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Poem 1 – Pretty Little Words

Mercenary by day and dreamer by night,

I turn to my quill for a tranquil delight!

Pretty little words I court with my might,

Elusive and ethereal will they get my invite?

String them I, like pearls in a necklace royal,

Not like a master, but as their servant loyal!

Pine I with all my heart, my truest desires,

And beseech my pretty little words, to sing them like a choir!

No glory, nor coin do I yearn to seek,

In pretty little words merely cares I heap!

And comfort they such their damsel in distress,

That silly verses I compose with the airs of a mistress!

My gentle reader I now submit to you my trials,

And pray you forgive my trespassing the literary aisles!

Poem 2 – A Crafted Wizardry

I don’t remember how the sparks flew,

Was it your smile or your eyes set in golden hue?

I don’t remember why my world sparkles anew,

But oh dearest, I must have been my luckiest best

The day I first met you!

It is so hard not to romanticize romance,

To miss to epitomise the magic of our first dance!

For true love feels such a crafted wizardry,

And our little stories spin fairytale legendary!

I feel like my life were touched by Gods,

How else could my heart rhyme the perfect chords?

I cry shame to fools who wrath true love

And pity the souls chained from the Vow

For your love makes my soul so blissed,

Afloat the clouds since the day we kissed!

Poem 3 – Courage

Dear my heart, why quiver you so?

Battles in history have drawn mightier foes!

Must you travel this perilous road –

Fear not! For prevailed have courageous knights who rode –

More dangerous paths than your ahead,

And conquered high mountains when lesser men had fled!

If hungry you are for glory abound,

Then learn you must, that rarely was it found,

In open fields of sunshine and gay,

In simple abodes built in a day!

Only bold dreams beget new crowns,

And mark new kings from a horde of clowns!

So, yield no ground to your woeful fears,

For pages of history have no ink for tears!

Poem 4 – A Desolate Stare

I watch the hungry child,

Beg its daily bread –

I let go a sigh mild,

And quickly turn my head.

I cannot change the world I say,

And go about my usual day –

I indulge my cares in self alone,

I recount them, to all and one!

How singularly unfair the world’s gone,

To mostly me and all my own!

Wrapped in grand thoughts of fair,

Glorifying my just despair,

How easily I forget to spare,

A single thought –

To the hungry child’s desolate stare!

Poem 5 – Poems for my daughter

Dearest daughter, you are a piece of my heart,

I want to tell you so many things, now where can I start?

You are in my womb still,

But I can sense you my dear,

These days I feel you and I,

Do everything together!

I know you are wiser –

Beyond your little years,

I must rather say weeks in my womb,

For you are tiny yet, I must clear!

But soon one day,

You must be a young girl,

And lo! A bright woman,

With Time’s another twirl!

My dearest, I cannot wait,

For every moment to unfold –

Till one day you would fly,

From one day, my hand you would hold!

I wish you all happiness,

I wish you my years,

I wish you the world –

Good luck and cheers!

Monies and bread,

I cannot pack you enough,

As you travel my dear,

On Life’s roads tough!

But pray you carry,

My verses of love,

My verses of caution,

On your journey above!

May you find solace,

In my rhymes one day –

Or maybe you would read them –

When I am far and away!

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