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Neuroscience Letters 290 (2000) 61±65

Brain activation pro®les in dyslexic children during non-word

reading: a magnetic source imaging study
Panagiotis G. Simos a,*, Joshua I. Breier a, Jack M. Fletcher b, Barbara R. Foorman b,
Eldo Bergman c, Kristen Fishbeck a, Andrew C. Papanicolaou a
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical School,
6431 Fannin Street, Suite 7.149, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical School,
6431 Fannin Street, Suite 7.149, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Texas Reading Institute, Houston, Texas, USA
Received 26 May 1999; received in revised form 19 October 1999; accepted 21 October 1999

The purpose of the study was to identify spatiotemporal brain activation pro®les associated with phonological decod-
ing in dyslexic children using magnetic source imaging. For this purpose maps of regional cerebral activation were
obtained from eleven children diagnosed with dyslexia and ten children without reading problems during engagement
in a pseudoword rhyme-matching task. All dyslexic children showed aberrant activation maps consisting of reduced
activity in temporoparietal areas in the left hemisphere (including the posterior part of the superior temporal, angular
and supramarginal gyri) and increased activity in the right homotopic region. In contrast, the two groups of children did
not differ in the degree of activity in basal temporal areas that typically precedes temporoparietal activation. This is the
®rst study to demonstrate the existence of distinct activation pro®les associated with phonological decoding in indivi-
dual dyslexic children. q 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
Keywords: Functional imaging; Magnetic source imaging; Magnetoencephalography; Dyslexia; Reading; Phonological decoding;
Temporal lobe

There are many proposals regarding the nature of de®cits electrical currents in large neuronal aggregates using
underlying developmental reading disorder (dyslexia) magnetic source imaging (MSI, also known as magnetoen-
[4,5,8,23±25]. Regardless of the nature of this de®cit, it cephalography [12]). Brain areas that have been shown to
remains an indisputable fact that phonological decoding display reduced engagement in a variety of reading tasks in
problems are perhaps the most ubiquitous signs of dyslexia dyslexics are those located in the vicinity of the temporo-
[6,23,25]. The preferred approach for investigating directly parietal junction and typically include the posterior part of
phonological decoding skills is to examine reading perfor- the superior and middle temporal gyri, the angular, and
mance of pronounceable non-words (pseudowords). supramarginal gyri predominantly in the left hemisphere
Further, investigating brain activation pro®les associated [14,15,18]. Unfortunately, functional brain imaging meth-
with reading and phonological decoding, in particular, is ods that rely on measures of blood ¯ow/metabolism are
expected to help clarify the neurophysiological substrate largely capable of providing pro®les of relative activation
of dyslexia. Such pro®les can be obtained indirectly in the that are meaningful primarily on a group basis. On the other
form of regionally elevated levels of blood ¯ow or metabo- hand, MSI can provide detailed information regarding the
lism using positron emission tomography or functional temporal course as well as the spatial extent of task-related
magnetic resonance imaging [4,12±14,18], or more directly regional activation. Moreover, the sensitivity of this method
in the form of regionally elevated levels of intracellular for identifying areas involved in language-speci®c
processes has been established in a series of studies
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-713-500-6128; fax: 11-713- [11,19,22]. Unlike other functional imaging techniques,
500-7787. the validity of MSI-derived maps has been corroborated
E-mail address: by the results of standard invasive mapping procedures
(P.G. Simos).

0304-3940/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
PII: S03 04 - 394 0( 0 0) 01 32 2- 7
62 P.G. Simos et al. / Neuroscience Letters 290 (2000) 61±65

such as the Wada procedure [2,11]. In addition, temporal discourage performing comparisons on the basis of ortho-
lobe areas shown by MSI to be active during word recogni- graphic information. Event-related magnetic ®elds (ERFs)
tion tasks were found to be associated with transient recep- were recorded to the ®rst stimulus of each pair, to ensure
tive language de®cits when stimulated electrically in that the brain activity recorded corresponded to phonologi-
patients undergoing awake craniotomies for resection of cal decoding operations and did not re¯ect the additional
tumors or epileptogenic tissue [11,20,22]. cognitive operations that matching of the stimuli entails.
It should also be noted that most existing functional The responding hand was counterbalanced across children.
imaging studies on dyslexia have examined adults with MSI data collection and analysis methods developed and
developmental reading disability. However, there is used in our laboratory have been described in detail else-
evidence that dyslexics may develop alternative reading where [11]. Brie¯y, recordings were made in a magnetically
strategies in order to compensate for their poor phonological shielded room with a whole-head neuromagnetometer
decoding skill [10]. Little is known at present of how this (Biomagnetic Technologies). The intracranial generators
compensation may affect brain activation pro®les of adult of the observed ERFs were modeled as single equivalent
dyslexics, creating the need for studies of younger indivi- current dipoles (ECDs) that were ®tted at successive 4 ms
duals with reading problems. intervals using the non-linear Levenberg±Marquardt algo-
Recently, MSI was used to obtain direct measures of rithm [16]. Although a variety of source modeling
regional cerebral engagement during reading from children approaches have been proposed by different investigators
diagnosed with dyslexia [21]. In that study ten dyslexic and [9,17] we decided to use a single-ECD source model that
eight non-dyslexic children were tested on a visual and an is part of the BTi software. Alternative algorithms hold
auditory version of a word recognition task. The most nota- many promises as tools for magnetic source localization.
ble ®nding was that, in every case, temporoparietal areas of However, they have not yet been validated against invasive
the left hemisphere (including the posterior third of the localization procedures. In contrast, there is currently a
superior and middle temporal gyri, the angular and supra- wealth of data testifying to the validity of the single-ECD
marginal gyri) failed to become engaged during reading in model for reliably localizing and lateralizing neurophysio-
children with dyslexia, whereas homologous areas in the logical activity associated with language functions
right hemisphere showed strong activation. Non-impaired [2,11,20,22]. On the basis of this evidence, the singe-ECD
readers showed the opposite pattern of strong left hemi- source model is part of the standard analysis protocol in
sphere activation coupled with signi®cantly weaker right essentially all clinical applications of magnetoencephalo-
hemisphere activation. Although a distinct activation pro®le graphy. For a given point in time, the ECD dipole ®tting
characterized all the dyslexic children in that study, it was algorithm was applied to the magnetic ¯ux measurements
unclear whether the pro®le was speci®c to phonological obtained from a group of 34±38 magnetometers, always
decoding or re¯ected a variety of other linguistic operations, including both magnetic ¯ux extrema. ECD computation
such as orthographic and semantic analysis of printed words was restricted to those latency periods during which a single
and memory that are also involved in word recognition. The pair of magnetic ¯ux extrema dominated the left and/or the
present study was designed to examine spatiotemporal acti- right half of the head surface. ECD solutions were consid-
vation pro®les in individual dyslexic children and age- ered as satisfactory upon meeting two criteria: (1) a correla-
matched non-impaired readers associated speci®cally with tion coef®cient of at least 0.90 between the observed and the
phonological decoding in the context of a pseudoword `best' predicted magnetic ®eld distribution, and (2) a 95%
rhyme-matching task [3]. con®dence volume of 3 cm 3 or smaller. Only ECDs
Eleven children (seven males, age range 10±17 years) computed during the `late' portion of ERFs to the printed
who presented with mild to severe reading dif®culties and pseudowords were considered in the analyses. Previous
ten non-impaired readers (seven males, age range 8±16 studies have shown that these activity sources originate in
years) were examined. All dyslexic children showed severe association cortices specialized for the analysis of linguistic
impairment in phonological decoding skills (scoring under stimuli [1,11,22]. Early ERF components (i.e. those
the 20th percentile on the Word Attack subtest of the WJ-R recorded up to approximately 150 ms after stimulus onset)
Battery [26] as compared to scores .80th percentile on this originate in modality-speci®c (in this case visual) cortex and
test for each of the non-dyslexic children. All subjects had probably re¯ect early sensory analysis of the stimuli. The
IQ scores (WISC III-R composite scores) of 85 or above, procedure for precise coregistration of ECD coordinates on
were right-handed with English as their primary language, structural, T1-weighted, MRI scans (TR ˆ 13.6 ms,
and had no history of hearing de®cit, neurological injury or TE ˆ 4.8 ms, recording matrix 256 £ 256 pixels, 1 excita-
disease, or visual impairment. tion, 240 mm ®eld of view and 1.4 mm slice thickness) has
Each child was tested on a pseudoword rhyme-matching been described in detail elsewhere [19,27].
tasks during which they were presented with two pseudo- As expected, performance on the task was signi®cantly
words (sequentially) and asked to decide whether they higher for the non-dyslexic group (79.2 vs. 67.4% correct,
rhymed or not. Stimuli were 4±5 letters long and were P , 0:05). The number of reliably localized activity
always orthographically dissimilar (e.g., kume- noom) to sources in temporoparietal (TMP) and basal temporal
P.G. Simos et al. / Neuroscience Letters 290 (2000) 61±65 63

cortices (BTC) in each hemisphere served as the depen-

dent measure in the statistical analyses. These regions
were selected because they consistently displayed activity
sources in every child, in at least one hemisphere. TMP
areas included the posterior third of the superior (STGp)
and middle temporal gyrus (MTGp), the angular (ANG)
and supramarginal gyri (SMG). Selection of areas was
based on the results of our previous study [27], which
did not reveal any interactions involving these four
temporal and inferior parietal areas. Basal temporal
cortices included the fusiform and lingual gyri. As
previously mentioned, sources were computed during
the later portion of the evoked magnetic response thereby
excluding those which typically originate within modal-
ity-speci®c cortices. This measure has been found to be
the most reliable and valid index of the degree of regio-
nal, language-speci®c cerebral activation in several
studies involving neurologically intact volunteers and
patients [2,11,17,22,27].
Visual inspection of individual brain activation pro®les Fig. 2. 3-D renderings of MRI scans from a representative
indicated that all dyslexic children showed strong activation dyslexic (lower set of images) and a non-dyslexic child (top set
in TMP regions in the right hemisphere with visibly weaker of images). Clusters of activity sources computed at 4 ms inter-
activity in homotopic areas in the left hemisphere. The vals after the presentation of the pseudoword stimuli were
opposite pattern was apparent for all non-dyslexic children projected on the brain surface for easier visualization. Sources
occurring between 100 and 300 ms after stimulus onset (shown
(with the exception of S20 who displayed slightly stronger in yellow) were typically localized in basal temporal cortices.
right than left temporoparietal activation). This highly Temporoparietal (TMP) sources (shown in orange) usually
became active later between 300 and 1200 ms after stimulus
onset. Note the clear preponderance of activity sources in left
TMP cortices in the non-dyslexic subject and in homotopic right
hemisphere areas in the case of the dyslexic child.

consistent pattern across children can be seen in Fig. 1,

which displays the distribution of individual hemispheric
asymmetry indices ([Left 2 Right]/[Left 1 Right]) for
activity sources located in TMP regions. The precise anato-
mical distribution of activity sources associated with the
analysis of the pseudowords in two representative cases
(one dyslexic and one non-dyslexic) can be seen in Fig. 2.
The data were further analyzed using a multivariate
approach to ANOVA with two within- (Area: TMP, BTC,
and Hemisphere: Left, Right), and one between-subjects
variable (Group: Dyslexic, Non-dyslexic). All subsequent
pairwise comparisons were evaluated using the Bonferroni
method. This analysis revealed a signi®cant Group by Task
by Hemisphere interaction, F 1; 19† ˆ 41:04, P , 0:0001
(Fig. 3). Further tests (independent sample t-tests for
samples of unequal size) con®rmed the initial observation
that dyslexic children showed signi®cantly less activation in
Fig. 1. The distribution of individual hemispheric asymmetry
indices ([Left 2 Right]/[Left 1 Right]) for the number of activity
the left TMP region compared to non-dyslexic children,
sources located in temporoparietal (TMP) areas for dyslexic t 15:15† ˆ 4:18, P ˆ 0:001, while the opposite was found
(®lled diamonds) and non-dyslexic children (open circles). All for homotopic regions in the right hemisphere,
dyslexic children had negative scores indicating greater right t 18:47† ˆ 3:58, P ˆ 0:002. In addition, hemispheric asym-
than left TMP activation, while the opposite was true for 9/10 metries in the number of activity sources located in TMP
non-dyslexic children. Asymmetry indices are plotted against
behavioral performance (percent correct detection of rhyming
regions were of opposite direction in the two groups of
pseudoword pairs) during the MSI session to demonstrate a children. Non-dyslexic children showed signi®cantly
modest linear association between the two variables. greater activation in the left versus the right TMP regions,
64 P.G. Simos et al. / Neuroscience Letters 290 (2000) 61±65

regular progression of activation from occipital, to basal

temporal regions (posterior part of the fusiform and lingual
gyri), and ®nally to temporoparietal areas (Table 1). The
only signi®cant group differences with respect to the mean
onset latencies were for clusters of activity sources in the
left TMP, t 2:75† ˆ 6:52, P ˆ 0:013, and the right BTC
regions, t 17:88† ˆ 4:45, P , 0:0001, with dyslexics
displaying signi®cantly longer onset latencies in both
regions (474 and 436 ms, respectively) than non-dyslexics
(300 and 248 ms, respectively). In addition, a signi®cant
correlation was apparent between the onset of left TMP
activity and performance on the rhyme matching task
(r ˆ 0:52, P , 0:023), indicating that earlier onset of activ-
ity in this area was associated with better performance.
The results reported here corroborate earlier ®ndings
from our laboratory [21] indicating that the pronounced
differences between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children in
Fig. 3. Mean number of activity sources in temporoparietal the degree of activation in temporoparietal regions are
(TMP) and basal temporal cortices in each hemisphere in the indeed attributable to phonological decoding demands
two groups of children (Standard error values in bars). imposed by reading both words and pronounceable pseudo-
words. In addition to reduced activation in left TMP areas,
t 9† ˆ 4:36, P ˆ 0:002, while dyslexic children displayed dyslexic children showed a marked increase in activation in
greater activation in right compared to left TMP regions, homotopic areas of the right hemisphere. Although both
t 10† ˆ 6:52, P , 0:00001. Further, the degree of activity in ®ndings have been suggested by previous research using
TMP regions was a good predictor of behavioral perfor- other imaging techniques [13,14,18], the consistency with
mance on the rhyme-matching task (see Fig. 1). Signi®cant which this phenomenon was obtained in every dyslexic indi-
positive correlations were found between the percent correct vidual in both studies (in a total of 21 consecutive cases) is
detection of rhyming pseudowords and both left TMP acti- striking. Such results were not, however, surprising given
vation (r ˆ 0:75, P , 0:0001) and hemispheric asymmetry that compelling evidence to the validity of individual MSI-
indices for TMP activity sources (r ˆ 0:74, P , 0:0001). In derived maps of regional activation has been obtained by
addition, a signi®cant negative correlation was found comparison with standard invasive techniques in large
between accuracy scores and right TMP activation series of consecutive neurosurgical patients [2,11,20,22].
(r ˆ 0:49, P , 0:025). In contrast negligible association The ®nding that the amount of activity in the left tempor-
was found between performance and degree of activity in oparietal regions predicts performance on the experimental
BTC (r , 0:08). task from which the activation pro®les were obtained further
In addition to information regarding the degree of regio- supports the notion that activity in these regions detected by
nal activation, MSI is uniquely suited to provide data MSI re¯ects the engagement of neurophysiological
regarding the temporal course of activation associated processes that are critically involved in reading.
with the presentation of an external event in the context of It is interesting that the degree of activation in basal
an experimental task. This information may then be used to temporal regions did not differ systematically between the
indicate potential regional cortico-cortical interactions that two groups of children. In contrast, it was activation (both
take place during engagement in the task in question (in this in terms of degree and timing) in areas known to be
case pseudoword reading). Thus, as in our previous study involved in word recognition (such as the angular gyrus
using real words as stimuli, there was, in both groups, a [7,18]) and in phonological analysis of both auditory and
printed language stimuli [3,18] that clearly differed across
Table 1
groups. Moreover, analyses on the timing of activity
Mean onset latency of activation in temporoparietal and basal
temporal areas (in ms after stimulus onset) in the two groups of argue against the hypothesis that dyslexic's activation
children a pro®les re¯ect delayed, yet otherwise normal, decoding
of letter stings. Speci®cally, the right TMP regions in
TMP BTC dyslexics ®rst became active at about the same time (on
Left Right Left Right average) as left TMP areas in the non-impaired readers.
Similarly, there were no signi®cant differences in the
Dyslexics 474 (51) 351 (75) 268 (25) 436 (34) onset of activity in left basal temporal regions across
Non-Dyslexics 297 (39) 415 (66) 260 (11) 248 (44)
Standard error values in parentheses. Abbreviations: TMP, These results suggest the existence of a functional de®cit
temporoparietal regions; BTC, basal temporal cortices. involving neurophysiological operations normally supported
P.G. Simos et al. / Neuroscience Letters 290 (2000) 61±65 65

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