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the old pension scheme (OPS)
term benefits to present genera-
GHUVRQWKHH[WUDYDJDQW:KLOHWKLVFHUWDLQO\DGGV tions thereby protecting the states
DPDVVLYHIDQIROORZLQJ According to an article pub-
Reserve Bank of India, it was
times higher than NPS with an
tive to employees, it puts a signif-
WLRQVDERXWWKHLPSDFWRQWKHSXULW\RIWKHVSRUW7KHWHDPJDPHKDVWXUQHGLQWRD icant financial burden on the gov- described the move by some ments have implemented OPS states as well as the country
VKRZFDVHRILQGLYLGXDORYHUNLOO7KHH[RUELWDQWDPRXQWVVSHQWRQVWDUVKXUWWHDP ernment, unlike NPS, which aims state governments to imple- though they are having debt because OPS has got potential
G\QDPLFV7HDPVPD\ILQGWKHPVHOYHVRYHUO\UHOLDQWRQDIHZNH\SOD\HUVGLPLQ to ensure good pensions while ment OPS as absurd as it will liabilities of Rs 2.63 crore and to destroy the economic struc-
LVKLQJWKHFRPSHWLWLYHEDODQFHWKDWPDNHVFULFNHWVXFKDULYHWLQJVSRUW7KHLQFUHDV reducing the budgetary burden. prove a recipe for bankruptcy. Rs 90,000 crore respectively. ture in states thereby affecting
As per research conducted 23 BJP spokesman, Sudhanshu OPS will put an additional the the the the country's ambi-
LQJLQIOXHQFHRIFRPPHUFLDOLQWHUHVWVLVHYLGHQWQRWRQO\LQSOD\HUDXFWLRQVEXWDOVR years back, India’s implied pen- Trivedi had agreed with burden of thousands of crores tion to emerge as a big eco-
LQWKHOHDJXH VRYHUDOOVWUXFWXUH7KHWRXUQDPHQW VVFKHGXOLQJPDUNHWLQJVWUDWHJLHV sion debt of centres and states Montek’s views and asked on state exchequer. nomic power in the world.
DQGHYHQYHQXHFKRLFHVRIWHQSULRULWLVHILQDQFLDOJDLQVRYHUFULFNHWLQJFRQVLGHUDWLRQV coupled with the funding gap of Congress to ponder over their As per data, pension liabilities Employees prefer OPS as it
7KH,3/KDVEHFRPHDEUDQGEXWWKDWVKRXOGQRWRYHUVKDGRZWKHHVVHQFHRIWKH the pension scheme was bound to stand about OPS which could of the states account for 2.1% guarantees a lifelong pension
reach unmanageable and unsus- spell financial disaster. He of the total expenditures and which is fifty per cent of the
VSRUWLWUHSUHVHQWV6WULNLQJDEDODQFHEHWZHHQILQDQFLDOVXFFHVVDQGWKHVSRUW VVSLU tainable levels which may spell asked Congress to refrain from it rose by 8.9 % which is last drawn salary. On the other
LWLVFUXFLDOIRU,3/ VORQJWHUPVXVWDLQDELOLW\DQGFUHGLELOLW\,WLVLPSHUDWLYHWRHQVXUH doom for the growing economy spewing venom against Prime expected to grow unhindered hand, NPS generates market-
WKDWORYHIRUWKHJDPHUHPDLQVDWWKHIRUHIURQWRIWKH,3/H[SHULHQFH of the country in future. Minister Narendra Modi over 8=034B?4A0C4183 in future. It is likely to go up linked returns without any
OPS may lead to economic dis- this issue. to 7.98 % by 2040 because it guarantee. The returns are
tress in future. Congress may include OPS C>8<?A>E4 has already witnessed an taxable whereas OPS is free
?82D1<; As per projection, states opting for
OPS may land in serious econom-
in INDIA’s Agenda in 2024
Contrary to it, in a desperate
?4A5>A<0=248= increase of 15.90% from 2014
to 2019. The old pension
from any type of tax. Having
531.71 lakh subscribers, NPS
ic distress and the burden will bid to improve performance in !!#2>=6A4BB scheme (OPS) acted as a ‘sav- assets were 7.36 trillion as of
keep on multiplying every year 2024, Congress may stick to its iour’ to ensure the victory of March 31, 2022, as against 5.78
especially when the burden will stand about OPS and empha- <0HBC82:C>8CB the Cong in Himachal Pradesh trillion in 2021. Congress failed
be exceeding lakhs of crore after sise making a poll promise to BC0=3>=>?B0=3 in 2022 and contributed sub- to retain power in Rajasthan
ten years. BJP leadership could states and central employees. stantially to Karnataka assem- and Chhattisgarh which had
resist the pressure of its state lead- Some of the top leaders in <0H<0:40?>;; bly polls but it miserably failed implemented OPS one year
ers to counter the Cong party's AICC give statistics to prove to save the Grand Old Party before polls and made a
poll promise of OPS though the the impact of OPS on central ?A><8B4 from a humiliating defeat in promise to revert to the old
risk of losing the elections due to and state employees who are C>BC0C4B0=3 state elections including scheme in MP also. Given the
employees’ annoyance loomed bound to oppose the BJP on Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan disastrous fallout of OPS, BJP
large before polls. this issue. Congress is opti- 24=CA0; which had already implement- may opt for via media there-
Prominent economists are vehe- mistic that a majority of more ed the scheme. by making some improve-
mently opposed to OPS as it will than 4 crore 60 lakh employ- 4<?;>H44B Economists opine that the ment in NPS and the process
have a cascading effect on the ees and their families will vote insignificant impact of support may be accelerated in the
health of the economy in future. for the INDIA alliance if it of employees to help belea- coming days.
Montek Ahluwalia, former includes OPS in its 2024 man- guered Congress in three states (The writer is a political ana-
deputy chairman of the now- ifesto. may act as a blessing in dis- lyst and senior journalist,
scrapped planning commission Punjab and Himachal govern- guise for the economy in the Views are personal)

0\P]SaTbbTSPbBP]cP2[PdbfXcWbRW^^[RWX[SaT]SdaX]V_aT2WaXbc\PbRT[TQaPcX^]bX]<P[SP ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C

Sir — The Telecommunications Bill,
2023, introduced in the Lok Sabha on
Monday, proposes the first comprehen- VaPSdP[[hCWTW^dab^USTQPcTbP]ScWTaTUTa
sive rewrite of telecommunications law aP[bc^bcP]SX]VR^\\XccTTbPaT^]cWTSTR[X]T

UVVUSdYfUQ^TY^^_fQdYfU in 138 years, consolidating spectrum <P]hX\_^acP]cQX[[bX]R[dSX]VUX]P]RXP[QX[[bcWPc

rules, right of way, dispute resolution \TaXcST[XQTaPcX^]bX]ST_cWR^d[S]^cVTc_a^_
C189<27>?A0 between service providers and the TaTgP\X]PcX^]QTU^aTQTX]V_PbbTS=^fcWT
Department of Telecommunications or ]d\QTa^Ubdb_T]bX^]bX]^]TbTbbX^]WPbbda
7KHUHDUHQRUXOHVVHWLQVWRQHIRULQIOXHQFHUPDUNHWLQJ7KHEHVW local governments, and other aspects of _PbbTScWTc^cP[]d\QTa^Ubdb_T]bX^]bX]^]T
telecom regulation into one fresh statute.
DSSURDFKLVWRWU\VRPHWKLQJGLIIHUHQWXVLQJLQIOXHQFHU¶V863 The Bill will replace the Telegraph Act, CWTaT bTT\b c^ QT ]^ _a^_Ta TUU^ac U^a U[^^a
of 1885. Previous changes have been \P]PVT\T]c^a]TV^cXPcX^]bUa^\cWTcaTPbdah
uthenticity, values, approach that brings the tar- From podcasts to videos, enabled by other laws and incremental QT]RWTb^a2WPXaCWTbdb_T]bX^]bX]cWT7^dbT

A and goals are the cor-

nerstones of establish-
ing any mutually beneficial
get audience closer to the
influencer personas will
guarantee the success of the
consider how you can ampli-
fy the reach and effectiveness
of brand collaborations.
amendments to the Act.
This Bill has opened the door for admin-
istrative allocation of spectrum for satel-
T]^] CWT R^]cT]cX^db XbbdT cWT bTRdaXch
partnership. Successful long- campaign. Remember, it's not just influ- lite broadband services, which is the QaTPRWX]?Pa[XP\T]c7^dbTXbPbTaX^db^]T
term collaborations between Recognize the influencer’s encer marketing alone that global norm for assigning spectrum to cWPc STbTaeTb P _^[XcXRP[ ST[XQTaPcX^]b CWT
brands and influencers are strengths builds brand recall. entities. Overall, these changes signal a 6^eTa]\T]cR^d[SWPeTR^\Td_fXcWPbcPcT

anchored in carefully Studying the strengths of Marketing initiatives that significant step towards creating a cbcWTWTXVWc^UPQbdaSXchc^bTT # \T\ \T]caTPbbdaX]VcWT]PcX^]CWT[TPSTa^UcWT
thought-out strategies and the influencers you are con- support your influencer mar- dynamic, secure, and forward-looking QTab^U?Pa[XP\T]cVTcbdb_T]STSX]PbX] 7^dbTR^d[SWPeTR^]eX]RTScWT^__^bXcX^]fXcW
insights. sidering for a campaign plays keting efforts can further telecom environment in India, position- V[TbTbbX^]Ua^\cWTcT\_[T^UST\^RaPRh WXbbX]RTaTP__TP[CWTSTeT[^_\T]cbX]cWXbfX]
Defining goals a key role in its execution. Let propel your brand, creating ing it to effectively navigate the challenges CWT?Pa[XP\T]cbd__^bTS[hQdbhSXbRdbbX]VcWT cTa bTbbX^] ^U ?Pa[XP\T]c WPeT QTT] bT]SX]V
Before partnering with influ- the influencers bring out the a holistic and memorable and opportunities of a digital future. XbbdTb ^U ]PcX^]P[ X\_^acP]RT WPb QTR^\T P bWXeTabS^f]cWTb_X]Tc^cWT[^eTab^UST\^R
encers, brands and advertis- best with their creative skills. brand experience. Jahangir Ali | Mumbai _[PRTU^abW^f^UUbQTcfTT]aXeP[_PacXTbCWT aPRh
ers must identify their cam- It's not just about them; it's Collaborative influencer ]d\QTa ^U bXccX]Vb WPb QTT] VTccX]V aTSdRTS DVG Sankara Rao | Vizianagaram
paign objectives, from deter- Brands and advertisers need their unique way of high- partnerships 9>491?=1>B5<1D9?>C
mining KPIs to building a to realize that influencers lighting your product that Instagram's ecosystem Sir — India and Oman have a strategic Tarik is significantly important as both driven by “stories of conversations about
streamlined workflow for have a deeper understanding will drive engagement. encourages collaborations allies together since the Cold War era. countries are an acolyte of Peace and AI, celebrity culture, identity, and social
the various stages of the of their audience than they Tr y a Mix and match among influencers and con- Oman has always been an Island of tranquillity and Oman serves as the gate- media.” Although the importance of
campaign. do. Building genuine rela- approach tent creators. Brands must Peace, following the shared diplomacy of way link for India to West Asia. The clos- authenticity transcends all kinds of
Choosing the right influ- tionships with influencers Having access to a mix of not miss this opportunity to mediation and moderation like India's est neighbours are members of all groups industries and all walks of life, it is a term
encer comes through sheer trans- micro, macro-influencers, rethink content creation, har- neutral stand in dealing with regional vis-a-vis GCC, the Arab League, the that resonates with those of us working
Selecting influencers for the parency. and niche influencers will nessing the combined and international conflicts and issues. Organization of Islamic Cooperation, within the cyber-security industry in par-
campaign is one of the most Influencers must have the help you target a broader strengths of both content The first time, a close and warm India- and Invitee to G-20 as Special guests by ticular. Interestingly, Merriam-Webster’s
crucial steps. Choosing pro- creative freedom to create audience, ensuring better creators and brands. There Oman strategic partnership was observed India. word of the year for 2022 was “gaslight-
files that align with the content that is impactful and reach and engagement for are no rules set in stone for in 2008 during then Prime Minister Dimple Wadhawan | Kanpur ing”, which is a commonly misused ther-
brand's values and appeal to resonates with their audi- your campaigns. influencer marketing. The Manmohan Singh's visit to Oman and apy buzzword, and in a way, this word
its target audience should be ence. In any collaborative Set up performance metrics best approach is to try some- the first Gulf country with which we have G?B4?6D85I51B" "# is opposite to “authentic.” Social media,
the deciding factor. It's effort, mutual respect and Before you dive deep into thing different. When both conducted joint exercises in all three Sir — American dictionary organisation while offering unprecedented opportu-
important to consider factors freedom are essential. Brands executing your campaigns, parties benefit, the partner- defence precincts. Apart from Defence Merriam-Webster has recently nities for global interaction, has unfor-
such as audience demo- must keep influencers ensure you have perfor- ships tend to last longer. and Security arrangements, Bilateral announced that its word of the year for tunately contributed to a culture that val-
graphics, credibility, and con- informed with recent mance metrics in place. The secret sauce is taking a trade, Maritime trade, and India's West 2023 is “authentic.” The word is in ges- ues quantity over quality. It is time to
tent quality. The relevancy updates, encouraging them What defines the success of collaborative approach, Asia policy is another important key- ticulation of the rise of Artificial strike a balance between the virtual and
and authenticity of the influ- to create content in their your influencer marketing which leads to authentic stone. Intelligence and the spread of misinfor- the real, fostering relationships that
encer's content are what will authentic style. campaign: engagement rates, conversations about your India holds the second largest market for mation on social media platforms. Every stand the test of authenticity.
drive up the engagement Steer clear of the conven- audience growth, conver- brand among the audience. crude oil export after China for Oman year the dictionary company publishes Ranganathan Sivakumar | Chennai
levels for your brand cam- tional sion rates, brand sentiment, (The writer is the founder and in the milieu, the Rupay debit card its word of the year, highlighting the top-
paign. Remember, one size does or something else? and CEO of icewines; views was also launched in 2022. The visit of searched terms, and this year’s word BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
Ensuring creative freedom not fit all. Taking a tailored Tap on multiple channels are personal) the Sultan of Oman, Sultan Haitham Bin “authentic” was a decision that it said was [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k3424<14A! !!"

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he remarkable boost in India's ing $453 billion in 2022 from $9.1 success in this sector, but its adop- achieve the goal of becoming a

T growth projections, majorly

driven by its manufacturing
sector, surging at an impressive
10.4 per cent growth in October
has turned its turbulent road into fueling
optimism and prospects. Rewinding a year
the manufacturing sector’s growth was dis-
billion in 1985. In comparison,
China's goods exports have grown
more than 131 times from $27 bil-
lion in 1985 to $3500 billion in
China's merchandise exports
surged because it adopted an
tion in India remains low and
requires immediate attention. A
holistic approach that considers
product, process, and sustainabil-
ity is essential.
Micro, small, and medium enter-
prises (MSMEs) account for 36 per
developed country by 2047, India
needs to modernize its regulatory
system and business laws.
Simplifying regulations and reduc-
ing bureaucratic red tape can
attract more investments, as India's
regulatory environment can be
couraging at a - 5.8 per cent. However, export-oriented approach, spe- cent of India’s total manufacturing complex for manufacturers to
from a yearly perspective, the sector cialising in industries with higher output. However, MSMEs face operate efficiently.
FXUVHVWKURZQDURXQGLQGLVFULPLQDWHO\E\ELWWHUSHRSOH"7KHQKRZGRHV concluded the year on a robust note, dri- export potential. It tried to bene- several challenges, including lim- India has great potential in the
*RGKHOS+LVGHYRWHHVZKRKDYHTXDOLILHGIRUVSHFLDOWUHDWPHQWGXHWR ven by a resurgence in demand. fit from economies of scale and ited market reach, lack of access to manufacturing sector, which can
WKHLUGHYRWLRQ"6RPHIDPRXVH[DPSOHVZLOOKHOS0HHUDEDLZDVJLYHQ In a year marred by geopolitical tensions, focussed on SEZs and other trade- finance, and inadequate technol- make it an industrial superpower.
persistent inflation, and turbulent demand related infrastructures like ports, ogy. To enhance the efficiency and To achieve this goal, all industry
SRLVRQWRGULQNDVKHUSXQLVKPHQWIRUZRUVKLSSLQJ/RUG.ULVKQD+HU on the global stage, India's manufactur- logistics and effective single-win- cost-effectiveness of logistic stakeholders need to work hard
/RUGPDGHWKHSRLVRQKDUPOHVVDQG0HHUDEDLFRQWLQXHGWREHKHDOWK\ ing sector defied expectations by exhibit- dow clearing systems. China processes, efforts should be direct- and strive for competency and
ing remarkable resilience. Despite the
headwinds, India stood its ground, which C74 adopted a long-term strategy of
skilling its labour force which
ed towards streamlining them.
Improving energy efficiency will
competitiveness. It is also impor-
tant to encourage more young
KRZ\RXGHYHORS*RG VFRQVFLRXVQHVV was later reflected in the manufacturing <0=D502CDA8=6 made technology absorption much also be critical for the growth of entrepreneurs to come forward
,WLVZLVHWRJHWVWDUWHGEHFDXVHZLWKRXW*RG·VSURWHFWLRQDQ\WKLQJFDQ sector's performance and has been iden- easier and allowed it to move up MSMEs. Priority financing and and contribute to this dream of
KDSSHQDVGHVWLQHGGXHWRSUHYLRXVEDGNDUPD:HDUHLQIDFWVLWWLQJ tified as a crucial driver of economic 8=3DBCAH8B0 in the global value chain, leaving guidance are required to help making India a globally competi-
The government has taken several initia- 2AD280; low-end products to low-wage
countries like Vietnam and
MSMEs grow their business in the
international marketplace.
tive hub for the industry.
In conclusion, India has the poten-
WHU7KHQZKDWZLOOKDSSHQ"7URXEOHVZLOOFHUWDLQO\FRPHEHFDXVHWKLV tives to strengthen the sector, such as the 2><?>=4=C>5 Indonesia. India could not achieve The startup boom is also a great tial to emerge as a major global
LVWKHPDWHULDOZRUOGZKLFKLVDQLPSHUPDQHQWSODFHRIPLVHULHV  Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) the desired level of skilling, lead- asset for the economy, as it has the player in manufacturing. The gov-
$QGRQHZLOOJHWRXWRIWKHPDV*RGZLOOLQWHUYHQHDQGKHOS7KHUHDO schemes, robust policy thrust, and fresh >DA2>D=CAHB ing to export inefficiency. potential to bring in investments ernment has initiated various mea-
efforts, there are still several challenges 42>=><82 India’s weak infrastructure contin-
ues to be a fatal flaw for the man-
and scale up manufacturing. A col-
laborative model that incentivizes
sures to strengthen the sector,
and businesses must adopt suc-
that need to be addressed to unlock the 02C8E8CH0=38C ufacturing sector. Our country the industry and supports stake- cessful strategies in uncertain
potential of the manufacturing sector fully. uses only 3% of its GDP for infra- holders along the value chains is times. One such strategy is "To
JHWWLQJVWDUWHGRQWKHVSLULWXDOMRXUQH\7KH\EHJLQWRIHHOWKDWQRWURX The manufacturing industry is a crucial 70BB7>F= structure construction each year, essential for building a resilient grow global, go local". By focusing
component of our country's economic
activity, and it has shown signs of growth B86=B>5 as compared to China’s 20% of its
GDP. Even today, India’s surface
manufacturing sector. The focus
should be on supporting fragile
on local markets with the right
incentives and infrastructure, busi-
SDUHQWVZKRGRWKHLUOHYHOEHVWWRWU\WRSUHYHQWWURXEOHVFRPLQJWRXV after several quarters of subdued perfor- 6A>FC705C4A transportation systems simply can- stakeholders, starting with suppli- nesses can significantly enhance
8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKH\DUHLQWKHXOWLPDWHVHQVHKHOSOHVVDQGWURXEOHVFRPH mance. not meet the expectations of mod- ers, to achieve a shared vision. revenue streams and meet the
DQGZHVXIIHU,QWKHFDVHRI*RGWURXEOHVGRFRPHDVGHVWLQHGEXW To enhance employment in this sector, we B4E4A0; ern high-speed logistics – the India's manufacturing industry needs of both local and global cus-
need to increase its contribution to at least
25% of our gross domestic product @D0AC4AB>5 backbone of efficient manufactur-
requires a significant investment in
infrastructure, including trans-
tomers, invigorating local
economies. It is expected that
(GDP) from the current 17%. This will BD13D43 The manufacturing sector in India portation systems, power and from 2024 onwards, India will be
require the right kind of effort and direc- needs to prioritize technology-dri- water supply networks, and high- on the verge of crossing the mile-
WKHQH[WDQGVRRQWLOORQHLVOLEHUDWHGDIWHUPDQ\ELUWKV  tion to achieve our ambitious export goals ?4A5>A<0=24 ven approaches to achieve growth speed internet access. India has a stone of becoming the world's
7KHUHIRUHWDNHVKHOWHUIURP*RGDFWLYHO\'RZKDWHYHULVDSSURSULDWH of $8.3 trillion by 2047 from New India- and prosperity. This includes wealth of talent in science and third-largest economy, with a tar-
7URXEOHVZLOOFRPHDQG*RGZLOOWDNHFDUHRIWKHP3DLQZLOOEHWKHUH ‘Viksit Bharat’. We are not able to derive affordable digitization and technology, and fostering innova- get of $5 trillion by 2025.
EXWLWZLOOEHWROHUDEOH)DLWKPXVWEHNHSWDQGTXDOLW\RIOLIHZLOOEHJRRG the full benefits of the manufacturing automation, homegrown technol- tion will be key to building a strong (The author is Vice-Chairman of
industry, despite the age of liberalization, ogy, sustainability, innovation and manufacturing sector. The govern- Sonalika Group, Vice-Chairman
DVGLIIHUHQWIURPWKHOLYHVRIQRQGHYRWHHVZKRDUHOLNHO\WREHGHUDLOHG privatization, and globalization. However, emerging manufacturing tech- ment can support this by provid- of the Punjab Economic Policy;
DWDQ\WLPH7KDWZD\LWLVDQDVW\SODFHWKLVPDWHULDOZRUOG India's goods exports have increased sig- nologies, and adopting sustainable ing funding and incentives for Views expressed
7KHZULWHULVDVSLULWXDOWHDFKHUYLHZVDUHSHUVRQDO nificantly over the past few years, reach- practices. Automation is crucial for research and development. To are personal)

overnments, both at As a result of these initiatives, Witnessing the empowered tutions. Additionally, the gov- ground level. Women are now

G the central and state

levels, are implement-
ing various initiatives nation-
young girls and women, who
were confined to the thresh-
olds of their homes a few
daughters, even parents in
rural areas now find confi-
dence, realising that daughters
ernment has ensured 35%
reservation for women in the
police force, challenging the
present in every school, gov-
ernment office, and police
station, showcasing their active
wide to empower women. The years ago, are now actively are not burdens but indeed dominance of men. This reser- participation in various
unanimous approval of the contributing to various gov- bring prosperity to the family. vation has resulted in a notable spheres of society.
Women's Reservation Bill in ernmental and non-govern- The shift in mindset is evident, increase in the representation Bihar's extensive array of
Parliament underscores the mental offices, as well as and today, daughters are cher- of women in the Bihar Police schemes, including the Chief
consensus across all political Panchayati Raj institutions. ished in every household. Force, reaching 21.21% in Minister's Women
parties on this crucial issue. B9>;E:D<0A8 The increasing number of The success of the Bicycle 2022, compared to a mere Entrepreneur Scheme, Chief
Bihar's efforts in the direction girls in schools and colleges and Uniform Scheme marked 3.4% in 2013. Minister's Kanya Uthan
of women's empowerment are reflects the rising literacy rate only the beginning. Bihar is In an unprecedented move, Yojana, Chief Minister's Balika
gaining attention as a model among women in the state. now implementing several Bihar is providing 50% reser- Protsahan Yojana, Janani Bal
for other states. The extraor- The Chief Minister's Bicycle other schemes that play a cru- vation for women in the Suraksha Yojana, and Chief
dinary changes witnessed in and Uniform Scheme, and colleges. Despite numer- Yojana, many beneficiaries cial role in the holistic devel- recruitment of teachers for Minister's Kanya Vivah Yojana,
the lives of half the population launched with much acclaim, ous slogans and promises, the have not only uplifted them- opment and upliftment of classes one to eight through the among others, have trans-
over the past two decades brought attention to Bihar's economic and social back- selves through education but women. The reservation of Bihar Public Service formed the lives of women
deserve recognition. From innovative approach. Schools wardness in communities have also secured jobs in the 50% for women in the third- Commission. Furthermore, across urban and rural areas.
promoting girl child education that were once deserted are where girls’ education was Bihar Police and become tier Panchayati Raj institu- 35% of seats in secondary and These initiatives have success-
to providing 33% to 50% reser- now thriving with enthusias- neglected has been reversed, teachers . The transformation tions has significantly con- higher secondary schools are fully altered the landscape of
vation for women in local tic students. The regions and thanks to the successful imple- of the lives of the girl children tributed to bridging gender reserved for female candi- women's lives in Bihar.
governance and jobs, the Bihar communities where there was mentation of government in the state is not only an disparities. Bihar became the dates. Bihar's commitment to (The Writer is a teacher and
government has made notable little interest in girl child edu- schemes. exemplary case of women's first state in the country to pro- women's reservation is setting a senior journalist from
strides in involving women in cation are now actively send- After the initiation of the empowerment but also a bea- vide 50% reservation for a new benchmark, and its Bihar. Views are personal.
nation-building. ing their daughters to schools Chief Minister's Kanya Cycle con of hope for other states. women in Panchayati Raj insti- positive impact is visible at the Charkha Features)
EDITORIAL Blueprint for inclusivity
Sealed deals Nexus of Good Working collaboratively with Samagra Shiksha and state governments, Sol’s Arc has helped

T build an impactful model for inclusive education that can be institutionalised across India
he intense bidding war at Dubai’s Coca-Cola Sta-
dium, extending over eight hours, was an appro-
priate prelude to the three-month long cricketing
bonanza that will unfold in March next year and “The highest priority of District Collectors, District
end in May. As price tags were attached to fresh talents and school education will be Uni- Officers and Assistant Proj-
experienced players, the IPL auctions, on the expected lines, versal Acquisition of Founda- ect Officer came together to
manifested as a glamorous market for cricketing prowess. tional Literacy and Numeracy understand the challenges in
Recency bias, which has been a trademark of this opulent (FLN) Skills for ALL children” implementing solutions for
annual event, couldn’t have been more stark in visibility. The - NIPUN Bharat children on margins in their

ODI World Cup winners found prominent spots in auctions districts and learnt from each
as franchises loosened their purse to acquire them. Otherwise ANIL SWARUP niversal acquisi- other through mock BLC
an average all-rounder who earned repute for his match-win- tion means when meetings, and experience
ning ultra-slow strike rates in a few of World Cup matches, every child is learn- sharing”, says the State Project
Australian captain Pat Cummins ironically became the first ing, but despite the Coordinator.”
player in the IPL history to cross Rs 20-crore mark. Not an national mission, none of the Sol’s Arc has developed a
hour had lapsed that his own teammate, and one of the fin- mainstream FLN initiatives holistic model that provides
est pacers of this generation, Mitchell Starc broke his record today are accessible to chil- solutions as well as builds
to become the most expensive player in the history of the dren on margins due to several capacity of the state machin-
league, grabbing above Rs 24 crore. Travis Head, the real hero gaps and challenges in terms of ery to foster equitable and
of the World Cup final, was bought by Sunrisers Hyderabad physical, social and learning inclusive schools. India’s first
at Rs 6.8 crore. However, beyond this glare of recency and access. Children on margins model of how a state can adopt
prominence, there was much to look out for in the IPL auc- are those who have disabilities, an inclusive approach in ensur-
tions. It was the promising bidding for uncapped and emerg- mental illnesses, critical ill- ing Foundational Literacy and
ing players that caught the attention of cricket experts. This is nesses or are violence-affected. Numeracy truly becomes uni-
where a very remarkable value of the IPL auctions comes into One in six children are on the versal, for all has been built and
play. It not just ascribes prestige to those who are considered margins today, and we will demonstrated. The aim now is
most valuable and prominent in the game, it also serves as a never be able to achieve FLN to replicate this model across
launching pad for emerging Indian cricketers. Chennai Super mission till we do not address multiple states in the country.
Kings bought top-order batsman Sameer Rizvi at a stagger- their needs and enable inclu- As scale is built through
ing Rs 8.4 crore. Delhi Capitals bought Kumar Kushagra for 17 lakh children sion for them. While India is replication, Sol also believes
Rs 7.2 crore, and Rajasthan Royals bought Shubham Dubey putting its efforts in Access that it cannot be the only
at Rs 5.8 crore. Besides Kushagra, Delhi Capitals also bought in Madhya and Quality, Equity remains organisation that works
Ricky Bhui and Sumit Kumar. These names might be new Pradesh and unaddressed. towards inclusion in educa-
for many, and this is where the relevance of IPL auctions lies Sol’s ARC is an NGO that Sol’s ARC has been working in the space of inclusive education since the past 20 years tion. With this in mind, the
— making such names potential heroes. Going for a team- Tamil Nadu use has been working in the space aim is to build capacity of
wise analysis, one is always curious to watch out for Mumbai the inclusive of inclusive education since the India has some of the most to include these children, as to identify them at early stages. mainstream organisations
Indians, the most successful team in the IPL history, which past 20 years. From working advanced policies around the the teaching topic remains the Over 1.2 lakh teachers use working in the FLN space to
is known for securing a balanced team composition through learning directly with children on mar- world for inclusion but the same, but the workbooks chil- these handbooks and have prioritise inclusion in the work
well-researched bids while also being economical. This time materials that gins to then partnering with problem lies in the imple- dren have are more accessible undergone various capacity- they do. A workshop known
around, they have secured a formidable pace attack with not some of India’s leading NGOs mentation. As a Project and appropriate to them. The building trainings to under- as ‘The AAHA 2023’ was con-
so glamorous names like Jason Behrendorff, Dilshan Madu-
the NGO has like Educate Girls, Teach for Management Unit (PMU), same goes for assessments — stand how to make their ducted recently in which con-
shanka, Gerald Coetzee, Nuwan Thushara besides, of course, created for India etc., the work is now implementation and process both the formative as well as classrooms inclusive. tent creators from across 35
the world-famous Jasprit Bumrah. Chennai Super Kings literacy and being taken up at a systemic gaps are identified and help is summative assessments are Over 50 lakh children organisations in the country
managed its purse well in finding replacements for crucial level to ensure that every last provided to the state to build a adapted in the same way. in Tamil Nadu have been participated to understand
players like Ben Stokes and Ambati Rayudu. It loosened its numeracy child learns. Its partnerships vision for inclusion and work 17 lakh children in Madhya screened to identify risks for how they can adopt inclusion
purse for New Zealand’s World Cup heroes Daryll Mitchell at with two state governments, on critical aspects like main- Pradesh and Tamil Nadu use health, nutrition, mental health in their programmes. It was
Rs 14 crore and Rachin Ravindra at a mere Rs 1.8 crore. The Madhya Pradesh and Tamil stream programme alignment, the inclusive learning materials challenges and disabilities. heartening to see this com-
franchise also got Shardul Thakur back for Rs 4 crore. Royal Nadu, have helped us build an inter-ministry convergence, that the NGO has created for “The app is new and unique munity sensitised and excited
Challengers Bangalore, known for having a star-studded team impactful inclusion model that unlocking budgets, building literacy (English, Tamil) and and not only helps Children about adopting inclusion in
always, had limited financial headroom after the Cameroon can be replicated and institu- capacity of state officials, and numeracy (Math). with Special Needs but other their work.
Green deal. The franchise badly wanted Cummins or Starc tionalised in any state. streamlining implementa- “I can see an improve- children too! We have learnt “Together we explored
to secure its bowling attack, but their high prices and its lim- Sol’s ARC systemic trans- tion processes through clear ment in Darshini, she now that these children shouldn’t the boundless possibilities of
ited purse won’t allow for the same. However, Alzarri Joseph, formation model aims to align directives. gets involved and participates be excluded as they have skills inclusive education, discuss-
Lockie Ferguson, and Tom Curran are notable additions to the national missions and pro- Children on margins often in class activities after receiv- and are also entitled to many ing innovative ways to make
the team. With Pat Cummins, Wanindu Hasaranga, and Tra- grammes to include children face challenges to learn at the ing the enrichment books. schemes that we have learnt learning accessible for all. The
vis Head being a few remarkable additions to the already on margins. It works with the pace and in a way a main- While conducting the progress today”, says Ms Suhasini, Pan- event’s immersive sessions,
stable team, Sunrisers Hyderabad will enter the league tour- state government, Samagra stream classroom functions assessment for the consecutive chayat Union Middle School thought-provoking work-
nament with promising prospects. Gujarat Titans, who will Shiksha as a Project Man- today. The content and meth- weeks, I was surprised with her Teacher, Marakkanam block, shops, and heartfelt stories
now have to play without star all-rounder Hardik Pandya, agement Unit (PMU), and a ods are singular and do not answers,” says Saranya, teacher, Villupuram District. reinforced the importance of
had a strong purse. It went after Mitchell Starc but eventu- technical partner to address provide opportunity for learn- Panchayat Union Middle Capacity building and role diverse and equitable learning
ally settled in for Spencer Johnson at Rs 10 crore and Umesh challenges on non-identifi- ing in different ways; nor do School, Karuvelnayakanpatty. clarity is undertaken for var- environments. Let’s continue
Yadav at Rs 5.8 crore. It also bought a promising power-hitter cation and low learning out- they provide additional sup- Teachers often lack knowl- ious stakeholders like HM’s, our journey towards empower-
in the form of Shahrukh Khan at 7.4 crore. With players like comes for these children. The port for struggling learners. edge to understand the dif- district officers, block offi- ing every learner and building
David Miller, Shubman Gill, Matthew Wade, Wriddhiman model provides implementable To address this, accessible ferent risks children face, like cers, and special educators, to a more inclusive world.” - Key
Saha, Kane Williamson, Abhinav Manohar, B Sai Sudharsan, solutions to key stakeholders learning materials based on disability, mental health chal- ensure they monitor and sup- Education Foundation
Rahul Tewatia, Mohammed Shami, Rashid Khan etc., Gujarat in the system to enable inclu- Universal Design for Learning lenges etc. This is addressed port all relevant stakeholders. Under the inspired leader-
Titans is truly a team to look after. For Rajasthan Royals, the sion in even low-resourced are built. This is an evidence- by providing them a teacher “In the DC trainings, the ship of Sonali Saini, Sol pre-
IPL auction was more of an ordeal, as it couldn’t even fill its mainstream government based approach for address- handbook with simple jargon- BLC officers shared their best sented a commendable model
bench of 25 players. Their limited purse, with a lot of gaps to classrooms. ing diverse needs of children free information, alongside practices in ensuring that the that is replicable and scalable.
fill, must have left them in an unsatisfactory position. A simi- Here is how we developed aligned to the materials the visuals about different risks enrichment books, related It deservedly won the Nexus of
lar story unfolded for Lucknow Super Giants whose small solutions for stakeholders in other children are using. This children face, as well as an app- circulars and other direc- Good Award, 2023.
purse after the Paddikal deal had left little room for strength- the state ecosystem: makes it easier for the teacher based universal screening tool tives reached on ground. The Views expressed are personal
ening its vulnerable bowling attack. Delhi Capitals has had

Adapting to change
an average auction experience, leaving the franchise with a
team where batting depth could be a cause of concerns. At the
same time, Punjab Kings have made some confusing choices
that are hard to comprehend. Everything said and done, the
business part of the IPL 2024 is done now, and one is keen to
see how cricket unfolds next year.

DearEditor In cases where downsizing becomes an unavoidable option, the legislature should ease
retrenchment and closure laws to make it lucrative for foreign investments

t has been well known Where permission from the
This is in reference to the editorial, "Costly confrontation". since ages that it is easy government is not involved,
The indiscriminate suspension of 141 Opposition MPs — to open a company in carrying out retrenchment, or
78 on Monday, 49 on Tuesday and 14 last Thursday — has India, but it is difficult closing down such industries
left parliamentary democracy in shock. Importantly, the to downsize it. Cost control is is not difficult. According to
prime minister never misses an opportunity to proclaim to RAAVI BIRBAL not the only factor that leads a various pronouncements of
the world that India is the mother of all democracies and company to downsize. Many the Supreme Court, the courts
the idea runs in its blood, but back home in Parliament, a times it is depleting efforts are not supposed to go into
place that is hailed as the temple of democracy, his party and unproductivity that force the bonafide of closure. Many
and the government it leads do not appear to care about employers to take such steps. times, companies in the pro-
what makes a democracy what it is — the Opposition. Downsizing is also done some- cess of downsizing commit
It has been democratic convention that the government times in order to restructure grave mistakes like suspending
and revamp the whole setup, a massive number of workers
explains to the members, and through them, to the nation While there is to increase company value, and or transferring them to far-off
the government’s position on important happenings in
the country. Only the lawmakers who were guilty of gross no straightjacket reduce extra costs, etc. Com- places. Such acts should be
misconduct in the House should have been suspended. formula, it panies downsize primarily to avoided as they are ultimately
increase the peak of efficiency held to be illegal by the courts
With the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha being adjourned is better to and productivity. and have serious financial con-
repeatedly, the winter session is heading for an ignominious The effective way of down- sequences for the businesses.
end. Unfortunately, the brand-new Parliament complex downsize sizing is strategizing the whole Mass severing exercises do run
is making news for the wrong reasons. Animus and strategically, process rather than mass ter- Companies downsize primarily to increase the peak of efficiency and productivity an inherent reputational and
intolerance are precluding dialogue and debate. Thus, minations in one go, an abso- loss of goodwill risk. A proper
it's time a government which vouches for the democratic rather than in lute blunder many companies 1947. The definition ropes in one hundred, no permission resign peacefully and do not scheme in this regard is usu-
traditions of the country behaved in a democratic manner, one go commit. Terminating mana- a variety of employees in the is required, only intimation is enter into litigations. ally drawn up to ensure that
took the Opposition into confidence and addressed gerial and administrative-level country. For such a category, to be given. Some states like Thereafter, the com- the downsizing process goes
national concerns upfront. employees in private compa- the provision of retrench- Uttar Pradesh have this num- pany may do away with smoothly.
—ARUN GUPTA, KOLKATA via email nies, as per India laws, is not ment is to be followed, which ber set at three hundred. No other regular employees. For While generally, the
difficult as they are governed includes giving 15-day wages permission is required even this category, VRS (volun- endeavour of all is to avoid by their contract of appoint- for each completed year, for entities that are shops and tary retirement/resignation downsizing, however, at times
ment and can be terminated notice/notice pay, etc. Fur- establishments. scheme), golden handshake, such decisions are unavoid-
Log on to write letters to the editor or send them to as per clauses of the same. A thermore, the last-come-first- Mass terminations invite and other schemes are the best able. The legislature should You can also send your comments to The Editor, contract of personal service, go rule is to be complied with, mass agitation, attract media options. There may be a pos- consider easing retrenchment
Millennium Post, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 as per the Specific Relief Act, which means the senior-most attention, and can be grossly sibility that at first go, not all and closure laws to make
can’t be enforced. This means employee is retrenched last. illegal, attracting major pen- employees may apply. If that it more lucrative for foreign
managerial and administra- In case the company plans to alties. Rather than opting for be so, companies may again investments. The threshold

Tweet of the day tive-level employees cannot

seek reinstatement, backwages,
etc. They can, at most, sue for
reopen, the retrenched worker
has to be given an option to
join back.
mass terminations, separations
should be done in batches. For
instance, companies should
reopen the scheme after a
few days, as there could be
a fair possibility of left over
of a hundred, which in some
states is three hundred, should
be considered to be increased.
damages, but that takes heaps The legal framework is shortlist probationary and employees, looking at the con- There has been a spurt in
“I am not afraid of the opposition. I don’t of evidence to prove. Such cat- more complicated for facto- fixed-term employees. For dition of the company and in employee downsizing. With
egories can be sacked first, of ries, mines, and plantations such employees, retrench- a tendency of bandwagonism, correct laws and applicabil-
want millions of Indians saying “yes” to course, based on performance, that employ more than a pre- ment is not required to be resigning and accepting the ity, procedures can be simpli-
one thing, that is not how intelligent human value additions, and other such scribed number of workmen, complied with. Termination compensation. Speaking ami- fied for both employers and
beings develop…I want opposition. I considerations. i.e., one hundred, as permis- of inefficient employees could cably to union leaders or king- employees.
SAGARIKA GHOSE The issue arises when sion from the government be done thereafter by follow- pins helps. While there is no The writer is a practising
feel stale and weak if I have not got @sagarikaghose the concerned employee is a is required, which is given ing the procedure. Companies straightjacket formula, it is Advocate in Supreme Court
somebody to fight in parliament:” ‘workman’ as defined under in the rarest of rare cases. In may also offer some money to better to downsize strategi- and High Court of Delhi.
the Industrial Disputes Act, case the number is less than these employees so that they cally, rather than in one go. Views expressed are personal

Incorporating and directly descended

Cost of War A MEMBER

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818
The Hague Convention of 1907 lays out the rules of conduct in armed conflict. The
Can Laos uphold
Poll arithmetic Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their additional protocols address the rights of civilians
ASEAN’s strong
and prisoners in war. And the Rome Statue of 1998 lists out the war crimes as accepted
A storm is brewing in Indian politics and the epicen-
tre is the recently united INDIA bloc. The suspen-
sion of 141 Opposition MPs has acted as a catalyst,
knitting together a disparate alliance that was entangled
by the international community. Not all states are parties to these treaties also referred
to as international humanitarian law (IHL), but many provisions are regarded as customary
stance on
the Korean
in the cacophony of the recent state elections. However, international law, which is binding on all states Peninsula issue?

as the INDIA bloc leaders gathered in New Delhi on Tues-
day, the echoes of unity were met with the daunting real- fter Indonesia’s year-long
isation that arithmetic alone may not be their magic ASEAN chairmanship, Laos
wand. That arithmetic hinges on an attempt to consoli- will take over as ASEAN chair
in 2024. At the start of its
date anti-BJP votes. While the unity of opposition par- year as ASEAN chair, Indonesia had
ties may seem a promising start, the alliance faces the high hopes, but at the conclusion of
first mathematical problem ~ the intricacies of vote splits. the year, it had achieved less.
The alliance hopes to prevent the fragmentation of anti- Compared to Laos, Indonesia is a
BJP votes. Yet, a closer look at recent and past state elec- large and strong nation in the
tions reveals the complexity of this challenge. Maharash- ASEAN association, so can we expect
tra witnessed NDA victories in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls too much from Laos’ ASEAN chair-
due to a split between the UPA and Prakash Ambedkar’s manship? There are numerous issues
Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi, a non-INDIA bloc entity. Even facing the ASEAN member nations,
in states where alliances were formed, such as Jharkhand, as well as numerous regional issues
that call for ASEAN participation
the BJP emerged victorious. The arithmetical advantage,
and action. International relations
primarily from the entry of Shiv Sena in Maharashtra and have long faced a difficult and com-
Janata Dal (United) in Bihar, may not be the panacea the plicated challenge in the form of the
INDIA bloc hopes for. Korean Peninsula issue. The interna-
This brings us to the second maths problem ~ the tional community has prioritised
formidable vote share of the BJP. In 2019, the NDA’s finding a peaceful and diplomatic set-
vote share was a robust 45 per cent, with the BJP alone tlement due to the tensions between
commanding nearly 38 per cent. Such a dominant North and South Korea and the in-
position in India’s multi-party system presents a sub- volvement of key global powers.
ASEAN has been instrumental in
stantial challenge for opponents. The INDIA bloc’s ref- preserving stability and fostering
erence to the 2004 elections, where the UPA managed communication throughout the
to defeat the NDA, is met with scepticism. The INDIA region in this regard. It has continu-
bloc, for victory, must envisage a scenario where the ously adhered to its core values of
BJP’s vote share undergoes a drastic fall akin to his- peaceful conflict resolution, consen-
torical instances in 1977 and 1989. In 1977, Indira sus-building and non-interference.

Gandhi faced a massive 9.2 percentage point swing Laos will soon take on a crucial
against the Congress, coupled with the unification of he headlines continue ern day conflicts. With fewer strikes proportionate to the mil- war), the Hamas did not dis- role as the new ASEAN chair, han-
the Janata Party. Similarly, in 1989, a negative swing of to focus on the war in tools to prevent conflicts, the itary objectives it wishes to ach- criminate between combatants dling the Korean Peninsula issue and
Gaza, a conflict so horri- warring sides are becoming ieve? Israel’s actions have raised and non-combatants and in- preserving ASEAN’s firm position.
7.3 percentage points ousted Rajiv Gandhi from power. fic that it has overshad- more and more inclined to a global hue and cry on its indis- dulged in barbaric killings on 7 This means promoting communica-
The INDIA bloc, however, faces challenges in replicat- owed the war in Ukraine. While resolve these by use of force and criminate use of force and me- October. But then, Israel too has
ing these historical precedents. the war in Ukraine has reached unilateral action. thods of attack. And even if the not been proportionate in its
The required drastic fall in the BJP’s vote share is a stalemate, it continues to sim- What could explain this deaths are proportionate, how response. Simply put, a war
predicated on two key trends ~ a mass movement mer. Elsewhere in Nagorno- drift? First, the UN Security Cou- do the laws of war explain the begun on unjust grounds must tion, supporting diplomatic initiatives
against the regime involving its base and a rebellion Karabakh, the conflict is erupt- ncil which played an important human suffering and losses to end in a just manner. and cultivating collaboration among
within the ruling party. While the Modi regime has ing again. There are other lin- role in preventing conflicts the wider world? For the laws of war to work, all stakeholders. ASEAN’s dedication
encountered various movements, they have often gering conflicts, in Syria, Yemen seems less enthusiastic now. These rules on immunity to three aspects are important. to regional peace and stability is the
remained confined to specific demographics and have and Sudan, which have produ- Second, any attempts to re- target civilians in armed conflict First, the laws of war must hold foundation of its approach to the
ced years of violence, and coun- think peacekeep- are paradoxical. the warring states accountable Korean Peninsula issue.
not significantly impacted the BJP’s core base. More-
tless deaths. Emerging conflicts ing operations Under the laws of to their actions. In order to address the pressing
over, there is no discernible internal rebellion within in Tigray, Sahel and Myanmar continue to floun- war, one must not Second, the laws must issues at hand, the bloc has continu-
BJP ranks, a crucial factor in historical defeats. As the are other potential hotspots. der for myriad rea- mean to harm any allow states to direct tools of ously advocated for moderation, a de-
INDIA bloc leaders discuss seat sharing and other per- All these conflicts have one sons, to include civilians, which is international justice at the per- escalation of tensions and the restart
tinent issues, the path to victory becomes clearer and thing in common, that these poorly resourced demonstrated by petrators. of communication. By means of its
yet more elusive. The alliance must transcend mere have been triggered by recent missions. And the choice of targets And third, the laws must several institutions, including the
arithmetic, fostering a nationwide mass movement shifts in world order. Even if third, several and methods of allow the international commu- East Asia Summit (EAS) and the
around issues such as jobs and livelihoods to induce they were not, these conflicts efforts to keep attack. The rules nity to ascertain whose cause is ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF),
the seismic shift needed to challenge the BJP’s domi- reflect on the prevailing global peace by regional outlaw targeting of more just, or unjust, and no side ASEAN has furnished forums for can-
nance. This political action will have to take place on tensions, which have helped organisations, in- the civilian popula- uses these laws to justify killing did conversations and interaction
accentuate them. cluding the African tion, schools and of innocent civilians and chil- with principal players. As the chair of
streets, not in conference rooms.
While wars are inevitable, Union, have not HARINDER hospitals. The only dren. ASEAN in 2024, Laos will have the
the moral compact to prevent or been as impactful SINGH exception is if civic No wonder, UN Secretary chance to expand on the bloc’s previ-
contain these conflicts is wan- and often come at infrastructure is General Antonio Guterres had to ous initiatives and fortify its position
Putin's denial ing. Two aspects are worrisome. a cost.
The writer, a retired
Lieutenant-General of the being used by bel- invoke Article 99 to draw on the Korean Peninsula dispute.

The international order is fray- When conflict Indian Army, was Commander
of the UN Multi-National
ligerents in combat. UNSC’s attention to the human- Laos can play the role of a facilitator,
n the ever-evolving geopolitical landscape where ing over who will intervene to prevention and in- Brigade during the M23 Even if such itarian catastrophe in Gaza. creating an atmosphere that is
words are often as potent as actions, Russian Presi- prevent or resolve ongoing con- ternational peace- rebellion of 2012 in the
Democratic Republic targeting is legiti- While the invocation does favourable to discussion and negotia-
dent Vladimir Putin’s categorical dismissal of US flicts. And the laws of armed keeping efforts are of Congo mate, the rules of carry some weight, it is less like- tion thanks to its background in
President Joe Biden’s claim that Russia would attack a conflict are proving to be inef- weak, the laws of war require bel- ly to impact the international diplomacy and dedication to neutral-
NATO country if successful in Ukraine raises pertinent fective and fragile. What can be war must work. These laws pro- ligerents to exercise diligence to stasis. Now with 153 votes in ity, and also its diplomatic relations
questions about the underlying dynamics at play. At lawfully targeted, or what can- vide a set of guidelines for mili- minimize civilian casualties by favour of a ceasefire in Gaza, with North Korea.
the heart of this verbal jousting is Mr Biden’s warning not, and whether targeting civic tary restraint. They distinguish providing clear and useable which includes India, Australia There are many difficulties becau-
infrastructure like hospitals and between just or unjust wars. But avenues for civilians to move and Canada, the UNGA has sig- se of how complicated the Korean
that a victorious Russia in Ukraine could spell trouble schools is lawful military action then these laws often become out of harm’s way. Whether nalled the increasing interna- Peninsula problem is. Finding a solu-
for a NATO member. Yet, Mr Putin swiftly labelled the have become issues of moral tools of political rhetoric, rather Israel’s military offensive in tional outrage on the evolving tion is a difficult undertaking because
assertion as “complete nonsense,” going on to assert and international concern. than tools to contain conflict. Gaza is in conformity with these humanitarian crisis. of the involvement of significant pow-
that Russia harbours no conceivable reason or interest Following the end of the The Hague Convention of rules of war is the question. The fallout from the Ukrai- ers, divergent geopolitical interests and
in engaging in hostilities with NATO nations. It’s a dip- Cold War, the international res- 1907 lays out the rules of con- The laws of war apply to the ne war and other persisting con- historical divisions. However, the con-
lomatic chess move, and the implications are far-rea- ponse to prevent conflicts was duct in armed conflict. The lawful conduct in war. The laws flicts have constrained the glob- sensus-building and inclusion tenets of
ching. Mr Putin’s rhetoric, however, doesn’t merely to intervene, using peacekeep- Geneva Conventions of 1949 do not address the issue of legal- al appetite for conflict preven- ASEAN can offer a foundation for pro-
hinge on a simple denial. It is a strategic rebuke, aimed ing as a tool to contain escala- and their additional protocols ity of war, on just and unjust tion. This imperils future peace ductive interaction and collaboration.
not only at discrediting Mr Biden’s warning but also at tion. Far from being a solution address the rights of civilians wars. This is fundamental to the interventions, including the one The Korean Peninsula is currently dis-
to prevent conflicts, there were and prisoners in war. And the understanding on lawful con- in Gaza. tinguished by a precarious power bal-
casting doubt on the broader narrative surrounding
many wars during this period Rome Statue of 1998 lists out the duct in war, at two levels: the It is incumbent on interna- ance. Under Kim Jong-un’s direction,
Russia's intentions. By categorically rejecting the notion which the international com- war crimes as accepted by the right to war (jus ad bellum) and tional actors to strengthen tools North Korea has demonstrated its mili-
of a military confrontation with NATO, Mr Putin seeks munity was unable to restrain. international community. Not right in war (jus in bello), or, the of intervention, and not to en- tary might and ambitious nuclear
to dismantle the foundation upon which Mr Biden’s But the international effort was all states are parties to these `why` and `how` of conflict. danger peace. And the laws of weapon programmes, testing numer-
strategy ~ to drum up domestic support for Ukraine ~ is always there to prevent con- treaties also referred to as inter- On their part, both Hamas wars must intervene to mediate, ous missiles and spy satellites that have
built. The key question that emerges is whether Mr flicts, and if they did break out, national humanitarian law and Israel have had a right to and enforce humanitarian con- sparked widespread debate in the
Putin’s assertion holds water. Can we take his word at to minimize collateral damage (IHL), but many provisions are wage this war, or the right jus ad cerns, where and when it is most region. In 2024, Laos will take on the
face value? The answer likely lies in the intricate web of and escalation. regarded as customary interna- bellum. For Hamas, it was the needed. job of ASEAN chair, and navigating this
international relations, where interests, historical con- Whether in Ukraine, or tional law, which is binding on withering of the Arab support The pursuit of peace must complex geopolitical terrain will be a
text, and strategic calculations converge. Thus, Mr Nagorno-Karabakh, or Sahel all states. and bottling them up in Gaza for remain a paramount global challenging undertaking. It will have to
where the UN has been asked to Israel’s offensive in Gaza over two decades. objective, for it is the basic prin- maintain diplomatic contacts with all
Putin’s argument that Russia lacks any motivation, leave, or Sudan where the civil raises two questions about the For Israel, it was the indis- ciple of a stable and prosperous sides while upholding ASEAN’s firm
geopolitical, economic, political, or military, to engage war rages on, and now in Gaza, laws of war. First, is Israel inten- criminate and horrific killing of world. Surely, the moral com- position on the Korean Peninsula prob-
in conflict with NATO countries merits scrutiny. the `peace` paradigm is break- tionally targeting civilians, as innocent civilians and children, pact to prevent or contain con- lem. Interacting with North and South
While overt military confrontation may not align ing down. The international Hamas did in its attack? And and kidnapping and brutal flicts is flailing and the interna- Korea as well as other important
with Russia’s immediate interests, the broader geopo- community is not only split, but second, if these casualties are treatment of hostages. In gross tional community needs to nations including the US, China, Japan
litical landscape suggests that tensions exist on various ill-prepared to deal with mod- not intentional, then are these violation of jus in bello (right in redeem itself. and Russia falls under this category.
fronts. Energy disputes, regional influence, and his-
torical grievances are potent ingredients that simmer LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
beneath the surface, ready to influence the course of
international affairs. Mr Biden’s warning, although lac-
No answer
answer to the pressing security Sabha and Rajya Sabha need to
king evidence, must be seen in the context of a broad- issue in question. feel the role of Prime Minister UNETHICAL POLITICS
er strategy aimed at deterring potential Russian aggres- The unethical behavior of and Home Minister more deeply
sion. Whether the warning was an attempt to justify opposition leaders is reprehensi- and act accordingly when SIR, This refers to a report pub-
past policies or a genuine expression of concern, it un- SIR, Apropos the report “Parl sus- ble. But I feel that in a country required. It is a part of the basic lished in The Statesman on 16
derscores the fragility of the geopolitical balance and pends 78 more MPs” (The States- with a population of 140 crore, mechanism of parliamentary December 2023 regarding convic-
the need for vigilant diplomacy. In parsing through man, December 19), this is not an the presiding officers of both Lok democracy. tion of a BJP MLA, Ramdular Gond
these intricacies, it becomes evident that the truth lies If the Home Minister or the by an Additional District Judge in
somewhere in the grey area between Mr Putin’s Prime Minister had taken part in Uttar Pradesh with 25 years
the discussion, the uproar in both imprisonment and a Rs 10 lakh
categorical denial and Mr Biden’s cautionary words. the Houses would have been fine for raping a minor girl nine
Both leaders are navigating a complex international avoided. years ago.
chessboard, each making calculated moves to safe- The Member of Parliament It transpired that the crime
guard their national interests. who issued the visitor pass may was committed in 2014 when the convict, husband of a village
As observers, it is crucial to resist the temptation to not have been aware of the visi- head was with the Samajwadi Party. He was on bail and in 2022
view this exchange through a simplistic lens of right or tors. It could also be that the MP he joined the BJP, got a ticket for assembly polls and won.
wrong. The nuances of international relations often regrets the tragedy. But under no The report sheds light on several aspects. Instead of
elude black-and-white categorisations. Instead, we circumstances can he shirk his conducting a proper enquiry into the accused in such a crime
must scrutinise the motives, understand the histori- responsibility. for which society expresses abhorrence, the BJP inducted
In this situation, both the him into the party and rewarded him with a ticket. What steps
cal context, and recognise the intricate power play that
Prime Minister and the Home the Samajwadi Party took against Gond is not explicit in
defines the interactions between nations. The Putin- Minister should have participat- the report.
Biden exchange serves as a stark reminder of the deli- ed in the debate in Parliament Gond's winning the assembly election also tells us that the
cate balance required in navigating the complex ter- and proved their moral spirit. electorate does not bother to consider the background of a can-
rain of international diplomacy. The veracity of warn- The ruling party must take nec- didate. Politics without ethics and morality is of no consequence
ings and denials may remain elusive, but the need for essary action against its MP and as far as the betterment of society is concerned.
nuanced analysis and informed dialogue has never set an example of impartiality. Yours, etc., Sukhendu Bhattacharjee,
been more pressing. Yours, etc., Rupam Guha, Hooghly, 17 December.
Kolkata, 19 December.


A shadow over Christmas OCCASIONAL NOTE
Followers of cricket will be relieved to
learn that the Crawley incident has been
closed by the M.C.C's acceptance of the
expression of regret tendered by the Worces-
tershire Club. It will be remembered that a
DEVASIS CHATTOPADHYAY for a customary drink on the ground killed recently. Apart from being rumour was current a fortnight ago that the
floor of the Great Eastern Hotel riding newsworthy, these reports are also M.C.C. were contemplating the exclusion of

s Yuletide draws near, listen their carriages, palanquins, Brown- morale-boosters, a salve for the Eng- Worcestershire from the county champi-
not for sleigh bells but the berry carts and buggies. After they lish recovering from defeat. onship for their action in continuing to play
rustle of crinoline skirts and toast to the Christmas spirit and toss Offering a peep into everyday life the Harrow and Cambridge University crick-
the merry clink of cham- back a few, they proceed to their in Calcutta are local news items pub- eter after the M.C.C's ruling that he was not
pagne glasses in the First City of the respective private parties in homes lished in the Hurkaru – the early clo- qualified for the county. The report is now
East. Turkey is in the oven and plum shimmering with wax-candle-pow- sure of grog (liquor) shops because of denied, although it would appear that the
cake is the flavour of the season, the ered chandeliers. the festive season and the extended counties were circularised regarding Worces-
aroma of both savoury and sweet For the city’s elite, and for its hours of the butcheries in Garanhatta; tershire's disregard of the parent body's rul-
swirling about the streets of Town ordinary citizens, there is no better week-long performances by the ing. The M.C.C. had no option but to sit in
Calcutta, the capital of British India. elixir for a despondent disposition famous Italian opera singer Signora judgment on this deliberate flouting of their
Gents in bow ties and bowler than some Christmas tipple. Savour Ventura, along with the concert of the authority, and were faced with a very awk-
hats, and ladies in lacy finery, cruise this famous 19th-century jingle that Town Band; and a performance by ward situation, as was pointed out in these
the aisles in the ‘Hall of All Nations’ – captures the bonhomie around Blackface minstrels from the New columns at the time, they are undoubtedly
the earliest department store in the Christmas: Orleans, America. vested with the necessary powers, there is
ground floor of the Great Eastern To Wilson’s, or to Spence's Hall In an interesting twist, a decade no previous record of a county having been
Hotel, the grandest hotel in the exotic On holiday I stray. or so later, Calcutta even starts print- excluded from the championship for this or
East started by hotelier David Wilson, With freedom call for mutton ing its own version of the Christmas any other reason. The settlement will be wel-
or Dainty David, about a decade or so chops, card – devoid of the traditional Euro- comed by the vast majority of lovers of the
ago. For last-minute purchases on And billiards play all day. pean imagery dominated by the game who admire Worcestershire for its
Christmas morning, they send the spirits. that its Hall of All Nations has plenti- The servant catches from afar the Nativity, snow-clad landscapes and sportsmanship, and have memories of the
khidmatgar for a quick visit to The Christmas Eve edition of The ful stocks of Christmas fare – turkey, hukum, robins bearing flowers. These unique great side in the days of the foster brother-
Kasaitolla and the Chitpore Bazaar Bengal Hurkaru published from Cal- ham, beef, and a wide variety of cakes, ‘Jaldi jao, hey khidmatgar cards, while celebrating the Christ- hood. As to Mr. L.G. Crawley, it is to be hoped
because the new Municipal Market in cutta provides a fascinating insight sweets, and biscuits. Brandy, Sharab, Bilayetai Pani mas season, draw on the distinctive that his great ability will not be lost to first-
Chowringhee is still decades away. into the mood in the city. The front Sometime later, William Walker, (soda water), flavour of the city. They are printed class cricket, and that he will decide to
And, for a couple of weeks now, fairy page carries advertisements of ship- a Scottish-born Australian writer, who Jaldi lao’. and distributed by Thacker, Spink acquire the necessary residential qualifica-
candle lights have been twinkling in ping firms offering voyages to London goes by the moniker ‘Tom Cringle’, Adding clever marketing spin to and Company from cartoons drawn tion for one of the leading counties.
the city’s newest Cathedral at the and Australia during the upcoming writes a series of letters under the the prevalent mood is the advertise- by George Darby featuring, for
Maidan, as carollers usher in the spir- new year. Prominently positioned is heading ‘Jottings of an Invalid in ment inserted by Wilson’s Hotel instance, the city’s recently estab- NEWS ITEMS
it of Christmas, the most universally an announcement of the arrival of Search of Health’: “During Christmas (nickname of the Great Eastern Hotel) lished municipal New Market in
celebrated festival in the world.
The year is 1857, and the Euro-
consignments of coveted Stilton
and New Year, Hall of All Nations con-
stitutes one of the greatest sights of
in the Hurkaru. Obliquely revering to
the Revolt, it reads:
Chowringhee, the Foo-Foo-Tasha
Bands and palki ghari. POSTMASTER
peans in Kolkata are pulling out all the
stops to make merry. The Great Revolt
An important example of the
early periodical press in British-India,
Calcutta. A ragged beggar may go at
one end with a week’s growth of stub-
“It is our hearty hope, that we
may with our numerous Friends, join
Cut to the present day and the
troubles wrought by modern con- CHARGED
is still being fought in far-off places The Bengal Hurkaru (1795?-1866) is ble on his chin, and rags on his back, to celebrate a MERRY CHRISTMAS cerns, such as SARS -CoV2 as well as RANGOON, DEC. 20
like Jhansi, Lucknow, and in the one of the first English-language but let him possess the universal notwithstanding the heavy misfor- pneumonia viruses, two on-going At the High Court today, Mr. Justice
Awadh countryside, and the English newspapers published from Calcutta. medium, he may be shaved, have his tunes that have befallen the Indian global conflicts, the climate crisis, Lentaigne, exercising revisional powers,
are at their most vulnerable. The East The loan word ‘hurkaru’ is an inaccu- hair cut, get a hot bath, fitted with Empire since we last met to discuss food shortages, and a series of natural acquitted N.C. Nair, Postmaster of Okpo,
India Company is rapidly losing con- rate Bengali derivative of the Persian new cloths cut in first style of London, the right good cheer which had been disasters, but the tradition of Christ- who had been convicted by the Additional
trol over their most prized territory – word ‘harkara’ (messenger). By 1833, new boots, new hat, and, oh a new provided for all India AND its Inhabi- mas celebrations continues. Kolkata Magistrate Tharrawaddy and sentenced to
India – and the British Crown is about The Bengal Hurkaru had a circulation sensation, a good dinner. And should tants, in that Monster Establishment, is returning to her seasonal antidote, six months' rigorous imprisonment and
to take over. of around 900 copies, largely due to he be a family man, he can buy a new THE HALL OF ALL NATIONS…… to immersing herself in the sights and fined Rs. 500 on a charge under the Opium
The power and glory of the John subscribers from the military and crinoline for his wife, together with usher in with great glee, A HAPPY fragrances of her Christmas – plum Act for attempting to sell 505 tolas of opium
Company or the Company Bahadur, European mercantile classes, with bonbons and toys for his children. It NEW YEAR.” cakes from the century-old Jewish to a Chinaman. On appeal the Sessions Judge
as the East India Company is popu- fewer subscriptions among Indians. It has its coffee room ‘Jerusalem’, bil- Inside, the newspaper carries confectioners Nahoum, carollers upheld the sentence of fine and reduced the
larly referred to, is definitely waning in is known as a liberal newspaper with a liard room and dining rooms… they detailed reports of the military opera- singing in the not-so-new Cathedral term of imprisonment to three months. His
the subcontinent. However, what is humanist view towards education also make all sorts of cakes and ginger tions during the Revolt, including the in the Maidan, delicious delights in lordship held that the case was preeminently
definitely not diminished is the and other social issues. nuts and bake excellent bread.” relief of war-torn Lucknow, with lists and around Park Street decked in LED one in which the High Court should exercise
Christmas spirit. Calcutta Town has To return to our story, it’s Christ- On Christmas Eve, in the late of casualties and accounts of guns and lights and a whirlwind of retail thera- its revisional jurisdiction. There were vari-
not been directly impacted by the mas Eve and a large advertisement of afternoon, the who’s who of Kolkata ammunition seized from the Indian py in the still new New Market. Merry ous considerations which cast the gravest
Great Revolt, although morale is at an purveyors D Wilson and Company from the English side of the town, and soldiers who have rebelled. Several Christmas! suspicion on the evidence of the subordinate
all-time low and there is nothing like (David Wilson & Company), owners the Maharajas, Rajas and Baboos from military promotions are also excise officers. His lordship said that there
some Christmas cheer to lift sinking of the Great Eastern Hotel, reveals the traditional part of the city, drop in announced to fill the places of those (The writer is a reputation strategist, was a probability that the whole case against
columnist, and a Kolkata history-buff.)
the accused was concocted.

Why an Asian NATO will not work

The Daily Telegraph, in an article on
the Indian elections, suggests that the pow-
ers reserved to the Government of India
WANG SON-TAEK management was necessary. Howev- under the constitution to carry on Govern-
er, because the US-led unipolar order ment will have to be brought into play, and

t is reported that a task force enact- has been in place for more than 30 the future then will depend on the courage
ment has been introduced in the years, a war that the US does not allow of the Government of India and the backing
US Congress to consider establish- has become virtually impossible. Some it receives from Home. The paper is con-
ing an Asian version of NATO. will say that war is substantially hap- vinced that if the Government of India does
Mike Lawler, a US congressman from pening by mentioning the Russia- not meet promptly and resolutely any chal-
New York who proposed the initiative, Ukraine war or the Israel-Hamas war. lenge issued by Mr. Das and his friends to
argued in a press release that the Indo- Upon closer examination, how- the authority of the British Government
Pacific Treaty Organization, an Asian ever, there is a different picture. Rus- then the Indian Moderates will pass over in
version of NATO, was needed to sia, one of the most prominent mili- shoals to the aide of the Extremists, who will
respond to the rising threats facing the tary powers in the world, has not been count on the strong arm of the Government
US and its allies. However, the organi- able to capture the small state of of India being paralysed by the advent of a
zation could be misrepresented and Ukraine. Why? This is because the US Socialist Government at Home.
not help many global villagers or the and Western allies support Ukraine
US itself. We can present a long list of
why the idea is not helpful.
and keep Russia in check. Even the
mighty Russia has proven unable to SENTENCES
First, it can be wrong to assume
that China is challenging American
control a country within its sphere of
influence. The Israel-Hamas war is REDUCED
hegemony, as the former Soviet Union not a regular state-to-state war. RANGOON, DEC. 20
countered against the US during the capitalist world and implement social- became a single community led by the ment has shown a continuous trend Hamas made a surprise attack on Before Mr. Justice May Oung at the
Cold War period. The relationship ism. Therefore, the US-led capitalist US. There is a variety of debates about of qualitative and quantitative growth Israel and inflicted fatal losses. But High Court today the appeal of U. Kelatha
between the US and China is mixed countries had no choice but to fight whether the US is good at maintaining on a 100-year basis rather than a 10- since then, Israel has retaliated more and Than, Buddhist monks, who had been
with competition, cooperation and the socialist world. However, China is order or not. However, the fact that the year basis. than 10 times, exterminating Pales- sentenced by the District Magistrate,
confrontation. Congressman Lawler's not trying to overthrow capitalism. On only hegemonic state is the US Sixth, political and financial costs tinians in Gaza like killing flies and Myaungmya, to six and three months' rigor-
experience suggests that partners in the contrary, China is practicing capi- remains unchanged. Even China is a could be unnecessarily high for man- mosquitoes. Israel's movement is ous imprisonment respectively for an
South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are talism and is one of the biggest benefi- member of the community. China aging the Asian NATO, as the level of more similar to police action rather offence under the Burma Anti-Boycott Act in
concerned about Chinese aggression, ciaries of the market economy. might be dreaming that it will become diversities in the Asian world is much than wartime military operations. that they published proposals for boycotting
but in fact, what they are concerned Third, there is a big difference a hegemon someday. However, just higher than in the European world. Rather than trying to isolate China, and promoting the boycott of Government
about is its aggressive attitude. China between now and 1947, when the Cold one piece of a dream does not change The problem is that the US must Russia and North Korea by uniting officials and of laymen who did not belong
has not declared its support for Rus- War began. There was little interde- the current world structure. spend massive amounts of money them, it is better to propose a solution to the Wunthanu Association, was heard.
sia's invasion of Ukraine. North Korea pendence in the global theatre 76 Fifth, Congressman Lawler and political capital for the unneces- that most countries can agree on. A His lordship held that it was not proved that
has proposed China's participation in years ago. It was possible to switch the described those threats from China, sary job. As Professor Paul Kennedy good solution should include elements the boycott resolutions were actually passed
anti-American solidarity with Russia, relationship between allies and adver- Russia, Iran and North Korea as ris- warned, the US cannot escape the of liberalism, democracy, human rights at the meeting, but an offence was commit-
but Beijing is keeping some distance saries among nations by a nation's ing. Well, it is not rising, but declin- contradiction of overstretch, and it is and free trade. For several years, the US ted by the publication of the proposals in
from them. China might be a potential strategic decision. However, it is now ing. Indeed, we are still watching dic- inevitable that China, the second- has shown a lack of competence or will- the sense that non-members, i.c., printers
challenger against the US while con- almost impossible. Today, the world tators and autocrats around the largest country, can get a chance to ingness to maintain the world order. of the second accused's press came to know
tinuing national growth. However, it is a single community in which nearly world. However, their space is getting overtake the US. The Asian version of Instead, it shows confrontation, a new of them and appellants attempt to publish
is a grave misconception that the all countries are intricately inter- smaller, and the number of people NATO is a concept that China thank- cold war, selfishness and protectionism, them still more widely was prevented.
potential threat is regarded as the cur- twined. enjoying democracy, liberalism and fully wants and should be suggested disrupting the world's order. If the Asian
rent threat.
Second, China is not destined to
Fourth, the global village had a
multipolar system in 1947. There were
human rights is getting bigger. Even
if Russian President Vladimir Putin is
by a spy serving China.
Seventh, a war was quite possible
version of NATO is pursued, not only
the US but also all global villagers will BOXER'S DOWNFALL
fight the US, unlike the Soviet Union two leading nations, the US and the elected again next year, it is not nec- in the year of 1947 when the Cold War shed blood and tears, resenting the US. LONDON, DEC. 20
in the Cold War. For the USSR, the USSR. However, after the fall of the essary to say that authoritarianism is began. As a result, securing a sizable "Boy" McCormick, the young Irish
national goal was to overthrow the Soviet Union in 1991, the global village dominating. Democratic develop- number of allies was vital, and their The Korea Herald/ANN. boxer, who was light-heavyweight of Great
Britain a year or two ago, and whose last
big fight was with Joe Beckett, was today
sentenced to a year's imprisonment in the
CROSSWORD NO-292640 Second Division in connection with
improper assault on girls.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ACROSS 16 Chance to cover 25 Comfort stop 4 Month with 14 Iris filled us with

masts with sails
in warship (7)
about to be dropped
evangelical Tory
on vacation?
reasonable worries LEPROSY
9 10 1 Frantic preparation 17 Competitive runner 26 Presses tropical That’s different! (5-2-3)
of stimulant drug from Australia islands to protect (7) 18 Superficial and
(4-6) mostly terrible butterfly, perhaps 5 Tense before start loveless bad-tempered
A N Y U I L W 6 Fishing bait left LONDON, DEC. 20
12 E T N A E S T R A NG I NG (7) (10) of game, Kelvin expression
next to river 19 Celebratory number escapes reprimand (7) The Prince of Wales has become
13 14 (4)
contains beat
(4,3) 19 Health tracker’s patron of the British Empire Leprosy Relief
9 Titillate Republican but no bass (7) 7 Stress free? Chin up, introduction
15 16 I A A O I A with depraved 20 At home, consider 1 Delayed break, mate, could be welcomed by Polish,
Association which is holding its inaugural
C A S H E S I N T A L L habit in China? meeting in January. An influential body of
it inappropriate losing 6-0 very different (10) but not English
O S D S H (3,7) to show boob (12) 8 Basic flat under (7) vice-presidents includes the Secretaries of
17 18 19 F A I L I N HUMA N E 10 Earth surrounded
23 Everybody’s got 2 Crazy military guard when roof 21 Go in search of State for India and the Colonies and the
by manure forms the back of commander leaves is blown off (5-5) follower of religion,
GE TWRO NG MOU L T S natural fuel lovely colleague African island in 11 Amateur enthusiast we hear
Viceroy of India. Viscount Chelmsford in
20 V A C D B T R (4) (4) trauma coaches snooker (4) the course of a circular says leprosy can
21 22
D E A T H K N E L L UN I T 12 Record individual 24 They list places (4) player (12) 22 Questions coronavirus be stamped out in the greater part of the
L E U B E R D study about Baltic,
23 24 T S A R P U T A S UND E R
iconic scene from 3 Enemies ought to 13 Letter by female protection measures, Empire probably within three decades.
oddly (12) Italia ‘90 may work in place of artist at end of moving metre away
15 By autumn, Fawkes be heard? (10) worship (7,5) guide camp (10) (4)
Hundreds are recovering under curative
was one? (4,3) treatment. Sir Leonard Rogers, physician
25 26 to the London School of Tropical Medi-
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) cine, has drawn up a memorandum of the
Association's medical policy.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not
its mineral rights.

In criticising Israel, let’s not turn anti-Semitic
and ‘host desecration’ myths, in age writers like Mathew Paris and Semitism, prompting Emile Zola Nissim Ezekiel, wrote of his Hin-
addition to the usury stereotype. Thomas of Monmouth dwelt on to pen his famous ‘J’Accuse!’ du compatriots: “I lack the means

Big ambition for Insight

Hazy outlines of these pseudo-
narratives can be discerned in
current social media posts.
the sheer brutality of the alleged
The idea, clearly, was to present
protest. A few decades later, the
Vichy regime famously looked the
other way as Jews were impris-
to change/their amiable ways/al-
though I love their gods”. The live-
and-let-live attitude to which

I.N.D.I.A bloc
The ‘wandering Jew’ myth has it Jews as lacking in human feeling. oned and deported. Ezekiel refers allowed the Jews
÷Bhavdeep Kang that, for their part in the crucifix- Shakespeare’s Shylock (The Mer- Today, France and 16 other coun- who settled in India over the cen-
ion, Jews were condemned to wan- chant of Venice) and Christopher tries have banned ‘denialism’, the turies to prosper, in contrast to the
der the earth without a homeland. Marlowe’s Barabas (The Jew of anti-Semitic refusal to acknowl- persecution they faced elsewhere.

he fourth meeting of the 28 parties, which to-

he Jewish nation is no In John Gower’s Confessio Aman- Malta) are avarice personified, edge that six million Jews died at They lived in harmony and even
gether constitute the I.N.D.I.A bloc, in the na- stranger to ‘trolling’ and tis, (1390 CE) we find Jews fated to prioritising wealth over their chil- the hands of Nazis during World intermarried with local communi-
tional capital on Tuesday was overshadowed by ‘fake posts’, having endured wander “without property or dren. Chaucer writes: “For foule War II. As recently as 2019, French ties. If most of them chose to emi-
the mass suspension of Opposition members from the a thousand years of anti-Judaic place, dispersed all over”. This usure and lucre of activist Alain Soral was convicted grate after the creation of Israel, it
two Houses of Parliament. Admittedly, the tropes and pernicious stereotyp- trope is reflected in the argument vileynye/Hateful to Crist and to his under the Gayssot Act of 1990 for was from the desire to live in the
ing. The current wave of anti- that Israel does not have the ‘right Holy Land rather than a disen-
suspensions spotlighted the complete lack of trust be- Semitism on social media, in the to exist’, which is a necessary at- chantment with India. In fact, sev-
tween the ruling dispensation and the Opposition. De- wake of the Israel-Hamas conflict, tribute for any nation. To this day,
Woke is meant to be enhance awareness of injustice eral thousand Kuki-Mizo-Chin
manding a statement from the Home Minister for what pales in comparison. What’s curi- some 28 countries do not and prejudice, and should not be weaponised tribals have emigrated from
ous is that the woke folk castigat- recognise Israel (although the northeast India to Israel, claiming
was indeed a serious lapse in Parliament security was
ing Israel seem blithely unaware Palestine Liberation Organisation against any group to be part of the ‘Lost Tribes’.
natural. Suspension of a record number of MPs shows that they are resurrecting old prej- did so in 1993), and its delegitimi- In the globalised world, events
our Parliamentary democracy in poor light, and udices. sation continues to be a hot topic compaignye.” In other words, the denying the Shoah (Holocaust). echo across the globe. In the USA,
should have been avoided. Whether the bulk suspen- The anti-Semitic posts on social of debate. Jews offended Christ through the Yet, that is precisely what we are the Ivy League dream stands for-
sions would help bind the disparate groups together media seem to reflect deep-rooted, The ‘blood libel’ refers to practice of usury and villainous seeing today: a denial of Israel’s ever tainted by antisemitism. Jew-
only time would tell, but nominally some progress was historical biases. From Chaucer to canards of Jews abducting Chris- profiteering. Centuries later, this history, and its legitimacy. ish parents, according to media re-
Marlowe to Shakespeare — staples tian boys and subjecting them to characterisation of Jews as un- In this resurgence of anti-Semi- ports, are withdrawing their chil-
made at the three-hour meeting of Opposition leaders. of English courses in schools and torture/crucifixion, or using their feeling finds expression in the tism, India has not been left un- dren from these rarified sanctums
Though it has always been a tough ask for the diverse colleges — Jews are depicted as blood in Judaic rituals. These claim that Israel is indifferent to touched. Historically a safe haven of learning following threats of
groups to work out a seat-sharing arrangement for the heartless usurers and satanists. child-martyrs, such as William of the plight of children in Gaza, who for Jews, ever since the Bene violence.
2024 Lok Sabha poll, nonetheless the conclave decided From the Dreyfus affair to Nazi Norwich, Hugh of Lincoln and are short of food and have no ac- Israel set foot on its shores 2,000 Woke is meant to be enhance
propaganda, the mass media has Robert of Bury, were celebrated cess to medical care. years ago, India was among the awareness of injustice and preju-
to finalise the distribution of seats among various con- been deployed to propagate such and posthumous miracles attrib- Long before the Holocaust, first to take a pro-Israel stance. dice, and should not be
stituents by the month-end. It is hard to see how this vi- sentiments. uted to them. France witnessed a massive surge But public opinion has since be- weaponised against any group.
tal task can be accomplished smoothly within this The expulsion of the Jews from Chaucer’s Prioress’s Tale was of anti-Semitism when a Jewish come polarised, with Indian woke
deadline. The Congress party despite its currently low England in 1290 CE was preceded clearly inspired by ‘little St Hugh’, army officer was framed for trea- folk joining those deriding Israel’s Bhavdeep Kang is a senior journalist
morale cannot be expected to bend over backwards to by a sustained campaign of slan- given that his child protagonist is son in the late 19th century. L’Af- response to the killing of 1,200 with 35 years of experience in working
der — fake news, as it were. The ritually murdered for singing a fair Dreyfus was marked by the civilians in the surprise attack by with major newspapers and
accommodate the claims of smaller groups. Mean- three main elements were the Marian hymn as he passes pro-active role of the media in Hamas in October. magazines. She is now an independent
while, no less intractable was the issue of its prime ‘blood libel’, the ‘wandering Jew’ through a Jewish ghetto. Medieval whipping up and spreading anti- The great Jewish-Indian poet, writer and author
ministerial candidate. On Tuesday, apparently the
TMC leader and West Bengal Chief Minister, Mamata
Banerjee, bowled a googly, suggesting the name of the
Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, for prime
ministership, reportedly endorsed by AAP leader and
Neurology & psychiatry: Knowing the difference
Delhi Chief Minster Arvind Kejriwal. Kharge himself
dismissed the suggestion, arguing that the first task 5. Control of involuntary body Neurological diseases can have mental factors play a crucial role. A psychiatrist is trained to un-
was to get a majority before thinking about a prime Mind functions like heartbeat and
various causes, and they often re-
sult from complex interactions of
Some common contributors in-
derstand biology as he is a basic
graduate in medical sciences,
ministerial candidate. However, there was no time-line
set for a common agenda. The main thrust of various Matters Function of the mind:
1. Thinking.
genetic, environmental
lifestyle factors. Some common
and 1. Genetic factors: family history
often contributes to earlier onset
with an MBBS degree. Psychiatry
post-graduation helps him to un-
speakers was on one-to-one contests against the BJP. A 2. Emotions / feeling. causes include: of illness. derstand social, environmental,
negative alliance without an inspiring leader and mar- ÷ Dr Shailesh Umate 3. Behaviour. 1. Infections like meningitis or 2. Trauma: physical or sexual personal and cultural factors con-
4. Motivation. encephalitis. abuse, witnessing traumatic inci- tributing to mental illness. While
ketable programme can prove a non-starter. 5. Intelligence. 2. Trauma: head injury or trau- dences in childhood precipitates a neurologist is a medical doctor

n my 18 years of practice as a 6. Perception. ma to spinal cord. psychological illness. Again the who understands brain structure
psychiatrist, I have witnessed 7. Memory. 3. Autoimmune disorders: like amount of this trauma can not be and the nervous system. He is
Contrasting polls in neighbourhood many doctor colleagues refer- 8. Judgment. multiple sclerosis. measured. It is the perception and trained to identify and treat nerv-
ring or sending their relatives to a 9. Conscience. 4. Metabolic disorders: like dia- meaning of this trauma to the ous diseases arising from vascu-

ach democracy is flawed in its own way. For ev-
neurologist for an emotional or If you focus in detail, you will betes or electrolyte imbalance or particular individual that mat- lar, metabolic, degenerative and
idence, you don’t have to look at the US alone. psychological issue. If this is the observe that the functions of bodily dysfunction causing neuro- ters. toxic disorders as well as those re-
Nearer home both Bangladesh and Pakistan are situation amongst doctors, then nervous system are logical complications. 3. Environmental factors: vio- lated to trauma to brain structure.
headed for fresh elections. And in some vital ways both you can imagine the plight of a 1. Measurable, observable and 5. Vascular causes: disruption of lence, poverty, misconceptions are Hence any observable and meas-
are set to be farcical. In Pakistan the Rawalpindi GHQ common person. Getting appro- demonstrable. blood flow to the brain causing important factors that trigger dis- urable diseases like stroke, paral-
priate help is essential and impor- 2. Concrete functions. stroke or neurolgical damage. eases, as well as become a hin- ysis, and infections like meningi-
has decided to keep Imran Khan, the most popular Op- tant. Many common people want a 3. They are like the hardware of tis, encephalitis will be treated by
position leader, behind bars. It is unlikely that he “brain doctor” but the concept of the brain. a neurologist. An illness like de-
would be allowed to contest or even campaign in next a brain doctor is vaguely under- But if you look at functions of
Getting appropriate help for a disorder is essential and pression, anxiety disorder, schizo-
February’s poll. His party, Tehreek-e-Insaf, hit by a stood in society. mind, they are important, but many people don’t know whether to see phrenia, mood disorder will be
To understand “brain doctor” 1. Experienced but cannot be treated by a psychiatrist. Stress,
huge, army-induced exodus, may still contest, but will
we need to understand the brain measured like how much motiva-
a neurologist or a psychiatrist distress and motivational-related
find itself defeated by the stratagems of the ISI. As it is, itself. The brain is a complex or- tion? How angry or sad? The an- psychological aspects are also tak-
Pakistanis are groaning under huge inflationary pres- gan with various structures that swer will be “very” or “less” — it en care by a psychiatrist. Ail-
sure with a dire paucity of foreign exchange, forcing work together to regulate numer- can't be concretely measured. 6. Toxic exposure: certain chem- drance in treatment. ments of school-related issues
even its national airline to cancel scheduled flights at ous functions. People also think 2. They are abstract. icals and toxins or drugs. 4. Psychological factors: Person- such as school phobia, exam anxi-
the “mind” is important for all 3. They are like the software of 7. Tumours: abnormal growth in ality traits, coping styles, and cog- ety and learning disorders are ad-
the last moment for want of aviation fuel. The econom- brain function. But the question the brain. brain. nitive patterns can influence sus- dressed by a psychiatrist.
ic mess is further worsened by a broken polity. Never is, where is the mind? Can we see So, all the functions of mind 8. Degeneration of brain: as age ceptibility to certain disorders. However, just giving some medi-
before were ordinary Pakistanis so ill-served by their it? manifest through thinking increases, certain brain degenera- 5. Substance Abuse: Addiction to cines will not suffice in treating a
leaders, nay their generals, as now. On the other hand, The mind rests in the brain. It is (thought), feeling (emotions), ac- tion happens. any substance can precipitate psy- psychiatric illness. It can make
part of the very nervous system tions (behaviour). These three are All the above causes have defi- chological illness, or itself cause the person symptom-free, but we
in Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is sitting
which the brain is made up of. very dynamic. Hence it is often nite reasons, can be measured or the illness. psychiatrists want the person to
pretty to win her fourth consecutive term in next Nerve cells and neurons are the difficult to understand what start- detected by investigations, and 6. Medical illness: Various ill- be disease-free. We want the per-
month’s election. With the main challenger, important units of this nervous ed first — thought, feeling or ac- can be treated to a certain extent. nesses can have an impact on psy- son to function to his utmost po-
Bangladesh Nationalist Party of former Prime Minis- system. There are approximately tion. Psychological disorders, also chology, and on the neurochemi- tential. This aims to aid the per-
ter Khaleda Zia, virtually boycotting the poll due to 100 billion neurons in a mature Thus, neurologists deal with the known as mental or psychiatric cals in the brain. son’s development by addressing
adult brain. So let’s understand diseases that are measurable and disorders, can have a variety of 7. Social isolation: Lack of social personal, social and environmen-
mass arrests of leaders and general repression against the nervous system and the mind. demonstrable, and can be detected causes, often involving a complex support or feeling of isolation can tal factors.
its cadres, the election will lack moral sanctity. Zia her- Function of the nervous system: through an MRI or CT scan of the interplay of biological, psycholog- contribute to mental health is-
self has been locked up in prison since 2018. 1. Body movements and coordi- brain, while psychiatrists deal ical and environmental factors. sues. Dr Shailesh Umate is a consultant
However in sharp contrast to Pakistan’s tanking nation. with diseases of emotions, We are in an early state of under- 8. Social and cultural factors: psychiatrist, sexologist and addiction
economy, Bangladesh’s has been growing at a decent 6- 2. Consciousness. thoughts and behaviour which standing neurochemical Cultural expectations, discrimi- specialist, whose mission is spreading
3. Speech. are not spotted on MRIs or CT interplay. Psychological, nation and societal pressures can awareness about mental health and
percent-plus rate annually. Ordinary people have little 4. Control of sleep-wake cycle. scans. personal, familial and environ- affect mental well-being. well-being
to complain about on the economic front. Whether or
not the blatant suppression of the main Opposition
earns international opprobrium for Hasina, she can al- Youth for Change LETTERS The names of the members of the
committee were also not provided to me
its edicts are written on stone and brook no
ways thumb her nose at global opinion, especially
when China, a rising power, can lend support in return
— Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji TO THE EDITOR invoking Section 8(1)(g)and (j) of the RTI Avinash Godboley, Dewas
Act. Overall it seems that RBI is trying to
for favourable investment deals. China is transactional …continued from last week erased by bringing up the The unclaimed hide something from the public about the Are we authentic?
in all its dealings with foreign nations; human rights new image of youth who are utilisation of this fund.
deposits mystery
and democratic values mean little to it.
erhaps the aged would
find it more difficult
very energetic and yet self-
controlled and disciplined,
because, in the first in-
physically well-built and T his has reference to the report that
unclaimed deposits with banks have
Rather than just presenting statistics in
the Lok Sabha, the minister should take a
look at the exact efforts being made by the
A merican dictionary organisation
Merriam-Webster has recently
announced that its word of the year for
INDIA 75 YEARS AGO stance, what they have learnt strong and yet constructive risen 28% to Rs 42,270 cr in FY23 (Dec 20). RBI to reduce unclaimed deposits. The RBI 2023 is “authentic”. The word is in
FPJ Archives DECEMBER 21, 1948 at great costs and pains to and peaceful and men and One thing is clear from this — the RBI and only issues master circulars but apparently response to the rise of Artificial
themselves will appear valu- women of strong character public sector banks are not making any does not care to see if action is taken Intelligence and spread of misinformation
able to them even though, in who do not swerve from their effort to reduce unclaimed deposits. The accordingly. Otherwise, the problem faced on social media platforms. Every year the
reality, it is merely a burdenpath of righteousness due ei- unclaimed deposits lying with banks are since 2014 would have been resolved to a dictionary company publishes its word of
on their minds, and so, they ther to the allurements of deposited in the Depositor Education and large extent till today. the year, highlighting the top-searched
will love to retain it rather money or to threats by those Awareness Fund Account maintained by Ravindra Bhagwat terms, and this year’s word “authentic”
than throw away the whole who are in power and who, the RBI. was a decision which it said was driven
lot of it. In these shackles of
instead, march steadfastly
gold, they will see gold, artifi-
towards their noble goal of
The amount thus deposited is utilised for
the promotion of the depositor's interest
Take cue from the Pope by “stories of conversations about AI,
celebrity culture, identity, and social
cial though it be, and not
shackles, and, if they agree
to free themselves from
service in all humility.
The responsibility of youth
now is to have the
and other purposes which may be
necessary for the promotion of the
depositor's interest as specified by RBI from
Y our editorial ‘Pope abandons certainty
doctrines’ (Dec 20) was one of the finest
I have come across in recent times. I am
media”. Although the importance of
authenticity transcends all kinds of
industries and walks of life, it is a term
these chains, they will awareness that the na- time to time. The fund is governed by the reacting to it purely from the language that resonates with those of us working
have to exert them- tion has high hopes Depositor Education and Aware Scheme, perspective. Each and every line would within the cyber-security industry in
selves a lot to break in them and they are 2014. According to the provisions laid make even the likes of Shashi Tharoor give particular.
these off them and not to belie those down under this scheme a committee is to it a standing ovation (no flattery intended). Ranganathan Sivakumar
they may find that hopes.These young- be established which shall oversee the The issue at hand was a highly debatable
they lack the sters have far activities undertaken for the education and one, and due credit goes to Pope Francis Dear reader,
strength and
GUIDING LIGHT too long been awareness of the bank depositors. When I for wilfully buckling to Father Time and the We are eager to know your opinions, comments and
suggestions. Write to Using snail
the persistence. However, used in warfare and as brute tried to obtain details under RTI about the societal changes it has brought about. The mail? Send your letters to Free Press, Free Press House, 3/54,
there may be many old men force or for demonstrations work done by this committee, I did not get Pope's cue ought to be taken by other Press Complex, AB Road, Indore 452008
and women who have young and strikes and such other a satisfactory reply. religious heads who think that religion and
minds and can do all this. So,acts of disharmony by vari-
it would be the responsibilityous vested interests, but now MIKA’S MATRIX SAIBABA & SW
of all but of the youth in par-
they should not allow them-
ticular to liberate the planetselves to be used for acts of
of its slavery to the negativi-
violence, rifts, and hatred. In- A day to get out of victim mode,
e, go
ties of many kinds as they stead, they should work for ahead to achieve your goals in a
have comparatively fresh creating harmony and for slow and steady phase. Do nott be
mind and less mental fatigue friendship and for co-opera- aggressive or impulsive. Be gentle
and less conditioning. tion in constructive
U.N. COMMISSION REPORTS ON DUTCH PERFIDY Presently, it is thought that
activities so as to usher in the
with yourself and others.

Indonesia’s S.O.S. For Timely Aid the youth indulge in acts of

indiscipline, violence, de-
Golden Age. Meet the deadlines by following
the timelines, do not waste too
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 20. The situation arising out of the Dutch struction of property and The writer is a spiritual educator much time in being a
military action in Java resulting in the arrests of the Republican disobedience to their parents and popular columnist for perfectionist. We were happy to
Government leaders and the fall of the Republican capital is being and teachers and are taking publications across India, Nepal see you in our abode.
studied by the Government of India, it was learnt here today. The to drugs. This common im- and the UK. He can be Tip for the day: Visualise Swami and Baba
B opening doors for you &
Government of India, it is stated, were expecting Dr. Soekarno and age of the youth, which be- contacted at say "I trust you Baba and Swami, I am
m open for new oppor tunities".
other leaders in Delhi and had even sent a special aircraft to bring longs to the old world order, /
them to Delhi. will have now to be totally Lots of divine miracles your way,
y, Sheetal Sapan Mhatre.
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Revoke suspensions, let the debate begin
I F the serious breach of secu-
rity of what is hailed as the hal-
lowed temple of democracy, the
new Parliament. It was 21 years
ago on the same day that a brutal
attack by five terrorists took place
would the government respond
to such incidents should they re-
cur? What about the security of
electoral implications, the oppo-
sition could be even considered
overactive, but it was justified in
on the soul of democracy should
not be treated as politicising the
entire affair. But, not only were
parliament itself, was so shock- at Parliament in 2001, resulting in such institutions? These questions its insistence. the MPs suspended, ostensibly
ing, equally dismaying have been deaths of 8 security personnel and rage in the troubled minds of In- Having infused muscularity for unruly behaviour, even their
the actions of the Chairs of Lok a gardener. All the attackers were dians. Then, who should compel into the security of the nation, the questions were said to be deleted
Sabha and Rajya Sabha, which killed. Caught vividly on TV, the the government to answer if it is breach is an embarrassment for from the list of questions to be
have led to squelching of Opposi- gun shots of the day still ring in recalcitrant? If opposition MPs the BJP-led government. It should posed to the government. Brute
tion voices in the august House. nation’s conscience. are forceful and not yielding on have right away asked its MP to majority often descends into
In a glaring breach of peace In a mortifying situation for such a pertinent issue, the situa- take full responsibility for his electoral autocracy which pushes
and security in the House, two BJP, one of its MPs, from Mysore, tion warrants such a tenacity on sponsored candidates – as per the back on anything testing its toler-
persons jumped out of the public Pratap Simha sponsored the at- their part. rule book. Instead, the question- ance. Opposition is needed in the
gallery into Lok Sabha on De- tackers for the visitors’ gallery A question of politics oc- ing MPs continue to be punished. House to check arbitrariness of

cember 13 and sprayed colour gas entry. Why was the security so lax curs only if they are any ulterior A total of 143 MPs have been sus- government actions. The suspen-
that was later found to be harm- as to let the intruders carry canis- motives. Some reports suggest, pended so far. Doesn’t it merit a sions of MPs should be revoked,
ful. The duo was overpowered, ters inside the House? What were which are merely echoed by Ra- suspicion that the government is and deliberations allowed on all
and later more arrests followed their motives? What made the hul Gandhi, that the attackers seeking an opposition-mukt par- the aspects of the Parliament se-
promptly. Since the day, just like attackers undertake this almost were youth belonging to the mid- liament to get key Bills passed curity breach, befitting the Amrit Congress must learn to be accommodative
the House Members, the whole suicidal mission? What went dle class, apparent fans of Bhagat smoothly? On December 19, it ta- Kaal claim of the government.
nation has been left writhing in
confusion as to how this could
take place at the well-fortified
into their meticulous planning?
Who are their accomplices and
the mastermind himself? How
Singh, and they wanted to merely
raise the burning issue of jobless-
ness in the country. Given the
bled six bills and got three passed
sans any opposition.
Raising questions that impinge
The nation would benefit from
an informed debate. There is no
room for scant regard anymore.
T HE mammoth electoral victory of the BJP in the three
Hindi belt states sent a stark message to the Congress
that its indifference to seat sharing was the reason for the
dismal performance of the Congress as well as other re-

Go the whole hog, protect wildlife

gional parties who were denied political space in these
states. In fact, this issue of seat sharing has been put on
the backburner every time the INDIA group met, without
either discussing this issue or ignoring this reality. The
Congress showed no initiative in this matter, being a major
player in the group, paid scant regard to the request of oth-
ers, which became more evident after Congress swept to
TALKING OF extinction event (the ‘Holo-
PART-I iel puppy as a Christmas alter egos, such as a ‘world- power in Karnataka to get an impression that the party is
cene Mass Extinction’) is present. The puppy, named famous’ attorney, surgeon or capable of garnering seats on its own. One wonders if the
MANY THINGS currently ongoing. Lady, grows up pampered by secret agent. His character is TMC would be ready for such an experiment in WB; and
Conservation prevents her doting owners and, with a mixture of innocence and political pundits claim that this would prove advantageous
wildlife from aimless kill- changes in her family, meets egotism. more to the BJP than to the INDIA constituents.
ing and poaching, and cre- and falls in love with Tram, ‘Lassie’ is another Ameri- K R Venkata Narasimhan, Madurai
ates awareness about need a homeless mutt and an el- can television series that
to maintain the food chain
and ecosystem balance and
derly Bloodhound. Like-
wise, Curly Wee, and Gussie
follows the adventures of a
female Rough Collie dog,
No unanimity on I.N.D.I.A’s PM face

aims at the maintenance of
natural habitat, by protecting
animal life. If, for instance,
Goose, were the chief char-
acters, in a children’s car-
toon, published daily in the
named Lassie, and her com-
panions, both human and
animal. Rin Tin Tin, is yet
T HERE are many aspirants within the I.N.D.I.A. bloc
for the post of PM in case it wins majority in 2024
polls for Lok Sabha. They are, however, unable to project

HE term ‘wildlife’, tigers are hunted for skins, ‘Irish Independent’ until the another story based on the a name well before the elections obviously because of ex-
which originally re- then the count of deer will end of the 1950s. Curly Wee life and times of a dog called traneous reasons. Though the name of Mallikarjun Kharge
ferred to undomes- increase. Likewise, when was a rather aristocratic pig a male German Shepherd was proposed as the PM of INDIA bloc, there was probably
ticated animal species, now chicken are killed for meat, and Gussie Goose was his who become an interna- no unanimity and hence a final decision was postponed as
includes organisms that the supply of eggs will fall. excitable sidekick. The car- tional star in motion pic- a post poll ‘occasion’. Perhaps Rahul Gandhi’s name is not
grow wild, without having Wildlife conservation, there-
Wildlife trade refers to trade in products from toon was very popular with tures. He was rescued from a being proposed because his candidature as PM face is not
been introduced by human fore, is necessary to maintain non-domesticated animals or plants. It is a children and adults. World War 1 battlefield by an acceptable for many due to various reasons that include his
beings. Wildlife can be found the population of animals on serious problem, and adversely affects the Calvin and Hobbes is yet American soldier, Lee Dun- image and stature in addition to the dual citizenship issues.
in varying, but distinct, earth. Measures, such as the another American comic can, who nicknamed him Govardhana Myneedu, Vijayawada
forms in all ecosystems, such banning of the felling of trees viability of wildlife, threatening the survival strip belonging to the same “Rinty”. Duncan trained Rin
as deserts, planes, grasslands, by law, are part of that effort. of many species. It also often leads to the genre, featuring Calvin, a Tin Tin and obtained silent A valiant decision by former DSP
woodlands, forests, includ- Different countries have precocious, mischievous, film work for the dog.
emergence, and spread, of new infectious
ing urban areas. In common
parlance, it refers to animals
different laws for restricting
hunting of animals, birds diseases in humans. Different countries have
and adventurous six-year-
old boy; and Hobbes, his
Belonging to a similar cat-
egory is the legendary ‘Pan- I T is indeed really a great decision taken by the former
DSP Nalini of Telangana to turn down the request of the
untouched by human fac- and aquatic life. Concern for different laws for restricting hunting of animals, sardonic stuffed tiger. It is chatantra,’ an ancient Indian present CM of Telangana in not joining the bureaucratic
tors, although scientific stud- the natural environment, es- commonly cited as “the last collection of interrelated ani- cadre due to ‘non-recognition’ of her services on sensitive
ies have shown that much of pecially in recent times, has birds and aquatic life. Concern for the natural great newspaper comic”, it mal fables in Sanskrit verse issues during the separate Telangana agitations earlier. Ir-
it is affected by human ac- led activists to protest against environment, especially in recent times, has has enjoyed broad and en- and prose, arranged within respective of the merits of her reasons, her intentions to
tivities. While, it may, some- exploitation of wildlife for during popularity, influence, a frame story, many of which serve the society through religious ways is indeed welcome
times, threaten human safety human benefit or entertain-
led activists to protest against exploitation of and academic and philo- deploy metaphors of anthro- and laudable because she would certainly be followed in
and quality of life, it is, oth- ment. wildlife for human benefit or entertainment sophical interest. It follows pomorphized animals with creating peace and pleasantness in the present unruly so-
erwise, of considerable value Wildlife trade refers to the humorous antics of the human virtues and vices. ciety. The society in fact needs such educated and elite
to human beings. It plays an trade in products from non- title characters. The narrative illustrates, for persons. If film stars and well-offs promote politics by vir-
important role in maintain- domesticated animals or dom’ by the National Broad- tries, including the UK, US, A similar comic strip is the benefit of three ignorant tue of their glamour and rich backgrounds, it is gratifying
ing the sustainability of the plants. It is a serious prob- casting Company (NBC) in New Zealand, Japan. There ‘Peanuts’, in which Snoopy is princes, the central Hindu to note that some educated persons, too, are joining the
ecosystems of our planet and lem, and adversely affects the 1963, ‘Look’ by the British are in addition to magazines a dog who, later, is described principles of nīti, worldly stream in serving the society.
balance in the food chain. viability of wildlife, threat- Broadcasting Corporation and websites, which cover as a beagle. While generally conduct. It is a set of delight- Katuru Durga Prasad Rao, Hyderabad
Exploitation of wild popu- ening the survival of many (BBC) in the UK, with Da- the subject, including the behaving like a real dog and ful stories with pithy prov-
lations has been a character-
istic of modern man since
species. It also often leads to
the emergence, and spread,
vid Attenborough following
through ‘Zoo Quest’, which
‘National Wildlife’ magazine,
‘Birds and Blooms’, ‘Bird,
having a non-speaking role,
Snoopy connects to read-
erbs, and ageless wisdom.
That animals, in the ul-
Congress must attend to its 6Gs first
some 70,000 to 1,30,000
years ago. Global wildlife
populations have decreased
of new infectious diseases in
The subject of wildlife has
explored wildlife in Indo-
nesia and Madagascar. Post
1984, the ‘Discovery Chan-
Wildlife’, ’Net’, and “Ranger
Chicken’ for children.
Wildlife has also inter-
ers through having human
thoughts. Despite acting like
a real dog much of the time,
timate analysis, are more
sensible than human be-
ings is best illustrated by the
T HE Congress government released a White Paper on
state finances on the floor of Assembly with an ob-
jective to fix the misdeeds of previous BRS government.
by 68% since 1970 as a re- for long been a common nel’ and its spin-off ‘Ani- ested authors, creators of Snoopy possesses many dif- tongue-in-cheek observa- People are aware of the financial situation of the state in
sult of human activity, par- choice for educational tel- mal Planet’, in the US, have comic strips, and produc- ferent anthropomorphic tion, a wise guy made, say- terms of increase in gross fiscal deficit, outstanding liabili-
ticularly over-consumption, evision shows. The National dominated the market along ers of movies. ‘Lady and traits. Most notably, he fre- ing that, “Horse sense is the ties and guarantees, and expenditure on freebies and allied
population, growth, and Geographic Society specials with ‘Nature Stand’ in New the Tramp,’ for example, is quently walks on his hind sense which prevents horses welfare schemes of BRS during its decade rule. If this issue
intensive farming. The rates have, for instance, been ap- York and ‘Nova’ in Boston. a 1955 American animated legs and is able to use tools, from betting on men!” gets extended beyond a reasonable limit, the functioning
of extinction of have been so pearing since 1965. Since Wildlife television is now a musical romance film pro- including his typewriter. He of Assembly could be affected, resulting in the legislative
high, over the last few centu- then, many other channels multi-billion dollar indus- duced by Walt Disney. In its introduces fantasy elements (The writer is formerly decisions slated for the session getting postponed, not de-
ries, that it is now believed have served to popularise the try, with specialist document plot, one ‘Jim Dear’ gives his to the strip by extending Chief Secretary, Government sirable from the public interest. It is better for the Congress
that a sixth generation great subject, such as ‘Wild King- filmmakers in many coun- wife Darling a cocker span- his identity through various of Andhra Pradesh) government to concentrate on fulfilling its poll promises
and grievances of people being brought through Prajavani,
not on establishing the failure of BRS, in which people are


Dr O Prasada Rao, Hyderabad

TS resolve to resume unused govt lands How to expedite

Rahul Gandhi must learn to be sober

T HE frolic indulged in by the Congress leader Rahul

Gandhi in recording a mimicry act by an MP from
Revanth Reddy asks officials to list out lands taken for establishment of industries but not put to use TMC party in front of the new Parliament building speaks
ONE of the provisions is that much of the immaturity and childishness still prevailing
I Y R Krishna Rao the powers to resume the land in him. Much needs to be learnt from the remarks of his
One of the issues on which KCR spearheaded the for violation of conditions of al- senior colleague, P Chidambaram, in this episode.
Telangana agitation was reclaiming the land that
T HERE is a news item stating
that the Chief Minister of Tel-
angana, A Revanth Reddy, wants
was irregularly and illegally given or allowed to be
location rests with the cabinet,
since the land allocation is done
by the cabinet. This is a lengthy
Seshagiri Row Karry, Hyderabad
the officials to list out lands taken occupied by earlier regimes. But once in power the process and even if the Collec-
for establishment of industries but issue was forgotten and the land grabbers had a tor concerned is sincere and
not put to use so that steps can be
initiated for resuming those lands.
If the intentions are sincere, and
field day as good as it was before or perhaps better
compared to the past. Lands allocated for film
sends proposal it takes years for
the file to reach the cabinet after
going through the labyrinth of
followed up in execution, it would studios were converted into residential apartments bureaucratic procedures. The CM meets Shah, demands immediate
be a welcome departure from the and sold with impunity no questions asked. Last process of resumption can be
past. Most of the times what we see expedited if this power of re- release of drought relief
is that these remain statements of but not the least, for fighting out land-related cases effectively in the courts, you need a sumption can be delegated to NEW DELHI: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah met Union
initial enthusiasm not followed up competent set of government lawyers, advocate general whose integrity is beyond doubt the Collectors concerned. In Home Minister Amit Shah and immediately convened a
later. Andhra Pradesh this was done high-level committee meeting on natural calamities and
In fact, one of the issues on ferent use. land itself. It is very easy for suit- City in Anantapur district. The after bifurcation of the state. demanded action to release drought relief to the state.
which KCR spearheaded the Tel- One of the provisions is that the case companies to come up with a cabinet should take a decision only Hope Telangana would follow A severe drought situation is prevailing in the state and
angana agitation was reclaiming powers to resume the land for vio- project report and request for al- to lease the land to the company up, if not already done. For 223 taluks out of 236 taluks are drought- affected. About
the land that was irregularly and il- lation of conditions of allocation location of land with right politi- and should not give powers to the fighting out land-related cases 48.19 lakh hectares of crop damage occurred. Because of
legally given or allowed to be occu- rests with the cabinet, since the cal connections. In the conditions company to morgage government effectively in the courts, you this farmers, especially a large number of small and very
pied by earlier regimes. But once in land allocation is done by the cabi- of allocation they will ensure or land and raise loans. Any loans need a competent set of gov- small farmers are in dire straits. Three months have passed
power the issue was forgotten and net. This is a lengthy process and rather the establishment connives raised by the company should be ernment lawyers and advocate since the state government submitted its first proposal for
the land grabbers had a field day even if the Collector concerned is with them to transfer the title deed based on the strength of their pro- general whose integrity is be- release of drought relief under NDRF guidelines. Therefore,
as good as it was before or perhaps sincere and sends proposal it takes in favour of the company allow- ject report, not on the value of the yond doubt he should immediately hold a high level committee meet-
better compared to the past. Lands years for the file to reach the cabi- ing them to mortgage the same land. ing and requested to release Rs 18,177.44 crore as drought
allocated for film studios were con- net after going through the laby- to financial institutions and raise Last but not the least fighting of authority. There are any number relief. Out of this, Rs 4663.12 crore has been requested for
verted into residential apartments rinth of bureaucratic procedures. money. When the company goes out land-related cases effectively of cases where government was input subsidy, Rs 12,577.86 crore for emergency relief, Rs
and sold with impunity no ques- The process of resumption can be bankrupt which in any case it will in the courts. You need a compe- forced to hand over land to peti- 566.78 crore for drinking water and Rs 363.68 crore for cat-
tions asked. expedited if this power of resump- since it was only set up to knock tent set of government lawyers and tioners under threat of contempt, tle protection. It has already been three months since the
Even if a government is sincere tion can be delegated to the Collec- off precious land, the land allotted advocate general whose integrity is fully aware that land actually be- first petition was filed and the farmers are in a very difficult
there are two provisions in allo- tors concerned. In Andhra Pradesh gets sold to repay the loans of the beyond doubt. Otherwise, easiest longs to the government. situation. The Chief Minister asserted that it is essential to
cation of government land which this was done after bifurcation of financial institutions. Essentially, thing is to get a favourable court Let us hope the present Chief give input subsidy to the farmers in view of crop failure.
come in the way of resuming the the state. Hope Telangana would the company is trading in the gov- order with the connivance of offi- Minister will walk his talk.
lands allocated to different insti- follow up, if not already done. ernment land. This happened with cials and lawyers and patronage of Read more at
tutions for different purposes but
were not put to use or put to a dif-
The second major lacunae is
in the process of allocation of the
many industries earlier, a classic
case being Lepakshi Industrial
the political authority. A Supreme
Court order becomes the final seal
(Writer is a former Chief
Secretary, Andhra Pradesh)
Printed and Published by K. Hanumanta Rao, on behalf of Hyderabad Media House Pvt. Limited, Flat.No.609, 6th Floor, Kirti Shikhar Building, Plot.No.11, Dist.Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058.
and Printed at M/s. Marutinandan Printers & Publishers, A-15, Bara Bagh, G.T Karnal Road, Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110033. Chief Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: DELENG/2017/74095
12 ThursDay, 21 December 2023



Insistence on empathy holds the

key to a society bonded by trust
Kindness for one another will help us forge a community where each one of us can live in dignity

killed Bhai, that is why Amma is alone. just the photograph seared in our
We reached the habitation. Those hearts—those who survived the fateful
who were waiting for me quickly com- winter night in 1984. Most else is a blur.
mandeered me. She darted away some- Stretchers, bodies, and terror. We too
where. I had no interest in the conversa- were children, wading into the after-
tion. My eyes searched for her. At the math of the worst ever industrial
end, I asked about her. She is a very disaster to help. Why did we do it? I
good girl, they said. Her brother is good don’t know. Perhaps just because we
too. They do all the work for her, point- were there together.
ANURAG BEHAR ing to an elderly lady at the back. Terrified of Diwali crackers, an
is CEO of Azim Premji Foundation. What is this killing that the girl was innocent old dog living at the corner of a
talking about, I asked. Well, the street runs and runs and runs—far away
woman’s son had gone to do construc- from his home. Haunted, lost some-
tion work in the big city, he was killed where in a city of 20 million people.

The IMF ought to revise

along with others about three years ago. Torn from the only people who tend to
A police case is going on, but you know him, whom he is attached to. What do

winter bloom of mauve wild- how that works, they said. Ever since, you do? You search him out 20km away
flowers is not there in my child- she and her brother have been doing and bring him back home. Isn’t that
hood memories. On one of those almost everything for her. Why, I asked, impossible in that megapolis, with

its opinion on the rupee very paths, she strode ahead, leading
me. The dog pranced around, with the
full river on the right and the dazzling
brush on the left bordering the dense
and she would barely have been 11 then.
We don’t know, they said. Perhaps her
son was kind to them. We don’t think
she also knows why they do all this.
thousands of dogs who look identical?
Not if you are ziddi enough.
Ziddi is my emblematic metaphor for
everything that you need to fight the
tree-line. She saw him from a distance, We had to head back on the same good fight, win or lose. But not just for
swimming in that nippy morning, and path. I didn’t want to walk with the the good fight. For something perhaps
RBI should hold its ground against the Fund on exchange rate intervention. This is not a began screaming as her pace increased, others. But there was no sign of her, and even more difficult. To be kind and
“Kyaa kar raha hai, Amma ke paas jaa. I remembered that she must have gone caring every day to those around you.
rupee-pegging game, but what works for us at today’s comfort level of openness to capital Jaa, jaa, nahin toh peetoongi” (what are to school. At the edge of the habitation, Despite our own daily demands, trivial
you doing, go to mother, else I will give she appeared from within the tree-line. failings and petty concerns. Despite
you a hiding). He dived and disappeared You didn’t go to school, I asked. I want differences and efforts to divide.
to surface near the point we had to talk to you, she said; I can be late one Despite no inspiration from the flag,

ndia and other developing countries have forex intervention? Policymakers who have a reached on the path, laughing. We day—there is no problem, they like me. high principles, or idealism. Just
long argued for reforms of multilateral better overall picture of the economy and our strode on, her anger bubbling. “School We increased our pace, leaving the because we are there, together. Empa-
jaanaa hai, dus baje, aur Amma ka itna group behind. Why are they killing the thy, expressed in kindness and care, sol-
institutions like the International Monetary long-term interests in mind? Or armchair econ- kaam hai” (we must go to school at ten, children, she asked. What are you talk- idarity and fraternity in action, creates a
Fund (IMF) and World Bank to make them omists at the Fund? It’s sad that the Bretton and there is so much work we have to do ing about? I know, she said, I have read, community with trust. Living together
more representative of the emerging world Woods twins still reflect a Western view. It was for mother). and I have seen photos. They are killing with the dignity of each person intact.
order and less like handmaidens of not long ago that the IMF was a harsh critic of Who is he, I asked. My elder brother, thousands of children. Who will take It is also essential, though not suffi-
advanced economies, especially of the US-led capital controls and tried to brainwash all she said. How much older? Two years. care of their Ammas? cient, for the good fight to succeed. But
How old are you? Fourteen. And you will You can’t stop the killing? You said even if the good fight fails, the old dog is
West. On Tuesday, the IMF gave us one more emerging economies into full capital account give him a thrashing? Yes, I will. I always you work with children; Can’t you do back home. Perhaps a gas leak will be
reason to press for speedy reform. In a move convertibility. Some nations took that advice do. He lets me, she said. He is the best something? Anything? less tragic, no Amma will be left alone,
uncannily reminiscent of a similar observation and dismantled all controls—but to their cost, as brother in the world. We went up a rise, You are crying, she said. No, I am not. and we may not kill our children if we
by the US government in 2018, it claimed the they found during the Asian currency crisis of leaving the river. From the top, we could Yes, you are. I have seen the photos, she are ziddi enough to be kind every day.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had intervened 1997. It was only much later that the Fund see the habitation, about 50 scattered repeated. Little girls and boys. Blood in I am sorry I made you cry, she said.
huts. That is Amma’s hut, she pointed their eyes. Buried in the rubble. God will never forgive them. But you
“excessively” in the foreign exchange market to recanted and accepted that capital controls out. But don’t you live in the village Childhood memories are tricky. can’t do anything, that’s alright. Any-
influence the rupee’s value. The Fund argued have a role to play in developing economies. from where we are coming, I asked. Mauve wildflowers must have bloomed how, you are doing other things, you
that from December 2022 to October 2023, our It is no surprise that RBI rejected the IMF’s Yes, I do, she said. I have two Ammas. even then, but I don’t remember. While are good. Still, she said, try. Because it’s
currency’s movement was “too restricted” (it charge. Our central bank has always held that its Why do they kill people, she asked. I do remember brushing rubble dust very bad—killing children. She waved
traded between ₹80.88 and ₹83.42 to the US interventions in the forex market are not aimed Who is killing whom, I asked, mystified. out of the child’s eye before burying and vanished. Ziddis like her will fulfil
Well, they just kill, don’t they? They her. Which I most certainly did not. It is our tryst with destiny one day.
dollar). This narrow trading range, it says, was at securing any specific level of the rupee’s
not a reflection of any improvement in our value vis-à-vis the US dollar, but are guided by
external position, as the Reserve Bank of India the need to prevent unwarranted volatility that
(RBI) reportedly said in its rebuttal, but the could de-stabilize markets. At our stage of
result of excessive RBI intervention “beyond development, policymakers have consistently
what was required to manage market condi- argued, we need a flexible exchange-rate sys-
tions.” As a result, pursuant to its Article IV tem—with a managed rather than free float.
New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Saturday, December 21, 2013 Vol.7 No.303 `10.00 in Delhi­NCR/`11.00 outside Delhi­NCR 12 PAGES

Amit Burman on
review, the Fund has reclassified India’s Indeed, a turnaround on external-sector
Dabur’s growth strategy >4

We think we listen,
INTERNATIONAL: US economy expands faster
than estimated at 4.1% in Sep quarter >12

exchange-rate regime from “floating” to parameters is one of the big success stories of
DIPLOMACY: US won’t withdraw charges
against Khobragade; India seeks solution >5
NATION: Maharashtra cabinet rejects panel
report on Adarsh scam >3

a “stabilized arrangement” for that period. the reform process initiated in 1991. The rupee but very rarely do we listen
SENSEX 21,079.72 Æ 371.10 NIFTY 6,274.25 Æ 107.60 DOLLAR `62.04 æ `0.08 EURO `84.67 æ `0.23 GOLD `29,700 æ `50 OIL $111.25 Æ $0.84


Court annuls BIGGEST ANNUAL exits Infosys as Choking


LOSS IN 32 YEARS executive exodus on smog

One could dismiss the Fund’s reading as is now fully convertible for all current account
Gold hit a six-month low on Friday, on course

with real understanding,

for its largest annual loss in 32 years, as the continues
USL stake
US Federal Reserve's (Fed) first step away

from ultra-loose monetary policy further eaders of Sherlock Hol-
undermined the investor case for holding B Y A NIRBAN S EN mes stories will re-
bullion. The Fed said this week that it is member the unforgettable
1,550 scaling back its massive bond-buying scheme, ························· description of London
winding down an era of easy money that saw

sale to Diageo
streets wrapped in a thick
gold rally to an all-time high of $1,920.30 an
A top management exodus fog that provides cover to

nothing but semantics. Except that it matters. transactions and has limited—but increasing—
1,500 ounce in 2011. Spot gold hit its lowest since
June on Friday at $1,185.10 an ounce. It continued at Infosys Ltd on criminals. Art lovers will
recovered slightly to $1,193.33 an ounce, but Friday with the resignation of V. remember the famous im-
1,450 remained under pressure. In the year to date, Balakrishnan, head of its busi- pressionist painting of the

true empathy. Yet listening,

gold prices have declined nearly 29%. ness process outsourcing (BPO) English parliament by
Verdict complicates 150 pages, which requires us to unit and a favourite to become Claude Monet seen
Diageo’s bid to become first study it after a copy is made
available to us, and thereafter,
1,400 the first non-founder chief exec-
utive officer (CEO) of India’s sec-
through the haze that was
then so common. It is
controlling shareholder; consider our options,” Prakash ond largest software services worth comparing these im-
may increase deal cost, Mirpuri, a spokesman for the UB 1,350 provider. ages with the crystal-clear

Till such time as the global comity of nations convertibility on the capital account. This is
Group, said in an email. “Till Balakrishnan will leave the air in London today.
pull down stock price then, we are unable to comment Bangalore-based company on 31 Now look around at the
in any greater detail, except to ($/OZ) December. The head of Infosys abysmal air quality in most
B Y P .R . S ANJAI & say that one of the obvious op- BPO is the eighth top-level exec- Indian cities. The haze that
M IHIR D ALAL tions that we have is to prefer an utive to exit since co-founder shuts down the New Delhi

of this very special kind,

························· 1,250
appeal before the Supreme N.R. Narayana Murthy returned airport every winter is one
MUMBAI/BANGALORE Court when it reopens in Janu- from retirement in June to lead salient reminder. China is

T he Karnataka high court

on Friday annulled the
UB Group chairman Mallya
an organizational rehaul at the
company and reverse a down-
perhaps in an even worse
situation. This year has

comes up with a better institutional framework, what works for us. Under a classic trilemma
sale of a stake in United said: “We will take all necessary trend in its fortunes. seen Chinese cities choking
Spirits Ltd (USL) to Diageo Plc by steps to protect Diageo’s inter- 1,150
His departure raises concerns on smog that seems a
United Breweries (Holdings) Ltd ests as well as our own.” 31 Dec 2012 20 Dec 2013 over succession planning at Info- throwback to the London
(UBHL), complicating a transac- A Diageo spokesperson said sys, where Balakrishnan had of Arthur Conan Doyle.
tion sealed in July to turn the UK the company will appeal the high been seen as the frontrunner to Most rich countries have
distiller into India’s biggest seller court order. become CEO after S.D. Shibulal, cleaned up their urban air
of whiskey. “We are awaiting receipt of the one of the founders, retires in in recent decades through

is one of the most

The verdict, besides posing a detailed written order of the divi- March 2015 after he turns 60. a combination of new laws,

the Bretton Woods twins do count in the eco- of macro-economics, an economy that is open
hurdle to Diageo’s bid to become sion bench of the Court of Ap- “This is obviously a very criti- technology and public
the controlling shareholder in peal in Karnataka announced in cal departure—Infosys right now pressure. What has hap-
India’s largest liquor company, court today. We do not believe is at an inflexion point,” said Pe- pened there shows that
raises the stakes in the UB that there are any grounds for ter Schumacher, founder of Ger- change is possible if socie-
Group’s fight for survival. It may declaring the sale of the many-based consulting firm Val- ties focus their collective
also increase the cost of acquisi- 10,141,437 shares in United Spir- ue Leadership Group, which ad- attention on the quality of
tion and pull down the stock its (6.9% of USL) purchased by air that they breathe.
Source: Bloomberg, Reuters
price of USL, analysts and legal Diageo on 4 July 2013 from TURN TO PAGE 3®
experts said. UBHL as void,” said a Diageo

nomic arena, just as the UN does in world poli- to capital inflows and outflows can only fix its
The high court order came in spokesperson.

potent forces for change

response to a winding-up peti- “We are also disappointed, as
tion brought by creditors of
UBHL, the holding company of
a bona fide purchaser for value
of the United Spirits shares, that FTIL moves SECTION 377
Vijay Mallya’s UB Group, which
according to the company’s lat-
est annual report, has extended
we have been brought into the
private dispute between King-
fisher Airlines and its creditors.
Bombay high Govt files review petition against
corporate guarantees worth
`8,925.86 crore to lenders of
Once we receive the full written
order of the Court of Appeal, we
court against Supreme Court order on gay sex
FMC order
tics, despite their diminishing relevance. How- currency’s forex value at the cost of lost auton-
troubled group affiliate Kingfish- will review the detail of that or-
er Airlines Ltd. The proceedings der. We confirm that we intend BIKAS DAS/AP
related to the winding-up peti- to appeal the matter further,” the B Y M ONALISA

that I know.
tion against UBHL will continue spokesperson added. B Y K HUSHBOO N ARAYAN
in the high court. In July, Diageo completed its ·························
Friday’s order marks the re- takeover of USL, nearly eight ························· NEW DELHI

versal of another verdict passed

by the same court in May when it
gave conditional approval to
months after the companies an-
nounced the transaction. UBHL
and other promoter companies

F inancial Technologies (In-

dia) Ltd (FTIL) on Friday ap-
T he government filed a peti-
tion in the Supreme Court
on Friday, seeking a review of its

ever, it does not mean we must accept their omy over monetary policy. As a partially open
UBHL to sell its shares to Diageo. sold a 14.98% stake in USL for proached the Bombay high court judgement that upheld a 153-
To be sure, the UB Group, pro- £344.19 million to Diageo. against the order of the Forward year-old law criminalizing con-
moted by Mallya, and Diageo are UBHL’s stake sale represents Markets Commission (FMC), the sensual sex between adult ho-
likely to file an appeal in India’s some 7% of USL’s current shares. commodities futures market reg- mosexual men, saying the Brit-
Supreme Court. Diageo had then warned that ulator, declaring it unfit to run ish-era law had been “imposed
“(The order) adds seriousness if the courts passed winding-up any exchanges in the country. upon Indian society due to the
to the winding-up petitions orders against UBHL, the sale of FTIL holds a 26% stake in Mul- moral values of the colonizers”.
against UBHL. It shows that the shares by UBHL may be deemed ti Commodity Exchange of India There has been a “sea change”
lenders have merits in the wind- void. Ltd (MCX) and is the promoter across the world in attitudes to-

views. Back in 2018, when the US placed India one, India has sought a managed float (for
ing-up petitions that they have “It is possible that if a winding- of crisis-hit National Spot Ex- ward homosexuality, the govern-
filed,” said Aparajit Bhattachar- up order were to be passed in re- change Ltd (NSEL). ment told the nation’s highest Angry reaction: Gay rights activists at a protest against the Supreme
ya, a partner at HSA Advocates, a spect of UBHL, Diageo could The case will come up for court of law. Court verdict that upheld Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code.
law firm. “If the case goes to the lose title to the 10.14 million USL hearing on Saturday before jus- “Section 377, by proscribing
Supreme Court, we’re talking of shares acquired today from tice S.J. Vazifdar. certain sexual acts between con- homosexual men. The high court hence violative of the Right to
senior Supreme Court counsels UBHL,” it had said. In a 17 December order, FMC senting adults in private, de- had declared the provision “un- Equality, as well as its failure to
getting involved, so that will sig- Diageo is currently the largest said Jignesh Shah, chairman of means and degrades the dignity constitutional” to the extent that decide on whether it violates the

nificantly increase the legal cost shareholder in USL with a 26% FTIL, was unfit to run an ex- of all individuals, irrespective of it criminalized consensual sexu- Right to Privacy.
budgeting for UB.” stake, much lower than the change in the country and their sexual orientation,” said al activity between homosexual The petition questioned the

on its watch-list of currency manipulators, stability) that doesn’t weaken RBI’s policy tools.
The UB Group said it was 53.4% it originally sought, while barred him from holding a man- the petition. adults. apex court’s failure to dwell on
studying the judgement and UBHL and other promoter firms agement position in any recog- It asked for the review to be “The government has filed the the argument that Section 377
would consider its options. own 11.08%. nized exchange in India. conducted after the court hears review petition on 377 in the Su- “seeks to criminalize consensual
“The judgement is in excess of On 9 November 2012, Diageo It also said FTIL could not oral arguments—a departure preme Court today,” Union law sexual activity of two adults,
agreed to buy a 53.4% stake in hold more than 2% of the paid- from the usual practice of re- minister Kapil Sibal said on the which was against the constitu-
NOTE TO READERS USL for about `11,166.5 crore as
it sought a bigger market share in
up capital of MCX.
“FTIL, as the anchor investor
views being carried out in judi-
cial chambers.
microblogging site Twitter. “Let’s
hope the right to personal choic-
tional ethos of equality and liber-
There is no Mint Markets India. The transaction included in MCX, does not carry a good The Supreme Court on 11 De- es is preserved.” Another point left out by the
with today’s edition. the purchase of a 19.3% stake reputation and character, record cember overturned a Delhi high The government’s petition, a court was on the high court’s ob-

India held its ground. So should we today. Who It demands a fine balance, but RBI has done a
from UBHL and fresh preference of fairness, integrity or honesty court verdict that had set aside copy of which was reviewed by servation that the provision vio-
shares from USL. The British dis- to continue to be a shareholder,” Section 377 of the Indian Penal Mint, questioned the Supreme lates the constitutional bar on
Mint is also available for R14.50 with Code (IPC) and decriminalized Court’s silence on whether Sec-
Hindustan Times in Delhi-NCR only
TURN TO PAGE 3® TURN TO PAGE 2® consensual sex between adult tion 377 is vague, arbitrary and TURN TO PAGE 2®

is to determine what is kosher when it comes to better job of it than the IMF gives it credit for.


Evergreening of loans still remains a bane of banking

greening were symptoms of a governance two years. The unsecured loan assets of 12 greening creativity knows no limits. liquidity crisis. Lastly, it is an anomaly and
AJIT RANADE failure, especially of the audit committees. large NBFCs grew by a whopping 51% up till Some years ago, there was a rather egre- hides the true credit risk picture, since bank
The ink has not dried on the governor’s 2022-23. The worry about growing stress in gious example of regulatory arbitrage, CPs might be priced lower than their true
speech, when comes another warning. RBI these loan categories is but natural. And it is which was a sort of precursor to what we saw cost of borrowing. This is yet another aspect
has barred banks from investing in Alternate NBFCs that have been found to use AIFs for with the present AIFs. Mutual funds were of evergreening.
Investment Funds (AIF) that in turn bail out creative ways to under-report their rising subscribing to commercial paper (CP), or Public sector banks have written off about

arlier this year, in a speech to bank stressed entities already indebted to the stressed loans. No wonder, right after RBI’s unsecured promissory notes issued by ₹15 trillion of bad loans in the past six years.
directors, the governor of the Reserve same bank and near default. This is yet circular, shares of some banks, in large quantities. The bad loan ratio has been halved from
Bank of India (RBI) cautioned against another innovative way of evergreening. All large NBFCs fell sharply. Liquid funds find investing above 11% in 2017-18 to about 5.5% now.
the evergreening of loans. In its supervisory kosher, since no laws were being broken, Nine years ago, RBI RBI’s caution is in CPs more attractive than Bank performance has been very healthy
role, RBI had noticed innovative methods until this latest move. AIFs have light-touch began the process of an government securities during the past fiscal year, but the caution
adopted by certain banks to conceal the true regulation from the Securities and asset quality review (AQR) justified as the since they fetch higher from the governor in his speeches and the
stressed nature of loans. For instance, two Exchanges Board of India (Sebi) since they of banks as well as non- returns. The banks in turn recent circular on evergreening points to
banks might get into an arrangement of sale pool investor funds into non-traditional bank lenders. The problem
risks of creative used the CP proceeds to lurking dangers of stressed loans. Stress

is a Pune-based economist.
and buyback of troubled loans from each
other to erase the history of a stressed loan
assets such as real estate, hedge funds and
derivatives. Unlike mutual funds, the benefi-
still persists, even as back
then the AQR was wrongly
devices used for meet their short-term
funding needs, including
might arise from unsecured personal loans,
including loans to micro and small entrepre-
and start afresh. Or a loan might be extended
to a related entity of a stressed borrower,
cial owners of AIFs are not always transpar-
ently known. The investors are supposed to
blamed for a credit flow
slowdown. Some banks
debt renewal indirect evergreening. The
funds often flowed from
neurs, as well as Mudra loans.
The debt situation of the sovereign and
which in turn may be used to prevent the be high net worth individuals or entities who were temporarily barred demand close banks to mutual funds that sub-sovereigns (the states) has not improved
true picture from being exposed. RBI also know what risks they are taking. And the from issuing fresh loans subscribed to CPs and and is far from the benchmark set by the fis-
found that after objecting to one method of route of the evergreening goes through a under the prompt correct- oversight deposited that cash back cal responsibility committee. The govern-
evergreening, the bank resorted to a newer Sebi (lightly)-regulated entity into a RBI reg- ive action framework. The into the same (group of) ment’s borrowing appetite continues to be
one. Evergreening is an euphemistic expres- ulated entity. Such a trans-regulator arena is solution of automatically banks. This is essentially voracious even as companies are hungry for
sion that means giving a fresh loan to avert ripe for arbitrage. Hence the caution and cir- pushing defaulters into bankruptcy pro- round-tripping and can increase the risk of more loans. On one hand is the headache of
default on an existing one. It is borderline cular putting an end to this evergreening. ceedings failed due to Supreme Court instability. Firstly, it increases the correla- dealing with the risk of an evergreening of
unethical, if not outright illegal. Banks have The loan books of non-bank finance com- action. Hence, the evergreening of loans tion of bank and mutual fund performance, stressed loans. On the other is the imperative
an incentive to hide stressed loans, because panies (NBFCs) are expanding at an aston- remains a real risk that demands regulatory thereby increasing market concentration of ensuring adequate fresh credit for the
once classified as such, they have to provide ishing pace. Collateral-free or unsecured vigilance. This is a never-ending tussle, since risk. Secondly, in case banks face a liquidity growing needs of the Indian economy.
for losses, which reduces profit. The gover- loans by large NBFCs have risen to a share of the lock breakers will always be ahead, how- crunch, mutual funds might fail to redeem Squaring this circle is indeed a big challenge
nor pointed out that such examples of ever- 30% of all loans, up 7 percentage points in ever unbreakable the lock design. Ever- the CPs, aggravating panic and leading to a for the regulator.
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LIVEMINT.COM VIEWS ThursDAy, 21 December 2023
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Nourishing India: There’s a clear An Apple Watch ban is the last

thing this gizmo maker needs
way to achieve a healthy future The most valuable company of all time has had a tough year so far

Concerted policy efforts are needed even as the country implements existing schemes to ensure nobody is left undernourished


is Bloomberg Opinion’s US technology


are, respectively, representative and country
director, World Food Programme, India; and
representative of Unicef, India.

arring a last minute (and unlikely)
presidential veto, the Apple Watch is
largely coming off US shelves. Apple

n pursuit of zero hunger, the UN’s Sustainable will stop selling the latest versions of the Apple lost an intellectual property theft
Development Goal No. 2 (SDG 2) is fundamen- device though its online store by Thursday case to Masimo over an oximeter AFP
tal to achieving other SDGs, especially the first and then in its physical stores too by
and the third goals, which aim to end poverty Christmas Eve. Other sellers like Best Buy $16.9 billion in revenue from the watch this
and safeguard the health of people. Malnutri- can continue to sell them until they are out year, compared with $200 billion from the
tion and hunger make individuals more sus- of stock. It’s a miserable end to a lacklustre phone—it is now a pivotal device for Apple.
ceptible to diseases and affects their productivity, year for America’s most valuable company As well as being the gateway to its health
income and quality of life, even as poverty limits and its CEO Tim Cook. services, it has also established itself as an
people’s access to safe and nutritious food. Apple has found itself on the losing side entry device into the Apple ecosystem for
It is not an easy task. Globally, an estimated 148 of a patent dispute with a US medical tech young people. One recent study suggested
million children are suffering from stunted company, Masimo, which accused the tech a third of US teens own the watch, possibly
growth, 45 million children are affected by wasting giant of infringing patents related to its as a result of parents viewing it as a stopgap
and almost 38 million are overweight. Approxi- blood-oxygen sensors. Apple denied the before a child is old enough to be let loose
mately 735 million people—9% of the world’s pop- claim, but it was upheld by the US Interna- with a smartphone.
ulation—are experiencing chronic hunger, and tional Trade Commission (ITC) in October, An Apple Watch ban could impact $5 bil-
over 2 billion people are facing moderate to severe giving 60 days notice on a ban that takes lion in annualized sales, according to
food insecurity. This challenge is compounded by effect on Christmas. Apple’s announce- JPMorgan Chase, though Apple will be
the impact of global crises like the covid pandemic ment that it would halt sales early has been hoping to have the matter resolved much,
that set back progress on SDGs; climate change seen as a potential last-gasp effort to force much sooner. The company is rushing to
and its impact on land, soil and food sources, and the US president’s hand, though White carry out a software fix it hopes might be
on vulnerable populations, including children; House interventions in such matters are sufficient. Alternatively, Apple could reach
the consequences of rapid urbanization and rare, particularly when the row is between a licensing deal with Masimo, one that
migration, and humanitarian crises arising from two US companies. Bloomberg Intelligence estimates could be
war and civil strife. The ITC is no Scrooge and Apple does worth as much as $300 million a year. In
Despite these formidable challenges, India has have questions to answer. As well as its pat- the interim, Apple could direct shoppers to
reshaped, reoriented and reimagined its nutrition mothers and children and take need-based actions. tum to discussions about healthy diets. ent claims, Masimo has taken Apple to previous models that do not contain the
landscape, with policies and programmes that Under India’s G20 presidency, the New Delhi Recently released protocols on health manage- court accusing it of stealing trade secrets. disputed technology, JPMorgan analysts
focus on the first 1,000 days of life, from concep- Leaders’ Declaration has committed the G20 to ment for malnourished children provide a much- Apple, Masimo contended, set up meetings noted. And any pre-Thursday sudden rush
tion till two years of age. The Joint Child Malnutri- work towards ensuring food and nutrition security needed policy push to reach the most vulnerable. between the companies to discuss innova- to buy the device before it’s taken off sale
tion estimates report for 2023 shows a decline in for all. The Aspirational District and Block scheme These complement the existing facility-based care tions and a potential partnership that never might help offset any slump.
India’s share of the global burden of stunting, from addresses nutrition from an equity lens. Besides, being offered at Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres materialized. Apple then poached key These are complications Apple could
30% to 25%, over the last decade. India has instituted robust and effective pro- to children with severe malnutrition by the health employees. The end result, Masimo con- have really done without. As Bloomberg’s
The country is continuously building on its grammes to combat food insecurity and malnutri- department. Home -based care and advice on tended, was theft of trade secrets and an Mark Gurman noted, 2023 has been tepid
foundation efforts in child nutrition and develop- tion, including the targeted Public Distribution young child feeding is being imparted through Apple blood-oxygen sensor too similar in for Apple’s main product lines. Only
ment, aiming to unlock its demographic dividend. System and Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman community meetings and home visits under design and function to what Masimo had Apple’s services unit—which includes App
Progress in nutrition requires six essential actions scheme, all operating within the framework of the POSHAN 2.0, as well as under the Mother’s produced. A jury trial on those matters Store commissions and subscription sales
implemented at scale, which include ensuring National Food Security Act of 2013. India’s Supple- Absolute Affection (MAA) Programme and Home ended in stalemate earlier this year. Apple for products like Apple TV—recorded
sufficient funding for nutrition, decentralizing mentary Nutrition Programme under the Inte- Based Young Child Care Programme of the health disputes the accusation of infringement year-on-year revenue growth. Sales
decision-making to reach the last mile, delivering grated Child Development Services (ICDS), lays department. and says it plans to appeal the ITC ruling. declined for all of its other lines: the
timely and evidence-based nutrition interventions emphasis on the nutritional quality of take-home Through the collective efforts of around 2.5 mil- The bad news is in keeping with much of iPhone, Mac, iPad and wearables.
(especially for children under two), employing rations: improving packaging, adhering to hygiene lion auxiliary nurse midwives, accredited social Apple’s fortunes this year. Last month, it Next year will offer a chance to revitalize
innovative communication strategies to address standards and taking quality-control measures. health activists (ASHAs), Anganwadi workers and recorded its fourth consecutive quarter of those long-established products while ush-
dietary diversity, and promoting economic sup- The introduction of fortified rice in the food- about 8 million self-help groups, women are at the revenue decline, its worst run in two dec- ering in new innovations, too. Beginning
port, gender equality and financial inclusion. Many based safety net for vulnerable populations is a step forefront in facilitating the delivery of nutrition ades. The company warned that revenue in around March, Apple is expected to intro-
of these actions are evident at the national and towards combating anaemia and other micronutri- services and promoting nutrition literacy. the October-December quarter, which duce new iPad models—simplifying what
state level in India. ent deficiencies along with complementary strate- Yet, the timeline to achieve SDGs is tight and Apple counts as its first of fiscal year 2024, is currently a confusing mess of different
What highlights India’s commitment to enhanc- gies such as the Anaemia Mukt Bharat programme, there is still a long way to go, with nearly one-third would be flat. Analysts, as polled by Bloom- configurations and price points. New Air-
ing nutrition outcomes is its implementation of dietary diversification, de-worming, etc. of children still stunted, almost every second ado- berg, are expecting the company to just pods and MacBooks are expected, too.
multi-sectoral interventions encompassing health, Focusing on nutrition-sensitive agriculture, the lescent girl anaemic, and obesity on the rise. To about sneak back to growth, but it’s touch- Most excitingly—for those hyped for a
nutrition and social protection programmes that government has proactively raised awareness meet the 2030 goals, continued concerted efforts and-go and a ban on watch sales during the mixed-reality future—the company is
benefit women and children and keep nutrition as about the benefits of traditional diets and locally are needed. Delivery at scale is required to reach festive season won’t help. On top of all this, gearing up its stores to offer demos of the
a key development indicator. Poshan 2.0—an grown fruits and vegetables. The aim is to bring the last mile. We must ensure the implementation worries persist around Apple’s business in Vision Pro, Apple’s long-anticipated head-
ambitious programme envisioning a malnutrition- nutritionally rich food and dietary diversity to the of existing programmes with equity, quality and China. Last week, Beijing broadened its set. It won’t be a big seller in its first year,
free India—focuses on raising awareness about the centre of farming and food systems. Working par- intensity. It is important to reach every child, every ban on the use of Apple and other foreign for sure, but a positive public reaction to
importance of nutrition and promoting healthy ticularly will smallholder farmers along nutrition- mother, every family and every community. devices. Investors haven’t lost faith yet, Apple’s most daring product since the
eating habits by sensitising and mobilising com- sensitive value chains can achieve improvements Roderico H. Ofrin, representative of WHO, India, though. The company’s stock is up more iPhone, arguably, could bring about a
munities and individuals. The Poshan tracker in incomes and food and nutrition security simul- Han Ulaç Demirag, country director of IFAD India, than 50% this year. much happier atmosphere both in Cuper-
mobile app has tech enabled Anganwadi workers taneously. The declaration of 2023 as the Interna- and Takayuki Hagiwara, representative of FAO, While the smartwatch is not as big a tino, California, where Apple is based, and
to document the real-time nutritional status of tional Year of Millets has also given fresh momen- India, are co-authors of this article. seller as the iPhone—analysts expect about on Wall Street. ©BLOOMBERG


India should be at the front-line of a battle for tourists

November 2022 and October this year not- 53-59-square-metre Royal suite is worth it, Japan and how easy obtaining a visa is, but, am, a relaxation allowed in Bangkok, Phuket
RAHUL JACOB withstanding, Bali’s international visitor and the website warns in red letters that more than 20 years ago, I recall the Japanese and Chiang Mai earlier. (By contrast, in Ben-
tally was 5 million. Vietnam got 18 million these are the last few available in this cate- visa process required submitting a declara- galuru, officials fine bars for using routine
tourists in 2019. Despite expanding the gory. Nice work if you can get it, as they say. tion that my employer had sufficient funds additives such as alcoholic bitters or cock-
number of countries whose citizens can The irony is that it is the rich world that to meet my travel costs if it became neces- tail-making techniques such as milk wash-
enter without visas, from January to Octo- tops the WEF travel and tourism develop- sary to deport me. ing.) Thai Tourism had multiple roadshows

way from the headlines, a war has ber, international arrivals in Vietnam only ment index (TTDI). The West has superior Despite political attacks on immigrants in in Indian cities this year to boost arrivals.
broken out among developing coun- reached 10 million. infrastructure for travel, the US and UK, when it India’s tourist arrivals increased to 7.2
tries. Nations are seeking to take each Nevertheless, these moves to liberalize better connectivity and comes to tourists, almost million in the first 10 months of this year, still
other’s citizens temporarily hostage as the travel are long overdue. In effect, govern- realized early on that visas An international every country wants more. well below the potential of a country that
important year-end holiday season unfolds. ments across the developing world are real- were not necessary for fel- The developed world even offers Himalayan retreats, medieval palaces
Visa-free travel for Indians (and other izing that these are low-cost investments to low developed world war has broken has some destinations that and backwater cruises, let alone Thailand’s
nationalities such as Kazakhs and Chinese) capitalize on arguably the world’s most nations because pre-travel are seizing up because of projected 28 million for 2023 and Spain’s
to countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and labour-intensive industry, offering jobs to online registration of
out to attract too many travellers. Cities 37.5 million foreign visitors in the first half of

is a Mint columnist and a

Sri Lanka has expanded since October. Last
week, President William Ruto of Kenya took
people of varying skills. Yet, paradoxically in
too many countries, including India, tour-
travel document details
makes it redundant. The
post-pandemic like Barcelona and Seville in
Spain, which received 84
the year alone (who spent €46 billion on
their trips). Our ‘tourists’ are likely mostly
former Financial Times foreign
his vision of visa-free entry for citizens from
fellow African nations to another level. From
ism has been a stepchild. A World Economic
Forum (WEF) report in 2022 underlined
WEF report notes, “Aside
from the United States
travellers that million tourists last year,
have imposed rules to curb
the Indian diaspora returning home to visit
family. Our arrival numbers remain tiny, but
2024, Kenya, popular for its wildlife, will that low and middle income countries bene- (2nd), the top 10 scoring we ought to the excesses of stag and hen no equivalent of a production-linked
allow visa-free access to the world. fit disproportionately from tourism inflows. countries are high-income parties. Fines on drinking scheme appears to be on the cards. A some-
In part, the reason for this throwing open Marquee properties that are in demand from economies in the Europe join in earnest and urinating on the streets what superficial debate plays out instead
of doors to international travellers is that for both wealthy domestic tourists and foreign and Eurasia or Asia-Pacific will be levied on drunken about whether India should target manufac-
all the hype about ‘revenge travel,’ interna- travellers enjoy the best of both worlds: regions. Japan tops the tourists in Spain. turing jobs for memory chips or design
tional tourism has not rebounded to levels They pay their staff developing world sala- ranking, with fellow regional economies Thailand, especially under its new tour- chips. Tourism may make up 10% of global
before the pandemic. Thailand, Asia’s most ries while pricing their services at strato- Australia and Singapore coming in 7th and ism-friendly premier Srettha Thavisin, a GDP and provide millions of service jobs,
popular destination, received 39 million spheric rich-world levels. The Taj Lake Pal- 9th, respectively. The remaining top 10 businessman, is moving in the opposite from handicrafts to housekeeping, but it is
tourists in 2019. This year, it is on course to ace in Udaipur this weekend is charging TTDI performers are Spain (3rd), France direction. After the country’s interior minis- overlooked. India, with many millions who
receive about 28 million. Pre-pandemic, Bali upwards of ₹123,500 for a lake-view room to (4th), Germany (5th), Switzerland (6th) and ter visited a nightlife area in Bangkok last need low-skilled jobs, ought to be at the
would get as many as 6.3 million foreign ₹360,000 for its lower-priced suites. Dither the United Kingdom (8th).” I have lost count Saturday, the government said it would front-line of the ongoing global battle to
tourists annually. A rapid rebound between while deliberating whether ₹560,000 for a of how many friends have told me to travel to allow more areas to have bars open until 4 attract tourists.
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Guardrails for AI
s is normally the case,
everything in the economy
cannot go well in any year.
AI regulation needs to get serious and global There are bound to be
several hits and misses. On

T he recently concluded Global Partnership on balance, it can be said that the Indian
Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) summit in Delhi economy has come out stronger with an
even chance to accelerate the growth
marked a significant milestone. The meet — momentum in 2024.
attended by representatives from diverse nations, External shocks that have been known
industry leaders, and experts — recognised the to dislodge the world economy have
become less potent as countries have

2023: many hits,

importance of establishing ethical guidelines and learnt to become more independent.
standards for AI technologies. It also rightly stressed The contagions that typified such crises
the need for international collaboration in navigating have been diluted though admittedly
Covid­like shocks did bring the world to
the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. a standstill. How can the year then be

some misses
It is clear that there is a global race for AI The hits have been quite stark. To
dominance. Nations across the world are begin with India still retains the title of
investing heavily in AI research, development, the fastest growing large economy with
and deployment. While healthy competition growth of around 7 per cent expected
this fiscal. The significant part is that
can drive innovation, an unregulated race can this growth rate has been achieved even LARGELY UPBEAT. The economy is in fine fettle, but there are niggles
lead to a fragmented landscape where though the monsoon has not been
standards, ethics, and accountability are satisfactory with the El Nino effects still
with respect to demand, capex composition and inflation
overlooked. In this race, countries may leaving its mark on the kharif and rabi BHAGYA PRAKASH K

prioritise advancements without considering harvests. This kind of resilience can be

attributed more to the relentless push credit again for ensuring this smooth Onions, tomatoes, dairy products, consumer­oriented sectors. Therefore,
the potential risks and societal impact. To given by the government to capex and process. pulses, spices, rice and wheat among investment has been limited to
prevent a dystopian future and ensure a growing private sector interest, albeit in Fourth, the capital market has been others have been driving up inflation. infra­oriented sectors like cement, steel,
collaborative approach, it is essential to limited sectors linked to infrastructure. extremely buoyant with the stock The only hope is that statistically these chemicals, etc. In fact, curiously the new
establish international agreements and Second, the currency has been a star indices crossing new heights. The numbers would come down due to base investment announcements made so far
performer and been range­bound with optimism regarding the India story has effects. The kharif harvest is expected to this year are more in the services sector
standards for AI development and use. The rather tactful interventions by the RBI been one driving factor behind this be lower than last year while the rabi with heavy concentration in airlines
summit participants agreed that AI systems using the abundant forex reserves to phenomenon. Both the primary (equity sowing is still underperforming. followed by power. This has been a
should be developed in a manner that upholds stabilise the rupee when required. and debt) and secondary markets Second, rural demand is yet to stand nagging issue even before the pandemic
human rights, fairness, and accountability. Hence, the rupee has always remained at (equity) have kept the sentiment up. There have been differing views here. and hence is a stumbling block in our
the median level of change vis-à-vis positive even though FPI investments Corporates have stated quite clearly in growth momentum.
Recent global initiatives have taken competing countries. have been volatile. their investor presentations that high Last, while the external sector on the
significant steps towards establishing a This has ensured that the exports Domestic institutional investors have inflation has affected rural demand and whole has been well­managed as seen in
regulatory framework that balances have not been adversely affected by a played a decisive role here and hence it is mainly the premium products that the build­up of forex reserves as well as
innovation with ethical considerations. stronger rupee, and nor has panic set in more than made up for the rather fickle have sold well. This holds also in the case stable rupee, the internals have been a
Notable among these initiatives are the due to a depreciating rupee. There has FPI flows which have been guided by the of automobiles. worry. FDI was in the region of $70
been certainty for companies borrowing decisions of foreign central banks. However, monthly data from the billion in FY23 and looks unlikely to be
Bletchley Declaration, the US White House from global markets in terms of Fifth, the banking sector has returned retail side does indicate that the festival much better in FY24. With monetary
Executive Order, and the legislative efforts by evaluating foreign currency risk. to normal which is what is expected sales, which came in late this year, have tightening now on, the flow of surplus
the European Parliament and Council. There Third, the overall fiscal situation has when the economy moves to a higher picked up. But it should be noted that funds has ebbed. Further, exports of
are many initiatives being undertaken by been managed well at both the Central growth trajectory. We need to have a the exhaustion of pent­up demand both goods and services have been
and State levels. This is more an healthy financial system that can post­Covid relaxation and cumulative sub­optimal. While the former is
private players to put in place a framework to outcome of return to normalcy and the provide funding for investment. It can inflation of nearly 25 per cent in the last understandable given that global trade
limit the negative impact of AI. For example, overarching influence of the FRBM be said with fair degree of confidence three­and­a­half years has come in the has slowed down, services, especially
tech giants including Amazon, Microsoft, norms which ensure that States do not that the system is not just way of overall demand. software, was supposed to replicate the
Meta, Google and OpenAI have signed a breach their fiscal targets, while the well­capitalised but also has a strong Third, the private sector investment success of FY23. This has witnessed
Centre has imposed self­discipline on asset quality attribute with NPAs at cycle has not been broad­based. The some setback. One may hope that this is
voluntary agreement to emphasise safety, this front. Hence, even though there around 3.5 per cent and a quarterly problem is related more to the second only transient.
security and trust when developing AI have been several announcements made slippage ratio of less than 0.5 per cent. factor, that is, demand. As long as Hence, on the whole, the Indian
technologies. In India, industry body by political parties at the time of demand is inadequate there is likely to economy would be emerging a winner.
Nasscom has come out with a framework elections to provide additional sops, the THE PAIN POINTS be excess capacity in several The challenges have been mainly
listing out the obligations of all stakeholders overall fiscal numbers remain How about the misses? The CPI inflation exogenous, especially when it comes to
unchanged, even while the character of number has been quite volatile with food The currency has been a food inflation or the external sector.
in the development of AI.
But the biggest challenge is that no one
budgets in the form of composition of inflation being the main driver. star performer and been With global conditions also expected to
spending could alter. Interventions through export bans have improve in 2024, it would be reasonable
knows for certain what’s going to happen next This is important because as long as not helped at all. Increasing imports range­bound with rather to assume that the economy is set to
with AI. This technology is evolving so fast deficits are under control there are few have only helped to cool down prices at tactful interventions by the enter a new growth trajectory next year.
chances of there being pressure on the margin. Putting curbs on stock limits
that stakeholders are falling behind miserably liquidity and the crowding out of the have been counterproductive as it has RBI using the abundant The writer is Chief Economist, Bank of Baroda. Views
when it comes to putting safeguards. private sector. The RBI has to be given created more panic in the market. forex reserves. are personal
Therefore, it is essential to recognise that the
success of these regulatory efforts hinges on
their implementation. International
cooperation that prevents regulatory
fragmentation and ensures a level playing
field for AI developers and users worldwide is
crucial. The global community has
Decoding RBI’s new rules on bank investments in AIFs
acknowledged the need to bridge the digital The sheer cost prohibitive nature of structuring a debt transaction could be a deterrent for regulated entities
divide. Recognising the potential for AI to
exacerbate existing inequalities, participants
committed to promoting diversity in AI
bl explainer from the LMN could have been used by
XYZ to pare its exposure to Bank A. So,
aspect of an RE’s investment strategy.
Given that there could also be need for
Hamsini Karthik instead of a direct loan exposure to XYZ, disclosure in case 100 per cent
research and development, as well as Bank A now has an indirect exposure to provisioning, this could further deter
addressing the socio­economic impacts of XYZ through the investment in LMN. REs from engaging in such loan
automation. Implementing the principles and What wrongdoing has RBI found Private credit, which is the transactions.
agreements reached at the summit will regarding bank investments in mushrooming segment in the credit
AIFs? space, often opts for AIF structures. The Is there a possibility of loans
require sustained effort and coordination Without getting into the specifics, the circular seems to be the first step taken being evergreened through other
among participating nations. The global Reserve Bank of India has indicated that by the banking regulator to tighten the investment vehicles such as PMS
community must remain vigilant in certain transactions of regulated screws on private credit funds. funds or other quid pro quo?
monitoring developments in AI and adapting entities (banks and NBFCs) involving While PMS or other alternative vehicles
regulatory frameworks to address emerging AIFs or alternate investment funds What has the RBI directed banks may not be as lucrative and promising in
raises regulatory concerns. regarding investment in AIFs LOANS. The bane of evergreening size to suit mid­to­large ticket corporate
challenges. The GPAI summit has laid the While Tuesday’s circular did not now? loan exposures, certain operating
groundwork for a collaborative approach. explain exactly the nature of these The notification aims at curtailing the agreements with other subsidiaries of
transactions, it said that “they entail exposure of REs in AIFs where the AIF is investments, it should make a provision REs are often viewed as corporate
substitution of direct loan exposure of also in a relationship with the same for 100 per cent of the such investment structures which lend themselves to
regulated entities to borrowers, with borrower. As the most preferred option, value deployed by the RE to the AIF. questionable transactions. However,
POCKET RAVIKANTH indirect exposure through investments REs shall not make investments in any with the RE being supervised and
in units of AIFs”. scheme of AIFs which has investments Will the RBI’s move be enough to overseen by the RBI, especially the large
Let’s explain this with an example. either directly or indirectly in a debtor check evergreening of loans? banks and non­banks, these transactions
Say, Bank A has lent ₹100 crore to XYZ company of the RE. In case the AIF The sheer cost prohibitive nature of can be traced easily.
and Bank A has also invested in an scheme already has a relationship with structuring a debt transaction between Hence REs generally avoid such
alternate investment fund, LMN. If the RE’s debtor, the RE should liquidate REs, AIFs and the debtor, which could arrangements. Also, there are also not
LMN has invested through debt or its investment in the scheme within 30 take the colour of a commingling too many loose­ends in terms of
equity in XYZ , then RBI is disallowing days from the date of such investment structure, would deter REs from regulations that REs could take
such relationship. by the AIF. In circumstances where the entering such transactions or merely advantage from an evergreening
This is because, the funds received RE is not able to liquidate the investing in AIFs unless it’s a critical perspective.

LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859­860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

RBI’s forex intervention currency to arrest volatility. The ruling and opposition parties entrepreneurs there are still many lenders for evergreening loans. Far
The claim of IMF on RBI’s excessive Currency stabilisation is an extension should cooperate to pass important roadblocks. Institutional credit at too many instances of such misuse
forex intervention is nothing short of of ‘floating rate’ policy pursued by Bills. Political parties may have more reasonable rates, access to of Alternative Investments Funds
the US treasury department earlier the RBI and as such it is within its differences but that should not cheaper raw materials, and effective (AIFs) have been noticed by the
calling India a ‘currency manipulator’ purview to use its forex reserves for come in the way of hurting the ways to collect receivables within a regulators and the current RBI
and placing India on a watch list. The intervention to promote external nation’s interests. Parliamentarians short time are issues that need to be directive will put an end to
information from the World Bank’s trade as the situation demands when should be more sensitive to the addressed. Also, the compliance transactions that seek to mask the
latest Migration and Development the world is facing disruption in problems faced by the people and burden on MSMEs has increased. A reality of stressed loans and will lead
report reveals that India occupied supply chain and fluctuation in crude should rise above petty politics. lot of small units are unable to follow to faster detection of NPAs and
the top remittance recipient spot oil prices. Veena Shenoy the regulations due to the lack of follow up for recovery. This unethical
with an inflow of $125 billion. This Srinivasan Velamur Thane knowledge, etc. The government practice of evergreening through
has to be seen in the light of the Chennai must take proactive measures to AIFs has also exposed the investors
dollar gaining strength on account of MSMEs need support motivate the entrepreneurs. in AIFs to an enhanced risk and
rapid rise in interest rates and Passing of Bills This refers to ‘MSME closures are still VSK Pillai diminished their capacity to arrive at
Federal Reserve’s continued tight This is with reference to the editorial high amid emergence of new growth Changanacherry, Kerala informed decisions, thus
monetary policy. ‘Parliament diminished’ (December avenues’ (December 20). compromising the stability and
In this situation reclassifying India’s 20). When people vote Notwithstanding the key role played Evergreening of loans credibility of financial markets. The
exchange rate management policy as parliamentarians to power they by MSMEs in generating jobs, With reference to ‘RBI clamps down changes made by the regulator
‘stabilised arrangement’ from place a lot of hope on them. products and services, they are on evergreening of stressed loans via would have a salutary effect on the
‘floating’ should be construed as a India being a developing country, the facing severe stress. Even though the the AIF route’ (December 20), the financial system.
natural phenomenon, when the RBI timely passing of various legislation is government is creating an enabling RBI’s action plugs a much abused Kosaraju Chandramouli
uses its forex reserves to stabilise its crucial to sustain economic growth. environment to attract more loophole by the borrowers and Hyderabad

Published by Nirmala Lakshman at Nilhat House, 8th Floor, 11, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata­700001 and Printed by Rony Gupta at Saraswati Print Factory Pvt. Ltd. No. 789 Chowbhaga (West), (Near China Mandir), Kolkata­700105, on behalf of THG Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Responsible for selection of news under PRB Act). ISSN 0971 ­ 7528

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Revitalise universities
They should be at the forefront of research

Srinath Sridharan hat we often declare
loudly, we appreciate a

ndian universities, with a few little, apply even less.
honourable exceptions, have Governance and
lost their lustre as beacons of ethics would fall in
knowledge and innovation. They this category. How often do most of us
must re­evaluate their priorities, talk glibly about the significance of good
shed the vestiges of the past. governance and never lose an
From the quality of teachers to opportunity to wax eloquent on the
pedagogical methods, from importance of being ethical. But do we
teaching techniques to the always practice what we profess in these
relevance of course content, the EDUCATION. Better vision needed areas? Do we realise that the two are
majority of these institutions intricately intertwined like the yarn of a
have fallen behind. contributions to various fields cloth?
The archaic notion that pale in comparison to global If these are separated, the cloth will
prestige and alumni networks counterparts. Moreover, the cease to exist and all that we will be left
alone define the worth of a dearth of professionally written with are bits and pieces of yarn.
university is a relic of the past. In journals and academic papers is a The year 1992 was early days for
today’s interconnected world, glaring deficiency. The output is corporate governance. These two words GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO
universities are meant to be often riddled with subpar quality, were just catching the headlines of the

Ethics as a way of
vibrant knowledge portals, lacking rigorous peer reviews and international press. The Cadbury
fostering innovation, critical original insights. This not only Committee was appointed, the Code of
thinking, and global undermines the credibility of Corporate Governance was published in
competitiveness. Unfortunately, Indian academia but also the UK and SEBI just got statutory
many have devolved into discourages students and faculty powers.

corporate life
self­imposed mediocrity. While from engaging in meaningful In those early days, corporate
there have been pockets of research. The overbearing governance was treated as the system of
excellence and individual success influence of outdated regulations rules, practices, and processes by which
stories, the overarching narrative and red tape has choked the a company, managed by its board of
tells a tale of outdated dynamism of universities. directors, is directed and controlled; it
methodologies and bureaucratic Over the past three decades, we overarched the people, purpose,
hurdles. witnessed a proliferation of processes and performance of the
private colleges and universities company. POSITIVE EFFECT. It is important to understand that ethics goes far
CONTEMPORARY CONTENT in India, often established by beyond adhering to corporate governance frameworks
In today’s digital content era, promoters whose primary BEYOND CORPORATE LAW
universities and colleges must motivation seemed to be gaining Corporate governance evolved and by
transcend their traditional roles social acceptance and respect the time SEBI’s NR Narayana Murthy supposed to keep the long­term interest management are discernible. Is this But this does not help to regulate our
as mere degree awarding within their communities. This Committee Report on Corporate of the organisation in view, keep well­understood across all ethical practice, it is one of the many
institutions. Modern education mushrooming of educational Governance was published in 2003, it self­interest aside, and make decisions organisations? considerations by which we can feel our
should be about equipping institutions driven by ulterior was clearly understood that corporate based only on principles influenced by Culture in an organisation takes time way along the road which is so difficult
students with practical, motives has, unsurprisingly, governance went beyond corporate law. the values, context, culture and the to develop. Good culture takes more to travel.
real­world competencies. These contributed to the current state of Fulfilment of the requirements of law is belief system of the organisation. But do time to set, bad culture spreads very fast. Good, not utility, must be the
institutions should be at the the education industry. It’s a stark a necessary but not a sufficient they always? In life, as well as in business, there are principle and standard of good;
forefront of research, fostering an reminder of how condition to meet its fundamental The culture and mindset of bound to be challenges. otherwise we fall into the hands of that
environment where students commercialisation and vested objective of ensuring the board’s management are the two key sources The naturally confronting question is dangerous pretender expediency, whose
engage with cutting­edge interests have tarnished the noble commitment to manage the company from which corporate governance flows. whether one would prefer to be whole method is alien to the ethical”.
technologies and contemporary pursuit of knowledge, resulting in transparently to maximise long­term These two cannot be dictated by any expedient and choose corruption to “Application of ethics would vary with
content. a system where quality often takes shareholder value, in whatever manner regulatory framework; a regulatory overcome many of the challenges, which the individual nature, the habit of mind,
One of the root causes of this a backseat to profit, and genuine that value may be arrived at. framework can only serve as a mere will be like riding a tiger, or, be willing to individual’s outlook on the world. The
crisis is the regressive teaching educational values are frequently Forging the relationship between enabler in the process. Corporate carry the cross and be firm on one’s law of nature of the ethical being is the
staff. Incompetent and outdated overlooked. ethics and governance was essential for governance is all about openness, beliefs and convictions. pursuit of good; not the pursuit of
academicians dominate The education sector is not just corporate governance to play effectively, integrity and accountability. A One difficulty with ethics is lack of utility. Hence a safe rule for the ethical
classrooms, undermining the a commercial industry; it’s a vital its intended role in an organisation. But regulatory framework can only provide a clarity of understanding of what ethics man, is to stick to his principle of good,
potential for genuine learning. social­institutional sector that was this merely an academic statement, common framework for all companies to is, for unlike corporate governance his instinct for good, his vision of good,
While there are certainly shapes the future of a nation. or widely believed then and now to have ensure common standards. It is the which can be defined within the his intuition of good and to govern by
exceptional educators, they are While it’s essential for practical validity? “form”. But it is in the “substance” that available frameworks, and general that his conduct.”
few and far between, leaving educational institutions to be Ethics is concerned with the code of the mindset and ethical standards of regulations around it, ethics eludes There are examples of sustainable and
students in dire need of better financially sustainable, running values and principles that enables a definability. Nor can ethics at all or ever growing businesses in India and
mentorship. Pedagogy and
teaching methods remain rooted
them solely to capitalise on the
fear of missing out (FOMO)
person to make a rational choice
between alternative courses of action on
Ethics is concerned with be a matter of calculation. elsewhere, which have realised that
ethical leadership is good for businesses,
in tradition, failing to embrace among parents and students the basis of right and wrong. This choice the code of values and THE GOOD OF ALL as the organisation is then seen to
modern techniques that serves no one’s interests. Relying is not as simple as it sounds, because, principles that enables a In his book The Human Cycle, Sri conduct its business in line with the
encourage creativity and solely on the National Education there are always conflicting interests of Aurobindo says: “The good of others and expectations of all stakeholders.
problem­solving. Policy (NEP) of 2020 to the parties, intermingling with the person to make a rational most widely the good of all is one ideal
Memorisation­based single­handedly rectify this self­interests of the managers, which choice between alternative aim of ethical practice; it is that which The writer joined SEBI at its inception in 1988 and was
examinations stifle the deep­rooted crisis is delusional. often further complicate matters. the ethical man would like to effect, if he its Executive Director between 1992 and 2006. He was
development of analytical skills If India aspires to lead the Ethical dilemmas sprout, making courses of action on the could only find the way and be always involved with NR Narayana Murthy on corporate
and original thinking. Many global innovation space and decision­making difficult. Managers are basis of right and wrong. sure what is the real good of all.. …. governance
curricula remain untouched for secure digital sovereignty, a
decades. Gone are the days when pivotal step lies in the urgent
Indian institutions were revitalisation of its academia and
considered leaders in innovation research capabilities.
and research. Today, the number
of patents, path­breaking
discoveries, and meaningful
The writer is a policy researcher and corporate
Accelerating regional cooperation in BIMSTEC
Prabir De BIMSTEC Agreement on Grid the Secretariat may pick up the
Inter­connection. There have been maritime sector (example, ports, IWT,
ndia recently seconded a senior some key developments in recent years. and shipping) as low­hanging fruit to
diplomat to drive BIMSTEC, or BIMSTEC has introduced the start with. Besides, trade and transit
‘Bay of Bengal Initiative for BIMSTEC Charter in 2022. The facilitations must be given top priority
TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY. Multi­Sectoral Technical and BIMSTEC Rules of Procedure will be along with energy and digital
Economic Cooperation’, as its fourth submitted at the 6th Summit for connectivity.
December 21, 2003 Secretary­General (SG). The incoming adoption. The BIMSTEC Maritime Third, a stronger secretariat is a must
SG will have a challenging time to Cooperation Agreement (BMCA) is to drive meaningful interactions among
Forex reserves cross $100­b mark restore the momentum that can help expected to be signed at the Summit; member­states.
For the first time ever in India’s economic history, the country’s foreign the region deliver some fruitful and the BIMSTEC Bangkok Vision 2030 VITAL. A stronger secretariat Bangladesh is going to take over the
exchange reserves crossed the $100­billion mark to touch $100.048 billion, the outcomes before the full­fledged is to be launched during the Summit. chairmanship of BIMSTEC from
Finance Minister, Mr Jaswant Singh, said today. Over a decade ago, in 1991, foreign ministers level meeting by priorities and wherefrom would the Thailand once the 6th Summit is over.
India was written off as a basket case with two devaluations of its currency and middle of 2024 and a possible summit FALLING SHORT new SG start? The postponement of the 6th Summit
less than $1 billion as reserves. towards the end of 2024. While the hits are plenty, there are First, trade is one of the priority areas has slowed BIMSTEC integration. The
BIMSTEC was set up in 1997 to misses, too. To cite some examples, of the BIMSTEC. However, no first half of 2024 may witness elections
Further momentum to reforms, says Jaswant foster economic and social BIMSTEC has decided not to go­ahead meaningful progress has yet been made in Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Sri
The Finance Minister, Mr Jaswant Singh, has said the $100­billion plus foreign development among member with the BIMSTEC Development Fund; in the BIMSTEC FTA. BIMSTEC Lanka. Most likely, there will be further
exchange reserves would allow Indian companies and financial intermediaries countries, namely, Bangladesh, Bhutan, negotiation of the BIMSTEC FTA is yet leaders have urged the Trade delay in holding the Summit. Will
to access foreign currency resources at “finer and more favourable terms than India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and to be completed; and BIMSTEC grid Negotiating Committee and its BIMSTEC then go the SAARC way or
even before.” He said that since end­March 1991, while forex reserves have Thailand. Its significance lies in the fact connectivity and energy projects are yet Working Groups to accelerate the bounce back strongly? Making
risen by around $94 billion, external debt has gone by only about $20 billion. that it serves as a direct link between to take off. finalisation of the FTA and its BIMSTEC tick is going to be the
South Asian and South East Asian Global uncertainties are looming constituent agreements, including defining task of the new
SSI, Scandent to merge IT services to form new entity countries through intra­regional large, and the BIMSTEC faces several their annexure. Secretary­General.
SSI Ltd and Scandent Group plan to merge their information technology collaboration. challenges. Regional understanding of Second, the connectivity plan is
services business to form a new IT entity. Both the companies will hold equal In the past, some important global challenges may provide ready, but the real implementation is The writer is Professor, RIS, New Delhi. Views are
equity in the new IT services firm, which would have projected annual revenue initiatives were completed, such as the sustainable solutions. What are the yet to start. Since the BMCA is ready, personal
of $60 million and 1,100 employees.


1. Starting­point substance for 2. Give the thumbs up (7) 1. From which to make it a real warm mixture (3,8) 2. Give backing to a sort of pop rave (7)
manufacture (3,8) 3. A chore, job (4) 7. Criticises MP gun is put out for (7) 3. The job one is taken to for a telling­off (4)
7. Calls in question, attacks in 4. On the qui vive (5) 9. It's a nuisance : step round it (4) 4. Is on the watch for later development (5)
words (7) 5. Type of bed (5) 11. There's nothing a ram can produce but a smell (5) 5. Leading soprano starting Nabucco in bed (5)
9. Troublesome person or 6. A tale (5) 12. When it's cold and wet in turn, right? (6) 6. The lie of the floor, one hears (5)
thing (4) 8. A child's male child (8) 14. Principal actress laying dead out when about 8. Sort of piano numbers turned up by a relation (8)
11. Fragrance (5) 10. Maker of fancy goods, hats (8) fifty (7,4) 10. Miner, about to be poorly, will become a
12. Cold season (6) 13. Whichever, no matter 18. Box car, not to be returned (6) hat­maker (8)
14. Principal female role (7,4) which (3) 20. Beethoven finally giving hint about its being his 13. Whatever amount of a start given to the Big
18. A box of thin pasteboard (6) 15. One admitted to rights of a last (5) Apple (3)
20. Beethoven's Choral citizen (7) 22. There's nothing on court to feel strong affection 15. Inhabitant of New Zealand I need to sort out (7)
Symphony (5) 16. To berate (5) for (4) 16. Tell one off for giving son a chill (5)
22. Fondness, affection (4) 17. To do very well at (5) 23. As far as one can see, it's where the ground meets 17. The liking one takes to somebody with polish (5)
23. Line where land joins sky (7) 19. Pirate (5) the sky (7) 19. Senior scout got right on top (5)
24. Bringing before a court (11) 21. Elegance, style (4) 24. Group in sect one may be pursuing by law (11) 21. How smart a bird sounds (4)


ACROSS 1. Scholar 5. Cello 8. Renegue 9. Uncle 10. Pertinent 12. Due 13. Fence 17. Owl 19. Remission 21. Dozen 22. Crackle 24. Hodge 25. Surfeit
DOWN 1. Scrape 2. Hundred 3. Lag 4. Reeve 5. Countless 6. Lucid 7. Opener 11. Inference 14. Twinkle 15. Howdah 16. Invert 18. Lazed 20. Mocks 23. Air

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10 Thursday, December 21, 2023

Editorial Delhi

A security breach that must lead to sweeping changes

t first glance, the incident, on announcement recently by the Director General, high­level inquiry. More so, as the intruders have
December 13, of two young men Bureau of Civil Aviation Security, that Delhi been arraigned under Sections 16 and 18 of the
Debarring Donald jumping into the chamber of the Lok
Sabha from the visitors’ gallery,
airport is to get full body scanners and computer
tomography x­ray (CTX) machines to ensure
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act relating to
terrorism. And now that an inquiry has been
The U.S. seems set for a bitter shouting slogans against dictatorship and more thorough but also faster screening. instituted, the Opposition should also wait to
polarisation in an election year releasing canisters that emitted yellow smoke, have a meaningful discussion on the issue.
strikes you as yet another form of democratic Yashovardhan The issue of responsibility The targeting of the MP who recommended

he Supreme Court of the U.S. State of Col­ dissent. But, this breach of security, on the same Azad So, whose responsibility is the security of the issuance of passes to the intruders may be
orado has barred former President Do­ day, in 2001, when nine personnel of Parliament Parliament and the induction of new technology? unfair. Right from 1952, MPs across the parties
is the Chairman of
nald Trump from running for office again — of the Delhi Police, Parliament security DeepStrat, a former The head of Parliament security is the Joint have been liberal in recommending the names of
in the 2024 presidential election, on the grounds personnel and a gardener — lost their lives Central Information Secretary, Security — a post that is vacant at people eager to witness Lok Sabha proceedings.
that he violated a constitutional clause relating to defending the same citadel of democracy from Commissioner and a present. The posts of the two chiefs of the Central The visitors’ and Speaker’s galleries would often
engaging in an “insurrection or rebellion”. The terrorists – has a much wider impact and retired Indian Police Reserve Police Force and the Central Industrial be full when the titans Ram Manohar Lohia,
court found, in a 4­3 split decision, that Mr. ramifications. Service officer who Security Force involved with Sansad security are Prakash Vir Shastri, Mahavir Tyagi, Piloo Mody,
Trump was not eligible to be on the election bal­ It is unimaginable that there has been an served as Secretary, vacant too. The inquiry into the breach has been A.B. Vajpayee or Madhu Limaye were present in
lot next year in Colorado for the role that he incident like this in what is now a security Security, and Special entrusted with the Indo­Tibetan Border Police debates. Though the MPs give an undertaking of
played in egging on protesters on January 6, 2021, Director,
fortress especially after the beefing up of security (ITBP) chief whose force is involved in the knowing who the visitors are, it is impossible to
Intelligence Bureau
a section of whom then went on to attack the in Parliament House following the attack in 2001. security set­up of Parliament. In the absence of carry out background checks in a day or a few
buildings of the U.S. Capitol in Washington. The There are spike barriers, bollards, drop gates with the Joint Secretary, Security, the Lok Sabha and hours. In some cases, passes are issued in just
ruling sets a historical precedent for the use of the latest technology, scanners, Radio Frequency the Rajya Sabha each have a ‘Director Security’ to two hours. The real issue is not who the visitor is,
Section 3 of the country’s 14th Amendment to Identification (RFID) devices, anti­explosive direct security operations. Are they expected to but whether he is “clean” from a security angle,
strike a presidential candidate off the ballot — in checks, and additional manpower that form the look around the world for the latest technology when he enters Parliament. While the pass issue
this case the most popular Republican candidate layers of security. A phalanx of men and women and have this introduced in Parliament? It is not should be streamlined, one should not lose focus
by a significant margin and seen as highly likely from the central police forces are deployed in the like the Special Protection Group (SPG) manned of the real lapse — the failure of access control.
to win the election. Under the Section (the “in­ outer precincts, while plainclothes men from the by the best Indian Police Service officers, who are The youngsters involved in the incident on
surrection clause”), any person engaging in in­ Parliament Duty Group, and the Delhi police always engaged in daily operations, monitor them December 13 caused no harm, but they inflicted
surrection or rebellion against the U.S. Constitu­ manning the various stations and checkpoints in for improvements as also scour for the latest the gravest damage by revealing the gaps in
tion shall not be permitted to run for public office the inner environs. technology to induct. Parliament security to all and sundry. Though the
including Congress, the military, and federal and So, how did the security lapse occur? The It is the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) that charge of terrorism may not stick, they must be
state offices. The 14th Amendment, which was breach happened all along the various layers of Parliament turns to for all its security needs. After proceeded against for unauthorised entry in a
ratified in 1868, was established in part to disal­ security set up for the personal screening of 2001, it was the MHA which refurbished the well­guarded place after conspiring to carry out
low former Confederates from entering Congress visitors to Parliament. The door frame and security set­up at Parliament House. Even now, at the incident for well over a year.
and grabbing power from a government that they handheld metal detectors check for metals in the request of the Lok Sabha Secretariat, it is the
had previously fought. It is ironic that a similar one’s possession. There is personal frisking — a MHA that is conducting the inquiry through the Form a committee
post­Civil War logic might apply to Mr. Trump body search for hidden items. But neither door ITBP chief. The Joint Secretary, Security, is in A mere inquiry to look into the lapse and
now, for his role in seeking to block the peaceful frame metal detectors nor handheld metal overall operational control within the Sansad corrective measures may not be enough. This
transfer of power to presidential incumbent, Joe detectors can check for plastic or rubber, precincts, but is fully dependent on the MHA should be an opportunity to make sweeping
Biden, on unproven allegations of election fraud especially when hidden in one’s shoes (as it was when it concerns the latest technology on access changes in the security set­up using
linked to ballot voting. The Colorado ruling over­ in this case). In fact, shoes are never checked in control or anti­explosive checks. out­of­the­box thinking. The Secretary, Security,
turned an earlier district court verdict that de­ Parliament. The men who did the screening were The question to ask is whether the MHA ever in the Cabinet Secretariat who supervises the SPG
clined to block Mr. Trump from contesting on the following the usual standard operating suggested the need to improve access control and should also supervise Parliament security. Thus,
grounds that it was unclear whether the 14th procedure, which failed. Later, in the visitor’s personal screening measures. Whose the latest technology changes for access control
Amendment covered the presidency. gallery, the security personnel were not watchful responsibility was it to introduce the latest and checks can be shared with Parliament too. A
Regardless of whether the inevitable appeal enough, and the marshals down below in the technology? It was incumbent upon the MHA to committee comprising five MPs from across
that his legal team will launch will succeed, and House, only used to carrying out named strongly advise the Secretariat on the induction of parties should be formed. The committee could
regardless of whether his inability to compete in Members of Parliament (MP) out of the House, advanced technology into the set up. But it induct specialists from outside and within the
Colorado will impair his overall prospects next failed to nab the two men hopping across the appears that the critical area of technology security set­up to monitor arrangements
year, this ruling marks the bitter polarisation of benches. It was some of the MPs present who upgradation fell between the two stools of regularly. Looking into the array of various forces
the U.S. electorate around the controversial poli­ were able to nab the intruders. administration. guarding the Parliament, having its security
cy stances that Mr. Trump represents. On the one The political slugfest in the aftermath of the set­up under the rank of a Director General for
hand, it is his very rejection of political propriety The importance of technology The incidents breach is helping no one’s cause. Neither is the better coordination and with full responsibility
that has led to the democracy­threatening situa­ Where does the responsibility lie? Certainly not debate on the jurisdiction of the Speaker of the and accountability on him would be ideal.
tion of a President who came close to refusing to
of December 13,
alone with the men at the screening stations. House or the Deputy leader. The issue is about Finally, MPs themselves should offer their
demit office after an election loss. When com­ They were only following the standard protocol.
2001 and access control failure in Parliament that resulted complete cooperation with the enhanced security
bined with the hateful, partisan demagoguery of Were they briefed on the significance of the date December 13, in intruders getting right into the heart of Lok arrangements in place.
previous Trump campaigns, this calculated stub­ which called for more intensive checks and 2023 are a grim Sabha in close proximity to Ministers and Newer times spawn new technology but also
bornness represents the political outlook of MA­ innovative measures? Were watchers deployed to reminder that Members of Parliament. Had the Prime Minister give rise to newer threats. The incidents of
GA Republicans, a world view that has little in observe visitors? Is the new Parliament House the monitoring been there in Parliament that Wednesday, the December 13, 2001 and December 13, 2023, are a
common with the values that mainstream con­ equipped with the latest technology to screen and SPG would have had to follow its drill and grim reminder that any security arrangement can
servatives and liberals hold dear. This bodes ill visitors? A backscatter scanner can detect neutralise the threat by using their weapons be breached. To protect the hallowed portals of
for the quality and tenor of democratic discourse
upgradation of
substances such as plastic and is being used in while evacuating the Prime Minister from the our democracy, it is imperative that the security
ahead, raising the likelihood that leaders on both airports abroad. In fact, the United States and Parliament’s venue. It was thus a matter of national security infrastructure is constantly monitored and
sides will be talking past each other, instead of Europe have moved to using millimeter wave security and incumbent upon the Home Minister to make upgraded with resolve.
reaching out to build bridges for bipartisan coop­ scanners. Those who are watchful move ahead infrastructure a preliminary statement in the House, admitting
eration, in short supply at the current juncture. with the technology of the times. There was an need attention the graveness of the breach and announcing a The views expressed are personal

Sisi again
Governing Egypt during an economic India’s defence budgeting and the point of deterrence
crisis is not going to be easy

or Abdel Fattah El­Sisi, the Egyptian Presi­ he Medium Multi­Role Combat Aircraft judicious assessment of how India plans to crore in 2023–24 for capital acquisitions but only
dent who captured power through a mili­ (MMRCA) programme of the Indian Air prosecute the next war could not be more ₹1,62,600 crore was allotted, creating a deficit of
tary coup in 2013, winning a reelection Force (IAF) earned the sobriquet of being pressing in these days of electoral ₹13,746 crore.
was the easy part. In Egypt’s presidential elec­ the ‘mother of all procurements’ due its cost, one­upmanship. In the sphere of research and development,
tions, sitting Presidents always win with huge pegged at around $10 billion in 2007. A decade Enough has been written on the inescapable the picture is not rosy either. The Global
margins. In the December 10­12 elections, Mr. Si­ later, the purchase of 36 Rafale jets was of limited necessity of accretion in sea power to deter China Innovation Index 2022 pegs India’s research and
si, a former general, faced three little­known can­ value because the requirement was for 126 Air Vice Marshal in the environs of the Malacca Strait and further development expenditure at just 0.7% of its GDP
didates, while his most vocal opponent, Ahmed aircraft. Consequently, many IAF chiefs have Manmohan east, as also in the Indian Ocean. The Army needs which places it 53rd globally. China, incidentally,
Tantawy, was barred from contesting. State­affi­ spoken of the depleting squadron strength in the Bahadur to modernise too and, considering its size, the spent $421 billion in 2022, which is 2.54% of its
liated media ran a campaign­like coverage, tout­ IAF, which is now an abysmal 32. It would take VM (retired) is former Budget requirement would be considerable. The GDP. Though the research and development
ing the President’s achievements. Mr. Sisi, unsur­ another 10 years before it reaches 35 squadrons, Additional Director planning and budgeting in the Indian military allocation needs a substantial jump, it is good that
prisingly, won 89.6% of the votes, extending his as stated by the current IAF chief. The Indian General, Centre for before the Russia­Ukraine war was for a short 25% of the allocation was for the private sector
rule to 2030. The tougher part, however, is to Army and the Indian Navy fare no better either Air Power Studies sharp conflict. The logistics design was to stock The government’s emphasis on indigenisation
govern the most populous Arab country, now with the media reporting major deficiencies with up on 10i (10 days intense) war, and build up to a through the Innovations For Defence Excellence
struggling with economic and geopolitical crises. them too. With India in election mode and sops 40i scenario. The refrain has changed, with the (iDEX) scheme and service­specific projects such
When Mr. Sisi toppled Egypt’s first freely elected being showered on the electorate (even more leadership of the armed forces now visualising an as the Baba Mehar Singh competition for
President, Mohamed Morsi, a Muslim Brother­ certain before the general election in 2024), the extended war scenario, as seen in Ukraine. It is unmanned aerial vehicles by the IAF, and similar
hood leader, the military’s narrative was that the allocation for defence in Budget 2024­25, which here that a recent prescient article in the ones in the other two services, are laudable.
Brothers had violated the spirit of the 2011 “revo­ starts getting planned now, could take a hit. This authoritative website, War on the Rocks, titled Similarly, the restructuring of the Ordnance
lution” that brought down the regime of dictator could impact India’s deterrence posture, which ‘You go to war with the industrial base you have, Factory Board and promulgation of negative lists
Hosni Mubarak. But Egypt slid back to the Muba­ defence preparedness is all about. not the industrial base you want’, weighs­in on for imports instil confidence in the private sector
rak years under Mr. Sisi’s rule. The regime, which the debate with its clairvoyant deductions, and for assured contracts. While all these are
killed hundreds of pro­Brotherhood protesters Need for judicious assessment needs to be studied given the publicity around welcome, and the increase in defence exports
on August 14, 2013 to restore ‘order’, has tolerat­ The question is whether ‘affordable defence’ — the Atmanirbhar Bharat drive. heartening, it must be accepted that this drive
ed little criticism and dissent since then. But Mr. due to the perennial guns versus butter dilemma still has a long gestation period. The momentum
Sisi also projected himself as a source of stability — will be the driving factor. Or, will ‘affordable The indigenous drive, R&D should be sustained with a continuum in policy
and a bulwark against terror, and launched ambi­ effectiveness’ drive the defence Budget It needs no reiteration that the armed forces making and adequate defence budgeting by
tious debt­funded infrastructure projects, includ­ allocation? This is best illustrated by the IAF going should be technologically modern at any given making them election­proof in our boisterous
ing a new desert capital city outside Cairo. in for 97 more Tejas Mk1A fighters to overcome time. However, developing a local defence democracy — bipartisan statesmanship would be
When he starts a new term, what requires Mr. the deficit in squadron strength, though this was industry takes decades, necessitating a smart key in this endeavour.
Sisi’s attention is the economy. Hyperinflation, at to be achieved by the 114 multi role fighter aircraft balance to be maintained between imports and Costs are important and one must not spend
35%, has already pushed many Egyptians into po­ project that the IAF has been pushing for. So, to To have India’s indigenous accretions to ensure the required scarce monies to face a 10 feet tall adversary
verty. External debt stood at $162.9 billion in De­ rephrase the question, should Budget (allocation) defence Budget potency. The Atmanirbhar Bharat public relations when a pygmy exists on the other side. But what
cember 2022, some 40% of the GDP, according to be allowed to determine defence potency and national drive notwithstanding, a hard clinical view is if there are two of them, both militarily adept,
the central bank. Egypt, which is facing some (remember General V.P. Malik’s quip during the security goals required on the realities of the armament supply and not pygmies? And, India is not 10 ft tall
heavy repayments in 2024, is already in talks Kargil conflict: “We will fight with what we examined chain that would be in place in the near to either. China’s belligerence has resulted in the
with the IMF and other foreign creditors for have”)? Or, should the required potency drive through the mid­term. doubling of Japan’s defence budget, the increased
further assistance. What has made matters worse allocations for defence? India’s defence Budget, in real terms, has been arming of Taiwan by the United States, a
prism of
has been Israel’s war on Gaza, which shares a The threat on the northern borders is a live more or less stagnant. Defence expenditure reshaping of regional alliances and a historic
border crossing with Egypt. Pro­Palestine sym­ one, and it would be unprofessional to dismiss electoral (revenue and capital), as a percentage of central U.S.­South Korea­Japan summit. It would be
pathies have historically been high in Egypt, our western neighbour’s present benign stance as imperatives government expenditure, has been declining — naive, nay unprofessional, if our defence Budget
which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979. indicative of a lessening of risk. India needs to be would be from around 16.4% in 2012­13 to 13.3% in 2022­23. is not given its due and national security
While Israel’s relentless bombing pushed thou­ prepared for both. The imperativeness of a unprofessional The Ministry of Defence had asked for ₹1,76,346 imperatives overridden by electoral imperatives.
sands to the border, Mr. Sisi tried to walk a fine
line: publicly condemning the bombardment and
calling for a ceasefire but stopping short of dras­ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
tic measures that would endanger peace with Is­
rael. Mr. Sisi has also said he would not be com­ Science Congress Congress in the selection of government must keep its migrate to FTTH (Bharat for FTTH. If there is power opt for such a connection.
plicit with any Israel plan for mass eviction of It is quite unfortunate that scholarly papers to be hands off the meet and Fiber/Fiber to the Home) or failure/electricity shutdown, This order by the BSNL
Palestinians from Gaza. But if the war drags on, the Department of Science presented. Some of the leave the selection of face disconnection of the the modem will not corporate headquarters
he will come under greater pressure to let Palesti­ and Technology and the government­sponsored papers to scientists. phone line. This is nothing operate, rendering the line must be withdrawn.
nian refugees in, which may have economic and Indian Science Congress do papers presented at an Kurian Mathew, but forcing a subscriber dead. BSNL being a 100% C.K. Mathivanan,
political consequences. Between a calamitous not see eye to eye. The crux annual meeting a few years Kochi who does not want data government owned Chennai
war next door and worsening economic condi­ of the problem lies in the ago had nothing to do with connection to their landline company should not coerce Letters emailed to
tions at home, his challenge is to offer a stable government’s unwillingness science. To restore the End of the landline? to opt for FTTH. There is subscribers who use a
rule in a country that has seen regime­changing to accord complete formidable reputation of BSNL has served notice to also the burden of spending landline connection for must carry the full postal
street protests and a coup in the recent past. autonomy to the Science the Congress, the all its landline customers to money to install a modem domestic or business use to address.
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Thursday, December 21, 2023 11

Climate action needs an updated lexicon Congress in a bind over caste census
Govt. bides its time as dominant communities unite to oppose the census report

ultiple districts in example, the worst warming about the bigger picture.
south Tamil Nadu scenario the Intergovernmental Officialese also needs to be
received an Panel on Climate Change contends updated often. Consider, for in November. Amidst specula­
astonishing amount with is RCP 8.5. Countries are on example, the effects of our sense STATE OF PLAY tion that he could submit the
of rainfall earlier this week. In 24 one of five possible Shared of what constitutes ‘bad’ pulling report soon, the government
hours from 6 a.m. on December Socio­economic Pathways (SSPs). away from definitions put together Sharath S. Srivatsa extended his tenure till the
17, Thoothukudi recorded 361.4 Vasudevan Within India, ‘extremely heavy’ at a time when it was less severe, end of January 2024 to enable
mm and Tiruchendur 679 mm. Mukunth rainfall is any amount greater than reducing trust in institutions him to complete the report.

What was until December 16 a 204.4 mm in 24 hours. Heatwaves charged with helping people he Congress in Karna­ Mr. Hedge’s team is writing
northeast monsoon deficit for the are based on three conditions, two prepare for an impending weather taka seems to be in a a fresh report based on the da­
State swung overnight to a 5% of which are deviations from a anomaly. For 24­hour periods, the bind over the socio­ ta collected by his predeces­
excess. That these areas didn’t historical average and the type of India Meteorological Department economic and educational sor, H. Kantharaj, in 2015. The
suffer as much damage as Chennai local topography. has one classification for more survey (caste census) conduct­ earlier report could not be
(although the final picture isn’t yet As such, these definitions are than 204.4 mm of rain: ‘extremely ed in 2015. Powerful caste lob­ submitted to the government
clear) is only because they’re restricted to people who have a heavy’. But while Chennai and bies within the party are at as the member secretary did
smaller and less built­up. Chennai conceptual understanding of Thoothukudi received ‘extremely work ahead of the Lok Sabha not sign it, and later Chief Mi­
received 500 mm from noon on various terms. Governments heavy’ rainfall, equating them election year, building pres­ nisters H.D. Kumaraswamy (a
December 2 to pre­dawn on translate them to actions and would be laughable. sure on the government not to Vokkaliga), and B.S. Yediyu­
December 5, due to Cyclone decisions on the ground through accept the report. rappa and Basavaraj Bommai
Michaung, and suffered greatly. early­warning policies. But these Understanding the human toll While the party nationally (Lingayats) were accused of
The question of what we are also often imperfect, such as Of course, the State’s own has announced it will under­ not being interested in accept­
consider to be ‘devastating’ is the definitions of heatwaves not accountability is important to take a caste census to study fied in the Siddaramaiah ing it.
deceptively simple because of the including the wet bulb understand ‘devastation’ the status of Backward Classes camp. Those in favour of the re­
shifting baseline syndrome. A temperature and rainfall alerts not inasmuch as it relates to the if voted to power in 2024, it is Acceptance of the caste port say that the survey will
syndrome is a collection of accounting for real­estate human toll. For example, the struggling in Karnataka where census report was also the shed light on the socio­eco­
symptoms, and this one development. All words that don’t State’s response to a disaster is the census was conducted party’s promise for the 2023 nomic and educational status
exemplifies those pertaining to find mention in these definitions determined to an important during the earlier Congress Assembly elections. However, of each community, along
memory, community knowledge, and reports are potentially degree by the medical certificate government more than eight the party is said to be evaluat­ with the benefits accrued
and language. For example, a susceptible to shifting baselines. of cause of death (MCCD). During summers ago and the report is ing the impact of such a move. from reservation in public em­
community may consider a the COVID­19 pandemic, the yet to see the light of day. For, the powerful communi­ ployment and education.
particular amount of forest cover Role of officialese Indian government’s policy for a Over the past few weeks, as ties — based on the leaked data They argue that the communi­
— defined, say, by the knowledge Revising our baselines as we go significant period was to list a Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, — believe that their population ties opposed to the report do
handed down to them — to be the along is desirable, but doing so too comorbidity, e.g. heart disease, as the most popular OBC leader figures have decreased from not want the correct status to
‘original’. But the community may rapidly could get in the way of the cause in MCCDs even if a in the State, repeatedly said the perceived numbers. The be revealed as they fear ero­
be unaware that at an earlier time, reliable communication and be person died with COVID­19. that his government would ac­ issue has brought the two pol­ sion of their importance in
there was greater forest cover. resource­intensive as well. People Similarly, State officials cept the census report, the po­ itically strong communities — State politics. Kantharaj Com­
Shifting baselines cause us to might collectively remember descending on Ballia, Uttar werful land­owning Vokkaliga and their community organi­ mission members, on their
underestimate how much we have something terrible they Pradesh in June were eager to and Veershaiava/Lingayat sations — contending for pow­ part, hold that the census was
lost over time. This distortion experienced, such as 500 mm of attribute a spate of deaths there — communities brought togeth­ er together on a common conducted scientifically.
subsequently affects how much we rain and 750 mm of rain, both in that a medical superintendent had er their leaders from across ground after over three de­ The Chief Minister, who is
believe we have of that resource, 24 hours, plus their respective blamed on heat — to comorbidities the political spectrum on a cades. Interestingly, the two seen pushing for the accep­
how much there can be, and how effects, but without helpful instead. Officialese also has global common platform to oppose dominant communities are al­ tance of the report as the find­
much loss we are prepared to language in the official record, implications. Developing countries the “unscientific” census. so part of the Backward Class­ ings could further consolidate
tolerate. As the impacts of climate only be able to differentiate have pushed back on developed They include powerful Minis­ es reservation matrix in the him as a champion of Back­
change become clearer, we between the two as time passes countries’ efforts to exclude India ters who will be part of the Ca­ State for public employment ward Classes, has been vocal
confront a different kind of based on their memories. and China from the ‘loss and binet that will decide on the and education. in asking leaders of the two
shifting baseline, one that There is need to An official vocabulary, or damage’ fund by asserting that the fate of the report. The political heat in the communities to wait till the re­
stretches into the future. For officialese, is crucial because it money should be disbursed based Deputy Chief Minister D.K. State over the report has in­ port is submitted before ac­
example, on a particular
move away gives us a way to translate on the severity of climate­related Shivakumar and other Vokka­ creased after the Bihar go­ tually commenting on it.
emissions pathway, what we from the between knowledge of scenarios disasters rather than where they liga Ministers signed a petition vernment published its caste As the two dominant com­
considered ‘awful’ yesterday constraints of that are otherwise trapped within occurred. For this to be possible, against the report in Novem­ census, with several organisa­ munities try to prevail upon
might really have been ‘average’, collective communities, by languages that we need new official words to ber, pointing to fissures in the tions representing Backward the government against ac­
with ‘awful’ to come years later as memory and typically evolve under the describe unprecedented amounts party over the issue. Last Classes urging the Congress cepting the survey report,
a climate system matures. This in community influence of unrelated constraints. of rainfall, lest India find itself week, the Veerashaiva­Lin­ government to honour its pro­ more than 250 Most Backward
turn raises questions of our knowledge to Officialese that’s localised, say by struggling to explain why it could gayats followed it up by urging mise. The issue particularly Class communities, which
language and memorialisation. State­level laws or State deal with ‘extremely heavy’ the government to junk the re­ flared up in recent weeks as K. have limited political capital
Our meaning­making about the
enable a better government, is better because rainfall on December 4 but not on port in favour of a fresh sur­ Jayaprakash Hegde’s tenure as and have not benefited from
future is currently led by words official response then people can use it to December 17. vey. The petition was signed the Chairman of the Karnata­ the OBC reservation in three
that come to us as jargon from to future memorialise their lived by several politicians , includ­ ka State Commission for Back­ decades, continue to await the
reports of various agencies. For challenges experiences with more context ing M.B. Patil, who is identi­ ward Classes came to an end survey findings.

What causes inflation in India: Demand or supply issues? F RO M T H E A RC HI V E S

Supply­side factors account for about 55% of the CPI headline inflation, an RBI article concludes

In this case, a decrease in supply is Retired Locomen Recalled
linked with a lower volume but an
increase in price, and vice versa. to Maintain Train Services
The Hindu Data Team Using the above methodology,
analysis of data from January 2019 From Our Special Correspondent

ypically, inflation in India to May 2023 suggests that catego­ New Delhi, Dec. 20. All retired locomen have
is primarily influenced by ries such as vegetables, oils and been recalled to duty to meet the situation
factors related to supply fats, milk, eggs, pulses, and sugar created by the locomen’s strike and several of
but there are times when demand frequently experience supply­side them have already joined, according to a
factors also play a significant role, constraints. In contrast, items like spokesman of the Railway Ministry. The retired
according to an article published non­alcoholic beverages, personal locomen have been advised to contact the
by the Reserve Bank of India as a care products, and health­related nearest loco shed for reporting to duty. The
part of their December bulletin. goods are mainly affected by de­ locomen, formerly employed on the
During the two waves of COVID­19, mand­side factors, as illustrated in Shahdara­Saharanpur railway, are also being
supply disruptions were the main Chart 1. Chart 1 shows the percen­ offered employment. The spokesman said full
cause of inflation. However, fol­ tage contribution of demand and protection would be ensured to all willing
lowing the Russia­Ukraine conflict, supply factors to Consumer Price workers who were at present being intimidated
the driving forces shifted predomi­ Index (CPI) sub­groups level infla­ by the strikers.The locomen’s strike in the
nantly to factors related to de­ tion in the given period. Northern Railway entered the sixth day to­day.
mand, the article concludes. In the next step, demand and
It argues that at the start of the supply factors at the sub­group le­ Loco Staff Leader Meets Labour Minister
pandemic, lockdowns caused a vel were combined using the CPI NEW DELHI, Dec. 20. Mr. M. Ratnasabapathi,
major decline in production and weights to assess overall headline President of the All­India Loco Running Staff
demand, leading to a steep drop in inflation. The analysis reveals that Association, met the Union Labour Minister, Mr.
economic growth. This phase also inflation was mainly driven by sup­ K. V. Raghunatha Reddy, here this evening, and
saw a decrease in commodity pric­ ply factors during October 2019­Ja­ discussed with him the locomen’s strike. He said
es due to weakened demand. Ho­ nuary 2020 (due to excess rainfall he would meet Mr. Reddy again to­morrow
wever, as the economy began to causing supply disruptions), morning. He hoped that as a result of his
reopen with distribution of vac­ throughout the various stages of discussions with the Labour Minister and the
cines and release of pent­up de­ the pandemic (restrictions and Railway Minister (whom he is yet to meet), a
mand, demand recovered more supply chain issues) and at the be­ peaceful settlement would be reached in
rapidly than supply. This imba­ ginning of the Russia­Ukraine con­ implementing the agreement between the
lance resulted in rising pressures flict (supply shortages and spikes locomen and the Railway Minister.—PTI.
on commodity prices. The onset of in global commodity prices). On
the Russia­Ukraine conflict in 2022 average, supply­side factors ac­
further intensified supply chain counted for about 55% of the CPI
challenges and added to commod­ headline inflation from January A HUNDRED YEARS AGO DECEMBER 21, 1923
ity price pressures. 2019 to May 2023. Chart 2 shows
Using the Centre for Monitoring the contribution of demand and Earlier Details
Indian Economy’s consumer ex­ supply to CPI Inflation excluding
penditure data, the article tries to housing, each month, between Ja­ (ASSOCIATED PRESS OF INDIA.)
find out whether inflation in India nuary 2019 and May 2023. TINNEVELLY, Dec. 20. Heavy rain which has
is due to factors on the supply side In contrast, the impact of de­ caused widespread devastation has fallen in
or demand side. When there is an mand­side factors on headline in­ Tinnevelly. The rain which was falling
unforeseen shift in both prices and flation decreased during the CO­ continuously for the past three days on the
quantities within a month that VID­19 crisis, dropping to 27.1% in Kalakad Hills developed into a torrential
aligns in the same direction, this 2020 from 41.5% in 2019. However, downpour last night. The water in the river rose
approach categorises the inflation the significance of demand­side to a height of 10 feet and breached the river
for that month as being driven by factors in driving inflation saw in­ behind the Kalakad Brahmin Street rendering
demand. This means that an in­ termittent increases post the CO­ three of the principal streets hip deep and the
crease in demand leads to a rise in VID­19 waves when restrictions impass of the vast volume of water broke a tank
both prices and quantities, while a eased and after the Russia­Ukraine bund and the floods spread in a vast vistas of
decrease in demand results in a re­ conflict started, notably contribut­ space. Mud built houses and stone structures
duction in both. Conversely, infla­ ing to the peak in headline infla­ have suffered alike and a large number of people
tion is considered to be supply­dri­ tion in April 2022. Over the entire are in great distress owing to the destruction of
ven if there is an unexpected period from January 2019 to May their houses and food supplies. The roads have
change in prices and quantities 2023, the contribution of demand been cut up rendering wheeled traffic
that move in opposite directions. drivers to inflation stood at 31%. impossible.
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Delhi Thursday, December 21, 2023
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Text&Context 0
The number of cities Mobile subscribers The number of CCTV The PACS functioning People screened for
and towns where added to Jio and Airtel cameras installed in as common service TB at Viksit Bharat
ONDC is operational in September Delhi centres Sankalp Yatra camps

500 48 2.46 24,470 40.4

The Open Network for in lakh. Reliance Jio added in lakh. As part of the Close to in lakh. Of the total
Digital Commerce 34.7 lakh mobile subscribers Delhi government’s 29,000 screened for TB at
(ONDC) is an initiative in September, cementing its CCTV project, Primary health camps, 2.89
to create a facilitative model to help small lead in the competitive telecom market, cameras have been installed in 70 Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) are lakh people were referred to higher public
retailers take advantage of digital while Airtel’s wireless subscriber tally rose Assembly constituencies of the national operating as Pradhan Mantri Kisan health facilities, as per officials. PTI
commerce. PTI by 13.2 lakh. PTI capital. PTI Samriddhi Kendras in 18 States & UTs. PTI COMPILED BY THE HINDU DATA TEAM

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Towards a greener future: The flags of nations participating in the 28th edition of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties climate summit on November 29, in Dubai, UAE. GETTY IMAGES

Outcomes of the COP-28 climate summit

What came of the first global stocktake at this year’s Conference of Parties? What were the novel mechanisms introduced with respect to accelerating green finance?
Why did India not sign the health and methane reduction declarations?

EXPLAINER global stocktake (GST). According to the regions. An additional $188 million was fermentation (livestock rearing), which THE GIST
UNFCCC, the GST “enables countries and pledged to the Adaptation Fund. New support the livelihoods of small and
other stakeholders to see where they are partnerships between public and private marginal farmers.
Indu K. Murthy collectively making progress towards sectors were forged to mobilise 쑽
meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement investments in renewable energy, What are the takeaways? The 28th session of the
The story so far: — and where they are not”. sustainable agriculture, and The COP­28 outcomes had a lot of firsts, Conference of the Parties (COP)
he 28th session of the The decision of countries’ at COP­28 to infrastructure. The COP­28 Presidency such as the declaration on climate and

– an annual convening of
Conference of the Parties (COP) transition away from fossil fuels was also introduced ALTÉRRA, an investment health, acknowledgement of the role of countries signatory to the
— an annual convening of coupled with the ambition to triple initiative with an ambitious goal to nature­based solutions for biodiversity United Nations Framework
countries signatory to the renewable energy capacity by 2030. More globally mobilise an unprecedented sum conservation and climate, and the need to Convention on Climate Change
United Nations Framework Convention than 20 countries also pledged to triple of $250 billion by 2030. transition away from fossil fuels. Some 134 (UNFCCC) – happened in Dubai
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) — happened their nuclear energy capacity. However, Despite these efforts, the available countries also agreed to a landmark this year, with high
in Dubai this year, with high expectations the transition from fossil fuels is restricted funds fall well short of the $194­366 billion declaration to transition to sustainable expectations that countries
that countries would take concrete steps to energy systems alone; they can annual funding requirement for and resilient food systems. would take concrete steps to
to address the climate crisis. The continue to be used in the plastics, adaptation, as estimated by the United However, some challenges and address the climate crisis.
negotiations encompassed mitigation transport, and agriculture sectors. The Nations. differences between developed and 쑽
efforts, adaptation strategies, financing declaration also refers to ‘transitional developing countries remain to be
mechanisms, and the role of developed fuels’, such as natural gas, for ensuring How did India fare at COP­28? addressed. One key issue of contention Following the agreement
countries versus developing nations in energy security. But this falls short of true The UAE declaration on climate and was fossil­fuel subsidies. While developed reached at COP­27 to create
climate action. The summit ended with climate justice as it allows industries to health came into being at COP­28 through countries advocated for phasing them the ‘Loss and Damage’ (L&D)
progress on certain fronts but lingering continue operating in the a partnership of the COP­28 Presidency out, developing countries, including fund, the last year was
dedicated to negotiations on
challenges on others. business­as­usual mode. with the World Health Organization. It India, refused a phase­out over
fund­management and
Further, while the declaration called recognises the growing health impacts of implications on economic growth and
financing. In a historic decision,
What happened with respect to the for accelerated climate mitigation, it climate change and acknowledges the development. the fund was operationalised
loss and damage fund? alluded to unproven and risky benefits of climate action, including a Such a phase­out also has social at COP­28.
Following the agreement reached at technologies such as carbon capture and reduction in air pollution and lowering implications: several communities rely on
COP­27 to create a ‘Loss and Damage’ storage (CCS) and carbon removal. The the cost of healthcare. The declaration, fossil fuels (coal, in India’s case) for 쑽
(L&D) fund, the last year was dedicated to former enables users of fossil fuels to signed by 123 countries, has collectively gainful employment. Moreover, The COP­28 outcomes had a
negotiations on fund­management and prevent their emissions from entering the committed $1 billion to address the emphasising the principle of common lot of firsts, such as the
financing. In a historic decision, the fund atmosphere by capturing the emissions at growing climate­health crisis. However, and differentiated responsibilities and the declaration on climate and
was operationalised at COP­28. the source and storing them permanently India didn’t sign this declaration because historical responsibility of developed health, acknowledgement of
However, only a meagre $790 million underground. reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions countries for GHG emissions, developing the role of nature­based
has been pledged so far, by a few nations, in the health sector would mean countries argued for increasing the flow solutions for biodiversity
despite the corpus requiring $100 billion What about green finance? reduction in emissions from gases used of climate finance and technologies to conservation and climate, and
to more than $400 billion a year. Notably, The financial segment of the GST for cooling. As India’s healthcare facilitate just job transitions and inclusive the need to transition away
the U.S., the largest historical emitter, implementation framework explicitly infrastructure is still growing, such a development. from fossil fuels. Some 134
committed only $17.5 million. Moreover, recognises the responsibility of developed commitment could compromise the Some other contentious issues countries also agreed to a
the World Bank was designated to oversee nations to take the lead in climate finance. healthcare requirements of a growing spanned market mechanisms, financial landmark declaration to
and administer the fund. But concerns There is also a reference to the private population, particularly rural. resource allocation, the role of the World transition to sustainable and
originating from the experiences of sector’s role in addressing financial The Global Methane Pledge launched Bank as the agency for managing the L&D resilient food systems.
developing countries with the World Bank shortfalls and an imperative to at COP­26 received renewed attention at fund, and private sector engagement in
related to questions about legal supplement grant­oriented, concessional COP­28, with the Climate and Clean Air climate action.
autonomy, flexibility, and finance to enable equitable transition in Coalition becoming the new secretariat In sum, COP­28 is a mixed bag of
decision­making authority, and general developing countries. Nevertheless, and partners of the pledge announcing outcomes. The commitment to ramp up
scepticism about the fund’s agility in specific information regarding the entities more than $1 billion in new grants for renewable energy targets is a significant
responding promptly to emergencies, obligated to furnish this grant­based funding projects to reduce methane step forward — whereas issues on L&D
have emerged. There is also a prevailing finance is lacking. emissions from the agriculture, waste, metrics, fund management and disbursal,
sentiment among countries that the The COP­28 also witnessed the and gas sectors. More than 150 countries market mechanisms, risky technologies,
communities affected by climate­related establishment of innovative global signed the pledge to reduce methane the room left for continued use of fossil
disasters should be able to directly access green­finance mechanisms to support pollution. India isn’t a signatory to this fuels in many sectors, and natural gas as a
funding, preferably in the form of grants developing nations in their transition to pledge because it shifts focus from carbon transitional fuel leave much to be desired.
and not loans. sustainable practices. The Green Climate dioxide to methane, a GHG with a lower Indu K. Murthy heads the Climate,
Fund received fresh support of $3.5 lifetime. Environment, and Sustainability team at
What about the global stocktake? billion, allowing it to finance adaptation Also, methane emissions in India are the Center for Study of Science, Technology
This year’s COP summit saw the first and mitigation projects in vulnerable primarily from rice cultivation and enteric and Policy (CSTEP).
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Thursday, December 21, 2023 13


Know your
K. Subrahmanian

“Ms. B. S. Ranjani, Dharwar, wants to

know whether the following sentence is
correct: He stressed on this point.”
“When ‘stress’ is used as a verb, it is
not followed by ‘on’.
He stressed this point.
He stressed the importance of
She stressed the need for purity in
public life.
But you lay or put stress on something.
He laid stress on the importance of
In the word ‘baker’, the stress is on the
first syllable.
He laid stress on the importance of
AFP pronouncing words correctly. He stressed
the importance of pronouncing words

Sight and sound: the Bollywood narrative Some readers have problems with the
word ‘discuss’. When ‘discuss’ is used as a
verb, it is not followed by ‘about’.

and its influencing power

I discussed the problem with him.
She wants to discuss the matter with her
But a discussion can be about or on
Hindi cinema, even when it doesn’t shine at the box­office, experiments with different genres and has often set storytelling trends. Stars from She had a discussion on this with her
Amitabh Bachchan to Shah Rukh Khan have a pervasive global influence, and writers explain why it’s impossible to be indifferent to Bollywood The discussions about wage structure
are still going on.
So you discuss something. A discussion
Soma Basu about Bollywood comes from the visual Jerry Pinto has edited an anthology, having to compete with western women can be about or on something.”
medium of which it is a part. But there is The Greatest Show on Earth: Writings on for male attention in Delhi’s nightclubs, or “Ms. A. S. Aluwalia, Patiala, wants to
t the 75th anniversary of the lot of literature too that provides a Bollywood (2018), which establishes the Zahira’s break from domestic abuse in know the meaning and pronunciation of

A Cannes Film Festival last year,

when the spotlight was on
India, which was also
celebrating 75 years of its independence,
actor Deepika Padukone talked about the
fascinating insight into the industry. Many
writers have done extensive research to
understand the influence of Indian
movies, produced at the rate of 1,500 a
year for the millions of Indians who go to
deep impact of Hindi films with essays by
Saadat Hasan Manto, Bhisham Sahni, R.K.
Narayan, Ismat Chughtai, Suketu Mehta,
Salman Rushdie, Dev Anand and many
others. They write about stars and the
Ahmedabad, Bhattacharya explores what
Indian women think about men, money,
movies, beauty, helplessness and love.
Nirmal Kumar and Preeti Chaturvedi
take a look at the narrowing distinction
“’Berserk’ means ‘mad with violent
anger’. ‘To go berserk’ means ‘to go into a
fit of destructive rage’. Recently a
policeman at Delhi went berserk and
incredible journey of Indian cinema. “I the cinema for entertainment. team that helps in the making of a film, between alternative and mainstream killed two people. In Scandinavian
truly believe there will come a day when Bollywood is not just entertainment; it how movies tweak our vocabulary for the cinema. In Brave New Bollywood (2014), mythology, Berserk or Berserker was a
India won’t have to be at Cannes, but experiments with different genres and moment, open up our fashion sense and the authors discuss the established rules warrior who fought ferociously and
Cannes will be in India,” she said, often sets storytelling trends —sometimes fill us with undefined longing. The book in Bollywood and how they are being violently. He used to work himself into a
underlining the popularity of Indian controversial. The colours, trends, and also make a case for social and challenged and boundaries pushed as the rage before a battle. The two ‘er’s in the
cinema making inroads into the global seasons of show business inspire fashion, responsible cinema. audiences’ love, loyalty, craze and word are pronounced like ‘ir’ in ‘bird’.
mainstream consciousness. rituals and traditions and connect the In The Melodramatic Public: Film Form commitment to Hindi movies remains The stress is on the second syllable.”
When thespian Raj Kapoor’s films of films with audiences in the subcontinent and Spectatorship in Indian Cinema tight, despite the ups and downs seen at “Some time ago, readers were asked to
the 1940s to 1960s (Anari, Barsaat, and beyond. (2010), Ravi Vasudevan explores the way the box­office. suggest terms for a group of professors,
Awaara, Sangam, Teesri Kasam, Mera audiences engage with socio­political There are several other books readers and lecturers. The following are
Naam Joker) combined social messaging The Bollywood mould issues and the role played by cinema in including 50 Films that Changed some of the responses:
and entertainment and became huge hits That’s what Sunny Singh’s A Bollywood the light of new economic reforms, Bollywood (2016) by Shubhra Gupta, 100 Prof. Santhanagopalan, Sri Siddhartha
in the USSR, South Asia, Africa and China, State of Mind (2023) talks about; how consumer cultures and digital Bollywood Films (2005) by Rachael Dwyer, Institute of Technology, Tumkur: A lyric
people the world over became aware Indian cinema binds hearts and minds technologies in a globalised world. Bollywood: The Indian Cinema Story of lecturers, a column of readers, a tissue
about Indians and their values. In that across the world even as social and (2001) by Nasreen Munni Kabir that of professors.
sense, Indian cinema ‘Bollywoodised’ by political landscapes change. Singh’s Love and cinema highlight the ways Bollywood films have Mr. P. Sarfogi, Area Manager,
Hindi movies has constantly fed into journey across five continents in 50 years There is an interesting analysis by changed the masses and how viewers’ Metafusion, Madras: a chatter of
peoples’ thoughts and hearts, and has exposed her to the hold of Indian cinema Shrayana Bhattacharya in Desperately reactions have turned movies into lecturers.
remained one of the most dominating around the globe. It did not matter Seeking Shah Rukh: India’s Lonely Young international successes. Ms. Sundari Sankaran, Mr. Aniruddh
feature of our cultural landscape, with whether she was in Dakar, Marrakesh or Women and the Search for Intimacy and From epics like Raja Harishchandra to Sankaran, Madras: A crate of lecturers, a
successive superstars (Amitabh Bachchan, New York; the excitement of her family Independence (2021), in which she maps classics like Pyasa, Guide and Mother worm of readers, a crackle of professors.
Shah Rukh Khan) taking over. members to gather around the VHS and the economic and personal trajectories of India, the silent movie Pushpak to action Mr. P. K. Visveswaran, Vasanth Colony,
watch a popular movie or discuss it a diverse group of women, divided by film Sholay, popular contemporary love Madras: An autism of lecturers, a
Dreams on celluloid post­viewing never waned. class but unified in fandom. Analysing stories such as Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Hum stagnation of readers, a retardation of
It can be an interesting exercise to She tracks modern cinema and how their job profiles, desires, prayers, affairs Dil De Chuke Sanam, Dilwale Dulhaniya Le professors. Dr. P. F. Raja Rao, Silver
understand whether movies shape every new movie’s release heightened the and rivalries, the book talks about how Jayenge have raised the profile and Jubilee Government College, Kurnool: A
society or vice­versa, but films do reflect anticipation. Listening to film songs on steadfastly each of them search for popularity of Bollywood movies. Books babel of lecturers, a cacophony of
dreams of a people. Javed Akhtar once the radio and memorising them, wearing intimacy and independence by embracing have highlighted their cultural influence, readers, an encyclopaedia of professors.
described films as “reflecting the desires, clothes inspired by on­screen actors, Shah Rukh Khan. It allows them brief impact and timelessness. As Anupama Prof. P. L. Anromy, Paravattani, Kerala:
hopes, values and traditions; not the real choosing their moralities to even respite from their struggles for freedom Chopra writes in First Day First Show A shout of lecturers, a murmur of readers,
reflection of what is happening.” determining enemies and friends, and income. Whether it is Manju’s (2011), Bollywood is a passion and a a show of professors.
The joy and wonder of all that we know everything was cast in Bollywood mould. boredom in Rampur or Gold’s anger at shared national conversation. Mr. A. Sitarama Rao, LIC,
Machilipatnam: A cacophony of lecturers,
a sheaf of readers.
Thanks to the readers for their
enthusiastic response.”
Please send in your answers to “Ms. K. Rajalakshmi, Madurai, wants to
THE DAILY QUIZ know whether there is a word for ‘dislike
of one’s own children’.”

The winter solstice of 2023 will happen at 8.58 am IST on December 22, a “Yes. ‘Misopedia’ means ‘a morbid
dislike of one’s own children’.”
Published in The Hindu on June 12, 1990.
time of natural, astronomical, and traditional significance
Vasudevan Mukunth its winter solstice, also called midwinter Questions and Answers to the previous
because it falls at the middle of this dark day’s daily quiz: 1. The Indo­Pakistani War of
X period, people on the continent — 1971 began with this operation by the
QUESTION 1 including research stations there — Pakistani Air Force. Ans: Operation Chengiz
In the northern hemisphere, the winter celebrate Midwinter Day. What is the date? Khan
solstice is the moment when the earth’s X
2. This was the guerrilla resistance movement
_____ ____ is pointed the farthest away QUESTION 4 consisting of the Bangladeshi military,
from the sun. Fill in the blanks. Name the festival celebrated across India paramilitary and civilians during the
X in January that coincides roughly with the Bangladesh Liberation War. Ans: Mukti Bahini
QUESTION 2 sun completing its winter solstice and 3. Operation Trident saw the first use of this
If you observe the sun in the sky every moving from the direction of constellation missile. This day observes the victory of the
day at the same mean solar time, its Sagittarius to that of Capricorn. operation. Ans: Anti­ship missiles; Navy Day
locations will appear to trace a X
4. The warship which was brought down by
figure­eight path. The sun will attain its QUESTION 5 Pakistan on December 9. Ans: INS Khukri
highest point in this pattern on the day of X is a monument in County Meath, Ireland, 5. The first President of Bangladesh. Ans:
the summer solstice and its lowest point built around 3200 BC. It’s a famous Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
on the day of the winter solstice. What is example of archaeoastronomy, which is Visual: The document which is being signed
this figure­eight diagram called? the study of how premodern societies and signatories. Ans: Pakistani Instrument
Visual question:
X studied astronomy and made Gravity causes the orientation of the tilt of the earth’s axis of of Surrender, signed by India’s Jagjit Singh For feedback and suggestions for
QUESTION 3 astronomical observations. This is so rotation (in red) to slowly change over time. The orientation Aurora and Pakistan’s A.A.K. Niazi Text & Context, please write to
Given its location, the continent of because light from sunrise enters the completes a full circle (in white) once every 26,000 years. This is Early Birds: Sagar Sakalley| Jyotsna Kaushik|
Antarctica experiences six months of inner chamber of X only on the day of the why the dates of the earth’s solstices fall later over time. Name Yamini Chowdhury| Atul Gaur| Prince Kumar with the subject ‘Text & Context’
darkness during its winter. On the date of winter solstice. Name X. this phenomenon called? NASA Yadav
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time, has been replicated across regulatory statutes.
NEW DELHI | THURSDAY, 21 DECEMBER 2023 Fast forward to 2023. Both Sebi and MIIs have
the authority to adjudicate contraventions and issue
Breach and overreach a range of penalties. The word “penalty” embraces
such directions as necessary to protect the interests
of investors, as reiterated by the SAT on December
Sustained disruption needs systemic solutions 15 in Edelweiss Custodial Services Ltd Vs NSE

he ongoing winter session of Parliament will go down in history as Clearing Ltd & Others. These include monetary
an exceptional sitting, marked by a record number of suspensions of penalties, suspension/ withdrawal/termination of
members. A total of 143 members of both houses have been suspended user rights, and even directions like restitution.
MIIs initiate proceedings against an estimated
over the past several days. This is unfortunate, to say the least. While
10,000 users/ listed companies, every year, which
parliamentary discourse has generally declined over the years, the latest flash- end up with a variety of directions/ penalties. Not

Streamlining the
point between the Opposition and the Treasury Benches is the recent security all of them pass through an adjudication process
breach, incidentally on the 22nd anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack at the or the test of principles of natural justice.
old Parliament building. Although individuals involved in the act have been Adjudication may end up condemning a person
arrested and relevant security agencies are investigating the matter, the and snatching away their livelihood. Therefore, world-
Opposition has been demanding a statement on the issue by the Union home wide, the legal framework explicitly provides for adju-
minister, along with a discussion.
There should be no doubt that the security breach in Parliament is a serious
issue and raises several questions. The Opposition thus legitimately wants to
raise the matter. Union Home Minister Amit Shah, in a recent conversation
disciplinary process dication and prescribes a sacrosanct process to ensure
fair outcomes. Since adjudication by Sebi and MIIs
has the same objectives and the same consequences,
and they are arms of the State, there is no reason why
the legal provisions for adjudication, and the process
with a TV channel, talked about it. A committee has been formed to look into There is a need for consistency in the adjudicating for adjudication, as they apply to adjudication by Sebi,
should not be replicated for adjudication by MIIs.
the issue and it will submit its report to the Lok Sabha speaker soon. In this
regard, to be fair, the Opposition’s argument has merit that when Parliament is
frameworks of Sebi and other market regulators to For sound adjudication by MIIs, the statute
in session, the statement should have been made on the floor of the house, as is ensure fair financial market outcomes should require (a) a listing of contraventions along
with associated monetary penalties, specifying con-
the convention. Arguably, that was all that was needed to calm things down

n November 6, in the case of Choice Equity as an extension of Sebi as the principal regulator. traventions that warrant suspension or cancellation
and enable Parliament to function. While the Lok Sabha speaker will take action Broking Private Limited Vs. Multi Commodity Regulatory literature considers them as delegates of user access or suspension of trading/delisting of
after the report is submitted, the incident also raised broader questions that Exchange of India Limited, the Securities of Sebi, while law considers them as “State” under an issuer (b) an adjudicating authority, preferably
only the government can answer. Appellate Tribunal (SAT) set aside an order of a mar- Article 12 of the Constitution. Both Sebi and MIIs a senior officer or a panel of officers (not a Board
At a deeper level, however, it is worth noting that while a record number of ket infrastructure institution (MII), imposing a mon- have similar responsibilities, such as protecting the Committee of the MII) who is trained in adjudica-
suspensions is making headlines, the ongoing disruption is not an isolated inci- etary penalty on a trading member. The SAT ruled interests of investors in securities, and developing tion and not associated with the fact-finding pro-
dent and there have been occasions when entire sessions have been washed the order was in gross violation of the principles of and regulating the securities market. They also have cess, to conduct adjudication, (c) a mechanism to
out. Besides, the current Opposition is not the only guilty party. When the natural justice, as it was issued without issuing a similar quasi-legislative, executive, and quasi-judi- enforce recovery of penalties and credit the same
show cause notice and without an opportunity for a cial powers, though they vary in breadth and depth. to the Consolidated Fund of India, instead of the
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), now the ruling party, was in the Opposition before
hearing. It directed the MII to institute a procedure Over time, Sebi has imbibed several best gover- investor protection fund or settlement guarantee
2014, it resorted to similar tactics. For instance, the late Arun Jaitley of the BJP for penalty proceedings against its members. This nance practices, often voluntarily and at times with fund (d) a facility to settle contraventions, and (e)
was quoted as saying in 2012 that there are times when obstruction brings greater has a lesson for MIIs. All of them have scope for a nudge. To bridge the democratic deficit, it adopted an external appellate authority (and not the Board
benefits to the country. The basic issue, therefore, is that the Opposition often improving the adjudication process public consultation for making of Directors of MII) to consider appeals of persons
doesn’t get enough opportunity to raise issues in Parliament that it believes are on some count or other. regulations voluntarily decades aggrieved by adjudication orders.
of public importance. As a consequence, the entire parliamentary process suffers. MIIs are institutions. They are of ago. It commenced the review of Sebi Regulations should provide for (a) the issue
In the ongoing year, for example, the productivity of the Lok Sabha, according three classes, namely, exchanges regulations recently on a nudge of a show cause notice detailing the alleged conduct,
to the data compiled by PRS Legislative Research, in the Budget session was just (stock, commodity, and currency), from the government. The law, which is a contravention, following a fact-finding
clearing corporations, and deposito- however, mandates several best process, and the proposed direction, if the contra-
33 per cent. It increased only to 43 per cent in the monsoon session.
ries. They provide infrastructure for practices for the exercise of pow- vention is established, (b) supply of all relevant mate-
The unfortunate outcome of disruption becoming an integral part of the the market. A set of licensed users ers, given their potential to rial in possession of the MII that either establishes
system is even important Bills are not adequately debated, and are passed in access the infrastructure of MIIs to infringe on the rights of stake- or undermines the allegation, (c) opportunity to the
haste, with longer-term consequences for the country. For example, if Bills related assist investors in undertaking trans- holders. For example, only the delinquent to rebut the allegation in writing and in
to long-pending farm reforms were adequately debated, the year-long farm agi- actions. Trading members trade secu- governing board can exercise person before the authority, (d) obligation to dispose
tation could have been avoided, the government would not have been forced to rities for investors using the infras- M S SAHOO & SUMIT AGRAWAL quasi-legislative powers, that too, of the show cause notice by reasoned order, consid-
withdraw the laws, and the farm sector would have benefited in the long run. The tructure of an exchange, depository following a sacrosanct process. ering mitigating and aggravating factors and prin-
essence of the issue, thus, is the existing Indian parliamentary system does not participants record the ownership of Such practices, as mandated for ciple of proportionality, (e) the dissemination of
securities of investors using the infrastructure of a the exercise of powers by Sebi, should also apply to every adjudication order in the public domain, as
give enough space to the Opposition. The government of the day gets to drive the
depository, clearing members settle trades of MIIs when they exercise similar powers. in the case of Sebi and SAT orders, and (f) timelines
parliamentary agenda completely. This needs to change. Today it’s a security investors using the infrastructure of a clearing cor- Recall the discussion in the early 1990s about for various tasks for the authorities and the parties
breach; tomorrow it could be something else, and disruptions will persist. poration, and issuers issue securities to investors empowering Sebi to impose monetary penalties, as in the disposal of the show cause notice.
using the infrastructure of exchanges and deposito- other options were not always helpful. It was then The MIIs should voluntarily prescribe adjudi-
ries. MIIs regulate the conduct of their users to protect unthinkable to allow an agency outside the govern- catory discipline in their internal regulations, pend-

IPL’s hidden sticky wicket the interests of investors and market integrity. ment to levy such penalties. Thanks to the persistent
Of the MIIs, stock exchanges have been in exis- efforts of a few champions of regulatory governance,
ing statutory provisions. They may even consider
using a specialised agency for dispensing penalties,
tence for centuries. For a long time, they exclusively it was agreed upon subject to certain conditions: (a) like SMARTODR, a common agency for arbitration.
The big bucks disguise structural fault lines regulated the securities markets and the conduct the statute lists various contraventions and the asso- This will enhance trust in adjudication, deter poten-

he eye-watering bid for Australian fast bowler Mitchell Starc domi- of their users. In recent decades, they have lost their ciated monetary penalties, (b) an adjudication pro- tial miscreants, and build the institutional legiti-
nated the headlines, as did bids worth ~230.45 crore that Indian primacy due to recurring conflicts between their cess determines the amount of penalty, to be cred- macy of MIIs.
Premier League (IPL) franchisees spent on 72 players in the “mini- commercial aspirations and the regulatory man- ited to the Consolidated Fund of India, (c) an
date, as well as the search for new turfs by the statu- appellate forum considers appeals against adjudi- The writers are, respectively, distinguished professor,
auction” on Tuesday. These numbers are justifiably taken as an indi-
tory regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board cation orders, and (d) statutory rules provide for the National Law University Delhi, and founder & partner,
cator of the money-spinning capabilities of the IPL, which attained Decacorn of India (Sebi). MIIs now play frontline regulators, detailed adjudication process. This solution, over Regstreet Law Advisors
status in the 2023 season with a brand valuation of $10.7 billion, according to
brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance. But these big bucks actually dis-
guise a structural problem in this game-changing tournament, and that may
become evident later. The problems stem from its American-style closed format
without the dynamics of promotion and relegation within domestic competitions
that make European and South American football such fast-growing, global
New cities from old cities
businesses. This matters because of the enormous inequalities in player salaries,

he way cities exist today makes it nearly torical lanes (gallies), markets, places of worship, and also be replicated to understand the flow of devel-
between stars and the rest, and between Indian and foreign stars (in the IPL, impossible to envision any other shape or form the havelis despite traffic and disarray. In contrast, opment within cities. More working spaces emerge
auction prices largely represent player salaries.) In the Kolkata Knight Riders they might have had in the past. Our contem- there exists a New Delhi with more modern archi- in areas where one can find optimality among these
team, player salaries range from ~24.75 crore for Starc to ~20 lakh for a clutch of porary hi-tech or smart cities seem frozen in time, tecture in sync with the colonial hangover in Lutyens factors, thereby leading to the domino effect of more
lesser-known batsmen and all-rounders. as if this is how they’ve always been. If you were to Delhi, better planning, and an urban aesthetic suited people wanting to settle around that area, further
The highest-paid Indian star, Rohit Sharma of Mumbai Indians, earns ~16 conduct a random survey describing cities like to the political culture in the capital. creating a demand for housing that also influences
crore. This is not an unusual situation. In the English Premier League (EPL), on Gurugram, most people would likely depict a skyline For a city like Mumbai, geographical location the property rates. In parallel, recreational avenues
dominated by towering buildings and modern and a booming population play an important role open up, sustaining the allure of a location.
which the IPL is modelled, the salary difference ranges from £400,000 per
workspaces — the realm of cyber hubs and cyber in determining the flow. With the largest slum in While it is accurate to assert that urban develop-
week for Manchester City midfielder Kevin De Bruyne to weekly earnings of parks. In fact, the Government of Haryana proudly Asia — Dharavi — home to more than 400,000 peo- ment aligns with the trajectory of the aforementioned
£3,462 for an unknown Nottingham Forest youngster. Income inequality is identifies Gurugram as the “Cyber City of Haryana”. ple, the direction of urban development is difficult factors, the fundamental question persists — must
inherent to the sporting format, but the key difference is that lowly-paid players Few would emphasise the inner to ascertain in Mumbai as its devel- this development be inherently selective? While dis-
in Europe have the choice of mobility. They can ply their trade in other clubs workings of the city, characterised opment needs are contested. Torn cussions often centre on development disparities
and earn more, not just in the UK but Europe, South America, and, increasingly, by potholed roads, crowded shops, between ensuring adequate housing among cities, there is a tendency to overlook the
Saudi Arabia. This is not the case with the IPL because no tournament can malfunctioning traffic signals, and and building more industrial spaces, intricacies of development within individual cities.
match it in monetary terms. hazardous construction sites. India’s financial capital sustains This is intrinsically linked to factors such as urban
However, it’s important to recog- poor urban planning and misdirect- design and planning, the proactive participation of
In theory, lower-paid IPL players, domestic or foreign, should be able to
nise that this is the original core of ed development. municipal corporations in development initiatives,
try their luck in other T20 tournaments, South Africa’s SA20 and the UAE’s the city, which thrived and expanded Similarly, in the case of and, most crucially, an understanding of the under-
International League T20 League being the key ones (Australia’s Big Bash to the outskirts that we now recog- Hyderabad and Secunderabad, lying needs of the city. Such an understanding is
League, other significant tournament in this format, allows only two foreign nise as Gurugram. The interiors are often called the twin cities, devel- imperative to ensure that development converges
players per team). The problem here is that many of the owners of IPL franchisees untouched by any development and opment has been unequal since rather than diverges.
own teams in these leagues. In the SA20, for instance, IPL franchisees own all yet appear to be leftovers. This might
seem a harsh analogy, but the
CONURBATION colonial times. While Secunderabad
grew under the British rule,
Fundamentally, this is also a question of equality
within cities. In the current wave of smart cities, we
six teams. The UAE edition has several overlapping ownerships, such as Kolkata
Knight Riders, Mumbai Indians, and Delhi Capitals. Since these tournaments quandary it presents is important to AMIT KAPOOR & BIBEK DEBROY Hyderabad belonged to the Nizam. must come back to equal cities, focusing on ensuring
address — does urban development Even as the charm of these cities is citizen satisfaction, accessibility to resources and
are scheduled at different times of the year, franchise owners get to sign up
follow a direction? What is the flow being lost to newer areas like opportunities and adequate living spaces. Such a
stars from their IPL squads for them. Such overlapping ownership, again, of urbanisation? These two distinct questions are “Cyberabad”, with its modern architecture and IT reconsideration of urban development also supports
restricts player mobility and choice and is an issue the International Cricket linked in a way that answers how a city mushrooms. firms attracting the working population, essential efforts to render cities more gender-inclu-
Council should address. The phenomenon of “urbanisation flow” encom- Secunderabad seems to be left out when it comes sive and accessible for individuals with disabilities
Coupled with this is the fact that, as a recent report in the Telegraph, UK, passes more than a mere population migration from to ease of living or overall development. and special needs. What we must focus on while
showed, despite all the crores sloshing around, IPL players are relatively under- rural to urban areas; it also addresses an internal Although each city differs in its pattern or the shedding light on the complexities of urban devel-
paid. Where teams in other tournaments transfer between 50 and 70 per cent dynamic within cities that corresponds to urban flow of development, it unites in its aspiration to be opment is the need for a holistic approach that con-
of their revenues to the players, IPL franchisees transfer, on average, just 18 per development. It is crucial to recognise that each city more modern, and rightly so. The point of the matter siders both external appearances and internal
may not mirror the same developmental pattern. is simply to understand the underlying patterns that dynamics, emphasising on equality and inclusivity.
cent. These problems, which amount to limited negotiating abilities for players,
The flow of urban development is intricately linked influence this flow and whether there is a way to
are overlooked because cricketers today are earning incomes unheard of just a to the intrinsic nature of the city, its core culture and, achieve it without leaving some behind. One can Kapoor is chair, Institute for Competitiveness, India , and
decade ago. But each auction raises the bar significantly, and the IPL may find more technically, the geographical location. For argue that “economic flow”, which includes labour lecturer, USATMC, Stanford University; @kautiliya. Debroy
itself facing these issues sooner rather than later. example, Old Delhi houses the history of the national force, capital, technology and communication, influ- is chairman, Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister of
capital, and its development accommodates its his- ences the flow of urbanisation. These factors can India; @bibekdebroy. With inputs from Jessica Duggal

Making sustainable business work business, such as soil, women and

health that directly or indirectly impact
the market.
Ms Chhabra writes that in the three
case for the ecosystem and the many
animal and plant species that humans
are inadvertently dependent on.
In this age of capitalist mindsets and
Working to Restore: Why We Do Business actively working on finding alternatives equity and inclusivity. She describes years it took to write this book — mostly economic arrogance, with our urban
in the Regenerative Era. to single-use plastic, power sources, companies such as Beam, started by during the pandemic — the world lifestyles and ignorance, and a growing
To do so, she leverages a decade’s reducing individual and collective Anand Shrivastav in a heavily cash- changed in fundamental ways. She obsession with “stuff”, talks and
worth of research in redefining business carbon footprints, managing waste oriented Indian economy in 2007. When makes the case that though many of conferences on sustainable
models. In an age where better and finding clean, minimalistic some 700 million Indians did not have a these changes were welcome — policies development — such as the recently
“greenwashing” of the corporate brand ways of manufacturing. But, she says, bank account, Beam banning plastic concluded COP28 under the UN
BOOK REVIEW image is in vogue, her book directs us to this transformation, though necessary, was an effort to
straws, Framework Convention on Climate
real examples, globally and across would be incomplete if we do not make money mobile
NANDINI BHATIA RESTORE: Why We repurposing the Change — may advance the debate but
sectors, of change that go beyond mere account for the “people” factor — as and offer financial Do Business in wasteful practices they rarely galvanise stakeholders into
ideological thinking. suppliers, co-workers in a hierarchy, security to the Regenerative of the fast fashion making substantial change to save the

s each successive grand climate Working to Restore has an extra edge and consumers. “Capitalism has put us low-income, Era industry in planet. We make pledges that we barely
change conference — COP28 because it focuses on production, on a path where we have lost connection rural classes. Author: Esha preference for slow commit to and break environmental
being the latest — reminds us, consumption and everything and with humanity,” she writes. From the benefits Chhabra fashion, and so on limits on a daily basis.
global warming has been on the horizon everyone in between. It concentrates on Between “valuing the source” and of “thoughtful — the momentum By documenting businesses that
for two generations now. Three, if we sourcing of resources — from whom, “building people-first companies”, she tourism” to business may well be attempt to walk the environmental talk,
Penguin Viking
count our disregard for it. But slowly how and where — to the way they are gives examples of companies such as models to restore temporary if we Ms Chhabra’s book demonstrates the
and gradually, the discourse is packaged, used and, ultimately, how Falcon Coffees, a UK- based coffee soil health, create Pages: 256 forget the bigger fact that sustainability can be a practical
changing. Criticism of old they can be upcycled. Ms Chhabra trading company where producers are women-friendly Price: ~699 battle that needs to possibility rather than just an abstract
manufacturing practices, the demands focuses on both aspects of doing valued and profit is shared; or Loving workspaces and be fought. The concept. It puts us back on track, so to
of economic and environmental justice, business: Accountability towards the Earth, a confectionery company that accessible medicine, Ms Chhabra’s book millions of species speak, and serves as a wake-up call,
and the growing conscience of planet and its people, as well as their brings indigenous populations who is full of robust examples of long-term the world is on track to lose, or the almost reminding us that we need more such
consumers has led us to a new era of responsibility towards their future. In have been pushed away by modern sustainability that can be quoted by irreversible damage humans have done ventures in our quest for economic
doing and dealing with business. Is this doing so, she significantly expands the developments back into manufacturing students, scholars, policymakers and to the planet are alarming realities and growth and inclusive prosperity.
enough, though? That is a question definition of “stakeholders”. supply chains, and others that activists seeking to build cases of long- must not be forgotten. “Human health
writer-journalist Esha Chhabra Ms Chhabra compiles the success consciously make their workplaces fair term sustainability. The book also depends on the health of where we live, The reviewer is a freelance writer who reviews
repeatedly asks and seeks to answer in stories of entrepreneurs who are by practising economic and social discusses some neglected areas of
books @read.dream.repeat the earth,” she writes, as she fights her
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log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Thursday December 21, 2023

Collective leadership �nally over in BJP

Collective leadership in the BJP was the hallmark of an era when the
No one has a greater asset for his business than a
party had to o�er contradictory coverings to di�erent sections of society
man’s pride in his work.
Hosea Ballou >The writer is
Editor, SatyaHindi.
com, and author of
Hindu Rashtra

Suspending MPs for

the entire Parliament ASHUTOSH

session unreasonable W
ith the appointment of three

unknown faces as chief min-
isters of Rajasthan, MP and
nother 49 Opposition MPs were suspended for the re- Chhattisgarh, the Bharatiya Janata Party
mainder of the Parliament session on Tuesday on the has publicly shed whatever facade of in-
ternal democracy it had. Though a lot of
premise of “unruly behaviour”, taking the total of MPs theories have been circulating about the
shown the door to 141. The Opposition has been consist- purpose behind the removal of three big The �rst and major adjustment the Modi has been slowly but surely
ently pressing for a debate on the December 13 security leaders of the BJP in these states which Jan Sangh made was to evolve the con- implementing that model. In Haryana
have been the fulcrum of BJP’s state pol- cept of “collective leadership”. To ad- when Modi appointed an unknown
breach at the Parliament House when two intruders made their way itics for almost two decades, the shape dress and attract the diversity of the political entity, Manohar Lal Khattar,
to the Lok Sabha and released yellow coloured gas from canisters, that the BJP has now acquired o�ers an country, it had to create a galaxy of everyone was surprised. He had not
leaving the government embarrassed. interesting study. One way to read it is to leaders who could connect with every been anywhere in the contention for
call it a copy-paste from the template of section of society and bring them into the top post in the state. Not only did
On the �ip side, the treasury benches have accused the suspended the Congress from Indira Gandhi’s time, their fold. It was a humongous task. he become the chief minister but con-
MPs of insulting the Lok Sabha Speaker, the Rajya Sabha chairman when she was the leader and the rest Jan Sangh could not replicate the RSS tinued for the second term too. A simi-
were her followers. model of leadership and the organi- lar exercise was replicated in Himachal
and the institution of Parliament, also for unruly behaviour and for Indira Gandhi was equally ruthless sation. The RSS follows the model of Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Maha-
not following the rules of the House. with Opposition-ruled states too. Oppo- a strong leader who is neither chal- rashtra and UP. In this phase, Modi did
The breach of the Parliament is a serious issue, a fact that has been sition governments were dismissed on lenged nor de�ed; his words are �nal, not touch big leaders like Shivraj Sin-
minor pretexts. This “Indira-isation” of and the rest have to follow. Within the gh Chouhan, Vasundhara Raje Scindia
admitted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, and needs a thor- the Congress was one of the major rea- RSS parlance it is called Ek Chalak and Raman Singh. But this time dur-
ough probe, while the government maintained that investigations are sons for the decline of the Congress par- Anuvartitva (follow the leader). It is not ing the Assembly elections, it was clear
on track. The point here is that nothing stops the MPs from seeking a ty. Only history will tell if the BJP is also a democratic organisation, its leader is from the word go that their days as
on the same path, but I would certain- not elected by the members; the leader leaders were numbered, and the power
discussion on the �oor of the House. Protesting is part of House pro- ly have been surprised had the BJP not nominates his successor in his lifetime, would pass to new leaders.
ceedings and legislators are duty-bound to hold the government ac- walked this path. In fact, this phenome- and in the selection his words are �nal; With the appointment of Mohan
non should be called “RSS-isation of the it is never contested. Yadav, Bhajan Lal Sharma and Vish-
countable and seek answers on policies, the welfare of citizens and BJP” and it is the logical culmination of The Jan Sangh and the BJP, despite nu Dev Sai as chief ministers, the
even the security of those conducting business in Parliament. the RSS organisational praxis. being a political party, has followed “RSS-isation of the BJP” is complete.
By running away from a debate, an impression is generated that the First, we must understand that the almost the same organisational ethos The days of collective leadership are
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh to begin and rigour. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and �nally over in the BJP. These chief min-
government is trying to shield its men who have been partly blamed with was never intended to be a political LK Advani had major di�erences on isters will act as agents of the Centre;
for the breach of the 3-layered security at party. It was started as a social organisa- many issues including the Ram Man- they have to sign on the dotted line and
By running away from a Parliament. Moreover, suspending 141 tion to unite Hindus and to create a “New dir movement, but both accommodat- will do whatever they are told to. Modi
debate, an impression members is an unprecedented action that,
Hindu”, one who could not be subdued ed each other. Advani who was the ar- carefully eased out or marginalised
is generated that the by foreign aggressors like it happened chitect of the Ram Mandir movement, every leader who had shown even an
if seen through a political prism, appears in the past, �rst when the Muslims ruled who should be credited for the rise of iota of autonomy in decision-making
government is trying and then the Christians. For RSS, the the BJP, made way for Atal to become in his or her ministry/department or in
to shield its men who to be a move to clear hurdles in the busi- freedom movement led by Gandhi was the prime minister. the party structure.
have been partly blamed ness of the House, especially since con- only to gain freedom from the British, But the dynamics changed once the Balasaheb Deoras did not like that
for the breach of the tentious bills are on the agenda. but in their opinion it had failed to �nd BJP got an absolute majority in Parlia- MS Golwalkar became the RSS chief,
a permanent solution to the basic issue ment in 2014. One must not forget that because he had thought that Hedgewar
3-layered security at The Opposition may be red-carded of why Hindus could so easily be subju- This “In- the concept of collective leadership would nominate him as his successor.
Parliament. Suspending in the House, but the larger question is gated and did not �ght unitedly to defeat dira-isation” of in the BJP was the hallmark of an era Di�erences became so acute between
141 members is an whether it can hold itself together and up- foreign invaders; why they allowed for-
the Congress when the BJP had to o�er many contra- the two stalwarts of the RSS that Ba-
eigners to rule over them for a thousand dictory coverings to di�erent sections lasaheb and his brother Bhaurao Deo-
unprecedented action set BJP’s applecart at the forthcoming Lok years despite being such a rich civilisa- was one of the of society. If Atal was to appeal to the ras le� the RSS for seven years (1953 to
that appears to be a Sabha elections. The INDIA bloc quickly tion. But a�er Gandhi’s assassination, major reasons liberal Hindus, then Advani was to at- 1960). It is another story that he joined
move to clear hurdles went into a huddle in Delhi and deliber- when the RSS was banned and its top for the decline tract those who believed in hardcore it again and became the third chief of
in the business of the ated on a blueprint for a joint campaign,
leaders including MS Golwalkar were ar-
of the Congress
Hindutva. It was a coalition of many the RSS a�er the demise of Golwalkar.
rested, and it found itself helpless as no contradictions. But once Hindutva be- But till Golwalkar was alive, his writ
House, especially since seat-sharing and redrawing strategies. one came to their rescue, then it realised party. Only his- came the mainstream of Indian politics was supreme and there was no chal-
contentious bills are on that unless they had political power, it tory will tell if and Modi became its supreme leader, lenge, and the organisation did not
The interesting part is that TMC and AAP
the agenda would be impossible to achieve their
the BJP is also the concept of collective leadership stop Deoras from leaving. This is the
endorsed the name of Congress President civilisational mission. And thus the Jan outlived its utility; it was no longer re- lesson that Shivraj Singh Chouhan and
Mallikarjun Kharge as the prime ministeri- Sangh, the earlier avatar of the BJP, was on the same quired, and it gave way to the original Vasundhara Raje Scindia should have
al face of the Opposition, a decision that has deeper implications, and
created. path RSS model of leadership. remembered. -- FPJ

one that could be a game-changer for the Congress party.

By zeroing down on Kharge as a PM candidate, the Opposition is
giving an indication that Rahul Gandhi is not an acceptable face, and
this could be an indication of what lies in store for the alliance. Mam- Vicious dogs should not today’s double engine govt in Goa has
ata Banerjee and Arvind Kejriwal’s decision to back Kharge over their be left unattended Stop or cut charges for parking in open spaces failed miserably to curb the menace of
drunk driving and to reduce the number
own prime ministerial ambitions is another positive indicator of lead- Payments for parking at speci�ed locations in cities is under- of accidents and deaths on Goa roads.
The Colvale police have reportedly standable as it helps to reduce tra�c congestion but introducing Tra�c Police cannot be held responsible
ers coming to terms and shedding personal agendas. booked an owner and a caretaker of a parking fees for open spaces such as at beaches (e.g. Colva) and for this, as even past governments in
Rottweiler dog a�er the pet attacked and
Kharge’s acceptability could mean a huge positive for the Congress injured a ten-year-old girl at Camurlim. It
railway stations (Margao) is not done. Similarly, a sight-seeing Goa have been hesitant to implement
walk to the Dona Paula jetty costs the tourists Rs 50 for adults
which is struggling to play the big brother’s role since seasoned lead- is learnt that the dog which was le� unat- and Rs 25 for children. A trip to the Reis Magos fort would set the
harsh measures of using alcometers
outside night clubs and party halls, for
ers are showing hesitancy in the Gandhi leadership. Perhaps, the tended went outside the house gate and locals and tourists back by a few hundreds of rupees. The rates fear of proving detrimental to the tourism
bit the minor girl, who was passing by. It for the Aguada Jail Museum are Rs 100 for Goans, Rs 200 for
Congress could leverage its sinking fortunes and Kharge could be the may be recalled that about four months industry. Needless to say, that Goa
domestic tourists and Rs 400 for foreigners. All these fees are for otherwise, would have been a di�erent
all-important glue holding parties together. back in a brutal dog attack also involving ‘maintenance’ while there is nothing much of value to be main-
a Rottweiler dog two minors, a boy and tourist paradise today.What a pity.
The BJP is on a high a�er winning three crucial States in the re- tained on a daily basis nor basic facilities provided at these tour-
a girl aged �ve and seven were severely istic sites. Some well-connected contractors seem to be raking AF NAZARETH, Alto Porvorim
cently concluded Assembly elections, and the Modi-Amit Shah jug- injured at Taleigao. The two minors in the moolah and one does not know what bene�t is accrued by
gernaut continues to roll at a ferocious pace. The suspension of MPs reportedly su�ered multiple bleeding
injuries over the face, head and other
the government. The government should stop or charge only a Politics of amateurish
shows that the BJP will not leave any stone unturned. The question parts of the body. The government has
nominal amount for parking and visits to the beaches, forts and
attack in Parliament
is whether the INDIA bloc can pull its act together and give the BJP a museums.
decided to come out with a list of �erce The grave security breach in the Lok
run for its money. dogs that will be banned. Henceforth SRIDHAR D’IYER, Caranzalem Sabha on the 22nd Anniversary of the
no one would be allowed to purchase Parliament attack is being politicized by
dogs that are on the list. The department all parties with BJP leading from the front
of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary trying to link the TMC even before the
Sciences (AHVS) was asked to compile investigative agencies �nd any such link
a list of vicious dogs. It would be advis- pinagre, doce, kormola, bolinhas and a
and no action against BJP MP Pratap Sim-
OPEN SPACE >> able for owners of vicious dogs to keep Christmas cake to celebrate the birthday
of Jesus Christ. Christmas tree activities ha for providing passes to the culprits
the pet on a leash and not let them out endangering the whole Parliament, leave
like games, star competition ,Santa
Rottweiler dogs should
unattended. Incidentally the Rottweiler alone removing him as member contrary
was originally bred to herd livestock and Claus parade for kids are kept in wards
and near the church to entertain the to the double quick action to remove
pull carts.
be banned in State children. Let us celebrate the Christmas Mahua Moitra for a serious national se-
ADELMO FERNANDES, Vasco holidays with love, joy and happiness curity lapse. Considering the amateurish

and welcome Jesusn in our home by and non-lethal attack, it appears to be a
disheartening incident occurred once again in Goa, pertaining to Rot-
tweiler’s attack upon a child, in which a 10-yr-old girl was mauled at Car- Getting into that joyful helping the poor and needy people. serious protest by disgruntled frustrated
youth due to di�culties in �nding jobs
mulim. Unfortunately, this brings back the 3-month-old nightmare of an-
other attack which had happened in the vicinity of Taleigao, wherein two kids
mood this Christmas RONNIE DSOUZA, Chandor and making a living. Instead of taking
December is one of the most exciting responsibility for the serious failure in
were mauled by a Rottweiler dog, and that too due to the lackadaisical attitude
of the pet owner. Infact, the gate of the compound was open and this proved month’s of the year when Goans get Govt has failed to curb Send your security, they are building a terror and
easy for the beast to come out and pounce on the kids, who were enjoying the into the Christmas mood. The churches, menace of drunk driving letters to us conspiracy narrative, frustrating the
Opposition who are always having to be
walk and the cool breeze .Unfortunately, the helpless mother shrieked for help streets and houses are decorated with
This is with reference to the news report,
at editor@ bulldozed or staging a walkout. I am nei-
but was unable to save her kids from being mauled by the dangerous beast. colourful lights, stars, Christmas trees
and cribs. The ward people get together ‘Minister proposes police near clubs, ther for the Congress nor against the BJP.
Sadly, what about the emotional trauma which the poor kids might be going wedding halls’ (TGE, Dec 20). This is Letters must Running Parliament is the responsibility
through, by remembering that nightmare. Such dangerous breeds of dogs like and go for Christmas serenade or caro-
Pit Bull and Rottweiler are banned in Ghaziabad. Moreover, it’s also noticed ling at every home. Live Christmas crib nothing novel, as the Environment be 150-200 of the ruling party and the public will
Minister Aleixo Sequeira, has only have to proactively and honestly decide
that certain owners of these ferocious pets miss the mark somewhere and it (Jivo Ghoto) from the parish church visits
reiterated what hapless and disgruntled words and whose egos and antagonism are respon-
village wards and pass a joyful message
turns out to be of high risk for civilized society. Henceforth, such breeds of dogs
to the people. In the kitchen, our women people of Goa have been saying , and mention the sible for constant washout of Parliament
should be banned in Goa.
JOSEPH SAVIO DESOUZA, Candolim are busy preparing ‘kuswar’ sweets crying out loudly over the years, only writer’s name sessions with impunity.
like bebinca, dodol, neureos, baath, to fall on deaf ears. Unfortunately, even and location JOHN ERIC GOMES, Porvorim

RNI: GOAENG/2015/65729. Printed and Published by: Kishor Naik Gaonkar on behalf of Prudent Media (Goa) Pvt. Ltd. Printed at: Elegant O�set Printers Pvt Ltd, Plot No 2/3/4, Thivim Industrial Estate, Karaswada, Mapusa, Goa. Published at: Third Floor, Fourth Estate (Kamat Metropolis), St Inez,
Panaji 403 001. Editor: Joel Afonso (Responsible for selection of News under PRB Act). All Rights Reserved. Ph: (0832) 240 5950 or mail us at
Disclaimer: Except for the editorials above, all columns and letters represent the views of the concerned authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of The Goan Everyday’s Editor, Publisher and Owners.

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You cannot teach democracy to
the tribal people; you have to Jaipal Singh
learn democratic ways from them Munda


� �

NDIAN federalism is unique. The The Constitution is not always clear on the balance of tion-ruled states.
Constitution does not use the The Centre also uses its police power
INDIAN EXPRESS IS NOT AN word federalism anywhere. How- power between the Centre and states. The Supreme over dissidents at the state level. The En-
INDUSTRY. IT IS A MISSION. ever, it prescribes a federal Court’s J&K ruling stopped short of clarifying it forcement Directorate and the Central Bu-
— Ramnath Goenka scheme of governance almost reau of Investigation are used in a selec-

throughout. It tries to strike a bal- tive manner in some (read opposition-
ance between the Union and the ruled) states. Selective use of the law de-
states. It contemplates the division of pow- molishes the Rule of Law which, in the

RECORD SUSPENSIONS ers and responsibilities between the Union

and the states. Unlike in the US, Indian fed- TO STRENGTHEN Indian context, is also a dominant threat
to the nation’s federal character.

POOR OPTICS FOR eralism was not spontaneous. We have been

“holding together” the states which were
When opposition members from certain
states were suspended after they asked

TEMPLE OF DEMOCRACY not “coming together”, as it is often said.

Federalism addresses various concerns
such as national security, people’s welfare,
questions about the recent security breach,
it gave an impression that even legitimate
criticism is thrashed by the sheer majori-

preservation of identity and diversity of tarianism of the current regime. The divi-
HE suspension of a record 143 members of parliament communities, and administrative efficien- sion among the people in states such as Ma-
who demanded a statement from the home minister on cy, among other things. India became a Un- nipur is also a testimony to the Centre’s
the recent Lok Sabha intrusion indicates a precipitous ion according to B R Ambedkar’s prescrip- KALEESWARAM RAJ Lawyer, Supreme Court selective apathy. Such instances have caused
decline in the country’s parliamentary democracy. Heav- tion. In certain areas, unitary features do genuine apprehensions about the future of
ens would not have fallen had the government made a overshadow the Constitution’s federal fea- federalism in India.
tures. For example, parliament has the It is in this context that the Supreme
statement admitting the seriousness of the breach and that the
power to alter the very scheme of the Con- Court’s verdict on the abrogation of Arti-
members ought to wait for the reports of the probe panels set stitution. Provisions such as Article 352 on cle 370 was delivered. Many were worried
up by Speaker Om Birla and the home ministry. They said as proclaiming Emergency and Article 356 on what the Centre would do in the future
much outside parliament while accusing the opposition of us- proclaiming president’s rule in the states with states which do not share the Centre’s
ing it to derive political mileage. It shows how competitive our empower the Union to act over the states. political ideology and method of govern-
politics has become with the Lok Sabha elections just a few There is no reciprocal power for the states ance. The court’s verdict has its pros and
months away. When the winter session began, proceedings ap- in such contingencies. In the realms of ad- cons. It reaffirmed the sovereignty of In-
ministration, the Centre can appoint gov- dia, confirming the nation’s integrity. It
peared normal for more than a week—except for Mahua Moi- ernors as the titular heads of states. We also fixed a time frame for conducting elec-
tra’s expulsion—before the intruders struck. The nation has a also have a fiscal scheme where the Union tions in Jammu and Kashmir. These direc-
right to seek accountability for the security breach, which was often enjoys superiority over the states. tives are commendable.
what the opposition was articulating. But the way they went Thus, Indian federalism is said to possess But sadly, the court did not fix a time lim-
about it—entering the well of the House and displaying plac- strong centralist traits. it for restoring J&K’s statehood. Conver-
ards—was against their commitment not to do so in the new Because of this centralist character, con- sion of a state into a Union territory is not
scious efforts should be made to maintain contemplated by the Constitution. Article 2
parliament building. Both sides could have explored a middle
the balance of powers and cordiality in only concerns itself about “admission or
path through communication, but that was not to be. Ironically, Centre-state relation. The Centre should establishment of new states”. Article 3 is
the BJP MP who issued passes to the intruders is yet to face itself be cautious about the perils of cen- about the “formation of new states and al-
public scrutiny. The mass suspensions forced even disciplined tralisation. A situation of the powerful Un- teration of areas, boundaries or names of
opposition members like Shashi Tharoor to enter the well, lest ion taking a hostile attitude to opposition- SOURAV ROY existing states”. Conversion of J&K into a
they be seen as colluding with the treasury benches. ruled states should be avoided, as it might Union territory by the Centre was appar-
create dissatisfaction and a feeling of dis- to Justice Reddy’s remarks in Bommai, The governors themselves often become ently against the constitutional scheme.
After the suspension, it was legislative business as usual in
memberment among the people. Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud recently an obstacle to governance. Despite the When this was challenged in court, the Cen-
both Houses. Deliberation is the hallmark of parliamentary The legitimate rights and interests of wrote while heading another Constitution Sarkaria and Punchhi commissions’ rec- tre cleverly conceded that it will restore
democracy, yet a few weighty bills such as the Telecom Bill and states should be honoured by recognising bench that the priorities of the central and ommendations that the Raj Bhavans J&K’s statehood “as soon as possible”.
laws to replace the old criminal codes sailed through without their constitutional significance. Justice state governments “are not just bound to be should facilitate cordial Centre-state rela- Despite clarity in the constitutional scheme,
the benefit of a wider spectrum of opposition views. That has Jeevan Reddy, in S R Bommai vs Union of different, but are intended to be different” tions, one finds several governments mov- the court did not lay down the law and only
been the problem during this government’s tenure, with even India (1994) wrote, “The fact that under the (Delhi government vs Union of India, 2023). ing the Supreme Court to get assent for recorded the Centre’s assurance. By not fix-
the Supreme Court throwing up its hands in exasperation, ob- scheme of our Constitution, greater power The Supreme Court also rejected the argu- bills that their state assemblies have ing a time limit and not affirming the law
is conferred upon the Centre vis-a-vis the ment that the Constitution is unitary. Thus, passed based on the people’s mandate. The on the point, the court has committed a seri-
serving that the legislative intent of bills were not fully clear states does not mean that the states are the idea of collaborative federalism was ju- blatant abuse of gubernatorial power has ous omission. A major criticism against the
since they were rammed through without thorough discus- mere appendages of the Centre.” He added ridically reiterated. almost become a new normal. verdict is that it did not address the federal-
sions. Overconfidence can be a serious downside of a humon- that “within the sphere allotted to them, Many of the recent developments unfor- There are also other instances indicat- ist concerns. If the court had also directed
gous majority won at the hustings. states are supreme” and that “the Centre tunately do not reflect such a constitution- ing the emergence of an aggrandizing Cen- that statehood should be restored before the
The suspensions seemed to have brought closer the INDIA cannot tamper with their powers”. al spirit on the part of the Centre or its tre. The Kerala government had to ap- election to be held by September 30, 2024,
bloc, which was haemorrhaging with Nitish Kumar grumbling, This is the reason why, in our system, representatives while “dealing with” the proach the Supreme Court to seek central the message would have been loud and
state elections are as important as parlia- states. The gubernatorial excess at certain financial allocations that it is eligible for. clear. It would have been a moral boost for
and Mamata Banerjee and Akhilesh Yadav putting the faces of
mentary ones. Every election is an opportu- opposition-ruled states is deplorable. The Getting due shares of the goods and serv- the cause of Indian federalism, which un-
the Congress leadership, especially the Gandhis, on their dart nity to foster plurality, diversity and there- situation in states siuch as Punjab, Tamil ices tax and other central funds is fortunately didn’t happen.
boards. How well they negotiate seat sharing will determine by the spirit of federalism. After referring Nadu and Kerala illustrates this point. another issue highlighted by some opposi- (
their ability to give the BJP a real fight.


IN TIME OF A BLOODY WAR Odisha waterways

HE incidence of school students being made to clean a Ref: Use waterways to boost Odisha coal
septic tank is not just shocking, but alarming too. It hap- movement (Dec 20). It’s really surprising that
this aspect of coal movement in Odisha has

pened with students of classes seven to nine at Morarji
ANNAH Arendt’s immortal gone untapped by the dynamic CM Naveen
Desai Residential School in Yeluvahalli, Karnataka, on phrase, “the banality of evil”, is Patnaik despite being in the saddle for the
December 1. Had a video of this act not gone viral a few widely employed to describe the last 4 terms. Now he should make it possible
days ago, it would have remained under wraps. It is worri- now-axiomatic belief that evil is since Odisha is rich in resources and rivers
some that a school management ordered such an activity; neither operatic nor grand—it KAJAL BASU Veteran journalist that are navigable.
even more so because the children were asked to do the job is quotidian, everyman and K Nehru Patnaik, Visakhapatnam
without safety gear. Many people have died around the coun- blasé. “A central logic of the
democratic peace theory claims that pub- Condemning Israel
try while cleaning manholes and sewers from asphyxiation lic opinion acts as a powerful restraint Without one, there could be no other. came a turning point. Ref: Modi talks to Netanyahu on Hamas war
upon inhaling excessive carbon monoxide. Despite 920 such against war,” wrote Steve Chan and Wil- Or seemingly so. The Israel-Palestine Compare this to what is transpiring in (Dec 20). India’s initiative to put an end
deaths across India between 1993 and 2010, and 339 more re- liam Chafran in a paper, ‘Public opinion war has put paid to this formal axiom, too. Gaza. Social media is awash with images to the conflict between Israel and Hamas
corded between 2018 and 2023, the school obviously ignored as a constraint against war’. For the media to report from a warzone, it and videos of children dying and dead, of is welcome. But India should refrain from
the dangers. Four people including the principal were sus- But the ongoing Gaza genocide seems to has to be in the warzone, either as inde- death rattles. There are apocalyptic scenes assisting Israel, which is now facing attack
pended when the district and state authorities finally swung have put paid to both these observations. pendent reporters or those embedded in of entire blocks cratered into grey, dusty from Yemen’s Houthis. Under the guise of
Public opinion no longer matters, to the de- one or both armies. In this war, the formal collapse by bombs, photographs of the use elimination of Hamas, Benjamin Netanyahu’s
into action. A probe has been ordered and the state govern-
gree that it no longer recognises evil as par- media is almost entirely missing. It has no of white phosphorus shells and thermo- government has been on a killing spree in
ment is awaiting the report amid brimming public anger. ticularly banal—just commonplace. presence in the resistance in Gaza or the baric bombs illegal under international which scores of civilians have lost their lives.
Manual scavenging is among the cruellest forms of work. Kofi Annan once said, “Information is West Bank or in the Israeli army. law, of overcrowded hospitals with bloody Netanyahu’s act is unpardonable.
There are modern technologies available to clean manholes liberating”. The quote is an indicator of the The only media organisation with a pres- floors where the grievously wounded have V K Kumar, Thiruvananthapuram
and septic tanks which eliminate the threat people engaged in sheer power of information—information ence in Gaza is Al-Jazeera—a presence it is been dragged into alcoves. Never in human
as the plinth of freedomism, the realpolitik paying for by the killings of its correspond- history has a warzone been more intensive- Coalition cracks
it are exposed to. The school authorities evidently ignored—or
of suppressing information, the cleverness ents and their families. The only Western ly documented. The Nazi concentration Ref: Didi, Kejri propose Kharge as INDIA bloc’s
had no clue about—the Prohibition of Employment as Manual
of using information as a ligament for the camps were photographed largely ex post PM face (Dec 20). Cracks already seem to be
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act of 2013. The law states manipulation of public opinion. facto, with a handful of images of deaths appearing in the INDIA bloc after Mallikarjun
that any person or agency that engages people for manual scav- The Gaza genocide says to hell with this, while they were actually occurring, leaving Kharge’s name was proposed as the PM face.
enging is punishable under Section 8 of the Act with imprison- too. Information means nothing when us to fill in the gaps with our imaginations Perhaps the Congress thinks a Dalit is most
ment up to two years or fine up to `1 lakh, or both. faced with belief in the catharsis of mass and our personal views of hell. But Gaza suitable for the post. But this is a pipe dream,
Even the Supreme Court in its landmark 2014 judgement di- bloodletting: Gazans must be wiped. So, leaves nothing to the imagination. as Kharge stated the party will decide the
rected all states to abolish manual scavenging and take steps to what has changed in the world’s cogni- The IDF is looting jewellery and carpets, candidate after they win the elections.
sance? “The history of battle”, wrote Paul burning marts and homes, torching food K R Parvathy, Mysuru
rehabilitate such workers—58,098 manual scavengers have been Virilio in War and Cinema: The Logistics of and medicine, blowing up libraries and the
identified till recently, but the final figure is likely to be much Perception, “is primarily the history of seat of government, destroying hospitals, Education gaps

higher. The court had stated, “For sewer deaths, entering sewer radically changing fields of perception.” executing children and women in schools Ref: Students in rural K’taka fail to perform
lines without safety gears should be made a crime even in emer- While the terabytes of information leaving My Lai-style. All these are codified war basic math calculations (Dec 20). Our rural
gency situations.” And here were a group of teenagers forced Gaza every day in the most publicly played- crimes, and not banal by any yardstick. education ecosystem is in a pathetic state.
into it on December 1. A school disdainfully pressing students out of all anthropophagic brutalities in re- The Israeli government shut down the Huge learning gaps, paucity of competent
cent memory have provoked some huge internet in the early days of its Gaza geno- teachers and outdated methods have resulted
into manual scavenging—whether labelling it as ‘social service’ Evil becomes banal when public outcries
rallies around the globe, it is telling that not cide. It has since reconsidered, and news of in poor grasping levels. Emphasis should shift
or not—is an indication of how little some educators value the a single one has swayed political support a continuing bloodbath is central to its eth- to basic learning rather than on exams.
fall on deaf ears. Dozens of relief
Supreme Court and the law. A more stringent law and an iron against Israel’s hyper-aggression. It is nocidal strategy—the more advertising the Rajarao Kumar, Bengaluru
concerts have been staged since the 1971
hand to enforce it are needed to stop this practice for good. changing nothing on the ground, or in the better. The Gazans disseminate news of
political war-rooms of the largely Western Concert for Bangladesh in New York. But butchery in order to end it, and the Israelis Method clarity
Israelist coalition, or in the designer stu- not one has been held for Gaza yet to further it and clear the way for more. A Ref: Telecom bill timely, but rethink needed on
Q U I C K TA K E dios of the news media. stranglehold on information is no longer privacy breach (Dec 20). You have rightly
“Conflict is the adrenalin of the media”, media organisation that has made a single, considered essential for power. called for a debate on the Telecom bill to
BROADEN CYBERCRIME AWARENESS observed Ajay K Rai in the article, ‘Media
at war: issues and limitations’. “The term
brief incursion into Gaza with Egypt’s help
is the American CNN. Nearly all the 90-odd
Nor, today, is an anti-genocidal show of
support for Gaza considered essentialist in
remove loopholes if any. The provision to
allocate spectrum for satellite broadband

‘shooting war’ is aptly suggestive of both journalists killed in Gaza—all of them re- liberal aesthetics. In August 1971, photo- services through an administrative method is
HE home ministry’s announcement on intensifying the work soldiers’ and photojournalists’ professions, porting using cellphones and a few camer- graphs of Pakistani soldiers executing welcome, there is a need for a debate on the
of the nation’s cybercrime coordination centres is welcome. as the camera owes its sighting mecha- as—were affiliated to small news organisa- Bangladeshis led to the sold-out Concert for details of the method to arrive at a
The joint cyber coordination teams in Mewat, Jamtara, nisms to those developed for artillery. Like- tions that were essentially feeders for the Bangladesh in New York. The following transparent methodology.
Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Visakhapatnam and wise, many means of transmission by major channels until they were exiled off years witnessed a liberal upsurge: a con- R A Puram, Chennai
which news from war zones reaches those the airwaves and had to turn to instant cert for Ethiopia in 1985; for Kurdish refu-
Guwahati—sites chosen to be close to hotspots—assist states on Flood relief
at home evolved from the technologies orig- messaging and apps such as Telegram. gees in 1991; for Tibetan freedom in 1996;
multi-jurisdictional issues concerning all kinds of cybercrime. inally pioneered to allow soldiers to com- The Vietnam war slid into decline, and for Iraqi refugees in Iran in 2003; for Syrian Due to Cyclone Michaung, the people of
The ministry also claims to have trained more than 17,000 NCC municate with one other (telegraphy and then closure, when reports from war cor- refugees in 2016 and 2018; for Ukraine in Tamil Nadu experienced a double whammy
cadets on cyber hygiene and is working on handbooks for ado- radio broadcasting).” respondents entered the public domain. March and August 2022. or double deluge this season. Thus there is a
lescents. The states need to introduce cyber safety training in This is significant analysis—that the me- The visual testimonies from notable photo- More than 40 percent of the dead in Gaza stupendous task in front of the authorities to
dia and the military at war are and have journalists of sweeping death and destruc- are children. No one is singing a dirge for undertake large-scale rescue and relief work.
schools. The Reserve Bank’s financial literacy project initiated always been intertwined. It is informa- tion in Vietnam became knowledge, and them or holding charity concerts. This, All the agencies—central and state—deserve
in 2017 needs to reach many more of the elderly, who are in spe- tion—or data—exchange and dissemina- knowledge turned into public power. The then, is the banality of evil. appreciation for their work.
cial need for assistance on this growing menace. tion that is the core competence of both. massacre of noncombatants at My Lai be- ( R Sampath, email


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
Published by R K Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited, at 3360/4, Akshar Arcade, Gondhali Galli, Belagavi - 590 002 and printed by him at M/s Elegant O�set Printers, 3360/1, Gondhali Galli Cross Road, Belagavi - 590 002.
Belagavi. Vol. 27, No. 300 RNI Reg. No. 71152/97. Phone: 0831-2434887. Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.

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