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1)What are some examples of multimedia?

: video games, movies, and

2) Types of e-Learning: traditional eLearning, Rapid eLearning
3) What is the most popular example of DBMS (СУБД)?: Microsoft
4) The e-mail address on the Internet is set as “user_name@mtu-”. What is the name of the owner of the e-mail address:
5) Which of these can be classified as personal information?: date of
6) Convert 10 from decimal to binary.: 1010
7) Which of these is an example of an e-commerce activity?: booking a
8) What does DBMS stand for? database managment system
9) What is TCP/IP?
10) E-government is ________
11) The computer which is always connected to the network is: a host
computer (host)

12) Computer networks operating within the same of any premises,

enterprise, institution, are called ______networks: local
13) Convert 12 from decimal to Hexadecimal: С
14) What is the web-browser: the application for retrieving and
representing the information resources on the Web
15) Which software is used to access the Internet?: browser
16) What is a hypertext?: it is the easiest way to organize the data in a
computer, consisting of a character encoding code table
17) Outline examples of DB: library book fund, the staff of the
enterprise, the educational journal in the school, etc.
18) What is the protocol?: specific technical agreements for
19) Which year the virus was first detected?: 1970
20) The doman is ...
21) How can you catch a computer virus?: opening e-mail attachments
22) Which of the following does measure the speed of CPU?: gigahertz
23) What is the basic unit of information (ACCESS) ?: database table
24) What is the WWW: an information space where web resources are identified by URLs
25) characters «*» and «?» are sometimes used in search engine
criteria as: operators

1) What is a protocol? : A rule of communication

2) What does HTML stand for?: Hypertext Markup Language
3) CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
4) Which of the following is an advantage of using email?: Attachments can
be included

5) How is the World Wide Web accessed?:

Using a web browser

6) From what did the internet originate? : ARPANET

7) What name do we give to a computer that hosts websites? : A
8) What is the internet? : A global network
9) What is the World Wide Web? : The information available on the internet
10) What is a data packet? : A small chunk of data to be
1) the main advantages of using the storage system are (indicate
unnecessary) :
2) A service that provaides a remote user with an access to hardware
capacity or software : Cloud computing
3) Some types of cloud consolidation :
5) The main operating systems for mobile phones is: android
6) IaaS abbreviation is: Infrastructure as a service
7) digital mobile cellular standard : GSM
8) Not cloud technology web servers :
9) data center should solve a number of basic tasks (indicate
unnecessary) : only local use of data
10) Not are driving the development of cloud computing : software

1) Multimedia technologies. Design graphics: is used in the work of

design engineers, architects, and inventors of new technology
2) Multimedia technologies. M2TS: is a video file of Blu-ray format
used for the format container Blu-ray Disc Audio-Video (BDAV) MPEG-
2 Transport Stream.
3) What is multimedia?
4) Multimedia technologies. 3GPP:
5) Multimedia technologies. Business graphics: is a sphere of computer graphics designed to
visualize various indicators of the institution’s activities.

6) One of the disadvantages of multimedia is its: cost

7) Multimedia technologies. SWF (Shockwave Flash): is extension of
animation created with Adobe Flash and video in flash format.
8) ____________ refers to any type of application or presentation that
involves more than one type of media, such as text, graphics, video,
animation, and sound. multimedia
9) Multimedia technologies. M4V: is a video file downloaded from the Apple Itunes
store that includes TV shows, feature films, music, and videos.

10) Multimedia means the use of more than one _____ in

communication. media
11) What are some examples of multimedia? video games, movies,
and television
12) The multimedia element that explains idea through a picture is
called _____. graphic
13) Multimedia technologies. Research graphics: the first computers
were used only for scientific and industrial applications.
14) Multimedia technologies. Illustrative graphics:
15) Multimedia technologies. FLV (Flash Video): is a video format for
distribution and transmission on the Internet through RTMP-
connection. It is used by such host sites like You Tube. RuTube.
Tube.BY, Google Video. Movie and etc.
16) Multimedia technologies. Art and advertising graphics:
has become popular largely because of television

1) Is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked

using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the
previous block,a timestamp, and transaction data (generally
represented as a Merkle tree). : Block chain
2) One of the areas of medicine, based on the use of modern
communication technologies for remote medical care and timely
advice: Telemedicine
3) Internet the concept of computer networks of physical objects
("things"),equipped with built-in technologies to communicate with
each other or with the environment, which considers the organization
of such networks as a phenomenon that can rebuild the economic and
social processes, are excluded from the part of the action and
operations need for human intervention Internet of things: Internet of

4) Is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural

intelligence displayed by humans and animals, which involves
consciousness and emotionality. : Artificial intelligence
5) Is a field that treats ways to analyze, systematically extract
information from, or otherwise deal with data sets that are too large or
complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application
software. : Big data
6) The meeting through the telecommunication medium It is a generic
term for connecting people from two or more locations by electronics
is: Teleconference
7) Is the application of one or more of environmental science, green
chemistry, environmental monitoring and electronic devices to
monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources,
and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. : Green
8) The tags, when placed on an animal, can be used to record and
track in a database all of the animal movements are: RFID
9) SMART is an abbreviation which was integrated: 1954
10) Вlockchain is a very difficult chain which is based on three
important principles: distribution; openness; security.
11) Business meeting and conferences are held connecting people in
distance through the computer network. Participants exchange
information and are able to see each other. This type of meeting is
called ___ : teleconferencing

1) Model ________ the reflects business relationship arising between

individuals on the on-line auctions and exchanges-. : C2C
2) In Kazakhstan there was adopted the Law "On Electronic Document
and Electronic Digital Signature": of 7 January 2003.
3) e-Learning tools are ____: software
4) Which of these can be classified as personal information? : data of
5) Electronic system of training through computer and electronic
technologies : E-commerce
6) Kazakhstan actively supports the initiative of: "Open Government".
7) What methods of knowledge transfer does not apply to e-learning :
conventional teaching
8) Types of e-Learning : traditional eLearning,Rapid eLearning
9) The electronic document management system of governance,
based on the total automation of management processes across the
country and targets significantly increase the efficiency of public
administration and reduce the costs of social communications for
each member of society : E-government
10) What does the letter "e" stands for in the word e-learning :
educational events held by electronic means
11) Example of an e-commerce: booking a flight
12) Which of the following is NOT realized through electronic
commerce? : physical contact
13) E-government is ________ : the electronic document management
system of governance, based on the total automation of management
processes across the country and targets significantly increase the
efficiency of public administration and reduce the costs of social
communications for each member of society
14) Is the relationship of the seller and the buyer these include the
acquisition of the customer of any product or service, receiving the
consultations, registration of insurance etc. : B2C
15) Which of these is an example of an e-commerce activity? :
booking a flight
16) These terms are indicated all the interactions between enterprises,
companies and firms.The organization of deliveries, exchange of
documents, purchase orders, financial flows, coordination, joint
activities - all this interaction of business with another : B2B
17) E-government: the system of interaction between the authorities
19) The basic models of interaction between the subjects of e-
commerce are: E2E
20) When the infrastructure of Kazakhstani e-government was
formed? : 2007-2009
21) The idea of developing e-government in Kazakhstan was
announced in the annual Message of the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan on___
March 19, 2004

1) A service offered by an electronic device to another electronic

device, communicating with each other via the World Wide Web. :
Web service
2) A subfield of computer science the evolved from the study of
pattern recognition and computational learning theory in artificial
intelligence. :
3) Hardware, firmware, and software elements of a trusted computing
base that implement the reference monitor concept. :
4) A collection of related web pages, including multimedia content,
typically identified with a common domain name, and published on
least one web server. : Website
5) A computer networking device that connects two wireless networks
21. :
6) A person who is responsible for protecting computer system
against attack.: Security administrator
7) An online discussion site where people can hold conversation in the
form of posted messages.
8) An environment with the direct or indirect addition of the digital
data to the physical world in real time with the help of computer
devices-tablets, smart phones and innovative gadgets like Google
Glass and their software.
9) The management, operational, and technical controls prescribed for
an information system to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of the system and information.: Security controls
10) Software and hardware that detects and prevents the attack. : IT
11) The ability of people and things to interact remotely though the
Internet anytime, anywhere thanks to the merger of different
technologies.: The Internet of Things
12) Computer systems which allow working effectively with spatially-
distributed cartographical information.:
14) System for finding and storing information; software package that
implements the processes of creating, updating, storage and retrieval
of information in databases and data banks.: Information Retrieval System
15) A telecommunication network or computer network that extends
over a large geographical device.: Wide area network
16) A world created by technical means in which a person feels like
person is in the real world.: Virtual reality
18) The protect of information and information systems from
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction in
order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability. : Information

19) A subset of the input system for a graphical user interface of

devices equipped with special input devices that differ from the
keyboard or touch screens. : Pen computing
20) Material user interface is a kind of user interface in which the
human interaction with the electronic device occurs by means of
physical object and structures. :
21)The software released under the terms of a free license agreement
that gives the user the right to use the program in any purposes,
access to the source of the program in order to view, adapt, process,
distribute the program, modify and distribute the processed version of
the program taking into account the requirement of possible license
inheritance.: Free software
22)An abstract description of software and hardware and
organizational measures to protect against unauthorized access.:
Security model
The trading or fundamentals of trading in products or services using
computer networks, such as the Internet or online social network.:
Electronic commerc
A service, provided by a layer of communicating open systems, which
ensures adequate security of the systems or of data transfers.:
Security service
Mechanisms for the implementation of remote transactions including
banking and non-banking payment terminals and remote financial
services.: Electronic payment systems

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