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1. Who invented World Wide Web?
2. This is the result of the dramatic evolution of communications.
3. It helps to create a digital environment where states and businesses can increasingly
follow, analyze, and even affect people’s behavior to a previously unheard-of degree.
4. Techniques to represent numbers in the computer system architecture.
5. Refers to the disparity in access to and usage of ICT between different groups of
6. Raw materials like letters, numbers, sounds, and images.
7. A combination of instructions, data, and programs that the computer need in order to
so a specific task.
8. A classification of computer that makes direct use of superposition and entanglement
to perform operations on data.
9. A system that consists of a hardware device and an operating system that an
application, program, or process runs upon.
10. A web creation tool that uses PHP, HTML, and CSS as a programming language.
II. Expand the acronym
1. CRT
4. DOS
5. Wi-Fi
III. Enumeration
1-6. What are the aspects to consider in realizing social change where ICT has played an
important role.
7-9. List down the three main components of modern technology.
10-16. Uses of computer in our everyday life
17-20. Four systems of arithmetic which are often used in digital electronics.
IV. Number System Conversion
1. Convert 67(10) to its binary equivalent
2. Convert 315(10) to its octal equivalent
3. Convert 653(8) to its decimal equivalent
4. Convert 11101111(2) to its hexadecimal equivalent
5. Convert 3B4F(16) to its decimal equivalent
V. Illustrate electronic data processing
VI. Essay (Bonus)
How does ICT affects/impacts your life?

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