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arithmetic logic unit

A computer is:
a universal, electronic device for storing, processing and transmitting information;

A graphical user interface operating system front-end to MSDOS developed by the Microsoft Corporation

A clone of the Unix operating system created by Linus Torvalds for use on personal computers -

A systems program that controls a peripheral device


Android is a mobile operating system developed by …


Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on the …(?) kernel and designed primarily
for touch screen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

An …(?).. is system software that control computer hardware and software resources and provides common
services for computer programs.
operating system (OS)

A single-tasking operating system can only run (?) program at a time


An open source operating system is used primarily for handheld devices:


A user interface in which a person interacts with digital information through the physical environment-
Tangible user interface (TUI)

A computer is a
universal technical device for working with information a

A type of user interface that features on-screen objects, such as menus and icons, manipulated by a mouse
Graphical User Interface (GUI)

A key aspect for using the interface


A relational database consists of a collection of


A……is a pictorial depiction of the schema of a database that shows the relations in the database, their
attributes ,and primary keys and foreign keys
schema diagram

A……is a property of the entire relation,rather than of the individual tuples in which each tuple is unique

A persons' First name, Last name, Date of Birth (DOB), Height, Eye colour and Address are all types of what? 
A type of software program used to create, maintain, and access databases.
database management system (DBMS) 

A single category of data to be stored in a database, such as customer names or employee telephone numbers.
Also called a column

Analyzing data to discover patterns and relationships that are important to decision making
Data mining

A numerical representation of a realistic situation, such as a cash flow model of a business, a question or set of
instructions that describes the data
Data mining

An e-mail address consists these components

The name of a region that handles e-mail accounts

A collection of computers and related devices connected in a way that allows them to share data, hardware, and
Computer network

A set of rules that ensures the orderly and accurate transmission and reception of data
Communications protocol

A popular network technology in which network nodes are connected by coaxial cable or twisted-pair wire.

A computer that stores and distributes files to remote client computers

FTP server

A term sometimes used to refer to the interconnection of personal digital devices or consumer electronics
within a range of about 30 feet (10 meters) and without the use of wires or cables:
PAN (personal area network)

A dorm-room network covers a limited area and is an example of network


A way to transfer files from one computer to another over any TCP/IP network, such as a LAN or the Internet
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

A basic technique for isolating data communications faults is

Simulating the system on a special purpose compute

A data communications network that connects personal computers within a very limited geographical area—
usually a single building. Its use a variety of wired and wireless technologies:
LAN (local area network)

A business model of selling software in which the owner (supplier) software provides access to it to users
(customers) through the Internet -….

A computer program that seems to perform one function while actually doing something else.
trojan horse

a conceptual model, which includes the elements of all these decisions. At the moment, the complete realization
of it does not exist - it is in fact ideal for large-scale cloud-based companies such as Google and Microsoft.
a model of computer data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools, said to be on "the cloud"
Cloud storage

An operating system developed by Apple.


According to Diplo’s classification of Internet governance how many groups of issues do exists?

Artificial intelligence
for the creation of intelligent computer programs and machines, technology and science.

- an operating system for smartphones, tablet PCs, e-books, digital players, "smart" watches, game consoles,
netbooks, smartbooks, the Google glasses, TV, System Works automatic driving and other devices.

Big data technology has some advantage than relational data base systems
Operates with structured data

Basic topologies network:

Bus, Ring, Star, Mesh, Mixed topology

Choose right variant. The practical purpose of the ICT course
All answers are correct

Communication is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process whereby information is
exchanged between individuals using symbols, signs or verbal interactions. Communication is important in order to
gain knowledge.

Computer architecture is:

technical description of the details of the computer devices;

Consider attributes ID, CITY and NAME. Which one of this can be considered as a super key?

Correct record of the cells' unit in MS Excel:


Choose the devices, which purpose is to expand the size of the network in the current environment:

Choose a state program in Kazakhstan one of the goals is creation of necessary infrastructure for development
of payment systems and logistics
Innovative Kazakhstan 2020

Common transmission medium is the coaxial cable. Kinds of coaxial cable are widely used:
50-ohm cable

Computer security
also called cybersecurity, the protection of computer systems and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use.

Computer science is (to exclude an unnecessary concept):

technological operations with scientific and technical information, documentaries, librarianship, storage and
processing of research materials
Cloud computing
is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing
power, without direct active management by the user.

Cloud technology –
an electronic store your data on the Internet, which allows you to store, edit, and share interesting files and documents
with friends and colleagues.

Cloud storageis …
a model of computer data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools, said to be on "the cloud"

Cloud computing exhibits the following key characteristics:

Cost reductions are claimed by cloud providers

Choose correct variant.

……. Is a system of interacting systems, this ensuring modern quality of life due to the use of innovative
technologies which provide economic and eco-friendly use of urban systems
Smart city

Currently, manufacturers of smart technology

USA, Canada, Korea

Customers of the results of the work of smart technology companies

Teachers and students

Computer graphics are ... .

pictures and drawings

Data obtained by measuring, monitoring, logical or arithmetic operations presented in a form suitable for
storage, transmission and processing

"During this time, HCI was mainly focused on creating systems that were easy-to-learn and easy-to-use. There
were endless possibilities for personal computing, but desktop computers were not very usable tools at
first."The description above best described the waves from _____.
Wave 1 : Desktops and mental models (1980s - 1990s)

Database which Is the logical design of the database, and the database-which is a snapshot of the data in the
database at a given instant in time:
Shema, Instance

Data mining is an interdisciplinary subfield of …

data visualization

Data mining methods establishing relationships among items that occur together:

Data Visualization is connected with the visualization of …

information, infographics, scientific visualization, exploratory data analysis and statistical graphics.

Data mining is an interdisciplinary subfield of …

computer science

Data mining is an interdisciplinary subfield of …

computer science

Data mining technology has some methods

Regression trees, factor analysis

Data Mining models that allows you to predict data values by using known results from a different data
predictive models

Data mining is:

a process of performing automated extraction and generating predictive information from large data banks

Development and application by Governments, the private sector, and civil society that shape the evolution and
use of the Internet –
Internet governance 

Ergonomika- it
science that studies the application scope of our mental characteristics

E-mail messages have a standard format that consists of

message header

Each connection point on a network is referred to as a network


E-learning is:
a learning system using information and electronic technologies

E-Government :
Electronic Govemment essentially refers to the utilization of IT, ICT and other web-based telecommunication
technologies to improv and/or enhance on the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery in the public sector

e-Gov public services and information online accessible with some communication environment.
Single contact center -The call is free

Electronic digital signature (EDS) can be saved on the different storage facilities.
file system, Kaztoken, EDS on sim-card, ID card

Edge computing
an architecture that processes data as close to its source as possible

Everything as a Service (Everything as a service, abbreviated EaaS) –

a conceptual model, which includes the elements of all these decisions. At the moment, the complete realization of it
does not exist - it is in fact ideal for large-scale cloud-based companies such as Google and Microsoft.

Examples of mobile IT devices:

Laptop, smartphones

Educational tasks of computer science (exclude unnecessary):

formation of computer users ' printing skills using the ten-finger method

Father of the computer
Charles Babbage

File system-…
a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find and access them.

Formalized rules governing the sequence and format of messages exchanged between network components,
OSI models lying at the same level, but in different nodes, are called:

Global computer network means:

Hardware is:
computer hardware

Human Computer Interaction is a multidisciplinary field of study focusing on the design of computer
technology and in particular, the interaction between humans (the users) and ________.

HCI should always consider about what __________, what physical abilities and limitations they may have, how
their perceptual systems work, and what they find attractive and enjoyable when they use computers.
users aspect and needs

Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a relatively new science that includes study, planning and development
of interaction between:
people and computers

How cell coordinates in MS Excel are called?


How does multimedia help school-age children?

It helps students learn in new and stimulating ways and allows them to apply their knowledge creatively

High speed switched data transmission network of servers, workstations, disk storage and tape libraries.
Storage Area Network (SAN)

High speed switched data transmission network of servers, workstations, disk storage and tape libraries
Storage Area Network (SAN)

How many stages of company development does the Industry Maturity Index 4.0 suggest?

How many main areas of internet governance issues did the WCIG report identified?

How much purpose does have «SMART»?


How many categories of programs for creating vector graphics do you know?

How many models of organization of elements in different types of informatization do you know?

How many American Corporation are using online learning? 


Information refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study or research. The tools to transmit
information are the telephone, television and radio. Information is knowledge and helps us to fulfill our daily tasks.

ICT development
includes many types of infrastructure and services, ranging from telecommunications, such as voice, data, and media
services, to specific applications, such as banking, education, or health, to the implementation of electronic
government (e-government).

ICT standardization
is the voluntary cooperation for the development of technical specifications that outlines the agreed properties for a
particular product, service, or procedure.

Interface -…
the hardware or software that connects two systems and allows them to communicate with each other

It is a portable computer weighing about 2-4 kg.


iOs (originally iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by …
Apple Inc.

If you or your computer makes a mistake when using a device or MS-DOS command, MS-DOS displays an
error message

In OS Windows «clipboard» is ...

The special area of memory for temporary storage of information when moving objects

Interaction between _______ occurs at the user interface which includes both software and hardware.
user and computers

In a Database, what is Data or Information stored in?


In a Database, a RECORD is...? all of the data about one person or item.

In a database, a field.

In a database, a record.

Is a graph that uses a branching method to illustrate every possible outcome of a decision
decision tree

In order to get a registration certificate you need to install some software.

NCALayer program

Internet was originally developed as a(n):

Military project

Is a modem a device?
to transfer information via telephone communication channels

It is provides a connection to the addressee and there was created a reliable service of data on a specified
address between different subnets with a choice of the shortest way of transmission.
Transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
In order to get a registration certificate you need to install some software.
NCALayer program

ICT cource is used to:

form a particular ideology in the field of information and modern information culture

ICT systems require:


Information and communication technologies can be classified as:

Multimedia technologies

Internet government, digital government, online government -…


Intellectual property is –
ISO means:

Internet of things (IoT)

it is the concept of a data transmission network between devices.

LAN (Local Area Network) –
a network connecting computers in a relatively small area such as a building.

List two approaches to almost every Internet Governance issue

Old real vs new cyber 

Microsoft Windows (or simply Windows) is a system software that makes your ….(or compatible) easy to use

Methods and analysis techniques applicable to big data, allocated at McKinsey report
Class Methods Data Mining

MS Excel. The cell which located on intersection 3 lines and 1 column is designated:

Mobile operating system based on Debian Linux.


Main function of computer science:

development of methods and means of information transformation and their use in the organization of the
technological process of information processing

Machine learning
branch of informatics, the subject of study of which is human thinking

Modern models of smart technology

smart watch, phone

Mobile technology which based on digital technology:

1G, 2G, 3G, 4G

___may refer to any kind of communication over the internet that ffers a real-time transmission of text
messages from sender to receiver
Online chat
network address translation

Network topologies:
Bus, star, ring

Negative impacts of ICT on people

Unhealthy waves effect, job loss

Number of channels on which different operations can occur simultaneously on one ISDN basic access line is

OS (abbreviation)
operating system

Operating system
enables the programmer to draw a flowchart

One piece of information stored about a thing or person is called a


One of the main strengths of the Internet is -

Public nature

One of the key governance issues in 2005?

Spam filtering

One of the basic laws of smart technology?

Self-government law

On what smart devices are connected to the phone?

By cable

Peripherals are designed for:
exchange of information between the computer and the user

Pick out the right definition: Operating system

a complex of the system and control programs intended for the most effective using of all resources of the computing
system and convenience of work with it.

Pick out the right definition: Programme

instructions written in computer language

Principles of user interface development

reducing user memory usage;

Public high-speed network capable of voice and data transmission within a range of about 50 miles (80 km).
For example local Internet service providers, small cable television companies, and local telephone companies:
MAN (metropolitan area network)

Protocol –
a set of standards for software used with internal look-up tables in a TCP/IP network for routing data through
a gateway between networks restore.
Positive impacts of ICT on people
Improved access to education

Public high-speed network capable of voice and data transmission within a range of about 50 miles (80 km).
For example local Internet service providers, small cable television companies, and local telephone companies:
MAN (metropolitan area network)

the company was founded in 2003

Static RAM is used as:

Software is:
computer software

Specify the unit of measurement of memory capacity:


Simbian is a mobile operating system developed by …


Set standards for encoding and decoding data, guiding data to its destination, and mitigating the effects of noise
are communications:

Smart cities in Kazakhstan? (choose the wrong option)

Smart Pavlodar

Security is file sharing principle

Turn off file sharing globally

Smart products are widespread in many countries around the world


Smart technology can be divided into?


Set of tools for developing and understanding policy argumentation –

Internet governance cognitive toolkit

Since when did the term "industrial revolution" start to be used?

Since the end of the 19th century
The term  is … used to refer to the convergenceof audio-visual and telephone networks with computer
networks\ through a single cabling or link system.

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources to create processes products that fulfill
human needs.

Тhe European standardizationorganizations: ETSI-

the European Telecommunications Standards Institute

Тhe European standardizationorganizations: CEN –

the European Committee for Standardization

Тhe European standardizationorganizations:Standardization-

the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization

The speed of information processing in the computer depends on:


The resolution of the monitor is:

number of pixels vertically and horizontally

The chipset on the motherboard is:

A set of chips of the north and south bridge

The North Bridge on the motherboard supports:

System bus, RAM, video card

The types of operating systems:

Real time

The goals of HCI is to produce ______________________________, as well as functional systems.

usable and safety systems

The main objective of the human-computer interaction (HCI) is:

to understand the user, his motivation and the problem he is solving

Two basic categories of network topologies exist, physical topologies and

logical topologies

Type of attacks which begins with mailing the e-mails containing reference to the known resource (or imitating
such link)

The file is
Named data recorded on a data carrier

The main function of the computer:

Principle of program management

The main element that organize data is:

Tables can contain many records. Records run in: parallel/ time/ rows?

Theoretical foundations for Data mining need to know basic concepts of some subjects
Microeconomic view

The Internet provider is:

the organization provider of Internet services

Type of networks covers a large geographical area and usually consists of several smaller networks, which
might use different computer platforms and network technologies:
WAN (wide area network)

The number of bits made up the IP address:


Type of computing provides access to information, applications, communications, and storage over the

The server that controls client file access is called:

File server

The main types of computer networks are networks:

Local, global, regional

The purpose of digital signatures,which respect to security on the Internet:

To verify the identity of a messages sender

The IP address: is
Unique address of the computer on a network

Two basic categories of network topologies exist, physical topologies and

logical topologies

Types of computer networks


The Internet was originally planned by ... in the ...

Advanced Research project Agency (ARPA) of the USA government, 1960s

The abbreviation SMART first introduced:

Piter Druker in 1954

The title of the first document which is clearly describes the procedure and terms of the transfer of the systems
in the cloud
Federal Cloud Computing Strategy

Tachnologies which have allowed mobile phones to became a mass product and considered as the first
generation "1G"
AMPS triple

Tick main operating systems for mobile phones.

Apple Ios
The process of creating computer systems that are able to independently collect and summarize data and then
generate useful knowledge is –
Machine learning

The types of E-business:


Technology that gives to the user the chance to sign to news and materials of those users which are in the so-
called "list of friends"

Type of networks covers a large geographical area and usually consists of several smaller networks, which
might use different computer platforms and network technologies:
WAN (wide area network)

The concept of "cloud computing" was born in…


To replenish the collection of applications of his mobile device, the user can use the service
Google Play 

The main operating systems for mobile phones:

Android, Apple iOS,Bada, Maemo

Techniques is used to reduce the size of files that contain audio data
Audio compression

Top trends in technology

Smart technology

The main systems of smart technology

e-learning, objective legitimacy

The concept "electronic commerce" is equivalent to the concept …

electronic trading

the company exists since 2004

To what moment is it customary to attribute the beginning of the first industrial revolution?
Mid XVIII century

The main idea of semantic information is that:

semantic information perceived by this system can be evaluated by the degree of change in the system's own semantic
information due to the accumulation of external information

The term is … used to refer to the convergence of audio-visual and telephone networks with computer
networks\ through a single cabling or link system.

Under ….. is offered to understand the complex objects, actions, and rules relating to the preparation,
processing and delivery of information at the personal, mass communication and production, as well as all
technologies and sectors, providing integrated these processes.
the information and communication technologies

Unique identifying numbers assigned to each computer connected to the Internet.

IP address

Using terminal you can pay for

mobile communication, utility services, Internet service providers, repay loans, replenish the Bank account.

What is the Computer science
science of collecting, storing, processing and transmission of information through computers

What is multimedia?
Integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of computer technology

What did Ch. Babbage invent in 1812

the first calculating machine

What is the frequency of regeneration of the monitor measured:


What function do peripherals perform:

input-output of information

What is not a characteristic of RAM?


What is the name of the CPU socket?


What is the file?

a named collection of data on disk

What is a command-line interface?

Is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program in the form of
successive lines of text.

Where and when the first LTE standard network was put into commercial operation?
Sweden, 2009

What is a collection of data or information called, that is stored in a logical and structured way?

What should a database always contain?

A database should always contain a key field.

Where is data stored?

Data is stored in a table.

What is a database in which ALL the data is stored in a single table known as?
Relational database

What is a data capture form specifically designed to collect?


What is a database accessible by many users on different computers known as?

a multi-access database

What is a workbook?
file in MS Excel

What is the expansion in the file name for MS Excel?

*. Xls

What are the shortcut keys for AutoSum?

ALT + =

What components of a computer network are required to organize a peer-to-peer local area network?
Modem, server computer

Which is the best description of WANs?

Used to connect LANs separated by significant geographic distances.

WAN (Wide Area Network) –

a network connecting computers within very large areas, such as states, countries, and the world

What is an Internet?
It is the global computer network that makes publicly available a variety of services such asemail, instant messaging
and the World Wide Web, using the communication protocol

Which component is user-replaceable on most devices?

memory card

What term refers to the ability of a mobile device to recognize when multiple touches are performed on the

What is the first fully-automated cellular standard in the history?

Nordic Mobile Telephony

Which of the following operating systems are not mobile?

Linux OS

What are some examples of multimedia?

Video games, movies, and television

What is multimedia?
Integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of computer Technology

What tool should you first use when cropping a photo?

Rectangle Select

Which of the following is an instructional media?


Which input device would you use for audio input?


What is computer-based training?

A method of education that allows people to learn at their own pace, usiingspecically designed interactive software

What advances in multimedia were made in the early 1970's

Advances in graphics, movies, and audio

What is multimedia?
Integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of computer Technology

What are presentations?

A sequence of slides that usually incorporate text, sound, graphics, and animation

What does the term multimedia mean?

This is a modern technology that allows to combine sound in a computer system.

What does the term multimedia mean?

this is a modern technology that allows you to combine sound, text, video and images in a computer system;

What is the positive side of multimedia technology?

effective impact on the user to whom it is intended;

What type of graphics consists of many different objects of lines, rectangles?


Which program belongs to the computer-aided design program?


What is the type of modeling in which objects are described using an algorithm or procedure?
procedural modeling;

What are the elements of raster graphics?


What is color mode?

a method of organizing bits for the purpose of describing a color

What is another term for a smart home?

Home Automation

When was smart home technology first introduced?


Which of these devices can be used to remotely control your security system?
All of the above – As long as you have a device that has Wi-Fi access and a screen, odds are you can access your
smart home products from it.

Who introduced the term «SMART»?

Piter Ferdinand Druker

Which city in the first «SMART-CITY» in the Korea?


What is Smart Technology?

Machineries that permit mobile, web, databases, wireless access, and sensors to acclimatize and meet the needs of the
smart preschoolers in the smart contexts.

What is smart learning?

a new type of training, the opportunity to get a comfortable education, not limited to time and space

When question of writing Internet with an upper or lower case has been re-emerged?
November 2006 
Which two terms are usually put forward to express aspects of global digital developments?
Information Society and Communication Technology

When Internet has started as government project in the US?

In the late 1960’s 

What term in computer technology generally refers to the abstraction of computer resources by providing the
user with a system that "encapsulates" own implementation.

Which of the following stages relate to the digitalization stage?

informatization and connectivity

What year is Industry 4.0 first mentioned?


What technology of thinking is characteristic of the third industrial revolution in the classification of P.G.

What event is considered the beginning of the first industrial revolution?

The invention of the steam engine

What is the main idea behind the fourth industrial revolution?

The transition to cyber-physical systems

What is the type of modeling in which objects are described using an algorithm or procedure?
procedural modeling;

What is probably the most appropriate visualization of Internet governance and policy debates?


… - a set of physical processes signals perceived by the subject through his sense organs

… is an extended term for information technology which stresses the role of unified communications and the
integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as
necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access,
store, transmit, and manipulate information.
Information and communications technology 

… is a computer program that you use for writing letters, reports, documents, or the software that is used for
this purpose
A word processor

… an exchange of goods and (or) services based on the existing communications with the help of electronic
means of communication.
Electronic commerce

… is one that provides its home owners comfort, security, energy efficiency (low operating costs) and
convenience at all times, regardless of whether anyone is home.
A Smart Home

… is a city where day after day the quality of life is improved and the costs of sevices are decreased

… is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the
design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control,
sensory feedback, and information processing.

… is manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale.


…- is served in the cloud software for monitoring and security


… - an electronic store your data on the Internet, which allows you to store, edit, and share interesting files and
documents with friends and colleagues.
Cloud technology

.............used for the formation of an ideology in the field of information and modern information culture, i.e.
the ability to interact with information, professional use for receiving, processing, transmitting and storing it.
Discipline “ICT”

................offer services pertaining to processing transactions, documentation, presentations, inventory

management and gathering product information

___ factual information(as measurements or statistics) used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or

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