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日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 Vol. 38 No.



Disaster Education Research Institute

[$EVWUDFW]In the international science education community, due to the insufficient understanding of combustion processes,
the fire triangle (fuel, oxygen, and heat) has been utilized in a way that distorts the view of science. It is necessary to change the
interpretation of the fire triangle from an absolute theory based on only three elements to representing just some of the necessary
conditions for combustion, and to supplement it with physical and chemical “processes” undescribed in the fire triangle. This is
important to enhance students’ ability to prevent fire damage through enriching their understanding of energy concepts. To
promote fire safety science education in primary and secondary school science, the present study attempted to clarify the important
physical and chemical processes occurring in a candle flame.
[.H\ZRUGV]disaster education, energy concepts, fire safety education, elementary and secondary science, teaching material
development, context-based learning, fire triangle, combustion

Ⅰ.,1752'8&7,21 temperature to a point where the heat release rate falls below
While the types of natural disasters show regional the heat loss rate, and the flame is extinguished (Harrington &
variations, fires can occur anywhere that humans live. In the Senecal, 2016). Although it has been suggested that this
development of effective science teaching materials through contradiction can be resolved by advancing the interpretation
international exchanges, fire has the potential to be an of fire from the fire triangle (fuel, oxygen, and heat) (Fig.1(a))
appropriate topic in authentic contexts related to safety in to the interdependent disaster triangle (matter, energy, and
everyday life (Sibel et al., 2016; Nomura & Terada, 2021). motion) (Nomura, 2019b; Nomura, 2022) (Fig.1(c)), the
However, in the international science education community, proposed disaster triangle is too metaphysical.
due to an insufficient understanding of combustion processes, It seems that it would be better to change the interpretation
fire has been utilized to distort the view of science (Nomura, of the fire triangle from an absolute theory based on only three
2018). In TIMSS 1995, for example, chemistry item R5 elements to representing just some of the necessary conditions
required students to answer the question ”Carbon dioxide is for combustion, and to supplement it with physical and
the active material in some fire extinguishers. How does chemical “processes” undescribed in the fire triangle. This
carbon dioxide extinguish a fire?” The correct response will help to enhance students’ ability to prevent fire damage
examples for this item included “Carbon dioxide is heavier through enriching their understanding of energy concepts. To
than oxygen and will cover the burning materials,” while promote fire safety science education in primary and
responses mentioning that carbon dioxide cools the fire were secondary school science, the present study attempted to
judged to be incorrect. However, carbon dioxide increases the clarify the important physical and chemical processes
heat capacity of the gas mixture and lowers the flame occurring in a candle flame.

x2 x3
㻔㼍㻕㻦㻌㻲㼕㼞㼑㻌㼀㼞㼕㼍㼚㼓㼘㼑㻌 㻔㼎㻕㻦㻌㻲㼕㼞㼑㻌㼀㼑㼠㼞㼍㼔㼑㼐㼞㼛㼚㻌 㻔㼏㻕㻦㻌㻰㼕㼟㼍㼟㼠㼑㼞㻌㼀㼞㼕㼍㼚㼓㼘㼑㻌 㻔㼐㻕㻦㻌㼍㻌㼏㼛㼙㼜㼛㼡㼚㼐㻌㼏㼕㼞㼏㼡㼕㼠㻌

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日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 Vol. 38 No. 1(2023)

Ⅱ.0(7+2' main variable (x1) and regard the variable “diameter of the
.6XUYH\RI6FLHQFH7H[WERRNV capsule” as a stabilizing variable (x2), and add the variable
The learning contents and scientific concepts that appeared “stabilizing the stabilizer” (x3), then the effect of “stabilizing
in the Japanese government-approved primary and secondary the stabilizer” is to render x1 less stable (Ashby, 1940).
school science textbooks (Nomura, 2023) were surveyed to Similarly, in the fire triangle and fire tetrahedron, if we dilute
determine the extent to which the scientific concepts oxygen with carbon dioxide, for example, then the
necessary to supplement the fire triangle were available. concentrations of other substances and the temperature in the
.'HYHORSPHQWRI&RQFHSW0DSV system will all be influenced by the carbon dioxide addition,
In fire safety engineering history, fire extinguishment causing various effects to emerge in the system and resulting
mechanisms have been explained using the fire triangle; that in fire extinguishment. Therefore, to explain fire-
is, fire extinguishment is achieved by removing at least one extinguishing mechanisms phenomenologically, it is
element of the fire triangle. However, the fire triangle does not necessary to capture combustion as a dynamic system in
explain the fire-extinguishing mechanism of halogenated fire which all relevant elements influence each other, such as
suppressants. To explain the fire-extinguishing mechanism of material circulation in an ecosystem (Fig. 2).
halogenated fire suppressants, a new element, “chain reaction,” To recognize combustion as a dynamic system and
was added to the fire triangle, modifying it to the fire understand that fire extinguishment is a type of loss of
tetrahedron, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Because neither the fire wholeness, an analogy from life may be useful. The
triangle nor the fire tetrahedron describes combustion relationship between life and death was described by Suzutani
“processes,” using them to interpret fire extinguishment (1982), who said “the phenomenon of death does not exist.
phenomena fails to capture actual fire-fighting activities. Such Death is phenomenologically just the vanishing of life.” This
interpretations should be recognized as examples of the shows similarities with the relationship between fire and fire
“mathematization of nature,” which was criticized by Husserl extinguishment, which can be described as “the phenomenon
(1954). of fire extinguishment does not exist. Fire extinguishment is
Fig. 1(d) shows an example of a three-variable compound phenomenologically just the vanishing of fire.” This is why it
circuit. When one variable (concentration of a substance, is difficult to estimate the time of death or fire extinguishment.
temperature in a subsystem, etc.) in the circuit system is Takatsu (2016) discussed the wholeness of life using the “ring
affected by the surroundings, all other variables in the system of life” shown in Fig. 3. Death means that the ring of life
are affected by the interactions between the variables, causing breaks (Suzutani, 1982). Following Figs. 2 and 3,
the system to have complex properties. For example, if we phenomenological concept maps expressing the “ring of
consider the variable “temperature in an incubator” to be the combustion” were developed to supplement the geometric
figures shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b).

㻲㼕㼓㼡㼞㼑㻌㻞㻦㻌㻯㼛㼚㼏㼑㼜㼠㻌㻹㼍㼜㻌㼒㼛㼞㻌㻹㼍㼠㼑㼞㼕㼍㼘㻌㻯㼕㼞㼏㼡㼘㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼕㼚㻌㻺㼍㼠㼡㼞㼑㻌㻔㻹㼕㼚㼍㼓㼍㼣㼍㻘㻌㻞㻜㻜㻝㻕㻚㻌 㻲㼕㼓㼡㼞㼑㻌㻟㻦㻌㼀㼔㼑㻌㻾㼕㼚㼓㻌㼛㼒㻌㻸㼕㼒㼑㻌㻔㼀㼍㼗㼍㼠㼟㼡㻘㻌㻞㻜㻝㻢㻕㻚㻌

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日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 Vol. 38 No. 1(2023)


School Available scientific concept Deficient scientific concept
classification (Concrete example) (Concrete example)
Fuel (Candle/Wood)
Oxidizer (Oxygen)
Primary Combustion mechanism
Combustion product
school Use of electricity
(Carbon dioxide)
Transport (Replacement of air)
Organic matter/Inorganic matter
Oxidation inhibitor
Flammable gas/Flammable vapor
Substances around us (Nitrogen/Carbon dioxide)
Junior high Molecule/Chemical change
Chemical changes and atoms/molecules Burning rate/speed
school Oxidation/Combustion
Science, technology and humans Transport
Exothermic/Endothermic reaction
Polymer compound
Spontaneous transport
Science of light and heat Metal/Plastic/Fiber
Multi step reaction
Science of substances Atom's electronic configuration
Motion and energy of objects Bond energy
Entropy production rate
Various physical phenomena and energy Enthalpy/Entropy
High school Composition of matter
Changes in substances and their use
State of matter and equilibrium
Changes and equilibrium of matter
Properties of organic compounds

 ed. Biemel Walter, Nijhoff, Den Haag.

Minagawa, J. (2001): Gainen Chizu-Hō ni Yoru Chishiki
Ⅲ.5(68/76DQG'LVFXVVLRQ Kakutoku Shien no Kenkyū [Study on Knowledge
.6XUYH\RI6FLHQFH7H[WERRNV Acquisition Support by Using the Concept Mapping
The scientific concepts available and/or deficient in the Method], Kazamashobo (in Japanese).
Nakamura et al. (2017): An effective safety education on fire
Japanese government-approved primary and secondary fighting strategy through fire extinguishment experiment
school science textbooks, that are considered necessary to using portable powder extinguisher, Journal of
supplement the fire triangle, are listed in Table 1 (in Environment and Safety, 8(3), 101-111.
Nomura, Y. (2018): Shōgakkō Rika ni Okeru Taikeiteki na
preparation). The complete list will be reported in the Bōka Kyōiku [Proposal for a Structured Fire Safety
presentation. Education in Elementary Science], Journal of Science
The importance of the deficient concepts in relation to fire Education in Japan, 42(3), 268-270 (in Japanese).
Nomura, Y. (2019a): Fire Safety Education Materials for
safety will also be discussed in the presentation. Elementary Science Using the Nature of Light, JSSE
.'HYHORSPHQWRI&RQFHSW0DSV Research Report 33(4), 97-100 (in Japanese).
Nomura, Y. (2019b): Disaster Triangle – A Conceptual
The developed concept maps will be reported in the
Device for Implementing Comprehensive and Continuous
presentation. Disaster Education into School Science –, Japan
 Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, G01-P07.
This study was supported in part by JSPS Grants-in Aid for Nomura, Y. (2020a): Development of Education Materials for
Scientific Research JP18K02951 and JP21K02939. Understanding the State Change of Water and the Steam
 Explosion, JSSE Research Report 34(8), 9-14 (in Japanese).
Nomura, Y. (2020b): Development of Education Materials for
5HIHUHQFHV Understanding Ignition of Solid Combustibles, JSSE
Ashby, W. R. (1940): Adaptiveness and Equilibrium, Journal Research Report 35(1), 29-32 (in Japanese).
of Mental Science, 86, 478-483. Nomura, Y. (2022): Development of Fire Safety Education
Harrington & Senecal (2016): Carbon Dioxide Systems. In Materials Enriching Students’ Understanding of Energy
Hurley et al. (Eds.), SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Concept in Elementary and Secondary Science, JSSE
Engineering, Fifth Edition, pp. 1531-1586, Springer. Research Report 37(1), 1-4.
Husserl, E. (1954): Die Krisis der europäischen Nomura, Y. (2023): Development of Fire Safety Education
Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie, Materials by Using Entropy in High School Chemistry,

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日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 Vol. 38 No. 1(2023)

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for

Science Education, 47, 705-708 (in Japanese).
Nomura et al. (2022): Netsuhōsha to Kami no Netsubunkai
no Gakushū Kyōzai Kaihatsu no Tame no Yobi Chōsa [A
Pilot Survey for the Development of Learning Materials
about the Thermal Radiation and the Thermal
Decomposition of Paper], the 72th Annual SJST
Conference 2022, Vol. 20, 1B04, p. 137 (in Japanese).
Nomura & Terada (2021): Curriculum Design for the
Development of Energy Concepts in the Context of Fire
Prevention and Response, Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 45, 229-
230 (in Japanese).
Sibel, Er Nas, Tülay Şenel Çoruhlu, & Arzu Kirman Bilgin
(2016): The effect of fire context on the conceptual
understanding of students: “expansion-contraction”,
Educational Research and Reviews,11(21), 1973-1985.
Suzutani, T. (1982): Shi no Hantei ni Kansuru Shiken
[Personal opinion on death determination], Japan Medical
Journal, 3022, 43-49 (in Japanese).
Takatsu, A. (2016): Kenshi Handbook [Autopsy Handbook],
Revised 3rd Edition, Nanzando (in Japanese).

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