodging to the side and smacking it in the face, crushing the robot’s camera, the metal
construct powering down. That was something else his Sire had taught him, strike for the vitals.
He only had a limited supply of blood, which he’d drunk just before the test had started, and he had
to use it smartly.

Several more robots fell to his precision strikes as the test wore on, the young man building his
points slowly but steadily. He was so focused on the other robots that he almost lost his balance as
the entire faux city began to shake. Looking up as a massive shadow loomed over them, he gasped
at the huge robot.

“And there’s the Zero-pointer!” he heard Present Mic cry out excitedly, “Try to avoid it, kiddos!”

“Ow!” the second shout drew his attention, his eyes focusing on the brunette lying on the ground,
her ankle trapped beneath a pile of rubble. The other students were running past him, away from
the monstrous robot.

“Are you okay?” He asked as he landed beside her, feeling his supply of blood dwindling, “Hold

He channeled some of his energy into his arms, groaning as he felt the rubble shift slightly, the girl
whimpering under him. Looking up, he saw the massive tread of the iron behemoth slowly making
its way towards them, steadily getting closer even as he struggled to lift the concrete.

Fuck, he thought as he turned back to the girl, her face pale, I’m sorry, Sire.

He channeled the last of his blood energy into his arms, giving a grunt as he hefted the weight off
the girl’s leg. Leaning down to pick her up, he felt the world starting to wobble as he fell to his
knees. This was it. What his Sire had warned him about. Using too much blood would leave him
weak and defenseless, and now he’d dragged this girl into it as well.

“Are you okay?” he heard someone ask, their voice far away.

“Blood…I’m out of blood,” Izuku managed to mumble, looking up at the brown eyes that were
staring at him.

“Then…then use mine!”

The smell reached his nose, sweet, succulent, emanating from the arm that was being held out in
front of him. Unable to think clearly, he opened his mouth, his fangs exposed as he sunk them into
the soft flesh, blood flowing into his mouth. He swallowed.


Ochako winced as the green-haired sunk his fangs into her arm. She didn’t know why she’d
offered it, but the moment she’d looked into his eyes she’d felt a sense of calm wash over her. The
bite didn’t even hurt that much.

She could hear several other examines shouting at her, at them, but she ignored it, watching the
boy suck greedily on her arm. It felt…nice.


Izuku shivered. He’d never tasted anything like this before. It was like a thousand volts of
electricity were running down his throat and into his stomach all at once. He took another gulp, his
foggy mind clearing as he heard a faint gasp. Looking up, he saw the girl watching him in
fascination, her face slightly pale.

Shit, did I take too much? He wondered, forcing himself to pull back, a look of disappointment
flashing across the girl’s face.

“S-sorry,” he managed to mumble even as his mind tried to process the sheer amount of energy he
now had, “I’ll take care of this.”

He was calm. Calmer than he’d ever felt. Even with the girl’s blood boiling in his stomach. He
jumped. Higher than he ever had before. It felt like he was flying as he raised up an arm, drawing
the limb back for a moment, pumping more energy than he ever had into it as the face of the metal
giant drew ever closer.
The metal crumpled under his fist; the beast being thrown back as he felt his bones shatter. The
pain didn’t matter to him right now, he still had plenty of blood, siphoning off a portion to start
healing his arm. He hung in the air for a moment, enjoying the cool breeze as he slowly descended.

The sound of murmuring caught his ears as he drew closer to the ground, the other students all
staring at him.

“TIME’S UP!” Mic’s voice echoed over the exam area, startling all the other examinees, Izuku
simply looking around slowly, his eyes falling back on the brunette as she stared at him in wonder.

I wonder what her name is? He thought as he felt something strike the back of his head, the world
going black.


Izuku sipped from the glass, rolling the blood around in his mouth as he sat opposite his Sire.
While it satisfied his thirst, it tasted bland. Not like the brunette girl’s blood had at all.

“So, you drank the blood of another human?” his Sire eventually spoke, his voice serious.

“Yes, Sire,”

“I knew it would happen eventually, just not this, for lack of a better word, quickly.”

Izuku’s eye twitched at his Sire’s verbal tick. He’d figured he would get used to it eventually, but it
was still annoying.

“I suppose you will want to know what the effects of drinking human blood are, correct?” The
cloaked man sighed.

“Effects?” Izuku asked, worry entering his voice, “What effects?”

“A number of things. Firstly, and I’m sure you’ve noticed this already, animal blood is far less, for
lack of a better word, palatable, correct?”

Izuku nodded, looking down at the sheep’s blood in his glass. It had a pleasant gamey taste to it,
but it wasn’t as nice as he’d hoped.

“This is because we crave human blood above all else. Because it strengthens us. Grants us

“Powers?” Izuku mumbled, starting as his Sire suddenly vanished, a cloud of mist swirling around
the green-haired vampire.

“Such as this,” his Sire’s voice echoed all around him, before the man reformed from the mist,
“There are at least five abilities one may gain. Or at least, that is how many I have acquired.”

“S-so you’ve drunk from five people?”

“No, more,” his Sire sighed, looking away, “Back when I was less…in control.”

The lack of his Sire’s verbal tick hit Izuku, the sadness in the man’s voice apparent.

“So, what abilities do you have?”

“Mist form, shadow step, blood control, feral form, and shade armor,” the man explained slowly,
“At least, that is what I call them. What I just demonstrated was mist form.”

Izuku nodded, pulling out one of his notebooks and taking note.

“You will almost certainly gain similar powers, being my, for lack of a better word, child,” he said,
“But that doesn’t necessarily mean they will be identical. This girl you drank from, try to
remember her face. Her smell. Her taste.”

Izuku nodded, closing his eyes. He found he could vividly picture the girl in his mind, like her face
had been branded into his mind, the smell of her blood, it’s sweet, airy taste on his tongue. The
blood inside him boiled, suddenly diminishing as he gasped, eyes snapping open. He fell a few feet,
landing heavily on the old sofa he’d been sitting on.

“Hmm, interesting,” his Sire hummed, watching him closely.

“W-what happened? Why’d I fall?”

“You were flying. Or at least floating. Tell, what was the girl’s quirk?”

“Some kind of anti-gravity power, she could make the things she touches float.”

“Hmm, interesting,” his Sire said quietly, before turning to look at Izuku again, “That is all for
tonight. Go get some rest, you start at UA soon, do you not?”


“So, what exactly is your quirk, Midoriya? Kero,” the green-haired frog girl beside him asked

“I’m basically a vampire,” Izuku replied, quickly rattling off a list before further questions could be
asked, “Except I can walk in the sun. And no, I’m not vulnerable to garlic or holy symbols.
Running water doesn’t affect me in any noticeable way. Silver does give me a rash though. And
I’m pretty sure a stake to the heart would kill anyone. No idea about holy water, haven’t tested it

“A fellow emissary of darkness,” the raven headed boy said quietly.

“Oh wow, that’s pretty cool!” the red-haired boy sitting opposite him laughed, “All I’ve got is this
hardening quirk. It’s pretty plain.”

“No,” Izuku chuckled, “I think it’s cool. A good quirk for a hero.”

“Thanks man,” the red head laughed.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Bakugo spat from his seat near the back, “STUPID DEKU DIDN’T

“Is that true?” a girl with earphone jacks hanging from her earlobes asked, “How’s that work?”

“I had to die,” Izuku deadpanned, chuckling when the class stared at him in shock, “At least I think
I did.”

“FEH, CAN’T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT, CAN YOU, NERD?” Bakugo countered, glaring at

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” the green-haired teen shot back, grinning widely at the blond,
exposing his fangs.



Izuku felt the blood inside him boil as the villains turned away, their faces going slack as he
collapsed onto the boat.

“Midriya, are you okay? Kero,” Tsuyu asked him, placing a hand on his back.

“Yeah, used too much blood on that one,” he gasped, feeling her pull his arm around her shoulders.

“Come on, you dealt with the villains, let’s get somewhere safe, kero.”


The world was swimming for Izuku as the man’s hand closed over Tsuyu’s face, the image of her
crumbling before him flashing through his mind. He reacted.

Blood filled his mouth, it’s taste dry and harsh as he heard someone cry out, wrenching the limb
from his jaws with surprising strength. The feeling of power rushed through him, though it was
hardly enough to do much. He slammed a fist into the man’s chest, driving him back.

“Midoriya!” Tsuyu cried out as the teen collapsed back into the water, the little blood he’d gotten
already used up.

“N-need more…” he managed to splutter, looking up at the frog girl, her black eyes going soft as
she looked back down at him.

“Then use mine, kero,” she said, pulling her sleeve up and presenting her arm.

“The fuck is this kinky crap you’re doing?” he heard Mineta screech as he bit down into her soft
flesh, the taste of her blood washing the villain’s out of his mouth. It was a sharp, slightly bitter
taste, almost like herbal tea. He could feel his strength returning, boiling up inside him as he drank

“Nomu. Kill them!”

The beast was on them in a second, it’s fist slamming into the water a moment later. Izuku watched
as the waves splashed against the edge of the pool, landing deftly behind the creature, dropping
both Tsuyu and Mineta to the floor.

“The fuck?” he heard the hand covered villain say, “You can fly?”

He had no time to react, as the nomu was on him again, raising its massive fist to crush him.
Without thinking, Izuku threw up his hand, the image of Tsuyu rushing to his mind. He felt the
blood boil inside him, gathering on his palm, building as the beast’s fist began its strangely slow
descent. The blade erupted from his palm, piercing the creature straight through the skull. It gave a
strange wailing groan, before Izuku pushed more blood into the blade, crimson spikes erupting out
of the nomu’s head, the monstrosity’s arms falling lax beside it.

“What?” the villain gasped, “You…you KILLED IT?!”

“Guess I’m the bigger monster,” Izuku chuckled, letting the blood blade splash onto the floor,
mixing with the creature’s own dark ichor, “Scared yet?”
“Kurogiri!” the man shrieked, “Get us out of here!”

The black mist enveloped the man as he glared at Izuku.

“I’ll kill you; you hear me! I’ll kill you for ruining my plan!”

“I’m not sure if you can!” Izuku shouted back as the man vanished.


“Blood drunk?” Izuku asked as his sire poured him another glass.

“Yes,” the man said plainly, “Drinking too much blood at once can make you blood drunk. You
become more powerful, more confident, but let it overwhelm you and you become, for lack of a
better word, sloppy.”


Izuku had just finished recounting what had happened at the USJ to his Sire, the man listening
intently, no emotion showing on his face.

“But that is fine for now,” he sighed, sitting back in his chair, “You have acquired a second power,
blood control, or at least something like it.”

“Third power,” Izuku corrected, drawing a raised eyebrow form his Sire, “I drank the blood of the
disintegration guy as well.”

“And what did he give you?”

“This,” Izuku held up his hand, the limb crumbling suddenly, a cloud of ash flying around the
room before regathering into his arm, “Though I can only do one hand at the moment.”

“Hmm, similar to mist form, we shall call it ash form,” his Sire mused, rubbing his chin, “Very

“Isn’t it dangerous though?” Izuku asked worriedly, “Won’t I have to drink his blood again to
make the power stronger?”

“Not necessarily,” his sire laughed, “Any and all blood you drink will enhance your abilities
slowly over time, though drinking the blood of those whom granted you your gifts will most
definitely enhance those more quickly.”

“Are you telling me to drink the blood of my classmates?”

“Only if they consent,” the man said sternly, “Only if they consent.”


“S-so that’s how it is,”

Izuku was sitting in the dorm common room with the rest of his class, minus Bakugo, who’d
already gone to bed, all of whom were staring at him in shock.

“You want to drink our blood?!” Kaminari gasped, “Dude!”

“N-no! Not really! It’s just the easiest way for me to get stronger faster!” Izuku stuttered as he
spoke, “And it’s not like I have to bite you! Just getting some blood drawn by Recovery Girl would
be enough!”

“Still weird, though,” Jirou sighed from the couch, turning to Ochako and Tsuyu “What about you
two? He’s already had a taste, so what do you say?”

“I’m okay with it,” Ochako said, almost too quickly.

“Same, kero,” Tsuyu added.

“Aaargh! He’s already got his vampiric charms on those two!” Mineta growled loudly, gritting his
teeth, “No fair!”

“I don’t think so,” Izuku spluttered as the rest of the class glared at him again, “Really, it’s not like
it’s on purpose!”


“What did it feel like?” Yaoyorozu suddenly asked the two girls after the rest of the class had left
the common room.

“Pleasant, kero.”

“Y-yeah, it didn’t really hurt all that much,” Ochako nodded.

“I still don’t like this,” Momo sighed, shaking her head, “If you feel like he’s forcing you to do this
in any way, you report it immediately, okay?”



Ochako watched as Izuku just stared at her, her arm extended out in front of him. They were sitting
on the roof, where Izuku usually ate his lunch, claiming the cafeteria was too crowded for him.

“What?” the green-haired boy asked.

“Y-you haven’t had any blood yet today, r-right?” she stuttered, “You can have s-some of mine.”

She watched as he eyed her arm hungrily for a moment, before dragging his gaze away.

“Sorry, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said quietly, “I don’t want to make you ill for
afternoon classes.”

“It’s okay! You won’t take too much! I trust you!” Ochako blurted out, her face flushing as she

“Are…are you sure?” Izuku asked again, the girl nodding enthusiastically, “Okay then.”

He gazed into her eyes for a moment, the same sense of calm she’d felt during the entrance exam
washing over her as he lowered his mouth to her arm. There was a slight prick, then the sound of
Izuku swallowing, a sense of pleasure running up Ochako’s arm as he drank. She watched,
transfixed as he sucked out her blood, his gulps becoming quicker as she began to feel lightheaded.

“That’s enough!” he said, pulling back suddenly, almost as though he was telling himself instead of
her. She felt almost bad that he’d stopped, the pleasant feeling fading almost as quickly as it had

“Oh,” a voice called out, startling them both, “I was too late, kero?”


“What do I do, Sire?” he asked the cloaked man standing in his dorm room, the brightly colored
visitor’s tag hanging from his neck looking comical against the deep black cloak, “They keep
asking me to drink their blood!”

“It is strange,” the man sighed, sitting on his desk chair, “This has never happened to me before,

“Do you think it’s another variation? Like my Daywalker ability?” Izuku asked, genuinely worried.

“No,” the man chuckled, “Your influence is no stronger than mine. I simply believe you have left
an impression on these two girls. Perhaps they like you?”

“M-me?!” Izuku spluttered, almost falling off his bed, “WHY?!”

“Well, you did save both of them,” the man laughed, shifting slightly beneath the cloak, “Calm
yourself, young one. Is this truly so bad? You have two individuals who are willing to help you,
despite the consequences.”

“But I could hurt them,” Izuku muttered, looking away.

“And it is that gentleness that has served you so well,” his Sire sighed, shifting again.

“But if they do like me…” Izuku trailed off, “What do I do?”

Chapter End Notes

I am, in fact, planning on turning this into a full fic that will expand on the ideas I've
written here. At some point. Hopefully in the near future. Though I'll have to figure
out a schedule with writing my other fic as well before then, so it may take a while.

In the mean time, feel free to suggest powers, and sources for those powers, in the

Currently confirmed powers:

Flight: Ochako Uraraka
Blood Manipulation: Tsuyu Asui
Ash Form (Hand only): Crusty boi (Shigaraki)
****** ******: ******** *********
********: ***** ****

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

Oh hey, a chapter about my (and apparently the general internet's) mild obsession with
giving a certain green-bean fire arms.

Chapter Notes

This is a one-shot. That means ONE. CHAPTER. I do not have the time or energy
right now to churn out another ficlet. This is sort of meant to be part of canon/post-
canon anyway.

I mean, it makes sense that they would have gun safety lessons at some point, so why
not give them the full training?!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“1 minute 28 seconds,” Snipe drawled as he clicked the stopwatch, “Not bad for a first time,
Midoriya. Not bad at all.”

The rest of the class stared at the green-haired boy as he thanked the Pro Hero, bowing slightly. On
the table in front of him sat a gun. A pistol to be exact. One that the entire class had just watched
their usually stuttering second year classmate break down and reassemble almost perfectly in just
under a minute and a half with a single-minded focus they usually only saw when he was obsessing
over Heroes and quirks. 2-A and 2-B of UA's Hero course were in the mandatory gun safety and
use class that the second year students had to take, and Snipe had asked if anyone knew how to
break down a gun. To everyone’s surprise, Izuku had raised his hand.

“Thank you, Snipe-sensei,” Izuku blushed, “It was actually a lot fiddlier than I expected it to be.
Though that’s probably because of my hands.”

“Midoriya,” Hitosho Shinso called from the back of the class, “What the fuck?”

“I was just doing what I saw on the HeroTube tutorial videos I watched in preparation for this
class!” Izuku spluttered as he stepped back, his entire head going red, “That’s the only reason I
knew how to do it!”

“Well, little pard’ner,” Snipe chuckled as he patted Izuku on the shoulder, “If you got this good just
from a few videos, I can’t wait to see how you do in the range!”

Neither could the rest of his class.


“Welcome to the UA firin’ range, kids!” Snipe called as class 2-A walked into the long building,
looking around at the various weapons and firearms set up around the foyer like it was a museum,
“This here is my neck o’ the woods, and I expect you to follow the rules and regulations I went
over with y’all in class the other day. Other than that, I only got a few very important personal

1. You WILL practice proper gun safety at all times!

2. You will NOT point your weapons, loaded or otherwise, at another individual while in these
3. My word is law. I say something, you do it. No questions. No talk back. And lastly,
4. You get one chance. Break a rule, you’ll get a warning. Break another rule, you’re out.
Failed. The end. Understood?”

“Yes Snipe-sensei!” the class called as he continued to guide them through the large building,
showing them the various ranges, both indoor and outdoor, and explaining what each was for.
After about an hour, Snipe led them back to one of the first ranges he’d showed them, inviting
them inside and telling them to each take a booth.

“Now, normally I wouldn’t be handing a bunch o’ irons to kids like you on your first day in the
range, but I figured we might as well step up the pace a little,” Snipe hummed, eyes flicking to
Izuku under his mask as he pressed a button on the wall, the surface in front of each student
flipping over to reveal a hand gun, “Remember! No foolin’ around! Now put on your ear and eye
protection and get ready to get shootin’!”


The rest of the small class watched Izuku in amazement.

It felt like they’d been doing that a lot lately. Especially since the majority of their Hero classes for
the past five months had been taking place at the firing range. He was currently emptying yet
another clip of handgun ammo into a set of moving targets, the little indicators above them
consistently flashing with each hit like twinkling Christmas lights. His eyes burned with a focus
and determination that actually made some of his classmates’ shudder slightly.

“Next!” he barked, Snipe-sensei tossing an ammo clip into the air above Izuku, far too high for the
short green-haired boy to reach with his hands. He didn’t even bother.

Instead, a snaking tendril of Black Whip lashed out from his knuckle, darting into the air even as
he was still firing the pistol, wrapping around the clip and yanking it down. In a single smooth
motion, the now empty clip slid out of the gun and the new one was slammed in place, Midoriya
not even taking either of his hands off the weapon. There was barely a pause between the last bullet
of the old clip being fired and the first of the new clip being chambered.

“Halt!” Snipe shouted as the final bullet was fired, Izuku blinking for a moment, before placing the
gun down carefully and pulling the heavy-duty ear mufflers off, turning to the gun-toting Pro Hero
as he spoke, “Good going kid, consistent 94% hit rate on one hundred shots fired consecutively. Up
from last week.”

“Thank you, sensei,” Izuku bowed, grinning to himself.

“Alright you lot!” Snipe shouted again as he turned to the rest of the class, “Yaoyorozu, you’re
next! Same test. One hundred shots fired at a constant pace, go for consistently hitting the targets
rather than hitting them dead center! You’ll be using your quirk to produce your own ammo; you
remember how to do it?”

“Yes sensei!” Momo answered as she stepped up, glancing back at the seven other of her
classmates that had yet to be failed, Izuku rubbing the back of his head nervously as Uraraka,
Todoroki, Sero and Ojiro complimented him, Shoji and Tokoyami standing quietly to the side. The
rest of the class was standing further back with bright orange vests on, only allowed to observe.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled the chemical compounds and structures that made up a completed
clip into the front of her mind, a patch of skin on her forearm already starting to glow even as she
picked up her own handgun and took aim.


“You want to give him a gun?!” Toshinori spluttered as Aizawa and Nedzu stared blankly at Snipe,
the cowboy-themed Pro Hero and teacher simply nodding.

“Boy’s got a real talent! ‘Specially with that quirk o’ his!” he chuckled, unfurling a target sheet and
dropping a clump of compacted bullets on the Principal’s desk, “What d’you notice ‘bout these?”

“The paper target only has one hole,” Aizawa grumbled as he inspected the two objects, “No idea
about the bullets, though.”

“These’re both from the same test. Midoriya was able to use the strength portion o’ his quirk to
reduce his recoil to literally zero,” Snipe laughed at the shocked looks from the three men, “Not to
mention he has great situational awareness, and can use Black Whip to reload without ceasing fire.
An’ he’s already memorized the gun laws for pretty much every country on the planet. I want him
to seriously consider adding a firearm to his Hero costume as an extra support item.”

Snipe then leaned forwards onto the desk, his voice lowering slightly.

“Also, I want to invite an ol’ friend around. Show these kids just what a gun can really be used for.”

“I agree!” Nedzu cackled in his high-pitched voice before the other two could answer, “If it’s who
I think it is, then most definitely! In fact, let’s make it a demonstration for both of the Hero


“Alrighty kids, today we got ourselves a guest lecturer!” Snipe called as he led both classes 2-A
and 2-B into one of the numerous training dojos dotted all across UA’s property, “He’s an old
friend of mine from America. A retired Pro who went by the name of Wick.”

“You mean the infamous underground hero who almost exclusively used guns and gun-based
fighting styles?” Izuku gasped, producing one of his collection of notebooks from…somewhere,
flipping through the pages to show off an entry.

“That’s very detailed,” a soft voice said from right behind him, the rest of the students spinning to
look at the unassuming man standing beside Izuku, his hand reaching over the green-haired boy’s
shoulder and taking the book, “I don’t think I’ve seen this much information about me in one
place…well, ever, really.”

“Come now, pard’ner, there’s no need to scare the kids!” Snipe laughed as the man walked around
the startled group of students, his shoulder length black hair swaying slightly as he moved.

There was no way to describe the man other than that he looked like a tidier version of Aizawa-
sensei. Trimmed and neat shoulder length black hair, a slightly scruffy beard, and tired eyes sat on
a face that was half apathetic expression, half coiled snake. He was dressed in a fitted black suit,
his dress shoes not making a single noise as he stepped across the hardwood floors of the dojo.
Even with how unassuming he looked, there was still an air of danger around him, which made all
the students shudder slightly.

“Shall we get started?” he asked Snipe, not even looking up from the notebook as he continued to
flip through it.

“Might as we-!” Snipe was cut off as the gun swung at his head, the Pro just barely able to block it
with his own as it fired, the air-soft pistol shooting its bullet just past his face.

The students watched transfixed as the two men fought, guns seeming to fire only when absolutely
necessary, and even then, only when the shots seemed guaranteed to hit. But none of them did,
either man seeming to snake through the air to avoid the muzzle of the other’s weapon. They
moved incredibly fast, at one point halfway across the dojo before suddenly seeming to appear
directly in front of the students, less than a meter away.

Bakugo clicked his teeth. Honestly, it didn’t seem all that different to the way that he usually
fought, hit the opponent to stun them, then blast them. This was just less efficient, as you had to
use a tool to do the job he could do with his quirk. He glanced away, looking down at Deku as the
boy’s eyes darted back and forth from his notebook, which had somehow ended up back in his
hands, and the fight, writing furiously. The airsoft bullet shot straight past Bakugo’s eyes, making
him blink at the air pressure.

“Never take your eyes off a potential opponent,” the voice said quietly from directly behind him,
the barrel of the air-soft gun pressing against his temple, “Especially when a weapon is involved.
You need to work on your situational awareness. Like your friend.”

Bakugo looked back down at Deku, a tendril of Black Whip leaking out of his hand even as the
nerd continued to write, the tendril dropping two small plastic pellets to the floor.

“I think that’s good enough for now!” Snipe laughed as he lowered his own air-soft gun, “What say
you we start running the few kids still actually in my class through the basic steps of the ol’ Gun-

“I would gladly help them learn the Gun-Kata,” the man said softly as he walked away, the stress
he placed on the word the only sign of expression he had made thus far, before he turned to face
them and bowed, “Greetings, I am Wick. It is a pleasure to meet you.”


“I may have made a mistake,” Snipe sighed as he reviewed the exercise footage again, watching as
the bolt of green lightning and shadowy tendrils shot through the air, paint rounds spraying from
the two pistols he held, “He demolished every single person from both Hero classes, all working
together against him, in under two minutes! It was supposed to be an escape exercise! Get away
from overwhelming odds! But they ended up having to try escaping from him instead!”

“No,” Aizawa sighed as Nedzu just grinned behind his cup of tea, “You didn’t make a mistake.
You made a monster.”


The Failures:

Mineta chose to drop out almost immediately, the purple ball-haired boy too small to hold any of
the guns effectively.
Jiro followed shortly, unable to take the constant noise with her sensitive ears. Koda chose to join

Aoyama was the first to actually be failed, one of his flamboyant poses causing him to point his
gun a little too close to Ashido for comfort.

Bakugo was next, barking back automatically at Snipe when the Pro had reprimanded him for

Ashido, Kaminari and Iida had all gone at the same time, the first two joking around too much, and
Iida losing focus when he turned to reprimand them, gun still in hand.

Asui left shortly after, after an accident involving a fly and a bean bag round from a shotgun.

Kirishima ruined seven guns by instinctively activating his quirk each time he fired, breaking the
trigger mechanisms.

Sato was failed after he tried to use his quirk to replicate Midoriya’s zero recoil trick, taking too
much sugar and quickly growing confused as to what he was meant to be doing.

Hagakure was eventually failed after she kept getting bored and stopped paying full attention too
many times.

Chapter End Notes

It's short, but some of these chapters are going to be. Hell some of them won't even be
full chapters, just like a 1000 words of an idea.

Whatever, please leave kudos and comments, especially comments as I sure as hell
ain't going out to socialize right now.

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

Izuku says just the right thing to get through to Bakugo as kids, so now he's his friend.
He's still a shouty little shit, though.

Chapter Notes

While I don’t much like Bakudeku as a romantic ship, I have a love for it as a
bromance/friendship. And that is what this one-shot is all about! So enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Fuck off!” explosions crackled across the blonde’s palms as he stood off against the three bullies,
glaring menacingly at them, “Leave him alone!”

“Get lost kid!” the largest of the three shouted back, cracking his knuckles, “Stop trying to protect
that quirkless weakling!”

Glancing behind him, he could see the curled-up form of Izuku Midoriya shaking on the ground,
his lip split and nose bloody. The sight filled him with rage.

“It’s okay, Kacchan,” the green-haired boy mumbled, “I’ll be fine. Run away, they’re too strong!”

“Like hell I will! I’ll never be a Hero if I can’t protect you!”

“Well then, you Hero wannabe,” the leader laughed, taking a step forwards, “Let’s see how long
you last!”


“This way!” Katsuki Bakugo shouted as he led the other three children, fearlessly walking across
the log that had fallen over the small river.

“Woo! Go Bakugo!” “So cool!” “Be careful, Kacchan!” the three shouted after him, the last shout
making him spin on his heel.

“Shut up, Deku!” he yelled as he stomped down a foot, blinking as it slipped out from under him.

The water was cold and hard as he hit it, the stones digging into his back for a moment before he
could push himself up right.

“Bakugo!” “You okay?” the other two shouted as he shook the water from his hair, grinning up at
them even as the tears welled in his eyes.

“I’m fi-“
“Kacchan!” the voice was a lot closer than the other two, Bakugo looking down slightly to see
Deku offering him a hand, his bright red shoes soaked through in the shallow stream. Growling, he
slapped away the hand.

“I don’t need your help, Deku!” he spat, trying to get up by himself.

“But heroes always help others, Kacchan. Even when they don’t want it,” the green-haired boy
sniffed, catching Bakugo off guard.

The blond sat for a moment, before holding out his hand to the now sniveling boy.

“Then quit crying and help me up!”


Katsuki Bakugo’s eyes snapped open. He was lying on his back in the playground, the taste of
blood in his mouth as someone gently shook him.

“Kacchan! Kacchan!” Deku called softly, tears and snot running down his face, mixing with his
own blood, “Please be okay! You chased them off, then fell over. Please be okay!”

“I’m fine, Deku,” he coughed, pushing himself up and grinning at the sobbing boy, who sniffed
loudly, “I’m gonna be a Hero, remember?”

“You’re my Hero already, Kacchan,”

The words struck him deeply, a sense of warmth filling Bakugo from his chest as he looked over at
his sobbing friend. Carefully, he reached out and patted the crying boy gently on the head.

“Of course I am!”


“SHUT UP, YOU EXTRAS!” Bakugo shouted as he leant back in his chair, glaring as the rest of
the class cheered and shouted, causing the class to glare at him and mutter, “I’M THE ONLY ONE

“Yeah! You tell them, Kacchan!”

The shout came from the green-haired boy sitting at the back of the class, Izuku Midoriya smiling
widely at his best friend’s confidence.

“Shut up, you quirkless wannabe!” Someone shouted back, prompting Bakugo to launch himself
out of his chair and grab them by the shoulder.

“What was that?!” he hissed, smoke rising from under his palm, “You got a problem with my

“N-no!” the boy stuttered, immediately backing down. Everyone knew that Bakugo was loud,
brash and usually angry, though his threats were mostly empty. But when he went quiet, he was to
be truly feared.

“It’s okay, Kacchan,” Deku called, rushing over and pulling the blonde’s hand off the other
student’s shoulder, “He didn’t mean anything by it.”

“WHATEVER!” Bakugo growled, turning away, “BE GLAD DEKU WAS HERE TO SAVE

The class stared at the mis-matched pair, the strongest and smartest boy in their class, and the
resident quirkless weakling, who was desperately trying to calm the irate Bakugo down. No one
knew why, but the only person who could say anything to Bakugo without threat of being
immediately exploded was the skinny green-haired boy, the two hanging out more than anyone
else in their class. This had started a lot of rumors about them, which had been quickly silenced by
the violent Bakugo, but still cropped up from time to time.

“COME ON, DEKU,” Bakugo huffed, grabbing his bag, “LET’S GET OUT OF THIS



The explosions blasted against the sludge as the blond launched himself at the villain.

They’d been walking next to a storm drain, Deku showing him some of the notes he’d taken about
the villain attack earlier that morning, when a nearby sewer grate had blasted upwards, a sludge
like person suddenly grabbing Deku and enveloping him. Bakugo had wasted no time in attacking
the villain, hitting him repeatedly with his quirk, to no avail.

“Shut up, brat!” the villain yelled, “Unless you want to be next!”

“Run, Kacchan!” Deku shouted as he managed to break his mouth free for a moment, “It’s too
dangerous! You have to become a Hero!”

howled back, unleashing another explosion against the villain.


The voice rang out as the villain turned to look back at the sewer grate, his eyes filling with fear.

“Oh shi-“

The punch blew the sludge villain apart, freeing Deku and throwing him into the air, Bakugo
launching himself off the ground with an explosion to catch the sobbing teen.

“Commendable work, young ones!” the massive figure laughed, stepping out of the smoke, “You
both have the seeds of greatness in you!”

“ALL MIGHT?!” the two yelled in unison, staring in awe at the massive man in front of them.

“Well now,” he said, scooping the villain into an empty bottle and slipping it into his pocket, “ I’m
afraid I must leave you to go turn in this villain!”

“Wait!” Bakugo was frozen, still shocked by the sudden appearance of the number one hero in
front of him as Deku leapt forwards, grabbing a hold of All Might’s leg just before the massive
man leapt into the air, both vanishing.

“DEKU!” Bakugo screamed, watching them disappear into the distance.

Bakugo bolted down the alley, his chest burning as he sprinted in the direction the two had flown.


He kicked a nearby bottle as hard as he could, smashing it against a wall as he paused to catch his
breath. He gasped for air, not noticing the growing form behind him as he tried to figure out where
they’d gone.

The sludge fell on him all at once, engulfing him in a stinking ooze as he gasped for air.

“Oh, it’s you!” a familiar voice growled in his ear, “Perfect! I’ll get my revenge for delaying me
by using you for a bit!”

Bakugo struggled against the sludge villain, trying to blast him off, but the surprisingly strong ooze
just forced his hands outwards, blasting the walls of the alleyway. He could only watch helplessly
as the villain dragged him out into the street, using his own quirk to terrorize the small shopping
center he and Deku would frequent after school. The heroes tried to help, but quickly backed off,
words like “Can’t help”, “Someone else” and “Too dangerous” reaching his ears. Tears boiled up
in his eyes as he saw the people around him run in fear, fire and rubble forming around him as he
lost all sense of time, his mind going faint.

“KACCHAN!” The shout pulled him out of his stupor, blinking awake to see Deku barreling
towards him, hurling his bag at the villain’s face.

A cry of pain from the sludge monster allowed Bakugo a moment to breath, gasping in air
desperately as he looked down at the sobbing Deku, digging his hands into the muck as he tried to
free him.

“I’m sorry, Kacchan!” the boy shouted, smiling through his tears, “But you looked like you needed


It was the second time today the two boys had heard the shout as the villain was blasted away by a
powerful upper cut, the clouds gathering above them from the sudden change in pressure and a
light rain starting to fall. All Might loomed over them, a trickle of blood leaving his smile as he
looked down at them.

“Sorry about that,” he said quietly, so that only they could hear, “I thought I couldn’t do
anything, but you showed me the error of my ways, young Midoriya.”


The two walked home in silence, Bakugo occasionally glancing over to Deku with a scowl on his

“The hell was that, Deku?” he finally asked, talking in the quieter voice he only used when the two
were alone together, “You could have gotten yourself killed!”

“I-I know, Kacchan. I’m sorry,” the green-haired boy mumbled, “But I was moving before I could

“AND THAT IS THE ESSENCE OF A HERO!” the booming voice made them both jump as
All Might slid out of a side road, grinning at both of them.
“THE FUCK?!” Bakugo shouted, staring at the pro-hero in shock, amazed that he’d appeared in
front of them once again.

“Today I saw two young men, both with the hearts of heroes, fighting to save each other from
a villain, regardless of the harm they could have brought upon themselves!” All Might said
proudly, patting them both on the shoulder, “But for now, I have something I must talk to young
Midoriya over here about. Alone.”

“N-no,” the word was quiet, almost too quiet to hear, “If you want to talk to me, you can do it in
front of Kacchan. He’s my best friend! I don’t want to keep secrets!”

All Might seemed taken aback for a moment, but then nodded, steam enveloping him.

“Very well then, I suppose I don’t need to keep this form up any longer. It’ll also make it easier to
talk as I walk you two home.”

“IMPOSTER!” Bakugo shouted as the emaciated man appeared, immediately leaping towards
him, only stopping when Deku grabbed his waist, holding him back.

“No, Kacchan! It’s really him! I’ll explain later! I promise!”

“FINE!” the teen growled, still eyeing the stranger suspiciously, “BUT I DON’T TRUST HIM!”

“You don’t need to trust me,” the man sighed, “Just listen.”


The two sat in Deku’s room, the green-haired teen staring at his feet in shock as Bakugo lazed
back on his bed.

“He wants to give me his quirk,” Deku breathed, Bakugo flinching at the quiet sound.

“I don’t get it either,” Bakugo growled, rolling onto his side and propping up his head to glare at
his friend, “Transferring quirks? A great evil? Sounds like some bullshit from an old comic book.”

“But Kacchan, I can get a quirk! I can become a Hero! Just like you!”

“YOU COULD GET YOURSELF KILLED!” the teen shouted back, making Deku jump, “HOW

The two remained in silence for a moment, Deku looking up slowly at the blond, a small smile on
his face.

“But you would save me first, right?”

“Of fucking course!”


Bakugo watched as Deku dragged the fridge across the sand, tears pouring down his face as All
Might laughed loudly.


“I know, Kacchan!” the boy shouted back, “I’m doing my best!”

“Doing your best, huh?” Bakugo muttered, “Sounds just like you, Deku.”


Bakugo had to admit he was impressed. In ten short months Deku had managed to clear the entire
beach, leaving the once disgusting place a clean and beautiful sea scape. Not to mention the
muscles he’d developed. Bakugo had had to whack him a few times to stop him from over-working
himself, but overall, the green-haired teen had done well.

“You are ready,” All Might said, standing proudly in front of the grinning boy, “Now, eat this!”

“WHAT?!” both of them shouted as All Might held out one of his hairs to Deku.

“It’s to transfer my quirk,” All Might explained, “You need to ingest some of my DNA to get it
to work.”

“THAT’S DISGUSTING!” Bakugo shouted as he ran up to the two, slapping the man’s hand

“It’s okay, Kacchan. If this is what it takes, I’ll do it.”

Bakugo watched as Deku took the hair tentatively, rolling it up slightly and shoving it in his
mouth, giving a shudder as he swallowed, then gagged.

“Now, it’ll take a while for it to take effect, so for tonight, rest well! For tomorrow is the day
of the UA entrance exam!”


“THE FUCK DID YOU DO, DEKU?!” Bakugo roared as he literally exploded into the nurse’s
office, glaring at the boy lying on the bed, his arm and legs wrapped in heavy bandages.

“Silence! This is a nurse’s office, not a karaoke bar!” the wizened old woman sitting on a nearby
chair shouted at the blond as he stomped into the room.


“I’m okay, Kacchan,” Deku groaned as he pushed himself up slightly, drawing a warning eye from
Recovery Girl, “I may not have passed, but I managed to save someone.”

“I wouldn’t say that too soon, dearie,” the old woman sighed, making both teens look at her,
“There’s a lot more to being a Hero than just beating villains.”


“HEY! ANYONE HERE?/Excuse me?” the two looked at each other in surprise as they walked
into the Teachers’ lounge, Bakugo recognizing the round faced girl that had made Deku float
earlier that day.

“Yes yes yes, little listeners, what can I help you with?” Mic said happily as he walked over to the

GIVE HIM SOME OF MY POINTS!” Bakugo shouted, glaring at the blond man with ridiculous
“I would also like to give him some of my points,” the girl said more quietly, “He said something
about needing at least one point after he saved me.”

“HUH?!” Bakugo growled, leaning over to glare at her, “YOU’RE THE REASON THAT NERD

“I…uhm…yes, sorry! Is he okay?”


“Old…old hag?” Ochako asked slowly.

“Well, little listeners! Unfortunately, we can’t transfer points like that, but I wouldn’t worry about
your friend! There are other ways to be Hero, of course!” Mic laughed at the two, making Bakugo
glare at him.



Bakugo re-watched the hologram for what felt like the hundredth time, ignoring All Might’s words
as he watched the screen behind him.

6. Midoriya, Izuku: 0 villain points, 60 rescue points.

Little shit actually did it, Bakugo laughed to himself, looking down at his phone. Deku should
have gotten his mail an hour ago, and was probably crying with his mom, the two of them risking
flooding their downstairs neighbors’ apartment with their tears.

His phone buzzed, Bakugo answering the call without looking at the caller ID.


“Congratulations,” he cut off the obviously still crying teen, “But don’t pull a stunt like that again!
I’ll kill you if you do! You hear me?”

“Of course, Kacchan! I’m sorry I made you worry!”

“Feh, whatever,” he growled, leaning back in his desk chair, “You and your mom having katsudon
to celebrate tonight? Tell her to make extra, I’ll bring my folks as well.”


“S-so she asked to give me some of her points as well?” Deku asked quietly, his face flushing as
Bakugo recounted what he’d seen.

The two were back in Deku’s room, where they usually hung out when at his place, surrounded by
the myriads of hero paraphernalia the boy had collected over the years. Their parents were sitting
in the living room, Inko still sobbing happily to Bakugo’s parents about how proud she was of both
of them, Mitsuki laughing loudly at her antics.

“Yeah, must have felt sorry for you or some shit,” Bakugo sighed, lazing back in his usual spot on
the green-haired teen’s bed, “Not that you needed it.”

“But you also went there, right?”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“Thanks, Kacchan.”

“Yeah, well you’re going to have to learn how to control that quirk of yours, Deku. You can’t be a
Hero purely by saving people!” Bakugo spat.

“But you got no rescue points, right?”

“Didn’t fucking need ‘em,” the blond growled, rolling over on the bed, “Still got first place. You
don’t need to save people if you can just take out the bad guys first.”

“Yeah,” Deku sighed, looking back down at his feet, “Hey, maybe…maybe…”

“Spit it out, Deku!” Bakugo snapped, glaring at the teen.

“Maybe we could team up!” Deku sputtered, making Bakugo raise an eyebrow, “The Hero who
always wins and the Hero who saves everyone! We’d be unstoppable!”

“Unstoppable, huh?” Bakugo said, a smile stretching across his face, “I like the sound of that!”


“I am the Taiyaki!”

Bakugo stared at his friend. It was only a week until the new school year started, and the two of
them had been discussing how quirks worked in an attempt to help Deku get better control of his
for the past few days. It seemed like all the talk and excitement had finally driven the green-haired
teen insane.

“What, in the actual fuck, are you talking about, Deku?” Bakugo sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

“It’s like you said! About how quirks work!” The green-haired boy explained, “Up until now I’ve
just been switching One for All on and off like a switch in one part of my body at a time, but it’s
more like microwaving Taiyaki!”

Bakugo stared blankly. He’d always been confused by how his friend’s mind worked, not that he’d
admit it, but this was a whole new level of weird.

“I just have to…” the boy mumbled, getting up from his chair, straining slightly for a moment
before his body began to glow slightly, emerald sparks starting to dance across his skin, “Make
One for All flow through my whole body at once!”

Bakugo sat up on the bed, staring at his friend in shock, the boy visibly shaking under the strain.

“Hey, think you can move like that?” He asked.

“N-no idea!”

“Well then, come on!” Bakugo jumped off of Deku’s bed, heading towards the door.

“Where are we going?”

“To the old park, you’ve got to practice with that, right?”

“AND THE FIRST MATCH IS… Team A as heroes versus Team D as villains!” All Might
called out, Deku and Bakugo looking at each other in surprise.

“I’M GOING TO FUCKING WRECK YOU, NERD!” Bakugo laughed, holding out his fist.

“I won’t lose either, Kacchan!” Deku replied, bumping his fist against his explosive friend’s.


“I’m sorry, Kacchan,” the green haired boy whimpered, his broken arm falling to his side as he fell
forwards, “I couldn’t…think of…another way…to beat you.”

Bakugo caught Deku carefully, laying his unconscious friend gently on the floor as he looked up at
the destroyed building above him. The nerd had actually gone full power to blast the two floors
above them away, allowing the round-faced girl to launch an attack against four-eyes and get past
him, capturing the bomb.

“MEDIC!” Bakugo screamed, scooping Deku back up before running out of the building,

Two small robots rolled up beside him, carting a stretcher between them as they beeped loudly, the
blond carefully laying his friend down on the stretcher, trying to follow them as they rushed the
teen away. A heavy hand landed on his shoulder, prompting him to look up into the slightly
frowning face of All Might.

“He’ll be fine, young Bakugo. Recovery Girl will take care of him.”

“She fucking better,” he muttered quietly, looking after his friend as he disappeared around the
corner, tears welling in Bakugo’s eyes, Fuck, I pushed him too far. Again.


Bakugo stomped his way out of school, hands buried deep in his pockets as he walked. He felt
terrible. Deku had gotten hurt again, and this time it was his fault. He should have held back. But
he couldn’t, he’d been too excited to face his friend.

“Kacchan!” the shout made him flinch, not turning to look at Deku as the green-haired teen ran up
behind him.

“THE FUCK YOU WANT, NERD?!” he barked, trying to hide the tears that formed in his eyes.

“Thank you!”

The words caught him off guard.

“Thank you for not holding back!” Deku continued, “If you had…I never would have been able to
forgive myself…”

“FORGIVE YOURSELF?!” Bakugo screamed, spinning on his heel, glaring at the other boy,
noticing the bandages still wrapped around his arm, “I GOT YOU HURT BECAUSE I

“But it wasn’t!” There was genuine anger in Deku’s voice, something Bakugo had never heard
before, “You pushed me to my limit! Forced me to go beyond it! I can’t become a Hero if I don’t
do that!”
“Yeah…but…” Bakugo grew quiet, looking down at the ground sullenly. Suddenly, a hand
smacked the back of his head.

“THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!” He yelled angrily at the grinning Deku, his eyes going wide for
a moment.

“There’s the Kacchan I know,” the teen laughed, lowering his hand, “Sulking doesn’t suit you; you

“FUCK OFF!” Bakugo replied, turning away to hide the slight smile on his face, “AND NEVER

“YOUNG BAKUGO!” All Might suddenly leapt out of the bushes, grabbing the blond teen and
pressing him to his chest, “It is alright to feel remorse for harming a friend, but you must
battle on!”


He's back! The large man thought, releasing the blond and noticing Deku, Maybe I was worried
about nothing.

“COME ON, DEKU,” Bakugo shouted as he stomped around the number one hero, “WE HAVE

Chapter End Notes

So how's everybody doing in the Quarantine? We're just about to start our own
Quarantine over here in sunny South Africa, so that should mean I'll have more time
for writing! (and Animal Crossing) Unless my lecturers actually manage to figure out
how to do online lectures, which considering that I'm doing the Digital Arts course,
they probably will! But still, not having to go in to Uni will mean more time for
writing! (and Animal Crossing)

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

Izuku is a Returner. Someone who has traveled to another world, gained power, and
then returned to their own world, usually with those powers and abilities still intact.

Chapter Notes

Ay! I live! FYI to anyone who reads all my stuff, I'm planning on changing my update
schedule a bit. Basically, I'm going to be trying to update SOMETHING every
Sunday. This could be anything, from Burnin' Passion, to these What If chapters. Also
Emerald Fangs, which I'm still doing some editing on and will be posting next week. It
could also be Ficlets, though I usually try to finish those in their entirety before posting

Just remember, this is a random idea I had, so a lot of info and details are missing, and
the writing will be shoddy in places, as I don't redraft or edit these. Feel free to ask any

See the end of the chapter for more notes



Izuku Midoriya yawned as the light changed, telling him it was safe to cross. Blinking his tired
eyes, he stepped out into the street. He’d been up all-night researching quirks and trawling through
hero forums and was now feeling the effects.

The sounds of tires screeching against asphalt half pulled him from his stupor, the thirteen-year-old
only able to watch helplessly as the white van slammed into his body.

The world went black.


Inko Midoriya watched as her son lay in his bed, the heart monitor beside him beeping softly as she
gently stroked his hair.

“Izuku, oh my sweet Izuku,” she murmured, “You’ve been asleep a whole year. Won’t you come
back to me, my baby?”

Thirteen months ago, Izuku Midoriya had been hit by a moving van on his way to school, he’d
been in a coma ever since. The doctors had been unable to help. Even after Izuku’s body had
healed, he remained unconscious, sleeping peacefully in the hospital room until the costs began to
get too high. His father had come from his job overseas to check on his son, helping her move him,
and some of the necessary equipment, into the boy’s bedroom. That had been ten months ago.
They’d tried everything, every quirk, from psychics to read his mind, to various healers and other
quirks to try wake him up. And yet, he kept on sleeping.

Now Inko checked her son every day, washing his body, attaching the nutrient drips, changing the
bags of waste, shaved his head for the brain monitor sensors. She massaged his muscles, making
sure that they didn’t atrophy, bent his joints so they wouldn’t get stiff, kept a constant check on the
brain and heart monitors, hoping for some change. Any change. Even if it meant she would have to

A soft beep interrupted the heart monitor’s steady tone, Inko blinking as she looked at the screen
above the steady line, a small spike on the scrolling screen of the brain monitor. Then another.
And another. The machine suddenly let out a cacophony of wails and screeches, forcing Inko to
slap her hands over her ears, whimpering slightly at the sound.

And then it was gone. She peeked out slowly, first looking at the heart monitor, the steady beep of
the machine telling her that her son was still alive. Then her eyes dragged up to the brain monitor,
going wide as she saw the previously flat lines twitching and waving. Almost exactly how the
doctors had described to her they would. How they would when Izuku woke up.

She turned her head slowly, looking at the teen sitting in her son’s bed, his bright emerald eyes
open for the first time in over a year. The two looked at each other, tears welling in their eyes as
Inko reached forwards, gingerly running her hand over Izuku’s cheek.

“Mom,” he said, almost a whisper, “I missed you. I missed you so much.”


Izuku stared at his bedroom ceiling, running through the events of the last few days.

He’d been whisked off to the hospital soon after waking up, the spikes in his brain waves sending
out an emergency signal from the machine. Then he had spent a good two days having to go
through a number of tests, both physical and mental, as the doctors checked if the accident and
subsequent coma had changed anything. And finally, he’d had to spend an entire day with his
mom, the woman mostly just sobbing in relief and happiness in his arms as they sat on the couch
of their apartment, his father even calling at one point to express his happiness at Izuku’s recovery.

He flexed his hands, watching the muscles tense and move under his skin. He still felt as strong as
he had in the other world, despite his current scrawny form, and could still feel the pulse of his
mana through his veins, the power that he’d spent years cultivating and increasing. Raising a hand,
he pointed it at the collection of notebooks resting on his shelf, arcane words spilling from his lips
with practiced ease as he cast a spell.


The book shuddered, before sliding from the shelf and floating to his out-stretched hand. He
smiled to himself as he felt the spell tugging at his mana, the feeling instinctual now, barely
scratching the surface of his magical energy. He flipped open the notebook, looking over the pages
he’d filled with detailed accounts of quirks and heroes, the familiarity bringing a wave of nostalgia.
An errant thought wiped the smile from his lips, making him scowl at his messy, childish
How am I supposed to explain all this? Explain that I woke up in another world? One without
quirks, but filled with magic and monsters instead? That I’ve spent the last thirteen years fighting
monsters and demons and devils? That I still don’t technically have a quirk, despite what the
doctors say?

With a wave of his hand, he sent the notebook back to the shelf, sitting up on his bed with a sigh.
The day wasn’t going to start itself, after all.


“Izuku,” his mother fidgeted in her seat across from him, the teen looking up at her from the high
school textbook lying on the kitchen table in front of him.

“Yeah mom?”

“Y-you’ve been awake all of four months, and yet you’ve been able to not only catch up on the
work you’ve missed but finish your third year of middle school already,” the woman took a deep
breath as she spoke, the worry evident in her voice, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’m sure, mom,” Izuku smiled at her, reaching across the small table to take her hand,
squeezing it gently, “I’ve just been feeling…really motivated, you know? Like I can do anything.
Like everything makes sense.”

“The doctors said there may be some personality changes,” Inko sighed, squeezing his hand back,
“I just…never expected this.”

“I’m sorry,” Izuku sighed, looking back down at the textbook. He didn’t feel happy lying to his
mother, but pretty much everything he’d learnt over the past thirteen years in the other world had
more than made up for the gaps in his knowledge. Well, apart from Japanese history, and a bit of
math and science, but only having a few subjects he actually needed to study for was a lot easier
than all of them, “I’m just excited. To be awake. To be able to do things again. To…have a quirk.”

“Hmm,” his mother hummed as she squeezed his hand again, “I know. It’s only six months until
the high school entrance exams, after all. H-have you decided where you want to go?”

“U.A, heroics department,” Izuku replied plainly, feeling her hand tense in his, “I have a…quirk
now, mom. I’ll be fine. I promise.”

“Yes, but…” she trailed off, “This quirk of yours…can you show me again?”

Izuku smiled as he slipped his hand out of hers, raising his palm as he let out a stream of words.

[Faerie Fire]

The spell leapt from his hand, twinkling flames that shifted through a myriad of colors spraying out
onto the table, shifting until they covered the entire thing, making it glow softly in the morning

“Beautiful,” Inko muttered, looking up at her son, “And last time you… “cast”?”

“I cast Iron Skin,” he smiled, “That’s why my skin turned all shiny.”

“A-and…and you can do more of these…spells?” Inko continued as the flames vanished with a
wave of her son’s hand.
“Yeah. A lot more,” Izuku said calmly, continuing as he noticed the worried look in her eyes, “I
don’t know where they came from, they were just…in my head when I woke up.”

Inko nodded, letting out a quiet sigh as she gave her son a loving glance, just happy to see him
smiling after so long.


“Right,” Izuku muttered as he stretched on the shore of Dagobah beach, eyeing the remaining
garbage that covered barely a quarter of the stretch of sand, “Let’s try this again.”

[Titan’s Strength] [Mythril Skin] [Greater Haste]

He felt his body strengthen and harden as the words tumbled from his lips, his steps getting quicker
as he darted across the sand. He easily picked up the mounds of refuse, darting back to a nearby
dumpster and depositing it before shooting back, repeating it again and again. After several hours,
and a very full dumpster, Izuku finally stopped, letting out a tired breath as he mentally checked his
mana. Barely half had been used, despite the constant use of higher level spells, making the teen
smile as he inspected some of the larger pieces of garbage, namely a rusted out old car and a fridge,
before he let the spell tumble from his lips.

[Gravity Crush]

With a screeching of metal, the car collapsed in on itself, forming into a near perfect sphere as
Izuku turned to the fridge.


The metal box seemed to shiver for a moment, before collapsing, shards of metal scattering across
the sand.

Izuku’s smile widened. He’d be ready for U.A’s entrance exam, but would the exam be ready for


Izuku hummed to himself as he jogged back home. It had been a productive day. He would be able
to finish clearing Dagobah tomorrow and then get down to some more serious training.

A flash of blond hair made him pause, a half-forgotten memory resurfacing as he looked into
crimson eyes.


That was a name he hadn’t heard in a while. At least ten years. He’d used it as his adventuring alias
at first, then had been all but forced to change it by his companions when they’d learnt of its

“You’re fucking awake?” the blond growled, stalking towards Izuku as the green-haired adventurer
tensed. He knew this body language. Aggression.

[Ice wall]

The frozen barrier shot up from the ground, blocking the blonde’s advance, a shout of surprise
from behind the wall was quickly followed by a blast, the ice shattering. Memories flooded
Izuku’s mind as he remembered the time he’d been fearful of using explosion magic, early in his

“Kaachan,” he muttered, absent-mindedly dodging the punch, ducking low as the small explosion
shot over his head, “I remember you.”


The arcane words tumbled from his lips as Bakugou suddenly slowed, his body moving as though
through thick treacle.

“You were always pretty pathetic, bullying someone just because they were weak,” Izuku
hummed, the two cronies behind the blond staring in shock as Izuku raised his hand, pointing the
palm at Bakugou’s face.


The explosive force slammed into the blonde’s face just as Izuku’s slow spell wore off, throwing
him backwards, the skin going red as the teen staggered to his feet.

“THE FUCK WAS THAT YOU NERD?!” he screeched, Izuku just letting out a sigh.

“Look kid, I don’t have time for your self-destructive superiority complex,” “kid”? Damn, I need
to remember that I’m the same age as them now.

Bakugo growled as he leapt forwards, hands crackling with explosions. Izuku watched calmly as he
swung his right arm in an overly telegraphed attack, flicking his wrist slightly as he cast.


The shimmering object appeared between the two of them as Bakugou slammed his palm down,
the explosion blasting around the conjured shield and dissipating harmlessly to the sides. He didn’t
pause as the object vanished, immediately rushing in again, only for his attack to be blocked again.
They continued for a fewe minutes, Izuku not moving as Bakugou furiously attacked him, his
blasts never reaching the other teen as Izuku actually yawned, before muttering something.


Bakugou yelped as his feet slipped out from under him, staring down at the now dark ground
beneath him. He was lying in some kind of foul-smelling goo, the substance cling to his clothes
and preventing his from getting to his feet.

“Like I said, I don’t have time for you right now,” Izuku muttered, turning away, “Oh, and I
wouldn’t use your quirk, that stuff is extremely flammable.”

“DEKU! YOU FUCK! WHEN DID YOU GET A QUIRK?” Bakugou screeched, struggling to get
to his feet.

“I didn’t,” he laughed, making the three pause, “I’ve spent the last thirteen years, though I guess it
was only months for you, in another world fighting things that would give you nightmares and
learning magic.”

“The fuck?” Bakugou breathed, staring at Izuku’s back, “What bullshit are you on? Did that
fucking coma give you brain damage? You a fucking retard now, you useless Deku?”
“My name…” Izuku sighed as he turned back, letting the arcane words spill near silently from his
lips “Is Izuku. Learn to say it correctly, boy.”

[Thaumaturgy] [Prestidigitation] [Minor Illusion]

His last words echoed as his voice deepened, his eyes burning with unholy fire as the wind
whipped around them, the sounds of a thousand screaming souls filling the air. The three boys
stared at him in horro as he seemed to grow, his body twisting and warping in unnatural ways as
membranous wings erupted from his back in a spray of gore, his hands lengthening into razor sharp
talons as his face split open, revealing a snarling maw of pointed teeth.

And as suddenly as the horrifying visage had appeared, it vanished, Izuku already walking away
from them as they lay frozen on the ground, puddles forming beneath them.


Izuku had built up quite a few points. The lower level spells he’d been using had proven more than
enough to take out the surprisingly fragile robots of the practical exam.

The ground rumbled, the teen watching as the massive robot erupted from the ground, throwing
rubble through the air as the rest of the examinees fled. His eyes fell on the brown-haired girl
who’d tried to help him at the entrance, her ankle trapped beneath a pile of rubble. Directly in the
path of the hulking metal titan.

[Greater haste]

The words had fallen from his lips before he could think, already skidding to a stop beside her

[Giant’s strength]

He tossed the rubble aside, slapping his hand down on her swollen ankle.


The soft green light shimmered out from between his fingers, the girl gasping as her pain faded,
Izuku grabbing her wrist and pulling her to her feet.

“Run,” he commanded, turnig to the massive robot as it lumbered into range, the single mechanical
eye focusing down on him. It drew back a fist, swinging it down with terrifying speed as he simply
stood and watched.


The massive arm bounced back against the comparably tiny projection, the robot reeling as it was
thrown off balance.


The tread on the left side of the robot groan for a moment, before the entire structure collapsed,
falling to thousands of fragments, further destabilizing the behemoth. It reared back its other arm,
Izuku just sighing as he waved a hand.


The fist slammed into ground, the teen hovering just in front of the machines single eye as he
pulled his own fist back.
[Titan’s strength] [Mithril Skin]

His skin shimmered a slight blue as it reflected the sun, a pale grey glow emanating from his body
as he slammed the fist into he robots face, throwing it backwards as he turned, a bored look on his
face as he swooped back down to the ground, landing easily beside the brown-haired girl.

“You okay?” he asked, shaking her from her stunned stare.

“I…uh…yeah!” she spluttered, “How’d yah do that?”

“Magic,” he chuckled as he heard Present Mic call the end of the test, turning and walking past an
old woman who was calling for any injured to head towards the gate.

The girl watched as he called out something strange, a blast of green light erupting from his body
and engulfing the area, the other examines crying out for a moment, before the injured suddenly
started standing and looking down at their now non-existent injuries.

“You’re welcome!” he shouted as he left the faux city.


“Teams B and F get ready!” All Might called through the earpieces as Izuku glanced over at his

Sero, as the boy had introduced himself, had a strange and interesting quirk, Izuku already running
a hundred scenarios through his mind on how to improve it and its uses.

“Hang back a moment,” Izuku hummed as he looked back at the building they were meant to be
storming, their opponents inside, “Todoroki is almost certainly going to ice the place over.”

“Huh?” the grinning young man said from behind his helmet, “How do you know his quirk?”

“One of my spells,” Izuku hummed back, not moving as All Might called to start, waving a hand
through the air as he muttered under his breath.

[Detect Life]

His vision shimmered for a moment before he saw the two glowing forms on the third floor, in one
of the rooms towards the back. Suddenly the entire building was engulfed in a wall of ice, Sero
staring in shock as Izuku just chuckled.

“They’re in a room to the back of the third floor. Go through the roof,” the green-haired teen
hummed as he let the arcane words slip from his tongue.

[X-quip: High Chronomancer]

Izuku shone for a moment, his plain black undersuit suddenly vanishing beneath a thick robe, a
staff adorned with a large clock appearing in his hand as he swung it through the air, already

“I can only hold this spell for around four minutes,” he said, holding the staff aloft as it glowed,
“So make sure you get in and collect the bomb quickly, then get out. Bakugou won’t be pleased
when he loses.”

“Right…” Sero drew the word out, looking at Izuku in confusion as the teen slammed the bottom
of the staff into the ground, a massive glowing circle appearing above the building, bathing it in a
strange sepia light.

[Stasis field]

Izuku nodded to Sero, who shot his tape to the top of the building, flying up and disappearing over
the edge. A few minutes later, All Might called out their victory, Sero jumping down from the roof
with the bomb taped comically to his back.


“Sensei,” Izuku hummed as he looked down into the USJ’s plaza, watching the growing cloud of
purplish black smog the spread over the area, several figures already stepping out of it, “We have

“Shit,” the older man muttered under his breath, looking down at the gathering villains, “All of
you stay here! Thirteen, protect the students!”

[X-quip: Grand Status Magus]

The strange language echoed around them as Izuku was momentarily covered in a blinding light,
the glow fading to reveal a set of well kept robes covered in strange arcane symbols as the teen
grasped a long rod, the end adorned with a sickle-like protrusion and a floating gem. The strange
words continued to fall from his mouth as he moved his arm in a wide slow circle, a sigil forming
in the air in front of him as he completed the circle, before slamming the rod onto the ground.

[Mass Paralysis]

The sigil vanished, only to reappear a hundred times larger beneath the feet of the gathering
villains a moment later. A series of bolts of yellow energy shot up the confused villains’ legs,
before they all cried out and collapsed to the ground.

Izuku turned at the whooshing sound behind them, watching the two villains, a pale-haired young
man with a hand clasped over his face and some kind of monster step out of the shadows, before
the mist reformed into a vaguely man shaped being.

“What the hell was that?” the young man hissed, getting cut off as Izuku barked something, “You
kids are way to OP! It’s unf-,”

[Counter Spell]

The mist villain shrieked, his strange body suddenly rushing in on itself as he fell to the floor.

“O-Oboro?” Aizawa breathed, making Izuku glance at him.

“Not the time, Easurehead,” the teen muttered, waving his hand towards the villains.


The bolt of flame shot from his palm, straight towards the pale youth, the massive creature darting
in front of him to take the attack, crying out as the magical fire burnt into his body. A moment
later, the hole in its chest started to knit itself back together.

“Damn, a regenerator,” Izuku sighed, “I hate fighting regenerators. Ereasurehead, you take the
portal guy, I’ll handle the chimera.”

“What?” the older man growled, shaking himself out of his stupor, “Midoriya, no! This is too dan-

[X-quip: Devourer]

The words fell from the teens lips before his teacher could finish, the robes vanishing in a burst of
light as dark shadows erupted from the ground, engulfing the teen for a moment before he stepped
from the pillar of darkness. He wore a pitch black suit of armour, a massive two handed sword
resting almost lazily on his shoulder as crimson lines pulsed up its length. A strange howling noise
filled the air for a moment before Izuku sighed, his voice distorted by the vicious looking helm he

“Yes, yes, I know you’re hungry. I’ve found a nice regenerator for you to feast on,” the voice
echoed slightly, Izuku stepping towards the beast.

“You fool,” the pale-haired villain cackled as he stepped out from behind the creature, “Nomu was
made to kill All Might! You have no chance!”

Izuku just shrugged, muttering under his breath, before darting forwards with unnatural speed and
slashing the blade across the Nomu’s chest. Instead of simply cutting the flesh, the rest of the class
gasped and staggered back at the sound of tearing flesh, the creature’s skin and muscle seeming to
stick to the blade as it passed through it. A moment later the viscera was gone, sinking into he dark
metal of the weapon before Izuku swung again, gouging another long tear across the creature’s
chest before it could finish regenerating from the last.

The Nomu let out a howl, trying to back away as Izuku darted forwards again, this time slamming
the point of the blade through the monster’s chest, skewering it and slamming both against the
wall, pinning the Nomu in place.

“And now for you,” Izuku’s voice rumbled ominously behind the helm as he turned towards the
pale villain, flicking his wrist nonchalantly at the portal user as more arcane words escaped his
lips, the man shrieking again as his misty tendrils shot back into his body.

“W-what? How?!” the man shrieked as he backed up slightly, looking over at the portal user, “You
changed classes! You shouldn’t be able to cast!”

“Changed classes?” Izuku paused for a second, the villain taking advantage of his hesitation to
dart forwards, hand up raised. His palm slapped against the armor, a wicked smile spreading across
his face for a moment before he shrieked in pain, desperately trying to pull his hand away, the flesh
and bone crackling and twisting as it sunk into the dark metal, Izuku reaching up and ripping him
free a moment later, but not before his entire hand had vanished into he black metal.

“What are you talking about, kid?” he sighed as he tossed the villain aside like he was a old doll,
the man sobbing over his dismembered hand as Izuku raised his hand, “This isn’t a game.”

“Midoriya! Stop!”


The villain collapsed, his eyes rolling back in his head as the young man turned to Aizawa, who
was staring at him, his eyes glowing, the villain beneath his already trying to activate his quirk.


The man went lax beneath the pro as Izuku turned to the Nomu, still trying to wrench the sword
free from its chest, even as it was consumed by the cursed blade.

[Higher Paralysis]

The creature shuddered and fell still, its body going rigid.

“Good,” Izuku hummed, the sound eery and menacing behind the helm, “No body touch the
sword or my armor. I’m going to take a nap until Hunger is done feasting.”

“H-hunger?” one of the girls asked.

“The sword…don’t ask.”

Chapter End Notes

Stay safe and indoor folks!

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

Just a short thing I wrote where Izuku has telekinesis.

Chapter Notes

Short and sweet. I've read a few fics where Izuku has telekinesis, but I've never seen
one where they use the really scary abilities that would entail. Here's a couple to think

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It was the greatest day in five-year-old Izuku Midoriya’s life.

“It appears to be a mutation of your own quirk, Mrs. Midoriya,” the doctor explained, glancing
down at the excited boy beside her, “Instead of simply being able to pull items towards himself, he
is able to freely manipulate anything under a certain mass.”

“So, my son has a powerful quirk?” the green-haired woman asked quietly, looking down at the
near vibrating child.

“Yes, as far as we can tell, there is may be no limit to the number of smaller items he can lift,
though he does have an upper limit on the total mass he can control. As such, he’s able to handle
over a dozen small items fairly easily at the moment and can even lift larger items for a short

“Mom! I have a quirk!” Izuku said excitedly, bouncing up and down, “I have a quirk! I can be a

“Yes, you can, sweetheart,” Inko said quietly, hugging her son as tears welled up in her eyes, “Yes
you can.”


“Kacchan, stop!”

Katsuki Bakugo glared at the green-haired boy standing in front of him, tears in his eyes as he held
his arms out to protect the kid behind him.

“Move it, Deku! You can’t do anything! Your stupid quirk is as useless as you are!” Bakugo
snapped back, taking a step forward.

“I’ll…I’ll stop you, Kacchan!” the other boy cried, his eyes beginning to glow as several pieces of
gravel started to float around him.

Clicking his teeth, Bakugo jumped forwards, landing a solid hit on Deku’s stomach, making the
boy gasp. Grinning to himself, Bakugo reared back, preparing to hit the green-haired nerd again,
his eyes going wide as he spotted the growing mass behind the crying boy.

He didn’t have time to react as the fist-sized ball of gravel slammed into his stomach, launching
him backwards and knocking the air from his lungs. Tears formed in his eyes as he clutched his
stomach, the pain surprising him.

“L-leave him alone, Kacchan!” Deku shouted again, even more balls of gravel gathering behind
him, “I don’t want to hurt you!”



The shout rang through the small alleyway, Bakugo glaring at the back of the green-haired boy.


He’d prepared for this. He’d made sure to challenge him the day after trash collection. Then he’d
cleared the alleyway of anything that was light enough for the nerd to lift with his quirk, even
taking the heavier items away, just in case. He had the advantage.

“I don’t want to, Kacchan,”

“FUCK THAT, NERD! FIGHT ME!” the blond yelled as he let a series of small explosions crackle
along his palms

A silver glint caught his eye, a sharp pain in his left hand catching him off guard as he looked
down at the thin, but deep, cut that had appeared across his palm. His own sweat caused it to sting
as his blood began to pool in his hand. Looking back up, he saw the razor blades clutched between
the other teen’s fingers, reflecting the afternoon light. Where had he gotten those?

“I said I don’t want to fight you, Kacchan,” Izuku sighed, turning around as he released the razor
blades, making them float around him slowly as his eyes glowed bright green, “We both want to be
Heroes, so why can’t we just get along?”

“FUCK YOU!” Bakugo screamed taking a step forwards, the feeling of cold steel pressing up
against his throat making him pause. Where had the razor blades gone?

“Stop moving. My speed and control are pretty good, but I might not be able to react fast enough if
you start jumping around.”

The words were cold, colder than the razorblades that now circled Bakugo’s neck like a collar.

“Just leave me alone, Kacchan,” the boy sighed, flicking his wrist and expertly catching the razor
blades again, letting them disappear up his sleeve.


“Both Bakugo and Midoriya have applied to UA,” the teacher said, drawing several gasps and a
few cheers from the other students, all looking towards the two boys.

Bakugo just grunted, looking away as Izuku blushed, trying to hide behind his hands in

“Woo!” “Yeah, the two powerhouses of the class are sure to get in!”
Bakugo glanced down at the scar on his left hand, clenching his fist around it like he was trying to
crush it out of existence. Ever since that day in the alley he hadn’t so much as looked at that damn
Deku if he could help it, the other boy preferring to bury himself in his stupid notebooks,
mumbling to himself. Everyone had started comparing them a couple of years ago. Their grades
were similar, though Bakugo usually came out on top, and he trounced Deku in physical exercise.
But he’d heard people saying that Deku’s quirk was stronger, more versatile, better. It made him

“Bakugo!” the teacher called, making the blond glare angrily at the man, who immediately started
to sweat, “Next class is about to start, go get your books.”


Izuku checked his packs again. Ball bearings, darts, needles and razor blades, all carefully packed
away in the four small pouches he wore around his hips. He patted the fifth, larger pouch that hung
on the back of the belt carefully, its weight reminding him of his trump card.

“And START!” the shout caught everyone off guard as Present Mic shouted from a nearby
observation platform, “Come on, there are no countdowns in real life, kiddos!”

The mass of students bolted into the faux city, Izuku following the crowd for a moment before
peeling off, grabbing a handful of ball bearings from his pouch.

“Psychic shot!” he called out as he launched one of the steel balls through a two-pointer, the robot
grinding to a halt, the small hole piercing straight through its battery. Recalling the ball bearing, he
swung it round, blasting through another two-pointer from behind.

It didn’t take him long to rack up a decent number of points, though from what he’d heard there
were others who had more. The city suddenly rumbled, a massive robot lifting itself up and
crushing buildings beneath its enormous treads. He turned to run, a sharp cry drawing his attention.

“Ow!” He glanced back, eyes falling on the girl that had stopped him from falling earlier, her leg
trapped beneath a pile of rubble, the zero-pointer slowly rolling towards her.

Most of the rubble was too large for his quirk to be able to lift, but Izuku still found himself turning
around, bolting towards her. He reached behind him, unlatching the cover for the largest pouch,
reaching inside with his mind.


Ochako Uraraka let out a cry as the rubble landed on her leg, looking back in fear as the massive
robot started moving towards her. This was it. She was going to fail. She was going to die.

Suddenly there was someone next to her, a boy with familiar green hair, his body wreathed in
black powder. Lifting a hand, the black dust gathered into the shape of a lance over his hand,
spinning wildly as a dim light began to glow inside the mass. Suddenly the powder was gone,
replaced with a spear of molten metal, blood dripping from the boy’s nose.

“Iron Sand: Molten Lance!” he screamed, hurling his hand forwards, launching the glowing spear
at the massive robot.

There was a moment of quiet as the lance hit, leaving a small glowing hole in the robot’s head,
before an enormous explosion engulfed the appendage, raining bits on metal down as the construct
toppled over backwards. Ochako put her hands over her head, expecting some of the debris to come
raining down on them, looking up after it didn’t, seeing the boy staring at the sky intensely, his
eyes glowing a bright green as bits of metal and rubble were thrown to the sides around them.


“He’s going to come straight for me,” Izuku sighed almost dejectedly, Ochako looking at the
green-clad boy in worry.

“What do you mean?”

“He hates me,” Izuku replied, carefully glancing around a corner, “Always has, ever since I can

“That…sucks,” Ochako wanted to kick herself for the response.

“Yeah, but it’ll work to our advantage,” Izuku said quietly, seeming to be listening for something,
“I may not be able to hold people directly with my quirk, but I can still lock him down pretty
easily. If he’s careless.”

“If he isn’t?” Ochako asked, almost dreading the response.

“I have a trump card.”

Ochako remembered the molten lance from the entrance exam, shuddering for a moment at the
thought of what that could do to an actual person. The sound of an explosion shook her from the
thought, jumping as the blond-haired teen suddenly launched himself around a corner, murder in
his eyes.




The two screamed at each other as they leapt forwards.

Don’t give him time to think.

That was the only thing Bakugo could think of as he launched himself towards Deku, the other
boy’s eyes already glowing with psychic energy.

A large blast erupted from his hands, filling the corridor with smoke as he reached down, gripping
the belt that held Izuku’s pouches, a small blast shattering the buckle, allowing him to wrench it
off and throw it as hard as he could.

“Smart move!” Deku shouted from the cloud, a fist suddenly flying out and smacking Bakugo in
the jaw harder than should be possible for the scrawny nerd, “But I’m not a one trick pony!”

Stumbling back, Bakugo unleashed another explosion at the green-haired boy, who just barely
dodged it, his eyes flashing for a second.

He was using his quirk to dodge!


“You’ve figured it out already, huh?” the green-haired boy taunted him, avoiding another
explosion by darting forwards unnaturally, “I had the support department sow small weights into
my costume, Kacchan. I can control them with my quirk, allowing me to easily dodge all your
attacks! And they’re not just on my body!”

The fist flew at him, connecting with his ribs as Deku leapt into the air, his eyes flashing. The
blond could only watch as Deku spun through the air unnaturally and landed a flying roundhouse
kick to Bakugo’s temple, forcing him to stagger back. Dazed by the attack, he tried to back up to
give himself some space as the green clad teen continued to attack.


Keep up the pressure! Izuku though as he activated his quirk on the small weight in the collar of
his costume, pulling himself backwards, allowing him to easily limbo under the blast, He hasn’t
noticed yet!

A psychically enhanced kick drove the blond boy backwards again, ever closer to Izuku’s
objective. While most people would assume that his quirk was nigh unstoppable with how he used
it, he still had several limitations. First was his maximum carry capacity, which was only about 5
kilograms. Second was his range, only around 7 or 8 meters in a circle around him. And third was
the maximum weight of an object he could manipulate, only 50 grams. But that was enough. It had
always been enough.

Bakugo’s eyes went wide as he was pushed back again, Izuku grinning as the blond glanced down
at the belt he’d just stepped on. Izuku’s belt. He watched as Bakugo brought a hand down on top of
it, unleashing a massive explosion that obliterated the pouches and their contents. And the floor.

He dashed forwards, eyes lighting up with psychic energy as he grabbed a hold of the dust and
rubble the blast threw up, clenching his hands as he brought it all back down on the startled teen.

“Capture successful!” Izuku cried, collecting the shattered concrete around Bakugo’s wrists and
ankles, compressing them as tightly as he could until they began to fuse, blood dripping from his
nose as he did so.

There was a cry of pain at the pressure, but Izuku ignored it, making sure that the concrete hand
cuffs wrapped around Bakugo’s hands, pressing his palms together.

“THIS WON’T HOLD ME, NERD!” the blond roared, the hastily fused concrete already starting
to crack.

“Doesn’t need to!” Izuku replied, leaping forwards, his hand whipping out as the capture tape
wrapped tightly around the blonde’s throat, “I’ve already won!”


“The MVP was Iida,” Momo Yaoyorozu said matter-of-factly, “Midoriya and Bakugo were too
focused on their grudge match, and Uraraka lost focus halfway through.”

“E-exactly!” All Might half chuckled, looking at the girl in mild shock, “Though I would say that
young Iida was also a bit too stiff!”

The students all looked at the four of them, Bakugo glaring off into the distance as Izuku and
Ochako looked down. Iida was standing bolt upright, a slight air of pride around him.

“Now then!” All Might continued, “On to the next match!”

Chapter End Notes

Other Scary Psychic Moves:

Psycho-drill: uses small debris/items to form a spinning drill shape.
Air-lock: Prevent air from entering the lungs
ANYTHING involving small blades like razor blades.
Chapter Summary

Deku with a quirk copying quirk!

Chapter Notes

This idea was spawned from the idea of Izuku being able to milk practically any quirk
for all it was worth in order to become a Hero, what would happen if he could use any
and all of them (Except mutant)?

This AWI now has a fic

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“…And Kacchan got his quirk today!”

“Oh, that’s great news dear!” Inko Midoriya hummed as she prepared dinner for her and her son,
the excitable pre-schooler happily telling her about his day.

“Yeah! His hands just started glowing and then POP! It was like firecrackers all over his fingers! It
was so cool!” Izuku hopped up and down in his seat, before suddenly going quiet, “Hey mom,
what do you think my quirk is going to be? Do you think it’ll be like yours? Or dads?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Izuku,” Inko laughed as she looked at her son, his face screwed up in intense
concentration, “Maybe it’ll be a combination of both? You could…pull fire towards you? Maybe
even control it.”

“That would be cool,” Izuku muttered, looking up at the woman, “Hey mom, how does your quirk

“Hmm? Oh, you know what my quirk is, Izuku. I can pull small objects towards myself,” she

“No, I know what it is,” Izuku said firmly, “I want to know how it works.”

“How?” Inko blinked, turning to her son, “Oh, well…Uhm… the easiest way I can describe it is…
It’s like I can make a string between my hand and something. Then I can just…pull it towards me.”

“Like a string…” the child muttered, pursing his lips as he held out a hand, flexing his fingers
slightly, making Inko chuckle as she turned back to the food she was preparing. And froze.

The knife was floating. It was slowly floating through the air off the counter. Or, more accurately,
it was being pulled through the air in short bursts, in exactly the same way that her quirk did. She
turned back to her son, seeing him imitate the hand movements she used to help focus her quirk,
his eyes wide as an excited smile spread across his lips.
“Mom! I have a quirk! It’s just like yours! My hands are glowing just like yours!” the boy shouted,
losing concentration as he jumped up, the knife clattering to the floor as Inko scooped him up in her

“Yes! Yes, you do!” Inko sobbed, hugging her son close to her chest, “You have a quirk just like


“Hey Kacchan! How does your quirk work?!”

Inko watched as Izuku ran across the park towards his friend, Mitsuki sitting on the bench beside

“So, he got your telekinesis, huh?” the blond woman laughed, patting Inko on the shoulder,
“Congratulations! It’ll be a hell of a lot easier for you to adjust than it’s been for me. My brat has
been trying to blow everything he can get his grubby little hands on since his came in!”

“Thank you, Mitsuki,” Inko sighed, watching as Izuku waved his arms around excitedly, gesturing
with his hands as Katsuki scowled at him, “I’m sure it wi-.”

Her words were cut off by the loud bang, a cloud of smoke erupting between the two boys.

“Goddammit, Katsuki!” Mitsuki yelled as she jumped to her feet, yanking a thick blanket out of her
bag as she bolted towards the two boys, “I told you to be careful with your quirk!”

“I didn’t do anything!” the young blond screeched as he sat stunned on the ground, “It was Izuku!
His hands blew up! Like mine!”

“What?” Inko gasped as she caught up, staring at her son as he curled up on the floor, clutching his
hands to his stomach. The worried mother immediately fell to her knees in front of him, “Izuku,
sweety. Let me see your hands. Please. I need to make sure they aren’t hurt.”

“It was too big,” the boy sniffled as he let her pull his hands out, turning them palm up, gasping at
the sight. Red, raw skin met her gaze, like her son had tried to hold onto a firecracker when it went


Mitsuki produced a bottle of burn cream, helping Inko slather it onto his scorched palms as he
whimpered, Katsuki stepping away as he stared at Izuku, a look of shock on his face.

“I…I just…made the light look like Kacchan’s,” Izuku managed between his sobs, “Then it…it
was so big. It hurts.”

“Light?” Mitsuki blinked, turning to look at her son, “What light, brat?”

“How should I know!” Katsuki shouted back, “The weirdo was going on about people glowing,
and kept asking me how my quirk worked! Then he used it!”

“Used it? Used what?” she barked back, making the child scowl at her.


“Inko,” Mitsuki said slowly, shock in her eyes as she turned to the fussing woman and her son, “I
don’t think Izuku’s quirk is like yours.”

“Oh, both Bakugo and Midoriya have applied to go to UA,” the teacher said as the last of the form
fell to the ground.

“DEKU! THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” the blond roared as he shot up from
his seat, the blast from his palms scorching his desk, “I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!”

“I can do what I want, Kacchan,” Izuku hummed, his voice dripping with sass as he leant back in
his chair. He focused for a moment, reaching out with Uwasagi’s telekinesis quirk, quickly
knotting Bakugo’s laces together before the blond could finish getting up, sending him crashing to
the floor the moment he tried to jump at the other teen, the rest of the class stifling their laughs,
“Oof, that looked like it hurt.”


“Sorry, but insecure man-children aren’t my type,” Izuku shot back, grinning as the he heard
several loud snorts.


“Aw,” Izuku chuckled, holding up a hand as sparks danced across his palm, Bakugo’s eyes going
wide, “Are you actually calling your quirk weak, Kacchan? How humble of you!”

That broke the class, the rest of the students bursting into laughter as the blond struggled to his feet.

“Midoriya, Bakugo, enough!” their teacher shouted, “And no quirks in the classroom. Either of


“Oi, Deku you fuck!”

Izuku ducked just as the hand grabbed for his neck, spinning on his heel and slapping a hand
against both of Bakugo’s cronies’ chests, wincing slightly as he set off a powerful blast, knocking
them both back. He coughed as the fist slammed into his stomach, a small explosion making it hit
even harder as he was thrown back as well.

“The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Bakugo growled as he stomped forwards, glaring at Izuku
as the green-haired teen rolled over, “Using MY QUIRK like you fucking own it!”

“I’m not using your quirk, Kacchan,” Izuku coughed, looking down at his stomach, inspecting the
slight burns on his shirt, “I’m using mine to replicate yours. And I thought you were smart.”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” the blond grabbed Izuku’s shoulder, yanking him up as the hand slapped
against the side of his face, elongated fingers wrapping entirely around Bakugo’s head.

“I wonder what would happen if I used your quirk right now?” Izuku growled as he staggered
slightly on his feet, keeping a tight grip on Bakugo even as the fingers began to shrink, “Want to
find out?”

“Let go of me, Deku,” Bakugo growled, “You try anything, and I’ll make sure you never even see
UA’s gates!”
“Sure,” Izuku sighed, letting go of Bakugo’s head, and swiftly kicking the other teen in the balls as
hard as he could, a quiet squeak escaping the blonde’s lips as his eyes went wide. Izuku gave him a
sardonic grin as he spun on his heel and bolted out of the alleyway, “Later, bitch.”


Izuku stopped as he walked under the bridge, darting back as he watched the storm grate in the
middle of the path. A moment later, the sludge man shot up, looking around and muttering about
finding some camouflage. Izuku flinched as he heard the shout from above him, some child in the
nearby park calling out, the Villain suddenly grinning as he headed towards the sound. Izuku
gritted his teeth.

“Oi!” Izuku shouted, jumping out of his hiding place, “I wouldn’t if I were you!”

“Huh?” the Villain said, turning to face him, Izuku grinning madly back at him, “Oh, a wannabe
Hero? Well, you just helped me out kid!”

Izuku closed his eyes as the sludge leapt at him, feeling out the quirks that had been following the
man, latching onto one and jumping. He felt his body go light as he floated up and over the Villain,
latching onto another as he released his hold on the first. Black energy shot from his hands,
wrapping around several of the trash cans under the bridge, allowing the teen to pelt the sludge
with them, before he grabbed the floating quirk again just before he hit the ground. Suddenly, all
eight quirks shot up out of the sewers, Izuku’s grin falling as he stared at the wide back standing in
front of him.

“Wait…All Might has eight quirks?” he said, just as the Hero punched the slime Villain to pieces.


“How do you have eight quirks?!” the question left his lips before the Hero could start scolding
him for latching onto his leg, “And why don’t you use them?”

“I…what?” All Might said, staring at the teen in surprise.

“Like…the flight one, or the black energy tethers? Both of those would have been perfect for the
battle you had with the Splitter Gang you had last week,” Izuku half shouted, bowing to the Hero,
“I was just wondering.”

“I…Kid, I only have one quirk,” All Might said, “It’s a body enhancement quirk.”

“That’s a lie,” Izuku replied, surprising both of them, “I can feel quirks. You don’t have an
enhancement quirk. But you do have a stockpiling quirk…is that how you have eight quirks? By
stockpiling them? Though two are weirdly wrapped up together…”

All Might watched as the teen in front of him fell into a storm of muttering, both jumping when he
suddenly burst into steam.


“KACCHAN!” the shout caught BAkugo’s attention as he watched the green-haired teen bloting
towards him.

“You again?” the slime Villain shouted, “You missed your chance kid!”

Izuku ran forwards, his eyes snapping shut as he reached for a quirk, any quirk that could help him.
His body flickered as he darted 10 centimetres to the side, barely dodging the tentacle that slapped
down beside him, leaping up as his feet hit the wall, his shoes gripping the bricks unnaturally well
for three steps before he felt the quirk give out. Gritting his teeth, Izuku opening his eyes, jumping
off the wall above the Villain, copying All Might’s flying quirk for a moment to keep him in the
air as he pointed his palms down.

“HEY KACCHAN!” he shouted, “DUCK!”

The explosion slammed down on top of the Villain, making him shriek, the blond being thrown out
of his grasp as Izuku started to fall. Straight down onto the sludge.

“I AM HERE!” the shout echoed through the alleyway as All Might appeared in his muscle form,
punching the Sludge away just in time to catch Izuku as he fell.


“What the hell was that kid?” Mount lady shouted as he sat calmly to the side of the rescue

“You weren’t doing anything, so I figured I’d show you how Hero work is really done,” he said
sassily, Mount Lady suddenly turning red as she glared at him, “Oh, and I didn’t even need your
quirk to do it. Are you sure being a Hero is the right job for you?”

“WHAT?!” the woman shrieked, Kamui Woods trying to calm her down, “HOW DARE YOU!
What makes you think you’re fit to be a Hero anyway!”

“Short-range teleportation,” Izuku said, pointing to the surprised looking woman who was standing
nearby, his hand moving to a young boy, “Sticky feet. I can copy nearly every quirk within a ten-
meter radius of myself. And I didn’t need yours.”

“I…you…what?” Mount Lady said.

“I didn’t need your quirk to save someone,” Izuku repeated, a smug grin on his face, “So what
makes you a Hero?”

“You little punk!” Mount Lady growled as she raised her hand, stopping when a large fist closed
around it, making her look back at Death Arms, who just shook his head.

“Look kid,” he said, “I’ll admit you did a good thing. But it was still stupid.”

“No duh,” Izuku chuckled as he got up and dusted off his pants, “That’s what makes someone a
Hero, right? Jumping in without needing to think about it.”

The three Heroes were left stunned as he turned and walked away, shouting out thanks to the
woman and child for letting him borrow their quirks.


“I didn’t need your help!” Bakugo yelled as he stood in front of Izuku, the green-haired teen just
looking at him.

“ ‘kay,” Izuku sighed, “Next time I’ll wait ‘til you’re unconscious before I save you. Then I won’t
have to deal with your bullshit until after you wake up.”

“You fuck!” Bakugo growled, fingers flexing as he brought his hands up, Izuku already copying
the movement.

Bakugo gave a grunt, before spinning in his heel and storming off, Izuku just giving a tired sigh as
he started heading home.

“YOUNG MAN!” the shout made him jump as All Might shot out in front of him, the muscular
man suddenly deflating in a cloud of steam, “We must talk.”


Izuku stood quietly, feeling the light of each of the quirks around him as he waited for the practical
portion of the exam to start. Annoyingly, he wasn’t in the same venue as Bakugo, the blonde’s
Explosion being perfect to copy for the exam. Oh well, he’d make do with what he could find here.

His quirk was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him. He’d always loved quirks,
analysing and discussing them with anyone who would listen. And when his quirk had come in,
he’d had all the more reason to. ‘Echo’, the ability to replicate the quirks of those within a radius of
himself, as well as ‘feel’ how those quirks worked. It’s greatest weakness was that he had to have
at least a basic understanding of how the quirk worked in order to use it, but he’s quickly learnt
how to tell simple facts like that through his quirk’s sensing ability. Right now, he was checking
those in his surroundings to find the best combination to use.

Ignore mutation types, never been able to copy those, he thought, moving past the familiar glows,
Let’s see…Emitter Producer type, water based. Emitter Control type, water based as well. Good
combo, I’ll have to hope they stick close to each other. Ooh, what’s this? Haven’t felt this before.
Emitter Alteration type, fingertip contact activation. Slight mutation, though I can still copy the
effect. Feels…floaty? I wonder how they’re planning to get through the exam.

“Excuse me?” a stern voice suddenly said as a hand landed heavily on Izuku’s shoulder, “Could
you please stop muttering like that? It’s disturbing the other participants.”

“Hmm?” Izuku said as he looked at the bespectacled boy, blinking, “Mutation Enhancement type.

“I…what?!” the boy shouted as Izuku realised what he’d just said, the green-haired teen swearing
loudly as the other boy started to try ranting at him.

“FUCK!” he shouted, startling everyone around him, including the blue-haired guy, “Sorry, it’s a
quirk thing. I can sense stuff about people’s quirks. I meant that your quirk was useless for me. I
can’t copy mutations.”

“C-copy?” the boy said, staring at Izuku in confusion, “Your quirk…allows you to copy other
people’s quirks?”

“Yep,” Izuku grinned as he noticed the other people backing away from him, “Of course, it’s only
temporary, and only emitter and transformation types. Mutation types like you are safe.”

The sarcasm in his voice was obvious, several of the other students giving him dirty looks as he
grinned back at them.

“What?” he chuckled, “Worried I’ll use your quirks better than you can?”

“Hey!” several shouted, jumping when Present Mic suddenly yelled out.

The group looked up at the Hero in surprise as he looked back down at them.

“The hell are you waiting for?” the voice Hero shouted, “There are no countdowns in real life! GO,
GO, GO!”


Izuku grinned as he darted between the two water users, the boy shouting as the girl snatched the
water he was making away to attack the robot in front of her, Izuku keeping the two just on the
edge of his range as he sliced the bots into pieces. The two had tried to escape from him, but Izuku
was used to people running away when he started trying to interrogate them about their quirks, so
he had plenty of practice at staying close. His grin dropped as the floor shook, looking up to see the
massive robot, everybody else already running away from it.

“Ow!” he paused as he turned, his eyes looking down at the head of auburn hair lying directly in
the path of the massive robot, the owner trapped by the ankle.

“Shit,” he muttered as he bolted, “How does your quirk work?!”

“What?” the girl asked, clutching a hand over her mouth as she turned green.

“How. Does. You. Quirk. Work?” Izuku repeated slowly, “I can copy it and help you out.”

“I make fings float…” the girl muttered from behind her hand, “I touch them, and they go

“Right, got it!” Izuku said as he slapped a hand against the pile of rubble, tossing it aside easily,
“It’s got good conductivity, you know.”

“Con-what?” the girl tried to say, going bright red as Izuku suddenly picked her up in a bridal carry,
running madly toward the entrance and away from the giant robot.


“Need a hand?” Izuku asked as he stood beside Recovery Girl, the old woman giving him a
discerning look.

“What are you talking about, boy?” she asked.

“I can copy quirks,” Izuku said as she raised an eyebrow, “I can help you heal people if you want.”

“No need,” Recovery Girl barked as she turned away, “If you aren’t hurt, go change.”

“Damn,” Izuku sighed as he turned away, catching several people looking at him strangely, “Hey,
can’t blame a guy for trying for some extra credit.”


“Of course I passed,” Izuku laughed as he bit into the apple, grinning at the rest of his class as they
cheered for him, Bakugo staring angrily down at his desk.

“Why the fuck are you all so happy for him?” the blond shouted, “Fucker didn’t even get in with
his own strength!”

“Hey, Midoriya is cool!” someone shouted, “He helped me with my quirk!”

“Yeah,” another voice called, “He helped almost all of us better out quirks! The only reason he
never helped you is because you’re an asshole!”

“FUCK YOU!” Bakugo screamed as he jumped to his feet, letting out a screech as he toppled
forwards, his shoelaces tied together again.


“Midoriya, you know what to do by now,” their new homeroom teacher said as they stood on the
field, tossing the soft ball to the teen.

“Okay,” Izuku said as he sauntered towards the circle, “Now, who’s quirks should I use? Oh, I

“DON’T EVEN FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT, DEKU!” Bakugo shouted as the green-haired
teen lifted his shirt, his stomach glowing as a long metal tube extended from it.

It took him a minute to set up, but he had a pretty good basic potato gun ready after a bit of work.
He tapped the ball with his fingers, making it weightless before putting it down the tube.

“And for the final touch,” he said, lifting a hand above his head, before swinging it down on the
end of the pipe, “Boom.”

The explosion was concentrated by the construct he’d made, shooting the ball out of the end of the
cannon with massive force as it shot off into the sky.

“DEKU! YOU FUCK!” Bakugo roared as he leapt forwards, suddenly dropping onto his face as
his quirk refused to work. He looked up, his eyes going wide as Izuku’s glowed red.

“Thanks, everyone who let me use their quirks today!” the green-haired teen said as he bowed
theatrically, “Especially you, Eraserhead.”

“Huh,” the man grunted, simply holding up his phone, “Infinity +.”


“You said you can copy quirks?” the frog like girl asked as they sat on the bus headed towards the

“Yep, any quirk within my range, which is about 10 metres at 100% efficiency,” Izuku grinned as
he explained his quirk, “Though I can’t copy mutant type quirks. And I can only use one quirk at a

“Fucker can’t even use his own quirk! Has to steal others to be useful!” Bakugo growled from the
back of the bus, Izuku just grinning as the other students called him out on his words.

“Don’t worry, he’s always been like this,” Izuku chuckled, “He’s scared I’ll be better at using his
quirk than him.”


“Then why do you hate me using your quirk so much?” Izuku asked, the blond going silent as he
sat back down, a scowl on his face, “Exactly.”

Izuku choked as the creature walked out through the portal.

He’d felt many types of quirks over the years, but nothing like those two things. While All Might’s
multiple quirks had all been in balance, forming a star-like structure within him, theirs were a mess
of twisted and torn light. The portal user only had three, some kid of production and control quirk,
a portal quirk and a mutation that made his body like gas. The other monster…

“That thing is dangerous,” he gasped, looking at Aizawa as the man prepared to jump down,
“Regeneration, shock absorption, and multiple super strengths, at least.”

“It won’t mean anything when I erase his quirk,” Eraserhead muttered as he threw himself down
the stairs.

Izuku blinked, spinning as he felt the portal villain appear behind him. The mist man shouted in
surprise as he fell out of the air, his quirk erased, Izuku’s eyes glowing red.

“Grab him now!” the green-haired teen shouted as he felt Aizawa reach the edge of his range,

“GOTCHA!” Bakugo yelled as he leapt onto the man, Izuku blinking as he felt the quirk vanish,
the Villain’s body writhing under the teen, “FUCKING TRY ANYTHING AND I’LL BLOW

“Everyone! Get out!” 13 shouted as they pointed at the door, the other students running towards it.

“Sensei!” Izuku shouted as he turned to watch Aizawa decimating the Villains below, “Aizawa-
sensei needs help!”

“No!” 13 shouted, grabbing him by the shoulder, “Absolutely no-!”

They were cut off as the massive figure slammed down in front of the door, the black skinned
creature letting out a growl as its eyes locked onto Bakugo. It raised a massive arm, darting
forwards with astonishing speed. The punch connected, the sounds of cracking bone echoing
around them as the wall of pressure blasted most of the students back.

“Ow,” Izuku grunted as the dust cleared, his arms purple as he lay on top of Bakugo, having been
thrown back by the creature’s massive strength, “That hurts like hell.”

“Midoriya!” 13 shouted, “What? How?”

“Shock Absorption,” the teen muttered as he staggered to his feet, his arms already almost fully
healed as he stared down the monsters, the mist Villain already back to his feet.

“Ah, is that your quirk?” the man asked, his body already spreading out, “Maybe we should take
you to enhance the Nomu.”

“Not exactly!” Izuku shouted, bringing his hands up as the clouds shot from his palms, slamming
into the mist, and driving it back, slamming the surprised Villain into the wall, “Someone please
hold him down!”

“Where are you getting all these quirks?” Uraraka shouted as Sero shot several streams of tape at
the stunned Villain, sticking him to the wall.

The second punch almost caught him off guard, the teen flinching as he felt the horrible mix of
quirks rush up behind him. The fist slammed into his back, driving him to the ground even as his
bones creaked, his muscles desperately trying to absorb the shock of the attack, and almost failing.

“Enough questions!” 13 shouted, “Everybody out!”

“I’ll hold it off!” Izuku called as the thing the mist guy had called Nomu lifted an arm again,
preparing to strike, glancing at 13 as the Hero began to protest, “I’m the only one who can!”

“FUCK THAT!” the explosion engulfed the monster’s head, throwing it back as Bakugo leapt over
Izuku’s head, his gauntlet already pulsing as he landed in the creature’s shoulders, pointing it
directly at its head, “FUCKING DIE!”


The snap and scream the followed made Izuku want to vomit, the massive black hand closing
around Bakugo’s leg as he unleashed the explosion snapping it like a twig. The blast from the
gauntlet just barely clipped the side of the monster’s head as the blond was tossed aside, slamming
into the wall as he coughed up a gout of blood. Izuku saw red.

He grabbed at the quirks inside the beast, his head aching as he forced himself to copy the swirling
mass of light. He felt sick. He felt so sick as the swirling mass of twisted light grew within him, his
body wanting to reject it as he stepped forwards, his bones groaning under his sudden new
strength, splintering before healing just as quickly. He felt himself begin to black out, the world
going dark as he struggled to maintain the mess of power within him. Suddenly, an image appeared
in his mind. A star. The star that was All Might’s quirk, each feeding off of a single central point.

Izuku stepped forwards and punched, his arm bulging as the shock absorption quirk compensated
for the feedback of the massive strength, the regeneration healing the microfractures that shot up
his arm in an instant. The creature staggered back, it’s body not healing for a moment as the teen
shot forwards again, landing a second punch.

“Thanks, Sensei!” Izuku called as he attacked the monster again, his eyes darted towards the man
that stood at the top of the stairs, eyes glowing red as he erased the monster’s quirk, the pale-haired
Villain unconscious and tied up in his capture weapon.

The Nomu howled as it slammed it’s fist into Izuku, the teen returning the punch, the monster’s fist
breaking under the attack.

“Midoriya!” Aizawa shouted.

“Do it!” Izuku shouted back, jumping out of the way of the beasts next attack as his own eyes
glowed red, Aizawa thankfully able to blink.

“I’m on it again!” the teacher shouted as Izuku shot forwards, his body audibly groaning under the

“Let’s finish this!” Izuku shouted as he charged forwards, “PLUS ULTRA!”

The punch slammed into the Nomu’s face, twisting the creature’s head around with a loud snap,
Aizawa blinking at the sound.

The monster made a keening noise for a moment as it seemed to try pulling it’s head back into
place, before a wave of ice engulfed it, a second quickly joining it as the rest of the class seemed to
be knocked out of their shock.

“Time to skedaddle!” Izuku yelled as he lifted his foot from the ground, flames already licking
across the left side of his body as he thawed himself out. The class shot towards the door, the
students making it outside just as the alarm began to blare, Kaminari giving a shout of success.

It took barely a minute for the security drones to descend on the USJ, the other teachers arriving a
few minutes later to round up the rest of the Villains that had been spread throughout the building.


“Tomura,” the shadowey figure sighed as he watched the camera feed of the young man being
knocked out and tied up, “You have failed me.”

He turned to another screen, watching as the green-haired teen beat back the Nomu meant to face
All Might, a wicked smile inching across his face.

“You, on the other hand…what an interesting quirk.”

Chapter End Notes

Quirk: Echo

The user has the ability to copy the quirks of anyone within a 10 meter radius of
themselves. They can only have 1 person's quirk active at a time, and the quirk is only
as strong as the quirk of the original user. The user must also have at least a basic
understanding of how the quirk works/"feels" to use in order to use it.

Cannot copy mutant type quirks, or quirks that require a heavy mutation/specialized
organ in order to work.

A side effect of the quirk is the ability to "sense" others through their quirks, described
as a glow. This glow can also help identify certain aspects of a quirk. The current
range of this sensing ability is approx. 1 km radius.
Devil's Feet
Chapter Summary

Izuku has a quirk like Shinra from Fire Force's pyrokinesis. Also, he was raised by the
Hero Public Safety Commission.

Chapter Notes

Yeah, I don't know what this is. I just had the idea, sat down, and wrote a bit a day for
a few days.

As always, these stories are completely open to anyone who wants to take ideas from
them to write their own fics.

It had happened when they were 5.

The nerd’s apartment had burst into flame, the only person who had survived was him, tears
streaming down his face as he heels spat out gouts of flame. His mother had tried to adopt the
green-haired child, only for some government agency to sweep him up, claiming that he’d only
have the best in their care. It had been years since Katsuki Bakugo had seen that head of green hair,
those perfectly symmetrical freckles, those bright emerald eyes. It had been years since he’d even
thought that name, let alone spoken it. Yet here he was, standing outside UA on the day of the
entrance exams, the only person those features could belong to, right in front of him.

“Deku,” the old nickname left his lips before he could think, the teen in front of him not even
reacting as he paged through a notebook in his hands, an official looking symbol on the front.

“Oi, Deku,” he said again, walking up behind the teen, grabbing him by the shoulder, flinching
when the teen looked back at him in confusion, as if he didn’t recognize him.

“I’m sorry, can I help you?” the boy asked, putting away his book as he stepped back, easily
shrugging off Bakugo’s hand, “I don’t have much time before the exam, so-.”

“Shut the fuck up, Deku!” Bakugo spat, stepping forwards, “Where that hell have you been? You
fucking vanished one day and-!”

“Who are you?” the question hit Bakugo like a punch to the gut. He’d suspected it but having the
fact that Izuku didn’t recognize him hurt more than he thought it would. He stood silently as the
boy sighed and turned away from him.

“De…Izuku!” he shouted, making the teen halt and look back at him, “It…It’s me! It’s Bakugo!
Katsuki Bakugo!”

The blank look made his gut churn before he spoke again.

“It’s Kacchan!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the boy said as he looked at the blond strangely,
turning away again, “Please leave me alone. I have an exam to pass.”


Bakugo watched as the green-haired teen kicked off the sandals he was wearing, flexing his toes
against the tarmac as he lowered himself into a sprinter’s crouch, eyes glued to Present Mic up on
the stands. Bakugo didn’t know why, but he felt the urge to try talking to him again, taking a step
forward. The hand landed on his shoulder, startling him as he looked at the bespectacled boy who
had grabbed him.

“You have been staring at the boy for several minutes now,” the blue-haired teen said sternly, “He
seems to be readying himself for the test. Are you planning to sabotage him?”

“Fuck off!” Bakugo barked as he slapped away the hand, turning back to Izuku, the teen not even
looking at them. Bakugo took another step forward.


The shout startled him, but not as much as the wall of flame that erupted from Izuku’s heels,
throwing the boy forwards through the barely opened gate, even as Present Mic shouted down at
the rest of the examines to get going.


It was like watching a dancer. The green-haired teen moved fluidly, hopping from robot to robot
with such ease and precision that many of the examines got distracted by the show, Bakugo
included. The blond shook his head, clearing his mind as he blasted himself towards a robot, taking
it out easily as he cast a sideways glance at Izuku, the teen spinning on his hands, the wave of
flame that shot from his feet taking out four of the two-pointers in a single move.

Bakugo shook his head again, refocusing on the Villain-bots, and unleashing fury upon them.


The world shook as the Zero-pointer rose from the ground, shattering building and throwing rubble
through the air.

“Ow!” the shout caught Bakugo’s ear, making him look at the brunette that was trapped, her face a
sickly shade of green as she struggled under the rubble that had trapped her foot.

Not my problem, Bakugo thought, mentally tallying up his points, I have more than enough points
to pa-.

His thought was cut off as the comet shot up from the ground, the familiar green hair in front of it
as Bakugo watched the teen shoot towards the metal behemoth’s head without hesitation. He
flexed his hand, the flames on his feet suddenly becoming more focused, and vanished. A moment
later, the zero-pointer’s head exploded, a massive hole burned straight through the center as the
figure on the other side slowed himself with controlled blasts of flame from his feet, hovering in
the air as he watched the machine topple.


Katsuki stared at the hologram. After the initial excitement of learning he’d got in, and that All
Might would be teaching at UA, he searched the listing behind the Hero for that familiar name.
Midoriya. Midoriya. Where the fuck is that nerds name?

The blond scowled as he scanned the rest of the passing students, recognizing none of the names.
He let out a sigh as he looked at his name again, having come second to someone named ‘Mikumo
Akitani’, the stranger having demolished Bakugo’s total Villain points, and then more than
doubling his points with the hidden Rescue Points.

It couldn’t be, Bakugo thought, Could it?


“Please remove your feet from the desk!” the point-dexter that had stopped him from talking to
Izuku during the exam said as he chopped the air with his hands, “It’s disrespectful to the people
who built the desk and our seniors!”

“Shut the hell up!” Bakugo snarled as he glared at the door, waiting for…he wasn’t entirely sure.

The ridiculously tall door slid open a moment later, Bakugo jumping up before he could think as he
recognized the head of curly green hair entering the room. He was walking with the girl who’d
gotten trapped during the exam, talking happily as he slid the door open.

“DEKU!” he shouted, startling the rest of the class as the two who’d just walked in looked at him
strangely, including the two at the door, “WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!”

“I’m sorry,” the boy said, smiling kindly at Bakugo as the blond stomped towards him, “But I told
you before, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“BULLSHIT! YOU KNOW ME, DEKU!” Bakugo shouted as he went to grab the boy’s collar,

Bakugo was cut off as the world suddenly turned upside down, his back slamming into the hard
floor with enough force to knock the breath from his lungs. The class stared in shock as the green-
haired boy released Bakugo’s wrist, his eyes seeming to refocus after a moment as he looked down
at the teen laying on the ground.

“Please don’t try to attack me like that,” he said flatly, his eyes blank as he stared down at Bakugo,
a shiver running up the blonde’s spine, “And my name is Mikumo Akitani, not, what was it…
“Dekiru”? Whatever that means.”

“If you’re here to fight on the first day, you’re expelled,” a deep voice said flatly as Mikumo and
Bakugo looked at the bright yellow caterpillar lying on the floor beside the door, “Now get


Bakugo shivered as he glared at Mikumo, the green-haired boy watching his other classmates as
they walked out of the changing rooms, his eyes flitting over them like he was analyzing
everything about them, his fingers twitching like he was writing.

“Mikumo, you scored highest on the entrance exam,” Aizawa-sensei said, tossing the teen a
softball, “Use your quirk to throw that as far as you can.”

“Alright,” he said as he stood in the chalk circle, kicking off the sandals he was wearing, “How
“What?” Aizawa sighed.

“How far do you want me to send it, Eraserhead?” Mikumo asked again.

“As far as you can, kid,” the Pro growled as the class suddenly started whispering amongst
themselves, the identity of their teacher so suddenly revealed.

“Right,” Mikumo said as he hopped from foot to foot for a moment, before dropping the ball.

Flames blazed from his heel as his foot shot forwards, slamming into the ball and sending it
shooting straight upwards, Aizawa raising an eyebrow as the teen crouched, eyes locked to the
ball. The moment it started to fall, he jumped, his entire body spinning as flames shot from his
heels, spinning him faster and faster through the air. Bakugo swore he saw the teen make the same
hand gesture as he had in the entrance exam a moment before the ball fell into the ball of flame. In
a moment, Mikumo seemed to vanish, his flames focusing as his entire body spun faster than the
eye could see, only a trail of flame shooting out of the blazing orb any marker that the soft ball had
been launched.

“8.7 kilometers,” Aizawa said as the teen landed easily in the ground, apparently not even dizzy
from his spinning, the older man’s eye actually twitching as he looked at the number, “Good.”

“I could have gone further,” Mikumo muttered, causing everyone to stare at him in shock, “My
timing was off. That should have broken 10 kilometers.”

“WHAT THE HELL!” the class shouted as one as the teen stepped out of the chalk circle, unfazed
by their shock.



Mikumo sighed as he half listened to the conversation of the two students that had deemed
themselves his friends. He turned to the blond that was stalking towards him, eyebrow raised in
question as the teen stopped a few feet away.

“Can I help you?” he said, “Also, my name is Mikumo Akatani.”

“Shut up!” the blond growled, hesitating before he took a step forwards, “What the hell happened
to you, De-…Izuku! You vanished after your quirk manifested! After you… And now you show
up out of fucking nowhere! Where have you been? My mom has been worried about you all these
years, you know!”

“I’m sorry,” Mikumo said, catching Bakugo off guard with how genuine the apology was, “But I
have no idea what you’re talking about. I was orphaned at a young age in a tragedy, so I have very
few memories of my life before my time with the-.”

He cut himself off, seeming to realize that he was saying too much.

“Sorry, I don’t know you,” he finished, turning back to the other two students who were looking at
Bakugo strangely.


The fight was going badly. Their first Foundational Hero Studies exercise saw Mikumo and
Bakugo going up against each other in teams. Bakugo had rushed them, Mikumo ordering the
round-faced chick away, before attacking Bakugo. The blond was quickly being beaten back by
the green-haired teen inside the building, a jet powered kick slamming into his stomach as he
fought to keep his lunch down. He skidded across the ground, scrambling to his feet as he stared at
Mikumo…at Izuku, the other teen preparing another attack.

“You…” Bakugo froze. Was he really about to say this? Was he that kind of person? Did he need
to know if this was really the Deku from his childhood that badly?

Apparently so.

“You killed your own mom.”

He knew he’d made a mistake the moment the words left his lips, Mikumo freezing as Bakugo
continued to speak, suddenly unable to stop himself.

“Your quirk manifested when we were five,” the blond said, “You couldn’t control it. You set your
apartment on fire. It killed your mom. My mom tried to adopt you, but some government agency
got to you first!”

Mikumo’s feet blazed as Bakugo spoke, the fire growing hotter and hotter, until it was burning the
back of his fire-proof costume.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Mikumo growled as he flexed his hand, the flames
focusing on his heels as he vanished from Bakugo’s sight.

A moment later the blond felt his ribcage being crushed as the foot slammed into his sternum,
throwing him backwards. The concrete walls of the building stood no chance as he smashed
through them like paper, slamming through the wall of the next building. He coughed up a gout of
blood as he stared at the ceiling, his lungs already feeling like they were filling with fluid as he

“Dammit,” an exasperated sigh made him look down, Mikumo approaching him, “All Might, call
off the exercise. A student has been seriously injured.”

“But-,” Bakugo heard the Pro say through the earpiece, being cut off as Izuku spoke again.

“End. The. Exercise. NOW.” The teen ordered, his voice too forceful for his age, “Unless you
want the death of a student on your “immaculate” hands.”

The sarcasm in that word hit Bakugo as Mikumo loomed over him, the world going dark.


“Deku,” Bakugo wheezed slightly as he stormed after the teen, bandages wrapped around his chest
as he fought off the side effects of Recovery Girl’s quirk, “Izuku…Mikumo, whatever the fuck
you’re calling yourself now! Wait!”

“No,” the teen sighed as he turned towards the blond, irritation clear in his eyes, “I don’t know
you. I don’t care to know you. I can’t remember anything before I was about 6. There, are you

“I…” Bakugo paused, staring at the other teen, “Where did you go?”

“I was admitted to a special Hero Training program managed by the Hero Public Safety
Commission. That’s all I can tell you without ensuring your death,” Mikumo sighed, giving
Bakugo a look that the blond couldn’t quite place, “If you tell anyone anything about what I just
said, you’ll be silenced. Understood?”


“I asked you a question,” the green-haired teen said with that same surprising force as before, “Do
you understand?”

“I…yes,” Bakugo could only wheeze as the other teen turned and walked away. Bakugo whispered
to himself as the teen walked away, “You’re still in there…I swear, you’re still in there, Izuku.”


The Villain blinked, looking back at the teen as he skidded along the floor, leaving a long burn
streak across the plaza.

“What did you just do?” the man growled, looking up at the smoking stump that had been the
Nomu’s head, the decapitated body collapsing to the ground.

“Subject: Nomu,” Mikumo said calmly as he stood up, the group of Villains that had come through
the portal all staring at him, “A corpse that has been modified to have multiple quirks. The HPSC
knows a lot about your master, Tenko Shimura, surrender now and I won’t kill you.”

“You?” the man spat, “You killed it? How? But Nomu has hyper-regeneration! Even if its head
was blasted off-!”

The foot slammed into the Villain’s head, knocking him out as he ranted.

“ATAKANI!” Aizawa shouted as he beat his way through the crowd of Villains, “What the hell
are you doing?”

“Leader and greatest threat neutralized, Eraserhead,” Mikumo replied flatly, his eyes focusing on
the Villains still scattered around the plaza, his heels suddenly blazing up, “Proceeding to assist
with clean up.”


“Who are you?” Aizawa growled as the student sat opposite him in a private room, the teen
seemingly unfazed by the interrogation.

“Subject: Mikumo Akatani,” he replied, his eyes going blank as he stared ahead, recounting the
information like a machine, “Quirk: Devil’s Feet. A ward of the Hero Public Safety Commission,
and subject in their Special Hero Raising program. Do you understand that you are only hearing
this because you have been cleared to learn this information, Eraserhead?”

“What?” the man said, stepping back as the teen looked at him with eyes that spoke of too much
experience, “What the hell did they do to you?”


“Hawks-nii!” Mikumo shouted as the No. 3 Hero landed in the middle of the stadium, beside the
teen who had just finished his speech, the crowd going wild as the winged man waved.

“Sup, kiddo,” he laughed, “Came to see your performance today.”

“You could have just bought a ticket,” Mikumo sighed as he stepped back from the podium, “Does
the Commission know you’re here?”

“Oh yeah! Totally!” Hawks laughed as Mikumo gave him an unimpressed look, “Come on kiddo!
Knock ‘em dead!”


“And Atakani holds onto the ten-million-point head band! For the whole match!” Mic shouted as
the teen lowered himself to the ground, having spent the entire cavalry game flying above the
stadium, “He obliterated the Obstacle race by flying over it at Mach speed, and now he’s mastered
the Cavalry battle! Is there anything this kid can’t do?”


“Your power…it’s like his,” Shoto Todoroki said as he glared at the green-haired teen from across
the hallway.

“I assume you mean your father?” Izuku sighed, watching the other teen closely as Todoroki began
to speak.

“Have you ever heard of quirk marriages?” he asked, Mikumo just nodding as the boy continued,
eventually reaching up to his face with his hand, “This scar…I got it-.”

“When your mother had a mental breakdown and poured boiling water over your face,” Mikumo
interrupted, surprising the other teen, “She is currently interred at Musutafu Private Hero Hospital
in the psychiatric ward. Under the request of Endeavor.”

“W-what?!” Todoroki near shouted, jumping off of the wall he was leaning against, staring at
Mikumo in shock, “You…how do you know?”

“I read your file,” the teen replied, stepping away, “I understand that you have emotional trauma
due to the actions of your father. However, you are following his example too closely to truly hate
him as you claim. You fail to impress me, Todoroki-san.”

“Im…press…you?” Todoroki said slowly, quickly growing angry, “Why would I need to impress

“No reason,” Mikumo hummed as he turned the corner, eyes darting to the corner where Bakugo
had been hiding, the blond having already left.


Ochako didn’t even get the chance to blink before the jet powered knee slammed into her gut,
knocking her straight out of the arena.


screamed over the speakers, Mikumo walking down off the arena and offering a hand to the
stunned brunette.

“Good match,” he said as he helped her stagger to his feet, his face strangely placid as he spoke.


“Todoroki-san,” Mikumo said as the other teen walked up onto the arena, “I hope you can impress
“Shut up,” the heterochromatic teen growled.

“Very well,” Mikumo said, taking his hands out of his pocket as Midnight called the start of the

Todoroki began to swing his right arm, preparing to send a massive glacier straight at the green-
haired teen, blinking as Mikumo made a gesture with his hand, and then vanished.

“HOLY SHIT!” Mic screamed over the PA system, “WHERE HAS ATAKANI GONE?”

Todoroki started as a face flickered in the air in front of him, Mikumo’s eyes blank as the kick
connected with Shoto’s left shoulder, making him stagger. The second kick slammed into his knee,
forcing him to the ground as the third hit struck his ribs. He shot out a wall of ice around his left
side, the strikes not stopping as holes began being blasted through the frozen barrier. A heel
slammed into the back of his head, driving his face straight into the concrete, sending his mind
ringing as he struggled to stand.

“Unfortunate, Todoroki-san,” the voice sounded like it was coming from far away as Shoto looked
up, his vision swirling as he stared at Mikumo, standing in exactly the same place as he had been at
the start of the fight. The only evidence that he had moved was the large black footprint shaped
scorch marks beneath his feet, “You have failed to impress me.”

Shoto didn’t see the kick. All he knew was that something hit his collarbone, snapping it like a
twig and sending him flying off of the arena like a broken doll.



“My name is Mikumo Atakani,” Mikumo sighed as he stood opposite Bakugo in the arena, “And I
suggest you concede.”

“Hell no!” the blond shouted, “Why the hell would I do that?”

“Because I was ordered to win the Sports Festival,” Mikumo said flatly, his voice dropping
slightly, “And I was to make a spectacle of the last fight. I have already hurt you. Concede.”

“HELL NO!” Bakugo shouted again, sliding a foot forwards, “I know you’re in there Deku! And
I’m gonna drag you the fuck out!”

“My name…” the boy said as Midnight started the match, the wall of flame erupting from his heels
engulfing almost half the stadium’s field, “Is Mikumo Akatani.”

The world went red for Bakugo for a moment, the heat all but unbearable before the shadow of
unconsciousness descended on him.

Chapter Summary

Izuku with a future sight quirk!

Chapter Notes

Another Idea! I wanted more Dadeye in this, but I couldn't really be bothered to put in
too much effort. Discuss what you think would happen below!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Sir, did you see the email I forwarded you?” the blue-skinned young woman asked as she walked
into the room.

“Yes, it was not a very good joke, Bubblegirl,” the lanky man replied as he sat behind his desk, “I
deleted it immediately. You know I don’t answer Fan-Mail.”

“I know,” the woman sighed, “But I thought you’d be especially interested in that one. The kid
who sent it attached a bunch of Hero analyses that were pretty good-.”

“And why would that interest me?” Sir Nighteye muttered, “We have plenty of analysts as part of
our agency already. And wasn’t he a first-year middle-schooler?”

“So, you did read it,” Bubblegirl hummed, smiling slightly, “Well, if you had bothered to read the
whole thing, you’d know that the kid has a really interesting quirk.”

“Oh?” Nighteye grumbled, “And what is that?”

“It’s called ‘Future Sight’.”


“Oi, Deku!”

Izuku looked up at the shout, darting backwards as his eyes flashed with a pale green light, dodging
the hand a split second before it would have grabbed him.

“Can I help you, Kacchan?” Izuku asked as he avoided the sudden punch easily, dodging out of the
way of the second grab.


“What do you mean?” Izuku asked as he ducked, the punch sailing over his head, “I didn’t do
“You beat me in the English test, you fuck! You probably cheated and used your quirk to see the
answers!” Bakugo shouted as he tried to tackled the green-haired teen, Izuku just stepping aside as
the blond collapsed to the floor.

“Kacchan, my quirk can only see a maximum of five minutes into the future,” Izuku sighed as he
stepped over the blond, his eyes glowing slightly brighter for a moment as he did so, lifting his foot
just before the blond could grab his ankle, “Anyway, I’m about to meet with someone important.”

“Someone important?” Bakugo spat as he got to his feet, “Who the fuck could care about a useless
fuck like you?!”

“Uhm, excuse me?” the three boys jumped as they looked behind them, eyes going wide as the
costumed Hero stood at the end of the alleyway, “I’m looking for an Izuku Midoriya? He said to
meet him here?”

“That would be me!” Izuku said happily as he pushed past the attempted bullies, “Nice to meet
you, Bubblegirl!”


“So,” the lanky Pro said as he sat at his desk, elbows resting on the solid wood as he steepled his
fingers beneath his nose, “Why did you contact us?”

“Because of your quirk,” the teenager sitting opposite him answered, eyes flashing green as the
hair beside his head suddenly parted in the wind, the weighted stamp falling out of the small crater
it had made in the wall behind him, “That’s kind of dangerous, you know.”

“You didn’t dodge or flinch,” Nighteye hummed, “Impressive.”

“Thank you, though its mostly due my own quirk. It activates on its own when I’m about to be in
danger,” Izuku explained, “It shows me what’s going to happen about two or three seconds before
it does. Gives me just enough time to react. In most cases.”

“Does it now?” The Pro said, staring at the boy, “And what possessed you to email a Professional
Hero’s office?”

“Like I said before,” Izuku shrugged as he spoke, “Your quirk. It’s similar to mine, so I figured
you’d be able to help me advance it. Also, you were one of All Might’s only sidekicks, so I had to

“You’re a fan of All Might?” the man asked, starting slightly when the child’s face suddenly
contorted, forming into a relatively accurate portrayal of the No 1 Hero.

“I AM HERE!” Izuku said in a decent impression of All Might’s voice, “IN FASCIMILE!”

Nighteye let out a quiet snort.


“Being an Intern for Sir isn’t so bad,” Bubblegirl said as she showed Izuku around the Agency,
“I’ve been here for since it started two years ago, and I’m probably going to be a Sidekick next
year. Sir is great for people with non-combat orientated quirks like ours. Though his sense of
humor is weird.”

“I noticed that,” Izuku replied as he followed her into the small gym/training room that was part of
the agency, “Uhm…not to be rude, but I have a question about your costume?”

“Oh, go ahead,” the blue-skinned teen replied, smiling down at him.

“Does it really need to be so…revealing?”



Izuku dodged the punch, wincing as he heard the fist collide hard with the brick behind him,
Bakugo stumbling back gripping his hand.

“Can I help you, Kacchan?” the thirteen-year-old asked.


“Oh, that was Bubblegirl, and she’s not a Hero, yet,” Izuku said calmly as he side stepped another
punch, “She’s an Intern at the Nighteye Hero Agency. Just like me.”

“YOU’RE A WHAT?” Bakugo shrieked, trying to blow the green-haired teen up, Izuku just
jumping out of range of the surprisingly large blast, “DON’T FUCKING LIE, YOU WEAK ASS

“I’m not!” Izuku gave an exasperated sigh, “Anyway, you’d better stop. Bubblegirl is going to be
here any second.”


“Report you to the police for one,” the female voice said from behind him, making the blond
freeze, coughing as he was suddenly slammed into the ground a moment later, “I also have my
Provisional License, so I’m allowed to intervene in minor crimes and quirk related incidents.
Which this seems to be.”

“Let him go, Bubblegirl,” Izuku sighed as he looked at the spectacle in front of him, “He’s really
not worth it.”

“GET OFF ME YOU BITCH!” Bakugo shrieked as she pressed him harder to the ground, “I’LL

“Oh,” the blue-skinned Hero intern said, looking down at the blond, “Will you really now?”



“Yes, Midoriya?” the Pro replied as he glanced up from his work, the 13-year-old that had been
interning at his agency for just over 6 months. And what a difference those six months had made.

The short and skinny teen that had walked in through the doors of the Agency that first day had
changed dramatically. He’d gained at least two inches in height, and his muscles were developing
nicely. Somehow, he and Bubblegirl had managed to figure out a way to at least partially tame the
wild mane of dark green hair that sat on his head. They’d cut it short and used some extra strength
hair products, allowing it to be pulled into a much smarter side-parted style. A style suspiciously
similar to Nighteye’s own preferred haircut.

And he wasn’t the only thing that had changed. The agency itself was growing quickly, Nighteye
having taken on several more interns and sidekicks in the last half a year, mostly thanks to Izuku’s
advice. As much as Mirai had thought little of Izuku’s analysis skills at first, the teen had proved to
be a near genius in the art of quirk analysis. This had led to him helping almost every member of
the Agency to improve their quirks in some way.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why did you separate from All Might?”

“Pardon?” the man said, looking up in surprise.

“You’re a massive fan of his, maybe even bigger than I am,” Izuku said, looking around the large
office, it’s walls and shelves covered in extremely rare All Might paraphernalia, “So why did you
stop being his Sidekick? It must have been a dream job for you.”

Mirai stopped, placing his pen down slowly on his desk, staring ahead of him as memories flashed
through his mind. Blood and bandages. The warnings of the doctors, of Recovery Girl. The man
stumbling down the hallway, leaning unsteadily against the wall as they shouted at each other.

The vision of All Might’s future. Of All Might’s death.

“We had a difference of opinion,” he finally answered, looking back down at his paperwork, and
picking up his pen, “I would appreciate if you didn’t ask again.”


“APOLOGIZE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” Mitsuki Bakugo yelled as she forced her son to bow in front
of the Midoriya’s open door, “I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WOULD ACT LIKE A

“Mitsuki,” Inko said as she and her son stared wide-eyed at the pair, “What are you doing here?”

“This idiot child decided it was a good idea to threaten a Pro Hero,” the blond woman explained,
still forcing Bakugo’s head down in a bow, “Apparently he was causing trouble for Izuku when it

“Oh!” Inko said in surprise, looking at Izuku, “Why didn’t you tell me, Izuku?”

“He’s never managed to touch me before,” Izuku shrugged, “And I didn’t want to hurt his chances
of getting into UA.”

“YOU FUCK!” Bakugo suddenly exploded, “YOU THINK YOU’RE BETTER THAN ME?

“KATSUKI!” Mitsuki shouted as she grabbed a hold of her son again, “YOU LITTLE SHIT,


“Hey, do you think we could get some quirk suppressing cuffs?”

“What for, young man?” Centipeder asked as the two of them sparred in the small gym. Or, more
accurately, the Pro blocked every attack Izuku could throw at him, occasionally launching his own,
which the teen could just barely dodge.
“I just…I don’t feel like I’m learning what Sir is trying to teach me,” Izuku huffed as he was
knocked to the ground, “He keeps talking about predicting your opponents moves and anticipating
the environment, but I feel like my quirk is getting in the way.”

Centipeder paused, looking at the teen in front of him, chuckling as Izuku fell into a short
muttering spree, before shaking his head and pulling himself out of it. The boy had made leaps and
bounds in the year he had been at the Agency, not only improving his overall physical abilities, but
also his mental and psychological skills. Centipeder still shivered when he remembered the time
Sir Nighteye had allowed Izuku to direct an interrogation, from outside the room of course, a few
weeks ago. It had taken ten minutes for the perp to start spilling their guts about every secret they

“I see,” the Pro said, “I shall talk to the Support Department about it.”

“Thanks, Centipeder, I really appreciate it!” Izuku said as he hugged the man, making the Pro start
slightly, before patting him on the head.


“Good,” Nighteye said as Izuku dodged the thrown stamps, each slamming into the wall behind
him with great force, “You are finally improving.”

“I know!” Izuku said excitedly as he ducked under the next barrage of stamps, wincing as they
embedded themselves in the wall behind him, “And it’s all thanks to these quirk suppressant

“Yes,” Nighteye hummed as he hurled another stamp at the boy, wincing himself as Izuku just
barely failed to dodge it, the weighted metal clipping his ankle and sending him crashing to the
floor, “Are you okay, Midoriya?”

“Never better,” Izuku responded from face down on the matts, lifting a hand in a thumbs up, “Just
let me reattach my leg and we can keep going.”

Mirai snorted under his breath, standing up straight and walking over to help the teen to his feet.

“I must say, I never would have thought of removing a person’s quirk to help them train,” he said
as he helped Izuku limp to the side of the room, “It’s rather clever. Many of the Sidekicks have
adopted it as well.”

“Really?” Izuku blushed slightly as he rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his slightly scruffy
short hair, “I just did it because it felt like my quirk was getting in the way. I never thought of it as
a training method for other people.”

“Yes, well most Heroes tend to rely on their quirks a little too much,” Nighteye said, “It makes
them forget what to do when they can’t use their quirks.”

“Yeah,” Izuku muttered as he rubbed his ankle.


“Hello! I’m Mirio Togata, and it’s an honor to get to work with you!” the blond with a strangely
simple face said excitedly as he bowed to the group gathered in front of him, “I hope we can get

“Likewise,” Centipeder replied as Bubblegirl smiled at the first-year high schooler.

“So, your quirk is some kind of phasing ability, right?” the short teen asked excitedly, walking
right up to the blond and beginning to inspect him, making Mirio blink as he looked at him, “Can
you activate it in different parts of your body, or is it an all or nothing type of thing? I saw that you
lost your clothes during the Sports Festival, so you obviously don’t have very good control of your
quirk yet!”

“Uhm…who’s sassy child is this?” he asked slowly, pointing at the teen that was hurrying around
him, scribbling in a notebook.

“Oh, that’s just Midoriya,” Centipeder explained as Bubblegirl grabbed the green-haired teen,
lightly scolding him as she pulled him away, “Another of our interns. Well, unofficially. He’s only
just started his second year of middle school but has been interning with us for the last year or so.
You’d do well to listen to his advice. He’s very smart.”

“Oh, okay!” Mirio said brightly as he watched Bubblegirl talking to Izuku, the teen still scribbling
in his book.


Mirio grunted as he fell to the floor, his pants shooting off him as his legs solidified.

“Not good enough, Togata-san,” a stern voice said as the blond let out a quiet groan, “You have an
amazing quirk, but you need to work with it, not use it like a tool.”

“I still don’t get what that means, Midoriya,” Mirio sighed as he sat up, looking at the younger boy
with slight awe.

Despite having two years and at least a couple dozen pounds of muscle on the smaller boy, Mirio
had yet to beat him in a spar. It felt like everything he tried to do was being predicted and
countered before he even thought of doing them, leaving him lying on his back more than he’d
like. And that wasn’t even the worst part.

“Well, shall we work on your quirk control for now?” Izuku asked as he undid the thick metal
bracers that sat on his arms, placing the quirk suppressing cuffs on a nearby table, “I think you’ve
gotten the hang of moving through walls. Now we just need to get you to be able to do it quickly.”

“Sure thing, Midoriya,” Mirio grunted as he jumped to his feet, helping the other intern to drag the
large plaster walls out of storage, “I really appreciate this!”



“Yes, Midoriya?” the Pro said slowly, recognizing the tone of the boy’s voice. He was about to ask
a question he knew he shouldn’t.

“Why did you and All Might have a falling out?” Izuku asked, Mirai giving a loud sigh as he
looked up from his desk, the teen looking embarrassed as he stood there, “I…uhm…I know you
said not to ask, but…well, I just really wanted to know. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want
to! I’m sorry I asked!”

“Like I said,” Nighteye replied, “We had a falling out. All Might…he was badly injured after
facing a Villain and…”

Mirai didn’t know why he’d just said that. Izuku stared at him with green eyes wide.
“All Might was badly hurt? By who?” the teen asked, “It happened about three or four years ago,
right? Was it Toxic Chainsaw?”

Mirai let out a loud laugh, startling the teen as he leant back in his chair.

“No, Midoriya,” he chuckled, “That small timer never stood a chance against All Might. This
was…someone much more dangerous. You wouldn’t have heard of them. We made sure of that.”

“ “We”?” Izuku continued.

“Enough about that,” Nighteye muttered, “We have work to do, how are those quirk profile’s I
asked you to do coming along?”


“Why not just throw her in a hole?”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Throw her in a hole,” Izuku repeated as he sat beside the second year high-schooler in the Agency
breakroom, “Oh, and tell her she won’t be getting supper until she flies her way out.”

“I…” Mirio stared at the third-year middle-schooler in shock, before blinking and looking away,
“Actually, that’s not a bad idea.”


“Well, it seems like both Midoriya and Bakugo are trying out for UA,” their teacher said as the
class finally quietened down, “Good luck to both of you.”

“DEKU!” Bakugo exploded as he shot towards the green-haired teens desk, slamming his palm
down onto the wood and letting out a powerful explosion, “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK

“I’m applying to UA, Kacchan,” Izuku sighed, his eyes closed as he dodged the swipe, “You can’t
stop me.”

“You think you’re better than me just because some nobody Hero lets you hang around their
Agency, huh? Is that it?” the blond barked, Izuku letting out a sudden laugh.

“No, Kacchan,” the teen grinned as he stared the blond directly in the red eyes, “I know I’m better
than you because I don’t have a criminal record.”


The blast stung more than Izuku had expected it to, Bakugo obviously having been training his
quirk over the past couple of years. The blond had also probably been expecting Izuku to dodge, so
was stunned when his hand connected with the other teen’s face, throwing him backwards against
the back wall of the classroom.

“MIDORIYA!” the teacher shouted, darting towards them with a worried look on his face, “Are
you okay? What were you thinking, Bakugo? Detention for the rest of the week! And we’ll be
calling your parents!”

“I…you…” the blond muttered as he stared between his hand and the boy lying on the ground in
front of him, gingerly touching the burns on his face, “You did that on purpose. DEKU, YOU


“No lasting damage, thankfully,” Healios said as he inspected the burns on Izuku’s face, the
Sidekick smiling at the green-haired teen as Nighteye and Centipeder stood towards the back of
the Agency’s infirmary.

“That brat should be arrested,” Nighteye growled, glaring at the wall, “He should be put in juvenile
detention for this!”

“Please don’t,” Izuku sighed as he hopped off the bed, “I just wanted to scare him, not actually get
him in trouble.”

“Scare him? SCARE HIM?!” Nighteye shouted as he grabbed the boy by the shoulders, “The only
people you succeeded in scaring were your mother and everyone at this agency! What if he’d
damaged your eyes, Izuku? Your quirk may have been destroyed!”

“I know, I’m sorry,” Izuku muttered, looking down, “I just…I needed him to know that his actions
have consequences.”

“There are easier ways to do that than risking your health and quirk, young man,” Centipeder
hummed, “Not to mention he should have learnt that from his first run in with Bubblegirl.”

“Oh, Kacchan is way too stubborn for that,” Izuku sighed, “It’s one of the reason’s he’ll make a
great Hero.”


“Good luck, Izu-bro!” MIrio said as the two of them stood outside of UA’s gates, “I know you’ll
pass with flying colors! And I look forward to finally being your senior Intern!”

“Of course, Mirio,” Izuku laughed, “And I’ll be sure to spread the word about all the times I
kicked you ass while you were training your quirk.”

“Please don’t,” the blond sagged as he looked at the other teen, “That was really embarrassing.”

“Of course it was,” Izuku laughed as he headed into the school, “See you later.”


“Ridiculous,” Izuku huffed as he dodged the slow-moving punch of the two-pointer, hopping up
onto its shoulder and snapping its thin neck with a sharp twist, “No chances for alternative quirk
users to pass. Well, I’ll show them, and then have a word with Principal Nedzu. I’m sure Sir could
organize a meeting.”

The rumbling filled the city as he looked up, blinking a moment later, his quirk activating. Izuku
looked around, his eyes locking onto his target as he bolted towards the brunette.


“He saved a girl from falling rubble,” Izuku heard as he woke up slowly, “Took a nasty bump to
the head, but otherwise is fine.”

“Thank goodness,” he heard Sir mutter under his breath, feeling the unmistakable presence of the
Pro approaching the side of his bed, “What were you thinking, Izuku?”
“I saw myself saving her,” he croaked, making the Pro jump slightly, “So I had to do it. You
always say that the future is set in stone, don’t you Sir?”

“Izuku…” Nighteye scowled as the teen cracked his eyes open, smiling up at the Pro, “You’re too
smart for your own good.”

“You only say that when I’m right,” Izuku chuckled as he sat up slowly, Nighteye helping him
upright, “Hi, you’re Recovery Girl, right? Could I get your autograph?”

The elderly woman blinked as she looked at the smiling teen, shaking her head for a moment
before pulling out a pen.

Chapter End Notes

Future Sight: Activates instinctively just before the user is about to be harmed,
allowing them to see 2-3 seconds into the future. Can be used to see up to five minutes
into the future with concentration. View is only through the eyes of the user.

My Discord account is on my Profile, so if you want to chat, shoot me a message. I

may also be making a Discord server, though that will be invite only for now.

Grey Out!
Chapter Summary

Katsuki gets what he deserves.

Chapter Notes

I wrote this whole chapter in about three hours. And Thank you to AO3 user Sean
Bruce for the idea.

Second story of the day! Yay! I tired now. Enjoy.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


The shout and explosions were cut off as the capture weapon snapped around Bakugo’s head,
holding the blond back as Eraserhead erased his quirk.

“You’re expelled.”

The words hung in the silence as the entire class froze, looking between the blond and the teacher.

“What the fuck did you just say?” Bakugo hissed, turning to glare at the older man.

“You’re expelled, Bakugo,” Aizawa repeated, “Go change and get your things from the classroom.
If you’re lucky we’ll transfer you to General Education.”

“You…what…I?” the blond said, Izuku staring in shock, the confused words being the quietest
he’d ever heard Bakugo in his life, “Expelled? Why?”

“If you have to ask that, then you have zero potential as a Hero,” Aizawa growled, “But for your
own benefit, I’ll tell you. You tried to attack a fellow student. That is unacceptable, regardless of
how strong or impressive your quirk is.”

“I…but…Deku is-!”

“I don’t want to hear it!” Aizawa barked, releasing the stunned teen, “Now get out of here before I
have to call security.”

Izuku stared as Bakugo stumbled away, his face the very image of shock as he left the field.

“Midoriya,” his name made Izuku jump, turning stiffly to face the teacher, tears threatening to
come pouring out.

This was it. He’d ruined Bakugo’s chances at being a Hero. He’d caused one of the strongest
students to get expelled. It was his turn now.
Aizawa’s face seemed to soften as he looked at the shaking teen, his worry hidden behind his
scarf, “Meet me after class. We need to talk.”

“Y-yes, Sensei!” the teen squeaked, tears already dripping from his eyes.


Izuku hung his head as he waited for the rest of the students to leave. Uraraka and Iida had offered
to wait for him, the teen just shaking his head sadly and telling them to go on without him. The
words had sounded strangely final.


He froze as the teacher closed the door, walking over to Izuku’s desk and pulling out the chair in
front of him. Kacchan’s chair. The chair Kacchan was supposed to sit in. The chair Kacchan
wouldn’t be sitting in anymore.

“How long has Bakugo been abusing you?”

The question made him stop, his brain freezing as he stared into Aizawa’s red eyes, the look of
worry flashing across the teacher’s face again.

“What?” he squeaked, “I…he…He hasn’t! Ever!”

“Don’t lie to me, Midoriya,” the man said, “I’m a trained Pro Hero. I know the signs of abuse
when I see them.”

“I…no…it’s my fault!” Izuku spluttered, “I…I was in Kacchan’s way. He was right to be angry!
He shouldn’t have been expelled!”

“That’s not a decision for you to make,” Aizawa said softly as he placed a hand on Izuku’s
shoulder, noticing how the teen twitched away instinctively, something inside the man snapping.
He didn’t want to ask the question, but he knew he had to. He had to know just how deep this went,
“What would you have preferred I do?”

“Expel me.”

The words hit Shota like a brick, making him sit back in the chair with a loud sigh. It was worse
than he’d expected. There had been no hesitation. He was so willing to protect his abuser that he’d
give up on his dream. This kid didn’t see himself as worth anything.

It made Shota angry.

“That wouldn’t be logical,” the man said, making Izuku blink, “You have non-zero potential.
There’s no reason to expel you.”

“B-but Kacchan…he had…he has so much potential!” Izuku muttered, staring forwards in shock,
“His quirk is amazing, and he wants to be a Hero!”

“And he’s an abuser,” Shota cut off the teen’s rambling, “He’s an abuser that tried to attack one of
his own classmates with a dangerous quirk.”


“No buts,” Aizawa growled, getting up from the chair, “I’m going to go report this and fill in the
paperwork to transfer Bakugo to Gen. Ed. If he makes a good enough show of himself, he might be
allowed back into the Hero course. You on the other hand…”

“M-me?” Izuku squeaked.

“I suggest seeking counseling,” Shota sighed, “Hound Dog is very good. He may be able to help
you come to terms with what’s happened to you.”


Katsuki lay on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling of his room as he replayed the scenario in his
head over and over.


He, Katsuki Bakugo, had been expelled on the first day. Before the welcome ceremony had
finished. Before the first class had started. Before he’d even had the chance to use his quirk for
anything except a few stupid exercises. He’d been expelled.

Because of Deku.

“I’m going to kill that nerd,” he whispered as he stared at the ceiling, “I don’t give a fuck what
they say! I’m better than him! He should have been expelled, the lying fuck! Where the hell did he
get a fucking quirk, anyway?”

“Katsuki,” his name made him glance at his door, watching as his father stepped into his room, the
meek man turning away as he closed the door.

“What the fuck do you want?” the blond growled, glaring at his father, the anger still seething
beneath his skin.

“I’m disappointed in you.”

Bakugo’s blood ran cold. He knew that tone of voice. He’d only heard it twice in his life before.
Once when his uncle had gotten drunk and trashed a hotel that they’d been staying in for a family
get-together. And the second time when his father had first heard Katsuki call Izuku “Deku”.
Bakugo had made a point of never saying the nickname within earshot of his father since. But now
the man was standing in front of his door, face placid, though Bakugo knew that beneath that was a
sea of anger and rage that dwarfed his and his mother’s combined.

“Your mother just told me about what happened today,” Masaru Bakugo said, Katsuki shivering
under his gaze, keeping perfectly still as if moving would unleash a wild beast. Which it may just,
“And that the school called.”

“Y-yeah?” Katsuki said, not knowing where this was going.

“I’m ashamed.”

The words made Katsuki want to cry. But he fought back the tears. He was Katsuki fucking
Bakugo! He didn’t cry! That was for the weak! He wasn’t weak!

“How long have you been bullying Izuku?”

“I…I haven’t done shit to-.”

“Don’t lie to me, young man!” Masaru raised his voice, Katsuki scrambling back on his bed at the
shout, fear in his eyes as he watched the man. Masaru took a slow breath before looking at his son,
“How. Long?”

“I…I don’t know?” Katsuki whispered, “I was…he was…he was quirkless. Is quirkless. But he
wanted to be a Hero. I was just…I was just showing him his place.”

“No,” his father said flatly, “You were hurting him. You were bullying him.”

Masaru took a slow step forward. Then another. And another, until he was standing over the blond,
leaning down so his face was directly in Katsuki’s.

“You were abusing him,” the man growled, “Say it.”

“S-say what?” Katsuki squeaked, trying to curl in on himself.

“You know what, Katsuki. You aren’t stupid,” his father said slowly, “Or maybe you are.”

Those words struck Katsuki like a knife to the heart, making him grab his chest as pain shot
through it. Tears began to drip down his cheeks

“I…I…” he sobbed, “I abused D-Deku.”

“Who?” the voice was quiet, but Katsuki could feel the rage in it.

Katsuki’s eyes went wide as he realized what he’d just said.

“I-Izuku! I abused Izuku!” the blond blurted, breath ragged as he tried to shuffle further back on his
bed, “I…I did it! I’m sorry!”

Masaru stood slowly, turning as walking away from his son’s bed as the blond stared at his father’s

“I am not a violent person,” Masaru said softly, “I hate violence. Remember that, Katsuki.”

The man opened Katsuki’s bedroom door, half stepping out of it before pausing, looking back into
the room.

“You’re grounded for the rest of the year. You will not be allowed to take part in any of the UA
festivals. Especially the Sports Festival.”


“HEROES WIN!” All Might called through the earpieces as Izuku crashed into the bomb, hissing
in pain as his broken leg flopped uselessly to the ground.

“You okay, Midoriya?” he heard Ojiro say through the haze of pain, “Hold on, I’ll help you get to
the nurse’s office.”

Izuku just nodded as he felt someone lift him, pulling his arm over their shoulder as something
thick and muscular supported his waist.

“Izuku! Are you okay?” he heard Uraraka call as she ran into the room, flinching at the state of his
leg, “Oh no! Let me help!”

Izuku felt tears begin to drip from his eyes as he was half-carried, half-floated out of the building,
being set gently on the stretcher before the robots took him away.

Katsuki stared at the television screen as the news reported on the attack on the USJ. No one had
been seriously hurt except for the two accompanying Pro Heroes, though their injuries were
reported to be minor.

Katsuki didn’t believe it.

“I should have been there,” he growled, “I would have wiped the floor with those fucking

The image changed to a view of UA’s front gates; reporters gathered around it as they tried to
interview students. He’d had to shove through them this morning, the reporter’s ignoring him when
they saw the Gen Ed. Badge on his shoulder. A brief flash of green caught Katsuki’s attention,
Izuku’s startled face filling up the screen.

“What’s it like having All Might as a teacher?”

“I…uh…I…” the nerd stuttered, his face going red.

The camera quickly shifted away to the sparkly fuck who’d been talking bullshit but seemed much
more comfortable in front of the camera.

Katsuki turned off the TV, throwing the remote down on the couch before storming off to bed.


over the speakers, Izuku flinching slightly as he walked out onto the field, “AND HIS

“Todoroki-san,” Izuku said as he clenched his left hand, wincing at the pain in his fingers, “I don’t
plan to lose!”

“Neither do I,” came the deadpan reply.


The fire raged, ice and flame exploding across the arena as Katsuki stared at the screen. At Izuku.
Flying over the ice, the walls of concrete that shot up between them shattering as they both

Then there was silence.

The stadium was deathly silent as the smoke cleared, revealing the red- and white-haired young
man staggering to his feet on the stage, as Izuku lying on the grass.



“You got second place,” the voice made Izuku freeze, turning slowly to look at the blond that
glared at him, Bakugo scowling as usual. And standing exactly five meters away.
“I…uh…yeah,” Izuku mumbled.

“I would have fucking won,” Bakugo spat.

“Y-yeah, you p-probably would have,” Izuku replied.

“Hey, Deku!” the shout startled both of them as the brunette who’d placed third ran up, “Have you
decided who you’re going to intern with yet?”

“N-no, Uraraka,” the green-haired teen stuttered out, “N-not yet!”

“Oh, hey,” the girl said, suddenly seeming to notice Bakugo, her eyes going hard as she frowned,
“It’s you.”

“Yeah, what fucking of it, round-face?” he growled.

“You stay away from Deku,” she growled right back, stepping between the two of them and
surprising Bakugo, “He told us about what you did. It’s disgusting.”

“Fuck you!” he spat back, “If he told you, then why the fuck are you calling him Deku?”

“Because,” the girl huffed, glaring at him as she crossed her arms, “It means “I can do it!” now.
Like De-ki-ru!”

“Tsk,” he clicked his tee as he spun on his heel and stalked away.

“…like a Villain…” he heard her mutter, before Izuku exploded into a tirade about how he wasn’t.

Katsuki growled. He didn’t need that fucking nerd defending him.


Katsuki blinked. He had no idea why he’d decided to allow his mother to drag him to Kiyashi
Ward Shopping Mall, except that it was the first time he’d been allowed out of the house apart
from school in months. And now he was standing there, in front of the last person he’d expected to
run into. And someone else.

Some crusty looking fuck was sitting with Deku, his hand held firmly to the nerd’s neck, both
staring at Bakugo in surprise as he stared back.

“Sorry,” the crusty fuck said, “My friend and I are having a private conversation.”

“Fuck you!” Katsuki spat, “I know all that nerd’s friends, and you ain’t one of them.”

“And who are you?”

“K-Kacchan, leave,” Deku said with surprising authority, “Now. I-I’ll handle this!”

“Fuck that!” Katsuki growled, his hand in his pocket as he fiddled with his phone, “I don’t know
who the fuck you are, but I ain’t about to let you do shit to anyone! Least of all fucking Deku!”

“Kacchan?” the teen gasped.

“Deku? I’m sorry I…Who are you?” round-face asked as she suddenly emerged from the crowd.

“Fine,” the man said, suddenly releasing Izuku as he backed away, a creepy grin on his face, “I’ll
leave. See you around…Izuku Midoriya.”

“Deku! Are you okay, I’ll call the Heroes!”

“Already fucking done,” Katsuki growled as he pulled his phone out, showing them the emergency
app that was already pinging, several shouts echoing across the crowd as a Hero pushed through

“Kacchan,” Izuku said as she gripped his throat, his face still pale, “Why?”

“Because I’m the only one allowed to fucking beat you!” the blond growled, “You better be
fucking ready! When I get back into the Hero course next year, I’m going to kick your ass!”

“R-right!” Izuku said as Katsuki stomped away from them, stopping a short distance away as the
Hero appeared, barking what had happened at him.


Izuku stared at the door of his hospital room, his arms in casts as he stared at his guest, his mother
looking worriedly between the two boys.

“You’re finally fucking awake,” Bakugo growled, “Good.”

“Kacchan,” Izuku breathed, “What? Why?”

“I came to make sure you hadn’t fucking died, you shi-,” he cut himself off as he looked at Inko,
the woman starting slightly, “You idiot. I’ve still got to beat you next year.”

“R-right,” Izuku muttered, “How are you doing?”

“Better than fucking you,” the blond spat as he walked into the room, “You ain’t going to be able
to punch shit like that.”

“Y-yeah, though Recovery Girl is coming tomorrow to help heal the rest.”

“Yeah,” Bakugo muttered, before dropping the gift basket he was holding on the table beside
Izuku’s bed, “Well, here’s some shit from my mom. And remember, the only person allowed to
kick your ass is me!”

“Kick my…yeah,” Izuku muttered.


Chapter End Notes

This one has some heavy topics. Topics that I'm not particularly good at talking about.

If you feel you are being abused, please, seek help any way you can.

Grey out.
Chapter Summary

Quirkless Izuku gets trained by his Granddad to be a sword master!

Chapter Notes

I got this idea last night, and had to write it, because I apparently have no self control
(this should be obvious by now)


This AWI has an Extended!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Excuse me?” the old sounding voice said from the other side of the phone, “He’s what?”

“Q-quirkless, Mosashi-san,” Inko repeated herself, a cold feeling of dread running down her spine
as she heard the man moving on the other side of the phone.

She’d dreaded this. Phoning her relatives to tell them about Izuku’s quirk. Or more accurately, his
lack of one. All of them had been at least somewhat understanding, or at least apologetic. It made
Inko’s skin crawl the way their tones changed the moment she mentioned it. Mosashi Midoriya,
Hisashi’s father, had been the last person on the list.

“We’re coming to visit,” the man grunted as he sounded like he was lifting something, surprising
Inko, “We’ll be there tomorrow. Hanaha! We’re visiting Inko!”

Inko stared at the phone as the man hung up, looking worriedly over to her son, who was sitting on
the sofa, staring blankly ahead.


“Inko, dear, so good to see you!” Hanaha Midoriya said as Inko opened the door, almost
immediately being pulled into a hug by the older woman, “How are things?”

“Hello, Hanaha-san,” Inko said, watching as Mosashi nodded politely behind his wife, before
walking past them into the apartment, “It’s been…well it hasn’t all sunk in just yet.”

“That’s fine, sweetheart,” Hanaha said soothingly, “Izuku will be perfectly fine in our care.”

“In your…?” Inko pulled out of the hug as she stared at the softly smiling woman in confusion,
“What are you talking about?”

“Pack your bags, boy,” she heard Mosashi say from Izuku’s room, “You’re moving in with us.
Training starts tomorrow.”

Inko blinked as the last of their furniture was loaded into the moving van, a quick call to Hisashi
the night before resulting in her husband giving an exasperated sigh and an apology.

“Sorry Inko, my dad can be like that,” the man explained over the phone, “When he makes a
decision, it’s final. Don’t worry, he’d never hurt Izuku. I promise.”

“I’m going with them,” Inko had said, Hisashi remaining silent for a moment, before responding.

“That’s…probably for the best,” he’d sighed, “Just…don’t be surprised when dad starts training



“Yes, boy?” the old man said as they sat on the train.

“Can I be a Hero?”

“Why?” the man asked, looking down at the four-year-old as he clutched his All Might action
figure to his chest.

“I…I wanna save people…” Izuku muttered, “L-like All Might.”

“And how do you expect to do that?” Mosashi asked, Izuku flinching.

“I…I’d need a quirk,” Izuku whispered, jumping when his grandfather spoke.

“Peh,” the old man spat, “Quirks this and quirks that. People these days are too obsessed with the
bloody things! They’ve forgotten the power of the human body. I never had one of the damn
things, and I turned out fine.”

“Y-you’re quirkless?” Izuku breathed as he stared at his grandfather, a look of reverence on his

“Yes,” Mosashi said, his own face softening for a moment as he reached out to pat Izuku on the
head, “And I’m plenty strong. Bet I would even be able to go up against that All Might fellow and
hold my own!”

“That’s impossible, Ji-san!” Izuku giggled, “All Might is unbeatable, Kacchan said so!”

“No one is unbeatable, Izuku,” Mosashi hummed as he smiled at the laughing boy, “And I’ll prove
it to you.”


“One hundred,” the man barked as the ten-year-old lowered his weighted bokken, panting heavily,
“Good. Take a rest then go bathe, your mother is making supper for us now.”

“Yes, Sensei!” The boy replied as he sat on the ground, taking deep slow breaths as he brought his
heart rate back down.

He looked up at the evening sky, amazed as always by the beautiful hues and gradients that painted
the sky out here in the countryside. He and his mother had been living with his grandparents for
almost six years now, and it was nice. Sure, it had been hell at first. His grandfather had handed
him a bokken almost the moment that he’d stepped into the house, before ushering him outside and
teaching him how to swing it properly. Then had come the drills. The endless drills that lasted for
half the day at least, the other half being dedicated to his studies. His grandmother, a retired
teacher, had worked at filling his head with more knowledge than he thought could fit.

He was well on the way to finishing the middle school syllabus already, though his grandmother
had slowed down on teaching him that so he wouldn’t be too far ahead of his peers when he
rejoined society. Instead, his education had shifted, becoming more focused on history and tactics,
anatomy and medicine, all things that would help him become a better Hero. Because yes, his
dream had never died. He still wanted to be a Hero, and he was going to be. Quirkless or not.

And there was no way he’d fail with his family behind him.

“Izuku,” he heard his grandfather say, the boy looking up as the old man approached, a long
bundle of cloth in his hands, “I believe it’s time to start properly training you. Familiarize yourself
with this. We start tomorrow.”

Izuku stared at the bundle in his hands, feeling the weight as he looked up at the man standing in
front of him.

“Yes, Sensei!”


The crowd of students whispered to each other as they stared at the strange teen standing in their
midst. He was dressed in what could only be described as a classical Samurai outfit, complete with
Hakama, Haori and Jingasa, a pair of wooden swords tied to his hip.

“Excuse me,” an older man said to the teen, the boy tilting his hat back to reveal emerald green
eyes above a diamond of freckles on each cheek, “But you can’t have those here.”

“Hmm?” the teen said, looking down as the man pointed to the swords on his hip, “Oh, I have
permission. They’re my Support equipment. I filled in all the forms.”

“That’s fine,” the Procter sighed, “But you can’t take them into the written exam, only the

“OH!” the boy gasped, suddenly bowing low as he pulled the swords free of his belt, “I apologize,
I didn’t realize.”

“That’s quite alright,” the Procter said as he took the wooden blades, blinking when he almost
stumbled forwards under their weight, “I…I’ll make sure you get them back before the practical.”

Off to the side, a pair of red eyes glared at the strange boy, a hand kiting through spiky blond hair
as he tried to remember why the stranger seemed so familiar.


Izuku took a deep breath as he stood outside the large gates to the testing area, surrounded by a
number of other examines. He patted the two bokken at his hip, their familiar weight comforting
him as anxiety boiled in his chest. He could do this. He’d spent the last ten years training
specifically for this. It didn’t matter that he was quirkless, he would show the world the power of
his family. And become a Hero while doing it.

The shout startled the other examines, Izuku barely reacting as he simply began to walk forwards,
his steps measured as he shot forwards far faster than he should have been able to.

“He has the right idea!” the cockatoo-like man that had explained the exam format to them
shouted, “There are no countdowns in real life! Go, go, go!”

Izuku looked up as the first of the robots approached him, arm raised to attack.

He swung his bokken, the limb detaching and falling to the ground before Izuku slammed the base
of the hilt into the side of the constructs head, shattering it. Another robot was on him in a flash,
before it split in two, the two halves falling cleanly to the ground.

Around him, the other examines charged into the testing area, firing off their quirks wildly as they
began to destroy robots of their own.


“Focus in on that one,” Nedzu said as the teachers watched the exam, the main screen changing to
show a teen in traditional garb walking calmly through the chaos of the exam. A robot loomed
over him for a moment, before it suddenly split apart, the teen easily avoiding the falling pieces as
he continued to make his way slowly through the faux city. The Principal of UA grinned as he
watched the teen dispatch a robot that had knocked another student over, barely seeming to move
as he passed by.

“How the hell is he doing that?” Midnight asked, “Is it his quirk?”

“I wouldn’t say so,” Nedzu laughed as the final two minutes were announced, watching as the
massive zero-pointer rose up from the ground, the examines fleeing in terror, “I wonder what he’ll
do now?”

“Dammit,” Ectoplasm growled, pointing at a screen, “There’s a girl who got trapped right in the
path of the Zero-pointer. Someone needs to get out there to save her!”

“Wait,” Nedzu ordered as the teacher began to move, all of them looking at him strangely as he
pointed to the main screen, the boy from before suddenly beside the girl, crouched into a stance as
he gripped the handle of one of his bokken.

“What is he doing?!” Snipe gasped, “Is he about to attack her?”


“Midoriya style, Iai technique,” the teen said as he stood over Ochako, the brunette looking up into
his eyes as he spoke, “Jōshō Suru Kaze (Rising Wind).”

She gasped as the air around her seemed to shift, the teen’s hand shimmering for an instant before
the weight on her leg suddenly vanished. Looking behind her, she stared at the piece of rubble that
had trapped her only moment’s before, now cleanly split down the middle. She gasped as a hand
grabbed her arm, easily lifting her into the air before she fell into a pair of strong arms, the green-
haired teen smiling down comfortingly at her, before looking up at the massive robot.

“Best to run,” he seemed to muse, “I doubt I’d be able to cut that with only a wooden sword.”

“WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST DO?!” the room shouted as they stared at the teen, now
running from the zero-pointer with the brunette girl held gently in his arms.

“Our cameras are capturing at 60 fps,” Powerloader growled as he rewound the video, playing it in
slow motion, then frame by frame, the teens arm blurred even on the high definition monitors, “Yet
his arm was only moving for less than ten frames. That’s some serious speed.”

“Is that his quirk?” Cementos rumbled, “Though that doesn’t explain the clean cuts he’s been

“Izuku Midoriya,” Nedzu squeaked as he scrolled down the information on his tablet, “Apparently,
he was raised by his mother and grandparents in the mountains, where he was trained in their
family’s sword techniques. Oh, and he’s quirkless.”

“I’m sorry, HE’S WHAT?” Midnight shouted as the rest of the teachers looked at the teen with
more than a little respect.


“Please take you feet off the desk!” The blue-haired boy shouted as he chopped his hands towards
the blond, “It is disrespectful to the school, the makers of the desk, and our seniors!”

“Shut the hell up,” Bakugo growled as he tried to ignore the boy, instead focusing his gaze on the
green-haired teen that was sitting calmly at a desk at the front of the class.

“It seems we’ve started on the wrong foot,” the blue-haired boy said stiffly, “I am Tenya Iida, I
went to Somnai Academy and-.”

“Somnai?” Bakugo spat as he got up from his seat, “So you have a silver spoon in your mouth? Get
the hell away from me!”

Iida watched in surprise as the blond stalked over to the green-haired teen, before slamming his
hand on the desk in front of him, smoke rising from his palm.

“Who the hell are you?” Bakugo growled, “I recognize you from somewhere, and it’s pissing me

“Hmm?” the other teen looked up, a wide smile gracing his lips as he stood, suddenly pulling the
surprised blond into a hug, “Kacchan! I haven’t seen you in years! How have you been?!”

“What the fuck are you doing?!” the blond screeched as he yanked himself free, “And who the
fuck are you calling “Kacchan”? The only person to ever do that was…wait…DEKU?!”

“Oh, I haven’t heard that name in a while,” Izuku laughed as he patted the shocked Bakugo on the
shoulder, “Yes, it’s me! So good to see you again. How are your parents? Hopefully, your mom has
calmed down a bit, she was always pretty hands on!”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Bakugo spat as he stepped back, shrugging off Izuku’s hand,
“You just fucking disappeared one day when we were four!”

“Oh, yeah, sorry about that. My mom and I went to live with my grandparents in the mountains,”
Izuku laughed, the sound loud and infectious as he stepped towards the blond again, “I guess we
should have told our friends about it, but it happened so suddenly we didn’t have time.”

“Why?” Bakugo asked, jumping when the door suddenly slammed open, the class turning to see a
caterpillar-like thing lying in the doorway.

“Get to your seats,” it growled, before standing and shedding the sleeping bag it was wearing
revealing a skinny and disheveled man in a black jumpsuit, the class scrambling to find a seat, “I
am Shota Aizawa, your Homeroom teacher. You took 8 seconds to get to your seats, that’s too…
Midoriya, what are you wearing?”

The class froze as the teacher looked towards the green-haired teen, blinking as they realized that
his uniform looked almost nothing like theirs. Instead of the expected blazer and slacks, he was
wearing a white and black Jingasa with a beige Haori over the top, styled to look like the school

“They said we could modify the school uniform if necessary,” the teen shrugged, “I feel more
comfortable in this kind of outfit.”

“That’s only for quirks,” the older man sighed, “From tomorrow, make sure to wear the proper

“Oh, I’m sorry!” the teen said as he stood, bowing low to the teacher as the rest of the class

“Whatever,” Aizawa muttered, reaching into his sleeping bag and tossing out a few gym uniforms,
“Go change into these and meet me on the main field.”


“Midoriya, you got the most points on the entrance exams,” Aizawa muttered as he tossed the
softball towards him, the teen snatching it out of the air, “How far could you throw a soft ball in
middle school?”

“I don’t know,” Izuku replied, the rest of the class whispering behind him.

“You…don’t know?” Aizawa sighed.

“I was homeschooled, I’ve never had to do these tests before,” Izuku explained as he stepped into
the chalk circle, a look of excitement on his face, “All I have to do is throw it as far as I can, right?”

“Yes,” Aizawa sighed, “Normally I’d tell you to use your quirk to do it, but-.”

He was cut off as the atmosphere changed, the Pro blinking as he felt the intense air coming off the
teen in front of him.

“Midoriya style, no sword technique,” the teen muttered under his breath as he wound up the
throw, “Kōtō Hikō (Soaring Flight).”

The air cracked as Izuku brought his arm forwards, the limb blurring as he moved. Suddenly the
ball was gone, the phone in Aizawa’s pocket beeping a moment later.

“Huh,” the man grunted as he pulled it out and looked at the result, “923 meters.”

“Woah! We can use our quirks?” the pink-skinned girl gasped, “This is going to be so fun!”

“Fun?” Aizawa said, a wicked grin spreading across his face, “You think this is a game?”

“Alright,” Aizawa grumbled as he displayed the results of the tests, the class stiff as they looked
for their names.

Bakugo stared in shock, staring at the three names above his on the list, eyes darting to their
owners. The tall black-haired girl looked proud of her first place, while the candy cane bastard that
had got third was staring at Izuku, the green-haired teen seemingly non-plussed despite placing

“NO! I’M LAST!” the ball-headed boy sobbed as he fell to his knees, “HOT BABES! I’VE

“Ooh, that has to suck,” the lanky boy with large elbows asked as the other sobbed on the ground,
“And what was that about babes?”

“Yeah,” the yellow-blond with a black lightning bolt said as Aizawa grabbed the teen and dragged
him off, “Well, we’d best get back to class, don’t want to give our new teacher a reason to expel

“Uhm…” the sound drew the attention of the class as Izuku watched the two figures disappear
through the door, “What does “expelled” mean?”


“Hey, dude, what’s your quirk?”

The question caught Izuku off guard as the blond, Kaminari, and the red head, Kirishima, suddenly
crowded around his desk.

“Yeah, you said some super manly thing just before you threw the ball! But you didn’t seem to use
it at all during the other tests!”

“Oh, I don’t have one,” Izuku replied with a smile, making the class fall silent as they stared at

“You what?” Kaminari asked.

“I don’t have a quirk,” Izuku repeated, “I’m quirkless.”


The shout shook the room as Bakugo spun in his seat, glaring at Izuku in shock, “BULLSHIT!

“I used one of my family’s sword techniques,” Izuku replied, a confused look on his face, “Why?”

“Why?” Bakugo growled as he grabbed Izuku by the collar, “WHY?! BECAUSE THIS IS UA!

“So?” Izuku hummed, reaching up to squeeze Bakugo’s hand, the blond gasping in pain as it was
easily pulled off, “I don’t see the problem. I’m quirkless, but I’m not a freak.”


The slap echoed through the classroom, Bakugo blinking in shock as his head was twisted to the
side, snapping it back to continue shouting at the other teen before the words caught in his throat.
The glare Izuku was giving him sent a shiver down his spine.

“You ever insult my family again, and I will end you,” the words were clear and crisp, sounding
almost like the drawing of a sword as the green-haired teen picked up his bag and walked out of
the classroom.


“Wow, that was…intense,” the brunette, Uraraka, said as she run up behind Izuku, the teen letting
out a slow breath as he calmed himself down.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Izuku muttered, “Can I help you?”

“Oh, I just…uhm…I just wanted to thank you for saving me during the entrance exam,” she said,
her pink cheeks darkening slightly, “And I wanted to ask you if what you said was really true.”

“Oh,” Izuku grinned back at her, “No problem, it’s what Heroes do, after all. And yes, I really am

“Then how did you cut that rock?” she asked, falling into step beside him as they walked.

“I used one of my family’s sword techniques,” Izuku said, his face lighting up as he spoke, “It’s
called “Jōshō Suru Kaze”. It’s an iai technique that can be used to cut only a single object.”

“Oh wow!” she blushed as she looked at his bright expression, only half listening as he began to
explain it in more detail, “That’s really cool.”


“SKILL DEMONSTRATIONS! At the request of the Principal.” All Might shouted as he held
up the card, “But first you must look the part!”


Izuku smiled as he walked out into the sun, looking over the rest of his classmates’ costumes. They
were all very impressive, most being bright and flashy. His own outfit was relatively simple, the
usual type of clothing he preferred to wear, though made from far stronger materials and dyed a
deep forest green and soft cream color. Though that didn’t matter as much as the two objects on his
hip. His swords were special issue, made by the UA Support Department at his request, and
specially designed to work best with his sword style.

“All Might,” Iida shouted as his arm shot up rigidly, “You said we were doing skill presentations
today, what does that mean?”

“Ah, well, young Iida, you shall each be demonstrating and explaining any skill or set of skills
that you have, including your quirks,” the towering Hero said with a grin, Cementos standing
beside him, “I had originally planned a Battle Trial, but the Principal suggested this instead!”

“Ah, I see,” the stern boy nodded, “I apologize for my interruption.”

“Quite alright. Now, let’s begin! We’ll be going in seating order!”


Most of the class had demonstrated their quirks and skills most being pretty basic, though a few
had stood out to All Might. Todoroki and Bakugo both had incredibly strong quirks, and seemed to
know how to use them well, while several other students had revealed some hidden talents. Jiro
with her music, which the no 1 had ensured her would be able to help with being a Hero, and
Ashido with her dancing, which could easily be incorporated into a fighting style if she so chose.

“What the fuck is that useless Deku gonna do?” Bakugo laughed cruelly as the green-haired teen
stepped forwards, “He’s fucking quirkless!”

“Hey!” Uraraka said, “He’s a lot stronger than he looks!”

“What, are you in love with the freak now?” Bakugo spat back as Izuku talked quietly to
Cementos, the teacher simply nodding as he began to create a series of thick pillars out of concrete.

“I…you…NO!” Ochako gasped as she turned bright red, back peddling away from the blond.

“I’m sorry to you all,” Izuku suddenly spoke, drawing their attention, “But I cannot show you all
the skill sand techniques I have, we would be here until after sundown. Instead, I will show you
three of my family’s sword techniques. A two-sword technique, a one-sword technique, and no-
sword technique.”

“What the hell is “no-sword technique”?” Sero asked, “Isn’t that just like, martial arts or

Izuku ignored the chattering class as he stood in front of the first pillar of concrete, letting a long
slow breath. The pillar was square and about a meter on all side, easy enough for the teen to cut,
even without a sword. He mused for a moment on what technique to use, before settling on one of
the flashier ones.

“Midoriya style, no-sword technique,” he said under his breath as the class watched, drawing his
arm back, “Soyokaze (Gentle Breeze).”

The concrete pillar shuddered as he slapped his palm against it, before the surface suddenly
cracked, a large crater forming around Izuku’s palm. The class stared in shock, amazed. The
quickly began talking amongst themselves, asking if he really was quirkless.

“Next,” he said aloud, moving the next pillar, dropping into a familiar crouch as he stood,
“Midoriya style, Iai technique, Jōshō Suru Kaze (Rising Wind).”

The sound of wind rushed past the students as they stared at the stationary boy, before he stood,
the pillar slowly sliding apart a moment later, Izuku not even pausing as he moved to the next.

“Midoriya style, two-sword technique,” he muttered, focusing as he began to draw his swords, the
ringing of steel filling the air, “Arekuruu Bōfū (Raging Gale)!”

The chattering stopped as the air surged around them, pressure building enough to make the
students ears pop as the wind engulfed the pillar. A moment later, the sound of a hundred blades
striking concrete echoed through the air, making most of the class clutch their ears in surprise. The
sound lasted barely a few second, before the wind dissipated, leaving the pillar looking almost


He was cut off as the green-haired teen tapped the side of the pillar, the entire construct suddenly
collapsing to the ground in a thousand tiny pieces, leaving the class speechless.
“That was my demonstration of my skills,” Izuku said, before drawing one of his swords and
holding it out, “And this is one of my blades.”

“Wait,” Yaoyorozu said as she stared at the object in his hand, “That sword is completely blunt!”


Chapter End Notes

No-sword techniques:
Throwing: Kōtō Hikō (Soaring Flight)
Movement: Tsukanoma no Kaze (Fleeting Wind)
Cutting: Fukukaze (Sweeping Wind)
Blunt: Soyokaze (Gentle Breeze)

One-sword techniques:
Iai: Jōshō Suru Kaze (Rising Wind)
Defense: Arashi no Kabe (Storm Wall)
Melee: Saisentan (Cutting Edge)
Ranged: Kaze no taihō (Wind Cannon)

Two-sword techniques:
Melee: Yokokaze (Crosswind)
AOE: Arekuruu Bōfū (Raging Gale)
Ranged: Dai Fūryoku-hō (Greater Wind Canon)
Melee: Kaze-gari (Wind Reaper)

Special Techniques
Mind State: Kazenokami (God of Wind)
Body State: Kaze no Manto (Cloak of Wind)

The Midoriya Sword Style relies on the manipulation of wind and air through a
combination of strength, speed and technique, creating wind blades that can cut
through almost anything. The Style uses specially made blunt swords that must have
very exact parameters and are unique to each user.

The Style consists of 3 Forms (No-sword, One-sword, and Two-sword) each with four
techniques/moves. There is a final set of two techniques used to enhance the user’s

Higher level practitioners are said to have been able to even manipulate the weather to
a small degree.

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

Something cute with Eri!

Chapter Notes

Thanks to Sean Bruce for helping spawn this idea with your ridiculously long list of
Inspiration/story ideas.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Who could have known that all it would take to throw the entirety of the 1-A dorm into absolute
chaos was a single word said absentmindedly by a small child?

Now, everyone knew that Izuku had grown close to the small girl over the time that she had been a
ward of UA, visiting her at almost every opportunity he could get. They had grown used to the
white-haired little girl running around their dorms, almost always following after Izuku like a
duckling. They had gotten used to her asking them a myriad of questions or just telling the teens
about her day. They had even grown used to Eri calling Aizawa “Dad”. But no one had expected
what came from her lips when she entered the dorms that day.

“Papa!” Eri called as she rushed into the dorm common room, leaping to hug the surprised teen as
Izuku stared at her in shock.

The rest of the present students froze, staring at the two of them as the little girl dropped down to
the ground and started rambling about how she’d been learning about unicorns and faeries and was
getting better at Holidays. The class remained silent.

“E-Eri?” the voice wavered, the entire class looking up from the girl to their teacher, who had a
look on his face that was a mixture of shock and betrayal as he stared at her. Mina swore she could
see tears forming in his eyes.

“Yes, Dad?” she asked, Aizawa suddenly seeming to untense his body, his arms flopping to his
side as he released a relieved sigh.

“W-why are you calling Midoriya “Papa”?” the man muttered, trying, and failing, to
surreptitiously wipe his eyes on his capture weapon.

“Cause he’s my Papa,” Eri said matter-of-factly, “Uncle Mic said that “Papa” is for the more fun
Dad. Deku takes care of me, just like you. But he’s more fun, so he’s “Papa”.”

Mina and Toru snorted at the girl’s declaration, both snapping upright as Aizawa glared at them,
barely managing to contain their laughter. Behind them, the rest of the class had their own
reactions. The rest of the girls cooed at Eri’s cuteness, while most of the boys just shrugged it off,
Kirishima and Aoyama giving shouts of “Manly!” and “Magnifique!” respectively.
“W-what about Mirio?” Izuku asked, finally managing to find his voice after the shock of Eri’s
words, “I-isn’t he more like a…a dad than me? He spends more time with you.”

“Mirio-nii is a big brother,” Eri stated holding up a finger authoritatively as she explained to the
boy, the girls giggling at her actions, “He plays with me, and makes sure I don’t get hurt. But he
doesn’t make me food, or help me wash, or scold me when I do a bad thing. So, he’s a big

“W-what, b-but I don’t do all of that!” Izuku gasped, jumping when Ochako gave a loud cough.

“Actually Deku,” she said as she grinned at him, her cheeks flushing, “You do always make her
lunch or snacks when she comes to visit.”

“And you’ve given her a bath before,” Kirishima said, “You basically barricaded the door so none
of the guys could get in while you did it.”

“Not to mention that you scolded her just last week when you found her drawing on the walls,”
Mina chuckled as she elbowed Kaminari, “Though that was kind of our fault, right Denki?”

“Hey, don’t pull me into that again!” Kaminari laughed, “It took us hours to clean the walls! Who
knew they made soap-proof crayons!”

“Face it Deku,” Ochako continued, “You act like a dad.”

“BUT!” Mina and Toru shouted in unison, startling the class slightly, “That begs the question!
Who’s Eri’s mom?!”

“M-m-m-mom?!” Izuku almost shrieked, staring at the two girls as they suddenly moved up closer
to him, grinning widely as they crouched down in front of Eri, “So, Eri-chan? Who’s your

“Momma?” the girl asked, looking at them blankly, “What’s a momma?”

“Oh,” Mina cried as she hugged the girl, “You poor sweet angel! What have they been teaching

“A momma is like a Dad or a Papa, except they’re a girl,” Toru said helpfully, the little girl
thinking for a moment, “Oh, and they’re usually married to the Dad or Papa!”

“Oh! I know what married is!” Eri gasped, “It’s like Dad and Uncle Mic!”

“Yes!” Mina said excitedly, before freezing, her head turning slowly towards their teacher, who
appeared to be having a crisis in the corner, “Wait…Aizawa-sensei and Yamada-sensei are

“Yeah,” Izuku said, surprising the whole class as they looked at the green-haired teen, who blinked
for a moment before blushing, “Oh, right…they usually keep that quiet.”

“Wait!” Toru shouted, “Then how do you know?”

“Mic showed me their Wedding Photos,” Izuku shrugged, “It was very nice. Tasteful.”

“WHEN?!” the girls all shouted, suddenly crowding around him in excitement, badgering him for
more details, Eri being passed into his arms at some point.

“Weren’t we talking about something else?” Shoto asked Mashiro quietly, the tailed teen giving a
low sigh.

“Oh, that’s right!” Mina gasped, suddenly pulling the girls back as she lined them up in front of
Izuku and Eri, “Eri-chan, who’s your mom?”

“My mom?” the little girl asked, looking over the six girls as Izuku suddenly began blushing, trying
to stammer out that she didn’t have to choose, “Chako.”

The dorm went silent, the girls all turning to Ochako as the girl went crimson.

“W-why me?” she asked quietly, eyes darting between Eri and the now even brighter red Izuku.

“Cause you and Papa are…are …” she paused as she seemed to be trying to think of the word,
“Dating, right? Mirio-nii told me about dating. He said you and Papa were. Or should be?”

Izuku staggered, almost falling to the ground in shock as Ochako immediately shot into the air,
letting out a stream of indecipherable words as she hid her face behind her hands, floating across
the room. The rest of the class burst into laughter as Aizawa seemed to be muttering furiously into
his phone.

“W-w-we aren’t dating!” Izuku managed to splutter as Eri looked at him in confusion, “W-we’re
just friends!”

“Friends?” Eri asked, looking at him skeptically, “But Mirio-nii said…”

“M-Mirio-senpai was just joking!” Izuku shouted, “He was just playing around! We’re just

“Y-yeah! Friends!” Ochako cried, still muttering furiously, “I pushed those feelings down already!
Until after we become Heroes!”

The room fell silent once again, everyone suddenly turning to the floating girl as she seemed to
realize what she had just said.

“Oh no,” Ochako whispered as Mina and Toru stared at her, a wide grin on the pink-skinned girl
that she was sure was matched by the invisible girl.

“So, you dolike Deku?” Mina said calmly, her shoulder shaking as she began to cackle, “I KNEW

“NO!” Ochako shrieked as Mina and Toru jumped up to grab her, suddenly dragging the floating
girl, along with Jiro and Momo out of the room, Tsuyu following close behind as they shouted
something about needing to have a “Girl Talk”.

The boys all looked after them, before turning at the strange deflating noise, staring as Izuku
collapsed to the ground, his head bright red as steam blasted from his ears.

“She likes me?” he muttered, “She likes me? She likes me?”

“Papa,” Eri asked, patting him on the cheeks, “What’s wrong, why’d they run away with

The door burst open, Bakugo storming into the common room after having been to the gym,
glaring at the group of boys that were staring at Izuku and Eri, the green-haired teen on the floor
looking like he was having some sort of crisis. Hunched in the corner was their teacher, looking
like he was on the verge of having his own break down, still whispering madly into his phone.

“WHAT THE FU-!” Bakugo caught his words just before he swore, eyes darting to Eri and then
Aizawa, clearing his throat aggressively for a moment, “What the hell is going on?”


Across the campus, the voice of Present Mic echoed through the air, making many students look
around in confusion.


Chapter End Notes

Damn I am on sudden inspiration roll. I wonder what's going on? Maybe it's because
I've already finished the next two chapters of Emerald Fangs and am taking a break
from it?

Whatever, hope you enjoyed!

Grey out!
Chapter Summary

My take on the Vigilante!Izuku AU.

This chapter now has an Extended

Chapter Notes

So, this is more of an idea than an actual story. If I were to make it a fic (which I kind
of want to do) I'd definitely start when Izuku changed to online schooling. This was
just to get the idea out of my head and onto the page, so I hope you enjoy it.

Again, anyone is welcome to take these ideas and AU's and use them in their own
work. I'd love to see that!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Usagi stretched as he stood on the roof, watching the night life below. The people milled about,
content in their little lives, with their jobs and their families and their friends. All Living int little
bubbles, thinking they were safe. Safe…and ignorant of the horrors of the world around them.
Until those horrors managed to inject themselves into their precious bubbles. As much as he didn’t
think he liked the people down there, he knew they didn’t deserve that. So, Usagi did his part.

He’d started small, cleaning up a dump of a beach, building his muscle over the two years he’d
been studying. His mother had been proud, especially when he took her to the beach to show off,
the only pieces of trash left being a few rusted out cars he had no way to actually get onto the curb,
though those just…disappeared one day, someone else obviously taking after the then thirteen
year-olds example. It had made him feel good. Then, however, he had gotten his first taste of
action, when he’d managed to stop a purse snatcher. By socking the guy in the knee with a pipe
he’d found in a park while on his way to throw it in a dumpster. And it had all spiraled from there.

How long had it been since he’d started this? About a year, coming on two now? How lucky he’d
been to accidentally stumble on that official online school site at the end of his second year of
elementary school. How easy it had been to convince his mother to let him switch, all it taking was
revealing the scars he’d accrued over the years. He still hadn’t told how he got them, but he
suspected she knew. She was smarter than most people would think. Not as smart as him though,
all things considered.

It had taken him a little over two years to test out of Middle School, and then High School,
graduating just before his fourteenth birthday. He’d gotten a teaching Diploma at the same time,
due to some vague hope of maybe making some other kid’s life easier in the future. As of right
now, he was working on getting a degree in Quirk Theory through an online college, which he
should be able to complete by the end of the year in a couple of months if he played his cards right.
Which he probably wasn’t doing right now, standing on this rooftop, waiting for the drug exchange
to happen in the alleyway below him.
He watched as the men approached each other, one handing off a large black case, while the other
shoved a gym bag into his hands.

“Showtime, motherfuckers,” Usagi hummed as he hopped off the edge of the building.

“Wha-?” the first thug said as he looked up, getting a face full of reinforced shoe for his trouble,
knocking him out instantly.

A quick movement saw the extendable bo staff slam into the head of another of the four men,
driving his face into the wall of the alley with a loud crunch.

“You little shi-!” the word was cut off as Asagi twisted out of the way of the hulking figure’s
punch, pressing his modified tazer to the man’s side, sending him falling to the floor as foam
cascaded from his mouth.

“Shit!” the last of the gang whispered as Usagi approached him, “I-I know you! You’re that
fucking rabbit guy! W-what do you want? I’ve got nothing!”

“Oh, you have something, Tsuga Yorichi,” Usagi said as the man jumped, the fear in his eyes only
intensifying at the use of his real name, “You have plenty, in fact. A wife and daughter. A nice
enough house. A car. Even a pretty decent job. Oh sorry, you hadthat.”

“I-I d-don’t know what y-you’re talking about!” Yorichi stammered as he pressed himself against
the wall, as if trying to sink into the brick. Pointless, considering his quirk only allowed him to
make look in the direction he pointed. And only if he was concentrating.

“No worries, I’m not going to hurt any of them. I’m a Vigilante, not a psychopath. But you’re
going to do something for me. You’re going to tell the cops everything you know about Trigger,”
Usagi laughed, before tossing the shaking man a USB drive, “Oh, and give them this. They’ll
appreciate it.”

The man slid down the wall as Usagi turned and ran towards the fire escape, easily scaling it and
disappearing into the night just as the sirens began to echo in the distance.


“Problem child,” Eraserhead growled as Usagi hung upside down in front of him, the teen reaching
to his face and pulling off the rabbit themed mask, much to Shota’s surprise.

“Hi, the name’s Izuku Midoriya,” the emerald-eyed teen grinned at him, “Also known as the
Vigilante Usagi. Nice to finally chat, Eraserhead.”

“What are you doing,” the Pro growled, lowering the teen to the ground with his capture weapon,
“You let me catch you.”

“I figured you’d realize that,” Usagi…no, Midoriya chuckled, “And I bet you’re wondering what I
have planned now?”

“I’d be lying if I didn’t suspect something,” Eraserhead muttered.

“Simple, the Vigilante Rehabilitation Program,” Izuku grinned as he untangled the capture weapon
from his feet, “I was hoping you’d be my parole officer.”

“Why?” Shota growled, “And what makes you think you’ll get any of that?”
“Because I want to go to UA,” Izuku grinned as he stood, holding out his hands as the police
arrived, allowing them to slap the cuffs on and not resisting as he was led away to the waiting
police car, “Oh, and I’m quirkless.”


“We can’t actually prosecute him for Vigilantism,” Tsukauchi sighed, Shota snorting slightly as he
looked over the folder, “He really is quirkless, and the laws don’t cover that under the Vigilante

“But he’s willing to plead guilty on certain conditions,” Nedzu hummed, “Certain very interesting

“It feels like this problem child had this whole thing planned out from the start,” Shota sighed as he
looked through the one-way mirror at the young man sitting at the table, Izuku tapping a foot as he
smiled happily.

“He most certainly did!” Nedzu laughed, “And quite brilliantly as well! A pity he has already
tested out of Highschool, he would have made an excellent student!”

“I hear a ‘but’ in there,” Shota groaned.

“But I’m sure he’ll make just of good of a Teaching Assistant!”

“Gods dammit!” the scruffy man muttered.


“That one,” Izuku said, pointing to the boy with the tall purple hair, “His quirk called
Brainwashing. He needs to be in the Hero class.”

“That isn’t exactly fair to the other examines, Midoriya-kun,” Midnight said as they watched the
massive bank of screens with the other teachers.

“And I’m the one with the degree in Quirk Theory,” Izuku shot back with a grin, “I can give you a
dozen scenarios that guy could end in less than five words right now. I’m picking him as my choice
to get into the Hero class.”

“Uhm…” the tall gangly blond muttered to Aizawa as the man sighed, “Who exactly is this boy?
And why is he allowed to do that?”

“That…” Shota sighed, “That is Midoriya. And as part of an…agreement he made with Nedzu, he
gets to pick a student for the Hero Course.”

“He…he made a deal with Nedzu?” the man stammered.

“I know,” Aizawa sighed, “I was just as worried.”


“Good morning, my name is Shota Aizawa, and I am your new Homeroom teacher,” Shota said as
he got out of his sleeping bag, before turning to the door with a sigh, “And this is my…Teacher’s
Assistant, Izuku Midoriya.”

“DEKU?!” the shout echoed through the room as Izuku walked in, the blond staring at him in
“Working?” Izuku responded with a grin, not even flinching as Bakugo leapt from his seat and
charged him.

There was a crash as the boy was slammed into the wall, Aizawa giving a tired sigh as he reached
into his sleeping bag and pulled out a few gym uniforms.

“All of you, get changed and meet me outside on the main field, you have fifteen minutes,” Shota
muttered as he walked out of the room, before turning to look at Izuku as he pinned Bakugo to the
wall, the blond letting out a loud stream of expletives, “And Usagi. Let the kid go.”

The class jumped at the name, even Bakugo falling silent.

“Usagi?” a girl with brunette hair and pink cheeks asked, “As in the famous Vigilante?”

“One and the same,” Izuku said cheerfully as he tossed Bakugo to the side, “Nice to meet you all.”

“BULLSHIT!” Bakugo screamed, taking a step towards Izuku.

“ENOUGH!” Aizawa barked, causing the room to freeze, “You have twelve minutes left. Anyone
who’s late is expelled!”

Chapter End Notes

I might write more of this. I don't know, what do you guys think?
Chapter Summary

Izuku with a rabbit (bunny) quirk. I don't know?

Chapter Notes

Yeah... so I have no idea what I was trying to do here. This is sort of based off of
Hydrangea_Cherry9's suggestion, but It kind of went...I don't know...elsewhere? I
guess. I'm very tired.

Anyway! I still hop you enjoy!

Izuku Midoriya’s quirk was obvious from the moment he was born. Long ears sprouted from the
sides of his head, a soft cotton puff of a tail at the base of his spine, a full head of dark green hair,
his extra features matching in color, and finally, his legs. They were far from the normal human
plantigrade foot, instead resembling those of a rabbit, his paw-like hands and feet covered in a thin
layer of dark green fur. It took only hours for him to be fully awake and upright, already able to
crawl as his mother let out proud tears, his Hare-like father grinning madly at his energetic and
extremely cute son.

“Bunny” the quirk was called, as “Rabbit” had already been registered.


“Mama, Aunty Mi-mi,” the one-year old that did not look like a one-year old said as he walked up
to the two women sitting on the couch, “Can I play with Kacchan?”

“Oh, sure thing kiddo!” Mitsuki Bakugo laughed as she gently set the small bundle that she’d been
holding down in the baby carrier she’d brought with her.

“Just be careful, Izuku,” his mother warned, “You’re a lot bigger and stronger than Katsuki is, so
you need to be gentle.”

“Yes, mama!” Izuku said happily as he held out one of his hands to the baby, a shock of spiky
blond hair already growing on his head, “I just want to let Kacchan pet me more!”

“It must be a real trip to have a kid that can talk so soon, huh Inko?” Mitsuki laughed as she
watched the rabbit-like boy let her son squeeze the small pads that tipped his fingers, the baby
letting out a happy babble.

“Not particularly,” Inko laughed back, “Hisashi warned me that his family develop far faster than
normal for the first few years. Izuku will probably keep growing until he looks like a ten-year old
in the next couple of years, then he’ll slow down. I worry though.”

“About what?” Mitsuki asked as she chuckled at Izuku sticking his whole head in the baby carrier,
Katsuki letting out a loud laugh as the soft hair tickled him.

“Well, he won’t look like the other children,” Inko sighed, “He may be the same age as them, but
he’s a lot more developed. I’m worried that he might not fit in.”

“Oh, that’s fine!” Mitsuki laughed, “I’ll make sure Katsuki knows to look after him once the brat
is old enough to think for himself!”

“Kacchan is gonna be my friend?” Izuku asked excitedly, looking up, one of his ears pulled down
as the baby in the carrier gummed at it, making the rabbit-boy giggle.

“Of course, Izuku,” Mitsuki laughed, petting him in the head, “I won’t give him the choice!”


“Yeah!” the ten-year-old Katsuki Bakugo shouted as the group of kids watched the bank of TVs in
the shop window, showing clips of All Might fighting some Villains, “All Might is the best! He’s
the best Hero cause he always wins!”

“Yeah,” Izuku said happily, the lagomorph a good two heads taller than the tallest of the other
three, looking almost fourteen, “He’s really cool! I want to be a Hero like him! Someone who
always saves everyone!”

“You can’t, Izugi,” Bakugo suddenly laughed, surprising the green-haired boy, “You’re too cute!
You couldn’t scare the Villains if you tried!”

“Yeah well…” Izuku trailed off as the other three walked away, laughing loudly, “I could still

Izuku sighed as he looked back at the screens, jumping when they changed, showing a new batch
of clips. The words “Rookie Spotlight” appeared on the screen, Izuku watching the actions of a
bunch of Heroes he didn’t recognize, before turning away, stopping at the last moment as
something caught his eyes. “The Rabbit Hero: Miroku” flashed across the screen, Izuku watching
enamored as the dark-skinned woman slammed her leg down on a Villain four times her size,
bringing him down to the ground with a single kick. And the most amazing thing was that she
looked almost exactly like him.

“Kacchan! Look!” Izuku shouted, drawing the attention of the other three boys as the screens
showed more scenes of Miroku, “She’s just like me! And a Hero!”

“What?” the blond asked, walking closer as he glared at the screens, “Huh, so she’s also a bunny?”

“Yeah! I can be a Hero, see!” Izuku said excitedly, “Just like…like Miroku!”

“Yeah, the too-cute-for-his-own-good Hero: Izugi,” Bakugo laughed as he turned away, “Now
come on! We’re going to go get ice cream!”


Izuku’s ear twitched up as he heard the person approaching from behind him, recognizing their
gait. His sensitive nose smelled the tell-tale sweetness of the person’s quirk. His leg began to jump
in anticipation as the teen waited for the inevitable contact. The hand landed heavily on his head.
Then ruffled his soft hair, the quietest utterance of “cute” coming from the other person’s mouth as
his ears twitched.
“Hey Kacchan,” Izuku said happily, munching on his lunch, which consisted mostly of fresh fruits
and vegetables, “How’s your day been?”

“Fucking stressful,” the blond sighed as he buried his fingers in Izuku’s hair, the other hand gently
running up Izuku’s long ear, before pinching it slightly on the end, “Bitch ass teacher was sucking
up to me again. I don’t need his worthless nose up my ass!”

“Sounds rough,” Izuku hummed as he let his friend ruffle his hair, letting out a sigh.

It had been like this for almost two years since they’d entered middle school, the two pretending to
not know each other. Katsuki would “act” irate and angry at pretty much everything, while Izuku
watched his friend from the sidelines, never interacting in public. It had been hard to keep their
friendship secret, especially as Izuku and Katsuki had both gained popularity with the different
crowds in the school. Izuku had gained popularity with the girls, due to his kind nature, adorable
quirk and the fact that he looked almost eighteen, and Katsuki with the boys and delinquents for
his rough nature and powerful quirk. Yet even through the struggles of hiding it, they still made a
point to meet up daily at lunch for Katsuki’s “stress relief”, which mostly meant petting Izuku.

“Fucking hell,” Katsuki sighed as he sat beside Izuku, his hand still buried in the thick green locks,
“How the fuck can you eat that shit? It’s just fucking…”

“Rabbit food?” Izuku laughed, making his friend blush and look away with a muttered “cute”,
“Well, that is what I am.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Katsuki growled as he continued to play with one of Izuku’s ears until the
warning bell rang, the blond getting to his feet and stalking away, before turning to Izuku, “You tell
anyone about this, I’ll fucking kill you, got it?”

“Of course, Kacchan,” Izuku chuckled, getting up himself and putting his lunchbox away, “I’ll see
you at the usual place after school.”

“You fucking bet.”


The sounds of explosions rung out through the abandoned factory, the concrete pitted and cratered
with numerous burn marks and landing points.

“Fucking got you, damn bunny!”

“Not today, Blasty!”

The two boys slammed into each other, one unleashing a massive explosion, the other swinging his
long dark green furred leg in a powerful kick.

The two forces met, and exploded, throwing both boys back as they skidded across the concrete
floor of the factory.

“FUCKING OW!” Bakugo yelled as he staggered to his feet, clutching his ribs, “You better not
have fucking broken anything, you damn bunny! The Entrance Exams are next week!”

“I think you singed off all the fur on my leg,” Izuku replied as he rubbed the blackened limb,
screwing up his nose at the foul smell, Katsuki flinching as his cheeks reddened at his friend’s
“You fucking deserved it,” Katsuki growled as he grabbed his and Izuku’s water bottles, tossing
the lagomorphs to his friend.

“Thanks,” Izuku said as he caught it, taking a long drink, “You think we’re ready?”

“I was fucking born ready,” Bakugo laughed, “You, on the other hand…”

“Won’t win with my/your fucking cuteness,” the two said simultaneously, Bakugo breaking out
into a bright red blush, “Fuck you!”

“I thought you got over your crush on me?” Izuku laughed as his friend turned an even brighter
shade of red.

“I FUCKING DID!” Bakugo yelled, “I WAS JUST…fuck off!”

“Right right,” Izuku chuckled as he took his phone out of his bag, scrolling through the Hero news.

“Still looking up shit on that bunny bitch?” Bakugo asked as he glanced over Izuku’s shoulder.

“She’s “The Rabbit Hero”, Kacchan,” Izuku sighed, “And I bet you wouldn’t call her a bitch to her

“I’d call anyone a bitch to their face!” the blond scoffed.

“Even All Might?” Izuku asked as Bakugo took a drink, making him choke.

“I…You…that’s unfair!” the blond spluttered, “You can’t shit talk All Might!”

“Then don’t shit talk my Hero,” Izuku replied as he hopped to his feet, “Come on, one more round
before we head home?”

“You’re fucking on!”


“OHMYGOSHYOU’RESOCUTE!” the brunette gasped as she helped Izuku back to his feet, the
green-haired teen rubbing the back of his head nervously as he let her gush, used to the reaction.

“Yeah, side effect of my quirk,” Izuku laughed, even as he heard the sound of a dozen camera
shutters going off as a number of girls turned away from him, “Thanks for stopping my fall. I’m
usually a lot better on my feet, guess I’m really nervous!”

“Y-yeah,” the girl said, apparently having recovered enough to look at him with out gushing, her
cheeks still bright pink, “Sorry about that, it just surprised me!”

“Oh, we’ll be late if we don’t hurry!” Izuku suddenly gasped as he looked at his watch, “Sorry for
delaying you!”

The girl opened her mouth to reply, blinking when the boy vanished, looking around as a gust of
wind blew past her. She shook her head for a moment, before hurrying towards the main building,
not noticing the small crater in the bricks at her feet.


“35,” Izuku panted as he kicked the head off the two-pointer, jumping away as the robot collapsed
to the ground, scooping up a girl that was being overwhelmed by a three-pointer, the girl blushing
as she looked up at his face before he put her gently down.

“TWO MINUTES LEFT!” Present Mic shouted as the entire faux city shook, Izuku looking up at
the massive robot that rose from the ground.

He wasted no time darting forwards, grabbing two examines and shooting away, dropping them off
a good distance away, before jumping back, leaving a small crater in his wake.

“LOOK OUT!” he shouted as he darted over to a familiar brunette girl, swinging his leg up and
kicking the piece of rubble that was about to fall on her, the piece of masonry all but disintegrating
under the force of his foot, “Let me get you out of here!”

The girl made a retching sound as he set her down, stumbling away to vomit behind a fallen one-
pointer as Izuku looked back at the robot, almost all of the other examines far away enough to be
safe. Almost. The blond staggered forwards as he clutched his stomach over the fancy belt he was
wearing, the lagomorph pretty sure he’d seen him shooting lasers out of it earlier. The robot lifted
one massive arm, swinging it down at the teen. Izuku gritted his teeth. The robot was too close to
him, even with Izuku’s speed, they wouldn’t be able to get out of the way in time. There was only
one option.

He let out a growl, crouching to the ground, his features suddenly going feral as his leg muscles
bulged, tearing apart the shorts he was wearing, “Tsuki Ippo (Moon Step).”

He vanished, the ground around where he stood cratering almost a foot down as he moved.
Another crater appeared on the side of one of the buildings, before a third appeared on the wall
opposite. In less than a second, five more appeared as the green blur that was Izuku got faster and
faster, before shooting straight up towards the falling metal fist.

“Usagi Kyozetsu (Rabbit Rejection)!” Izuku shouted as he spun in the air, his foot meeting steel,
and the steel losing.

The entire arm made a terrible grinding noise as it stopped in mid-air, the fist on the end collapsing
in on itself as it cratered. Izuku shot away, landing on the ground, and shooting towards the still
staggering blond, scooping him up and carrying him away to safety.

“Merci, monsieur Lapin,” the blond gasped as Izuku put him down.

“No problem,” Izuku said as he felt the stares of the other examines, jumping when Mic called


“You both passed!” the principal said happily, “Though, of course both star pupils of our school
would pass…”

The man continued to talk as Izuku and Katsuki gave each other a look, both rolling their eyes.


“First day! You ready?” Izuku asked as he and Katsuki walked to class.

“For every girl to fall in love with you?” the blond growled, “Again.”

“Hey! That was only one year!” Izuku pouted as Bakugo teased him.
“Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen,” the blond muttered as he looked away, trying to hide his blush,
“Whatever, let’s just fucking go!”

He slammed open the door, stepping in as everyone turned to look at the pair, scowling as all eyes
quickly slipped off him to the dark green rabbit boy beside him.

“OHMYGOSH!” two voices shouted at once, a pink-skinned girl and a floating uniform shooting
up to Izuku as the two girls gushed, “YOU’READORABLE!”

“Fucking told you,” Bakugo muttered.

“THEY AREN’T IN LOVE WITH ME!” Izuku shouted, startling the class, “Oh! S-sorry! Inside

“Well you can joke with me all you like, big boy,” the pink-skinned girl said seductively, running a
finger over Izuku’s chest, “Especially if you’re this adorable all over. I’m Mina Ashido, by the

“Toru Hagakure!” the uniform shouted as it waved it’s arms around, “Wow, you’re really cute!”

“Yeah,” Izuku laughed as he ignored Mina’s flirting, pushing her gently off, “I get that a lot.”

“Ah, Ashido, Hagakure, you shouldn’t do that to our upper-classmen!” the blue-haired both
shouted as he marched over stiffly, Bakugo letting out a snort, “It’s incredibly rude.”

“Uhm, I’m actually the same age as you,” Izuku sighed, making the boy pause.

“I’m sorry?” He asked.

“I’m the same age as all of you, my quirk just makes me look slightly older,” Izuku explained, “It
shouldn’t be a problem by the time I’m twenty.”

“Oh! I apologize!” the boy said, “My name is Tenya Iida, and I come from Somnai academy!”

“Nice to meet you, but it’s probably best we find our seats now,” Izuku chuckled as the last of the
students walked in, Izuku casting a glance at a familiar pair of brunette and blond hair, “I think the
teacher will be here soon.”

“Get to your seats,” a grumpy voice called as the students all turned to look at the caterpillar lying
in the doorway.



“Yes sensei?” the teen asked as he stood beside the two pits in the ground that had been the
sidestepping course, “Am I in trouble for breaking school property?”

“No, the machine just couldn’t keep up with your speed,” the man grumbled, “How many sidesteps
did you count?”

“Oh, about 150? Sorry, I wasn’t counting either,” the teen blushed, making all the girls coo.

“Whatever, good enough.”

“3.02 seconds,” the machine beeped as Izuku crossed the line, making the class gasp.

“I could have done better,” Izuku sighed as he rubbed his towel over his neck, “But that’s not bad
for a standing start.”

“Standing start?” Aizawa muttered, “How fast can you go?”

“After about ten “Tsuki Ippo” I can cover 100 meters in just under half a second,” Izuku said, the
rest of the class staring at him in amazement.


“356 meters,” Aizawa grumbled as Izuku rubbed the top of his foot, “Not bad.”

“BULLSHIT!” Bakugo howled, making the rest of the class startle, “IZUGI, YOU LAZY FUCK,

“But I might break the ball,” Izuku replied as Aizawa lifted an eyebrow.

“Midoriya, were you really not trying your hardest?” he growled.

“I…uhm…no sir, sorry,” the teen mumbled, jumping when the ball bounced off his chest.

“I’ll give you one more chance,” Aizawa said, his voice serious, “If you don’t try your hardest, I’m
expelling you.”

“Y-yes sir!” the lagomorph shouted, picking up the ball and taking a deep breath, his features
suddenly twisting into a feral glare as he tossed the ball up.

The sound of ripping fabric filled the air as his pants shredded, his leg muscles bulging massively
inside them.

“Tsuki Taihō (Moon Cannon).”

The words were followed by the sound of a shockwave as the ball vanished from the air, a thin
straight contrail following Izuku’s foot as he stood on one leg, the other outstretched.

“705.2 meters,” the teacher muttered as he looked at the teen, “Better.”

“THERE WE FUCKING GO!” Bakugo spat.

“Dude, didn’t he beat your throw?” the red head asked.


“HA! YOU STILL LOST!” Bakugo laughed as Izuku’s name appeared beneath his on the score

“Yeah, but you only came third, Kacchan,” Izuku laughed back, making the blond blush as he

“Shut your damn carrot eating mouth!” the blond exploded, making the rest of the class laugh.


“Izugi’s got this,” Bakugo growled as they watched the bank of screens, “The other team won’t
know what hit ‘em.”

“But he’s so cute!” Mina sighed, “He really doesn’t look like he could hurt a fly!”

“Then you obviously weren’t paying attention,” Bakugo growled, “Even the cutest of bunnies can
still be a wild animal.”


“Oh no, I’m instantaneous speed, you’re more sustained speed,” Izuku said as he and his teammate
walked into the room, their opponents being carried to the nurse’s office, “I go fast for short
periods of time, you may be slower at first, but you have more stamina. Plus you have that super
move of yours!”

“A fair assessment of our differences, Midoriya,” Iida said as they sat in the silent room, everyone
except Bakugo staring at Izuku in shock, “Though your change in demeanor was a bit of a shock.”

“Yeah, sorry, I get like that when I’m serious,” Izuku laughed, the girls all blushing at the cute
noise, still stunned by what they had seen.

“Damn, Midoriya,” Mina said as she stared at the boy, “You really are a wild animal under all that
cute, huh?”


“That thing took one of my kicks, Kacchan,” Izuku muttered as he lay in the hospital bed, his
friend sitting beside him, “That…nomu thing took one of my kicks and just kept going.”

“And it broke your fucking leg for your trouble,” Bakugo growled, “Fucking hell, you’re an idiot.”

“Yeah,” Izuku sighed, “Sorry, Kacchan.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Bakugo growled as he stood and began heading towards the
door, but not before ruffling Izuku’s hair, “You saved my ass in there. And if I’m not around,
who’s going to fix your bullshit, you damn rabbit!”

“Like you can fix anything!” Izuku laughed.


“Miroku, Miroku!” the reporters crowded around the Pro as she glared into the distance, obviously
trying to ignore them, “Are the rumors true? If so, who’s the father?”

“Huh?” the woman scowled, “What rumors are you damn vultures going on about now?”

“That you have a child!” the rabbit Hero stopped as the reporter spoke, staring at the woman in
shock, “And that they’re going to UA!”

“I have a what now?” the Pro asked, “I never heard of this before!”

“But he looks remarkably like you!” the reporter shouted, holding up her phone as the Pro stared at
it, a look of shock passing over her face.

“WHAT THE FU-.” The clip cut off just before the Hero could swear, Izuku dropping his head
into his hands as Katsuki cackled madly, holding up his phone.

“She’s a rabbit, Kacchan,” Izuku muttered as he hid his face behind his ears, the blond making a
point to look away as several of the girl snapped photos, “And please stop playing that.”

“NEVER!” the blond shouted, “Damn, Aunty Inko is gonna love this!”

“What’s the big deal, anyway?” Ochako asked as she walked over to the two, “I mean, yeah it
might be a bit embarrassing, but it can’t be that bad?”

“Except it is!” Izuku wailed, “Miroku is MY Hero. And now they think she’s my mom!”

“Wait,” a surprised voice said from behind them, the class turning to look at Todoroki, “She

“NO!” Izuku shouted as Katsuki began cackling anew.


“AND MIDORIYA WINS THE FIRST ROUND!” Mic shouted over the speakers as Izuku
skidded to a halt over the finish line, digging a deep furrow in the grass as he slowed,

“I’M NOT MIROKU’S SON/HE’S NOT MY KID!” the two shouts echoed over the cheers of the
crowd, Izuku freezing as he looked around for the source of the second shout, his eyes falling on
the familiar tanned body and cream leotard the same colour as her hair and ears.

lagomorphs cringing as the main screen split, showing a close up of both of them.

“WE AREN’T RELATED!” the woman yelled again, “STOP SAYING WE ARE!”

“I can understand the need to keep such a fact secret,” Mic hummed philosophically, “But you
really shouldn’t reject your children. It may give them a complex.”

“THAT’S IT!” the Rabbit Hero shouted, suddenly jumping onto the railing, “I’M GOING TO

Izuku just stood frozen in place as Miroku leapt towards the announcer’s booth, Bakugo and
Todoroki crossing the line behind him.


“Ready to go Iida?!” Izuku shouted from his position at the front of the horse, Mei and Ochako
behind him as Fumikage gripped his shoulders.

“Speed versus speed!” the boy shouted back, his own teammates tensing as they prepared to clash
with the 10 million-point team.

“Activating hover-boots!” Mei laughed as she and Ochako began to float slightly, “Minimal
friction achieved! Let’s go First Place!”

“RECIPRO-BURST/TSUKI IPPO!” the two boys yelled as they shot forwards, Izuku’s face
twisting into a feral grin, his leg muscle’s bulging as Iida’s exhausts let out a jet of flame.

The encounter was over in less than half a second, the two teams passing by each other so fast that
the crowd wasn’t sure that they hadn’t just swapped places via a teleportation quirk.

“We got it,” Todoroki hummed as he held out the 10 million-point band.

“Woo! We did it!” he heard shouted from behind him, turning to see Dark Shadow holding three
headbands in its mouth, the two-toned teen reaching for his empty neck.


In the stands, Miroku raised an eyebrow at the grinning boy who was congratulating his friends

“Huh…” she muttered, “Maybe…”


The glacier rose from the ground with a mighty creaking of ice as it moved to engulf Izuku.

“Tsuki Taihō!”

The wall of ice shattered, leaving two massive froze walls on either side of him, Todoroki staring
in shock as the rabbit boy opposite him gave a feral grin.

“Tsuki Ippo!”

Izuku left a crater in the ground where he had stood, the walls around him shattering under the
force of his jumps.

He said he could cover 100 meters in under half a second after ten of those, Todoroki thought as
he stared, his glacier now little more than ice chips, How fast is he moving now?

He got his answer a moment later.

“KAGUYA,” the teen shouted as he appeared from thin air, somehow managing to turn all of his
forward momentum downwards into his foot, small shockwaves forming across his toe beans as he
attacked, “CRESCENT!”

Cute was the last thing Todoroki thought before the kick passed in front of him, barely scraping
the front of his jacket as the curved white contrail that gave the kick its name appeared in front of
him. The shockwave slammed into him, shooting him backwards faster than he could react, his ice
all but useless against the extreme speed of his opponent.


“WE AREN’T RELATED!” Both rabbits screamed at the same time.


The two speedsters kicked, their legs colliding with an almighty bang as the shockwave echoed
across the stadium. Izuku stared into Iida’s eyes, the blue-haired boy struggling under the force of
the kick as his engine began to stall. Slowly, a feral grin twisted its way across Izuku’s face. His
leg muscles bulged, suddenly sweeping their crossed legs down, flipping Iida through the air,
placing a quick kick on his back that launched the boy out of the arena.
“Midoriya wins!” Midnight called as the rabbit hopped down to help his friend up, the speedster’s
head having been buried in the ground when he landed.

In the stands, Miroku watched his feral grin, doubt starting to seep into her mind.


“Hey Kacchan!”

“Hey you damn bunny!” Katsuki shouted back, “You nervous that your mom is watching?!”

“What?” Izuku asked, “She’s at home? Why would I be nervous?”

“Not that mom, yah dumbass!” the blond cackled as he pointed at Miroku, the woman starting
slightly as she hopped onto the railing again.

“SHUT YOUR TRAP, KID!” She yelled, “I AIN’T HIS M-!”



“KACCHAN YES!” the blond cackled as Midnight called the start of the match, shooting towards
his friend and rival.


“Joint first place is very impressive!” All Might laughed as he presented to two boys their gold
medals, Izuku propping up Katsuki as the blond scratched at the bandages wrapped around his

“If it had been anyone else, I would’ve won!” Bakugo spat, “Damn bunny, always stealing my

“Thanks, Kacchan,” Izuku sighed, “Least I could do after that lovely little stunt you pulled.”

“Hey, at last you’ll make the front page!” the blond cackled as he kited his fingers through Izuku’s
slightly scorched hair.


Izuku sat frozen as he stared at the name at the top of his list. He’d managed to get over a thousand
internship recommendations alongside Bakugo, but his weren’t exactly in alphabetical order.

“Miroku?” Ochako said as she read the first name on the list, separated from the others by a wide
gap, “So your mom wants to train you?”

“SHE’S NOT MY MOM!” Izuku squeaked, jumped a good foot in the air in surprise, “Please stop
saying that.”

“Are you sure?” Todoroki hummed as he narrowed his eyes, “You have the same smile.”

“S-smile?” Izuku asked, tiliting his head in confusion, resulting in a wave of coos from the girls,
“What do you mean?”
“You both go scary when you get serious,” Katsuki growled, spinning in his chair, “You never

“No?” Izuku muttered as he friend face palmed.


“That kick was shit.”

Those were the first words that came out of his Hero’s mouth as soon as he walked into the
temporary office that had been set up for her.

“I…I’m sorry?” he squeaked as she stomped up to him, inspecting him closely for a moment before
letting out a huff.

“Don’t be sorry,” she growled, motioning for him to follow, “Be better. We aren’t leaving this
room until you can do it perfectly.”

They entered the small gym of the agency, Miroku turning to Izuku and giving a feral grin.
Chapter Summary

Izuku (and a familiar face) goes to Shiketsu

Chapter Notes

Surprisingly, I had a bunch of trouble writing this one, but it came out pretty good in
the end.

So yeah, I pretty much lifted the concept for the entrance exam from Okay, so the
things is, this may be a long title but hear me out, its- by MOTHERFUDGER.

Internet points if you can get what I referenced for the test itself.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Welcome to the interview portion of Shiketsu Academy’s entrance exam,” the man said flatly as
Izuku shuffled into the room, sitting in the seat in front of the three suited men, the middle one
continuing, “You are…Izuku Midoriya, correct?”

“Y-yes, sir!” Izuku barked awkwardly, making the three men glance at each other.

“You are aware that this is an application for the Hero course of Shiketsu, yes?” the man
continued, “And that, unlike other hero schools, we are primarily a police academy? As such, we
prefer to perform interviews and practical tests as opposed to the more…traditional Hero exams.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Good. Now, please explain and demonstrate your quirk,”

Izuku froze. Swallowing nervously, he looked between the three men slowly.

“I…I don’t have one. I’m…I’m quirkless.”

Silence. Overwhelming silence filled the room as the three men stared at him.

“Very well. What is your greatest strength?” the third man asked, looking at the fidgeting boy.

“Oh, well…” he trailed off, startled that they hadn’t immediately rejected him, digging in his bag
and producing a notebook, “It started off as more of a hobby, but I write Hero and quirk analyses a
lot. My mom says I have a talent for it.”

The men took the book, flipping through a few pages, their eyes going wide.

“So detailed,” the first muttered.

“Excellent analytical skills,” the second paused, looking up as he flipped to the last full page, “This
villain attack, it happened only this morning, correct?”

“The last one? Y-yes,” Izuku mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

“To have written such a comprehensive analysis of both the Heroes and Villains quirks in only a

“Oh, I only did that this morning, I had classes and…”

“You made this analysis before your morning classes?”

“Yes, sir,”

“So, in only a few hours?”

“Well the train was running late, so I had time,”

“What is your greatest weakness? Excluding your quirkless status.”

The boy fidgeted at the sudden question.

“Well…uhm…I guess I’m socially awkward? And I tend to mumble when I think. Oh, and I don’t
like black coffee…”

The three men watched as the boy startled to prattle off a long list of inane weaknesses and faults,
one of them looking down to write Confidence Issues on his clipboard.

“That is quite enough, Midoriya-san,” the center man said quietly, startling the boy out of his

“Oh! Sorry!”

“That is quite alright. Now, onto the practical portion of the interview. You may choose from one
of three tests, labeled Trickery, Combat and Investigation.”

“W-what do they mean?” Izuku asked nervously, wringing his hands as he watched the other two
still looking through his notebook, whispering to each other.

“Trickery means you must do something to surprise or fool us, Combat is a fight with a martial
artist without the use of quirks, and investigation entails us providing you with a scenario that you
must solve,” the man explained, getting up from his chair.

“I-investigation, please,”

“Very well, please follow me.”


The two of them stood in a small room, the outline of a body drawn on the floor, a key lying just
next to it.

“This is a recreation of a closed room murder,” the man explained, “Everything in it has been
recreated as accurately as possible. The body and only key to the room were found as indicated.
You may ask me three questions, then you must provide a solution. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” Izuku said quietly already walking around the room.

He squatted down beside the key, inspecting it for a moment, before moving slowly back towards
the door, staring at his feet as he did so.

“Are there mice or rats present?” He asked.

“Yes,” the man answered.

“A ball of bread. Or similar foodstuffs.”


“The killer wrapped the key in a ball of bread or dough and pushed it through that mouse hole,” he
said, pointing to the small hole in the wall just beside the door, “The floor has a slight incline, so
the ball rolled until it reached beside the corpse, after which the mice ate the food off of it, leaving
only the key lying beside the corpse.”

The man raised his hand, clicking a stopwatch as he looked down at the time. It had taken the
green-haired teen less than two minutes to figure it out.

“Did you cheat?” he asked carefully, looking at the boy.

“N-NO! I SWEAR! It just made sense!”

“Very well,” the man gave a slightly relieved sigh, “That is all, we will contact you via mail to let
you know your entrance status within the week.”

“T-thank you, sir,” Izuku shuffled slightly, “Uhm…”


“C-can I have my notebook back?”


Izuku sat in the classroom, fidgeting with his hat as he watched the other students enter. Most were
talking casually, though a good number were simply moving to their desks and sitting silently, the
others not disturbing them. That was good, it meant that no one was talking to him either. His desk
was at the back of the class, though not right in the corner. He looked around, taking note of the
three students sat around him.

To his right was a girl with thick lips and dirty blond hair, a slight smile on her face as she tapped
away at her cellphone. To his right was a boy, his mass of light purple hair sticking almost
perfectly straight up as he dozed in his chair, his cap pulled down over his eyes. Infront of his was
another boy, his spiky dark purple hair sticking out from under his cap.

“Yo fam, what test did you choose to pass?” the girl asked, Izuku letting out a startled squawk as
his hat shot from his hands, bouncing off the back of the boy sitting in front of him, “Woah,
chillax, my man, it’s cool.”

“I-I-I’m sorry,” he muttered, scrambling to retrieve his hat from the floor as the other teen glared
at him from behind his purple hair, the fringe pulled down to cover one eye.

“Nah, it’s chill,” the girl chuckled, “Didn’t mean to spook ya, fam.”
“Could you two please be quiet?” the light purple-haired boy grumbled from under his hat, lifting it
slightly to glare at them, Izuku staring at the thick eyebags that hung below his eyes, “I’m trying to

“Np bro, soz,” the girl said, her eyes suddenly going blank as Izuku spun to look between her and
the other boy.

“Shit,” the boy muttered, “Thought I could get both of you.”

“Wait! Is that your quirk?” Izuku gasped, pulling out one of his notebooks, “What is it? Obviously,
it’s some kind of mental quirk, but how does it work? You talked to us first, so is it response

“OH!” a loud voice echoed through the room as the two boys jumped, looking up at the large teen
that stood over them, a wide grin on his face, “Greetings! Are we talking about quirks? I love
talking! My quirk is called Whirlwind and lets me control wind!”

“That’s so cool!” Izuku gasped, flipping over the page of his notebook, and quickly scribbling on a
new page, “How fine is your control? Can you generate wind, or does it already have to be present?
How strong can you make the wind?”

“Would you two shut up!” the boy sitting in front of Izuku growled, glaring at the two of them,
“The teacher will be here soon, and I don’t need to have a headache because of you.”

“Ah!” the brown-haired teen gasped, suddenly bowing, and slamming his head into the floor with
enough force to shake the tables, the girl blinking in surprise as she looked around, “I SINCERELY

“Bruh, what happened?” the girl asked Izuku, the green-haired teen looking at her in surprise for a
moment, before flipping back a page in his notebook and scribbling something down as he

“Physical movement appears to disrupt the quirks hold,” he said, before turning back to the tired-
looking boy, “I’m sorry, you never said what your quirk was called.”

“Shouldn’t you be asking my name first?” the boy grunted, sitting up in his chair as he obviously
wasn’t going to be getting any more sleep, “It’s Hitoshi Shinso by the way. My name, not my

“O-oh!” Izuku gasped, bowing in his seat, “I-I’m sorry! I’m Izuku Midoriya!”

“I would say nice to meet you, but you woke me up,” Shinso sighed as he rubbed his eyes,
“Anyway, you’ve been interrogating me about my quirk, so what’s yours?”

“Oh…uhm…” Izuku mumbled as the other teen looked at him suspiciously, “I-,”

He was cut off as the teacher entered the class, her snake-like hair hissing loudly as she marched
over to the podium, adjusting the sunglasses that completely covered her eyes.

“My name iss Hebi Kesseki, and I am your new homeroom teacher for thiss year,” the woman
stated clearly, hissing slightly on each ‘s’, “Welcome to Shiketssu Class Alpha. Now, let uss head
out to the Entrance ceremony.”

The class replied with a loud, “Yes Sensei!” as they all stood and followed the woman out of the

“So,” Shinso said to Izuku as they were walking back to the class after the Entrance Ceremony and
the Principal’s hour-long speech, “What’s up with that book?”

“B-book?” Izuku mumbled, looking at the other teen in surprise.

“That notebook you were writing about my quirk in earlier,” Shinso continued, “It looked pretty
full. It have something to do with your quirk?”

“Oh…Uhm…no,” Izuku replied, looking away, “It’s just a hobby, really. Well, I guess not
anymore, considering it’s what got me in to Shiketsu.”

“A notebook got you into Shiketsu?” Shinso asked, Izuku nodding sadly, “What, is your quirk like
super weak or something?”

“More like not there,” Izuku muttered, freezing when he realized what he’d just said, eyes slowly
turning to look at Shinso, who was looking back at him.

“That weak, huh?” the boy sighed, “Well, whatever, you got in, so I guess I can’t fault you. At least
this place isn’t as bad as UA.”

“UA?” Izuku asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean their damn Entrance Exam involves fighting robots,” Shinso growled, “My quirk does
jackshit to robots.”

“Oh, m-most mental quirks wouldn’t,” Izuku muttered, pulling out the notebook and starting to
scribble in it again, Shinso peeking over his shoulder.

“What the hell?!” the purple-haired teen said loudly, startling the other students walking around
them, “How do you know what my quirk is? I never told you!”

“Hmm?” Izuku looked up, slightly confused, “Oh, I worked it out from what you said it could do.”

“But I didn’t tell you anything!” Shinso said, “I just used it on that ditzy chick!”

“Oh, really?” Izuku mumbled, curling in on himself slightly as the purple-haired boy stared at him
in shock, “I didn’t mean to offend you!”

“You didn’t…? What is up with you?” Shinso growled, “Whatever. It doesn’t matter now that you
know. It’s a fucking Villain’s quirk anyway.”

“B-but your quirk is so cool!” Izuku gasped, “There are dozens of ways it could be applied to

“Name three,” Shinso growled.

“Hostage situation, suicide prevention, general de-escalation of tense situations,” Izuku replied
robotically, making Shinso blink in surprise, “I can give more detailed examples if that’s not good

“I…what? No,” Shinso sighed as he rubbed his eyes, the two of them reaching their classroom, “I
just… Nobody’s ever said that my quirk would be good for Heroics before.”

“But it would!” Izuku stated, “It really would!”


“You will be split into squads for the semester. Each squad shall have a captain,” the Heroics 101
teacher barked, his cat-like eyes darting across the class, “Your squads and captains for this
semester have already been chosen by committee. You will have this session to familiarize
yourselves with the members of your squads and their quirks. First, Squad Alpha!”

“Damn,” Shinso muttered beside Izuku, “I had hoped to not have to be dragged down by other
people. I’m not here to make friends.”

“I-I don’t know,” Izuku muttered, “Forming teams is a good way to develop trust and
understanding. A-and other people may be able to give you insight into your own quirk!”

“People like you?” Shinso half chuckled under his breath, “Considering how fast you figured mine
out, you probably have notes on the whole class already.”

“W-well…” Izuku looked away as he blushed.

“No way, seriously?” the purple-haired teen hissed.

“Would you two shut up!” the boy in front of Izuku growled, I can’t hear the teacher!”

“Squad Delta!” the man shouted, “Hitoshi Shinso, Camie Utsumushi, Inasa Yoarashi, Seiji
Shishikura, captain: Izuku Midoriya!”

“WHAT?!” Izuku shrieked, drawing the attention of the whole class, a look of shock on his face,
“B-b-but…why me?”

“The committee reviewed your exams and decided on your squads and captains based on that,” the
Heroics 101 teacher huffed, before turning away, “You have the rest of the period to familiarize
yourselves with the members of your squad. Good luck!”


“Yo, Cap,” the blond girl grinned as she sat beside the muttering teen, “What’s your quirk?”

“Utsumushi-san, that is very rude,” Shishikura hummed as he stood in front of Izuku, “Can you not
see that he is…what exactly is he doing?”

“Having a panic attack,” Shinso sighed, pressing a cold drink can against the green-haired boy’s
cheek, making him yelp, “Earth to Midoriya, we need you to focus. We’ve got to tell you about our

“Whirlwind, the ability to control air. Brainwashing, the ability to control a person’s actions after
they respond to you. Some sort of illusion quirk, and…I don’t really know how to describe yours,”
Izuku muttered as he rubbed his eyes before looking at Shishikura, “You can…mold flesh? I

“What?” the purple-haired teen said, staring at Izuku in shock, “H-how?”

“Damn bruh, you a hiding a super comp in your skull?” Utsumushi laughed, the green-haired boy
blushing, “But that’s totes sweet. That your quirk?”

“N-no, I…Uhm…I don’t have a quirk!” Izuku blurted, curling in on himself as he waited for the
“Wait…really?” Shinso said slowly, “Is that what you meant by not there? You’re…quirkless?”

“Y-yes,” Izuku muttered quietly, clutching his notebook to his chest.

“Wow!” Inasa said, uncharacteristically quiet, “How did you get in then?”

“I…I passed the Entrance Exam?” Izuku replied, cracking an eye to look up at them.

“Then there should be no problems,” Shishikura huffed, “The school would not allow you to enter
without good reason. Obviously, you impressed them somehow.”

“Yeah, with his notebook,” Shinso laughed, “Hey, you have stuff about us written in there, right?
Why not let us see it, point-dexter?”

“P-point-dexter?” Izuku mumbled as he held out the notebook slowly, Camie grabbing it and
flipping through the pages.

“Yo bruh, this is cray-cray!” she gasped as she got to the page about her, “You figured out all this
shiz about my quirk today? That’s mad! I never thought to try this!”

“Let me see,” Shinso huffed as he grabbed the book, flipping to his page, “A voice changer
support item, artificial vocal cords? Why not an electronic voice changer?”

“Oh, that’s because The electronics may affect how your quirk works.” Izuku said hurriedly, “So
an analogue solution would work better.”

“Fair enough,” Shinso hummed as he handed the book to Shishikura, the boy scowling as he paged
through it.

“This is all very detailed…you have pages on the other students as well.”

“Y-yes?” Izuku mumbled, “S-sorry if it’s creepy, it’s just a hob-.”

“No, this is perfect,” Shishikura hummed, startling Izuku, “Having information on your opponents
and allies is paramount to success in the field.”

“LET ME SEE!” Inasa yelled as he grabbed the book, “WOW! THIS IS AWESOME!”

Izuku stared at the four students as they talked about how detailed his notes were, comparing pages
and discussing their quirks with each other.


“Squad Delta wins!” the Heroics Teacher barked, before letting out a quiet sigh, “Again.”

The other three squads groaned as they looked at Squad Delta, particularly at the green-haired teen
standing in front of them.

“T-thank you, sir!” Izuku managed to say loudly, blushing slightly under the stares of the rest of
the class.

“Now, can anyone tell me why Squad Delta has managed to win the last four exercises?” the cat-
like man asked.

“They have Midoriya,” someone called, making the green-haired boy blush harder.
“And what advantage does Midoriya give them?” the teacher asked.

“Information?” “Strategy?” “Planning?” several members of the class called.

“Yes, yes and yes,” the teacher hummed, “All three of those are good answers. Midoriya has
proved himself to be an excellent planner and information specialist, allowing him to come up with
tactics to counteract each of your quirks with those of his squads’.”

“T-thank you, sir!” Izuku spluttered, making several of the class chuckle, “I-I’ll work hard to keep
it up!”

“Good lad,” the teacher laughed, “I expect you to do well in the future. Remember, vote for
General is next week, take into consideration who you’d like to see leading your year.”


“Unsurprisingly,” the Principal muttered under his breath before announcing, “The First year
General is Izuku Midoriya.”

Izuku froze as he was lifted on stage by Inasa’s wind, staring out over the crowd in shock.

“T-thank you for this opportunity! I promise not to let it go to waste!” he managed to blurt before
hurrying off the stage, the Principal and teachers chuckling slightly to themselves.


“For the first time since the founding of Shiketsu, the First Years win the inter grade competition!”
the announcer called as the Hero class gathered around the green-haired teen and cheered, lifting
him onto their shoulders.

“MI-DO-RI-YA! MI-DO-RI-YA!” they chanted as they paraded him around the field, the other
grades quickly joining in as the boy raised his arms in triumph.

Chapter End Notes

I would have liked to write some of the encounters/exercises/whatever, but I just

wasn't feeling inspired, you know...anyway, hope you enjoyed!

To settle your wants for a next part, check out Free Kill Exam by thewunderkind for a
good idea of how I'd go about the Provisional License Exams!
Chapter Summary

Hisashi does a good dad thing. The Midoriya's move to I-Island. It works out better
than expected.

Chapter Notes

Just some light and fluffy IzuMel. Enjoy.

This was written in about 4 hours. It's fun when my brain does this. I gotta go realign
my spine now. I sit so badly in my chair.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Uhm…dad?” six-year old Izuku Midoriya asked as they waited to board the plane, his mother
fretting over their carry-on luggage behind them, “W-why are we moving?”

“Because,” Hisashi said calmly, a kind smile on his face as he looked down at his son, “I miss the
two of you so much. I can’t bear to be apart from you anymore!”

And I would have to kill that blond brat if he so much as looked at you again.

“Oh,” Izuku mumbled, scratching at the fresh bandages that were wrapped around his arms,
covering the numerous burns, “O-okay.”

“I’m sorry that you have to leave your friends behind,” Hisashi said.

Not that they were your friends. I had to hold myself back from strangling the little monsters when I
saw them.

“But there’s someone I’m sure you’ll make great friends with on I-Island! She’s my boss’s

“A-a g-girl?” Izuku squeaked, his face going red.

“Yes, she’s a year older than you, but I’m sure you’ll find you have plenty in common!” Hisashi
laughed, squeezing his son’s hand gently, the boy giving a nervous nod.


“And everyone on the Island is really nice, so you should have no problem making other friends as
well!” Hisashi tried, flinching as Izuku curled in on himself slightly.

And I’ll destroy anyone who thinks they can hurt you. Anyone!

“Well, looks like it’s time for us to board,” Hisashi chuckled slightly as he turned to his wife,
“Come on Inko, stop fretting for a moment and let me take those bags.”

“Oh Hisashi! But this was all so sudden!” the woman said, her once slender form starting to round
out slightly from the stress-eating she had recently started, “Are you sure it’s fine?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” Hisashi said as he picked up the bags turning towards the private gate in the
airport, “Absolutely sure!”


“Hi!” the blond said in English as Izuku hid behind his mother’s legs, “My name is Melissa

“Melissa,” the man beside her said as he petted the girl’s head, “He can’t understand you like that,
say it how we practiced.”

“Oh!” the girl gasped, before bowing slightly to Izuku and speaking in slightly broken Japanese,
“Hello, my name Melissa Shield, I want be your friend, please.”

“She’s getting better!” Hisashi laughed to the man as Izuku stared at the girl, her bright smile
making him blush, “A few more years and she’ll be talking like a native! Especially with Izuku
here to help!”

“Dad, who is this?” Izuku asked quietly, looking up at the man, something strangely familiar about

“Oh, well my name is David Shield,” the man laughed in near perfect Japanese, “I’m your father’s
supervisor and friend.”

“He also knows All Might,” Hisashi smirked as he watched his son’s face light up, staring at David
in awe.

“You know All Might?!” the boy gasped, the girl suddenly looking excited as he spoke.

“Uncle Might? You like Uncle Might?” Melissa gasped, grabbing the boy by the hand, “I like
Uncle Might too!”

The parents watched as the two suddenly began talking, one in Japanese, the other in English as
they both began to gush about their favorite Hero.

“Oh yeah, they’re definitely going to be friends,” Hisashi laughed.


“These are…impressive isn’t even a good enough word,” David muttered as they sat in the
Midoriya’s new apartment, the two children sitting on the carpet of the open plan living room as
they played with some of Izuku’s toys.

“I know,” Hisashi replied, “He started them about a year ago. After he was…diagnosed quirkless.”

The other man simply nodded as his friend’s mood dropped slightly.

“Melissa was the same,” David sighed, “About a year after her diagnosis she started to get
obsessed with Support Technology, not that I’m complaining.”

“But to think that there was another quirkless child so close,” Inko sighed, looking over to the two
children as they both laughed happily, “It…I don’t want to say it makes me happy but…”

“I’m also glad that Melissa has someone she can relate to, Inko,” David smiled, placing a hand on
her shoulder, “But back to these notebooks! They are absolutely incredible! The level of detail and
insight into the mechanics and dynamics of the quirks observed! I could almost believe that it’s the
notes of a college level student already!”

“I know, right!” Hisashi said proudly.

“We must nurture this, let it grow,” David said, smiling at the two parents, “If this is the level that
he’s at right now, he could easily become one of the best in the analysis industry.”

“Oh, he will be!” Hisashi laughed, “He will be. And more!”


The seven-year old stared at the tablet in his hands, eyes wide as tears formed at the corners.

“T-thank you,” he said softly, wiping his eyes as the blond grinned at him before she pulled him
into a tight hug.

“It’s for your quirk analysis!” David explained, handing the green-haired boy a small book, “This
contains all the features and settings, so you can set it up however you like. I’ve also linked it up to
the Island’s main server, so you have access to all the basic quirk data we have collected.”

“T-that’s too much!” Inko gasped, “I-is it safe to give him that?”

“In one year, Izuku has helped us develop half a dozen patents for helping people with detrimental
quirks, Inko,” David said calmly, “Honestly, I want to give him full access to all the quirk data we
have just to see what he’d get out of it, but it’s still a little early for that.”

“I-I’d say!” Inko gasped, looking at her son as he began playing with the tablet, Melissa pressed
close beside him showing some of the features.

“I’M NOT LATE!” Hisashi shouted as he burst throught he door, startling everyone as he looked
around frantically, “Dammit! You already gave it to him!”



The shout pulled Izuku from his tablet, the eight-year-old boy looking up as his best, and honestly
only, friend on the Island ran up to him.

“What’s up, Melissa?” he asked in English, the girl all but bouncing on her feet as she grinned at

“Uncle Might is here!” the excited blond shouted, throwing her arms up into the air, “Or he will
be! Soon! Like later today!”

“Uncle…ALL MIGHT?!” Izuku shrieked as he shot to his feet, his tablet all but forgotten, “Here?
Today? Soon?”

“Yes!” Melissa cheered, “I have to introduce you! He’ll love you! You’re just like him!”

“J-just l-like All Might?” the boy squeaked as Melissa grabbed his tablet, handing it back to him
before dragging him away, “H-how?”

“You’re really kind! And you like justice! And you make me happy whenever I see you! Just like
Uncle Might!” Melissa said happily as she pulled Izuku away, the green-haired boy bursting out
into a deep blush.


“I cannot wait to meet this mystery Analyst of yours, David,” the burly blonde-haired man
laughed as he walked with his friend, “I would never have been able to defeat those Villains so
easily if not for their analysis of their quirks!”

“Oh, I know,” David laughed, “You may be the best Hero, but even you need help from time to

“UNCLE MIGHT!” the shout echoed through the terminal as the two men turned to see the pair of
children running towards them, the girl dragging the boy behind her, “You’re here!”

“That I am, young Melissa!” All Might laughed as the girl launched herself into his arms,
hugging his neck tightly, “How have you been?”

“I’ve been really good!” the girl said excitedly, before suddenly looking like she’d remembered
something and pulling herself free of the man’s hold, dropping to the floor before grabbing hold of
the boy’s hand again, “This is Izuku! He’s my best friend!”

“Ah, well hello there, young man!” All Might laughed, “It’s good to see that young Melissa has
found herself a friend! I was worried she would bury herself in her work to become a support

“Y-you…” the boy muttered, staring at All Might in a mixture of shock and awe, “You’re really
All Might.”

“That I am,” All Might chuckled, somewhat used to that reaction.

“You quirk is amazing! A full spectrum enhancement quirk that boost all aspects of the person’s
physical capabilities and…” the boy suddenly launched into a long winded analysis of the theories
behind All Might’s quirk, startling the man as the child madly scrolled through his tablet, his
words becoming a mishmash of both English and Japanese.

“Izu, you’re doing it again,” the girl laughed, squeezing his hand as the boy blushed, hiding his
face behind his tablet, “We really need to break that habit, you know. Speak one language at a

“S-sorry, I got excited,” Izuku muttered, blushing harder.

“This is Izuku Midoriya,” David suddenly said, “He’s the son of one of our Technicians, Hisashi
Midoriya. The same one who designed the seams on your last suit.”

“Wait… Izuku Midoriya? Isn’t that the name of-,” All Might started to say.

“My mystery Analyst?” David laughed, “Yes. They are one and the same.”

“B-but how? He’s a child!” All Might gasped, “Does he have an intelligence quirk?”
“Nope!” Melissa said loudly, smiling up at the man, “He’s just like me! He doesn’t have a quirk!”

“Doesn’t have…” All Might muttered, looking at the boy as he hid his red face, “Well, that’s
certainly impressive, young man! I hope to have your assistance again in the future!”

“I-I-I…Yessir, All Might sir!” the boy spluttered, stunned by the fact that his Hero had just praised
him, “I p-promise!”


“Hey Izu, what’s your dream?”

The question surprised Izuku as the two of them sat on the balcony of Melissa and David’s
apartment, looking out over the ocean as they talked.

“I…I don’t really have one,” the nine-year old lied, immediately feeling the stare of his best friend,
“It’s stupid.”

“Nothing is stupid!” Melissa huffed, crossing her arms as she glared at him, “Now tell me!”

“I…I want to be a Hero,” Izuku mumbled, closing his eyes as he waited from the inevitable

“Wow, that’s so cool! Can I be your Support Technician then?!”

Izuku jumped, turning to stare at Melissa in shock.

“Y-you actually think I can?” he breathed, “You think I can be a Hero?”

“I don’t see why not,” Melissa shrugged, “We make all sorts of Support Gear for all sorts of
quirks, it will be easy to make stuff for someone without one.”

“But first you’ll need training,” the two children jumped at the sound of David’s voice, both
turning to see their fathers standing in the door, watching them.

“Of course, that’s only after you finish your schooling,” Hisashi laughed, “How far are you now?
About to start with Middle school I believe?”



“Yes, mom?” the ten-year old asked as he scrolled through his tablet, humming quietly to himself
as he read through the latest International Hero News.

“What’s this?” she asked, holding up the form he’d left on the kitchen table.

“Oh, that that permission form to allow me to start Highschool early,” Izuku replied, smiling
brightly at her, “Melissa already started, but I wanted to make sure you were okay with it first.”

“I…Izuku, you only started Middle School last year!” Inko sighed, “How have you gotten so far

“Well, it’s not like I have anything else to do except learn, so that’s what I do,” Izuku shrugged.

“What about hanging out with Melissa?” Inko asked.

“Oh, we either study or work on Mel’s projects,” Izuku replied, “It’s fun for us.”

“You aren’t rushing this because of what your father said, are you?” Inko said, her voice going
stern, “I don’t want you hurting yourself just because you want to start training.”

“I’m not! The work was just that easy! I swear!” Izuku said hurriedly, dropping his tablet as he
rushed over to his mother, “I’m not rushing anything, I swear!”

Inko sighed as she looked into her son’s eyes, her own softening a moment later.

“Fine, I believe you,” she said softly, turning and grabbing a pen from the jar nearby, “Now, where
do I sign on this?”


“And done!” Izuku sighed as he put his pen down beside the exam, smiling as David looked up
and grinned back at him.

“Not bad,” the brunette chuckled as he got up and took the paper, slipping it into the envelope and
sealing it, “But Melissa finished about five minutes ago.”

“Dammit,” the eleven-year old muttered, “Always faster than me.”

“Says the boy who’s a full year younger than her,” David laughed, “Let her have her small

“Well, we’ve both finished Highschool now,” Izuku smiled happily, so you know what that

“You are way to eager for this,” the older man sighed, “Melissa is going to have a hell of a time
with you in the future.”

“What do you mean?” Izuku asked as David just winked.


“Good!” the trainer shouted as she ran through the drill with Melissa, the blond punching and
kicking the pads on his hands as the sweat dripped down her face.

Izuku watched, entranced, his water bottle all but forgotten in his hand as he watched his best
friend practice with their kickboxing coach, the woman shouting encouragement to the girl. The
twelve-year old swallowed nervously as the girl finished the set, hopping back from the trainer and
shaking out her arms, the fine lines of developing muscle already visible as her sweat dripped down
her skin.

“Hey Izu!” the shout pulled him out of his stupor, blinking in surprise as Melissa suddenly sat
beside him, grabbing his water bottle and taking a long drink, “You’re up next.”

“R-right!” the green-haired boy said as he shot to his feet, darting into the boxing ring.


Melissa grinned as she watched Izuku go through the kickboxing drills she’d just completed,
taking another drink from his bottle. Izuku gave a shout as he slammed his fist into the pad with
force, their coach grinning widely as she encouraged him more and more, the boy speeding up.
Melissa watched as he flexed and moved, her cheeks flushing a little more as his shirt began to ride
up, revealing the start of his abs. She took another long drink on his bottle, looking away as she
drained the bottle, quickly getting up to refill it from the water fountain.


“So, when’s the wedding?”

“Huh?” the two teenagers looked up from the motorcycle-like machine they were working on,
grease and grime smeared across their faces as they stared at the lab assistant who’d just asked the

“When’s the wedding? I was wondering when you were finally going to tie the knot?” the woman
continued as she set down a box of parts.

“I’m too young? And so is Izuku,” Melissa said, before both of them dropped their heads back
down, continuing to work on the machine.

“Not here,” the woman laughed, “I mean, both your fathers are on the board of directors, right?
Don’t they basically make the laws of I-Island?”

“What are you getting at?” Izuku asked as he stepped back, digging in a toolbox for some tool.

“Well, you could just ask them to make the legal age of marriage thirteen,”

“Why thirteen?” Melissa asked, accepting the tool from Izuku without looking, “I’m fourteen.”

“Yeah, but then you’d have to wait another year,” the woman hummed, “Because Midoriya is a
year younger than you.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Izuku asked, leaning back over the machine, pushing
Melissa slightly to the side as they both reached into the machine.

“Well, you’re going to marry each other, aren’t you?”

“Huh?!” the two said, heads shooting back up as they stared at her, cheeks visibly red, even under
the grime.


“Hey Izu,” Melissa called as she slid onto the desk chair next to the fourteen-year old, shoving him
half off of it as she spread the blueprints on his desk, over the work he was busy doing, “What do
you think of this design for Lifter?”

“Huh? The guy with the flying quirk?” Izuku muttered as he looked over the paper, “Too heavy,
his quirk is limited by weight, so the materials need to be as lightweight as possible. Also, the
design will only increase drag when moving at speed through the air.”

“That’s exactly what I said!” Melissa pouted as Izuku laughed, rolling the blue print up and going
back to his work, “Hey, what are you working on right now?”

“Oh, just finishing up some work for my PHD,” Izuku yawned, “Spent the whole night on it but
it’s finally done.”

“The whole night?” Melissa huffed, “Really, you have to stop doing that! That paper isn’t even due
for another month!”
“Yeah, but I wanted to get it done, more important work to do,” Izuku replied, getting up from the
chair and stretching, showing off a small sliver of his stomach, Melissa feeling a slight blush burn
on her cheeks as she stared, “Anyway, no time to sleep now, have to do some analysis for dad.”

“Since when does uncle Hisashi need analysis?” Melissa asked.

“What? No, your dad,” Izuku yawned, suddenly freezing as his brain seemed to catch up with what
he’d just said.

“Wait, you called my dad “dad”,” Melissa snorted, laughing hard as she stared at the blushing teen,
“Oh my god, does that mean you see me as a sister?”

“N-NO!” Izuku blurted, startling them both, “N-not like that.”

“Oh,” the blond hummed, “Then…how do you see me?”

“How do I…well, I…You’re really smart…and pretty…and I feel comfortable around you…”
Izuku muttered, looking away as he blushed harder, his voice going high, “And I…maybe…like

“I like you too.”

Izuku blinked as he stared at the blond, her own cheeks red as she stood from his chair, walking up
closer to him.


“I like you too, Izuku Midoriya,” Melissa repeated, “So…shall we stop all the fooling around?”

“Fooling around?” Izuku said, staring up at the slightly taller girl, “What do you mean fooling

“Oh, come on!” Melissa laughed, slipping her arms around Izuku’s neck, “You’re not really that
dense, are you?”

“Says the girl who hasn’t noticed me flirting with her for the last year,” Izuku muttered.

“Oh, I noticed,” Melissa chuckled, making Izuku stare at her in shock, “Your attempts were just so
bad I couldn’t bring myself to respond!”

“Oh, come on!” Izuku cried, “I worked hard on some of those!”

“Did you really?” Melissa laughed, pressing her forehead against his, “That’s hilarious!”

“Says you,” Izuku laughed back, the two staring into each other’s eyes for a moment before Izuku
spoke again, “Now what?”

“Now?” Melissa hummed as she pressed her body tighter against Izuku’s, “Now you kiss the girl.”

Inko smiled as she stood outside the door, a tray of drinks and snacks in hand as she listened to the
two teens. Silently, she set the tray down, before hurrying through to their kitchen, pulling out her
phone as she went, typing quickly on the screen.


“I have a very special offer for you,” the bear-dog-rat thing said as Izuku stared at him, his face a
mask of shock, “I need a new Quirk Theory Teacher for UA, and you are the best of the best.”

“I…you…you want me? To teach? At UA?” Izuku stammered, staring in shock as the Principal
nodded, a small smile on his lips.

“To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t mind having you as a student either,” Nedzu chuckled, “But
seeing as how you have tested out of Highschool already, and even have your PHD in Quirk
Theory, well, that’s hardly an option, now is it?”

“Take it Izu!” Melissa gasped, holding tightly onto his arm as she near vibrated in excitement next
to him, “You have to take it! It was your dream to go to UA! Now you get to!”

“I…I accept,” Izuku said slowly, the shock slowly draining from his face, “On one condition.”


“And I would like to welcome the newest member of our staff,” Nedzu said as the students stood
quietly for the Entrance Ceremony, “Izuku Midoriya, who will be taking the position of Quirk
Theory Teacher for both the Support and Hero Courses of all years! Please give him a friendly

Chapter End Notes

There is a second part of this coming soon(ish, I hope?) So keep your eyes peeled and
all that jazz!
Chapter Summary

The continuation of Island! Izuku teaching at UA!

Chapter Notes

So this is the "second part" of the Island chapter, except the idea kind of got away
from me, so I'm going to be working on an Extended for this chapter.

“And I would like to welcome the newest member of our staff,” Nedzu said as the students stood
quietly for the Entrance Ceremony, “Izuku Midoriya, who will be taking the position of Quirk
Theory Teacher for both the Support and Hero Courses of all years! Please give him a friendly

The teen walked up to the podium, bowing slightly to the Principal as the chimera hopped down
off his stool. The students began whispering to each other as the boy took a deep breath, seemingly
calming himself down before he smiled brightly at them.

“Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya,” he said, “And I’m sure you’re all wondering about my age.
That is not really a matter of importance. Instead, I hope you will treat me the same way you would
any other teacher. Thank you.”

“As Midoriya-sensei has just said,” Nedzu continued as the teen walked back to his chair, “As
students of UA, you will treat him with the same respect you afford all of your teachers. Now, I
believe we can wrap things up here! Have a good year everyone!”


“Where were 1-A and their teacher during the Entrance Ceremony?” Izuku asked as the staff
walked back to the staff room, several splitting off to go attend to their classes.

“Oh, he was probably hazing his new students, Midoriya-kun,” Midnight said cheerfully as she
petted him on the head, “Don’t be surprised if there are empty seats when you have your first

“Kamaya-sensei,” Izuku said, making the woman blink at the stern look he was giving her, “I may
be younger than all of you, but that’s no excuse to treat me like a child. I earned my teaching
degree for a reason, you know. Please refer to me appropriately.”

“Oh! I…I’m sorry, Midoriya-sensei,” the woman said, a slightly shocked expression on her face,
“It’s just, you’re the same age as our first years, so it’s a little…”

“Disconcerting?” the teen asked, nodding to her, “I understand, but the students will never be able
to respect me if not even the staff can.”
“It’s a fair point,” Vlad King chuckled behind them, “I’ll make sure to drill it into my class’s heads
that you’re a teacher here, and that they should respect you.”

“Thank you, Kan-sensei,” Izuku said politely.

“Just call me Kan, Midoriya,” the burly man laughed, “I only got my Teaching diploma last year as
well, so we’re both new to this.”

“Then you can call me Nemuri!” Midnight chimed as she leant over slightly, winking at Izuku as
the teen blushed slightly.

“I would prefer not to, Kamaya-sensei.”

“Aw, no fun!” the woman pouted.


“Okay, first class,” Izuku sighed, taking a deep breath as he stood outside the door to 3-A,
“They’re third years, so they should be mature enough to respect you. And they’re only two years
older than you. And you’re a teacher! At UA! So, they need to respect you!”

Izuku took another breath as he slid open the door, the class quieting as he stepped inside. The teen
looked around, eyes lingering on three students in particular as he recognized them from the
student profiles Nedzu had given him. Standing up a little straighter, Izuku walked into the room as
confidently as he could, setting his tablet down on the podium as he looked out over the class.

“Good morning, class,” he said, keeping his voice as steady and level as possible, “My name is
Izuku Midoriya. You may refer to me as Midoriya-sensei, and I will be your teacher for Advanced
Quirk Theory this year.”

“The first-year classes are on the ground floor!” someone called, making the class snicker slightly,
Izuku taking a sharp breath in.

“I am perfectly aware of that, Itazura-san,” Izuku replied, the boy in the back paling slightly at the
mention of his name, “And you now have detention during Practical Heroics today.”

“What? Why?” the boy shouted as he stood, staring at the teen in shock.

“For misbehavior,” Izuku replied flatly, “And detention for the rest of the week for talking back to
a teacher.”

The class fell silent as the stunned student fell back into his chair, a look of disbelief on his face.

“I would have preferred that our first interaction had gone more amicably than that,” Izuku said, “I
would prefer to foster respect between both sides. However, if I have to use my authority to ensure
that this class goes smoothly, I will.”

The blonde’s hand shot up, Izuku nodding towards him.

“Sensei, no offense, but how can we be sure you’re qualified for this position? You are quite
young,” he asked, giving Izuku a knowing look as the green-haired teen smiled, tapping on his

“Well, Togata-san,” he replied, turning to the state of the art interactive board that he’d insisted on
being installed in every classroom as it suddenly burst into life behind him, showing a number of
images, “Despite my age, I have earned my PhD in Quirk Theory, have worked with multiple
Heroes as a quirk analyst for several years, including your Mentor, Sir Nighteye, and All Might,
and,” Izuku paused for effect as he looked back over the class, “I was personally chosen by
Principal Nedzu.”

The class stared at the images that appeared, Izuku standing beside numerous Pro Heroes, many
shaking his hand. An image of his Doctorate sat in the top corner the entire time, as several of the
patents he held for various pieces of support gear scrolled underneath it.

“I feel that makes me more than qualified,” Izuku finished.

“What’s your quirk?!” the blue-haired girl suddenly called, bouncing in her seat as she grinned at

“I don’t have one, Hado-san. And please raise your hand before asking a question next time,”
Izuku replied, the class starting slightly as he turned back to the board, “Now, onto the lesson.”


Izuku sighed as he stood outside the door to 1-A. Of the five classes he had taught today so far,
he’d had to give detentions to students in four of them. The only class so far that had been spared
was 1-B, the students all greeting and treating him like he was any other teacher. And now he had
this lot. He’d heard that Aizawa had already expelled one of his students for not doing well enough
on some kind of quirk comprehension test. One that had taken place during the Entrance
Ceremony. The Entrance Ceremony where he was introduced.

“What even is Quirk Theory?” he heard a male voice say through the door as he reached to open it,
making him pause, “How’s it supposed to help us be better Heroes?”

“Dunno, it sounds kind of complicated,” another voice said, female this time, “Maybe it’s about
how we can improve our own quirks?”


A strangely familiar voice shouted over the rest, making Izuku flinch slightly, “I’LL FUCKING

“I don’t know, kero,” another female voice said, croaking at the end of her sentence, “I think it
sounds interesting.”

This would be interesting.

“Excuse me, but are you lost?” the tall, blue-haired boy asked almost instantly as Izuku opened the
door and walked in, “I do not think this is your classroom. And where is your uniform?”

“This is class 1-A of the Hero course, correct?” Izuku replied with a smile as the boy nodded,
“Then I am precisely where I am meant to be.”

“I find that hard to believe,” the student replied, getting up from his desk and marching stiffly
towards Izuku as the rest of the class muttered to each other, “Show me your student card, please!”

“I don’t have one, Iida-san,” Izuku replied, watching as the boy paused at the mention of his name,
before Izuku pulled the small piece of plastic from his pocket and presented it to him, “I do,
however, have a Teacher’s Identification Card. I understand that your Homeroom teacher was
unprofessional enough to skip the Entrance Ceremony, but that is no excuse for ignorance.
Especially from a prospective Hero. Now, please sit down or you will have detention this

“I…you…what?” the boy sputtered as the class fell silent, staring at Izuku in shock, “Who are

“My name is Izuku Midoriya,” Izuku said plainly as he turned to the class, “And I am your new
Quirk Theory Teacher.”

“Izuku Midoriya?” the blond sitting in front of the empty desk growled, “Wait…DEKU?!”


“He should be expelled.”

“He has potential,” Aizawa growled as he glanced down at the other teacher.

“He physically attacked a member of staff using his quirk,” Izuku replied, glaring back at the older
man, “If it wasn’t for my training, I may have been seriously injured.”

“It was a lapse in his judgement,” Aizawa replied, “I’ll talk to him about it.”

“Will you now?” Izuku sighed, “Just so you know, I also took the liberty of reviewing all of your
students’ costume designs, Aizawa-san. Who thought it was a good idea to give an obviously
emotionally unstable teen a weapon with that much explosive potential? Are you trying to get him
to kill your other students?”

“Of course not!” the man replied, now glaring back at Izuku, “He’ll just have to learn to use them

“No, he won’t,” Izuku growled back, “I’ve given him afternoon detention for the rest of the month,
which he will take during every Practical Heroics lesson by having a counselling session with
Hound Dog. Also, his costume will be revised by a trusted source of my choosing.”

“You can’t do that,” Aizawa hissed, staring at the teen in shock.

“I already have,” Izuku growled back, “If you don’t want him expelled, you had better start
actually teaching, rather than simply running away from the, as you put it, “problem children”.”

“Running?” Aizawa stepped back, “When the hell have I ever run away?!”

“I’ve seen your records, you expel students at the drop of a hat, even if you reinstate them later,”
Izuku replied, “I may have only had my teaching degree for a few months, but I can recognize
borderline child abuse when I see it.”

“Child abuse?” Aizawa was reeling as the teen stepped towards him.

“Yes, child abuse! Do you have any idea what you’re doing to the psyches of the kids you expel?”
Izuku was almost shouting now, “You’re not fixing anything by expelling them, you’re breaking
them and expecting them to piece themselves back together into something you approve of! And
that is child abuse!”

“That is quite enough, Midoriya-sensei,” Nedzu hummed through his cup of tea, the teen blinking
as he stepped back, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

“I apologize for my outburst, Principal,” Izuku said calmly, his brow still furrowed in anger.
“I need you both to remember that here at UA, we give out teachers a great deal of freedom in how
they teach,” Nedzu said as he set his tea cup down, “So while I understand your objections to the
other’s teaching methods, I would ask that you not question them unless they actively cause harm
to the students.”

Aizawa and Izuku nodded as they looked at the Principal.

“That being said, Midoriya-sensei has brought up a valid point,” Nedzu continued, “As such, we
will be reviewing your methods, Aizawa-san.”

“You’re taking his side?” the man gasped, eyes going wide.

“Of course not,” Nedzu chuckled, “He just brought up valid points.”


“Good afternoon.”

“Afternoon, uhm…sensei?” the boy said as he stepped into the break room, looking around slightly
as Izuku gestured for him to sit on the stool opposite him, “If you don’t mind me asking, what is
this all about?”

“Well, Shinso-san,” Izuku said, “I understand that you tried out for the Heroics Entrance exam,

“Yeah,” the purple-haired teen muttered as he sat opposite the other boy, “I failed though.”

“Yes, your quirk doesn’t work on robots,” Izuku hummed, nodding his head.

“No, it doesn’t,” Shinso muttered, “Didn’t help that some blond asshole was stealing everyone’s
points, either.”

“And that is the problem,” Izuku sighed, before looking the teen straight in the eyes, “Your quirk
should have been more than enough to have you be a recommended student. However, due to the
short-sightedness of the faculty, others, with more “flashy” quirks, were able to get in instead of

“What are you saying?” the teen asked slowly.

“I’ve petitioned to have you moved into Class 1-A of the Heroics department. And Principal
Nedzu agreed,” Shinso’s jaw dropped as he stared at the other teen, his eyes wide as Izuku gave
him a determined look, “However, there is a condition.”

“And what is that?” Shinso asked.

“You have to win the Sports Festival.”


“Why did you lie to him?” Nedzu asked as he moved the chess piece slowly across the board,
sipping at his tea.

“I believe Aizawa-san refers to it as a “Logical ruse”,” Izuku replied as he made his own move.

“Ah, I see,” Nedzu replied, “But why winning the Sports Festival? Couldn’t you have told him to
simply place? Or even just reach the third round?”
“I could have,” Izuku hummed, “But I think the world needs to see that they can be wrong about

“Hmm,” Nedzu nodded, “Is that why you’re building that suit in the Support Department?”

“Yes,” Izuku replied, unsurprised that the Principal knew about that, “And fair warning, I’m
probably going to steal Hatsume for I-Island as soon as she graduates. I’ve never seen someone as
skilled in prototyping and design as her.”

“Fair enough,” Nedzu laughed, “Also, are you sure that the USJ will be attacked this afternoon?”

“After the gate incident, and the Press,” Izuku paused, looking up at Nedzu, “And the fact that my
schedule for class A was missing? Yes. Definitely.”


“Heroics is more than just fighting Villains,” Thirteen said, Cementos beside them, as the students
stood outside the large square building, “Today we’ll be using Gym Gamma, also known as the
Training Kitchen Lab, or TKL for short, to simulate various rescue situations! Please thank both
Cementos and Midoriya-sensei for being here to help!”

“Thank you, Senseis!” the class called as they filed in, several glancing at Izuku as he looked into
the distance.

“They’ll be fine,” Cementos said softly as he patted the teen on the shoulder, “They have All Might
with them.”

“Yeah…” Izuku said quietly, “Yagi’s there. They’ll be fine. He’ll be fine.”


“It’s good that the USJ incident was handled so well,” Nedzu said as the three other individuals sat
around the table, the chimera nodding towards Izuku, “We were able to capture a large number of
the Villains, including one Tomura Shigaraki, who we believe to be the ring leader.”

“I doubt it,” Izuku sighed, looking up at Toshinori, “I think we have bigger problems than that.”

“You aren’t suggesting that…” the skinny man began.

“All For One is behind the attack?” Izuku cut him off, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“I’m sorry,” Tsukauchi cut in, “I’m still reeling a bit after finding out that All Might’s special
Analyst is a…well a kid. And that he knows about All For One. No offense, Midoriya-san.”

“None taken,” Izuku replied, smiling at the Detective, who nodded happily, “I’m knowledgeable of
a great many secrets, one of them being All Might’s current state, and the battle that put him in it.
After all, David and I were the ones who helped keep All Might’s power at the maximum level it
could be these past five years.”

“And my offer to you still stands, Midoriya-san,” Toshinori said, “I would gladly give One For All
to you. You would be the perfect vessel to continue the legacy.”

“And I am eternally grateful for that, Yagi-san,” Izuku said as he smiled, “But I’ve made my
decision. If I’m going to be the first quirkless Hero, I’ll have to do it quirkless.”

“Fair enough,” Yagi nodded, “But onto more pressing matters. You said that All For One is
moving again?”

“Yes,” Izuku nodded, sliding a manilla folder across the table and opening it, “I looked over the
data we were able to gather from the creature called Nomu, and I found something disturbing.”



Izuku grinned as the blond threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly as he spun the two of
them around.

“Hey Mel, I missed you!” He sighed, tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he looked at her

“Dork, it’s only been a little over a month!” the young woman laughed as he set her down, “And
we talk every night!”

“Still, I missed you,” Izuku sighed, grabbing her luggage, and hefting it onto a trolley, “Damn,
what do you have in here? A Hadron Collider?”

“Not quite, just some experimental tech for your suit!” Melissa laughed, “So, how’s life at UA
been treating you?”

“Before or after I earned a reputation as the teacher who gives out the most detentions?” Izuku
sighed, “Those damn kids just can’t stop making jokes about my age.”

“Kids?” Melissa snorted, slipping her hand into his, intertwining their fingers, “Aren’t most of
them older than you?”

“Oh, shut up!” Izuku laughed as they walked through the terminal towards the waiting car, “They
may be, but they certainly don’t act it most of the time.”

“I doubt it when compared to you,” Melissa chuckled, “But then again, you’re a bit of an odd ball!”

“Hey! I’m perfectly normal for a fifteen-year-old boy!” Izuku huffed, “Anyway, did you have any
plans for tonight?”

“Me? Plans?” Melissa chuckled as she bumped her shoulder against Izuku’s, “Now why would I
have any plans other than spending time with my Fiancé?”

“Good, because I need some help with my suit,” Izuku said excitedly, “I can’t get the kinetic
batteries to store enough charge, and Hatsume keeps making them explode somehow.”

“Oh,” Melissa said, a look of surprise on her face that quickly morphed to excitement, “You know
exactly what I like!”
Chapter Summary

At the request of Epsilon110, have an aged-down Nemuri in 1-A crushing on Izuku.

Chapter Notes

I thought this would take me a few days to write, but apparently I was inspired enough
to churn it out in like a day and a half. Enjoy!

Nemuri Kayama smiled as she walked down the hallway to her classroom, excited to start her first
day at UA and begin learning to be a Hero. She was proud, having gotten in on Recommendations,
even when the competition had been so stiff, especially with Endeavor’s son there. That being said,
he had been beaten by the loud guy with a buzzcut and a wind quirk in the obstacle race, so she
wasn’t sure who her fellow Recommendation student would be. She looked up, spotting two more
students standing in the door to the class, smiling when she saw that both the blushing green-haired
boy and the brunette girl were quite cute.

“Lucky me,” she whispered to herself as she licked her lips, hurrying her steps to reach them,
“Heyo, I’m Nemuri Kayama, nice to meet you two cuties!”

“C-cuties?” the boy squeaked, his already bright red face somehow going even more red, making
Nemuri grin.

Oh, this one is going to be fun to tease, Nemuri thought as she giggled, all three of them jumping as
the low voice suddenly grumbled from the floor.

“If you’re here to socialize, then get out,” the weird yellow caterpillar muttered as it lay on the
floor, glaring at them, “This is the Hero course.”

The students scrambled to get to their desks, Kayama taking a moment to glance around. Here eyes
widened as she saw both the elegant beauty that she seemed to remember being called Yaoyorozu,
and the handsome two-toned boy that was Endeavor’s son from the Recommendation exams,
wondering which had gotten in like her. Other than that, the rest of the students were mostly above
average in terms of looks, though some fell short or were hard to tell. The only other real stand outs
were a bright pink girl and the green-haired boy, who despite looking a bit plain, was definitely

“It took you eight seconds to quiet down,” the man growled, “Time is a precious resource, you lot
aren’t very rational, are you?”

“So, he’s a professional Hero too?” the cute green-haired boy asked, Nemuri thinking that she
needed to get his name as soon as possible.

“I’m Shota Aizawa, your Homeroom teacher. Pleased to meet you,” the man said flatly, before
pulling a gym uniform out of his sleeping bag, “Go get changed into your gym uniforms and head
out to the main field.”

Huh? I knew UA was pretty free in it’s teaching style, Nemuri thought, glancing at the stunned
faces of the other students, But this is a whole other level!


The class stared in shock, not quite able to believe what they’d just heard.

“The person in last place will be expelled?” the brunette gasped “But it’s the first day! That’s
totally unfair!”

“The real world is unfair,” Aizawa growled back, “Now let’s get to it.”

Nemuri looked around at the serious faces of the other students, eyes lingering on the green-haired
boy as he seemed to be fighting back a panic attack.

“Hey, why don’t you try to relax, cutie,” she chuckled as she slipped her arm around his shoulders
again, ignoring the whispers of “lucky” from a couple of the other boys, “I’m sure you’ll do great!”

“I-I don’t know,” the boy muttered, “I can’t really control my quirk very well.”

“That sucks, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out!” Nemuri chuckled as she squeezed his
shoulders, marveling at how solid they felt, her tongue darting out instinctively to lick at her lips,
“You certainly feel plenty strong.”

I, on the other hand, she thought, Am screwed.


Nemuri stared.

Aizawa had initially erased the green-haired boy, Izuku Midoriya’s, quirk, making him fall short of
anything really impressive in the softball throw. But then Izuku had done something. The ball had
vanished into the sky with a crack, surprising the class. And breaking his finger. Even so, he’d
turned to their teacher and given a shaky but strong smile as he clenched his fist in determination.

He takes pain really well, she thought, a slight smile inching across her lips, I wonder how well
he’d take my kind of pain.

Her tongue licked across her lips.


“It was a logical ruse!” the teacher grinned creepily as he displayed the results, the class staring in
shock as they stared at the holographic screen.

“Well, it was obvio-,” Yaoyorozu started saying.

“I call bullshit!” Nemuri shouted, startling the class as Aizawa glared at her, “How the hell did I
place higher than Midoriya? Let alone make tenth place? My quirk is useless for this kind of

“I said not to ask about the process,” the man muttered as he turned away.
“I bet it was just a popularity contest,” Nemuri huffed as she turned to Izuku, the boy looking at her
in surprise, “That was totally unfair of him! Right, Izzy?”

“I-Izzy?” Izuku squeaked, his face lighting up in a blush, making Nemuri smile, “W-what are you
t-talking about, Kamaya-san?”

“Yeah, Izzy,” she said, slipping her arm around his shoulders again, “I’ve decided that we’re
friends, so we’ve got to stick together! And that was totally unfair!”

“Y-you said your quirk was useless for this kind of thing,” Izuku mumbled, suddenly pulling a
notebook from somewhere, “What is your quirk?”

“Oh, I produce a gas from my skin that makes people fall asleep!” Nemuri replied happily, blinking
as the other teen suddenly began scribbling in his book, his voice low as he muttered, his pencil
already sketching out a basic picture of her.

“At least he didn’t expel anyone,” Ochako sighed, the rest of the class nodding in unison.

Especially not this cutie, Nemuri thought as she looked over at Izuku, her own cheeks heating up as
he mumbled in her arms.


“Hey Izzy!” the shout made the green-haired teen jump almost a foot in the air, Nemuri hiding a
laugh behind her hand as she watched him spin to stare at her, “How’s the finger?”

“H-huh?” Izuku spluttered, “O-oh, it’s fine, Recovery Girl fixed me right up!”

“Awesome!” Nemuri grinned, “It’s still messed up that you came last, though. You’re pretty jacked
under those clothes.”

“O-oh, t-thank you!” Izuku mumbled, “I…uhm…I work out a lot.”

“Good to know! Hey, how about we work out together sometime?” Nemuri felt a tingle run up her
spine as she leaned in close to Izuku, her mouth just beside his ear, “I could show you some special

“I-I-I…WHAT?!” the boy shrieked, darting back as Nemuri couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh, you are adorable! Such great reactions, Izzy!” she chuckled, “Hey, if you’re not busy, you
want to go get some ice cream or something?”

“I-ice cream?” Izuku blanched slightly, the look of fear in his eyes making Nemuri worry for a
second, “W-with me?”

“Oh, that sounds good!” another voice suddenly said, startling both of them as they turned to see
Ochako and Iida standing just behind them, “My train comes soon, but I can get the next one if
you’re offering!”

“Yes, bonding between fellow students is a suitable after school activity!” Iida intoned, nodding

“Sure thing!” Nemuri grinned, glancing back at Izuku as he seemed to have relaxed slightly, the
boy smiling nervously at the brunette as she smiled back.

Oh? Nemuri thought to herself, letting a hungry grin slip onto her face, What do we have here?

“Come on! I know a great café around here!” Nemuri called as she practically dragged Izuku by the
hand, the boy bright red as the other two followed close behind, “They make amazing milkshakes!
And they’re cheap!”

“Oh, that’s good!” Ochako mumbled, “I don’t really have much money on me.”

“That’s fine!” Nemuri chuckled, “I invited you guys! It’ll be my treat!”

“Really?” Ochako’s face lit up as she looked at Nemuri, the purple-haired teen having to fight back
a hungry stare at just how cute the girl was, “That’s so nice!”

“Welcome,” the waitress said as they walked into the café, leading them to an empty table in the
back of the room, Nemuri sliding into the seat beside Izuku before he could protest, “Do you know
what you want to order? Or would you like some time to choose?”

“I would like an orange juice, if you please,” Iida said first, raising a hand stiffly as the waitress

“Are there any specials?” Nemuri asked, hiding her mischievous grin as she looked at the waitress,
knowing full well what the young woman was about to say.

“Oh, yes,” the waitress replied with a smile, “We have a couple’s milkshake that would be perfect
for you!”

“C-couple’s?” Ochako and Izuku spluttered at the same time, staring at the waitress in shock.

“Yes, it’s only slightly more expensive than a regular milkshake, but is twice the size,” the woman
said, “The owner is a bit of a romantic.”

“Awesome! We’ll take two of those!” Nemuri grinned, “What flavors do you two want?”

“W-what? Us?” Ochako and Izuku looked taken aback by Nemuri’s forwardness, glancing at each
other before Ochako replied, “Uhm, I’ll have a strawberry.”

“Ch-chocolate mint?” Izuku stuttered, the waitress nodding and writing the orders down on her
notepad, before walking away.

“Why’d you do that?” Ochako whispered, still blushing slightly as she looked at Nemuri, “We
aren’t…you know, couples.”

“And why not?” Nemuri laughed, making the girl blush harder, “I’m just teasing, it’s cheaper this
way, and we all get to try two different flavors!”

“A-all of us?” Izuku squeaked.

“I shall abstain,” Iida said, “Dairy tends to clog up my Engines.”

“More for the rest of us then,” Nemuri hummed happily, “So, why don’t you guys tell me about


“I just want to help people,” Izuku said, the other three nodding.
“Same here,” Nemuri hummed, “Though my quirk is better for disabling villains. And it’s pretty
much just an area of effect because I can’t control the gas.”

“No, your quirk is amazing!” Izuku said loudly, pulling out his notebook again and flipping to the
page he’d started earlier that day, “You could easily end a hostage situation, or calm a panicking
person with your quirk! It’s really cool!”

“Oh wow,” Nemuri muttered as she looked over the pages he’d already almost filled, feeling a
slight blush burn on her cheeks as she saw the pretty accurate drawing of her in the center of the
page, “That’s really thorough. I never thought of using my quirk like that.”

“O-oh! S-sorry!” Izuku muttered, sliding a little away from her, “Y-you probably think it’s

“No way!” Ochako smiled, making the green-haired teen jump, “It’s really cool! Do you have a
page for me in there?”

“N-not yet, I haven’t finished the whole class yet,” Izuku replied, “Kayama-san was the first one I

“Oh? So, I was your first?” the girl giggled as Izuku and Ochako lit up red, licking her lips slightly
as they stared at her, “Just teasing.”

“Here you go,” the waitress suddenly said, appearing beside their table with two large milkshakes
and a glass of orange juice, “I hope you enjoy!”

“Thank you!” they all said, Izuku and Ochako staring at the two milkshakes nervously as Nemuri
pulled the Mint chocolate one up to her.

“Hmm,” she hummed in pleasure, “These are really good! Have a try Izzy!”

The teen stared at the second straw that she offered him in shock, trying to stammer something out
before she pushed the end into his mouth, the boy taking a long pull.

“Oh, wow,” he muttered, “That is really good!”

“Told you! Hey, Chako, let me have a taste of yours!” Nemuri laughed as she pulled the strawberry
milkshake towards her, pushing the Mint Chocolate one in front of the surprised girl, “Try ours as

“Oh! Uhm…” The brunette blushed as he looked at the two straws, glancing around to see if she
could find another, “Isn’t this a little…you know?”

“What?” Nemuri grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at the other girl as she drank some of the
strawberry milkshake, “Worried about a little swapped spit? Don’t worry, I’m sure both of us are
healthy, right Izzy?”

“W-what?” Izuku squeaked, as he stared at the second straw in front of him, the straw Ochako had
been drinking out of, his face going bright red.

“Come on! Stop wasting time! Drink!” the purple-haired girl laughed as she pushed the straw into
Izuku’s mouth again, the teen spluttering slightly, before dutifully following the instruction.
Nemuri glanced over to Ochako again, watching with interest as the girl eyed the two straws,
“What are you waiting for, Chako? Try it, it’s really good!”
“O-okay!” the brunette mumbled, grabbing one of the straws and taking a drink, Nemuri grinning
as she saw it was the one Izuku had used, Ochako blushing bright red as she did so.

Oh, I am going to have SO much fun with these two, Nemuri thought, grinning widely as she
watched the two of them drink.


“Soooo,” Nemuri hummed as she stood beside Ochako on the train platform, it turning out that
they needed to take the same train, the two boys already having left on theirs, “What about Izzy
has you interested?”

“I-interested?” Ochako gasped, staring at Nemuri in shock, “W-what makes you think that?”

“I saw the way you looked at him,” Nemuri chuckled, “There’s definitely something there. On
both sides!”

“B-both sides?” Ochako squeaked.

“Yeah, though I can hardly blame you,” Nemuri hummed, giving the other girl a sideways glance,
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested too.”

“You too?” Ochako gasped, her blush growing brighter as she realized what she’d just said.

“Ha! Knew it!” Nemuri chuckled, “Hey, don’t feel down. I’m totally up for sharing. And with a
little practice, I’m sure there’ll be more than enough of Izzy to go around.”

“I…but…How can you just say these things?” Ochako asked from behind her hands, several people
watching as she began to float into the air.

“Pretty easily,” Nemuri shrugged as she helped pull the girl down, “I’m quite open about my
feelings. So, what do you say? Want to share the adorable green boy with me?”

“I…I don’t know.”


“Okay, so the biggest threat is Kayama-san’s quirk,” Izuku said to Ochako as the brunette nodded,
a slight blush on her cheeks, And we don’t know what she has under that thick trench coat she was
wearing, as she never opened it while we were waiting.”

She watched as Izuku continued to explain their plan, Nemuri’s words still swirling around her
head, as she stared at the serious expression on Izuku’s face. She felt her cheeks heat up a bit more
as she watched him, jumping when All Might shouted for them to start.

“You got all that?” Izuku asked her, Ochako faltering for a second.

“I…I need to take out Iida by touching him,” she replied, “And you think you can do something
about Kayama’s gas.”

“Right,” Izuku sighed, “Let’s go.”

The two headed into the building, moving quickly but quietly as they checked each room on their
way. They had reached the third floor before they heard the shout.

“GREETINGS HEROES! I HAVE COME TO DEFEAT YOU!” Iida shouted at the end of the
hallway, his engines already running as he suddenly charged.

Ochako gasped as Izuku grabbed her, throwing both of them into a side room as the speedster shot
down the hallway, ending up with him lying on top of her. Ochako’s cheeks lit up with a blush as
she felt him pressed against her body, the skintight material of her costume doing nothing to hide
the feeling of his muscles against her. He quickly got back up, pulling her to her feet and towards
the other side of the room, where there was another door. Ochako looked down at their hands, his
gripping hers firmly but gently.

“I’m going to try lure him out,” Izuku whispered as they reached the other door, “Touch him as
soon as he gets near!”

“R-right!” Ochako swallowed, pushing her feelings down as Izuku jumped out into the hallway.

HEROES!” Iida yelled as he shot down the hallway, slamming into Izuku as the teen tried to tackle
him, the green-haired boy giving a grunt of pain as the armored teen slammed into him. The two
stood for a second, both apparently surprised the Izuku had managed to stop Iida dead, just in front
of the door.

“Gotcha!” Ochako cried as she slapped Iida on the back, the teen shouting as Izuku suddenly lifted
him effortlessly into the air, Ochako wrapping the capture tape around one of his flailing ankles.

“Young Iida has been eliminated!” they heard All Might call through their earpieces, Izuku
putting the taller boy down as Ochako released her quirk.

“Sorry, Iida,” Izuku said as the two Heroes hurried away, the other boy just waving them off.


Nemuri was excited.

She stood in the middle of the room, coat open, exposing her near naked body to the air, only a pair
of belts slung over her hips hiding her modesty as she waited for the two Heroes to arrive. The
room was filled with a haze of pink as she continued to pump her gas into the air, breathing a little
heavily as it started to outweigh the oxygen in the room. She was ever grateful that she was
immune to its effects, though she had a feeling that a certain green-haired boy had already thought
of a plan to counter it.

“DETROIT SMASH!” the shout startled her as the far wall of the room she was in suddenly
exploded inwards, showering her with debris as her gas was pushed back by the wind pressure. She
heard the windows behind her shatter, the seal on the room broken, most of her gas probably
already dissipating into the air.

What she saw next made her gasp. Izuku was standing in the middle of the hole he’d just punched
in the wall, right arm hanging limply at his side as it turned a sickly shade of purple, the pain
obvious on his face. Instinct took over as she rushed towards him to make sure he was okay, only
seeing Ochako at the last moment as the girl sailed over Nemuri’s head to slap onto the side of the
fake missile.

“Heroes win!” All might called out, Nemuri all but ignoring him as she rushed to Izuku’s side,
Ochako close behind her.

“What the hell did you do, Izzy?” she gasped as she saw the damage up close, “How are you still

“This…is nothing…” he muttered through clenched teeth, “A Hero has to stay standing…to help

Nemuri blinked as he lifted his head, a bright smile on his face barely masking the pain. The
purple-haired teen felt her heart flutter at the look he gave her, so full of hope and determination,
before he tried to move and almost collapsed.

“Dammit, Izzy,” Nemuri hummed, waving her hand over his face, a small amount of her gas
spraying in his face, “Just go to sleep for now. Hey, Chako! Think you can float our idiot boyfriend
out of here?”

“B-b-boyfriend?” the brunette choked, staring at her in shock.

“Yeah, I’ve decided that we’re dating him now,” Nemuri chuckled as Ochako tapped Izuku on the
chest, “You have a problem with that?”



“Hey, big guy,” Nemuri purred into Izuku’s ear as he woke up, the teen shooting up in the bed as
he stared at her in shock.

“K-kayma-san! W-what are you d-doing here?” he spluttered, his face going bright red.

“Oh, just waiting for my boy-toy to wake up,” she giggled, “Chako was here earlier, but she had to
leave to catch her train.”

“O-oh,” Izuku mumbled, before looking up at her, “Wait, don’t you take the same train?”

“Yeah, but I figured I could just go home with you tonight,” Nemuri laughed, making the boy turn
an even brighter shade of red, “I mean, we are dating now!”

“W-we are?” Izuku squeaked, “S-since when?”

“Right after you punched that wall and messed up your arm,” Nemuri sighed, giving him a serious
look, “Ochako and I have decided that we’re going to help you prevent having to do that in the

“Ochako and…you?” Izuku muttered, looking at her in confusion.

“Yeah, we’re both dating you now, you lucky thing,” Nemuri laughed, watching as Izuku just
stared at her in confusion, something fluttering in her chest again.

She leaned forwards and pressed her lips against his, pushing him back onto the bed as he slid on
top of him. He lay almost frozen as she slipped her tongue inside his mouth, exploring it for a
moment before she felt arms slip around her waist, sending a thrill up her spine. The two of them
let out a quiet moan as they continued to kiss, before Nemuri pulled back, gasping slightly for air.

“Well, that was…wow,” she panted, “I just hope Chako isn’t mad that I took the first kiss.”

“I…uh…yeah…” Izuku muttered back, his face still locked in a stunned expression, “That was my
first kiss.”
“Well, I’m glad I got it,” Nemuri said as she slipped off the bed, straightening her uniform slightly
before giving Izuku a sultry look, “And there better be plenty of other firsts for me to take as well!”

“I…you…what?” Izuku squeaked as Nemuri headed out the door, “What is going on?”

“You have two girlfriends, Izzy,” she called, winking over her shoulder at him, “Oh, and that was
my first kiss too! Love you, bye!”
Class B
Chapter Summary

Izuku replaces Monoma in Class B.

Chapter Notes

Thank you so much to Earth_Dragoon for not only Beta reading this, but also helping
me finish it! You're awesome dude!

Also, Setsuna is best Class B girl. Fight me.


Izuku jumped at the shout, spinning on his heel as he stared into the dark green eyes of the girl
standing right behind him, her mouth open in a jaunty, sharp-toothed grin.

“Are you lost? You’ve been standing outside this door for, like, five minutes,” she asked, still
grinning at him as Izuku began to sweat.

“I…uh…I’m sorry!” He finally managed, stepping to the side as he bowed, “I-I didn’t mean to
block you!”

“It’s okay,” the girl laughed as he continued to bow repeatedly, “I just arrived, so you didn’t make
me late. I’m Setsuna Tokage, by the way! You also in 1-B?”

“Y-yes!” Izuku answered as the girl stepped past him and yanked the large door open easily.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” she laughed as she grabbed his wrist and pulled him in, “Come
on in!”

Izuku froze as he stumbled into the room, the eyes of the other students focusing on him. Suddenly
his chest felt tight, his breaths coming in shorter and sharper as the world seemed to close in on

“Breath in!” the voice said calmly as a large pair of hands suddenly grabbed the sides of his head,
squeezing his cheeks. He complied, “Now out. In again. And out. Feeling better?”

He swallowed as he looked at the girl that was currently holding his head in her enlarged hands,
her bright red hair tied up in a short side pony.

“Y-yesh?” he squeaked.

“Okay, good,” the girl sighed as she let go of him, Izuku noticing the worry in the eyes of the rest
of the class. Is it worry or pity?, “That was a pretty bad anxiety attack you were having there. Not
used to meeting new people?”
“N-no!” Izuku squeaked again, starting when the girl from before, Setsuna hopped in front of him.

“Sorry about that!” she said worriedly, “If I’d known it would freak you out, I wouldn’t have
pulled you in so suddenly!”

“I-it’s okay!” Izuku said as he began looking for his seat.

“Good morning students,” the gruff voice said from the door, making them all turn to look at the
red suited Hero standing in the doorway, “I am Sekijiro Kan, your new homeroom teacher.”

“W-wait! You’re Vlad King!” Izuku gasped, “Your quirk allows you to control and alter various
aspects of your blood, including its hardness!”

“Yes, that is me,” the silver-haired man chuckled, scratching the side of his head, “As I said, nice
to meet you. Now, we’re expected to be at the Entrance Ceremony in ten minutes, so it’s best that
we make proper introductions later.”

“Yes, Sensei!” the class called as they began to stand from where they were sitting.

“Oh, and just a heads up, you’ll be doing a quirk comprehension test after the Entrance
Ceremony,” the man said, making the students pause, “That being said, Midoriya, I’d like to have
a quick word with you.”

“M-me?” Izuku squeaked as the other students looked at him.


“So, your quirk damages your body when you use it, correct?”

“C-currently, yes,” Izuku muttered, “I only got it…it only came in recently, so I can’t control it
very well yet.”

“That’s fine,” Kan said as he patted the boy on the shoulder, “If you don’t feel safe using your
quirk during the comprehension test, you don’t need to. There are a few people in your class that
won’t necessarily be able to use theirs to much effect in every event either.”

“A-are you sure?” Izuku gasped, “B-but what if I get last place?!”

“Then you get last place,” Kan shrugged, “And you work your way up from there.”

“O-oh,” Izuku muttered, “T-thank you, Sensei.”

“No problem kid,” the man smiled, “Now, let’s get a move on, we don’t need to be late to the
Entrance Ceremony!”


The Entrance Ceremony felt odd, seeing all those Pro Heroes up on the stage had Izuku fighting
back multiple mutter storms as he desperately wanted to analyse each of them. Eventually, though,
it ended, the rest of his class letting out sighs of relief and stretching as they headed towards the
changing rooms, Kan-sensei having told them to head straight to the field.

“So, what did Sensei want with you?” the green-haired girl asked suddenly, grinning at him as she
jogged up beside him.

“O-oh, I…uhm…I have trouble with my quirk,” Izuku mumbled, “He was just telling me that…that
I didn’t have to use it if it was a problem.”

“Trouble with your quirk?” Setsuna asked, “What’s that mean?”

“I…uhm…I can’t control it very well,” Izuku started, before a boy wearing a red and white
bandanna suddenly cut in.

“Hey, aren’t you the guy that KO’d the Zero-pointer? I was in your testing area!”

“Woah, really?” Setsuna gasped “Wait, what’s a Zero-pointer?”

“Giant robot,” the boy replied, “Like, ten-stories tall giant! And this guy took it out in one punch!
Broke his arms and legs though.”

“Oh, wow!” Setsuna gasped, stars in her eyes as she looked at Izuku, “That’s awesome! The
beating the robot thing, not the breaking your arms and legs thing, I mean.”

“T-thanks,” Izuku muttered.

“So that’s what you meant when you said you couldn’t control your quirk very well,” the red head
hummed as she walked up on his other side, “Sounds tough. But shouldn’t you have had time to get
used to it by now?”

“N-no, I…I’m a late bloomer,” Izuku mumbled, “I…I’ve only had it a few months.”

“Oh,” the class said as one as they looked at the nervous boy, a boy with pitch black skin patting
him on the shoulder, “That’s rough, buddy.”


“I-I can still carry on, Sensei!” Izuku gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist, the class still in shock
after his throw.

“Hmm,” Kan nodded as he walked over to the teen and inspected his finger, before handing him a
slip of paper, “If you’re sure, Midoriya. But the moment this is over, you’re going to Recovery

“Y-yes, Sensei,” Izuku nodded as he took the permission slip, wincing slightly at the pain in his


“That was hardcore!” Setsuna laughed as Izuku stumbled tiredly out of the nurse’s office, “You
straight up broke your finger just to throw a ball!”

“Y-yeah,” Izuku mumbled, fighting back a yawn, “I…I had to do something.”

“Well, you came in second, so I’d say you definitely did something!” the girl laughed, “The only
person that was fitter than you was Kendo! What kind of workout regime did you do to get that

“O-oh! I…uhm…I had a trainer,” Izuku replied, “He…He had me clean up a beach.”

“Clean up a beach?” Setsuna asked, “What, like picking up garbage? Is that all?”

“There was a lot of garbage,” Izuku muttered in response.

“Geez, but you’re quiet,” the girl sighed, “Well, whatever, I’ll see you in class tomorrow then!

“B-bye?” Izuku replied as she ran off.


“Unfortunately, due to the USJ being attacked on Friday, your Basic Heroics class there has been
cancelled,” Vlad King said to the class as they all let out sounds of disappointment.

“What happened, Sensei?” Kendo asked, her hand increasing slightly in size as she lifted it.

“I’m not at liberty to say much,” the man replied gruffly, “Only that several of the students of Class
A and two members of staff were badly injured.”

“Okay, thank you Sensei,” the red head replied, the teacher nodding before walking out of the

“You’re all dismissed.”

“Damn, I hope they’re okay,” Setsuna hummed as she leaned back in her chair, “It must suck that
they had that happen to them. At least All Might was able to show up in time to save the day!”

“Yeah,” Izuku muttered, wondering just who had been hurt, “I hope Kacchan’s okay.”

“Huh?” the green-haired girl said as she spun in her seat to face him, “Kacchan? Who’s that? You
know someone from class A?”

“I…uhm…yeah,” Izuku mumbled, “We’re…were…sort of childhood friends.”

“Oh, awesome! We can use that to go check on them!” She shouted as she hopped out of her seat
and grabbed Izuku’s arm, pulling him towards the door.



The shout echoed through the classroom as Setsuna dragged Izuku into 1-A’s classroom.

“What?” the girl said, blinking in surprise as the blond jumped up from his seat and stormed over
to them, shoving her aside as he snatched Izuku’s collar.


“H-hey, Kacchan,” Izuku stammered, “I-I just came to make sure y-you were o-okay!”

“FUCK OFF!” the blond howled, throwing Izuku backwards into the wall, the class gasping as
they suddenly stood.

“Bakugo! That is not behavior becoming of a Hero!” the tall boxy boy with glasses shouted, “What
do you think you’re doing to him?!”

“FUCK OFF, GLASSES! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND DEKU!” the blonde growled, turning to
glare at the green-haired teen.

“No, it’s not!” the shout startled Bakugo as the girl stepped between them, Izuku clutching the
back of his head as he slid down the wall, a small blood stain on the paint, “You just hurt my
friend, asshole! Who the hell do you think you are?”

“FUCK OFF, BITCH!” Katsuki shouted, trying to move around her, the fist slamming into his nose
before he could blink.

“What’d you just call me, fuckhole?” Setsuna yelled, as Bakugo fell backwards onto the floor.

“Tokage-san, don’t!” Izuku called as he stumbled forwards, grabbing her by the waist before she
could step towards the fallen blond, “He…he doesn’t deserve it.”

“More like he’s not worth it,” the girl spat as she stepped back, turning to Izuku and helping him
stand, “Come on, let’s get you to Recovery Girl.”

The class stood stunned as the two green-haired teens left, before Bakugo staggered to his feet.

“I’m going to kill that bitch!” he growled, clutching his bleeding nose.

“No, you most certainly are not!” Iida shouted as he grabbed the boy’s shoulder, “We are reporting
this immediately!”

“No need,” the voice said from behind the teacher’s desk, the yellow sleeping bag rising from it’s
hiding place, “I saw enough.”


“So,” Setsuna hummed as she sat beside the bed Izuku was lying on, making her fingers float
through the air in some sort of game, “What was that about?”

“N-nothing,” Izuku mumbled back, holding the ice pack to the back of his head, “Kacchan…he’s
just like that sometimes.”

“Really?” the girl asked, her expression going confused, “And you still call him your friend?”

“I…well…yeah,” Izuku muttered, “He’s sort of the only person that really talked to me before.”


“Because I was…”

“Quirkless?” Setsuna finished, wincing as Izuku flinched at the word, “Sorry. But you’re not
anymore, so why’s he still attacking you?”

“He…uhm…he doesn’t know,” Izuku replied softly, looking away, “I…never told him.”

“Then you have no reason to,” Setsuna huffed, making Izuku look at her in surprise, “If that’s how
he wants to act, then he’s no friend! He’s just a bully! And bullies can’t be Heroes!”

“B-but Kacchan would make an amazing Hero!” Izuku shouted, “He has an amazing quirk! And a
cast iron sense of judgement! And-!”

“I’m calling bullshit!” Setsuna interrupted, “If he really was so great, he wouldn’t be picking on
you for being weaker than him! He’d want to help you! Or at least protect you! Cause that’s what
Heroes do! Protect the weak!”

“I…but…he…” Izuku spluttered, his mind reeling at the words Setsuna had just said, “He…He
would…wouldn’t he… But then Kacchan…Katsuki…wouldn’t make a good Hero.”

“That’s what I’m saying!” Setsuna huffed, “I’m going to tell Vad King-sensei about what
happened, okay? So just stay here and-.”

“No need, Tokage-san,” the familiar voice growled as their teacher entered the room, “Aizawa-san
has already informed me.”

“Oh, cool,” the girl hummed, sitting back in her chair, “So, what’s going to happen to him?”

“Both of you are getting a week’s worth of detention,” the man growled, Setsuna’s eyes going
wide, “Don’t look at me like that. You also hurt him.”

“But he attacked Midoriya first!”

“That he did, which is why he’s also receiving three days suspension,” Vlad King replied, “And
he’ll be made to attend compulsory anger management classes with Hound Dog for the rest of the

“Oh,” the girl said, blinking at the teacher, “Okay.”


“So, you wanna train together?”

“Huh?” Izuku said as he looked at Setsuna, the girl giving him a toothy grin, “T-train? For what?”

“The Sports Festival, obviously,” the girl laughs, “Come on! I managed to book one of the smaller
gyms on campus! Let’s go!”

“W-what about the others?” Izuku managed as he was dragged away.

“What about them?” Setsuna asked as she shoved him towards the changing rooms.

“W-won’t they want to t-train as well?”

“I already asked,” the green-haired girl shrugged, “Everyone has there own training already
planned, so I figured I’d just kind of kidnap you.”

“W-why me?”

“Cause you’re the most built guy on the class,” Setsuna grinned, “Well, apart from Tetsutetsu, but
he’s…y’know, kind of weird?”

“A-and I’m not?” Izuku squeaked.

“Nah, you’re cute,” Setsuna giggled as he turned bright red, before shoving him into the changing
rooms, “Anyway, I’ll see you in a bit, ‘kay?”

“O-okay!” Izuku managed as he entered the room.


“How does your quirk work?” Izuku asked as he watched Setsuna float around the room, “There
are so many parts to it that It feels like you have multiple quirks!”
“Oh come on!” the girl laughed as she reformed, “That’s impossible!”

“I know, it’s just…”

“I have no idea,” Setsuna shrugged, “About how it works, I mean. I just have this feeling
throughout my whole body that I can split apart.”

“Through out your whole body?” Izuku asked, scribbling in his notebook, “Wait…of course…
throughout the body!”

“What are you mumbling about?” Setsuna asked as she watched the boy, his eyes wide in

“Thank you, Tokage-san!” he shouted as he shot up, startling her as he hugged her, “You’re a

“Well thanks,” the girl laughed as she patted his back, “What’s this about, though?”

“My quirk! I’ve only been activating it in one part of my body at a time!” Izuku said excitedly as
she let her go, stepping back as his body tensed, “All I have to do is…”

Setsuna gasped as he began to glow slightly, bright red lines forming on his body before green
sparks began dancing across his skin. His eyes glowed an electric green, energy spilling from them
like emerald flames as his irises seemed to pulse.

“Woah,” she breathed, licking her lips, “That’s awesome!”

“T-thanks!” Izuku managed to say, “Now I just have to figure out how to move like this!”

“Yeah, but won’t you just like, break your everything if you move now?” Setsuna asked, making
the boy pause.

“Y-you’re right,” Izuku mumbled as he released the power, sagging slightly, “But it’s a start.

“Oh, definitely!” Setsuna laughed, “Now you just have to figure out how to regulate the power, so
you don’t break your bones!”

“Regulate?” Izuku muttered, Setsuna watching as he suddenly descended into another mumble
storm, the girl giggling slightly as his words filled the air, “That’s it! It’s like a dimmer switch!”

“A what now?” Setsuna asked as he looked at her excitedly.

“A dimmer switch! I just have to reduce the amount of energy I use with my quirk to a level that
my body can handle!” Izuku said excitedly, tensing again as he began to glow once more, the red
lines duller and the sparks smaller this time, “I…I think I can move like this!”

“What’s your power output, then?” she asked.

“About 5%,” he said, smiling at her, the girl squinting at how bright it was, “Hold on, let me just
try to…”

And he was gone, a neon green streak in the air as he suddenly slammed into the far wall.

“Ow,” he said as he fell onto his back, Setsuna bursting into laughter as she ran over to him, “Okay,
I’ll have to practice getting used to that speed.”
“Tell me about it, Midori!” Setsuna chuckled, “That was hilarious! And seriously cool! And you
didn’t break any bones!”

“N-no!” Izuku said as he blushed, the girl leaning over him, “I-I didn’t!”

Outside the door, Toshinori Yagi smiled, nodding to himself as he watched the two students move
back to the center of the room, Izuku starting to glow and spark again.


Izuku dodged under the fist of the robot, slamming a punch into its chest as the green sparks
danced across his costume. The thick metal plating cratered under his strike, collapsing in as the
robot ground to a halt with a screeching of gears and servos.

“Midoriya!” Vlad King shouted as the teen looked between his fist and robot in surprise, “You
weren’t supposed to disable the robot, just dodge its attacks and hit the marked weak points when
it left an opening!”

“S-sorry, Sensei! G-guess I don’t know my own strength,” Izuku replied, jumping when the man
placed a heavy hand on his shoulder.

“That you don’t,” the man growled, before giving a wide smile, “Though I am impressed that you
managed to figure out how to control your quirk so quickly!”

“T-thank you, Sensei,” Izuku bowed, “Tokage-san helped a bunch!”

“Yeah, I did!” the girl shouted from the side, where the rest of the class was watching, “And guess
what! That’s not even his full power!”

“Huh?” “What?” “Really?” the rest of the class said in surprise, looking at the badly damaged

“Yeah!” Setsuna continued, “He said it was only about 5% of his power! How cool is that?
Midori’s only going to get stronger!”

“Damn man,” Kaibara said, “And he’s already this strong? That’s scary!”

“R-really?” Izuku muttered, Setsuna smacking the other boy over the back of the head.

“Scary awesome, you mean!” she shouted, grinning at Izuku as the teen blushed, smiling weakly

“Well, if you two are done,” Vlad King growled, “Next person, step up while I go get another


“Everyone know their plan?” Izuku asked as the rest of the class nodded.

They were in 1-B’s waiting room in the stadium, and they’d just finished going over their strategy
for the Sports Festival.

“You got this Midori!” Setsuna shouted as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders, jostling him
slightly, “Go get a win for 1-B! We’ll be right behind you!”

“Thanks, Tokage-san,” Izuku said as he smiled back, the rest of the class grinning at the two of

“Geez, just call me Setsuna already!” the girl laughed.


Izuku had almost wanted to laugh when Kacchan…no, he wasn’t supposed to call him that
anymore. Tokage said so. He’d almost wanted to laugh when Katsuki had stepped on stage and
made his “speech”, the egotistical blond having declared his victory even before the competition
had started. Well, he was in for a rude surprise.

Izuku stretched as he prepared for the race to start, the other students around him doing the same.

“Deku,” the voice growled as Izuku froze, fear rising in his throat, “I thought I fucking told you to
get out of UA!”

“Y-you never said that, K-Katsuki,” Izuku managed to stammer as he continued his stretching,
“You did tell me to jump off a roof though.”

“What? You suddenly grow a fucking back bone?” the blond growled as he grabbed Izuku’s
shoulder, the teen tensing, before yanking it free.

“Yeah,” Izuku said as he turned to face Katsuki, “I-I did, Katsuki. And I’m going to win this. The
race. The Sports Festival. All of it.”

“Bullshit you quirkless Deku!” the blond growled, before turning away, “You stay in your place or
I’ll fucking kill you!”

“No,” Izuku said to Katsuki’s back, “I won’t. I’m not the useless Deku you once knew!”

“YOU LITTLE SHI-!” Katsuki shouted as he spun on his heel, explosions crackling in his palms,
being cut off as Midnight called for the students to make their way to the starting line, “Fuck you.
I’ll crush you in this race so hard you’ll have to drop out!”

Izuku took a deep breath as the blond stalked off, turning to head towards the starting line.


The ice froze his foot to the ground, Izuku easily tearing it free with 5% Full Cowling as he
charged after the front runners. The robots loomed overhead, Izuku easily dodging between them
as he left a green streak in his wake. Suddenly, one of the Zero-pointers was frozen over, Izuku
spotting one of Class A’s students running under it. He pulsed One for All through his body,
throwing himself forwards as fast as he could just as the robot began to fall.

“If it was anyone else, they would have died!” Izuku heard Tetsutetsu shout after the robot
slammed into the ground, a similar shout going out just after.

“Huh?” the two-toned teen muttered as Izuku shot up to him, “Who are you?”

“No one you need to worry about,” Izuku said back, charging past him, the green-haired teen
blinking when the wall of ice shot up in front of him.

“5% Carolina SMASH!” Izuku shouted as he blasted through the wall, leaving the surprised teen
behind him.

He stumbled as he reached the next obstacle, almost shooting straight over the massive chasm.
Pausing, Izuku crouched, calculating the distance between him and next spire of rock. He pulsed
One for All through himself again, jumping easily over the gap, darting to the other side of the
spire, and leaping to the next. It took him barely a few seconds to reach the other side, the teen
risking a look back as he spotted the two-toned teen and Bakugo both staring at him in shock.

“DEKU!” the shout echoed through the air, “WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GET A QUIRK?!”

Izuku didn’t give them time to catch up, immediately running off with another burst of One for All,
vanishing from sight. He paused as he reached the minefield, crouching down again as he prepared
to jump. The sound of explosions just behind him made him flinch, leaping to the side just as
Bakugo slammed his hand into the ground, throwing up a cloud of dirt and fire.

“DEKU!” He roared, “I’M GOING TO KILL YO-!”

He was cut off as the punch slammed into his nose, throwing him back as Izuku crouched down
again, leaping over the minefield, swearing quietly when he realized that he hadn’t put enough
power into his jump. He landed heavily on the ground, grimacing at the click just beneath his feet.
He was thrown up into the air, the teen hissing at the force as Present Mic explained that the mines
weren’t deadly. Below him, he could see Bakugo already launching himself through the air,
straight towards him.

“Shit,” he muttered, twisting around as he pointed an arm behind him, “Please, please work! 20%
Air Force!”

He flicked a finger, hissing as it ached, the air pressure launching him forwards as he shot towards
the finish line. The next thing he knew, he was stumbling across the line, Bakugo and the two-
toned teen just behind him as the blond was howling obscenities.

“AND IZUKU MIDORIYA WINS THE OBSTACLE RACE!” Mic yelled over the intercom, the
teen immediately staggering towards Recovery Girl’s office before Bakugo could catch up to him.


“Enhanced strength and speed, huh?” the blond said as he grabbed Izuku by the wrist, “Don’t mind
if I…what?”

Izuku punched him in the chest, throwing him off his horse and to the ground, Ibara grabbing his
head band with her vines.

“Nice one, Midori!” Setsuna shouted from above him, squeezing his shoulders and making the teen
blush as Shiozaki and Kendo gave each other a knowing look, “Keep this up and we’ll be first
place for sure!”

“DEKU!” the shout rang out as Bakugo launched himself through the air towards them, “I’M

He was forced back as the wall of vines suddenly shot up, blocking his path.

“That one is a menace,” the girl sighed as he shot around the side of the wall, dodging her vines as
she lashed them at him, “I hope he leaves us be soon.”

“Not likely,” Izuku sighed, before leaping backwards, his body sparking as he managed to grab his
team and carry them out of the way of the massive iceberg that formed, “Oh, wow!”

“You,” the two-toned teen called from atop his horse, “You won the Race, but I will defeat you

“Setsuna!” Izuku shouted as their front runner seemed to power up his quirk, the tubes on his
calves spitting fire.

“You got it, Izuku!” the girl shouted as her head detached and shot up into the sky, just as the other
team shot past at a blistering speed.

“What?” the two-toned teen said as he looked at the floating head, almost 50 meters in the air as
the horse ran off.

“AND THAT’S TIME!” Mic called, “First place, Team Tokage! Second, Team Bakugo! Third,
Team Todoroki! And fourth team Shinso!”


“Leave the ring,” the purple-haired boy said as Izuku turned away, stepping towards the edge.

Suddenly, light streamed from the exit, eight figures forming out of the shadows as they looked at
him, his fingers twitching as the blast of air knocked him free of the quirk.

“What?” the teen said as he stared in shock, Izuku turning back to face him, “How the hell did you
get out of my quirk?!”

Izuku gritted his teeth. Obviously, this boy had a mental quirk that was triggered by a verbal
response, so he couldn’t say anything back. Instead, he pulsed One for All through his body,
shooting forwards in an instant and landing a weakened blow to his stomach, throwing him out of
the ring.

“AND MIDORIYA WINS!” Mic shouted.


“Are you All Might’s secret love child?”

“W-WHAT?” Izuku spluttered as he stared at his opponent, the two-toned teen scowling back at
him, “N-no!”

“Are you sure? Your quirk is a lot like his.”

“I’m sure!” Izuku shouted back.

“Well, whatever your relationship to him,” the boy said, “I will have proven my self when I defeat

“What?” Izuku asked, letting out a shriek as he just barely dodged the glacier that swept over the
arena, “I’m not going to lose!”

One for All pulsed through him, Izuku shooting forwards, darting to the side a moment later just as
the boy began his next attack, taking him by surprise as the powered-up fist slammed into the side
of his head. The teen went down, skidding across the concrete before laying still.

“Shoto Todoroki is unconscious!” Midnight called, “Izuku Midoriya wins!”

The tape wielding teen coughed as he slammed into the far wall of the stadium, Izuku having
caught his tape just as it was about to wrap around him and using it to throw him out of the arena.

“Izuku Midoriya wins!” Midnight shouted.


“Deku,” Bakugo hissed as he stood opposite him, “I’m going to crush you! And then you’re going
to tell me where you got a fucking quirk!”

“No,” Izuku said back, “I-I owe you nothing, Kacch-Katsuki! And I’m going to win!”

Bakugo roared as the match started, launching forwards with an explosion as he swung his right
arm forwards. Izuku grabbed it like he knew it was going to be there, throwing the blond over his
shoulder, and slamming him into the concrete as green sparks danced across his body.

The explosion hit Izuku in the chest, blasting off his top as he staggered back, before ducking
under another explosion. He roared as he swung his fist up, catching Katsuki in the stomach, the
blond gasping as he was launched into the air.

“HOWITZER!” the teen screamed as he began to spin himself in the air, “IMPACT!”

“30% DELAWARE SMASH!” Izuku shouted back as the two attacks collided, the twister of
smoke vanishing under the air pressure.

Bakugo coughed as he looked around in surprise, his entire body aching, and the arena too far
away. He tried to move, the concrete around him cracking as he pulled his arm free, before he
toppled forwards onto the ground, landing heavily on the grass.

“Katsuki Bakugo is out of bounds! Izuku Midoriya wins!” Midnight shouted, Bakugo staring at
the other teen as his arm hung limply beside him, clutching it like it was in pain.


Setsuna gasped as the explosion engulfed Izuku.

“Oh no!” She shouted, leaning against the railing as she tried to see him through the smoke, letting
out a sigh of relief as he stumbled backwards out of it, “Yes, Izuku!”

She grinned as she looked at him, the last shreds of his jacket falling away as he stood in the sun.
His body was slick with sweat, glistening slightly in the light, highlighting the tightly packed
muscles that lined his body.

“Oh,” she whispered, feeling her cheeks flush slightly, “Okay.”

“Is that all?” Kendo chuckled beside her, making Setsuna jump slightly, “Just an “okay”?”

“What do you want me to say?” the girl shot back, “That he’s hot?”

“You just did, shroom,” Kinoki giggled, making Setsuna blush a little hareder.

“Well, he is!” she retorted, turning back to the fight just in time to see Izuku flex, drawing his arm
back and punching the incoming explosion out of the air, his opponent embedding in the far wall a
moment later, “Oh. Wow.”

“He used a lot of power in that punch,” Shoda hummed, “He probably hurt himself.”
Setsuna nodded as she watched Izuku stumble off the stage, heading through the exit.

“I’m going to go check on him,” she said as she turned away, blinking as the rest of her class just
smiled at her, “What?”



“T-Tokage!” Izuku shouted back as the girl burst into the nurse’s office.

“Are you okay? That was a big punch at the end! You didn’t break your arm, did you?” the girl
shot back rapid fire, making Izuku blink in surprise, before giving a loud yawn.

“S-sorry,” he muttered, “I didn’t break my arm, just fractured a few bones. I’m fine, Recovery Girl
healed me up.”

“That’s good,” the green-haired girl sighed, sitting on his bed, “I was worried.”

“Y-you were worried about me?”

“Yeah! You took an explosion to the face and then punched your opponent out of the ring, which
was really cool, by the way! Of course I’d be worried!”

“O-oh, well thanks,” Izuku muttered as he looked away, his cheeks flushing.

Setsuna looked down, her own cheeks flushing as she realized that Izuku still wasn’t wearing a
shirt, his muscles of full display. She licked her lips slightly, her breathing getting heavier as she
stared at them. She wanted to know what they felt like. Were they as firm as they looked?
Apparently so.

“U-uhm…T-Tokage?” Izuku squeaked, making her look up at him, “W-why are y-you t-touching

“I am?” the girl asked, looking down at her hand in surprise, the appendage placed firmly on
Izuku’s abs, “Oh, I am.”

“Y-yeah,” Izuku stammered, “C-could you p-please s-stop?”

“I don’t know if I want to,” she muttered, sliding her hand up his stomach and onto his chest,
leaning forwards, “I really like the way they feel.”

“T-Tokage?” Izuku squeaked again.

“Call me Setsuna,” Setsuna mumbled, her eyes fluttering as she leaned in even closer, “Like you
did in the cavalry game.”

“I-I did?”



“Cause I think I like you,” Setsuna said softly, her breath hot as her nose almost touched his, able
to feel his own breath on her lips.
“Y-you d-do?”

“Yeah, so call me Setsuna.”


The sound of her name sent a thrill up Setsuna’s spine, before she pressed forwards and placed a
soft kiss on Izuku’s lips, the boy going rigid as he stared at her in shock.

“Sorry, Izuku,” she giggled, suddenly feeling giddy as she sat back, “I couldn’t help myself.”

“I…It’s okay!” the boy blurted, his head turning scarlet, “T-that was my first kiss.”

“It was mine too,” Setsuna giggled, “Wanna try again?”

“C-can we?”

“Later,” the old voice said from beside them, making the two teens jumps as they looked at
Recovery Girl, “First, let’s make sure that arm of yours is fully healed, then you have the Awards
Ceremony. You can celebrate all you like after that.”
Chapter Summary

An Actor AU thing requested by Cygus, Man of Lore

Chapter Notes

Come chat to me, Cygus and others over on Epsi's Hoard

So this is basically like a bunch of snippets from a DVD Extras and interviews. I hope
you enjoy this bit of fun. Yes, I know a couple of the scenes are based off of that one
Actor AU from Tumblr, I only realised after I wrote them. Here's their Twitter

Thanks to Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading this and helping me come up with ideas!
They also wrote a Canon Reacts for it, so check that out!

Canon Reacts to this fic are welcome and appreciated! Just let me know! and I'll
happily link them!

[Episode Select]


“If you think you’ll have a quirk in your next life…” the blond sneered as he walked out the door,
“Go take a…take a…I can’t do it! I can’t say that to someone!”

“CUT!” the director yelled as Katsuki spun on his heel and ran towards Izuku, wrapping his arms
around him and hugging him tightly.

“I’m so sorry!”

“Dude,” Izuku laughed, “It’s cool. It’s just acting, what’s so hard about it? I know you’re not being

“Yeah but saying such horrible things to you is hard!” the blond sighed, “Seriously, why did my
character have to be such a douche balloon?”

“Okay, people,” the director shouted, “From the top! Replace the prop book and pyrotechnics on
Katsuki’s hands, let’s just get this done, please!”

“Come on, Katsuki, you got this,” Izuku chuckled as he patted the boy on the shoulder, “Just
imagine that I’m like, your worst enemy or something.”
“Sorry,” Katsuki sighed as the specialists hurried over to him, replacing the small explosive pads
on his palms, “I’ll get it this time.”

“Right,” the director called, “Places everyone! We’re starting from the book burning!”


“So,” the woman sitting opposite the two actors laughed, the three of them watching the screen off
to the side as the blooper played, “How many takes did it take to actually get that scene done?”

“Fourteen,” Izuku grinned, Katsuki hiding his face behind his hands as he blushed, “Katsuki was
crying by the end.”

“Izuku!” the blond whined, “Don’t tell them that!”

“Now,” The woman continued, “This was one of the earlier scenes in the show, but I understand
that you had a large number of other incidents as well.”

“Oh yeah,” Izuku chuckled, “The number of times Katsuki almost set himself on fire are too many
to count!”

“You kept laughing whenever you had to act scared!” Katsuki shot back, “And it’s not my fault
that those explosive pads are so scary!”

“Well, how about we watch another clip from the blooper reel?”


“As long as it’s one of the one’s were Izuku messes up.”


“Hey everyone!” the grinning face of Eijiro said as the video shook slightly, “It’s Eiji coming to
you from backstage of filming for Boku No Hero Academia! It’s currently 4 am and I’m already
on set because someone doesn’t have a driver’s license and needs to be here early for make-up.”

The actor’s face disappeared off the side of the screen as he turned his phone around, pointing it at
the make-up station, a woman with deeply tanned skin lying back in a chair as another dabbed pink
make-up onto her arms and shoulders.

“Say hi, Mina!” Eijiro’s voice said as he walked over to the chair, pressing the camera into Mina’s

“Eiji!” the woman gasped as her eyes snapped open, “Get that thing away from me! You know I
hate being filmed during make-up!”

“Nope,” the sounds of laughing came from behind the camera as the holder jumped back, just out
of reach as he pointed the camera at the woman applying the make-up, “And what do you have to
say, Pipi?”

“Please get out of the way, Kirishima,” the short girl sighed, hiding her face behind a hand,
“You’re in the way and I need to finish applying Mina’s make-up before filming this morning.”

“Aw, you’re no fun,” the actor sighed, turning away from the pair, his camera shaking slightly as
another person entered through a door, “Oh hey! It’s Touya! Sup dude! What’re you doing here so
The black-haired man yawned as he scratched the side of his head, blinking slightly blearily as he
looked into the camera.

“Sup, dude,” the man laughed, “I’m here for make-up. We’re filming the Invasion scenes today, so
I gotta get all over-cooked and s**t.”

“Damn,” Eijiro chuckled, “Must suck.”

“Yeah, though you should know, considering you always bring Mina. Doesn’t she complain about
it too?” he asked as they walked over to the make-up station, Touya getting into the chair beside


“LIES!” the woman shouted from her chair, “You just don’t listen!”

“Mina, keep still,” the make-up artist sighed as she began applying the make-up to her neck,
“You’ll smudge the body paint if you move before I’ve set it.”

“Sorry, Pipi,” the woman squeaked, her cheeks going bronze as she lay back down.

“Whipped,” Eijiro whispered as he made whipping noises, the two women giving him an
unimpressed glare.


“Wow, it looks like you had a lot of fun backstage,” the interviewer laughed as the clip ended,
Eijiro and Mina laughing along as they watched.

“Yeah,” Eijiro chuckled, “It was great when Mina and Pipi met up again. Did you know that they
first met on a cruise to the Bahamas? They had a drunken one-night stand, three nights in a ro-!”

“Shut up!” the tanned woman shouted as she grabbed the man’s mouth, “That’s all lies! I only met
Pipi on my first day on set! She’s in charge of the full body make-up!”

“Yeah, but you’re still whipped,” Eijiro laughed as he pulled her hand away, “When are you going
to ask her to marry you?”

“I am not!” Mina pouted as she shook her hand off, wiping it on his shirt, “Also, why’d you lick
my hand? Are you a toddler or something?”

Eijiro stuck his tongue out at the woman as he laughed, the interviewer clearing their throat as they
asked the next question.

“So, you had a lot of make-up on for all of your scenes, Mina. What was that like?”

“Hell,” the woman sighed, “I was in the chair for at least six hours every morning I had filming,
which was most days, and it was agony just lying there while Pipi applied the make-up.”

“You had a bunch of fun getting ready for the bath scene at the Summer Camp though,” Eijiro
chuckled, “Your future wife got to put paint in all the places.”

“Eiji!” the woman shrieked as she began smacking his shoulder, her cheeks darkening in a blush,
“She’s not my future wife!”

“Says you!” the man chuckled.


“Hey folks!” the actor called as he held up his phone, his girlish face smiling into the stage mirror
opposite him as the make-up artists bustled around behind him, “It’s ya boi Shiggy here, getting
ready to be made all crusty!”

“You filming for Insta again, pretty boy?” Touya said as he poked his head into shot, his make-up
already on as he grinned, “How vain can you be?”

“Oh, shut up you over cooked turkey,” Tomura laughed back, shoving the other man out of shot,
“You’re just jealous they make me uglier than you.”

“Gasp!” the man said, “How can you be so cruel! I’m not taking you out for dinner tonight for

“My wife would be annoyed if you took me out anyway,” Tomura laughed, “You need to stop
saying that or you’ll make Fuyumi jealous.”

“That’s just your opinion, pretty boy!” Touya called as he walked away.


“So, what’s it like being the most well-known actor on set, Mr. Shigaraki?” the interviewer asked
as the two men sat on the sofa, “I’m sure some of your fellow actors were at least a little star-

“Please, call me Tomura,” the man laughed, “And surprisingly enough, not really.”

“That was only because the first time most of them saw you, you were already in make-up,” Touya
laughed from beside him, elbowing the man gently in the side, “I’m pretty sure you almost made
Katsuki cry when you came up behind him.”

“I felt so bad for that!” Tomura sighed, “I mean, I just wanted to say hi to all of them! It’s difficult
to get to know your co-stars when most your scenes are done without the majority of them.”

“That’s quite interesting, Tomura,” the interviewer laughed, “And Mr. Todoroki, or do you prefer

“Lord High Master of the Plains of Jupiter, if you would,” Touya grinned, gasping when Tomura
smacked his shoulder.

“Touya is fine for him,” the pale-haired man said.

“You’re no fun,” Touya pouted, “Why’d I even marry you?”

“You didn’t,” Tomura laughed, “I’m married to Fuyumi.”

“Eh, she’s my sister, so same thing.”

“Only in the show,” Tomura sighed, “Seriously, you need to stop this whole “being married” joke,
I’ve been sent enough fan mail with…questionable fanart to last me the rest of my life.”

“Wait…you have?” Touya gasped, “And you didn’t show any to me? Gimme!”


“And we are here on the set of Boku No Hero Academia at the [Name] National Park,” the woman
said as she spoke into the camera, “Here with the actors as they begin to set up for filming the next
few scenes. Ah, that’s Izuku Midoriya, the actor who plays the main character of “Deku”.
Midoriya, could you spare a moment?”

“Sure thing,” Izuku said happily as he hoisted the small boy in his arms, “Kota and I are just
waiting for the Director to call us in for the next scene.”

“I get to punch my brother in the balls!” the excited child in Izuku’s arms said, waving the bright
red horned hat in his hand.

“Geez Kota, be a little less excited, would you?” Izuku laughed, “Anyway, if the shots go well,
we’ll also be filming the invasion scenes today.”

“Mr. Muscular is really cool!” Kota laughed, “He offered to buy me ice cream to say sorry for
being scary!”

“Yeah, but mom would kill me if I let you eat too much,” Izuku laughed as Kota pouted, “Anyway,
don’t you want to be as strong as your big brother? You won’t get there by eating all that ice

“Kota! Izuku!” the blond girl called as she ran up to them, “The Director says they’re ready for

“Awesome, thanks Himiko,” Izuku said as he put Kota down, “Make sure you get into position,

“Come on, sis!” Kota said excitedly to Himiko, “Come watch me punch big bro in the balls!”


“And he did,” Izuku sighed, “Five times. Little monster kept yelling “Falcon Punch” right before
he hit me.”

Kota giggled in his seat between the two older siblings, Himiko nudging him gently.

“I’m sure that must have been fun, hey Kota?” the interviewer chuckled, the boy nodding
enthusiastically, “So, what was it like working on set with your family?”

“Izuku is fun, and Himiko helped keep me awake for the nighttime scenes,” Kota said, “But I still
ended up falling asleep a couple of times.”

“And how was it for you two?” the man asked Izuku and Himiko.

“Fun, Kota’s a good kid,” Himiko said as Izuku nodded, “Though I do kind of wish that my
character didn’t have to be so…into my brother’s.”

“Oh, come on,” Izuku chuckled, “It’s not that bad, and we’re only half siblings.”

“I had to straddle you for over an hour, Izuku,” Himiko sighed, “And that doesn’t matter, we’re
still related!”

“You weren’t complaining then,” Izuku laughed as Himiko punched him in the arm.

“And now we’re going to play a bit of a game,” the host of the show said to the four actors as they
sat on the couch, “I’ll ask you guys a few questions about yourselves and your fellow actors, and I
want you to answer as truthfully as possible.”

“Go ahead!” Shoto said happily as the other three looked expectantly at the host, all nodding.

“First, we know that the character of Bakugo has a foul mouth, but who is the one with the worst
language on set?”

“Momo,” the three said, all pointing towards the black-haired woman as she blushed, raising her

“I just get really frustrated when I can’t remember my lines,” the woman chuckled, “And it just
comes out.”

“Katsuki actually modeled his swearing after Momo once he saw one of her outbursts,” Kyoka
said, giggling as she poked at the other woman, “It’s really funny watching them brainstorm

“Alright then,” the host nodded, “Next question, who’s the chattiest?”

“Shoto,” the other three said as one, Denki continuing, “Once you let him start, he won’t stop
talking. And the next thing you know you’ve learnt every rumor and secret on the entire set.”

“I like gossip,” Shoto shrugged, “And it certainly helps clear up the confusion Ochako causes with
her constant attempts to get people together.”

“Okay,” the host chuckled, “Then what are your favorite types of music? And how do they
compare to the music tastes of your characters?”

“EDM,” Momo said, “I don’t think Yaoyorozu would like it. She’s too much of a “proper lady”.”

“Pretty much anything with a good tune,” Shoto shrugged, “I don’t even know if Todoroki would
listen to music.”

“Classical,” Denki replied, “I think Kaminari would like it as well, to help him concentrate.
Though maybe he’d prefer a version with more…eclectic instruments.”

“Pop,” Kyoka called, “Jiro may like rock and that stuff, but it’s too heavy for me.”

“Well then,” the host chuckled, “A question specifically for Denki! You are the only actor on set
to have a Degree in the sciences, what is that like?”

“Not too bad,” Denki chuckled, “I mean, to be honest I never thought I’d get a job in acting after
earning my Masters in Chemistry, but I was struggling to find any other work, and couldn’t afford
to go back to complete my Doctorate, when my cousin told me about the auditions. I had no real
other options at the time, so I tried out, and got the part.”

“And what’s it like portraying a character that is so much…less intelligent than you?”

“Surprisingly easy,” Denki chuckled, “It’s not that Kaminari is less intelligent than me, it’s more
that his intelligence lies outside of the norm.”

“Interesting,” the host said, “Well, we’ve already heard that Shoto likes the gossip, but who causes
the most drama on the set?”

“Ochako,” the four nodded, looking at each other, “Definitely Ochako.”

“And why is that?”

“Girl can’t keep her nose out of other people’s business,” Momo sighed, “She keeps trying to get
people together even when they have no interest.”

“Such as?”

“Izuku and Tsuyu,” Shoto said, “Mina and Eijiro, Fumi and Rikido, she even tried to get Momo
and I together.”

“We are both gay as fu-…sorry, as heck, so that’d never work,” Momo laughed, “And Izu is
married already, I think he said he had a kid on the way?”

“She is…enthusiastic, if a little socially oblivious,” Denki sighed, “She seems to miss the fact that
most of us are already in relationships or aren’t looking.”

“And what’s her relationship like with her main co-star, Izuku?”

“Good, though she has a lot of trouble pretending to be into him,” Kyoka laughed, “Like she’ll try
to look at him all dreamy like and then burst out laughing!”

“It frustrates the Director to no end,” Denki sighed.

“Well, it’s time for us to go to an ad break, but we’ll be back in just a few minutes with more
questions and answers!” the host called as the cameras pulled back, the crowd applauding.


“And now, please welcome our special guest, leading lady of Boku No Hero Academia, Ochako
Uraraka!” the host called as the crowd cheered, Ochako walking out onto the small stage waving
as she made her way over to the two chairs, “Welcome to “The Love Show” Ochako, it’s great to
have you here.”

“It’s great to be here!” the brunette laughed, shaking the other woman’s hand, “I’ve actually been a
long-time watcher. I just love the show!”

“Oh! Well that is great to hear! Now, how about we get right into it?”

“Of course,” Ochako grinned, “I know all the relationship gossip on set, so ask away!”

“Well then, let’s start with something simple, what relationships are blooming on set at the

“Oh, that’s easy,” Ochako laughed, “Mina and Eijiro are together for sure! They’re just hiding it. I
mean, childhood friends always have that storyline, don’t they? Other than that, Toru and Koji are
pretty close, so we might see something there. Oh, and Izuku and Tsu definitely have something
going on, you can feel the chemistry a mile away!”

“Really?” the host asked, a look of confusion on her face, “I was led to believe that Eijiro was
dating Katsuki? And that Mina was an out and proud lesbian?”

“Huh?” Ochako blinked, “They are? She is?”

“Not to mention that both Toru and Izuku are married,” the host continued, the brunette only
looking more confused, “Izuku’s wife, Melissa, is even supposed to be about eight months
pregnant with their first child.”

“What?!” Ochako gasped, “Where’d you find that out? They never told me!”

“It’s all over their social media,” the host said, looking at Ochako with a hint of concern, “You’re
also pretty active on there, though most people have referred to your relationship prediction posts
as…crack fiction? I think that’s the phrase?”

“What the f**k?” the woman shouted as she jumped to her feet, pulling out her phone, “There is no
way this is true! I have to call them all now!”
Chapter Summary

This is a collection of various scrapped scenes for several of the AWI chapters,
including one that I dropped after I lost inspiration. I may do another of these in the

Chapter Notes

So I'm basically just copying these straight from my scrapped documents. You'll see
that some of the scenes are very similar to what was posted, while others are
completely new. I hope you enjoy.


“Where is he?” the old man growled as Inko opened the door to the couple, barely taking a moment
to greet her before charging into the small apartment, nearly kicking down Izuku’s bedroom door,
“Izuku! Where are you, boy?!”

“Sorry about him, Inko dear,” Hanaha, Mosashi’s wife ans the kindest person Inko had ever met,
sighed, “He’s been so excited since he heard, he’s barely slept.”

“E-excited?” Inko asked, looking at the woman in shock, “What do you mean excited?”

“J-ji-san?” she heard her son say as he was half dragged out of his room and into the lounge, the
older man depositing him on the couch, “W-why are you here?”

“Is it true?” the man asked, kneeling in front of the boy, his eyes hard as he glared at Izuku, the
child fidgeting under his gaze.


“Are you quirkless?”

The silence that followed filled the room, Izuku staring at the old man as he stared back, his eyes
no less intense. After a moment, the green-haired boy gave a slow nod, shame filling his face as he
looked away.

“PERFECT!” The shout startled them all as Mosashi grabbed Izuku’s small hands gently in his,
“That is incredible, my boy. It makes you perfect!”

“B-but…I wane be a Hero,” Izuku stammered, “I c-can’t be a Hero without a quirk.”

“Peh, useless things, quirks,” his grandfather spat

“Why are we moving in with you?”

“Because,” Mosashi said, his face going soft for an instant, while his voice remained strong,
“You’re going to become my successor.”

“But I wanna be a Hero,” Izuku muttered, “I want a quirk so I can be a Hero…”

“Peh,” the old man spat, glaring out the window as he growled, “Pitiful things, quirks. People have
become too reliant on them. I’ve never had one and am plenty strong.”

“Y-you don’t have a quirk?” Izuku gasped, staring at his grandfather in amazement.

“No,” the man laughed, reaching out to pat Izuku on the head, “And I don’t need one. And neither
shall you


Class B

Izuku took a deep breath as he reached for the door to the classroom, pulling it open suddenly as he
shut his eyes, waiting for the inevitable shouting.

“Hey there!” a friendly voice shouted, making Izuku blink as he looked into the class, as a girl
waved at him, giving a sharp-toothed grin, “What are yah standing in the door for? Come on in!”

“O-oh! S-sorry!” Izuku blurted as he stepped into the classroom, glancing at the other nearby door
before he did, a familiar voice shouting behind it, “I…uhm…I didn’t mean to block the door.”

“Chill dude,” the green-haired girl laughed as she sat on one of the desks, the rest of the class
watching him, “You weren’t blocking anyone. Name’s Setsuna Tokage by the way, nice to

“N-nice to meet you t-too. I’m Izuku Midoriya,” Izuku said as he took her offered hand, freezing as
she gave it an enthusiastic shake, SO SOOOOOFT! GIRL’S HANDS ARE SO SOFT!

“Nice to meet you too, Midoriya-san,” another girl said as she approached them, her bright red hair
tied up in a short side ponytail, “I’m Itsuka Kendo. If you have any problems just ask me!”

“I-I…Okay!” He managed to get out as the other members of the class started to introduce

The class jumped as they heard a loud bang come through the wall, followed by muffled shouting,
Izuku curling on himself as he scampered away from the wall.

“Woah,” Setsuna said, her head separating from her body and flying over to the wall, pressing her
ear against it, “I wonder what going on in 1-A?”

“P-probably Kacchan,” Izuku muttered, jumping when a boy with thick silver colored eyelashes
and pointed teeth suddenly grabbed his shoulder.
“You know someone in 1-A, that’s pretty cool. It’s nice to have friends in…huh?” he said as he
watched Izuku flinch away, “Woah dude, I wasn’t going to hurt you.”

“I-I’m sorry!” Izuku gasped, shutting his eyes tight as he fought back the tears. He’d already made
a fool of himself.

“It’s okay,” the soft voice said, a gentle hand patting his lower back, making Izuku blink in surprise
as he looked at the short grey-haired boy that was patting his back, “Anxiety sucks.”

“A-anxiety?” Izuku mumbled.

“Yeah, I get it too,” the sad looking boy said as he stepped back, “My name is Nirengeki Shoda.
It’s nice to meet you, Midoriya-san.”

“Oh…t-thank you?” Izuku squeaked, jumping when the door slid open again.

“Good morning,” the Pro Hero Vlad King said as he walked in, most of the students hurrying to
their chairs, “My name is Sekijirou Kan, and I’ll be your homeroom teacher for this year. Hmm? Is
there a problem…uuh, Midoriya, right?”

“V-V-VLAD KING!” he blurted, startling the class as he shot forwards, bowing as he held out a
beaten and stained notebook, “I’M A HUGE FAN. CAN I PLEASE HAVE YOUR

The laughing made him freeze, turning slowly to see the rest of his class chuckling lightly as he
suddenly realized what he’d just done.

“A fan, huh? That’s quite alright, Midoriya,” Vlad King chuckled as he patted the teen gently on
the shoulder, “But get to your seat, there’ll be enough time for that later.”

Izuku hunched over as he scuttled to his seat in the far corner, curling in on himself as he walked,
eyes darting along the ground for any feet that may try to trip him.

“Well,” Vlad King said, “Now that that is taken care of…I welcome you, Class B to your first year
at UA!"


It was July 15 th, Izuku’s sixth birthday, as he staggered home, clutching his arm and chest. Izuku
sniffed as he thought about his mom, and how he’d have to make sure to get to the bathroom
before she saw him, especially today. Kacchan and his friends had been more vicious that normal
with their beating and the insults they’d thrown at him.

He forced himself up the stairs, panting by the time he reached their floor, staggering tiredly
towards their door. He slipped his key into the lock, turning it slowly as he eyes the All Might
keychain that hung from it. Izuku slipped into the apartment as quietly as he could, swallowing as
he heard his mother call out.

“Izuku? Is that you sweetheart?” Inko Midoriya hummed as she moved around the kitchen,
“Welcome back, did you have fun playing with your friends? Get washed up and we’ll celebrate
your birthday, there’s a special guest here to see you today!”

“G-guest?” Izuku muttered as he slipped past the lounge door, shivering at the thought of his
mother inviting Kacchan around.

“Hey sprout,” the voice made him jump, spinning around to stare at the tall, black-haired man
leaning against the doorpost, a wide grin on his face as he suddenly dashed forwards, scooping
Izuku into his arms.

Izuku wasn’t prepared for the sudden contact, yelping as he was lifted into the air, hands touching
the still sensitive skin beneath his shirt. His father froze at the sound, his mother gasping behind
him as she walked out of the kitchen.

before his other darted out and grabbed Izuku’s shirt, yanking it up. The words that left his lips
sent a shiver down Izuku’s spine, “Oh my gods.”

“Izuku,” he heard his mother gasp, the tears obvious in her voice, “W-what happened? You’re so
hurt! Where did you get those scars?”

Izuku sniffed as he made his way home, wiping the tears from his eyes as he clutched at his aching
arm and chest. Kacchan’s beating today had been extra rough, the blond not stopping after Izuku
had been knocked to the floor like he usually would. Fresh bruises and burns ached over the old
ones, making Izuku hiss each time he moved. The green-haired boy made his way slowly up the
stairs of their apartment complex, the elevator having been broken for over a week now. He was
panting by the time he finally made it to their floor, staggering tiredly to their door.

“I’m home,” he muttered as he stepped inside, hearing his mother working on something in the

“Izuku?” the woman called, “Is that you? You’re just in time, you have a guest!”

“A g-guest?” Izuku asked as he slipped past the door to the lounge, hoping to be able to get to the
bathroom before his mother saw him.

“Hey sprout! Happy Birthday!” the voice made him jump, spinning around to see his father
standing in the doorway to the lounge, a wide grin on the man’s face, “How’ve you been?”

“D-dad?” Izuku squeaked, flinching when the black-haired man darted forwards and scooped the
boy into his arms.

The sound that came out of Izuku’s mouth made the both of them freeze. Hisashi had been
expecting a cry or shout of surprise, even fright, knowing full well that his son was quite skittish.
What he had not been expecting was the shriek of pain that had erupted from Izuku’s throat the
moment he had touched the boy’s chest. The two stared at each other, fear in Izuku’s eyes, shock in

“What was that?” Inko called as she rushed out of the kitchen, pausing as she saw Hisashi staring
at their son, a look of guilt on both their faces, “Izuku?”

The two parents could only stare in shock. Izuku’s shirt had been pulled up as Hisashi grabbed him,
revealing his back and chest. The boy flinched as he felt their eyes on him, on the scorched shirt
and dirty scuff marks on his face, at the bruises on his arms and legs. On the burns on his back and
sides. Hisashi slowly lowered Izuku to the floor, the boy standing frozen as the man silently
kneeled in front of his son.

“Izuku,” he said, his voice soft and comforting, “What happened to you?”

“N-nothing!” the boy blurted, flinching when his father frowned.

“Izuku,” Hisashi said, flames licking at his lips, something that happened whenever he was angry
or concerned, “Don’t lie to me. What happened?”

“N-nothing! R-really!” the boy repeated, “I…we were just playing!”

“Izuku,” his father’s voice grew stern, the man placing a hand gently on his son’s shoulder,

“I…I…He didn’t mean it!” Izuku blurted, gripping the hem of his shirt as he staggered back,
feeling his own tears building as he looked at the shocked expression on Hisashi’s face, “I…We
were just playing!”

“Who?” the word reverberated around the room as Hisashi spoke, his voice deep and flat, no
emotion in it as he stared at his son, Izuku curling in on himself, “Who did this to you, Izuku?”

“It was Katsuki, wasn’t it?” Izuku flinched at the name, spinning to stare at his mother, a look of
betrayal on his face as the woman let out a loud sob, “Oh, Izuku. Why didn’t you tell me? Why
didn’t you tell me, Izuku?”

“Inko,” Hisashi said, his tone still flat and empty, “Please treat Izuku’s wounds, I need to go out for
a bit.”

“Hisashi! Don’t!” Inko gasped, rushing to her husband’s side as he slipped his shoes on, reaching
for the door, “Please! I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for this!”

“I’m sure there is, Inko,” Izuku’s father hissed, flames spraying from between his teeth, “And I’m
going to go find it. Now, please treat Izuku’s injuries, I’ll be back within the hour.”

“Hisashi…” the woman sniffed as he shrugged off her arms, stepping out of the door before closing
it quietly behind them, “Please, don’t do anything drastic.”


Izuku watched as the men moved through their house, packing everything neatly into boxes and
then carrying those boxes outside. His father had arrived back and announced that the entire family
was moving, and that it was happening today. The moving company had arrived shortly after,
setting about their job with an efficiency Izuku had never seen. It didn’t take long before his whole
life was gone from the apartment that he’d called home for the last six years of his life.

“I know this is a shock,” His father said softly behind him, hand resting gently on his son’s
shoulder, “But it’s for the best.”

“W-where are we going?” Izuku asked, watching as the last of the boxes were carried out of the
door, containing most of his figure collection.

“Somewhere…better,” Hisashi sighed, a tired smile on his face, “I promise.”

Izuku sniffed as he made his way home, wiping the tears from his eyes as he clutched at his aching
arm and chest. Kacchan’s beating today had been extra rough, the blond not stopping after Izuku
had been knocked to the floor like he usually would. Fresh bruises and burns ached over the old
ones, making Izuku hiss each time he moved. The green-haired boy made his way slowly up the
stairs of their apartment complex, the elevator having been broken for over a week now. He was
panting by the time he finally made it to their floor, staggering tiredly to their door.

“I’m home,” he muttered as he stepped inside, hearing his mother working on something in the

“Izuku?” the woman called, “Is that you? You’re just in time, you have a guest!”

“A g-guest?” Izuku asked as he slipped past the door to the lounge, hoping to be able to get to the
bathroom before his mother saw him.

“Hey sprout! Happy Birthday!” the voice made him jump, spinning around to see his father
standing in the doorway to the lounge, a wide grin on the man’s face, “How’ve you been?”

“D-dad?” Izuku squeaked, flinching when the black-haired man darted forwards and scooped the
boy into his arms.

The sound that came out of Izuku’s mouth made the both of them freeze. Hisashi had been
expecting a cry or shout of surprise, even fright, knowing full well that his son was quite skittish.
What he had not been expecting was the shriek of pain that had erupted from Izuku’s throat the
moment he had touched the boy’s chest. The two stared at each other, fear in Izuku’s eyes, shock in

“What was that?” Inko called as she rushed out of the kitchen, pausing as she saw Hisashi staring
at their son, a look of guilt on both their faces, “Izuku?”

The two parents could only stare in shock. Izuku’s shirt had been pulled up as Hisashi grabbed him,
revealing his back and chest. The boy flinched as he felt their eyes on him, on the scorched shirt
and dirty scuff marks on his face, at the bruises on his arms and legs. On the burns on his back and
sides. Hisashi slowly lowered Izuku to the floor, the boy standing frozen as the man silently
kneeled in front of his son.

“Izuku,” he said, his voice soft and comforting, “What happened to you?”

“N-nothing!” the boy blurted, flinching when his father frowned.

“Izuku,” Hisashi said, flames licking at his lips, something that happened whenever he was angry
or concerned, “Don’t lie to me. What happened?”

“N-nothing! R-really!” the boy repeated, “I…we were just playing!”

“Izuku,” his father’s voice grew stern, the man placing a hand gently on his son’s shoulder,

“I…I…He didn’t mean it!” Izuku blurted, gripping the hem of his shirt as he staggered back,
feeling his own tears building as he looked at the shocked expression on Hisashi’s face, “I…We
were just playing!”

“Who?” the word reverberated around the room as Hisashi spoke, his voice deep and flat, no
emotion in it as he stared at his son, Izuku curling in on himself, “Who did this to you, Izuku?”
“It was Katsuki, wasn’t it?” Izuku flinched at the name, spinning to stare at his mother, a look of
betrayal on his face as the woman let out a loud sob, “Oh, Izuku. Why didn’t you tell me? Why
didn’t you tell me, Izuku?”

“Inko,” Hisashi said, his tone still flat and empty, “Please treat Izuku’s wounds, I need to go out for
a bit.”

“Hisashi! Don’t!” Inko gasped, rushing to her husband’s side as he slipped his shoes on, reaching
for the door, “Please! I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for this!”

“I’m sure there is, Inko,” Izuku’s father hissed, flames spraying from between his teeth, “And I’m
going to go find it. Now, please treat Izuku’s injuries, I’ll be back within the hour.”

“Hisashi…” the woman sniffed as he shrugged off her arms, stepping out of the door before closing
it quietly behind them, “Please, don’t do anything drastic.”


“Hisashi!” Mitsuki Bakugo shouted as she opened the door, “What are you doing here? I thought
you were working on I-Island?”

“I am,” the man said flatly, staring at the brightly smiling woman as her smile faltered, “But that’s
not why I’m here.”

“Oh, well then, why are you here?” Mitsuki asked, stepping to the side and gesturing for him to
come in.

“Your son has been abusing Izuku.”

The words hung in the air between them, Mitsuki blinking in surprise as she looked at her friend.

“I’m sorry…what?!”

“I just saw the scars today, Mitsuki,” Hisashi


Izuku watched as the men moved through their house, packing everything neatly into boxes and
then carrying those boxes outside. His father had arrived back and announced that the entire family
was moving, and that it was happening today. The moving company had arrived shortly after,
setting about their job with an efficiency Izuku had never seen. It didn’t take long before his whole
life was gone from the apartment that he’d called home for the last six years of his life.

“I know this is a shock,” His father said softly behind him, hand resting gently on his son’s
shoulder, “But it’s for the best.”

“W-where are we going?” Izuku asked, watching as the last of the boxes were carried out of the
door, containing most of his figure collection.

“Somewhere…better,” Hisashi sighed, a tired smile on his face, “I promise.”


Pyro [Unreleased]

That was the name of his quirk. A combination, and slight mutation, of both of his parents’ quirks.
Izuku Midoriya couldn’t be happier.

“I have a quirk, Kacchan!” he shouted excitedly as he approached the group of boys, who seemed
to be crowded around something. No, someone, “W-what are you doing, Kacchan?”

“Shut up, Deku,” Bakugo growled as he stood over the cowering boy, his clothes singed and
ragged, “This idiot thought he was better than me, so I’m teaching him a lesson!”

“No, Kacchan!” Izuku shouted as he pushed his way in front of the three boys, “I won’t let you hurt
him anymore! I’ll…I’ll stop you!”

“With what? What useless quirk have you got that could stand up to me?!” the blond cackled as he
let a series of small explosions crackle across his palm.

Izuku shut his eyes, concentrating on the sound. He didn’t really understand how his power
worked, but he had understood that it worked on fire. And that’s what explosions are, right? He felt
a spark for a moment, trying to grab a hold of it before it vanished, but was too slow, a second
spark jumped up just to the left, and again he was too slow. Suddenly, the sparks got closer, a
larger one detonating right in front of him as he tried to grab it, succeeding until the fist hit is

“Stupid Deku,” he heard Bakugo laugh over him, hand crackling with small explosions, “Closing
your eyes when someone is right in front of you! Your quirk must be totally worthless if you have
to do that!”

“N-no! I can do it! It’s just too fast!” Izuku gasped, looking up with tears in his eyes, “I can feel the

“Fire?” Bakugo paused, looking at the green-haired boy crouched down in front of him, “Is that
your quirk? To feel where fire is? How useless! Anyone can feel where fire is just by the heat!”

“No,” Izuku sobbed, looking back down, closing his eyes again, “NO!”

The shout rang out across the playground, Bakugo starting at the sudden scream, unleashing a
bigger explosion than he meant to, cursing under his breath as it singed his palm.

“STUPID DEKU! LOOK WHAT You made me…do…” he trailed off as the ball of flame hovered
in the air between them, swirling around serenely as Izuku staggered to his feet, a wide smile on his

“I…I did it, I caught the fire,” he mumbled, looking at the orb, it was barely the size of a marble,
but he was holding it in place, he knew he was.

“IDIOT!” the fist hit him in the stomach again, the ball extinguishing as he collapsed to the ground,

Izuku panted as he reached the junkyard, gasping for air as he checked his watch, smiling slightly.
He’d managed to beat his previous time for reaching Dagobah Beach by almost twenty seconds
today, his training was working. Stretching out his tired limbs, the young man pulled a pair of
white gloves out of his pocket, drying his hands before slipping them on. It was time for quirk
Izuku closed his eyes and snapped his fingers, the gloves sending out a tiny spark, which he
grabbed with his mind, feeding it, making it grow until he could feel it was the size of a baseball.


“Stop that!” four-year-old Izuku shouted as he pulled the larger of the two boys off the other,
“Sensei says you can’t fight!”

“Get off me retard!” the larger boy, who was only about half Izuku’s size despite being the same
age, shouted, “I don’t want to catch your stupid disease!”

“My what?” Izuku asked, looking blankly at the boy, “But I’m not sick?”

“He’s calling you dumb, Izagi!” the nickname made Izuku turn to look at his best friend, the blond
storming up to grab the shirt of the larger boy, “And no one gets to do that!”

“Kacchan, no!” Izuku shouted as the blond tried to punch the larger boy in the face, Izuku spinning
around and hissing when the small fist hit his back, “You’ll get in trouble for fighting!”

“Let me hit him, Izagi!” Katsuki shouted, trying to run around him as Izuku continued to spin,
making both him and the boy in his arms dizzy, “He deserves it!”

“Bakugo, Heikin!” one of the daycare staff called as they made their way over to the three boys,
“What have you done now that Midoriya had to separate you?”

“Kacchan didn’t do anything!” Izuku called, “Heikin-san was hurting Gisei-san, so I pulled him

“Then why was Bakugo trying to hurt Heikin?”

“Cause he called Izagi a retard!” Katsuki shouted, “Izagi isn’t a retard! His quirk just makes him
bigger than us!”

“Heikin!” the staff member gasped, “Is that true?”

“My bro said that the only reason someone like him to be in daycare is if he’s a retard!” the boy
shouted, struggling out of Izuku’s grasp, “That he was too big to be playing with us.”

“Well, we’ll have to give your brother a call then,” the staff member hummed, “As well as your
parents. That was a very nasty thing you said to Midoriya.”

“And if you do it again,” Katsuki shouted as he stood between Izuku and the other boy, “I’ll knock
your teeth out!”

“Bakugo/Kacchan, no!”


“You shouldn’t fight people, Kacchan,” Izuku said as he walked with the smaller boy towards their
homes, “It’s bad.”

“Nah,” the blond said, “When I get my quirk, I’m gonna be a Hero so I can beat up all the bad guys
and Villains!”

“Yeah! And I’ll be one too!” Izuku laughed.

“You can’t!” Bakugo shouted, making the taller boy stop and stare in shock before the blond
continued, “I can’t beat up the bad guys if I always have to protect you!”

“Kacchan!” Izuku laughed, pulling the boy into a hug, “Thank you. But I promise, I’ll get really,
really strong so you don’t have to always protect me okay? Maybe I’ll get strong enough to protect

“Never gonna happen!” the blond shouted, “I’m always gonna be stronger!”

The two walked quietly for a bit, before the blond spoke up again.

“Hey, Izagi.”


“My legs are getting tired.”

“Are they really? Or do you just want a ride again?”

“They really are!” Katsuki shouted as he tried to clamber onto Izuku’s back, “Just start running!”

“Okay!” Izuku said as he helped the smaller boy get secure, before he bent his animalistic legs and
bolted, the blonde letting out a whooping shriek as they shot forwards, his hands held up in the air.
Neither noticed the puffs of smoke and sparks spraying form his palms as they shot home.


“Inko!” Izuku looked up as the blond woman charged into their apartment, her son held
unceremoniously under her arm, “Help!”

“Mitsuki, what’s wrong?” Inko asked as she stepped awy from the door, allowing the distraught
woman to enter.

“Katsuki got his quirk! And the little shit hasn’t stopped blowing things up since he figured it out!”

“Blow up?” Izuku said as the blond was dumped into his arms, “What’s that mean?”

“THIS!” Katsuki shouted as he held up his hands.

Sparks and smoke shot into the air like firecrackers, and Izuku let out a loud shriek, suddenly
dropping the blond and bolting into his room. The two adults and one child blinked in surprise,
before Katsuki began crying, wiping his eyes with he back of his hands even as the sparks

“Katsuki!” Mitskui gasped, “Are you hurt?”

“Nuh uh,” the blond sniffed.

“Then why are you crying?” she asked.

“Cause Izagi hates me! He hates my quirk!” the blond howled, the two women looking at each
other in worry.
“Katsuki,” Inko said softly, “I don’t think Izuku hates your quirk. You just surprised him. He
doesn’t like fireworks, remember? It’s just like that.”

“Just like fireworks?” Katsuki sniffed, “So if he wears the earmuffs, he’ll like my quirk?”

“I’m sure he will,” Inko said as she stood to go check on her son.


“Is Kacchan okay?” Izuku asked from under his bed as his mother sat on top of it, the springs
creaking slightly as she did so.

“Yes, sweetheart,” Inko hummed, “You just startled him.”

“His quirk was loud. It scared me.”

“I know, sweetheart,” Inko replied, holding her hand under the bed, feeling her son’s soft-furred
hand grasp her fingers, “I told him. He’s sorry.”

“I don’t like loud noises,” Izuku sniffed, “But I like Kacchan. He’s my friend.”

“I know,” Inko sighed, looking up at the set of headphones resting on top of her son’s chest of
drawers, “Want to wear the noise-cancelling headphones so he can show you his quirk?”

“Okay,” the boy said as he crawled out from under the bed, his mother handing him the large
headphones as he slipped them on.


But Izuku also knew that, despite also being more neurologically advanced than the other children,
he still wasn’t more than a couple of years ahead of them, so it was best for him to stay with kids
his own age.

Izuku sat quietly at his table at the back of the classroom, looking out over the other children’s
heads as the teacher explained what they were going to do today. Izuku’s long ears perked up at the
word “art”, the young lagomorph getting excited as he waited for the teacher to bring him his art

“Oi, Izugi!” the loud whisper made him start, looking over to the table next to him, eyes falling on
a head of spiky blond hair. Katsuki Bakugo glared at him, his red eyes focused on the bunny-boy
as he hissed his nickname for Izuku again, “Izugi! Your foot is going again! Stop it before the
teacher shouts at you.”

“Oh!” Izuku gasped, looking down at his leg, the foot pounding excitedly into the carpet, most of
which was worn away around the spot, “Thanks, Kacchan.”

“Stupid rabbit,” Katsuki muttered as he gave a slight grin at Izuku, before turning back to his table,
Izuku ears twitching as he was sure he heard the boy mutter “cute”.
Izuku smiled, shifting in his chair again. The four-year-old lagomorph was easily twice the size of
any of the other kids in his kindergarten class, except for a few with mutant type quirks, but at least
they looked their age. Izuku looked like a ten-year-old, sitting at an actual school desk that had
been placed in the back of the classroom just for him. He knew it unnerved the parents and even
some of the teachers when they saw what looked to an elementary school child sitting in the same
class as a bunch of four-year-olds. But Izuku also knew that, despite also being more
neurologically advanced than the other children, he still wasn’t more than a couple of years ahead
of them, so it was best for him to stay with kids his own age.

That didn’t mean it wasn’t tough. Along with being much bigger than most of his classmates,
Izuku was also a lot stronger than the average ten-year-old, already able to kick with enough force
to break bone and jump onto the roof of their daycare, much to the horror of the staff. This meant
that he had to be extra careful when playing with the other children, and usually meant he had to
play the Villain in their games of Heroes and Villains. Mostly because the other kids could swarm
over him without hurting him too much. It also didn’t help that he was cute. Almost unbearably so,
causing pretty much any woman or child to gush over him and want to pet his soft hair or touch his
sensitive ears. Which garnered more than a little jealousy from the other men and boys.

Of course, that didn’t mean his size or strength was a complete hinderance. He could help the
teachers with lots of stuff the other kids were too small to do, and often helped break up fights
before the teachers had to get involved. He liked helping people. Overall, most of the kids saw
Izuku as a sort of weird big brother that was actually the same age as them. Most of them.

“My brother says he’s a retard,” Izuku’s ears twitched as he heard the boy whisper to his neighbor,
“That the only reason a big kid like him is in our class is cause he’s stupid.”

“What?” the neighbor whispered back, “But Izugi is really smart! He can even read already!”

“I know,” the first boy said back, “But my brother is even smarterer, and can read better, so he’s
probably right.”

“Hey!” the shout surprised the room, Izuku almost jumping out of his seat as Bakugo jumped up
from his, “Izugi isn’t dumb! Your brother is dumb! He just doesn’t know Izugi is the same age
cause he’s bigger than us!”

“My brother isn’t dumb!” the first boy shouted as he jumped out of his own chair, storming over to
Katsuki before the teachers could stop him, “You take that back!”

“NO!” Bakugo shouted as he gave the boy a shove, the boy yelping as he grabbed Katsuki by the
wrist. Izuku immediately jumped from his seat to catch the two but froze as the loud pop echoed
through the room.

“What was that?!” the teacher shouted as she helped Katsuki and the boy up, the blond staring at
his hands in amazement as small sparks and explosions danced across his fingers, “Bakugo, it
looks like you got your quirk! Congratulations! It looks like a strong one!”

“My quirk?” Bakugo asked, a wide smile forming on his face as he spun around, holding out his
hands, “Hey Izugi! Look I got my…quirk…Izugi?”

The blond stared at Izuku, who was cowering beneath his desk, clutching his ears to the sides of
his head as he covered his eyes, the blond muttering out another “cute”.

“Midoriya?” the teacher asked, noticing the large boy as well, “What’s wrong?”
“Y-your quirk is really c-cool, Kacchan,” the lagomorph stammered out, “It’s just really loud.
Please make it stop.”

“Izugi doesn’t like fireworks!” Bakugo suddenly gasped, looking at his sparking hands, “My quirk
is like fireworks, so Izugi doesn’t like it. Sensei, how do I stop it?”

“I don’t know, Bakugo,” the teacher said softly, suddenly starting to panic when the blonde’s eyes
filled with tears, “What’s wrong?!”

“But if I can’t stop it, then Izugi won’t play with me!” Bakugo shouted, fat tears rolling down his
cheeks, “And he gives the best piggy-back rides!”

“Fuck off!”

“But why?” Izuku asked, tears in his eyes.

“Because you’re ruining my image!” Bakugo shouted back, “I can’t be seen hanging out with
someone so…so…so fucking cute!”

“But Kacchan!” Izuku sobbed as he fell to his knees, “You’re my best friend!”

“What of it?” the angry blond shouted, “I just don’t want to be seen with you!”

“Do you hate me?” Izuku sniffed, looking up with his large eyes at Katsuki, his ears drooping in
sadness the blond slapping a hand over his mouth as his cheeks erupted in a blush.

“N-no!” the blond spluttered, “Never. I just…I gotta look tough, you know. And I can’t if you’re
hanging around me all the time.”

“S-so we’re still friends?” Izuku asked, his ears perking up as the blond let out a hushed “cute”,
“We can still hang out?”

“Y-yeah, Izugi,” Bakugo mumbled, “Just…stay away from me in school, okay?”



“Congratulations to the both of you!” the Principle said as he smiled at the two boys standing in his
office, Bakugo scowling as Izuku fidgeted nervously beside him, “Both of you managing to get
into the top Hero Schools in the country! Bakugo at UA and Midoriya at Shiketsku! I must say I
am impressed!”

The principle prattled on for several more minutes, mostly congratulating himself and the staff for
doing such a good job raising the two of them, before he finally let them leave.

Izuku took a deep breath as he stepped out of the office, immediately breaking into a sprint as he
tried to escape the oncoming storm.
“Deku!” the shout made him flinch, as did the loud explosions that saw Bakugo right behind him in
an instant, grabbing onto the back of his collar, “The fuck do you think you’re doing, you damn

Izuku choked as he was yanked back, landing painfully on the ground as Bakugo loomed over him.

“You think you’re better than me?” the blond hissed, glaring down at Izuku.

“Y-you said to give up on UA, K-Kacchan!” Izuku muttered, “S-so I did.”

“I SAID TO GIVE UP ON BEING A HERO!” the blond roared, yanking Izuku to his feet and
slamming him against the wall, “AND NOW YOU”RE TRYING TO GO TO FUCKING

“N-no!” Izuku shouted, “I just…You were right! I would never get in! I knew I’d never get in! S-
so I tried somewhere else!”

“ACROSS THE FUCKING COUNTRY!” Bakugo spat, releasing Izuku as the green-haired teen
fell to the floor with a whimper, “Remember your place, you useless fucking Deku!”


Izuku adjusted the hat on his head, looking into the mirror in his room.

The uniform was…simple, to say the least, just a white short-sleeve button up shirt and dark blue
pants. Not exactly what Izuku had been expecting, considering the nature of the school. But he was
grateful for the lack of a tie, he had no idea how to tie one.

He heard his mother stand beside the door to his bedroom, watching him as he fiddled with the hat
some more. The two stood in silence for a moment, Izuku wringing his hands nervously as he
waited for his mother to speak

“I’m so proud of you, Izuku,” his mother said, making the teen jump.

“M-mom?” he asked turning to her as she walked into his room, straightening his hat for him as she

“I’m so proud of you,” she repeated, “Even though…even though I’m still worried about you, I’m
proud. You’ll do amazingly in your new school, I’m sure.”

“T-thanks, mom,” he whispered.

“I’ll miss you,” she sighed, “Make sure to take care of yourself in the dorms, okay?”

“O-of course!” Izuku muttered, “I promise.”


“DEKU!” Izuku sighed at the shout, glancing over as Bakugo stomped towards him outside the

“Passing the Provisional License exams, it seems,” the green-haired teen replied, “Unlike you.”

“YOU SHITNERD! I’LL KILL YO-!” Bakugo was cut off as the five other students suddenly shot
between them, all ready to use their quirks, “THE FUCK ARE YOU EXTRA DOING?”
“He may be my kohai, but he is still the First Year General,” Mora said, his hair flaring around
him, “I cannot allow anyone to bring him to harm!”

“First year what?” a red head said as he

Teacher - Chapter 5

The hand closed around his wrist before Katsuki could blink, the sound of bending metal and
cracking fiberglass punctuated by the snap of bone echoing in his ears. The pain hit him a moment
later, making him gasp as he tried to stagger back, his arm still pinned in Izuku’s iron grip.

“What the fuck?” he breathed as he stared at the crushed gauntlet. At the way his arm was bent
unnaturally. At the scarred hand that was holding onto him.

“Had enough?” Izuku asked, the blonde’s eyes snapping up to look at him, “Or should I break your
other arm?”

“What?” that was the only word that Katsuki could think to say, another coming a moment later,

“You don’t need to know,” Izuku sighed, the sound cruel and unforgiving as his other hand closed
around Katsuki’s uncrushed gauntlet, “Because you’ll never be a Hero. Not like this.”

The second wave of pain washed over Katsuki as he screamed, yanking back on his arm as he tried
to free himself.

“What’s wrong, Bakugo?” Izuku asked almost jovially, “I thought you didn’t run away?”

“LET GO OF ME YOU FREAK!” the blond screamed, “FUCKING LET GO OF ME!”

“Why do Heroes win, Katsuki?” Izuku said softly, “Why don’t you tell me?”

“LET GO!” the teen howled, tears pouring down his face as he sobbed, “LET GO, LET GO, LET

“If I tell you, will you stop fighting?”

The question made Katsuki freeze, his breath coming in short sharp gasps as he stared into the
empty green eyes in front of him.

“It’s simple, Katsuki,” Izuku hummed, a soft smile crossing his lips, “It’s a Hero’s job to save. And
often, the easiest way to do that is to win. Heroes win by saving, Katsuki. And they save by

“What?” the word was small and pained, barely escaping Katsuki’s throat as the pain blanked out
his mind, “Win by…saving? And save by…by winning?”

“It seems that you finally understand,” Izuku sighed, a genuine smile on his face as he released the
teen’s arms, Katsuki falling back as he stared at Izuku in terror, “Now, go pass your exam.”

“Get him into surgery immediately!” Recovery Girl shouted, “If we hurry, we can still save his

Izuku sat quietly in the hallway as he watched Katsuki be wheeled into the operating theatre, the
crushed bracers already having been cut off, his mangled arms suspended at his sides.

“I fucked up.”

“That you did, Midoriya-san,” Nedzu hummed.

“I guess I’m fired now, aren’t I?”

“What makes you think that?” the chimera asked, making the teen look at him in surprise.

“I…I crushed a student’s arms…I…He could lose them! And his quirk along with them!”

“Did you intend to?”


“Going into the exam, did you intend to harm Bakugo to this extent?”

“N-no, I just…I lost control,” Izuku sighed, “I should have…I should have been in control! I never
should have gotten out of the suit! I…I don’t deserve to be here.”

“Nonsense,” Nedzu huffed, placing a paw on the teen’s shoulder, “You seem to forget, you’re also
a teenager. Emotions run high in times of stress. I should have known something like this could
happen and placed stricter restrictions on the fight. I am just as much at fault as you are.”

“Principal Nedzu…” Izuku gasped as he stared at the animal.

“However, you will be required to attend therapy and counselling for the foreseeable future,” the
Principal added, “We don’t want something like this happening again. Of course, that goes for
Bakugo as well.”
Chapter Summary

Izuku has a twin sister with a powerful Pyrokinesis quirk.

Chapter Notes

I have a Discord Server! Come shout at me when I'm on!

Don't know if I'll be able to post this on Wednesday, so I'm posting it now!

Thanks as always to Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading this stuff, I
love you guys!

“Izu-nii!” the shout echoed through the forest as the four boys stood at the log that crossed the
small stream, the blond grimacing as he spun on his heel.

“Deku! I told you not to follow us!” Bakugo snapped, the green-haired boy cowering slightly at the
shout, “Now she’s here!”

“I-I’m sorry, Kacchan,” the boy said, “I’ll tell her to go away.”

“Izu-nii!” the shout was closer, the girl stepping out from the trees, a worried look on her face,
“Where are you?”

“Hana-nee,” Izuku said as he hurried over to the girl, “Why did you follow me?”

Izuku looked at the girl that was his younger sister. His younger twin to be exact. While he had his
father’s mess of curly hair, coloured green from his mother, his sister had their mother’s straight
hair, a deep black like their father’s. His emerald green eyes looked up to the taller girl’s face,
taking in how much like their mother she already looked, except for her bright orange eyes, which
came from their father. She smiled happily at him as she spoke.

“Cause, silly,” she giggled, “You’re my older brother, I have to make sure you’re safe!”

“Hahaha!” the other three laughed, “Deku has to have a little girl look after him!”

“Hey! I’m only five minutes younger!” Hanabi shouted back, grabbing Izuku by the wrist and
starting to pull him away, “Come on, Izu-nii, you shouldn’t play with them. They’re meanies.”

“I-it’s okay, Hana-nee,” the boy sputtered, “I like playing with Kacchan!”

“Well I don’t, and Mama said we have to play together,” the girl said matter-of-factly, dragging the
shorter boy away, “So come play with me instead.”

“Hahaha!” the laughter followed behind them, the other boys throwing insults at the pair as they
left, “Yeah, go play dolls, Deku! Like a girl!”

“Don’t listen to them, Izu-nii,” the girl muttered, “We’ll play Heroes and Villains! You can be the
Hero this time!”

“B-but I was the Hero last time,” the boy replied.

“Yeah, and you can be the Hero this time as well!”

The two walked away, not hearing the sound of a splash and the shouts of the other children.


Izuku stared at the computer screen blankly, tears dripping from his eyes as his mother held him

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed as she clung to him, “I’m so sorry, Izuku.”

“Mama,” the small voice took Inko out of her crying, looking over to the other child in the room,
the small girl sniffing, tears also welling in her eyes, “Did I…did I steal Izu-nii’s quirk?”

“Oh Hanabi,” the woman sobbed, pulling the crying girl into her arms as well, “Of course not. I
promise, you didn’t steal anything!”

“Then…then why doesn’t Izu-nii have a quirk, but I do?” the girl asked, “He can’t be a Hero if he
doesn’t have a quirk.”

“Oh Hanabi,” Inko sobbed, pulling her two children closer.


“Izu-nii! Get in here!” the seven-year-old shouted as she hopped up and down on the couch,
“You’re going to miss it!”

“I’m coming!” her brother called from the kitchen, hurrying into the room carrying a tray of snacks
and juice, almost tripping as the tray swayed in his hands.

“It’s starting!” Hanabi giggled at her brother as he hurriedly put the tray down on the coffee table,
both grabbing one of the glasses of juice and a cookie.

“We’re interviewing a very important person today,” the host said as the two children vibrated in
their seats, “In fact, we’re interviewing TWO very important people today! You know him as the
No. 1 Hero, and here with him, his primary Support technician, it’s All Might and David Shield!”

The two children cheered as the muscular man entered the stage, followed by another, much
smaller man who had curly brown hair. They watched enthralled as All Might recounted stories of
his time in America, how he’d met David and the adventures they’d been on and Villains they’d
defeated. Hanabi noticed how her brother flinched slightly when All Might said that anyone could
be a Hero, even as his eyes lit up brighter.

“And you, Dr. Shield?” the host said suddenly, “Do you have anything to say to the audience?”

“Well,” the man laughed, giving All Might a glance, “As great as All Might is, you should also
remember that every Hero needs a strong Support behind them.”

Hanabi blinked as the host continued talking, the words drowned out as she stared at the shy
smiling man beside All Might.

“All Might is great, huh Hana-nee?” Izuku chimed as the show ended, shaking the girl slightly.

“Yeah,” Hanabi muttered, turning to look at her brother in a new light, her eyes burning brightly as
she stared at him, making the boy fidget slightly.

“W-what is it, Hana-nee? Is there something on my face?”

“No,” the girl shook her head, “But I think I know how to help you become a Hero.”


“Hana, where do you want this?”

“Over there, Izu,” the girl replied to her brother as she pointed against the far wall of her room, her
eyes focused on the contraption in front of her, “I almost have this done.”

“What is it?” Izuku asked, setting down the heavy box of scavenged parts, trying to peer over her
shoulder as she worked, the girl just adjusting herself to block his view.

“Uh uh,” she tutted, “You don’t get to see this until it’s finished!”

“No fair,” Izuku grumbled, “I have to go dumpster diving every day to find you materials, and all
you do is hide everything you make away from me.”

“Hey, it’s a not a dumpster!” Hanabi laughed, looking over at her brother, “It’s a beach. And
you’re cleaning it up. I mean, it’s been good exercise for you, hasn’t it?”

Izuku nodded as he flexed, his slender but tight muscles showing through his tanned skin. Hanabi
nodded, proud of her older brother for all the effort he’d put in over the years. It hadn’t been
particularly hard to convince their mother to let Hanabi start building things in her room, the girl
spending all her allowance on those science kits for children at first, before she’d quickly outpaced
them. Then it had been more complex projects, until eventually she’d managed to start working on
her own creations. Her mother had once said that the only person who could match Izuku in
passion was Hanabi herself. However, where the boy was obsessed with Heroes, the young girl had
become obsessed with Support.

“So, how long until it’s done?” her brother asked, running a hand through his thick curly hair.

“Oh!” Hanabi laughed, spinning around in her desk chair, clicking the last few pieces together,
“Right now!”

She turned around, presenting the short pole to her brother, the boy taking it carefully as he
inspected it. He pressed a small button on it experimentally, gasping as the short rod suddenly
extended, the ends crackling with electricity.

“You actually made it?” he gasped, “But that was just a random idea we had! How’d you even
manage to get all the pieces in this thing? There was no way you had all the electronics you’d need
from the beach!”

“Time, hard work and I may have bought a few things online,” Hanabi laughed as her brother
stared at her in shock.

“Hana! I thought we agreed you wouldn’t use any of your allowance on this stuff!” Izuku sighed,
deactivating the extendable staff, “Seriously! You’re making me feel bad!”

“Hey, it’s my money, I can spend it on whatever I want,” the girl pursed her lips as she spoke,
“Anyway, we need to get going, Riu-sensei won’t be happy if we’re late to practice!”

“Hana!” Izuku called as she darted from the room, grabbing the gym bag beside her door as she
went, “Stop trying to change the subject!”


“Oh, both Midoriyas are also planning to go to UA!” the teacher said as the class turned to the two
kids at the back of the class.

Izuku curled in on himself slightly as Hana ignored them, still scribbling in a notebook as she
muttered quietly to herself.

“THE HELL?” the shout broke her concentration, the girl looking up annoyed as the blond stood at

“Shut the hell up, Kacchan,” Hanabi barked, making the blond pause, “The only way you’re
getting into UA is through destroying stuff. If they had the balls to have an interview, you’d get
rejected the moment you opened your mouth!”

“The fuck did you say to me, bitch?!” Bakugo yelled, explosions crackling across his hands, “You
think you can talk down about UA around me?!”

Hanabi waved her hand, the small sparks suddenly flaring up into a ball of flame, making the blond
yelp in surprise.

“Don’t get me wrong, UA is still the best Hero and Support school in the country,” Hanabi huffed,
extinguishing the flames almost instantly, “But their Entrance exams are pretty shit. You know
they let you bring anything you like into them? Unchecked?”

“The hell are you saying?” Bakugo snarled.

“If I wanted, I could make a tank and bring that,” Hanabi replied, “I could pass the exam without
ever using my quirk. Unlike you.”

“THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?” Bakugo screamed.

“You heard me, or are you going deaf from all your sparklers?” Hanabi shot back.


quirks in the classroom!”

“Whatever!” Bakugo snarled as he flopped back down in his seat, “Not like that stupid Deku has a
chance of getting in any way!”

“I wouldn’t count on that,” Hanabi smiled knowingly as she looked over to her brother, who smiled
back at her.


The slime villain shrieked as the wall of flame engulfed him, his body sizzling and hissing as it
dried out. A moment later, All Might exploded out of the sewers, punching him, and extinguishing
the flames.

“HA!” the man laughed as the two teens looked at him in reverence, “ Thank you for your
assistance, young ones! That is quite the powerful quirk you have there, Young Miss! Are you
perchance planning on becoming a Hero?”

“Nope,” Hanabi said, making All Might falter slightly, “But my brother is!”

“Ah! And what kind of quirk does he have?” the man asked.

The two teens looked at each other nervously, before Izuku stepped forwards, taking a deep breath.

“I…I don’t have a quirk, All Might. B-but I’m going to become a Hero anyway!”


“You heard him!” Hanabi said, the No. 1 Hero finding himself flinching back at the vicious glare
she was giving him, “He’s going to become a Hero.”

“R-right you are!” All Might chuckled nervously, “But it shall be extremely difficult for
someone without a quirk to-.”

“That’s why Izu has my Support items!” Hanabi interrupted him, “Support Items are designed to
cover a Hero’s weaknesses, so mine cover for Izu not having a quirk!”

“Ah, yes but…” All Might tried to get a word in edgeways, but trailed off as the tall, black-haired
girl pulled her brother away, the boy looking back almost longingly at All Might.


“Jeez, watch yourself!” Hanabi said as she caught Izuku, “We’re not even at the exams yet and
you’re already tripping over your feet!”

“Sorry, Hana,” Izuku muttered, “Just nervous I guess.”

“Hey, there’s no need to be nervous!” the girl laughed, shoving the bag into his chest, the contents
giving off a distinctly metallic clink, “You have my inventions to help you! You’ll do great!”

“Inventions?” the voice made both of them jump as they turned to see the manically smiling girl
with bright pink dreadlocks in a dirty middle school uniform, “You have babies in there?”

“What? No!” Izuku gasped, “It’s just my Support gear!”

“Support gear? For an entrance exam?” the girl grinned even wider, “Can I see it? I wanna know
what kind of babies you’ve made!”

“Woah there,” Hanabi said as she got between Izuku and the grinning girl, “I’m the one who made
them. Also, you can’t see them.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’ll break them, then how is Izu supposed to pass the Hero Practical exam?”

“I wouldn’t do that!” the girl scoffed, “I just want to take them apart to see how they work!”
“And that would break them!” Hanabi shouted back, “So no!”

“You’re mean!” the girl cried.

“You’re crazy!” Hanabi spat.

Izuku sighed as he grabbed his sister by the shoulder and began dragging her towards the test

“Hana, you can argue with her after the exams,” he said, “But first we have to pass.”

“Fine!” the girl huffed, falling into step beside her brother as the pink-haired girl glared holes in
her back.


“How’d you do?” Izuku asked as the three of them sat around the small table eating supper.

“Oh, definitely aced it,” Hanabi said proudly, “And you?”

“I…don’t know. There were a bunch of people with higher scores than mine, but I did help a whole
lot of people.”

“Izu,” Hanabi sighed, “Did you forget to fight the robots because you were too busy saving

“Maybe?” Izuku muttered.

“Whatever,” the girl huffed, “If that Principal has even half a braincell, he’ll still let you in just for

“Hana!” Izuku gasped, “Don’t talk about Nedzu like that! He’s called the Intelligence Hero for a

“And I think he’d be stupid not to let you in,” the girl said finally, giving her brother look that said,
‘No arguments’.


“I got in,” Izuku muttered as they watched the hologram for the third time, Hanabi hugging him
tightly as she bounced up and down.

“We both did, Izu!” she said excitedly, “Oh, the things I’ll be able to make for you when I get
access to the labs! You’ll be the best Hero there is!”

“R-right!” Izuku replied, still in shock as the hologram played for the fourth time.



Izuku flinched at his sister’s shout, looking at her in shock as he recounted his first day. They were
walking to the Support department after school, Hanabi wanting to show Izuku around.

“How the hell can he just expel someone on the first day?!” She continued, “And he even had the
balls to put you at the bottom of the list!”
“I-I wasn’t at the bottom of the list,” Izuku said hurriedly as he tried to calm her, “I came 18th!
Which is pretty good considering-.”

“Considering NOTHING!” the girl barked, “You’re going to show that bastard what you’re really
capable of in your first Basic Hero Training exercise! You hear me, Izuku Midoriya?”

“Yes!” Izuku squeaked, not used to his sister using his full name, “O-of course! I’ll have all your
inventions with me this time!”

“Right! You will!” Hanabi huffed, “Anyway, come on, I have to show you the improvements I
made to your staff! I should be able to get them approved before your first Basic Hero Training
exercise, so you need to learn its new functions!”

“New functions?” Izuku blinked as they entered the workshop, “Hana, you didn’t do anything
crazy did you?”

“Who? Moi?” the girl laughed, before turning to look at her desk, letting out a tired sigh,
“Hatsume, what are you doing?”

“Huh?” the pink-haired girl said as she looked up from the pile of parts in front of her, which Izuku
recognized as what had been his staff, “Oh! I’ve figured out how to double the voltage of your
baby and-!”

“And nothing!” Hanabi barked, stomping over to the desk, and grabbing the blueprints from out of
the girl’s hands, “That’ll kill people! And I thought I told you not to break my inventions!”

“I didn’t break anything!” Hatsume shouted back, “I was making your baby better!”

“It doesn’t need to be better!” Hanabi and the other girl quickly fell into an argument as Izuku
watched, shaking his head.

“They’ll be at it for an hour at least,” an unfamiliar voice said beside him, the teen jumping as he
turned to look at Power Loader, stars appearing in his eyes, “You should have seen when they first
saw each other this morning, Hatsume almost jumped Midoriya about her inventions. First students
I’ve ever had that brought multiple working prototypes to the first day of class.”

“Yeah, that’s Hana for you,” Izuku sighed, looking back at the two arguing girls, who now seemed
to be working together to put the staff back together even as they shouted at one another, “She can
be…protective of her things.”

“I suppose,” the Pro said, “Hey, who are you anyway?”

“Oh, s-sorry!” Izuku gasped, bowing to the teacher as he produced one of his notebooks, “I’m
Izuku Midoriya. Can I please have your autograph?”


“You put Kacchan in the infirmary?”

“N-no!” Izuku gasped, “He put himself in the infirmary! He kept trying to fight after I captured him
in the shock net and ended up triggering one of his gauntlets. He burnt his own leg.”

“So, one of my inventions put him in the infirmary?” Hanabi grinned wider as she looked at her
brother across the kitchen table, “Even better!”
“Hanabi!” their mother gasped, “Don’t say that about Katsuki! It’s rude!”

“Sorry, Mama,” the girl replied, looking down, but not before shooting her brother a satisfied look,
“So, Izu, what was it like meeting All Might for the second time?”

“Uhm…it was okay?” Izuku replied, looking away nervously.

“What did he do?” the girl asked flatly.


“Don’t lie!”

“He told me to be careful! That’s all!” Izuku squeaked.

“Careful? How? Why?” Hanabi shot back, standing from her seat, “It was because you’re
quirkless, right?”


“Okay,” Hanabi sighed, flopping back into her chair, “He’s also going on the shit-list, right next to
your asshole teacher.”

“Hanabi!” Both other Midoriyas cried as she gave them a self-satisfied smirk.


“Sensei!” the shout echoed through the classroom, making Power Loader look up at the wide-eyed
teen in front of him, Hanabi fidgeting nervously.

“What is it, Midoriya? Did Hatsume blow something of yours up again?”

“No! Worse!” the girl said frantically, making the Pro raise an eyebrow, “I lost contact with Izu!”

“Izu? Oh, you mean your brother,” the man hummed, “Why is that a problem?”

“Because the only way I’d lose contact with him is if someone was blocking the signals from the
tracker and communicator I installed in his suit!” the girl said, starting to get hysterical, “I think his
class is in trouble!”

“His class just went on a field trip,” Power Loader sighed, “They’re probably just out of range.”

“The range is 50 km on the communicator, and the tracker is satellite based!” Hatsume called from
across the room, drawing the attention of the other students, “So unless the place they went is
somewhere off school grounds, or someone is blocking the signal, neither should be out of range!”

“You…you put a satellite tracker in your brother’s costume?” The man blinked at Hanabi.

“Yes!” the girl shouted frantically, “Honestly, stuff like that should be mandatory for all Heroes
and-no, Hana, focus! Please, Sensei! Just try to contact wherever they went! Please!”

“Fine,” the man finally said, getting out of his chair and pulling out his phone, the girl finally
seeming to calm down, “I’ll call Thirteen. They should pick up in a moment.”

“Hana,” Izuku said as he pushed open the door to her room, the girl sitting at her desk as she
poured over blueprints and designs, “Hana, it’s time for supper.”

“Not hungry,” she replied, suddenly crunching up a piece of paper and throwing it aside, onto the
growing pile against the wall.

“Don’t lie,” Izuku sighed, walking over to her and trying to pull her from her seat, “Just come eat,
your plans will be here when you get back.”

“NO!” Hanabi yelled, throwing her brother back, “I won’t! I can’t! You almost died today Izu! I
have to make sure that you’ll be ready next time!”

“Hanabi,” Izuku said as he caught himself, looking at her, seeing the tears running down her
cheeks, “Hana, it’s okay. I’m safe.”

“But you could have died!” the girl shouted back, blinking as her brother stepped forwards and
pulled her into a hug.

“But I didn’t. I didn’t because of your inventions,” Izuku said soothingly, stroking her head as she
pressed her face into his shoulder, “The Villains stood no chance against them, they took out more
people than the rest of the class combined. Even Kacchan.”

“But…” the girl murmured, before pulling away and looking back at her desk, “They could be
better. They have to be better. To keep you safe!”

“I’m going to be a Hero,” Izuku said, making the girl pause, “The first quirkless Hero. And it’s all
because of your inventions. But you won’t be able to make them properly if you don’t take care of

“I…” Hanabi found she couldn’t argue with that logic, letting out a tired sigh, “Fine. I’ll come eat.
But you have to tell me everything that happened in the USJ afterwards! I need to know so I can
make the best inventions for you!”

“Of course,” Izuku nodded firmly as he led her out of the room, “I’ll help you make the best
inventions in the world.”
Chapter Summary

Izuku with a Firebender (From ATLA/LOK) Quirk. And fluffy romance stuff.

Chapter Notes

Thank you to Veritocracy for all your help on this chapter.

And thank you to Mdmcvay from the Discord Server for the idea!

Izuku Midoriya loved his quirk.

In fact, he loved it almost as much as he loved martial arts. Which wasn’t much of a surprise as the
two were intricately linked.

His quirk was rather strange, being different from most fire generation and control quirks. Rather
than simply being able to make fire, Izuku had to perform some sort of action, usually based
around Martial arts, to even get a wisp of flame. He’d discovered this at five, when he’d been
imitating an old martial arts movie, almost setting fire to the television set as he kicked up his leg.
This had led to his father eagerly paying for a number of martial arts classes for the boy as soon as
he was old enough. And Izuku had taken to it like a duck to water.

Now, after six years of intense practice, the thirteen-year-old stood proudly in his Gi, black belt
tied firmly around his waist, smiling brightly as he stepped onto the padded matts of the arena. The
bright sun shone down, warming his back as he ran a hand through his thick green hair, looking
across the arena at his opponent. It was a girl about his age, her long blond hair tied back in a
ponytail as she handed her glasses to the plain looking man beside her, probably her father from the
way he eagerly cheered for her, making her blush.

Izuku couldn’t help but think she was cute as she put on a determined expression, staring him down
as he schooled his own face into neutrality.

“And now, in the finals of the I-Island Junior Mixed Martial Arts tournament, Izuku Midoriya
versus Melissa Shield,” the announcer, the Pro Hero Amplifier, called out excitedly as the two
teens stood opposite each other, “Ready? Begin!”


Izuku blinked as he came too, staring at the ceiling of the medical tent as his mother hovered over

“Hey mom,” he said, making the woman jump, “Did I lose?”

“Oh, Izuku! You’re awake!” the woman gasped, pulling him into a hug.
“Yeah,” Izuku cringed slightly as he was squeezed tightly, glancing at the other people in the tent,
all smiling at the two of them, “I love you too, mom. You can let go now.”

“Oh! S-sorry!” his mother stuttered slightly, looking at him with worry as she let him go, “Are you
sure you’re alright?”

“Pretty sure,” Izuku nodded, “Head hurts a bit, but that’s what happens when you get choked out.
So, what happened? Did I lose?”

“Not exactly,” the female voice said from the next bed over, Izuku peering around his mom to see
the familiar head of blond hair, now let out of its ponytail as the girl smiled at him, a large bruise
on her jaw making him flinch slightly, “You managed to knock me out with that one punch just as I
choked you out.”

“Oh,” Izuku said, “Sorry about the bruise.”

“It’s fine!” the girl laughed, making Izuku blush as he listened to the beautiful sound, “So yeah, we
technically tied. You’re a really good fighter for someone so small, you know? I didn’t expect you
to hit as hard as you do.”

“Oh, thanks,” Izuku muttered, still staring at her, “You fight good too.”

The room fell silent as the medical staff and Inko stared at the obviously smitten boy, his cheeks
bright red as he seemed to realise what he’d just said.


“And there are the two winners!” David Shield said as Izuku and Melissa walked into the room,
Izuku blushing furiously as Melissa laughed, “It was very noble of the two of you to accept joint
first place rather than having a tie-breaker.”

The Midoriyas had been invited to have dinner with the Shields after the two children had been
cleared by the medical personal, Inko happily accepting as she watched her son staring at Melissa.
They were now sitting in the lounge of the Shield’s spacious apartment, about to start eating.

“It’s fine, dad,” Melissa chuckled, rubbing the bandage taped to her chin, “Honestly, I don’t know
if I’d have been able to beat Izuku in a straight fight, he’s much stronger than I am!”

“But you’re much better at holds than I am!” Izuku replied immediately, “I mean, holds don’t
really work with my quirk, so I never bothered to learn much about them, but maybe I should!”

“Oh dear,” Inko chuckled, “He’s about to start muttering about Martial Arts again. Don’t worry, he
does this all the time!”

David nodded as the boy fell into a mutter storm, Melissa looking at him interestedly as he spoke.


“Bye, Izu!” Melissa called as the boy and his mother went to board the plane, Izuku blushing as he
waved back.

“He seems nice,” Her father chuckled as she shot a look at him, blushing slightly.

“Dad!” Melissa huffed, “Don’t be weird!”

“I’m not being weird,” the man laughed, “I was just saying that he seems nice. You did get his
number, didn’t you?”

“Y-yeah!” the girl mumbled, pulling out her phone and looking at it, “We promised to message
each other.”

“That’s great,” David laughed, “You need a few friends your own age! After all, I-Island is mostly
filled with doddering old fogeys like me!”

“Dad!” the girl laughed, “You’re not that old!”


“A new Dojo?” Inko Midoriya asked as her son sat at the table, “Are you sure? You’ve only just
earned your black belt in the last few.”

“I know, mom,” Izuku replied, smiling at her, “But I realized something in the tournament. If I
only focus on the Martial Arts I need to use my quirk, I’ll be stuck when I can’t use my quirk.”

“Are you sure it isn’t because of a certain young woman who managed to beat you?” the woman
chuckled as her son blushed.

“No,” he muttered, “Mel didn’t beat me anyway, we tied.”

“Oh? So she’s ‘Mel’ now?” the woman laughed, “You two are getting awfully close for being so
far apart.”

“MOM!” Izuku’s face was bright red now, the boy hiding it behind his hands, “Can we just go
back to the Martial Arts thing?”

“Sure, sweety,” Inko chuckled, “Have you decided which Martial Art you’d like to try?”

“Yeah!” Izuku said happily, his blush fading, “I want to fill in the bits of my style that I’ve been
neglecting, which means holds and weapons! So, the best choice is Hapkido!”


“Hello and welcome to the Lee Hapkido Dojo!” the bubbly woman said as she smiled at Izuku and
his mother, “I’m Ty Lee, one of the instructors here! I hear you want to join!”

“Yes!” Izuku said enthusiastically.

“Great! Then what’s your experience with Martial Arts?” the woman grinned back.

“I’m a Junior Black Belt in Karate, Tai Chi and Kempo, I’ve also studied the Shaolin style of
martial arts, but could never find a proper Dojo for that, so it was mostly self-study,” Izuku said
proudly, “And I came tied first place in the I-Island Junior Mixed Martial Arts Tournament.”

“Oh! That was you?” the woman gasped, “I thought I recognised you! Well then, welcome! I’m
sure you’ll fit right in!”

“Thank you!” Izuku said happily as they followed the woman into the Dojo proper.

“Momo-chan!” Ty Lee called out as they entered, a girl with jet black hair tied up in a spiky
ponytail looking up from a book as she rested on the side, “Come show our newest member around
while I talk to his mom about filling in the forms!”
“Yes, Lee-Sensei,” the girl said as she stood, Izuku blinking as she seemed to rise, and then rise
some more, “I’ll be right over.”

“I told you,” the woman puffed out her cheeks as she pouted at the teen, “Just call me Ty Lee, Lee-
Sensei is my dad!”

“Of course, Lee-sensei,” the girl said as she walked over, Izuku feeling his cheeks heat up as she
drew closer, realising just how beautiful she was. She bowed when she reached them, Izuku
hurriedly copying the motion as she spoke, “Hello, I am Momo Yaoyorozu, it is a pleasure to meet

“L-likewise!” Izuku replied a little too quickly, making her raise an eyebrow, but thankfully
shrugged it off.

“Well, if you’ll follow me, I’ll explain what we do in the Dojo.”


“So, Midoriya-san,” Yaoyorozu said as they stood at the edge of the matts, watching a pair of
students sparring, one using a sword, the other a cane, “What made you choose Hapkido?”

“Oh! Well, I recently learned that I needed to expand my horizons when it comes to Martial Arts,”
Izuku said happily, “Even if they don’t necessarily work with my quirk, knowing how to fight
without it is important.”

“Oh, and what is your quirk?” the girl asked.

“It’s called Firebending,” Izuku grinned, “But it doesn’t work the way you think. They didn’t know
what to call it at first, but I found this old cartoon from decades ago that had a bunch of people with
a similar ability in it, so I named it after that.”

“Really?” Momo hummed, “And what does it do?”

“Well,” Izuku said slowly, “It’s easier to show than to explain, but I can try. Basically, I can make
flames with just about any movement I make if I want to, but it’s strongest with Martial Arts.”

“Make…flames?” Yaoyorozu said slowly, “You’re a Pyrokinetic?”

“Not exactly,” Izuku laughed, “Like I said, it’s easier to show than explain.”

“Then why don’t you show us!” the cheery voice made them jump as Ty Lee popped up behind
them, “I’m sure that the other students would love to see a demonstration from the I-Island

“I came joint first!” Izuku squeaked in surprise.

“Yeah yeah,” the woman waved him off, “But come on, give us a demonstration! Don’t worry, we
have a license to allow you to use your quirk in the Dojo.”

“Oh!” Izuku said, his face lighting up, “Okay!”

Momo watched as the excited teen hurried to the matts, shedding his clothes until he was just in a
tank top and his shorts, the girl surprised by just how muscular he was. She watched as Ty Lee
called all the other students to come watch, heading over to sit with them along the edges of the
matts. She watched as he took a deep breath, seemingly psyching himself up. Then he began to

First came a kick, which she recognized as karate, except a jet of flame erupted from his heel. He
immediately shifted into a spinning kick, sending an arc of flame shooting through the air. Before
she could blink he was on his hands, spinning his legs as a ring of flame formed around him. He
hopped up easily, swinging his hands through the air in what she thought might be Tai Chi, flames
trailing behind them as he slashed through the air with a powerful chop. The punch threw out
another gout of flame, before he switched stances, his body suddenly becoming rigid as he
slammed a foot to the ground, a ring of flame puffing out around it.

“And for the finale,” she heard him mumble, “Dragon’s Breath!”

He took a deep breath, before opening his mouth wide and letting out a loud shout, almost like a
roar as he spun around, a plume of flame erupting from his mouth.

“Woah!” “So cool!” “So strong!” the rest of the students whispered amongst themselves as Momo
just stared at the boy, grinning brightly as he bowed to the instructor.

“What kind of Martial Arts was that?” Ty Lee asked, “I recognized parts of it, but it seems all
jumbled up.”

“Oh, it’s sort of my own style that I’m making,” Izuku laughed as he rubbed the back of his head,
“It uses all the moves that I found work best with my quirk. I’m still a long way from perfecting it,
but I want to fill in the gaps first.”

“And it’s full of them,” the gruff voice barked as the tall man walked into the room, “It relies
almost entirely on offensive moves, no defence at all. And what about holds and pins?”

“That’s what I’m here to learn!” Izuku said seriously as he bowed to the new man, “I hope to learn
much in your care, Lee-Sensei!”

Momo blinked as she felt her heart flutter at the suddenly serious look on the short boy’s face.


“And match!” Ty Lee called as Izuku twisted Momo’s arm behind her, locking her in place on her
knees, “Izu-kun wins again!”

Momo let out a loud sigh as Izuku released her, rubbing her arm and shoulder as she got to her feet,
“How are you already so good at this? You’ve only been learning for eight months and already I
can’t beat you in a hand-to-hand spar.”

“And I can’t beat you in a weapons spar,” Izuku said happily, “You focus more on armed combat
anyway, because of your quirk, so I don’t see a problem!”

“Yes, well…” Momo trailed off as she let out another defeated sign, she couldn’t really argue with

“Hey, don’t look so down,” Izuku hummed softly to her, patting her gently on the back, his hand
leaving tingles on her skin, “You’re only going to get better.”

“It doesn’t feel like it,” Momo muttered, starting when Izuku suddenly stepped in front of her, that
familiar serious look on his face, making her blush.

“Momo Yaoyorozu,” He said, “You are strong and smart and amazing! You’re getting into UA on
recommendation, aren’t you?”

“I-I don’t know about that yet!” Momo squeaked, trying to turn away as her cheeks flared up,
Izuku simply stepping in front of her again.

“Oh, you definitely will! And I’ll see you in the Hero course! I promise!”

“Are you sure?” the girl asked, looking at him in surprise.

“Yes!” he said as he nodded, his serious expression being replaced by a bright smile that made
Momo squint slightly, her heart pounding in her chest.


“It’ll be okay,” Melissa said to herself as she sat at the table, “It’ll be fine.”

“What’s wrong, Melissa?” Inko Midoriya asked the fidgeting girl, the blond looking up from the
kitchen table in surprise.

“N-nothing!” she squeaked, “J-just a bit excited to see Izu again!”

“Well, you haven’t seen each other in almost a year,” Inko hummed, “Though you do message
each other quite a lot.”

“Yeah,” the girl hummed, looking down at her phone, staring at the last message Izuku had sent,
telling her that he was on his way home from Hapkido practice.

The door clicked open a moment later, making her tense slightly as she heard the familiar voice
talking to someone, her face dropping when she heard the female voice respond.

“IZU!” she shouted as she shot out of the small kitchen, startling the two teens standing in the door.

“Yeah, sorry it’s so small, but not all of us can live like you do Yao- MEL?!” the boy cut off his
words as he stared at the blond standing in his apartment, “What are you doing here?”

“Who is this?” she asked, unsure as to why she felt such sudden hostility towards the tall dark-
haired girl who’d grabbed onto Izuku’s arm in surprise.

“Oh, this is Momo Yaoyorozu,” Izuku said, looking back at her with a smile, “We practice
Hapkido together. Her parents are away at the moment, so I invited her around for dinner. But
seriously, what are you doing here?”

“I…” Melissa was at a loss for words, swallowing as she tried to calm herself down, “I’m-.”

“Going to UA next year,” Inko suddenly said, stepping out of the kitchen behind her, “In the
Support Department. She’ll be living in an apartment nearby, so I offered for her to have dinner
with us every night.”

“Really?” Izuku gasped, suddenly jumping forwards and pulling Melissa into a tight hug, “That’s
great, Mel!”

Melissa couldn’t help but blush as Izuku held her, lifting her easily off the ground as she glanced
back at the other girl. She blinked as Melissa saw what she thought was a look of jealousy flash
across her face, before Izuku deposited her back on the ground.

“Oh wow! My best friend is going to be going to UA as well!”

“As well?” Melissa said carefully, trying to control the giddy feeling she had from being hugged,
“What do you mean as well?”

“Oh, Yaoyorozu is a Hero recommendation student!” Izuku said happily, “And she’s sure to get in!
And with you there, we’ll have top notch support gear as well!”

“R-right!” Melissa hummed, looking back at the obsidian-haired girl.


“Okay,” the blond sighed as Momo sat across from her in the lounge. It was after dinner, and Izuku
had gone to bath, while Inko had made a point to bustle around the kitchen, leaving the two girls
alone together, “It’s obvious you like him.”

“W-what?!” Momo gasped, staring at Melissa in shock, “What do you mean?”

“Izuku. You like him,” Melissa said matter-of-factly, “I can see it in your eyes.”

“W-well, you’re not much better at hiding it!” the black-haired girl shot back, her cheeks lit up in a

Melissa’s own cheeks grew red as she stared down the other girl.

“You’re right,” Melissa said, “I do like Izu. And I’ve known him longer.”

“Not much longer than me,” Momo huffed, “Only a few months at most, and you barely see him.”

“We text every night,” Melissa replied.

“I see him three times a week.”

“Yeah, to practice Martial Arts!”

“We go out afterwards sometimes!”

“Well, I…wait, you’ve been on a date with him?” Melissa said, her eyes going wide.

“What?! N-no! Not a date! We just go out for ice cream or coffee!”

The two girls stared at each other a moment, before Melissa let out a sigh.

“What are we doing?”

“I don’t understand what you mean?” Momo replied, looking confused.

“I mean, what are we doing fighting over Izu?” the blond said, “We don’t even know if he likes
either of us!”

“Oh, I like both of you,” the voice made them jump, turning to see the boy in his pyjamas as he
dried his hair with a towel, “You’re both my best friends.”

The girls looked at each other, before they each grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, shouting.

Chapter Summary

Izuku is a Son of Sparda.

Chapter Notes

Okay, so word of warning, I know basically nothing about DMC. I just got this sudden
urge to write this thing. To all you DMC fans who read this and understand all the
stuff I got wrong, sorry.

To everyone else, I wrote most of this just after getting my second Covid vaccine and
was whacked out of my skull. I honestly feel like it's kind of crap, but hey! That's kind
of what AWI is for!

For the folks on the Discord Group, I have posted the Scarps doc so you can see all the
random shit my brain makes up that gets rejected.

The man currently known as Hisashi Midoriya lay on the ground, his breath shallow as he tried to
pull himself out from under the pile of metal pinning him to the ground. He’d made a mistake. He
never should have come back. They’d found him.

The sound of metal on concrete drew his attention as he looked up, watching the twisted forms of
the Stygians and Death Knights inch closer to him, a larger figure walking ahead of them. The
armoured form came to a halt just over the bleeding man, raising its blade as its voice echoed
behind a blood red helm.

“Mundus sends his regards.”

“Tell him to suck my di-.”

The last word was cut off as the blade plunged through the Demon’s chest, killing him instantly.


Izuku Midoriya grinned as happily as any ten-year-old would as he clutched the large box to his
chest. Six months of saving, five hours of waiting in line, and he was one of the five thousand
lucky people to get their hands on the limited-edition Golden Age All Might Figure. He looked up
at his mother as they walked home, excitedly telling her about one of All Might’s most famous
fights, as he must have done at least a hundred times before. It was a good day.

The edges of Izuku’s vision blurred slightly, making the boy pause, looking around as the world
seemed to shift slightly. He blinked his eyes as he tried to focus, a dangerous feeling emanating
from behind him as he looked back. The child’s eyes immediately went wide as he stared at the
looming figure standing just behind the mother and child.
The thing was mostly humanoid, though also strangely mechanical, looking like it was made from
doll parts that had been tied together with sinew and flesh, still slick with blood. The smell of death
seemed to emanate off it as it moved with jerky actions, drawing closer to the pair as Izuku paled.
A massive blade, shaped like one of those old hand razors, was attached to its arm, the mechanical
sound of it swinging into place making Izuku shiver.

“M-mom,” he squeaked, clutching the action figure tighter to his chest, “We need to run.”

“What was that, sweety?” Inko asked, looking down at him with concern, his face almost white as
he stared at the creature, “Izuku? Is something wrong?”

“We need to run!” he shouted, grabbing the woman by the hand, dragging her away as he pumped
his small legs as fast as he could, “Now!”

“SsSsPaRdA,” the creature let out a low keening sound as its entire body twitched, suddenly
launching forwards in a fluid motion as Izuku yanked his mother around a corner.

The large blade slammed into the ground just where they’d been a moment later, slicing and
crushing the concrete of the walkway. Dust was thrown into the air as the thing began swinging the
large blade wildly, Inko shrieking as the walls and floor around them started to be cracked and cut
by an unseen force. Except Izuku could see it.

He felt cold as he watched the blade come down, straight on top of his mother.



The man snorted as he sat up in his chair, guns drawn in an instant as he looked around the empty
room. The dim room remained silent as he relaxed, wondering what had woken him from his nap.
He blew a strand of his shoulder length white hair out of his face as he slowly returned the pistols
to their holsters under his crimson jacket, reaching for the open pizza box on his desk, grabbing the
last slice and biting into it.

The old-fashioned phone on his desk rung, the man not hesitating as he slammed a fist down on his
desk, sending the receiver flying into the air. It flipped once, twice, three times before he caught it,
pressing it to his ear as he spoke.

“Devil May Cry, you got demons, we kill ‘em.”

“You felt it too, didn’t you?”

“What, not even a “hello”, Vergil?” the man groaned, “And felt what?”

“Someone used a Devil Trigger.”

“What?” the man yawned as he finished off the slice of pizza, “Well, it wasn’t me.”

“I know, it was someone new. Someone who’s never used it before,” the voice replied, its next
words making the man actually pay attention, “Dante, it’s another Son of Sparda.”



Izuku flinched as he hid behind the school building. It had been a little over a week since the…
Villain had attacked him and his mom, leaving them lying unconscious, but otherwise unharmed, in
the middle of a large crater. Izuku had woken up almost as soon as the Heroes sand paramedics had
arrived, but his mother hadn’t. She hadn’t so much as stirred for the entire week.

Izuku was currently staying with the Bakugo’s while they waited for her to wake up. Aunty
Mitsuki and Uncle Masuro were nice, and Kacchan mostly just ignored him in the house, though
Izuku could tell that the blonde wanted nothing more than to kick him out. So, Izuku spent as much
time as possible hidden away in the room they had given him. And not just because of the blonde.

Every morning he walked to school behind the explosive boy, he could swear he saw more of those
strange doll-like monsters. They wouldn’t do anything while other people were around, but the
moment he was alone he could feel them drawing closer. As much as Izuku wanted to hang around
people to keep them away, it was obvious they were after him, so he had to hide.

“FOUND YOU, DEKU!” Izuku jumped as Kacchan suddenly loomed over him, small explosions
crackling in his palms as he grabbed the smaller boy, “Why the fuck are you hiding from me?!”

“I-I’m not!” Izuku squeaked, glancing over the blonde’s shoulder, going pale as he realized that
one of the doll things had followed Kacchan to Izuku’s hiding place, slowly approaching as it
watched him, “K-Kacchan! It’s dangerous around me! Please just leave me alone!”

“Dangerous?” the blonde scoffed, “Around you? Yeah right! You’re too weak to be dangerous!”

“I bet he thinks there’s some Villain hunting him down,” one of Katsuki’s “friends” laughed, “Like
what he lied about before!”

“Yeah! I bet it’s your fault your mom is in the hospital, Deku!” the other called.

“OI!” the shout startled both of the other boys as Katsuki rounded on them, “You leave Aunty out
of this!”

“K-Kacchan?” Izuku blinked, flinching as the blonde turned back to him, slamming a fist into his

Izuku blinked in surprise as the familiar sickly-sweet smell of his childhood friend’s quirk rose to
reach his nose, the fist planted squarely in his stomach. Except…it didn’t hurt. At all. Katsuki
seemed to be just as surprised as he looked at the unaffected boy in front of him, before scowling
and slamming another punch into his gut.

Izuku stood stock still as the blows rained down, normally more than enough to knock him off his
feet and send him crying to the floor. But now they just didn’t hurt. It wasn’t like Katsuki was
holding back, in fact, Izuku was pretty sure he was hitting him with more force than he usually
used, but it was having no effect.

“JUST GO DOWN, DEKU!” the blonde screamed as he slammed a punch into Izuku’s cheek, the
blow barely moving the green-haired boy’s head to the side, even with the powerful blast that
echoed off the wall, “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?”

“I…I don’t know?” Izuku said as he watched Katsuki stagger back, actually out of breath as he
glared daggers at Izuku, “It…it doesn’t hurt.”

“SsSsPaAaRrRdAaAa,” the word sent a shiver up Izuku’s spine as he looked behind the panting
blonde, his eyes going wide as he watched the monster lift its massive sword above its head.

“LOOK OUT!” Izuku screamed as the blade came down, tackling the blonde to the ground, green
sparks dancing across his skin.

The sound of steel on steel rang out through the air, Izuku flinching at the sound of grinding metal
before peeking over his shoulder, eyes once again going wide. The man stood between them and
the monster, a massive sword held casually in his hand as he slowly gave a yawn.

“Only one of you?” he said, reaching into his dark red jacket, Izuku recognizing the words as
English as the man drew out a large silver-white pistol, pressing it against the head of the monster,

The shot was far louder than Izuku expected, the end of the gun flashing as the monster’s head all
but disintegrated at the close-range shot, black ichor splattering against the school wall. He
watched as the man calmly blew the smoke from the barrel, before looking down at him, a cocky
grin spreading over his unshaven face.

“So, you’re the kid we’re looking for, huh?” he said, Izuku unable to take his eyes off the strange
man who seemed so familiar.

“A-are you a Hero?” Izuku asked, looking over the strangely simple outfit the man had on, looking
more like street clothes with a long leather jacket than an actual Hero costume.

“What?” he said, a look of confusion on his face, “I don’t understand you, kid. Me no speak

“But I do,” the second voice said as Izuku’s head spun around, staring up at the other man in
surprise, “Hello, Izuku Midoriya. My name is Vergil, and we have a lot to talk about.”


“Brothers?” Mitsuki Bakugo said as she stared at the Government worker in shock, “But…Izuku’s
dad died before he was born? Are you telling me Hisashi was married before Inko?”

“I’m terribly sorry, ma’am,” the woman bowed as she spoke, “But I don’t know all the details, only
that they were able to prove their relation and had all the official documents necessary to take him
into their care immediately.”

“Where’s he going though?” Mitsuki asked, starting to get frantic, “Can’t we at least say

“I’m sorry,” the worker apologised again, “But I believe they’ve already left for America this



Four years later.


“You sure you’ll be fine?” the female voice asked.

“Of course, Lady,” Izuku chuckled in English as he strolled through the large gates and towards the
massive building, “This is what I’ve wanted my whole life! And It’s not like Mundus will be able to
find me after how badly we fucked up his latest little operation last month. I should easily have a
few years to relax and train to be a Hero.”

“Well, good luck,” she replied, “Let me know how your exam goes, Trish and Nico are also rooting
for you.”

“Will do,” the teen grinned as he walked through the door, hanging up the call and slipping in his
earphones, the heavy rock starting to pump in his ears.


Izuku sat calmly, music pounding in his ears as he made a few last-minute adjustments to the
sword on his lap. He slowly and carefully tightened the last nut, lifting the blade to inspect it,
revving it a couple of times to make sure it was still working. He knew full well that if it broke,
Nico would just fix it for him, but Izuku still wanted to make sure Green Knight was in top
condition before any battle, no matter how small.

“Excuse me!”

The shout managed to cut through Izuku’s music as the hand landed heavily on his shoulder,
making him sigh as he pulled out one of his earphones, looking at the blue-haired teen that had
interrupted him.

“Yeah?” Izuku asked, shrugging the taller boy’s hand off as he glanced over to the entrance to the
practical exam, the gate starting to open.

“Your music is very loud; it is disturbing the other students’ preparations!” the blue-haired guy
said loudly, “Not to mention you’re making the other students feel uncomfortable with your
actions. What are you doing to that weapon, and why do you have it?”

“Yeah, well you’re disturbing my preparations, point-dexter,” Izuku shot back coldly, making the
other teen flinch back, “And if they’re being distracted by me just chilling here, then maybe they
don’t have what it takes to be a Hero. One second of distraction in the real world will get you
killed; you know.”

“Y-yes, well…” the blue-haired teen tried, Izuku just rolling his eyes and turning away.

“As for this, it’s called Support Gear,” Izuku hummed as he stood, slipping the blade into its
scabbard on his back, “You can have up to three pieces for this exam, or did you not bother to read
that section because you have a quirk?”

“Of course I read…” the boy tried again.

“Great,” Izuku said, “Anyway, Exam’s about to start. Try not to get in my way.”


“BEGIN!” the shout startled all the participants, except one, who leapt forwards, leaving a small
crater in his wake, sword already drawn, blade glowing as he revved it loudly.


“Focus on that one,” Shota Aizawa said as the screen panned across the chaotic street, quirks and
robot parts flying through the air in equal measure, “What the hell is he doing?”

“Looks like taking a nap?” Midnight hummed, “Why, are you jealous?”
“No, he’ll fail like that, no potential,” Shota growled, “What’s his examinee number? Might as well
mark him as failed right now.”

“Number 06660,” Nedzu hummed, “He’s already scored over eighty Villain points against the
robots, and seventy-five Rescue points for helping other examinees.”

“What?” the two teachers said in unison, Midnight continuing, “But the exam is barely half over!
How did he do that?”

“He moves fast,” Nedzu grinned, “My guess is he’s decided to leave the rest of the robots to the
other participants. How thoughtful!”

“Wait…” Aizawa muttered, staring at the screen focussing on the green-haired teen, the image
flickering for a moment, “What is that?”


Izuku cracked open an eye as he felt the familiar sensation, scowling as he hopped up to his feet.

“Okay,” he sighed as the twisted but familiar forms began to emerge from the shadows, “Who told?
I just want a name.”

The Stygians just stared at him with their blank faces, bodies twitching as they raised their massive
razorblade swords.

“Yeah, figured,” Izuku sighed, pulling Green Knight off his back and revving it a couple of times,
“Alright, let’s dance!”


“Is he…talking to those things?” Midnight asked as they watched the teen draw his sword, the
blade beginning to glow, “And why does he seem so calm?”

“What’s he saying?” Aizawa growled, “Dammit, if Hizashi was here then-.”

“Evacuate the students immediately,” Nedzu cut him off, the rest of the staff turning to look at the
principal in surprise, “If those things are what I think they are, everyone in the testing area is in
grave danger!”

“Wait, what are they?” Midnight asked, Aizawa already pulling out his phone and dialling Hizashi
as Nedzu continued to stare at the screen, “Nedzu, sir?”

“No time to explain,” the hybrid growled, “Just get those kids out of there!”


Music pounded in his ears.

Izuku grinned as he jumped through the air, Green Knight cutting through a group of Bathos as he
went. He flipped, kicking off nothing to avoid the hail of crossbow bolts before dropping to the
ground, directly on top of a crowd of Stygians. The shockwave from his landing sent them flying
into the air, spinning helplessly as he moved.

Izuku whipped out Charity and Kindness, the dual Anti-Demon Canons unleashing a rain of bullets
on the monsters as he spun and fired. Pieces of demon rained down around him, bursting into
puddles of ichor and clouds of smoke as they hit the ground.
The teen spun his guns in his hands, easily stowing them away in the holsters under his jacket as he
looked around the now mostly deserted testing area. Pulling out an earphone, he finally heard the
evacuation notice blaring over the speakers, shrugging as he figured he might as well follow it.

“H-help!” the shout caught his attention just as he was about to put his earphone back in, turning to
look at the cute brunette trapped under a pile of rubble. How had he missed her before? Probably
got too into fighting the demons, he was lucky she hadn’t been hit. Rushing over, he easily lifted
the rubble off her leg and helped her to her feet.

“You okay?” he asked.

“My ankle hurts,” she sniffed, Izuku looking down at the swollen appendage.

“Right, let’s get you out of here, I’m sure the school has a nurse or something that can fix you- Oh
son of a bitch!” He interrupted himself as the ground in front of them began to glow, the tarmac
bulging upwards. He carefully set the girl down on the ground before drawing Green Knight again,
giving her a reassuring smile, “Hold up, I’ll handle this.”

“What?” the girl asked as the road exploded, throwing molten tar against the walls of the buildings,
the strong smell of sulphur filling the air.

“Really?” Izuku asked as he watched the massive, armoured figure stand, its chainsaw arm revving
menacingly as it turned to glare at him, “Only one Ravager? You guys aren’t taking it easy on me,
are you?”

“Son of Sparda,” the monster rumbled, “I am Gae Bolg, Captain of the Ravagers. I shall slay you
and consume your soul!”

“I’d like to see you try,” Izuku grinned as he revved Green Knight again.


“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!” Midnight screamed as the monster emerged form the
ground, “A VILLAIN?!”

“Worse,” Nedzu muttered as he hurried tapped away at the screen in front of him, trying to
reprogram the remaining exam robots, “It’s a Demon.”

“Demon?” Aizawa growled, “We have to go help that kid!”

“And get you all killed?” Nedzu shouted, startling the staff, “No, we’ll just have to hope he’s
strong enough to take it out.”

“On his own?!” Snipe shouted, “That thing is almost as big as the Zero Pointer!”

“Of course not!” Nedzu cackled as he finally finished, hitting enter, “We wouldn’t be Heroes


Izuku barely blocked the downward strike, the ground around him shattering into a crater as the
spinning chain of the chainsaw sent sparks flying off Green Knight. He barely had time to react as
the kick slammed into his side, sending him flying into a building, the entire structure starting to
collapse a moment later. He burst out of the falling rubble, coming face to face with the Demon’s
fist, which slammed him into the ground, creating another crater.
This was not going well.

“You are no match for me, Son of Sparda,” the Demon rumbled, “Now die!”

The bullets bounced harmlessly off the heavy armour of the Demon, making it pause as it slowly
turned, looking down at the numerous robots gathered behind it. A barrage of attacks suddenly
unleashed against it, barely fazing the creature as it held up an arm to protect it face.

“Pathetic insects,” it rumbled, “Begone!”

The shout sent out a shockwave that shattered and threw the remaining robots into the air and
walls, destroying them in moments. The ground shook as the massive robot, a huge ‘0’ painted on
its chest, rose from the ground, swinging a fist at the Demon. The attack was batted away, sending
the attacking arm flying off the robot, crashing into the ground a good distance away, making the
robot sway as it tried to regain its balance.

“Enough of this foolishness!” the Demon roared, “I have come to slay a Son of Sparda, not toy with
insignificant bugs!”

“Then you should have done it earlier,” the voice said from his shoulder, making the Demon turn
its head to look at Izuku, the teen panting heavily as he still managed a cocky grin, “Cause you’re
about to be dead.”

Green lightning crackled around the teen, engulfing him in light a moment later before a green fist
slammed into the Demon’s head, obliterating it in an instant. As quickly as the light appeared, it
vanished, Izuku stumbling back off the armoured shoulder and falling towards the ground. The
body of the demon exploded into thick dark smoke, rushing into the teen as he fell.

“This is gonna hurt,” he muttered as he dropped, blinking when someone slapped his back, his
gravity vanishing, “What the fuck?”

“A-are you okay?” he heard as he was lowered slowly to the ground, the brunette from before
releasing her quirk as she looked decidedly green.

“Yeah,” Izuku nodded as he replied in Japanese, “Thanks for the save.”

“No probl-,” the girl was cut off as she suddenly grabbed her mouth, stumbling behind a pile of
rubble and throwing up violently.

Izuku let out a slight chuckle, closing his eyes as he heard the Pros shouting to them as they rushed
into the testing area.



“Wow, haven’t heard that name in a while,” Izuku hummed as he stared blankly at the raging
blonde, the point-dexter from the exam standing beside him apparently mid scold, “How did you of
all people manage to get in, Kacchan?”

“How the fuck did you get into…what?” the blonde trailed off as Izuku just stared at him, startled
by the complete lack of reaction form the green-haired teen.

“I mean, you used to beat the shit out of me pretty much daily when we were younger,” Izuku
continued, digging a finger into his ear as he spoke casually, “Didn’t know UA let bullies into the
Hero course.”

“Shut the fuck up, you quirkless shitnerd!!” Bakugo screamed, jumping forwards, “I’ll kill you!”

The door slammed open, startling the rest of the class as a pair of grey bandages shot into the
room, wrapping around the two teens.

“Stop it, both of you!” the unfamiliar voice shouted, glowing red eyes glaring at the pair as they
stood bound in the strange cloth, “If you want to start a fight before class has even started, I’ll
expel both of you! And Midoriya, put the gun away!”

The class blinked at the mention of expulsion, before all turning to look at the green-haired teen,
eyes going wide as they saw the weapon, a large pistol pressed against the side of the blonde guy’s

“Didn’t you hear him, Sensei? He was about to kill me,” Izuku chuckled as the capture weapon
slowly unravelled around him, the teen sliding the gun back under his blazer, “I figured I might as
well return the favour.”

“Enough,” the man growled, rubbing his eyes as he walked into the class, “Just get your gym
uniforms on and meet me outside. We’re doing a Quirk Comprehension test.”


“Midoriya, you scored highest in the entrance exam,” Aizawa grumbled, tossing the soft ball to
him, “How far could you throw a soft ball in middle school?”

“Dunno, we didn’t do these tests in America,” Izuku shrugged, walking up to the chalk circle,
eliciting a number of whispers from the other students, “So let’s see.”

“Fine, just throw the ball using your quirk,” the man muttered, Izuku giving him a strange look.

“Uh…that’ll be a little hard,” Izuku said, “Seeing as how I don’t have a quirk.”

The whispering fell silent as the rest of the students stopped to stare in shock.

“Very funny Midoriya,” Aizawa growled, “But I saw your exam. You definitely used a quirk.”

“Not a quirk,” Izuku shook his head, “Honestly, I would have preferred to not have to use that, but
the situation was kind of do or die, y’know?”

“Midoriya,” Aizawa growled, his eyes glowing red as his capture scarf started to float around him,
“Just throw the damn ball.”

“Got it,” the teen said, tossing it lazily over his shoulder, the object vanishing into the distance as
the teacher blinked, “That good enough?”

“236.8 metres,” Aizawa read as his phone beeped, “What? But I was erasing your quirk?”

“Don’t have a quirk,” Izuku hummed, “Do you want to try again to prove it?”

“DEKU! WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GET A QUIRK?!” the shout echoed over the field
followed by a series of explosions as Bakugo launched himself towards the other teen.

“I. Don’t!” Izuku shouted as he effortlessly spun on his heel, slamming a punch straight into the
blonde’s face, sending him flying backwards into the side of the school building, the wall cratering
around him, “You’d think you assholes are deaf or something.”

“W-wait,” a floating uniform said as Izuku shook out his hand, “What do you mean you don’t have
a quirk?! You just punched that guy through a wall!”

“Huh? Oh, easy. Only humans can have quirks,” Izuku hummed as he shook out his hand, “And
I’m not entirely human.”


“You wanted to see me?”

“You’re Midoriya?” Powerloader asked as the teen walked into the workshop, nodding, “Great, I
need you to explain a few things to me.”

“Uh…sure, what’s up?”

“How the hell does this sword work?” the Pro said, pointing to the blueprints spread out on the
desk in front of him, “I know we asked for any schematics of Support gear you would be using in
the exam, but I can’t make heads or tails of this.”

“Oh yeah, Nico’s notes can be a little confusing,” Izuku laughed, “Basically, it functions off the
Exceed System, a specialised fuel injected engine that increases the destructive abilities of the

“Exceed System?” the man asked.

“Yep, originally developed by the Holy Order of the Blade, it’s an anti-demon weapon based off
my nephew’s sword,” Izuku explained casually as he pointed to various parts of the blueprints,
“That one is called Red Queen. Trish and Lady thought it would be funny to keep the naming

“So, it’s a combination of heat and vibration that increases the blade’s cutting power, right?” the
pink-haired girl asked as she poured over the blueprints, her eyes darting across them with
unnatural speed.

“Hatsume!” Powerloader shouted, trying to push her away from the desk, “Class is over! Go

“How’d you figure out the basics?” Izuku asked, the girl looking up at him excitedly.

“I can’t read the English, but the schematics are easy enough,” she said, holding out a grease-
stained hand, “Mei Hatsume, Inventor extraordinaire, and future CEO of Hatsume Industries!”

“Nice to meet you,” Izuku grinned as he shook the hand, “Izuku Midoriya, Freelance Demon
Hunter and aspiring Hero.”

“Demon Hunter?” Powerloader blinked as he looked at the green-haired teen, “What does that

“Never mind that, Sensei!” Mei said excitedly, suddenly getting right up in Izuku’s face, “Can I
take your baby apart? I promise I’ll put it back together! I’ll even make it better! Ooh, if it’s based
off an engine maybe I can add a nitro-booster to it and-!”

“No,” the single word cut her off, the other teen already turning back to the teacher, “The only
people allowed to work on Green Knight are myself and Nico. You’d just break her.”

“Break it?” Hatsume blinked, her face scrunching up in a scowl, “How do you know that?! I bet I
could make an even better sword!”

“Then prove it,” Izuku chuckled, “If you’re so confident, why don’t you use all these fancy
machines of yours to make something Nico did in the back of her van?”

The pink-haired girl wasted no time spinning on her heel and darting towards the closest
workbench, rushing to begin gathering materials.

“Why did you do that?’ Powerloader asked, “Now it’ll be even harder to get her out of here!”

“Not my problem,” Izuku shrugged as he walked out of the workshop, “Anyway, it’s getting late,
and I have some work to do. Later.”

Powerloader sighed as he looked at his energetic student, wondering how to get her to go home. A
thought then occured to him.

“Wait…I never asked about his guns.”


“BATTLE TRIALS!” All Might shouted, holding up the card as the students cheered, “But first,
you’ll need your costumes!”

The wall opened, revealing nineteen silver suitcases, the students all running forwards to grab

“Ha! Seems like UA knows what’s good for them!” Bakugo snorted as he looked at Izuku, the
green-haired teen already halfway out the door, “They didn’t bother making a costume for your
quirkless ass, Deku!”

“Not really. I’ve had my gear for a few years now, Kacchan,” Izuku laughed, “It’s already in my
locker in the changing rooms, so you guys better hurry up.”

“What?!” the class shouted as he left.


“They say the outfit makes the man! And today you are all Heroes!” All Might shouted at the
sounds of footsteps, turning to look at the approaching students.

“Just me, big guy,” Midoriya called as he strolled out of the tunnel, “The rest are still staring at
their gear.”

“Ah! Well then…” All Might coughed slightly, “It seems you dressed quite quickly! An
admirable trait in a Hero!”

All Might inspected the teen, eyes falling on the handle sticking out over his shoulder and the
slight bulges in his coat under his arms. The No. 1 Hero had been warned that Midoriya possessed
powerful and dangerous Support Gear, and that he should probably limit their use in the upcoming

“About your Support Gear-,” he started.

“I don’t plan on killing anyone,” Midoriya interrupted, pulling the sword off his back and sitting
down, already tinkering with the strange engine like part at the base of the blade.

“Ah, good to know!” All Might hummed, turning as he heard more footsteps rapidly approaching,
“Well, I trust you’ll be careful with your Support equipment in this test!”

“Of course,” Midoriya hummed, “Green Knight, Charity, and Kindness aren’t for killing humans.”

“That’s a strange way of putting it,” the Pro muttered, “As if his gear is meant for killing


“So,” the brunette said as Izuku stretched lazily, “What’s the plan?”

“Knowing Kacchan, he’ll probably come right after me,” Izuku said, “So I’ll handle him. You go
looking for the point-dexter in the meantime. If you run into any trouble, contact me on the

“Right,” Uraraka said slowly, “And uhm…his name is Iida.”

“I know, hot stuff,” Izuku laughed, “It’s just funnier to watch his face when I call him ‘point-

“H-hot s-stuff?” Ochako blushed, “What do you mean by that?!”

“You’re wearing skin-tight vinyl and have a cute face,” Izuku laughed, “And you expect me not to
take notice?”

“C-cute?!” the girl gasped, her hands hiding her face as she started to float away.

“It’s almost time to start,” Izuku said flatly, his attitude suddenly going serious, “Get back down
here unless you plan to float to the roof. Actually, do that. They won’t expect it.”






The two teens stared each other down in the back room of the fake building, one standing in a
ready stance, his hands crackling with explosions, and the other stood casually, hands in his
pockets and a bored look on his face.

“I’m going to kill you!”

“Not a very Heroic thing to say, you know,” Izuku sighed, pulling a hand out to pick at his ear,
“Also, do you always have to shout? It’s kind of annoying.”

“Go to hell!” the blonde roared.

“Actually, already been,” Izuku chuckled, “Nice place, the screaming of tortured souls really adds
to the ambience.”

“I’m sure you remember how my quirk works,” the blonde snarled, ignoring Izuku’s words as he
raised the gauntlet on his arm, “But these gauntlets collect my sweat! Allowing me to let off a
much bigger explosion!”

“Stop Bakugo! That will kill him!” All Might’s words came through the earpieces.

“Not if he dodges!” the blond roared as he pulled the pin, unleashing the blast.

Izuku did not dodge.

The explosion engulfed him, tearing through the building and blasting out a wall as the blonde
grinned manically, staggering back as his shoulder ached slightly. He waved away some of the
dust and smoke, looking around for the other teen.

“Eh,” the sound made him freeze, looking at the other boy as the smoke cleared, standing in
exactly the same place as before, “I’ve been hit harder.”

“What the fuck?” the blonde whispered as the gun seemed to appear in the green-haired teen’s

“And since you went for a kill shot, I get to do the same, right?” the grin that spread across Izuku’s
face made the blonde shiver, staring at the oversized gun in his hand.

“Midoriya! I warned you about using your weapons!”

“And I told you, All Might,” the teen laughed, “They aren’t for killing humans.”

The shot rung out in the destroyed space, Bakugo falling back as the gauntlet he’d just fired
shattered on his hand, the blonde trying to raise his other arm. Th boot slammed into his chest,
driving him into the floor as he gasped for air, feeling his ribs strain under the pressure.

“Surrender,” Izuku hummed, pressing the barrel of the gun against the blonde’s forehead, making
him freeze.

“Never!” he shouted back, screaming as the shot went off right next to his ear, the heat scorching
his skin as he slapped a hand to his head.

“Resist and the next shot won’t miss,” he could barely hear the words over the ringing in his head.
He felt the capture tape be wound around his wrist as All Might announced his capture, barely able
to process it over the pain. He staggered to his feet as the other teen strolled away, looking at his
glove, the red stain making him shiver.

“What the fuck happened to you, Deku?” he asked quietly.


“Oi Squirt!” the shout made the green-haired teen jerk, looking around frantically as the other
students around him blinked in confusion.

“Dante! What the hell are you doing here?” Izuku shouted as soon as he spotted the familiar red
coat, running over to the older man to give him a hug.

“Got a job in the area,” the white-haired man laughed, “Well, it’s more of a gig for Trish and Lady.
They’re helping amp up this place’s security to account for Demons. I’m just here in case any of
the fuckers show up.”

“And Vergil?” Izuku asked.

“Still doing his Freedom Fighter bullshit,” Dante hummed, “Anyway, what’s with the other brats
staring at us?”

“Oh! Those are my classmates,” Izuku said, quickly turning back to the crowd, “Everyone, this is
my brother, Dante. He can’t speak Japanese, so don’t bother trying to communicate.”

“Oi, I may not know what you’re saying, but I can recognise when you’re making fun of me!” the
man grumbled as he cuffed Izuku on the back of the head.

“Woah! So manly!” Kirishima shouted.

“How are you related? You look nothing alike.” Tooru called.

“Does he have weapons like yours?” Kaminari asked.

“He’s technically my half-brother,” Izuku laughed, “Same dad. As for weapons, yeah. And a hell
of a lot more than me.”

“His costume looks a lot like yours,” Tsuyu said, “Is he a professional Hero?”

Izuku blinked, before bursting into laughter, making the other students stare at him in confusion.

“This asshole? A Hero? Hell no!” Izuku snorted as he wiped a tear from his eye, “He’s way too
selfish to bother with that!”

“Oi, you’re making fun of me again, aren’t you?” the man growled.

“Yep,” Izuku replied, dodging the punch, “What? It’s a little brother’s duty to give his big brother

“Izuku!” the shout made the group pause, turning to see a pair of women approaching them,
accompanied by the principal himself.

“Trish! Lady!” the excited teen shouted, running over to them and hugging the two women, “It’s
great to see you again!”

“Same here, kid,” Trish said as she ruffled his hair, “Not causing too many problems I hope?”

“Only the necessary ones,” Izuku grinned as he replied, “I take it you’re here cause of the thing
with the Entrance Exam?”

“Yeah,” Lady nodded, “We would have come earlier, but we had a few things to take care of first.”

“Mundus?” the green-haired teen asked, the woman nodding, “Bastard never lets up, does he?”

“As entertaining as this is,” the principal suddenly cut in, “We do still have the rest of the school
grounds to tour! If you would follow me, ladies!”

“See you around, kiddo,” Lady laughed as she patted his head again, Trish just waving as they left.

“Dude,” Kaminari gasped, staring after them, “You know chicks that hot?!”
“They’d break you,” Izuku laughed as he rejoined the group of students.


The NOmu, cried out in pain as the bullets slammed into it, driving it back off the teacher before it
could slam his head into the concrete. Shigaraki stared in shock as the massive holes kept
appearing on the Nomu even as it tried to heal, bullets punching through it like it was paper.

“He may be a prick, but he’s still my teacher!” the gun wielding teen shouted, unloading into the
monster, “And I have no idea what the fuck you are, but you’re no where near as tough as a

“Not as tough as a demon?” Shigaraki shouted, anger boiling in his gut, “Nomu was specifically
designed to kill All Might! It’s a real-life monster, you brat!”

“You really think so?” the teen laughed, holstering the pistols under his green leather jacket, “Then
let’s put that to the test!”

The air filled with the sound of revving engines as the teen drew his sword, the blade already
glowing red hot.

“I’ve been meaning to blow off some steam for a while,” the boy laughed as he confidently walked
forwards, “Hope your little toy lasts long enough to count!”

“What?!” the sound of his shout was cut off by the loud revving, the blade starting to glow white.
Blood sprayed as the weapon cut down into the brain of the muscular creature, continuing straight
down and bisecting it in a moment. A shocked silence filled the building as the teen stood back,
staring at the defeated creature.

“Well,” he sighed, “That was unsatisfying.”

“You…you killed it?!” Shigaraki shrieked, “How?! It was made to defeat All Might!”

“I’m not All Might,” the boy shrugged, blinking as his eyes snapped to the side, “Oh, mother

“What?” Shigaraki blinked at the English, turning to look where the teen was staring, his eyes
going wide.

A number of long, flat blades were emerging from the ground, pulling twisted doll-like creatures
out after them. The ground shifted, warping as a woman stepped out, her body wreathed in flame as
she cracked a pair of whips.

“Son of Sparda,” She hummed, “I am Autronach. I have come to punish you!”

“What is going on?” Shigaraki yowled, charging towards the woman, “This was my plan! Why are
you here?! Who are you?! Get lost!”

The gun shots rang out again, the force of the bullets being fired from behind him forcing him to
the ground as they slammed into the doll things, their bodies exploding on impact. The fire woman
just lashed her whips, blocking the incoming projectiles easily. The teen slipped the guns away,
quickly drawing his blade.

“Shit, looks like I’ll have to be more hands on, huh?” the teen chuckled, revving his sword, “Let’s
dance, beautiful.”
“With pleasure!” the demon smiled.

Shigaraki stared, unable to move as the force of their clashes pressed him to the ground. The teen
shouted something else, the woman replying, making the green-haired boy scowl. He quickly
sheathed his weapon, jumping back as a strange halberd appeared in his hands. Rather than an axe
head, this weapon appeared to have a spinning saw blade instead, which screeched noisily as it
began to spin. The fight only became more intense, Shigaraki gasping as the portal opened beneath
him, dropping him to the concrete a short distance away.

“One of the students managed to escape, Shigaraki,” Kurogiri said, “It would be best that we

“Yes,” the pale-haired man muttered, “But first…I want that!”


Izuku gasped as the fiery whip lashed around his wrist, burning his skin as he was yanked
forwards. He grinned as the demon prepared to strike him again, whipping Gae Bolg around in his
free hand, pointing the tip directly at her chest. She didn’t have the time to react as the weapon
pierced through her, the saw-blade head revving as it cut into her, leaving a jagged hole through
her chest.

“Gotcha bitch,” Izuku grinned, blinking when he felt Green Knight shift on his back.

Glancing back, he saw the dark portal, and the hand sticking out of it, pulling his sword out of the
crumbling sheath. He tried to spin around, gasping as the life force of the greater demon suddenly
rushed into him, filling him with power but also slowing him down.

He watched as the pale-haired man cradled Green Knight in his arms, grinning as he stepped back
into the portal and vanishing.

“Oh hell no!” Izuku shouted as he stared at the empty air, “Mother fucker stole my sword!”


“Sensei,” Tomura crooned as he walked up to the imposing figure the chair, “I have a gift for you.”

“A gift?” All for One chuckled, holding out his hand for the object the other was holding, “What is

“A sword,” Tomura said as the blade floated over to the man, who ran his fingers over it, “Except
I’ve never seen one like it before. It has-.”

“An Exceed Engine,” All for One growled, “Kurogiri, get rid of this thing! Now! We can’t have
them finding us ye-!”

The room they were in suddenly rumbled, making the three figures look up in confusion.

“No,” All for One growled, “No, no, no! This ruins my whole plan! Tomura, what have you

“S-Sensei? I don’t understand! What’s wrong with the sword?!”

“It’s not the sword,” the man growled, “It’s the people it brings!”

The roof collapsed, a single figure rising from the rubble as he brushed some dust off his red coat.

“You think you can best me? I am over two hundred years old! I know about Demons and Devils! I
know what you are!”

“Look, I just want the sword back so the Squirt will stop whining,” the red coated man sighed as
they stood opposite each other in the middle of the destruction, “So hand it over already.”

“I could inform Mundus of your location, half-breed! What would you do then?”

“You think you can threaten me. Cute,” the other man laughed, “Just give me the sword and I’ll be
out of your…well, lack of hair, potato face.”

“I am easily as strong as an Arch Devil, and you dare talk to me that way?!”

“Really? Cause you may be ugly enough to be a demon, but you certainly aren’t strong enough.”

“Insolent cur! I’ll destroy you!”

“I just want the sword.”


“GREEN KNIGHT! They didn’t hurt you, did they?!” the teen shouted as Dante handed over the
sword, the boy immediately inspecting the blade.

“That’s creepy, Squirt,” Dante sighed as he heard Trish and Lady chuckling behind him,

“Excuse me…” the unfamiliar voice said, making Dante turn to look at the musclebound blond
grinning down at him, “I understand that you fought a Villain and-.”

“The potato faced guy? Yeah, he wasn’t all that tough,” Dante shrugged, “Lots to say, but I’ve
killed tougher. Who are you?”
Chapter Summary

Izuku can hear the Vestiges as soon as he fully absorbs One For All.

Inspired by One for All and Eight for the Ninth by Griffinguy24.

Chapter Notes

Okay, this was originally going to be a short one shot, but then I had too many ideas
and it reached over 9k words. I am tired now, but this fic still feels far from done.

Thanks as always to Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading my insanity

and helping me not suck at making sense in these stories!

Folks on the Discord Group, remember to shout at me to finish this.

Izuku lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

He knew that he should be asleep, but the nerves and excitement were getting the better of him.
He’d been given All Might’s quirk. He was going to take part in the UA Hero Entrance Exam
tomorrow. He was going to be able to save people.

The soft female laugh made him blink.

“You chose a good one, Toshi,” the unfamiliar voice in his head said, making the teen shoot up in

“What?” he gasped, looking around frantically.

“Wait…what?” several voices suddenly called in his head, making him shudder slightly.

“A mental quirk? Telepathy, maybe? Who are you?”

“You can hear us?” a gruff voice asked, “Well shit.”

“We didn’t think it’d happen this fast,” a calm and quieter voice muttered, “Has One For All
reached singularity already? But how?”

“Singularity?” Izuku said, getting out of bed and starting to search his room, “Who are you? Where
are you? Why are you talking in my head?”

“It’s okay,” the female voice said soothingly, like a mother to a worried child, “We’re not here to
hurt you. If anything, we’re here to help you.”

“But who are you? And how are you in my head?” Izuku asked.
“We’re the Vestiges of the previous holders of One For All,” the calm voice replied, “There are
eight of us in here, one for each previous holder, with you being the ninth.”

“Basically,” the gruff voice cut in, “Your quirk is haunted.”


Toshinori Yagi sighed as his phone vibrated, expecting it to be another message from Nedzu
reminding him, again, that he had more paperwork to fill out. His eyes went wide as he saw the
random string of letters under the name “Young Midoriya”.

Are you okay? He sent back, receiving another garbled series of letters, before two messages that
sent a shiver down his spine.



Toshinori immediately inflated, rushing out the door of his rented apartment as he dialled the boy’s
number. He pressed the phone to his ear as he leapt into the sky, sailing towards where he
remembered Izuku saying he lived.

“Please be okay, please be okay!” the man muttered as the phone rang, before being picked up,
“Young Mirodiya! Are you okay? I’m on my way to you right now!”

“There are voices in my head!” the panicked voice on the other side of the phone said rapidly,
“They say they’re part of the quirk and…what? Who? Why should I do that? I don’t know who you

“Calm down a moment, my boy,” All Might said as he landed deftly in top of a building, looking
around to try and figure out where he was, “Who is trying to talk to you?”

“Someone called Nana. Nana Shimura?” the Pro froze at the name, “ She…she says she knows
you? To call you Toshi and say that you’re deathly afraid of someone called Gran Torino? All
Might, what’s going on?”

All Might almost fell out of the sky, barely managing to land safely on the roof of a skyscraper.

“Did…did you just say Nana Shimura?” he asked softly.

“Y-yeah? Do you really know her?” Izuku asked.

“Yes…yes, I do,” All Might muttered, “She is…was…She was my Master. The one who
handed One For All down to me.”

The silence hung between them for a moment, before All Might continued speaking.

“If it really is her, then you can trust her. I’m not sure about the other voices, though,” he
said, “It’s quite late, but can you meet me at Dagobah? We need to talk about this in person.”

“O-of course, All Might!” Izuku replied, the sounds of movement coming down the line as he
obviously was getting ready to go out.

Toshinori hung up as he deflated, walking down the stairs of the building and into the night.

“Listen kid, we’re really not bad people,” the gruff voice said in Izuku’s mind as the teen walked
quickly down the dark street, “We jus’ want tah help you.”

“Just stop, Daigoro,” the female voice that had called itself Nana said, “You’re just making him
more anxious.”

“I too would be anxious if I started hearing the voices of strangers in my head,” a new voice

“You’re always anxious, Hikage,” Nana sighed, “It comes with your quirk.”

“This is true,” the now identified Hikage replied.

“C-could you all please stop talking?” Izuku muttered under his breath, not wanting anyone to hear
him despite it being the middle of the night and the street being empty, “I feel crazy enough just
talking to myself.”

“Then why not speak in your mind?” the calm and quiet voice said, “We should be able to hear
your thoughts if they are directed at us.”

“O-okay,” Izuku mumbled, Hello?

“It works,” another new voice said, “Good.”

“As En says, it is good that you can speak to us without having to vocalise,” the calm voice
hummed in his mind, Izuku shivering as he could swear he felt a hand touch his shoulder, making
the teen spin around and look down the empty street in terror.

What happened? Did you do that? Izuku asked.

“Wait, you felt that?” the calm voice asked, “Interesting. That may be useful for us in the future,
but first, I believe introductions are in order. Shall we go chronologically?”

“You already know about me,” the female voice called, “Nana Shimura, quirk: Float. I trained
Toshi and passed One For All down to him.”

“En, sixth holder, quirk: Smoke Screen,” the curt voice that had spoken before said, “That’s all.”

“Daigoro Banjo,” the gruff voice said happily, “My quirk’s called Black Whip. Nice tah meetcha,

“Hikage Shinomori, my quirk is called Danger Sense,” the next voice said.

Silence hung in his mind for a while as Izuku absorbed the names and quirks, wondering why
they’d stopped until the calm voice spoke again.

“Come now, you two, you should at least introduce yourselves.”

“Not happening,” a new voice grumbled, “Chief and I don’t like the kid. Too idealistic. Even
worse than that fool Toshinori.”

“Come now,” the calm voice sighed, “He’s the newest Holder, you should show him some
“He’ll have to earn it,” another new voice said flatly, “I don’t like a kid having this power
anymore than I did when Seventh gave it to the blonde idiot.”

“Hey!” Nana said, “Toshi isn’t that bad!”

Speaking of All Might, is he also in there? I haven’t heard him yet, Izuku said in his mind, crossing
the road to the beach.

“Kind of?” Nana hummed, “I mean, there’s a Vestige here, but it’s sort of…incomplete? Maybe
because the embers of One For All haven’t left Toshi entirely yet, maybe because he’s still alive.
We’re not sure.”

Still alive? Izuku asked, Wait, so if All Might d-dies, I might get him in my head as well?

“It’s a distinct possibility,” the calm voice said, “Oh, but I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am
Yoichi Shigaraki, first Holder of One For All.”

And what was your quirk? Izuku asked, stepping down onto the sand and looking around for the
familiar figure.

“It didn’t have a name, but it was a combination of a quirk that could be willingly passed on and a
stockpiling quirk,” Yoichi said as Izuku spotted All Might, running up to the skinny man.

“Ah, Young Midoriya,” Toshinori said quietly as the teen approached, “Are you okay? These
voices aren’t causing any problems, are they?”

“N-not currently,” Izuku shook his head, “I mean, they all…most of them introduced themselves. I
think they’re nice?”

A strange feeling like he’d just been slapped on the back made him stumble slightly. It wasn’t like
the usual hits he took at school, feeling strangely friendly.

“Woops, sorry ‘bout that, kid,” the voice of Daigoro said, “Didn’t mean tah knock you over.”

“Are you okay?” Toshinori asked.

“Y-yeah, just…one of the Vestiges just slapped me on the back a bit hard,” Izuku said.

“You can feel them?”

“Apparently?” Izuku nodded, “Uhm…All Might, did you not have this when you had One For

“No, not at all,” Toshinori shook his head, “Trust me, if I could have, I would. Even if just to
apologise to my Master for being so weak an-.”

He was cut off as Izuku flinched, grabbing his head.

“Ow,” the teen muttered, before looking up at the concerned man, “Sorry, she’s…Nana’s shouting
at you. It kind of hurts?”

“Shouting at me?” Toshinori asked, “What’s she saying?”

“That you shouldn’t blame yourself for what happened,” Izuku replied, “Uhm…she made her
choice and doesn’t regret it. She had to save you so that you could save others. What is she talking
about, All Might?”
“I…that does sound like her,” the man chuckled weakly, “I’m sorry, Young Midoriya, I was just a
bit taken aback to hear you talking about my old master.”

“S-so, what now?” the teen asked.

“Now we help you control your new power,” Yoichi said, “And prepare you to gain our quirks.”

“Wait,” Izuku gasped, “Gain your quirks? What do you mean?”

“You’ll be able to access all of our quirks eventually,” Nana explained, “We’re not entirely sure
how, but our wills and quirks got stored inside One For All after we passed it on.”

“So, your quirks all got stockpiled inside One For All?” Izuku asked, getting the feeling that the
Vestiges were nodding.

“What?” Toshinori said, “I apologise, Young Midoriya, but I’m only hearing half the conversation

“Oh, s-sorry All Might!” Izuku squeaked, “They…the Vestiges were saying that I was going to
gain their quirks, and that they’ll help train me and stuff.”

“Huh,” the blonde nodded, “That is certainly a good thing. Considering you can hear them, that
probably means that you’ve fully absorbed One For All by now. Do you want to test out your new

“N-now? Like right now?”

“No time like the present!” All Might laughed, inflating in an instant, “Just throw a punch out
to sea!”

“S-so, what do I do?”

“Clench your butt cheeks and yell SMASH inside your heart!”

There was a moment of silence as Izuku stared at the man, before a mixture of laughter and groans
filled his head.

“Uhm…I don’t think that’s a good idea, All Might,” Izuku muttered, “The Vestiges don’t seem to
like it.”

“T-they don’t?” All Might gasped, looking like a rejected schoolgirl as Izuku shook his head, “W-
well then, perhaps they are better suited to explaining how your power works than I am!”

“Smartest thing he’s ever said,” the low voice of the Second grumbled.

There was some muttering like a small argument was going on, before quiet fell on his mind again.

“Okay, Ninth,” Yoichi said, “Here’s what you need to do. Close your eyes and feel the energy
within yourself. We’ll help you find it.”

“R-right,” Izuku muttered as he closed his eyes, searching for something inside himself, gasping as
he felt himself be pulled towards something.

“Good, now, your body won’t be able to handle all of the power right now, so try to take as much
as you can before your body starts to strain,” the First continued, Izuku feeling like a comforting
hand was placed on his shoulder as he reached for the power, “Good. Just like that. Now spread it
across your entire body.”

Izuku gasped as he felt the power surge through him, blinking his eyes open to see the green
lightning crackling over him. He closed his eyes again, drawing out more power, until he felt his
muscles and bones begin to ache. A gentle squeeze on his shoulder made him stop drawing power,
letting a little of it go until his body stopped hurting.

“Very good,” Yoichi hummed, “Now, throw a punch out to sea.”

Izuku nodded, sliding his feet across the sand as he opened his eyes, glowing a vibrant electric
green as he wound up the strike. There was a soft ‘thwump’ sound as he threw his arm forwards,
blinking as the surface of the water spilt for a moment, before closing up again.

“Excellent, Young Midoriya!” All Might clapped, “I would say that that was about 5% of your
power right there!”

“Actually, you’ll probably be stronger than Toshi,” Nana said, “One For All gets stronger with
each generation, so that was closer to about 3% of your maximum potential.”

“O-oh!” Izuku gasped, looking at All Might as the man blinked.

“Something wrong, Young Midoriya?” he asked.

“N-no, it’s just…Uhm…Nana-san said that I would be stronger than you,” Izuku fidgeted as he
spoke, looking down at his shoes, “That that was only about 3% of my power.”

“3%? Oh my gods!” the man cried out, a wide grin on his face, “This is excellent, my boy!
You’ll be able to become an even better Symbol of Peace than I was!”

“Jus’ don’t let the power go tah your head, kiddo,” Daigoro chuckled, “We’ll know, we’re in

“R-right!” Izuku nodded as he spoke.


“Watch you step!” Nana called as Izuku spotted the loose flag stone at the last moment, managing
to catch himself but still stumbling forwards slightly.

T-thank you, Shimura-san, he thought, eliciting a laugh form the woman.

“I told you, Izuku, just call me Nana. I mean, if you’re worried about familiarity, I’m in your head
already, can’t get more familiar than that!”

Right, of course Shim-Nana-san, the teen replied, straightening out his school uniform.

“Deku,” the word made Izuku flinch, spoken with such venom that he felt like he was about to die
right then and there. Turning slowly, Izuku looked back at the blonde standing behind him.

“H-hi, Kacchan!” he squeaked.

“Get the fuck out of my way, you worthless Deku,” Katsuki snarled, stomping forwards and
shoulder barging the teen.
Izuku stumbled back, about to fall over when he felt his gravity suddenly vanish.

“Wow, he was rude,” the brunette said as she pulled him up by his hand, gently placing him on the
ground before she pressed her fingertips together, “Sorry, I used my quirk on you, but it would be
bad luck to fall on the day of the test, right?”

“Y-yeah!” Izuku squeaked, nodding frantically as his gravity returned.

“Thank her, Ninth,” Yoichi said in the back of his mind, “And introduce yourself.”

“Thank you!” Izuku said on autopilot, “I’m Izuku Midoriya!”

“Oh! Ochako Uraraka! We should probably get going, don’t want to be late!” the girl chuckled,
hurrying off as Izuku stared after her.

“I talked to a girl!” he gasped loudly, blushing when he heard the laughs around him, curling in on
himself as he hurried towards the testing building.

“Only sorta, kid,” Daigoro chuckled, “But at least you got a name.”

Y-yeah! Izuku replied enthusiastically, I hope she gets through, she has a really interesting quirk. I
want to talk to her about it!

“Still a nerd, through and through,” Nana chuckled as he rushed into the exam venue.


Is it really okay? Izuku asked, I mean, I normally don’t do well on tests and things and-

“Kid, shut up,” Daigoro grunted, “I might not know much, but even I can see that you’re a hell of a
lot smarter than me. Right, guys?”

“I agree. You are definitely smarter than Daigoro,” Hikage said as Izuku looked down at the paper
in front of him, already finished with over an hour still left on the clock.

“You’re a scarily smart kid, Izuku,” Nana added, “And trust me, everything you put down was as
right as it could be.”

O-oh, t-thank you, Izuku replied as he fought back the tears that pricked his eyes, quickly wiping
his face, That’s the first time someone other than my mom called me smart.

The silence hung in his head for a moment, before a wave of anger washed over him.

“Who hurt yah like that, kid?!” Daigoro growled, “We’ll kick their asses!”

“Yeah!” Nana shouted.

“Everyone, calm down, now,” Yoichi’s voice cut through the clamour, “You’re overwhelming
Ninth with your emotions!”

“Oh, damn. Sorry kid,” Daigoro said.

“Yeah, sorry Izuku,” Nana added, the other two that were talking to him apologising as well.

W-well, thank you all the same. What should I do now? Should I check my answers again?
“You’ve already checked them four times,” Hikage hummed, “Even I would say that that’s
overdoing it.”

“See if you can get out early,” En hummed, “There might be a place we can go and practice using
One For All for a bit.”

Right, Izuku nodded, putting up his hand, Izuku almost fanboying as Snipe, THE SNIPE!
Approached him. Speaking quietly to the Pro, the gas masked man just nodded, moving back to the
front to collect an envelope to put his paper in. A few minutes later, Izuku was outside the exam
hall, having weathered several glares and stares as he left.

“There’s a courtyard jus’ over there yeh can wait in, pard’ner,” Snipe said as he pointed Izuku in
the direction, “Jus’ make sure yeh don’t miss the practical orientation.”

“Y-yessir!” Izuku squeaked as the Pro went back into the exam hall.

“A relative of yours, Daigoro?” Nana chuckled.

“What? Nah! He speaks like one of them American cowboys!” the gruff voice huffed.

“And you just speak like a delinquent,” En muttered.


“That’s enough you three, we need to help Ninth prepare for the practical,” Yoichi cut in, “First,
we need to help calm his emotions. Izuku, go find a nice place to sit and I’ll walk you through
some meditation.”

Okay, the teen nodded as he hurried into the courtyard.


“Kid, you’re muttering again,” Daigoro said as Izuku stared down at the stage, Present Mic
explaining the practical exam to them.

Right, sorry, Izuku thought as he clamped his mouth shut. He could almost forget that Bakugo was
sitting right next to him, letting off an angrier feeling than usual.

A blue-haired boy stood up, asking about the fourth robot, Present Mic explaining about it as
Izuku held his hand over his mouth to stop from muttering.

“We’ll work on that habit later,” Yoichi said, “For now, you need to prepare yourself. Do you
have anything you can use to protect your hands?”

My hands? Izuku asked, No, why?

“All you got is the super strength right now, kid, so you’re going to be punching and kicking
things,” Daigoro replied, “You don’t want to get your knuckles all scraped up from beating up
robots. Jus’ ask someone in the changing rooms if they got any sports tape, say yeh forgot yours.”

I-isn’t that lying? Izuku asked as Present Mic finished up, the students all standing to leave.

“Not really,” En cut in, “You just forgot to have any at all.”

Right, Izuku nodded as the crowd siphoned into the designated changing areas, the teen looking
around for anyone who looked like they were using sports tape.
He spotted a boy wrapping his arms in tape, a couple of extra rolls in his bag, Izuku walking
quickly over to him.

“Uhm…s-sorry,” he mumbled as he approached, the boy looking at him strangely, “I uhm…I

forgot my sports tape at home. C-could I have some of yours?”

“Huh?” the other boy said, looking down at the spare rolls, before shrugging, “Sure, whatever.”

“T-thank you!” Izuku gasped as the other teen tossed him a roll of red tape, “Goodluck!”

“You too buddy,” the other kid nodded as Izuku hurried away, rolling up his sleeves.

“Okay, now, follow our instructions for wrapping your hands,” Yoichi said, “This will help you
reduce strain on your muscles as well.”

Okay, Izuku replied as he did what they said, clenching and unclenching his hands afterwards to
test the tightness.

“Good job, Izuku,” Nana hummed, “Now, let’s get out there and show the world what you’re made


“GO GO GO!” the shout in his head made Izuku jump, charging towards the open gate as the rest
of the examinees stared up at Present Mic in confusion.

“Don’t forget One For All!” Nana called as Izuku blinked, taking a deep breath as he let the power
pulse through him, green lightning starting to spark off his body as he went.

“Two o’clock,” En said, “Two-pointer and two one-pointers.”

“Don’t forget yah got legs to, kid!” Daigoro shouted excitedly as Izuku punched through the two
one-pointers, the teen swinging a leg up and stamping down on the scorpion like two-pointer,
crushing it.

“Your entire body is a weapon,” Hikage added, “You should remember to use it as such.”

Right, Izuku nodded, jumping forwards in a streak of green and slamming into another robot. He
quickly went about smashing his way through a number of the faux Villains, racking up a decent
number of points.

“You’re doing great, Izuku!” Nana said, “You’re not even scared!”

Actually, I’m terrified! Izuku chuckled in his mind, Wait, that person needs help!

“Don’t bother,” the harsh voice of the Third growled, “The point of this exercise is to get points
by defeating robots. Just focus on that.”

No! Izuku barked back, getting a sense that he’d startled the man as he rushed towards the
overwhelmed girl, crashing feet first through a three-pointer as he dropkicked it, I’m doing this to
be a Hero! And Heroes save people!

“Couldn’t a’ said it better myself, kid!” Daigoro laughed as Nana cheered, the feeling of them
encouraging him making Izuku feel more confident.

He shot forwards, scooping the girl up in his arms as he darted out of the way of a second three-
pointer’s fist, the girl struggling in his arms.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Get off!” the girl shouted, “I had it under control!”

“You were about to be crushed!” Izuku replied, both looking back at the point she’d been, the
three-pointer pulling its fist out of the large hole it had punched in the tarmac.

The girl paled as she saw that, getting quickly to her feet and muttering a thanks before running off.

“Don’t get distracted,” En said, “There are more enemies around you.”

R-right! Izuku replied, jumping into the air to get a better view.


The girl cried out as the Zero-pointer loomed over the city, Izuku’s mind going blank as he blocked
out the shouts of the Vestiges. Power coursed through him, throwing him into the air before he
could react, his legs flapping uselessly behind him. He drew back his arm, balling his hand into a
fist and swinging forwards. Adrenaline pumped through his body. The robot collapsed under his

Izuku looked down, eyes desperately scanning the ground for the girl as the steel behemoth
collapsed backwards, spotting her lifting the rubble off her leg, her own eyes locked on him. She
staggered over to a collapsed robot, clambering on top before touching it, the faux Villain floating
into the air with her on top. She stretched her arm out as Izuku fell, reaching for him. He extended
his left arm. Their fingers touched, hands sliding together as his gravity vanished and the girl

She quickly pulled her hand away, touching her fingers together and muttering something, both
him and the robot floating gently down to the ground.

“T-thank you,” he managed to mutter, before the girl’s cheeks inflated and she began vomiting
over the side of the robot, making him flinch.

“If you’re injured, go to the front!” an old voice called, Izuku blinking as Recovery Girl
approached him, “Oh dear, what have you done to yourself, young man?”

“Had to…help,” he gasped as the adrenaline started to fade, suddenly realising just how much his
limbs hurt, “Ow.”

“Ow?” Nana’s voice finally seemed to reach him, sounding like an angry and worried mother,
“Izuku, you shattered both your legs and one of your arms and all you can say is “OW”?”

“It’s the shock and adrenaline,” Yoichi hummed as Recovery Girl kissed Izuku on the cheek, his
limbs glowing as they untwisted and healed, “Though that Heroine appears to be fixing the

“Oh yeah, Chiyo will fix him right up,” Nana agreed, “But that still doesn’t excuse that fact that he

“He didn’t use 100%, it seems he was still able to unconsciously limit his output to prevent
permanently crippling his limbs,” Yoichi hummed, “But you are right, we will need to work on
“I agree,” En muttered.

“Seems we have a lot of training to do,” Hikage sighed.

Izuku couldn’t focus on the conversation happening in his head as he felt a wave of exhaustion
wash over him, unconsciousness coming quickly and peacefully.


The next week was…interesting for Izuku. He’d woken up from a dreamless sleep in the UA
Infirmary with a strange figure looming over him, the man’s shoulder length white hair covering
most of his face, only a single bright green eye visible. Izuku had initially freaked out, before
Yoichi had reintroduced himself, Izuku realising that the figure was wavy and partially see

So, it turned out he could now see the Vestiges, though only one at a time, and it meant that he
couldn’t hear the others at the same time. Yoichi had quickly explained their plan for him, that
they were going to train him in each of their areas of expertise in the coming weeks before the
official start of his time at UA.

“B-but how do you know that I got in?” Izuku muttered to the wavering image.

“I don’t, but you acted heroically in that test, even if you did harm yourself, so it would be foolish
not to accept you,” the man said, patting Izuku on the shoulder, “Now rest, you’ll need your energy
in the coming days.”

And the First hadn’t been joking. Izuku’s mornings started just as early as they had when All
Might was training him, though the syllabus was different. First came Nana, who taught him the
basics of hand-to-hand fighting. This was quickly followed by Hikage teaching him evasive
techniques. Both ended with him sprawled out on the sands of Dagobah Beach, phantom bruises
stinging across his body.

Next was En, sharing his knowledge of stealth and subterfuge, Izuku finding it easy to learn as he
was used to avoiding bullies at school. Daigoro taught him how to fight dirty, tactics for throwing
his opponents off guard and where to aim to do the most damage without killing a person, as well
as parkour and how to move through almost any environment. Izuku’s evenings were filled with
long discussions with Yoichi about quirks and tactics, the First being a wealth of knowledge on
both, Izuku filling up notebook after notebook during their talks.

The Second and Third remained mostly silent, never showing themselves and seldom talking, and
even then, usually only to criticise him in some way. However, Izuku didn’t feel the same
maliciousness he felt when his classmates insulted him from them, almost as if they were trying to
help in some small way. They all also worked to help him build up his self-esteem and confidence,
coaching him through various scenarios, especially after learning about how he was treated at

Nana and Daigoro had wanted Izuku to punch all of his teachers, and most of the students, through
a wall at first, though Yoichi had quickly cut that idea off. The First suggested that it was best
Izuku hide his new power for a while longer, but something in his voice made Izuku shiver. And
before Izuku knew it, a week had passed, his mother running up to him, tears in her eyes as she
handed him the letter from UA.

“Hello, Young Midoriya!” the hologram of All Might said from the small projector on the teen’s
desk, “It has been a while, hasn’t it? Sorry, I was caught up in work and- huh? Hurry it up? But
I have important things to say. Wait, I have to do how many of these? Oh, okay. Ahem, sorry
about that! Anyway, you are looking at the newest member of UA Faculty! I will be helping
teach the Heroes of the future next year!”

“All Might will be teaching at UA?!” Izuku gasped, shaking with excitement.

“Oh no, that’ll be a disaster,” Nana groaned.

“As for your results, Young Midoriya! You scored a respectable 37 Villain points in the exam,
however, that is not enough for you to pass.”

Izuku froze, staring at the smiling image in shock. Had he failed? Had he disappointed All Might?
Was he really usel-?

“Oh, come on Toshi, don’t keep Izuku hanging like that!” Nana’s voice shouted in his head, the
recording continuing a moment later.

“But Villain points weren’t the only thing we were looking out for! There was a second criteria
that was being judged! Rescue Points!” All Might said, stepping to the side to reveal a score
board, “And you, Izuku Midoriya, for your continuous help of the other examinees, and the
willingness to sacrifice your body to save another person, have scored an unprecedented 95
Rescue Points! Almost a perfect score! That puts your score at 132 points in total, placing you
first, and even SMASHing through the previous record! Congratulations, Young Midoriya!”

Izuku began to cry as he watched the hologram, shaking as the voices of the Vestiges congratulated

“This is your Hero Academia!”


The fact that Izuku had passed didn’t change much in the teen’s life. He still woke up early to train,
stayed up maybe a little too late talking with Yoichi, until either his mother or Nana scolded him to
bed. He found that he could more easily dodge and counter Nana and Hikage’s attacks, even
managing to get in a few of his own.

He could move almost silently around the house now, his mother not knowing where he was unless
he purposefully made his presence known. He even managed to “beat” Daigoro in a spar by
throwing up a cloud of sand with a punch and tackling him, though the more experienced man
could probably have gotten out of it. Then the last term of school started. Izuku shook in his
sneakers as he entered Aldera Middle School once again, keeping his head down and praying that
no one noticed him.

“Remember what I taught you,” En said helpfully, “Clear your mind, walk confidently but calmly,
and stay out of direct line of sight.”

Izuku nodded, opening the door to his classroom, using a fraction of OFA’s strength to lift it up
slightly, making it slide open almost silently. He quickly made his way over to his desk, his mind
empty, the rest of the class not even paying attention to him as he sat down. Blinking as he finally
began to think again, Izuku looked up and finally realised that Katsuki was in class already, sitting
quietly as he seemed to radiate rage. From what Izuku could tell, the blonde was also staring
fixedly at the door.
I can’t believe that worked! Izuku let out a quiet breath, Kacch-Bakugo didn’t even notice me.

“Good,” En hummed, “You’ve learnt well. Keep it up though, you don’t want him noticing you
until after class has started.”

Izuku nodded, emptying his mind again as he seemed to fade into the background. Bakugo even
glanced back at his desk a few times, eyes seeming to slide off the quiet teen before locking back
onto the door. After a while, the teacher came in and started to take roll call.

“Midoriya,” he sneered.

“Here,” Izuku replied, making the man jump slightly as he finally seemed to see the teen, Bakugo
twisting around in his chair to stare in shock.

“When the fuck did you get here, Deku?!” he shouted, glaring at the other teen as the rest of the
class prepared for the blonde to rip into the other boy.

“Now,” Izuku could feel Daigoro grinning in his mind as he spoke to him, “Just like we practised,

“Fuck off, Bakugo,” Izuku said, his body shaking as he spoke, the entire class going silent, “You
aren’t my keeper. Pay attention to yourself before you judge other peoble.”

Izuku flinched as he bit his tongue on the last word, desperately schooling his expression to neutral
as the blonde stared at him in shock, before the rage exploded, literally and figuratively, off of


Izuku remained silent as the blonde leapt across the room towards him, the teacher barely reacting
as the rest of the class began to laugh. Izuku fought back a flinch as the explosive palm slammed
down on his desk.

“UA doesn’t tolerate discrimination, Bakugo,” Izuku replied flatly, Yoichi talking him through the
speech they had prepared, his mind a mess as he spoke a little too quickly, “All I need to do when
we get in is show them the scars and they’ll investigate. They’ll find your “spotless” record, find
that it was doctored, and you’ll probably be expelled. It wouldn’t surprise me if this entire school
was shut down and the teachers lost their licenses as well.”

“What?” the blonde snarled, getting right in Izuku’s face, “Are you fucking threatening me,

“Yes,” Izuku almost squeaked, shutting his eyes as he waited for the inevitable explosion, “Leave
me alone, Bakugo, and I’ll consider not killing your Hero career before it’s begun.”

The blonde pulled his arm back, about to strike the teen when he felt a hand grip his wrist, looking
back in surprise at the teacher. The man was sweating hard, glancing between the two teens as
Izuku sat quietly, not even looking at them.

“T-that’s enough, Bakugo,” the man muttered, “J-just go sit down and leave Midoriya alone.”

“You’re fucking taking his side now?” the blonde spat, “What the fuck kind of coward are you?
He’s just a worthless De-!”

“Enough, Bakugo!” the teacher shouted, “Please go sit down, or I’ll be forced to report this!”
“What?” Bakugo snarled, before pulling his hands free of the teacher and Izuku’s grasp and
stalking back to his chair, “Fine, but this isn’t over, Deku!”

It never is with you, is it? Izuku sighed internally as he let out a slow breath.



The shout almost made Izuku flinch as he stood up from picking up the piece of trash, tossing it
into the plastic bag he had. It had been a few says since the start of the term, and Izuku had
managed to evade Bakugo after school up until today. He was standing on Dagobah beach,
walking up and down the shoreline and collecting any trash that washed up, not wanting his hard
work with All Might to go to waste.

“Hello Bakugo,” he said as calmly as he could as he heard the blonde stomp up behind him, the
explosions crackling across his palms.

“So, this is where you’ve been fucking disappearing off to after school?!” Bakugo snarled, “Some
random fucking beach?!”

“Yes,” Izuku hummed, picking up another piece of trash as he walked away, trying to escape the
irate blonde, “I cleaned it of trash not too long ago. Just making sure it stays clean.”

“FUCK YOU!” the blonde screamed, slamming a hand into the trash bag and blowing it and its
contents across the sand, “You think you’re better than me?!”

“What?” Izuku asked as he turned to look at Bakugo, his eyes wide in confusion, “What are you
talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about, you shitnerd!” the blonde snarled, suddenly grabbing Izuku by
the throat, “You think you’re better than me! Tell me how you did it! How did you cheat your way
into UA?”

“Let me go, Bakugo,” Izuku choaked out as the hand clamped around his neck, “We’re not the only
ones here. You’ll get in trouble.”

“Like those extras will give a fuck about a quirkless Deku like you!” Bakugo snarled back, his
palm starting to heat up, “Tell me!”

“Hey! Let him go!” Bakugo blinked as an older voice shouted, a man running up to them, his date
watching from a short distance away, “Get off him or I’ll call the cops!”

“What?” Bakugo snarled, turning on the man as his palms crackled, “What the fuck did you just
say to me?”

“Get away from him, Tanjiro! Let’s go call a Hero!” the woman suddenly shouted.

“Why the fuck do you need a Hero?” Bakugo blinked, a look of confusion flashing across his face.

“Because you’re acting like a Villain,” Izuku said from behind him, the blonde spinning back


“Now, now, what’s going on here?” the loud voice suddenly called, all heads snapping to the
source as the muscular man jogged across the sand towards the two teens, “Not a fight, I hope?”

“All Might?” Bakugo gasped, stepping back in surprise.

“No, All Might,” Izuku shook his head, Bakugo staring at him as the teen didn’t even shake,
actually looking relieved in the presence of the Hero, “What are you doing here?”

“Ah! Well, I uhm…I heard that someone had cleared this beach! So, I came to have a look!”
the man laughed, giving a thumbs up, “Was it you, young man? Good job! Heroes are also
public servants, after all!”

“What?” Bakugo muttered, “What are you doing praising this quirkless Deku, All Might?”

“I’m sorry, what was that?” All Might asked, “Why shouldn’t I praise hard work? And what
do you mean ‘useless’? That isn’t a very nice thing to call someone.”

“It’s his nickname for me,” Izuku replied quietly, head twitching to the side as if listening to
something, “Has been since my quirk didn’t…come in on time.”

“It…it is?” All Might blinked, looking down at the shell shocked Bakugo, “Well, I cannot
condone that! I ask you now, young man, never refer to anyone as useless ever again!”

“I…but…” Katsuki stuttered, staring up in shock, “What?”

“I’m sorry to cut this talk short, All Might, but I need to finish cleaning the beach,” Izuku said as he
pointed to the trash Bakugo had scattered across the sand, pulling a second garbage bag from his
pocket, “I’ll only be about half an hour if you want to talk.”

“Of course!” the Pro smiled as Izuku set about picking up the trash, leaving Bakugo to stare
blankly ahead.


The next couple of months were strangely peaceful for Izuku. After his outburst in the class on the
first day, word of his threat seemed to have gotten around to the other teachers, who were stopping
the other students from bullying him now. They even seemed to be marking his work more fairly
than before. Izuku hadn’t been sure how much he deserved it, but the Vestiges quickly pushed
those thoughts from his mind.

And now it was finally time for him to start at his new school. At UA.

“Take your feet off the desk! It is disrespectful to our upperclassmen and the artisans who made
the desk!” the blue-haired boy from the entrance exam shouted at Bakugo, chopping his hands
through the air.

“Huh?” the blonde growled, “Who the hell are you?”

“I apologise, perhaps we got off on the wrong foot, I am Tenya Iida. I come from Somnei
Academy and-.”

“Somnei, huh?” Bakugo sneered, “So you’ve got a silver spoon in your mouth?”

“Bakugo, please stop it,” Izuku sighed, making the blonde twitch slightly as he turned to glare at
the other teen.
“Ah, you!” the blue-haired boy said, walking stiffly up to Izuku, “Hello! My name is-.”

“I heard you before,” Izuku said nervously as the boy began to introduce himself again, “Tenya
Iida, right? Nice to meet you.”

“Yes, you were in my testing area for the exam, I just wanted to say that I was incredibly
impressed by your Heroic spirit and ability to see through the true nature of the test!” Iida said
quickly, make Izuku step back in surprise.

“T-true nature? What do you mean?”

“The Rescue Points,” Iida hummed, looking down at Izuku confused expression.

“Uhm…I didn’t know about that? I just did what I thought was right,” the green-haired teen
muttered as he blushed.

“Then you are even more worthy of your position here at UA!” Iida said loudly, patting Izuku on
the shoulder.

“Oh, uhm…thank you?” he managed.

A little help guys? Izuku thought, wondering where the Vestiges were.

“Why?” Yoichi said, “You need to learn to socialise on your own. We can’t do everything for

Oh…okay, fair, Izuku sighed, stepping back slightly as the blue-haired boy continued talking,
almost bumping into someone.

“Oh! Sorry!” the familiar voice said, Izuku turning to find the brunette who’d helped him at the
Entrance Exam standing right behind him, “Didn’t know you were going to step back.”

“S-sorry!” Izuku squeaked, trying to step back again and almost tripping on a desk, “Sorry!”

“Hahaha,” the girl, Uraraka Nana provided, laughed, though not in a mocking way, “Guess you
really are a bit clumsy, huh? I saw you almost trip at the Entrance Exam as well.”

“Y-yeah, I guess!” Izuku muttered, blinking as he looked towards the door, a large yellow
caterpillar staring back at him, “Uhm…what is that?”

The class fell silent as they all turned to look at the caterpillar, which glared back at them before
standing and unzipping itself, revealing a skinny man dressed in what looked like a black tracksuit,
a strange grey scarf around his neck.

“It took you 8 seconds to quiet down, not good enough,” the man drawled, before pulling out a set
of PE uniforms, “I am Shota Aizawa, your new homeroom teacher. Get these on and meet me
outside on field Beta.”


“We’re doing a Quirk Apprehension Test,” the man said

“Oh, this is going tah be fun tah watch,” Daigoro chuckled, “Let’s see what blondie does when
he’s not top dog anymore.”

How do you know he’s not going to be the best? Izuku asked.
“Cause he ain’t,” the man said adamantly.

“Midoriya,” Aizawa barked, making the teen jump slightly, “You scored the highest on the
Entrance Exam. Use your quirk to throw this ball as far as you can.”

“Yes Sensei!” he replied, catching the ball and stepping into the chalk circle.

What should I do? I could use 5%, but that’s not my best, but using too much will break my arm!
Izuku thought quickly.

“Then tell him,” Nana said plainly, “Any good teacher would understand.”

Right, Izuku nodded, turning to look at the older man, “Uhm, Sensei?”

“What, Midoriya?” he grunted, “Just throw the ball.”

“It’s just…is it okay for me to break my arm when I throw it? I mean, I know that’s a stupid
question, but my quirk only came in recentlyandIcan’treallycontrolitproperlyyetan-.”

“What?” the man blinked, staring at Izuku as the teen began to speak faster and faster.

“Sorry, I can only use about 5% of my quirk’s full power safely,” Izuku said quietly, “That’s the
best I can do right now.”

“Is that it?” Aizawa sighed, “Look, just throw the ball as far as you can without hurting yourself,
otherwise I’ll erase your quirk.”

“Erase my…?” Izuku blinked, staring back at the man in shock, “W-wait! You’re the Underground
Hero Eraserhead! You make sure to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible!”

“Eraserhead?” the other students muttered after Izuku’s shout, “Who’s that?”

“Enough, Midoriya, are you going to throw the ball, or am I going to have to expel you?”

“R-right! S-sorry!” Izuku said, turning away and taking a deep breath to calm himself.

Emerald lightning began to spark over his body as he wound up the throw, thick red lines forming
on his skin. He hurled the ball as hard as he could, watching it sail through the air for a good
distance before it landed on the grass.

“127.8 metres,” Aizawa huffed, “Not bad.”

“DEKU!” the shout startled everyone except Izuku, who had been waiting for it, as the blonde shot
forwards, “Where the fuck did you get a quirk from?”

The grey scarf shot out, wrapping around Bakugo in an instant, pinning him in place as the
explosions on his palms died.

“Stop using your quirk,” the teacher growled, “I’m getting dry eye over here!”

“Now’s the time, Ninth,” Yoichi said, “Just like we practiced.”

“We’ve got your back in this as well,” Nana added.

“T-turns out I’ve always had it, Bakugo,” Izuku said as confidently as he could, standing up
straight as the blonde struggled in the bindings, “I just couldn’t use it until I was strong enough.
And your constant b-bullying didn’t help.”

“Bullying?” the teacher muttered as Bakugo started to struggle harder.

“BULLSHIT!” he roared, “I know you! You’re a quirkless DEKU! You’re lower than scum!
You’re nothing but a pebble in the road! You’re a fuc-!”

“Enough,” Aizawa barked as the scarf closed over the blonde’s mouth, “UA doesn’t tolerate
discrimination of any kind. Watch your mouth or I’ll expel you.”

The words seemed to make the blonde freeze, before he stopped struggling, glaring at Izuku as he
was released.

“Anyway,” Aizawa sighed as he turned to look at the other students, “That’s what you’re doing.”

“Wait, we get to use our quirks?” a pink-skinned girl asked, “This is going to be so fun!”

“Fun?” the man said as a sardonic grin stretched across his face, “You think this will be fun?”


Izuku had done relatively well in most of the events. He’d managed to clear the sandpit in the
standing long jump and get a respectable 145 kg in the grip strength test thanks to OFA. The rest of
the events didn’t really use his quirk too much, though he was able to speed himself up in the
sidesteps and 50m dash. Even with the threat of expulsion hanging over him, he didn’t push
himself too hard, not wanting to risk injuring himself and becoming a liability. Finally, they
finished, the scores being displayed on a holographic board.

The Vestiges were not impressed.

“What the fuck does he mean twentieth?” Daigoro roared, “Yer fitter than half the brats in this

“Yeah! He’s being biased! I bet he just wants an excuse to fail you or something!” Nana growled,
“What a pathetic teacher!”

“Ask him,” Yoichi said, his voice calm and cold, though full of anger, “Ninth, ask him NOW.”

“S-sensei, why am I twentieth?” Izuku said, holding up a hand, “I didn’t do that badly.”

“You weren’t trying hard enough,” the man replied, making Izuku curl in on himself, “You were
holding back the whole time.”

“You had to, though,” Nana growled, “Too much power and you would have injured yourself!”

I was only using about 3% though, I could have pushed for more, the teen thought, looking down.

“You were being safe,” Yoichi said firmly, “There’s nothing wrong with that. Ask to see the full
scores, though. I want to check something.”

“C-can we see the full scores?” Izuku asked, the older man letting out a tired sigh.

“I said don’t ask about the calculations,” the man muttered, eliciting another string of insults inside
Izuku’s head.

“That’s enough. Ask to see the principal,” Yoichi growled, “Ninth, this man is lying. Ask to see the
principal now.”

“I want to see the principal,” Izuku said, making the teacher stop.

“What?” Aizawa grumbled.

“I-I said I want to see the principal!” Izuku repeated as Yoichi told him what to say, “You can’t
hide information from us, that would make you a bad teacher. I want to talk to the principal now.”

“He does have a point,” a tall obsidian-haired girl muttered, “It does seem strange that someone
with a strength enhancing quirk was placed so low in a physical test.”

“Who cares!” a purple midget shouted, “He got last! So, he’s the one getting expelled, not us!”

“No one is getting expelled,” Aizawa said, “It was a logical ruse.”

“That’s a lie,” Izuku said, staring the man down even as he shook, tears forming in his eyes,
“You’re lying. Again. You’re purposefully making my life hard for your own entertainment, aren’t
you? Just like my old teachers.”

“Your old teachers?” Aizawa muttered, visibly taken aback by the teen’s words, “What are you
talking about, Midoriya?”

“It’s okay, they won’t judge you,” Nana cooed in his head, the sensation of someone gently
rubbing his back helping calm him, “It’s better that they know now than find out later.”

“I…I grew up quirkless,” Izuku ground out between clenched teeth as he looked down, “I only got
One F-…my quirk only came in just before the Entrance Exam. I’ve been…abused and ignored by
my teachers my whole life.”

Silence hung over the field as the class stared at the teen, his body visibly shaking as he fought
back the tears.

“Fine,” Aizawa finally said, tapping on his phone, “Here are the actual scores. Midoriya, come
with me, we’re going to go see Nedzu right now.”

Izuku flinched as the man showed the score board, the other students gasping as he refused to look.

“Come on, Izuku, it’s okay,” Nana said softly, the feeling of a hand touching his chin lifting his
head, “Open your eyes.”

Izuku blinked as he looked at the board, dragging his gaze up from the bottom, not seeing his name
until the last block, placing him firmly in first place.

“I…I came first?” Izuku gasped.

“But…but then why was he placed last?” the floating uniform asked, “That’s totally unfair!”

“Yeah!” a red headed boy shouted, “Totally unmanly!”

“WHY?!” the short grape-haired boy sobbed, “Why did you have to have a sob story? Now I’m in
last place!”

“If that’s all you care about, then you’re expelled Mineta,” Aizawa grunted, “Go get your things.”

“What?” the boy shouted, “But you said-!”

“Apparently I lie, a lot,” the man huffed, turning away, “Midoriya, come on, I don’t have all day.”

Izuku just nodded as he followed the man, a stunned look on his face as the rest of the students
headed back towards the changing rooms.

A pair of red eyes glared at Izuku’s back as he left, a mixture of anger and doubt in them.


“Come in, come in!” the rodent-like principal of UA said happily as he ushered the student into his
office, leaving the teacher to stand outside, “It’s not often Eraserhead actually brings a student to
me on the first day! He usually just expels them!”

“H-he does?” Izuku squeaked.

“Usually, though I believe your case is a little different,” Nedzu hummed, sitting behind his large
desk, “Do tell, Midoriya-kun.”

“W-what?” Izuku asked.

“He wants to know about the abuse,” Yoichi provided, “It’s best to tell him, he may be able to do
something about it.”

Right, Izuku nodded.

“Having a conversation with your, shall we call them ‘tenants’?” the rodent asked, making the teen
jump, “Don’t worry, I know about One For All, and that you are it’s current holder. Yagi-san has
also informed me of the fact that you can hear the Vestiges.”

“Well, that makes things easier,” Yoichi hummed, the phantom of the Vestige appearing beside
Izuku, “Ask him what he wants to know.”

“W-what do you want to know?” Izuku asked.

“Oh, a great many things! What is it like having the intent of others inside you? Will you really be
able to access their quirks in time? How badly do you want to destroy your old school?” the
principal laughed.

“W-what?” Izuku squeaked, “W-what was that last one?”

“Your old school? Aldera Middle School, correct?” Nedzu asked, pulling out a folder, “I’ve already
started investigating them, though I only had a short time between now and the Entrance
Ceremony, so it’s not very thorough yet. How badly do you want to destroy it?”

“N-not at all!” Izuku gasped, “I-I mean…The Vestiges think I should, b-but that would mean that
the teachers would get in trouble and probably lose their jobs! I can’t do that to them!”

“Even after they, in your own words, abused you?” Nedzu hummed, sitting back in his chair.

“T-that was mostly the Vestiges,” Izuku muttered, “They…they’re helping me come to terms with
what happened…but I still-.”

“Very well!” the principal interrupted with a chirp, “We’ll leave that for later! But now we need to
discuss something a little closer to home!”

“We do?” Izuku asked.

“Yes,” Nedzu frowned slightly as he leaned forward in his chair, “Katsuki Bakugo.”


Izuku walked slowly out of the school gates, head down as he was lost in thought. So lost in
thought that he didn’t notice the hand grab him by the shoulder and slam him against the wall.

“What the fuck did you tell them, Deku?” Bakugo snarled, pinning the smaller teen to the wall.

“What?” Izuku blinked, “Kacchan?”

“Don’t fucking call me that, shitnerd!” the blonde shouted, shaking Izuku slightly, “What the fuck
bullshit did you tell them?! If I get in trouble, it’ll be all your fault!”

“No, it won’t,” the gruff voice said, both teens freezing as they looked over at the man standing
beside them, Aizawa scowling at Bakugo, “It’ll be yours, Bakugo. That’s already one strike.”

“What?” the blonde snarled.

“Midoriya here advocated for your continued attendance at UA, especially the Hero Course,”
Aizawa sighed, “Personally, I would have had you blacklisted from every Hero school in the
country for your actions, but Midoriya seems to think you have potential.”

“Who cares what this quirkless shitnerd thinks!” Bakugo snarled.

“Quirk discrimination is against the rules of UA,” Aizawa sighed, “That’s two strikes. One more
and I get my way.”

“What?” both teens asked.

“The principal has already called and informed your parents, but it was decided that Bakugo would
be put on temporary probation,” Aizawa huffed, “He gets three chances, on the third, his fate is in
my hands. You’ve already used up two of those chances, Bakugo.”

“But…!” the blonde started, freezing under the cold glare of the older man, before stepping back,
releasing Izuku’s shoulder and glaring at the two of them, before storming away.

“He seems like he’ll be more trouble than he’s worth,” Aizawa grumbled as he walked back
through the gate, “Don’t forget to report anything he does to you to a teacher, Midoriya.”

“Y-yes, Sensei!” the teen squeaked.

Chapter Summary

Izumi Midoriya with a catgirl quirk. Cause my Beta like Fem!Izuku

Chapter Notes

Thanks as always to Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading my

madness and giving me random ideas.

I have aDiscord Server, come shout at me on it!

Izumi Midoriya yawned, showing off her sharp canines as she stretched in her chair, her ears
flicking as she settled down on the desk to nap, curling her long tail around her waist.

“Izumi-chan, you should eat lunch before you nap,” Uwasagi said as she sat opposite the girl,
using her quirk to pick up her chop sticks, the utensils floating in the air for a moment before she
grabbed them.

“But the sun is nice and warm,” the green-haired girl moaned, stretching again as she unfurled
herself, reaching sleepily over to her bag and pulling out her own bento box.

“What do you have?” Uwasagi asked, looking over her glasses as Izumi eyed the contents of the
box, her eyes wide as her pupils dilated in excitement, “Katsudon?”

“Katsudon,” she said happily as she set the food down, pulling out her chopsticks and starting to
eat, “Thanks for getting me to eat, Uwa-chan.”

“Of course,” the pig-tailed girl nodded, “I am your friend after all.”

“My only friend, more like,” Izumi chuckled through a mouthful of food, “Not that I’m
complaining. I don’t need that many friends.”

“That’s because you freak out when girls try to talk to you,” the other girl hummed, “And you hiss
at all the boys.”

“I’m too gay to deal with this slander,” Izumi sighed, finishing her food and putting her lunchbox

“I know,” Uwasagi chuckled, “I still remember how nervous you were when you confessed to me.”

“Don’t bring that up!” Izumi whined, “I’m still embarrassed about it!”

“You shouldn’t be, you’d be a real catch to anyone who would like you like that. That person just
isn’t me,” Uwasagi replied.
“At least you stayed my friend,” Izumi hummed as she settled back onto the desk, “Now, nap



“Hey Kacchan,” Izumi said without turning around, her ears turning to face behind her as she
listened to the blonde moving up behind her, “Want some allergy medication? I have spare!”

“Go to hell, you damn furball!” Katsuki said through a red nose, his eyes starting to water as he
followed her down the street, “Why the fuck do you even have Allergy medicine? No one in our
class is allergic to cats!”

“But you’re allergic to me,” Izumi hummed, tossing the box over her shoulder, hearing the blonde
catch it, “Or are you still denying that fact?”

“GO TO HELL!” the blonde snarled as he stomped past, shoving the box into her hands, the girl
noticing that one of the pills was missing from the pack, a Cheshire smile stretching over her face
as she watched him walk away.


“Hey mom! I’m home!” Izumi called as she entered the apartment, kicking off her shoes and
yawning, her tail lashing behind her in excitement as she thought about taking a nap on her bed.

“Hello kitten, how was your day?” the woman called from the kitchen, “I hope you didn’t
antagonize Katsuki too much?”

“Nah, he only talked to me after school,” Izumi replied, “I gave him the extra-strength allergy pills,
so he should be fine.”

“That’s good,” her mother called back as Izumi headed towards her room, “And kitten, make sure
to do your homework before you take a nap.”

“Ugh,” Izumi huffed slightly, before letting out a sigh as she smiled, “Yes mom. Love you!”

“Love you too, kitten! Fish for dinner tonight!”

“Awesome!” Izumi called back as she opened her bag, pulling out her books.


The girl hopped along the railing, the train of cats following her as she easily balanced on the thin
surface. She was in a mostly abandoned part of town, only a few homeless people and a lot of stray
cats occupying the area. She leaned down and stroked a ginger tabby, the female purring loudly as
she pressed against Izumi’s hand.

The teen stood, looking around the abandoned buildings, noticing the scratch marks she’d left in
the concrete over the years, as well as the numerous small cat shelters that she’d put up. Not for
the first time did Izumi wonder if the overabundance of cats in this was because she used this place
to train. A loud yowling made her head snap to the side, hopping off the railing and rushing
towards the source of the sound.

“Stupid cat,” a snobbish voice laughed as she drew close, “Making all that noise for nothing.
What, do you think a Hero is going to come and save you?”

“Yeah!” a couple of other voices laughed along as Izumi rounded the corner into an alley, staring
in horror at the scene in front of her. Three boys, all wearing high school uniforms, stood over a
cat, the source of the yowling, one lifting a metal bat over his head as he spoke.

Izumi moved before she could think, sliding between the other two as the bat fell. There was a
flash of claws accompanied by the sound of tearing metal, before the top half of the metal bat hit
the ground, bouncing away harmlessly. The three boys blinked as they looked at the destroyed bat,
then back at the small girl that was poised over the injured feline, her back arched as she hissed
viciously at them.

“What the fuck?” one of them said.

“Get the hell out of here!” Izumi growled at them, dragging her claws through the concrete of the
ground, leaving deep gashes in it, “Or I’ll do that to your faces!”

“What the hell?” the other muttered, “Hey, let’s just go, this chick seems crazy enough to do that!”

“What?” the apparent leader scoffed, “There are three of us! I say we have some fun with her!”

“Dude,” the other said, a look of repulsion on his face, “That isn’t cool.”

“Oh, fuck off,” the leader spat, stepping forwards, “What’s one girl going to do to us anyway?
Dumbass is all alone!”

“Who says I’m alone?” Izumi let her Cheshire grin spread across her face as the figures emerged
around them, the boys jumping as the hoard of cats started to hiss and yowl, “Now, get lost before I
turn you into Fancy Feast for my friends!”

“I’m out!” one of the boys shouted, immediately starting to run, the other quickly joining him.

“You…crazy cat bitch!” the leader shouted as he quickly followed them.

Izumi didn’t relax until she couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore, before quickly turning back to
the cat on the ground.

“Are you okay?” she asked softly, gently scooping the black cat up in her arms, “I can take you to
the vet if you need it.”

The cat just snorted slightly, wriggling in her arms before jumping back to the ground, an indignant
look on his face.

“Oh, I see,” Izumi chuckled, “You were just acting to get them to leave you alone.”

The cat nodded at her, before trotting off.

“Hey, don’t go too far! I have tuna today!” she called after him, smiling as his ears swivelled
around ha sat on the ground, acting as if he had meant to the entire time.


“Welp, here it is,” Izumi hummed as she stepped over the curb, catching her foot as she went, only
her cat-like balance keeping her from falling over.

“You are okay?” a voice asked, the cat quirked girl turning to look at the blonde girl, her face cute,
a pair of pointed horns sticking straight up out of the sides of her slightly equine head.

“Y-yeah,” Izumi swore in her mind, the stranger nodding as she held out a hand.

“I Pony Tsunotori,” the blonde said happily, “I you wish exam on the luck.”

“What?” Izumi blinked as the girl suddenly blushed.

“I mean… luck on exam?” she said, looking slightly confused, “Sorry, not good at Japanese I am.”

“Oh,” Izumi replied, “Uhm…Izumi Midoriya.”

“Nice meet you to, Izumi-chan,” the girl said, smiling at her, Izumi’s heart skipping a beat.

“N-nice to meet you too! Gotta go, bye!” she squeaked, running off quickly, leaving the confused
blonde standing there.


Izumi took a deep breath as she stood outside the testing area for the practical, stretching as she
prepared to go in.

“Ah! You!” the strangely familiar voice called, “Izumi-chan!”

“Huh?” Izumi said, her face immediately flushing as the blonde girl from before ran up, wearing
only a sports bra and spats, showing off her entire well-toned body, “Holyshitshe’shot.”

“What? You speak too fast, I not you hear,” Pony said, smiling with a cute look of confusion on her
face, “You okay? You very look hot.”

“I’m what?” Izumi squeaked, her face burning.

“Like…uhm…sun hot? Your face red,” Pony said, “You not sick? Not good if you sick.”

“N-no, I’m not sick!” Izumi muttered, looking away, “S-sorry, can I just finish getting ready?”

“Oh, I sorry I interrupt, bye-bye!” Pony said happily, trotting off as Izumi tried to gather herself

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Just don’t spend the whole exam staring at her. Or imagining about her. Or
even thinking about her,” she muttered to herself, shaking her head as she found herself glancing
over at the other girl, “Easier said than done.”

“START!” the shout startled her into the air, bolting forward on instinct as the massive gates
swung open, the voice shouting above her, “GO GO GO! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN

Izumi shook her head again, clearing her mind as she spotted the first of the robots, dropping down
on all fours as she unsheathed her claws, racing towards them. The sound of rending metal filled
the air as she jumped, slashing her claws straight through the one-pointers thin necks, decapitating
them in an instant. She dodged the stream of rubber balls fired at her a moment later by a two-
pointer, racing over to it and clawing out the eyepiece. The three-pointer loomed over her a
moment later, the girl barely dodging as the heavy fist slammed down on top of the two-pointer,
crushing it.

She swore as her claws scraped over the thick armour plating of the robot, unable to pierce through
it, before the robot juddered, lifting into the air. It slammed down a moment later, Izumi seeing
Pony standing behind it, her hands held beside her head as a pair of horns flew out of the three-
pointer, swooping around the blonde.

“I help!” She called, waving at Izumi as the girl blinked.

“Look out!” Izumi shouted, tackling Pony to the ground as the wave of rubber balls slammed into
the tarmac where she’d just been, “Sorry, I saw you about…to…”

Izumi trailed off as she looked down at her hand, firmly gripping the mound of soft flesh under the
sports bra, her eyes going wide as she instinctively squeezed.

“Ah!” Pony squeaked under her; her face slightly flushed as Izumi literally launched herself off of
the other girl.

“I’M SORRY!” Izumi called as she raced off, her face bright red as she weaved between the other
students and robots.

“It okay, though,” Pony said as she sat up, blinking as the shadow loomed over her, her eyes going
wide as she looked up, “What that?!”


Izumi panted as she hid in the alleyway, trying to calm her racing heart, as she clenched her hand,
the feeling of Pony still fresh in her mind.

“Calm down, you raging lesbian,” she scolded herself, “It was just a breast. The first breast you’ve
ever touched other than your own, but just a breast!”

The screams caught her attention, Izumi peering out of the alleyway to see what the fuss was about.
She immediately regretted it as she saw the massive Zero-pointer smashing its way directly
towards her.

“Oh dear,” she muttered, quickly turning to run like the rest of the examinees, when she heard a


She immediately zeroed in on the brunette who looked like her leg was trapped beneath a pile of
rubble, running over without a thought as she started to dig, her claws cutting into the concrete.

“Shit, it’s too thick to cut easily!” she swore, blinking as a pair of horns suddenly swooped around
her, hooking under the rubble and lifting it.

“I help to come!” Pony shouted as she ran up, “Grab hold me horn!”

“What?” the brunette asked, yelping as a pair of horns hooked her under the arms and started
carrying her away.

“We run now!” Pony said as she grabbed Izumi, dragging her behind her as they bolted down the
road, both dropping to all fours to run faster.

“AND TIME!” Present Mic shouted from atop his podium, all the examinees slowing as the robots
powered down.

“It we did!” Pony cheered, pulling Izumi and the brunette into a hug, the cat girl squeaking as she
was squeezed, “Hope we get in all!”

“R-right,” Izumi managed to say as her soul practically left her body.


“Right, first day,” Izumi hummed as she stood outside the door to class 1-A, “Nothing to worry
about. Not going to have a gay panic about all the probably cute girls in class.”

She opened the door, immediately blinking as she scanned the room, before stepping backwards
and slamming it shut.

“Fuck that!” she whispered to herself, “They’re all too pretty!”

“Ah, Izumi-chan!” Pony said from behind her, “Okay are you? You close door hard.”

“Ah! T-tsunotori-san!” Izumi squeaked, “A-are you also in 1-A?”

“1-A? Ah! Yes,” Pony nodded enthusiastically, “My class is that too! Yay, friend already!”

“Friend?” Izumi said as Pony reached past her and opened the door, pulling the green-haired girl in
after her as she entered the room.

“Woah, what was that about?” someone called, Izumi blinking as she realised that she was in the
room, her face flushing as she saw the girls all staring at her, “You opened the door and then just
wigged out.”

“Hello! I Pony Tsunotori!” Pony said happily, holding up her hand as she clasped Izumi’s in it,
“This is friend, Izumi-chan!”

“Huh?” a short boy with balls for hair said, “What’s she saying? She might be hot, but she sounds
like she’s stupid.”

Izumi immediately growled at him, making the class stare at the ferocity as she spoke, “I will make
you into sushi if you say that again, pipsqueak!”

“What?” the boy squeaked as Izumi continued to glare at him.

“YOU FUCKING FURBALL!” the shout startled everyone out of their confusion as the door
slammed open, a blonde charging in, “THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT! I KNOW I-…I-…

“Bless you,” Pony said in English as she held out a tissue for Katsuki, the blonde’s face already

“What?” Izumi said, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Kacchan?”

“It’s your fucking fault!” he growled, blowing his nose loudly, “That I’m in fucking class B!
Achoo! Cause I can’t be around you! Achoo!”

“What?” a pink skinned girl asked, “Like, you’re allergic to cats?”

“Kacchan isn’t allergic to anything,” Izumi sighed, “Well, except me, apparently. No one knows
why, not even the doctors.”

“Oooh!” a floating girls uniform said, “That’s actually kind of funny.”

“FUCK YOU!” Katsuki howled, about to step further into the room before he started sneezing

“It would be best that you leave, Kacchan,” Izumi sighed, “Class is starting soon, and you don’t
want to get into trouble on the first day. Also, I think that caterpillar thing behind you is a

“What?” the blonde snarled, turning to look, his eyes going wide as he looked down at the weird
thing lying on the ground behind him.

“Go back to your own class, Bakugo,” the human face on the yellow thing said, pulling out a jelly
pouch and draining it in one draw, “As for the rest of you…”

The class watched as the door was shut in the blonde’s face, the yellow caterpillar shedding its
skin to reveal a tall and lanky man in a simple black costume with a strange grey scarf around his

“You, Midoriya,” he said, pointing at Izumi, “You noticed me. Good. The rest of you need to work
on your situational awareness. You aren’t here to play around. Now go get changed into your gym
clothes and meet me out on field beta.”

“Huh?” the class said as the man simply walked out of the room without another word.


Izumi rushed out of the changing room, zipping her top closed as she went. She was at her limit,
even only having spent less than five minutes in the changing rooms with the other girls. Now she
hurried to the field, stepping out into the warm sun and sighing. What she would give to be able to
take a nap right now.

“You’re the first out,” the voice made her jump, turning to look at their homeroom teacher as he
carried over a small basket of softballs, “Good. I don’t need people who waste time.”

“Ah…well…yeah,” Izumi said lamely, “Didn’t want to keep you waiting, Sensei!”

“Hmmm,” the man grunted as he set down the basket, “What’s the real reason?”

“What?” Izumi asked.

“Don’t play dumb with me,” Aizawa growled, “What’s the real reason you’re out so fast?”

“Would you accept that I’m too gay to stay in a room with a bunch of hot girls for too long?” Izumi
muttered back.

“Yes,” Aizawa replied, startling her, “But you’ll need to get over that if you’re going to be in the
Hero Course.”

“Right…” Izumi drew out the word as she watched the teacher set up, “So…uhm…who are you? I
mean, I know you’re a Pro Hero, but I don’t recognise you.”

“That’s fine,” Aizawa muttered, “I’m not a very public Hero.”

“Hey, are we late?” a voice called as several of the boys made their way out, looking around, “This
is the right place, right?”

“The crazy cat chick is here, so it must be,” the short purple-haired boy lisped, “But where are the
rets of the girls? I want to see them in the gym uniform! ‘Sepcially the blonde girl, her tits were

“You are sushi the first chance I get, grapes,” Izumi growled, a wave of protectiveness washing
through her.

“What’d I do?” the boy squeaked at the vicious words.

“Enough,” Aizawa sighed as the last of the students joined the group, “We’re going to be doing a
Quirk Apprehension Test today.”

“But what about the Entrance Ceremony?” a familiar brunette asked.

“Waste of time,” Aizawa sighed, “Tsunotori, you scored the highest total points out of the class.
Use your quirk to throw this.”

“Pardon?” the girl said as she caught the tossed ball, “I not get what you say?”

“Throw the ball as far as you can using your quirk,” the teacher repeated in English, “This is the
only time I’m going to explain this to you like this. Listen more carefully.”

“Ah! Yes, Sensei!” the girl said, hurrying to the chalk circle.

The class watched as Pony detached two of her horns, carefully balancing the ball on the two of
them, before making them spin around her like a sling shot. The ball flew off into the distance, the
teacher’s phone beeping a moment later.

“94.6 metres,” he said, holding out the phone so everyone could see, “Not terrible.”

“We get to use our quirks?” the pink-skinned girl said excitedly, “This is going to be so fun!”

“Fun, you say?” the man chuckled as a sardonic grin stretched across his face.


“Here are the results,” Aizawa said as they finally finished, the hologram of the board appearing in
the air.

Izumi quickly found her name, surprisingly higher than she had expected, considering she’d only
really done better than the others in the flexibility test and the long jump, getting second in both.
Other wise she’d placed middle of the pack for most of the events.

“NO! I’m being expelled!” the ball-haired boy sobbed, “Ladies! I didn’t even get to see you

“No one is getting expelled,” Aizawa growled, “Yet. None of you have zero potential but watch
yourselves. Especially you, Mineta. Don’t make me regret this.”

The boy squeaked as the teacher walked away, wiping his tears as the class headed back inside to


“I wonder who we’ll have for Basic Heroics?” one of the boys asked, Izumi yawning as the class
“I AM…” the shout came from outside the door, before it slammed open, the familiar blonde
figure leaning in while grabbing the doorframe, “COMING IN LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!”

“ALL MIGHT!” the class exploded as he grinned at them.

“Today your first Foundational Heroics lesson shall be Battle training!” HE said, holding up
the small card, “But first! We must discuss your costumes!”

He slapped the wall, shelves holding gleaming silver cases sliding out of it as the students rushed
forwards to grab theirs.


Izumi swallowed, hard.

It was bad enough for her to have to change with the other girls, but now she could see them in
their costumes, which was a whole other thing. Ashido had a garish but form fitting leotard on,
Uraraka dressed in a skin-tight body suit, and Yaoyorozu was showing so much skin it felt
borderline illegal. Asui was decked out in a surprisingly sensible wetsuit, and from what Izumi
could tell, Hagakure was naked except for a pair of shoes and gloves.

This was not going to be easy.

“I sorry I late!” the voice called as the sound of hooves hitting concrete echoed down the hall,
“Costume hard to put on first time!”

Izumi almost passed out as she saw Pony. Not because her costume was scandalous, but because it
was simply so cute. It was obviously themed after a mixture of a horse rider’s outfit and the horse
itself, a harness-like mask around her head and stirrups hanging from her ankles. It suited her well.

“I’d like to take a ride on that,” the ball-haired boy slurped, “The Hero course is amazing!”

Izumi shuddered as she almost agreed with him for a moment, before growling out, “Sushi,

“Your costume nice,” Pony said as she walked up to Izumi, looking her over as the girl blushed.

“It’s not really what I asked for though,” the cat girl sighed, “I mean, I know I put ‘Like a catsuit’
on the form, but I didn’t think they’d just give me an actual catsuit.”

The dark suit clung to her tightly, highlighting her lithe and slender body. A pair of fingerless
gloves sat on her hands, allowing her to extend her claws, and her boots had hidden blades in them,
which could be easily deployed like claws. A belt hung loosely from her waist; the teen unable to
tighten it anymore than it already was.

“The only things they really got right were the boots and gloves. This belt will just get in the way
so it’s one of the first things I’m changing,” she muttered, “Then add some more padding and
armour to this thing, because I know it won’t block a hit.”

“You speak fast again,” Pony giggled, the sound making Izumi choke slightly, “It funny. Even if I
not understand.”

“Oh…uhm...thanks?” Izumi squeaked.

“Time for the explanation and choosing of teams!” All Might called as the students gathered in
front of him.


“Team D as Villains versus Team H as Heroes!” All Might called, holding up the two balls,
“That is Kirishima and Mineta versus Midoriya and Tsunotori!”

“Oh,” Izumi let her Cheshire grin spread onto her face as she glared at the short boy, “This is going
to be fun!”


“Where are they?” Izumi muttered as the two of them moved carefully through the building, “Are
they just hiding?”

“We look in all rooms,” Pony nodded as she followed behind the other girl, “This only one left.”

“Then they must be inside,” Izumi grinned as she extended her claws, “And they probably blocked
the door.”

The wood shredded easily as she slashed it apart, throwing debris into the room as the two of them
looked inside. Purple balls lined every wall and the floor, barely enough space to step between
them as Kirishima stood in the only clear space in the centre, a wide grin on his face as he
protected the fake bomb.

“Pony, give me a lift?” Izumi hummed, the blonde nodding as she fired two of her horns, Izumi
hopping onto them as they carried her over the balls, a wide grin on her face, “I’m coming for you,

“Manly!” the boy shouted as she jumped into the clear area, swinging a wide punch at her as his
arm hardened.

There was a screeching noise as Izumi ducked, dragging her claws along his arm, cutting into the
hardened flesh. The boy gasped as he stumbled back, looking at the damage in surprise.

“You managed to cut me? Even when I hardened myself?” he said.

“That’s what these claws do,” Izumi grinned back.

“MANLY!” Kirishima shouted as he dove back into the fight, throwing more punches, hardening
the rest of his body as Izumi swiped and clawed at him.

As the two exchanged blows, Pony concentrated. She was controlling three of her horns, her
current limit, trying to get them under the bomb to carry it to the door so she could touch it while
Izumi was distracting Kirishima. It had been Izumi’s plan all along, she would engage the Villains
while Pony got the bomb. She almost had it when the hand grabbed her, squeezing her backside as
a perverted chuckle came from behind her.

“Forget about me?” the voice lisped, the girl looking over her shoulder as the blood-soaked head
that grinned at her.

“LET GO!” she screamed in English, instinctively kicking back with one of her legs, throwing the
boy off her, but doing no real damage as she hit the metal diaper like thing around his crotch.

“Thank you for the meal!” the boy only giggled as he got back to his feet, his eyes blank as she
wiggled his fingers in a perverted way, “I think I might have seconds!”

“Huh?” Izumi looked over, blocking a punch from Kirishima, “What’s wrong, Pony?”

“Him grab me! Bad touch!” the girl said.

“He what?” Izumi snarled, startling Kirishima, giving her an opening to grab him by the arm and
throw him over her shoulder, right into the middle of the balls, “Oh, he is DEAD!”

“What?” the three other students blinked as Izumi leapt across the field of balls, using Kirishima as
a steppingstone as she shot through the door, slamming right into the ball-haired boy.

“Sushi is too good for you,” Izumi snarled as she lifted a hand, claws extended as she loomed over
the diminutive boy, his face an image of terror, “I’m going to turn you into mulch!”

“Izumi-chan!” the shout startled her as her hand swiped, the hand just barely managing to grab her
wrist as it swiped for the boy’s throat, throwing it off course to slice through the concrete of the
wall, “No hurt classmate!”

“What? But he touched you!” She growled, fighting to get away as Pony pulled her into a tight
hug, her surprising strength pinning Izumi to her body.

“It okay!” Pony said, “Well, not okay, but not reason to hurt! Him already unconscious!”

“Huh?” Izumi said, looking down at the collapsed boy, liquid dripping out one of the leg holes of
his diaper as a puddle formed beneath him, his eyes rolled back in fear, “Oh, gross.”

“Both Villains are incapacitated!” All Might suddenly called through the earpieces, “Heroes


“Midoriya lost herself to anger at the end, even if she did apprehend both Villains,” Yaoyorozu
said, “While Kirishima stuck to his role the entire time. That’s why I think he is the MVP.”

“Manly!” the red head said under his breath as he wiped away a tear, his back still covered in small
pieces of purple ball.

“Well said, Young Yaoyorozu!” All Might blustered slightly, “Well then, onto the next match!”

“What about Mineta?” Izumi huffed.

“What about him?” All Might asked.

“He touched Pony…inappropriately! He should be punished!”

“Of course!” All Might nodded, “I will be sure to inform Eraserhead about him after the

“I guess that’s good enough,” Izumi muttered as she looked over at the blonde girl.


The mist Villain hissed in pain, the metal plating around his neck covered in thick scratch marks as
the girl pinned him to the ground.
“One more move, and you get to find out how sharp my claws really are,” she growled as she sat
on top of him.

The door to the USJ suddenly burst open, All Might jumping down with a scowl and engaging the
large monster that had been attacking their teacher.


“Pony!” Izumi gasped as she spotted the head of blonde hair, dropping her shock banket as she saw
the girl being led out of the USJ, “Are you okay?”

“I fine,” she grinned, pointing back at the other two that had exited with her, “Classmate help

“Thank goodness,” Izumi sighed in relief as she hugged the girl tightly, “I was worried.”

“Aw, you good friend,” Pony giggled, hugging her back, “We all safe now! All Might win!”

“Yeah, All Might won,” Izumi purred softly as she settled into the hug.


“The Sports Festival will be going on as planned,” Aizawa said, even as he was covered in
bandages, “So do your best.”

The class chatted for a while, Pony smiling as she headed towards the door, blinking when she
opened it.

“Huh? Lot people, who you?” she asked.

“What? They let a mentally deficient person into 1-A? How pathetic!” a tired voice laughed.

“She’s just bad at Japanese,” Izumi growled, stepping in front of Pony as she glared at the blonde
boy, “So take your bullshit somewhere else!”

“Wait…what?” the purple-haired teen blinked as he stared at Izumi, “You’re a cat.”

“Yeah? And?” she growled back.

“Sorry,” the teen shook his head, “That just…I’m here to declare war on your class!”

“What? Why?” Izumi asked.

“Because Gen Ed students have the chance to move up to the Heroics Department if we do well
enough in the Sports Festival,” the boy replied.

“Are you a pervert?” Izumi hummed.

“What? NO!” the boy shouted.

“Then you’re welcome to join us,” the girl huffed, “We just had someone expelled from the class
for inappropriate behaviour, so as long as you don’t harass the girls, I’m fine with whoever.”

“Harass the girls?” the boy said, “Who the hell did they let into the Hero course?”

“Exactly!” Izumi replied.


“And the First Year Sports Festival begins!” Mic shouted over the jeers and shouts of the students
as Bakugo walked off stage.


“And in the third round are Teams Todoroki, Bakugo, Shinso and Midoriya!” Mic shouted as
Izumi got off Pony’s back, still blushing brightly.

“Yay! We make it!” the blonde said happily, “You ride me good!”

“Excuse me?!” Izumi coughed, choking on the water she was drinking.


“Hey Kacchan!” Izumi grinned as she stood across the stage from the blonde, “You take you
allergy meds?”

“GO TO HELL!” the boy shouted back, “I’LL KILL YO-…Yo….ACHOO!”

“I guess not.”

“Begin!” Midnight shouted, Izumi immediately bolting forwards and slashing at his neck, forcing
the blonde to dodge back.

A second sneeze forced him to close his eyes, giving Izumi all the time she needed to shove him in
the chest, sending him tumbling backwards.

“Katsuki Bakugo is out of bounds!” Midnight shouted as he landed on the edge of the stage,
“Izumi Midoriya wins the first round!”


“I lose so easy!” Pony sniffed as she sat in the changing rooms, wiping the tears from her eyes,
“Him just say ‘hello’ and I lose.”

“It’s okay,” Izumi hummed as she patted the girl gently on the back, “You tried your hardest. It
was just a bad match up.”

“Izumi-chan!” Pony sobbed, burying her face into the other girl’s chest as she sobbed, making
Izumi blush hard, “You good friend. I love you!”

“Y-you do?” Izumi squeaked.

“You best friend!” Pony nooded into Izumi’s chest, “Like sister.”

“Oh,” Izumi muttered, “Okay.”


“So, we meet again,” the purple-haired teen said as he stood across from Izumi, “I don’t plan to

“And I plan to take revenge for making my friend cry!” Izumi said back, unsheathing her claws,
making the other teen sweat slightly.
“Begin!” Midnight shouted, Izumi charging forwards in an instant.

“Why are you so concerned about that other girl? Are you in love with her or something?” The boy
shouted as she drew near, Izumi almost stumbling.

“What? N-no-!” she said, her body freezing as her mind went blank.

“Holy shit,” Shinso muttered, the girl mere inches away from him, “Walk out of the ring.”

Izumi followed his orders, walking off the stage as he breathed a sigh of relief, before releasing

Izumi immediately spun on her heel, staring at him as her cheeks flushed.

“IT’S JUST A CRUSH!” Izumi yelled, before running out of the arena.

“Wait…what is?” Shinso asked.


Miles away, in a lodge in a forest, a group of four watched the screen, a small child off to the side
staring angrily out the window.

“Oh,” the tallest and most muscular of them said, “She is purrfect!”


“And these are the internship requests,” Aizawa drawled, the image being projected on the screen.

“Izumi-chan!” Pony gasped from her seat just in front of the cat girl, “You get offer!”

“I did?” Izumi blinked as she saw her name at the bottom of the list, with a ‘one’ beside it.

Aizawa continued talking for a bit, handing out the papers with the lists of Hero Agencies they
could go to. Izumi stared at the singular offer she had gotten, blinking in confusion, but
simultaneously unsurprised.

“Of course,” she chuckled, “Of course they would want me.”



Izumi jumped as she was hugged from behind, shivering as she felt the soft warmth press against
her back, turning her head to see Pony’s head hanging over her shoulder.

“You want hang out?” the girl asked, making Izumi blush harder as she squeezed tighter, pressing
more into Izumi’s back.

“Uhm…s-sorry! I’m meeting with an old friendandshe’skindofshyand…” Izumi trailed off when
Pony stared at her blankly, “And you can’t understand me, right. Sorry.”

“You go with friend?” Pony asked, before smiling brightly at Izumi, “I come with! I make new
friend too!”

“I…Uhm…I…” Izumi tried, her mind going blank as Pony grabbed her hand and began pulling her
towards the station, “Okay…”


“Hi, Uwa-chan,” Izumi said sheepishly as Pony stood beside her, an excited expression on her face
as she looked between the cat quirked girl and the black-haired telekinetic.

“Hello, Izumi,” Uwasagi said curtly, “I see you’re already making new friends. That is good.”

“Yeah,” Izumi nodded, mouthing a quick ‘help me’ to the other girl before introducing Pony, “This
is Tsunotori-san.”

“Call Pony, please!” Pony said, “I want be your friend, please!”

“Pardon?” Uwasagi said slowly.

“She’s not very good at Japanese,” Izumi muttered, “So you might have to speak slowly for her.”

“Ah, I see,” the other girl hummed, nodding before replying, “Hello, I am Uwasagi, nice to meet

“Ah! You can speak English?” Pony said happily.

“Only a little, I’m not very good,” Uwasagi hummed, “So, how did you and Izumi meet?”

“Oh, we met at the exams! She seemed nice, so I talked to her! You know, she even accidentally
grabbed my boob during the practical!” Pony chuckled as Izumi tried to follow the conversation.

“How bold of you, Izumi,” Uwasagi smiled as she gave the cat girl a knowing look, “Well, shall we
go to this new Cat Café I found?”

“Cat Café?” Pony gasped, grabbing Uwasagi’s hand as she started to pull both of them behind her,
“Yes! I love cat!”


Izumi relaxed as the cats crowded around their table, petting as many of them as she could manage.

“This amazing!” Pony said happily, a large fluffy white cat sat firmly in her lap, “So many cat!”

“This is why I like bringing Izumi-chan to Cat Cafés,” Uwasagi chuckled, “The cats swarm her.”

“Yes!” Pony said happily, turning to look at Izumi as she petted the other cats, all of them purring

After a moment, a thought occurred to the American Japanese girl, reaching out towards Izumi’s
head. She placed her hand softly behind the green-haired girl’s ear, and gently scratched. Izumi
went limp almost immediately, leaning into the hand as it scratched her ear. The loud purr that
came out of Izumi startled Pony for a moment, the cat girl’s head snapping around to stare at her in

“I sorry!” Pony gasped, “I not mean to scare! I just want to pet!”

“Oh no, Izumi,” Uwasagi chuckled, “Seems she’s found your weakness.”

“Weakness?” Pony asked, looking at the bright red Izumi in confusion, “You like the skritches?”
“Oh, she loves the skritches,” Uwasagi hummed as she sipped on her drink, “Especially when they
come from a pretty girl.”

“You think I pretty?” Pony gasped, blushing slightly.

Izumi could only stare, not even one of the cats butting its head against her chin for attention able
to pull her away.

“Down, girl,” Uwasagi said, finally snapping Izumi out of her stupor, “You looked like you were
about to pounce on her.”

“I-I wasn’t!” Izumi squeaked, hiding her face in one of the cats, “Really!”

“Right,” Uwasagi sighed, finishing her drink, “Anyway, I have to start heading home. Have fun
you two.”

“Bye-bye!” Pony called, Izumi stiffening ass he realised that she would be alone with the blonde.

“You okay, Izumi-chan?” Pony asked, “You look pale.”

“I’m fine!” Izumi squeaked, hiding her face in one of the cats, “Definitely not panicking cause I’m
alone with the girl I like!”

“Girl you like?” Pony asked, making Izumi freeze, “Oh! You want be alone with Uwasagi-chan? I

“W-what?” Izumi gasped, “NO! I didn’t…not like that! I already tried and she’s straight!”

“Straight?” Pony asked, “Ah! So, you are like me? Liking girls?”

“Yes,” Izumi nodded, before blinking, “Wait, you’re a lesbian?”

“Yes?” Pony nodded, “I thought flirt made obvious.”

“Flirt?” Izumi blinked again, “Wait! You’ve been flirting with me?!”

“Yes?” Pony replied.

Izumi groaned as she dropped her head onto the table.

“I thought it was just your bad Japanese,” she muttered, “But you were actually flirting with me?
Gods dammit!”

“So,” Pony hummed, making Izumi look up at her as the blonde fidgeted slightly in her seat, “You
are…liking me?”

“I, uhm…” Izumi blustered through her words, before letting out a quiet, “Yes.”

“You are wanting to date?” Pony asked, a small smile on her lips.

“Y-yes,” Izumi muttered.

“You are wanting to kiss?” Pony hummed, her smile getting wider.

“Yes,” Izumi nodded.

“Okay, we girlfriend now,” Pony said happily, “I am liking Izumi-chan lots too! Best friend and
girlfriend! Yay!”

“Y-yay?” Izumi blinked as she stared at the other girl in confusion.


“Hello and welcome!” The four said as they adopted their pose, “We are the Wild Wild Pussycats!
Thanks for accepting out offer!”

“You are…welcome?” Izumi replied, “Uhm…what’s with the kid?”

“Oh, that’s my nephew, Kota,” Mandalay explained, “He’s staying with us for the moment.”

“Oh, okay,” Izumi nodded as she followed the four into the log building, “So what’s up first?
Physical training? Rescue training? A rest?”

“Nope,” Tiger grinned as he opened up a closet, reaching inside, “First up is…”

“A COSTUME CHANGE!” Pixie-bob and Ragdoll shouted happily.

Chapter Summary

What if UA had actual comprehensive interviews for its Heroics Students?

Chapter Notes

I've had this idea for a while, but only finished it up today, so enjoy!

Thanks to Zeldomnyo for the idea.

Thanks as always to Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for your support and help on

This Chapter has an Extended

Izuku Midoriya


Izuku stared at the letter in his hands in shock, reading over it again to be sure he’d gotten it right.

Dear Izuku Midoriya,

We are proud to inform you that you placed within the top fifty applicants of the UA Heroics
Entrance Exam. As such, you will be required to come in for an interview and evaluation on the
day of XX/XX/22XX at 10:50 am. Please arrive at least one hour prior to ensure that you are not
late and so all remaining application forms can be properly filled in before the interviews.

The rest of the letter went on to detail the things he would need to bring and have prepared, though
said nothing about the nature of the interviews themselves. Izuku felt the tears well up in his eyes
as he looked at his mom.

“I have a chance!” he gasped, “They want me to go in for the interviews!”


The screen showed a boy jumping into the air, green lightning sparking around him as he shot
upwards, slamming a fist into the face of the massive robot.

“That’s a red flag,” the scruffy man grumbled, pointing to the screen, “He may have done a Heroic
act, but he also can’t control his quirk properly.”

“That’s what we’re for, Aizawa-san, to teach him how to use it safely,” the rodent-like creature
said happily, “He is arguably the most interesting applicant we’ve had in a while.”
“Interesting doesn’t make a good Hero,” the other man in the room said sternly, stroking his long
chin, “I shall test him. See if he is truly worthy of being a Hero!”

“Please do try to remain civil this time,” Nedzu hummed, “You sent the last potential student
running with tears in their eyes, Chizome-san.”

“We shall see.”


The man walked into Nedzu’s office with a slightly distant look on his face, muttering to himself as
he absentmindedly sat across from the principal.

“Any problems, Chizome-san?” Nedzu grinned as he looked at the man.

“No,” the man said, a strange, almost predatory smile spreading across his face, “In fact, I would
say there are no problems at all! I have not had a debate on modern Heroics that intense since I first
met you, sir!”

“Is that so?” Nedzu hummed, looking up from his screen, “I was wondering what the two of you
were getting so riled up about.”

“He has a good heart and head,” Chizome nodded, “A little naïve, but all children are. He shall
surely be a true Hero with the proper cultivation!”

“Well, you seem to like him, that’s good,” Nedzu nodded.


“Hello, my name is Hirooki Anakuro,” the feminine person said with a bow, the teen sitting
opposite them fidgeting as they sat, “I am here as part of the secondary interview portion of the UA
Entrance Exam. In this interview we are going to discuss quirk safety and use. Are you okay with

“Y-yes?” the teen muttered, making the individual frown slightly.

“You don’t sound so sure,” they said, “Is something wrong?”

“N-no!” the teen squeaked, “It’s just…uhm…I only got my quirk recently.”

“Ah, I see,” they said, nodding their head as the wrote on their clipboard, “And what have you
learnt about it so far?”

“Well, uhm…” he started.

“Please, go ahead, I’m not here to judge,” they said.

“T-that I can’t use it very well?” the boy chuckled weakly, “If I use it, I break my bones.”

“I see,” they nodded, “Have you tried regulating the power output?”

“Regulating the power output?” he jumped, “W-what do you mean?”

“Have you tried putting only a small portion of the power of your quirk into your body?” they
asked, the boy staring at them in a mixture of shock and realisation.
“I…I didn’t think of that!” he gasped.

“That’s how most strength enhancer quirks describe doing it,” they hummed, “Though I would ask
that you not practice doing so without proper supervision and access to medical personal.”

“O-of course!” the boy spluttered, “S-sorry, but something is bothering me.”

“Oh? What is it?” they asked.

“Are you…are you the Space Hero: Thirteen?”


“So,” Recovery Girl hummed as she walked around the room, “How are you adjusting to One for

“I’m sorry?” Izuku choked as he stared at the woman in shock, “I, uhm…I don’t know what you’re
talking about?!”

“Don’t play around with me boy,” she huffed, “I know all about All Might and his injury. Who do
you think stitched and healed him up after his big fight against…never mind that. How are you
adjusting to your new quirk?”

“I…well, I guess? I haven’t really used it since the entrance exam,” Izuku mumbled.

“Not good enough,” Recovery Girl grumbled, “You should be trying to use it everyday to get your
body acclimatised to it as soon as possible. Is this because of the injuries you sustained during the

“I, uhm…yes? I suppose? I just…I don’t know how to control it very well,” Izuku sighed,
“Thirteen-san gave me a really good suggestion about regulating my power earlier, but I’m still
worried about hurting myself when I use it.”

“Regulating the power would certainly help,” Recovery Girl nodded, before giving the teen a
thoughtful look, “Normally I wouldn’t do this, but I think I may be able to help you out a bit as
well. Tell me, what parts of the body do you use to throw a ball?”

“Throw a ball?” Izuku blinked, “Your hand, arm and shoulder, right?”

“Not exactly,” Recovery Girl hummed, “You actually use almost your entire body. Think on that
while you’re practicing regulating your output.”

“My entire body?” Izuku blinked as the woman smiled at him, seeing the gears already turning in
his head, “If I did that then…”

“You’re done,” she called, startling him out of his muttering as she stamped the sheet on her
clipboard, leaving a large black circle on the page, “Passed your physical near perfectly, your body
fat is just a little low. Now get changed and get going.”

“Y-yes Recovery Girl!” he stuttered as he hurriedly started redressing.


“You failed to submit a design,” the helmeted Pro said as he loomed over Izuku, “Why is that?”

“Oh! Uhm…my mom, she kind of…made me a costume already,” Izuku squeaked, “As a gift for
getting to the interviews!”

“Your mother, huh?” the man muttered, “Probably won’t last more than a month then. Alright, can
you show me what it looks like? That way I at least have something to go on if you need to replace

“O-oh, y-yeah!” Izuku said, “M-my mom made me put it on to make sure everything fit. I have a
photo she sent me on my phone.”

“Great,” the Support technician hummed, looking at the simple costume, “Have you thought of
any improvements you’d want? We can do a lot more here than your mom can. No offense to her.”

“Improvements?” Izuku blinked, “Uhm…something to protect my hands? Maybe make my

punches hit harder?”

“Brass knuckles or something similar, got it,” Powerloader said as he scrawled on a loose sheet of
paper, “How about some supports for your arms and legs while we’re at it? Punching and jumping
with Super Strength must be hard on your bones.”

“Oh! Yes!” Izuku gasped, “That would be great!”

“I’ll see about adding something to your shoes as well,” the Pro hummed, glancing at Izuku as the
teen gave him a confused look, giving a quick laugh, “You think punching is all you can do, kid?
Who are you? All Might’s secret love child?”

“Punching is all I can do?” Izuku mumbled, falling to a mutter as the Pro just sighed, sketching out
a basic design for the costume.

“At least this isn’t as bad as that one Recommendation girl,” Powerloader sighed, “That thing was
almost as bad as Midnight’s first costume.”


“Grrr-ood afternoon,” the bestial man growled as Izuku walked into the room, the teen staring at
him in surprise, “Is something wrrrrong?”

“N-no!” Izuku squeaked, “It’s just…You’re Hound Dog! I never thought I’d get to meet so many
Heroes today!”

“You’ll be being taught by them if you get in,” the councillor hummed as he looked back at the
report on his desk, almost wanting to screw up the papers and throw them out the window, “Want
to sit down? I have some questions for you.”

“S-sure!” Izuku said as she awkwardly perched on the couch, “W-what do you want to know?”

“Why every one of your teachers seems to hate you?” the man muttered, making both of them
jump as Hound Dog looked up at the teen, “Shit, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say that out loud! It’s
just these personality reports from your school-.”

“It’s okay,” Izuku muttered, looking down to hide the obvious tears, “They…they’re kind of right,
I guess.”

“No, they aren’t,” Hound Dog snarled, the anger that had been simmering under his skin while
reading the reports boiling over at the expression on the teen’s face, “All of this? Lies and
discrimination! Just because your quirk didn’t come in until recently. Disgusting! Every one of
these teachers should have their licenses revoked!”

The man glared at Izuku, blinking as he saw the confused and frightened expression on the teen’s
face. He realised he must have lost himself, his speech degrading into snarls and barks as he
shouted. He cleared his throat, before picking up the stack of papers and tossing them into his
wastepaper basket.

“Never mind those,” he said, calming himself down, “I want to get to know you. What do you like
doing for fun?”

“F-fun?” Izuku blinked, before digging in his bag and pulling out a notebook, “I uhm…I write
Hero Analyses and things. Sorry if it’s creepy, it’s just a hobby and…”

“This is good,” Hound Dog said as he scanned over the book, “Really good. You do this as a

“Y-yes?” Izuku replied.

“Well, I can happily say that you will be able to apply this very easily to Heroics,” Hound Dog
said, the teen blushing at the compliment, “Now, tell me more about yourself.”

“A-about me?” Izuku blinked, the councillor nodding as the teen began to speak.


“Sir?” Hound Dog said into the phone as he looked over his notes for the teen in the five minutes
he had before his next interview.

“I’m already on it,” the high-pitched voice said from the other side of the line, “Aldera will no
longer exist by the end of the week.”

“Isn’t that a little harsh?” the bestial man said, “I mean…”

“They hurt one of my students, Inui-san,” the Principal hummed, “They have to pay for that.”

“You make it sound like he’s already been accepted,” the councillor said, “Wait…what do you
mean by “one of your students”? You can’t possibly be thinking of taking him on personally?”

“Perhaps,” Nedzu’s cackle sent a shiver down Ryo’s spine, the man praying for the green-haired
teen as he set the phone down.


“Final verdict?” Nedzu chirped as he held up the file, the image of a nervous looking teen with
wild green hair and a diamond of freckles on each cheek pinned to the front.

“He has the makings of a true Hero,” Chizome nodded.

“He has a good grasp of the basics of quirk safety,” Thirteen added.

“Physically healthy, though…” Recovery Girl said as she looked over at Hound Dog.

“Had good ideas to improve his costume,” Powerloader said as he stretched.

“He has some minor personality problems,” Hound Dog said, “Mainly due to how he has been
treated up until now. But with proper counselling, he should be able to regain his self confidence in
time. Honestly, he’s better than most of the overly self-assured kids we get.”

“So, a unanimous vote?” Nedzu asked, grinning as the room nodded, “Excellent, I shall inform him
that he shall be my personal student post haste!”

The room fell silent as the teachers stared at the principal in shock.

“I had hoped to take him under my wing,” Chizome muttered after a moment.

Katsuki Bakugo


Katsuki didn’t have time for this bullshit, he knew that he’d scored the highest on the practical
exam and had aced the written tests, why couldn’t they just tell him that and move on. Instead, he
had to come in for these stupid interviews and check-ups. Starting with this one. He sat opposite
the man, the two glaring at each other as if daring the other to speak first.

“Why do you want to be a Hero?” the interviewer asked, making Bakugo blink.

“The hell kind of question is that? To be the best of course!” the blonde spat back.

“The hell kind of an answer is that?” the man growled right back, the blonde feeling an actual
shiver run down his spine at the sound, “Stop playing around and answer the question, child.”

“Playing around?!” Bakugo snorted, starting to get angry, wanting to let his quirk crackle across
his palms. He clenched his fists, knowing that doing that probably wouldn’t look good, “What the
fuck do you want me to say, then? I want to be a Hero for the greater good? To save a bunch of
extras? Fuck that! I know I’m the best, and I’ll prove it by becoming the No. 1 Hero!”

“Get out.”

“What?” the blonde blinked as the man visibly shook.

“Unless you want to be culled like the vermin you are,” Katsuki shivered again at the words, actual
fear seeping into his mind as the older man stood, bloodlust radiating off of him in waves, “Then
get out!”

Katsuki scampered out the door as the man took a series of deep breaths, his hands still shaking as
he picked up the clipboard with the blonde’s profile on it. He clenched his fist tightly around the
stamp, almost cracking the plastic, before slamming it down on the paper, leaving a large red ‘X’
on the page.


“I’m sorry, but I cannot allow someone with such disregard for the safety of others to pass,” the
androgynous person said as they stamped the sheet in front of them, Katsuki staring open mouthed
at the large red ‘X’.

“THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ‘DISREGARD’?” he screamed, lunging forwards to snatch up the
paper, blinking as he was pinned to the ground almost instantly.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” the Pro shouted, Katsuki struggling under their iron grip,
“You just tried to attack a person why? Because they criticized you?”


“There are a number of things I’d like to say about that,” the person growled, lifting the teen easily
and shoving him towards the door, “But I may get in trouble if I do. Now, get out before I call

Katsuki stumbled from the room in a haze of fury and confusion, the next person in line looking at
him in confusion for having come out barely two minutes after the start of his interview.

“The fuck you looking at, extra?” he snarled at the black-haired boy, who immediately jumped to
his feet.

“Oh yeah?” he replied as his fists began to spin, “How about you say that when I knock your teeth

“What?” Katsuki blinked as the door opened behind him, the person from before calling the black-
haired boy in, who shouldered past the blonde.


“Perfect health,” Recovery Girl hummed as she stamped the form, leaving the large black circle on
the page, “Though you might work out a little too much. Be careful that it doesn’t affect your

“Whatever,” the blonde muttered as he pulled his shirt back on, still in a daze from the previous
two interviews.



“The fuck do you mean ‘No’?” the blonde snarled, “Those designs are perfect!”

“Maybe for a seasoned Pro,” Powerloader growled right back, “But giving them to a kid? That’s
just asking for trouble! The best you’re going to get is something a tenth the capacity. Maybe with
multiple charges, but no bigger.”


“YOU’RE NOT!” Powerloader roared back, the teen blinking in surprise. He’d never been shouted
at like that by anyone except his mother before, “We don’t make support gear to kill people, you
brat! We make it to save people! Get the hell out of my workshop!”

“What the fuck is with everyone throwing me out?” the blonde muttered to himself as he stalked
out of the room, noticing the same black-haired teen from before.

“Get thrown out like the trash you are again, blondie?” the boy sniggered, Bakugo snarling back at
him as explosions crackled across his palms. The boy immediately dropped into an offensive stance
as his hands began to spin again.

“Oi!” the shout made them both stop as Powerloader glared at them, “Stop that now or I’ll make
sure neither of you get in!”

“Right, sorry sir!” the other teen said, immediately stopping, even as Katsuki continued to let the
small explosions crackle across his palms.

“Bakugo, I said enough,” the Pro growled, the blonde finally closing his hands as he stomped off.


“You need serious help,” Hound Dog sighed, “Normally I would be a little gentler with this, but
after this discussion, it’s obvious you are suffering from a case of Narcissistic Personality
Disorder, along with a combination of a severe inferiority and superiority complex. Maybe even
some Imposter Syndrome. Regardless of whether you get into the Hero course, we’ll need to
schedule weekly sessions to work through this at least.”

“Narcissistic what?” Bakugo blinked. No one had ever said that he had a problem before. In fact,
they’d all just praised him for the strength of his quirk. How was he supposed to know that all this
was important to Heroing? Especially when UA kept the contents of their interviews so secret.

“I’m putting in a good word for you because I think you have potential,” Hound Dog continued,
“But you really do need to get some help, kid.”


“It’s three nays to two ayes,” Nedzu hummed, “We’ll put him in General Education at first, give
him a chance to prove himself during the Sports Festival. Can’t risk him going Villain on us.”

“I doubt he would,” Hound Dog hummed, “Seems too proud to do that. But you never know in the

“He also went to Aldera, correct?” the councillor asked.

“That is correct, Inui-san,” Nedzu chirped, “I have a few plans for that school.”

“I’m sure you do,” Ryo muttered as they moved on to the next file.

Minoru Mineta


“And this student? One Minoru Mineta? How do we judge him, aye or nay?” Nedzu asked as he
held up the folder.

“Nay, he only wishes to enter Heroics for the popularity,” Chizome growled.

“I would have to say no as well,” Recovery Girl hummed, “He isn’t particularly fit, and his small
size makes me worry for his safety.”

“I have to agree with the other two, he spent more time ogling me during our interview than
answering my questions,” Thirteen sighed, their entire suit shuddering.
“He’s a borderline sexual deviant,” Hound dog barked, “So it’s a no from me as well, arf!”

“I have no idea how he thought that costume design was a good idea,” Powerloader sighed, “I
think he only cared about protecting his groin as much as possible.”

“Very well,” Nedzu hummed, dumping the folder off to the side before picking up the next one.
Star And Stripe
Chapter Summary

Just a quick What If Star And Stripe met with Izuku at the start of canon!

Chapter Notes

Thanks as always to Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for beta reading my stories.

I was going to post this tomorrow to fill a gap, but then I decided to post all the
Interview Extendeds this week cause I finished them. Anyway, enjoy this bit of fun!

See the end of the chapter for more notes


“Huh?” the two males said as the muscular woman slammed into the ground between them.

“Hey, have either of you seen All Might around here? I just saw him land in this area!” the blonde
asked, her eight hair streaks fanning out around her head.

“A-All Might?” Izuku squeaked, looking over at the skeletal man behind the woman, “N-no!
Nowhere around here! Sorry!”

“Shit,” she swore, looking around, “If the damn media hadn’t swarmed him after that thing with
the Sludge Villain I might have actually been able to talk to him!”

“Uhm, and who might you be, young lady?” Yagi asked the woman looked over at him.

“Oh, the name’s Cathleen Bate,” the woman said, pointing at her chest with her thumb, “Also
known as America’s number one Hero, Star And Stripe! I’m here visiting my Master, All Might!”

At the mention of his name, Yagi coughed up a mouthful of blood, staggering as Cathleen and
Izuku jumped forwards.

“Sir?/All Might?!” they said simultaneously, the woman blinking as she stared at the boy, his
hands now clamped over his mouth as she spoke, “All Might? You mean…this guy?”

Izuku shook his head frantically as she inspected the blonde man, suddenly grabbing his shoulder
and speaking.

“All Might is at full strength.”

The steam burst out of Yagi as he inflated, now standing a good foot over the tall woman as she
stared at him in amazement.

“Oh my gods,” she whispered, “It really is you!”

“You can’t tell anyone!” the man immediately started, the boy joining in as Cathleen’s grin started
to grow wider and wider.


“What?” the two males said as they stared at her in confusion.


“Okay,” the muscular woman said as the three of them stood in the empty park, “So five years ago
you were injured in a fight with a big Villain and have steadily lost your ability to act as a Hero

“Yes,” Yagi said, back in his skeletal form, looking around nervously for anyone who could be
listening, “That about sums it up.”

“That makes so much sense! There’s all sorts of theories out there about why you’ve been
performing Heroic acts less and less over the last five years!” Cathleen grinned, “A time limit
makes perfect sense!”

“Yes, well,” Yagi muttered, “As I said, I would prefer that you not spread this around.”

“I will take it to my grave for you, All Might,” Cathleen nodded, before turning to Izuku, “But
what about this kid? You said something about making him your successor earlier.”

“Ah, yes,” Yagi nodded, “He proved to me today that he has the true heart of a Hero, so I am going
to train him to become one!”

“Great!” the woman said, “That makes you my kouhai, kid! What’s your name and quirk?”

“O-oh! I’m I-Izuku M-Midoriya, Star and Stripe, ma’am!” Izuku squeaked.

“Just call me Star!” she laughed, the sound friendly and infectious, “And your quirk?”

“Oh, I uhm…” Izuku trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut tightly, “I don’t have one!”

“Huh?” Star said, looking down at him, “So you’re quirkless? And you still want to be a Hero?”

“Y-yes?” Izuku muttered.

“I don’t know whether that’s ballsy or stupid,” the blonde laughed, “But if All Might chose you,
then I’ll root for you too! Best of luck to you, kouhai!”

“Uhm…thank you…senpai?” Izuku said slowly, the woman shivering slightly at the word.

“Damn, I’ve always wanted to be called that,” Cathleen chuckled, “So, what’s on the agenda first?
Obviously, we have to get this wet noodle to have some actual muscles!”

“What?” the two men said as they looked at Star in confusion.

“What?” She said back, “You don’t think I wouldn’t want to help out my precious Kouhai, do


“Damn this place stinks,” Star said loudly as they looked over the dump of a beach, “So, you want
the green bean to clear this whole thing?”

“Only a section,” Yagi replied as Izuku stared in shock, “But essentially, yes.”

“Why only a section?” Star asked, “If he’s going to be trying for UA, he might as well do the
whole lot! Go Plus Ultra!”

“Huh,” Yagi muttered, “You do have a point, though I would prefer not to over work the young

“I can handle that!” Star said happily, grabbing Izuku by the hand, “Izuku Midoriya’s body will
work at peak efficiency.”

“Huh?” the boy said as she released him, Izuku suddenly feeling far more awake, “What did you

“I used my quirk to help you out, kouhai!” Star laughed, flexing, “That’s the safest order I can give
you to help you build muscle. It’s the same one I used when I started to train. Though I only
figured it out through a lot of trial and error.”

“Really?” Izuku gasped, looking down at his spindly arms, “I already feel so much more awake!”

“Yep, your body will work at peak efficiency until I remove the effect, and considering I’ve taken
the next ten months off, we have that long to build you up!”

“You did what?” the two males squawked, staring at her in shock.

“Took the next ten months off,” Star shrugged, “I had the overtime saved up, so it wasn’t that big a
deal. Anyway, let’s get started, Kouhai! You aren’t going to build those muscles just standing
around like that!”


“Hi!” the blonde said happily as she stood in the doorway to the small apartment, “My name is
Cathleen Bate, and I’m helping to train your son to be a Hero!”

“I’m sorry,” Inko Midoriya blinked as she looked up at the towering woman, “What did you say?”

“I’m helping to train your son to be a Hero!” Cathleen repeated, “He’s got a great heart and mind,
and a drive I’ve never seen before! So, I’m helping to train him!”

“M-mom,” Izuku squeaked as he squeezed past the woman, “It’s okay, Star-senpai is a
professional Hero. She’s already helped me a lot!”

“A professional Hero is helping my son train?” Inko said slowly, looking between the two of them,

“Mom, please,” the teen said softly, “This is my dream!”

“And a great dream it is!” Star interrupted, “But first we have to make some changes to your son’s
life! Namely, food! He’s going to need a lot of protein and carbs if he wants to have any hope of
getting fit enough in time! So, we came up with this dietary plan!”

“We?” Inko asked.

“Yep, me and All M-, I mean my trainer! Yeah, my trainer!” Cathleen blustered slightly as she
almost slipped up, “Don’t worry, it’ll be good for him! And I can help cover the costs if

“Cover the costs?” Inko blinked, looking at the sheaf of papers she’d been handed, “Okay then.
Uhm…Izuku, why don’t you invite your guest inside, I’ll put on the kettle for some tea.”

“That sounds great, Ma’am!” Star said happily as she stepped inside the small apartment, seeming
to fill the hallway entirely, before leaning down to Izuku and whispering, “Hey Kouhai, I know
you’re a massive All Might fanboy, care to show me your collection?”

“Huh?” Izuku squeaked, “Uhm…sure, Star-senpai!”

The woman nodded as he led her to his room, her grin only getting wider as she looked around the
veritable shrine to All Might.

“Not bad,” Star said, pulling out her phone, scrolling through some pictures, “But I think I have
you beat.”

“No way!” Izuku gasped as she showed off the photos, “Is that a tenth anniversary wall scroll?
And a life size statue of All Might in his Silver Age costume? So cool!”

“Yep,” Star grinned, as Izuku suddenly perked up, darting to his cupboard, and digging in the back,
pulling out a carefully wrapped package.

“This is the best thing I have,” Izuku said quietly, gently setting it down on the bed and slowly
unwrapping the parcel, Star leaning in as she tried to figure out what it was, her eyes going wide as
her mouth dropped open.

“No way,” she gasped, “I never thought I’d ever see one! A real Japan-only Limited-Edition
Golden Age All Might Action figure! And it’s mint in box! They only made like five thousand of

“Yeah,” Izuku scratched the back of his head, “I was super lucky to get my hands on it.”

Star stared at him for a long moment, making the teen fidget nervously before she finally spoke.

“I am SO jealous!”


“You’re done!” Star shouted as the teen dumped the last of the garbage into the dumpster, “And it
only took you nine and a half months!”

“Congratulations, young Midoriya,” All Might said proudly as he patted the exhausted boy on the
shoulder, “You surpassed what I thought you could handle, with only a few mishaps!”

“Yeah, just cause I gave you some extra energy with my quirk doesn’t mean you get to overwork
yourself,” Star laughed, slapping Izuku on the back, “So, what now? Combat training?”

“Now I pass my quirk onto young Midoriya,” Yagi said, inflating to his muscular form and pulling
out one of his hairs, “NOW, EAT THIS!”

The two stared at All Might for a moment, before Cathleen blinked.

“You do what with your quirk now?”

“I pass it onto Young Midoriya,” All Might repeated, giving the Heroine a stern look, “This is a
secret that you must take to your grave as well, Star and Stripe. The fact that I am letting you know
this is because I trust you.”

“Wow!” the woman gasped, stars in her eyes, “All Might trusts me! This is the greatest day of my

“So, all I have to do is eat the hair?” Izuku said, taking the strand of blonde, All Might nodding as
Star fangirled in the background, “Okay.”

The teen shuddered as he gagged down the hair, sticking out his tongue.


“Sorry,” All Might chuckled, “I used scented shampoo last night to try make it taste better.

“All Might trusts me!” Cathleen laughed, scooping up Izuku, “And he gave you his quirk! I am
even morejealous of you now!”

“Yes, well,” Yagi said as he deflated, visibly shaking, “Now we move onto the next phase of
training. Getting you used to your quirk.”


“You’re an idiot, you zygote!”

The shout rang out across the beach as the old man swatted the teen with his cane.

“You have no idea what you’re doing with your quirk! You barely deserve what’s been given to

“I’m sorry!” Izuku cried as he tried to block the swipes, “I’m just not understanding what you want
from me!”

“You’re still too scared of your quirk to use it properly!” the old man yelled, “What the hell am I
supposed to do about that?”

“Wow, he’s harsh,” Star said as the two adults watched the old man continue to berate the teen,
“No wonder you’re scared of him.”

“I’ll say,” Yagi nodded, “Though we only have a week left before the Entrance Exam, and I’m not
sure how many more glares I can take from Chiyo-san when we bring young Midoriya to her.”

“I could help the kid out for that,” Star hummed, “Order his bones not to break on the day or

“No, that would be cheating,” Yagi shook his head, “Plus, I don’t think Young Midoriya would
like that.”

“Yeah, fair,” Star muttered, “Still, it’s not a bad idea…”

“What do you mean?”


“Are you finally getting the hang of this?” Star called as Izuku raced up and down the beach,
throwing sand into the air with his speed.

“Yes, Star-senpai!” Izuku called as he slid to a stop, “Thanks to your order, I’ve been able to get
used to the feeling of 100% throughout my whole body, though my muscles do hurt a lot

“That’s understandable,” Yagi nodded as he walked up to them, “You’re still overtaxing your body
at the moment, but you’ll only grow stronger with time.”

“Yep!” Star said happily, before looking out over the beach wistfully.

“What’s wrong, Star-senpai?” Izuku asked, the blonde woman sighing.

“Well, I’ve been called back to America,” she sighed, “Apparently there’s something big they need
me for. Sorry, but I’ll be missing your exam tomorrow, Kouhai.”

“Oh,” Izuku sagged slightly at the news, before straightening his back and looking her right in the
eyes, “Thank you for all you’ve done for me Senpai! I promise you; I’ll pass with flying colours!”

“And those colours better be red, white and blue!” Star laughed as she pulled the teen into a tight
hug, “Best of luck to you, Izuku.”


“He did what?”

“Broke one of his arms and both his legs,” Yagi said through the phone as Cathleen hurried
through the airport Terminal, waving to her fans as she passed by.

“Dammit, I knew I should have kept the bone order on him till after the exam!”

“As I said before, that would invalidate his chances of getting in,” Yagi hummed, “But you have
nothing to worry about, he performed admirably in the combat portion, and scored a large number
of Rescue points as well.”

“Yeah, but-,” Star sighed.

“I know you’re worried about him, but Chiyo-san healed him right up afterwards,” Yagi chuckled,
“Even if she did scold the two of us once he woke up.”

“Good on her,” Star sighed, “Tell my Kouhai I’m going to give him a punch for worrying me like
that the next time I come to Japan!”


Star And Stripe looked up at the sky as her body crumbled away, smiling to herself as she
remembered the skinny, green-haired boy she’d met almost two years ago.

“Sorry, Kouhai,” she croaked, “But it looks like I won’t be able to see you again anytime soon.”

Chapter End Notes

Hoo boy, that ending, Amirite? :P

Chapter Summary

A story about Periods.

Chapter Notes


Hi loyal readers,

SO, as the story description says this is a story about periods. As such, if that kind of
thing squicks you out or makes you uncomfortable, I would advise you not to read it. I
haven't gone into any detail about it, but I know it can still make some people

This is mostly a fluff piece about the 1A girls being treated nicely during their periods,
but that being said, I am also a Cis Male who knows very little about the experience of
having a period.

As such, I ask any of my period having readers to please comment on what you think
of this story and give me advice and criticism should anything need to be changed.
Feel free to also discuss your own experiences in the comments should you feel
comfortable doing so.

Thank you all for reading my stories, and thank you to Critical_Warrior and
Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading my work, as well as everyone on the Discord who
encouraged me in the writing of this piece. Also Icarus-Nyx, who taught me some


“Oh no.”

The words echoed around the quiet classroom, several people turning to look at Mina as she sat
bolt upright in her seat.

“Is something the matter, Ashido?” Mic asked, a look of concern on his face as the girl stared dead
ahead, “Did you forget something?”

“Uhm…not really?” she squeaked, “I just…can I go to the bathroom?”

“Well, class just started and-,” he was cut off as Izuku stood, pulling a small fabric pouch from his
bag, and walking over to the girl’s desk, placing it silently down before returning to his own seat,
“Uhm…what’s going on?”
“Just let her go to the fucking bathroom, Sensei,” Katsuki growled as he glared at the board,
copying down the notes.

“Okay?” the man shrugged, watching as the girl grabbed the small fabric bag and hurried out of
the room.


“Huh?” Momo blinked as Izuku lay his blazer over her lap just as she sat in her chair, looking up at
him in confusion, before a deep blush crossed her face, “T-thank you, Midoriya.”

“Anytime, Yaomomo,” Izuku nodded, “If you need anything, just ask.”

“O-of course,” the girl blushed harder as she tried to hide her face.

“Are you in pain?” Shoto whispered from beside her, holding out his hand, several travel sized
bottle of pain medication in it, “I can go get you some water.”

“It’s fine, thank you,” she muttered.


“Ow,” Ochako groaned as the class waited for the next group to finish the current exercise.

“You okay, Chako?” Mina asked, looking at the slightly hunched over girl holding her stomach,
“You feeling nauseous from using your quirk too much?”

“No,” the brunette sighed, “It’s uhm…something else.”

“It is?” Momo asked, before blinking for a moment, “Oh…OH!”

“Here,” the quiet word made the three girls jump as Shoto held out his hand, three different bottles
of pain medication in his palm. The three girls stared at him in shock for a moment, before he
spoke again, “Do you not use any of these brands?”

“I have some others,” Izuku hummed as he appeared beside them, pressing a water bottle into
Ochako’s hand, “Luckily you’ve already done your exercise today, right Uraraka?”

“I uhm…yeah,” the brunette blushed as she accepted the water bottle and medication, “Thanks.”


The next day saw Izuku wordlessly handing Kyoka another small fabric pouch as she hurried past
him to the bathroom, the girl giving him a surprised but grateful look. Shoto apparently had an
endless supply of pain medication on hand as he began handing it out to all the girls, leaving the
other boys confused. Katsuki just snarled at them each time they tried to ask what was happening,
telling them to mind their own business.

Tsuyu slammed her head down on her desk in the middle of Art History, startling everyone, before
Izuku shot out of his chair and helped her up, handing her off to the other girls as they helped her
stumble out of the room. Midnight just nodded to them as they hurried out, giving the frog-quirked
girl a sympathetic look.

“Sensei! Someone’s bleeding!” Shoji called out during Basic Heroics that day, all the girl twitching
as the tall boy pointed to the spots of blood on the floor, “Do we need to call Recovery Girl?”
“Bleeding?” Aizawa sighed, looking over all of them, “I don’t see any injuries. Who is it?”

“DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER!” Katsuki suddenly screamed, pulling out a small silver parcel
and tossing it to Izuku, who quickly unfurled the shock blanket and wrapped it around Tooru’s
waist without a word, “We’re fucking done for the day, right?”

“Yes, you are,” the man huffed, “But whoever is hurt should go see Recovery Girl anyway.”


“Is this normal?” Momo asked as she glanced over at the boys at the other end of the classroom,
the girls gathered together around her desk, “I mean, all of us getting it at the same time?”

“We have been living together in the dorms for about three months now, kero,” Tsuyu said, “It’s
understandable that our cycles might sync up.”

“But so fast?” Ochako blanched, “I mean…my mom and I usually get it at about the same time, but
all of us?”

"Cycle syncing is myth, though," Momo said, "I did research on it. There’s no correlation between
when a person gets their period and being in close proximity to others."

"Really? So it's just a nasty coincidence?", Mina asked, Momo nodding.

“I’m just glad that mine came, honestly,” Kyoka sighed, the other girls looking at her in confusion,
“I was almost a week late.”

“Oh,” Mina said, “Yeah, I’m like a week early. I guess this means we’ll have to change our

“I can’t believe it happened to me during class,” Tooru moaned quietly, “I’m still so embarrassed!”

“At least Midoriya covered you up before anyone could ask questions,” Mina sighed, “I ruined a
really good pair of panties the other day!”

“That is a mood,” Kyoka nodded, “He really saved me with that bag of tampons and pads, I’d
forgotten to bring any.”

“Oh, same!” Mina said, before blinking, “Why did he have those anyway? And there were like,
four different brands and sizes in it.”

“And Todoroki-kun with his pain medication,” Momo nodded, “Where is he keeping it all?”

“I don’t know,” Ochako shook her head, “Let’s just be grateful that they’re doing it, though.”

“Agreed,” the girls said, turning to look as Katsuki suddenly blew up Mineta.


“Hey Hagakure,” Ojiro said as he walked past the invisible girl in the kitchen.

“Go away,” she grumbled, yanking open the fridge door and grabbing a carton of orange juice,
popping it open and drinking straight from the bottle.

“Uhm…I think that’s Iida’s,” Ojiro said quietly as the girl emptied the box, tossing it into the sink
before stalking past him again.
“Don’t care, was thirsty,” she muttered.

“Are you…okay?” the tailed teen asked slowly.

“I’m fine, just grumpy,” she replied, “Leave me alone, please.”

“Oh…okay…” the boy said as she left the room.


“Hey Mina!” Eijiro said happily as he walked up to the girl after class, “Want to sit together at
lunch and-.”

“No,” the girl snapped, making the red headed teen freeze like a deer in the headlights.

“Okay,” he said stepping back, “Is something wrong?”

“Everything is fine,” she said quickly, smiling weakly at him, "Sorry, just having...a bad day.”

“Okay,” Eijiro squeaked, “I’ll uhm…leave you to it, then.”

“Yeah, thanks," she said softly as she turned and walked away.


“Yaomomo! I need help with the English test next week!” Kaminari said as he bowed in front of
the girl, “Can you please share your infinite wisdom with me, oh great guru!”

“I…” Momo said, a look of surprise on her face, before she burst into tears, making the blonde
leap back in surprise.

“What did you do, Jammingyay?” Kyoka growled as she jabbed him in the ears with her jacks,
making the boy yelp in pain.

“Nothing! I swear!” Kaminari shouted as he fell to the ground clutching his ears, “I was just asking
for help studying!”

“I’m sorry,” Momo sniffed, wiping her eyes, “I get like this when…sometimes. Of course I’ll help
you, Kaminari.”

“Awesome!” the blonde said, smiling brightly, “You’re a real life-saver, Yaomomo!”

“I am?” the girl sniffed, before bursting into another bout of tears.

“Jammingyay!” Kyoka growled as she jabbed him in the back, glaring daggers at him.

“But I didn’t do anything! Why are you being so mean to me?”


“I’m horny, kero.”

The girls paused their conversation to look at Tsuyu as the girl shifted on the couch.

“I’m sorry, what?” Momo asked.

“I said I’m horny,” Tsuyu repeated, looking at each of their shocked faces, “What? It happens
when I get my period.”

“Yeah, we heard you the first time,” Tooru sighed, “But why tell us that?”

“Cause I need to tell someone,” Tsuyu shrugged, “It’s not like I can do anything about it without it
getting messy.”

“Okay, and we’ve moved into gross territory there,” Kyoka said, holding up her hand, “Let’s not
talk about that.”

“I want someone to mount me,” Tsuyu hummed, leaning back on the couch as the other girls all
blushed, “Have him push me down and-.”

“Enough!” Kyoka shouted, her ears bright red as she slapped a hand over the frog-quirked girl’s
mouth, “We don’t want to hear that! Especially now!”

“Buph ahm ‘orni,” Tsuyu mumbled through the girl’s hand.


“Do I have to go to class today?” Ochako moaned as she rolled over in her bed, the cramps making
her curl up in pain, “I don’t want to…”

The soft knock made the brunette start, letting out a quiet groan.

“Come in,” She called, rolling to face away from the door.

Quiet footsteps padded up to her bed, the brunette flinching as she felt the slight weight be placed
beside her head, before the person quickly left, shutting her door quietly. She rolled over again,
flinching at the pain in her abdomen before her eyes fell on the neatly wrapped package resting on
her bed. She reached up, unwrapping it slowly, her eyes going wide at the contents.

It was a large box of her preferred brand of tampons, along with expensive pain medication and a
box of luxury chocolate mochi. She blinked as the tears dripped down her face, hurriedly wiping
her eyes as she set the box of mochi aside, sitting up slowly before quickly downing two of the
pain pills, waiting for them to kick in before she could hopefully head to her attached bathroom and
get ready for the day.


“Hey girls,” Tooru said as she slumped on the sofa with the rest of the 1A girls, “Thanks for the
care package. It really made me feel better.”

“Wait…you got one too?” Momo sniffed, “I burst into tears when I opened mine! How did you all
even know that I like coffee flavoured chocolate?”

“You do?” Ochako blinked, “I mean, mine had chocolate flavoured mochi in it, and my usual

“Same,” Mina replied, “Well, it was chocolate covered nougat for me, but they had my brand and
everything! Plus, the extra-strength pain meds!”

“Chocolate covered crickets,” Tsuyu hummed, making all the girls look at her in surprise, “What? I
like them.”

“So?” Kyoka asked, looking around at the other girls, “Who sent them?”
The group all looked at each other, shrugging.

“Maybe one of the boys?” Tooru mumbled, “Or the teachers, I guess?”

“It must have been one of the teachers,” Ochako nodded, “I mean, why would any of the boys
know our preferred tampons and pads?”

“True,” Momo sniffed again, wiping the tears from her eyes, “It was really thoughtful of them…but
who do you suppose it was?”

“Midnight-sensei, kero?” Tsuyu answered, the girls all nodding, vowing to thank the woman then
next time they saw her.


“I have no idea what you’re all talking about,” Midnight said as the girls blinked in confusion,
“Care packages? I didn’t do anything like that. I’d say you all have secret admirers if it weren’t for
the contents. But still, someone really cares about you.”

“Then who?” the girls asked, the teacher just shrugging as she went back to her work.


The girls gathered in the corner of the class as they talked in hushed tones, the boys watching in

“Any idea what they’re talking about?” Sero asked, looking around.

“None of your fucking business, Soy Sauce face,” Katsuki spat.

“Yeah, but like…I’m kind of interested? What if they’re talking about their crushes or something?”
Kaminari chuckled, his confusion only growing as both Izuku and Shoto shook their heads.

“Best to just leave it alone,” the green-haired boy said plainly.

“I agree,” Shoto nodded.

“Oh, come on,” Mineta lisped, “It’s not like they’re talking about their periods or something!”

The silence that followed the sound of disgust in his words spoke volumes as the rest of the boys
looked at Izuku, Shoto and Katsuki, all of whom were glaring at the shortest member of their class
like he was the filthiest thing they’d ever seen.

“Oh gods!” the ball-haired gremlin sneered, a look of disgust on his face, “They are, aren’t they?”

“You are going to stop talking now,” Izuku said quietly as he rested his hand on Mineta’s shoulder,
“And then never open your mouth again. Understood?”

“What? But it’s gro-!”

“Understood?” the word came out as a threat, the short boy slamming his mouth shut a moment


“Midoriya,” the green-haired teen blinked as he was cornered by the girls, all of them looking at
him as they held up half eaten boxes of chocolate and chocolate flavoured snacks, “Did you give us

“Uhm…no?” the boy said, looking at the girls.

“Do you know who did?” Kyoka asked, glaring at him as he slowly shook his head, “You do,
don’t you?”

“Was it Todoroki?” Momo asked, sniffling slightly.

“No,” Izuku replied, eyes going wide as he slapped his hands over his mouth, “Sorry, I can’t tell
you. He wouldn’t like it if you knew.”

“So, you do know who sent them,” Tsuyu croaked, “Who is it? Why wouldn’t he like it if we

“Because,” the boy said, “He just wouldn’t. Can’t you just accept the gifts and leave it at that?”

“Oh, come on,” Ochako laughed, “It’s not like it’s Bakugo who sent them, right?”

Izuku pursed his lips as he tried to look away.

“It’s not Bakugo…is it?” the brunette repeated as the girls all went quiet.

“Maybe?” Izuku squeaked.


“Okay, so at least we know why all the girls has been acting weird,” Kaminari said as the boys sat
in the common room.

“They aren’t ‘acting weird’, pikachu,” Katsuki growled, “They’re just on their periods. Their
emotions can sometimes get all fucked up from the hormones.”

“How come you’re so calm about all this?” Eijiro asked, looking between the three boys who’d just
spent the last ten minutes explaining to the class what was happening.

“I have an older sister,” Shoto shrugged, “Her cramps get really bad, so she always asks for pain

“Same with my mom,” Izuku nodded, “Though she prefers to eat chocolate and have a heat pad.
Have we offered any of the girls heat pads, now that I think of it?”

“Not my fucking problem,” Katsuki growled, “Just like fucking explaining a simple biological
function of the female body to a bunch of guys my age shouldn’t have been my job either!”

“Yeah, but your mom gets really scary when she’s on her period,” Izuku said, the blonde laughing
as he glared at the other teen.

“Like you’re one to talk!” he spat, “Aunty Inko is fucking terrifying!”

Omake: The Talk


The small voice roused Enji from his light sleep, the man immediately jumping to his feet and
looking around for danger, startling the young girl as she stood beside his bed.

“Huh?” he grunted, looking at his twelve-year-old daughter as she clutched her stomach, “Fuyumi?
What’s wrong? Is there an emergency? Is Shoto okay?”

“N-no,” she squeaked, “No emergency, and Sho-chan is asleep, it’s just…”

“What?” Enji growled, rubbing his eyes as he woke up fully.

“I think I need to go to the hospital,” Fuyumi mumbled, “I…my stomach really hurts and…and I
peed blood just now.”

“You…urinated blood?” Enji blinked as he looked down at the girl, his mind racing for a few
moments, before his eyes went wide in realisation, noticing the dark stain on the crotch of her
pyjama pants, “Ah, I see.”

“S-sorry,” she whispered.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Fuyumi,” Enji sighed as he placed a hand reassuringly on her
head, “This isn’t something to worry over. You don’t need to go to the hospital.”

“B-but what’s wrong with me?” she asked, Enji floundering slightly as he looked back at the
empty bed, remembering that his wife was currently in hospital after the incident with Shoto.

“Nothing,” Enji sighed, half-resigning himself to the coming conversation, but still fumbling over
his words, “This is…natural for women. When you come of age you…begin to bleed…down

“We do?” Fuyumi’s look of fear made Enji flinch, quickly trying to explain himself.

“Well…yes! But it’s not permanent, as such,” he said, kneeling on the ground in front of her,
“Listen to me Fuyumi, this just means that you have taken another step towards womanhood. It is
perfectly natural.”

“Did mom go through this as well?” she sniffed.

“Your mother…” Enji cringed at the thought of Rei. He was still angry about what she’d done but
knew that it was at least in part his fault, “Yes, she did. Does, in fact.”

“She still does?” Fuyumi gasped, “And…and you? Or Natsuo-nii?”

“Me?” Enji blinked, “N-no, I don’t bleed once a month, that doesn’t happen to men.”

“That’s unfair,” the girl muttered, flinching as she squeezed her stomach tighter, “Ow.”

“Unfair?” Enji asked, looking away with a sigh, “I…yes, I suppose it is. Are you in great pain?”

“No,” she said, cringing again as she clutched her stomach, “Yes.”

“Okay, let’s get you some pain medication and a heating pad, that always helped your mother,”
Enji sighed as he got up, “I’ll also call your school in the morning so you can be excused for the
“Oh!” the girl gasped, looking up at her father in surprise and more than a little gratefulness,
Chapter Summary

A companion story to chapter 9: Returner. What happened to Izuku while he was in

the other world.

Chapter Notes

Okay, so this chapter was getting way too long, so I decided that I would make this
story an Extended. However, I'm still going to post this chapter now because reasons.

Feel free to share ideas in the comments, I may even use some of them :P

Thanks as always to Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for beta reading my stuff,

even though they've both only seen the first half of this chapter so far.

Izuku blinked as he stared up at the branches of the tree, his back against the bare earth.

What happened? Where was he? The last thing he remembered was the truck and… oh.

He stared blankly up as he processed the thoughts, the sun creeping across the sky as he lay for
hours, unable to move. Eventually, his stomach grumbled, forcing him out of his shock as he sat up
and reached for his school bag to get his lunch. He blinked as he grabbed at the empty air, looking
down at himself for the first time.

Gone was his school uniform and faded yellow backpack, in their place a roughly spun green tunic
and brown linen pants, soft leather shoes on his feet. Other than that, he had nothing. Looking
around, Izuku swallowed nervously, his eyes falling on the small buckler and short sword lying on
the floor beside him, a simple satchel beside them.

Reaching out, he grabbed the bag, opening it to find a few bundles of cloth and a leather waterskin.
He untied one of the bundles, staring at the dried meat and hard biscuit inside. What was this?
Some sort of rations? It seemed vaguely familiar to the boy, though he couldn’t quite remember

His stomach cut him off again, growling loudly this time. Izuku flinched at the sound, letting out a
long, low sigh, before biting into the meat. It was extremely salty, making him want a drink, but he
forced himself to finish the dried food first. Next, he started on the biscuit, having to bite down
hard to even get it to crack in his mouth, the dry substance sucking all the moisture from Izuku’s
mouth almost instantly.

Coughing, he pulled the waterskin out of his bag, taking a deep drink to wash the dry biscuit down.
Scowling at the supposed food, he tossed it away, deciding that it wasn’t worth it. Getting up, he
looked around, finding himself under a large tree in the middle of a clearing, a forest stretching out
around him seemingly endlessly. He squinted into the distance, his eyes catching what looked like
a column of smoke rising on the horizon.

“Smoke means people, right?” he muttered to himself, taking a step forwards.

A strange foreboding feeling came over him, Izuku immediately stepping backwards, almost
tripping on the shield as he did. He looked down at the weapon and armour, swallowing nervously
before picking them up. The sword came with a scabbard and belt, so he attached that around his
waist, and carried the small shield in his hand. Strangely feeling a little more comfortable, he
started walking towards the smoke once again.


The echo of metal on metal caught Izuku’s attention as he made his way through the forest. His
instincts kicked in a moment later, the boy turning towards the sound and hurrying forwards.
Maybe it was a Hero fighting a Villain? Maybe they could tell him where he was and why he was
in weird clothes. Izuku blinked as the ground suddenly vanished beneath his feet, dropping into a
small ditch alongside a dirt road.

He squawked as he fell, groaning as he collapsed into the ditch. Blinking, he could still hear the
sounds of fighting, a sudden pained scream making him start as he scrambled to climb out of the
ditch. He peeked over the edge, eyes going wide at what he saw.

A group of men, all wearing ragged leather armour, were fighting against another group, each
uniquely dressed. One woman wore green leather armour and was firing a bow at the other men.
Another man was dressed in a long flowing robe, sparks of electricity dancing across his fingers as
he spoke in a strange language that made Izuku’s ears tingle. A second man was wielding a sword
and shield, much like what Izuku had, though both were much bigger than the teens, and was
dressed in chainmail. Another pained scream from the group of raggedly dressed men drew Izuku’s
eyes to a man dressed in dark leathers, a pair of wicked looking daggers in his hands as he plunged
them into the back of one of their attackers.

Suddenly, with a crack of thunder, the man in the robe let out a shout, the other two men jumping
out of the way as a bolt of lightning leapt from his hand, striking the remaining group, causing
them all to collapse to the ground smoking. Izuku stared in a mixture of awe and horror. Firstly, at
how skilled these people seemed to be, and secondly at the fact that they hadn’t even hesitated to
kill the men apparently attacking them.

“There’s still one left,” the man in the dark leathers spoke in a language Izuku couldn’t recognise,
let alone understand, pointing right at him with one of his daggers, making the teen squeak in

“Are you sure?” the woman asked, looking him over as he tried to scramble out of the ditch, “It
simply looks like a child to me.”

“Bandits use kids as bait and distractions all the time,” the man growled, stepping forwards,
“Give me a second and I’ll kill him.”

“No,” the man in chainmail said, stepping towards Izuku, “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“W-who are you?” Izuku squeaked as he stared at the group, frozen in place as the man walked
towards him, “W-why did you kill those people? Are you Villains?”

“Any language you understand, Hafta?” the chainmailed man called back, the robed man shaking
his head, “Okay, cast that spell you know on both of us. I’ll find out who this kid is.”
The man nodded, letting the strange words fall from his lips as Izuku felt a strange pressure in the
back of his mind. Suddenly, he blinked, his ears ringing slightly as he looked at the group fearfully.

“Can you understand me now?” the man asked, Izuku staring as he listened. He was obviously still
speaking the language he had been before, but now Izuku just knew what he was saying, “Answer
me, boy. This spell only lasts so long.”

“Spell?” Izuku asked, the man nodding, “What do you mean? Are you Heroes? What are your

“Heroes?” the man snorted slightly, a grin crossing his face, “No, nothing so fancy. Just regular
adventurers. As for quirks, weird question, but Hafta over there doesn’t speak unless to cast spells,
Leaf likes women, and Bertrand is a lightweight.”

“And you couldn’t get a woman in bed if it was to save the world, Arthur!” the leather armoured
man shouted back.

“W-what language are you speaking?” Izuku asked, “I-I can’t understand it, but I know what
you’re saying. How?”

“Geez, so many questions,” the man sighed, “How about you answer some of mine first.”

“O-okay,” Izuku mumbled, blushing as he realised how rude he must have seemed, “S-sorry.”

“It’s fine. The names Arthur.” The man replied, “So, who are you?”

“Izuku Midoriya,” Izuku said, the man nodding slightly, “I-I was just on my way to school this
morning when I got hit by a truck and woke up under a tree and-.”

“Woah, wait,” Arthur said as the teen started to talk faster and faster, “A truck? What’s that? Some
kind of monster?”

“Monster? N-no?” Izuku shook his head, “It’s like a car, but bigger.”

“Car?” the man asked.

“You drive around in them? Uhm, metal vehicles that take you places?”

“Like a fancy wagon?” Arthur asked, Izuku shrugging, “Okay. So, were you part of that lot?”

“What?’ Izuku gasped as Arthur motioned his head towards the dead men, “N-NO! I promise!
Please don’t hurt me!”

“Woah, kid. Calm down,” Arthur said as he held up his hands, “I won’t hurt you. It was just a
question. And I’ve got one more for you. This one is kind of important.”

“It is?” Izuku asked, the man nodding, “O-Okay.”

“What’s the name of your country?”


The doors to the Adventurer’s Guild banged open as the party entered, several of the patrons
turning to look at the four of them.

“Hey, it’s the Holy Avengers!” someone laughed, “Slay any dragons lately?”
“Only your mother in bed,” Arthur called back as the room laughed, the group heading towards
the counter at the back of the room.

“Arthur, you’re late,” the young woman behind the desk said curtly, looking him up and down,
“What happened?”

“Bandits on our way back,” the man shrugged, “Delayed us by an hour. As did this one.”

Arthur stepped aside to reveal Izuku, the teen looking around in amazement, starting when the
woman cleared her throat.

“And you are?” she asked.

“A bona fide Traveller,” Arthur said loudly, the room quieting at his words, “Met him just after
wiping out the bandits.”

“Are you sure?” the woman asked.

“Kid can’t even speak Common,” Arthur shrugged, “Had to have Hafta cast that spell of his on
him a dozen times on the way over just so we could keep him calm.”

“Sounds like a Traveller,” the woman sighed, “And what would you have me do about him? Do
you want to take him as a squire?”

“What? No,” Arthur laughed, “You see him? All skin and bones, can barely hold that short sword
of his right. Not the fighting type. Nah, I figured I’d leave him here so he can at least pick up
Common and earns a few coppers to keep himself fed.”

“Really?” the woman sighed, rolling her eyes, “Fine. Have Hafta cast his spell so I can talk to the

“Right away,” Arthur said as he nodded to the tired looking robed man, who let the arcane words
tumble from his lips once more.

“You, boy,” the woman said, the teen starting as he turned to look at her, “You come from another

“A-apparently?” Izuku squeaked, “Uhm… am I in trouble?”

“No,” the woman sighed, leaning on the counter as he swallowed nervously, “But you will be if
you don’t have a way to understand anyone, or earn coin to keep yourself fed.”

“O-oh,” Izuku muttered, “What can I do about that?”

“Nothing,” the woman replied, making him stare at her in shock, “Or, it’s more like you don’t need
to do anything. Arthur here has already organised you a job and place to learn.”

“R-really?” Izuku gasped, looking to the man, who smiled at him, “Why?”

“He’s just like that,” the woman sighed, “Sappy and good hearted. Anyway, get upstairs, last door
on your left. That’s your room now, you start working in the morning.”

“Working? Morning?” Izuku blinked.

“Hello and welcome,” Izuku said as the party approached the counter, dropping the large burlap
sack onto the counter, a little blood seeping through the fabric, “You were successful in your

“Barely,” Arthur groaned as he rolled his shoulders, “Damn Dire Bear pinned me down and tried to
eat my face off. Wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for a quick spell from Hafta.”

“Good to hear,” Izuku nodded, opening the sack and looking at the head and hide inside, “Well,
these look good. I’ll need the head to confirm the bounty, but do you want to keep the hide?”

“Nah,” Arthur said after looking to his party, the rest shaking their heads, “Just give us market
price on it. Leaf’s bow snapped, so we have to buy a new one.”

“Oh, that’s bad,” Izuku said, shaking his head.

“Eh, just means a few days without drinking,” Arthur chuckled, “But how about you? It’s been
what? Two years since we found you in the Archend Woods, right? Couldn’t speak a word of
Common and look at you now!”

“I have a good teacher,” Izuku grinned back, glancing at the woman at the other end of the counter
talking to another party.

“Yeah, Sara’s pretty smart, a little wasted on being a clerk,” Arthur sighed, “She’d do well as a
proper Adventurer. Speaking of, you ready for the upcoming Guild entrance test?”

“Yep!” the sixteen-year-old said happily, holding up a hand and speaking a series of arcane words,
a small ball of light appearing in his hand, “I can now cast seven spells!”

“Seven?” Arthur said in surprise, Hafta behind him making a choked sound, “That’s a lot! Most
dedicated magic users your age can only cast two or three!”

“O-oh,” Izuku blinked, “S-sorry. I didn’t mean to boast.”

“Nah, kid!” Arthur laughed, “You deserve to! That’s really impressive! I’m sure your party will be
thrilled to have you!”

“Thanks,” Izuku said as he handed the party a large pouch of coins.


“What?” the fighter of the group growled as Izuku tried to introduce himself, “They gave us the
clerk? Fucking hell!”

“Uhm.. I’m Izuku Midoriya,” Izuku continued, nervously fingering the short sword at his hip, “I’m
a trainee Mage, I know the spells Light-.”

“Izuzu Mi-what now?” the fighter interrupted him, “That’s too complicated.”

“Oh, uhm… you can just call me Deku then,” Izuku said without thinking, “If you want to that is.”

“Deku, sure, whatever,” the fighter huffed, getting up and walking towards the wagons that would
take them into the nearby forest for their test.

“What’s his deal?” the red headed girl in a white robe asked, her voice slightly nasally as she
leaned on her staff, “Seems like an asshole. I’m not gonna heal him if he’s gonna talk to me like
“Heal?” Izuku said, “You’re a Healer?”

“Yep,” the girl nodded, “Tilly Weaver, at yer service. Can cast Lesser Heal, Lesser Haste and
Lesser Strength. Best in my class.”

“Melinda,” the other girl in the group said, pointing to the bow and quiver on her back and the
short sword at her hip, “I’m a Ranger. I can use one spell. Goodberry.”

Izuku nodded enthusiastically, lifting the heavy tome he had started using as a combination spell
and notebook. It had cost him almost six months’ worth of wages but had been well worth it.

“And you?” The Healer asked, making Izuku jump slightly, “You said you were a Mage, but not
the spells you know.”

“Oh, I know seven,” Izuku blushed, “Light, Create Bonfire, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost,
Thaumaturgy, Prestidigitation and Catapult.”

“Woah,” Tilly gasped, “That’s a lot! And you know a first level spell as well? Are you sure you’re
not messing with us?”

“N-no!” Izuku squeaked, “I’m sorry! I promise I’m telling the truth! I can show you if you want!”

“Nah,” Tilly shook her head, “If you had half that many spells you’d be a decent addition to our
team, but with that many, you’re like a blessing!”

“OI!” the shout caught their attention, the three looking over to the fighter sitting in the waiting
cart, “Are you three coming or not?”


“This is where we’ll set up camp,” the fighter, who the group had finally learned was named
Bryant Thornwood on the trip over, said as they arrived at a small stream, “There’s water and

“I don’t think it’s a good place,” Izuku hummed, looking around, “The soil is wet, so our sleeping
bags will get damp as we sleep, and the trees don’t provide enough cover from the wind, so we’ll
be cold.”

“Shut up, Mage,” Bryant snorted derisively, “You’re not the leader, I am. And I say we camp

“Woah, wait, when the hell did you get named leader?” Tilly asked, Melinda nodding behind her,
“I say we listen to Izuku. He seems to know what he’s talking about.”

“I’m the leader because I’m the fighter,” Bryant huffed, “I’m the strongest out of all of us. Besides,
you’d all die without me protecting you from the monsters.”

“There are no monsters out here though,” Izuku said, “Just boars and deer. Our test is just to hunt
the largest boar we can find.”

“Yeah, well…” Bryant growled, “You’d still die without me! Especially you, Mage! We don’t
even need you, I’m a Spellblade that can cast Firebolt, so I’ve got magical attacks covered!”

“You’re a Spellblade?” Izuku gasped, eyes going wide, “I want to be one too!”

“What?” Bryant snarled, “Yeah right! You’d die the second a squirrel so much as sneezed on you!
You don’t even have any armour!”

“Actually, I have a leather cuirass under my clothes,” Izuku mumbled, “And a buckler in my pack.”

“Whatever,” Bryant snorted, glancing down at the sword at Izuku’s hip, “I bet you don’t even
know how to swing that weapon!”

“I do, though,” Izuku said, “Arthur’s been teaching me for the last year. He says I’m pretty good.”

“Oh, then why aren’t you a Spellblade?” Tilly asked, “If you can fight with a sword and magic,
shouldn’t you be one?”

“Oh, I know more about magic than actual fighting, so I went with the Mage role this time,” Izuku
blushed, “I’m… I’m a bit scared of getting hurt.”

“Fair enough,” Tilly shrugged, “I ain’t to fond of it myself.”

“Peh,” Bryant spat, “Enough talking, more setting up camp!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Tilly sighed, turning to Izuku, “So, where to boss?”

“B-boss?” the teen squeaked.

“Yep,” Tilly nodded, Melinda copying her, “I vote to make you the leader. I figure Melinda does
too. Two out of four is majority vote, so you’re the leader.”

“What?” Bryant shouted, “But I said-!”

“You can’t vote for yourself,” Tilly snorted, “That makes no sense. Now quit your bitching! I can’t
hear what our leader has to say.”

“O-oh,” Izuku mumbled, “Uhm… let’s follow the river upstream, see if we can find a better place
to camp. We still have a few hours of sunlight left and I can cast the light spell if necessary.”


“Gotta love roughing it,” Tilly groaned as she crawled out of her tent the next morning, standing to
stretch out her back, “Half of my everything hurts, and the other half aches!”

They’d walked up stream for about an hour the day before, finding a camping spot not long after. It
was in a small clearing at a bend in the river, someone having built a fire pit and moved a couple of
fallen logs around it to be used as benches.

“I’m fine,” Melinda said softly as she sat opposite Izuku at the large fire, the green-haired teen
cooking something in a frying pan.

“You’re a Ranger, you’re used to sleeping in trees and shit,” the Healer muttered, “I’m used to a
nice soft bed in the temple dorms.”

“Well, if you’re going to be an adventurer, you’ll need to get used to sleeping rough,” Izuku
chuckled, “It’s part of the job description. Hey, why did you choose to become adventurers

“Didn’t,” Tilly hummed as she sat on the log beside him, glancing into the pan, “Bacon and eggs?
How'd you get eggs out here?”
“Melinda found them,” Izuku blushed, “I just brought the bacon. I figured it would be best that we
had a good meal for our first proper adventure. And what do you mean by you didn’t choose to be
an adventurer?”

“Amen to that,” Tilly nodded, “And I mean all members of the church gotta go on a pilgrimage.
The easiest and safest way to do that is to start out as an adventurer. You get some folks to protect
you, and they get you to heal ‘em.”

“Oh, I see,” Izuku muttered, pulling out his large book and scribbling something down as he held
the pan in his other hand.

“Yer gonna burn the food,” Tilly chuckled as he wrote, the teen gasping as he pulled the pan off
the flames, “Where’d you get the wood for the fire, anyway? Melinda collect it for us?”

“No,” the Ranger shook her head, pointing at Izuku, “His magic.”

“Oh right,” Tilly nodded, “Still reeling from the whole you knowing seven spells thing. Forgot
what you could cast.”

“Light, Create Bonfire-,” Izuku started to list, Tilly holding up a hand to stop him.

“It’s fine, I remember now,” she said, “Anyways, why’re you an adventurer, Melinda?”

“Friends,” the girl shrugged, “They wanted to be.”

“Oh yeah,” Izuku nodded as he started to dish up the food onto several small wooden plates, “Most
adventuring parties are made up of groups of friends. We’re only in our current party because this
is a test, so it was assigned by the Guild. Though it is kind of strange…”

“What is?” Tilly asked as she wolfed down the food.

“The power level of our party,” Izuku replied, “Usually, the Guild would balance things a little
more to make it challenging. But we have two methods of healing in your and Melinda’s spells,
and me and Bryant who can act as both tanks and damage dealers if necessary.”

“Balance?” the quiet Ranger asked.

“Yeah,” Izuku nodded, continuing, “A Healer like Tilly would typically be placed in a group with a
dedicated defender role, to keep them upright. You’d be placed in a more balanced team as you
have a post battle healing spell, and I… well, I guess I would be placed in a team without any other
dedicated magic users to make up the difference.”

“Huh,” Tilly mumbled through her food, “That’s a good point. Wonder why.”

“Bryant?” Melinda asked, “Maybe a noble?”

“I am,” the grouchy voice grumbled as the boy in question finally emerged from his tent, “I am a
noble. And as such, you should all be treating me far better than you have.”

“Bull,” Tilly huffed, “We’re adventurers out here, we’re all equal. Didn’t you read the pamphlet
they gave out? They even had a lecture for the people who can’t read.”

“I can read!” Bryant shouted, grabbing the plate Izuku offered him, “And of course I read the
pamphlet! What do you take me for?”

“A spoiled rich kid?” Melinda replied, making Tilly snort with laughter, even Izuku hiding a small

“Spoiled…? I’ll have you know that I am the eighth son,” Bryant growled, “So I have not been
coddled at all!”

“So then why are you trying to be an adventurer?” Tilly asked.

“Wait, you said your last name was Thornwood, right?” Izuku asked, flipping open his book to a
page filled with a grid, running his finger down a list, “Here we go. The Thornwood family is a
minor noble family in the kingdom. So, he’s either trying to earn some extra money or renown for
himself and his family.”

“OI!” the boy shouted, “Don’t just make assumptions about other people!”

“S-sorry!” Izuku squeaked as he snapped the book shut, “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“So then, according to you, why are you trying to be an adventurer?” Tilly asked again.

“To prove myself,” Bryant snorted as he finished his food, making to toss the empty plate into the
fire, blinking when the flames vanished with a snap of Izuku’s fingers.

“Sorry, these are kind of expensive,” Izuku muttered as he collected the plates, hurrying over to the
river to wash them.

“Great,” Bryant sighed, “A utility Mage. What spells do you actually know? Let me guess. Light,
Create Bonfire, and Thaumaturgy?”

“He knows more than that,” Tilly laughed, “Tell him, Izuku. But prepared to be jealous!”

“Light, Create Bonfire, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Thaumaturgy, Prestidigitation and Catapult,” the
green haired teen replied automatically as he scrubbed the plates, “Mostly utility type spells,
because they’re useful, but I do know two direct attack spells, and Create Bonfire is useful for
ambushes and blocking tunnels.”

“What?” Bryant growled, “How? You shouldn’t know more than three spells at this point! That’s

“I, uhm… I might be a… a Traveller?” Izuku muttered as he finished cleaning the plates, hurriedly
stuffing them into his pack and pulling out his buckler, “Magic just… comes easily to me…”

“A Traveller?” Tilly and Melinda gasped, the Healer continuing, “Wow! No wonder you know so
many spells! Is that your Traveller’s Gift?”

“I, uhm… I don’t really have a Gift,” Izuku muttered, “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologise,” Melinda said.

“Yeah, even without a Gift, knowing that many spells is really cool!” Tilly added.

“And impossible!” Bryant shouted, “I won’t believe it until he proves it! Right now!”

“Don’t make him waste his mana, yeh dingus,” Tilly barked, “We’ll need it for the hunt. He can
show off to you as much as you want after we have our boar.”

“Speaking of,” Izuku cleared his throat slightly, sweating when the three looked at him, “I think
that the boars are usually in an area nearby to here. Melinda, how good are you at tracking?”
“Good,” the Ranger nodded, getting up, “Direction?”

“Northeast,” Izuku said, the girl nodding again as she began to walk.

“Hold it!” Bryant barked, “We still need to break camp!”

“Scouting,” Melinda replied, giving him a blank look, pointing to the only two tents still standing,
“And already done.”

“What? When?”

“Before breakfast,” she said, nodding to Izuku as she hopped over the small stream and
disappeared into the trees.


“There they are,” Izuku whispered as the party crouched behind some bushes beside a small
clearing, several boars feeding from a berry bush in the centre, “Now, how to do this?”

“We attack,” Bryant said, making to stand up before Tilly and Melinda grabbed his shoulders,
holding him down, “What?”

“That’s a bad idea,” Izuku shook his head, “There are too many for us to handle. We need to draw
one out or get them to scatter.”

“Hmm,” Tilly hummed, looking at Izuku, “How accurate are you with Prestidigitation?”

“Pretty accurate, why?”

“Think you could lure one of the boars over by making a nice smell?” she continued, “Then, once
it’s close by, Bryant Firebolts it to keep its attention and you Thaumaturgy a loud noise to scatter
the others?”

“That… could work perfectly!” Izuku said, mumbling to himself, “But what smell to use? Boars in
this area eat a lot of different things, but if I remember correctly, they especially like a certain kind
of truffle.”

“You know the smell?” Melinda asked, Izuku nodding.

“Arthur and his party once took a quest to collect them,” he explained, “The smell is quite…
unique. I think I can recreate it well enough to draw off one boar.”

“Great, do it,” Tilly grinned as she slipped behind the three of them.

Izuku nodded, closing his eyes for a moment to recall the smell, them letting the arcane words fall
from his lips. One of the boars lifted its head from the bush, glancing around for a moment, before
turning towards the group, sniffing the air. It quickly trotted towards them, an eager look in its eyes
as it hurried forwards. It was about halfway between the bushes and the party when Bryant popped
up, magic words spilling from his mouth as a small ball of flame shot from his hand and splashed
against the boar’s side, singing its hair.

A loud crack sounded behind the boar, right in the middle of the bushes, the other animals
scattering as the beast glared with hate-filled eyes at the Spellblade, Bryant swallowing nervously
as he stepped through the bushes. He yelped as the boar charged at him, stumbling through the
words of his spell to cast an even weaker Firebolt, before a beam of frigid energy shot out of the
bush beside him, striking the boar in the flank, slowing it down as it cried out in pain.

“You okay?” Izuku asked as he stepped up beside the other boy, holding his buckler up with his
sword drawn, “Get your sword ready! It’s still coming!”

Bryant hastily drew his longsword, struggling slightly on the last couple of inches, before readying
himself just as the slowed boar reached them. Izuku stepped forwards, taking the weakened charge
against his buckler, hissing in pain as the beast pushed him back slightly, before stabbing the boar
in the neck with a well-placed strike. An arrow shot from a nearby tree, sinking into the boar’s side
and making it squeal in pain.

Izuku gasped as the boar thrashed its head around, catching him in the thigh with a tusk, before a
warm sensation washed over him, the pain vanishing in an instant. Strength then flooded his
system, his body feeling stronger, moving faster as he stabbed at the boar three more times in quick
succession. The beast whined in pain as a second arrow pierced its side, staggering slightly, before
collapsing to the ground.

“Is… is it dead?” Bryant asked from behind Izuku.

“Not quite yet,” the teen replied, wiping the blood off his short sword before putting it away and
drawing a dagger, “But it will be soon.”

A quick slice across the boar’s throat saw it twitch, then fall still as the blood drained from it.
Izuku nodded to himself as he watched the slightly gruesome process of the blood draining, pulling
a coil of rope from his satchel.

“Can you help me hang it from a branch, Bryant?” he asked, startling the boy out of his stupor, “I
kind of promised to bring back some of the meat, so we’ll have to wait for it to drain fully, then I’ll
skin and butcher it.”

“Can I help?” Melinda asked, Izuku nodding happily as the girl smiled shyly at him.


“Okay,” Izuku huffed as he wiped the blood off his arms with a cloth, “That’s that. Any of you
want the hide or some of the meat?”

“Nah,” Tilly shook her head, “You cut that thing up, you keep it.”

“Sinew?” Melinda hummed, Izuku nodding as he handed the stringy parts to the Ranger, who let a
slight grin cross her face.

“I, uhm… I’ll take some of the meat,” Bryant mumbled.

“Sure thing,” Izuku said happily, wrapping up a haunch in some cloth and giving it to the boy,
before putting the rest in his satchel, the meat sliding in easily.

“How do you carry all that?” Tilly asked, “Is your bag magic or something?”

“Oh, yes actually,” Izuku blushed, “Though I only found out a few months ago. I just thought I was
good at packing things.”

“A Magic Bag, huh?” Tilly hummed, “Maybe that’s your Gift?”

“M-maybe,” Izuku mumbled as they made their way back to the camp.
“Hold,” Melinda said softly as they neared the clearing, peering between the trees, “Something’s

“More adventurers?” Bryant asked, the girl shaking her head, jumping into a nearby tree with
surprising dexterity, dropping down a moment later.

“Goblins,” she whispered, “Three.”

“Goblins?” Izuku gasped, “Here? But that’s not right! Monsters don’t come this close to the edge
of the forest!”

“Well, they’re there,” Bryant huffed, “And there are only three! I say we kill them!”

“No!” Izuku replied, “Even three would be tough for a new party. We should try to sneak around
them. But we’ll need to keep down wind, especially as we have two girls.”

“Huh?” Tilly said, “Are you saying that we won’t be able to handle ourselves against them or

“No, not at all,” Izuku shook his head, “It’s just that goblins can smell women far better than they
can smell men. And if they catch us… well, Bryant and I will probably just be killed.”

“And us?” Melinda asked slowly, her face paling slightly.

“They’ll try to capture you and take you back to the main group,” Izuku muttered, “Where
they’ll… breed with you to make more goblins.”

“Okay,” Tilly whispered, a look of fear and disgust on her face, “Stay down wind, got it.”

“But there are only three!” Bryant snarled, “Fine, if you’re too scared, I’ll do it myself!”

“Wait! No!” Izuku hissed as the other boy stomped into the woods, already speaking the words to
his spell.

The three green creatures were sniffing around the camp as he emerged from the woods, throwing
out a ball of flame at the nearest one. The attack splashed across the goblin’s crude wooden shield
as it raised it, barely scorching the wood as all three turned to look at him. With a cry, the drew
their rusty weapons and charged.

Something shot out of the bushes beside Bryant as he stepped forward to face the goblins, striking
one in the head, its skull shattering in a spray of gore as it dropped to the ground. An arrow shot out
by his other side, piercing another of the goblins in the chest, making it stagger but not felling it.
The third goblin leapt into the air as it reached him, swinging its rusted short sword at him. Bryant
raised his blade to block, the two swords colliding with a ring of steel on steel.

“Aargh!” the boy screamed as the goblin overpowered him, pushing his sword back and managing
to dig its own blade into his shoulder, making him drop his sword.

“Move!” Izuku shouted as he shot out of the bushes, glowing slightly as he darted around behind
the goblin far faster than he should have been able to, driving his blade through its chest as a
second arrow pierced the last goblin, sending it to the floor.

“Heal me!” Bryant gasped as he fell back, clutching his bleeding shoulder as he glared at Tilly,
“Heal me now!”
“Sorry, out of Mana,” she said, panting slightly as she rubbed her head, “That Lesser Haste was the
last of it.”

“Melinda, can you make a goodberry for him?” Izuku asked as he looked over the goblin corpses,
taking out his dagger and cutting off the ears, “We’ll need to tell the Guild about this. If there are
goblins in the area, it’s too dangerous to send test takers here.”

“We held our own,” Bryant muttered as he snatched the berry from the Ranger, shoving it in his
mouth and hissing as his wound started to close.

“And we’re a strong group,” Tilly huffed, “Not that you did anything but force us to fight.”

“Hey!” Bryant growled, getting unsteadily to his feet, “I would have finished off that last goblin if
the Mage hadn’t interfered!”

“Saved you life, more like,” Melinda said right back, “You’re a liability.”

“I am not!”

“Enough,” Izuku said sternly, slipping the goblin ears into his satchel, “We need to get back to the
wagons and report this.”

“You got it, boss,” Tilly said, Melinda nodding as the three started to walk away.

“H-hey! Wait for me!” Bryant called as he followed after them.


“Goblins?” Ryana Stormbolt asked, Izuku nodding as the other three stood bolt upright behind
him, their faces a mixture of fear and awe, “That’s not good.”

“I think it was only a scouting party,” Izuku said, “But until that’s confirmed, and the woods are
deemed clear, it’ll be too dangerous to send testing parties out there.”

“You’re right,” the woman replied, “Thank you, Izuku. You’re dismissed, go hand in those ears for
the bounty and buy you and your companions a nice meal.”

“Sure thing, Ryana,” Izuku nodded as he grabbed the ears from her desk and ushered the other
three out of the office.

“That was the Guild Master!” Tilly gasped as they finally got down the stairs, staring at Izuku in
shock, “You know the Guild Master?”

“I work at the Guild, so, yes?” he said slowly, “Or, well, I suppose I worked at the Guild,
considering we’re all now official adventurers.”

“Yeah,” Melinda said, staring at Izuku as well, “You have a party?”

“Huh? Oh… uhm… sort of?” Izuku blushed, “Arthur said he and his party would take me out on a
few quests after I passed, why?”

“Join me and my friends?” the Ranger muttered, looking away to hide her blush.

“Hell nah,” Tilly laughed, “He’s gonna go with me! Did you see him with Lesser Haste? He was so
fast! It was like the spell was doubly effective on him!”
“Oh yeah,” Izuku said, dropping a fist into his open palm, “I was meaning to ask you, think you
could try teaching me some of your spells? Having a buff like Lesser Haste would be a great
addition to my repertoire.”

“Sure,” Tilly laughed, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you could actually learn it!”


The dark figure stirred, its cloak moving like shadows as it rose from the black throne and walked
to one of the massive windows.

“It would seem one has come,” it said, its voice sounding like grating bone, “Let them come. I
shall be ready.”
Chapter Summary

Cyberpunk based BNHA idea that was rattling around in my head.

This chapter now has an Extended!

Chapter Notes

Thanks as always to Critical_Warrior and Earth_Dragoon for Beta reading this and
making suggestions.

This could very well get an Extended, as I like the idea behind it and may need
something to ease my pain after the Edgerunners ending.

Izuku groaned as he looked at the uncomfortably heavy package in his arms, not that it would do
him any good, the only mod he had was a single basic cybernetic eye that barely improved his
vision. At least it had proven easy to hack, allowing the young man to install a custom HUD that
he’d designed himself into it, one that let him identify any publicly available mod that was visible
on a person. Sighing as the elevator he was standing in dinged, he stepped out onto the floor,
checking the address Kacchan had scrawled on the box again.

“Hello?” he called as he knocked on the door, “I have a delivery?”

Izuku blushed as he looked at the brunette that answered the door. She had a round face with bright
pink cheek marks and hazel eyes that scanned over him. Her hair was cut in a half undercut; a
ringed planet shaved into the short side as the other side hung in a bob cut. Her clothes, if they
could be called that, were skin-tight, covering enough of her body to be modest, but still showing
off her modded arms and legs. Izuku’s HUD pinged with a series of ‘X’s, indicating that her mods
were probably custom made. Overall, she was a mixture of cute and sexy that would have
temporarily shut down his brain had it not been for the large pistol she had shoved in his face.

“Who are you and how did you find this place?” she asked, staring at him.

“I… uhm… Delivery?” he squeaked, holding out the package.

“Shinso?” the girl called, a purple-haired boy stepping out from behind a wall in the apartment, a
pair of mechanical cat ears swivelling on his head as he approached, looking at the package.

“It’s a bomb,” he said after a moment, Izuku blinking.

“A… A BOMB?!” he squawked, flinching as he tossed the package towards them.

The brunette reacted immediately, almost invisible wires shooting from her wrists to grab the
package and hurl it out the window at the end of the corridor. A moment later, a loud explosion
could be heard, sounds of shouting and screaming following shortly after.
“Shit,” a blocky man with dark blue hair said as he emerged from the same place as the other man,
“This location has been compromised. We move, now!”

“But I just got my chair comfy,” the purple-haired man groaned, the blocky one glaring at him,
“Fine, sure thing, Iida.”

Izuku stared as the four of them, a second woman wearing an equally tight outfit to the first
emerging from a backroom, quickly dismantled and packed away what looked like computers into
large briefcases. He blinked as one of the cases was tossed into his hands, the second girl, her outfit
mostly green compared to the brunette’s black and white, shoving him into the elevator with the
rest of them. The ride was awkward, until they reached the parking bay, at which point Izuku was
bundled into a large van with the rest of the group, sat between the two women in the backseat as
the blocky man took the wheel.

“Uhm…” he said after they’d been driving for almost five minutes, “What just happened?”

“Huh? How’d you get here?” the brunette asked, seemingly only just noticing him.

“You uhm… you made me sit here?” he squeaked.

“Oh,” she hummed, before pulling out her pistol and pressing it to the side of his head, “Who sent

“K-Kacchan did!” Izuku barked, “Uhm… Katsuki Bakugo, from Aldera Street! Please don’t kill

“Who?” the brunette asked, looking at him in confusion, “Wait… you talking about that nasty
blonde kid? What’d he want with us?”

“Uhm… are you maybe the gang he thinks has been muscling in on his territory?” Izuku asked, the
van falling silent before all four of them laughed.

“Gang? Seriously?” the purple-haired man said, almost choking.

“Buddy,” the brunette chuckled as she put away her gun, “We have much bigger targets than some
small-time gangbangers.”

“What’s your name, kero?” the other woman asked, poking him in the side as he yelped.

“I-Izuku! Izuku Midoriya!”

“Huh,” she muttered, before continuing, “Hey, since it seems like your old boss just tried to off
you, why not work for us?”

“HUH?!” the other four said at once.

“What the hell are you on about, Tsu?” the brunette asked.

“Think about it, Ochako,” the now named Tsu said, “We’re all known entities. We need fresh
blood to be a Face for us. And his is pretty cute.”

“Known?” Izuku blinked, “What are you known for?”

“Terrorism, mostly,” the purple-haired man replied.

“WHAT?!” Izuku squawked.

“Shinso, we’ve talked about this!” the blocky man said, “It’s not terrorism! We’re freedom fighters
against the oppression of the Major Corporations!”

“Hey, your brother runs one of those corps, Iida,” the other man said.

“And he does it in the most ethical way possible,” Iida replied, “Without hurting people.”

“Without needlessly hurting people, you mean, kero,” Tsu cut in.

“Right,” the blocky man muttered.

“Anyway, if greeny is going to work for us, we’d better know what he’s packing,” Shinso
hummed, looking back from his seat at Izuku, “So? What chrome you got?”

“Huh?” Izuku blinked, blushing as he muttered an answer, “I…I have a cybernetic eye with a
custom HUD.”

“Okay, and?” Tsu asked.

“And that’s it,” Izuku replied, “Kacchan and the others… they didn’t really let me get implants. I
had to pay for my eye on my own.”

“Jesus,” Shinso laughed, “This guy is a literal meatslab! We have to take him to Mei to get some
proper chrome then!”

“No,” Iida grunted, “She’s just as likely to kill him as enhance him.”

“Hey, either way, your girl will be happy,” Shinso chuckled, poking the driver in the side.

“Hatsume and I are not dating!” the man shouted, “Fine, we’ll drop him off. But you’re
babysitting, Shinso.”

“Shit, should have seen that coming,” the purple-haired man muttered.

“Uhm…” Izuku said as they all glanced at him, “Who’s Mei?”


“Hi!” the exuberant woman said as the two of them entered the shop, the bright pink metal
tentacles on her head each holding a different tool, “Just lay down and I’ll get working on you in a

“You forgot to ask what the customer wants again,” Shinso said as he shoved Izuku towards the
Ripper table, “But this is a special order, so I guess he doesn’t get a choice.”

“Special order?” Izuku blinked, “What do you mean? Are you choosing my mods?”

“Not exactly,” Shinso shook his head, pointing at the woman as she dragged a large cooler box
towards the table, “She is.”


“Mei is into experimental tech,” the other man shrugged, pointing at the cat-like metal ears on his
head, “She likes to test on people. Dangerous, but you can get a nearly free high quality mod every
now and again. She designed Chako’s wires and my mindhack rig.”
“Mindhack?” Izuku blinked, “That’s… really cool! What does it do, exactly? No wonder my HUD
picked it up as custom! Do you have any weird side effects?”

“Woah, lots of questions,” Shinso muttered, shoving Izuku down onto the table, “How about we
get you chromed up before I bother to answer any of that. If you survive, that is.”

“Yep!” the tentacle-haired Ripper said as she appeared in his vision, holding something out as she
pressed it to the side of his neck, “Now relax and let knockout baby no. sixty-eight take care of

“Wait… Survive?” Izuku mumbled before he fell into unconsciousness.


Izuku groaned as he came to, staring up at the ceiling out of the ice bath he was lying in.

“Oh! You’re awake!” the Ripper said happily as she grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him out of
the bath, “Great! Time to test your new mod!”

“Test? What?” Izuku mumbled as he looked around blearily, “What’s going on?”

“Ooh, disorientation and possible memory loss,” the pink-haired woman said, “Will have to work
those out of sixty-eight. Anyway! You now have artificial Nano weave muscle fibres! They’ll
improve your strength tenfold minimum!”

“I have…what?” Izuku blinked.

“Nano weave muscle fibres,” the woman repeated, “I replaced all the weak fleshy parts in your
arms with Militech grade stuff! Try punching that sandbag over there!”

Izuku stumbled as he was shoved towards the punching bag in the corner, half-heartedly winding
up a punch. There was a crunching sound as his hand pierced straight through the sand filled bag,
his eyes going wide as pain rocketed up his arm. He screamed as he pulled it out, the flesh purple
and blotchy, the limb hanging limp.

“Oh, right,” the Ripper hummed, “Forgot to reinforce the bones. Oh well, gimme a second to
reload knockout baby no. twenty-two and I’ll get right on that!”

She turned to look at Izuku, the man’s eyes already rolled back in his head as he collapsed to the
floor in pain.

“Oh good! You’re already unconscious!”


Izuku groaned as he woke up in the ice bath for the second time, looking around the room in
confusion. He gripped the edges of the tub, lifting himself up out of it, and hurling himself directly
into the concrete ceiling above him.

“Hey! Watch it!” Mei shouted as she poked her head into the room, “Ceilings are expensive!
Wait… you’re awake! And you can move without breaking your bones! Great!”

“What…” Izuku gasped as he got up from the floor, “What did you do to me?”

“Replaced pretty much all your motor function muscles with the Nano weave fibres,” the girl
replied, “And reinforced your bones to be able to withstand the force. You owe me eighty-four
million credits for that, by the way.”

“Eighty-four… WHAT?” Izuku squawked.

“Friend prices, Mei,” the familiar purple-haired man called from the corner of the room where he
was scrolling on a tablet.

“Oh, right!” Mei said, “Then it’s only eighty-four thousand!”

“That’s a big difference,” Izuku muttered, “But I don’t have that much money.”

“It’s fine,” Shinso hummed as he pushed Izuku to the side, “We’re covering it.”

“You are?” Izuku asked.

“Yep,” the man nodded, “That way you owe us. How do you feel?”

“I feel… strong?” Izuku said as he moved his arms carefully, “Almost too strong. I don’t know
how I’ll be able to control all this.”

“Well, you’d better figure out fast,” Shinso hummed, shoving a bundle into Izuku’s chest, the
green-haired man looking down at the suit he’d just been given, “Cause your first job is in an hour.
Put that on.”

“An… AN HOUR?!”


“W-what if I mess up?” Izuku asked as they pushed him out of the van, the other car pulling up in
the storm drain.

“You won’t,” Ochako said reassuringly, “We’ll be talking in your ear, telling you what to say, so
just follow the script and you’ll be fine.”

“O-okay,” Izuku swallowed as he straightened the tie around his neck, walking towards the other
car, the small box in his pocket feeling strangely heavy.

“You’re the buyer?” the woman that emerged from the car said, two massive goons following her

“What’s with the extra chrome?” Izuku heard Shinso ask in his earpiece, before a pause, “Repeat
after me, greeny.”

“W-what’s with the extra chrome?” he managed to stammer out, the woman giving him a
condescending look.

“They’re nobodies,” she replied, “Ignore them. You have the item?”

“Tell her yes, then take it out, but don’t give it to her,” Shinso said.

“Yes,” Izuku swallowed, pulling the small box from his pocket, looking like a ring box more than
anything this woman would want.

“Good,” she said, nodding towards one of the goons, “Here’s what we’re exchanging.”

The goon hauled the massive case out of the boot of the car, setting it down as sliding it towards
Izuku on the small wheels at its base.

“All that?” he asked, looking down at the tiny box, “For this?”

“You don’t even know what you’re holding, do you?” the woman sneered, stepping forwards and
snatching the box from his hand, “Not that that matters. We’re done here.”

“LIKE FUCK YOU ARE!” the familiar voice made Izuku flinch as the blonde leapt over a short
wall, his metal arms starting to spin as they warmed up, heat gathering in his palms, “Hand over
the goods bitch! And I might not roast you!”

“What?” the woman growled as her bodyguards drew their weapons, “Who is this?”

“Kacchan?” Izuku squeaked, “What are you doing here?”

“This is my territory, Deku! I know everything that happens in it!” the blond snarled, looking at the
massive case, “And everything in it belongs to me! Hand over the case!”

“N-no!” Izuku shouted as the blond tried to grab the handle of the case, flinching as his grip
crushed the box, popping it open, something small falling out.


“Fucking hell!” the shout came from behind him as the doors to the van burst open, Izuku
dropping to the ground as a hail of gunfire shot over him, “Get out of here, greeny!”

Izuku panicked, his eyes darting to the data card that had fallen from the massive case.
Instinctively, he grabbed it from the floor, jamming it into his neck slot before pulling his legs
under him. Beside him, Katsuki was firing blasts of heat at both groups as they fired at each other.
Izuku did the only thing he could think of.

He jumped.


Izuku groaned as he woke up slowly for what felt like the too many-ith time today, someone
slapping his cheek.

“Hey kid, wake up! Hey kid, wake up!” the large blond man said as he patted Izuku’s face, “Ah!
You’re awake!”

“Huh?” Izuku mumbled as he tried to remember what had happened, “Who’re you? How’d I get

The memories flooded back. He’d jumped out of the fire fight, Kacchan yelling obscenities at him
before firing a blast at him. The blast had hit, knocking Izuku spinning off into the distance, where
he’d crash landed in an alley and passed out.

“Me?” the man over him said, “Well, I don’t know about ‘am’, but I can tell you who I was!”

“What?” Izuku asked, blinking as the man flickered like a glitchy holo-ad, “What’s going on?”

“I am All Might!” the blonde grinned, “And I am the greatest freedom fighter to ever live. At least
according to my legend. I’m also presumably dead.”
“What?” Izuku asked, “But then… how?”

“That chip in your head,” All Might grinned, “Congratulations, you’re the new holder of the OFA
program! A program designed to collect all the consciousnesses of the greatest freedom fighters
and bestow them upon one individual! You ready to take the fight to the big corpos, young man?”

Izuku, for the fourth time that day, promptly fainted.

Chapter Summary

Ya'll ever read The Gamer Manwha? Cause this is like that. Sort of. Enjoy :)

Chapter Notes

YES! After like 2 months of writer's block, I have created a thing!

Not my best work, but I needed to get out of the rut and this worked just fine for that.

Thanks as always to my lovely Beta-readers, Earth_Dragoon and Critical_Warrior.

“Oi Deku, where are the snacks?”

“W-what?” Izuku Midoriya said, looking at the boy in confusion, “What snacks? You only asked
for drinks?”

“Yeah, but you took so long, we got hungry,” Fingers laughed, “Now hurry the hell up and go get
us some snacks!”

“Yeah!” the first guy called as Izuku turned away from them, “It’s all your useless quirk is good
for anyway!”

Izuku flinched at that, looking over his shoulder as his eyes darted to the space just above each of
their heads. Fingers and the other guy had a small [5] floating over each of their heads, a number
that, as far as Izuku could tell, correlated with their strength. Five was about average for people his
age, some being higher, some being a little lower, though Izuku was hardly one to talk.

He looked at his reflection in the vending machine as it dispensed the snacks, snacks he had paid
for with his own pocket money, sighing at the [2] hovering above his head. Two was what he
usually only saw above young kids, some even having a three, which only demoralised him further.
He hurried back to class, handing over the snacks as the two boys laughed about something,
blinking as the small screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Quest Complete: Deliver Drinks. Bonus Objective: Deliver Snacks. Gained 1 experience.
Gained 1 bonus experience.]

Izuku sighed as he walked back to his desk. He didn’t really understand his quirk, only that it
would give him one experience every time he completed a job, or as it called them, quest, for
someone else, sometimes getting an extra point if they added to it. He’d been doing these quests at
every opportunity since he’d gotten his quirk, and yet was still only at level two.

“Oi, Deku,” the familiar voice said from behind him, the class going quiet as Izuku turned to see
the familiar face, red eyes glaring at him from under a shock of ash blond hair, “What the fuck do
you think you’re doing?”
“Ah, Kacchan,” he squeaked, “What’s up?”

“What’s up?” the blond snorted, “What’s up is you didn’t fucking get me anything! You think you
can get away with being a gopher for those extras and not get me something?!”

“Ah! S-sorry, Kacchan,” Izuku stammered, “I…You didn’t ask, s-so I didn’t think to-.”

“Yeah fucking right!” the blond yelled, small explosion crackling across his palms, “You forgot
about me, didn’t you? Well, I’m gonna make sure you fucking remember about me next time right

Izuku flinched at the explosions, eyes darting to above the blonde’s head, gulping at the number
floating above it.


The highest number in the school, higher than even the teachers, only the Gym teacher coming
close at twelve.

“You using your shitty quirk on me again, Deku?” Bakugo snarled, “I thought I told you to stop
doing that!”

“S-sorry, Kacchan!” Izuku tried to say, gasping as the blond grabbed his shoulder, smoke rising
from it as the familiar heat started to scorch his uniform.

“Sorry ain’t gonna cut it, nerd,” Bakugo growled, “It’s time to put you in your place!”

Izuku flinched as a familiar screen appeared in front of him, knowing full well that he was going to
fail at what it asked.

[Quest: Survive!]


Izuku flinched as he applied the plaster to the bruise on his cheek, looking around the empty
Nurse’s Office with a sigh. The school nurse always seemed to be out when he needed help, so
he’d gotten quite good at treating his own injuries, not that that mattered much, he was sure to get
more before the end of the day.

This was his life at the moment, a weakling, even compared to the weak, with a useless quirk that
didn’t do anything but tell him how weak he really was. His dream seemed so far away, yet he
couldn’t help but grasp for it, just in case.

Just in case something amazing happened.


“You can’t just say that to someone, Kacchan,” Izuku sniffed as he walked down the storm drain,
“What if I actually did it?”

The words still echoed in his head as he walked under a bridge, crossing over a manhole cover and
past the piles of garbage. The soft ping of his quirk startled Izuku as he looked at the screen that
had appeared.

[Quest: Survive!!!]
He immediately spun around, looking for Bakugo, blinking as the sludge suddenly bubbled out of
the manhole cover, before erupting into a face.

“Hey, a small disguise,” the sludge laughed as it engulfed Izuku, “Just what I needed!”

Izuku struggled as the sludge tried to force its way into his mouth, his eyes darting up to look at its


Ah. He was going to die here.

“Never fear! For I am here!” the shout echoed from the sewer as the muscular form emerged,
drawing back an arm and throwing a powerful punch, scattering the sludge Villain in an instant.

Izuku stared at All Might as darkness overwhelmed him, his eyes falling on the number above his

[99 (24)]


“Hey kid, wake up!”

Izuku coughed as he came to, rolling onto his side and vomiting up a sickly green pile of sludge.

“It’s okay, let it all out, wouldn’t want you getting sick from that stuff!” All Might chuckled as
Izuku wiped his mouth on his sleeve, “Well now, good citizen! It is time for me to take my

“Huh?” Izuku blinked as he watched All Might crouch, eyes darting to the numbers above his head
again, questions boiling in his mind, “W-wait!”

And they were flying over the city, Izuku half-screaming as All Might looked down at him in

“Hey! Let go!”

“If I do that now, I’ll fall and die!” Izuku shouted back, tears pouring from his eyes.

The pair landed on a roof top, Izuku gasping for breath as the Pro begin to wind up for another

“W-wait!” Izuku shouted, “Can I… Can I become a Hero even with a weak quirk? Even one that
not suited to fighting?”

“What was that?” All Might asked, suddenly bursting into steam, Izuku gasping as the smoke
cleared and revealed the emaciated man, “Shit.”

“A-All Might?” Izuku asked slowly.

“That’s me,” the man sighed, “Look, kid, you can’t go telling everyone about this, alright?”

“O-of course not, All Might, sir!” Izuku gasped, “B-but… how did this happen?”

The man just sighed, sitting down against the railing of the rooftop and lifting his shirt to show a
massive scar.

“I got this fighting a Villain,” All Might explained, “So, sorry, but if your quirk is as weak as you
say, then I don’t think it’ll help you.”

“B-but…” Izuku sniffed, being cut off by the explosion in the distance, “Huh?”


Izuku stared at the scene in front of him, his mind going blank, ignoring the screen that appeared in
front of him as he charged in, hurling his bag at the sludge Villain. Somehow it worked, giving
Bakugo a moment to breathe as Izuku dug at the sludge with his hands. The massive pseudopod
came swinging at him, Izuku tensing as he waited for the strike.


The massive uppercut obliterated the sludge in a moment, freeing Bakugo and saving Izuku in one
fell swoop.

Later, Izuku would remember being scolded by the Heroes on site, even as they praised Bakugo,
wondering why they hadn’t done anything, even though most of their numbers were higher than
the Villain’s.

That, however, didn’t matter right now. What did was what All Might had just said to him, Izuku
falling to his knees as he sobbed happily.

“You too can become a Hero!”


Izuku’s eyes shot open as his alarm went off, scrambling out of his bed and getting dressed
hurriedly. Today was going to be the first day of his training with All Might, which meant that he
had to be ready for anything!

He ate a quick but filling breakfast, before rushing to the bathroom to brush his teeth. As he did,
his eye wondered up to his number, freezing as he looked at it.


When had that happened? Was it something that he’d done recently? Maybe it was because of the
fights he’d been involved with yesterday. But his number only went up with experience… did that
mean fighting was worth more than doing odd jobs for people?

The second alarm on his phone startled him out of his thoughts, the boy quickly finishing brushing
his teeth and rushing out the house with a quick goodbye to his mother, hurrying towards his


“You want me to what?” Izuku asked as he looked over the dump of a beach.

“Clear the beach of junk!” All Might in his skinny form said, “Heroes don’t just save people,
they’re also public servants!”

“R-right,” Izuku nodded as he looked at the screen that had just appeared in front of him.
[Quest: Clear the Beach]


“OH MY GOD!” All Might shouted as the teen fell from the top of the pile of garbage, catching
him, “Not only did you clear the portion I set for you, you cleared the entire beach!”

“T-thanks, All Might” Izuku gasped as the man set him down, “I… I just felt like I had to.”

[Quest Complete: Clear the beach. Bonus Objective: Clear the entire beach. Clear the beach
within the time limit. Gained 10 000 experience. Gained 1000 bonus experience. Gained 1000
bonus experience.]

[You have levelled up! Current level: 8]

“Huh?” Izuku blinked as energy flooded his system, his exhaustion vanishing in an instant as he
looked at the screens in confusion, “I’m level eight now?”

“What was that?” All Might asked as he deflated, “Level what?”

“O-oh, s-sorry, All Might,” Izuku blinked, “It’s just my quirk being weird.”

“Ah, well, anyway,” the skinny man said as he reinflated, pulling a hair from his head, “IT IS
TIME! Eat this!”

“What?” Izuku blinked as the man shoved the hair in his mouth, the teen gagging as he swallowed
it, “Ugh, bitter.”

“Sorry, I used scented shampoo last night to try make it taste better,” All Might chuckled as he
returned to his skinny form, “Now, don’t do anything too taxing. It should take a few hours for
One for All to integrate into your body.”

“R-right!” Izuku nodded, still looking at the screens that had appeared earlier, “Uhm… thanks All
Might. For all your help.”

“Anytime, my boy!” the man laughed.



Izuku stared at the screen in front of him as he floated in the white void. The last thing he
remembered was going to bed, so was he dreaming right now?

[Recalibration complete]

[Welcome {User1} to the System! Please state your name.]

“Uhm… Izuku Midoriya?” Izuku said slowly.

[{User1} now registered as {Izuku Midoriya}. Please say “Stat Screen”]

“Stat screen?” the teen mumbled, his mind racing. This was almost like a videogame, was it his
quirk at work? He jumped as the large screen appeared in front of him.
Name: Izuku Midoriya

Level: 8


Strength: 24 (999)

Dexterity: 14

Endurance: 12

Intelligence: 29

Wisdom: 11

Charisma: 6

Free Stat points: 40


[Analytical Eye]

[One for All]

[Please Note: Strength stat reduced to prevent damage to body. Increase Endurance to raise
maximum available Strength.]

“What?” Izuku blinked, “Is this… is this for real?”

It really was like a videogame. Was this his quirk? All Might had said something about One for All
strengthening quirks. Is that what had happened here? Experimentally, Izuku placed a point in
Endurance, his Strength increasing by two points as he did so.

“No way,” he breathed, selecting his Analytical Eye skill.

[Analytical Eye]: Allows the user to view details about others, such as level, stats and skills.

“I can see skills and stats now?” Izuku said excitedly, “This is great! But what about the other

Izuku selected the One for All skill, eyes going wide as a large screen appeared.

[One for All]: Increases the users strength.


[Float]: Allows the user to float in the air{locked}

[Smoke screen]: Allows the user to produce smoke from their body{locked}

[Black Whip]: Allows the user to produce whips of dark energy{locked}

[Danger Sense]: Allows the user to sense danger in the surrounding area{locked}
[Fa Jin]: Allows the user to store up kinetic energy and release it{locked}

[Gear Shift]: Allows the user to alter the speed of objects they touch{locked}

“What?” Izuku breathed, “I… this is… what?”

[Please distribute Free Stat Points]

The screen shocked Izuku out of his torpor, closing the other windows and showing him his stat
screen again.

“Oh, okay,” he muttered, “Now… how do I want to do this?”


“Deku,” the voice made him freeze as the nice girl hurried off, turning to face Katsuki as the
blonde snarled at him, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“K-Kacchan!” Izuku squeaked, blinking as the stat screen appeared in front of the other boy.

Name: Katsuki “Kacchan” Bakugo

Level: 13


Strength: 26

Dexterity: 24

Endurance: 19

Intelligence: 27

Wisdom: 22

Charisma: 16



“Wow,” Izuku muttered as he read over the screen, “You’re really strong.”

“What was that, Deku?” the blond growled, “Get the fuck out of my way!”

“R-right! S-sorry!” Izuku squeaked as he stepped aside, letting the other boy pass.


“It’s Present Mic!” Izuku muttered as Bakugo growled beside him, grinning when the blue-haired
boy called the nerd out for muttering.

Izuku quickly found himself outside the testing area, breathing deeply as he tried to calm himself
“You,” the same blue-haired boy from before said, grabbing Izuku’s shoulder, “Who are you? Are
you here to fool us?”

“W-what?” Izuku blinked, “N-no! I’m just a normal test taker!”


The shout startled them, all looking up at Present Mic as he laughed.

“There’re no countdowns in real life, kiddos! Get moving!”

Izuku darted into the test area, watching in awe as the other examinees fired off their quirks. He
blinked as a screen appeared in front of him.

[Quest: Complete the exam.]

“R-right,” he muttered to himself as he ran off in search of robots, opening his Stat Screen to
double check it.

He’d allocated all his free stat points the night before, deciding to balance out a few of his stats
over investing them all in Endurance. Though he’d still put most of the points into that stat, also
increasing his Strength at the same time.

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Level: 8


Strength: 54 (999)

Dexterity: 15

Endurance: 27

Intelligence: 30

Wisdom: 15

Charisma: 10

Free Stat points: 0


[Analytical Eye]

[One for All]

They weren’t that impressive in his opinion, but still, it was way better than he’d expected.

Izuku punched a robot that suddenly loomed over him, hissing in pain as he crushed its head,
looking at his bloody knuckles in surprise. He probably should have gotten something to protect
his hands, now that he thought about it, but it was too late for that. Instead, he kicked the next
robot to attack him, surprised at how far it flew before collapsing to the ground, defeated.
“Uh… two points, I guess?” he muttered to himself, a strange sense of pride welling up in his
chest. He had gotten points!

“Seventeen,” the blue-haired boy from before grunted as he kicked away a robot just beside Izuku,
making the teen start.

“T-twelve,” the nice girl from the gate said nearby as several robots collapsed to the ground around

Oh no! Even if he’d gotten points, he was already that far behind everyone else!

The city shook as the massive robot appeared, most of the examines running, Izuku turning to do
the same.

“Ow,” the voice made him stop, looking around as he spotted the nice girl, her leg trapped beneath
some rubble, right in the path of the Zero Pointer.

Izuku’s mind went, heat flooding his body as the screen appeared in front of him.

[Warning! Using full strength will damage your body! Are you sure your want to do this?

He selected “yes” without a second thought, launching himself up into the air and slamming a fist
into the robot’s face.

[Condition Crippled (Left Leg) Gained. Condition Crippled (Right Leg) Gained. Condition
Crippled (Right arm) Gained.]

The screen appeared in front of him as he fell, his vision going dark as the pain overwhelmed him.
The hand slapped his face as he was about to hit the ground, making him float slowly to the floor
as he passed out.


It was a week later, Izuku staring dead-eyed at the television as his mother burst into the room,
tears in her eyes.

“I-Izuku!” she wailed, waving an envelope, “It came!”

The teen grabbed the envelope, rushing to his room and ripping it open, staring at the hologram
that appeared from the small disk.

“…You received 60 Rescue Points!” All Might shouted, “Bringing your score to 62! Allowing
you to pass! Congratulations, Young Midoriya! This is your Hero Academia!”

Izuku was crying so hard he didn’t see the screens that appeared in front of him.

[Hidden Quest Complete: Pass the Exam. Gained 2500 experience]

[You have levelled up. Current level: 9]


The shout rang across the classroom as Izuku entered 1A for the first time, Bakugo glaring at him,

“K-Kacchan!” Izuku gasped as the blond moved to grab him, being blocked by the blue-haired boy

“Hello, I am Tenya Iida,” He said, “I just wanted to say that I am impressed that you saw through
the true purpose of the exam!”

“Uhm…what?” Izuku blinked, “What do you mean?”

“The Rescue Points,” Iida answered, “You mean you didn’t know?”

“N-no,” Izuku shook his head, “I just… did what felt right.”

“Then you are even more worthy of your place here!” the other teen said loudly as the last of the
students walked in.

“Oh hey! It’s you!” the friendly girl said, Izuku blushing as she smiled at him, “Thanks for saving
me during the exam! The way you took out the Zero Pointer was really cool!”

“Get to your seats,” the yellow caterpillar suddenly said from the doorway, the students all staring
at it in shock as it shed its sleeping bag, revealing a dishevelled looking man in a black jumpsuit,
“Get to field Beta, we’re doing a test.”

“A test?” someone asked, the man just grunting as he walked out.



The familiar yell echoed over the field as Bakugo launched himself at Izuku, “HOW THE FUCK

“Quit it,” their teacher growled as the capture weapon snapped around the blond, his explosions
dying in his hands, “I’m getting dry eye over here.”

Izuku blinked, looking at the man again as the status screen appeared in front of him.

Name: Shota “Eraserhead” Aizawa

Level: 48


Strength: 46

Dexterity: 54

Endurance: 24

Intelligence: 31

Wisdom: 47

Charisma: 18


“No way!” Izuku gasped, “You’re Eraserhead! An Underground Hero!”

“That I am,” the man grumbled, “Anyway, let’s finish up these tests already.”


“I…I’m last?” Izuku blinked.

“Yes!” the shortest member of the class pumped his fist, “I’m not being expelled!”

“No one is being expelled,” Aizawa grunted, looking straight at Izuku, “You all have non-zero
potential, so you might as well stay.”

“B-but how did I get last?” Izuku asked, “My… most of my stats are higher than almost everyone

“Stats?” a blonde with a lightning bolt in his hair asked, “What do you mean? Like in a

“Uhm…” Izuku blushed as the class turned to him, “Y-yeah, that’s my quirk. I can see people’s

“Dude,” the blonde said, “That’s so freaking cool! What are my stats? I wanna know!”

“What?” Izuku blinked, “Uhm… are you sure? I kind of looked at them without asking, I’m sorry.”

“Yeah!” the boy replied, “And don’t sweat it, dude! Just tell me!”

“O-okay,” Izuku mumbled as he pulled out his notebook, “I, uhm… I wrote them all down in here.”


“It certainly is strange to see one’s abilities quantified as numbers,” the tall obsidian haired girl
said as she looked over the page about her.

“It is an excellent indicator of what we need to improve on!” Iida said loudly, looking to Izuku,
“Your quirk is very impressive and quite useful!”

“I, uhm… thank you?” the green-haired teen muttered.

“What are your stats, though?” Uraraka asked, making Izuku jump slightly, “Or do you not like to
show them?”

“Uhm, no, it’s okay,” Izuku mumbled as he hurriedly wrote his stats done in his notebook, showing
them to the class.

“Dude! Your strength is really high!” the red head called Kirishima said, “Almost as high as

“Your intelligence is also quite impressive,” Yaoyorozu hummed, “You seem to lean more into
strength, but you also have the intelligence to back it up.”
“O-oh, thanks,” Izuku blushed as the others complimented his stats.

“What’s your level, though?” Kaminari asked, “If your quirk works like a videogame, then you
have to have a level, right?”

“O-oh!” Izuku blinked, “It’s not that impressive. You’re all higher level than me by quite a bit.”

“What is it though?” Uraraka asked.

“Uhm… nine,” Izuku blushed.

“And you’re already this strong?” Rikido asked, “That’s impressive.”

“Shitty Deku ain’t shit!” Bakugo snarled, “His shitty quirk ain’t worth shit either!”

“Hey, what’re your stats, then?” Jiro asked, “I bet your attitude is to compensate for them being
low or something.”

“Fuck you, earlobes!” the blonde snarled, “I don’t let Deku use his quirk on me!”

“Can he do that?” Sero asked, looking confused.

“N-not really,” Izuku muttered, “I just… I just try not to use it on Kacchan too much.”

“Oh, come on, dude, you at least got to be curious?” Kaminari laughed.

“Fuck no!” the blond shouted as he stormed out of the room.

“What’s his deal?” Jiro hummed, “Anyway, your quirk is pretty rad, Midoriya. Makes it obvious
what we have to improve on, like Iida said.”

“O-oh, thanks,” Izuku smiled weakly as the class continued to discuss their scores.


“Battle Trial!” All Might shouted as the class cheered, casting his gaze across the room to fall on
the nervous looking Izuku.


[Quest: Complete the Battle Trial.]

“What are you looking at?” Uraraka asked, making Izuku jump slightly.

“Oh, just another part of my quirk,” Izuku mumbled, “I get, uhm… quests sometimes. They help
me level up by gaining experience.”

“Wow, that’s cool!” the brunette grinned, “I wish it was that easy for me!”

“S-sorry,” Izuku blushed.

“Don’t be!” the girl laughed, “Now come on! Let’s win this thing!”


The now familiar shout echoed through the hallway as Bakugo launched himself at Izuku, the teen
tackling Uraraka to the side.

“I’m gonna beat the shit out of you, nerd!” he yelled, “Then you’re going to tell me how you got so

“I-I don’t have to tell you anything, Kacchan!” Izuku stammered, “And I got this strong through
hard work!”

“Yeah right!” the blonde roared as he swung a fist at Izuku, the green-haired teen catching it and
throwing him over his shoulder.

“I know all your moves, Kacchan!” Izuku shouted back, “And…and I have the stats to beat you

“FUCK YOU!” the blonde howled as he leapt at Izuku again.

The punch slammed into Bakugo’s gut as he was thrown back, spittle and a little vomit spraying
from his mouth. He gasped as Izuku leapt towards him, rolling out of the way as the other teen
slammed his fist into the ground, actually cracking the concrete.

“You fuck,” Bakugo snarled as he leapt to his feet, pointing one of his bracers at Izuku, “You
remember how my quirk works, right? Well, these gauntlets collect my sweat and let me release a
massive explosion!”

“Young Bakugo! No! That could kill him!” All Might shouted through the earpieces.

“Not if he dodges!” the blonde cackled, firing the blast.

The room was filled with smoke as the explosion died down, Katsuki grinning madly as he looked
around the room for any sign of Izuku. The fist met his face, throwing him back as Izuku leapt out
from behind a half-demolished pillar, stunning the blonde for a moment.

But a moment was all Izuku needed.

He grabbed the blond by the ankle, wrapping the capture tape around it in one swift motion, All
Might quickly calling out Katsuki’s capture as the blond shook his head.

“The fuck?!” he screamed, turning to see Izuku taking a relieved breath, “This isn’t over, Deku!”

“Young Bakugo!” All Might shouted, “You have been captured! Stand down immediately!”

“FUCK THAT!” the blond screamed, lifting his other gauntlet and yanking back the safety, “I’M

The wall shattered as the Hero shot through it, All Might’s massive hand closing over Bakugo’s
wrist before he could pull the trigger. A swift chop to the back of the neck saw the surprised blond
collapse, hanging limply in All Might’s grasp.

“That is enough!” the Pro shouted, “This exercise is over!”


“Bakugo has been suspended for three days due to his excessive use of force yesterday,” Aizawa
said as the class turned to look at the empty seat.
“Three days?” Jiro asked, “Isn’t that lenient? He seriously looked like he was about to hurt

“No one was seriously injured,” Aizawa grunted, “So that was the punishment decided on. Don’t
question it. Now, you have something important to decide. Your class representative.”

“SO NORMAL!” the class shouted as Aizawa got into his sleeping bag, leaving the students to sort
it out themselves.

A short vote later, and Izuku stood shivering at the front of the class, Yaoyorozu beside him.

“B-but me?” he squeaked, “Why?”

“You’ve already proven yourself in the entrance exam!” Iida said loudly, “As well as having a
quirk that has helped us all greatly!”

“R-really?” Izuku muttered.

“He does have the lowest Charisma stat in the class though,” Sero chuckled, “Hey, maybe he can
level that up with his quirk?”

“C-charisma?” Izuku asked as the class laughed.


Izuku stared at the screen in front of him, all but ignoring his food as he deliberated on his stats.

“What you doing, Midoriya?” Uraraka asked, making him jump slightly.

“O-oh,” he muttered, “I, uhm… I levelled up yesterday but didn’t know what to put my stats into. If
I put them into Endurance, my strength will go up, but I think I might do charisma after all.”

“Hey, it’s your choice,” the girl smiled at him, “Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t
want to!”

“R-right,” Izuku nodded, looking back at the screen, before allocating his points.

A strange calm washed over him, a sense of confidence flooding his system as he blinked in

“So, what’d you choose?” Uraraka asked.

“Charisma,” Izuku replied, “It feels… weird.”

“Hey, your stutter is gone,” the girl chuckled, “That’s pretty cool!”

“It is?” Izuku blinked, looking at his hands, “I guess it is.”

The alarm blared suddenly, startling the pair as they looked around in confusion, the rest of the
student body rushing to get out of the cafeteria.

“What’s going on?” Izuku asked a passing third year, the boy looking at him for a moment.

“It’s a third level alarm!” he shouted, “Someone’s broken onto campus!”

“What?” the two said as they watched the push of people rushing for the door, Uraraka looking
around in worry, “What do we do?”

“I… I don’t know,” Izuku replied, “We have to get out. Find out what’s happening.”

“Right,” the girl nodded, stepping towards the crowd, pausing when Izuku grabbed her arm.

“We’ll just be crushed if we jump in now, let’s wait a bit longer before we go,” Izuku said.

“Oh, right,” Ochako nodded, blushing slightly at the look in Izuku’s eyes.

They watched as the crowd eventually thinned, most of the students having shoved their way
outside. They helped a few people that had fallen over or been hurt in the initial push as they left,
making their way onto the main field.

“Where have you two been?” Iida asked as they finally joined the rest of their class.

“Not making out, or something?” Ashido grinned as the two teens blushed.

“No!” Uraraka gasped, “We just waited until the initial rush was over and helped some people!”

“Ah, a commendable act!” Iida said loudly, “Endangering yourselves to help others! A true act of

“Not really,” Izuku shrugged, “We mostly just didn’t want to be crushed.”

“Woah, is it just me, or is Midoriya seeming a lot more confident,” Ashido chuckled, “Are you
sure you weren’t making out?”

“NO!” the two barked as Ectoplasm appeared to take class register.


“Despite what happened the other day, you’re still going on the field trip,” Aizawa muttered as the
class cheered, “Midoriya, you’re class rep, so make sure they behave.”

“Yes, Sensei!” the teen replied.

“Midoriya is definitely more confident,” Jiro hummed as the class grabbed their costumes, “What

“Oh, he put some points into Charisma,” Uraraka explained, “That’s probably why.”

“Huh,” Ashido grinned, “So that’s why he looks cuter than before.”

“H-he does?” Uraraka blushed.

“Yep, I bet if he maxed it out, he’d be the hottest guy in class! Lucky you!”

“Lucky me?” Ochako blushed harder, “What are you talking about?”

“Can everyone please line up!” Izuku called, “The bus doesn’t have normal seating, so you can sit

The class filed onto t he bus, taking their seats, Izuku getting on last and sitting next to Ochako, the
brunette still blushing from Mina’s earlier words.

“Are you okay, Uraraka?” Izuku asked, the girl squeaking slightly before nodding vigorously.
“So, Midoriya,” Asui suddenly asked as the bus began to move, “You can increase your stats,

“Oh, yeah,” Izuku smiled shyly, several of the girls finding themselves blushing slightly, “I get five
points to spend on my stats each time I go up a level. I put all of them into Charisma so I could be a
better Class Representative.”

“We can tell,” Mina giggled, “And so can Uraraka.”

“You can?” Izuku blinked, “How? I mean, I know my stutter is mostly gone, but what else?”

“You look more attractive,” Asui said flatly, making the boy blush, “And you’re standing up
straighter. It’s noticeable, kero.”

“I do?” Izuku mumbled, looking away, “Uhm… thanks, I guess? I do feel more confident.”

“That’s great!” Hagakure said from her seat, “I bet you’ll only get hotter tha more points you put
into it!”

“Hotter?” the teen blushed harder, “I guess.”

“You’re still pretty awkward, though,” Jiro chuckled, “Not that that’s a bad thing.”

“Ooh,” Mina grinned, “Does Uraraka-chan have competition?”

“What?” the black-haired girl sputtered, “NO!”

The class laughed as the bus arrived, the class filing off and gathering in front of the massive
domed building.


“I only count nineteen students and do not see All Might,” the mist Villain hummed, “Did the
schedule change? Never mind, I still have a job to do.”

“Not on my watch!” 13 shouted as they activated their quirk, trying to suck the mist in.

“How annoying,” the Villain growled, opening a portal behind the Pro, “Have a taste of your own
quirk, then!”

“Sensei! No!” Izuku shouted as he jumped forwards, tackling the spacesuit wearing Hero out of the
way just as their suit started to disintegrate, hissing slightly as his uniform was partially shredded
by the pull.

“Midoriya!” the Pro shouted, “What are you doing?”

“He can open up portals! He was about to use your own quirk against you!” the teen shouted,
turning back to the Villain, “We have to fight him carefully!”

“Very smart,” the Villain hummed, as Izuku looked at his stats.

Name: Oboro “Kurogiri” Shirakumo


Strength: 19
Dexterity: 58

Endurance: 12

Intelligence: 21

Wisdom: 34

Charisma: 28



[Gaseous Body]

[Warp Gate]

“What?” Izuku blinked, gritting his teeth as he called out, “How do you have multiple quirks,

“Shirakumo?” the Villain paused at the name, shaking what Izuku suspected to be his head, “Who
is… how do you know that name?”

“His strength and endurance are low!” Izuku shouted, “But his dexterity is really high! He’ll be
hard to hit, but if we can do it, it shouldn’t take much to take him out!”

“Strength? Endurance?” Kurogiri muttered, “You sound like Tomura when he’s talking about his
games. Nevertheless, I still have a job to do! Scatter and die, young Heroes!”

The Villain suddenly expanded, catching the class off guard as he enveloped them, tsking as half
his mist was sucked away by 13 activating their quirk again. The remainder of the class stood, still
slightly shocked as almost half of them vanished into the mist, before the Villain pulled back.

“I suppose that will have to do,” he grunted, reforming his body as more mist formed, “But I think
I’ll be leaving now.”

“Oboro!” the shout rang out, making the Villain pause again as his glowing yellow eyes blinked,
turning just in time to see the fist that slammed into the plating surrounding his body, knocking the
wind from his lungs and denting the metal.

“That name…” he gasped, “Where did… you hear it?”

“My quirk,” Izuku replied as he brought a booted foot down on the Villain’s head, knocking him
out before turning to the remainder of the class, “All of you, get out, now!”

“What about you?” Asui asked, being one of the students saved by 13’s attack.

“I…” Izuku paused, “I’m the Class Representative. I have to go help the others!”

“Midoriya!” 13 yelled as he raced away, “Get back here!”


“Too many!” Kirishima grunted as he fended off the wave of Villains, barely, “Dammit dude,
why’d you have to end up like this?!”

Behind him Kaminari staggered around, his face strangely simple as he just let off a quiet “Whey”
while giving a double thumbs up.

“Kirishima!” the shout sent a feeling of relief through the red head as he watched Midoriya charge
into the rear of the crowd of Villains, punching, kicking and throwing then around, “Are you

“With you here, never better!” he shouted back, punching a Villain in the nose with a hardened fist,
“But Kaminari messed himself up pretty bad! We gotta get him out of here!”

“Got it,” Izuku nooded as he slid in beside the red head, “I’ll clear a path, you get Kaminari back to
the entrance!”

“You got it, bro!” he shouted, Grabbing the blond and slinging him over his shoulder as Izuku sent
several more Villains flying, “Damn, but you really are strong!”

“Just get him out of here!” Izuku shouted as he cleared a path, Kirishima bolting past the last of the
Villains as Izuku held them off.


“Come on, little ladies,” the Villains cackled as they approached, “Drop your weapons and come
along quietly. We won’t hurt you too bad.”

“This isn’t good,” Jiro muttered as she brandished the machete Yaoyorozu had made, the taller girl
wielding a staff.

“We promise to treat you nice,” another Villain laughed, “If you show us a good time, we might
even let you live!”


The yell startled everyone, the three girls watching as a furious Midoriya slammed a kick into the
back of the man’s head, burying it in the floor.

“Yaoyorozu!” he shouted, “Smoke screen! Now!”

“What?” the girl blinked, before nodding her head, producing a canister from her arm that shot into
the air, suddenly blanketing the area in thick smoke.

The two girls gasped as they were suddenly scooped up, finding themselves under Izuku’s arms as
he leapt into the air, clearing the smoke cloud easily.

“How’d you do that?” Jiro asked, Izuku just shaking his head as he pointed them towards the

“Get moving,” he shouted, darting back to the smoke screen as several Villains managed to
stumble out of it, “I’ll hold them off! Stay safe!”

“The heck is with him?” Jiro said as her ears went slightly red, before Yaoyorozu grabbed her arm
and they started to run for the entrance.

“Tell me everything you know about this attack,” the two-toned teen growled to the frozen

“W-we know nothing!” the crow-like man chattered, “C-come on kid, you ain’t really gonna leave
us here to f-freeze, are yah?”

“Maybe,” Shoto replied flatly.

“Todoroki!” the shout made the boy turn his head, watching as Midoriya slid awkwardly over the
ice he’d made, “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” the boy nodded, “What are you doing here?”

“I came to find everyone,” Izuku said as he got his balance back, “You’re the only one left. Come
on, we have to get to the entrance.”

“The main attack is in the plaza, though,” Todoroki said, “Shouldn’t we go help there?”

“No!” Izuku barked sternly, “Are you crazy? That’s probably where the leaders are!”

“Exactly why we should-.”

“No,” Izuku said as he grabbed the other boy’s arm, “We’re going to the entrance right now!”

“Oh, okay,” Shoto muttered as he let himself be pulled along.


“What’s taking Kurogiri so long?” Tomura growled, looking up at the entrance as he squinted his
eyes at the two small figures running up them, “He should have scattered those brats by now and
sent All Might down to us!”

The Nomu just stood silently, giving no reply as it stared blankly ahead as Eraserhead slowly made
his way through the mass of goons attacking him.

“Ugh, this sucks!” Tomura snarled, “Nomu, go fetch Kurogiri. And kill any brats you find along
the way!”

The monster didn’t even nod as it leapt upwards, sailing through the air towards the entrance.


“Everyone else should be outside already,” Izuku said, panting slightly as they sprinted towards the
entrance, almost all the way up the stairs, “So we just have to-.”

He was cut off as the massive beaked monster slammed into the ground in front of them, turning to
look with blank eyes. Instinctively, Izuku checked its stats, his face going pale.

Name: Wazukana “Nomu” Jikan

Level: ???

Strength: 500

Dexterity: 100
Endurance: 800

Intelligence: 3

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 1


[Super Strength]

[Super Regeneration]

[Shock Absorption]

“Oh shit,” Izuku muttered, glancing at Todoroki, “We can’t fight this guy! He’s way too strong!”

“Then I’ll just freeze him,” Shoto hummed, ice shooting out from his left foot, encasing the
creature in moments, “That should hold hi-.”

The ice groaned, already starting to crack as the thing inside it shifted.

“How strong is he?” Shoto blinked in surprise.

“Five hundred,” Izuku said, grabbing Shoto by the arm again and pulling him around the quickly
escaping creature, “So run!”

They had barely made it halfway across the entrance area when they heard the ice shatter, the
beast charging after them with unnerving speed.

Thoughts raced through Izuku’s head. He had to stop it, but how? What could he do? He could try
using his full strength again, like he had in the Entrance Exam, but that would leave him crippled,
making him a liability. Was it worth it? If he could save Todoroki? If he could save just one more
person? He blinked, realising that he’d jumped between Todoroki and the creature just as it had
swung its fist at the other boy, blocking it with his body. He knew this was it. He was going to die.
But if it saved just one more person, he was okay with that.

[Hero Point Gained]

[Would you like to spend your Hero Point to unlock a Sub-Skill of [One for All]? Yes/No?]

Izuku stared as the world around him froze, fading out into the familiar white void, only the screen
floating in front of him. He quickly selected yes, looking over the listed sub-skills again, quickly
making his choice.

“The fuck do you think you’re doing?!” the voice surprised him, the teen turning around to see a
man with a thick diagonal scar across his face, “Taking my quirk just like that?!”

“Your… quirk?” Izuku asked, shaking his head a moment later, “I need it to save my classmate!”

“I don’t give a shit!” the ash blond roared, “You can’t just activate it like that! It’s a massive power
drain! You’ll just end up killing yourself!”

“I’m fine with that!” Izuku shouted back, “If I can… If I can save just one person! Then I will!”
The earnest expression stunned the man for a moment, before he let out a quiet growl.

“Fucking hell, you’re just like him, aren’t you?”

“Him?” Izuku blinked, “Who are you talking about?”

“Never mind that,” the man grunted, “You need to know how my quirk works, and I can’t get out
of here until I teach you, so listen up, brat!”


The Nomu’s fist slammed into Izuku, Shoto’s eyes going wide as the attack struck, fully expecting
to see his classmate be splattered across the wall. Instead, the monster’s movement suddenly
slowed to a crawl, Izuku coughing slightly as he was thrown back.

“Midoriya! Are you alright?” Shoto shouted as he caught up to the other teen.

“Yeah, just… tired,” he muttered, “Gearshift really does take a lot out of you.”

“Gearshift?” Shoto asked.

“Never mind,” Izuku grunted, staggering to his feet, “He’ll only be slowed for a few more seconds,
we have to get out now!”

“Got it,” Shoto nodded, slinging Izuku’s arm over his shoulders and half carrying him out of the
open door and into the sunlight.

“Midoriya!” the class called as they staggered out, the green-haired teen shouting to them all.

“Run! There’s a powerful Villain after us!”

“Then allow me to handle it!” the reassuring voice called as All Might slammed into the ground,
cratering the pathway, “For I am here! And I am ANGRY!”

The doors groaned as they were ripped open, the hulking beaked creature stepping out into the sun,
the rest of the class gasping as All Might stepped forwards.

“Now then, time to deal with you!”

“He has Shock Absorption, Super Regeneration and Super Strength, All Might!” Izuku called as he
was dragged away by Shoto.

“Shock absorption, you say, Young Midoriya?” the Pro grinned, “Then I suppose I’ll just have
to overpower it!”

The blond slammed into the beast, throwing it backwards as he let out a shout. The students stared
at the destroyed door as they heard the sounds of fighting inside, then an almighty crash as
something shot out of the roof of the USJ. No sooner had the monster been defeated than the other
teachers arrived, several rushing into the USJ as the others moved to help the students.

It didn’t take long for the teachers to mop up the rest of the Villains inside, capturing all of them
except a young man wearing a bunch of severed hands who’d thrown up a thick black sludge,
which had apparently transported him somewhere. The students were taken to Recovery Girl for
check-ups, finding that no one was seriously hurt, except Izuku, who was physically exhausted.
Finally, the day came to an end, each student being escorted home by a teacher, All Might sitting
beside Izuku’s bed in the infirmary as he waited for the boy to wake up.


“Ninth,” Izuku turned to see the eight figures looking at him, two familiar; one with his
distinguishing scar, and another, little more than a wraith of energy, reminding Izuku of someone,
“What you did today was incredibly dangerous.”

I don’t regret it, Izuku tried to say, blinking when the words didn’t come, looking down at his
body, little more than ethereal smoke.

“I’m sure you don’t regret it,” the pale man that sat in the centre chair said, “But you must
understand, your body is not ready to handle our quirks yet. You can’t just activate them as you

Izuku tilted his head in confusion, waiting for an explanation.

“That being said,” the man continued, “We are impressed with your growth so far. I look forward
to speaking with you in the future. For now, our time is up. You should wake up now.”

Izuku blinked as the bright lights of the infirmary shone down on him, looking over to see All
Might dozing beside his bed.

“All Might?” he said softly, startling the man awake.

“Ah, Young Midoriya!” All Might cleared his throat, “Good to see you awake! I have been
assigned to walk you home after your experience today!”

“Oh? Good,” Izuku nodded as he sat up, “There’s something I need to talk to you about, regarding
One for All.”
Chapter Summary

ShinsoxIzumi. Izumi has a Pheromone quirk.

Chapter Notes

And now back to our randomly scheduled madness.

This is a bit of a weird one, with a rarepair, a bunch of crack and me having no chill
(as usual), but whatever! Enjoy!

Thanks to Earth_Dragoon and Critical_Warrior for betaing these things I call stories!

“I’m sure this school will be better, sweetheart,” Inko Midoriya said to her daughter as they walked
into the main building, “It has a good reputation.”

“You mean it’s known for taking in kids with quirks like mine,” Izumi muttered under her breath,
smiling back at her mom as the woman gave her a confused look, “I’m sure it’ll be great!”

“That’s good to hear,” Inko said happily as they entered the principal’s office, the short portly
woman smiling at them, “Hello, we’re the Midoriyas.”

“Come in, come in!” the principal hummed, “I welcome you to our fine establishment! Thank you
for coming today!”

“Thank you for having us,” Inko replied.

“Now, I understand that your daughter wants to be transferred here, correct?” the principal asked,
Inko looking worried for a moment.

“Well,” the mother said, “It was more my idea. Izumi…she was being bullied for her quirk at her
old schools. This is the fifth one we’ve tried.”

“Well now,” the principal huffed, her brow furrowing, “That is just unacceptable! We have a very
stringent anti-bullying policy here, just so you know, but also we take in children like Izumi-chan
all the time. Most have seen the worst of the world just because of their quirks, so everyone
understands each other!”

“Really?” Izumi asked, a slight frown on her face, still obviously unconvinced.

“Yes,” the principal answered plainly, “I swear it on my position as principal!”

“Please introduce yourself,” the teacher said as Izumi stood at the front of the class, scanning over
them with green eyes as she waited for the other foot to drop.

Everything had been going well, she’d easily transferred out of her old school and into the new
one, the process far easier than it had been before. That was mostly because it was difficult to get
schools to accept you with quirks like hers. Sighing quietly, she gave the room a polite smile and

“My name is Izumi Midoriya, pleased to meet you.”

“And your quirk?” the teacher asked gently, “You don’t have to say it if you don’t want to.”

“It’s fine,” Izumi said, her smile becoming slightly drawn, “My quirk is called Pheromones. As the
name suggests, I can produce a number of pheromones with varying effects.”

“Like what?” someone called, Izumi’s smile getting tighter.

“I can make people calm down,” she said.

“That’s it?” another person, a girl this time, asked, “Really?”

“No, I can…” Izumi paused, looking out over the class as they all watched her with interest, letting
out a sigh. Might as well bite the bullet, she thought, “I can also make people more aggressive, as
well as other effects on their mind. My pheromones can be used to manipulate a person’s emotions
and thought processes, and I can even make someone fall in love with me temporarily.”

The room was silent for a moment, before a girl called out.

“That’s pretty cool.”

Izumi blinked, not having expected that reaction. Usually, people were hesitant to even be around
her when she explained her quirk, but the class she was now standing in front of just seemed to
accept it.

“Right, well, that’s your seat over there,” the teacher said as he pointed to an empty desk beside a
slouched over boy, his light purple hair pointing straight up, “Right next to Shinso.”

“Thank you,” Izumi mumbled as she walked towards the desk, sitting down as the teacher started


“So, what’s your dream, Izumi-chan?” Honoko asked, adjusting her dark sunglasses so they
completely covered her eyes.

“My dream?” Izumi asked as she looked at the three girls sat around her desk for lunch.

They were the first people she’d ever been able to really call friends, a strange feeling for the
green-haired girl. Everyone had avoided her at her previous schools, all stating that her quirk was
weird, uncomfortable, or, in rare cases, villainous. However, the thirteen-year-old had found that a
lot of other people in the school had similar stories, for example, the girl who had just asked her
the question.

Honoko Hakike had a quirk that made you nauseous when you looked into her eyes. Her best
friend beside her, also wearing sunglasses as she fed bits of meat to her snake-like hair, had a quirk
that petrified anyone she looked at directly. The third girl eating with them had mostly come to the
school due to the bullying she’d received, half her face taken up by a giant nose.

“I want to be a Hero,” Izumi shrugged.

“Oh? So, you’re like Shinso, then?” Hebi Kesseki, the girl with the snake hair said.

“Shinso?” Izumi asked, glancing at her neighbour, the boy currently napping on his desk, “He also
wants to be a Hero?”

“Yep, says he’s going to try out for UA and everything!” Honoko chuckled.

“Oh! So do I!” Izumi gasped, “I want to go to UA too!”

“Well, we’ll be rooting for you!” Honoko smiled, her glasses slipping slightly down her nose
before she readjusted them, “So good luck!”

“Thanks,” Izumi blushed as she glanced over at Shinso again.



The boy ignored the shout as he walked slowly home, rubbing his heavy eyebags as he went.

“I said, hey,” the female voice said again, this time closer, making Hitoshi pause.

“You talking to me?” he grunted as he glanced back at the girl, her wild green hair standing in a
curly afro as she glared at him.

“Yeah, I’m talk-,” she cut off as her eyes went blank, Shinso sighing as he turned away.

“Go home,” he muttered, the girl turning away robotically as he left.


“Hey, Shinso!”

Hitoshi twitched as he heard the familiar voice behind him. It had already been a week, but the
green-haired girl had tried to follow him home from school every day. And every day he’d used his
quirk on her to get her to go away.

“Go away,” he muttered.

“No,” she replied, Hitoshi feeling his quirk take hold a moment later.

“Go home,” he ordered, glancing over his shoulder as she robotically marched away, watching
until she turned a corner before releasing her, as he had done every day.

He let out a sigh as he turned to continue his slow walk home, blinking as he heard someone
running up behind him, turning just in time to see the irritated face of the green-haired girl as she
tackled him.

“Ow,” he groaned as they hit the ground, the girl lying on top of him as she sat up, a scowl on her
face, “What the fuck did you do that for?!”
“I’m tired of you blowing me off!” she said, “I just want to ta-.”

“Get off me,” he said as she fell under his quirk again, the girl getting up instantly, letting him rise
to his own feet slowly, “Now, go home.”

The girl walked off again, Hitoshi releasing his hold once he was sure she was further away this
time. The sound of running caught his ear again almost instantly, the purple-haired boy breaking
into a sprint as he tried to escape his pursuer. He didn’t manage to make it far, gasping for air as
the green-haired girl overtook him, spinning around to glare at him again.

“Go away, you damn stalker!” he growled.

“I’m not a stalker!” she said, her eyes going blank once again.

“Go home,” Hitoshi panted, staggering away as she left, holding out his quirk until his head hurt
before finally releasing it.


“Hitoshi Shinso.”

Hitoshi groaned, looking up from his desk as the green-haired girl, who it turned out sat next to
him in class, stood directly beside him.

“What?” he mumbled, still half-asleep.

“I want to talk to you!” she said authoritatively, “And don’t think about using your quirk on me in
school! You know that’s against the rules!”

“Just leave me alone, you damn stalker!” he growled back, finally waking up, glancing around the
classroom as it quietened, the rest of the students watching them.

“I’m not a stalker,” she said, “I just want to talk to you. But since you seem so adamant on ignoring
me outside of school, I’m doing it now.”

“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, “Fine. What?”

“You want to go to UA, right?”

Hitoshi froze. Was this really happening? Again? Was he about to be laughed out of the room
because of his dream? What the hell did this green-haired stalker think she was doing?

“Yeah, what of it?” he grunted.

“So do I,” she replied, making Hitoshi blink in surprise, “So, I wanted to talk to you about that.”

“You…” he said, “You want to go to UA?”

“Yeah,” the girl nodded, “And so do you.”

“Yeah,” Hitoshi nodded back.

“Great, I’ll meet you after school to talk about it some more,” she said, her scowl suddenly turning
into a gentle smile, “Just don’t use your quirk on me this time, okay?”

“I…” Hitoshi stared at the girl in confusion for a moment before he spoke, “Okay?”

“Hitoshi,” she said as he walked slowly home, the boy flinching as she ran up beside him, “I
thought I said to wait for me!”

“You said you wanted to talk after school,” he muttered, “Not to wait for you.”

“Oh, yeah, I guess I did,” she hummed, comfortably keeping pace with him, “Anyway, onto the
important thing!”

“Important thing?” he groaned.

“Yeah, we both want to get into UA, right?” she asked, Hitoshi just nodding, “Well, you’re going
to have a hard time as you are now.”

“What?” Hitoshi blinked as she grinned at him, “What do you mean? Are you just here to tell me
that my dream is stupid or something?”

“No,” the girl shook her head, a look of confusion on her face, “I just mean you’re out of shape.
You could barely sprint for twenty metres the other day before running out of steam. You’ll never
get into UA if you’re that unfit.”

“What?” Hitoshi blinked.

“How about you start jogging with me in the mornings?” she asked, “I live nearby to the school, so
it shouldn’t be too hard if you do to.”

“What?” Hitoshi repeated.

“You need to get fit, I’m offering to help you,” she sighed, “So, yes or no? Do you want to have a
chance of getting into UA?”

“I…Yes!” the teen almost shouted at her.

“Great, what’s your address? I’ll meet you there at… let’s say five am? That’ll give both of us
enough time for a short jog and a shower before school starts.”

“Five…FIVE AM?!”


Hitoshi panted. He wanted to throw up. Again. But the demon woman was encouraging him to
keep going. It had only been three days since she’d started showing up at his house at some
ungodly hour of the morning, getting his parents to drag him out of bed and into his gym clothes.
Then she’d force him to run for what felt like hours, leaving him even more exhausted than he
usually felt. It certainly didn’t help that she was obviously so much fitter than him, able to run
circles around him as he jogged slowly along.

“You’re doing great, Hitoshi,” she said softly, barely out of breath as he gasped for air, “Just a little
longer and you’ll be home.”

“Just say you’re trying to kill me and get it over with,” he managed to sputter out.

“I’m trying to get you fit,” she said back, “And this is just the start. We’ve only got a year and a
half before we can take the UA entrance exams, so we have to make the most of it!”
“How do you have so much energy?” he mumbled, fighting back the urge to vomit.

“I’ve been jogging and training for a couple of years now,” she said, “Don’t worry, you’ll get there

“Training?” he cringed, “What? Like weights?”

“Yep,” she grinned as she lifted a slender arm, tensing the surprisingly toned muscles, “And Yoga
for flexibility. We’ll get you started on that next month, though. Right now, we need you to be able
to run a block without throwing up.”

“Don’t remind me,” Hitoshi gagged, staggering to the side as they finally reached his house,
“There, we’re done. Now leave me alone for the rest of the day.”

“No can do,” the girl shook her head as she jogged off, “I’ll be back in the afternoon for another

“Another…?” Hitoshi balked, before vomiting into his mom’s flowerbed.


“Yes!” the girl shouted as Hitoshi sprinted across the park, “Your time is down by a full half a

“That’s not that great,” he panted as he walked over to her, looking at the time, “I mean, I’m no
Olympic athlete.”

“You don’t need to be,” she laughed, “But anyway, we’ll stop running in the afternoons for now.”

“Really?” Hitoshi said, looking at her in surprise, “You’re actually showing mercy?”

“Hardly!” she laughed, “Instead, we’ll be doing Yoga! Got to stretch you out and make you

“Are you kidding me?” he moaned, “And where the hell are we supposed to do that?”

“Your house?” the girl shrugged, “It looks pretty big, so there should be space. I’d offer our place,
but we live in a small apartment. It’s hard enough for me to do it in my room alone.”

“M-my house?” Hitoshi squawked, “No! No way! Not happening!”

“Oh, come on,” the girl sighed, “It’s not that scary. Or are you afraid of being alone with a girl?”

“No,” the teen blushed as he glared at her, “I just don’t want to be alone with a psychopath like

“I’m not a psychopath,” she said flatly, “I’m trying to get you fit. You’ll thank me later.”

“Yeah, right,” he muttered as they made their way back to his house.


“Come in, come in!”

The cheery voice of Hitoshi’s mother called from the front door, the boy groaning at his desk in his
room as he finished putting away his homework. It had been a month since they’d started doing
Yoga together in his house, his mother having been absolutely thrilled by Hitoshi’s “new friend”.

“Now, make sure to treat her kindly,” she’d said to him, “None of your usual sass, young man.”

“Hey Hitoshi,” the girl said from his bedroom door, “You ready?”

“If I say no, will you leave?” he sighed.

“Not a chance,” she grinned at him, “Come on, I have the matts set up in the living room.”

“Why? I’m only going to die in there,” he muttered as he followed her downstairs.

“Shut up, you big baby,” she laughed, “You can’t deny that you’re getting fitter.”

Hitoshi just sighed. She was right, he could now mostly keep up with her on their morning runs,
and he’d been doing better in PE at school. He hated to admit it, but he was getter fitter, and it was
all thanks to her.

“So,” he said as they entered the living room, “What hell are we subjecting ourselves too today?”

“Nothing too stressful,” the girl said, “Just our usual routine.”

“You’re kidding, right?” he groaned, “All my joints hurt after doing that!”

“That just means it’s working!” the she-devil replied, “Now, let’s start!”



Hitoshi blinked as he looked up from his desk where he’d been napping, staring at the three girls
around him. He recognised them as the three that the demon woman always ate lunch with, talking
loudly beside his desk while he tried to sleep.

“What?” he asked flatly.

“Izumi-chan is sick today,” the one with snake hair said, holding out a stack of papers, “Could you
take her the worksheets we did today? One of us would do it, but we all have after-school clubs.”

“What?” he blinked, “Who?”

“Izumi-chan,” the large nosed girl said, “You know, the girl you’ve been training with?”

“Huh?” he blinked.

“Wait,” the third girl asked, “Did you really not know her name? Haven’t you two been training
together for like four months now?”

“Uh…” he said slowly, before taking the papers, “Yeah, sure whatever.”

“Do you know her address, at least?” the nose girl asked, “Here, I’ll write it on your hand.”

Hitoshi sat slightly stunned as the girl took his hand and wrote and address on his palm.

“Good luck!” the three called as they walked away, giggling quietly.

Hitoshi sighed as he stood in front of the apartment door, hand raised to knock.

“What am I doing?” he grumbled, knocking on the door.

There was a pause, before the door cracked open, a tired and puffy green eye peeking out.

“Hitoshi?” the voice said, obviously sick, before the door opened completely, showing a pale and
pajama wearing girl, her wild green hair even more unruly than usual, “What are you doing here?”

“Got sent to give you these,” he muttered as he shoved the worksheets at her, “You look like shit.”

“I feel worse,” she laughed, quickly breaking out into a cough, “Sorry. Do you want to come

“No,” he replied flatly.

“Ah, that’s probably for the best,” she sighed, “My quirk tends to get a little out of control when
I’m sick.”

“Your quirk?” he asked.

“Yeah, I make all sorts of pheromones when I get a cold,” she hummed, “Can’t really control it.
My mom has to wear a gas mask to protect herself.”

“And where is your mom?” he said as he glanced past her into he empty apartment.

“At work,” the girl replied, “Thanks for this, by the way. Hopefully I’ll be better tomorrow, and we
can go on a run.”

“Ugh,” Hitoshi grunted as he turned away, “Hell no. Don’t force yourself just for me.”

“Aw, I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, Hitoshi,” she grinned, “Thanks.”

“Whatever,” he mumbled as he walked away.


Hitoshi looked up and down the dark street, not seeing the devil woman anywhere.

“Probably still sick,” he sighed, turning to go back inside his house, pausing.

He was already up and in his exercise clothes, and he’d probably have a hard time falling asleep
again anyway. Might as well go for a quick run.


“Turns out Izumi-chan is really sick,” the snake girl said to Hitoshi as he sighed, taking the papers
from her, “Could you take these to her again?”

“Might as well,” he muttered.

“Tell her we hope she gets better soon!” the nose girl smiled at him, “Thanks, Shinso-kun!”

“Whatever,” he grunted as he went back to sleep.

“Hey, Hitoshi,” the green-haired girl said as she opened the door, her face paler than the day
before, “Thanks for coming again.”

“It’s not a big deal,” he muttered, holding out the papers, “Your friends say get well soon.”

“Aw, thanks,” she smiled, suddenly stepping forwards and hugging him, making the boy stiffen.

“The hell are you doing?” he grunted, trying to pry her off.

“Hugging you,” she murmured in his ear, making the teen blush at the husky sound, “To say
thanks. You’re really starting to get stronger; you know? I can feel your muscles.”

“G-get off,” he muttered, still trying to pry her away from him, his head getting foggy, “What the
hell are you doing to me?”

“Huh?” the sleepy looking girl said, before her eyes went wide and she released him, shooting
back, “I’m so sorry! It’s probably my quirk! I didn’t mean to-.”

“Whatever,” Shinso growled, his head already starting to clear, “Just watch it in the future. And get
better soon. Running alone is kind of boring.”

“I…yes!” the girl said, a genuine smile on her face as he turned away, his face still flushed.


Hitoshi jogged along their usual route, deep in thought as he went. What was that yesterday? Why
was he so embarrassed by a simple hug? Did it have something to do with the devil-woman’s
quirk? He didn’t know all the details of it, but she apparently could mess with your mind and
emotions. Is that what was happening to him right now?

“What the hell am I doing?” he muttered to himself as he reached his house, pausing as he realised,
he was barely out of breath.

Looking up at his house, he checked the time. He’d run the route quickly. Quickly enough that if
he could match that time, he could do another lap without being late to school. Shaking his head,
he set off again.


“Oi,” he said to the three girls crowded around the desk, “You haven’t bugged me about taking that
she-devil her work yet today. What’s up?”

“You didn’t hear?” the nose girl asked, “Izumi-chan is in hospital.”


“Yeah, apparently her sickness was worse than they thought,” the snake girl said, looking down in
worry, “I hope she gets better soon.”

“Which hospital?” Hitoshi wasn’t sure why he’d asked, but the three girls shook their heads.

“We don’t know,” the third girl replied, “You’d have to ask a teacher or her mom.”

“I…right,” Hitoshi nodded, walking away from them numbly as he sat back at his own desk,
looking at the empty seat beside him.

“What am I doing?” Hitoshi sighed as he stood in front of the apartment door.

It was after hours for most jobs, so he figured that her mom would probably be home about now,
but he still wasn’t sure why he was here. He blinked as he realised he’d knocked on the door,
watching as it opened to reveal a slender green-haired woman a little shorter than Izumi, her eyes
red and puffy from crying.

“Yes, can I help you?” she asked, Hitoshi at a loss for words for a moment.

“Uhm… the dev-, I mean, your daughter,” he managed to stammer, “Is she okay?”

“You mean Izumi?” the woman asked, Hitoshi nodding, “Oh, yes. I just got a call from the
hospital, apparently her fever has broken, so she should be okay in a couple of days.”

“I… that’s good to hear.”

“So,” the woman asked, her expression suddenly going stern, “Who might you be?”

“Uh…Hitoshi Shinso,” he answered flatly, “Your daughter has been…”

“Ah! You’re the boy Izumi has been training with, right?” the woman said, her face lighting up,
“I’m so glad that she has friends that check up on her like this! She didn’t have anyone else in her
previous schools!”

“She didn’t?” Hitoshi asked lamely.

“No,” the woman shook her head sadly, before looking up at him, “Would you like to come in for
some tea? The worst of Izumi’s pheromones have been cleared, but you might still feel a little

“I… Uhm… sure,” Hitoshi said as he entered the apartment.


Two days later, Hitoshi sat up at his desk as the three girls called out.

“Izumi-chan! You’re back!”

He watched as the three hugged the green-haired girl, asking if she was okay and what had
happened. They talked for a while before the teacher came in, sending the students to their desks,
Izumi sitting beside Hitoshi.

“I heard you came to check up on me,” she said softly as the teacher took role call, Hitoshi blinking
as he looked at her.

“Uh…yeah,” he replied lamely, “Your mom is… nice.”

“Thanks,” the girl replied, looking back at the front as the teacher called her name.


“Six months left,” Izumi hummed as she helped Hitoshi stretch, pushing him down until his joints
ached, the purple-haired teen not protesting at all.
“What?” he muttered, focussing on trying to finally reach his toes.

“Until the UA Entrance Exam,” Izumi replied, “I think it’s about time we thought about getting
some combat training.”

“Combat training?” Hitoshi grunted, his fingers barely an inch from his toes.

“Yeah, there’s a kickboxing gym not too far from here with reasonable prices,” Izumi said, pushing
a little harder on his back, “What do you say?”

“Like I have a choice,” he grunted, his fingers tapping the tips of his shoes, “Yes! Fucking finally!”

“Way to go, Hitoshi!” Izumi said happily, “Now we just have to get you to be able to do that
without me pushing on your back!”

“Ugh,” the boy grunted as he sat back, looking into the beaming face of the green-haired girl,
feeling his cheeks flush slightly.


“It’s time,” Izumi said as they stood at the gates of UA, smiling at the boy beside her, “Good luck,

“Same to you,” he muttered, “We’ve trained like hell for this, so we should have a good chance.”

“Yeah,” Izumi nodded.

“I thought I fucking smelt something rotten!”

The shout startled both of them, turning to see an irate looking blond standing behind them.

“Turns out it was the stink of your quirk.”

“Bakugo,” Izumi said, Hitoshi noticing the way the usually confident girl seemed to fold in on
herself in the presence of the blond, “What do you want?”

“The fuck are you doing here, you’re stinking up the place with your quirk!” the now identified
Bakugo snarled, “You’re not really trying out for UA, are you? No way they would accept
someone with a quirk like yours!”

Hitoshi blinked, feeling a rage building in his gut as the blond continued to berate the girl beside

“Who the fuck are you?” he barked, making the blond look at him for the first time, “What makes
you think you can say that kind of shit to someone?”

“Huh? Who the fuck are you?” Bakugo snarled, “You her boyfriend or something? How can you
stand the stink of this bitch?”

“What stink?” Hitoshi growled, balling his fists, “Her quirk doesn’t even have a smell.”

“Yeah right!” the blond growled back, “She’s always polluting the air around her with her reek!
Now get the fuck out of my way!”

He didn’t give them time to retort as he barged past them, Hitoshi looking at Izumi in worry as she
folded in on herself some more.
“An old bully?” he asked softly, the girl obviously fighting back tears as she shook her head.

“An old friend,” she muttered.

“Damn, no wonder you have bad taste in guys if you counted him as a friend,” Hitoshi said,
awkwardly patting her shoulder, “Explains why you were so determined to help me.”

“What do you mean?” Izumi sniffed, wiping her eyes, “I wanted to help you because we both want
to get into UA.”

“Right,” Hitoshi nodded, “Look, just forget about him. I’m sure we’ll do great in the exam. Come
on, we’re going to be late if we don’t hurry.”


“Oh no,” the pair looked at each other as the practical exam was explained.


Hitoshi sighed as he threw the letter onto his desk, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill
from his eyes. He was distracted as his phone rang, picking it up without a second thought and

“Hitoshi,” the familiar voice said, “You get your letter yet?”

“Yeah,” he muttered.

“Same result?” the sad voice asked.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“We still have a chance though,” she said, Hitoshi nodding.


They both spoke at the same time.

“The Sports Festival.”


“So this is the vaunted class A?” Hitoshi asked as the blond glared at him, “You don’t seem so

“The fuck was that?” the blond snarled, “Fuck you!”

“You wouldn’t last,” Hitoshi shot back, “Anyway, this is a declaration of war. We’re coming for
your places, Hero students, so watch your backs.”

“Fuck off, you extra!” the blond yelled as he stormed past, trying to shoulder Hitoshi out of the
way, but finding the boy surprisingly solid.


LISTENERS!” Mic yelled through the speakers, “THE FIGHTING TOURNAMENT!”
“First up we have Katsuki Bakugo versus Hitoshi Shinso,” Aizawa said from behind his thick

“Oi,” the blond growled, “You’re that extra that’s always hanging around that stinking bitch.”

“I don’t know who you’re talking about,” Hitoshi said flatly back, “I only hang out with my

“She make you fall in love with her or some shit?” the other boy laughed cruelly, “Typical! Bitch
couldn’t get friends unless she brainwashed them with her fucking quirk!”

“START!” Midnight shouted.

“You’re going to lose, blondie,” Hitoshi said as the other teen launched himself across the arena.

“Go to hell!” the other boy screamed as he swung a fist back, his eyes suddenly going blank as he
staggered to a stop.

“Now,” Hitoshi grinned cruelly as he spoke, “Leave the arena. Then punch yourself in the balls as
hard as you can.”


“Sorry,” Izumi said as she grabbed the girl with vines for hair, having dodged her attacks, placing a
hand over her nose and mouth, “But I need to win this.”

The other girl’s eyes grew unfocused, allowing the green-haired teen to shove her out of the arena.


“Hitoshi Shinso wins,” Aizawa said from the announcer booth as his opponent walked off the


“AND ANOTHER VICTORY FOR IZUMI MIDORIYA!” Mic yelled as she shoved her dazed
opponent to the grass.


“Wow,” Izumi said as they stood opposite each other, “I never actually thought we’d get this far.”

“Tell me about it,” Hitoshi laughed, “So? Fair fight?”

“Are you kidding me?” Izumi laughed back, “With our quirks? Yeah right!”

“START!” Midnight shouted, Izumi immediately charging towards Hitoshi.

“I like you, please go out with me.”

“What?” Izumi stumbled at the words, her eyes suddenly going blank as Hitoshi fought back a
furious blush.

“Walk out of the arena,” he mumbled, watching as the girl walked robotically out.



“Hey,” Hitoshi said as he walked into the waiting room, looking at the green-haired girl as she
avoided his eyes, “I just… I wanted to say sorry for earlier.”

“What do you mean?” Izumi chuckled weakly, “You were just trying to win, right? You had to
catch me off guard to respond to your quirk. Congratulations, by the way.”

“Yeah, well…” Hitoshi trailed off, wondering if he could actually do this. Gritting his teeth for a
moment, he continued to speak, “I wasn’t entirely lying. About what I said.”

“What?” Izumi blinked, looking at him, both blushing hard.

“I…I do…actually kind of…like you…” Hitoshi mumbled, stumbling over his words, “So… like…
if that’s okay…”

“Oh,” Izumi blinked, staring at him in shock, “I, uhm… yeah.”

“OH, the joys of youth!” the sudden shout startled the two teens, turning to look at the pair of
Heroes as they entered the room, “Young love is so beautiful, don’t you agree, Shota?”

“Whatever,” the scruffy man muttered, “We’re here on business anyway. You, Shinso, right?”

“Y-yeah?” Hitoshi said as the man walked up to him, appraising him.

“You have potential,” the older man said, “I’d like to personally train you.”

“W-wait… what?!” the teen shouted, “No way! But you’re Eraserhead! The Eraserhead! What do
you want with me?”

“To train you,” Aizawa repeated.

“Take it, Hitoshi,” Izumi said excitedly, grabbing his arm, “This is it! What we were hoping for!
You have a chance to become a Hero!”

“And he’s not the only one, sweety,” Midnight purred, leaning down to look Izumi in the eye, “I
think you’d make a great Hero too! That’s why I’m going to start training you as well.”

“Wait… seriously?” Izumi gasped, “Hitoshi…we can both be Heroes!”

“We…we can,” Hitoshi said as he looked into her eyes, “Yeah, we can, Izumi.”

The girl suddenly blushed, stepping away from him as he watched her in confusion.

“That’s the first time you’ve called me by my name,” she said as she looked away, “So, uhm…

“Yeah?” Hitoshi blinked, still confused.

“I’ll… I’ll go out with you,” she said softly.

“You’re not going to have much time for such frivolities,” Aizawa grunted, “You two may be
reasonably fit, but you have a lot to catch up on.”

“Oh, come on, Shota!” Midnight laughed, “I’m sure they’ll find the time to have some fun.”
Both teens blushed even harder at Midnight’s words, looking shyly at each other.
Chapter Summary

Chapter Notes

Inspired by the above pic. Artist currently unknown, let me know who made it if you
know, so I can properly credit them, thanks!

Have something fun and stupid :)

Katsuki Bakugo loved his quirk. It was perfect for him; loud, flashy and powerful. He could
become the perfect Hero with it.

Conversely, he absolutely hated Izuku Midoriya’s quirk, which he was currently under the effects
of, nestled safely in the other teen’s pocket as he was carried back to the green-haired boy’s
apartment. For the fifth time that week.

He struggled as he heard the door open, shouting as loudly as his squeaky voice could manage as
he heard Izuku greet his mom.

“Welcome back, Izuku,” Aunty called, before he heard her sigh, “You didn’t bring Katsuki home
again, did you?”

“No?” the green-haired bastard lied, “At least, I don’t think so.”

The hand reached into the pocket, Katsuki biting it as it closed around his tiny form, lifting him out
as he glared at the massive teen, tiny impotent sparks flying from his hands.

“Oh,” Izuku blushed, “I guess I did.”

“Izuku,” Aunty sighed again, “What have I told you about bringing Katsuki home without his

“Uhm…don’t?” Izuku mumbled, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand, even as Katsuki
bit into his fingers as hard as he could, trying to use his sparks to at least set the teen’s sleeve on
fire, “Sorry, Kacchan.”

The tiny blond just squeaked as he was placed down on the floor, before the familiar sense of
vertigo that came with being released from that damned quirk hit him, blinking as he was suddenly
normal sized again.

“Stop fucking doing that!” he roared, glaring at Izuku for a moment, before stomping out the still
open door, “Do it again, and I’ll fucking kill you!”

“Sorry, Kacchan!” the green-haired teen called out again as the blond slammed the door closed
behind him, making his way back to his own home.


Ochako panted as she floated another robot, dropping it to the ground a moment later.

“T-twenty-two,” she gasped, her stomach already groaning from the strain of her using her quirk.

She took a quick glance around the faux city, taking in the other examinees as they fired off their
quirks, destroying robots left and right. Her eyes fell on a green-haired boy as he touched a two-
pointer, the robot suddenly vanishing, before he stuffed something into the large backpack he was
wearing. She flinched as her stomach turned, fighting back the urge to vomit as she touched another

Suddenly, the entire faux city shook, a massive robot rising from the ground as it destroyed the
buildings around it. Ochako tried to run, gasping as the rubble fell on her, trapping her leg. She
looked back fearfully as the machine behemoth rumbled towards her.

“Are you okay?” the voice asked, Ochako looking up in surprise as the green-haired boy from
before stood over her, reaching out to touch the chunk of rubble trapping her leg, the masonry
vanishing a moment later, “Can you walk?”

“I…I think so,” she mumbled, slapping a hand over her mouth as she almost vomited on him, the
boy just nodding.
“Hold on, let me get rid of that guy while you run,” he said, hopping over the rubble towards the
giant robot.

“Wait!” she called, staggering to her feet and hissing as she put pressure on her leg, looking down
at her already swelling ankle.

She looked up just in time to see the massive robot just…vanish, the green-haired boy hurrying
back over to her, a small toy grasped in his hand before he stuffed it into his backpack.

“Here, let me help you,” he said, hooking her arm over his shoulders as he helped her towards the


“Izuku, make sure to empty your pockets before we leave,” Inko hummed as the mother and son
approached the counter of the small store, the clerk behind the counter looking at her in confusion
for a moment, before the teen pulled several small items from his pockets, depositing them on the

“Uhm…” the wolf-like man said slowly, looking at the toys, “What’s this?”

“I’m sorry,” Inko bowed, “My son has a slight problem with kleptomania. He uses his quirk on
things he likes and pockets them. The doctors said it was probably part of his quirk instincts.”

The wolfman blinked as the teen snapped his fingers, the toys suddenly turning into full-sized

“Oh, I see,” he said.

“I apologise again,” Inko bowed a second time, “He doesn’t mean anything by it. I don’t think he
even notices he’s doing it sometimes.”

“Nah, I understand,” the clerk gave her a sharp toothed smile, before quickly stopping, “Sorry. But
I understand. My quirk makes me pretty scary to most folks and I crave raw meat from time to
time, so I get the whole quirk instincts thing.”

“Oh, thank you!” Inko smiled happily, “Most shops aren’t as forgiving. We’ll definitely be coming
back here.”

“Good to hear,” the man nodded, before picking up the first item, pointing to the trainee badge on
his uniform, “Uhm.. I’m still kind of new here, so it might take me a minute to ring up everything.
Is that okay?”

“Oh, it’s perfectly fine,” Inko smiled again, the man giving her a shy smile back.


“Well, that was something,” the pink-skinned girl said as the students gathered their possessions,
getting ready to leave the classroom.

“Yeah,” the blonde with a black lightning bolt in his hair said, “Just glad I wasn’t the one to get

The class fell silent as they looked at the empty desk where the short ball-haired student they
hadn’t even gotten the name of was supposed to have sat.
“Oh!” Ochako said, hurrying over to the green-haired teen, “Sorry to bother you, but I was just
wondering, what’s your quirk? You used it on the Zero-pointer in the Entrance exam, but I didn’t
see you use it in the Apprehension test!”

“Huh?” the boy said, before smiling brightly, “Yeah, it wouldn’t have helped me in the test, so I
didn’t see the point. It’s called Pocket Pal.”

“That sounds cute!” the floating uniform said as she hurried over, “What does it do?”

“Well, it’s easier to show than explain,” the boy chuckled, the loud blond with the explosion quirk
suddenly squawking.

“Don’t you dare fucking use it on me, Deku!” he shouted.

“Well, thanks for volunteering, Kacchan!” the green-haired boy laughed, darting over and grabbing
the boy, who suddenly vanished, making the class gasp.

“What did you do to him?!” the blocky blue-haired boy said loudly, chopping his hands through
the air.

“Just this,” the green-haired boy said, placing the small blond-haired object onto a desk, “This is
what my quirk does. I can make anything I touch pocket-sized!”

“That is…” the girls said as they looked at the squeaking chibi on the desk, “SO CUTE!”

“Thanks!” the boy replied, before snapping his fingers, the blond returning to full size a moment
later, hurling obscentities at him as the blue-haired boy scolded him for standing on the table.

“What does it feel like, though?” Ochako asked, the boy just shrugging.

“Don’t know, my quirk doesn’t work on myself,” he said, “Want to try it out and tell me?”

“Sure!” Ochako replied, blushing slightly as he took her hand.

She blinked as the world suddenly grew large, finding herself being gently deposited on a desk,
looking up at the rest of the class as they cooed over how cute she looked.

“This is…really weird,” she said, the rest of the class chuckling as they talked.

“Really? Wouldn’t know,” the green-haired boy said, “Hold on, let me put you on the floor before
I turn you back.”

“Wait, you can understand me?” Ochako asked as she was gently picked up, blushing at how safe
she felt in his hands.

“Yep, though only me and other chibis can understand each other,” he laughed as he set her down,
snapping his fingers as Ochako got a slight sense of vertigo from returning to normal size, “You
basically get your own language!”

“That’s really cool!” the pink-skinned girl said, “I want to try next!”

“Me too!” the uniform said happily, waving her arms excitedly.


“No, those are real Villains,” Shota Aizawa growled as he prepared to jump down the stairs,
“Thirteen! Protect the stu-!”

He was cut off as one of his students, Midoriya, darted past him, hurling something down the
stairs. He watched in shock as the teen snapped his fingers, the Zero-Pointer suddenly appearing in
the air before it slammed down, crushing the steps beneath it.

“You still had that?” Uraraka shouted in surprise as the other students stared.

“Yep!” Midoriya chuckled, “The principal let me keep it for emergencies! And this seems like an
emergency to me!”

[Villains detected] the mechanical voice called out, [Removing limiters. Prepare for defeat, human

The class watched as the Zero-pointer raced down the stairs, sweeping an arm across the plaza
below them, taking out dozens of Villains in one attack.

“My, that was unexpected,” the mist Villain said as he appeared behind them, “But it doesn’t
change my job! Scatter and die, young Her-!”

The Villain was cut off as Izuku tackled him, the man vanishing in an instant, a miniature version
appearing in the teen’s hand, before it disappeared in a cloud of mist.

“Dammit,” Midoriya huffed, “Some kind of teleporter?”

“Whatever,” Aizawa grunted, “Get out the door now! The Zero-pointer should hold them back for

“Yes, sensei!” the class shouted as they rushed to the entrance.


Tomura Shigaraki scowled as the small cloud of black mist appeared on his shoulder, looking at
the miniature Kurogiri in confusion.

“Tomura Shigaraki,” it squeaked, before letting out a series of indecipherable noises.

“Dammit, seems like they got Kurogiri,” the man grunted behind the hand hiding his face, looking
up at the monster beside him, “Nomu, get up there and kill those brats!”

The creature didn’t even nod as it leapt into the air, sailing towards the stairs. The massive robot
that had appeared tried to get in the Nomu’s way, only to have its entire arm ripped off by the bio-
engineered strength of the creature. The nomu shot up the stairs, even as Tomura could make out
the light of the door opening. It had barely reached the top when it suddenly vanished, Tomura
grinning as he thought it had simply moved to fast for him to see.

“Well, let’s get up there, Kurogiri,” he muttered, looking at the tiny mist thing on his shoulder,
“Can’t let the Nomu have all the fun!”

The miniature Kurogiri just squeaked, straining as it managed to open a warp gate just big enough
for the man to step through. Tomura looked around for the Nomu as he arrived, only seeing a
green-haired boy running for the open door, something familiar grasped in his hand.

“What?” Tomura grunted, seeing the head of the miniature Nomu as it struggled in the boy’s
grasp, “What did you do to my Nomu?!”
“Huh?” the boy said, turning to look at Tomura, “Your what now? You mean this thing?”

“Yes!” Tomura roared as the teen held up the miniature nomu, “How dare you do that to my Boss

“Uh…” the boy said, before spinning on his heel and bolting out the nearby door.

“Get back here!” Tomura screamed, charging after him, coming face to face with a scruffy haired
man a moment later.

“Oh, Eraserhead,” he grinned, “So cool!”

The fist met his face, throwing him back into the USJ, the alarms suddenly blaring as he fell onto
his ass.

“Shit, get us out, Kurogiri!” he shouted through the blood pouring down his face, “Now!”

The miniature warp gate user just nodded, opening another gate under the man as they dropped
through it.


Atsuhiro Sako sighed as he flipped through the channels on the small television in the dingy
apartment he was currently lying low in.


Everything was just the UA Sports Festival. Sighing, he watched for a moment. It was the third
stage of the first-year events, the fighting tournament, a green-haired boy facing off against a blond
whose hands were crackling like fireworks. Shaking his head, Sako switched the television off,
getting up to make himself a cup of tea.

“Hmm,” he hummed, looking up as he waited for the kettle to boil, his mind still on the green-
haired teen, “Why does he look so familiar, I wonder?”

He continued to muse on the thought until the kettle started to whistle, taking it off the stove and
pouring out the boiling water. A flash of green crossed his mind.

A night, about fifteen years ago. He’d just turned twenty. A green-haired, green-eyed woman he’d
met at a bar. They’d shared a night of passion together. What was her name again? Something
poetic? Beautiful even? It had meant… green… green something.

Blinking, Sako almost dropped his cup as he raced back to the television, switching it back on and
hurriedly flicking through the channels until he found one showing the winner of the last fight.
There, emblazoned across the screen, was a smiling boy with curly green hair and bright green
eyes. It was a little hard to see, but he definitely had the family jawline under the diamond of
freckles on each cheek.

And his name. Midoriya. Green Valley.

Sako did something that he almost never did.

He swore.

Inko sighed as she closed the door to the apartment, thankful that her day was almost over. She’d
just gotten back from work, and Izuku was due home in about an hour, so she had some time to
relax before she had to start dinner. She wasn’t expecting any visitors, nor any packages, so when
the knock came at the door she was surprised.

Opening the door, she looked at the well-dressed man standing nervously behind it.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Hello, madam,” he said with a smile, bowing theatrically to her, before standing bolt upright, “I
was wondering if I could have a moment of your time?”

“I’m not looking to buy anything, I apologise,” she said, going to close the door.

“Oh, I’m not selling anything!” the man gasped, “I just…this is a little awkward…but it’s…it’s
about your son.”

“Izuku?” Inko gasped, opening the door again, fear seeping into her mind, “Are you from UA? Did
something happen to Izuku?”

“Oh, no! Nothing has happened to Izuku!” the man said hurriedly, “I had just hoped to talk about
him for a moment! May I come inside?”

“Uhm…” Inko hesitated, before standing aside, “Of course, let me put some tea on.”

She watched as the man awkwardly entered the apartment, allowing himself to be led to their small
kitchen and sitting at the table, nervously wringing his hands as she set about making tea. After a
few minutes, she joined him, placing the cup in front of the man as he sipped on it.

“You make a marvellous cup of tea, madam,” he said softly, seeming to relax slightly.

“Thank you,” Inko hummed, “Now, what is this about Izuku?”

“You…you don’t recognize me, do you?” the man sighed, Inko blinking in confusion, looking at
him more closely, something familiar about him now that she thought about it.

“Not exactly,” she shook her head, “Have we met before?”

“Around fifteen years ago?” the man said, “In a bar? I believe it was called the Zero In?”

“Huh?” Inko hummed, looking away, “Oh! Yes! My friend Mitsuki dragged me out to that bar a
few times back then. Why does that matter?”

“It’s just…” the man continued, wringing his hands again, “Do you not remember meeting a man
there one night?”

“A man?” Inko blushed, “I…I do. It was only a one-night stand, but I did meet a rather dashing

“I see you are remembering,” the man smiled weakly, “I believe that may have been me.”

“No,” Inko gasped, “You’re really…? But that means…?”

She was cut off when the door opened, the voice of her son calling out a greeting.

“Hey mom! I’m home!”

Izuku quickly entered the kitchen, obviously looking for her, eyes falling on the man sitting at the
table in suspicion.

“Who’s this?”

“Izuku!” she gasped, tears pouring from her eyes as she grabbed him by the shoulders, shaking him
slightly, “Izuku!”

“Madam?” the man said, getting up suddenly as she burst into tears, moving towards them.

Inko saw Izuku twitch, quickly darting to the side and touching the man, gripping the tiny form in
his hand as he vanished.

“Who is this?” Izuku asked again, “Mom, are you okay?”

“I…I’m fine, Izuku!” she sniffed, managing to get herself under control, “It’s just…he might be
your father!”

“My what?” her son asked slowly.

“Your father!” Inko repeated, blinking as the teen looked at the wiggling form in his hand, before
tossing it into the garbage can, “Izuku?”

“We don’t need him,” her son grunted, ignoring the squeaking sounds now coming from the bin.

“But…he might be your father!” Inko tried again.

“Like I said, we don’t need him,” Izuku replied, “We didn’t before, and we don’t now!”

“Oh, Izuku,” Inko gasped, “But…you always wanted to know who your father was!”

“I used to,” Izuku sighed, “But not anymore. You’re the only parent I need, mom.”

“Well, could you at least let him out?” she asked, looking back at the still squeaking bin, “It
seems…a little cruel to just leave him in there.”

“Fine,” the teen muttered, reaching into the bin and pulling the chibi out, before carrying it to the
door and tossing it outside, closing the door before he snapped his fingers, “But like I said. We
don’t need him. Now, what’s for dinner?”


“A day?” the woman asked, looking around her partially packed up home, “How do you plan to
move all this in a day with just the two of you?”

“With my quirk,” Atsuhiro replied, smiling confidently at her, producing the card from his pocket,
“I have a license to use it for my job, if you are worried, madam.”

“And what is your quirk?” she asked, looking at him suspiciously.

“Ah, well, I can demonstrate it for you,” Atsuhiro said, “All I need is something of little value to
show you.”

“Alright,” the woman sighed, taking out a simple glass from one of the boxes and placing it on the
Atsuhiro touched the glass, making it vanish into a marble that he caught before it could roll off
the counter, showing her, before snapping his fingers, the object appearing back in his hand a
moment later.

“As you can see, everything you own will be safely stored within my quirk until we reach your
new abode,” he said, glancing at his supervisor, who had stood back silently this whole time.

“Oh! That’s quite the impressive quirk!” the woman said, “Alright, I’ll trust you.”

“Thank you, madam!” Atsuhiro bowed as the two of them set about storing all the boxes and

It was an uneventful drive to the new home, the woman waiting for them as they entered the house,
Atsuhiro producing the numerous marbles and setting them down in the appropriate rooms,
releasing each as he finished. He paused as he was about to place down the last marble, looking at

He could tell exactly what was in each of his marbles simply by touching them, a useful aspect of
his quirk, but also a dangerous one. Especially with what was in this marble. Amongst the various
bedroom paraphernalia in the box inside was nestled an antique jewellery box, filled to the brim
with silver and gold jewellery.

He took a sharp breath, about to pocket the orb, before a flash of green crossed his vision. The
disappointed faces of Inko and Izuku appeared in his head as he gripped the orb tightly, before
setting it down and releasing the contents.

“What was that?” his supervisor asked coldly, Atsuhiro jumping as he hadn’t realised the man was
just behind him.

“I…Quirk instincts,” he replied, “I almost pocketed some of the client’s valuables. I apologise.”

“Huh,” the burly man said, “Well, at least you were honest about it. I’ll be keeping a close eye on
you from now on though, just in case.”

“Please do,” Atsuhiro nodded, “I have people I can’t afford to disappoint.”

The two left the house, the woman thanking them as she was about to go in to start unpacking,
Atsuhiro smiling at her as he spoke.

“A pleasure assisting you, madam,” he said, “But may I make a suggestion? Perhaps keep your
valuables about your person the next time you move.”

“What?” she asked, Atsuhiro just smiling as he headed back to the small moving truck they’d used.


Inko giggled as she read through the letter, blushing slightly at the sweet words written on the

“Are you still looking at that…guy’s letters?” her son sighed as he entered the kitchen, “Why?”

“Well, he’s been sending them regularly over the last couple of months,” Inko hummed, “I’d feel
bad just throwing them away.”

“But still,” Izuku sighed, “Why?”

“He says that he’s been doing well in his new job at a moving company,” she continued, “And that
he would very much like to meet you on better terms.”

“No,” the teen growled.

“I still think you should at least try meeting with him at least once,” Inko said, her son just shaking
his head.

“I don’t want to,” he muttered, looking away.

“But he’s probably your father,” Inko sighed, “You should at least try to get to know him.”

“I said I don’t want to,” Izuku repeated, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

“Izuku,” Inko hummed, making him look at her, “Please? Just once? For me?”

“Ugh,” he grunted, before looking back at her, “Fine. But just once.”


“It is a pleasure to finally meet you,” Atsuhiro said as he bowed to the teen, “I am overjoyed that
you accepted my invitation.”

“I only did it to make my mom happy,” Izuku replied curtly as they sat at the café table, “It’s not
like I actually want to know about you.”

“That…I can understand that,” Atsuhiro sagged slightly, looking around awkwardly as they sat in
silence for a while, “Uhm…how are you? How is school? I believe you got to UA?”

“I’m fine,” Izuku replied flatly, “School is fine.”

“Good to hear,” Atsuhiro nodded, “No…problems with your quirk?”

“My quirk?” Izuku grunted, “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, well…it just seems to be a mutation of my own quirk,” Atsuhiro said hastily, “And I had…a
few problems growing up.”

“You mean like kleptomania?” Izuku asked, a spark of interest in his eyes, before he looked away
quickly, “No, nothing like that.”

“Ah yes,” Atsuhiro nodded, “The kleptomania. I still suffer from it to a degree.”

“Wait,” Izuku blinked, looking back at him, “You do?”

“Yes, it is part of our quirk instincts,” Atsuhiro shrugged, before looking away slightly ashamed,
“I…almost had an incident at my work a month or so ago. But remembering you and your mother
allowed me to resist the urge!”

“What? Why us?” Izuku asked.

“Because,” Atsuhiro said, “I don’t want to disappoint either of you. I…I have a rather…dark past.
A past that I have moved on from, but it still exists.”

“What is it?” Izuku asked flatly, “Tell me.”

“I…I used to be something of a thief,” Atsuhiro sighed, “I stole large and valuable items using my
quirk. But I have given that up entirely now!”

“Your quirk?” Izuku blinked, “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because,” Atsuhiro said seriously, “I want to show you that I have changed. Not simply to gain
your trust, but also to show how much I care about the two of you.”

“Right,” Izuku drew out the word as he stared at the man blankly, “Your quirk, you said mine was
a mutation of it? What does yours do?”

“Oh!” Atsuhiro said, pulling the marble from his pocket and snapping his fingers, the orb turning
into a large box of an All Might action figure, the receipt taped to the front, “As you can see, I am
able to store items in these marbles. And the toy is for you. Your mother mentioned you liked to
collect Hero memorabilia in her letters.”

“Huh, so it is kind of like my quirk,” Izuku muttered, before looking suspiciously at the box, “And
how did you get this action figure?”

“I bought it with a bonus I received from my job,” Atsuhiro said, “I wasn’t sure if you already had
this one, so I attached the receipt so you could exchange it should it already be in your collection.”

“I see,” Izuku sighed, taking the box, “Thanks. I don’t actually have this one yet.”

“You are most welcome!” Atsuhiro smiled widely as the boy accepted the gift.


Toshinori Yagi hopped nervously from foot to foot as he psyched himself up for the coming fight.

He was against two students that had, at best, a rocky relationship with each other, and he was
supposed to make them work together. Except he had no idea how to do that. Dammit, maybe he
should get a book about teaching or something? Not that he had time to worry about that now, the
start buzzer sounding as he looked up.

Drawing back a fist, he grinned as he swung the punch forwards, obliterating a path through the
faux residential area they were in. His grin widened slightly as he saw the pair of boys peak out
from behind some rubble, darting up to face them.

“HELLO, YOUNG HEROES!” he bellowed as he shot towards them, “I AM HERE TO


“Go to hell, All Might!” Bakugo screamed, launching himself forwards with an explosion towards
All Might, only to be knocked back by a punch to the gut.

“Whoops!” All Might hummed as he darted to the side, avoiding the reaching hand of Midoriya,
“Don’t want to be caught by your quirk just yet, Young Midoriya!”

“Fucking die!” the shout caught his attention as All Might turned to see Bakugo fire the bracer on
his arm, engulfing the man in flame and smoke for a moment.

“Huh, you’ll have to do better than that to stop me!” All Might laughed, before he felt a sudden
sense of vertigo, looking around as he was grasped in the giant hand.

“Got you,” Midoriya sighed, going to place the miniature man in one of the pockets on his belt, All
Might just pulling the teens fingers apart and darting out of his grip, “What? How is he still so

“Shut up, Deku!” Bakugo snarled, “Quit using your quirk so I can beat All Might properly!”

“Are you crazy?” Midoriya sighed, “There’s no way you could do tha-!”

All Might decided that they’d had long enough to chat as he leapt from the floor into Midoriya’s
stomach, slamming a tiny fist into it as he went, making the teen double over in pain.

“You’ll have to do better than that to stop me!” he laughed as he shot off into the rubble,
leaving the two boys to search around for him before he launched himself into Bakugo’s back,
hitting him right in the kidney, the blond boy collapsing to the ground in pain.

“Dammit!” Midoriya shouted, touching Bakugo and making him vanish with his quirk, before
pocketing the struggling chibi and bolting for the exit.

“HA!” All Might laughed, “Protecting your injured companion and making your escape! A
good tactic!”

“Shut the fuck up All Might!” the squeaky voice of the miniature Bakugo came from one of
Midoriya’s many pockets, “Let me out of here, Deku! I’m gonna kill him!”

“No, you are not!” Midoriya shouted, panting hard as he barely managed to outpace All Might, and
only because the Pro’s legs were so short now, “We’re almost there!”

“I cannot allow that just yet!” All Might shouted as he leapt towards the boy, slamming head first
into his spine, throwing all of them forwards.

“DEKU! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” Bakugo screamed from the pocket as they slammed into
the ground.

[Bakugo/Midoriya exam, Passed!] the electronic voice said as All Might jumped back, realising
that he had pretty much thrown the two through the gate when he’d headbutted Midoriya.

“Ah,” he said, “I may have been a little too enthusiastic with that attack.”

All Might blinked as he felt a sense of vertigo, suddenly back to full size, as Midoriya waved to
him from the ground.

“Sorry, All Might,” the boy muttered, “But could you carry me to the medical tent? I think you
damaged something in my back.”

“Ah! Right away, Young Midoriya!” the man said, carefully lifting the teen and carrying him
off, one of his pockets still squeaking angrily.


Atsuhiro Sako sighed quietly as he stood in the clearing, looking up at the sky, tinged blue with
Dabi’s flames to the right as Mustard’s gas hovered over the trees to the left.

He did not want to be here.

He shivered as he recalled what the fixer that had approached him had said, replaying the meeting
in his mind.
“Atsuhiro Sako?” the smoking man hummed as Atsuhiro had opened the door to his apartment,
making him turn to face the man, cigarette hanging from his lips, “I’ve been looking for you.”

“And who might you be?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Just someone with a job offer,” the man shrugged, “One for Mr. Compress.”

“Ah,” Atsuhiro muttered, turning away, “I apologise, but I have left the ways of Villainy behind
me. I have something more important now.”

“Yeah, you do, don’t yah?” the man chuckled, “Inko Midoriya and her kid? Well, your kid,

Atsuhiro froze, turning back to look at the man with fury in his eyes.

“You will not touch them,” he growled, the fixer just shrugging.

“Course not,” the smoking man said, “As long as you do this job for us. And trust me, you want to
do this job for us. For their sakes.”

Atsuhiro growled under his breath as he remembered the way the man had just walked off, as if
assured that he had gotten his acceptance. Which he had. He couldn’t let anything happen to Inko
or Izuku.

“Old man,” Dabi said from his side, making Atsuhiro turn theatrically and bow, “You’re up. Go
get what we came for.”

“Of course, right away!” he hummed, leaping into the trees.

He darted around for a short while, following the sounds of battle until he came across a hulking
mass of shadow, one that had just slammed Moonfish into the side of a cliff, knocking the
psychopath out. He blinked as the brightness of the explosions and flames lit up the area, causing
the shadow monster to retreat back into the bird-headed boy.

“Target acquired,” he hummed as he spotted the blond that had been in the photo they’d been
given, wondering if he should bring along the other one for good measure.

He remained silent as the other students appeared, arguing for a moment, before they all headed
back into the woods. He tailed them quietly, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. He saw it,
touching the two boys gently on the back as they vanished into the marbles his quirk created. A
stray beam of moonlight shone through the trees, falling on the boy at the front of the group,
highlighting his curly green hair.

“Izuku?” Atsuhiro said in surprise, startling the group as they spun to face him, “What are you
doing here?”

“Huh?” the teen said back, glaring at him for a moment, before he seemed to recognise his voice,
“What? Why are you here?”

“I…” Atsuhiro said, staring at the confused students, his mind racing for a moment. He knew
Izuku went to UA, but he’d never asked which course. If he was in the Hero Course, that could
only mean that… they were attacking Izuku’s class.

“Are you with these guys?” Izuku growled, flexing his hands slightly, “And where are Kacchan
and Fumikage?!”
“I…Right here!” Atsuhiro said, tossing down the marbles and releasing the pair of students, “I am
so sorry! I had no idea we’d be attacking your class!”

“Attacking?” Izuku snarled, stomping forwards, “So you are with them!”

“Not anymore,” Atsuhiro shook his head, “You must understand, I only did this to protect you and
your mother!”

“Shut up!” the green-haired teen shouted, “You said you weren’t doing this anymore! But you lied
to me! To us! Why?”

“They…they threatened you and your mother,” Atsuhiro replied softly, “I…I’m sorry. I have failed
you both.”

“Just…get out of here!” Izuku shouted, “Leave me alone! I have to help find the others from my

“Of course,” Atsuhiro nodded, pointing into the forest, “You should find one of my…former
companions engaged with two girls in that direction.”

“Who is this man, Midoriya?” the boy with red and white hair asked quietly, Endeavour’s son, if
memory served Atsuhiro correctly.

“No one,” the other boy growled, “Let’s get going!”

“Yes, you should hurry back to your camp,” Atsuhiro nodded, “I have…business to attend to.
Goodbye. And Izuku…I truly am sorry.”

“Shut up!” the boy shouted as they ran in the direction he had pointed them in, making him sag for
a moment, before standing up straight and walking back into the woods.


Tsuyu hissed quietly as the knife caught her tongue, watching the blonde girl carefully as she
grabbed what looked like syringes from the device on her back, throwing them at Ochako and her.
One managed to pin the frog-quirked girl to a tree by her hair, the blonde immediately running up
and grinning in her face.

“Get away from them!” the shout sent a flash of relief through her body, looking over the blonde’s
shoulder to see Midoriya charging out of the woods with several of their classmates in tow.

The green-haired boy leapt at their attacker, taking the girl by surprise as he barely managed to
brush his hand against her clothes, the girl vanishing a moment later as Izuku caught something
from the air, slipping it into his pocket.

“Are you two okay?” he asked, Tsu and Ochako both nodding, “Great, we have to get out of here,

They just nodded again as he led the group away, Bakugo snarling under his breath about having
to follow the green-haired teens orders.


Shota Aizawa snarled as he dispatched the next mud clone thing of the fire quirk user, snapping its
neck before it melted away. This was bad.
The police and medics were still ten minutes away, and he had no idea just how many of these
Villains there were. Just then, several of his students burst out of the forest, Shota sighing in relief
as he saw Midoriya being followed by Shoji, Todoroki, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Asui and Uraraka.

“Sensei!” they called, running over.

“Get into the main building,” he grunted, “It’s still dangerous out here!”

“Not anymore,” the voice startled them as the masked figure seemed to appear from thin air, “I
apologise for the interruption, but I believe I have all the Villains that mean you harm in custody.”

“What?” Shota growled, about to activate his quirk when the man held up his hand.

“Please, do not do that, Eraserhead,” he said, pulling his mask off, removing the balaclava he was
wearing at the same time, holding out a gloved hand containing several glass marbles, “I do not
know if your quirk would cause mine to release. And we don’t want all these dangerous criminals
being freed right on top of you, do we?”

“No,” Shota growled, blinking as he held back his quirk, “Who are you?”

“My name is Mr. Com…well, actually, it’s Atsuhiro Sako,” the man replied, “I…apoligise for
what happened tonight.”

“What are you talking about?” Shota growled, eyeing the man up suspiciously as the police
helicopter finally arrived, sweeping over the camp and shining a spotlight down on the two men
and the students.

“I…I was somewhat involved in this…escapade,” Atsuhiro sighed, “But had I known what we
were truly doing, I would never have participated.”

“I still don’t understand,” Shota said as the police cars and vans roared down the dirt path up to the
main building.

“For now, just know that I am on your side,” Atsuhiro said, walking past him, “Now, I believe I
should go hand these criminals over to the proper authorities.”

Shota watched the man walk towards the police, handing over the marbles and explaining what his
quirk was to them.

“Who the hell is that?” he muttered, looking at the students, noticing how Midoriya was glaring
daggers at the previously masked man, “Midoriya, you know him?”

“Sort of,” the teen sighed, “He…it doesn’t matter right now. We have to get my mom to safety!”

“Fine,” the teacher grunted, “But I expect a full explanation once this is done.”


Atsuhiro sighed as he watched the various marbles be placed in the armoured carry trucks, waiting
for the doors to be closed before releasing his quirk, the sounds of startled shouting and swearing
coming from within the vehicles.

“Huh,” the police officer said, “Seems you were telling the truth. Thanks for this. Who are you
though? A Hero? I don’t recognise you.”

“Not a problem. And no, I am not a Hero,” Atsuhiro sighed, before holding out his wrists to the
confused man, “You might wish to take me in as well. I was also involved in this attack.”

“Hold on,” the young voice said, both turning to look at the green-haired teen and his teacher as
the boy glared at Atsuhiro, “You. You said something about my mom being in danger?”

“Yes,” Atsuhiro nodded, “I just double-crossed a very dangerous person. It would be best if she
were to go into protective custody as soon as possible.”

“Already called UA,” the scruffy man said, “They’ve got her, safe and sound on the way to the

“Thank you,” Atsuhiro let out a relieved breath, “Now, I believe it is time for me to be taken into

“Wait,” Izuku muttered, still glaring at the man, before letting his brow unknit, “You said you
didn’t know what was happening here? That you did this to protect me and my mom, right?”

“Yes,” Atsuhiro nodded, “Otherwise I would have outright refused the job. Reported it directly to
UA, in fact.”

“So, you’re still trying to change, right?” Izuku asked, the man nodding again.

“For you, I would do anything,” Atsuhiro said softly, making the teen sigh as he turned to his

“This man had nothing to do with the kidnapping attempt,” Izuku said loudly, “In fact, he helped
us. If anything, he’s only guilty of a little vigilante work. But it saved our lives, so you should be
able to overlook it, right Aizawa-sensei?”

The scruffy man just groaned, looking between the teen and the man for a moment before he

“I am not paid enough to deal with this,” he grunted, “Get out of my sight.”

“Thank you, sensei,” Izuku bowed as he grabbed the stunned Atsuhiro by the arm, dragging him

“I…thank you,” the man said as they reached a quieter place, “Thank you so much, Izuku.”

“Jeez,” the teen huffed, glaring at him for a moment, before letting out a sigh and a small smile,
“You can call me son, if you really want to. You’ve at least earned that much.”

“I…I can?” Atsuhiro asked as Izuku nodded, before he fell to his knees and burst into happy tears.

“Huh,” Izuku said as he watched the sobbing man, “I thought I only got that from my mom.”
Chapter Summary

Shota Aizawa is not a very good teacher, and learns that the hard way.

Chapter Notes

So, this is the first proper bit of writing I've done in quite a while, hope you like it!

As always, thanks to Critical_Warrior for Beta reading this mess. I hope you enjoy it

“It was a logical ruse!” he said, a sardonic grin on his face as he looked over the children in front
of him.

Most seemed relieved, even excited, while a couple just nodded, as if expecting his words. The
only one that caught his eye was the green-haired boy with the self-destructive quirk, Midoriya. He
was staring blankly ahead, hands shaking almost imperceivably, like he was having a panic attack.
Well, he was going to need to get tougher than that if he wanted to be a Hero, maybe this would
scare the nerves out of him.

“Well obviously,” Yaoyorozu said, “There’s no way a teacher would actually expel anyone on the
first day of school.”

Shota silently scoffed at her naivety, turning to walk away.

“I want to transfer to a different class.”

The words made him pause, Shota turning to look at the speaker in mild annoyance.

“What was that Midoriya?” he asked gruffly, glaring at the boy, who was still shaking, fat tears
forming at the edges of his eyes, “If you want to give up and go to Gen Ed, I won’t stop y-.”

“No,” the boy interrupted him, “I want to transfer Hero classes. I…I can’t have another teacher like

“Like me?” Aizawa scowled, “What are you talking about?”

“A teacher who lies to me. Who pretends to care, then ignores me when I need help,” the boy half
sobbed, glaring at Aizawa, “A teacher who hates me.”

“I don’t hate you, Midoriya,” Aizawa grunted, slightly taken aback by the words, “But you need to
be better than that if you want to be a Hero.”

“I want a transfer,” the boy repeated.

“Not my call,” Shota sighed, “Take it up with Nedzu if you want.”

“Fine,” the boy sniffed, wiping his eyes, and turning on his heel, walking off.

“Whatever, see you all tomorrow,” Shota grumbled as he walked off himself.


Shota looked at the seven empty seats in his class, tapping his foot as he waited for the tardy
students to arrive. The warning bell had already sounded, and the final bell was about to ring. If
they didn’t show up soon, he was going to expel them as soon as they walked through the door.
The final bell rang, Shota just sighing as he began his homeroom lesson, ignoring the slight worry
in the back of his mind.

The lesson went about as well as could be expected, meaning he quickly handed out the
worksheets and lay down in his sleeping bag for a nap. He ignored the whispering of the students
as he tried to catch a few extra minutes of sleep, only cracking open an eye when he heard a few
chairs rattle against the floor.

“Where are you going?” he asked, looking over to the door to see three of his students about to
leave, “You can’t all need the bathroom, can you?”

“No,” the red-haired boy said, “It’s just…”

“What?” he growled, “Spit it out.”

“You’re kind of being a bad teacher,” the pink-skinned girl said, scowling at him, “Like, you just
handed out worksheets and went to sleep.”

“And?” Aizawa grunted as he sat up, raising a confused eyebrow, “You know what you have to do,
just do it.”

“Yeah, we do,” the blonde with a lightning bolt in his hair said, pulling open the door and walking
out, the other two following right behind him.

“Well,” Aizawa grumbled, looking to the rest of the class, “When they come back, tell them
they’re expelled. I’m going back to sleep.”

Shota shuffled back behind his desk as he lay down on the floor, closing his eyes as he listened to
the whispers of the students. The seed of doubt in the back of his mind started to take root.


Aizawa sighed as he opened the door, looking into the classroom in confusion.

Only one seat was still occupied, the man looking at the irate blond as he glared back.

“Where are the rest of the students, Bakugo?” he asked slowly.

“Like I fucking care!” the boy snarled back, “Quit giving a shit about them and start teaching,
Sensei. I’m the only student you need anyway!”

“Right,” Aizawa muttered as he walked into the room, placing the stack of worksheets on his desk,
taking one off the top and handing it to the blond.

He watched the boy silently work through the exercises for a moment, before moving back to the
desk and lying down, unable to close his eyes as something started to grow in the back of his mind.


“How’s yah new class going, Nedzu?” Mic asked as the staff meeting neared its end, Aizawa
blinking awake at the man’s loud voice.

“New class?” Shota muttered, “What new class?”

“Huh? You didn’t know? Nedzu sent out a memo about it and everything,” Kan said as he packed
away his notes.

“Like Shota ever reads those,” Nemuri chuckled, “In fact, I’m surprised you even have a single
student left, especially that one.”

“Bakugo is…promising,” Aizawa grunted as he stood up, slipping his sleeping bag off as he
stretched, “He has potential. Maybe the others will next year as well.”

“Oh, they’re showing plenty of potential right now,” Nedzu chuckled, drawing a confused look
from Shota, “You really didn’t read the memo, did you?”

“Which one?” Shota grumbled.

“The one where I explained that we would be having a third first year Heroics class this year,”
Nedzu hummed, “One taught by myself, and made up of the students who transferred out of the
other classes.”

“What?” Shota blinked, “What are you saying?”

“That there were simply too many Heroics students asking to be transferred to a different class, so I
made a new one,” Nedzu chimed happily, “It currently has nineteen students, which reminds me!
We’ll need to do a joint exercise between 1C and 1A for the next Foundational Heroics class, 1C
needs an extra student to make up the number.”

“You…you stole my students?” Aizawa blinked.

“No,” Nedzu shook his head, “They came to me of their own volition.”

“You…but…they…?” Shota stammered, staring at the principal in disbelief, “Why?”

“I don’t know,” Nedzu hummed, standing in his chair, and gathering his papers, “Maybe you
should ask yourself that question, Aizawa-san.”


“Welcome to the USJ!” the spacesuit wearing Hero said happily as the students filed off the two
buses, nineteen emerging from one, while a lone student stalked out of the other, “I am the Space
Hero: 13, a pleasure to meet you all!”

Shota watched as the other class talked happily, eyeing Bakugo as the blond stood as far from them
as he could without looking like he was trying to run or something. Nedzu clapped his paws, the
other class immediately falling silent and 13 explained the procedure for today, before Nedzu
called them and Shota to the side.

“And where is All Might?” the principal asked, “I know he should be here. I called him exactly
thirty-seven times this morning to ensure he wouldn’t forget.”
“Isn’t that a little overboard?” Aizawa grumbled, knowing full well the pain of Nedzu’s perfectly
timed interruption calls.

“Not at all!” Nedzu chuckled, looking over Aizawa’s shoulder for a moment before he grinned,
“Ah, it seems like I was worried for nothing, he was just a little late!”

Shota turned to see a familiar figure slam into the ground a short distance away, the dust clearing to
reveal All Might in a white shirt with a gaudy American flag print tie around his neck.

“Sorry I’m late!” he chuckled nervously, looking at the principal, “Got a little…distracted.”

“That’s quite alright, All Might,” Nedzu nodded, “You’re here now. Shall we head in?”


“Sensei, is this part of the tour?” the boy asked, Nedzu shaking his head.

“No, Kirishima-kun, those are actual Villains,” he said, “We need to evacuate everyone

“I’ll go down and delay them,” Aizawa said, already darting towards the edge of the stairs, almost
choking as something grabbed his capture weapon, “What are you doing?”

“I should be asking you the same thing!” Nedzu shouted back, “Were you planning to just leave
your student unattended? What about his safety?”

“Bakugo can protect himself,” Shota grumbled.

“But he shouldn’t have to!” Nedzu scowled right back, “Anyway, we need a plan. Such as this! All
Might, open the door!”

“Right away, principal!” the towering man said, darting towards the massive metal doors, a
black cloud appearing in front of him a moment later, “Ah, what is this?”

“Aizawa. Use your quirk, now!” Nedzu shouted, the man complying as the misty figure suddenly
rushed in on himself, gasping as he fell out of the air, allowing All Might to jump past and punch
the doors clean off their hinges, the massive chunks of metal triggering the alarms as they
ploughed into the ground outside.

“Good,” Nedzu nodded, “Aizawa-san, you keep our guest here occupied while 13 and I evacuate
the students. All Might, go down and handle the Villains.”

“Right away!” the burly man nodded, leaping over their heads in a flash of blond.

“Principal!” 13 shouted, “One of the students is missing!”

“What?” Nedzu shouted, looking around hurriedly, “Where’s Bakugo?”

“Kaccha-…Katsuki followed after All Might, Sensei,” Midoriya said, pointing down to the plaza
below as he held his cheek, “I tried to stop him, but he punched me in the face.”

“Aizawa,” Nedzu actually growled, “What are you going to do?”

“I’ll go get him!” the man said, about to turn away when his capture weapon tightened around his
neck again.
“Absolutely not! Not with a potentially dangerous Villain in our midst!” Nedzu shouted, pointing
to the mist man, who was getting to his feet, “Capture him first, then we’ll rescue Bakugo!”

“I…Yes, Principal,” the man said as he gritted his teeth, wrapping the mist man in his capture
weapon and slamming a chop into the back of his neck, “He’s unconscious, I’m going now.”

“Very well, but we’ll have a lot to talk about once you get back,” Nedzu hummed menacingly as
the man leapt down the stairs.


“Bakugo is being put on probation.”

“What?” Shota said, standing up from the seat opposite the principal’s desk, the boy and his
parents seated beside him, “What do you mean ‘probation’?”

“I mean he will not be allowed to participate in any practical Heroics classes, instead receiving only
theoretical training during his Foundational Heroics classes until such a time as I feel that he is
ready to be allowed back into the field,” Nedzu said firmly, “I feel that this is for the best.”

“For the best?!” Shota growled, “You’ll be delaying his progress! Theory can only get you so far

“And you allowed him to enter into a dangerous situation, one from which you had to rescue him,”
Nedzu hummed, “One which almost made you to abandon a dangerous criminal in the midst of my

“That wasn’t my fault!” Aizawa grumbled, “I was just making sure-.”

“No one else died?” Nedzu finished for him, making Shota visibly flinch before the principal
carried on, “I understand that you think this is for the best, but I am beginning to think that I have
allowed you too much freedom as of late.”

“What are you saying, principal?” Shota asked.

“I am placing you on probation as well, from both teaching and Hero work.”

“What?” the man blinked, “You…you can’t do that!”

“Actually, I can,” Nedzu said, holding out several forms, “As of today, you are not a teacher at UA,
nor are you a Pro Hero, for the next six months. Instead, you will be expected to attend regular
trauma counselling sessions, teaching seminars, and basic Heroics Training exercises.”

“Are you serious?”

“Very,” Nedzu nodded.


The boy scowled as he was led into his old classroom, looking at the large 1C on the door. He had
been a little pissed when his General Education class had been moved to a new room to make way
for a new Heroics class, but doing as well as he had in the Sports Festival had somewhat cooled his
anger. Obviously he was still annoyed that that green-haired kid had broken out of his quirk, but
that didn’t matter now.

“Well then,” the principal said as he opened the door to the room, “Welcome to your new class. I
hope you’ll all get along!”

The boy nodded as he stepped into the room, blinking as the light flicked on, the rest of the
students cheering as they fired party poppers at him, covering him in streamers and confetti.

“Is it too late to back out now?” he muttered as the other kids all laughed, one handing him a cup
filled with soda as another held out a plate of cupcakes.

“Most definitely,” Nedzu grinned, “Welcome to 1C, Hitoshi Shinso.”

Chapter Notes

Been a while, hasn't it?

Well, I'm hopefully back and have a whole lot of chapters to post for a rewrite of Life's
a Game, so keep an eye out for the first chapter of that on Monday!

In the mean time, here's a random Idea I got the other day and quickly churned out.

“Kacchan! Are you okay?”

The shout went out as the young blonde sat up in the river, looking at his friend as the green-haired
child stood over him, his bright red shoes soaking through in the water. His eyes darted to the hand
held out to help him up, even as the back of his head ached and he felt something warm run down
his neck.

“You’re bleeding!” the other boy gasped, suddenly grabbing his hand, making the pain vanish as
soon as he touched Katsuki, before standing up and smiling, “There, you’re all healed up!”

“You dumbass!” Katsuki shouted as he jumped to his feet, watching as the blood now dripped
down the back of Izuku’s neck, “Now you’re the one who’s hurt!”

“Yeah, but it’s only a small cut,” the other boy pouted, “It’ll heal in a couple of hours, promise!”

“Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be more careful!” the blonde huffed, “What if it was worse? You
could have really hurt yourself!”

“Yeah, but then I would have had to leave you to hurt,” Izuku sniffed, starting to tear up, “I don’t
want that!”

“Dumbass,” Katsuki muttered before climbing out of the gully he’d fallen into, holding out a hand
to Izuku as he did, “Come on, idiot, let’s get our clothes and stuff dried off before we go home.”

“Right!” Izuku said as he beamed, taking the hand happily.


Katsuki staggered back from the punch, his nose aching as blood poured from it, probably broken,
glaring at the older boys who were laughing at him, burns covering their clothes and skin.

“Beat it, twerp!” one of them shouted at the ten-year-old, “You can’t beat all of us!”

“Fuck you!” the blonde roared, stepping forwards and almost blacking out.

Several of his teeth were missing, and he had a split lip that would almost certainly leave a scar,
but he didn’t care, he just wanted to win.

Katsuki’s blood ran cold at the shout, trying to spin around to stop the owner from touching him,
the movement making his head swim as he staggered. Suddenly, the pain was gone, his energy
returned as he stared at the beaten and bloody boy in front of him, his hand held tightly in Izuku’s

“You’re okay now,” the green-haired boy muttered, before crumpling to the floor, blood dripping
from his wounds as nasty bruises covered his arms and face.

“DEKU!” Katsuki shouted as he caught the boy, gently laying him down even as the teens behind
him laughed.

“Hey, your boyfriend alright?” one of them cackled, “He looks pretty beat up!”

“I…” Katsuki growled under his breath, slowly standing as he turned to face the already worn-out
teens, his eyes blazing in fury as they noticed his uninjured skin, “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!”


“Are you okay?” Izuku asked the girl as she hissed in pain, looking at the small cut on her
fingertip, “Let me get that for you, Uwasagi-chan.”

“Oh, thanks Midoriya,” she replied as he touched her, the wound vanishing a moment later.

“Deku,” the voice rumbled from the middle of the classroom, making all eyes turn to its owner,
who was wearing gloves and high-necked shirt even though it was the middle of summer, “Quit
helping these extras with every little cut they get. Let the dumbasses heal for themselves.”

“But it was only a papercut, Kacchan,” the green-haired teen pouted his heavily scarred lips, green
eyes staring out from behind the myriad of lines that crossed his face, “It’s already healed on me,

“Don’t give a shit,” the blonde snarled, “You help them with every little thing, they won’t learn not
to do it to themselves! Aunty already told you that, right?”

“Oh, well, yes,” Izuku blushed, only making the numerous scars that lined his cheeks more visible
against the red tint, “But still, it was only a papercut.”

“It always starts with only a fucking papercut,” Katsuki growled, getting up from his chair and
stalking over to Izuku, grabbing his shirt collar, and pulling it open to reveal the thick scars that
covered Izuku’s shoulders and upper chest, “And then it ends up being a fucking stab to the gut!
Or broken ribs! Or fucking worse!”

“Sorry, Kacchan,” the teen said meekly, “I’ll try not to do it again.”

“You said that yesterday,” the blonde grumbled, “And the day before. And the day before that! We
both know you can’t help yourself.”

“I guess,” Izuku chuckled nervously as his friend released him, letting him close his shirt, “Sorry.”

“Whatever,” the blonde sighed loudly, “Just make sure that if you’re going to do it, that it’s not
going to hurt you too badly. I ain’t gonna tell Aunty you up and died on me cause you couldn’t
leave a fucking idiot who fell off a bridge or some shit.”

“But what if they needed the help?” Izuku gasped, “I couldn’t just leave them like tha-!”
“Shut up!” the blonde barked, stomping back to his desk and sitting down heavily, giving the
green-haired teen a concerned glance when he was sure no one was watching.


“We’re here!” Izuku said excitedly as the two of them stood outside UA’s gates, “This is going to
go great!”

“Can’t believe you’re trying for the fucking Hero Course,” Katsuki just growled, “What’s the point
if your quirk doesn’t help you beat bad guys?”

“I can still help,” Izuku pouted as they headed in, “And anyway, it’ll be easier to help you if I’m
also in the Hero Course!”

“I don’t need your fucking help,” Katsuki grumbled as they walked through the doors towards the
testing room, “You just need to stay on the sidelines and let me handle the Villains.”

“And heal you when you’re done, right?” the green-haired teen asked, Katsuki flinching slightly.

“Sure, whatever,” he muttered as they split up to go to their testing rooms, “Hey Deku.”

“Yeah?” the scarred boy asked.

“Good luck and shit.”

“Yeah, you too! Though I know you won’t need it!”

“Damn right!”


Ochako stared at the heavily scarred boy in shock as he helped her lift the piece of rubble trapping
her leg, the ankle aching painfully, most likely sprained, if not broken.

“Here,” he said, even as the blood soaked into his clothes from the numerous lacerations and
scrapes covering his skin, touching her gently as the pain and nausea vanished, “Now run!”

“What about you?” she gasped as he turned decidedly green, vomiting on the road beside him.

“I’ll be fine,” he muttered, “Just go!”

“No!” she shouted as she touched him, making him gasp as he became weightless, the girl grabbing
his wrist and pulling him away like a balloon as the massive robot bore down on them.

“AND THAT’S TIME!” the voice of Present Mic echoed over the testing site, the robots all
powering down as the examinees all slowed in their running from the humungous machine.

“Are you okay?” Ochako asked the boy as she released her quirk, looking as he started limping
towards someone with a bad graze on their leg, “Hey!”

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine,” he said dismissively, touching the other boy’s leg, the wound vanishing
a moment later, “There, that better?”

“What the hell?” the boy said, “Uh, yeah…thanks?”

“No problem,” the green-haired boy smiled as he started staggering towards the next hurt person,
Ochako watching in amazement as he forced himself over to a dozen more people before an old
woman stalked up to him, starting to shout.

“What do you think you’re doing, boy?” she barked, “Look at you! You’re a mess and still taking
on more injuries? Ridiculous!”


“Sorry about Kacchan,” Izuku apologised to the blocky, blue-haired boy that had just been trying
to scold his friend, “He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s really a good guy underneath.”

“Says the yakuza looking kid,” a short boy in the back laughed, “Where’d you get all those scars
from, anyway?”

“You got a problem with Deku?” Katsuki suddenly snarled, turning on the boy, “Watch it, or I’ll
make sure there’s nothing left of you for him to heal when I’m done with you!”

“Heal?” several of the class said as Izuku chuckled nervously, apologising to the now terrified ball-
haired boy on behalf of his friend.

“Yeah,” Izuku said, “That’s my quirk, sort of. It’s called Martyr, and it lets me take on the injuries
of anyone I touch. Those wounds then heal about a hundred times faster than normal, but they can
still leave scars.”

“Wow, that’s pretty cool, though the name’s a bit weird,” the pink-skinned girl said, as she
introduced herself, “I’m Mina Ashido, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you,” Izuku said warmly, “Izuku Midoriya, though you can call me Deku, everyone
else does.”

“Doesn’t that mean ‘useless’ though?” one of the boys asked, “Seems like a pretty nasty nickname
if you ask me.”

“Nah, it’s just another way to read my name,” Izuku laughed, “Kacchan figured it out when we
were kids, and it just stuck for the most part.”

“Kacchan?” several of the girls giggled as they looked at the still scowling Bakugo, “What’d he do
to get such a cute nickname?”

“Oh, that’s my fault,” Izuku laughed along, “I couldn’t say his name, ‘Katsuki’, properly when we
were kids, so it became Kacchan.”

“So, you two are childhood friends?” Mina asked, “That’s so cool!”

“Yeah,” Izuku nodded, before the door slammed open and the class turned to look at the bright
yellow caterpillar lying outside it.

“You’re not here to socialise,” the man-faced thing said, draining a jelly pouch in a single pull, “So
get ready.”


“And here are the scores,” the teacher muttered as the holographic screen appeared.

“Yes!” Mineta said, “I’m not last! Sucks to be you, scarred guy!”
“I really got last place?” Izuku said, staring at the screen in shock, “But…how am I supposed to
help people…if I’m not a Hero?”

“Tch,” Katsuki clicked his teeth as he walked over to Izuku, patting him awkwardly on the
shoulder, “It’s better this way, Deku. Trust me.”

“Huh?” Izuku blinked, “What do you mean, Kacchan?”

“No one is being expelled,” Aizawa suddenly called, a sardonic grin appearing on his face, “It was
a logical ruse!”

“Oh, well, obviously,” a tall girl with obsidian black hair said, “It wouldn’t make sense to expel
someone on the first day.”

“Wait, what?!” Katsuki shouted, storming up to the teacher, “Are you an idiot? You just had the
perfect chance to keep that idiot safe! And you’re saying it was a fucking joke?!”

“What are you talking about, Bakugo?” the older man sighed, scowling at the teen, “Also, I don’t
appreciate the tone you’re taking with me.”

“Cause that dumbass is going to insist on taking on every injury this class of idiots is going to get!”
Katsuki said angrily, “And you had the perfect excuse to get rid of him!”

“Get…get rid of me?” Izuku suddenly gasped, tears welling up in his eyes as he began to cry,
“Kacchan, what are you saying? That you don’t want me to be in the Hero Course? Why?”

“No!” Katsuki spluttered, looking around in surprise as almost the whole class was glaring at him,
“I’m trying to protect you, dumbass!”

“Well, you’re doing a pretty bad job of it,” one of the girls said as they moved to comfort Izuku,
“You’ve just upset your childhood friend!”

“No, I-,” he started to say, being cut off by the other students glaring at him again, before they led
the now sobbing Izuku away, “Fuck.”

“I’ll say,” Aizawa sighed from beside him, “I hate teenage drama.”


“Hello?” the teen said as he walked into the Nurses’ Office, looking around the room in interest.

“Ah, you’re here,” Recovery Girl said as she emerged from behind one of the beds, “Good, let’s
get started.”

“Okay,” Izuku nodded, “Uhm…on what? I was just told that I would be having extra lessons with
you, not what they would be, Recovery Girl.”

“You have a healing quirk, of sorts, right?” the old woman asked, Izuku nodding, “Well, I’m going
to be teaching you the basics of first aid. Healing quirks are rare, so it’s usually best for those with
them to have at least a basic knowledge of medicine.”

“Oh!” Izuku gasped in excitement, “That’s sounds great!”

“Recovery Girl!” a worried shout drew their attention as the door to the room slammed open, a pair
of students coming in, one hanging off the others shoulder, “Tamaki broke his leg!”
“Get him on the bed, Togata-kun, and I’ll take a look,” the old woman sighed, blinking as Izuku
suddenly approached the two costumed students, touching the smaller boy on the cheek.

“There you go,” he said as the boy blinked, suddenly standing, and looking down in surprise.

“It’s healed?” he said softly, “How?”

“Seems like it was only a fracture, not a break,” Izuku just replied, hopping over to a bed, and
sitting down, “I should be healed in a couple of hours.”

“You should be?” the other boy, a tall and muscular blonde with a strangely simple face asked,
“What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, I took his injury,” Izuku said happily, “So it should be healed by my quirk in a couple of

“You idiot!” Recovery Girl suddenly squawked as she smacked Izuku on the shoulder with her
cane, “What do you think you’re doing, just using your quirk like that?”

“But he was injured?” Izuku said between strikes, “I had to help!”

“You had to do nothing!” Recovery Girl barked, “You should have just watched while I treated it!
You’re not here to take on other people’s injuries, you’re here to learn how to treat them without
your quirk!”

“Without my quirk?” Izuku asked, “But then how will I heal them?”

“With medicine!” Recovery Girl growled as she finally stopped hitting him, “Now I’m going to
have to heal you!”

“But I’ll heal in a couple of hours by myself,” Izuku repeated, a confused look on his face, “It’s
fine, I can handle the pain. I’ve been doing this my whole life so far!”

“And it’ll end sooner than you like if you don’t damn well watch yourself!” the old woman barked
again, smacking him with her cane one more time, “You damn kids and your self-destructive
tendencies will be the death of me!”

The two students watched the show for a while, before quietly leaving the room as the woman
continued to berate the young man.


Shota Aizawa lay in a puddle of his own blood, his mind fading as he fought to stand, but his body
refusing to listen. His arm burned where the pale-haired Villain had touched his elbow, rotting
away skin and muscle, his other arm lay shattered and twisted beside him, crushed by the beaked
monstrosity that he’d tried to fight, only to have his face crushed into the floor. The sound of
running reached his ears as he tried to move his head, pain lancing through him even as he felt the
cool touch of a hand against the back of his neck.

And the pain was gone. His arms didn’t hurt, his face and skull were healed and even his eyes felt
like he hadn’t used his quirk in months. He shot to his feet, looking around in confusion for a
moment before his gaze fell on the bloody and broken form beside him.

“Midoriya!” he screamed, dropping to his knees beside the boy, only looking up at the sound of
The pale-haired Villain was watching the fight between All Might and the beaked man, Aizawa
watching as the Hero was being forced back slowly.

“All Might!” he shouted, activating his quirk, the familiar sensation of dry eye starting to creep
back into his eyes, “Hit him now!”

“Ah! Thank you, Aizawa-san!” All Might shouted as he struck the monster, its quirks erased,
throwing it out of the building by way of the ceiling with a single punch.

“Dammit, Eraserhead!” The pale-haired man yelled as he began to charge towards the teacher and
his injured student, “How are you alive?!”

The gun shots rang out, bringing the man down, before he vanished in a cloud of black mist, the
other Heroes standing at the top of the stairs. But Shota didn’t care about that right now.

“Get an Evac ready immediately!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, “NOW!”


“How is he?” Shota asked as Recovery Girl entered the meeting room, cutting off the conversation
about a possible traitor.

“He’ll live,” Recovery Girl sighed, “Mostly thanks to his quirk’s self-healing properties, but he’ll

“Thank the gods,” the man muttered as he fell back into his seat, an all too familiar weight feeling
like it had been lifted from his shoulders.

“Thank the boy,” All Might sighed, “If he hadn’t done whatever it was he did when he had, we
may have all been killed.”

“He almost killed himself, All Might,” Shota growled at the skinny man, “I shouldn’t have let that
happen. Not again.”

“Again?” the blonde asked, Shota just shaking his head as he looked away.

“Well, now that we’ve ascertained the status of your student, Aizawa,” Nedzu said softly, “We
have more pressing matters to attend to. Namely, the creature known as Nomu. Look at this file.”


Recovery Girl sighed as she sat heavily in the chair in the Medical Tent, Izuku taking the seat
beside her.

“Well, I must say that this has been one of the better years of the Sports Festival, not too many
injuries,” the old woman said, “Apart from the over two dozen cases of minor frostbite we had to
treat. I’m going to be having words with that Todoroki boy after this.”

“Yeah,” Izuku said as he adjusted the gloves on his hands, fidgeting with the hems as he looked
over the various lightly injured people still in the tent.

“Oh no,” Recovery Girl hissed at him, “I know that look, you’re not using your quirk on any of
these people, no matter how much you want to!”

“But I’m almost fully healed!” the teen whined slightly, only getting a disapproving look from the
old woman.
“And you made a deal,” she said, “No using your quirk-.”

“Until I’ve been fully healed for at least a week,” Izuku sighed, finishing the sentence, “I know.
It’s just…hard. I see people hurt and I want to take that away from them.”

“Quirk Instincts, most likely,” Recovery Girl sighed, “I’m much the same.”

“Emergency!” the shout had the two of them on their feet in an instant, watching as the brunette
was wheeled into the tent by a pair of medic bots, “Head trauma! Head Trauma!”

“Uraraka!” Izuku gasped as Recovery Girl checked over the girl, cringing at the blood flowing
from her scalp, “What happened?”

“She tried to drop a bunch of rubble on the blonde kid from 1A,” one of the medical staff said, “He
blew most of it away, but a large piece hit her in the head.”

“Dammit, her skull is fractured,” Recovery Girl growled, “And we don’t have the equipment to
treat her here! We need an immediate transport to the main building!”

“That may not be fast enough!” Izuku said, “If her brain is swelling in her skull, it could cause
permanent injury!”

“Then we need to act fast!” Recovery Girl replied, turning away to grab some tools.

Izuku looked down at his friend, the pained expression on her face overwhelming him as he
reached for the glove on his hand.

“Midoriya! No!” Recovery Girl squawked as he touched the girl with his bare hand, an apologetic
look on his face as he crumpled to the floor.


Izuku opened his eyes slowly, staring at the familiar ceiling of the hospital room. He looked
around, his head aching slightly as he did so, spotting a familiar person sleeping in the chair beside
his bed.

“Kacchan?” he said softly, the blonde snorting awake almost instantly.

“Deku!” he shouted, jumping to his feet, and staring into Izuku’s green eyes, “You’re fucking

“I am,” the teen chuckled nervously, this was the first time they’d actually spoken since the first
day of school, since the comprehension test.

“What the fuck?” the blonde finally said after a minute of silence, “What the fuck did you think
you were doing?”

“Doing?” Izuku blinked in confusion, “I was helping Uraraka.”

“Helping?” Katsuki growled, “HELPING?! YOU ALMOST FUCKING DIED! AGAIN!”

“Sorry,” Izuku replied softly.

“No,” Katsuki snarled, “Sorry ain’t going to cut it this time. You’re dropping out of the Hero
Course, you hear me?!”
“What?!” Izuku barked, “NO! How am I supposed to help people if I’m not a Hero?!”

“I don’t fucking care!” the blonde roared back, “I am not going to let you fucking die just cause
you’re too stupid to look after yourself!”

“I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself, Kacchan!” Izuku shouted back, sitting up in the bed
and glowering at the other teen, “And why do you care? Why do you want me out of the Hero
Course so much?!”

“Because of this!” Katsuki said, pointing around the room, “You’re in here cause of me!”

“I’m in here because I took Uraraka’s injury!” Izuku said back.

“Which was because of me!” Katsuki replied, “Half of the fucking scars on your body are because
of me as well! You shouldn’t have to deal with that shit!”

“I’m fine with that!” Izuku yelled.

“I’m not!” Katsuki screamed back, the two teens panting as they fell silent again.

“What do you mean?” Izuku asked quietly after a few minutes, staring at Katsuki in confusion.

“I…I’m scared, okay?” he muttered.

“Scared? You?” Izuku gasped, “Scared of what?”

“I’m scared…I’m scared of killing my best friend!” Katsuki yelled, spinning to face Izuku as tears
dripped down his cheeks, “I’m scared that I’ll hurt someone so bad, or get hurt so bad, that when
you heal them or me, you’ll die!”

“I won’t, Kacchan,” Izuku said as he looked at his friend in shock, “I can heal and-.”

“I don’t care!” the blonde suddenly sobbed, dropping onto the bed and grabbing the sheets, “I
don’t fucking care! I just…I don’t want you to get any more hurt because of me!”

“Kacchan,” Izuku breathed, simply rubbing his friend’s back as the blonde cried loudly into the
Chapter Summary

Izu with an obnoxiously OP Angel quirk. Though that is kind of overshadowed by

Ibara being sort of a monster fucker.

Chapter Notes

Inspired once again by Mdmcvay on the discord.

Thanks to Critical_Warrior for beat reading this hot mess and agreeing with me that it
is good. :)

“Oi, Izu!” the irate blonde barked as they sat in class, “Turn off your fucking night light already!”

“Huh?” the feminine voice said, the owner looking up in confusion, “Oh, I apologise, Kacchan.”

“Fucking whatever!” Katsuki growled as the bright ring of light behind the other teen’s green head
of hair vanished, “Just keep it off, it’s fucking distracting!”

“I will endeavour to do so,” the other teen nodded, shifting their large white wings slightly behind
them as they settled back into their seat.


“Oi, Izu!” Katsuki shouted as he stormed up to the green-haired teen, grabbing them by the arm
and dragging them to their feet, “The fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“I was just healing this poor soul,” the young man said, staring at Bakugo in confusion, “You
defeated them in battle, but I could not let them be with such grievous injuries.”

“Yeah, well fucking quit it!” the blonde barked, “You gonna heal every Villain I take down when I
become a Hero as well?”

“Perhaps,” the other teen smirked at the irritation in the blonde’s eyes, “Perhaps not. We shall have
to see whether they are worthy of my grace.”

“Fucking feather brain,” Katsuki growled, “Whatever, leave this loser to lick their own wounds!
The old hag has invited you and your mom around for dinner, so you’d better fucking show up on
time! Got it?”

“I understand,” the teen nodded, “See you then.”


“Oi, Izu,” Katsuki hissed as Izumi stared down at the stage, “Your fucking night light is on again.
Switch it off before someone complains!”

“It is?” the girl blinked, trying to look behind their head, the glowing halo staying behind it as they
turned, “Oh, thank you, Kacchan.”

“And you!” the blue-haired boy shouted, pointing at Izumi as they blinked, “Please at least reduce
the amount of light you are producing if possible. It is very distracting!”

“I sincerely apologize,” Izumi said, bowing as they extinguished their halo, “It is a bad habit I am
attempting to correct.”

“I accept your apology,” the young man said, bowing back.

“Oh, fucking great,” Katsuki muttered, “There are two of them!”


Ibara sighed as she looked around the group that stood outside the testing area, praying quietly to
herself as she waited for the doors to open and the test to start.

“Are you okay?” the gentle voice asked her, making Ibara jump slightly as she turned to face the
serene expression, “You have been mumbling to yourself for a while now. Are you nervous?”

Ibara blinked, staring at the literal Angel that was now standing before her, massive white wings
fluttering slightly in the breeze and a glowing halo framing their head, illuminating green hair and
eyes. She could only stare blankly for a moment before her senses came back to her.

“Are…are you real?” she asked.

“I believe so,” the mysterious girl chuckled, “At least, I was born of my mother, so I am corporeal.”

“But…you’re an Angel?” Ibara said slowly, “A messenger of the Lord. Are you…are you really

“Oh, it’s just my quirk,” the girl chuckled, looking away in embarrassment, “I may look it, but I am
no true Angel. Despite what a few people have tried to tell me.”

“What do you mean?” Ibara asked, confused.

“Well, you don’t get through life without a few…interesting people coming to your door when you
look like me,” the girl sighed, before holding out a hand, “Oh, but I forgot to introduce myself. I
am currently Izumi Midoriya.”

“Currently?” Ibara blinked.

“I also go by Izuku Midoriya on occasion,” the Angel laughed, the sound like tinkling bells,
making Ibara fight back a sudden blush, “Or you could just call me Izu, as my friend does. That
often helps prevent confusion.”

“I…I see,” Ibara nodded as she took the hand, shaking it gently, “Well, best of luck on the exam.”

“You too,” the girl replied, before turning and walking slowly away, ignoring the awed stares of
everyone around her.

Ibara panted as she ran through the faux city, lifting another robot with her vines and crushing it,
before dropping it to the ground. She had managed to get a good number of points so far, but she
was quickly running out of stamina. It didn’t help that her chest and side ached from where she’d
been hit by a barrage of rubber balls fired by a two-pointer before she’d been able to take it out.
Suddenly, a bright light erupted above her, the girl looking up in awe as the winged figure threw
out their wings, sending a shower of glowing feathers down onto the crowd of students.

“Be healed by my grace!” the familiar voice called as the feathers seemed to seek out the injured,
one settling on Ibara’s chest as the pain from her injuries quickly faded, her stamina returned.

“She truly is an Angel of God,” the girl breathed as the winged figure quickly flew off, the city
suddenly rumbling as a massive robot emerged from the ground, crushing buildings as it moved.


Ibara sighed in mild disappointment as she entered the class, not having seen the familiar figure
amongst the students at the entrance ceremony.

“What was that?” a blonde asked in a nasally voice, “Is being in class B not good enough for you?”

“What?” Ibara blinked, looking back at him, “Oh, it is not that. I had simply hoped to meet
someone I encountered in the exam. I apologize if I offended you.”

“I see,” the blonde huffed, “Not someone from calls A, I hope. Think they’re so special that they
get to miss the entrance ceremony! Who do they think they are?!”

“We don’t know why they missed it,” the red headed girl sighed, “Maybe something came up. You
did hear that weird explosion during the ceremony, right?”

“Never mind that,” their teacher said as he entered the room, “We have to go over the syllabus
now, then you can all go home for the day.”

“Yes, Sensei!” the class called as they returned to their seats.


Ibara swallowed nervously as she stood outside the door to 1A, wondering why she was here. She
just wanted to thank the Angel for helping her during the exam, right? So why was she so nervous?
A loud shout from the other side of the door made her jump, before the door slid open, an angry
looking blonde boy glaring at her as she stood there.

“Who the fuck are you?” he growled, Ibara about to answer, before a familiar pair of wings
appeared behind the boy.

“Ah,” she said as the blonde stood aside, allowing the slightly shorter boy to walk past, the teen
looking at her in surprise, before smiling brightly.

“Oh? You got in as well?” he asked, genuine excitement on his face as he spoke to her, “I am

“I…Are you…?” Ibara stammered.

“Izuku Midoriya,” the Angel nodded, “We met at the start of the practical portion for the entrance
exam, correct?”
“I…yes,” Ibara blushed slightly, “Though I thought you were…”

“A girl?” the boy chuckled, the sound just as sweet as before, making Ibara blush harder, “That is
simply a part of my Quirk. I am not bound by gender as most are, and can freely switch as I desire,

Ibara watched as the boy’s face softened, features rounding out slightly as he became distinctly
more feminine in appearance, his voice rising as he continued to speak.

“In this form, I prefer to go by Izumi, in my more masculine form, I am Izuku,” they explained,
“So, as I said, you may call me Izu to prevent confusion.”

“I…Ibara,” Ibara said, still slightly stunned by the sudden change, “Shiozaki Ibara.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” the now girl said, smiling at her, “Oh, but I must unfortunately leave
now, otherwise I shall miss my train. Have a pleasant day.”

“You as well,” Ibara muttered as Izumi walked past her, before she noticed the blonde smirking at
her, “What is it you want?”

“Nothing, Vines,” the boy chuckled, “Just saw something fucking hilarious.”


Ibara gasped as she was enveloped by the wings, the feathers the softest things she had ever felt in
her life. Gentle hands caressed her body, touching her gently yet sending sparks of electricity
through her. She gasped as the face formed in front of her, neither male nor female, yet easily
recognizable. A jolt of pleasure shot through her as they leaned in, soft lips touching her own.

She shot up in bed, gasping as she clung to her blankets, staring into the darkness in surprise.

“W-what?” she breathed, the feeling of being touched still lingering on her skin as she shivered,
pressing her thighs together instinctively, “No…”

How could she be having these thoughts, she wondered, shaking herself as she rose from her bed,
her legs slightly weak as she hurried over to the large crucifix on her wall, kneeling on the prayer
mat in front of it and beginning to pray.

“Oh Lord,” she said hurriedly, trying to push the images of her dream from her mind, “Why are
you testing me as such? What have I done to deserve such a cruel trial?”

No response came, but Ibara didn’t mind, she knew that she simply had to resist these strange new
urges as she continued to pray, before rising back to her feet and getting back into bed. She hoped
would not have such a dream again. Or perhaps she did.


“Due to the USJ being attacked on Friday, your lesson there has been cancelled,” Vlad King said as
the other students groaned in disappointment, Ibara sitting up right as worry began to eat at her

“Can you tell us what happened?” Kendo asked, raising her slightly enlarged hand as she spoke,
“Was anyone hurt?”

“I am not at liberty to say,” the teacher sighed, “Just know that the students are safe.”
“Oh, thank the Lord!” Ibara gasped, blinking as the rest of the class turned to look at her, “I, uhm…
I was simply glad for their safety.”

“You sure it’s not something to do with a certain winged cutey from 1A?” Tokage chuckled as
Ibara suddenly found herself blushing, “I mean, they are an Angel, after all. Do you want them to
be your Angel?”

“N-no!” Ibara barked, her face bright red now as the thought of that beautiful creature being hers,
images from her dreams starting to worm their way back into her mind, making her clasp her hands
and begin to pray, “Cast out these visions, oh Lord! I am but a simple soul!”

“Sounds like there’s more to this than we thought,” Tokage chuckled as Ibara glared at her, “What?
You can’t deny that the idea of someone who can change genders is pretty hot. Best of both
worlds, you know?”

“Let’s end that conversation there,” Vlad King sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose as the green-
haired girl cackled at the now scarlet Ibara, the vine-haired girl praying even more furiously.


“I need to speak with you.”

Izumi blinked at the stern words, looking up at Ibara as the other girl stood beside their lunch table.

“Oh, of course,” they said, indicating the empty seat, “You are welcome to join us.”

“I would prefer to speak…privately,” the vine-haired girl said softly, looking away to hide the
slight blush on her cheeks, “It is a…private matter.”

“Ah,” Izumi said, before rising from their seat, “I shall see you all in class, then.”

“Bye, Izu!” the brunette grinned as the pair walked off, looking at Bakugo strangely as he covered
his mouth and looked away, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Fucking nothing, Round Face,” the blonde snickered, grinning madly as he watched the two
figures leave the cafeteria, “Just saw something fucking funny, is all.”


“So, what did you want to talk about?” the feminine figure asked as they stood at the top of the
stair well leading to the roof, the sounds of other students echoing below them.

“You are a trial,” Ibara said plainly, drawing a confused look from the winged figured, “A trial
sent by my Lord to test me. You have somehow managed to…to affect me, like some succubus,
drawing out dark and impure thoughts that I should never be having.”

“I…I’m sorry?” Izumi said, cocking their head to the side as they continued to stare in confusion,
“What are you talking about?”

“The visions,” Ibara continued, furiously blushing as images flashed through her mind, “The
dreams. They come nightly. Multiple times a night, in fact. I am barely sleeping for them!”

“Oh, that doesn’t sound nice,” Izumi muttered, “I apologize if my presence has caused you any
discomfort, but I do not understand what you are talking about. What dreams? I can’t affect the
dreams of others, as far as I know.”
“But then why am I having these…these urges?” Ibara asked, staring at the feminine form, a desire
to reach out and touch them, feel their soft skin, be held in their embrace almost overwhelming her,
“It is sinful! It is wrong! Impure! It…it…”

“Wait…” Izumi said, suddenly blushing themselves, “Sinful? Impure? Do you mean you’re
having…those kinds of dreams about me?”

“I…yes,” Ibara blushed harder than she ever had before, looking away in shame as the other girl
stared at her in shock.

“Oh, wow,” Izumi breathed, “I…I never thought…I’m sorry. I never meant to elicit such feelings
in you. I pray you can forgive me.”

“For…forgive you?” Ibara blinked, looking back at the blushing person, their own cheeks just as
red as Ibara’s felt, “I…of course. It is not your fault I am having these impure thoughts. I should
never have even thought to blame you. I apologize.”

“I forgive you,” Izumi smiled shyly back, “Uhm…this may seem odd, and you do not have to do it
if you do not wish to, but could you describe some of these dreams to me?”

“Wh-what? Why?” Ibara almost choked.

“Because,” Izumi mumbled, “Well, I’ve never had someone say that they think of me that way
before. I was just wondering about what you have experienced.”

“I…perhaps it would help,” Ibara nodded slowly, “Release these…demons rather than keeping
them sealed away. Very well.”

She couldn’t help but blush a little harder at the excited yet nervous expression on the other teen’s
face as she started to recount her various visions, the object of her desires not saying anything as
Ibara spilt every thought and image she had had in the last weeks. By the end, she felt lighter, more
at peace with herself than she had in a long time, almost refreshed.

“Oh, wow,” Izumi blushed, fidgeting slightly as she stood opposite Ibara, “Uhm…this may seem
forward, but would you like to try?”

“Try?” the vine-haired girl said, “Try what?”

“Touching my wings, I mean,” Izumi said quickly, “I won’t force you, but they are very soft.
Perhaps…perhaps actually feeling them will alleviate some of these visions?”

“I…perhaps,” Ibara nodded, reaching out tentatively to stroke the feathers.

The sensation was bizarre, softer than even she could have imagined, a tingle running along her
palm as she stroked the large appendages. A sudden urge rose up in her, the same she had felt in
that first dream, to be enveloped in those wings, to feel held and safe in their embrace.

“I-Ibara-san!” the soft gasp brought her back to her senses, finding herself pressed tightly against
the soft feathers, her eyes darting down to the blushing form before her, innocent green eyes boring
into her.

“I…” Ibara started to say, her mind going blank as desire overwhelmed her, leaning down, pressing
her lips against the heavenly softness of the others.

“I…” she said again as she stepped back, eyes wide in shock as she stared at the blushing person
before her, “I apologize. I do not know what overcame me.”

She spun on her heel, walking away as quickly as she could, before breaking into a full sprint down
the hall, startling several other students.


Ibara watched as the two boys stood on the stage below them, sighing after her untimely defeat at
the hands of the speedster from class A. She watched as the two seemed to argue for a while, the
winged one flying up out of reach of the others ice attacks, swooping down to hit him well timed
strikes. The other boy seemed to be struggling, but wasn’t giving up, which only seemed to make
his opponent angrier.


The sudden shout startled her as she glanced over at the loud blonde from 1A, who was yelling at
them to take cover, before she turned back to the arena, her eyes going wide.

A single pair of wings spread out, multiplying into a dozen, the humanoid form between them
shifting unnaturally, vanishing into a ball of flame surrounded by golden rings, each embossed with
a thousand emerald eyes. A voice she could not understand shook the stadium to its foundations,
the other boy cowering under the strange new threat, just like her classmates.

Yet Ibara could not take her eyes off of it. A strange warmth flooded her body as she watched the
massive form hovering in the air, the other boy now throwing fire and ice at it in a desperate
attempt to stave off its slow decent. Yet Ibara felt at peace. Beyond peace. Pleasure soared through
her as the form touched the ground, obliterating everything it came into contact with, the other boy
fleeing out of the ring in desperation. She released a throaty gasp, her body shuddering as she felt
something beyond what she thought possible coarse through her.

And suddenly, the strange yet familiar form was gone, the figure returning to their humanoid shape
as they stomped out of the arena, ignoring the shocked and amazed stares of the crowd, and the
massive crater that now dominated half the field below.

Ibara shivered in the afterglow, unsure of what to do, but knowing that she wanted more.



“Ah, Ibara,” the figure said in surprise, looking up from where they’d apparently been moping, “I
apologize for earlier, I…I hadn’t intended to scare anyone with that form.”

“It was amazing,” the girl simply said, stepping closer to the now surprised figure, “I saw it and
felt…I don’t know. It was amazing.”

“What are you saying?” Izuku asked, jumping slightly as the girl suddenly fell to her knees in front
of them, “What are you doing?”

“I don’t know,” Ibara gasped as she shuffled forwards, sliding between their legs as she slipped her
arms around their neck, “I really don’t know.”

“Isn’t this…inappropriate?” the other asked, Ibara just nodding as she leaned down, feeling their
hot breath on her lips as their faces drew closer.
“It is…but I am beyond caring at this point,” she muttered, “If this is a test by my Lord, then I shall
gladly fail it.”

“What are you saying?” Izuku asked.

“I am in love with you,” Ibara replied, a thrill running up her back as she spoke the words she’d
known to be true for months, yet had denied so thoroughly, “I am deeply in love with you.”

“You…you are?” the other teen gasped, tears suddenly appearing in their eyes, “Truly?”

“Truly,” Ibara breathed, pressing closer as she kissed them, her instincts guiding her as she slipped
her tongue into their mouth, a shudder of pleasure rocking her body as they returned the favour.

Ibara did not know how long they had been like that, only that she had to stop once her lungs
started to burn, pulling back as a trail if saliva hung between their lips.

“I am sorry,” she said, “But I fear I cannot live without you any longer. These desires, they may be
wrong, but they feel so right, I no longer care.”

“It’s okay,” the other said softly, pulling her down into a gentle hug, “You…you are the first to say
something like that to me…the first I feel truly means it…I think…I think I love you too.”

Ibara couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips as she heard those words, shivering and
shuddering in pleasure as her partner simply held her tightly against them.

“Will Midoriya please report to the main arena for the final round,” the two started at the
electronic announcement, looking up at the speaker in surprise.

They looked back at each other, heavy blushes on their faces before they started to laugh, getting
off the floor and clasping hands as they walked back to the entrance, Ibara waving shyly as her
partner walked out onto the field, now filled with concrete as Cementos put the finishing touches
on the stage.

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