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The Case of Development Communication:

Perspectives, Issues and Trends

El caso de comunicación para el desarrollo:

perspectivas, problemas y tendencias

A.F. Mathew1

Abstract Resumen
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of El propósito de este trabajo es proporcionar una visión
development communication. To do so, the first section general de comunicación para el desarrollo. Para este fin,
focuses on the theoretical perspective and evolution of la primera sección se centra en la perspectiva teórica y
development communication. The second section deals evolución de la comunicación para el desarrollo. La se-
with selected examples from the Third World, and the fi- gunda sección trata de ejemplos seleccionados del Tercer
nal section is a summary. Mundo, y la sección final es un resumen.

Key words: Development communication, process, Palabras clave: comunicación para el desarrollo,
Third World, evolution. proceso, Tercer Mundo, evolución.

1 Dr. Associate Professor, Mudra Institute of Communication (MICA), Recibido: 08/01/10

Shela, Ahmedabad, India. Aceptado: 22/04/10

31 - 45
ISSN 0122-8285

Introduction to Development opment which are three in nature. Firstly, the

Communication populace must have information about national
development; the focus on the need for change,
Many notions persist with regard to both ‘devel- the opportunities inviting change, the methods
opment’ and ‘communication’. How does one and means of change and their aspirations. Sec-
place the concept of Development Communica- ondly, there must be opportunity to participate
tion? At a very basic level, development commu- in the decision process where in the dialogue
nication would mean the notion that mass media broadened, the leaders have an opportunity to
are capable of creating a public atmosphere fa- lead and the people to be heard, the issues of
vorable to change, an aspect which is assumed change to be made clear, the alternatives dis-
to be invaluable for converting traditional so- cussed and information to flow up and down the
cieties into modern, through technological ad- hierarchy. And third, the needed skills must be
vancement and economic growth (Beltran, 1993). taught. Adults must be taught to read, children
There are other related conceptualizations. There educated, farmers must be taught the methods
is the concept of Development Support Commu- of modern farming, training of both skilled and
nication and the concept of Alternative Com- unskilled workers etc (Schramm, 1964, pp. 125-
munication. These are specific in the sense that 125). Further more, these three communication
Development Support Communication holds the tasks correspond to the three basic functions of
view that planned and organized communication communication that Schramm talks about (the
is one of the key factors for the accomplishment watchman, decision maker and teacher func-
of the goals of specific development seeking in- tions). These are the fundamental tasks of com-
stitutions and projects, whereas Alternative Com- munication. Among these basic tasks, which of
munication for democratic development is the these tasks can the mass media do by themselves
notion that by enhancing and balancing people’s and which can they only help to do? (Schramm,
access to and participation in the communication 1964, pp. 127-140).
process (at all levels then, development should
secure, in addition to material gains, social justice The first group of tasks-the watchman, the in-
and freedom) (Beltrán, 1993, p. 9). forming functions are well within the realm
of the media directly within which, the media
It must be noted that the assumption that com- can widen horizons, focus attention and can
munication is one of the vital elements towards raise aspirations (of course, raising aspirations
the process of development is assumed. This is not fraught with danger, in that process
paper is going with that idea. At the outset, it re- nothing could change except people’s expecta-
mains clear that the media cannot take over the tions). However, it is also true that by carrying
task of the community decision making group political, economic, social and cultural reports
but they can feed the discussion or play a role. from elsewhere in the country and the world,
Any developing society must recognise the bor- the media could also create a climate wherein
derline as to where the media can work effec-
tively by itself and where they can accomplish It must be noted that the assumption
their goals only in support of interpersonal that communication is one of the
communication and other factors. This is es- vital elements towards the process of
sential (Schramm, 1964, p. 125). Here, Schramm development is assumed. This paper is
also goes on to specify the communication tasks going with that idea.
behind the social changes of national devel-

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people could take another look at their current

practices and future perspectives (Schramm, Rogers applied further Katz and
1964). The second group of fundamental tasks- Lazarsfield’s two step flow model that
decision making functions are for most part a is, the two step flow process where the
function that the mass media can only help to more aware can be accessed by the
do. This is because this requires group decision, media and they in turn are instrumental
the changing of strongly held attitudes, beliefs, in spreading the message to others.
social norms and hence here interpersonal com-
munication comes into play (Schramm, 1964,
pp. 127-140). Here the media helps in feeding world war, there was a change of opinion in the
information into the discussion, thus playing an sense that realization dawned that mass media
indirect role in changing strongly held attitudes rather than being sole agents of attitudinal and
and valued practices. The third group of tasks- behavioral change were more agents of rein-
the teaching function could be both direct as forcement. Thus, early formulations did exhibit
well as indirect (in combination with interper- conceptual shortcomings that “stem from es-
sonal communication). For instance, in a class- sentially the same idealist conception of history
room, the media can only be a supplement to a that informs the main sociological approach”
total educational experience under a classroom (Hartmann, Patil and Dighe, 1989, p. 23). They
were simplistic and in sufficient accounts of so-
teacher but the media can substitute where in
cial and political dynamics of change and lacked
schools and teachers are not available. Similarly,
an adequate conception of the relationship be-
radio cannot be a substitute to impart or teach a
tween culture and social structure (Hartmann,
new agricultural skill but radio can be of great
Patil and Dighe, 1989, p. 23).
use for supplying additional information, re-
porting results etc. (Schramm 1964, pp. 127-140).
However, the shift in emphasis regarding role
of mass media from one of dominant and pow-
Development Communication: erful influence to that of moderate or minimal
Conceptual Evolution effects did not make any significant difference
of formulations advocating use of mass media
From the 1940’s to the 60’s, the age of the big for development in the III world countries . The
media, the various communications approach view was that information and communication
to development included understanding in can be transferred to fields such as agricultural
three areas (i) communication effects approach extension, health, education etc (Melkote, 1990).
(ii) Diffusion of innovations approach and (iii) Diffusions of innovations approach has im-
Mass Media and the modernization approach portant theoretical links with effects research,
(Melkote, 1991, pp. 90-92). In the communica- wherein the ability of media and opinion lead-
tions effects approach, the earliest models of ers to bring about knowledge and new ideas
mass media effects conceptualized the impact among a target audience which would in turn
of mass media as direct, powerful and uniform lead to its adoption (Melkote, 1991).
on individuals living in “modern”, industrial
societies termed as “mass societies”. Also, the Everette Roger’s work is pioneering in this re-
earlier models (Lasswell, Shanon and Weaver gard. He saw the diffusion of new ideas and
etc.) saw communication as a linear and one practices as a crucial component of the modern-
way process flowing from a powerful source to ization process (cited in Hartmann, Patil and
a passive receiver (Melkote, 1991). After the II Dighe, 1989, p. 25). Rogers applied further Katz

A.F. Mathew
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western world (Melkote, 1991). Thus, research in

In the 1970’s, it became abundantly this tradition created high expectations for the
clear that a the socio-economic media’s role towards development benefits in
scenario had diminished the promise of the third world. The whole approach up to the
development communication. 60’s was that the media would make indigenous’
audiences react favorably to opening up to the
world and to the principles of market economy.
and Lazarsfield’s two step flow model that is, “The desired changes (developmental) were con-
the two step flow process where the more aware nected to a vertical, elitist, relationship in which
can be accessed by the media and they in turn the “strong” were “helping” and “weak” to be
are instrumental in spreading the message to seduced by the blessings of science and technol-
others. “From the media to the opinion leader ogy, which were perceived as being exclusively
to the masses” (cited in Mcquail and Windahl, western “inventors” (Habib, 1993, p. 65).
1989, p. 49). This was applied by Rogers to the
study of the spread of agricultural innovations In the 1970’s, it became abundantly clear that
among farmers in the United State, and he iden- a the socio-economic scenario had diminished
tified the elements in the diffusion of an innova- the promise of development communication.
tion. The five stages being awareness, interest, Mass media proved not to be an independent
evaluation, trial and adoption which would, as- variable but itself was subject to various situ-
suredly result in modernisation (cited in Hart- ational, political, social and economic factors
mann, Patil and Dighe, 1989). (Melkote, 1991, pp. 172-173). New approaches
were broached upon primarily because there
Further, the work that illustrated the moderniza- was wide ideological debate categories such as
tion approach was proposed by Daniel Lerner in (Habib, 1993, pp. 65-66) analysis of the owner-
the “passing of Traditional Society” in 1958, a very ship of media structure, international structures
influential work that assigned a very important for transmission and production of informa-
role to communication (Ramos and Schramm, tion, class analysis of the communication pro-
1989, p. 12). Lerner identified four critical vari- cess, the political economy of communications,
ables that he said summarized the development the appeal for an inauguration of a north south
process: urbanization leading to increased lit- dialogue towards a new world order of infor-
eracy which in turn affects mass media exposure mation, all these started being discussed and
resulting in greater economic and political partic- thought about, a process that continues till today
ipation. A simple linear process but Lerner’s most (Habib, 1993, pp. 65-66). These debates arose
important hypothesis has to do with the nature of because of the rising belief that the communica-
the ‘modern individual’ who is characterized by tion models and theories are basically exported
an ability to accommodate to change plus a high from the first world and that they were suited
degree of empathy (Ramos and Schramm, 1989). only to explain the media phenomena in those
According to him, people in traditional societ- societies, rooted in that a cultural tradition.
ies could expand their empathy by exposure to
the mass media which in effect meant that mass There was then, a progressive reflection on the
media, in the third world, had the potential of “state of development” achieved up to the 60’s
bringing about modernization into isolated tradi- wherein the situation of the very poor had only
tional communities and replacing the structure of but deteriorated. From the 70’s the stress was on
life, values and behaviour which one sees in the (i) equity in distribution of information and other

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benefits of development (ii) active participation linear and irreversible process which in turn im-
of people at the grassroots (iii) Independence of plied functional specialisation (Servaes, 1996, p.
local communities to tailor development projects 83). In this, development was to be stimulated
to their own objectives and (iv) integration of by external, endogenous factors and by internal
the old and new ideas, the traditional and mod- measures geared towards supporting modern
ern systems suited to the needs of a community sectors and modernising traditional sectors (Ser-
(Melkote, 1991, pp. 225-226). Paulo Freire’s views vaes, 1996, p. 83).
in the 60’s and 70’s also challenged critically com-
monly accepted notions of communication. He In the Dependency Paradigm, the whole devel-
condemned traditional literacy training as author- opment process was towards the philosophy of
itarian in which the teachers “deposit” the set of disassociation from the world market in goal
values of the rich in the poor, who can later “cash of self-reliance as the most important perceived
in” on those “deposits” for material goods given obstacle to development are external to the un-
to them as reward for passivity (Beltran, 1989). derdeveloped nation (Servaes, 1996). None of
Genuine communication, he said is free dialogue these ‘paradigms’ explained the dismal record
actively sharing and reconstructing experience, of economic and social development in the third
education is the creative discovery of the world, world. For instance, by 1980, after two UN “De-
not transmission of knowledge from the powerful velopment Decades”, the developing countries
to the powerless. Freire, in effect, proposed ‘con- had accumulated a foreign debt of nearly $440
scientisation’ as a democratic method for people billion, a figure that was only $68 billion in 1971
to gain collective awareness of natural and social (Beltrán, 1989, p. 12). Three fourths of the world
realities, a method that is based on non-directed population accounted for only 20 per cent of
discussion of individual and cultural problems the world’s gross product, and Asia, Africa
in small cultural circles, stimulated only by and Latin America, which were net exporters
‘generative words’ selected from the people’s of foodgrains before the second world war are
‘minimum thematic universe’ (Beltrán, 1989, p. regions constantly affected by major famines
16). This would, in turn show the exploited that today (Beltrán, 1989, p. 12). The entire dispar-
society is changeable (Beltrán, 1989). ity of resources between the first world and the
third world, gets extended to media too, imply-
The interrelation of Freire’s ideas to the pro- ing a failure of communication as a factor to en-
cess of development education is evident (Bel- courage development in the third world. Also,
tran, 1989: 16). For example, Freire regarded it is not just a question of external exploitation
the transplantation of the agricultural extension
or scarcity of resources but also that of unequal
program of the United States as opposite to true
distribution of resources within the third world
educational practice because it came with the as-
(Beltrán, 1989). All these viewpoints, realisa-
sumption that it came from the “seat of wisdom
tions and shifts in theory has resulted in the
to the seat of ignorance” (Beltrán, 1989, p. 16).
third approach/paradigm called the Multiplici-
ty Paradigm (Servaes, 1996, pp. 84-85). This par-
In summation, two paradigms on communica-
adigm spelled out the following (Servaes, 1996):
tion and development comes through in the evo-
lutionary process during the last five decades
- the Modernisation Paradigm and the Depen- l All nations are interdependent and conse-
dency Paradigm. The Modernisation Paradigm quently, internal as well as external factors
spelled out development as a spontaneous, uni- influence the development process.

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l The entire development process has to be stud- themes can be incorporated in them (Melkote,
ied in a global context wherein more attention 1991). On the whole, development communica-
should be paid to the content of develop- tion is and it should be geared towards the ba-
ment implying a more normative approach. sic needs of people and their participation.
l Each society must develop its own devel-
opment strategy for there is no universal A Theoretical Perspective
model for development.
In light of the historical crisis of development in
This new approach has emerged from the criticism terms of different paradigms mentioned above,
of the modernisation and dependency paradigms one could state that any theoretical construction
and it should be seen from the perspective of self- should re-examine the normative and histori-
development of the local community through its cal contents of the two concepts of communica-
participation. Contemporary development com- tion and development. The processes of social
munication places a great deal of emphasis on self communication and development are complex
help, and grass root participation. This has led to a processes that appear different from the per-
reexamination of the advantages of the traditional spectives of the top/bottom or centre/periphery,
media as vehicles for information, persuasion of of a social system (Tehranian, 1996, pp. 49-51).
the rural masses (Melkote, 1991). Folk media is The following table attempts to capture some of
part of the social milieu of the people, hence cred- these contradictory perspectives:
ible sources of information for the people. They
also generate grass root participation and a dia- Conflicts of interest and perception are thus at
logue between performances and the audience. the very centre of the development process and
They are also, flexible and hence, developmental they get reflected in terms of ideologies and com-

Table 1
Contradictory Perspectives on Communication and Development Goals

Communication and Development Goals Communication and Development Goals

Viewed from Top/Center Viewed from Bottom/Periphery

National security and power Group/Individual choice and freedom

Social and political mobilization Social mobility and political access/circulation
National unity and identity Subnational unity and identity
Economic growth Distributive justice
Political socialization Political participation
Education/professional competence Education/professional opportunities
Information control Information access
Communication surveillance Communication privacy
Government authority Citizen power
Central authority and control Regional and local autonomy
Cultural and artistic direction Cultural and artistic creativity
(sometimes censorship) (sometimes subversion)

Source: Tehrnian, 1996: 50

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Table 2
Contradictory Processes and Perspectives in Development


Top-down Views Bottom-up Views Democratic Views

Economic Accumulation Concentration Distribution: Equality

Political Mobilization Repression Participation: Freedom

Socio-cultural Differentiation Domination Integration: Community

Source: Tehranian, 1996: 51

munication strategies (top-down/bottom-up) ble 2, the historical crisis of development can

(Tehranian, 1996). Table 1 reduces these pro- be viewed as a distribution crisis is to fulfil the
cesses to three fundamental and contradictory promise of equality, a participation crisis to ful-
ones, viewed from the three perspectives top- fil the promise of freedom, and an integration
down, bottom-up and democratic perspectives. crisis to achieve a sense of community (Tehra-
If we consider the processes mentioned in Ta- nian, 1996, p. 50).

Social Structure Influences Culture

Yes No

Interdependence Idealism
Culture influences Yes (Two way strong media
influence) influence

Materialism Autonomy
Social Structure No (Media is No casual
dependent) connection

In terms of media theory, most of which relates both societal and cultural phenomena (Rosen-
to both society and culture together. Obvious- gren, 1981, pp. 47-63).
ly, society and culture are inseparable. For the
present purpose, society refers to the material Rosengren identifies four main option available
base (economic, political resources and power) for describing mass media and society. If we con-
to relationships in various social collectives (na- sider mass media as an aspect of base, then it is
tion, community and family) (Mcquail, 1994). It the option of materialism where in the culture is
has to be noted that the history of modern soci- dependent on the economic and power structure
ety has usually been written in terms of a ma- of a society. What is then assumed is that whoever
terially driven process, with society as a ‘base’ owns or controls the media chooses and sets the
and culture as superstructure’. Culture, herein, limit to what they do and can do. It is in the light
refers to other essential aspects of collective so- of the media content that the option of idealism
cial life, especially to meanings and practices is presented. It is opposite to the earlier option
(Mcquail, 1994). Mass communication can be wherein, here, it is believed that it is the media

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content, ideas and values conveyed by the media owned by a small number of powerful people
that seen as a cause of social change, irrespective which disseminate a limited view of the ruling
of who owns and controls. Interdependence im- classes. The masses are given a limited view,
plies that mass media and society are continually with no critical feedback which results into an at-
interaction and influencing each other, in which, tempt to legitimize the existing power structure.
the media responds on a continuous basis to the The pluralist model is exactly the opposite where
demands of society, also innovates to a changing it is held that there is no unified and dominant
socio-cultural climate which in turn sets off new elite and change and control are both possible. In
demands. The autonomy option does not go with this model, the masses can differentiate, initiate
this view in the sense that it is likely that society demand and can react to what the media offers
and mass media can vary independently upto a (Mcquail, 1994). This does not close, the option
point. This goes with the view of critics who are of a “mixed approach” where mass domination
skeptical about the power of the media to influ- are within limits and counter forces are resisted
ence ideas, values or behaviors (Rosengern, 1981, by the audience/masses (Mcquail, 1994).
pp. 247-63). Going further would be to seek a
frame of reference for connecting media and soci- The dominant media model reflects the mass so-
ety (Mcquail, 1994, pp. 7-8) as below: ciety view (Mcquail, 1994: 74). Mass society re-
fers to the relationship between individuals and
The above representation points out to the fact social order around them where in individuals
that media institutions are not independent in re- are presumed to be in a situation of ‘psychologi-
lation to the rest of society, they too being subject cal isolation’ from others, impersonality in their
to rules, influences etc. All elements in the figure interactions with others and are relatively free
are dependent on each other. People/masses ac- from the demands of binding informal social ob-
quire information and meaning of “reality” via ligations, view carried by some sociologists well
direct observation and experience, from institu- into the 20th century (DeFleur, Rokeach, 1989,
tions directly, from institutions via the media pp. 148-160). Putting these ideas onto the media,
and from the media autonomously and the influ- it would mean, an atomized public, centralized
ence of larger events and of economic and politi- media, one way transmission, media being used
cal forces comes partly channeled from the mass for control and/or manipulation and people us-
media (Mcquail, 1994, p. 9) However, what is am- ing media for identity (Mcquail, 1994, p. 75).
biguous in the representation is whether media
institutions would be able to assert itself minus As for the Marxist perspective, power is central
controls specified when any such situation arises to its interpretations of the media, that they are
(Mcquail, 1994). However, one must also recog- an instrument to propagate the interests of the
nize that the media operates in a society where ruling class. There is a direct link between own-
the power structure is distributed unevenly be- ership and dissemination of messages, in the
tween the classes. It is related to the prevailing sense that content of media is also organized to-
structure of political and economic power. wards further propagation of the interests of the
capitalist class (Herman and Chomsky, 1988).
In this context, two models of media power one In essence, Marxist view of the media could be
of dominant media and the other of pluralist summed up by saying that media is owned by
media can be mentioned, figure as shown below the bourgeois, thus operating their class inter-
(Mcquail, 1994). The dominant media model sees ests thus working towards false consciousness.
media as a subservient part of other institution Media access is denied to the ideologically po-
which themselves are interrelated. The media is litical opposition (Mcquail 1994, p. 77).

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Societal source Dominant elite/Ruling classes Competing political social,

cultural interests a group

Media Under concentrated ownership Many and independent to each other

Production Standardised, controlled Free, “creative” Original

Content and world view Selective and uniform Diverse, competing views,
respective to audience demands

Audience Dependent, passive organised on a scale Fragmented, selective, reactive/active

Effects Strong and confirmative of Numerous, without consistency

established social order. of predictability of direction but
often no effect.

The neo-Marxists go further to other ideas rath- “historically” caused by the prestige and confi-
er than focus only on material structures. The dence the dominant group enjoy because of its
view is that media reproduces exploitative rela- position and function in the world of production.
tionships and manipulation. It is an “ideologi-
cal state apparatus” which enables the capitalist The functionalist theory of media says that
state to survive, this without the help of other more an audience is reliant on the mass media
institutions like the army or police (Althusser, for information and more a society is in a state
1971). This is closely related to the concept of he- of crisis then more the power the media is likely
gemony where there is an internally consistent to have. This functionalist approach has been
culture and ideology favorable to the dominant criticised for its inadequacy in dealing with is-
elite/class (in Hoare and Smith, 1996). Gramsci sues of power and conflict but one can see how
states that the relationship between the intellec- the media are functional in the exercise of pow-
tuals and the world of production is not as direct er (Mcquail, 1994), (Functionalism claims to ex-
as it is with fundamental social groups, but is in plain social practices and institutions in terms
varying degrees mediated by the whole fabric of of needs of the society and individual). As per
society, and by the complex of superstructures, of this view, media is considered essential to soci-
which intellectuals are, precisely the “functionar-
ety for integration, co-operation, order, control,
ies” (in Hoare and Smith, 1996, p. 12). There are
stability, mobilization, continuity of values and
two major super structural “levels”, one that can
culture (Mcquail, 1994: 81).
be called civil society (group of organisms called
“private”) and that of “political society” or the
“state”. Both these levels correspond to hegemo-
Select Examples of Development
ny which the elite/dominant exercises in society. Communication from the Developing
The “intellectuals” are the dominant groups ex- Countries
ercising the function of hegemony and political
government (in Hoare and Smith, 1996). Further From the very beginning, mass media for devel-
more, Gramsci explains that the “spontaneous” opment communication was seen as a substi-
consent given by the mass to the direction im- tute for unavailable teachers, field agents or as a
posed on social life by the dominant group is complement to inadequately trained personnel

A.F. Mathew
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(Hornik, 1989). In the early years, radio or tele- tiative evolved to become the Accion Cathedral
vision was an enrichment to existing classroom Popular (ACPO) which is one of the most influ-
instruction, for example, weekly broadcast ential multimedia institutions of non-formal dis-
might include a dramatic presentation of some tance education for rural development, whose
event in the nation’s history to enrich the so- strategy was group discussion and listening of
cial sciences’ curriculum. This approach, how- special programs assisted by a local trainee and
ever, was contributory in the developed nation print materials (Beltrán,1993). These initiatives
but would it fit into third world schools which led to many more in Latin America. Some are
are plagued with lack of resources, facilities briefly noted below (Beltrán, 1993, pp. 16-18):
and high drop out rates? (Hornik, 1989, p. 18). l In Uruguay Mario Kaplun designed and
But there have been examples of constructive tested a new strategy: rural cassette fo-
and supportive use of mass media in the third rums which was a low cost procedure for
world. Some select examples are cited below. dialogue of at distance among members of
peasant co-operatives.
Two of the most significant and long lasting
experience with development communication l In Ecuador, a Catholic Priest led the small,
started in 1948 in Columbia and Bolivia. Inciden- isolated Indian community to participate in
tally, in Latin America the communication media broadcasting by recording news messages
are characterized by opulence rather than misery and brief programs in their own villages and
(Roncagliolo, 1993, p. 33). In the sense that, on an then sending them to a central station.
average, one out of every three people in Latin l In Bolivia, peasants rented the early morn-
America owns a radio and one out of every seven ings (hours) of commercial broadcast stations
people owns a television set, broadcast time or in La Paz and in Aymara, they undertook an
four times the viewing time of Latin countries in unusual and pioneering exercise in demo-
Europe (Spain, France Italy, Portugal, and Ru- cratic communication when they provided
mania) and also there is excess of television sta- through radio the equivalent to the postal,
tions. Bolivia, for instance, has one of the highest telegraph and telephone services not avail-
television channels per-viewer rates, more than able in the countryside.
one television channel for every 10,000 view-
ers (Roncagliolo, 1993, p. 33). It has to be noted, In Peru, Michacl Azcueta and others built a
here, that in a consumer society, all the above whole system of remarkable grassroots com-
figures are only remotely related to socio eco- munications in a huge Lima slum populated by
nomic level of development (Roncagliolo, 1993). migrant native peasants.

Coming back to actual media projects in devel- The Popular Culture Action
opment in 1948, in Colombia, a parish priest, of Honduras (ACPH)
Joaquin Salcedo established one of the most sig-
nificant communication for development project This was inspired by the earlier mentioned Co-
(Beltrán, 1993). The priest established a rudi- lombian experiment. It was White (1976) (cited In
mentary broadcasting station for peasants in an Jamison and McanaUy, 1978: 79-84) who under-
Andean village. This Radio Sutatenza had the took an evaluation of ACPH, which was a long
purpose of expanding Catholic indoctrination term evaluation. White states that in Honduras,
and helping reduce illiteracy (Beltrán, 1993). the large landholder as the key powerholder and
Gradually, it picked up and this individual ini- link with the urban elite, as is the case generally

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compared to non radio villages. The lack of suc-

Before the revolution, Cuban television cess of ACPH/PPM in farm practice was because
and radio was already well developed. knowledge without resource inputs does not
In 1959, after the revolution the Radio help the farmer. For organisation principles for
and TV Commission was established and collective action, it was found that radio villages
an experimental project in educational had a higher level of consciousness, did not find
television was launched for primary apparent greater organizational skills in radio
school viewing.
villages but did find that radio villages had car-
ried out more community projects. However, it
was noted that direct political work among the
in Latin America. He points out that with the peasants did not take place. They were not pre-
coming of “modernisation” and the greater con- pared by the programmes. On the whole, “the
centration of land and technology in the hands ACPH/PPM helped create a new “campesino”
the landlords, the peasant’s level of subsistence culture and helped develop a participating de-
worsened (Jamison and Mcanuy, 1978, p. 79). cision making structure and helped develop a
During the 60’s, the ACPH began focussing on base for interest group action” (Jamison and
issues such as literacy, health, and raising the Mcanauy, 1978, p. 83).
campesino’s (peasant) level of consciousness
(Jamison and Mcanuy, 1978). It was noted in the Cuban Media and Education
evaluation study, that the ACPH along with its
companion peasant movement Popular Promo- Before the revolution, Cuban television and ra-
tion Movement (PPM) moved from the original dio was already well developed. In 1959, after
emphasis on literacy to stages of Freirean con- the revolution the Radio and TV Commission
sciousness raising, community organizing to a was established and an experimental project
final action oriented, pressure group phase of in educational television was launched for pri-
pushing for greater social and economic power mary school viewing. Teleclasses with support-
(cited In Jaimison and Mcanauy 1978, p. 79). ing written material were given, classes were
broadcast daily, one subject per day for half an
White evaluated the effectiveness of the literacy hour. A daily newspaper “free press” published
work of the radio schools for the ten year period every Friday the week’s schedule.This was also
(1961-70) by taking a sample of 595 students extended to junior high schools in a similar man-
(or ex) of ACPH and testing them for literacy ner. A 1960 survey revealed that an average au-
skills. It was found that those who, had at least dience was of 2,00,000 persons, two-thirds of
one or two years of regular school, that made them teacher and students and the remaining
the difference to literacy attainment rather than third adults who had no direct links with the ex-
only radio classes. It was argued that the PPM isting educational system (Gerbner, 1977).
policy after 1972, to organize and pressure the
government for land, should make literacy In 1961, the year of education, the well known
more relevant in Honduras (cited in Jamison literacy campaign was initiated. Television and
and Mcanauy 1978, p. 82). radio played a complementary role in the dis-
semination of literacy training programs. Live
It was found that in radio school villages knowl- coverage of literacy worker and students was
edge was high in health and agriculture but only used to dramatise and this was reinforced on
in health were they higher in practice, when radio and in newspapers. Of the 4,50,000 adults

A.F. Mathew
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in Monrovia. Even though the administrative

The impact was much higher than unit was in the capital but three fourths pro-
expected and it was observed that more gramming emanated from local stations. The
stations broadcast a total of six hours in the
people were bringing their children to
morning and evening and each station estab-
be immunized, visiting family planning
lished a strong local identity and was guided in
clinics, asking for fertilizer etc.
its programming by local advisory committees
(Laflin, 1993, p. 105). The main sources of fund-
ing was from the government of Liberia. LCRN
enrolled in the adult education courses, about was designed to promote community develop-
3,00,000 were reached by teleclasses. After the ment in several ways: (i) Promoting increased
initial basic courses, specialized courses were use of government services by the rural popu-
also broadcast. lation (LRCN worked closely with government
services) (ii) Expanding the access to develop-
In 1966, the media played a major role in the ment and other services to a greater portion of
“schools of the countryside” program which the rural population. Towards this, LRCN al-
was first implemented in the province of Cama- ways tried to ensure that both urban as well as
guey (Gerbner, 1977). That was aimed at reduc- rural areas were well served. Village stringers
ing differences between city and country and were recreated and trained and listening groups
for educating new generation in and for work. established. A majority of 55% of rural Liberi-
All this and more resulted in putting great ans who listened to LRCN stations considered
strain on the secondary level in 1969 (earlier the programmes as their primary source of de-
a huge number of students had entered at the velopment information (Laflin, 1993, p. 105) (iii)
primary level). This great demand for teachers Increasing communication between villages and
and schools was filled up by television and ra- the local, regional and national governments.
dio (Gerbner, 1977). Teleteachers were trained Rural people were provided access through
and also, in the classrooms more advanced stu- interviews in special programs which was in
dents acted as monitors to clarify material and turn seen by government officials at the highest
help students. This entire exercise was coordi- level. LRCN was also instrumental in increasing
nated by the Cuban Ministry of Education and self help activities and promoted establishment
the Cuban Broadcasting Institute (ICR). The of vegetable gardens, village health committees,
Cuban example is a pointer to how supportive individual clinics, hospitals, local drama groups
the media could be towards a common, collec- and soccer teams. (v) News, especially of local
tive and mobilized developmental goal, but one revelance was disseminated through LRCN.
must be aware of the socio-political context that
the whole process took place. The revolutionary The impact was much higher than expected and
spirit abetted the whole process. it was observed that more people were bringing
their children to be immunized, visiting family
The Liberian Rural planning clinics, asking for fertilizer etc. An in-
Communication Network dependent evaluation showed that there was
narrowing of the knowledge gap about family
The Liberian Rural Communication Network planning, health, agriculture and nutrition be-
(LRCN) consisted of a network of three 10,000 tween urban and rural listeners, that there was a
watt stations supported by a central production daily listening audience of 55%, a regular listener

The Case of Development Communication: Perspectives, Issues and Trends
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ship of about 75% and that most of the success net there is a vast discrepancy. The United States
achieved was because traditional sources of in- has the largest with 17,902, UK having 1,395,
formation was the primary source for many is- Russia, 229, Japan 1,379, Chile 47, Kuwait 5 and
sues (Laflin, 1993, p. 107). Hence, the programme China three networks linked to the net (Strasser,
could be deemed as successful as long as the dem- 1994, p. 23). In terms of users, there were, as per
ocratic system/spirit prevailed but as is the case in internet society estimates, only 0.002 users per
many third world nations, Liberia too fell into the 1000 inhabitants in India compared to 48.9 in
abyss of civil war further crippling the emanci- Sweden (cited in Golding, 1996).
pation process through development.
However the emphatic vision that is the “infor-
In retrospect, the ACPH and LRCN development mation Highway” has grown phenomenally with
communication projects were within the frame- the World Wide Web. This refers to an enormous-
work of the concept of Development Support ly expanded system of interactive communica-
Communication (mentioned earlier). In the sense tion based on the convergence of the personal
that, it went with the view that planned and or- computer, the telephone and the television, with-
ganised communication held the key to develop- in a single network (Dawson and Foster, 1996,
ment projects. The Cuban experience could come p. 41). The expectation of business and govern-
under the purview of Alternative Communica- ment planners is that eventually most personal
tion for the experiment was designed with the computers will be connected into an interactive
idea of people’s mobilisation and towards en- network that transcends the present internet.
hancing the masses’ access and participation in The general technological character of the new
the communication process. system is not in doubt, nor is there any doubt
about the potential of the new technology to
An ‘End Note’ revolutionize human communication; but be-
ing aware of the existing vast gap between the
When one sees the present world status in terms haves and have nots, it is debatable as to what
of the social, political or economic, one does one purpose the system will serve or who will ben-
wonder the ‘future’ of Development Communi- efit (Dawson and Foster, 1996). “Indeed, history
cation. About one billion people are living in ut- has shown that every technological revolution
ter poverty and some 70 percent of world income in communications-no matter what its potential
produced, is being consumed by 15 percent of for democratization has been-has lent itself to
the world’s population (Golding, 1996, p. 82). In the growth of new monopolizes of information
mass communications too, the figures are alarm- when inscribed within existing system of social
ing. For example, book production is dominat- and economic power. Whether this will happen
ed by Europe and the United States, half of the once again will not be determined by the nature
production of newspapers remains in the west.
Africa has just one percent of the world’s news-
Another pertinent question that needs
paper circulation, Africa has just 3.7 percent of
to be asked is that is it feasible for
the radios and 1.3 percent of television sets with
12.1 percent of the population whereas Europe countries possessing a billion peasants
and the US together with 20.1% of the popula- to invest vast sums on the technologies
tion has two thirds of the total of the world’s like the Information Highway when
television and radio (Golding, 1996, pp. 82-83.) even basic indicators in health,
The Internet also provides a similar picture. In education, etc., have not been achieved.
terms of number of networks linked to the inter-

A.F. Mathew
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of the technology itself but by the degree of de- it is imperative that media be taken to the de-
termination and organisation of popular forces” prived areas where the oppressed could not only
(Dawson and Foster 1996, p. 42). have access but also participate in the develop-
mental process. The evaluation of these develop-
Another pertinent question that needs to be mental projects reveals that media inputs did help
asked is that is it feasible for countries possess- in a major way to spread awareness, literacy and
ing a billion peasants to invest vast sums on knowledge. A vertical trajectory that descends
the technologies like the Information Highway from the city to the village or from the rich to the
when even basic indicators in health, education, poor would not work while employing the me-
etc., have not been achieved. Other related is- dia for developmental purposes. There should be
sues concerning the third world also remain; constant feedback and grassroots participation.
that of corrupt regimes, the persistent consoli- Hence, it follows that while project planning takes
dation of exploitative ruling elites, protection place, the local cultural milieu should only be
of special interests, military spending, bureau- kept in mind. Only the local language, customs,
cratic ineptitude etc. (Kennedy, 1993, p. 61). Un- culture should be adopted otherwise acceptabil-
til profound changes occur, it is hard to foresee ity to that developmental media project will not
when Ethiopian based companies flush with be there. Development communication theory/
funds and talent begin to move into Japan or the models should, hence, be rooted within the lo-
US, to take their historic turn at the centre of the cal cultural milieu rather than as western models
global economic stage (Kennedy, 1993, p. 61). that needs to be applied to third world settings.

Summation One must also recognize the fact that develop-

ment communication is expensive especially
Media use in development process has enormous when it comes to satellites or computer commu-
scope. Media/mass communication cannot exist nications. However, there is need to establish a
by itself or solve the problems of development basic infrastructure for media in the third world.
by itself. One cannot exclude social, cultural, po- Without doubt, it would only pay if essential in-
litical and economic factors. Development com- vestments are made towards infrastructure in this
munication should be integrated as part of the field as the benefits would only pay in the long
broader system of developmental planning and run. The vast disparity and widening inequali-
community programs. One must not overlook ties and the reasons why they have occurred,
the aspect of cooption through the aid of media must be recognised and all tools of development
within systems. Development Communication communication should be first geared to tackle
Programmes should not aid the aspect of coop- these issues. Until then the concept of global vil-
tion consciously or unconsciously. Thus, it be- lage would remain an elusive myth. What is also
comes evident that the utility of the media and crucial is the vital question as to what is the role
the way it is used depends upon the political will of media in a system which has given us Bosnia,
exercised. A considerable amount of progres- Chechnya, Darfur, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan,
sive political will is required for the constructive Kashmir or many such examples?
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purposes towards the goal of emancipation of References
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A.F. Mathew

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